#but lara and aren are who have my heart
Danielle L Jensen saying The Bridge Kingdom 3 is gonna be more explicit then the first two! OK! 👀 But more Importantly her saying we'll get more information on Aren and Lara and how their life has progressed in book 4 is what I'm really all about!! But that's so far away *cries* 😭
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libraryofmegharoni · 3 years
The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom | #2) [Danielle L. Jensen]
started: May 08, 2021 finished: May 08, 2021 rating: 4.5/5
so we got the utter heart break of Aren finding out about Lara's betrayal in the first book and we get the impact of it here.
i'll start from the beginning, which is where i partially have issue with. the book begins with Lara having fled Ithicana and Aren captured by Lara's father and in his compound in Maridrina. we get a brief kind of recount of what happened in the world between The Bridge Kingdom and The Traitor Queen, but just like how i was still kinda confused about how the world was set up in the first book, i was still a little confused about all the events that happened between the books. to be fair Jensen does a solid job of making me forget that i was confused in the first place. the couple time characters either reflected on the 'past' or were informed about the events that happened after Lara left Ithicana (or Maridrina at very beginning) it wasn’t the clearest explanations?? not the best way to phrase it but idk how else. like the writing was fine and understandable but i didn’t feel like there was enough explanation of the events between books to make me fully understand what happened. that's not to say there was nothing to fill in what happened, maybe im just (which is highly likely) because i just wanted more. ahh ok so i think the best way i can describe it is that there was a surface level explanation of the events that supposedly occurred between the first and second book but not anything more in depth in detail. which considering im a very detail person, i want to know everything there can be known, i want everyone's full history and actions and rationales and intentions and everything else about all the main characters. and i don’t think that it’s actually a fault of Jensen in this or the first book but it’s just what i ideally want out of a perfect book.
anyway other than me being a picky bitch and just wanting more when i like a book, broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it’s so good.
i mcfucking loved the tension between Lara and Aren after she organizes his rescue. but before that --
one of the first things i said to my roommate when i was reading the first book was "i cannot wait until all the sisters come back and completely fuck up their father" anD GUESS WHAT??!?!?!?!
it was perfect that there was one sister who was super against what Lara did and came to Ithicana to murder the King and Queen (but ultimately failed and was killed by our Queen Lara). the rest of them living in small groups but never too far apart from each other - perfection, just perfection. them being 100% down to infiltrate their father's compound - beautiful. them willing to rescue the man they were all trained to hate and want to kill because Lara loved him??????? THE LOVE BETWEEN THE SISTERS - THE SHARED PAIN - THE RIDE OR DIE MOTHERFUCKERS THAT THEY ALL (minus the one Lara kills lol) FUCKING ARE -- I LOVED IT SO MUCH AND I WAS SO HAPPY IT PLAYED OUT PRETTY MUCH EXACTLY HOW I WANTED IT TO
i loved Lara sailing to Ithicana's island of Eranahl to talk to Ahnna about freeing Aren and her actually sailing there all by herself proved how dedicated she was to saving him. i just loved how the first book drives home just how terrified Lara is of the open sea and how it is the only thing that scares her and the only time she sails be herself in the second book (bc we know she fled from Ithicana by island jumping) is to save Aren.... and Ithicana but mostly Aren. its shown time and time again how much Lara came to love Aren and how much she was willing to risk or give up just to save him. TEH FUCKING ANGST      I LOVE IT  !!!!!!!
so yeah i just really love the dynamic between Lara and Aren in this book. they both know that they cannot continue to be together after Ithicana is free but they desperately want to. they've grown to love each other and despite Lara's betrayal, they both trust each other. but like for his country, Aren cannot recognize Lara as the Queen of Ithicana or his wife anymore. bro that scene broke me. it came right after Lara tried to leave Aren and he was essentially like "no it’s not safe here for you to go now, im keeping you with me". so yeah Aren having to admit that he doesn't recognize Lara as anything anymore HURT. and i loved how Lara was also hurt by that. they love each other so much but their situation and the world want to rip them apart :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
the final battle was confusing and seemed a bit fast but ultimately so satisfying. i guess it kinda started with the battle on Gamire Island when Lara got injured saving the life of Taryn, Aren's cousin she has befriended in the first book when she was Queen. also Lara saving her was just big proof to the rest of the Ithicana that she was there to fight to right her wrong and get their freedom back.
