#but i've been in this house to long. its rotting with me and i can't be here any longer.
boycigs · 3 months
I am at the stage in my childhood where I need to get the fuck out of that house.
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yanderemommabean · 5 days
Hey It's been a while
First, I just want to apologize for being gone as long as I have. Things got to a heated point at home, and I had to postpone my move until August while facing some health concerns.
Im finally out of that god forsaken house. But it wasn't easy. They cornered me, and I cried for six hours trying to just hold on until the next day when I could go.
Im so so so fucking sorry I havent been able to be on here. I know you all must have been worried sick, and I should've at least made some update posts, but Ive been stressed as all hell in my new home trying to get insurance figured out so I can get insulin, trying to get a job for rent and Sammy's meds (he got diagnosed with heart worms, and im devastated at how long it's been going on so we're trying like hell to get him better, ive been up days in a row worried sick about it while waiting on job offers and its killing me).
I got to take Pixie, and she got checked out too and I havent heard anything, so that's good! I've been sick and trying to figure everything out, and was just not able to write like ive been wanting to. I had to leave behind one person i really didn't want to, who unfortunately is stuck with my family, and its also been eating at me.
I'm alive, just stressed and sick and trying to heal from abuse and the shock of not being yelled at for being sick and scared and making mistakes.
Again, Im so sorry you guys. I should have tried to update at all, I've just had so much going on and so much sickness. I am so grateful to have you guys at all, and the sweet messages you sent me made me smile when I finally logged in and read them.
I can't guarantee an everyday post like I usually used to do, but I'm going to try and at least be back more than I have been! I love you beans. I'm so sorry for the radio silence. Everything came to a fever pitch and has been nonstop trying to get settled in since I finally got away, which was the end of August. Before that, I was sick, unable to stand up without passing out, and barely eating because the abuse was so bad that staying in my room and starving was better than any interaction. I wont go into too much detail but the abuse was another large part I didn't want to post. Just bed rotting and hoping time would speed up to get me out of there.
Anyway, this was a terrible ramble, I'll hush, but thank you all so much for your messages, and im happy to be back! Even if just a bit at a time for now until im more settled in <3
Much love!
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regulus-books · 8 months
warnings: depression, anxiety, arguing, angst, mentions of suicide (regulus saying he'd rather kill himself than see james hurt), mentions of walburga and orion's A+ parenting, tell me if I missed anything.
wc: 1.3k+
notes: I've been craving smth angsty and sad so this is kinda hurt/comfort. the timer thing for reggie is something my brain does too and it's actually so annoying, im not sure if other people go through that but it sucks and I'm here for you:). also the main idea for this was actually from a tiktok here
Regulus can't help it. Their time is almost up. He can hear the alarm ringing in his head, telling him its time to go, it's time to leave. This time, its different. He doesn't want to.
2 years. Consistent. It's been rather healthy, there's no reason to leave, he loves him. The alarm gets louder day by day, his days grow worse and worse and he fears that James knows. James knows how he's feeling, he knows that their time together is up. But, against what Regulus' mind is telling him to do, he stays. He lays in bed. All day long.
James comes home at 17:26, like he always does. Regulus can hear as he places down his bag, and his water bottle. Regulus hears him throw away his trash from lunch and clean the dishes he used, and Regulus can even hear him put away his lunch bag. The sound Regulus dreads the most, though, is James trudging up the stairs, Regulus isn't ready to face the brightness of the sun, he wishes to stay under the comfort of the moon, not harsh, just enough light to get by.
Regulus turns away from the door, their comforter covering his whole body, including the back of his head. The door cracks open just enough for James to slip through.
"You awake, mi estrella?" Regulus wants to stay silent, to not move, to pretend he's asleep. Instead, he does what he knows he should do, and lets out a quiet hum of confirmation. James walks over to the bed, crouching in front of Regulus, finally coming into his line of sight.
James has always been beautiful, there's no denying it. His brown skin decorated with moles and freckles, his eyes big and doe-like, framed by square shaped golden glasses. Beautiful.
"Hi, baby," James smiles, flashing his white smile. Regulus attempts to smile back as James presses a soft kiss to his cheekbone. "Are you feeling sick?"
"No." Regulus answers, quietly.
"You hate to rot in bed, love, why are you still under the covers?"
"I don't know, Jamie, just not feeling too brilliant." James cocks an eyebrow, chuckling softly.
"You're not sick, though?" James unwraps one of Regulus' arms from the blanket, holding his hand.
"Nevermind, it's hard to explain." Regulus shakes his head.
"Okay, love," James kisses his forehead, and rakes his hair back. "Talk to me about it if you find the words. I love you." As James leaves the room once more Regulus simply hums.
