#but if i make an actual design he is definitely not having straight hair
numinous-void · 2 days
um i’m swamped with school but here’s some radiorose headcanons! i am probably gonna write little imagines (are those still a thing?) about them & the headcanons instead of full stories cus im a good writer- just not in the creative way… the boring research and report paper way….
- rosie does a lot of the grocery shopping because alastor is very frugal. i imagine he was pretty poor as a kid so it was a habit his mama passed onto him.
- same train of thought, but he makes a lot of struggle meals. 70% of the time out of habit, 30% of the time for nostalgia. old habits die hard. when he gets older the nostalgia reason becomes more often. in my au he’s very very early 20s. frontal lobe not finished. i see him dying at like 29-32 range.
-alastor is pretty thin, and rosie will make him model designs and he sits there feigning grumpiness but really he doesn’t care and likes to help her.
-constant playful war of who’s cooking because they both enjoy it. rosie can bake and she teaches alastor how to. he doesn’t like sweets but after he learns, he bakes little goodies for her.
-they both have similar m.o. and they leave little signatures on each victim. alastor draws or carves (depending on severity of how much he dislikes the person) a smiley face. rosie leaves little flower petals covering their face or heart.
-both alastor and rosie have similar motives. they will kill both men and women but will not harm children and nor will they orphan children. they target people who are abusers (in any form) and p3dos. they are sorta like vigilantes but they are a little too sadistic to be a vigilante in a way. they torment the victim psychologically and physically as revenge and take joy and are entertained by it.
-they are knowledgeable in different areas. alastor is very good at anatomy, rosie is very good with decay. they are both extremely intelligent, but these skills are only slightly more noticeable in each other.
-alastor manipulates through smooth talking, rosie manipulates through sweet talking. they manipulate people to gain more of a social status, manipulate victims into traps, and manipulate people who are not their target demographic, but incredibly arrogant and difficult. they both do not manipulate innocent people or people with equal or lesser power than them. they do not manipulate each other either.
- due to the vastly different parts of america they were raised in (alastor- new orleans, louisiana and rosie- boston, massachusetts) they sometimes have trouble interpreting words or understanding words through each others heavy accents. alastor may ask if rosie wants a “cold drink,” she may assume a literal drink that is cold, when he actually is referring to soda. rosie may ask the same thing but refers to soda as “pop.” for funsies, mimzy just calls it soda
-alastor is still very cold, suave, silent, and nonchalant. exception… rosie. he melts for her. she likes to have fun with that lol. he’s ace but rosie can definitely bring out a little bit more of a gray-asexual or favorable ace with just small little (but intimate) gestures. he’s not used to it but he likes it. he likes the genuine affection.
-rosie first saw his curls when he was escorting her home and it began to rain, not having an umbrella, alastors hair began to curl. he didn’t want her to see (cus yaknow… the 1920s…) but she loved it. she eventually learns and helps al take care of his curly hair or will help him straighten it. she prefers it curly but she understands the need and want for it to be straight in public/society at the time.
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lovelybunnigum · 5 months
so happy the curly red hair with facial hair lucifer agenda is spreading, I haven't made a full actual design yet but have like an idea of it, he's basically that and I'm not alone LES GOOO also he's fat also idk how him being big would work cause like I was asking around hazbin discord servers (totally reliable source I know), asking people if he could change his body shape and if there was a limit to how long he could stay in other forms, and 2-3 people assumed he can stay in another body shape for as long as he wants, so based off that um I'm guessing if luci ever were to feel insecure about his weight gain hed just simply make himself skinny again so now I'm sad cus I probably cant make him thick MANNNN whatEVER ill make it so there's limits on how long he can stay in other forms I need to push the fat lucifer propaganda (this might change in the future but like as of right now I'm pretty adamant on having him be a big guy ((still short)))
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ignore alastor i was having brainrot also i forgot lucifers red cheeks this is like the only thing I have of him that's presentable rn
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theapangea · 1 year
I actually posted about this but I thought a fun dynamic to play with for lip and his girlfriend would be lip and a non drinker. Shes like the designated driver caregiver and the gallaghers love her because after parties they all magically wake up in their beds and lip just really values her more than life, like hes so in love its insane
A million times yes to this!! I love the idea of soft!Lip. Hope you love it!!
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Soft 4 You
Lip Gallagher x reader
A/N: This is told from Lip's perspective which I think just lets us get into his head and how he feels about you. If you see any mistakes, no you didn't.
Summer in the Southside means two things - sweating your ass off during the day and partying until you black out at night. For Lip, the getting drunk off of your ass was all part of the fun, especially when he knew you were around to make sure he got home safely. 
The events of last night quickly fade away as the sunshine peeks through the makeshift curtain pinned to the wall. The whipping sound from the fan turns into a high pitch ring causing Lip to groan. His heartbeat pounding right behind his eyes as the beginning of a headache settles in. 
The feeling of his brain wanting to burst out of his skull makes him grab his pillow, placing it over his face, half covering himself from the sun and the other half suggesting that maybe death is a better way to deal with this hangover. His arm stretches out to feel around the bed, but it's empty, the presence of you long gone on this painful morning, if you could still call it morning. 
Pushing on the pillow more, the pressure lightly helping with the deadly headache. Squeezing his eyes tighter as the image of you begins to form inside his eyelids. Your smile, your voice, your laughter dancing around Lip’s head, the only solace from the raging migraine.
He wants to live inside his mind forever. The memories playfully swirl through his head as a warm, fuzzy feeling brews inside his chest. His heart beats faster just by thinking of you, the way you brighten a room, how you carry yourself, selflessly putting others before you. Caring for his siblings as if they are your own, stepping up to take the responsibility of the household on your shoulders. 
Since Lip met you, he has promised himself that he will become a better man for you. Become the partner that you deserve, striving everyday to do so. Lip wants you to have the world, hoping one day he can be the one to give it to you. 
Lip is so helplessly in love with you that he definitely doesn’t mind the fall.
The cotton mouth is too much to handle as he just lays there in his own sweat. He thinks if he waits here long enough that at some point you will show up, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, fingers rubbing over his chest, your sweet scent engulfing his nose. But sadly he can’t wait that long.
Groaning as he lifts himself onto his elbows, blinking a couple of times as his surroundings become clear, the headache throbbing more with every move. His eyes trailing along the room before seeing the tall glass of water that sits on the dresser. Smacking his lips a couple of times as he wants nothing more than to drink something. 
Pushing himself up, a small puddle of sweat lay underneath as he scoots to the edge, the bedsheet sticking to his legs as he fumbles to stand up. Using the dresser as leverage so he doesn’t fall.
The faint hint of a smile appears as he comes face to face with the water and next to it, two Advil and a little note that says ‘take these’ signed with a heart in the corner and your initial. His heart skips a beat as his fingers trace over your delicate handwriting. Barely being able to think straight because of the hangover and now you got his mind racing a million miles an hour with your love. 
Quickly raking a hand through his hair before swallowing the pills and chugging the water. Closing his eyes to allow the medicine to relieve some of his pain, knowing it will take longer than a couple of seconds. 
Tripping over himself as he pulls on a pair of jeans. Leaving his room to wobble down the hallway and descend down the stairs to the kitchen. The sound of chatter and laughter fill Lip’s head, wishing the happy sounds weren’t causing his head to pound more. Finally stopping on the bottom step as he observes the scene in front of him. 
Deb’s and Carl’s laughter fill the small room as you are telling a funny story. Your voice erupts louder as the punchline comes, sending them into fits of laughter. Their faces tell how much they enjoy having you around, the way you bring a sort of calmness to the house. Turning it into a home.
The kitchen is a bit of a mess as the grand breakfast you made - pancakes, eggs, bacon - sits on top of the stove. The dining table is messy as Lip can tell you just finished eating. Taking your time with his siblings to bond with them and get to know them on a deeper level. 
He couldn’t love you any more than in this exact moment. Without you knowing he was around. 
Lip gets pulled from his thoughts when Ian comes racing down the stairs behind him, patting Lip on the shoulder while he passes by. Prompting you to turn towards them both, a huge smile forming on your face, the kind where your eyes grow smaller and your cheeks grow bigger.
And God did that damn smile light a fire inside of him that he will let burn forever.
what did you think ??? thank you for reading !
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dolliethv · 9 days
One Of The Girls.
summary: English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes I'm sorry!! Hiii, this is a pretty TO long story, I wanted to write something with a lot of sexual tension and a lot of smut, read it calmly and I hope you enjoy it xoxo!!
Pairing: Jude Bellingham x fem reader!!
Word count: about 6k
You weren't sure if attending Jude's party was a good idea, but something inside you—maybe the excitement of Halloween and the thought of celebrating with your group of friends, or perhaps the hope of seeing him—convinced you. Jude's huge, new house in Madrid, decorated with lit pumpkins and fake cobwebs, gleamed in the distance, full of people already enjoying the night.
You stepped inside, and strobe lights danced on the walls, while laughter and music filled the air. You grabbed a drink as you passed by the improvised bar, trying to relax. You hadn’t taken more than two steps when you felt that familiar gaze tracing your body. You slowly turned, and there he was, Jude, leaning against the wall, his eyes fixed solely on you.
You wished the ground would swallow you because your damn group of friends was headed straight toward Jude Bellingham’s group. Of course, they all knew each other.
After your friends had chatted enough with the other group, you decided to take the lead.
"Couldn’t you put a little more effort into your costume?" That was the first thing you asked when you finally looked him in the eyes for the first time that night.
Curious about what he was actually dressed as?
Seriously? A simple cop uniform? You could bet your life on the fact that men have zero originality—they always go for the easy option. Lord, give me patience.
You absolutely hated basic Halloween costumes. Anything that took less than ten minutes and minimal effort didn’t deserve attention. It might seem a bit over the top, but given the number of creative ideas this particular holiday offered, you just couldn’t stand it.
Not when you even designed and made your own costume for the occasion.
But it was funny how quickly Jude changed your mind.
Basic is good. Basic is great. Damn it.
"What’s your costume supposed to be, anyway?" Jude continued, his voice calm but his body still a bit tense.
"It’s Suki from Fast and Furious!" Drew, one of Jude’s friends, shouted loud enough that the music barely muffled it.
He wasn’t even trying to hide his blatant staring, but truthfully, neither of you cared. You turned and headed off with your friends to who knows where.
You knew you looked good. You’d worked particularly hard on your outfit for tonight, so you had no reason to hide. Everything was perfectly planned, from head to toe.
Minutes passed, and you tried to convince yourself there was no reason to panic, but there were a lot of people, and your outfit was a bit too revealing. So, when you felt hands around your waist, you were ready to scream for whoever it was to back off.
"It's me."
Oh my God, you almost had a heart attack.
Jude pulled you against him, your back pressed to his chest, his left hand settling on your hip while his right extended around your shoulder to not-so-gently push people aside. The tall, dark-haired boy didn’t take long to start moving you both, making space with his prominent frame when people were too slow to get out of the way, shoving them until he cleared a path for both of you.
Stupid party, stupid Jude Bellingham. It was his fault you ended up there anyway. Jude may not have seen your face, but he definitely felt how tense you were in his arms.
"Why the bad attitude?"
Bad attitude? You didn’t know much about attitudes, but all your limited knowledge vanished when he pulled you even closer.
You cleared your throat briefly, your words followed by a slight shake of your head.
"Am I the one with the bad attitude?" you replied.
Because truthfully, you’d been on your best behavior since you got to that house. Or at least trying.
Jude loved driving you crazy; he thought you looked damn adorable acting tough at barely 5'1".
"By the way, you look amazing."
It was a great move, saying something so flattering to ease the tension.
"Thanks," you murmured, not caring whether he heard, your eyes glued to the back of the guy Jude was elbowing out of the way.
Two stomped-on feet and a "Are you gonna move or what the hell are you waiting for?" later, you were finally out of the chaos.
Well, as far out of danger as you could be at a party and in a house full of mostly strangers.
However, Jude didn’t stop there. He guided you to what you vaguely recognized as the first hallway on the right, his hands never leaving your body. It wasn’t unpleasant for you, not at all, but you both drew more than a few curious stares. It didn’t bother you much now that your closest friends knew. Other people’s opinions of you were never the most positive anyway, but you were surprised at how little Jude seemed to care, considering it was his house.
When you finally stopped, you found yourselves where you’d suspected a few moments earlier, slightly sheltered from the loud music. There were a few other people around, but they were far enough away not to intrude on your conversation.
Jude released you a few seconds before turning you around and wrapping his arms around you again, pulling you close as he leaned against the wall.
"I like your hairstyle; it’s cute," he said, grabbing a lock of your hair between his fingers. "Scratch that. Actually, I love how sexy you look with your hair down."
You were starting to seriously regret the day you told Jude you wouldn’t mind being complimented daily because it was getting out of hand.
How were you supposed to function properly when Jude kept looking at you with dark eyes?
You swallowed hard, shifting your gaze to the side of his face to avoid dealing with the intensity of his stare. You needed to say something and had to do it now.
"People were staring at us."
Of course, your voice trembled, and of course, out of all the things you could’ve said, you picked the one with the most potential to ruin the moment.
