#but its xana so its more complicated
goth-automaton · 3 months
All if you'd want pretty please!
You really hate me, don't you? /joking
Okay, I'll try...
The basic idea of Haunted House AU was described here, so I won't elaborate on it (feel free to ask any questions, though!).
"Metal Gear Chaos: RE//connection" is an AU me and babe made some time ago. Basically, years after events of MGS4 supporters of Patriots created a new organization, dubbed Neo-Patriots, which prompted revival of Philanthropy, this time led by Snake and Otacon's daughters: Sunny and 4 years younger Emma. The AU follows various adventures of Philanthropy's members and adjacent characters, with whole character and story arcs.
"Story of a Phoenix" is an AU centred around daughter of Dabi and Hawks, Reimi Takami. The story starts at the reveal Dabi is pregnant and covers her life, through her childhood, her helping overthrow the hero system as a teen and later enrolment into a dance school in Berlin and career as a professional dancer. The AU later gets a bit derailed and shifts most of its focus towards Shigaraki's adopted daughter, Karina.
Roxene's native AU is, well, AU centred about my OC Roxene – a maid from Marluxia's past, who joins Org13 as a sorta housekeeper (castlekeeper?) and ends up becoming Org's emotional support animal. It later gets a bit complicated, as someone tries to get rid of her.
"Bur;al" is an AU, where Vexen, the main character, is a single mother of Zexion (14yo) and Xion (5yo). Following advice from his bff, Lexaeus, he moves from big city to a smaller one, where he gets hired as an embalmer at the local mortuary owned by forever absent Xemnas. The story is a mix of slice of life and horror, as shortly after his joining Vexen starts being haunted by... Something.
"unforget you" – during a mission in Realm of Darkness, Roxas and Xion get saved from a pissed off heartless by a mysterious entity. They later come back and befriend it. The entity, named by the two Xana, is pure Darkness with "a heart long dead and putrefied". Xana (they/them pronouns) doesn't know, who they actually are and what their past is. The story will focus on figuring that out, with only hint being Xana's seeming connection to a couple of Org's members.
Massive crossover AU (I think I'll call it "Automata: Mechanismus Mundi") – after events of KH3, Marluxia, Saïx (who's developed an alternate personality after recompletion, Isa), Vexen and Zexion have troubles with getting used to their new lives, especially with the fact they're expected to just let go of their experiences at Org and go back to who they were before it. At one point Vexen and Zexion are visited by Accord, who introduces herself as a Recorder – an android tasked with archiving events of various dimensions and timelines. It turns out some incarnation of Xehanort survived, discovered there are worlds beyond KH's multiverse and is now jumping through them, infesting them with heartless and causing tears in reality, which leads to people going missing. Accord demands someone to fix it. Zexion, Marluxia, Saïx/Isa and 2B, with Vexen as a mission control (he helps gather information about worlds the gang goes to) join her and travel through universes of various video games to defeat Xehanort and restore peace.
Unnamed ancient gods AU somehow sparked from this fic. Not long after Saïx's passing, Xemnas introduces new Number VII – Keizelex, the Violent Maiden. She comes from one of very few communities, that still practice Cult of the Ancients – once popular old religion centred on gods born with the whole universe, who were supposed to bring guidance to their followers and keep Laws of the Universe from being broken. The joining of Keizelex quickly destabilizes whole Org, as it becomes apparent that there is more to her, than it first seemed.
Circus KH AU – 16yo gymnast Xion, running away from her shitty stepmother, joins a circus owned by mysterious Xemnas and led by Xigbar. Features found family shenanigans, some suspicious shit going on behind the scenes, almost everyone having tragic backstories, Marluxia being pregnant and a polycule so complicated, I had to draw a diagram to somehow keep track of it:
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Also, Roxene is there and yes, she's also everyone's emotional support animal.
KH x DMMD AU (made with help of @overheaven) – pretty self-explanatory. Marluxia, Larxene, Xigbar and Aoba are a group of Rhymers belonging to a Rib gang, tasked with fighting other gangs to keep influence over parts of Midorijima (in this AU, it is possible to play Rhyme as a group instead of single PvP). At the same time, Marluxia and Larxene are co-parenting Marluxia's 4yo daughter, Naminé, and Aoba is taking care of his twin brother, Sei, and Sei's daughter of similar age to Naminé, Xion. Also, there is some shady shit going on related to a disbandment of a very influential Rib gang, that happened years ago after someone set their homebase on fire, killing their leader.
"Complicated and Filthy" – Marluxia (17yo, 3rd grade of high school) is a boyfriend of Xigbar (19yo), both are certified life disasters. One day he has to move in with Xigbar due to his parents kicking him out of the house – he got pregnant with Xigbar's baby. Basically slice of life drama. Secondary characters include a group of delinquents Marluxia is a part of: 4th grader and leader Aqua, fellow 3rd graders Larxene, Saïx and Demyx, 2nd grader Kairi and 1st graders Roxas and Xion (who actually isn't very deliquentish, but one day she just started hanging out with them and no one had a heart to tell her to go away. Now she's sorta emotional support mascot).
Brand new AU inspired by "American Mary" involves a polycule made of archivist Vexen (who's currently expecting a baby), owner of a small tattoo shop Xaldin, sex worker Saïx and med student Marluxia – main character. Saïx is working for Xigbar, a kind owner of an underground brothel, who treats his workers (and people related to them) like a family. Marluxia sometimes does some body mods for Xigbar's workers, mainly piercings and ear sharpening, at the back of Xaldin's tattoo shop (which is kinda illegal, 'cause he doesn't have license, but he's good at it + none of his clients is going to snitch). One night Saïx accidentally discovers, that one of his regular clients is smuggling drugs, which leads to the guy cutting an X on his face him to scare him. Furious Marluxia enacts revenge by mutilating the guy. Professionally mutilating the guy – while he does end in the hospital, he survives. Story about what he did quickly spreads over whole underground and Marluxia is asked by Larxene – Xigbar's old friend – to work at her back-alley aesthetic medicine clinic as a plastic surgeon. Marluxia first refuses, but in the end gets convinced because money. And then shit happens, when it turns out, that the drug dealing ring involves some people from Marluxia's university. Also, Zexion is there as a surgery assistant in Larxene's clinic.
