#but its from translunaer
shhhsecretsideblog · 19 days
Your prompt request #13 "not here... not now..."
In the midst of a battle between two kingdoms, you go into labor. While the city breaks into chaos, you try to escape while trying to deny the birth.
Female character can either deliver the child deep in the woods while on the run or hiding in the rubble, trying to keep quiet as she births her child.
You choose! And thank you for choosing to make an account for your wonderful work! Obsessed with your first fic! 🫶
Not Now… Not Here…
[This was one of the first asks/prompts I received and made me so happy to have created this side blog. Thank you so much Anon for your request and your kind words at the end. Hope you enjoy! 💜 Fpreg 2917 words & Beta’d by the wonderful @gravid-transluna ]
Marion stood by the open window in her bedroom, hands braced against the window sill, as she watched the billows of smoke and the sounds of screaming get closer and closer to home. Tensions had been building between Alleria and its neighbouring kingdom for many years and it had only been a matter of time before one of the Kings ordered their troops to attack. The battle had been raging for days… weeks now, with news from the frontlines making it back to the city as the wounded returned. Unfortunately for the residents in Alleria the battleground was moving ever closer towards the city, and for Marion this was even more unfortunate for she was currently deep in the throes of labour.
She gripped the wooden ledge below her window and bounced her knees and hips through the latest contraction.
“Mnnnnhhhhh… oh little one, you have a terrible sense of ti— ohhhhhh… timing.” Marion moaned softly, her hips swaying instinctively as the tightening coursed across her middle while the weight of the baby’s head filled her pelvis.
When the contraction had faded back into a dull ache Marion looked up again at the city slowly falling to the destruction of war. The smoke seemed closer than it had an hour ago, the battleground was heading right across the city in the direction of her home. The pains had started yesterday but were manageable back then - she could continue moving around and getting everything prepared for the birth. The war was far from the city at that point and it did not occur to Marion that she would not be safe to labour and birth here - Alleria had never allowed their borders to be penetrated before, but the invading Kingdom’s forces were too strong.
Marion held the underside of her heavy and tight belly, her thin olive green dress stretched around her enlarged middle. She had never given birth before but had helped in many a delivery around the town. It was a rite of passage for a woman to deliver her children - the men-folk would almost never be present while the labouring mother would be supported by female friends, family or neighbours.
Marion didn’t have any of those but she wasn’t phased to be doing this alone - she preferred things that way. However, as she looked down through her window at the empty and deserted street below, fear and panic began to claw at her thoughts. Perhaps she should flee the city as well. A loud scream and sound of metal against metal echoed through the streets. The battle was getting closer, she needed to leave. Now.
Grabbing a canvas bag Marion quickly threw some items inside; blanket, clothes, water, food. As she was frantically waddling around her small rented room another contraction hit out of nowhere only minutes after the last.
“Hoooooooo— oh fuck….” Marion doubled over and braced her thighs as the pressure and pain skyrocketed. Her pelvis was being pulled apart as the baby’s head shoved its way through, almost certainly at the top of her cervix by now. The immeasurable weight and pressure was overwhelming and Marion found herself grunting against it.
“Mnnghhhh!!!” Marion growled, but the sound was swallowed by a loud explosion coming from a few streets away.
“Ooooh… so— so low. Don’t come now baby, just a— a little bit longer.” She pleaded to her rounded belly, holding it with both hands as she straightened back up. Grabbing her bag of supplies Marion bolted for the door to the stairs at the back of the building. She had to get out of here, get herself far away from the incoming battleground before she delivered this babe.
The stairs were awkward and difficult to descend with her dangerously wide gait from an extremely low baby. But Marion eventually made it down to street level and looked around; there was no one left - everyone had already fled. She waddled as fast as she could in the opposite direction from the rising cries of battle, her hands holding up her taut and tensing belly as if her grip alone could stop her labour. Marion was too busy worrying about safe routes out of the city to realise the next contraction was fast approaching and when it struck she found herself dropping into a deep squat in the middle of the cobbled street.
“Grrrrrrrhhhhh….! Oh Gods… So— so much pressure!” She groaned, her bag of supplies slipping from her shoulder as she squatted and grabbed her knees. Instinctively she mooed and growled her way through the latest wave, each one seeming to strike with more ferocity than the last. Marion would be self-conscious making such a public display of her labouring but with the streets deserted she allowed herself to make whatever noises she needed to get her through the pain of childbirth.
