#but it's not like i can just stop driving because otherwise i won't be able to get anywhere
venerablegreatking · 2 years
We need to make public transport the dominant mode of transportation in this fucking country (America)
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 8 months
Okay but imagine Aemond and his niece!reader. The usual love story between them that is bound to end in tragedy. It ended with just Aemond confessing that he was using you, a sort of like revenge.
But you get married to Cregan Stark. You didn't love him at first but he constantly proved his devotion and affection towards you. Aemond's betrayal made you believe that you will never be able to love anyone, not even your husband. But now you are with child. The heir of winterfell. You won't say you love Cregan but you don't dislike him. You have feelings for him but your past heartbreak is stopping you from realizing them.
Imagine Aemond takes the war to winterfell. You thought it was to kill you and your child, but it was actually to get you back. Aemond is certain you don't love your husband, and he is ready to leave the war and finally fly away with you. You don't know any of it. No one does.
Imagine Aemond and Cregan fighting. Sword to sword. Aemond has Cregan beaten, telling him to hand you over. That's when the wolf realized that Aemond loves you. Cregan knew you were never able to return his feelings because of Aemond and he was certain you would go with him.
But you came running. Going to your beaten husband instead of Aemond. You believe Aemond has come to kill you, but there was no reason for Cregan to die because of you. You can't let him die. You can't let Aemond kill your husband, the man you love.
You looked at Aemond with nothing but hate and anger. A look you have never given anyone before. "I know you are here to kill me, uncle," You said, spitting hate, trying to keep Cregan behind you. "I am right here. You can drive that sword right through me, and no one else has to die," Aemond was speechless. Cregan was trying his best to regain his strength and protect you. "But if you ever love me for even a single moment then I beg you to leave us alone. I beg of you to give me the chance to raise my child with my husband, with the man I love," You said with teary brave eyes, believing this is your last moment.
Aemond was broken. He lowered his sword. His lips slightly parted as if he was about to say something but he couldn't form any words. Meanwhile Cregan finally stood up, barely able to keep his balance but pointing his sword at Aemond. It didn't go unnoticed that you just confessed your feelings for your husband.
"I wish you get to live the life this war tried to take from you," Aemond said rather emotionlessly and left, not giving another look to you. He can't. He won't. Otherwise he will break.
You were surprised. Cregan was not. He knew Aemond spared his life because you love him. Because Aemond loves you.
Imagine that night you are tending to your husband's wounds, bandaging him up. Cregan's eyes only on you. Both your eyes met and stayed connected for a few seconds. Lots of silent words and emotions filled the room. Cregan gently pulled you into a kiss and for the first time you immediately kissed him back. You finally let him in your heart.
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artsekey · 4 months
I really hate how ads have taken over the internet. On one hand, I know that hosting a website costs money, right? And ad revenue is one of the simplest ways for free-to-use websites to cover their operating costs.
My question is-- and I would genuinely love an answer-- is this ever going to stop? Tumblr ran for a long time without ads. So did Youtube. I know that the cost of hosting so much media has gone up, but there are a lot of users on these websites that make the content that drives people to use the service that don't see any of the money generated by this revenue. On Youtube, there's at least a way for creators to make some money from what they do. For most, it isn't much, but the opportunity is there. On Tumblr, well... the ability to convert the visibility of my blog into any financial gain practically nonexistent, though they did at one point promise that users would be able to make money from ads run on their blogs (whatever happened to that, Staff?).
"You can pay to avoid seeing ads!" Tumblr says, as if the views on my main blog alone over the past few years have not generated more than enough ad revenue to cover the price they're asking me to pay, the person who is actively making content that brings eyes to their ads.
I'm not mad at Tumblr for hosting ads. I get that it has to happen because it's the easiest way to keep the site free, and honestly, I imagine Tumblr's staunch opposition to monetization has been a real obstacle for the team building Tumblr. But at the same time, it feels like yet another small concession in the usability of the site. I'm tired of ads that auto-play with blaring audio while I'm scrolling. I'm tired of adds that, if I touch them while trying to scroll past them, take me to an external site. Outside of tumblr, I'm tired of looking for information online only to get a webpage that's 95% ads and otherwise illegible. Hell, I recently got an ad on Discord. Was it unobtrusive? Maybe. But it was there, for the first time, and I know that won't be the end.
I know the first reply I'm going to get on this is "use adblock", and yes, that's a solution, but think about how much the landscape for media has changed in just ten years.
Popular forums are basically gone outside of reddit.
Youtube, without Red, is ad hell. You can't watch more than 3-4 minutes of video without getting sent to marketing hell.
Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter-- it's terrible. I firmly believe they've manufactured a worse experience through the implementation of ads to convince you to buy into their premium services.
Just Check out this video of Penguinz0 trying to watch a video on a third-party site.
There's discussion of putting ads into video games.
Remember when games didn't include micro-transactions? Blizzard is charging $70 for one mythic skin. You could almost buy Overwatch 1 twice-over at that price-point.
Influencers make a living by making their lives into advertisements.
Youtube has retaliated against users using ad-block on non-chrome browsers by artificially inflating the load times of it's videos.
What can we do about this? I imagine companies see it as an infinite money hack; users can't stop companies from hosting ads, and the action they could take to voice their displeasure-- leaving the site, using other competitive services-- has been all but obliterated thanks to the homogeneity of popular social media outlets. If someone is truly so incensed about ads, well-- it isn't like they have to engage with them, right? They can enroll in a cheap, auto-renewing service to get rid of ads entirely. Well, wait, the price of premium might just have to go up. Don't worry, it's auto-renewing! You won't even notice it. Oh, no, it's got to go up again, you won't even notice it.
There's no incentive for them to cap this behavior, and no way for us as users to pressure them to do so. We create these spaces; we fill them with color, art, activism, community, and the companies that ride on the tailcoat of the spaces we create tell us to give them more. What comes next?
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Giving him silent treatment
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 1 400 Summary: You end up giving Sanji a silence treatment after the latest events. Tags: Sanji is very boyfriend / But also very dramatic / Just a little lack of communication
Requested by anon
A/N: i feel. nervous about this. ooc, maybe?
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• Sanji will notice it right away that you're a little different with him, not glancing at him whenever he is around nor making a comment about how his good dish tastes
• You even decide to go with Usopp, Luffy, Robin, Franky and Zoro when you stop at this new island instead of with Chopper, Nami and Sanji like the usual (Brook had stayed back to watch the ship
• You’re there watching Luffy get chased by a local animal while Franky and Usopp uselessly try to help him out—now you understand the reason they never get anything done—when you comment something about just helping them out at once
• At first, Zoro just hums in agreement as he was there along with Robin and you watching the three fools, but then he pauses and raises an eyebrow at you. "What are you doing here? Where is the shitty cook?"
• Your face twisted in a way Zoro decided not to ask any further
• You’re back at the ship and Sanji will ask where you were, met with no answer once again
• Maybe you're distracted? Busy with something else? So he will let you be for a while and later come by, more of testing the waters, asking you about what you were talking about with Robin or if stupid Marimo bothered you too much
• He will feel completely lost with you not answering and absolutely reduced to a shrimp size once you glare at him in a quiet acknowledgement of his presence because he needs to know you're aware of him and just not answering on purpose, otherwise he'd just be convinced you're distracted again
• Absolutely devastated. Will enter in collapse mode and go over every single little thing that he did because he can't handle (y/n)—his beloved (y/n)—stopping loving him under any circumstances, even more for something he may have done without conscience. He won't be able to live a single day without you giving him attention, he might as well die if you're never going to talk with him again—his mind does escalate that quickly
• Will be found obsession cooking for the next couple of hours because cooking helps him think and Luffy doesn't see any problem with it
• Later, he comes to you with your favorite dish and that lost puppy face when you're sitting at a table on Sunny's deck
• ...It’s hard to resist to it, but it's for the best, so you just send him a look before returning your attention to the sea and wait until he walks away so you can eat the dish he leaves on the table
• Okay, Sanji will give you a while longer, still trying to make up with you until the end of the day, but the fact he doesn't get any good night kiss nor good morning hug starts to drive him crazy
• Baby boy will fucking cry. He cries the same way he did when you were captured by Crocodile and then again by Enel, with this angst heavy in his chest with the sensation he will never again have you cuddling him to sleep or kiss your cheek when you sit on his lap or even receive an adoring look from you because he's just that insecure with finally getting a partner after many failed attempts
"(Y/n)?" You looked to the side to see Nami standing there; you were sitting at the same place as the previous day, messing with a book you fixed on the last island. She furrowed her eyebrows a little, scratching the back of her head. "Is everything alright?"
"...I would say so, kind of, why?"
"Well, you and Sanji seem a little... off, y'know." Nami pulled the other chair back to have a seat. "You weren't buying spices with him yesterday, he seemed pretty lost. Also, he is crying."
"He's what?" Your eyes widened at how she'd dropped the bomb with such casualty and no more explanation.
Nami nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Like, go talk with him! That's what I'm saying."
You cringed a little, sighing as you closed your book and leaned a little forward on the chair. Maybe giving him silent treatment wasn't the best way to deal with it in long-term; not only Nami had to approach the situation, but Sanji was fucking crying, also. Not that you weren't used to his dramatic behavior, but it was true it'd been a while since he last showed up and it usually wasn't a good sign if he was stuck in the galley like that.
"Take care." You slid your book to Nami with a sigh before you stood up and moved to go find Sanji.
The ingredients for whatever other dish Sanji was preparing received all the feelings he had supressed, being chopped quickly and with more force than needed while Sanji cried alone in the galley. You sighed at the sight, rolling your eyes half-heartedly before you closed the door behind yourself and approached him. Sanji looked over his shoulder and sniffled before he cried more.
