#but if she lost them because some witch ACCIDENTALLY said something she shouldn't oh man
corvidmagicae · 1 year
The easy route is the person who let it slip is dead, but where's the fun in that? If they're a fellow immortal of some description, and still alive, they may find themselves haunted by their own guilt. Unable to forgive themselves, but also believing it impossible to be forgiven by Bri and her kin on account of her supposed demise. For bonus points, make it so that before the accident, they were a pillow of joy and kindness, and now they're a miserable echo of their past self who can't muster a smile nor bring themselves to get close to anyone else. Even have their trust eroded by centuries of a community that believe they're a betrayer. Or better yet, thinking the community thinks that of them, and self-isolating n a way that prevents the fear from ever sorting itself out naturally.
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