The next day, Regulus still doesn't feel right. James was right, he doesn't like to rot away in bed, so he gets up. Instead he spends the time cleaning his house. He should be at work. Fifth day in a row he's called in sick. No new articles from R.A.B are posted in the prophet.
James gets home, normal time, and does his usual routine. Regulus thinks he might smile at how clean their home is, but instead he nearly scowls.
Regulus seats James at their table, he made sure he had dinner laid out so James could eat as soon as he got home.
"What's going on, Regulus?"
"What?" Regulus answers simply, sitting at their large dining table.
"What's going on?" James and Regulus have both finished their meals, the plates discarded in the middle on the table.
"Nothing. The house was dirty, it was bothering me."
"Not the house, Reg, you. You would never clean the house, you hate cleaning. What's wrong?" James' eyebrows knit together, and Regulus is ready to deny it.
"I'm not sure what you mean, James, I got a little stir crazy and the house needed to be cleaned."
"Regulus if you were stir crazy, you'd attend work." Regulus is taken aback by this. He visibly flinches back.
"You're the one that told me I should take time off, James." Regulus scowls.
"That's not what I meant, Reg, and you know that. I mean, yesterday you were in bed all day. You didn't move an inch. I thought maybe you'd take the time to visit friends or something!"
"I visit my friends all the time, I don't know what your on about." Regulus crosses his arms and leans back further into his chair.
"Really?" James scoffs, "When's the last time you and Pandora had a brunch date?" Regulus scrunches his nose and thinks. He doesn't remember. "Exactly."
"What do you want me to say James? It's like you don't even understand me anymore." But James is quick to clap back.
"I don't understand because you never talk to me about anything!" Regulus looks down at his fingers, picking at the skin around his nails, tracing over the veins. "Is this what you want, Regulus? Us fighting all the fucking time!?" James slams his hand on the table, and Regulus can't help but to flinch. He looks at the ground, and freezes. What is he to do?
James seems to notice almost instantly, just as Regulus' lip starts to wobble. "Oh, honey, please, I didn't mean too. I'm sorry, please, baby, I'm so sorry." James walks over to him and kneels on the ground, taking both of Regulus' hands into his own.
"I-." Regulus cuts himself off, trying to keep the tears in his eyes. He can't let James see him cry, not like that.
"C'mon, baby, I didn't mean it. I would never hurt you, I love you, you know that." But Regulus knows all too well that love can quickly be turned into violence.
"Sirius." Is all Regulus can even think at this moment.
"Get Sirius." Regulus can muster, his hands tightened into fists, his nails digging into his flesh. James nods, sadly almost, and stands up. He goes through the floo, and he doesn't return, only Sirius stands in his place.
"What's wrong, Reg?" Regulus can barely move his eyes to look up at his brother, "What happened."
That's when Regulus breaks down. He lets his face crumple up, tears stream down his pale face.
"He yelled at me," Regulus sobs into his hands, "and-" he sniffles softly, "and he hit the table." He shakes his head, he sounds so pathetic. "It just scared me, you know? Reminded me of when mama and father got into arguments."
"Oh, Reggie," Sirius holds one of Regulus' hands in his own, pouting slightly. "He's nothing like mum and dad, darling, he'd never hurt you."
"That's the worst part, Sirius, I flinched. I didn't see the look on his face but I'd rather kill myself than see it. He thinks that I think he'll hurt me." Regulus sobs quietly now.
"He's okay, sweetheart. He's with Moony, they're talking about it. What's wrong? Is that head of yours bothering you?"
"It's happening again, Sirius, the bell. It's going off. It's time for me to let him go." Sirius shakes his head.
"Oh, you stupid, stupid, brilliant boy." Regulus almost laughs, "Ignore the stupid bell, it means nothing. You're afraid that he's got better things to do, is that right?" Regulus nods, "Come on, Reg. He's a professional quidditch player, he has a loving boyfriend and an amazing family. What else could he ask for?" Regulus trys to think, but he comes up empty handed.
"I don't know."
"Exactly. His life is nothing short of perfect. He loves you."
"Can you go get him?" Regulus says once he's finally dry of tears.
"I'll be happy to." So, Sirius goes and James comes through the fireplace once more. He doesn't move he just stands there.
"What are you doing, James, come out?" James sighs and slightly relaxes his tense body.
"Remus told me I should give you space." James' face is slightly pink, probably from crying.
"That doesn't mean literally, stupid." Regulus let's out a sigh and opens his arms up. James slowly, cautiously, steps into them, tightening his arms around Regulus' waist. "You don't frighten me, James, please know that." James starts to quietly cry into the crook of Regulus' neck.
"I'm so sorry, mi estrella, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you."
"I know, mon amour, I know, I love you too, Jamie."
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 26 days
This is just a rant post so if you don't want to read me rant about Snape scroll. Its long.