*leans in their chair* That's all for the AUs I mentioned in the post. Thoughts, questions?
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hiemaldesirae · 1 year
please. I'm begging you for more crumbs about VADD!Shen Jiu and also that Roxana AU you have from that art post you did of the two.
As a VADD AND SVSSS fan, especially as a fan of the original villains— please. I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE. I'm actually in the process of outlining a crossover with the original goods of both.
by the way, LOVE your artstyle. scratches an itch i did not know existed in my brain. your chibis as well. they're so cute!!
oh you have no idea how long ive waited to talk about them. this mayyy get a bit long so ill leave it under the readmore.
disclaimer: i intend on finishing these fics so what im going to be talking about is inspirations and unfinished / abandoned ideas and other ideas i have for the works instead of anything relating to the plots themselves
for svadd, sj is a lot more complicated than he appears to be on the surface. im not so sure if what i have written currently is what i /want/ exactly because i know i want his character to go a certain way. the relationships between him and his modern-day friends is one meant to parallel the in-game "shen qingqiu" sj compares himself to and in much the same way, mirror the way that sy contrasts himself with sqq in canon: but instead of being condescending and viewing sqq as a one dimensional character, sj is able to appreciate his nuance while still being rightfully angry over his actions
to me, sj is supposed to be an unreliable narrator who constantly enforces his own thoughts. he tells himself over and over that he misses his home and that he wants to go back, that he absolutely needs to- but then, he turns the other way and finds himself being sucked even deeper into this different one.
i also really wanted to explore how sjs dynamic with a lot of the characters would be affected knowing that they were "based off" his real friends, but again im not very confident with how it came off lol
there was a lot of points in the story where i attempted to add in foreshadowing for the ending i want the story to take... in any case, it definitely wont go the same way as vadd, though i did toy with the idea of a "version" of sy being the main villain haha
(it might still happen for shits and giggles)
as for the roxanna au there are a lot of things ive wanted to do with this au and its good that i havent posted because it means i can keep revising til i come up with something good lol
its a liujiu au with some bingyuan / cumplane thrown into the mix (the cumplane is overwhelmingly toxic btw bingyuan is the healthy one out of the two here 😭) where yes sj is xana !!! he really just makes such a good manhwa villainess haha
i had been puzzling over what i wanted his motif to be-- after all, sj is typically associated with the simplicity and calming bamboo so the glittering butterflies wouldnt work with him- but after some deliberation i decided with using moths for him :3c still subject to change ofc but i think im happy with this as is
the story is somewhat similar to how roxanna goes but surprise sj isnt the transmigrator here! (and honestly, roxanna wouldve been sm better if xana hadnt been a transmigrator... or maybe i just think that because it was only used as a convenient plot point for her to know crucial info. sigh.)
my outline of how the roxanna au goes is basically this:
lqg fucks around and finds out
sj who has been seeing dreams of the "book" sy read knows what will happen to his family if lqg dies
at the same time: sy, transmigrator, attempts to make sure his only surviving older brother lives to a long happy life and the only way he can secure this is by fucking up that hack author
also i killed off qi-ge and idk if i want him to come back. he'll be like the stereotypical dead anime mother for this au lmao
hmm and i think thats all i have to say for these aus... thanks for giving me a chance to ramble on haha ~ much appreciated !! and thank you for the compliment, im flattered!! 🥹🥹💕
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perelka-l · 3 years
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idk i just wanted to draw jeremie and xana weh
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cuartosol · 4 years
bougierthanthou ha respondido a tu set de fotos
“I binged all Code Lyoko seasons and played Quest for Infinity and I’m...”
@hinazinnia what are their lives like in high school? How have they developed post XANA and Lyoko?
IM SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ill try to make this short and if you wanna know more you can always ask me! They are actually in college! Two disclaimers:
(1) im from spain, and my french is limited, i did my best in learning how college works in france, but im sure there are a lot of mistakes! (2) this takes place after the 4th season, ignoring evolution BUT maybe taking some cool ideas from there, even if i had only watched a couple of episodes
YUMI (19)
she went to study history to japan in her first year of uni, but felt disconnected from her peers and missed her life back in france. She returned to france and switched to a translation and interpreting degree, and thats where the story begins
she witnessed something (back in japan) that disturbed her and is related to xana but she refuses to talk to her old group of friends for some reason....
shes in her first year of bioinformatics (both her and jeremy skipped a year)
she’s been dating jeremy since highschool and kind of wants to break up with him. she loves him so much, but she is curious about forming a life outside of the same people she’s known since she came back to earth
this desire is also related to her feeling of being stuck in the same place, she’s been trying to discover new things (both realted to lyoko and her past, among other things) but feels she is often more busy with jeremy’s research than her own
she is the only one who had kept in contact with yumi
1st year computer engineering-mathematics (2 degrees in one lmao)
he’s secretly been developing his own virtual world, offline and with his own techonology
he also feels kind of disconnected from his friends (can you see the theme of my story), but unlike aelita, he feels like things should return to “normal”, aka, how they were back in kadic. (i wanna focus his character arc on learning how to adapt to changes)
ODD (18)
1st years of fine arts (but he will change to cinema in the future, he was just to scared to specialize his studies so soon... he needs to learn to value his own work and have more self-esteem
he lives with ulrich (and KIWI!!!) and he is a fucking mess but makes up for it bc he knows how to cook
he is the one who has more friends outside of the group, however he feels like he is just passing by and doesn’t have any deep conections to any of them
1st year business management. he l o a t h e s it but chose it bc he was lost as hell and his father was, as always, pressuring him
he teaches little kids martial arts and thats the only thing keeping him sane
he dated yumi from 15-16 until yumi told him she was leaving to japan and they had one of their fights. (he dated sissi out of spite which was a very bad thing to do... i think the lyoko warriors treat her really badly and id to make them work on that)
AND NOW ONTO THE PLOT,,,, Ulrich stumbles upon yumi on a morning jog and he’s like “what are u doing here i thought u were in japan” and yumi just. stares. and leaves.