Eventually it passed, but the delay in her movements meant the sounds of battle were only a stone's throw away. The harsh sounds of doors and windows smashing echoed off the buildings and Marion thought she could hear incoming heavy footsteps. If the owners of the heavy stomps were just of Allerian troops then she would be okay but, if they were of the invading forces there was no telling what they would do with a woman wandering alone on the streets. The clinking of swords colliding got louder. Both troops were getting closer. Marion could not get caught in the crossfire - she’d be as good as dead.
She ran, as fast as her wide legs could carry her, away from the brutal fighting. She barely made it round the corner down a narrow side street when she was forced to stop once more. Slumped against the brick wall, Marion curled around her hard belly and trembled as she struggled to stay upright. The heavy boulder of a baby’s head was right there, filling her birth canal with so much pressure she thought she might explode. There was no stopping the primal grunt that rattled her throat as every muscle seemed to contract and squeeze the baby towards its exit.
“Nnghhhhh!!!” She roared against the pain and it was immediately followed by a gush of warm liquid running down her thighs and splashing the beige cobbles underfoot. At the tail end of the contraction she felt it - deep in her genes an instinct was telling her to start pushing.
“No….” She whimpered. “Not now… not here… hoohoo-hoohoo…” Marion panted erratically, fighting against her body’s advancing labour.
When the contraction somewhat eased the mother-to-be staggered bowlegged down the deserted side street, the large head shoving its way through her cervix. She made it through to the next street over but Marion had no clue where she was going, no planned destination she was trying to reach. Instead she was just desperately waddling as far away as she could from the noise of battle. She thought she had more time to find an alternate place to give birth but the increasing weight and pressure between her legs was soon proving her wrong. Out in the open of this new street she doubled over against a shop window - palms flat on the glass, her hips jutting backwards and her heavy belly hanging towards the floor.
“Ohhhhhh… no, don’t push… don’t— mnghhh don’t p-p-push…” she chanted over and over, panting and sweating and shaking while the baby inside sank lower and lower.
Running and shouting and screaming could be heard from the end of the street. Marion, still caught in the midst of a powerful contraction, glanced down the road towards the sound and saw at least a dozen men rounding the corner. Their metal plated armour, the colours of their tunics, their pale faces - none of it was familiar. These were enemy soldiers. The labouring mother slipped around a corner to hide down another side street, her legs stuck so wide it looked like she was about to drop the kid any second. And it felt that way too. With one hand holding onto the wall, the other disappeared under her dress between her thighs. No baby yet, thankfully, but she was starting to bulge into her underwear.
Deep and gruff shouting echoed from the high street, the invading warriors were jeering and smashing everything in their path. Despite the continuing contraction, Marion shuffled a little further into the alleyway, into the shadows and tried to hide behind some broken wooden crates. The soldiers were shouting in a language she didn’t understand, but the tone of their rough voices were clear - they were winning this war.
One… three… seven… Marion looked through the gap in the crates counting the foreign soldiers as they stomped past the entrance to the narrow side street, the burly and primitive men kicking and smashing and destroying every single thing they passed.
The next contraction ramped up before the last had even faded away and Marion slapped a hand over her mouth to stop any sounds escaping. Her baby was insistent, desperate to be born. The pressure screamed at her to push and her stance instinctively widened, but as she moved her foot she kicked something hard and metal sending it tumbling across the cobbles with a clang.
Her heart stopped, her breathing seized. Marion’s eyes flared with panic and looked nervously through the gap in the wooden crates towards the entrance of the side street. There was no way that sound wasn’t noticeable, a second later Marion’s fears were realised when two strange looking men stood at the archway of the dark sidestreet, staring into the shadows looking for the source of the noise.
Marion stayed perfectly still, her hand squeezed over her mouth, her nose breathing as silently as humanly possible. She could not let them find her, Gods only knew what they would do to her, especially if they had conquered Alleria.
The contraction still tore across her body, her belly contorted into a solid, hard ball beneath her dress as it tried to deliver the child. The pressure between her thighs was making her eyes water, the weight was pulling everything downwards, and her vagina was starting to burn. And yet Marion remained still, not moving an inch.