Jude was being very open tonight, and while you didn’t dislike it, it was new and somehow made him even more intimidating. All you could focus on was trying to stay afloat, despite involuntarily melting into the warmth of his touch and the comfort of his voice.
"When you look like that, baby, of course, people are going to stare."
You were getting nervous so quickly that it was unreasonable. Your breathing was already picking up, and butterflies were fluttering, one by one, to the point that you could no longer distinguish between those in your heart and those in your stomach.
This was exactly why you shouldn’t stay away from Jude for too long.
"News travels fast, Bellingham. Especially when you’re the footballer of the moment."
But with Jude, you didn’t have to worry. Jude could take care of both of you, and maybe you shouldn’t trust him, but God, it felt so good to be protected.
You desperately wanted to kiss him. Every brush of his thumb against your skin was electrifying. You needed to be closer, needed more, and this time, it had nothing to do with lust.
It was the kind of need you hadn’t felt before, the kind that demanded an exchange of feelings, even if not through words. Even if you tore off your clothes and pressed skin to skin, chest to chest, heartbeat to heartbeat, it wouldn’t be enough. You wanted to be inside Jude’s mind, to share all his thoughts, to experience the unknown, to finally understand each other, but you were too scared.
You couldn’t get there just yet.
"Your costume is stupid," you finally said, your voice coming out a bit more determined.
Jude’s lips curled into a smile, which quickly turned into a laugh that disappeared just as fast, but it was definitely something worth remembering.
"You’re so good at flirting," he purred sarcastically. "Tell me more."
You thought you might be able to keep a straight face, but as soon as you saw him smile, you followed. There was something so addictive about it, maybe the fact that you didn’t see it often, but it definitely made Jude ten times more attractive.
And he was already too attractive to begin with. God.
"It really is stupid," you confirmed your own thoughts, your fingers trailing up to fix the collar of Jude’s cop uniform. "But you look so sexy. I don’t know why I’m so into this kind of stuff."
You knew you weren’t the only one. It’s not for nothing that women love men in uniform.
"You don’t like the uniforms; you like the authority behind them. Or should I say, you’re afraid of it?"
Even though you had the same smile, Jude looked completely different, but he was right. You always felt uneasy around any kind of authority figure.
Watching Jude—with the quite noticeable height and body size difference compared to you, with the sleeves of his uniform stretching around his biceps every time he moved—you couldn’t blame yourself for feeling a bit nervous.
And to top it all off, a pair of very real-looking handcuffs hung from his belt.
So yeah, you gave up your principles about liking the basic for one night, but Jude had chosen a really good costume to spark your imagination.
"Honestly..." Jude grabbed your chin and pulled you even closer, his eyes fixed on your lips. "I wouldn’t mind being a cop if it meant I could make pretty things like you tremble."
As if he needed to be a cop to do that. Idiot.
As if you didn’t already find him intimidating enough without the costume. As if your knees didn’t buckle and your body didn’t heat up every time Jude looked you in the eyes for more than three seconds.
"I think that’d be an abuse of power."
Very socially aware of you, but it might be more believable if you stopped looking at him like you wanted him to take advantage of you. You know it's wrong to think that.
Jude hummed, sliding his thumb over your lower lip before pressing it and pulling it down. The movement was so sudden it made you hiss. It was almost embarrassing how willing you were for Jude to do whatever he wanted, to play with your body however he pleased, without questioning the reason.
"It isn’t if you enjoy it."
Their heads tilted to opposite sides, moving closer with lips tingling from the desire to kiss. You could feel Jude exhale before gently pressing his body against yours and brushing his mouth against yours when—
Both grimaced, and you quickly jumped back, your hands starting to smooth out the wrinkles in your clothes. You didn’t turn around or look at Jude; you didn’t want to know if someone had really seen you and didn’t want to deal with it.
Jude’s friends weren’t the type of people he enjoyed talking to, so it would be weird to find yourself in a situation where you had to pretend to be a bit interested in what they had to say.
"Oh, hey," Jude responded with much less enthusiasm as the sound of footsteps grew louder.
"Good party, man."
You recognized the characteristically deep voice and immediately tried to move a little further from the sound. You opted to take the empty space next to Jude, and to avoid seeming rude, you looked up, meeting Trent Alexander’s eyes before giving a small nod in his direction. The man nodded back with a shy smile resting on your lips.
"Hey y/n, you look great!!" He said.
You knew him, or at least you knew who Alexander was. In your defense, you knew all the people in your circle of unfortunately extroverted friends. You knew he was a guy with too much money, another footballer, not surprisingly—very attractive—and also much kinder than many other rich and attractive people.
However, you started to feel anxious.
Alexander didn’t seem to notice your discomfort, even after greeting you. But then the guy lowered his gaze, not going below the level of your skirt, but enough to make you wonder— is this guy checking me out?—God, men are all so bold.
Suddenly, Bellingham cleared his throat, subtly but enough to move you a little out of Trent’s view.
Oh, okay.
"Sorry to bother you, but my friend here won’t stop saying she wants to meet the great Jude Bellingham."
Unaware of the presence of someone else before, you moved your gaze to Trent, where a model-like tall girl was giving all her attention to Jude.
You were annoyed by how attractive she was. You couldn’t imagine how she looked in Jude’s eyes. You weren’t a fan of the cliché thought of hating other women over men, but damn, this feeling was hard to handle.
"Can you blame me? He looks even better than I imagined," she said loudly.
Then you looked at how that girl was dressed.
She was obviously someone very bold, and you were all for female empowerment, but if she came any closer to Jude, you’d have to break her neck.
If Jude hadn’t noticed her before, he definitely was now, shamelessly scanning her figure until stopping on her chest a bit longer than necessary. When he looked back at her face, he gave her a playful smile.
"She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it. My kind of girl."
Sorry, what? His type of what? Is he really giving me a hint?
A fake and shy smile spread across the unknown girl’s face as she tilted her head slightly and flipped her hair back, exposing more of her neck and collarbones.
"Oh, yeah?" She asked, her voice interrupted by laughter. "What else is your type?"
The girl started tracing circles with her index finger over the lower part of her collarbone before dragging it down, outlining the beginning of her breasts. They were quite exposed; it was hard not to notice them, but there was no worse way Jude could handle it than staring at them, his expression not hiding what he was thinking.
Bellingham took a step towards her, immediately placing his right hand on her hip without gripping it, just touching a bit, while moving to whisper something in her ear.
There was absolutely no damn way Jude was doing this in front of you, there must be some kind of reality error. No fucking way, you were really holding yourself back from pulling him away from her and giving him a beating.
Once the brunette straightened up, they were both smiling, and you couldn’t hear it, but you read it from the girl’s lips.
"I got lucky tonight."
Well, you had never considered yourself a crazy person, or at least not one who acted out of her mind with no regard for social norms.
Nevertheless, at that moment, you could barely stand.
You had no doubt about it anymore; it was too strong not to recognize, too powerful to ignore. You were jealous, so jealous that all you could think about was violence and all you could see was red.
"I’m leaving," Alexander suddenly said, visibly uncomfortable with the looks being exchanged.
You didn’t even have time to thank him mentally before the girl grabbed his arm as if her life depended on it, sweetly smiling at Jungkook and saying:
"I’ll be waiting."
And with that, they left.
The crowd made them disappear in less than a minute, leaving no trace. All you could focus on now was the unshakable smile on Jude’s face.
You despised him.
None of this was part of the plan.
Jude’s plan was to keep you without sex for a while, make you show how much you missed him, make you feel so needy that you’d give in to anything in seconds. Bellingham thought nothing could compare to the feeling he’d have once he saw your desperation, the ease with which he’d let you go, giving him the upper hand in the situation.
He was wrong.
Something better than a proud version of you was a version willing to admit, to admit that you were jealous, and he made you realize it after this little outburst.
"Where were we?" He asked as if nothing had happened, his attention slowly returning to you, clearly displeased at his side.
-I might have overstepped a bit- you thought. Relax.
Since Jude did everything he could to avoid giving you more than a glance while talking to that girl, wanting to make it as real as possible, he was enjoying watching your reaction.
You stared defiantly at the wall opposite them, obviously trying to transfer all your anger to her instead of Jude.
Seeing you cute probably wasn’t what you was looking for, but Jude found it absolutely adorable.
"Is something bothering you, sweetheart?" He gently brushed a lock of hair from your forehead, his voice laced with false concern.
It wasn’t a very convincing lie with your teeth clenched and a blank expression on your face.
"Mm, I think it is."
"Good for you."
Jude had to stifle a satisfied smile. The way you responded with the first thing that came to your mind showed you weren’t thinking much before speaking.
"Not in the mood for a conversation anymore?"
You closed your eyes.
But you couldn’t do that, not when it was exactly what you wanted to do. He couldn’t be the first to break, admit his lust, show that he wanted to be with you so much that he’d trample his pride.
Not again.
“You know, I never took you for a jerk who got jealous so easily.”
If it were physically possible, your jaw would be hitting the floor. The air caught in your throat and your lips hung oddly open as you looked at Jude and found the lack of concern on his features.
Being honest was the easiest way to get through to him.
“How dare you?” You asked offended, pushing Jude away as hard as you could.
His balance seemed to falter as you failed to move him an inch, but he did successfully sway on his two feet, before Jude grabbed your wrists.
“How dare I what?” He asked you with an amused smirk. “Does she make you jealous? I was just having a conversation, babe.”
“No, not that.” You finished your statement with an irritated groan, violently breaking free from his hold. “You’re an idiot. Go have a conversation then.”
“Should I?”
The look you gave him only said one thing. “I fucking dare you.”
“Do you think you’ll be able to find her?” You couldn’t help the sarcasm. “You didn’t look at her face even once.”
Well, if it wasn’t obvious, you screwed up. The chances of her living without Bellingham mentioning what you wanted him to not notice were now basically non-existent.
“She didn’t put that on so I would look at her face.”
You had never looked so angry, your head shaking in disbelief and fists clenched on either side of your body. You looked like you were really struggling not to slap him and Jude couldn’t blame you. That was the point, after all.
“Oh, wow.”
He was already on his way to calming her down, his hands reaching for your waist, when you raised his in defense.
“Don’t touch me.”
You even pointed with your index finger in warning, wagging it when Jude didn’t stop.
“I’m not joking, I’ll slap you, don’t touch me- mhppm-”
With one hand around your waist and the other pressing against your jaw, Jude had you backed up against the wall in no time. Despite your earlier threats and your bad mood, you surrendered into his arms quickly, melting into the touch, your soft moans being muffled by Jude’s mouth. The longer it went on, the more eager you became, tugging at his uniform, trying to pull him closer despite your bodies already being together.
When he pulled away, you were a mess. It was being a fight for him to refuse your touch.
“We can go to my room…”
He whispered against you, before moving lower.
He pressed a kiss against your chin
“I’ll make you laugh…”
And then one on the side of your jaw
“I can make you cum…”
You shuddered at the proposal.
You both knew he wanted it, that was not in doubt. The question was how far he would go to get it.
“You will have my full attention.” With sarcasm.
Another kiss, just below your ear.
“All you need to do is ask.” He made sure you were looking at each other when he spoke, eager to see your reaction. “Tell me you don’t want to see me with someone else.”
You noticed how your body completely gave out, all hope in your eyes. Your excitement was replaced with panic as your pupils dilated and your mouth opened and closed without saying a word.
The offer was so tempting, the promise so real, so possible. I hate it.
You wanted it so badly, but it was a matter of pride and even though you were the prouder of the two of you, it was clear that you still had a hard time taking a step back from him.
“If I need to ask for attention, then I don’t want it.” You replied with a dry tone.
“If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
Your jaw clenched at the implication. You knew it.
With the girl dressed in a bad porn nurse costume.
“Can you stop looking at him? I’m talking to you.”
The words of Odessa, your best friend, barely reached your ears, your thoughts overwhelming you in an almost pleasurable way.
You watched as Jude’s hand wrapped around an unfamiliar waist for the umpteenth time that night, causing your own fingers to grip your knee tightly.
This time it was a redhead, dressed in something that was more meant to cover the most private parts of her body than disguise, but who were you to judge? Right?
There was clearly a set pattern that you noticed during the time you spent sitting, gaping and staring in Bellingham’s direction. People would come up to say hello, most often women, their hands touching as much as they could without being inappropriate and a few minutes after sharing a few words they would come over with eyes fluttering in a way that could only mean one thing.
The first few times it happened, your heart nearly stopped beating. You were sure you knew what was about to happen next- Jude would take her by the hand and lead her to his bedroom.
But it didn’t happen. Not with the curly-haired brunette, not with the six-foot-eight leggy blonde, not with the one he was feasting on now.
Is he not interested? You asked yourself.
A raspy growl rumbled somewhere deep in your throat before you grabbed your glass and clumsily emptied it down your throat, not caring how the liquid spilled from the corners of your lips and down your chin.
You called out to your friends, as you abruptly stood up, almost tripping over someone sitting between them.
“Let’s dance.”
Your lips formed a smile at the thought of Jude seeing you with someone else. It was childish, yes, but you didn't really care.
You were about to execute your plan, but when you turned around, you found nothing worth your attention. The spot Jude was occupying all this time now had other people in it, no sign of the brunette in sight.
You wished you could say that it didn’t affect you.
