#but kaito cant stop grinning!!!!
hayaku14 · 2 years
Shinichi complaining cause he can't kiss Kaito properly with him grinning so wide like that like,
"Stop being a little shit and let me kiss you."
"But I can't help it, detective, I'm so happy!!"
"Yeah yeah" (slips his tongue in)
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
Kaito talking to Shuichi in space
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request: kaito going to space for the first time and telling shuichi about it thru communication things and shuichi misses him and shuichi sad so he waits a lot and kaito comes back finally and shuichi happy
AU: non-despair
note: i forgot who asked this but they were in my friend group, i swear im a good friend :( also kaitos personality wiki says that hes kinda misogynistic since he said 'women cant use weapons' but its ok hes cute. LOL i sucked at the end sry
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'A flower knows, when its butterfly will return, and if the moon walks out, the sky will understand; but now it hurts, to watch you leave so soon, when I don't know, if you will ever come back.'
shuichi was always a bit fidgety. he often had the habit of twirling his pen in his hand. he finally stopped spacing off (hehe) when the ultimate astronaut himself, joined the zoom meeting. “hey, shuichi! sorry for being a bit late, the crew needed a bit of help with the storing the plants and it took a bit longer than expected.”
“ah, that’s fine, kaito. i’m just glad you remembered since you’re pretty busy now.” shuichi laughed a bit to himself. “of course! how could i forget a talk with my sidekick?!” kaito grinned. “right.. has everything been good?” the detective queried. “hm? oh, yeah, it’s great! the best thing about it is definitely the sun rising every day. how’s everything back there though?”
“hm, let’s see… kokichi has been relatively behaved, he hasn’t been pranking as often but he still teases kiibo a lot.” shuichi recalled the past few weeks. “seems like kirumi’s discipline is finally working.” kaito grimaced at the thought of the snickering boy. “how about harumaki?”
“oh! maki has been helping around hope’s peak’s elementary department. she’s been spending time with these kids called 'the warriors of hope'.” shuichi smiled and remembered the fond memory of maki tutoring masaru and jataro in math. "hey! maki's finally warming up!" ...is that supposed to be misogynistic? i don't really think so.
"ah,,, its getting pretty late and Ms. Naganohara wants us up pretty early." shuichi remembered the energetic teacher. "right! see 'ya, shuichi!" "ah, kaito, i forgot but, i-"
'The host has ended the meeting.'
hm. kaito is one of those friends who'll lend a shoulder to anyone but at the same time, he really doesnt listen at all. well, things have been lonely, even with his classmates. it just... feels like the sun suddenly disappeared from the world. "hey, shuichi, we need some help here." his uncle called out "coming!". shuichi really couldn't think about this weird romance stuff right now.
another day of pure rest after the picnic early in the morning. at this point the bell has rung, concluding classes. the batch started headed for their dorms while the usual duo of kokichi and miu catched up after skipping. it was just another dull day.
shuichi turned the knob on his door and really did NOT expect seeing his friend just snooping through his stuff.
"the all too well knit scarf? shuichi, they just bought a scarf and put it on the website!" kaito held up the crimson scarf. "it's soft, okay? anyays, why are you here? shouldn't you be in space?" shuichi grabbed the scarf and threw it back in his closet. "oh, i didn't say? we finished faster than expected and we got back to earth early!" the purplette grinned.
"ah, thats great. i'm glad you're back, kaito." he smiled. "oh! didn't you want to say something the last time we called?"
"oh, that... it's not important right now. come on, i know maki'll be happy you're back."
romance is an odd thing to shuichi. for now, he doesnt need to think about it, he's just glad kaito's back.
“Every long separation is a test: A test to see how powerful or how weak the will of reuniting is!”
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Throne (Fantasy Au!)
 Pairings: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
A/N: Hello your girl Alex is here with a new fic! Basically you are the next leader of Marina kingdom but your fathers brother aka your uncle tries to kill you and make his son the next leader for the kingdom but luckily your other uncle which as known as your mothers brother saves you and gives you to the Bakugou family and guess what? They are the lead of the Dragon clan... Please follow me for more content i would be really happy ^^ and im also writing a serie for our crazy blonde Bakugou! Make sure to check it out Spices and Love here! Phew, writing this was fun please reblog, like and if you have ideas for me please message me i will gladly write for you <3
Note: Your name is Y/n in the fic but you have a nickname and its ‘Ena’
Meanings of the names that i used in this fic:
Seiji: Lawful; manages affairs of state.
Adelina: Noble, nobility.
Kaito: Sea, ocean.
Elijah: “My God Is Yahweh”
Ena: Gift from god.
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“Hey, dont touch fathers weapons.” Masaru warned his son, Katsuki looked at his father with his crimson eyes then grabbed the base of his fathers sword, Masaru immediately took it from him and he started to scream. “What is he screaming for?!” Mitsuki came with a tray in her hands, Katsuki was only 3 but he was aggressive and hyperactive. She made him sat on her lap then gave a toy bow with a fake arrow. He stared at his toys with curious eyes and started to grin, he let out a cute pleased scream then started to swing the arrow in the air. Masaru sighed and took a cup of tea from the tray “He is only three but acts like a warrior.”  Mitsuki laughed and looked at his son “He is going to be the leader of our clan, of course he needs to act like a warrior.” Masaru was the current clan leader and despite his calm personality he was talented and successful. The leader of the clans house were always at the top of the mountain it was a tradition and that made them see the tents and the people of their clan clearly. They were living in a forest with full of rivers and waterfalls and Masaru’s clan was the strongest clan of the century, then there were kingdoms such as Marina, Metalia, Aros and Kagaku these kingdoms were the well known ones and Marina was the strongest of them all. Marina kingdom represented ‘water’ and they were pretty popular with their big ships and sea trades, their current king Seiji had a strong water quirk, he was married to a beautiful woman named Adelina and her quirk was strategy. Adelina was a part of a water clan called ‘Helen’ in the past and her clan was a big enemy of Marina kingdom. Then she fell in love with Seiji and when Seiji fell for her, they decided to end the rivalry and hate with getting married. Helen clan become a part of the Marina kingdom and they lived in harmony. Seiji’s kingdom was in good terms with Masaru’s clan, they were allies and friends. Even Marina looked like it didnt had any problems Seiji’s younger brother Kaito, wanted his son to become the leader after Seiji, he was only 5 but they were planning to make him the leader when Seiji got too old to rule, on the other hand Adelina wanted her 3 year old daughter Y/n to take the throne after his father.  Adelina’s brother Elijah, protected his niece from her greedy and heartless uncle Kaito. Seiji wanted his own daughter to rule the country but his brother were keep telling him that having Adelina’s daughter as a queen would be the same thing as wounding their pride since she was a Helen member at the past. Seiji was pretty mad about his brothers opinion, Adelina was his wife and that made her the queen of Marina. 
When the night came, Marina castle was filled with busy servants they were preparing a big dinner table, usually it was just the king, queen and their 3 year old princess, but today there were going to be Adelina’s parents, sir Elijah with his wife and ofc sir Kaito with his wife and 5 year old son. Adelina was so nervous, she didnt like Kaito one bit and she was sure that he was going to say stupid stuff to offend her. The purpose of this dinner was to talk about the future of Marina and she knew that the throne topic was going to pop up, her daughter was going to be in danger, she quickly walked towards the guest room that his brother was sleeping in. Elijah quickly got up and bowed, then Adelina started to talk “Brother, i have this weird feeling in me and im sure that Kaito is planning something dirty. If you notice something odd tonight, grab Y/n and take her to the Dragon clan.” Elijah frowned. “Dragon clan? The one ruled by Masaru?” she nodded, Elijah was confused, how could a dragon clan was going to help them? “I know what you are thinking Elijah but Masaru is our friend and ally besides, Dragon clan has the best fighting techniques and weapons. They are living in the deep forest so my daughter is going to be safe.” She put a hand on his brothers shoulder and they both nodded. When everyone gathered around the dinner table Y/n was sitting on her mothers lap, her grandmother quickly sat next to her mother and helped her feed the girl. Seiji came with his father- in- law and Elijah, they were having a pleasant conversation then the doors of the dining room opened and Kaito appeared with his family, everyone frowned except Seiji. “Good evening, brother.” Kaito bowed and Seiji smiled. When they all started to eat the tension was thick. Kaito ended the silence with a cough and turned to his big brother “Brother, are we going to talk about the next leader of our kingdom?” Adelina quickly took a deep breath and looked at Elijah he had a frown on his face. Seiji answered “Why are you so concerned about this topic, im still alive arent i ?” Kaito saw the serious face of his brother and quickly laughed to ease the tension. “Oh brother, you are a great leader and you know that i adore you but we need to organise everything for our kingdom.” At this rate, Elijah was furious he quickly opened his mouth “Then i think having Y/n as the future leader would be the best option. Since she is the only child of Queen Adelina and King Seiji.” Kaito snorted and answered “Being the only kid of the queen and king is not enough and since Y/n is female having a male leader would be more to our advantage.” Adelina gave a death glare towards his direction even Seiji started to lose his temper. “What do you mean by that Kaito?” Seiji raised his voice, everyone was scared of Seiji’s serious self so Kaito quickly started to explain himself. “Y/n is going to be a smart and strong princess and i have no doubt about that but we are educating our son Rei for the sake of our kingdom.” *so this was his aim huh* Seiji thought. “My first priority is my daughter.” This was Seiji’s last words and it shut him up. Adelina catched Kaito looking at her daughter with cold eyes, she quickly gave Elijah a signal and Elijah cleared his throat “If you excuse me sir, i would like to rest.” Seiji quickly nodded “Of course Elijah, good evening.” Elijah, disappeared and Adelina quickly kissed her daughters forehead, she didnt wanted to get separated from her one and only child but if it meant to keep her safe then she was going to do it. “Please take Y/n to her room she needs to sleep.” She gave a signal to the maid and the maid nodded “As you wish, queen Adelina.” The maid quickly took Y/n and left. When the maid turned the corner she saw Elijah and bowed “Sir Elijah, your horse is ready.” Elijah took his niece and thanked the maid. He quickly got on his horse and left without a word. He saw the gates of the palace and the guards stopped him. “Sir Elijah? Everything okay?” he took a deep breath and hid his niece under his long cloak. “Im going to get some fresh air, now open the door.” The guard nodded and they opened the big gates of the palace, he quickly dashed towards the forest and after 20 minutes he saw the campfires and tents, it was the dragon clan. He continued to follow the river and found the big waterfall, when he reached the top of the mountain, he saw a big house made by strong and brown woods. The guards in front of the house quickly spotted him and shouted “Who is it?” Elijah gave a sigh of relief and replied. “Im from the Marina kingdom, im queen Adelina’s younger brother sir Elijah and i want to see leader Masaru!” The guard quickly got in the big house, after 5 minutes he came back “This way sir Elijah.”
Masaru was confused, he didnt expect to have a guest this late especially from his friends kingdom. The guard slided the door open and Elijah appeared, Masaru quickly got up and they both bowed. “Sir Elijah, i hope everything is okay?” he asked, Mitsuki was sitting behind his husband, she noticed the worry in Elijah’s face. Elijah quickly took off his cloak and they saw a baby in his arms, Mitsuki’s eyes widened. “Is that, princess Y/n?” she asked and Elijah nodded. “Let me explain leader Masaru.” Elijah started and smiled at his niece, she was sleeping peacefully. “Kaito, Seiji’s brother… He is trying to kill Y/n, he wants his son to take the throne but Adelina and Seiji is against the idea. I heard his personal butler talking, he was going to posion Y/n tonight. I didnt told Adelina what i heard, i didnt wanted her to panic.” Mitsuki silently gasped and Masaru furrowed his brows. “What can we do to help?” he asked, Elijah took a deep breath “We know this is too much to ask but can you keep the princess? Seiji doesnt know about this only me, the queen and her personal maid. We cant teach her how to fight, we can only educate her about politics, she needs to learn to defend herself please make her a warrior leader Masaru, we cant trust anyone else. On her 18th birthday im gonna come and take her back.” He bowed. Masaru looked at Y/n’s face, she was an innocent soul, rejecting her would be cruel, he loved Seiji and respected him as a friend. He looked at his wife and silently asked for permission when Mitsuki nodded he smiled and turned to Elijah “We are going to take care of her sir Elijah and we are going to hide her real identity from everyone, even from our son.” Elijah thanked and bowed “If you excuse me i need to return to the palace quickly, we dont know what Kaito is planning.” Masaru nodded, Elijah quickly got on his horse and left. When he left Masaru returned and saw Mitsuki holding Y/n in her arms. “How could they do something like this?!” Mitsuki was so mad, Masaru quickly shook his head and aswered “Kingdom games… They are always dirty.” Mitsuki sighed and opened her mouth “What are we gonna tell Katsuki, what are we gonna tell our clan? Y/n looks different from us even her aura is different.” Masaru looked at the little girl’s face and rubbed his chin “While i was hunting in the forest, i heard little cries and found a little girl by the river, thats what we are going to tell everyone including our son. But Katsuki should know Y/n’s given name, only us can call her Y/n. We gonna tell the clan that we named her ‘Ena’.” Mitsuki raised an eyebrow “Ena? That name means… Gift from god?” Masaru nodded and looked at the little girl “Yeah, it does. We respect nature and even Elijah brought her here its still because of the nature and fate, she is a gift from god.” 
