#but it's not!
starlightomatic · 1 year
ACIP decided to approve new covid vaccines for everyone over six months old!!! yes!!!!
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yon-shi · 2 years
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* You are drinking Radic tea.
* It's hard to recognize this taste.
* But you like it.
Happy birthday, dear @zarla-s!
I use this number of palette cause I'm genius.
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charleecat-bat · 2 years
tfw you picture a fav characters of yours as being on the autism spectrum because of headcanons and you yourself being on autistic but you don’t want people to take the wrong way cause of the particular character so you just keep quiet :I
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kazhan · 3 years
The Book of [Any Character Who Isn't Boba Fett]
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elucubrare · 3 years
The Spoke
The basil flowers and so it can grow I pinch the blossoms off and let them fall. The basil keeps growing, reaching sunward. And I drink tea and watch the days get shorter.
Hot water leeches flavor from the leaves. I mulch the basil’s pot with tea leaves and let them turn into richer soil. I repot the basil when it gets older.
I pick basil leaves for pesto, packing them densely, washing them in cold water. I crank the salad spinner to dry them. The days are marked by changing sauces.
Nothing changes, not the basil, not the soil, not the pots, not the days. But it all revolves: I - the spoke, the pole, the axle - stand still. The world whirls around me. Everything changes.
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nightime-flowers · 3 years
Just here to remind you that experiencing anger is not a bad thing! It's a normal human emotion just as happiness and love is a normal human emotion! Anger should not be seen as a negative thing :)
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mythicalcoolkid · 4 years
You will slip up You will make someone uncomfortable You will misread a situation You will accidentally say something inappropriate You will annoy someone You will say the wrong thing You will have someone mad at you You will have to ride out an awkward moment you’ve created
It happens to everyone. It’s not a reflection of who you are as a person, and I promise it’s not nearly as devastating as it feels. Other people will not remember that moment in the long run. You are not a bad person for accidentally saying the wrong thing
Because you will also make someone laugh You will say something that someone will remember with a smile You will make someone see something in a new light You will crack someone up all over again when they remember what you said You will be a nice memory for someone You will say exactly what someone needed to hear right now You will be someone’s really good conversation You will say something that will make someone snort with laughter You will be the reason someone smiles
No one is going to say the perfect thing every time, but everyone does sometimes, whether you know it or not
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sometownie · 4 years
one more reply!
→ srsly kid wtf
@falkii: oh my god and i thought MY born-in-game sims were strange looking
I’m glad my beautiful boy is making you feel better about your own sims ♥ Ok but seriously this is what you get when you try to create sims that are all unique from each other.... The prettiest sims get the funniest-looking kids! 
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flossingh · 4 years
Love to block people who leave anti shit on my posts :)
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emjs-good-out-here · 4 years
I've known Kitty's backstory for literally months, but it only just clicked for me tonight, while I was washing dishes, that the reason she latches so strongly onto every abandoned or lonely person and creature that she encounters is likely because she's always been alone? Like, as a kid, she basically raised herself cos her parents were just... absent. At school, she was an outsider. Then she ran away from home in her late teens, and had been on her own ever since.
And she probably has quite a bit of unresolved trauma surrounding all of that? So when she sees someone in a similar situation she's just subconsciously like "oh shit, I know how awful that is, I'd better try and be there for them so they don't have to be alone like I was"
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jesseoftheorder · 5 years
There’s a book I’ve been waiting for for a super long time that I pre-ordered months ago and it came out yesterday and the email originally said it was coming tomorrow except now it’s coming Friday instead and I know it’s one day but I cannot put into words how massively disappointed I am because I was planning on coming home from my job interview tomorrow that I have been stressing about all week and just reading non-stop but now I have to wait an extra day and this weekend I’m gonna be gone doing family stuff and probably won’t have much time to read and I’m so bummed. I miss when I was younger and I had the free time and read whole books in a few days like it was nothing. 
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biamondpickaxe · 5 years
ok was anybody going to tell me that jenna joseph is pregnant or was i just supposed to look at my instagram explore page myself
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checkyesifulikeme · 5 years
okay im PINKY_FUCKIN_PROMISING myself that i’ll call back the 2 cafes i submitted my resumes to. i’ll have it done by 4 PM tomorrow......i meant to call on monday, then tuesday, then wednesday and now it’s thursday and i spent this morning crying about how anxious i am to make the call and how i don’t know what to say l o l. u would think i’ve never done this before but alas, that’s not tha case! i’m so annoyed w/ myself but i do this with everything and it’s been the hardest habit to break. procrastination just sings 2 me but it makes me feel. so so bad. as it should lol ! 
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sevi007 · 5 years
Something that really makes me sad when I read comments under drawing tutorial vids is just how many comments are like…. “tried it, turned out ugly, I gave up”.
And I just really want to tell all those people - Don’t give up! The artist you’re watching in the video is not doing this for the first time, they have done this dozens, hundreds of times before. Their first try didn’t turn out well, either! They only got to where they are now because they did it again, and again, and again, until it did turn out well.
Practices makes perfect, people. And just because it turned out not-so-well on the first try, doesn’t mean it’s not going to turn out amazing after the tenth, or twelfth, or whatever-how-many try.
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girlunionize · 6 years
I am watching My Friend Dahmer with my girlfriend and she keeps insisting that "Derf" is Nat Wolff
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How's the paper going? Inquiring minds want to know
hi thanks for the interest I would love to say it’s going great but uh
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