So you turned your back on your friends and walked in the opposite direction, your newly gained good mood now ruined. You thought maybe if Jude admitted to being jealous, you could too. It would make it less embarrassing.
If Jude was here, surely he could get something better.
Yes, if Jude was here. If he wasn't fucking someone else.
"Having fun?"
A familiar voice reached your ears, close enough to feel the vibration of the sound, making you shiver, thanking God the place was too dark for anyone to notice as Bellingham's proximity made your entire body shake.
You kept your eyes on the empty glass in front of you not quite sure how you were going to respond with his mood.
Any words or actions from you from now on could be detrimental.
"Don't you want to talk to me?"
"Okay, I'll go then."
Jude didn't even move. He didn't pull away, nor did he lean back. He stood right where he was five seconds ago, the same annoyed, mocking smile on his features.
"You're still not jealous?"
You weren't just jealous, you were seething with it.
"I am, actually. Tell anyone and I'll make sure it's the last thing that comes out of your mouth."
Admitting jealousy was a big deal for you, especially since you didn't know if Jude felt the same way. Also knowing what was coming after this.
"There's not much that can brighten my mood right now."you entered the room, "I just needed courage for what I'm about to do." locking it once the door was closed.
When you turned around, your eyes met and Jude felt something he hadn't felt in a while, it felt like he didn't really know anything about you.
He wasn't blind to the progress you'd made in the different areas of your relationship, but there was still a lot left to say, explain, discover, and - in a situation like this, when you seemed to be a completely different person - he was surprised at how much he still had to get to know you.
"Yeah? And can I know what it is?"
He longed to feel you again on other parts of his body and even more so when your hot mouth landed on his mouth as you said-
"Punish you."
It wasn't that it hadn't crossed Jude's mind that you might do something like this all night, but still, hearing you out loud was enough to bring a smug smile to his lips.
"Oh, really?"
It would be a lie to say you didn't find it fun.
Things were definitely taking a different turn than he had planned, but then again, ever since the party started, all of his plans were ruined, so he was surprisingly not opposed to the idea.
He was actually very intrigued.
You hummed in agreement and within seconds your hands were back on Jude's body, this time being bolder and freer with your movements.
It was the first proper touch that night and Bellingham thought he was ready, but he really had no idea how much he had missed this until he experienced it again. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but the feel of your palms and the heaviness of your fingers prevented him from doing so.
Your hands moved in opposite directions, one sliding down his abdomen and the other circling the side of his neck. With the pad of your thumb, you traced circles on his skin, massaging and releasing some of the tension.
He had a hard time trying to keep from getting an erection from the moment he laid eyes on you when you arrived. Now... now it was impossible.
"You know..." you started saying.
Jude heard your whisper, but could barely register it due to the heat that was beginning to creep steadily down his body, fading only for a moment when his belt got in the way, but then coming back stronger, with a grip more powerful than before. Bellingham would be ashamed to admit that his breath hitched as soon as he felt you where he wanted it most.
“I’d rather have these for myself, but you left me no choice.”
It all clicked, both metaphorically and literally, in his brain and out loud, but Jude couldn’t move fast enough to stop it.
The handcuffs were already dangling from the tip of your index finger as you swung them teasingly back and forth in front of his face.
Oh. Interesting.
The way you could overpower Jude in a mere second was wonderful.
“What makes you think I’m going to let you do that?”
You pursed your lips briefly as if contemplating his answer.
“And what makes you think I’m going to ask for your permission?” You replied.
“Maybe that drink was too much after all,” he looked at you with a smirk. “Looks like you’re confusing roles.”
Judging by his expression, you didn’t share the same opinion.
You pushed him until the back of his knees hit the bed.
Jude didn’t stop you or object, instead sitting on the edge as he was pushed down, curious to see how things would play out.
“Are you threatening me, baby?” He asked, leaning back on his forearms.
You looked perfect from every angle, she was so sure of it now.
Your free hand gripping Jude’s jaw and squeezing it a little in annoyance.
“My name isn't ‘baby’.”
You slid your fingers down the side of Bellingham's throat where the smear of a lipstick still rested on his skin.
As you stared into each other's eyes, you looked so angry that Jude couldn't help the heat spreading throughout his insides.
"Wouldn't that make you even more angry, baby?" He emphasized on the nickname on purpose, arching an eyebrow mockingly.
The sound that came out of your throat was quiet, but he didn't miss it.
-Even her grunts are cute.-
"Shut the fuck up."
It was clear that you weren't usually the type to get angry to that extent, and even if you had been, you were the type to never act on it.
"Keep your hands behind your back if you don't want to lose your most prized possession."
You felt it before you understood it - a pressure of something hard and unfamiliar against your crotch. Something unwanted.
And it came, a sign. Not too big, not too flashy, not too obvious, but painful and threatening.
Your foot moved so abruptly that the tip of your shoe met the tip of Jude's cock and hit dangerously close to his balls.
You did it. I got you.
"Good choice."
With one swift movement, his crotch was free again, but his hands were bound at the wrists by the steel rings.
You pushed him down onto the bed and pulled his shirt open, leaving his chest completely bare.
“Shit,” you muttered at the sight. “You’re lucky to be attractive.”
“And you’re lucky to be able to see me like this.”
You sent him a questioning look. “Oh, I am? Who hasn’t gotten to see you like this? Because from what I’ve witnessed, you don’t exactly have a criterion when it comes to who you let undress you.”
“You seem really upset by that thought, sweetheart. Are you scared of having a little competition?”
“And what makes them my competition? They’re not as pretty as me.”
“But they’re a lot more obedient.” He replied.
Pure shit.
There’s nothing Jude likes more than how disobedient you are.
“You know my legs are always open for you.”
"You know you can take anything you want from me, anywhere you want... any way you want..."
Every syllable that came out of your mouth was filled with confidence. Your fingers caressed his jaw as if he was teasing, barely grazing the skin before pulling away and touching another part.
"You have such a dirty mouth." The boy said.
"You want it around your cock?"
Holy shit, did you really say that?
You hummed, acting like you were considering it.
"But I think you acted like shit, I don't think you deserve it."
"You're lucky that I'm tied up right now, otherwise I'd fuck you until you were ruined."
You seemed to take it as a compliment, your thighs clenching tightly around Bellingham's hips to feel him better.
"Oh yeah? You wanna fuck me?"
As if his massive erection wasn't proof enough already.
“Yes, baby. So bad.”
His confession brought a satisfied smile to your face.
“You wanna see what I got under there?”
“Show me how pretty you are.”
But you didn’t take off any clothes.
You just started riding one of his thighs, your movements teasing and slow.
“Shit. Take this off me.” The dark-skinned one said.
“And why would I do that?”
God, this was getting so frustrating. Jude wanted nothing more to do than watch you choke on his cock until you remembered how to talk to him properly. You shifted a little on his lap, creating a small but effective friction.
“Suck.” You claimed.
Shit. Usually, Jude was the one giving the orders. Usually, you were the one with Jude’s fingers inside your mouth, too. He opened his mouth obligingly and you immediately pushed two of your fingers in, letting them rest on the tip of his tongue before pushing them fully into his mouth.
“You like having my fingers in your mouth?”
Jude couldn’t help but like the mess he was turning you into.
You withdrew your fingers without warning and brought them to your own mouth, sucking and moaning lewdly as you looked directly into Bellingham’s eyes.
“You’re so fucking dirty.”
Your hand trailed until it was just above your breasts, eyes still on Jude’s as you squeezed your tits.
Jude didn’t even have time to react before he saw you move up your own body and rub through the material covering your pussy, touching up and down a bit teasing the boy in front of you, leaving a wet spot when you pulled your hand away.
“Move your hips for me. Can you do that for me?” That innocent tone you set made Jude explode. And he didn't need to be told twice.
He put all of his weight on his arms, his palms and heels sinking deep into the mattress, and he lifted his hips so hard that you jumped a little on his lap.
Without further ado, he thrust up, fast at first, to give you a taste of his desire, but then slower, nicer, dragging his length over your underwear-covered clit.
You decided to go a little further and freed Jude's cock, so damn big and veiny. You pulled off your underwear and started rubbing yourself. It was so damn delicious the difference in size and how the head of Jude's cock rubbed against your clit.
But what kind of punishment would it be, giving him something he so craved? You knew. You had prepared better.
So when you forgot about everything except the repetitive motion you were supposed to follow, when your moans were finally released loud and clear in the way only he had heard them before, when he could already feel the pleasure, you lifted your hips.
Bellingham groaned in frustration, closing his eyes as he fucked into the air, unable to stop his body from seeking the orgasm he had just been denied.
“Untie me this very instant.”
He may not have sounded angry at his ragged breathing, his body still recovering from the denial, but he was and he would gladly show you how terrifying he could be if he gave him the chance.
You smiled sweetly, dropping your weight onto his lap, a movement so sudden it left him breathless.
"I wasn't-" He trailed off, a small sound escaping his mouth from another roll of your hips on his axis. "I wasn't asking."
"Fuck, did I tell you how big you are?" You replied, your small body shaking as you pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed. "You should learn not to play with me Bellingham, I'm not one of those girls, don't get wrong with me."
You pulled up your underwear and pulled back up the shorts that barely covered your ass and the small miniskirt accompanied by a pink belt that was hooked with straps to the leggings that reached just above your knee.
"Shit, shit, shit..." He replied frustrated.
"I'm sorry but now you'll have to fix this on your own." You turned around and walked away.
Jude Bellingham is totally lost.
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bbytamaki · 1 year
more random obey me headcanons >:)
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content: sfw headcanons, scars mentioned (from piercings), belphie has depression, all family love <3, not proofread >:((
note: i haven’t done any dateable hcs yet :(( might do some soon
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— lucifer can’t stand bananas. it’s just a thing. even the smell will have him pressing his handkerchief over his mouth like a sick victorian man. does satan use this to his advantage? possibly.
— has very feminine hands. he covers them with gloves so he doesn’t have to hear asmo’s jealous whining. if anyone brings it up he’s not above strangling them with his dainty, girlish fingers.
— flexible. like shockingly. it doesn’t really come to light that often but every once in a while lucifer follows single mom yoga videos on the weekends.
— mammon has the prettiest facial features ever. like his eyes and lips look so good in candid photos. his magazine covers are the bane of asmo’s existence.
— bird tendencies. like i mean squawking and jumping like 3 feet in the air when startled. in his demon form he’s just a big parrot. he does the head tilt thing when he’s confused.
— if anyone stands in front of him for longer than a minute he’s picking lint out of their hair and fixing their clothes. his brothers have gotten more than used to his “preening” and either avoid standing around him for too long or just take it. lucifer does this too and sometimes they’ll just stand and fix each other’s clothes for like 5 minutes straight while everyone else is like “???”
— levi is tall. very tall. he’s just so scrawny and lanky and his posture is awful so you wouldn’t even notice until he actually straightens up to his full height. this rarely ever happens unless he’s in his demon form. when it does he is scary.
— cosplays online. his cosplay friends are some of his favorite people. he already sews his own costumes (as we’ve seen), and he’s really good at makeup. one of his future plans is to meet up in the human world to go to a con with his friends.
— screams like a little girl. one time mammon accidentally walked into the bathroom when levi was showering and he shrieked. lucifer ran to see what the commotion was because “how did a human child find their way into the devildom??” levi has never felt more embarrassed.
— satan watches trashy reality tv in his private time. bad girls club, keeping up with the kardashians, you name it.
— can sing the whole periodic table song by tom lehrer forward and backward. i think satan is actual really good at science and it would be his best and favorite subject.
— he just likes animals in general. he has a thing for bunnies after visiting a human world petting zoo.
— asmo has an abnormally long tongue, like surpassing attractive and approaching freakish. he usually keeps it in his mouth but once every so often decides to creep solomon out just for fun.
— has soooo many stripper friends. if you’re wondering how his hair and makeup stay in place the whole day, he learned from the best.
— he definitely designed an entire line of lingerie but only made one of each design. they’re ultra rare collectibles in the devildom and worth more than you could imagine.
— beel can french braid and make friendship bracelets like he’s going to a girl scout camp. nobody can tell me he didn’t hand make the necklaces he wears.
— speaking of martha stewart beel, he can crochet and makes blankets and cute plushies for belphie all the time.
— luke is actually his little brother and no one can convince him otherwise lol they go back and forth over nothing all the time and stop talking to each other until one of them says “what do you want for dinner”
— belphie is the king of doing his own piercings at home because why pay $50 for something he already knows how to do? he ends up taking some of them out before they heal because he gets tired of them and ends up with a bunch of scars on his face and body.
— you and beel are his dream journal. he texts the attic club gc after every nap to tell you guys what his latest dream was about. (you’re the two people that show up in his dreams the most.)
— goes absolutely dormant during depressive episodes. the complete opposite of his twin brother (beel has to keep busy at all times to stay distracted). asmo carries him to his private bathroom and lets belphie pick his favorite soaps and lotions (he likes the ones that smell like sandalwood, they remind him of taking naps in his brothers’ rooms).
