#but im not confident in my music notation
zeawesomebirdie · 1 year
I should dig out my ocarina
I'm better at that than piano, and getting out my trombone is way too much energy just for composing,,,
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prorevenge · 5 years
If security asks you to turn down rhe volume just comply
Apologies in advance for my Grammer and as I'm writing this on a cell phone. And I am a bit aggravated.
Cast: store employee (sm), me (me), my boss(mb), building owner(bo).
So let me set the scene. I am a security officer with(redacted) security company. I work in a referbished office building that was been made into a bunch of stores. I have Been with this company for almost eight years. So I have a great professional relationship with the (bo), clients, And all store owners. Now Im generally a good guy. And am relaxed about the rules as long(1) as your space doesn't get out of hand (2) I am needed or be called for a complaint.
This particular day I received a complaint of loud music. So I am fallowing procedures and walk the floors and find the source. As I get to the third floor via stairs I can already hear the music on the floor its the new nail salon. I decide to go to the restroom and on my way back I calmly knock on the door of the salon and am greeted by (sm) the conversation went like this
Me: I'm sorry to bother you but received a noise complaint. I know it's the weekend and not a lot of people are here but I have to ask you to lower the volume please.
SM: oh ok no problem I didn't think it was too loud. Me: thank you for cooperation
She then shuts the door in my face rude but ok. So I continue to the other floors and didn't hear any more music so I returned to the security desk. About forty minutes later (sm) comes down up to the desk I'm sitting at and this is the conversation that fallows
Sm: your a lier!
Me: excuse me
Sm: you said you got a complaint against me. I just went up all the floors and nobody said they complained about me!
Me: I sorry ma'am you misunderstood what I said.
She cuts me off before I can explain.
Sm: don't try to backtrack now. Your a lier and I'm going to get you fired for harassing me! I called my boss and she is calling (bo)
Me: I sorry you feel that way. But I need for you to return to your work station as you are causing a scene in front of clients. And I if not I will have no alternative but to walk you out of the building as the site has a zero tolerance policy for these kind of events.
Sm: I'm so gonna get you fired for this!
And storms off to the elevators.
About an hour later I get a conference call from (mb) and (bo).
mb:morning (me) I'm on conference call with (BO). And we received a wild complaint about you misbehaving on site just now we want to get your side of things before we decide on what to do next.
Bo: I agree as the allegations against you out really out of character and I have confidence in your preformance in in representing both out interests.
So I give them the rundown on everything that happened. And how I handled it.
Bo: that sounds more like you however it's now he said she said. as she claims you forced your way into her workspace and was yelling at the top of your lungs at her to turn the music down while yelling obsenities and racist remarks at her in front of her clients and how you threatened her life if you had to come back up there. She says she feels like her life is endangered as long as your here working so close to her. And her clients said the she was telling the truth.
Now I was pissed. Que my nucler the revenge. As a safety precaution a while back I bought a body cam that is connected to my cell phone.and guess what after the conference call was over i remembered that turned on my cam and it had been recording since before I clocked into work when I checked my I struck gold because not only did I have a recording off all the interactions with (sm) so after reviewing my audio/video footage mostly to get start and end points of all the interactions I had with (sm). I called (mb) back Me: hay boss I fergot about my bodycam and how I could prove what I was saying.
Mb: really great send me an email and a copy of the footage for me to review.
Me: ok sir. And do I have permission to contact (bo) and let her know?
Mb: if you want to I'll be calling her after reviewing the footage too.
So I called (bo) and told her about my body cam and how I could prove my inncoents. I could literally hear her perking up at this she responds with Bo: perfect! send it to me asap my email address is (readacted). And the time notations I should look at.
Fast forward Two hours later who comes wobbling out of the elevators in tears in a sobbing mess with a box with her stuff in it. With her head down doing the waddle of shame as she is being escorted out the property by police it's (sm).
Later I find out that (bo) call the salon owner and was livid that her employee was causing such a scene and had got her clients in involved with the incident against me. And how that was unacceptable, while (bo) didn't have the power to fire (sm) but (bo) made it clear that she now banned from building and all it's resorces. Reminder the salon owner that though (sm) called the shots inside the salon her ass answered to her once she steps out of that salon.