so ulrich comes back home and rants to odd and odd says to tell the rest of the group for that night’s celebrations (its jeremy’s bday lmao). aelita tells them that she’s been talking with her but that she’s been ghosting her for the last month and she was acting weird before that.
she then gets a text from yumi telling her that william is in the hospital bc “he’s been getting worse” and odd reads it aloud and of course they go. everything is really awkward and they all have unresolved stuff (mainly that they were too young for al the shit they went through and none of them had found healthy ways to cope with it except ignoring it so being all together again is... yikes).
yumi is left alone with william and he attacks her and the gang help her just like the old times. jeremy is very convinced it was xana’s fault and wants to turn on the supercomputer to check, but they dont all agree (kind of pararell to their feelings towards turning it off in the show) and they part ways.
yumi knows more than she wants to say, beacuse she /knows/ that if she said it, it would make everything go back to square 1 and is it really their mission? is it their responsability?
i dont wanna say what is actually happening bc i had a comic/mini zine planned but that’s the main plot. just an overly complicated fic about changes and old friendships and dumb headcanons and a plot that is in fact an excuse to explore all the trauma that these kids must actually have lmao
if you wanna know more (about this au or just about my headcanons for the show), feel free to ask!
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cartoonsliveon · 5 years
Code Lyoko Headcanons
More Headcanons but they’re all mostly Odd centric
1. The only reason Odd resorts to sneaking Kiwi into school rather than acting like Kiwi is an emotional support dog like his older sisters suggested he do, is because out of all the pranks Odd pulls and the rules he bends or breaks, that is a line he won't cross. Kiwi isn't an emotional support or service animal, and Odd refuses to lie about needing that service when there are other people out there who need that service but are still denied it because jerks are lying and abusing it.
2. That being said, after becoming a Lyoko Warrior, Odd spent his summer break trying to get Kiwi certified as a therapy dog. Odd may not be the smartest kid in his grade but he's not oblivious to how stressed out all of his friends are. Having an evil AI out to kill you will do that to a person.
3. The therapy dog training goes surprisingly well. Odd wasn't sure if Kiwi would have the patience or personality for it because the dog likes to play so much. But Kiwi is incredibly smart and insightful, the dog knows Odd and his friends are struggling emotionally and wants to help any way the poor pooch can.
4. Sometimes Odd forgets that him and Aelita aren't actually cousins. It's just very easy for him to imagine spending his entire life teasing her and being around her. Calling her princess and making her laugh and teasing her come incredibly natural to him, as if she were any other member of his family. Like, once, when a long weekend was coming up and everyone was talking about going home for the week to be with family, Ulrich had asked what Aelita was going to do and Odd had casually and enthusiastically said, "Why, hang out with her favorite cousin of course at his house?" only for Jeremy and Ulrich to remind him that Aelita wasn't his cousin. And that her arrival would bring up too many complicated questions with his parents.
5. Odd struggles in school because he tends to learn better by acting and doing instead of just writing and listening. Writing and listening is okay, but he doesn't connect those pieces together unless he's doing something related to the topic to make it really sink in. However, because the teachers at Kadic don't recognize that he processes and remembers information differently than his peers, they just believe Odd is lazy, dumb, or hopeless.
6. In response, Odd feels pretty unmotivated in certain classes. He forces himself to find the motivation to work hard to pass because failing means leaving Kadic and leaving his friends to deal with XANA all on their own. Jeremy and Aelita are always there to help Odd study in a pinch when he needs them, but strangely enough its Jim who Odd has to thank sometimes for managing a C on his tests. Jim sees how well Odd does in gym class, and knows that a student who goes to so much trouble to pull practical jokes isn't lazy or dumb. Jim does what he can to help put things in context for Odd.
7. When Odd and Yumi switched places because of a glitch in the materialization program, Odd became an unexpected witness to Yumi's partially dysfunctional home life. Ulrich mentioned to Odd that the arguing could be really bed, but Odd couldn't really imagine what that meant. His parents don't really argue, not like Yumi's parents. Apparently, the night Odd and Yumi had to switch places was going to be an otherwise tough night. All of a sudden, after dinner, Odd just hears the arguing coming from downstairs and is awoken in the middle of the night to Hiroki crawling into his sister's bed for a shoulder to cry on.
8. After they turn back, Odd manages to pull Yumi to the side to let her know. He feels awkward telling her that her parents were fighting and her brother was so upset he went to his sister's room for support. It hurts him seeing the pained look in her eyes that she wasn't actually there for Hiroki and the fact that she suddenly can't meet his eyes as she thanks him for looking after her brother for her. It occurs to him then that this is normal for Yumi, and he hates it.
And also unfortunately for Odd, despite taking care of Hiroki for Yumi, she's still pissed about everything he's done while he was in her body.
9. Odd’s favorite Disney movie is hands down either the Fox and the Hound or Lilo and Stitch. 
10. Originally, Odd was really annoyed when Ulrich and Yumi decided to just be friends. But once he finds out, after a lot of pestering, from Yumi that she was afraid they would argue exactly like her parents and ruin their relationship, Odd is incredibly floored by the level of maturity being thrown at him.
He does everything he can to help change the situation so Yumi doesn’t see her and Ulrich’s relationship as a mirror of her parents. He does everything he can, without telling Ulrich or being too obvious, to help Ulrich change his argument causing, jealous tendencies.