The cool air made Elijah’s face froze but he needed to go to the palace, her sister and the throne was in danger. Then he felt like he was being watched, he quickly stopped and shouted “Who’s there?” Then a group of men appeared, when he recognised what they were wearing he was speechles, they were Kaito’s men. “Where is the princess?” A man asked and Elijah scoffed “She’s already in a carriage which is going to a another kingdom.” The man started to ran towards him with his sword and Elijah quickly wounded him, he was a skilled man but they were crowded so he quickly counted them, there were eight people in front of him and he was alone. “You seriously came here with eight people?” Elijah laughed but the man smirked and quickly responded. “Actually nine people sir Elijah, we cant beat you with close combat but…” Then Elijah felt a sharp pain in his chest, when he quickly looked at his torso, he saw an arrow inside of him. “You cant notice an archer in the dark now am i wrong?” Elijah’s vision blurred and he fell from his horse...
When the morning came Katsuki quickly got up from his mattress and dashed towards his parents room, he quickly took a deep breath and screamed “AAAAAH!” This was his way of waking people up. His father groaned and opened his eyes, Katsuki was about to jump on them but when he saw a little girl laying beside his parents in a pastel pink mattress, he quickly stopped. The girl slowly opened her e/c eyes and they met with crimson ones. “Who… who?” She couldnt understand where she was, Masaru saw the confusion on her face and felt bad. Poor princess, clueless about everything… Mitsuki was wide awake and she quickly pulled Y/n towards her lap. “Katsuki, say hello to Y/n, she is going to stay with us from now on, you got yourself a new friend!” The little girl was confused, she was only three and her memories were not that strong compared to an adult but she knew that this wasnt her home. “Where… am… i?” Mitsuki quickly shoot his husband a panicked look and Masaru started to explain. “Y/n we found you in the forest… We are going to be your family from now on, im the leader of the Dragon clan and you are going to be my daughter. But our clan is going to call you ‘Ena’ the only ones who allowed to call you Y/n is us, understand?” The girl was even more confused… Something was missing, the warmth of a woman, the love of a certain woman, her mother. “Momma?” she quickly started to look around and Mitsuki felt disgusting, lying to a little pure soul was cruel, she quickly squeezed her “No sweety, momma is here look at me.” Katsuki was dumbfounded, what was going on? Then Y/n started to cry and Mitsuki tried to calm her down, Masaru took Katsuki’s hand and dragged him towards their big garden. He looked at his son and saw the frown on his face, he opened his mouth “Son, you are going to be a strong leader when you grow up. We need to help those in need, thats what leaders do. So i want you to be Y/n’s friend, can you do that for me, strong leader Katsuki?” Katsuki’s eyes shined with determination and he nodded. After twenty minutes Y/n came with Mitsuki, she was holding her hand. Mitsuki gently pushed Y/n towards Katsuki and waited for them to interact. Katsuki looked at his father and his father nodded while giving him an encouraging smile. Katsuki quickly took his fake sword that made from wood and handed to Y/n, she looked at him and hesitantly took it. Then Katsuki grabbed his bow and arrow. “Lets play!” he was trying to make her feel relaxed. Then her face lit up a little and she nodded, after thirty minutes they were playing, screaming and running around. Masaru and Mitsuki were watching them with small smiles on their faces then Mitsuki turned towards her husband and asked “ What if she doesnt forget about her parents? I know she is three and her memories are kinda temporary but any child can feel the absence of their mothers presence, I feel terrible Masaru.” He patted her back and looked her in the eyes “She is going to forget and this is for her sake, we are trying to help the Marina kingdom.” She sighed and nodded. “Besides, look at Katsuki he looks happy with a friend.” Masaru continued “Even he treats the other kids roughly i talked with him and he is being considerate.” He looked at his son, he was laughing while chasing Y/n. Mitsuki watched the kids and sighed “I hope we can protect her…”
One year later
“Woah Katsuki, your quirk is so cool!” You chimed and Katsuki smirked “Of course it is! I just got my quirk but wait and see im gonna be the strongest person in the clan!” you smiled and nodded “You are already the strongest!” Your words boosted his ego and he started to make bigger explosions in his hands. You didnt know what your quirk was, Katsuki got his and it was so cool! But you felt a little sad, you wanted a strong quirk just like his. Masaru immediately called a doctor and they made some test on you when they called Masaru, they told him that you had an Iq and strategy quirk. Having an Iq and strategy quirk is going to be so useful for you, it was going to help you calculate every move of your enemy in close combat or politics. When Masaru and Mitsuki first told you about your quirk you couldnt understand it clearly but one day when you were playing with Bakugou he started to chase you and sent you one of his explosions, you dodged it pretty easily, you started to see clearly and you felt like you were solving formulas in your brain. “Your quirk is not that useless Y/n!” Katsuki shouted with a smirk on his face, you smiled “Thank you, Katsuki!” when he was about to catch you Mitsuki called you both “Y/n, Katsuki! Your tutor is here, come on.” He huffed and replied “Fine! But we are not done Y/n, lets continue playing!” you nodded and gave him a toothy grin. After the lessons, you took a walk in the clan with mother Mitsuki and Katsuki, Katsuki was keep running here and there but you were shy, everyone was smiling at you and complimenting you, you squeezed your mothers hand and she patted your head “Katsuki! Hold Y/n’s hand!” she whisper shouted, she didnt wanted anyone to hear your given name, the rumors about the Marina kingdoms lost princess were everywhere so she didnt wanted people to become suspicious. Katsuki huffed and looked at you “Come on, Ena!” he quickly grabbed your hand and started to run. You were still uneasy with your nickname ‘Ena’ you couldnt understand why they called you with that name when you were outside of the Bakugou house but you knew that they were trying to protect you from something. “BAKUGOU! ENA!” Both of you heard an excited voice and when you turned around you saw Kirishima, he was holding a fake sword in his hand “Kirishima!” you smiled and your hold loosened on Katsuki’s hand, Kirishima quickly approached you both and started to tell you about his newly found quirk. “Woah! Thats amazing!” you clapped your hands and Katsuki snorted “Still! Im stronger than anyone!” Kirishima pouted and you laughed. Then Mitsuki called “Katsuki, Y- i mean Ena! Lets go, i want to have a picnic while watching the waterfall.” You pouted and Bakugou sighed, you wanted to play with your friends and both of them felt the same so Mitsuki invited Kirishima, the three of you started to ran towards the forest. You crossed the stone bridge while admiring the river and started to walk deep into the forest. Then you felt weird, it was… nostalgic. You rarely left the Bakugou house so the unusual feeling scared you, you stopped walking, Katsuki and Kirishima looked at you with confusion. “Hey! Ena come on!” Katsuki shouted but you were looking around. The feeling of a certain person, no… A man? Mitsuki managed to catch up with the three of you and saw the expression on your face “Ena? Whats wrong?” You started to run towards the waterfall and the three of them followed you, when you reached the waterfall, the feeling only grew stronger. “A man… A horse…” you started to mutter. “Ena, are you okay?” Kirishima called out to you while trying to catch his breath, you were too fast. “Ena…?” Mitsuki approached and patted your head. “Momma… Did father found me right here?” Her eyes widened *Oh no, dejavu…* she thought and cleared her throat. “No honey, he found you by the river.” You looked at her face *Momma, is lying…* you thought, your quirk was Iq  after all. Observing people and figuring them out was an easy task for you. *Is momma lying because… she wants to keep me safe?* “Ok momma… Then lets have our picnic!” You smiled and she gave a sigh of relief, your mood quickly changed and you didnt thought much about it, you were just four years old.
Eight years later
You and Katsuki were twelve now, he was always aggressive, competitive and rough while you were kind, calm and friendly. You and Kirishima were the only ones he considered real ‘friends’. Both of you were always taking lessons and having private training sessions. Bakugou was going to be the future leader of the clan. But you never understood what were you going to be… When your training session ended you decided to take a walk in the forest. “What… am i going to be? Who am i? Father Masaru always tells me that im a gift from the nature but am i a princess, a witch, a fairy? Everything im learning is too easy for me…” While you were muttering someone approached you from behind and just when you were about to turn around- “BOO!” Katsuki shouted and you looked at him, emotionless. “Wha- are you dead or something?!” You dropped the emotionless look and started to laugh “Dead? Ahahaha! Katsuki you are the only one who approaches me and tries to scare me all the time, im used to it!” Although you grow up together, Katsuki never saw you as his sister and it was the same for you, he was your first friend and you were his only female friend. He never told you but he really cared about you. You were always with him from the start, when he got his quirk you were the one who witnessed it first, when he got in trouble for stealing the apples in the kitchen you were his partner in crime, you were his training partner, his friend. When you were having trouble about sleeping because of your nightmares he always came and sat beside you till you fall asleep, when you felt lonely he tried to cheer you up in his own ‘Bakugou way’ you were the child of nature, a gift from god, his friend that god sent. “What are you doing here Y/n, you gonna get lost or something.” He huffed and you snorted “The child of nature getting lost in the forest? Come on Katsuki! Besides my power is Iq and strategy remember? Even if i get lost, i can easily survive!” he shuffled your hair “Whatever! Lets go before our old hag starts to look for us.” You rolled your eyes “She is your hag not mine, so… Bye!” You started to run into the forest and he shouted “Hey! Come back here!” He started to chase you, but you were fast so he used his explosions to get close to you, just when he was about to grab your arm you quickly jumped, grabbed a branch and climbed, he missed “Oi! Y/n, what are you doing?!” You were laughing like crazy, then he lost the sight of you “Y/n!” He called but there was no sound *There is only one place…* he thought, then started to run towards the waterfall. “Finally Katsuki, you are too slow!” He saw you, standing on the top of the waterfall gettin help from the big rock underneath you for balance. “What are you doing, dumbass?” He shouted but you didnt heard him because of the waterfall. Then you smirked and motioned him to come, he quickly used his explosions to fly and landed on the ground. “Y/n, you are gonna slip dumbass come here!” You shook your head “Nope!” Then you jumped. His eyes were wide, he knew that nothing was gonna happen but when he didnt saw your frame, he panicked “Y/n!” he waited but it was just the big roar of the waterfall and the big steam. He immediately jumped, his fall was rough and he swallowed a little bit of water. “Y/n?!” He was looking around then he felt little arms wrapping around his shoulders “Boo! Hehehe got you, Katsuki.” He jumped and turned to see your wet hair and shiny eyes. “Idiot! What were you thinking?!” he screamed and your eyes widened, he was an adventurous guy, why was he acting like an old man? “Katsuki? Were you… worried about me?” You asked and he avoided your gaze “Tch.” you smiled “Awww, you are the best!” you squeezed him and he pushed you “Hold onto me, im taking us out, im all wet because of you!” He tried to create explosions but it was hard when he was in the water, he managed to get the both of you out and dragged you towards the house.
