#but man i just feel really unsettled latley
ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
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anuschkalova · 7 years
No Words Needed (Newt x Reader)PART 1
A/N: Okay, so here is the Newt x artist!Reader series. Most of you voted for this story and I’m glad you like the idea. So to sum it up briefly: Reader is an shy artist who lives in London, but has a hard time becoming successful. However, through an incident she meets Newt and his friends and gets the opportunity to draw the illustrations for his book. Newt and reader grow fond of each other and spend a lot of time together. But after the celebration of his published book, something happens that gets them apart...
Enjoy! :)
Pairing: Newt Scamander x artist!Reader
Words: 1,679
Part 2  Part 3 Masterlist
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A sigh escaped your lips at the sight of the endless numbers on the papers.
It was the end of the month, and the bill of utility cost came on the dot, as always. You in comparison weren't a great example as you trended to pay not punctually. It was a miracle that your landord hadn't kicked you out yet, but maybe the old woman believed in you becoming an famous artist so she could preen herself with your glory.
You snuffled at the thought, letting yourself fall on your couch.
Today was a rather bad day. And you had a lot of these latley. To be more accurate, since 54 days. That's how long since you had been moving to London.   Your head leaned lazily against the leather cushion, eyes observing the passing grey clouds. A sea gull fought against the storm, but lost. It was forced to take the other direction.
You turned your gaze away and focused on the canvas instead. Most of them were painted, others were still blank. You stood up and walked over to the little table next to the entrance door. There was a bag with freshly baught paint inside.
You were so excited when you had spotted this striking navy blue colour in your favourite shop this morning. Of course you had to buy it, the shop-owner gave you an all knowing smile as you walked away with the purpose to use it immediently.
But as you arrived home you were greeted by those blocked out bills.
Being an artist wasn't easy in a big city like London. The market of successful selling paintings was huge, the chance of becoming one of them was very low.
Tiny paws tiptoed quietly over your wooden floor, the soft noise making you look up. You smiled at the black cat who eyed you curiously.
“Maybe I should start painting you... You are a very beautiful cat, ain't you?”
The cat meowed, rubbing her furry head against your leg and jumped elegantly on the window bench.
“Just think about it, okay?” You opened the window and the cat disappeared into the the grey, cold fog called London.
You took a deep breath, the fresh air filling your lungs. It blew the negative thoughts a little away. You still felt down, but that was nothing a hot chocolate could fix. So you grabbed your cout, keys and bag with your most needed belongings.
You had discovered this nice little café a while ago. Even though it had a shabby look from the outside with the cracks and squeky plaque that was being rocked by the wind, the inside was quiet charming. The door-bell announced your entering and you lowered your head as some curious eyes landed on you.
You took a seat close to the door with your back against the wall. It was the perfect spot for observing people. The waitress took your order and you used the waiting time to study discreetly the guests. A lot of them were familiar, but one face caught your attention. It belonged to a blonde woman. She was sitting on a table with two people, a woman and a man, both sitting with their backs to you. The blonde woman however sat opposite of them.
Your hot chocolate arrived and after you thanked the waitress you pulled out your sketchbook and pencil. You waisted no time, starting to draw the woman. Her smile was so warm and full of sympathy as she talked to her friends. Her short wavy hair bounced feathery as she shook her head laughing. You tried your best to capture her beauty. It was refreshing to witness such a bubbly personality among this stiff faces.
You didn't notice the door-bell. Your pencil shooed over the paper with precise strokes, adding shadows to give your drawing depth. You were so consumed by your doing that you let out a little scream when someone bumped into you. Your sketchbook dropped on the ground and the stranger apologized.
“So sorry, Miss, I was in a hurry.” The man was out of breath, cheeks reddened from running. You just nodded and avoided eye-contact.
“It's okay, no harm done.” You reached out for your sketchbook, but the man was faster. He picked it up and your heart stopped beating for a second.
He stared at the drawing and it only made you more nervous. He must be thinking you were a total weirdo, drawing strangers in a café. But as you tried to come up with a sentence, the man grinned widely. You frowned.
“Hey, Queenie! Darling! Look at this!” He yelled, making you wish the ground would swallow you up. The blonde woman looked over to you, causing her friends to turn around as well.