The men were talking to themselves, grumbling incoherently in their foreign tongue, pointing and staring down the narrowed cobbled strip. Marion’s legs were trembling, her knees sinking, and as she held her breath in fear of discovery she realised too late that her body was pushing. Without instruction or permission the baby was shoved down the birth canal, feeling like it was seconds away from falling into her underwear. But she couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop herself from bearing down. Behind her sweaty palm Marion’s mouth opened in a silent scream as she pushed and immediately could feel her labia starting to part beneath her clothing.
Oh fuck! Marion thought, trying to stop the impossible. Please don’t come out now!
She fought against her instincts for the longest minute of her life, desperately trying not to push and trying to stay silent. Eventually the strange men lost interest, deciding nothing was hiding down this side street, and continued to ransack the surrounding shops with their fellow soldiers. Marion slumped back against the wall when the soldier's departure coincided with the slight easing of the contraction. With heavy breaths quieter than a whisper, she tried to regain a normal rhythm in her lungs.
This baby could not be born now, here, it had to hold on for her to get somewhere safe. Away from the carnage of war and away from her foes. Then there was a sudden bang, a moving wall of heat, and a victorious cheer coming from the adjacent street - the enemy had started burning buildings causing a giant explosion.
Debris flew through the air, shards of brick and building raining from the skies and Marion spun around, curling around her bump, to protect herself and the baby. She staggered, bowlegged, deeper down the dark alleyway to try to get away from the destruction but with the contractions almost on top of each other she barely made four unsteady steps before she had to pause. The baby was right there, she could feel it. Her hand dived between her legs to check and felt with her fingertips the spherical shape between her folds peaking into her undergarments. The primal need to give birth took over once more and whether she wanted to or not, Marion found herself bearing down with the contraction.
This baby could not be born, not now and not here. If she could not stop pushing she would have to find another way. With her hand wedged between her thighs she clamped it firmly over the mass in her sodden underwear, and with a low grunt she was uncontrollably pushing against the palm of her own hand.
“Nnghhhh— noooo.. don’t c-come o-outtttt…” she growled, her body pushing ferociously and she could feel the head slip forward.
In the shadows Marion grunted and heaved and pushed. Against these efforts she tried to keep her palm over the emerging head to prevent it coming out any further. Her legs were wide and trembling, the heavy mass between her hips forcing her pelvis apart. It was hell, being stuck like this, her labia stretching around the emerging head, the desperate need to get this over with - to deliver this baby. The placement of her own hand proved futile, her body outright refusing to do anything that could delay or prevent the birth. Instead her knees buckled, sinking into a deep squat, and her free hand flew forward to brace her labouring body against the rough bricks of the dark alley while the other hand cupped the head of the incoming babe.
“Ohhhhh fuck…” her groans barely audible, all efforts going into birth. “Oh Gods… help me… it’s coming— it’s coming o-outtt!”
The hand at the apex of her thighs was supporting the head rather than stopping it from coming out. She gasped, sucking in a desperate breath, and leaned into the push giving everything she had into bearing down. She sobbed as the head reached a full crown in her underwear, its large shape undeniable and filling her small palm. The clothing was damp and stretched but she couldn’t remove them, both hands were occupied - one holding her upright in the squat the other holding the emerging head. “Grrnnnhhhhh!!” The low and primal groan of effort rattled the back of her throat and ever so slowly the head was born into her palm.
Smoke was filling the city, homes and shops were on fire, the enemy’s army was tearing her home apart. Loud and sudden blasts echoed down the alleyway, shaking the streets and buildings all around her. Marion fell forward, scrambling on all fours to get away from danger, all the while her baby’s head hung from her body filling her underwear. The rough cobbled street grazed and cut her knees as she crawled further down the side street, desperate to find some shelter. Fluids were leaking from her opening leaving a trail of damp in her wake. She found a door, indented slightly into the brick wall. She tried the handle but it was locked. A cry of fear and frustration left her lungs as she pounded and pushed against the wooden door.
The baby wasn’t waiting for safety or shelter, the next contraction was soon taking hold and she rocked on all fours in the alcove, humming an instinctual noise as the baby’s shoulders started to press against her opening.
“D-don’t…. No….” Marion panted and pleaded with her body.