Now this is coming from a Shen Jiu Stan but they can never make me like you Severus Snape. The way I loathe this man is like saying hell is hot an understatement.
Severus 'one of my students greatest fear' Snape they could never make me like you.
Severus 'I can't tell a difference when one of students have been physically altered that a blind man could see it'' Snape please choke.
Severus 'Manhandle a curious student after leaving them alone with caludron full of your worst moments' Snape please meet a Basilisk or Medusa.
Severus 'Its okay for a random woman and her child to die but not Lily no mention of Lily's husband or child' Snape I hope an AK hits right in the balls.
Severus 'demeaning other houses is the reason why other kids don't want to get to know the snakes' Snape rot.
Severus 'I allowed students to be totured and allowed other students to toture. Thus making it so that the stigma towards the house of snakes so strong that it takes your most hated 'bully' grandchild to fix' Snape burn.
Severus 'I can't use my vaulted intelligence to help a single student not even those of my own house' Snape die.
Severus 'I choose to become a death eater of my own free will and ignored my childhood friends and obsession's advice' Snape I hope hell is comfortable.
Severus 'I could have left the goddamn country for a fresh start because I'm in the later half of the 20th century were travel is easily accessible' Snape why?
Severus 'It took a child who you have been teaching for 5 years to excel in potions within weeks of reading a book you wrote in as a teenager which means you could teach well or at least give good instructions but choose not to or your an idoit' Snape you are the human equivalent of a participation award.
Severus 'It just slipped out calling my 'crush' slur that undermines her very existence' Snape I hope you stub your pinky toe over and over in hell.
Severus 'I knowing didn't raise to much of a fuss when the greatest wizard since Merlin is sending a CHILD to be martyred for the greater good even though the CHILD is lily's' Snape I wish I knew less of you (and I know so little).
Severus 'I blame all the bad things on a 21 who matured and died for his family and never bother with self refection' Snape what is the point of you?
Severus 'I had over a decade of life without Lily Evans or James Potter and yet still didn't seem to grow past there shadow' Snape you are one of the most pathetic grown fictional men I've ever encountered and I've been onto anime and manga since I was 8 and I've read cultivation novels.
Severus 'I followed a suspend werewolf into a narrow cavern of my own free will and not being tricked at all and still blame Sirius Black like he held a wand to my head' Snape you are the smallest man to have ever lived.
There's more but this is just what was at the top of my head. This was prompted due to TikTok posts that raise the Marauder Era snakes like they made the fandom and are better that the Marauders. Not every bad person needs a shit backstory they can just be bad people. (Hint: Puberty is sucky)
Plus somehow blaming Sirius for leaving regulus behind. Like they forget a teenager is still a child. And then the hatred for lily by jegulus Stans and the hatred of James by Severus Stans who are convinced both snakes were angels from god in their school years just pissed me all the way off.
Cause it's not like we know more about Snape than we do any of the other adult characters baring maybe Dumbles the Manipulator himself. Oh......wait.
Also having a shit past does not give you an excuse to be a shit person. You can't change the past but the present and the future are yours to command.
So the "bullying" he received make him suffer. Thousands of people get bullied, thousands go through abuse by their parent or someone they trusted and they don't take it out on children or those around them continuously for years. What makes Severus Snape so damn special that he gets a pass?
Also I put the bullying in quotations because I don't for a single second bye that Snape didn't snap back. That he didn't give as good as he got. No for once I believe the Manipulator did what he did best when he called the tension between Snape and James a rivalry. It probably was just shy of violence and visceral hatred between the two. Though with both sides friends ganging up on the other after particularly bad moments. Also McGonagall showed no hesitance in taking 150 points from her 'favorite' students after she caught them cutting curfew. So no I don't think she'd allow bullying. And I don't Slughorn would allow a potential connection to be bullied without stepping in if only to get on his good side.
Also before someone gets into the comments and calls me a hypocrite about liking Shen Jiu. I am well fucking Shen Jiu is a child abusers. I'm not condoning or dismissing that. Hell I would be cheering Bingge on as he rose to the top just to spite Shen Jiu. And while I think what he did to Cang Qiong and Yue Qingyuan was harsh and what he did to Shen Jiu was excessive. Karma. Very child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth-esque. So no kicking Shen Jiu in the teeth would be satisfying.
But Shen Jiu showed potential to be good or at least improve, through yingye. Yingye who was close and loyal to him since day one. Yingye who he failed because he didn't/couldn't be better.
So what I love about Shen Jiu is his potential. The young Shen Jiu who pretended to break his leg so his stupid and too kind older brother could escape. The Shen Jiu who waited in an absuive situation because he promised. The Shen Jiu who hide the true reason for the Qiu massacre because one person showed him a once of kindness. The potential to be healed and to heal others in turn. To take in those he considers his with passion and feral-ness that was breathtakingly destructive. To become a protector. Or an explorer or anything really.