11. After graduating Kadic, Odd is the one who decides to make a graphic novel series about their adventures as the Lyoko Warriors. Everyone was okay with it, on the condition that Odd doesn’t use any of their real names and that they get some of the royalties.
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draconesmundi · 5 years
Are dragons the only magical creatures in your setting? And what is magic exactly? Does it only allow things to float/fly?
There are more magical creatures in the setting! Different magic does different things - I have kept this deliberately vague within the book because the last time I tried to fully flesh out the world, I wrote an entire alternate timeline for Earth, and the book had a sad ‘oh no magic is fading’ undertone to it, and honestly I was glad when someone gave me some honest criticism for that setting sucking a little.
So, in an earlier draft, magic was a force that could do lots of things, but the more it faded from the world, the more you forgot about it, and the book had a SUPER PRETENTIOUS vibe of “oh, you think this is a work of fiction, but dragons existed, you just FORGOT THEM”.
Humans did not have a lot of magic, but there was evidence that they used to have the ability to talk to animals in ancient times, which is why stories had talking animals in them (when actually studying allegory and why certain animals are chosen to have speaking roles in mythology is a lot more fun!)
Dragons used to have lots of magic, but because ‘global warming’ the magic that allowed them to fly was changing, meaning they could not fly any more, making it more difficult for them to hunt. The ‘author notes’ at the start scoffed and said “we can’t forget dragons, we have pictures of them everywhere, it would be impossible for them to undergo a magical extinction and be forgotten” and then at the end was all “well I am glad I wrote this work of fiction, no idea where i got these ideas for” - overall a bitter and bleak series of ideas that I am glad I scrapped.
HOWEVER in that world I had all sorts of magic planned, and certain animals had evolved to interact with magic, while others did not. I mention xanas (fairies in Asturian mythology) in my current draft, but not a lot of other magical creatures. Dragons mainly have adaptations for levitation magic, which is by far the most well-thought-out type of magic, but a few dragons are capable of glamours.
Magic is a tool I want to use lightly; if any animal can make glamours, it could easily create the perfect bait for catching it’s prey, or could easily become invisible for hunting. If an animal could use magic, it is an unfair advantage over other animals in the ecosystem. Therefore with every magical animal, I would have to think SUPER CAREFULLY about how its powers and evolution go hand-in-hand.
I want unicorns in this world. I love unicorns. They have healing powers in their horns, how does this effect their ecology? They are solitary animals in mythology, so obviously they don’t do social grooming and healing - the magic of their horn must be for healing themselves, but that would mean their healing powers are limited to where they can poke their horn using complicated gymnastics...
Unless of course, unicorn horns aren’t magical, and they were hunted to extinction based on false medicinal claims, similar to how rhinos are being hunted today - SAVE THE RHINOS https://www.savetherhino.org/what-we-do/ - in which case, do unicorns need to be magic? (I want them to be so the answer is ‘yes of course’)
But there is so much to consider for every mythological animal, so I mostly avoid it by saying “this book focuses on dragons, only dragons” but occasionally saying things like “this dragon evolved glamours, similar to the glamours used by fairies” and “the mythology of this dragon was probably inspired by a species of mermaid that had strong associations with this dragon”.
World building Earth but with all the mythological animals being ‘real’ is difficult because there are sentient creatures in stories. Do the huldrefolk have a say in Swedish politics for example? There is so much to consider and I mostly avoid this by not fully building the world.
Canon magic and creatures mentioned in text:
-’Fairies’ as a general concept
-Xanas as a specific fairy
-Levitation magic
-Glamour magic
Magic and ideas I have considered:
-magically produced fire (used by some fairies)
-magical lights
-magical empathy
-trolls, trolls, more trolls
-elves and working out if elves are a type of troll or a type of fairy, maybe making a fairy-troll-goblin-elf-giant clade
-ungulate mythological creatures, unicorns, kirin etc.
-birds such as pheonixes, garuda birds, so many birds...
-UFOs but they are just sky jellyfish (based on a theory I read in Fortean Times)
-having spiritual creatures such as fairies, angels, demons, ifrits, djinnis etc. being beyond known biology and having an entire separate science for studying them
While it is frustrating that I never fully flesh out and explain magics other than levitation magic, I hope this means people are more free to use their imagination when reading the book. Maybe I’ll write a sequel on other magical animals, maybe I will not. Until then, we know magic exists in my version of the world, but the limits of it are not set in stone so feel free to imagine what sort of shennanigans can occur beyond the pages of the book.
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machimachilegends · 6 years
Discord Fusion (Shockwave Fist Fusion)
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A Fusion Procedure learned by Jun as reward for safely escorting Queen Whitney through the Milky Way Galaxy without a single scratch and his visible determination to become even tougher.
Unfortunately, Jun has never gotten the chance to use the technique himself in the Main Continuity (to create Xana), after failing to apply it while tagging with Suki, mostly due to how complicated resonating was at the time.
However, Suki did perform a clutch Discord Fusion with Damian in Oblivion to combat the Berserk Demon named Cinos to put a stop to his rampage.
When performed perfectly, the accessible potential power of both parties can skip 3 to 4 leagues over their combined strengths as baseline strength, at best.
It is conducted by singularly colliding fists of equal force. Then the force gauges the accessible potential power both parties have, and not a beat later, they must resonate their souls and establish a perfect link before the shockwave phases out.
If it fails, both participants take hefty recoil and undergo spiritual fatigue, making for a risky fusion but eased miscommunication between them and the enemy.
The personality & appearance is strictly based on the positives of both participants with a hair color focused on their least favorite color and a typically unfavorable fashion sense that suits the warrior produced opposed to the individuals within.
This is why Xana has green hair and a seemingly super random string of dialogue and a cyberpunk novelist look. It is also the reason why Discord Fusions have out of place techniques.