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kittensbooksart · 2 months
I made a doll
After making historical doll clothing, I got this idea that what if I made a doll myself. I was coveting a doll I could sew clothes for and then pose them for the clothing, but I don't really like that much of any of the design of commercial posable dolls and I'm broke so I can't in good conscience buy an artisan ball jointed doll (and I anyway don't like how thin most of them are). So I did the reasonable thing - I bought very cheep air dry clay (I do have "normal" clay but I don't have access to ceramic oven and it takes much longer to dry it and burn it etc, and I was literally just trying this out) and just started making it myself. I didn't plan ahead because it felt very overwhelming since I have never customized dolls beyond making them clothing and repainting their faces nor have I ever even owned a ball jointed doll. I went with the learning through mistakes rather than theory. The route I most often take. So just bear with me (real doll makers I'm sorry for the cringe).
Without further ado, here's Aune, my vampire OC (from my wip Be All My Sins).
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I wanted to make her look like a porcelain doll, because I love their aesthetics. I did lean towards more realism than they were historically like though. Here's all her body parts before painting. (Some of the pieces in the picture are not actually fully smoothed and sanded, but it is right before I started painting the face. My brain just works in a way, where I jump around between the working stages. I'm very much incapable of doing anything organized and straight forwardly.) I have been wanting to do clay sculpting for a long time (it was so fun, when I was a kid in afternoon art school), and this was small scale enough to be manageable so it was so much fun. I will be definitely making more.
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Here's her face before and after the paint. I'm quite happy on how the face sculpt turned out, but the paint job was a bit messy. As I mentioned I have done couple of repaints of doll faces, but I'm still not very good at it. When I paint traditionally I'm not often this detail oriented and painting on a 3D surface feels very different.
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Here she is before and after getting her hair. I made her hair from wool yarn just by unraveling the yarn. It's the first time I made doll hair and I didn't want to buy proper doll hair for this or learn to curl it (I don't even have any curling irons or literally any other hair shaping appliances than a hair dryer, which I don't even use for my hair but for painting with water colors). It doesn't fall down nicely, but it has roughly the look I was going for.
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Because I didn't plan at all ahead, the proportions are a little wonky (her arms especially are too thin imo and he legs could have a little more shape too) and the joints are not great. Worst of the joints was the hips, which attach to the torso in a weird way. The biggest issue that I had was not taking into account how much the varnish would add to the size. It's not a visible amount, but enough to make fit of the joints very poor and basically making it very hard for her to stand. (Her index fingers already broke of when she fell from my desk after I had made her stand there djfkjds. I was able to glue them back.)
Here's couple more picture of her!
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It's not perfect at all, but I do still love her if only because it's such a cool feeling to be able to just have a lump of clay and two weeks later have a posable doll. It somehow feels magical to be just able to make a real physical thing from scratch.
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zucchinitart · 3 months
skinty LJ 💕
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finally gonna make a ref sheet for this man!! repurposing an old sketch cuz I still generally agree with the design…I actually intended to render that old sketch but never did 😭
now here’s some never-before-revealed lore and headcanons!! (this all takes place in a story I’ve never created except in my head 💀 also some have been told, I’m just reiterating them):
-This is how LJ generally looks between the years 1817 to 1886. He was “born” in 1803, stayed with Isaac for one year, got stuck in the box for 13 years, and only started wearing bandages in 1817 once he became a target to the public. As he started getting more wounds, he found out that they would open up easily and opted to wear bandages most of the time.
-He can’t eat as he lacks a digestive system. Instead, he feeds on human interaction. The more positive the interaction, the better it is for him. Because he had such a poor relationship with humans during these years, he ends up looking starved. He’s quite weak in this state, and the only thing keeping him alive is his wit and his sharp nails for weapons.
-His limbs are black right above the connection of his joints (knees and elbows). The rest of his skin is white.
-His hair would be naturally curly, but due to improper care and the long length dragging it down, it ends up looking wavy and sometimes even straight, albeit very frizzy and/or greasy.
-In 1886, that’s when LJ and Lillian first meet (omg OC and canon??? gross 😰🤢). They create a pact, and he starts getting more positive interaction with humans. As he gets more “sustenance,” his wounds start to heal properly and he gets stronger. Unfortunately, most of his wounds have scarred over at this point and they remain on his body as it’s now recognized as “healthy” tissue. (Placement of scars will be in another post)
-Lillian is 23 when she first meets LJ.
-Before his strength improved, Lillian could actually beat LJ in an arm wrestling contest!! But after about a few months of being together, that was no longer the case. (Lillian’s ego was a little hurt, but it was inevitable 😞)
-Although it looks like it, he never actually felt starved. He doesn’t experience typical feelings like hunger or fulfillment.
-Sadly, he’ll never retain his curl pattern. Lillian tries very hard to get it back as she has her own experience with her hair, but she can never get more than a few curls on his head. She gives up at some point and just accepts his wavy/straight hair as is. LJ truly doesn’t care either way. If he had his way, he’d probably forget and never wash it again.
-the dickless look is on purpose!!! No reproductive system means no dick!! Yippee, no nsfw 🤗 Unless I feel freaky, which will most definitely happen…so if you ever see him with a dick, it’s just for my own nefarious purposes 😞
-When Lillian first found out how old LJ was, she said “wow, you could be my grandpa….” LJ didn’t take too kindly to that and scolded her like a grandpa.
-His body stopped aging once Isaac died. In this version, Isaac dies at the age of 21. LJ is physically around 5 years older than Isaac, so his physical age is stuck at around 26 (but it’s not rlly trustworthy as his body isn’t comparable to a typical human’s…I’d say it’s probably between 25-35 though)
I want to get into so much lore, but I wanna save it for when I draw a comic or something. Ty for reading if you read this far!! 💕
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Prompt number 2 bc I’m praying for more jealous Steve content. Bc Eddie can be so oblivious and Steve can be such a bitch and those things are so important to me
Eddie was a glutton for self-punishment, that was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with on what the fuck he was doing here. Sitting at some random gay bar as he watched the man he loved dance the night away with his bestfriend.
He just had to volunteer to be their designated driver. Maybe it was stupid, but Eddie thought that y'know, a gay bar meant that no he would not have to watch Steve flirt with some randos. But he forgot the small detail that bisexual people existed. And he had seen at least three damn girls slip Steve their number.
Which was just...so fucking cruel. Why did life always have to do him so dirty? Eddie had thought that maybe...if they went to this type of place together Steve's mind would open up a bit. A stupid fucking thought honestly. Based off of nearly nothing. Like, okay sure, Steve was all touchy feely with him sometimes. When he was high or drunk suddenly Eddie became his personal chair. And he would say just...the sweetest shit. Going on and on about how happy he was to have met him, how he's so glad he's alive and well, how funny Eddie was, how nice and sweet and pretty and...and all of it had sent his traitorous brain into a tailspin that had him thinking he actually had a chance with a straight guy.
And the fucked up part was that Eddie had really tried to start doing the right thing. He put a little distance between them when he figured out that he was past a silly crush. No he was head over heels for the guy and he needed to get over it. Fast. And if he could just start saying no when Steve called to get high or have a few beers together he probably would have made some progress by now.
But no, he was still to eager for contact with him to say no. Which made him feel like a creep, always waiting around for Steve to be a little out of his mind just so he could get a hug.
When did he become so pathetic?
The only slight comfort he had tonight was the fact that he wasn't alone. It really wasn't fair to bring a straight guy to a place like this, but at least every guy who had eyes on Steve was going to have to suffer in silence with him.
And some of them were kind of cute. Cute enough for Eddie to try and use one as a distraction. He was sitting next to a preppy looking guy, talking to him a little bit. Maybe he shouldn't have set his eyes on someone that kind of looked like Steve, but fuck it. His name was Andrew, and he was nice, a good flirt. The perfect diversion for when Eddie could tear his eyes away from Steve.
And things were actually getting a little interesting with him. He had his hand on Eddie's arm, leaning in to loudly whisper everything he said in Eddie's ear. He was smiling at him, close enough for Eddie to see the pretty gold flakes in his eyes.
They weren't as pretty as Steve's but they'd do.
Andrew tucked a bit of Eddie's hair back behind his ear, leaning in again. But he didn't go for his ear this time, no, he was zeroing in right to Eddie's lips. Not that he was complaining, he let it happen, a sweet, light kiss that had zero time to escalate to more.
Because suddenly, someone was tugging at his arm, hard enough to force Eddie's whole body back, nearly out of his chair. He blinked, more than a little startled to see Steve coming out of nowhere, clinging onto him with that stupid, gorgeous smile.
"Eddieeee," Steve whined, completely ignoring Andrew's presence, "Robin ditched me to make out with someone in the bathroom."
Eddie couldn't help but smile a little bit, despite the fact that he was definitely interrupting what was probably the first good thing about this night. He glanced over at Andrew, who was staring at them, wide-eyed before saying, "Uh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
"I don't-"
"I can't hear you in here," Steve loudly interrupted, looking adorably confused, "Come outside with me?"
If Eddie was smart, he would have gently pried Steve's hands off him before sending him off to find Robin. But...a drunk Steve was also a very cute and cuddly one. So fuck it, Eddie could find a rebound for his non-existent relationship next weekend.
He shrugged at Andrew, mouthing a quick apology at him before Steve started to drag him outside through the back door. Eddie half expected Steve to do his usual routine when he was toasted. Sweetly asking for a piggy back ride that Eddie literally could never refuse before falling asleep on his back. Then he'd get him in the car, wrangle Robin from wherever the hell she was, and they'd be off.
But the second they were stepping outside Steve was straightening up and stepping back, to Eddie's immediate confusion. He leaned against the wall, glaring at Eddie in a way he had never seen. Or at least directed at him.
"So," Steve started, his tone way too close to how he sounded when one of the kids pissed him off, "Who was that guy? You looked pretty cozy in there."
Eddie's brain was still struggling to catch up to the change in atmosphere here. But he tried to answer anyway, "I mean we were but-wait. Why are you not drunk? You were literally just-"
"It's called acting dipshit," Steve mumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Which ow, rude. But his next words hurt even more, "Not like I have a choice, since you only seem to like me when I'm fucked up."
Eddie could feel his heart stop in his chest. He didn't-oh no. Oh god. Steve figured out he was a creep. A creep who was probably moments away from getting his ass handed to him.
Eddie swallowed, at a loss for what to say. But he still tried, "I-look dude it's um, it's not like that. I didn't- I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable-"
"Then why the fuck would you kiss another guy right in front of me?"
Okay. That was enough of that. Yes, Steve could be mad about him being creepy, but no he couldn't be mad over having to bear witness for a gay kiss at a gay bar, "Well if I had known that you were apparently only okay with seeing girls kiss each other I wouldn't have come out tonight at all! Honestly Steve, how can you even say that? Like that is some real dumbass levels of homophobia, even for you. I thought the King Steve thing had died-"
"Shut the fuck up oh my god," Steve hissed out, "Are you really that damn dense? That's what you think I'm upset about? Are you fucking kidding me? And I'm the dumbass?"
"Then why are you mad?" Eddie half asked, half yelled.
“I’m not mad," Steve seethed, like he didn't look about five seconds away from choking Eddie out, "I...I just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
Maybe he really was drunk after all. Because now he wasn't making any damn sense.
Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, beyond frustrated, "Who Steve? Like, I'm sorry to break this to you but not all of us can fucking look like you do alright? We're not all charming, golden Adonis basketball players okay? And sometimes you need to take what you can get. And there was nothing wrong with Andrew-"
"You think I look like a golden Adonis?" Steve interrupted, a weird expression on his face. He looked almost...hopeful? But that didn't make any sense.
"That's what you got out of that?" Eddie asked, exasperated, "I-come one dude. You know you're hot. But that's not my point."
"Well it's mine!" Steve groaned. He was biting his lips, a very distracting nervous habit that Eddie had picked up on, "Because what the fuck are we even doing? You think I'm so hot, so charming, so great, and you decide to kiss someone else in front of me? What the fuck is that? Do you like seeing me jealous? Do you get off on me pining? Please explain."
You see, that was the funny thing about Eddie's brain. One second he was lost, staring at Steve's red, bitten lips, and the next he was desperately trying to catch up with what just came out of his mouth. All of it the perfect blend to effectively shut his brain off completely.
Eddie stared at him, his words as dumb as how his face probably looked, "I-what? Huh?"
Steve narrowed his eyes at him, "Are we really doing this? Are you going to pretend like it's all in my head?"
"I-no. I just-please explain," Eddie is pretty damn sure he had never stuttered through a sentence that hard in his life.
"I've been coming on to you for months and you just keep giving me all of these mixed signals and..." Steve sighed, looking away, "I'm so sick of it Eddie. If you don't like me just say that! Stop whatever this is. Because it's mean and you know it. If you want a better option then just take it already and leave me alone."
He-what-that didn't even- Steve was straight, wasn't he? And now the stuttering had invaded his thoughts. Because if he actually understood all of that then...
He was the biggest idiot on the planet.
And his stunned silence was not helping anything.
Steve sighed, pushing himself away from the wall. He turned away, "I'm going to find Robin. We can just...act like this didn't happen I guess. I'm done."
Eddie had to give himself on thing, at least his body was working a lot faster than his brain. Steve barely had time to take a single step away before he was shooting his hand out to grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
"I didn't know you were an option!" Eddie blurted out, his heart hammering in his chest, "I-Stevie I thought all of it was in my head. I-I thought that you were straight and we were just hanging out-"
"You think I sit in the laps of my other guy friends?" Steve asked, completely unimpressed, "While playing with their hair and calling them beautiful? Really, dude?"