"Hey, San, I—"
"I'm so sorry, my love, I don't know what I did, so maybe I'm not so worthy of your love anymore and..." He continued rambling without stopping chopping the vegetables.
You stood there for a moment, observing the mess he was in—you could ruin him just like that? Not like you wouldn't be desolated if you thought he happened to stop liking you, but knowing someone felt this way about you was quite different.
"Stop!" You grabbed him by the lapel of his blazer so he would finally stop what he was doing. "I never stopped loving you or anything, stop saying shit!"
Sanji blinked a couple of times and sniffled, looking at you. "Then what happened, mon amour? Every second without you feels like endless torture, I—"
"Sanji." You sighed, loosening your grip and playing a little with the fabric before you let your hands fall, fumbling with your thumbs at the lack of what to do under his confused gaze. "It's just that... You had..." Hell, it felt pathetic to say it out loud, to explain how your thoughts had twisted everything. "You promised me you would go with me to a clothing store as soon as we reached a new island, then you started making plans and didn't mention it. I thought you'd just not mention it to the others, but then asked Chopper and Nami to tag along as usual, and..." You paused to take a breath, swallowing dryly as your eyes followed along the buttons of his blazer. It would be shit if your voice started cracking and failing and got teary. "I got angry and frustrated, so I left because I didn't want to be rude to you because— because what if you didn't like me and everything I say doesn't matter? But then, what if you were just distracted and never noticed we had agreed on this little date thing? I didn't want to talk with you after that because what if I said the wrong thing? Did something I shouldn't just because I was angry and impulsive? I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to..." You sighed, shifting your weight, and motioned to him.
At first, Sanji didn’t know what to say, standing there with wide eyes. "No!" He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you to hug you close. "I didn't mean to make you feel like this! Didn't I tell you, my love?"
"Tell me what?"
Sanji blinked slowly as he looked at you then frowned, letting his gaze fall to the ground at the same moment his cheeks gained a red color—he didn’t really hug you anymore, more of just holding onto your sides with his hands balled into fists around your shirt. "I—I could swear I had told you to, um, wait until we got to a nicer island than the last one... There were many things to take care of, I could swear I had told you..." His eyes filled with tears again, and you hummed understandingly, wrapping your hands around his shoulders to hug him close and press a kiss to his head. "I—I didn’t want to m—make you feel that way—"
"Oh, no," you sighed as you cleaned his face, mentally cursing yourself. "No, c'mon, no need to sacrifice yourself at this, pretty boy, it happens!"
The way you glared at him had Sanji falling quiet with a pout, making you grin before you pecked his lips in return.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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gyusimp · 2 years
°•Sex Headcanons•°
🖤 Requested by: @wildfire317s-oc-box
≫ ──── ≪•◦ 🖤 ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Gyutaro is very loud, he doesn't care at all that someone in the Kyogoku house can hear him.
Everyone will think it's a client and that's it, but if someone snoops in your room or yells at him to shut up, he'll just kill him and continue fucking you in peace.
His thrusts are strong from the beginning, most of the time he seeks his own pleasure before yours so he will only move as he wants since your cunt is serving him.
It's not that he doesn't love you or care about you at all, just that he is a demon and love is not a characteristic that describes him but you know that. Also, he has a greedy and selfish personality.
He likes to try new positions with you. He lived his entire life within the Entertainment District and his mother was a courtesan so he's probably watched humans do it, you know.
If he sees something new or that catches his eye, Gyutaro will want to try it with you. He won't ask you, he'll just do it, but most of the time you end up liking it.
Gyutaro is a creature of instincts so during sex he may bite or scratch you to taste a bit of your blood.
Sometimes he just says what's on his mind so don't be offended by what he might say. Gyutaro will be very honest at all times and will say good or not so good things like:
"I love how tight you're today."
"Your juices are fucking as delicious as your blood."
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't move as well as usual."
"I already told you to spread your legs wide, otherwise I won't be able to enter into  your pathetic little pussy."
Maybe there are some insults too.
I love to think that after Gyutaro has fucked you with full force, 2 big bruises will appear under your thighs that were caused by his hip bones.
His stamina is infinite so he insists on another round every time one ends but if you can't anymore he'll understand. Gyutaro will stop but mock your pathetic and weak human body for a long time before going to sleep.
If Gyutaro is horny but you are not around him for whatever reason that will not be an impediment for him. He loves to jerk off so he'll do it whenever he wants, it doesn't necessarily have to be because you two are mad or he's not with you.
He always thinks of you when he does it so consider yourself lucky when he looks at his fingers covered in his own cum because he imagines they are yours (or your mouth, why not?).
He agrees with the blowjobs, never turns you down but secretly he'd rather give than receive. Gyutaro just got almost as addicted to your taste as he is to blood. There's not a time when the two of you have sex that he doesn't stick his head out between your legs.
Your taste drives him crazy so what happens when you're on "those days"? He will be after you like a cat in heat.
If you agree to do it during your period he will be the happiest man in the world but if it's something that really makes you feel uncomfortable or you are not okay with it he will understand.
But don't think he'll be nice, he won't say, "It's okay, sweetheart. Don't worry." He'll get very angry, maybe he will argue with you and during the days that your period lasts you'll not see him again (also because for him it was very tempting to kill you smelling of blood all day).
He just cums where he wants. Inside you, on your thighs, your breasts, your tummy, your ass, face or mouth.
I think that for some reason demons are completely sterile since the only way to reproduce is through their blood on a human wound so nothing will happen if you two don't use protection.
Gyutaro will be rude most of the time and will only focus on satisfying his desires with his woman, but there are times when he is the softest and most considerate, even a little careful.
If he feels sad, frustrated, or disgusted with himself, you always make sure he feels better. You flatter every part of him with kisses and that's how one thing leads to another.
If it's about soft sex, he'll be very aware of you. He will ask you if you feel good or if it does not hurt too much, if this position is not uncomfortable for you or if you already feel tired. His kisses are more fragile right now and you treat him like he's going to break. These moments are very beautiful but also very rare.
There are times when Gyutaro gets annoyed that you are a human (this only happens to him in bed).
He thinks that if you were a demon, both of you would fuck without any concern or care. Even if he broke your waist or he opened your legs too much, you would regenerate and nothing would happen, but instead, he always had to be taking care of your fragile body and taking care not to hurt you.
After doing it with Gyutaro, you felt extremely tired 95% of the time while he could go on all night. You gave everything you had and if only you knew that he didn't use even half of his strength.
Despite that, Gyutaro would never turn you into a demon for such a stupid and selfish reason. If he did, he would feel the same regret he feels with his sister because he loves you too much.
If you are the one who wants to do it with Gyutaro he agrees immediately, only sometimes he teases you to beg and makes you wait but most of the time he takes you to kiss and throw you on the nearest futon.
He is not ashamed so if he feels horny he will tell you. If you reject him for any reason, he won't care and he will just touch himself, but just like him, you agree most of the time.
If Gyutaro wants to be very kind and chivalrous with you, he will ask you if you want to have sex with him, otherwise he will just start kissing you and touching you, implying what he wants.
This man, although it may not seem like it, lives for you. Gyutaro is never going to tell you but behind all that demonic rudeness in bed is a soft heart that melts for you making him feel as nervous and excited as his first time with you.
Am i right, baby? @gyutaro-shabana-upper6 lol
I think that Gyutaro fits so well with "A little dead" from The Neighbourhood 🥴
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xoxoavenger · 1 year
pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: He says, "What you heard is true, but I Can't stop thinkin' 'bout you and I" I said, "I've been there too a few times"
word count: 2167
warnings: drinking while driving (very mild, only sipping beer), Henderson!sister but it's a stepsister that Ms. Henderson adopted so it's inclusive, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating but they're not official so it's not really cheating
1989 masterlist main masterlist
Steve doesn't like the way he feels during the SnowBall, watching Nancy chaperone as if she didn't break his heart into tiny little pieces. It's all so sickening that he can't take it. So, he drives to the only person he can think of; someone who had been willing before he was dating Nancy and he's hoping still is.
He pulls up to her house quietly, headlights turned off so that her step mom doesn't wake up. He hopes she's still awake, because one look at his watch before he shuts off his car tells him that it's later than he originally thought. He sneaks around the back of the house like a pro, finding her window with ease. His first words to her when he knocks on the window and she lets him in is that she needs to get her own place.
"Oh, because you have your own?" She teases, as if no time has passed and he didn't leave her to date Nancy. He heard she got around after they cut each other out, with people ranging from Eddie Munson to Billy Hargrove. But she smiles at him like he's the only one she's ever seen.
"Aren't you going to ask me what I'm doing here?" He prompts, laying on her bed. She's changed the layout of her rom, but otherwise the furniture and decorations are still the same from when they had been together. It puts him at ease. She smirks and lays down beside him as he tries not to stare at her boobs through her thin pajama shirt, as if he'd never seen them bare before.
"What are you doing here, Steve Harrington?" Her smile is alluring as always, and he finds himself smiling at her as well.
"Well," He starts, moving to lay on his back. "I figured we could go on a drive, catch up."
"Why are you here?" She repeats, now curious. Her head is tilted and her eyes sparkling, which can only mean trouble for Steve. She isn't exactly sure why she let him in her room in the first place, considering all her friends would kill her if they found out she talked to him again. "I mean, we haven't talked in, like, a year." She's skeptical, and rightfully so after their twisted history.
"I'll tell you in the car." He entices, standing. She sighs and stands as well, grabbing a sweatshirt and following him out her window and to his car. She's never been able to deny him, and arguing won't do anything except wake her mother up.
