#but mostly testosterone
piizunn · 5 months
i literally wake up everyday and think about how much protein i need to eat i am so hungry all the time
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cannibalkisser · 4 months
I need a fat dick and an even fatter set of tits but alas, the economy
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yuribeam · 7 months
for whoever needs to hear this:
starting HRT doesn't have to be a huge momentous all-or-nothing decision. you can just try it like you would an antidepressant you've been informed of the risks of.
there won't be any immediate irreversible changes overnight. you can always stop, change your dose, change your delivery system, decide it's not the right time. you can even microdose if you want to.
you don't have to tell anyone. you don't have to announce it if you don't want to.
stop waiting for a perfect time in your life because it won't come.
stop waiting to reach a mythical level of certainty that never comes to anyone, for anything.
you've been thinking about it long enough. if you have the opportunity, just give it a shot. you're worth the courage it takes to make a change in your life.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Trans solidarity is being a trans man whose vocal range is finally under a trans woman's low range 🩷
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tommynb · 1 year
the doctors got what you need
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also clara
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candycryptids · 28 days
hello my friend!!! manifesting good vibes and strength for you to persevere the horrors™ while also offering you your fave beverage & stew or soup of choice (if you would like) in these trying times <3 (i've missed seeing you around, so i thought i'd toss a lil ask your way :D)
🥺😭 Thank you, genuinely haha you notice and miss my presence 🥺😭😭😭
Thank you for the soup (tomato soup n grilled cheese my beloved TTATT sippin soup…) and coconut cream Dr Pepper… limited time beverage but it tastes like Dawntrail to me ;0; (the first 5 levels anyways 😂) I’m up n down a bunch but I wanna do stuff… I have ideas…. 🤧😷
It’s a lot to process and I just wanna become a pebble rolled smooth by the river but it’ll improve! And uh, We roll. [Pers/death/etc under the cut I don’t wanna throw that right in peoples mouth. Also DT spoilers for lvl99 quests/final zone]
Cos I’m, a smooth pebble or s/t I dunno. We knew the death was coming, but we didn’t actually think it would be so immediate? When they said days to weeks we thought it wouldn’t be- I mean, we were going to visit him again on Monday, he didn’t look, I mean…. It’s rough, I’m glad we got to see him during his wedding at least.
Also, DT spoilers- it’s super twisting me up to be where I am in Living Memory, we (me n the speece) just got to Yesterdayland or w/e and there’s been this theme of like loving and losing and knowing when to let them go or w/e and it’s not necessarily a mean slap in the mouth but it does feel like one, like, especially after that boat ride with G’Raha? it’s gonna take a while before we can continue anymore MSQ I think, we’re all kinda raw
Anyways that was absurdly heavy- Here’s my family’s dog Miss Sunny Bunny being a blonde worm and asking me for more pets she is such a goober. She does the cutest little tiptaps because she wants to bounce up and put her paws on your thigh so so so bad. But she doesn’t (usually). And thank you for reaching out, again 🥺💦 and sorry for dropping a sack of rocks in answer djcjrcksks I have people I can/should talk to about stuff but I struggle not wanting to scrape my wounds against their wounds etc etc.
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blazeball · 1 year
in the bathroom sick as hell can't sleep but my voice is so low i can't stop talking to myself. this is awesome
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ace-and-ranty · 4 months
See, the annoying thing about being ace is, if you ever for any reason want to get in the mood~~~
...then it takes an entire song and dance and bribing your brain and coaxing it along like a recalcitrant cat, because just looking at boobs is not gonna do shit.
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sandpaperoctopi · 6 months
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modern AU boys
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whatudottu · 9 months
Presently going insane rn:
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Anyway let me talk about the one question that I have been contemplating ever since I began rotating petrosapiens in my mind. How the fuck do babies?
If you caught the reblog before this post, you might have noticed that a post about fat in aliens brought me to think about petrosapien fat, which contradicts a lot of what I've already established for them being an exoskeletal species, let alone being a hard sell in the sci-fantasy of rock crystal people of canon. Turning to one of my two animal inspirations of petrosapiens - bugs and more specifically in this case insects - I found out that insects can't build up fat, not in the way mammals or reptiles can, BUT they store the most of it in a very significant stage;
Then it fucking hit me, I already made some early headcanons about child development in petrosapiens (though I can't remember if I posted them or had a post ready to send) where they were already in a metamorphosing stage, though the responsibility fell solely to the layer who would use crystallokinesis to feed an 'egg'. I didn't fully like the idea though mostly in retrospect, because it felt strange in the 'pulled out of my ass' kinda way, a method of child rearing that felt more obligated to use crystallokinesis as a primary source for feeding to sorta justify at the time the inherent power petrosapiens have towards crystallokinesis.