Three years later
“Oi Y/n, wake up dumbass!” No matter how many times that you told him to knock, he didnt give a damn and barged into your room, like always. When he saw you, he regretted his action but it was too late. “K-katsuki?! GET OUT!” You were in your ladylike udergarments, your hair was messy just from waking up and your cheeks were now as red as Kirishima’s hair, thanks to him. His face turned red and he slammed the door shut. “I ALWAYS TELL YOU TO KNOCK!” You shouted “WHATEVER!” He shouted back and ran towards to the backyard just when he was about to open the door, his father appeared and smiled “Good morning, son.” But when he saw Katsuki’s face, he was confused. “Are you okay?” He avoided his father “Im gonna run!” and quickly left the house. When you heard him leave you slowly got out and found Mitsuki sitting on the front porch. “Mother Mitsuki, can we talk?” She turned around and saw your flushed face “Y/n, do you have a fever?” You quickly shook your head and sat next to her. “M-mother Mitsuki, Katsuki always barges into my room without knocking and… im a little uncomfortable.” she immediately understand what you were trying to say and sighed. “Both of you are growing up Y/n but men cant realise things unless you tell them, dont worry i will talk to him, stupid kid where are his manners.” She sighed and you smiled “ N-no mother Mitsuki, please dont be mad at him i just want him to understand that we are not kids anymore.” She patted your shoulder and giggled. “Yeah, you guys grew up together so he still thinks that he can have a bath with you.” Your face was burning up, when you were five, you always took a bath with Katsuki. “M-mother!” you covered your face and Mitsuki laughed.
 Katsuki was running like a mad wolf, he was sweaty and tired but he felt alive, he used his explosions to fly and see the mesmerizing forest. It was fall so the red, orange and yellow trees looked more beautiful than ever. He immediately spotted the lake that he took his baths in and flew towards that direction. When he landed, he quickly kicked his boots and dipped his toes into the water, then he started to look around, your flustered and half naked image was still in his mind. “Dumbass.” His ears turned red and he quickly washed his face with the fresh water. He closed his eyes and tried to calm down but your red cheeks were still there… “I should hunt.” Hunting was one of his favourite activities, he felt strong, chasing his prey and finally managing to catch, the feeling of victory always lifted his spirits. So he stood up and set up a small trap and started to wait... 
Katsuki managed to catch four rabbits and when he reached his house, he had a victorious smirk on his face when he was about to head inside, he saw you. You were training with one of the strongest archers in the clan. “Ok Y/n do it like i taught you.” You closed your left eye and took a deep breath, when you let it go you managed to hit the little red mark that your teacher drew. “Good job Y/n! If you continue to train like this, im going to teach you to how to shoot things while riding a horse then a dragon.” Your eyes lit up and you bowed “Thank you, sir!” he laughed and patted your head. “You are gonna be the best female archer in this clan, trust me!” his words encouraged you and you took a new arrow. “Ok! Now i want you to shoot the moving apple. If you can shoot moving things that means you are ready to ride an animal while using a bow.” You nodded and looked at the swinging apple, it was attached to a rope. Bakugou watched you silently, he didnt wanted to distract you, he always admired the you on the training grounds. Serious, determined, stubborn, most of the girls in the clan were busy with collecting stones and making necklaces, feeding the dragons, the sheeps or sewing clothes. “Focus, Y/n.” the instructors words interrupted his thoughts and he stared at your form, you pulled the string, slowly inhaled and exhaled, then… “Good job Y/n!” The instructor clapped and you grinned “I did it, sir!” There was an arrow with blue feathers in the middle of the apple. “Keep practising Y/n, if you manage to shoot the moving targets on our next lesson, you are going to train on a horse.” You bowed and thanked him, when he left you grabbed three new apples and tied them with a rope, Bakugou was still behind you and he was watching. *Lets see if it was just luck or not* he thought. In the blink of an eye you shoot the first one then you quickly aimed for the second one and shooted it. Now you were looking at the third apple, it was still swinging. *Left, right, left… right* You closed your left eye and… *Now!* when you looked at the third apple, its other half was on the ground. “I did it!” you started to jump like a baby deer and Bakugou chuckled. “Guess you are not that bad, dumbass.” You immediately froze “K-katsuki? How long have you been there?!” Your cheeks started to burn. “Quite a while actually.” He smirked, you crossed your arms and pouted “Y-you surprised me.” The flustered look only made his smirk grow wider. “Yeah whatever, you are not that bad.” Your eyes met and you started to feel calmer “Thank you, Katsu.”
One year later
Katsuki was taking a walk in the clan, when he woke up he looked at your room but then Mitsuki told him that you left for training. “Dumbass Y/n, she is leaving on her own now huh...” He sighed. You made some crazy ass progress in a year, you were stronger and pretty good in combat, you were the best female archer in the clan. The young men of the clan were amazed by your skills, you were the center of attention and aside from your battle skills you were so beautiful and elegant at the same time. You looked different compared to the people in the dragon clan. You had only three or four female friends because most of the girls in the clan were jelaous of your skills and you being so close to the next leader, handsome and strong Katsuki. When Katsuki reached the battle area he saw you and a girl holding a silver sword in her hands. “Take this Ena!” She charged towards you but you quickly dodged and kicked her in the knees. %80 percent of the audience was male and all of their eyes were glued to the battle. “Ena-chan doesnt have a weapon and yet, she is beating her opponent up!” One of the males spoke up and his friends nodded. “Her quirk is so useful in battle but i wanna see her shoot targets while riding a dragon!” the third male spoke up “She is so beautiful and yet so strong, i wonder if she’s single?” Katsuki was tired of the fanboys’ conversation, he scoffed. “Bakubro!” Then he heard Kirishima’s voice and saw him waving with a big smile on his face, he started to walk towards the red haired boy “You can see the battle clearly from here, Bakubro.” Bakugou nodded “I guess.” Kiri was so hyped, he was keep moving his fists and shouting encouraging words to you “You are doing a good job Ena, keep going!” Katsuki snorted and turned towards his friend “Are you five or something, dont distract her.” While everyone was clapping and cheering, your mind was a mess *Dodge, left, right… Now a kick to her stomach! Oh, im doing pretty good. Looking at her position, im guessing she is going to attack my knees or my feet, i need to be careful.* You started to ran towards her, she bent down and tried to grab your legs but you quickly jumped and now her back was facing yours, you quickly spinned and kicked her back, she lost her balance and fell on her stomach. You immediately sat on her back and holded her wrists. The crowd was cheering like crazy “YOU ARE AMAZING ENA!” or “ENA WON!” your opponent stopped moving and said “I give up.” You quickly stood up, extended your hand and smiled “You are pretty strong.” She smiled back and grabbed your hand “Not as strong as you Ena-san.” When you were about to leave she called back “Say, Ena-san. Wanna take a bath together in the lake?” You turned and smiled “Sure, i forgot to ask what’s your name?” she replied “Shiniqua.”
“Wow Ena, you were amazing out there!” Kirishima shouted and you laughed “Thank you, Kiri.” Bakugou was silent, observing your messy hair and scratched cheeks but your voice interrupted him “How did i do, Katsuki?” You asked with a big grin and a glint of hope in your eyes. He stayed silent for a second and snorted “You are not dead so… It was alright.” You laughed and pinched his cheeks “Awww, thank you!” His cheeks started to turn red, he was going to be the leader after all, he needed to look scary and strong but here you were squeezing his cheeks like he was a toddler. “Hwey, oi! Stowp, hmpf!” He quickly grabbed your wrists and yanked them off but you and Kiri were still laughing. “We are gonna go hunting with some friends, wanna come Ena-chan?” Kiri asked but you shook your head “No, sorry Kiri. I need to take a bath, im so sweaty and dirty also some of my friends are waiting for me, Bye bye!” You waved and Kiri waved back but Bakugou was too busy with covering his red face.
“You were so cool out there Ena-chan!” Hana chimed, you were relaxing in the lake with some of the girls in the clan. Hana was the only close friend you had, well except for Bakugou and Kirishima. “Thank you Hana but Shiniqua was pretty talented dont you think?” Hana nodded but Shiniqua quickly shook her head “I have a lot to learn from you Ena-san!” you chatted about all kinds of things and the topic now was a classic one ‘boys’ “Sayyyy… Ena-chan, you are pretty close with Bakugou are you guys you know…?” A girl named Shiko started to speak and the other girls turned to you, your face started to heat up and you quickly shook your head “N-no of course not! Me and Bakugou are really close friends, almost like siblings, we grew up together!” Your usually calm and collected expression was now a mess so the girls started to wiggle their eyebrows and continued to tease you “Ah, stop teasing me!” you yelled and attacked the girls while all of you were laughing Shiko stopped moving and turned pale “G-girls?” All of you stopped and looked at her “Shiko-san whats wrong? Shiniqua asked and Shiko pointed towards a bush “T-there is someone watching us, the bush moved!” All of you panicked and the girls started to shout “Calm down everyone!” you tried to calm them down but they were busy searching for their towels, all of you immediately grabbed your towels and wrapped it around your bodies, the girls were screaming and all of them ran away. You were suspicious that it was a spy so you immediately ran towards your house to get help, Bakugou was taking a walk in the forest with Kirishima and two guys named Arata and Ryuu. They were one of the strongest guys in the clan and they respected Bakugou so much, aside from Kirishima they were the only guys he could work together with. “So, Bakugou? Are you gonna attend the training camp?” Ryuu asked “Why should i? Im already training with strong warriors.” He looked at the sky and back to Ryuu “I dont know man, it would be fun to attend together” Arata spoke up and Kirishima nodded. “Yeah Bakubro! Just consider-“ Kiri’s eyes widened and he froze the guys turned towards him and eyed him with concern, his face was red as his hair “Kirishima you okay man?” Arata followed Kirishima’s gaze and now he was red as a tomato “Holy…” Bakugou rose a brow and exchanged a look with Ryuu when they both turned to look at what their friends were looking at Bakugou almost had a heart attack “What the-?!” Here you were running towards them with a towel wrapped around your body with flushed cheeks and wet hair, half naked… Ryuu choked on his spit and Arata covered his face, Kiri was worried but also too shy to say anything and Bakugou… well Bakugou exe just stopped working. “Katsuki! We need help!” When he saw the worry in your eyes he tried to focus but you grabbed his arm and pulled it towards your chest. He was too stunned to yank it off so he stared blankly at you. “Katsuki! Are you listening to me? I guess there is a spy in the forest!” Now all of them were alarmed and understood how serious the situation was. “A what?” He finally managed to answer “A spy, Katsuki! When we were relaxing in the lake one of the girls saw something behind a bush and all of them ran away, i didnt saw anyone but wanted to make sure so i came here to get some help!” A nasty scowl formed on his face and he straightened. “Lets go check it out then.” “We are coming too!” Kiri spoke up and the other two nodded. Katsuki shook his head “No, one person is enough… Oi! Stop looking at her!” He scolded them, Ryuu started to bow and apologise while Arata turned away and muttered apologies with flushed cheeks and poor Kiri, he was too pure he kneeled in front of you and waited for your forgiveness.
“Ok now, where is our spy?” He whispered and you pointed towards the bush, he grabbed his sword and started to walk towards it, then… *Rustle rustle* You jumped and crossed your arms over your chest, Katsuki turned around and grabbed your wrist “Get behind me Y/n!” Normally you would fight with him but since you were naked, you obeyed. Then just when he was about to make a move a deer appeared and ran away “Ack!” You hid yourself behind Katsuki but he stopped. “Hah? So our dangerous spy was a deer?” You replied “A what?” He sighed and turned towards you “Y/n, that was a damn deer.” You gave a sigh of relief but he snorted “Seriously, you guys ran away because of a delicious meal?” You blushed and pouted “When they said that there was someone i panicked okay, how should’ve i known?!” Now you were trying to cover yourself while Katsuki was laughing his ass off. “Yeah whatever, miss WARRIOR.” You sighed and accepted defeat then you shivered and Katsuki noticed. “Here.” He dropped his fur coat over your shoulders and his warmth enveloped you. “You are a weird one you know that?” You raised and eyebrow and gasped “Excuse me?” He smirked but didnt wanted to argue “Arent you tired dumbass? Lets go.” You hummed in agreement and both of you started to walk towards the house.