Eddie nodded, sure and fast, "Steve, I had to do my senior year three damn times. I'm not always the smartest okay? And in my defense you never mentioned like dudes-"
"Yes I have," Steve interrupted, "When you came out to me, I told you to your face that I understand. That I could relate about hiding things and not talking about it. I literally said we were in the same boat. What else could that mean?"
Eddie remembered that, crystal clear. But..."I thought you were talking about PTSD, not secretly being into dudes."
"One dude," Steve corrected, but he was relaxing a little, thank fuck. Maybe Eddie could still fix this.
He took a deep breath, using his hold on Steve's wrist to pull him closer. His hands were fucking shaking, bad enough for Steve to almost certainly notice when he rested them on his hips.
This was it, he might as well be as clear as humanly possible, "I am so into you. Like a scary amount. Like I'm...borderline in love with you."
He was completely in love with him, but he didn't have the balls to say that bit out loud. He kept going, "And I didn't know you felt the same way. At all. Like I am dangerously close to having a stroke from hearing all of that. You kind of flipped my world upside down there."
Steve huffed out a laugh. Eddie may have fucked up everything leading up to this point, but Steve was eating his little speech right up. He shuffled a little closer, wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck with a small smile, "Keep going."
"I thought that I had no chance. I mean even tonight, people couldn't stop looking at you. And you got those numbers-"
"I threw them away," Steve interrupted, "You missed that part."
He had definitely missed that part, too caught up in his own head. But that didn't stop a smile from breaking out on Eddie's face, "Good. Because if you want me, you have me. I'm all yours, in any way you want me. Understand? Fuck, Stevie if I had known any of this we'd be the ones making out in the bathroom right now. And I'm sorry about..."
For the life of him Eddie couldn't remember his name, not when he had Steve smiling at him in his arms, "The other guy. But it literally means nothing to me. Not if I get to have you. Do...do I get to have you?"
Steve hummed, pretending to think about it while he played with a lock of Eddie's hair, "I guess that depends. Is making out in the bathroom still on the table?"
"Fuck yes it is."
Steve grinned, leaning up to press the sweetest little kiss to the side of Eddie's mouth, "Then I guess you have me then."
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north-noire · 6 months
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I just had an urge to make my own designs/redesigns on TSE charlie and henry (ofc it's them), so feel free to read my notes/general character designs I had about them! (a little messy, but whatever)
also thought that drawing them with my designs from Hidden Hands AU would be a fun little compare and contrast!! (as my FNAF AU is more game-universe adjacent but still have a few of the novel elements such as Aunt Jen = Jennifer Emily, etc. Tbh I generally treat the FNAF novels and games as NOT the same universes at all, they're completely separate universes in my mind, I feel like it makes the fandom's interpretations a lot more creative/interesting in my opinion since there's really "no canon" universe, I mean we have THREE canons to work with now come on xD)
TSE Character Design notes and my own ramblings below the cut! I mostly just relied on the book descriptions of them and nothing much else other than my own inspiration gathering from 2000s fashion/horror games/media.
TSE charlie character design notes: in the novels' description, TSE charlie had frizzy hair and it was light brown. I found it strange that the graphic novel design overlooked that, so I had to add that in (nothing wrong with charlie's design, I actually quite like TFC Charlie). anyway, my TSE charlie design wears a patchwork denim because I thought it'd give her a little bit more character (and I like the symbolism of patchwork for her - being a person that Henry stitched up together with memories, etc etc. Although I don't like the TSE Charlie = robot twist, it just kinda grew on me) I also wanted her to have a 2000s horror protagonist vibe - although most of the characters I looked at for reference/inspiration had short skirts, so I did a "skirt-like" vibe with her tying TSE henry's flannel to her waist. I like the idea that she kept something of a memento from her father's stuff with her :]
TSE henry notes: his pants are pajamas. man is the ABSOLUTE face of depression. also wanted him to have not seen better days and really look like he's just wallowing in his basement with greying hairs and wrinkles and eyebags and definitely hasn't gone out in weeks, probably a month or so. also thought that glasses would suit him nicely - and I thought him having a long-sleeved flannel and his fit makes him look pretty much from the 2000s/Y2K era. Personally I feel like TSE Henry looked too plain and a problem I had that I had while reading the graphic novel is that they tended to make William and Henry look similar (I straight up thought that one William scene with Elizabeth's memory was Henry. That's how ungodly confused I was) which made it really look uninteresting to me, so I tried my best to make his design describe him a little better.
If you've read this far, thanks so much for reading this! It's just a little fun character design exercise I did and it was really fun having some creative freedom with these two characters!
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electrozeistyking · 2 months
Hi, I really like making little personalized references for characters I like when I get into things! I do this to figure out how I wanna draw them, and is a recent-ish development that I haven’t done a lot, but I really like character design and thinking about them! So I made some for Siffrin. How fun!
DO NOTE THAT THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR LATER PARTS OF THE GAME. I did obviously tag it as such for the sake of others and it will be further down, but I figured I’d still warn you just in case. <:3
Now, without further ado, here’s “reference one!”
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I’m personally gonna be using this in conjunction with Siffrin’s actual reference sheet (which I refer to as “notes” in mine!!) to make sure he look his best! I also wanted to make sure they’re “in line with canon,” yet still in my style and in a way I can be proud of.
Which isn’t that hard, since I’m usually always proud of my own work. I just like my own stuff. <:3
Due to the brim of his hat allegedly being bean-shaped (teehee), I thought it’d be fun if I carried that over to his torso/body. It’s not noticeable with a cloak in the way, nor when Siffrin’s standing straight up. Basically, the bean shape would only be revealed in certain poses.
(Coming up with that also made me say “Whoops! All beans!” out loud about Siffrin, btw.)
Additionally, I like giving characters is their own set of fangs. One character I draw has a gap between them and the rest of their teeth, one has prominent ones to make them more cat like on purpose — and for Siffrin, I decided to give them rounded ones.
I usually make fangs razor sharp, because I really like big ol chompers like that, so them being round is definitely a very unique thing for Siffrin to have. Well, at least at first.
I’m also a really big fan of certain design elements sticking around after something wild happens to characters… which brings us to “reference two.”
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Well, if you’re not gonna be able to find any good references for this version of Siffrin, you might as well make your own, right??
The major thing I wanted to do with this Siffrin was to have him still feel like himself, but also give him somewhat of a unique design in comparison — by playing up elements I noticed during this scene.
Making this Siffrin feel as giant as they are was important to me. I went ahead and made their hat, face, hair and cloak longer. Made their shoulders broader, had them hunch over so they’d practically loom over everyone. Trying to appear smaller while still being an obstacle. Wanting everyone to stay here. Wanting their family.
I noticed that a lot of Siffrin’s hair seemed a lot more angular here, so I felt it crucial to use those shapes, but going a couple steps further and using them for his face as well… primarily his mouth and chin, of course. Which meant replacing those rounded fangs I gave him with a full set of sharper ones.
(I also wanted them to look like they’re too big for Siffrin’s mouth, so two of them — well, four? — will always peek out/fall past their lower lip. It’s like their teeth are not a comfortable fit whatsoever and it makes talking feel weird, but they manage.)
(They stick around after Siffrin “reverts back” or whatever we’re calling it. He never gets his round fangs back, but at least the ones he has now serve as a reminder that he got to the end. Might take some getting used to, though.)
(I also tried making their brows look a bit more angular? Can’t tell if they really come across that way.)
ANYWAY, I THINK I SHOULD STOP HAHAHA. I could go on and on all day, but I got other things to do and I think I’ve already explained enough! Just know that I get a kick out of putting love and care into character thoughts and designs. <:3
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margaretoakgrove · 1 year
Caring Lord Heisenberg
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First of all, let me to wholeheartedly congratulate you on being one of the luckiest people in the world!
Yes, that's right, you have automatically become one since that very moment when the heart of lord Heisenberg himself chose you as his only one beloved.
And despite of the tough personality and rough exterior of this man he is, actually, quite kind, caring, gentle and attentive within the soul and will do literally anything to see a genuine smile of happiness on your face.
You will probably not hear him saying "i love you" hundred times a day because, not going to lie, Karl is not very good at expressing his feelings with words, but he will definitely always find many other different ways to show how deeply he really cares for you.
On daily basis the lord lavishly compliments your outward look, making your cheeks redden like two ripe tomatoes, and persistently encourages you not to give up on your cherished dreams but devotedly follow them no matter how difficult that is, this way helping the wings of your soul remain unfolded.
All needs of yours Karl is very well aware of and always ready to help you out to entirely fulfill each and every one of them. He buys your favorite beverages and food from the Duke, even without paying attention to the prices; masterly unnoticeably steals breathtaking books from the rich library of lady Dimitrescu, makes Donna special orders for her to sew new clothes to your liking and asks Moreau for all necessary and qualitative medicines when you are in a poor state of health.
Speaking of your health, it is extremely important for the lord for you to stay well as much as possible and for this reason, knowing his habit of smoking like a chimney, Karl avoids puffing cigars near with you.
Making jewellery of metal has now turned into Heisenberg's new little hobby in his spare of work time. He enjoys sitting in one of his workshops in a calm atmosphere, painstakingly designing and creating another trinket, at the same time quietly humming some nice melodic song and vividly imagining how doubtlessly glad you will be to receive one more peculiar handmade gift from him.
Sometimes because of an especially unpleasant family gathering or an unsuccessful experiment, the blood within the man's veins begin to boil out of irritation and pure anger. Remembering how highly sensetive by nature you really are, Karl politely asks you to leave him for some time alone in order to cool his jets and be able to think straight as he desires not one bit to accidentally snap at you and break your fragile heart.
For Heisenberg there is nothing more unbearable than to watch his darling cry. Therefore when your precious eyes start filling with bitter tears of sadness, the lord, as if on autopilot, gives you a firm yet gentle hug. Carefully and caringly stroking your hair and back, your beloved tenderly soothes you, assuring that everything is certainly going to be alright because he is always here…with you…
When you wish to take a slow stroll in a forest or simply around the village, usually Karl gladly joins you, serving you as a loyal and reliable defender. But at thouse moments when he, unfortunately, cannot come together with you, being too busy with working on his projects, the lord sends a pack of lycans in order for them to protect you from every ill-wisher and each potential danger during your walk. Don't worry! These fluffy guys just look so intimidating, but Heisenberg trained them too well, and, believe me, they will never dare to cause you any harm.
At the restless nights of your life when you, being attacked by a bunch of poisonous anxious thoughts, try to desperately fall asleep, almost constantly tossing and turning in the bed, the strong arms of your beloved wrap around you even more tighter than usual. Pulling you closely to his sturdy wide chest, Karl softly and gently caresses your tensed body, placing simultaneously little loving kisses on your face, neck and shoulders, from time to time speaking into your ear very pleasant amazing things in a whisper until you feel absolutely relaxed and sleepy.
Closing your eyes and sinking into the land of sweet peaceful dreams, inwardly you sincerely thank the Universe for allowing you to love this incredible man and to be loved by him tenfold back, feeling with all your heart that, in fact, only he and he alone is everything you have ever truly wanted and everything you have ever so badly needed.
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sugawhaaa · 5 months
I had to hop in here straight away when I saw that your requests were open bcs istg I am SUCH a horny mess for Kwak Jiseok.
Aight so hear me out, something that personally really turns me on is taking photos of myself in revealing clothing or lingerie, not necessarily for sexting… just like the actual taking of the pictures is really hot for me yk?
So what I’m requesting here is something that has been taking up so much of my headspace that it’s honestly obsessive… and that’s a sexual photoshoot with Jiseok.
He’s the photographer, and he has a bunch of outfits that he wants the reader to wear… and even more poses in mind. Plus, if reader is a well behaved model and gets him the pictures he wants, he might reward her.
hope that makes sense!!
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High fashion
Genre:: oral (f/m rec) fingering, cowgirl, hair pulling, PRAISE, pet names cream pie (don't try this at home) cum-shot, idk if this is relevant but it's mentioned a lot that he has a big cock 💀
Pairing:: dom!Jiseok x sub!fem!reader
A//N:: honestly I've never gotten a request like this before I was quite shocked 😭 I'm not complaining though, I'm happy to step out of my comfort zone and expirement a little bit. I was kinda torn on how I wanted to write this but I'll try my best 💪 also dw as a Gaon biased I can confirm that pretty much anyone who biases him is a down bad whore for him 💀
Songs that inspired this fanfic::
There is a business for everything. You were very well aware of that as a model for specifically...suggestive things. You modeled for all sorts of things. Bathing suits, bras, underwear, lingerie, and even certain sex toys. You had your fair share of acting as well. You were in a very select few porn videos, mainly because the pay was really, really, high. You definitely didn't hate your job. It made you feel good about yourself and comfortable in your own skin. You were heavily praised by fans for being "so brave" but in reality it made you feel good and you wouldn't have it any other way.
One day you were hanging out in your house, like one does, when you received an email from a designer. It was very professional and full of detail but to sum it up, this designer asked you to model their newest lingerie sets for them. You thought about it for a moment and looked at their website. It was full of beautifully designed lingerie and robs. The website itself was very professional with lots of details. It seemed trustworthy and you agreed to work with them.