But her hips sank backwards and she was uncontrollably pushing once more, grunting with every wave as her body worked on expelling the child. “Mnnnghhhhhhh it— it’s coming… I can’t— stop p-p-pushingggggg!!!”
Marion clawed at the door bringing herself up on her knees as the shoulders stretched her opening wide. The baby was waiting for no one and it was coming out right into her underwear. Her fingernails dug deep into the wooden door, her hips sinking towards the floor and she roared with the effort of bearing down, of pushing the baby’s shoulders out of her body. She could feel everything as it slipped out - one shoulder, the next shoulder, its arms and hands and torso as it emerged into her undergarments. Marion managed to prise her hands from the door and scrambled with her clothing to free the path for her baby to enter this world. Pulling the underwear down a few inches she grunted with the desperate final push and the baby suddenly slipped from her body into her hands.
“Ahhh oh Gods… you’re here, you’re out….” Marion gasped, pulling the newborn straight to her chest and sitting back onto her heels. “Hello little one.” The baby shifted and squirmed in her arms and released the softest cry of a first breath.
Exhausted, Marion turned and slumped against the doorway, babe in arms. The sound of crying soon travelled down the side street and footsteps approached. Fear filled Marion’s heart, the enemy was approaching and both she and her baby were defenceless.
“Oh my goodness, is that a baby?” Came a gruff voice above her. She looked up frightened, but when she saw the familiar uniform colour and the warm caramel skin of an Allerian soldier Marion let out a relieved sob.
“Come on Miss, I’ll get you and your baby out of here.” He said kindly.
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fvctoryboy · 5 years
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jane kang, 25
this is jane kang! she is a former sorority girl at van doren and stuck around the area after graduating. she is considering pursuing her masters in education, but for now she is just influencing teenagers to buy products that she puts on her face in her youtube videos.
needed. her 7 sorority sisters that are in her big/little family! i’m looking for the other 7 lovelyz faces bc i would love to see them on the site. i’m also just looking for her sorority sisters at large!! once greek life blurbs come out, it’ll be a lot easier
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ameliascxtt · 4 years
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[ credit for the graphic template goes to @translunaer ❤️ ]
( EMILY VANCAMP. SHE/HER. CISFEMALE ) Did I just see ( AMELIA SCOTT )? This ( THIRTY-THREE ) year old ( CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYER ) has been living in Chicago for ( TWO YEARS ). Some say that they are ( PATIENT and HONEST ) as well as ( HARSH and DOGMATIC ). If they had a theme song, some might say that it would be ( DON’T RAIN ON MY PARADE BY BARBRA STREISAND ). All I know is that I can’t wait to see what they bring to the Windy City.
her basics
Name: Amelia Ruth Scott
Nickname: Mia
Gender: Cisfemale
Place of birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvnania
Date of Birth: May 20, 1988
Age: 33
Parents: Daniel & Cassandra Scott
Education: Bachelor of Science in Criminology (2010), Summa Cum Laude, University of Pennsylvania & Juris Doctor (2014), Summa Cum Laude, Harvard Law School
Occupation: Criminal Defense Attorney
her background
Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, open your eyes. It is going to be okay, Mia.
Those were the words that Amelia’s mother said to her when she woke up crying because of a dream, the same words that she told herself in a bathroom in the courthouse. Why was she telling herself those words? Before we delve into that, let’s go back to the beginning.
On the 11th of May in 1988, the Scott family were blessed with a gift that they never expected to receive — a newborn baby girl. You see, shortly after Daniel and Cassandra got married in the year 1985, they found out that Cassandra cannot conceive children. The news broke both their hearts and it caused the honeymoon phase of their marriage to be over before it even truly began. For a while, the question of separation loomed over the two of them but they chose to stay with each other, stay and find another way to start the family that they always dreamt of having.
And find a way was exactly what they did. After three years of waiting for the adoption center to give them a call, their phone finally rang and they wasted no time in driving to the hospital where their baby was waiting for them. Seeing her for the first time proved to them that love at first sight existed and from the moment they held one of her hands each, they vowed to protect the greatest gift they ever received. They named her Amelia Ruth.
It will probably come as no surprise that little Mia grew up in a supportive, protective and loving home. She was a playful child, energetic as well. There was never a day when she wouldn’t be dancing in her hello kitty pajamas and that reminded her parents of how blessed they are. She is the light of their lives.