“Mother Mitsuki, do you need help?” Mitsuki was peeling a potato while the servents were running back and forth for dinner preparations. “Oh, dont worry Y/n! The servents are working and dinner is almost done, you had training sessions in the morning right? Why dont you rest a little?” You bowed and thanked her “Hmm, what should i do? I dont wanna sleep… Ah! I know what to do.” You ran towards your room and grabbed some stones that you collected before. Then you sat at the wooden floor of the front porch and started to make a necklace from the red stones. “These red stones remind me of Katsuki’s eyes, maybe i should give this to him.” When the necklace was done it looked elegant and beautiful. “Wow, im proud of this.” You hummed and smiled “What are you proud of?” The voice made you jump and when you turned to look, you saw Katsuki standing behind you “O-oh, nothing!” You quickly hid the necklace, he didnt question you further and sat next to you “How you feeling?” he asked and you smiled “Im okay, thanks to you! I didnt catch a cold.” He nodded “Good.” You sat there in comfortable silence then you gave a side glance and saw Katsuki admiring the sky. You sighed then looked at him again, he was beautiful, a sharp jawline, crimson eyes and ash blond hair, he was just perfect. “Why are you looking at me like that idiot?” You jumped and started shook your head in a defensive way “U-uh, i wasnt looking at you!” Then he snorted “Yeah? I dont believe you.” you pouted “Stop teasing me, Katsuki!” You playfully hit his arm and he chuckled. “Whatever, lets go and eat.” He got up and you followed suit, you quickly sat down next to Katsuki and waited for his parents, when Masaru and Mitsuki appeared both of you gave a little bow and they smiled. The dinner was lovely both of them were kind and loving, if only they were your real parents… Katsuki ate quickly then cleared his throat “Im going.” Mitsuki looked at his son and asked “Where are you going at this hour?” He answered “Patrolling with Kirishima.” Just when he was about to leave the room, you spoke up “Can i come too?” He looked at you, confused. “Its late Y/n.” He replied but you wanted to join him, this was the perfect opportunity to give him the necklace that you made. “Please Katsuki, im not gonna be a burden i promise!” He sighed then his eyes met your shiny and hopeful ones “Fine…” You smiled and jumped from your seat “Yay!” Mitsuki and Masaru watched you both leave. “Im glad that they get along.” Mitsuki started and looked at his husband “Y/n seems happy and she is pretty succesful dont you think?” Masaru nodded “Besides, she is a pretty good friend.” Masaru looked at his wife and sighed “I hope they’ll stay friends.” Mitsuki raised a brow “What so you mean, Masaru?” Masaru pinched the bridge of his nose and continued “They are not kids anymore, Mitsuki. Y/n is a young lady now and Katsuki is not a little boy, their relationship is different now. Mutual respect, trust and something im scared of…” Mitsuki quickly shook her head “No, you must be mistaken Masaru, they grew up together!” “But that doesnt change the fact that they are both matured. Katsuki is careful around her, i know im not the most talktive one in the family but im a good observer.” Mitsuki looked at the tea cup in her hands and sighed...
“Bakubro you came! Oh? Ena-chan you came too?” You waved and smiled “Yeah, i was bored and wanted to tag along. I hope i didnt ruined your ‘bro’ time.” He quickly shook his head with a serious expression “Of course not! I love Ena-chan, she is always welcome, right Bakubro?” Bakugou rolled his eyes “Hm.” Kirishima was one of the few people that posessed the ability to transform into a dragon so whenever Bakugou wanted to go on a patrol he always had Kiri with him. There were normal dragons in the clan but %3 of the clan posessed the dragon ability and all of them got trained for war. Kirishima was one of them and Bakugou always trusted him with his life even he didnt admitted it loudly. “What are you waiting for shitty hair, come on transform.” He quickly nodded and turned into a beautiful red dragon. Bakugou quickly hopped on his back and looked at you “Should i send an invitation? Hurry!” You huffed and grabbed his hand and now you were sitting on Kiri’s back, arms around Bakugou’s waist. Kirishima took of from the ground and your grip on Bakugou tightened. “Sorry, Bakugou...” you mumbled and hid your face in the fur around his shoulders. “Oi! Careful shitty hair, Ena is here too so control your speed.” Kirishima slowed down but your eyes were still squeezed shut “Come on dumbass open your eyes, this is not your first time riding a dragon.” You took deep breaths “Yeah but Kirishima is huge and he is faster than the other dragons!” Kirishima took that as a compliment and let out a pleased noise. After 15 minutes you were laughing like a five year old and enjoying the beautiful view then you remembered the necklace and straightened. “Katsuki, i made something for you.” He tensed up and started to listen, when he stayed silent you took that as a sign to continue “Its nothing much but i just want you to have it, you were my first friend after all.” Then he felt your small hands around his neck “Oi, what are you...?” when he felt the cold stones around his neck he turned his had trying to get a glimpse of you. “I collected these stones from the river, they were beautiful and the color reminded me of your eyes.” His heart was beating faster, he hated this feeling... “This is a thank you gift Katsuki. Thank you for being my friend when no one was there, i dont know where i came from, i dont know if i have parents or not, sometimes it wounds me but then i think of you and your family. Im so lucky to have you all in my life, i still dont know who i am but im gonna get strong and stay by your side when you become a leader.” His breath hitched in his throat, thats why he trusted you, you didnt had any connections with him from the start but you still become his friend, you created the connection with him and tried to get stronger to stay by his side. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth “It doesnt matter where you came from or who your parents are, it doesnt change the fact that you are strong thats how i see you. You are a part of this clan and nothing is going to change that, so you better get stronger and stay with me when i rule this clan.” Your eyes widened and cheeks darkened. You couldnt see his expression but he had a soft smile on his face, you tightened your hold around his waist and nodded. 
“Oi dumbass, are you sleeping?” Your arms loosened their grip around him so he immediately grabbed both of your arms and you tried to reply but your eyelids were pretty heavy. “No...” Your breathing started to slow down and he sighed “Kirishima, we are landing.” Kirishima obeyed and tried to land softly as possible. When he managed to do it Bakugou turned towards you and your head collided with his chest. “What am i gonna do with you dumbass...” He started to take deep breaths and realised that he was inhaling your scent, he quickly shook his head and tried to wake you up “Oi, dummy wake up!” Your eyes fluttered open “Hah?! Oh, im sorry Katsuki.” He scowled and you got off of Kirishima, he transformed into his human form and looked at Bakugou mischievously. Bakugou glared at him and you yawned “Im sleepy, lets go...” You gave Kirishima a friendly hug and tugged at Bakugou’s cloak. “Lead us Lord Bakugou!” you laughed lazily and Kirishima grinned at you both. Bakugou grabbed your wrist and started to drag you, Kirishima smiled and whispered to himself “So he finally realised...” 
Two years later
“Weak, harder!” Your lungs were burning up, sweat was dripping from your forehead and he was still energetic. Katsuki and you were training for two hours, he was pretty good at close combat so he wanted to show off by ‘teaching’ you some new moves. “Of course its weak! Im throwing hands with you for hours!” You yelled back and he snorted “You cant get stronger if you whine like a little brat.” He loved messing with you, he already knew that you were the strongest woman in the clan and you were just eighteen, he just wanted to show you his new technique but he was too shy to ask so training was a good excuse. “Katsuki please, im hungry!” He sighed and scratched his head “You stubborn woman... Fine!” After fifteen minutes you guys were walking side by side with meat buns in your hands. The shopkeepers were greeting you both with sincere smiles and bows. “Where are we going now Katsuki?” He looked around and turned to you “My dagger needs to be sharpened, we need to see Arata.” You smiled and nodded “Oh, its been a while since i saw Arata-san!” When you made it to the iron shop Arata greeted you with a confident smile “Ena-chan and Bakugou, what a good surprise!” Arata and Bakugou started to chat and you were watching the people of the clan work, then your eyes met with 3 pair of angry eyes. There were three girls eyeing you with an annoyed expression, first you didnt understand the reason but then it clicked *Ohhh right... They are jelaous bc im with Bakugou.* The ladies were crazy about Bakugou but he didnt looked at any of them, he was just too busy with training and other stuff, when you tried to brought it up he immediately changed the topic with an intense glare. “Oi, Ena we are leaving.” His voice interrupted your thoughts and you nodded.
Masaru was pacing back and forth in the garden, your 18th birthday was getting closer, he didnt wanted to hand you over to Elijah but he knew that you had responsibilities. “Five days... We have five days.” He murmured, normally he would be happy to celebrate your birthday but this was different, Mitsuki was the same, she didnt wanted you to leave and fight. You were like his own daughter and a part of the Bakugou family. Their minds drifted off to their son, he didnt had a clue. They didnt told anything to him, he was just like you, clueless... This remorse were going to be the end of them.
“Katsuki, w-wait!” You guys were running for ten minutes. When you left Arata’s iron shop, the girls of the clan started to gather around you both, Bakugou grabbed your wrist and started to run like a mad dog. You were tired of the chasing so you yanked him towards you and started to ran towards the girls “What are you doing shitty woman?!” You smirked and the girls looked at you with confusion, you ran into them like a bowling ball and knocked them off like bowling pins. Bakugou started to laugh and you shouted “Bakugou use your explosions!” He grabbed your waist and used his explosions to fly. When you lost the sight of the mad girls, both of you laughed “Why did you attacked them, dumbass?” You smirked and answered “They were sending me icy glares, i just needed revenge!” He snorted and both of you landed somewhere in the forest, when you took a look at your surroundings, you noticed the beatiful roses. “Katsuki, look!” You started to run towards the roses and he smiled to himself, you looked like a little girl. “I always saw the rose crowns but never had a chance to make them!” Bakugou looked at you with confusion “Rose what?” You smiled and started to explain with a goofy smile “Rose crowns! You know, the girls in the clan makes flower crowns from roses, sometimes they are red, white, pink or even orange!” He touched his red necklace that you made, your birthday was close so he wanted to make something for you, he bent down and started to pick up some white roses, you looked at him with confusion then he sat down and looked at you with an annoyed expression “Oi, are you gonna sit or what?” You sat down and started to watch him make a beautiful crown. He was the next leader he was a warrior and yet, his hands were skilled and careful on the roses. When he finished, he looked at the crown and hummed “Look.” You looked at his eyes and thats when you felt the warmth on your cheeks. He placed the crown on your head, you looked like a nature goddess. His cheeks turned pink and he averted his eyes “Happy early birthday...” He murmured and you looked at him with shiny eyes, smiling to yourself you decided to tease him “Whaaaa, i couldnt hear you Katsu?” The nickname made his heart stop, he grunted and looked at you with a frown “I know you heard it !” You laughed and replied “Ok ok, no need to be shy!” He growled and your laughter got louder. Then you looked at him with a sincere smile “Thank you, Katsuki.” You started to get closer and he gulped, why was he nervous? You gave him a tight hug and whispered “Thank you for being in my life Katsu.” His heart jumped and he inhaled your scent, this scent belonged to you... It was calming, soft, elegant. He wanted to return the hug but was too shy for it, so he slowly pulled back and you saw the tiny smile on his lips.