"So, Nancy broke your heart." She guesses as they fly down the freeway. The windows are down but the music is soft enough that they can hear each other talk.
"Pretty much." He admits with a nod, looking straight ahead. She sighs and looks in his backseat for the beer she knows he keeps back there. She knows him like the back of his hand, and when she offers one to him he can't help but crack it open, despite driving.
"Heartbreak's a bitch." She tells him, taking a sip and realizing that this is beer he's stolen from his father, which makes her smile slightly. It's rich and still tastes like shit, but she'll drink it if only to take the edge off.
"Like you would know." He scoffs, which leads her to roll her eyes.
"Just because you can't break my heart doesn't mean no one can." She tells him with a fake smile, annoyed that he would even bring that up.
"Okay, then who broke your heart?" He asks smugly. She shakes her head and looks out to the fields decorating each side of the road. "Come on, Y/N. I know some of your darkest secrets and you don't wanna tell me this?"
"What do you know?" She snaps her head toward him in time to see him smirk. It's so easy to kiss that stupid look of his face that she would give in if it weren't for the fact that he was driving.
"I know you lost your virginity to me." She's immediately stiff, ready to be defensive because she knows she never told Steve that.
"I did not!" She lies, but it sounds compelling to her.
"Y/N," He leans his head back and looks at her, and she puts her beer can in the cup holder before crossing her arms. Clearly, she did not sound compelling to Steve. "Come on."
"Are you trying to tell me I was a bad lay?" She frowns, mostly teasing. She knows she's not a bad lay. If she was, Steve wouldn't keep coming back.
"Oh my God." Steve rolls his eyes and stretches his arm as he slows down, turning off the freeway and into a random neighborhood. She's pretty sure they're not even in Hawkins anymore. "Just fishing for complements."
"Who told you?" She asks after a few moments, turning the radio down. It's now muted, and all they can hear is each other's soft breathing and the thrum of the engine as they slowly cruise past houses.
"I can't reveal my sources. That's just wrong." He tells her with a sly smirk.
The truth is, she knows who told Steve. They only have one mutual friend; Nancy Wheeler. She hadn't meant to tell Nancy, she was drunk and hurt. She hadn't known at the time that Nancy had begun dating Steve, which effectively ended their superficial friendship anyway.
"So," She starts, running her tongue over her teeth as she thinks of how to approach a serious topic. "Why did you really pick me up?" She asks, looking over. He stops, in the middle of the street in a random neighborhood, the sole lamp ahead of them illuminating only half his face. Part of it was right in her eye, but she continued to stare at him.
"Same reason as why you let me in," He shrugs, giving her a smile that looked more sad than happy. "I got my heartbroken."
The reason why Steve and Y/N worked was because they were so aesthetically pleasing.
Steve with his dark hair swooped to the side looking effortless, his light freckles and smirk that screams not giving a fuck but somehow personal and swoon worthy. Y/N with her short skirts, bright lipstick and winks that open doors. Her nails were always done, her hair was always perfect, her makeup always flawless. And while it was a lot of work, just like Steve's hair was, she enjoyed it. She liked getting up and pampering herself, having the time to herself to prepare for the day ahead. If she didn't enjoy it, she wouldn't do it, and Steve knew better than anyone that no one could make her do what she didn't want to do.
The only problem was, they'd never been official.
They went out. They made out. They had sex. They didn't plan study dates. They didn't kiss just for fun. They were not actually dating, a hard set boundary that was never fully discussed but still mutually agreed upon.
But that didn't matter. When they were on, everyone knew. And when they were off, everyone definitely knew. They had been in the on phase for awhile the last time, so long that people eventually forgot about their history, which was only a little embarrassing that everyone in Hawkins already knew about her love life.
And then he went and dated Nancy.
That falling out hurt. He didn't even tell her, just stopped calling until she found out from her step-brother Dustin. It was all he could complain about, coming back from Mike's house and having to endure Nancy and Steve.
"Honestly, I think it's better for her. Steve's a dick." She heard Dustin saying on the phone. She waited in the hall, wanting to hear the rest of what the little shit was going to spill about her. "I know she's your sister, dude, but she could probably help Steve. When he's with Y/N, it's like he doesn't give a shit about anyone else. At least now he seems nicer." And while it was cute that Dustin cared, it also made her furious.
Probably because it was true.
She marched over to him, taking the phone out of his hand and slamming it on the hook. He gaped at her, ready to call over his mother, but they both knew he wouldn't. Ms. Henderson was always on Y/N's side, especially after her father died, and Dustin had been talking about her.
"It's not like you guys won't get back together." Dustin scoffs, which makes Y/N narrow her eyes.
"He's with Nancy, and he seems a hell of a lot more interested in her than he ever was with me." She tells him, and he just rolls his eyes.
"You are so blind, God."
"If you're going to pick me up, the least you can do is make sure we don't die." Y/N chuckles, holding onto the side door of Steve's car. He had been staring at Y/N since she stepped in the car, causing him to almost crash multiple times.
"You're doing this on purpose." He tells her. It had been a couple weeks since he had gone through her window, and of course they had fallen back into old habits. He had picked her up almost every night, which alerted Dustin, and then before they knew it the whole town was once more in their business. Except this time, she was called a slut for hooking up with Steve so soon after Nancy. It didn't matter that Steve had come to her, or that Nancy had stolen Steve from her first. People just heard what they wanted to hear.
"Doing what on purpose?" She knows he's talking about the fact that she's wearing the short burgundy skirt, which is coincidentally the same one she wore the first night her and Steve had sex. She knew it would get him riled up, and she wanted to see it, since he was taking her to see a movie.
"You're just angry because I didn't pick your movie." They both know Steve is limited on friends right now, having lost his popular friends and also Nancy's friends, so Y/N agreed to go to the movies with him every once and awhile. Because he insisted on paying, he also insisted on picking the movie.
"Possibly." She tells him with a smirk. He makes a sharp turn, one that does not go in the direction of the drive-in, but she knows where they're going. It's exactly where she wanted to go anyway.
She always gets her way.
They arrive at Steve's empty house, racing in through the garage and upstairs to Steve's room, where he doesn't bother with lights or heating and just grabs her, pulling her mouth to his as he toes off his shoes.
"Hold on," She mutters as he pulls away to take off his jacket and shirt in one go. He doesn't go back to kissing her, but he puts his hands under her own untucked shirt and trails them up her bare back. "We need to talk." She whispers, and he just nods. He should have seen it coming, honestly.
They walk to the bed, Steve reaching over to turn his lamp on before he lays back. He'd rather not be looking at Y/N when she asks, which gives her every answer she needs.
"You know Dustin is my brother, right?" While they don't have the last name nor look alike, they both know that this question is rhetorical. Steve doesn't need to give a nod before she continues. "So what makes you think that you could get away with it?" She expects him to deny it, to tell her that Dustin heard wrong or that he doesn't even know what she's talking about, but they both know where that path leads.
"I didn't think I'd get away with it." He tells her, sitting up. "But I heard about you and Hargrove." Steve sighs, not taking any pleasure in the way her eyes widen and she presses her lips together.
"He doesn't have better hair, by the way." She's not quite sure what to say, both of them caught in the act.
"Does he have a bigger-"
"No," She shoves Steve with a small chuckle, rolling her eyes. "And he's not better, either." She looks up at him through her lashes, silently asking a question he's already going to answer.
"She's nothing compared to you." He mutters as he shifts on the bed, clearly ready to continue their previous activity. He ends up laying back on his pillows with her on his lap, his hands exploring her bare ass under her skirt. "I swear to God, I was worried I was going to say your name." He tells her as she leans in to kiss him. When she grinds her hips down, he tilts his head back while still keeping eye contact.
"Yeah, I've been there too a few times." 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @one-sweet-gubler @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina  @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @mcueveryday @xxhellfiregirlxx @parkershoco @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @peculiarwren @freezaz123 @mads-weasley @munsstertwo @johnricharddeacy @sweetdreamsshifter @param8re @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @fangisms
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brotherwtf · 3 months
the stone is back!
that anon this morning had the same thought i did, how funny
i want more gale and john during pride month content
do they live in a place where pride is celebrated (cuz let me tell you it is NOT here in wyo 😒 it is celebrated a bit down in laramie because of the college students but otherwise it’s not) or do they travel to a city for the celebrations?
i think gale would open up so much during june, let out all of his emotions and let his sexuality take the reins while he’s enjoying himself. bucky is of course his normal over the top openly gay self and gale would finally join in on the fun
great minds think alike I guess!
I feel like if they lived in Manitowoc they would be able to drive to Milwaukee for pride, I know that there's a pretty big pride scene down there so John and Gale would probably be regulars lol
I mentioned this in the other post but I think because Gale is so comfortable with his sexuality he really allows himself to let loose during pride month. He kisses John in public, holds hands with him, wears his pride pins on his bag wherever he goes, he just has an all out blast. I think while they're in Milwaukee they would go clubbing a lot, Gale likes the drag scene and John just likes any loud and noisy environment. Gale doesn't dance much, but he dances at the club and John always relishes in these moments
They'd hang their respective pride flags on their front porch during June also, they're not afraid to show their love. John loves June the most because it's when Gale feels like his most authentic self, he doesn't feel afraid to show who he is and who he loves.
Other months, Gale is the slightest bit more reserved. He won't kiss John in public, but he'll hold his hand and kiss his cheek. He never stops talking about John, but June is a nonstop yap fest for Gale. Somehow, he overshadows John in showing his affections.