“She drew you! Ain't it beautiful?” The woman eyed the sketchbook that the man wiggled excited in the air. The other woman, who had the same haircut but in a dark colour, smiled and turned fully around. The man next to her kept his position, his eyes peeking over his shoulder, wandering between you and your sketchbook.
People started to whisper, some giggled and some followed the incident with an amused expression.
It was too much for you. Without saying anything you grabbed your bag and left the café behind with your sketchbook and untouched beverage.
You heard somebody screaming after you, but your feet didn't stop. You just had to get away. The possibility of confrontation scared you and after all, you didn't ask for permission to draw her. So, instead of facing the most likely consequences, you ran away. You hated yourself for doing it, but it couldn't be helped.
You were grateful that your apartment wasn't too far away as your legs started to hurt. Panting, you heaved yourself up the stairs, grabbing your keys from your pocket.
You smashed the door behind you, threw your bag on your couch and laid down on the floor. The cold surface was cooling and felt wonderful against your heated skin. The running had exhausted you, but it was much needed to release the anger.
“Why am I like this?”, you asked into the silence, fully aware that there won't be a response. But when somebody knocked on your door it made you jump up on your feet.
You looked over with wide eyes and held your breath. Nobody ever visited you, simply because you hadn't made friends yet. It was silent again, so you tiptoed a little closer to investigate who was standing behind your door. Maybe it was the police? The woman must have complained about you and now you were in trouble. As you were just a meter away from it, the knocking came back.
You flinched, pressing your hand against your mouth to hush any noises.
“Excuse me? Hello?”, a male voice spoke with an heavy british accent. He didn't sound like a police officer, the way he talked was too... unsettled.
You debatted wheter you should open the door or not, but in the end you decided to face your fear and grabbed the doorknob.
“Hello”, you greeted the stranger through the crack in the door. He seemed reliefed and offered you a crooked smile.
“Hello. I am really sorry to bother you, but could I come in for a second?”, the man asked and as you'd guessed, his whole body language was unsettled. This eyes went everywhere except yours, and he held a brown leather case in his hand.
“S-Sorry, but I'm not interested...”
The man met your eyes, surprised. He followed your gaze and the realization hit him as he looked down on his case.
“O-Oh no! No, I don't intend to sell anything to you. I'm just... hold on...” He fumbled with one hand into his long blue coat and held something familiar out: your sketchbook.
That's when you regonized him. He was sitting at the table with the woman that you drew.
Amazed, you took it.
“Thank you, but... how did you know that I live here?”
A quiet “Oh” escaped the man's lips as he lowered his gaze, the messy long fringe hiding his embarrassed smile.
“I may have followed you. I didn't want to scream after you and potentially scare you. I'm sorry.”
He peeked through the curtian of hair to catch your suppressed grin.
“Don't worry, it's okay. I am the one who should apologize.”
You bit on your lower lip, feeling ashamed for your behavior at the café. The stranger looked up at you, his expression puzzled, as if he had no idea what you were talking about.
Then, he offered you his hand.
“Newt Scamander. Pleased to meet you.” He gave you a short smile that revealed his perfect white teeth. The wrinkles around his eyes let the freckles on his sun-kissed skin dance.
You took his hand. “Y/F/N Y/L/N. The pleasure is mine”, you said politly. You both shook hands and then you stepped aside. “Would you like to come in?” In your head, you begged that the stranger would refuse your offer, but luck wasn't on your side this day.
Instead, the man walked straight inside your apartment, nodded as he passed you.
He came to a halt in the middle of the living-room, his speedy eyes examined every corner. You felt slightly uncomfortable, but you pulled yourself together.
“Do you want some tea?”
“Ah, yes please!” You smiled shly and disappeared into the kitchen. You couldn't explain it, but this man behaved odd. As you fetched out two mugs from your cupboard you realized that you forgot to ask him which type of tea he preferred.
So you walked back into the living-room.
“Excuse me, Mr. Scamander, but do you prefer black or gre...-” You stopped as you caught Newt riffling through your bag.
His alarmed look met your surprised one.
You pointed at the door without a second thought. “Get out! Now!”
Part 2  Part 3 Masterlist
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