The evening came quickly and now you were having dinner with the Bakugou family, Mitsuki and Masaru were too quiet and Katsuki gave you a puzzled look. Just when you were about to open your mouth Masaru’s servent appeared and bowed “Leader Masaru, there is a woman wishing to see you.” Everyone in the table gave him a confused look and he got up, when you looked at mother Mitsuki, her expression was unreadable. After some time Masaru appeared with the woman and when her eyes landed on you she gasped. “Y/n!” Your eyes widened, only your father, mother and Katsuki knew your real name. Masaru saw the shocked expressions on yours and Katsuki’s face so he sat down and motioned her to sit. The woman’s eyes were glued to you and you felt nervous. Mitsuki’s hands were shaking but she tried to mask her anxiety. Something was very wrong, you were not dumb it was the opposite, your quirk was IQ and strategy and yet you were utterly confused. Masaru looked at Mitsuki and nodded “Y/n and Katsuki, we are gonna have a long talk.” Both of you looked at eachother, you gulped and met with the blonde’s ruby eyes, he sensed your anxiety and gave you a reassuring nod. “Y/n, this is Mrs. Kairi. Your uncle Elijah’s wife, in other words your aunt.” Your eyes widened and your face turned pale. Your aunt? Who? You had an uncle... You didnt had anyone, how was that possible? Katsuki was as shocked as you were, he looked at you for answers but when he saw your pale face, he closed his mouth and turned his eyes towards the woman. She gave you a sincere smile then Masaru continued “Y/n, i know its a lot to take in but fifteen years ago your uncle Elijah, your mothers brother gave you to us and left, it was all for your safety. Your other uncle Kaito tried to organise an assassination for you. He wanted his son to rule the Marina kingdom but your mother Adelina wanted you to lead and she wanted us to raise you.” Your mind was a mess, all the emotions came crashing down on you, you had a mother... You had a family, there were evil people like Kaito but it didnt matter, you had a family! Mitsuki got up from her seat and sat next to your other side, she squeezed you tight and you closed your eyes, silent tears started to fall and she patted your head, you were so happy that you had a real mother and you were happy about the fact that she tried to keep you safe by giving you to the Bakugou family but Mitsuki was the mother figure you always had and you were so grateful. Katsuki’s brain was the same, he was curious, excited and nervous. He was really happy about the fact that you had a family but he didnt know how you were feeling at the moment. Then Masaru turned towards your aunt and asked “Mrs. Kairi, its an honour to have you but i expected Sir Elijah on Y/n’s 18th birthday. Isnt it dangerous for you to come all the way here?” She gulped and the happiness in the room vanished. You looked at her, expectantly. She gulped and tears started to fall down from her face “When my husband Elijah gave Y/n to you. Kaito’s men attacked him and he...” She couldnt finish her sentence and started to cry, your eyes widened. Your uncle died while trying to save you, the guilt came crashing down on you and you got up from your seat everyone one looked at you with shocked expressions and you made your way towards your aunt, your forehead met with the floor and you bowed “I’m sorry!” Your voice was shaking but you didnt care. “I owe my life to uncle Elijah! I will take revenge!” Your voice cracked and you were a crying mess, your aunt patted your head and grabbed your hands, you saw the sad expression on her face, she cupped your cheeks and took a deep breath “Y/n... Your uncle was not the only one who got killed that night...” Your eyes widened and your body froze, Mitsuki gasped and Masaru were looking at your aunt with a pale face on the other hand Katsuki’s body was shaking. “Mrs. Kairi dont tell me that his father Seiji-” Kairi cut him off “No, the king is alive.” Relief washed over you but you remembered your mother and squeezed her hand “W-w-what about my mother, is she okay...?” Everyone were looking at her with hopeful eyes, when she bowed and sealed her mouth your body started to shake violently, tears were falling like rain droplets and your teeth were clashing. “Please tell me that my mother is okay!” You started to scream and your aunt started to tear up, you started to pull your hair, and shake your head. You couldnt accept the fact that your mother was gone, it couldnt be true, after all these years you found out that you had a family and now the precious people were already gone. “Kaito’s servant, poisoned her...” Her voice was shaking, she was having a hard time and you couldnt blame your aunt, it was traumatic. Then you felt your legs move by their own, you dashed towards the door and all you could hear was the muffled voices of Katsuki your step-parents and your aunt. You quickly grabbed a dragon and took off, you didnt had a clue about where you were going, you just wanted to run away from this nightmare “M-mom...” You closed your eyes and felt the warmth of a certain woman “Mom, is that you...?” The nostalgic feeling was too strong, it made your mind blurry. You decided to stop, you patted the dragon and it started to land. Now you were on top of a mountain, the dragon clan was still visible but it was far away. You layed on the grass and looked at the stars, the stars became blurry because of your tears, you wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Your mind drifted off to your father, you wondered how he was holding up, you knew that the demon, Kaito was still alive. Your blood started to boil, you were going to rip his head off and save the kingdom, you owed this to your lovely mother and uncle.
Katski watched Y/n’s breakdown with a sad expression and a broken heart. His strong, intelligent, optimistic and kind friend was having the worst day of her life. When you left he didnt think twice and followed you, first he thought of riding a dragon but you were already out of sight so he used his explosions to take off from the ground. Now he was looking around for the signs of you, he saw a campfire coming from the top of a mountain, it was far away but visible. So he decided to go there and when he saw you laying on the ground, he gave a sigh of relief. He sat next to you but you didnt reacted so he opened his mouth “Y/n.” The only answer he got was silence so he continued “I know its hard, i never lost someone important to me so the pain im feeling is nothing compared to yours but we are in this together, you are my... friend. We’ll fight together and save the throne from that bastard’s hands.” You sat up an your e/c eyes met his ruby ones, you never thought that Bakugou could be soft and follow you here. Your tears started to fall and you grabbed his neck, the sudden movement surprised him but when he felt your arms around his neck, his heart started to beat faster. “Katsu...” Your grip on him tightened and your tears fell to his shoulder. He inhaled your scent and held your waist. You were hugging him with full force “I dont wanna lose you too...” Your voice cracked and his grip tightened “I know you are strong and all but we dont know Kaito’s strenght.” He furrowed his brows and replied “So you expect me to let you leave, alone?” You tried to chuckle but your eyes felt heavy. “Katsu, I... I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” When he felt your body started to get heavier he didnt do anything to make you move, he wanted to feel your warmth. “Y/n, as long as we’re together, we’ll fight together.” You smiled and drifted to sleep, when he was sure that you were asleep he sighed and looked at the stars “As long as we’re together... I’ll be by your side.”
When the morning came Katsuki and Y/n took the map of the Marina Kingdom from Masaru’s archieve, her aunt stayed the night so they discussed about some important matters and Kairi promised to help them, with Kairi’s help it was going to be easy, they wanted to make a simple but useful plan so Y/n needed some strong men. She asked Bakugou for Kirishima, Arata and Ryuu’s help, Bakugou went to discuss the matter with them. Now Y/n was riding her dragon towards the Marina Kingdom it wasnt that far, she just wanted to steal a glance. When she saw the big palace and the beautiful water sources, her jaw dropped. The palace had an ocean and forest view, it was beautiful. Her heart ached, if only she grew up here... She shook her head and started to think about a strategy.
The boys were sitting at Arata’s iron shop, Bakugou told everything about Y/n, after he finished his friends were shocked “Ena-chan is what?!” Kirishima shouted, Bakugou gave him a death glare and growled “You want people to hear us shitty hair?!” Arata and Ryuu were shocked as Kirishima was but they decided to stay silent. “So you are telling me that Ena-chan’s real name is Y/n and she is the next heir of the Marina Kingdom, why didnt you tell me sooner?!” Eijiro was hurt, he thought that Bakugou and Y/n was his best friends. Bakugou scoffed and continued “I told you! They only told me her real name, i didnt know that she was a princess or something like that, Y/n and i just found out yesterday!” Arata scratched his head and interrupted “I’m sure she’s having a hard time...” Ryuu nodded and sighed “Poor, Y/n.” Eijiro felt sad, he wanted to see Y/n and make sure that she was okay, losing your mother was something terrifying. Bakugou sighed and looked at his friends “Its not easy but Y/n is not fragile, i know it.” They looked at Bakugou and saw the glint in his eyes, they smiled to each other and Eiji decided to lighten up the mood. “Lets save the throne! Then we will arrange the wedding!” Bakugou looked at him with confused eyes “What wedding?” He grinned and replied “Yours and Y/n’s!” Bakugou blushed but tried to mask it with shouting “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!” Arata and Ryuu joined Kiri and continued to tease Bakugou.
When the evening came you called a meeting with the boys in the Bakugou household and all of them immediately came. “Y/n-chan!” You turned around, Kirishima was running towards you with open arms, your eyes softened and you ran into him arms. “Oi dont block the corridor!” Bakugou scolded you both but Kiri smiled and dragged you towards the meeting room. All of you discussed the important matters such as guards, servents and Kaito, Kairi came and gave you the map of the palace. “There’s going to be your birthday’s celebration in four days Y/n.” You looked at her with confusion and she continued “Your father Seiji, celebrates your birthday every year. He organises a big festival and prays for you to come home. Adelina didnt told him about you staying here.” Your eyes started to water “Father... How is he?” Kairi shook her head “After your disappearance he was crashed and your mother’s death made him sick. He is too exhausted to rule and now Kaito is responsible.” You clenched your teeth, that bastard took everything from you. Your friends sensed your dark aura and Kirishima patted your back, you gave him a tiny smile. “So in this organisation Seiji calls dancers, chefs, performers and musicians all of you can wear costumes and get in easily.” You nodded and turned to Ryuu “Ryuu can you find someone to make us costumes?” He nodded and you turned to Arata “Arata, can you make me a light but sharp dagger?” When Bakugou saw the cold look in your eyes he interrupted “You dont need a dagger, everyone has strong quirks and combat skills.” You shook your head and gave your final answer “I’m going to need it.” 
The days passed quickly you were going to take your throne, tonight. Ryuu was busy with choosing the most strong dragons and gathering supplies and Arata was making weapons while Bakugou, you and Kiri worked on the strategy. The three of you were looking at the map of the palace. “The throne room is on the 4th floor. I need to go there, there is a big balcony and im sure that Kaito is going to watch the festival from that balcony my aunt says he never leaves the throne room.” Bakugou nodded and Kiri asked “What are we gonna do?” You started to explain “I want you to deal with the guards while Bakugou deals with Kaito’s right arm, Sir Yota.” Bakugou cracked his knuckles “Im gonna kill that little fly.” You sighed and continued “Be careful Bakugou, from what my aunt told me he has a similar quirk to yours.” He snorted “That doesnt change the fact that im going to tear him up to pieces!” You smiled to yourself, you thanked god for giving you such good friends they were in this with you and that gave you strength. You inhaled and gave them a sadistic smirk “Lets do this.”
“Okay we’re gonna left the dragons here.” You ordered “What are we gonna do now?” Kiri asked and Bakugou replied “Y/n’s aunt rented a carriage for us, we can easily get in without attracting too much attention, we’re gonna walk, its waiting for us on a stone bridge.” After walking for twenty minutes the three of you saw a regular carriage and the driver waited patiently before driving “Mrs.Kairi’s guests?” He asked and you replied “Yes.” When the carriage started to move you whispered “If we manage to capture Kaito and Yota, Bakugou will send a big explosion to alarm Arata and Ryuu and they will arrive with some swordsman to capture the soldiers that are working for Kaito.” Kiri nodded and gave you a big smile “We got this Y/n-chan!” You smiled back and looked at Bakugou, he was watching you. When your eyes met both of you averted your eyes. Things were different between you two, it wasnt bad or anything, there was just a weird aura between you two and both of you were trying to understand it. When you looked back he was watching the dirt road. You took your time to analyze his features, you understood why the girls was crazy for him. He was strong, captivating and handsome. You felt jelaous but it quickly disappeared bc you knew that you were the only girl who saw his soft and caring side, you guys grew up together and you saw all his stupid expressions and childish acts. A stupid kind of pride welled up inside of you. “Why are you looking at me ?” Bakugou’s voice interrupted your silly thoughts and you quickly shook your head “N-nothing!” Kiri caught a glimpse of the blush on your cheeks and he smiled to himself. Then the carriage abruptly stopped and you asked “Is something wrong?” The driver answered “No Miss, we are here.” Your stomach started to churn, you were so nervous. “Ok, thank you.” The three of you started to walk in the crowded streets, there were food stands, all kinds of shops and laughter. The people of the Marina Kingdom looked different from the Dragon clan’s you felt similar to the people of Marina, you didnt feel out of place. Bakugou saw the smile on your face and gave a sigh of relief. “Ok now we need to find the gates of the palace, where do we need to go Kiri?” You whispered and Kiri looked at the map “Just straight ahead.” You nodded and started to walk in a normal pace. The thought of your father made your heart beat in a crazy speed.” When you saw the big gates the three of you saw two muscular guards and they stopped you “Who are you?” You take a deep breath and replied “We are here for Mrs. Kairi.” He nodded and opened the gate “Wait here let me check.” You were so nervous that you tugged at Bakugou’s costume, he looked at you and sensed your anxiety, he let you grab onto him. “Ok, you can come in.” The guard came quickly and bowed. The three of you made your way towards the main hall and some servants welcomed you. The inside of the palace was empty, the streets were filled with happiness but the inside was cold and sad. You looked around and saw a young maid, you whispered “She looks easy.” Bakugou nodded and you made your way towards the maid. “Excuse me, can i use the bathroom?” The maid bowed immediately “Sure!” She guided you towards the right corridor and a big white door welcomed you. “This is the guest bathroom.” You smiled and bowed “Thank you.” She gave a nervous smile and left. When you saw her form disappear, you quickly followed the corridor and saw big white stairs. You managed to reach the 2nd floor but then you heard a butler and a maid speak “How is Lord Seiji?” The maid asked and the butler sighed “He is exhausted, he is talking about princess Y/n again.” Your heart dropped *Lord Seiji?* They didnt called him king anymore... You waited for them to disappear and looked at the big door, your heart was pounding. You hands trembled and you pushed the door open, the room was dark and the only noise you hear was erratic breathing. There was a tired man, laying on the bed with closed eyes. He was skinny but you managed to see his features, he was your father, you knew it. He took a deep breath and spoke up “...Adelina?” Adelina, was your mother’s name. You stopped breathing and sat next to him. You played with his h/c locks and he gave a content sigh, you kissed his forehead and watched him lose consciousness, when you got up and closed the door his eyelids opened slightly “...Y/n?”