And the icing on the cake (bo) renegotiateed my contract and I got a five dollar raise for my "outstanding service" thank you (bo)!
Update: sm came to the site a few weeks later and litterally begged me to speak with bo and get her to resend the ban. She begged, tried to bribe me and even offered to spend the night with me. And when I told her no she threatened to call the police and say I tried to rape her if I didn't. I grabbed the land line and said d ok let's call bo. When bo answered I told her the SM and recounted everything she said sm started yelling the I was a lier. I then spoke loudly and said yes bo my body cam is on and I recorded the whole encounter. At this sm spotted my bodycam and turned and ran out the door.
Update 2: a few days later sm boss comes down and apologizes to me and said sm will not be bothering you any more as she was arrested for trespassing and and verbal herassment. As Bo has friends in high places our local police force and was pressing charges
(source) story by (/u/Fredking1313)
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bbhyuckie · 6 years
jaehyun x reader
librarian! au
genre: fluff
words: 1.7k
warnings: realistic portrayals of college life lol
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ive said before that im being self indulgent with posts
but this is really it
im really out here writing this
lets get into this mess
so youre studying right
and you yourself do not have a laptop of your own
bc welcome to being a broke college kid im calling myself out
so you decide that youre gonna go to the library on campus bc sis,, cash in on the tuition money ok
so you go and youre like wow hahahaha i dont have a library card better sign up for one
so you go to the desk and theres no one there
just your luck really
you decide to wander around a little to see if theres anyone who can help you
and low and behold you stumble across someone
this young man knelt down by a shelf with a book rack next to him just humming softly and organizing books
and you catch his attention by clearing your throat slightly
he looks up and his eyes are big over the rims of his wire framed glasses that are clinging to the tip of his round button nose
and his hair is a little mussed from being bent down
but holy hell
youve read enough novels to know that this must be exactly what the characters are talking about when they say things like ‘love at first sight’
“sorry” he says as he standcs and brushes himself off “can i help you with anything?”
starstruck really
you manage to stutter out something about needing to register for a library card and he smiles so kindly it makes u want to melt
“sure!’ he says, motioning for you to follow him back up to the desk
is this what a trance feels like???
he asks you a few basic questions, like your name, your age, and what building your dorm is in so he can put it all on your new nifty library card
and then he turns around this lil webcam on top of his computer and asks you to stand in front of it and smile
and you do, awkwardly
and as hes looking down at the computer counting “3, 2, 1” he has this smile on his face like hes trying to hide it
and if that didnt make ur heart jump you dont know what ever would holy
so he prints off your card as youre still trying to recover from being in the presence of an angel
and he hands it to you and smiles
“library hours are 8 am to 12 am every day, but on the weekends i’m the one that closes. which means if you ever need some extra time to finish that essay you pushed off,,, i wont tell anyone”
and not lot a hot wink
but a cute?? wink??? if thats possible
like you have a secret with him now and its safe
you wonder absently as you stare down at the black and white picture of yourself on the back of your new card if he tells everyone about him closing on the weekends
and if he doesnt does that make you special???/
you smile and thank him again, maybe a little more confidently than before and head for the door
you realise as youre halfway out that you came here to study on the computers but you really need some time to sit down and process the fact that you just say an actual angel
you can do your math homework on your phone for one more night if it means you can turn down your body heat from screaming blushing mess to slightly embarrassed rosy cheeks
the next time you get a chance to run by the library on campus, it just so happens to be sunday
you catch yourself wondering if dream boy meant friday and saturday or saturday and sunday when he said weekends
thats not important right now
what is important is that you have actual business to do in the library today
and that business is to pick up hamlet for your english class
you check in and someone else is at the front desk
you try not to let yourself feel disappointed
i mean you met him once for christs sake
the guy at the front is equally as attractive as dream boy from the previous week, but a little more relaxed to talk to since he isnt giving you any flirty subtones
the kid is all business really
he tells you that his name is doyoung if you need anything else
you ask how he got the job there, out of curiousity
because really, both of the librarians youve encountered seem pretty young for the standard librarian stereotype
doyoung explains that its a work-study job, so nearly all the people that work there are students at the university and work in between classes or on their off days to make some extra cash or pay off some tuition
and you can get behind that!!