A few days later you located the shop and went inside. You took a look around at the shop. It was small but filled with lots of items, but it wasn't crowded either. There was plenty of room to move around and look through everything. You noticed a woman at the front desk when she suddenly came up to you.
"Sorry we just closed we'll be open again tomorrow at 10 am if you'd like to come back," she smiled. She clearly didn't know that you were here to model so she mustn't be the designer. You took off your sunglasses and looked at her warmly.
"I'm actually a model. This is my first time modeling for this shop," you explained and the woman smiled.
"Oh, my apologies! Let me call him in," she smiled and went back to the desk. Call him over? Him?? You thought to yourself as you walked over to her desk. She pressed a button and spoke into a small mic. "There's a model waiting to see you," she said and the doors behind her opened moments after. A young man came rushing out. He had dark red hair and seemed like he was in his early to mid-twenties. He had a measuring tape around his neck and a pencil tucked above his ear.
"Ah, you must be Y/N~!" He smiled and came over to you, extending his hand. You shook his hand as your heart jumped out of your chest. "So I have a lot to go over with you. If you don't mind why don't we go into my workshop?" He gestured to the doors and you blushed.
"S-Sure, that sounds good," you smiled and followed him to his workshop.
"Sorry for the mess I hardly ever have time to clean around here with so many requests," he chuckles as you look around the room. Shelves filled with all kinds of fabrics and lace. Sketches of designs were tacked to a Bristol board near his main desk area. "I have quite a few different sets if you'd want to choose which ones to wear or anything," he said as he pulled out a large tablet and starting going through photos he took of all the sets.
"Don't worry about it. I'm comfortable wearing whatever you want me to," you smiled and he looked up at you with curious eyes.
"As long as you're sure..." he looked at you one last time before confirming that's truly what you wanted. "Okay then, I'll pick them out for you," he went over to a clothing rack he had and picked out a few for you. He held them up and eyed them to your body portions. "Do you know what size you are?" He said as he continued to sort through his designs.
"Yeah I'm about a Y/S, (your/size)" You shrugged. He nodded and swapped out a few of the designs for smaller or bigger ones.
After getting all the outfits chosen and the sets he wanted for you he let you try on your first outfit. You went into the fitting room while he adjusted the set. You looked at the lingerie he presented to you. Of course it was red and you looked at yourself in the mirror for a while adjusting it and admiring yourself. Jiseok then knocked on the door.
"Hey, are you dressed?" He asked softly. You got drawn back to reality from your day dreaming.
"Oh yes," you chuckled before opening the door. Jiseok had his professional camera around his neck as he held it with one hand. He looked you up and down and his face turned a soft pink.
"So I was thinking," he said before clearing his throat. "This bathroom is really nice," he smiled and you looked confused.
"Yes...it is," you said awkwardly.
"I think it'd be good to take a few photos in here!" He smiled and closed the door behind himself as he walked in. You nodded and waited for him to tell you what to do. "Could you lean back against the counter and kind of drop your head back to let your hair flow down," he asked as he gestured to the counter. You did as he suggested. He crouched down and held up his camera. He leaned forward and adjusted your leg slightly.
The brief second of contact was oddly exhilarating. You continued to pose as you heard the sound of the camera click. He moved to a different angle and took two more photos. "Okay now can you stand up straight and put your left hand across your upper chest," he said as he moved around to the front of you. You did as he said. "Tilt your head a bit to the left, like away from me," he said as he kept his eyes on your body. You did as he said and he smiled. "Perfect, just like that," he said as he snapped a few photos before squatting again to get some lower ones. "Okay now look over at the wall," he pointed to the left as he kept looking at you through the camera. "Perfect~" he prolonged the "per" in his words.
This process continued a few times in various locations with various outfits. You were in the washroom changing outfits again when you looked out the window to see it was dark. You continue to change into a beautiful white set. There was a little robe that went over top of it and you just fell in love with the design. You walk out confidently and Jiseok smiles.
"This one's absolutely gorgeous," you said as you looked at the silky fabric flowing off your body.
"Thank you," he smiled with red cheeks. "I just finished that design yesterday I believe," he looked you up and down before biting his lip slightly. "Alright, ahem, for this one we're gonna use the bed,"
You nodded and sat down on the bed. "Okay, can you go on your knees and sit down, putting your legs in a W shape?" He asked as he adjusted the camera lens. You nodded and did as he said. "Now lean back and spread your legs a bit more," you followed his instructions and watched him stay focused on his work. You bit your lip as you watched him. "Good girl," he said in a low voice and your heart skipped a beat.
Was that meant to be sensual or not?
You asked yourself. You remained focused and continued to hold your pose. "Okay now look to your right just a little bit," he moved his finger to the right as he looked into the camera. "Perfect. Stay just like that," he smiled and took a few photos. "Alright very good. Now lay back a bit more and cross your right leg over your left thigh," he said as he stood up.
You followed his directions and posed accordingly. He approached you and moved the robe a bit to expose more of your ass. You had to hold in your cheeky smile. "Relax," he said softly.
"R-Right," you blushed and composed yourself. He brushed back some of your hair to expose more of your skin and you felt your heart skip a beat.
"Perfect," he smiled and took a photo. "Now take a nice, slow deep breath for me," he said softly and you did as he asked. You took a deep breath in and heard the sound of the camera clicking. Then you let your breath out, and he took a few more photos. "Thank you, that was excellent," he smiled as he stood up and let his camera hang. He sat on the edge of the bed and you sat up.
"Your designs are beautiful, it was truly an honor to model for you," you smiled and leaned in closer to him. You looked down at his veiny hands and you blushed before instantly looking back up at him. He followed your gaze with a sly grin.
"You seemed to be looking at my hands a lot," he smiled as he leaned closer to you as well.
"Y-Yeah, I just have a thing for hands," you say before thinking. You pause and realize how out of pocket you must sound. He chuckled slightly. "No, no, that's not what I mean, I mean like..." you blushed and he smiled.
"If you haven't noticed, I have a thing for lingerie," Jiseok smirked and you looked at him attentively. "And elegant women, women that know they're worth yet sometimes still shy, women who model. Or you could say I have a thing for you," he smiled cheekily as he leaned closer. He twirled your hair around his finger as you looked at him with a flushed face. "Tell me, do you just have a thing for my hands or is there more?" He leaned in for a kiss but waited for you to give in. You leaned in and kissed him, he put his hands in your hair. You put your hands around the back of his neck and leaned back. You fell to the bed and he pinned you to it.
"I have a thing for guys with the name Kwak Jiseok," you smiled and he chuckled. He slid one of his hands up your body, tracing the stitch bands around your thighs and hips. He kissed between your collarbones softly. You leaned your head back to give him more access to your neck and chest.
"I'm so addicted to you," he grinned before kissing your neck and sucking on the skin. You inch your hips up to hit Jiseoks. His body jerks slightly from the sudden contact against his erection straining against his pants. He lets go of your skin from his lips and his head falls down. The roots of his hair being the only thing you can see. His hands continue to roam around your body as he kisses down your chest and stomach, just to the waistband of your panties. He looks up at you with hooded eyes.
You extend your hand down to run your fingers through his dark hair. He pressed the flat of his tongue against your clothed clit. You jumped and your legs inched closer to each other. Jiseok smirked and brought his hands down to your hips. He pulled off your panties, leaving them on the corner of the bed as he indulged in your pussy. He dived his head down in between your folds and slurped all your slickness.
The lewd sounds echoed in the empty studio. Your chest heaved at the pleasure coursing through your body.
"Yes," you moaned softly as you grab his head to steady yourself. His tongue flicks your clit as his hands claw at the outside of your thighs. He buries his face in your pussy. You arch your back, bucking your hips into his jaw. You can feel him smirk against your aching core. He pulls back to breathe for a minute.
"You taste so fucking good," he says before licking his lips. His plump lips wet from your juices. The tip of his nose and chin glistening. He leans back down to continue his meal. He takes another long lick up your folds and you can't keep your loud moans in. He begins to circle his tongue around the lips of your pussy as his fingers tease your entrance. His nose presses against your clit, creating an insane amount of stimulation. It's no doubt that this isn't his first rodeo. His techniques were sending sparks throughout your entire body.
The sounds of him slurping up your juices ring in your ears as you feel your climax approaching you quickly. "J-Jiseok, I'm close," you manage to whimper out between loud moans and intense gasps for air. Jiseok just continued to eat you out like you were his last meal. You grabbed his hair in a tight fist as your legs shake, threatening to close and lock around his head. "Jiseok!" You call out his name as flicks your clit mercilessly. You come undone beneath him. Your legs locking around his head as he licks up all of your cum.
Once you come down from your high you open your legs. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, it was like a reflex," you apologize but Jiseok cuts you off.
"Shh, shh," he shakes his head. You pause and watch him attentively. He sticks his tongue out and runs his index and middle finger down the outside of his tongue. His fingers glistening from your cum. You blush and feel your walls tighten around nothing from the excitement of his flirtatious action. You bite your lip. "You were such a good little girl," he cooes as he leans over top of you. You see his shirt covered in miscellaneous liquids. He starts unbuttoning his shirt as he sits on his knees.
He throws his shirt aside and you admire his toned body. You extend a hand out to run along his abdomen. His skin is so soft and smooth. You look up at him to see a playful grin on his lips. You travel your hand down to his waistband tugging on it lightly.
"You want a turn now?" He says in a creamy low voice that makes the butterflies in your stomach fly south. You nod softly and he lets out a little sigh. He unbuttons his dress pants and takes them off along with his boxers, finally freeing his member.
He lays back on the bed and you instantly crawl beside him, eager to play with his cock. You can't help but admire the way it stands against his stomach. You grab him from the base and take one long lick up his length. A soft moan escapes his lips as his body jerks lightly. "Good girl," he says as he brushes back your [H/L] hair. You look at his erection worriedly. You hesitantly open your mouth and approach his tip. "If you don't want to baby you don't have to," he says softly, misenturpitating your hesitation.
"No, no I want to. I'm just not sure if I can't fit it all in my mouth," you chuckle with an embarrassed smile.
"Don't worry about fitting it all, that's what your hands are for doll," he smiles as he plays with your hair. You nod and put your lips around him. He groans loudly, seething between his teeth. "Fuck, baby," he grunts as he holds your hair in a messy ponytail. You hold the bottom of his length, rotating your hand from extra stimulation. "Good girl, just like that," he praises, knowing you're trying your best. You Bob your head slowly adjusting to his size.
You roll your tongue around as you stuff him in your mouth. He grunts lowly and you can see him trying to keep his hips from bucking into your mouth. He's trying not to push you past your comfort zone but he's also losing it. "You're doing so good," he continues to praise as he plays with your hair. His praise encourages you to take a little bit more of him in your mouth. You begin to Bob your head faster from the encouragement.
"Yes!" He moans loudly his hips ever so slightly bucking up. "Fuck, I'm trying so hard baby but you're making me go crazy," he admits as he holds your head. You rub the tip of his cock on the inside of your cheek as you continue to suck him off. You feel his cock twitch in your mouth and both of you know he's just about to go over the edge. "I'm gonna cum!" He moans and you slip him off of your lips, his cum squirting up into your face.
His cum drips down from your eyebrows to your chin. He lets go of your hair as he pants heavily. You lick up his length to taste every drop of his sweetness.
"You're so hot," he says in a low raspy voice. He suddenly picks you up by your hips and holds you just above his tip. "Are you ready for this?" Jiseok asks in a soft voice.
You nod "Yes," you bite your lip eagerly.
"Are you sure?" He asks one more time to be sure. You nod vigorously and he finally lets go of your hips. You slowly sink onto him, his cock stretching you perfectly. You throw your head back as you let out a loud moan. "You're s-so tight," he groans as he holds your hips again. You fully sit down on his length and take a moment to adjust to him.
You slowly start to roll your hips on him. You feel his tip hit so deep inside you. You clench around him as your body jolts forward in pleasure, your semen-covered hand over your mouth. Jiseok reaches up to you with shaking hands. "I want to hear you," he grunts and you put your hand down. You start to get used to his size and start to slowly rise up and down on his cock. He swears he can see stars from the way you move on him.
He grips your hips harshly before you start bouncing on him. The sound of your skin colliding rings in your ears. You watch as his chest heaves. He extends a hand up to your tits which are currently bouncing with your pace. He slides his fingertips under the fabric he used only a week ago. He never could've guessed he'd be here now.
He runs his fingertips over your nipple adding to the sensations coursing through you. "I'm close," you moan as you bounce faster, your walls clenching around him.
"Good baby," he chuckles. "Keep using me until you're satisfied," he smirks as he feels his climax approaching as well. The feeling of your pussy hugging every vein in his cock so tightly drives him insane. He feels like you're just milking him into nothing. "I'm gonna cum, where do you want it?" He says through deep, raspy, breaths.
"Inside," you moan out loudly as you orgasm, your legs shaking as you claw at his chest. He grabs your hips and thrusts into you a few more times causing you to let out a hoarse moan. You were already sensitive from just orgasming so intensely that this could just break you.