The time limit is three seconds per 1.8×10^30 Joules.
Celestial Fusion (Lip Contact Fusion)
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A Fusion Procedure taught to Suki and co. by angels in the 1st Continuity, and to Suki and Damian by Fuu in the 2nd Continuity. One to combat the gods corrupted by Lucifer, and the other to advance the chi quality of prodigy warriors.
Although the 3rd Continuity simply has Fuu retrain the technique for Suki and Damian to learn, since it wasn't properly explained that time around. The 4th/Main Continuity falls under a similar boat, except the skill was archived by mortals prior to Suki learning about it from angels.
This technique was used by the 4th Continuity's Suki multiple times, creating the warriors known as Satomi (Suki & Mirai), Dai/Daiki (Suki & Damian), and Hitomi (Suki & Aile).
Each produced warrior has always yielded enough power to close the gap and get the job done (usually), but were normally reserved til the end either thanks to the enemy actively trying to prevent it, an educated guess on its effectiveness, and/or their own pride & views on Fusion as a whole. Henceforth why Suki and Courtney haven't merged for battle. It doesn't help every time it's used, the individuals involved feel a bit closer or obliged to interact.
Celestial Fusion is a very consent focused ability, which is very had to cheat akin to Discord Fusion. This Fusion is performed by locking lips and syncing breathing, movements, and energy signatures together, sometimes Soul Resonance.
Since its basis is breathing, which indirectly ties to spiritual application of energy manipulation, it implies the Fusion Trigger while complicating the Fusion Condition.
Celestial Fusion's power depends on the bond and dynamics between both fighters and their pinnacle power both bodies can withhold, harness and maintain at the moment and potential power second, leading to an average power jump of 2 to 4 even 5 tiers or leagues to their combined efforts.
The personality takes from the best and worst aspects of both individuals and cranks it up to 11, while the core appearance is a balanced blend between both participants, and new clothing acting as a representation of both styles, personalities or their pasts (deepest memories).
It's the key reason Satomi dawns a more regal yet loose attire while other Celestial Fusions a character like Suki is in are more dressed to travel.
The timer is dependant on the users, but is usually 5 minutes for beginners, and 2 minutes if fatigued or stressed.
Spirit Fusion (Self Sacrificial Fusion)
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A Fusion Procedure similar to Celestial Fusion in terms of consent, except far more strict and way more powerful, with the added fact it's permanent.
See, Spirit Fusion takes the entire being of one individual and converts it into a spirit, then the vessel and spirit of the other. Since the spirit can be rejected, it's normally done as a final testament or act of love by a dying person, which eases few who find the rare offer to perform Spirit Fusion into going through with it for a major power-up. Even if both participants are dying the merger will heal all wounds once complete.
This Fusion is best done by taking the strongest body and weaker soul, then combining it with the stronger soul that just boosted more by being converted into a soul as the product warrior who may or may not go by a new name (with limit physical changes) has the absolute strength & sheer potential of one's body and another's soul multiplied by each other.
Users of this Fusion are Mana & Jun, Life & Dienna, and 5th Continuity Suki & Mirai.
Jun became more open-minded, gained slightly feminine features through Mana, and all the powers of an understudy reaper and indirect access to the Black Garden. Sometimes Jun goes by the name Juana.
Dienna gained the alchemic powers of Life, brighter hair, and became less nervous in the presence of her peers and a sharper mind. Dienna can oddly contact Life due to Life already being somewhat abstract.
Unlike Jun and Dienna, Sirai/Sumirai/Sukimi/Miruki (Suki & Mirai) takes on a more traditional name blend (instead of Satomi) and has the recommended roles reversed, which is why Sukimi; sometimes called Miki, takes after Mirai so much but "happier" and more energetic. The only physical difference is her dual colored eyes and gold glitters of magic.
Do note: Suki had the stronger body at the time of her Spirit Fusion with Mirai opposed to now.
P.S.: Other Fusion Procedures do exist but these are the main 3.
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tumblunni · 8 years
Okay! Brief masterpost list of all the npcs I have planned so far for Changeling Sim!
Vyers - boss of the evil fairy extermination unit CCT. Kind of a petulant manchild who really should not be trusted with all this destructive power. Also Glenn’s brother. poor Glenn! Xana Mega - the fairy queen. Ominous-as-hell ruler of the otherworld who granted the protagonist this magical child to raise. Shrouded in mystery~! Nicnevin - Head of the royal guard, extremely proud and holds a very personal grudge against the protagonist. Hates humans but from her perspective she has every reason to, she wants to protect the kingdom she loves. Rafferty - Grumpy finance minister/jester of the fairy court, hated by all. Might possibly be secretly a sympathetic sad ol grandpa with a complicated backstory~! Alberich - Previous ruler, fairy king and father of Xana. Died tragically a few years ago. Also shrouded in mystery. May have possibly had a secret affair with a certain jester. [no name yet] - Royal scribe/librarian and father of Anem. [no name yet] - Optional mercenary character who’s sorta just a party member and doesnt get involved in the plot. She’s the smarts of the duo, and sort of a cliche rough and tumble thief class character. [no name yet] - See previous. He’s the brawn of the duo, but also sorta the common sense to his partner’s greedy recklessness. he’s also incredibly shy and kind despite his imposing appearance, and is good at baking muffins. [also no name yet] - Local DJ of the human town, provides helpful gossipy tips and acts as the Charisma stat teacher. [nooooo name yet] - DJ lady’s elderly auntie, joint Charisma stat teacher. She teaches the formal manners you might need in the royal court, while her niece teaches the street smarts. [guess what no name yet] - Mysterious spirit who pops up occasionally in treasure chests to give you a bonus minigame, cos I thought that was a cool feature in Dark Chronicle for the ps2. [i cant believe its not name yet] - Gruff and grumpy baker woman who’s a potential party member. Just an ordinary human from human world, but is surprisingly effective at beating people up with a rolling pin! [its a name! whoops no i lied] - Mysterious rebel child lurking around a train station in the human world, is secretly a cat fairy haunting the place and pulling mischief. Love interest. [absence of name] - Undeveloped other love interest idea: a fellow student at human school who gets dragged into the protagonists’ supernatural affairs and pretty much freaks the heck out. [nil nicht naught nanashi] - The landlord of the protagonists’ apartment, a family friend, and owner of the clothing shop. A kindly agender friendo~!