John, like you said, is just turned to 11 when it comes to showering Gale with his love. He'll enthusiastically kiss him whenever he pleases, he'll let his hands wander in public until Gale gives him a warning look, but it's filled with no malice. They go to pride parades together and just let their love take over, really doing anything their heart desires because no one can stop them. There's a constant smile on his face the entire month.
idk if there're any fan artists who read my stuff but I'm begging on my knees for some pride clegan fanart. God I love them so much they love each other to shreds
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daydreamkissesxo · 12 days
Antonio Dawson x Reader | Baby Daddy part 2.
Warning!: (18+) mature content, includes smut.
Mentions of pregnancy.
You'd met several times more since your first encounter, each day ending with the two of you entangled in each other's arms.
Antonio had ramped up his charm, not just for the sake of his task but because he'd truly fallen for you that fast.
He insisted on driving you anywhere and everywhere, assuring you it was due to his concern for your safety.
He'd accompany you on ridiculously long shopping trips, offering his opinion on the items you'd choose and always carrying the bags.
He'd somehow shifted into bodyguard mode and he knew he would earn favour with your father for it, he'd left nothing for your father to worry about, leaving him able to continue his crime filled life.
Antonio was driving you back from your scheduled PT session when he noticed a shift in your mood, you seemed tense and that concerned him.
He wondered whether something had happened with your PT or worse, that you'd somehow figured out his real identity.
You were ripped from your thoughts as the car came to an abrupt halt at the red light, your body slightly jerking forward.
"You gonna tell me what's wrong? You've been quiet ever since you got back in the car." He asked as he glanced over at you.
You shrugged, avoiding his gaze as you looked back out of the window.
"It's nothing."
Your dismissive tone was almost infuriating, since there was quite clearly something.
"Doesn't seem like nothing. Someone piss you off? That personal trainer of yours?"
There was growing frustration in his tone, he just wanted to make you feel better.
Your lack of response drove him crazy, he reached across the middle console for your jaw, forcing you to look at him.
Cars were frantically honking their horns as the green light had appeared, but Antonio remained still as he awaited a real response.
Your eyes widened at his intensity, his touch may have been unintentionally intimate but it left you rubbing your thighs together regardless, and he noticed.
"You've got five seconds to tell me what it is, or I'll never touch you again."
He was bluffing, but his cold tone suggested otherwise.
His hand fell from your jaw to take hold of the gearstick, and with the car finally in motion, you plucked up the courage to tell him.
"I'm ovulating, and Its making me irritable." You admitted, rolling your eyes before looking back out of the window.
Antonio's grip on the steering wheel slowly tightened, he lost focus on the road ahead as he tried to process your confession, the thought of your fertility making him painfully hard.
He placed his free hand on your upper thigh, stroking it gently with his thumb.
"Let me put you out of your misery, baby."
You grew tense beneath his touch, heat already pooling at your core.
"You can't." You replied, your breath audibly heavier as you attempted to contain your growing arousal.
"I can, and you know I can. We'll be careful, I'll stop by a store and get some condoms." He glanced over at you, his eyebrow slightly raised as you shake your head.
"No. If I can't have you how I want you, then I won't have you at all." You replied, stubbornly crossing your arms as you look ahead.
You knew what you were implying, your hatred for that latex barrier was strong and he didn't particularly care for it either.
"Then take me, exactly how you want me." He gave your thigh a firm squeeze, smirking at the slightly confused expression on your face.
He wasn't stupid, he knew what unprotected sex during peak ovulation meant, but the risk was all the more exciting.
He didn't wait for a response, pulling his car into the other lane before turning into a nearby alleyway.
No words were spoken as the two of you rushed to remove the clothes from your lower half, Antonio pushed his chair back to avoid the two of you feeling cramped.
He patted his thigh, motioning for you to sit. "Come on baby girl."
You climbed over the middle console to straddle his waist, placing one of your hands on his shoulder to steady yourself while your free hand took hold of his cock to align him with your core.
He roughly took hold of your cheek, pulling you in to a hunger fuelled kiss.
You immediately reciprocate while slowly sinking down onto him, you gasp loudly against his lips at the feeling of fullness.
"That's what you wanted, isn't it sweetheart?" He whispered, dropping his hand from your cheek to take hold of your waist.
You nodded submissively, pressing one last kiss to his lips before setting a desperate pace as you fucked yourself on him.
Your high pitched moans made the hairs on the back of his neck stand, he knew he wouldn't last long.
"How good does it feel baby?" He asked, groaning beneath his breath while his hand slid beneath your shirt to cup one of your breasts.
"So good, so fucking good." You moaned out, tilting your head back a little as pleasure flow through your veins like electricity.
Antonio hadn't planned on dragging it out for too long, he just wanted to cure your suffering before taking you home to pleasure you properly.
He took hold of your hips once more, holding you still as he thrust into you at a rapid pace.
"If you don't get pregnant, it'll be a miracle." He whispered breathlessly, groaning as he felt your walls flutter around him.
"You want that? You wanna have my baby?" His tone a hint darker as he finally uncovered the real reason you hated using contraception.
He was oddly flattered considering you the circumstances, the fact you hardly knew each other, but he didn't question it.
It didn't take long for him to reach his climax, he'd continued to hold you down on him as much as he possibly could while he came inside of you.
Your upper body collapsed against his, resting your head against his shoulder as you pant heavily.
"I'll get a plan B first thing in the morning." You whispered reassuringly.
Your father had randomly summoned you and requested that you bring Antonio, you were unsure how he knew of his presence in your life but dared to argue.
Antonio informed the team, knowing the bust was inevitable as he'd planned to play into your father's hands enough that he'd trust him with even his deepest darkest secrets.
They stood on standby outside the hotel you'd agreed to meet at, awaiting the signal to move in and arrest any and every suspect.
Antonio held your hand in his as the two of you walk into the hotel's casino, he didn't know how any of the following events would play out but he knew for certain he didn't want to let you go.
"We don't have to do this.." you whispered as you look up at him, aware of your father's intensity.
He shook his head in response, lifting your linked hands to his lips to press a gentle kiss to yours.
"Baby, I wanna meet your dad. I love you."
The warmth in your gaze made his heart wince uncomfortably, he meant that he loved you but you may never believe him once you discover the truth.
Your father cleared his throat obnoxiously, forcing the two of you to look over.
"There's my darling girl." Your father smiled, motioning the two of you over with his hand.
The way he looked up at Antonio made you uncomfortable, your grip on his hand tightened out of growing fear.
Antonio gave your handle a gentle squeeze of reassurance, smiling as he looked over at your father.
"Leave the grownups to talk, will you sweetheart?" Your father rhetorically asked, lifting his hand to shoo you away.
His condescending tone made Antonio's skin crawl, he'd have slapped the cuffs on him right then if he could.
"It's okay baby, go sit down.." Antonio whispered as he leant in to press a gentle kiss to the side of your head.
You reluctantly let go of his hand and he could see the worry in your eyes as you stare up at him, the level of concern was heartwarming to him.
Antonio sat beside your father as you walk away, clenching his jaw to remain tolerant of such company.
"I'm gonna be straight with you. I've heard from several people within my circle that you've spent some time with my daughter. How serious is it?" Your father asked, turning to look at him with growing curiosity.
"I couldn't be more serious. I love her with all my heart..she means the world to me." Antonio replied, smiling as sincerely as he possibly could.
Your father cracked a smile as he heard how lovingly Antonio spoke of you, nodding slightly in approval.
"I had my suspicions, but I've heard what you do for her, how happy she is because of you..you're worthy in my eyes." Your father lifted a hand to pat Antonio's shoulder before giving him a gentle shake.
"Anyone who treats my girl like that is welcome into my family. I'd assume you'd want to give her the best life you could, right?" He asked, shifting closer to the edge of his seat to get closer.
Antonio nodded, growing increasingly tense as he felt the impending climax of the moment, mentally preparing himself for what would soon unfold.
"I've got a few side businesses I'd entrust to you, as my son in law. Seventy thousand every couple of days, all you have to do is receive the shipments if you know what I mean." Your father winked, confident that Antonio would catch on.
"You wouldn't have to get your hands dirty, I've got men for that. You just look after it, and you take the payments. That should be more than enough to support the woman you love.." Your father reassured, unaware that he'd basically just sold himself out.
Antonio could have cursed at your father for how easily he exposed himself, how his own exposure was now confirmed.
"Oh, so I can just kick back and eat popcorn while a couple of dogs do all the work?" Antonio playfully smirked, he'd dropped the code word for the team's response.
Within a matter of seconds, the casino doors flew open and armed officers stormed the building.
"And here I was thinking you were smart, you've just confessed to a cop." Antonio smirked, standing up with such force the chair fell backwards.
With gunshots repeatedly fired, furniture thrown around carelessly, you were left with nowhere to hide but behind the couch you'd just sat on.
You were terrified, shaking in fear but Antonio was too preoccupied to help as he had to ensure your father didn't escape.
You were frozen in place as you watched the carnage unfold, your chest heaving while tears flood your waterline.
Your dad repeatedly called out your name in distress but you could barely hear it, ringing in your ears now drowning out the noise.
Everything you thought you knew was one big lie, but the fact Antonio had used you to uncover the truth was what made you violently nauseas.
You pushed yourself up off the ground, running for the lobby of the building in hope of escaping the nightmare you were now faced with.
In the panic, Antonio had allowed his team to arrest the perpetrators while he searched the building purely to find you, he couldn't let you believe you meant nothing.
He was panting heavily as he came rushing down the stairs, you'd turned your head at the sound of heavy footsteps and that's when your eyes finally met.
He froze still as the look of pain and betrayal in your eyes made his heart wince, he was drowning in guilt.
You looked away in disbelief at the sight of him, unable to stomach even being in the same room as the man you loved so deeply.