anyway so Lara gets injured and it was so sad to see how she knew she was seriously wounded but didn't believe that she was allowed to ask for help from the people whose lives she helped destroy and ended up going off on her own. it was so heartbreaking when Aren went to go patch up Lara and end up caving into sleeping with each other. he promised her that they were leaving in the morning and that she could rest then he went back to camp and realized that he could never leave her if he didnt in that moment and told them to get ready to leave - i started crying so much. bc when Lara woke up to everyone gone she thought that that was the plan the whole time and that Aren lied to her to leave her and then she was hit with the fact that it was Eranahl that was being attacked, and put away all her heartbreak and was determined to sail there to help against the Maridrina navy.
how she realized that it was her father on one of the ships and dueled him - so god damn hot. her swimming through the shark infested water to get to Aren????? ughhhhhh im crying. her up against the portcullis telling Aren to leave so he would live??? im crying even more. Aren desperately trying to save her bc he knows he cant live without her???????????? im bawling. her waking up in the bed she's familiar with?? im hopeful. Aren telling her about the trial by sea (and sharks) method used in Ithicana and how she passed so the sea has determined Lara is innocent and loyal to Ithicana????? IM BAWLING AGAIN  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i mcfucking knew that it had to end with Lara and Aren ending up together but i didnt know how it was going to happen. and while i wish the trial by shark thing was mentioned in the first book -- like the game they play at snake island with the running through the snakes and climbing up to the bridge and how that was called back to in the second book where Lara had to do the challenge to help free Ithicana. like that little game was a significant scene in the first book with Lara kind revealing her abilities with a bow and arrow and a little bit of Aren's recklessness, want to show off to Lara and how he was as a child. point it is served a purpose and it was a great scene and situation to call back to in the second book, but with more at stake this time. so i would have liked to see someone in Ithicana just mention the trial by sea idea in the first book. i mean when it was revealed i still teared up bc like yeah but i think it could have been a cool thing that was not quite foreshadowed but referenced at an earlier point.
tl;dr - the love between the sisters? perfection. the love between Lara & Aren? heartbreakingly beautiful and such a satisfying arc <3
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Lara Croft au (Part 9)
N/A: Is this story getting to a closer? I think so. I´m not great with endings but you know...I´ve been reading some books that have some pretty sloppy endings...and yeah I can do better.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin
As some people may have guessed and pointedly call out in the past, Kitty is no real Archeologist-to be fair, she never claimed to be one- her job is to recover ancient items and not all the Archeologist like to dirty their hands-which is almost funny to Kitty and Doug but that´s not the place or time- usually, Kitty would venture into temples or even fight bad guys-always tunning the Star Wars theme or Indiana Jones just because- and have a blast. Phasing powers are a blessing and if you have the brains to know HOW to use it, well, her job is no longer a job, but, rather a fun ride.
However, today is not the day for such a fun ride. Kitty is growling as her eyes locked at passage number 3. Sweat is covering her forehead- it is a lucky Kitty is with her hair-brained for practical reasons- and is running until she founds a source of light and when she arrives in such a source of light can only state in a deadpan way. "Oh my god, we´re really stuck here?!"
Doug is trying to decipher the languages in the wall and Kurt and Logan are always presented having reached the same conclusion as Kitty. "Yeah, this" Logan points at the central hall where everything and everyone is connected. " is a fucking maze" and Kurt is the only silent as Kitty avoids to even look at him.
Doug now pipes in. "I thought it was magic. You know, Zaorva IS the Mother of Magic" Doug shrugs off as no one seems very inclined to give opinions about magic. Shame. "But turns out this room where we are...is actually connected, no, for real. This room is always spinning so every time one person tries to leave...it will end in the same place...." and he pouts. "Is no magic...just technology and tricks"
Kurt has no time to ask why Doug is disappointed by that. "Can we do something to leave?" his mind wonders about this crazy woman named Amanda and how she is already ahead of them. She must have used magic to pass or Dr. Rory knows a secret.