Instead, between then and now I fully connected the idea that crystallokinesis is less of a power and more of an extension of a petrosapien's nervous system, compression of quartz through the use of a more electrical based nerve network that happens to not distinguish between person crystals and the similar crystalline structures of Petropia. With this in mind and the new idea that petrosapiens have larvae, wouldn't it be so cool if the larvae had the typical Earth-like electrochemical nervous system of humans (or I suppose bugs here) that adapts to an electrical focused nervous system through the process of metamorphosis? Where the larvae creates it's petrosapien crystal skin by building a chrysalis and melting within it to create their new body?
Unlike my old headcanon where the layer had to remain with the egg and constantly feeding them with crystallokinesis, this larvae version can feed itself when provided and so long as the chrysalis is well protected, the moment metamorphosis stage takes place the parent(s) can have momentary reprieve from child rearing and better prepare themselves for the toddler/adolescent stage for their child. The little grub probably doesn't even eat crystals in the early stages of their larvaehood since eating crystals initially marks as the materials for chrysalis building before it becomes a nutritional food source. Instead the little grub might be feed plants and potentially animal products in order for it to inherit and develop the chemicals required to build a crystallovorous stomach and the acids used to break silica down into digestible nutrition.
That does mean that early child rearing is a little bit more functionally deadly towards the very crystalline parents, who have to legitimately watch so that their fingers aren't bitten off, but holding the little grub is easy when it's covered in silicone membrane. The larvae at this stage is a little bit more resistant to any crystallovorous plant secretions due to the polymers of it's membrane, as well as the higher diversity of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon in it's body it has in comparison to adults or adolescents who've undergone metamorphosis, their innards becoming a more uniform silicone and their skin being the crystalline silicon many crystallovorous stomachs have adapted to eat.
It also means that the shape of a grub is also considered to be cute to a petrosapien. Things from caterpillars to maggots look so much more charming to a petrosapien's eyes that back on Petropia there would be a large proportion of pet owners having what would considered on Earth to have bugs for pets. In fact, a rather common form of pet Petrosapiens might have would be a large millipede/centipede like animal that would be the size approximate of a feather boa and often held that way too, because while they do not undergo metamorphosis, they look like a larval grub well into adulthood and are considered to be very cute for it. Pet owners with these pets who are also parents love to see their little larvae and their 'dog' getting along and would love telling their adolescent all the cute stories of the little grubs curled up against each other. Petrosapiens in the age of the Surface Craze might have had the opportunity to get a few baby pictures like that, and it would be considered very cute unless you were a human afraid of bugs or not personally a fan.
Petrosapiens on Earth might see the miniature bugs and explode with cuteness overload, others might fuck around and find out that they can make human-petrosapien hybrids Makarat you chupacabra you're lucky petrosapien kids aren't born with crystals pay child support to your human wife who birthed a grub-!
And that's the post send tweet-
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quark-nova · 2 years
Mfs say testosterone/estrogen is a poison and forget they’re literally life-saving for other people
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
One thing I really enjoy about transition is when the changes in hormones slow down...
It feels like I am a house settling, shifting ever-so-slightly, and becoming one with this new foundation.
I don't have a "typical" body, but so do the other guys in my family. I look like them now. I've been told I looked like my father when he was a teenager, and I feel as though I am in the mentality I need to be in.
So many people are excited when they get all these new changes all at once, and then they might become disappointed when their second puberty starts to slow down, but I find I am the opposite. I am so much more at peace than I was before, and that's saying something when I was at peace a month into my changes.
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scarecrowgolem · 2 years
The whole "testosterone inherently makes u angry all the time and big scary masculine etc etc." is made up and thats just shit everyone goes through on any hormone changes when ur body is getting used to shit.
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0ccams-chainsaw · 3 months
Retook the am I gay quiz and for the first time ever it was actually helpful
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sirsnacksalot · 11 months
Hey did anyone else have like a little panic before their first dose of T even though they were excited???
Like I've thought about this for a long time, and I want this, and it would really help me.
My appointment for my first dose is later today though and I'm freaking out a little.
I know I'll feel way better later, and I'm still really excited. I think it's mostly just my little autism brain going "Ah my age old enemy: CHANGE OF ANY KIND"
It's like, if you love roller coasters, but your stomach still flip flops before the big drop, that's the feeling I'm talking about. Did anyone else get that?
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mitamicah · 1 year
Okay so
I just arrived back from talking with my gender therapst and
This was an unexpected third option of what I thought was a binary question (yes or no to testosterone)
It is a "possibly?"
In short one of the professionals are on vacation and he needs to approve my case as well so in around 2 weeks time I will get contacted again about whether or not I'm good to go
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