man i hope i havent forgotten anybody, i really need to organise my disjointed thoughts more
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rockerchick1330 · 8 years
~ Flower ~ A Chris Cornell fanfiction (Chapter 9)
Hey again hunnies! Sorry I haven't been posting so often, school recently resumed for me and, ya know -_- xD but I am excited cause I do have a lot of great ideas for the plot, hope you guys enjoy! Love you all and thank you so much for the support! XOX!! (This is Star's POV btw) Warning: This chapter does contain explicit, sexual content... The staircase was probably a faint blur at that moment. I constantly batted my eyelids until the thin, sheen of liquor based influence cleared it's infestation of my pupils. The bitter, yet cloying, taste of victorious spirit still lingering on my tongue. It was certainly responsible for the undefeatable grin plastered across my curled lips, twitching wider until my flushed cheeks ached. The bubbling din of Xana's drunken giggles that emitted like joyful sobs from her throat were quite peculiar, considering the lack of comical humor that Andy condoned. Her feet swirled and danced on the staggered brick path, the stiletto heel of her shoes often snapping sharply against the concrete. "Careful babe," Andrew snorted, rather amused than concerned of Xana's mentally numb condition. He coiled a protective arm around her tiny waist in assistance to avoid any minor incidents. After scribbling what I had assumed to be my originally designed signature on the freshly printed contract, I reminisced on the previous celebration. The loud, flustering cheers of finally being recognized as a foreign, Seattle Hard Rock band suffocated and drowned my self esteem positively. The vivid memory of Layne and Mike encouraging me to chug what appeared to be a quart of infused Vodka. The tingle and smoldering singe as the smooth, what I considered to be at the time, elixir rolled down my gullet. That thrilling after flame that left the linen of my throat raw. Yet, the satisfying pain wasn't enough to distract and amputate the roaring, distorted applause and jeers that followed immediately. With the liquor still churning in my stomach and my immunity barely flinching at its perilous contents, I retrospected on the latter consequences which I further disregarded. The professionally documented and typed sheet of great exaltation flitted and jolted my visual thoughts. The way I had the least heed for the seemingly endless paragraphs, transcripted in ebony ink. Skimming through the elegant font array of sentences just to display some sort of discretion, I hovered atop the labelled, dotted line. Its broken base already autographed by the uniquely drawn signatures of my band mates, I felt a sharp tremble and anxiety spume inside of me. Lines I assumed would've been jaggedly written were perfectly equable as my soul, gravitating on the carbonated ripples of my drinks. With both record executives offering us the typical introductory speech and invitation, an attentive Ashton absorbed most of the information. My attention was diverted on the most regular and uneventful individual in an assembly of notable, ensuing melees. Previously preaching the gospel of Rock 'N' Roll on stage, my eyes had strayed to the shady, sexy figure observing silently on the back. Neither of his fists were lodged into the air and his jaw was clenched shut, not permitting any chants or screeches of support. Clad in the sleek, appealing leather jacket I absolutely adored and fawned upon when he was clothed in it. His long, moisturized curls cascading down his broad, squared shoulders and his ghastly pale complexion shimmering beneath the flickering audience lights. The florid, overdone stage smokers occasionally fogged and clouded the once prominent view of him. I contemplated on the sudden adrenaline rush fumbling with my mature status and in exchange for foolish illusions, but I knew for a certain fact, it had to be whom I was convinced it was. Spitting lyrics out and attempting to congregate how he could've possibly slipped out of the insecure gaze of Susan was overwhelming. My consistent breaths and hesitation on particular lines disoriented my tongue, tying it into tricksy knots. Failing to shove and rid the sensual and intimate fantasizes of him out of my subconscious, I struggled to latch back onto the clasp of my usual performance ego. The moaning of Brandon's whammy bar piercing like a struck bell and creeping through the speakers. The way Ashton's fingers explored and journeyed across and beyond the frets of his guitar, performing licks that weren't even comprehendible. I felt my chest tremble, my rib cage shiver as Cyd's rhythmic bass line seeped like liquid gold from her rusted strings. Paired with Tristan's ridiculously angst amplified drumming, both were coupled romantically. Their depth pleasing the ears of dozens of spectators and fans, making it all the more satisfying to experience. But then, I could've no longer excused the mysterious, abstruse figure, for he was then trudging sluggishly beside me. His hands were buried within the grave of his pockets awkwardly as he occasionally attempted to conceive a normal, casual conversation. Skipping up the staircase, I refused to halt and await his presence as to conceal the existent endearment I shared with him. For cautionary purposes, Andy didn't hesitate or even inquire consent before scraping Xana off her feet. "Andy!" She squealed, struggling abundantly within his cradle intended arms. She punted her legs ferociously whilst wavering and deliberately flinging noneffective blows at his chest. "Baby, calm down!" His intentions of being placid and soothing were completely misinterpreted by his agitated, altercated tone. "No! I'm not a baby!" She bickered like a pouty, aggravated child. Being oblivious to her argument, her milky, shaved legs jolted, rather fiercely that time considering that her left shoe was then plummeting towards an untamed, decorative rose bush. "Fuck," I heard Andy hiss beneath a heavy, irritated breath. "My shoe! Go get it Andy!" Xana instantly swapped her once savage and violent behavior for one of much more agony and affliction for a materialistic object. Either way, Andy hadn't threatened to disobey an intoxicated Xana, bidding Chris and I farewell as we hurried up the creaky stairs. Our weight occasionally shifted the metal planks, a hazardous event I had grown accustomed and acquainted with. "Hey, Star-" arriving at the top floor, he somewhat timidly hailed my attention. "U-Uhh, about what happened today." I hadn't any confidence to properly assemble