“I guess Y/n managed to find the stairs, we should split up too.” Eijiro nodded and made his way towards the soldiers “What up guys? Why dont you guys enjoy the festival?” The guards gave him a confused look and Bakugou slapped his forehead. Bakugou followed the same path as you and saw the massive stairs, he ran up the stairs and made it to the 4th floor. When he saw you with the dagger in your hand, his heart pace quickened. “Y/n!” He whispered and grabbed your wrist. You jumped and kicked his manhood “Fuck!” He crouched down and you gasped “Katsuki, you scared me!” He hissed and tried to stand up. “Im so sorry!” He sighed “What are you planning to do?” You saw the worry in his eyes “Um, im gonna take my throne back?” He clicked his tounge “You know what i meant, are you gonna kill him?” You looked at the dagger in your hand and sighed “Im just gonna use it if i need it.” He looked at you in the eyes and holded your hand that has the dagger in it “I believe in you.” Your eyes widened “That Yota bastard’s room is at the end of the hall, i’ll see you in a bit.” You nodded and turned to the door.
Kaito was watching the streets with a smile on his face, he was content with his work. While his brother was suffering in his bed, his son was ready to take the throne, just when he was about to turn around to call his butler, he felt something sharp in the back of his neck. “Dont you dare move or make a sound.” The voice was unfamiliar and cold. “”Hands up.” He raised his hands and tried to mask his anxiety “Who are you?” You laughed sadistically and answered “Your lovely niece.” He froze and turned pale, when he made a move to take a look at you “I said, dont move.” He felt the dagger press harder on his skin, he hissed “I knew that you were alive but i didnt thought that you would come back.” He dryly answered but actually he was scared to death. “I came here to take MY THRONE.” He laughed and tried to hit you but you quickly dodged it “Guards!” He shouted but no one came, his eyes widened and you smirked “Did you really thought that i would came here, just to get caught?” The guards were nowhere to be found so that meant that Kiri got them all. He was trying to figure out your quirk but since it was about intelligence he was clueless, you calculated his moves and dodged. Then he grabbed a sword and charged at you, you took his head and smashed it on the ground, he groaned in pain and you kicked the sword “Yota!” He screamed but no one came. You took that as a sign of Bakugou’s victory and laughed. Kirishima managed to knock off the guards and Yota was nowhere to be found “Tell me, where is my lovely cousin?” When he opened his mouth you cut him off “Oh i already know! He is out of the Kingdom for special training right? Well, too bad.” He groaned “H-how do you know that?” You snorted “Aunt Kairi helped me a lot about gathering information.” Kaito growled “That little-” You squeezed his neck and he wheezed “Dont you dare talk about my aunt like that.” Then both of you heard a loud explosion, that was the sign that Bakugou supposed to give to Arata and Ryuu. You smiled and hit Kaito’s head with the back of the dagger, he passed out and you tied him with the metal strings that Arata made. When you opened the door, you saw Bakugou waiting. When you saw him in one piece the tears you were holding started to fall, just when he was about to open his mouth you pulled him in a bone crushing hug “Katsu!” He didnt say anything and returned the hug, after waiting for you to calm down he spoke up “We made it, i told you that we were in this together.” You pulled back and your eyes meet, you cupped his cheek and his eyes widened, when you started to get closer his cheeks turned red and he didnt know what to do, he closed his eyes shut and waited for the kiss to happen but when he felt your forehead on his, he opened his eyes. Your e/c orbs were looking at his ruby ones. “Im so lucky to have you...” Your tears were still falling, he smiled and closed his eyes “Same.”
After the chaos, Arata and Ryuu came with a bunch of swordsman and captured all the guards, maids and butlers that were secretly working for Kaito, you quickly hugged all of your friends and thanked them for their help. Then you went to the throne room and looked at the crown that were standing in the glass bell. “Mom uncle, im home.” After shedding your last tears you ran towards your fathers room, it was so emotional, he fainted and thought that it was all a dream, then the servants gave him his medicine and told him to rest. The people of the kingdom and the servants in the palace were confused so Bakugou gave them a speech of the princess’ arrival and victory. Everyone cheered and thanked the dragon clan for their help. The leader soldier of the Marina Kingdom’s army bowed and showed his grattitude to Bakugou and Kirishima. Then Masaru and Mitsuki arrived, they were proud and happy but they knew that you were going to stay in the kingdom so when the evening came they had a hard time saying goodbye. When you hugged Arata and Ryuu it was time for Bakugou and Kirishima, Kirishima looked at you with big teary eyes and pulled you in a tight hug “Oh, Y/n...” You patted his back and wiped his tears “Dont be sad Eiji, i will come to visit.” He pouted and his tears continued to fall “But its not the same thing, i know that they need you here but... You are my best friend.” You giggled and pinched his cheeks “What about Bakugou?”You asked and he pouted “You know what i meant!” After ten minutes of hugging with Kiri, Katsuki was standing in front of you, you never saw him this quiet. He was looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world, instead of talking you took his hands and he immediately look up. “At my happiest and saddest times, at my weakest and strongest state you saw all of me... You are the only one who knows the true me.” His eyes trembled but he decided to stay silent and listen. “My first friend, rival, partner in crime, role model... You are my everything, Katsuki.” His heart was pounding in his ears, his cheeks were red like his beautiful eyes and his hands were trembling, he didnt wanted to say goodbye, he wanted to see you when he woke up and he wanted to see you before going to sleep, he wanted to see you training, see you laugh, see you joke around because these past fifteen years were the most precious years of his life. “Katsuki, when you become a leader, you’ll get married and rule the clan. I know i promised you, i promised to stay by your side but... I need to help my kingdom.” You bit your lip and shook your head “I-im so sorry for breaking my promise...” The tears started to fall again “Im such a crybaby today, huh?” You tried to laugh but it didnt sound like one. “At least you’ll have the woman that you love, she’ll be by your side but i cant because i need to stay here...” He clenched his teeth and grabbed your cheeks, your face was now sandwiched between his large hands “Stop saying illogical things!” He shouted and you looked at him with wide eyes “Im not gonna marry with a random woman, i already decided arent i?! I wanna rule with you, i want you by my side!” Your cheeks were hot, you didnt wanted to misunderstood the situation but he started to sound like he... loved you? “K-katsuki but how...? What are you trying to say?” He groaned, here goes nothing... “I never said it loudly but it doesnt mean that its not true! I... I love you, there i said it!” Your mouth was agape and he was red like a tomato, your mouth started to tremble “Y-y-you love me?!” If he was embarrassed he was more embarrassed than before “Are you deaf?!” You quickly shook your head and grapped his hands “No! I just...” You were frustrated, you were struggling to form an answer and his expression started to change, he started to think that he was going to get rejected, to gave him an answer, you cupped his cheeks and slammed your lips on his, it was awkward but meaningful and cute. You quickly pulled away and started to shout “Im so sorry, i love you too i didnt know what to-” Your words got cut off by his lips and it take you a while to realise that he was kissing you back. “Don be so loud woman.” He mumbled and held you by the waist, you saw a sincere smile on his lips and both of you looked at eachother with loving eyes...
Four Years Later
“Is my carriage ready?” You asked while trying to get ready “Yes, your highness.” Your maid replied with a smile on her face, you grinned back “Where is my father?” the maid looked at you and answered “He is having tea in the garden, your highness.” You hummed and quickly got out of your room. Everything was perfect, all of the servents greeted you with sincere smiles and when you made it to the garden, you saw your father smelling the roses that you ordered. “Did you like the white roses that i ordered, your majesty?” Your father quickly turned around and gave you a strong hug, he was getting stronger and stronger. He smiled and nodded “They are beautiful, honey.” You smiled “Im gonna visit the Dragon Kingdom, do you want me to deliver a message for father Masaru?” He laughed and nodded “Tell him that i missed beating him at chess.” You laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek. “See you later, father!” Bakugou was the new leader and the old dragon clan was now a big kingdom. He was a strong and fair leader but in the inside he was your softie, you wanted to see him so badly and gave him a lot of kisses.
“No! I told you to bring the white roses!” The servants bowed and rushed to change the pink roses with white ones. When Katsuki invited you to discuss some matters, he got nervous and wanted everything to be perfect so now he was ordering the servants around. “Are the desserts ready?” The servants bowed and answered “Yes my lord, we prepared all the desserts that Lady Y/n likes!” He nodded “Good.” He nodded and tried to slow down his racing heart. Now you were a grown woman, you were strong, alluring, intelligent, beautiful, elegant, charming, captivating, you were perfec- “My lord, do you want me to prepare the lavender tea?” He growled and shouted “ARE YOU DEAF? IM TELLING YOU TO PREPARE WHATEVER Y/N LIKES THE MOST!” The servant bowed while muttering apologies and dashed towards the kitchen. Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose and waited for your arrival.
When your carriage arrived the servants bowed but you gave them all a friendly smile “Katsuuu!” You shouted and ran towards the garden, he was watching the small lake, when he heard your beautiful voice, his heart skipped a beat but his expression was the same, he was good at hiding his excitement. You jumped on him and wrapped your arms around his torso “You tryna kill me, shitty woman?” You gasped dramatically and he snorted “You are hurting my feelings Katsu!” He rolled his eyes but the small tinge of pink was still visible on his cheeks. After joking around both of you sat down and discussed about economic stuff, he watched you carefully, your serious expression or the confused one, everything about you was beautiful, he wanted to see you everyday, by his side. Thats why he was going to ask you the ‘big’ question today. After the boring discussions he took a deep breath and started “I want my kingdom to become the strongest one in this century.” You decided to tease him “Too bad because mine is stronger than yours.” You waited for a comeback but it never came “You’re right... Thats why i want our kingdoms to become one.” Your eyes widened and when you see the smirk on his face your face heated up “B-but the only way is...” He cut you off and completed the sentence “Marriage between the royal families.” You choked on your spit and he snapped his fingers, a servant came with some papers in his hands and handed them to Katsuki, slammed the documents on the table, they were about your marriage... With him. When your eyes met with his, he had a victorious smirk on his face “What do you say, annoying woman?” Your lips trembled and you attacked him with a bone crushing hug “Katsuki!!!” When he heard your sobs, he snorted but hugged you with full force. When you calmed down he looked at you in the eyes “Now we can rule the world together, side by side...” Then you sealed the promise with a heated kiss...
-The End-
A/N: Im sure Kirishima would be like “SGDJASGDHJS” at their wedding
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
If we could please get that birdhaul scenario we’re kaito finds him and take him to his mother that would be amazing thank you
... pi.
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"Mama!" You stopped whatever you were doing at the voice of your son calling out for you. You turned with a smile and a frow at seing how messy Kaito looked.
If Kai caught his own son on that state he would be having himself a tantrum.
"Sweetie you know that your father hates that you play on the backyard and dirty yourself like that." You kneeled while he grinned "Well, at least you took your shoes off."
"Mama look what I found!" He extended his hands and opened them cautiously, revealing a black little bird that seemed way too familiar to your taste.
The golden eyes revealed everthing. Those infuriated and angry golden eyes looking straight at your soul.
Oh boi...
"Can we keep it?" The bird started to chirp immediately as Kaito made a confused sound while looking at the creature on his hands.
"Honey... maybe is better for you to give me him for a moment." You extended your hands and Kaito pouted.
"You're not gonna let it... will you?" He spoke sadly "I know daddy doesn't allow pets but he was just laying there!"
"I know hon, but trust me. This is not some..." you looked at the fluffly lottle bird and snorted at his annoyed look and the tiny white tie hanging around his little neck, making him ruffle his feathers in anger "Ordinary bird."
"Sure he isn't!" He showed with more emphasis "Look! He has a miniature of daddy's jacket even! Maybe this time he will allow mama! Please!"