You needed to leave, to sob your heart out in privacy but Antonio wasn't going to let you go just yet. He chased after you as you tried to leave, slamming his hand against the door in front of you to close it.
"Baby, you gotta hear me out. I didn't mean for this to happen, I swear!"
Rage started to build at the sound of his voice and the pathetic explanation he was about to offer, your hands were starting to tremble.
You slowly turned to face him, clenching your jaw as you brace yourself to look into the eyes of your lover whom had just betrayed you.
Antonio let his hand fall from the door once witnessing your compliance, he brought that hand up to your cheek to hold you desperately.
"I love you, you know that right? Every second I spent in your company was like a taste of heaven, I need you to know that." He was frantic, his eyes repeatedly searching yours for an insight into what you were thinking.
Your breath grew audibly heavier as your rage boiled over, you lifted your hands to Antonio's chest to shove him back before harshly striking his cheek.
The sound of your hand colliding with his skin echoed, it forced his head to turn away but he didn't react as he knew it was well deserved.
"You lied to me. You used me! You made me believe you were in love with me when in reality, you were just playing a game." You spoke through the painful lump forming in your throat as you desperately held back your tears.
You watched as he stood still despite the unimaginable sting from your slap, his cheek was visibly warm.
"I let you touch me." Your voice cracked, a stray tear rolling down your cheek while your bottom lip slightly quivered.
Antonio had never hated himself more, he could barely breathe with the weight of shame on his chest.
You looked up as the rest of the team hesitantly walked in, unaware of what they were disrupting.
"Everything okay, Antonio?" Adam asked as he looked over, sensing the tension in the air.
You scoffed as you looked up at Antonio, that final nail in the coffin was discovering the real name of the man you loved so deeply.
You roughly wiped away a tear, turning away from him once more but your movements were halted as you felt him trap you in his arms.
"Everything I ever said to you was real. Every time I told you I loved you, I meant it. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.."
He raised his slightly trembling hand to stroke your hair, his one arm remaining around you to hold you against him out of fear you'll slip away.
Confused glances were shared amongst the team as they watched on, Hank was growing visibly annoyed with Antonio's irresponsible decision.
"I never want to see you again." You replied, forcing your way out of his grasp before turning to face him, the hopeless look in his eyes was enough to make even you feel guilty.
In your final moment together, your mind flooded with the memories of your shared sleepless nights where you lay entangled in each other's arms, the endless talk of the future and the intimate details of your past.
"Have a nice life Antonio, or is it Mateo?" You glared up at him through blurry eyes, still holding on to the tears from a moment ago.
Antonio was riddled with guilt and shame even months down the line, his feelings for you never wavered despite how much you resented him. He'd asked Jin to keep a watchful eye on your every move, which was almost a full time job in itself considering how great of a socialite you were.
Jin found nothing out of the ordinary for a while, visits to your regular bar and countless shopping trips with impressively long receipts but it wasn't until several weeks later that he'd stumbled across something he'd have to investigate further. Due to the monitoring of your debit card that Antonio himself had requested, he'd discovered frequent charges made by the Chicago medical centre but was hesitant to see any real concern due to the clear continuation of your every day activities so he'd questioned whether informing Antonio was even necessary.
When he had brought it up, he realised his decision not to share the information with Antonio sooner only created more of a workload for himself. Antonio could barely handle the information he'd recently been given, his mind was racing with all sorts of possibilities, the theme of death often repeated.
He wasn't going to let you die without conveying his feelings for you, he had to see you and make sure you knew just how much he loved you.
He knew the risk if he were to see you again, that a bullet would likely be wedged into his chest if he came close to you, but even that wasn't enough to stop him from driving to your home to see you one last time.
He'd parked his car on the opposite side of the street, neither your car or the car of your fathers men were outside your home but he was determined to wait until you'd returned, he was curious as to your whereabouts but he'd concluded that you'd gone to the medical centre considering the noticeable pattern he'd detected through your bank statements.
He leant forward to rest his forehead against the steering wheel, closing his eyes for just a brief moment to process just how damaging his actions were towards someone as innocent as you.
He was regretful, he'd never intended to cross the line drawn between the two of you but your presence was so intoxicating it became harder to restrain himself each time he was in your company.
A roaring engine in the distance tore Antonio from his thoughts, lifting his head to look in the rear view mirror at the car approaching.
A nervous lump formed in the back of his throat as he'd recognised the car, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he realised he was just moments away from seeing you again, possibly feeling your fury once more.
He waited for you to park before reaching for the door handle, waiting for you to open your door before he'd opened his own.
He only needed to see your feet touch the floor before he'd practically flung himself out of the car, unintentionally slamming the door.
He jogged across the road impatiently, unable to wait even a second longer.
"Y/N?" He called out as he walked over to your car, desperate to see what kind of state you were in, whether it was as deadly as he'd expected.
Antonio froze as you stepped out of the car, his gaze instantly falling to the prominent bump your skin tight dress highlighted.
The frequent hospital bills suddenly made sense, but pregnancy was never even a possibility in his mind.
He questioned if he even had the right to be angry that you'd kept his own child's existence from him, but given how horribly he had treated you, he felt it fair.
You were visibly taken back by his sudden presence, a tiny part of you even felt guilty as you saw the look in his eyes.
"Prinseca.." he whispered softly, raising his hand to reach for your cheek before loosely cupping it. His thumb hovered over your cheekbone while his visibly teary eyes remain fixated on yours, he was overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions at his discovery. Despite everything he felt towards you and the growing difficulty of the situation, he couldn't help but look you over so affectionally, he never knew it was possible for someone to be so beautiful.
"You're pregnant.." he whispered almost breathlessly, glancing down at your rounded belly with nothing but pride before hesitantly raising his free hand to place against the side of your growing bump.
You tolerated his touch for just a moment, almost swayed by his affectionate gaze and gentle reaction before you harshly pulled his hand from your cheek, shoving him back with slight force to create distance between the two of you.
You scoffed in disbelief, your heart racing with both adrenaline and fear as a very small part of you wanted to embrace him.
"Unfortunately for you, yes."
Antonio's eyes widened, your comment hurting him just as much as you'd intended it to.
"Don't do that. Don't pretend I didn't love you, that I don't still love you. That I wouldn't love our baby.."
Hearing him confess his love for you and your unborn child was heart wrenching, you'd dreamt of this moment but under very different circumstances.
You'd reluctantly came to the realisation that Antonio was just as equally important to the baby as you were, you had no right to deny your child of a father no matter the circumstances.
"Just..come inside, we don't know who's watching." You said, looking around your neighbourhood for any sign of your father's men.
The two of you sat at your dining table in absolute silence as neither of you knew what to say.
You pulled the freshly printed strip of ultrasound pictures from your bag beside you, briefly smiling at them as you looked them over before your smile vanished completely and that familiar cold stare replaced the hint of warmth in your eyes. You placed them down on the table in front of Antonio, the sour expression on your face was only a glimpse of your hatred for him.
"A Son. I was thinking we call him Mateo, honour his father. Although I'm not sure I want to honour a deceitful prick." You glanced up at him, your eyes full of resentment yet your gaze slowly softened as you watched his smile grow at the sight of your growing bundle of joy.
Antonio was overjoyed to hear you were expecting a son, he felt truly satisfied to know his family name would live on but your insult ripped him away from his joyful thoughts.
He simply sighed, your words were wounding but nothing far from what he deserved.
He slowly placed the ultrasound pictures down, raising his hand to his jaw to smooth it over
"I deserve that."
You looked away in frustration, why did his acknowledgment make your hatred for him falter. "Yeah, you really fucking do."
"Baby girl, please.." he reached for your hand across the table, holding it in the palm of his before placing the other on top.
"Let me take care of you, let me prove to you how sorry I am. I wanna be here for my son, for you Cariño."
You heard the desperation in his voice, and for a split second you contemplated letting your guard down, becoming the family you'd always craved.
Your gaze grew cold once more, snatching your hand away from his to place against your precious bump before stroking it softly with your thumb.
Antonio watched you so attentively, to say he was obsessed with your pregnant body was an understatement and it would be a lie to say he hadn't already admired several noticeable changes you were now blessed with.
His particular favourites were your newly swollen breasts and the soft rounding of your face, you were radiant and he was absolutely smitten. He'd get you pregnant with an entire football team if it meant he'd get to see this glow several more times in his lifetime.
"You broke my heart Antonio." You looked up from your bump to look over at him, wanting to see his reaction to your admission in hope it'd be as remorseful as you'd wished it.
He nodded in acknowledgement, hearing you confirm what he already knew only added to his growing shame.
"I know baby, I fucked up."
You barely had a second to process his recognition before he was sliding off the dining room chair and onto his knees before you, his hands reaching out to hold either side of your rounded belly as he looked up at you with pleading eyes.
"I'd do anything, anything you fucking ask..just give me a chance. I'll make it up to you, please baby."
Your mouth opened readily to protest, but the words became wedged in your throat as you felt one of his thumbs softly caress your belly.
His eyes searched yours as you stare at him so blankly, he knew the cogs were turning in your head as you pondered the possibility, he was grateful to even get this close.
Antonio held a certain power over you, whether it was the age gap or the way he worshiped you like a goddess, you were unsure. You knew only an idiot would let such a man slip away, he made you feel things men your age could only dream of and now you were carrying his baby.
You looked away stubbornly, succumbing to your heart's desire, "Get off your knees, it's making me horny."
Spite still lingered on the tip of your tongue and your  cold expression never faltered, you were now frustrated with yourself for not having better self restraint.
Antonio looked ever so pleased with the revelation, he knew despite your harsh tone that you'd give anything to feel his touch again, even as much as forgiving him.