When Mia was old enough, she asked her parents where her name came from and, as always, they gave her the answer she asked for. Amelia Earhart and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, those were the names that were mentioned to her. Apparently, she was named after them because her parents believed that she, too, will make a big difference in the world one day. All she could think that what difference did Ms. Earhart and Ms. Ginsburg make? So she read the stories of these two powerful women, and it was those stories that taught that no matter what society tries to make her believe about the limitations of a woman, she can do anything that she wants to. Her parents worked so hard to get her that opportunity and she was not going to waste it. She was going to make them proud. One day, she will make a difference.
Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, open your eyes. It is going to be okay, Mia.
Now, let’s go back to what was left hanging at the beginning. Why was Amelia was telling herself those words while she was in the bathroom of the courthouse? Well, it’s because she was about to enter the courtroom and defend a high-profile client who was accused of a crime that he did not commit. It was not the first time that she had to do that on her own but that did not change the fact that she was nervous about entering the courtroom. Another person’s life was in her hands after all, a life who she can make a big difference in. All she had to do was win.
And she did. Amelia and her client had the odds against them when she begged her boss to let her take on the case. It was the first thing that she wagered the career that she spent the past three years of her life working so hard to build and all the risk paid off the moment the handcuffs were taken off. The hug she received once it was off reminded her of why she was doing this, of why she worked so hard to get accepted in & graduate from Harvard Law School, and of why she chose to pursue a career in criminal defense. She wanted to fight for the people who no one was willing to fight for, to give those people the chance that they deserve but are unfortunately deprived of. With her name now on the map because of the case, she had the opportunity to do it and like every other opportunity she was given, she was not going to waste it.
It has been two years since then and Amelia is now on her way to being one of the prestigious criminal defense lawyers of the country. She is known to be a big risk taker in their field and while every risk had its losses, not once did she regret it because not once did she lose the most — the freedom of her wrongfully accused clients. It is going to get harder from this point on but it will be worth it. And in the instances that she forgets that, there are four... no, five sentences that remind her the time.
Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, open your eyes. It is going to be okay, Mia. They are going to be okay, so are you.
some tidbits about her
She is honest, sometimes too honest.
She sometimes forgets that she has to filter her words.
She doesn’t like lying, not even if it is done to spare someone from getting hurt.
She was raised to work for what she wants.
If she cares about a person, she will do everything in her power to protect and fight for them. There’s no such thing as too much effort when it comes to them.
She’s the tough love kind of friend.
She’s pretty open about her feelings, but she only lets a few people in.
It might not be obvious but she loves to party and dance. It’s her go-to activity that helps her relax despite how stressful her job can be. 
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thosetwistedtales · 5 years
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“ Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. ”
Joel Forges was born post stranding in Mountain Knot City as the younger son of mechanic & architect Casey Forges and his wife, lawyer Remy Shultz. The world being what it was one couldn’t call his childhood easy when faced with the devastating impact of the stranding and its continued ripple effect, but it was a happy one. For a time. Till he was eleven actually. 
An increase in voidouts had caused a rise in BT activity during the summer of 2029, effectively halting most regular porter deliveries. Joel lost both his parents in their attempt at a supply run to Mountain Knot and his brother lost him to dehydration after. A loss that would’ve been made permanent had it not been for the luck of their neighbor stopping to visit and her skills as a Bridges’ EMT. The two managed to raise Joel from the tide, pulled him back from the shore, back to life. But not before his DOOMS was awakened by his contact with the beach, his handshake with death. 
Near the end of their teens, the brothers were put into contact with Bridges via their adoptive guardian. Noting both boys’ intelligence and potential they were taken in and trained as security and maintenance for Bridges 1.. Having long since been disillusioned by the concept of America as a whole and feeling his skills could do more for others outside the influence of Bridges Joel resigned from the company. His split from Bridges was amicable and for a time he retained his affiliation with them as one of their primary engineers and in-field emergency mechanic. However, when word reached him of the fate of Bridges 1., his brother’s death, Joel cut all ties with the company, going free-lance. By the start of game’s canon Joel can be found putting all his time and skills into helping his neighbors and prepper community in whatever way he can including building & maintaining the roads connecting central and being the local Mr. Fix-it.
Current under construction rp sideblog for Joel found HERE Special thanks to commision maker senka-mesecine Template made by  translunaer
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