"Not if you keep shaking him like that..." you mused and Kaito stopped immediately, mumbling an apology to the bird.
He only glared back at Kaito before looking at you again and even seemed to have left out a an annoyed huff.
"Quirk?" You asked and he only lowered his beak in shame on his son's hands.
"Pi..." Kaaito opened his mouth on a silent gasp at hearing it before he looked at you with puppy eyes.
"Please mama???"
"Hon, he is not a pet." You said sweetly as you cupped the bird in your hands, him nodding as a form of gratitude "Far from it actually."
He suddenly pecked your hand, you let out a yelp and glared down at him.
"I washed my hands! Geez!" You huffed and the bird seemed content at least with your answer.
"He looks angry..." your kid commented as you sighed and lifted a bit the bird on your hands.
"Kaito. You know that sometimes quirks affects how we look and act... right?"
"Yeah, that's why daddy hates them." You deadpanned and the bird even dared to nod at that.
"So, at least for some unknown time... this bird is daddy." The kid arched one eyebrow as if you had gotten crazy before he looked at the bird in your hands.
It didn't take long for Kaito to start to giggle. And your husband seemed to growl on that form as he turned around and glared at you.
"What? You prefered that he treated you like a pet?" You yelped at the back he gave to your thumb "Okay! Okay! Sorry!"
"I can't believe that daddy is now a bird! And so small!" The kid clinched his stomach as he almost fell in the floor from laughter as the black feathers of your husband ruffled up.
"Calm down sweety..." you cooed and started to per his head, brushing his feathers down as he gave you a look "It won't last long for sure, until there is only have some patience."
He deadpans and pointed with his beak at his laughing son before returning to look at you.
"He will wear it off his energy in some time." You nuzzled him in your cheek "And in sorry honey but you look soooo cute!"
"Pi! Pi!" He started to flap his tiny wings as a effort to push you away, but they did no little on harming you due to how fluffly they were.
"Sorry! Is not everyday that I get so have you like this." You snickered and he pecked your hand again.
Long day ahead of you surely.
Kaito observed his dad in form of a bird, jumping here on there to read a book on the sofa... he scotted closer and he seemed to notice his presence.
Kai looked at his son, his face demonstrated only but boredoom.
"Even on this form you are boring daddy?" He asked innocently.
"What?" He tilted his head in confusion as Kai seemed to sigh, starting to point at the letter for his son to understand what he was trying to say.
Only to remember that Kaito had three years... and he couldn't read yet. Shit.
"Got it." Your voice manifested as you crouched down in front of the couch after patting your son's head. "The effects shouldn't last more than one day hun, you were lucky enough." You giggled and he huffed again.
You carresed one finger on him gently and this time he sighed at the contact, cooing silently at your touch.
"Mama." Kaito suddenly said, stealing the attention you were giving to your husband as he extended his arms out for you with a serious face yet pout on his lips.
"Aw? Getting sleepy aren't we?" You said aa you lifted yourself from the ground to pick your son up "What a miracle is that?"
He only snuggled on the crook of your neck, sending a smug look to Chisaki as he could only deadpan.
Seriously brat?
"I'm going to put him on the bed. Wanna come?" You offered as he mentally smirked, nodding nonchalantly as you sitted down on the couch to help him up in your shoulder.
Two could play the same game Kaito.
Right after putting the boy on the bed Kai dared himself to nestle right on the spot where your ear connected with your neck, just for his son to see.
"No fair!" He exclaimed sleepy, while you rolled your eyes with a smile and wished him good night.
"You really needed to do that?" You asked while smilling "You're not one to do such things."
"Pi." The way he seemed to shrug was too adorable, but you decided to not manifest your thought in favor of not being pecked right on the neck.
You smiled at the sudden thought that cane to your head as you looked at Chisaki getting out from your shoulder to return to his book.
"Kai?" He turned to look at you as you lowered your face close to him.
"Love you, my birdy." He seemes to scoff at that as his feathers ruffle up in embarrassment, making you giggled and place a sweet kiss on him.
"Pi!" He chirped angrily as you laughed with your hands lifted up in defence.
"Sorry! I couldn't resist!" You said with eyes close but suddenly opening them when you felt a breeze and no longer seing the black little bird that was in your hold minutes ago.
"'Couldn't resist', you say." He mumbled while looking at his, thank god, human hand back before staring at you nonchalantly.
"... see?" You chirped while pointing at him "Not even the whole day you stayed like that!" You got up but yelped when he grabbed onto your forearm and pushed you right on his lap.
"Exactly. You're lucky I came to love you enough to spare you for making me flustered two times on a day." He muttered lowly as you felt shivers at his lips moving closer to your own. His warm caging your body to his along with his arms as his hands carresed your thighs.
"I still cant believe though that even as a bird you and Kaito fight for attention." Yoi giggled and let out a soft whisper at him kissing your neck softly.
"Is not a fight for attention angel of mine." His lips trailed from the crook of your neck to your cheeks as he mumbled "Is simply claiming that I got you first." He said nonchantly before finally kissing your lips.
Your tongue was connected with his. The kiss not being enough but sweet and gentle. Sadly you had to part away due to catching your breath as Chiskai did the same.
"We should go to bed." He stated bluntly, smirking at your whine "Expected something?"
"Kinda..." you pouted but sighed when he cupped your cheek "But we need rest as well."
"Surely, especially with a neat like the one we have."
"He is not a brat!" You giggled and he rolled his eyes at you, lifting you up by holding your thighs close to his waist "Stop that!"
"I will stop at the day he stops acting like a damn brat."
Your son entered teh kitchen and immediately smiled at seing his dad back to normal, coming to hug him unexpected and making you giggle at how Kai tensed at the sudden contact.
"Who are you imposter and what did you done to my son?" He growled down at the kid hugging his leg, smirking up at him "At least tell me you showered like I taught you."
"Pi!" Kaito chirped... the best immitation of what he had heard his dad saying yesterday as his father's eye twitched in anger and offense and you almost dropped your plate from laughter.
"Okay dearest. You're right, not a brat always." He glared down at the kid and shook his leg and tried to pry his son off from him but grunted in defeat "He is a pest."
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kinda hard to explain this one honestly. and I literally dont know what the transitions are through this story. like, I try to go back in time a little bit, but it just looks weird so please if this looks weird, dont judge me-. i'll be honest with you guys here, i dont really like the way this one turned out, but maybe you guys will, so dont be discouraged to read it by me! here's the prompt, and the creator is @write-it-motherfuckers. stay safe, kith 😙💖💕
Kokichi teases y/n about confessing until they do
Lately Ouma had been teasing you to no end. Anytime you're even close to him, he'll walk over and begin teasing you.
"Hey, Y/n-san! Who do you liiike?"
"Nobody, Ouma-kun, I've said this before."
"Awwwh, that's too bad. I totally coulda hooked you up!"
"Sure, Ouma-kun."
Everyone had always found Ouma annoying, but you actually found him quite interesting. Of course he was still irritating at times, but you preferred to look over that and try to see if you could break his emotional mask.
Over time you seemed to be the only one close to Ouma. Your peers always strayed away. Well maybe except for Saihara sometimes, but those interactions were usually initiated by Ouma.
You two were practically joined at the hip. Ouma mainly following you, but you wouldn't hesitate to find him if you were bored or needed someone to talk to.
It had been about three months of school and you two were known in your class as the top couple.
There's actually a top five chart in your class. #1 goes to you and Ouma, #2 is Kaito and Maki, #3 is Saihara and Akamatsu, #4 is Tenko and Himiko, and #5 is Kiibo and Miu.
Your class is.. awfully strange.
You had always brushed the chart off, just wanting to pay attention to your studies and how you could break the leader's mask.
But Ouma tried to use it against you.
"Y/n-san, look! We're the number one couple!"
"Ouma-kun, we're not even dating."
"Maybe we can change that.."
You were only caught off guard the first few times he did it, now you only scoff and blush slightly.
The closest you've ever seen Ouma to breaking was when someone showed him general genuine affection and when people would call him out on a well hidden lie.
You found these out through your friendship. You being you, you did it on accident the first few times, but after realizing it, you would study it and try to use it against him.
"Ouma-kun, come here."
You stretch out your arms, clearly stating what you want.
Ouma seems to get tense for a second, his facial expression a slight look of surprise, but changes quickly to a smile.
Ouma jumps into your arms and somehow manages to get his legs around your waist so your carrying him.
He takes his head off your shoulder to look at you.
"Nihihi..~ are you sure we're not a couple, Y/n-san?"
You could see some blush on his face with how close you two were.
"Ouma-kun, are you blushing?"
Again his face shows surprise, quickly going back to normal.
"Y/n-san, just answer the question!"
"Yeah Ouma-kun, I'm sure."
"Awwwh! And here I was hoping you'd kiss me."
Your face flushes red as he jumps from your arms and runs off like nothing just happened.
That was awhile ago. Now you usually end up just carrying Ouma, him even coming to you when he claims hes tired.
Now you had been in school for about 6 months and you were getting stressed.
All this time you were trying to break the Ultimate Supreme Leader's mask, yet you seemed to be breaking yourself.
You had never really known someone so strange and so normally unlikable.
And yet you seemed to be slowly falling in love with the Ultimate Supreme Leader, Kokichi Ouma.
You decide to tell him at lunch that day.
You grab your lunch from your locker and begin walking down the halls. Surprisingly, Shinguuji calls your name as your walking.
"Good evening, y/n-San. How are you?"
"I'm doing pretty good actually. I was just on my way to lunch. Did you need something?"
"Ah, yes, I noticed how close you and Ouma-kun were and I was wondering if you perhaps had romantic feelings for him. I pay no regards to that silly chart our peers have made. This is from my own studies."
While Shinguuji was trying to explain his reasoning behind his prediction, your face lit up like a christmas light.
Was it actually obvious?
You had no time to dwell on that now.
"Y-yeah.. I think I do like him, but I have to go now! Dont want my lunch to get cold! Bye Shinguuji-kun!"
You run off hoping Shinguuji wont be mad since you just kinda left. You get to the lunch room and see Ouma sitting at his usual table alone. Like usual.
You sit down and a smile appears on his once bored face.
"Y/n-San! You're late, what happened?"
"Oh, Shinguuji-kun wanted to talk to me. I tried to get here as quick as possible so I had to run away. I really hope I didnt make him mad."
"What'd he want?"
You remember what Shinguuji asked you and you feel your face heat up. But you quickly get yourself together so you can get these feelings off your chest.
"I have to tell you something."
"Oooh~ are you about to profess your undying love for me, y/n-san?"
"Yes, I am."
You confess to Ouma, all the while, looking down. When you finish, you look up and see that Ouma's face is mostly unreadable except for the harsh blush on it.
Had you finally broken the leader and his mask?
"Holy crap y/n, did you break him!?"
Kaito seemed to take notice of Ouma's state and made you two the center of attention.
"Hey guys look! Y/n broke Ouma!"
Suddenly, a somewhat surprising amount of your classmates gather around your table.
"Ah, so it is true that you have romantic feelings for Ouma-kun."
That was the last thing you heard before you felt someone drag you off.
"Nihihi~ You cant just confess to me and not expect attention from those idiots y/n-San! Now..."
Ouma suddenly stops and grabs you by the shoulders.
He pulls you close and softly kisses you. Ouma pulls back after a few seconds and grins.
"Nihihi~ look at you y/n-san! You're all red! *Gasp* Does this mean we're dating now!? Are we, are we!?"
You stood there in shock for a second. You honestly got lost in thought for a second. But you regain your thoughts again and look down at Ouma.
You kiss Ouma on the cheek before smiling at him softly.
"Yeah Ouma-kun. If you're sure."
"O-of course! Nihihihi~"
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coastalhorrors · 6 years
Okay, Well Thats Not Good
RECIPIENT #32 FROM THE @oumasaiexchange IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. I hope I wrote this well enough for your liking, again I am so Very sorry. 
Words: 1,876
“Hey Cockichi, stop daydreaming of pegging that lame excuse for a detective and help us with this project.”
Kokichi glared at Miu, dodging her foot from under the table. “What the hell do you idiots need help with now?”
“We're missing a piece”, Tsumugi said digging through a box of screws and bolts. “Well, not so much missing, just already been used.” She tipped the box over, spilling the contents all over the carpeted floor and herself, searching for the piece. Failing to find it ultimately.