He retracted his hands only to then place them on your mid thighs, allowing them to slowly slide upwards towards your upper thighs while a mischievous smirk grew on his face, confident that he could have you melting within even the simplest of touch.
"It's been so long, hasn't it Mi Amor? Hm? How could I neglect my girl like this?" He cooed, confident he could earn your forgiveness one way or another.
- there will be a part three, and most likely a part four🫶🏼
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stevieschrodinger · 2 years
So I've done a couple of little ficlets of these two but this thought has just been hounding me
Steve's a possessive bastard. A possessive Alpha. Eddie revels in it. He eats that shit right up because he's never felt this wanted, this coveted, in his entire fucking life and he will fight and die before he gives up even a second of this. He has a perpetual bruise on his throat; Steve worries at the spot pretty much daily to keep it fresh. He always smells like Steve. ALWAYS.
If they happen to be apart for a couple of days for whatever reason, work, Steve needing Robin time or Eddie running a campaign or band practice or whatever, Steve makes sure Eddie has a rolling supply of worn clothes, insists he wears something of Steve's if he showers or whatever, until Steve can get there and refresh the scent in person.
Steve loves coming on Eddie. Loves coming on him more than he loves coming in him.
Steve's only actually knotted Eddie a couple of times; it takes a hell of a lot of prep and leaves Eddie deliciously, but also noticeably, sore for a day or two after. So they don't do it a lot but...Steve's an Alpha, and no matter how hard he tries to hide some of his baser instincts, sometimes they peek through without his permission.
Some of them, Steve outright embraces; Steve nests like a champ, and Eddie compliments all his hard work, just so he can watch Steve puff up like a massive fucking bird or something. Steve cooks. He provides. He keeps Eddie safe. Eddie often wonders if Steve leans so hard into these instincts because it makes the other ones easier to ignore.
Sometimes, when they're fucking, he rests his hand on Eddie's stomach. Eddie's pretty sure Steve doesn't even know he's doing it; otherwise, knowing Steve, he probably wouldn't. Steve has that shit on lock. But Eddie watches, and he sees it. Feels the teeth when Steve worries at that spot on his neck. Eddie's a Beta; there's no scent gland there, nothing to mate them, not like an Alpha or Omega.
Doesn't stop Steve, though. He spends more time at Eddie's throat than he does kissing Eddie.
Not that Eddie minds. At all.
Eddie's a Beta, so he won't have a heat. Which means chances are low Steve will ever rut. Sometimes though, just every now and again, Steve turns a little....feral. A little forceful. Gets in his own head and gets caught up in his body, and in Eddie's. Eddie loves it.
He's also confident that Steve loves him exactly how he is, which gives him the confidence to ask, "what do you need, Alpha?"
"I don't," Steve makes a funny little noise, goes back to mouthing at Eddie's bare shoulder, then makes another noise, all frustrated, before falling back on his usual answer, "just you."
"Uh hu," Eddie agrees, just lying there placid while Steve gives him a fresh hickey and ruts mindlessly against Eddie's thigh. Steve is hard and hot and leaking so freely it's dripping down the side of Eddie's leg. Eddie loves it when Steve goes all instinct like this, and Eddie gets into the sex sure, looses himself a little bit, Steve drives him crazy, sure. But sometimes, when Steve's like this, Eddie is essentially sober while Steve is high on his own...Alphaness. An Omega would get dragged straight under, but Eddie...well, maybe he gets a little envious of the idea, sometimes, that he and Steve will never bond in that way...but being able to lie here, sure turned on as all hell...but not loosing his mind....that means that he can watch Steve like this. Fully appreciate Steve Harrington getting lost in his own head. The pheromones are loud and clear enough that Eddie can scent Steve's horniness in the air, but he doesn't get fuck drunk. At least, not until they get the show on the road.
"I need...I need...shit Eddie, I don't know. I love you. My Beta."
Steve calls him that sometimes. And he doesn't hesitate over it. He never forgets what Eddie is, who they both are. And Eddie appreciates that, but he also knows Steve has thoughts that he is definitely ignoring. "You want me to present for you, Alpha?"
"Eddie..." Steve's voice is muffled from where he's now going for Eddie's nipple; he loves to play with the piercing, and Eddie bites at his own lip to subdue his own groans, "don't need that."
"I know," Eddie plays with Steve's hair, "but it's okay to want it. I'll present for you Alpha...you can fill me up with so much lube it's...dripping out of me, like slick."
Steve makes a strangled noise, followed immediately by a frustrated one, "you don't have to pretend to be something else-"
"I know baby, and that's why I can, if you want to. It's just pretend, you know what I am...doesn't mean you can't try and breed me right up."
Steve goes absolutely still under Eddie's hands.
"You want to put a pup in me, Alpha?"
Eddie gets flipped over so fast he thumps back down into the mattress, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
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skaruresonic · 1 month
ohshima Naoto said Eggman isn't evil evil, just a symbol of technology and humanity. Any thoughts??
Yeah, I saw that discourse. Saw people saying that folks who think of Eggman as purely a villain only have a surface-level understanding of the character, and that was when I decided to check out of Twitter for the day.
Suffice to say, I don't necessarily agree with Mr. Ohshima on every take he has on the series. He once tweeted that Sonic won't be a "real man" until he confesses his feelings to Amy, and I didn't like the underlying implication that Amy's entitlement to love matters more than Sonic's comfort.
While I agree with the general idea that Eggman represents humanity's greed, ego, and capacity for destruction as well as its passion and drive, I don't agree with the notion that Eggman isn't evil evil, because what counts as "evil evil" to you? He wants to subjugate the world under his rule and pollute it forever. You're saying his brand of fascism isn't evil enough to qualify as anything other than supremely fucked? His flavor of terrorism isn't evil because he has ~good intentions~? If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, my dude.
At some point you have to figure you're splitting hairs. Like, really splitting hairs. If a terrorist stops in the middle of murdering people to pet a puppy, that doesn't mean they suddenly gain a shade of gray and now we have to retroactively reinterpret their actions: they're still a terrorist. This is the exact point Sonic was making in the OVA - just because Eggman may or may not be lying 1% of the time doesn't mean the other 99% of the time suddenly becomes negligible.
Okay, Eggman has the capability to do good. Whoop-dee-doo. So does everyone else in the series. Yet there's only one guy in the cast who continuously chooses to fuck up nature for his greedy megalomaniac aims. Conquest is what he wants to do, and he will not stop until someone puts their foot down.
Likewise, humanity chooses to ruin nature for profit. "We don't know any better, we have the morals of children uwu" is infantilizing and erases the culprit's agency in the matter.
Eggman knew right from wrong from the time he was a child - otherwise he wouldn't have been able to recognize his grandfather's greatness - and he chooses to ignore it because satisfying his ego presents a greater reward.
The other flip side of this coin is that people don't want to acknowledge that being "purely evil" is also sadly very human. You don't get to disavow your own capacity for evil just because the idea that you, too, can be a monster makes you uncomfortable.
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willow-springpaw592 · 8 months
My thoughts on the newest main story quests, some positive and some...slightly on the fence:
First of all, I like that Linda is shown to actually have a backbone and will snap back at people if they insult her. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but for a while it seemed like she was just the token intelligent one of the group who never got into conflicts. So I really liked seeing her stand up for herself this time against the dark riders!
I like how the druids can send messages via runestones to each other in times of crisis. It's something I never would've thought of, and although the way the runestones just grow out of the ground could seem silly and nonsensical in a way for some, I personally really like it!
Also, the magnetising void! It was so cool! I wonder what past Soul Rider performed it with Concorde? I would say Elizabeth, but that just seems too obvious. I love that we got to see a more dangerous side to the magic of the Sun Circle, and I really hope that this is something they will continue with for the rest of the Circles. Maybe for the Moon Circle, Linda could be able to cast dangerous illusions to confuse the dark riders? Or send visions that can drive people mad? It's probably too 'evil' for the Soul Rider circles, but I think it would be cool to see the dark side of the Keepers' magical abilities.
Now, onto the bombing of Dark Core Headquarters. I find it really difficult to believe that DC was never actually drilling any oil. They couldn't have partnered with GED forever, could they've? How could they have made money otherwise? At some point in history they must have drilled for oil, and then stopped for some reason. Maybe to put all their money into the equipment to build the Hadal gate (which btw confirms that Garnoks prison is indeed super deep under the sea, and not in some untouched corner of Pandoria) Anyways, I really hope this is not SSEs attempt at portraying DC as somewhat redeemable with 'oh no they actually weren't polluting the island at all, they were doing nothing wrong!', nevermind the fact that they are working towards releasing Garnok, who has made it very clear by now in regards to his plans for the island.
Well whatever, moving on from that, Erissa! Finally! I was hoping she'd have some lines of dialogue, but I did love her cartwheel/flip coming out of the portal. It's nice to see that Mr Sands is back in action again after not being present in the story for damn, what 5, 6 years now?! I though he and the Dark Riders would've been a bit more annoyed about the oil rig's destruction, so I guess the Soul Riders have got their war crime charges dropped for now at least.
Now for the obligatory Darko mention. With every new release of the main story, I get increasingly more worried about what SSE is planning on doing with him now. He should've been in the ending of this quest, yet he wasn't, and there's been absolutely zero mentions of him ever since the saving Anne quests from other characters, even though he was probably a massive source of trauma for Anne if he was the one who guarded her prison cell, and she seemed to have a very deep hatred of him going off of her mentions of him at past seasonal events. I can't find my screenshot of her one at Midsummer but she said something along the lines of, "What do you think happened to Darko? He had better still be alive. I won't let him take away my chance for revenge." Yes I know, I remembered one line of dialogue at an event years ago, can you tell I'm obsessed yet? I want to say that they're planning something big with him and the Nightmare Institute, but I've got this horrible feeling that they'll either reveal he's dead( even though the soul riding missions are proof that he isn't) or they'll just totally write him out of the story from now on because they've got the new Dark Rider models now, so they can do more with them. I know most people hate him, but I think he has the potential to be a really interesting irredeemable mad scientist type character, so I really hope they haven't given up on him yet. I'm probably being really over dramatic right now XD, but he's been my no.1 character hyperfixation since 2018 so that's my excuse lol.