You felt his hot semen fill you up. His body glistens in sweat beneath you as the two of you pant in unison. You look down and slowly slide off his cock. A mixture of your pleasure pours from your pussy. Jiseok quickly presses his thumb against your entrance. You look at him surprised as cum drips from his thumb.
He pants as he looks up at you, strands of his hair stuck to his forehead.
"So, you wanna model for me again next week? Same time?" He chuckles before licking his lips.
A/N:: not to toot my own horn or anything but omg I love this fanfic *lip bite emoji* literally (s)creamed while proofreading it
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Could you do a headcannon of how Judd would act high around his significant other?
I feel like once he is high, he’s a little more soft and shows that a bit more
Yes!! High Judd = soft Judd fr 💪💪
Tags: fem/gn! Reader, erh the gender isn’t really specified but kinda fem? Mentions of weed and smoking it obviously, mentions of sex too bc yk, big mouth, this is probably the fluffiest thing I’ve written with Judd haha, but I was VERY tired and sleep deprived when I wrote this and did not beta read 😵‍💫
Author’s note: I have convinced my friend to start watching big mouth lmfao, and he actually agreed that Judd is hot 💪💪 it’s a win for the boys
High Judd Headcannons
Word count; 1,0K
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He has two moods when he’s high 
You’ll either get super horny Judd or super soft Judd 
My personal favourite is soft Judd 
He’s all goofy smiles and cuddling 
Will think everything you say is hilarious too 
“Judd. Your parents are coming up the stairs, I can hear them,” 
He just lets out a cackle, one of those hoarse, drawn-out ones and just doesn’t answer 
It was kinda stupid of you to smoke in his room anyways,, but somehow he convinced you it was a good idea
The more stoned he gets, the more clingy he gets too 
If he’s in horny mode, he’ll obviously just fuck you harder and faster but if he’s in soft mode you’ll get a very unusual treatment 
Though not uncomfortable treatment, he’s just very, very touchy 
Like imagine Diane walking in the hallway upstairs, she walks past Judd’s room and the whole thing obviously smells like pot, so she enters and behold 
There Judd his— cuddling you, grinning while pressing his face into your stomach and leaving small kisses all over 
Not even in a sexual way 
He just loves you pls 🙏
You’re equally as stoned, running your fingers through his hair and complaining about it tickling 
My man LOVES when you tug or run your fingers through his hair, especially when he’s high 
He’ll literally just ask you to do it 
Diane finds the scene so cute she barely bothers scolding you for smoking, again she’s like 
“If you’re gonna do it, at least do it safely under my roof” 
She will call Elliot up, however, to gush over the to of you 
She’ll try to have him do it quietly though, so you won’t notice 
If you do though, happy stoned Judd will genuinely not care 
Like,, he seems to have smoked most of his anger away 
So he won’t even threaten his parents. Wow 🧐
Anyways, you don’t often do it at his house cause like,,, his parents 
But his car is the designated smoking spot
He LOVES shotgunning you 
Your first kiss was probably bc he shotgunned you 
He was real smooth about it to; 
“Hey. Have you ever tried shotgunning?”
“.. would you like to?” 
He’ll do it when he’s just smoking cigarettes too 
Judd really just wants every opportunity to kiss you, and ngl, seeing you exhale smoke makes him hella turned on 
He kinda has an obsession with your stomach when he’s high??? 
Like,, he’d like to lean his head on it and cackle if it makes noise, but ESPECIALLY he likes to splay his hands over it bc you’re genuinely so small compared to him 
And really soft too 
He’ll unabashedly smell you too, like the smell of your shampoo and perfume and shit makes him all lovestruck 
Stoned showers?? 🤭
Like if he’s in horny mode, he’ll definitely be up for a shower 
Seeing you both wet AND naked 
Yes pls. ✋
But like,, also if it’s at your house and you use your body wash and shampoo on him he’ll go 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Lmfao his family will DEFINITELY comment on it 
Like when he gets home and he smells like strawberry milk and flowers or whatever you use 
He’ll only let you do that when he’s high 
You gotta understand, he has a reputation— 
But, back to my point 
Soft Judd is so straight forward? Will say whatever is on his mind 
But like Judd in general is also really quick to get going, if yk what I mean 
So his soft comments about your smell or how soft you are will turn into something like;
“Sweetheart. D’you wanna sit on my dick for a while or something?” 
Ooooohhh,, soft high Judd has a thing for cockwarming 
I mean, he’s already touchy and sorta horny so you just sitting on him for hours is absolutely perfect 
He’d love watching you wiggle and struggle, red in the face and desperate pleas leaving you as you try to bounce yourself on him 
He would just laugh at your struggles and lightly tell you to stay put, and if you’re really good, he will fuck you later 
He would LOVE to fall asleep with his hard dick inside you 
Just being as close to you as possible 
He’d wake up later tho, not nearly as stoned but is cock still as hard and fuck the living shit out of you 
No okay but soft dom Judd? 😋
He can be stoned without being horny too, but it’s a rare occurance 
You’d smoke in his car and end up on the roof, stargazing 
He claims not to be romantic but when he’s stoned he gets sappy as shit 
“I really fucking love you.” 
He’d mumble into your hair, nuzzling his face into it a little bit 
Aw, you’d melt 
If you return the favor and tell him you love him too he’ll get so embarrassed though 
He’d blush and look away 🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭
I feel like he’s always some level of stoned though 
So he’d have to be really really high for him to be able to open up like that 
Fr it happens only like once every other full moon 
Obviously he does love you, his mom is always on his ass about it telling him to tell you more often lol 
When he comes down he’ll sleep for like days 
Okay maybe that’s exaggerating a bit,, but he’ll be so fast asleep you’ll worry if he died lmfao 
And he’s so groggy when he wakes up too 
If you’re less affected, he’ll definitely expect you to coddle him and bring him food or something 
But if you’re more or the same as him, you’ll just spend the day in his bed 
Taking turns sleeping and fucking 
Idc no matter how tired he is, being in his bed means sex at some point 
Also his mom is an actual life saver and will bring the two of you snacks and food 
(I love Diane ok) 
This, however, is only if you get really fucking stoned 
I feel like usually he would just act like himself, maybe a bit less tense and a lot more handsy 
But yk, the above is for extreme cases were he’s been smoking a lot lol 
Ok I actually need to sleep my eyes are closing by themselves 🧍🏻and I have some sick character development I need to do tomorrow
Tags; @dlfvrr , @bxbyyyjocelyn
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pennyblossom-meta · 6 months
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Death Note: colourised version.(x)
Interesting (and funny!) progression in L's design.
It's very noticeable across Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 how Obata was still experimenting with L's visuals and trying to understand what would be the best traits to stick with. When we're introduced to L in Chapter 11, his design is mostly set in stone, though
First!L was actually more expressive in anger and frustration; he's also classically handsome, closer to Light in appearance and demeanour despite some obvious quirks such as being barefoot or working with his desktop on the floor of a room, as well as always wearing the same white shirt and baggy blue jeans.
It should be noted that Obata also mentioned how he tried to make L unattractive. He also mentioned how it would foil the character to display all of L's quirks at once, as no one would take him serious.
There are small details in these panels that differ wildly from the way L is introduced to the Task Force later on, namely:
How L stands straight when at full height, whereas his iconic slouch is a future addition to help contrast his appearance to that of Light's, making L stand out like a sore thumb when compared to the prim and proper Kira. Mind, he can still stand up straight, but seems to choose not to — perhaps out of laziness;
L is seen doing meditation exercises to calm down. We can infer the following: a) that this is also an early addition that got scrapped off b) OR that L does, in fact, meditate but given the stress of the Kira case and how he's constantly in the presence of the Task Force and Light 24/7, he had to forgo any techniques that calm him down — leaving only the excessive consumptions of sweets to keep him focused and sharp;
His hair is drawn with far less detail than in later chapters, where it resembles stubborn raven wings. First!L has spiky hair with waves or very soft curls;
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As the story progresses up until L's face is revealed, the design is more definitive and closer to the Final!L.
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Little by little, we are also shown some of L's quirks such as his oral fixation, which by this stage is just a hand striking a thoughtful gesture — as opposed to his thumb or index finger hooking on his mouth.
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Also worth noting that either by virtue of an early design or simply due to being by himself, L is far more expressive in anger and frustration at this stage than later on. The listlessness subtly displayed here is much more pronounced after L reveals his face.
After Chapter 11 L starts perching like an eagle on furniture. I wonder if this is a behaviour that he exacerbated for the Kira case; we know that, in AN: LABB, the character Beyond Birthday, despite never having met L, did have an idea of how he would be and purposely exaggerated some of his quirks.
Eventually, L's eyebrows make a disappearing act. They reappear every now and then.
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I always considered this progression in design to be fairly amusing. We're talking about visuals here — not writing, as that remains fairly consistent throughout the story.
L becomes almost comical, but therein lies how dangerous he is as he's able to trick his adversary and lull them into a false sense of security by looking much more fragile and goofy than he really is.
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This is also the first time we see how L picks up things delicately using only the tips of his fingers. Honestly, how someone can write like that and still come out with legible handwriting is beyond me.
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He's also not used to working with others in person. That shows here very well, as L gets frustrated at the constant distractions and input from the others. He's trying to be a team player, though!
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seoksgrl · 8 months
rather be dead than cool, 3. : jjk nerd!jungkook x popular!reader college au, dislike to love genderbent she's all that au
tws: nothing much!! some academic burnout, a little fake dating if you squint and cover one eye and turn around in a circle and put a gun to jk and oc's heads
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“Okay, so let me get this straight,” Jeongguk says, walking beside you as the two of you make your way to his hair appointment. You’d booked it a few days ago, the same morning you took him shopping, and today is the day you get to see the back of those split ends. Though, instead of being excited about the prospect of a haircut, Jeongguk is ironing out the finer details of the hasty text you sent him after lunch with Mina and Irene, “you’re helping me get a date with Sana, who will be at the party. Yet you want me to go to this thing with you as your date?”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at his big dumb boy brain for not seeing your vision, but you settle for a quiet, exasperated sigh instead, “Not a date, per se. As a friend, two friends who will arrive together. I’ll make introductions and such, and then I’ll let you loose in the wild,”
Jeongguk’s hands find home in the pockets of his baggy jeans, his shoulders shrugged up to his ears, “Yeah, well your people are certainly animals, I’ll give you that,”
While Jeongguk isn’t totally off base with his astute observation of your inner circle, you huff anyway, feeling oddly protective when you know he considers you part of those ‘people’. When you imagine Jeongguk at Jimin’s party, you picture a baby lamb hanging out with a pack of wolves. Not the best image going forward, but your goal is to make Jeongguk into more of a fierce, well-dressed dog - perhaps not a wolf, but you have to take baby steps. 
“Just stick with me, and I will take care of everything. Mina and Irene are really harmless,” You pause as Jeongguk reaches for the door to the salon, opening it for you to enter, “Well, at least Mina is,”
He cocks a brow, but doesn’t say anything further before you walk in, Jeongguk following close behind. 
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The day of the party arrives faster than you would have liked, especially given that you have a paper due for one of your classes and for the first time ever, you’re actually a little behind. Only by a paragraph or two, but it’s still a mark on your pristine reputation. 
This bet business with Irene has left you feeling a little overwhelmed, with a sizable amount missing from your allowance thanks to trips to designer stores and salons that you haven’t even had the luxury to enjoy. Monique offered to do your nails while you were waiting for Jeongguk to finish, but in the end you had to leave before seeing the end result anyway, which is something you’re not pleased with. You only hope that Jeongguk didn’t opt to suddenly go bleach blonde, or get a blue streak through his hair just to spite you. 
When your phone rings, you’re in the middle of taking your hair out of the heated rollers your father brought back from his business trip to the States, and you reach over to see it’s Jimin calling you. There’s a vaguely icky feeling in your tummy, but you run with it, sliding your finger along the screen and setting it to loud speaker. 
“Y/N? Hey,” Jimin says, his voice just as musical and pleasant as you remember it. You can almost picture him now, slouched in an artsy sort of way across his bed as he speaks to you, probably shirtless and definitely smiling, “I just wanted to check in before the party. I figured Irene might have told you I’m bringing Luna,”
Ugh, of course. While, yes, Irene already gave you a heads up, you’re still non-too-pleased about seeing your ex and his new girlfriend. There are no lingering feelings left behind, even after the awkward nature of your breakup, but the whole thing still makes for an uncomfortable evening, especially when you’re going to be mentoring a very tall, very moody photography major most of the evening. 
“Yes, Irene told me,” You say in the brightest voice you can muster, “I don’t know if she told you, but I’m actually bringing someone too,”
“Oh,” Jimin says, sounding surprised by the new information. You’re too grown up to be petty, but you can’t prevent the satisfied smile that creeps across your face at his flustered response, “I didn’t realise you were seeing anyone,”
Damn, not quite the idea you wanted to float, but you can’t exactly back out now. Jeongguk will understand, or maybe you don’t even have to tell him to pretend to be dating you. It’s not like you’ve ever been a fan of PDA, and Jimin knows that more than anyone. 
“It’s…new. And, not especially serious,” You grimace, “It’s super casual,”
“That doesn’t sound like you at all,”
“I’m trying something different,” Is your quick response, “the end of relationships are usually a time where people experiment. New hair styles, new tattoos,”
New fake, unaware, casual, photography major boyfriends.