And Doug gives a big grin to Kitty and Kurt. Only. "Well...I have an idea"
Kurt and Kitty aren´t very amused by that.
A good plan is always something controversy if you ask Kitty. I mean, is not that she would reject a good plan or would act without thinking- Some people would argue with Kitty about that. Storm certainly would- most of the time, but, sometimes, a good plan can also be a bad plan. Is all about the point of view.
"So...are you still ignoring me?" Kurt asked and his grin falters a little. "I´d not know Amanda and even if I did why are you being like this?" Kurt demands now losing a bit of patience- Kurt has no idea who this Amanda is or how he meets her IF he ever meets this woman at all- and Kitty looks away to see the big triangle item and back to his golden eyes.
Oh, the same color as the triangle.
"I..don´t know...ok" Kitty and Kurt hugging as the woman phased them to the ground to where the triangle is may not be the best hour to have a heart-to-heart talk, although, Kitty Pryde and Kurt Wagner doesn´t seem to mind this little detail.
And Kurt is certainly not impressed by this answer. "No, it must be something else...and I refused to be hated for something I didn´t do it ...so tell me, why are you treating me like this..." and Kitty tries to scoff but is pointless.
"I don´t know exactly...I...don´t like the idea of you having to sleep with that woman or that you may have noticed her instead...of someone else and at the same time...I don´t like that I care...I´m" she stops and swallows her pride as much she can. "not great with certain feelings" she can feel her check heat up and refuses to look at Kurt. "and I can be immature at times ..."
And Kurt makes a soft "Ohh" and responds again. "I´m not that type of slut ...I would remember if I had slept with a woman, also, I told you...I have a type" he jokes as Kitty didn´t get his meaning. "and if you have trouble with this type of feeling. Is ok...I have too. When I was young...way younger than you" he jabs at her age and Kitty is not impressed. "I once mistake love with sex and well...I was the one having my heart broken" there´s a sad smile now. "and I can be insensitive at times too"
"Triangle!" Kitty said and Kurt looks to the side to see the triangle. "Yeah, let´s have another of those triangles when we spot another triangle" a weak joke but Kurt manages to catch the triangle and Kitty lifts them.
"You could have said...Let´s have a chat next time we see the  Chaos Emerald's"
"I stop playing Sonic a long time ago, Katzchen"
Logan for once thought this would be a fairly easy mission. Solve some puzzles and defeated the bad guys. Nothing simple than that, right? Wrong, when they arrived in what appears to be the grand room, well, Logan noticed two important things- one, this place was built for a giant and he wonders about the logistic of how one would make such place, and, two, Dr. Rory´s body lays 10 feet away from them as Amanda is greeting them with an insane grin as her eyes are twitching- Doug is the one to say something about the situation.
"Ok...now, we have a problem" Doug mentions and Logan would like to say something "No shit, Sherlock" but his eyes spot Amanda´s hands holding the Tiaras. Shit, he thought, she is already found the tiaras.
Kurt and Kitty noticed this fact as well. "Katzchen, do you have a plan?" and Kitty send a glare to Kurt and thankfully he seems to get the message. Distract and take the tiaras out of her hands, easy said and done-especially now as Amanda starts laughing manically and puts the two tiaras together forming a new one- "NOW I SHALL BE THE POWERFUL ONE. MORDO WILL BOW TO ME"
And Amanda puts the Tiara. Said item made her glowing - so bright the group closes their eyes and even look away- however, soon the glow was followed by screams. Her screams.
Her body starts to mutated into something grotesque. Her flesh increases of size as her form resembles less and less of a human, until, finally, there´s nothing wearing the tiara. The glow stops and the group looks to see flesh, blood and now two seperated tiaras looks completely clean.
Kurt looks at Kitty. "Wanna an advice? Let´s say there´re no tiaras here..."
"I agree with you"
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