I really didn't think this would be so long but to summarise: Anne and Linda are badass, I want Avalon to deck someone across the face, and I want Darko to make his dramatic appearance again someday :''(
Well, goodnight! Please share your own opinions with me if you'd like, I'd love to know everyone else's thoughts!
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slashthrashandcrash · 4 months
My tire blew out today. The towman, for whatever reason, kept getting my location wrong and the road rangers were my knights in shining honor when they stumbled upon my car on patrol. Then, the tow arrived and was driving after me after they put in the spare tire, calling out that his ride was still free. Now, if this was late at night and the highway was suspiciously empty, which slashers / killers do you think would be after me and how could I fight them off? The tow guy is, of course, no help
This sounds so funny as a time sensitive question like "I'm not saying I am stranded on a desolate road with no help for miles but if I were how could I possibly fend of a serial killer that's banging on my car window? Please respond, asking for a friend."
Danny/Ghostface would certainly be an option if he was already on the move between towns or states, just a nice young man wanting to help get you somewhere safe and accidentally making a few wrong turns...then next thing you know, you're set loose to run free through the woods while he tails you, knife in hand. Your best option is to hope you find the main road before he finds you, but even then you'd have to pray there's even another motorist driving at this hour who'd be willing to stop at your distress. Just because you were stupid enough to get in a car with a stranger doesn't mean they are lmao.
The Sinclair brothers are a classic, of course -- that's kind of their whole schtick is helping out poor stranded motorists, offering to fix up their car while they come on into town for a spell, maybe check out the local wax museum to kill some time. Gotta be honest, your odds probably aren't that great since it's a 3v1...you might just have to grab a tire iron and start swinging if you want a fighting chance.
Michael can drive but he's a fucking menace on the road, he'll be ramming into you and trying to slam you off into a ditch or the median. You need to either outpace him or hopefully lose him with a few sharp turns, otherwise you'll be battered and trapped when he gets a tire to blow out or your transmission to die. Being wounded in a metal cage is the last place you wanna be when he comes stalking over to your wreckage. Although, he might more so be targeting the tow driver behind you, they usually wear those navy coveralls...
And there's a few more typical slashers who have a similar con to the Sinclairs; the Firefly family, the Sawyer family, whatever the cannibal inbred family's name was in The Hills Have Eyes -- these cases? 100% fucked. If you don't floor it and get the hell out of dodge the first second you spot any of 'em on the side of the road, you've practically sealed your fate. And it won't be pretty, or sexy, or fun. For you, anyways.
For a bit of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, Tiffany Valentine. For no reason other than you're practically alone on the quiet roads and she's bored. Just a quick little fender bender and then her nail file across your throat. Frankly, you should be honored to be killed by her, just let it happen, say thank you with your gurgling dying breath. Throwback to Urban Legend, but also Brenda. Who doesn't love a good story about flashing highbeams in the rearview mirror? You're golden if you remember how the legend goes and how the girl survives (even if the killer isn't the one in your backseat), or better yet, just don't flash your lights when you see her driving in the dark in the first place.
Purely DBD killers though, I'd really only pick out Legion, namely because they would have plenty of reasons to target you. They want your car, your money if you have it, and hell, they'll go ahead and take your life while they conveniently have it. The bad news is it's 4v1, the good news is they're all stupid teenagers. You have a 50/50 chance of being able to either outsmart them or just fend them off long enough to escape, but don't be surprised to find 4 different blades in your gut because you refuse to cooperate with their robbery.
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feeling silly so how would the LOV guys react to an s/o who loves to pat their butts when passing by?
(One of those silly goofy moods I'm always going on about)
~L.O.V Boys and The Notorious Butt Pat~
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-Kurogiri: The first time you do it he thinks it must be by mistake. Perhaps you were trying to kill a bug and he got in the way? Or maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when you needed to hit something and take your anger out? You laugh and explain to him that it was on purpose that you decided to do it. He's certainly confused about why. Are you maybe trying to get frisky with him then? No? Then why are you doing it to him randomly like this? Verdict: He's not a fan of it. Confuses him but he'll let you do it anyway.
-Shigaraki: Annoys him to no end. He hates having his ass slapped by you and he's going to grouch, grumble, and complain until the day he dies. He's definitely not a fan of it will let you know that he wants you to stop immediately. Verdict: Be Careful, he's upset lol
-Dabi: Slaps your ass back harder. In fact, it's become a contest about who can catch the other person off guard long enough to slap their ass as hard as possible. Dabi doesn't play around either. He'll heat his hand up before doing it. Verdict: He's opened a butt slap war and I fear he might just win.
-Compress: "Good heavens!!!" He exclaims the first time you do it. He's a little annoyed to be smacked like that by you but soon learns it's just a fun little joke you do often to him. He's gotten used to it and although he prefers you don't do it hard, he's still willing to let you do as you please to him. Verdict: Doesn't like it but if you're gonna do it, at least be gentle about it.
-Spinner: Says it gets on his nerves but you suspect otherwise. He probably likes all the attention. It does have a certain effect on him that I won't go into detail about but you can probably guess what it is. Still, he wants it but wont admit it. As long as you don't do it front of the others is fine because he can't defend himself against that large of a group when they start teasing him. He can barely defend himself against Dabi's relentless teasing. Verdict: Secretely into it.
-Muscular: Look, just don't do it. Don't do it depending on the type of person that you are. This man is looking for any chance he's got to slut you out. If you slap his ass then there's only a split second to escape before he pulls you to the bedroom. That is an invitation for him and he's going to accept it every single time. Verdict: If you've got a high drive then by all means, go for it.
-Moonfish: Confused like a few of the others by the gesture. He doesn't really feel too bothered by it but is still not preferring you do it to him. He's actually mastered the diversion grab, meaning that every time you go to smack his butt he's good at grabbing your wrist before you make impact and stopping you in your tracks. It's crazy how he's able to time it right every single time! Verdict: Will stop you if he's had enough.
-Twice: Look at his ass. I'm not arguing with no one about this. Bubaigawara has the nicest ass in the league. I would slap it myself if I had the chance. I think how he feels about it depends on what mood he's in for the day. His serious self will grumble about it but doesn't stop you from doing it. His other self probably laughs about it and tries to smack your butt right back. He can tend to be playful so it might turn into a small wrestling match between the two of you. He figures any attention from you is good attention. He loves you after all! Verdict: Slap away!
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aspiringnexu · 10 months
Saw a post a while ago that mentioned a debate among Star Wars fans and Star Trek fans about the typical who-would-win between a Borg Cube and the Death Star.
I'll leave them to that debate because who-would-win is highly dependent on the plot anyway and that kind of debate only leads to arguments (plus I find it incredibly boring, I'd much rather debate things like the similarities and disparities between human cultures in the two universes, one with and one without Earth, that would be interesting). But what did catch my eye was a mini-debate later on with people discussing whether or not said Cube would detect the Death Star approaching, the argument being that the modes of travel in the two different universes (namely warp and hyperspace) are so different that the Cube wouldn't be able to detect the Death Star until it reverted to real space.
Which reminded me how much I love that the two travel systems are so similar and yet so different.
I won't be able to get too technical, I'm sure some fans know the exact ins and outs of both kinds of space traversal, but the fundamental difference is how the ships attain FTL, or Faster Than Light. Because otherwise space travel takes FOREVER.
In Star Trek they use impulse engines to putter about for more precision maneuvering but use warp engines to achieve FTL, the warp engines 'warping' space by making a subspace bubble around the ship and therefore insulating it from the extreme pressures of breaking normal physics. As you do.
In Star Wars they use sublight engines for the usual puttering and maneuvering but instead they rely on the hyperdrive to achieve FTL which punts the ship into hyperspace, basically a parallel dimension where ships can achieve FTL without undue stress to the ship itself.
In both cases ships can be pulled out of their warp bubbles or their hyperspace streams due to factors in normal space. In Star Wars, for example, there exist Interdictor class ships which produce massive gravity wells, similar to those of moons or any other significant cosmic body which forces ships to drop out of hyperspace in order to avoid crashing into said body. (This also makes jumping into hyperspace too close to a planetary body incredibly risky. Not impossible, mind, but there is a reason planetary governments have a minimum distance allocated for incoming and outgoing ships.) Star Wars also makes a big deal out of Hyperspace Lanes (there was an entire war fought over them at one point) which are routes that have been confirmed to be empty of any cosmic phenomena discounting the occasional asteroid that wanders in. They're used as major shipping lanes and commercial passenger transports as a result. You can, of course, elect not to use the routes but you run the risk of encountering surprises even with a navicomputer.
In Star Trek the same rules seem to apply with various cosmic phenomena able to disrupt the warp drive and pull the ship out of warp, whether it be extreme gravimetric distortions that require precision piloting to avoid or nebula too thick for the engines to filter or, really, the list goes on. Could be anything from a nebula to the glowing green hand of a supposed Greek god stopping you from going to warp.
But regardless of the actual metrics of the two kinds of space travel, I find the idea that neither ship would be expecting the other to just appear incredibly amusing.