Rantaro peaked over her shoulder, picking lightly through the pieces, “We'll also need a few of the larger screws, the base cant handle support with only the small ones.”
“Okay yeah, but I can't just pull screws out of my ass y'know.” Kokichi replied. Miu turned back to him, and if dropping hot coffee on yourself could be conveyed in a single expression, she was succeeding immensely.
“You're gonna have to go down to my workshop, there are more screws in there.”
Tsumugi looked up from her pile of bolts and screws, “Grab another screwdriver too please, Rantaro’s hogging the last one.” Rantaro flicked one of the screws he was messing with towards her in response, sticking his tongue out but keeping his face emotionless.
That was the last he saw of there conversation before he was pushed out of the Ultimate Adventurers room with Miu's keys in hand. He stood there for a second and rolled his eyes, slowly slothing his way to the workshop.
Miu's workshop was below all the main dorm levels, very much relatable to a basement, so much in fact if you include the useless junk that lined the many shelves and the weird molding smell. He twirled the keys in his hand as he made his way down the stairs, the lights illuminating the ceilings, dimming as he got lower and lower.
The cold, grey door came into view and he readied the keys to unlock it, stopping the spinning and suddenly, everything was happening at once.
The keys flew from his loose grip, up towards the dim flickering light above, completely shattering the glass. He raised his arms up quickly as dust and shattered glass rained from above him, some of the glass fell straight onto his exposed hands and broke the skin, leaving a heavy stinging sensation and tiny blood splotches.
‘Fuck’, he thought, bringing his hands down to witness the damage done to his body, only to come face to face with nothing. Of course, he had smashed the light. He mentally smacked himself.
Kokichi was at a loss for what to do next, there was no light, which meant he wouldn't be able to find the keys to Miu's workshop, which meant he wouldn't be able to turn on that light, and even if he did find the keys, he doubted it'd go without any harm done to him with all the glass staining the floor.
He moved his hands in front of him experimentally, reaching towards the staircase railing. Stepping forward slightly, he was glad he had his shoes on before he was kicked out of Rantaro’s room. The glass crunched under him as he made his way towards what he hoped was the direction of the stairs, waving his hands around. He finally felt the lumpy rounded shape of the rail and lifted his foot, setting it down on a stair.
Kokichi let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding and stepped up again. It was a slow process, making his way up the stairs towards some sort of light.
‘Probably shouldn't be dragging my hand over this dirty thing,’ he thought, slowly stepping again, he'd probably get some sort of disease, who knows when the last time this stairwell was cleaned.
A light finally appeared at the top of the stairs, near the peak of the doorway. Letting go of the rail he took a larger step up the stairs and another, and then another one. Reaching the door he swung it open and stepped into the bright hallway. He squinted at the harsh light hitting his face, raising a hand to shield his eyes.     
A soft familiar voice came from down the hallway, and he cursed himself.  “Kokichi? What're you doing down here?” He lowered his hand a bit, hiding it at an angle behind him, the last thing he needed right now was to be coddled by the person he'd probably wanted to see the least of right now.
“Oh Shuichi, I can't believe you caught me! I'm afraid I can't tell you what I'm up to you see, it's top secret.” He put a finger to his lips with his other hand, placing a grin on his face.
Shuichi cocked his head, his slumpy hair falling over his face in a way that made Kokichi’s heart stutter and his smile falter.
“What's that? Behind your back I mean.” Shuichi pointed towards his hidden arm, attempting to peer over Kokichi’s shoulder to see what he was hiding, stepping forward a little to get a better look.
Kokichi set his hand down by his side and dropped his smile, stepping back, he could feel the hand behind him pulsing with pain as he moved. He probably shouldn't have done that, the slumpy haired boy in front of him raised an eyebrow. Experimentally, he stepped forward again.
Maybe he'd go away if he just kept stepping back. He thought, or maybe he'd reach the end of the hallway and would be able to run away to the other side. He stepped back again. Shuichi stepped forward. Back. Forward. Back. Forward. Back and then back again. Dead end. Stupid school with its idiotic layout.
A small, hollow space found itself fitting uncomfortable between the two boys, as they paused for a moment. Shuichi's face was contorted, eyebrows scrunched together and worried eyes staring straight into him. Kokichi wished he could be anywhere else right now, anywhere else but in front of the person who made his heart quit its job. He tried moving a bit to the side and hissed violently when his injured hand scraped the solid wall.
That seemed to be too much for Shuichi. His worried gaze turned concentrated in a millisecond, going from straight staring to intent searching. “Kokichi…”, he said carefully, there was a slight warning in his tone. It made him panic. Voice laced with silk and venom, Kokichi didn't know what else to do. He seemed at a loss this time. He delicately moved his hand out from behind his back and into the open.
Shuichi gasped upon seeing his hand, eyes trained on it carefully, memorizing every cut and scrape disturbing his ghostly white skin. He reached out carefully, grazing his pale skin, then, with both hands lightly pulling his wrist closer so he could see. Kokichi wrinkled his nose and grimaced, peering through half-shut eyes down at his injured hand.
It was easy to see the damage that had been done, broken skin spidering across the pale surface, like shattered ice on top of a seemingly endless pond. Shuichi seemed to be entranced by the thin strands, watching intensely as a red drop of blood trailed down his thumb and falling to the greyscale floor.
Shuichi spoke slowly but carefully, he like that about Shuichi; always considering things. “What… happened?” His grip tightened around his wrist just a little.
“Funny story actually! I uh…” Nothing came to him, “Broke a lightbulb!” Fuck. Shuichi's eyes widened. He probably wasn't expecting the truth from him this time.
“Come with me.”  He said gently but sternly pulling Kokichi’s hand along. Kokichi followed obediently and almost immediately became aware of how close they were. He tripped over his feet as soon as he thought that. Shuichi was practically holding his hand! ‘Oh god, Shuichi is holding my hand. He's holding my hand and taking me somewhere.’ Part of him hoped they were going to a secret place, somewhere far away from everyone else.
But no, he knew they were probably going to the office or to the bathroom to clean up his cuts. He felt a pang of disappointment in his chest just thinking about that. Suddenly Shuichi stopped and he fell straight into his back. A scent of peppermint and coffee filled Kokichi’s senses, and if he were religious, he could've sworn that this was heaven. But he was soon pulled out of his pseudo comatose state and brought back to reality.
He heard a door click open and was dragged into what was probably paradise for a teachers' pet. ‘Or, he thought, a detective.’ Open books and various loose papers were thrown haphazardly across nearly every surface in the small room, which he now realized as a dorm room. Shuichi's room to be exact.
Quickly, he was pulled onto a messy blanketed bed and was told to stay there while Shuichi grabbed some first aid supplies. Kokichi got the chance to look around a little more. He could see pen markings and scribbly markings on thick packets full of what he assumed to be case reports or assorted assignments. There were small scratches on the walls, looking to be from thrown objects. Kokichi never knew Shuichi to be an angry person, but he guessed Kaito does come around from time to time.
Kokichi was thrown out his thoughts when Shuichi came back and sat on the bed next to him, bandages and other nursing objects in hand. He got started on his hand, rolling bandage,  over bandage, so calmly it was almost mesmerizing. Kokichi hadn't noticed how much his hand seemed to miss the other boys until they were reunited, they seemed to fit so well together, they could fit so well together.
Kokichi felt his face heat up and his hand twitch. “Hold still.” Shuichi said, shifting to get a better grip on his hand. Kokichi mumbled a half-hearted sorry, his face still a peachy shade. As Shuichi bandaged him up and cleaned his small wounds, Kokichi found himself getting drowsy, there was something so calming about Shuichi that just put him at ease.
He didn't remember falling asleep. All Kokichi knew was that he never wanted to leave the warmth that was enveloping him right now. He took a few deep breaths, taking the moment in stride and smelt something familiar. He was surrounded by ground coffee and the welcoming scent of mint leaves.
Kokichi’s eyes shot wide open, but he couldn't see. His eyes were obstructed by something fluffy and black. The hair moved and he saw a patch of pale skin under it, along with a set of closed eyes. ‘Shuichi,’ he thought, ‘oh my god I'm in Shuichi's bed.’ That got him going.
Kokichi attempted to get out from under the arm thrown over his waist, shimmying out shaking. Shuichi mumbled something in his sleep, that made him stop and pause. He looked over at the peaceful looking boy. Black hair strewn about all over his face, framing it like the night sky. It frustrated him to no end, how beautiful the boy he had fallen for was. He frowned
Miu's screws could wait, sleeping a little longer was what mattered now
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Drv3 boys and a fem S/O on their wedding day?
Shuichi Saihara
- He would be in aww when he saw you in your dress. Seeing you, so beautiful, made him knlw that he made one of the greatest decisions he’d make ever- Seeing you walk down the isle made his knees weak, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to stand when you went next to him- Not because he didnt want to do it, but because he cant believe this is happening
- When he is supposed to say “I Do”, he stutters a lot and barely gets it out, but they understood
- When you two kissed, he started to happy cry, not believing that he got married to the most amazing person in the world
Kaito Momata
- This man would 100% be smiling through the whole thing
- He would be have his hair combed back, to look more gentleman. It’d look goofy as all hell, but you knew he was trying- Would whisper “Goddamn” when he sees you walking down the isle in your wedding dress, thinking you look beautiful and a little sexy- Would kinda get impatient when the preist did the “for better for worse, through sickness and” yada yada yada. Then he would say “Uggh, can you just let me kiss her?!”- Made you, and his family laugh really hard. Got contagious and pretty soon, the whole room was laughing
- Did that thing where he swings you around in his arms, catching you before you fall, and kisses you passionately, knowing he made the greatest choice of his life
Kokichi Ouma
- He’d be lying if he said his suit wasn’t itchy. He wanted to take it off and burn it, but since you loved it, he stuck with it. For now- When you come walking down the isle, he had a grin on his face. Not his usual grin of smugness and deceivingness (is that a word?), but one of love and knowing he would love this girl forever
- When the pastor asked the questions “for as long as you both shall live?”, he merely said “Isn’t that why we’re all here~?”- That got the room to be filled with small laughs and giggles, and caused you to laugh too
- Would sneak a little tounge into the kiss, but only to tease you a little and get a reaction out of you. He was glad with the results~
- He would be freaking the freak out. He knew this day was coming, he saved it on the calendar with a lot of sticky notes and stickers, but he couldnt believe its here
- Would have to have his inner fans working on overdrive so he doesnt overheat with excitement
- Is litteraly only wearing a lil red bow tie, but its the cutest thing youve ever seen
- When you are walking down the isle, he is pverjoyed, which can be see in his eyes mainly. Their doing something like ^ ^
- He proudly and confidently says “I Do” when asked if he’ll take you as his bride. The kiss was a bit weird, but it meant so much to him, so it was the best in his opinion
Rantaro Amami
- He would not stop talking about how wonderful and amazing you looked in your dress afterwards
- Even when you came down the isle, he whispered how beautiful you looked before the pastor asked the questions
- His hair would be combed to the side, which seemed a bit weird at first, but it grew on you
- When he kissed you, it was passionate, but pretty quick. Your suprised how he made it so passionate with the 5 seconds he did it
- He promised that he will treat you like the most important person in his life, because thats what you were to him
Gonta Gokuhara
- Gonta couldnt really control his hair, and he didnt want to get it cut, so his friends just kinda tied it up in a ponytail
- He would be overjoyed the entire time, as seen on the huge smile on his face
- Still wouldnt be wearing any shoes, but he was at least wearing a monkey suit that kind of was too tight in his opinion
- When asked the questions, he said “ Oh yes! Gonta will love S/O, and take care of S/O, and...um....the rest of what you said”, making the room full of giggles and laughing
-The kiss would look a bit ood, him being the giant he is, but it was a passionate one
Ryoma Hoshi
- He would want to get it over quickly. Not because he didnt want to be here, but so he could finally call you his wife
- Wouldn’t know what to say when he saw you in your dress walking down the isle
- Would tell you how beautiful he thought you were when you stood by his side at the end of the hall
- When the pastor finished his questions, he said “Of course”. It was said with confidence and love
- The kiss was a bit awkward (like the size difference with Gonta), but it was a good one none the same
Korekiyo Shinguuji
I believe that i already did this one already
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