so doyoung is cool and you decide you can go to him to ask questions instead
because while dream boy is a dream boy with pretty cheekbones and nice lips and a smooth voice and a good sense of style and a great height without insoles and looks great with glasses and has the most captivating eyes
hes a lil distracting lol
anyway you find yourself in the shakespearean section
and you grab a hamlet off the shelf and head back up to the front to have doyoung check the book out to you
and as hes handing you the book back you get a classroom notification saying that, despite common belief, the book rental wasnt due by tomorrow, but the whole book reading is due by tomorrow
you wonder how the fuck professors get away with shit like this and then you remember that you didnt bother to read the syllabus so you cant really get too mad at anyone but yourself
so you find a table that looks like it has the comfiest chairs and cozy up for a long evening of reading and annotating
(depending on who you are you either love or hate hamlet, either way it is exhausting to annotate anything from that man so bear with me ok)
five hours later and ⅔ of the annotations later it is 11:56pm
and you havent noticed
you hadnt noticed much of anything happening in the real world after you popped in a headphone and started reading about guards seeing a ghost
that is until someone plops down in the seat in front of you and asks
“so what are you studying”
and you look up, a little delayed because youre finishing a notation
only to find that its dream boy
and your brain blanks for a sec bc wow every time you see him its kinda like?? ouch???? my heart bro
so you just kind of shake your head and mutter some “im not really sure anymore”
and theres some truth to that!! first there were ghosts and now theres dead girlfriends dads and dead girlfriends and talking about a skull in a graveyard
that play is really a wild ride brother
and dream boy sits there and laughs, wholesomely
you could die happy
“yeah i get that” he says, rubbing the back of his neck
theres a pause that carries on a bit too long
“wanna hear a dumb joke?” he asks suddenly
you smile then, partially out of exhaustion and partially because wow?? cutie
“sure” you say
“okay. what do you call a nervous javelin thrower?”
you pause for a sec bc wtf
“dunno. what do you call them?”
he flashes this cute fucking grin that you know is supposed to be slick but just comes off as wholesome and says
and you shouldve seen that coming wow
and its so dumb that you actually??? giggle????? and that turns into a laugh??
youre probably just exhausted from annotations but maybe that was actually funny
and his smile softens like hes made progress on something
“y/n, right? i dont think i ever actually introduced myself. i’m jaehyun”
he smiles and reaches across the tabe and you take his hand
its warm and strong and you try not to think about it too hard
“well, y/n, library loses here in another two minutes or so.”
he sees the look on your face fall
“but never fear!” he leans forward and lowers his voice
you hold your breath
“i told ya you could stay, didnt i?”
his smile is closed lipped and cute and genuine
before you can say anything hes up and ushering the last few people out of the library, telling them good night and good luck with their classes tomorrow
youre kind of caught in a brain dead daze after finally being pulled from your studying to watching this cute librarian named jaehyun bustle around and lock doors and turn off lights
and when he finally gets back to you he clicks on the lamp on the table youre working at and sets a cup of coffee in front of you
he mustve made it as you were falling asleep with your eyes open
you thank him copiously before asking
“i thought you let everyone stay after hours when you closed”
he looks up over the rim of his mug with a surprised look in his eyes
he shakes his head as swallows the clearly too hot coffee
“not at all. most of the time i kick them out and study by myself.”
he blushes like its a confession and it makes you feel,,,, something
but you dont want to press
so you just reach out and offer your other headphone to him because if you dont know what to say then you can both enjoy some good study music
so he pulls out his homework for the night and the two of you sit there and study
you sip off your coffee occasionally and both of you nod your heads to the music playing in your ears
he hums along to the ones he knows and a thought skips across your mind
you could get used to this
(theres a 100000% chance there will be a part two to this)
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