Neither universe would have any experience with a ship that travels in a space bubble or a ship that just casually drops in from another dimension and really why focus on inter-fandom discourse when you can focus on the incidental comedy?
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
Headcanons and lore for The Splendorman
By me. Because I'm reliving my childhood.
Splendorman is known as the older brother of the famous leyend, The Slenderman.
But unlike his eldritch more sinister counterpart, The Splendorman is a being of kindness who's intentions are nothing more than to spread joy and support to those who find themselves in difficult situations.
Splendor is known as this innocent, naive man who only expects the best in people. Someone who does nothing more than playing with kids and making balloon animals. He's emotional, he's childish, he's oblivious.
But there has to be more than that.
Splendorman is a couple of centuries older than Slenderman. He's the second oldest faceless person out of the four that we know of the oldest being Offenderman and the tallest one of all.
Despite this he looks very young (or at least as young as an immortal cryptid can be). Mostly because he spends a lot of time with children and his upbeat attitude makes him feel like that. He doesn't really feel old either, he's pretty comfortable with his own age especially when he sees his younger brother getting back pain from watching over too many edgy teens.
Kids are ruthless sometimes though.
He, unlike his pale white relatives, has a sort of brownish/natural skin color. This is because he spends most of his time surrounded by humans and human culture. He even is capable of blushing because he is way more open with humans and their positive energy and sense of wonder sticks with him.
Splendor is probably the most capable of the family in the physical way, his psychic powers aren't that good. He can carry around a tree like it's nothing, is very flexible and incredibly fast, but since he doesn't use his powers much they're not as intense as one might expect. Meaning:
He has the weakest "sickness". Since he doesn't use his psychic powers besides luring people towards him, Splendor is limited to use visual and sensory alucinations like seeing an old memory or a toy, feeling a sensation of warmth or smelling something that reminds you of your happiest moments.
He doesn't use it to attack but when needed he goes for overstimulation, causing seizures or epilepsy on some people, driving them mad with "pins and needles" on their whole body or making them ill with the gross and awful sick smell of too much sugar.
Splendorman is very much a pacifist (another reason why he doesn't use his sickness a lot) and he doesn't like to get involved in physical fights. However, my version still has his short temper and is something he is very self-conscious about.
When he is mad he goes absolutely feral on whoever provoques him, and if anyone tries to stop him they're guaranteed a visit to the hospital.
And since he's not used to use his powers he straight up gets his hands dirty. Faceless People's sicknesses don't work with each other and lets not forget that he's the strongest (physically) of the family so they won't even bother.
He has a deep connection with World War I and II.
It was during that period of time when he had the most "work" to do: taking care of both victims and soldiers, plus dealing with the depressing energy of the world and learning about the human ethics of war and the military back then.
Those wars really warped his vision of the world and he was in danger of becoming a menacing and dangerous figure just like the rest of the family due to all the stress and fear he sensed during that time.
It really left an impact on him, so much so that he still keeps lots of trends of the era on his clothes and domain because he hasn't been able to completely process it all yet.
His domain now..
All Faceless people when they reach a certain level of power find themselves a dimension all for their own made by themselves. They have complete control over it, they can warp it and change it to their taste and needs and time is paused unless they say otherwise.
Splendor's domain is a wide open field of grass and colorful flowers. When it's day it's always sunny and warm, when it's night the sky is full of vibrant and colorful dancing stars. And in the middle of it all there's a mansion even bigger than Slenderman's, where the children Splendorman takes in reside.
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Besides de wild flowers of the field, the mansion has a huge garden filled with any plant one can think of. In the center of this is a wide cristal lake with a thin river that goes through the whole garden towards a nearby forest. This forest is a whimsical one, filled with random objects that pop here and there every time (like bath tubs, chairs, bicycles, etc.), colorful leaves falling every second and giant rocks that move when no one is looking.
Fungi and moss makes up a path where everyone can find their way back if they ever get lost
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But the star of the show has to be Splendor's Carnaval.
It's just your regular carnaval nothing new. It has games, food, a ferris wheel, a carousel, bumping cars, etc. It shows up at night at the other side of the forest so the kids won't go spending all their time there.
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The whole domain is a form of escapism for all the children, teens and adults Splendor lets in.
The place is filled with a sweetened aroma and a feeling or dreaminess. People would describe it as revisiting an old memory or living in a dream. There's so much calmness in there, one can actually forget everything that they've been through and sleep on the ground without a worry.
Just be aware when Splendor is upset. He is a very emotional person though he usually is in control of his domain despite it, but in his times of immense distress the children can find giant craters where bombs had explode, extremely dried out plants, and a feeling that they are no longer safe.
And now: the juice
Aka. the family drama
Faceless People feed off of energy. They don't drain all the energy from a person, they just get contagious by different feelings or emotions. Mainly bad emotions like envy, anger, fear or despair since those toxic feelings are the strongest and easiest to get. Therefore, the Faceless family is a very toxic family since they just consume toxic emotions.
They're known to be vain and manipulative. They think they are superior than humans, ghosts and demons are just minor annoyances and other cryptids are like animals.
Splendor is not like that. He was able to break out of the toxic energy and now feeds off of love, happiness and joy. All that positive energy that mainly kids carry (hence why he sometimes comes off as childish or naive), but he also goes behind older people or anyone who still has any sense of wonder.
And since these feelings are healthier he is technically the healthiest of the family. And that also contributes to his physical strength.
This makes him the "black sheep" of the family.
Because of this he is the main subject of criticism during family gatherings and he's not taken seriously most of the time because of his "goddie-two-shoes" attitude, however he is far from being oblivious to all of this. For this reason he is the king of passive-agression. He has developed a thick skin when dealing with them, sometimes being straight up cold with his comments out of spite, giving him the title of a "fake" when he's just reciprocating the gesture.
He has a little bit of a supperiority complex too because he is stronger and has a higher moral than his family but he won't admit it. He gets a little too cocky sometimes tho.
He has distanced himself from his family now (the only exception being Slenderman and yet they don't see each other often), but he hesitates on cutting them off entirely. He desperately wants to get rid of having to see them every single reunion, but he's more terrified of being alone.
Splendor would absolutely bully Slenderman every single time they meet tho. He can't break the big brother code.
Being an immortal cryptid being becomes lonely when there's no one else like you. All there is left of his people are his family and he can't leave all his emotional support on children.
Nothing can ever be compared to his feelings towards his uncle Offenderman.
He doesn't like the use of the word "hate" very much and he tries to not show or feel it a lot, because he believes it's a very strong, toxic and negative feeling.
However, he breaks this rule with Offenderman.
He despises his uncle and the sentiment is reciprocated, yet nobody has ever seen or heard of a discussion or a fight between them. Like- something definitely happened, but they won't speak.
It's better to leave it there anyway. Those two can destroy a town in a matter of seconds if they feel like it.
The Splendorman is a very underestimated person. Him being a happy-go-lucky creature doesn't mean he isn't capable of doing harm. Or wishes to.
He is as deep as he is mythical. Someone more than a cryptid- a fairy tail.
Humans talk about a tall kind man, who takes them to his paradise and grants them one last happy wish before returning to their sour lives, someone who makes teens laugh like when they were children, and houses kids when no one is looking. The Faceless people just talk about a disappointment, a deviant who pretends to be a good person to distract himself from his "true nature", a clown even.
Splendor just lets them talk.
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stealth-liberal · 3 months
So, I'm watching Itaewon Class and to be honest, I really don't care for either love interest.
Soo-Ah, while I understand why she took the money from Jang Co because she was in an orphanage and had ZERO chance of financing her education otherwise, has stayed loyal in adulthood to a group of people she knows for a FACT are evil. This could have been a good story of her breaking away or helping Saoyrori take them down, just she's helping him from the inside. But no, instead, she waffles and whines and ultimately makes all the wrong choices. So I don't really care for her character, and she drives me nuts.
Then there's Yiseo, who is a complete and total asshole. I get why some people love her character because it's a fantastic vicarious thrill when she takes her assbaggery out on other total assholes. However, she treats EVERYONE like total shit. She's selfish, and she uses every person around her. People are tools for her and disposable when she's done with them. Which, since Yiseo is a diagnosed sociopath is kind of part and parcel to the condition. The only person that, thus far, she is shown treating kindly is Saoyrori... which since she's the other love interest in this triangle of shit is required. It is beyond my abilities to believe that she is capable of not treating him as a disposable tool eventually when she gets whatever it is that she wants from him. It's tv, so she won't (spoiler alert: she's endgame) but I just cannot believe in a world where their relationship wouldn't crash and burn with toxicity. Frankly, I feel the same about Soo-Ah as well.
Also, Yiseo is both transphobic and racist and does the absolute bare minimum to evolve past that. Basically, we're supposed to believe that she has evolved because of 1 verbal sentence for the transphobia and 1 written sentence for the racism. She still remains a total asshole.
I absolutely HATE when writers give me two equally shitty love interests (though in different ways) and ask me to support one of them. Now, I think Soo-Ah could have been easily redeemed, she's not though. And Yiseo is just hot garbage from the start. I cannot stand both of them so much that I'm not sure if I can continue to watch this drama.
This is the 2nd Park Seo Joon drama I have watched where he plays a big hearted but sort of dim man who has 2 possible love interests that treat him and/or everyone else like complete shit. That other one is Fight For My Way. I would love for this to stop being a theme.
PS: Yiseo is so pathologically jealous that I literally threw my remote across my couch watching it. Pathological jealousy, my absolute LEAST favorite personality trait for love interests... both in fiction and in real life. I don't think I'm gonna be able to finish this, and it's a shame because I really love all the other characters.
I'm not romance repulsed, I love a good romance plot or subplot... but this one sucks monkey balls.
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