“Ah,” Jimin’s voice is muffled, like he’s speaking away from the phone, but all you hear after a few muffled noises are the words that come next, “well, I suppose I’ll see you in a couple hours,”
“Yes,” You say, “see you soon,”
When you hang up, it’s all you can do not to scream into a pillow, but obviously that would ruin your makeup. So you settle for throwing said pillow at your wall instead, though it doesn’t give you nearly as much satisfaction. 
Two hours later, you leave the house to wait outside for Jeongguk. You had arranged for him to pick you up after sending him your address, and you look out for a non-descript, modest car. Instead, what you hear is the rumble of a motorbike engine, and you grit your teeth, counting to ten before you look up just as the sound quiets. 
“Of course, he drives a motorbike. Why wouldn’t he?” You mutter, walking down the path towards the clean, empty street where Jeongguk is parked clad in all black, donning a red helmet. His eyes meet yours as he flips up the black visor, blinking at you until you come to a stop in front of him. 
“Good evening,”
There’s a moment where you just look at him, deadpan and unsmiling. He sighs, swinging his leg off the bike and standing to his full height. For some reason he seems taller, and it’s only when you look down that you see the clunky, black boots on his feet. 
“You didn’t think this might be worth mentioning?” You ask once you raise your face to his again, squinting a little in the setting sun. 
Jeongguk looks down, still wearing the helmet, and shrugs, “I can’t wear expensive, fancy shoes on the bike,”
“I’m not talking about the boots,” You roll your eyes this time, giving in to the urge, and you almost think you hear Jeongguk snort quietly, his leather-clad shoulders jumping on a laugh, “I meant the bike. You agreed to pick me up and didn’t mention we would be riding a death-chariot to the party,”
Stepping away and walking to the large compartment on the back of the bike, Jeongguk doesn’t immediately reply, instead he flips the lid, pulling out a matching helmet and handing it to you. When you give him a stony glare and cross your arms over your chest instead of taking it, he glances heavenward, as if you’re the frustrating one. 
“Come on, Y/N. The bike is only dangerous if there’s a moron driving it,”
“Could’ve fooled me,” You mutter, taking the helmet and attempting to figure out how the whole thing works. You don’t like the person you become when you’re with Jeongguk, it’s almost like he’s just beginning to bring out this whole other side of you. He’s the first person you have ever felt the urge to hit, for example. 
As you struggle to figure out how to pull the helmet on without ruining your immaculately styled hair, Jeongguk tuts, grabbing the offending item off of you and standing right in front of you. He holds it over your head and waits, speaking quietly and oddly patient despite your reluctance, “Might wanna tuck your hair behind your ears unless you want it sticking to your cheeks the whole ride there,” 
Hesitantly, you do as he suggests, flipping your hair back so it’s behind your shoulders. It’s not going to make a whole lot of difference, you know, but you figure you might as well take Jeongguk’s advice. It’s only when the helmet touches the crown of your head that you duck away, peering up at Jeongguk as he rolls his eyes and drops his arms, the helmet hanging by a strap in one of his hands. 
“Is this gonna ruin my makeup?”
He frowns, hard to see due to the helmet, but you see the scrunch between his brows, “Y/N, you look fine. You can fix it when we get there, I know you carry around one of those little compact things,”
You do, but that’s beside the point. With what feels like your seventh sigh in as many seconds, you nod, bracing before Jeongguk begins to tug the helmet down onto your head. It’s not the most comfortable thing in the world, and your face feels a little squished, but Jeongguk notes that it’s for your safety, so you let it go. 
After getting on the bike first, Jeongguk instructs you to put a hand on his shoulder, using that to pull yourself up while placing a foot on the small footrest on the side of the bike. Once you copy his earlier movements and swing your leg over the seat, you plop down, jostling the two of you slightly as you try to get comfortable. 
“You can hold onto me, or there are some handles on either side of your seat. My shoulders or my waist are fine, but try not to tug on me too much,” He says, turning to face the front before he twists his wrist, the bike roaring to life beneath you both. He checks on you a couple more times before he lifts his visor once more to speak over the rumble of the engine, “Oh, and hold on tight. I like to ride fast,”
“Wh- Ah!”
The bike moves with a sudden jolt, the speed steady at first before Jeongguk leans into the wind, the houses on either side of the road moving past you both in a blur. Your hands alternate between gripping the handles on either side of your seat and squeezing at Jeongguk’s shoulders, adrenaline beginning to rush through your veins as the bike turns onto the main road. 
Now, you know what Jeongguk means about riding fast. The wind rushes past you, so strong it almost feels like you might be blown off the bike from the force of it, but you just mimic Jeongguk’s movements and lean into it, using him as a shield. It’s now that you notice the broadness of him, the sheer size of his body as you hunch behind him on the bike, your hands clutched at his shoulders for fear that you might fall off at the next turn. Every so often, the bike pauses at a red light, and Jeongguk looks over his shoulder and gives you a thumbs up to check in. All you can do is return it, and then you’re off again. 
You want to hate it, because really, you should. It’s dangerous, reckless, and not at all what anyone in your circle would expect you to do. But there’s a little voice in the back of your mind that quips maybe that’s why you’re having so much fun. And you are, despite the fact your makeup is being rubbed off by the rough material inside the helmet, and your hair will be flat when you get to the party. 
Under the visor, you’re smiling, and you can’t even help it.
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You both make it to the party in one piece, and despite the surprising urge to tell Jeongguk to keep driving, you hop off the bike with a little help. Jeongguk unclips the helmet from under your chin and lets you pull it off. Your cheeks are flushed and warm, and probably red raw from the helmet. You can only imagine you look a mess, but when you glance up at Jeongguk to get his opinion, he’s staring at you. 
Or at least you think he is, because he’s still got the helmet on. 
“Will you take that thing off already?” You say, “I haven’t seen the new haircut,”
“Maybe I should keep it on,” Is his quiet reply, and you tilt your head to the side, shooting him a blank look, “Fine, fine. But it feels weird,”
His hands reach up to unclip the latch, before they plant on either side of the helmet to tug it off. When you see his face again, your eyes latch on two things at once, somehow. 
First, the haircut is…good. Probably not what you would have told him to get, but it’s nice. A shorter version of the long hair he had before, a little choppier, like a shaggy mullet. It suits him, and you admit he probably would have hated changing his appearance more than he already has. 
Second, your eyes fall to his lips. More specifically, the new, silver ring that wraps around the lower one. That certainly wasn’t on the menu. 
“When -”
“I know,” He says, lifting his hands up in surrender after putting his helmet away, “but I felt like I was losing my style a little. I just wanted to do something I’ve always wanted, so I did. And I paid for it with my money, so you can’t really say shit about it,”
Well, he has you there,
“Fine, the piercing isn’t bad. I’ll allow it,” You nod, threading your fingers through your hair at the root and fluffing it a little, “Do I have helmet hair?”
“No, you have rich girl hair,” He deadpans, and you roll your eyes in response. Any more eye rolling, and you’re sure you’ll lose them in the back of your skull. 
Jeongguk finishes securing the bike, locking up and running a hand through his shorter hair. The strands still tickle the back of his neck and fall over his forehead, but you have to admit he looks better without so much weight and bulkiness crowding his head. Now you can actually see his face, and his eyes, which are dark brown and twinkly. And looking at you. 
“You good?”
Blinking, you smile, falling into step with Jeongguk before you pause, causing him to groan impatiently. When he asks what’s wrong, you offer him a sheepish smile, biting your lip, “So…there is one little thing I forgot to mention,” he doesn’t reply, instead he raises a brow in question, his lips pouting a little while that silver ring glints at you mockingly, “So, this party is my ex’s cabin, and he’s a little annoying. Basically he got a new girlfriend, so I just need you to pretendtobemynewcasualboyfriend, okay?”
“What was that?” He asks, eyes wide, “You want me to be your casual…?”
“Fake casual,” You reply, pausing because it feels like knives in your throat to actually say the word, “...boyfriend,”
Jeongguk just stares at you, giving you that same deadpan look you’d given him mere moments ago, and you can appreciate how that might be a little bothersome, now you think about it. He crosses his arms over his broad chest, looking like an arrogant ass, “Is this not what we talked about?”
“I know I said it wouldn’t be that kind of situation, but plans have changed and hey,” You step towards him, head craned to look at his face, but he doesn’t move, “I’m helping you out. I just need you to do me this one, small favour. I mean it’s not even really a big deal, just nod along when someone talks about us dating casually. Make sure you say casual -”
“I think I’ve got it,” He speaks louder over your tirade, sighing in a quick exhale before he thrusts his hand at you without looking. When you don’t take it, he glances down at his empty hand before looking at you, “Well?”
“I don’t hold hands,” A nervous cackle escapes your lips before you can stop, so you pass it off as a cough, “Holding hands isn’t very casual,”
“I hold hands with people I date,”
“It’s not dating, it's casua -”
“Y/N!” Jimin’s voice calls from the door to the cabin, cheery and clearly a few beers in, he jogs down the steps and strolls over to where you and Jeongguk are still stood at the beginning of the dirt path, “So good to see you after...everything,”
You swallow down a grimace and heaps of second-hand embarrassment, nodding quickly as if you’re fraying at the seams. Maybe you are, after all, these two men are going to be the death of you.
“So good to see you…after…” You swallow again, hard enough that your throat aches, “that,”
As if sensing the tense and uncomfortable energy, Jeongguk throws a heavy arm around your shoulder, offering his other hand to Jimin for him to shake, “Hey, Jeongguk. I’m the casual boyfriend,”
Oh, kill me now.
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taglist: @kyglover @jk97bam @btsffreader92 @jjeonjjk7
please let me know if you wish to be added to the taglist!
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plutaztix · 5 months
Finished first draft designs of the hazbin cast- Alastor., Charlie, Angeldust, Nifty , and Vaggie.
Some of them got minor redesigns while others got revamped, so I’ll be going down the line and discussing my reasoning for each one (please note, these are not perfect, and probably are not animator friendly, I did this for fun, and a lot of the decisions I made were because I felt like it. Do not throw a fit if you don’t like them)
Alastor- when redesigning alastor I focused on 3 major details: that he was from the 1920s-1930s, he was from the south, and that he was a “radio demon”. I took away the voodoo stuff cause that felt like a really weird way to associate him with Louisiana culture, and instead went for the more “southern gentleman” feel using the slicked back hair and simple clothes. I also replaced his monocle with a full pair of glasses, because I think not being able to see his eyes makes him more menacing, same thing with the straight teeth. I made his color palette into warm browns to kind of give the vibe of an old timey radio- with a highlight of gold as well. Side note: I like to imagine he doesn’t open his mouth, and instead it just lights up like an actual radio- cause I think that’s cool character flavor. I also kept his deer motif cause ,apparently, it was supposed to connect with how he died- plus I’m always a sucker for the kind of evil character that has an innocent animal theme, super fun. (Also his microphone is sentient and does change the text depending on the situation)
Charlie Morningstar- I think Charlie is a lovely character, she’s one of favorites, but she felt pretty plain in some aspects. I learned that she was kind of inspired by porcelain dolls, which gave me an interesting idea of making into kind of a “devils Pinocchio”- because what’s more innocent than a doll imbued with the power of her father’s dreams? So I really leaned into the soft friendly doll look, giving her ball joints and large eyes that stare into your soul. I softened a lot of her colors and gave her rounder shapes as well as leaning into the goat aspects of her character, because i thought it could be fun to have her play off the deer motif that alastor has.
Angel Dust- My boy , my good lad. He is also pretty solid when it comes to design , however- HE DID NOT LOOK LIKE A SPIDER. I had no idea that his freckles were supposed to be eyes until I rewatched it. Soooo I definitely tried to make him more spider like by making his eyes more prominent and giving him pointy side burns that act as mandibles. I also gave him him his spider butt and some weird ass legs. Oh and , unrelated, I like to imagine he does burlesque.
Nifty- MY FAVORITEE , I love nifty guys, she’s my POOKIE bear. When going into her design I knew I wanted to make her look older since I thought it was weird how much she was infantilized so I gave her lipstick and pearl earrings to make her look more like a refine 1950s housewife, as well as give her an apron and cleaning gloves to make her feel more like a maid. I also leaned into her subtle bug theme by giving her antennae, and giving polka dots on her dress for a very subtle lady bug theme (cause she’s my little lady). Some more small things I gave her a little swirl in her bangs to call back to victory rolls, as well as some subtle hints of green to call back to the uranium craze of that time.
Vaggie- she was difficult. Initially, I had no idea what I wanted to do with her, but I think that’s also because she’s not a very fleshed out character? Her whole story is kind of , Support Charlie and be a fallen angel.(still love chaggie tho) So I took some creative liberties, and gave her a more mature look- with some periwinkle to act as a subtle hint to her angelic nature. I also gave her the monocle from alastor design cause I thought it made more sense for her? Like, if anyone is gonna have the one eyed visual aid it’s gonna be the bitch with one eye. It also makes her look more matured? And I gave her a moth broach to call back to her moth inspo.
Annnd that’s it! I’ll be working on the next batch soon, which will likely have husk and sir pentious, if you have any other people you wanna see lmk!
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