words, far much for my ability to avoid necessary eye contact. I apprehensively coughed, clearing my throat of the intentional hitch of air that dared to choke me. "W-What?" I ignorantly blurted, tripping over the complicated obstacles that were embarking on my tongue. Just the brief recall of the comprising, yet absolutely orgasmic, encounter Chris and I endured permitted a bright red glow that tinted my cheeks. The surreal feel of his hot, obscene touch merely scratching the surface of my sexual pinnacle. How delicious and delightful his long, calloused fingers apperceived my inner heat, stroking me in that undescribable pattern. He brushed every single inch of my valid weak spots, making me vulnerable, feeble beneath his accomplished smirk. My already aroused girlhood fluttered, reminiscing on how exceptionally he stimulated its palpitating nub of pink flesh. My teeth reflexively clenched my lower lip on the erotic vision of how warm my skin rose from his singular tease. But the most pleasurable and achingly amazing sensation was my achieved climax. It was beautiful, that final contraction and then the sharp ripples of my internal muscles. It was amatory and wonderful, that finishing cry and tight buckle of my pelvics. I would've sacrificed anything I was required to to experience a lengthy, passion driven intercourse session with Chris. "When we-" he paused abruptly as he gazed down at my lowered chin. "Well, when I touched you." I pursed my lips into a thin, firm line, fiddling nervously with the frayed ends of my distressed, acid washed jeans. "Chris, I-I don't know what to say," I mumbled rather charily whilst he ran his tongue along his chapped, bruised lips. Though he labored with the use of understood gestures to plead for applicable, visual communication, my aplomb had withered like the petals of a shriveling rose. I adverted my attention to the semi reflective surface of his boots, the disheveled laces making me cringe mentally from its lack of uniformity. My initial ambition was to ignore the emotional incision that spewed and exhausted my heart, trading it for a more unchanged and aloof spunk. Briefly surpressed by a figurative impediment, I coughed and shrugged either off my tensed shoulders. It was excruciating to mask my true intentions and love for him beneath the girl I attempted, but failed, to be. "I'm sorry for-" "No! No!" I denied and interrupted his sincere apology. Alternating my body language, I tilted my hips in accordance to the shifted weight amongst my legs. Slightly levitating my chin humbly and indolently swaying, I proceeded. "It was n-nothing really," there was an unintended strain in my voice when falsely confessing our affair was of no worth. His eyes frowned at me sympathetically, knowledgeable enough to recognize my transparent lie. "Nothing? What happened today was nothing to you?" He muttered questionably, unfazed by my unrealistic reply to react properly. We were shortly disturbed by the familiar wail that was squawked a floor beneath us. "Fuck! Fuck these motherfuckin' thorns!" He easily disregarded Andrew's cry of arrogation whilst I attempted to alter it into a distracted, miserably doing so unsuccessfully. "I think it meant more to you than it did to me." His assumption immediately captivated me in his skillfully invented snare. "T-That's not true," I spat hastily, abusing my innocent tongue for emitting such fibs. My jaw firmly clenched as my teeth sank into the inner flesh of my lips, silencing my untruthful phrases. I knew well he hadn't been swindled by my charade, proof being the twitching smirk that itched the corners of his lips. With the faint, apologetic moon mimicking his current emotions then, she casted a tender, ghoulishly romantic glow onto our silhouettes. Stumbling back against the front door and wincing at its irritating groan, he properly confronted my figure, skyscraping above my head. "You're a really bad liar babe," he mused, a mere grin tickling at his tempting, irresistible lips. I was immensely startled by his swift motion, barricading my body within the defense of his toned, leather clad arms. His fists solidly plastered onto the door behind and occasionally brushing on my curves as if the intended contact was an incident. My constant wheezing was audible then as he leaned at an appropriate level and reluctantly distanced our faces. That beautiful shimmer and sparkle that wedded his astounding emerald irises never failed to dupe me into a serene epiphany. His pale, perfectly chiseled features and alluring body added to the undeniable urge I felt for him. I desperately grasped at my sanity and control, reminiscing on the later remorse that would've haunted me. But I hungered for him, lusted after his touch and kiss, I needed him, buried deep within me, physically without any boundaries. "Is it that obvious?" I breathed, exchanging necessary oxygen with him, thirsty for any substance that contained matters of him. His hands were then fluctuated on my waist, firmly preparing me for what was soon to occur. Savoring the absolutely delicious taste of his lips as he sloppily latched onto my tongue, my eyelids grew heavy with the great mass of lust weighing them down. Feeling his arms snake around the entirety of my waist, I noosed my frail arms around his neck, gravitating on the very tips of my toes. "Chris," I muffled between our passionate kiss when his either hands heaved and groped at my full, prominent butt cheeks. "Fuck, I just need to see your body one more time," he sighed, regaining the brief disconnection with an equality of desire. "I just need to hear you moan my name again." My skin crawled like six legged fiends on beneath my flesh, making my body violently shiver within his secure prison. Finally committing to him, I breathed, dainty and soft. "P-Please, I need you Chris." Due to a sudden, lustful and horny impulse, he snapped at my lower lip, clenching it sharply between his teeth. Sucking at it and chastely licking its moisturized surface, I whimpered in delight and gasped. "I wanna make you feel so good," he seductively mumbled, lingering on my already swollen lips. "I want you sprawled out and moaning so loud for me when I finally have you." I unintentionally moaned, pleasured just by the unholy thought of hot, procrastinated sex with him. The mild foreplay and exchanging of filthy innuendoes were persuading us accurately, that was until his forsaken brunette snake slithered in... ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ I groaned, bothered and harassed by the vivid imagery of what had previously happened, excluding the interrupting melee from Susan. I uncomfortably shifted and revolved around my scattered, futile sheets that were much too distraught to provide coverage. The fragrance of his musky, alluring cologne infinitely dwelled on his indigo flannel I somewhat alleviated myself within. My digital clock flickered with bold, red numerals which accordingly read '1:35 A.M'. I was unable to analyze or comprehend the idea of slumber. The concept of Chris irritated and nagged annoyingly at me, depriving me of any relief of relaxation. Observing intently as the scarlett digits increased by each ticking minute, another sixty seconds of my deteriorating life squandered on him. My bed was the grave of the underlying scenario that we both part took in several hours before. Its deranged spirit whispered of my sinful disobedience to my once instilled oath. Fluctuating in multiple, unsatisfying directions on my unleveled, measled mattress, I forced my face into my fluffed pillow. The severe, suicidal contemplation of simply stifling myself within the feathers and cloth floated across my subconscious like an innocent cloud wavering amongst the sky. Discreetly exiting my regular thoughts, I stiffened at the sound of heavy, unsteady footsteps thumping down the corridor. Assuming it was Chris roaming the hallway and scraping the kitchen for left over delicacies or expired meals, I presumed to my normal plotting and suggestions. I didn't expect the abrupt introduction of his figure creeping into my room. A streak of yellow light seeped into the ebony atmosphere, approximately glaring straight into my squinted eyes. With shrunken pupils, I inspected his dark silhouette, immediately biting my sore lower lip slightly. His loosely hung boxers, sewed and embellished with a checkered design, barely clung to him. The elastic band of his briefs hung with peril on his extreme, low torso, exposing a mere inch of his muscular indented 'V'. Paired with the nonexistent shirt he wore, I immediately fawned over his sexy, appearance. "Chris, what are-" he harshly shut the door behind him, not exasperated by the still erect lock that perched open. The lack of lights made it difficult to properly detect what his purpose of entering so exaggeratedly was required for. I only realized his ambition when he invited himself to hover on top of my tiny figure. "I'm not finished with you babe," he growled, immediately beginning his intended goal. Clenching both the buttoned seams of the oversized, rugged flannel I was huddled into, with a single, brutal tug, my bare chest was no longer secluded. Before having a moment to protest, he pinned my wrists down on the ruffled covers of my bed, migrating his lips to my neck. My argument only emitted as a faint gasp and moan, thoroughly enjoying his constant, violent nibbling and sensual sucking at my tender flesh. He was already familiar and accustomed with my body. With eventual lag and a teasing ego, he finally arrived at my perky, round breasts. Adorning them with hot kisses that threatened to burn or singe my flesh, I sighed as my chest heaved and released. "Ah! Chris!" I whimpered when he began suckling at one of my erected, solid nipples. Grazing his warm tongue on every single inch of my boobs, my twinging embarrassment or, perhaps more appropriately, shame faltered away like ashes crumbling from blue flames. My skin immediately roused in temperature, contagiously spreading throughout my entire body. Paving his path down my cleavage and flattened stomach, I hesitated when he taunted the waistline of my vulgar panties. "C-Chris," I wheezed as his tongue traced the spacious region between both my pelvics. My heart was palpitating at a surreal rate along with the rapid flow of my blood curdling through my veins. The vague puncture of fear struck me. "I-I'm scared," I honestly confessed as he fiddled with the satin trim of my underwear. "Shh-" he hushed gently, his lips brushing intimately on my inner thighs. "Don't be scared, I promise I won't hurt you." With his fingers prying my panties down and permitting them to dangle around my ankles, he briefly savored a moment to admire my pubic area. Licking his lips and firmly fixating my limbs on how he desired me to be positioned, a shallow breath hitched in my mid throat. "Relax for me," he purred with his hot breath purposely fanning against my glistening genitals. His soothing words smoothed out my ridged edges and choppy fright, leisurely easing my pressure like magic. He firmly grasped onto my thighs, so tightly that my skin seeped through the gaps of his long fingers. With sufficient time to plot out his performance, I pursed my lips and screwed my eyes shut. All his persuasion finally paid their debts in the end. I strangled the sheets from my iron grip, moaning aloud as an approval of his current gesture. His tongue was soft and supple against my shimmering, folds, concentrating especially on my plump, aching clitoris. "Mhmm," I whimpered, my body jostling sharply when he proceeded to pacify my flitting clit. "O-Oh! Chris, I-I." My hips automatically bucked, angling myself for him to make proper love to my flesh orally. The undescribable pleasure tingled and swished inside of me as events developed more erotic and heated whilst he preserved strong eye contact with me through his curtained hair. I grinded against his then inserted fingers and tongue, edging myself to an absolute wonder of an orgasm. "Ohh! Oh yes!" I convinced him more. My toes curled as a thin, sheen layer of sweat built upon the surface of my skin. I felt myself hot and boiling within my lower abdomen, reflexively earning subtle screams and cries then. Easily predicting my oncoming climax by my obvious reactions and muscle contractions, I pouted and whined when he distanced his once consistent lips from me. "D-Don't stop, please," I pleaded as he licked the residue fluids up from the scape and circumference of his lips. Cleansing his sticky fingers with his mouth and returning to kiss me, my interestingly queer taste still lingered on his skilled tongue. "I've got something better for you babe," he whispered sexily as I raked my nails down the width of his firm, strong back... That night was it, the blissful farewell to my purity. The pleasurable moment of combing with his being, becoming singular in soul and mind with him through physical contact. It was impeccable, beautiful, perfectly executed. But nothing, not even considering our passionate sex, was enough to defeat the comforting promise we vowed to one another. "I love you Chris, so much." "I love you more Starlett, I always loved you."
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