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sophisticatedyet · 6 months
if anyone's having a bad day, let me run you through what just happened to me. (content warning for rotten food.)
so, it's 1pm and I'm experiencing a wave of work-related procrastination that's enabling me to get chores done around the house, like empty the food waste bin in the kitchen into the bigger bin outside.
because it's been about a week since I last took the bins out, the food at the bottom has been in there long enough to rot causing the compostable bag its in to also start decomposing. no biggie, it happens: I grab another compostable bag, tip the bin on its head to avoid touching the icky rotting food, chuck a couple of very old bananas from the fruit bowl on the top, tie it off, and throw it in the outside food bin. great job me!
a little while later, I go to reassemble the kitchen bin and the lid's... not... there? it's not anywhere in the kitchen? the answer to the mystery where this lid has gone immediately presents itself to me, but I reject it and do another look, until I can't deny the obvious, and go check the outside bin.
to set the scene: it's a really nice, sunny day today. it feels like the first proper day of spring we've had all year. wildlife abounds: there are butterflies feeding on the cherry blossoms, the fish in the pond have come out for the first time since autumn. the bin is made of brown plastic that's warmed nicely in the afternoon rays. there's a little cloud of flies buzzing around me as I approach.
I open the bin and there, straining against the bags, is a corner of the lid.
there's nothing for it at this point, I'm not buying a whole new food bin because of my stupidity, so I rip open the first bag, BUT remember how I cleverly double-bagged the waste to avoid having to touch icky food? oh-hoho. I hate myself.
but fine. whatever. I rip open the next layer, like I'm playing the world's worst game of pass the parcel. this layer has been marinating in bin juices long enough to revert to a texture that's difficult to describe, but it's how I imagine an organ feels to the touch: slippery and wet and hot. at least it falls apart quite easily (along with my mental state).
I grab what I can of the lid and try to pull it out, but it only slides a few centimetres before jamming to a halt on the three rotting bananas that I added to the pile at the last moment. I try to wiggle them out the way but they aren't budging so I pinch one between my thumb and index finger. It's old enough that the skin slides away immediately, and my fingers sink into the meat of the banana. THIS is an easier texture to describe: it feels like warm snot. (I am reflexively crying at this point.) still, now that the skin it out the way, I can force the lid through the mucus. i have to repeat this process two more times before finally, the lid is free. (there's something on my finger, and I genuinely don't know if it's a grain of rice or a maggot.)
the saga's not entirely done, though, because the refuse collectors in my area don't take your food waste if it's not bagged, and I now have a bin full of scraps of plastic and a heap of rotten food. I use some egg shells to scoop up what i can and throw them into the gaping hole at the top of the bag and then it's I'm done.
obviously, I immediately run inside and start scrubbing my hands. something weird is happening, though: there are these spot of brown-and-yellow that just. won't. come. off. it's literally like I've super-glued rotting food to my hands?????
...I turn to look at the table.
...at the superglue I had been using thirty minutes earlier to fix a clasp on a broken box.
i am beyond tears at this point: the whole situation has gone past through horrifying into an absurdity so profound I must be dreaming.
I eventually scratch off the super-glued rotten food from my fingers (I don't know how long it takes me because I have detached myself from reality) and then wash my hands another hundred times before finally sitting back down at my computer because it's 2pm and a work day. I read half an email, before I'm interrupted by a strange noise that sounds like a gentle trickle of water. I turn around and my cat is in her litter box, butt positioned just on the edge, pissing directly onto the floor.
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solmints-messyocdiary · 9 months
Tw: Animal death, suicide mention, blood, gore, torture mention, violent ideas
[Mismatched excerpts ripped off from Finley's Journal. The dates have been scribbled away with a black pen.]
It feels weird writing on a journal. Like something a teenager might do instead of a grown ass man who works from 9 to 5.
But I needed to destress and let it out on some pages after talking with my mother on the phone. I hate hearing her shrill voice on the other side of the receiver. The only thing she can do is complain and complain and complain about the same thing over and over again. I don't want to see that man either... I hate him more than her.
I can't handle her and to think I have to go and visit them on Thanksgiving and Christmas I feel like I am going to lose my damn head.
At least I can let things out and still practice my writing if needed, so that's a plus. I haven't had much time to update my book, and that's making me a bit sad. Hopefully, I'll be able to write a bit.
Might treat myself and go the diner to get some choco pancakes and a milkshake. Those will surely cheer me up.
Really want pancakes and milkshakes...
The longer I stay on this damn job, the more I feel like I am going to lose myself. I've been spacing out every 5 minutes whenever someone talks to me. It's hard. (Hehe)
I had to stay 2 more hours overtime, no pay for my hard work the 3rd time this week. I had to wake up earlier, too. I arrived around 8 instead of 9 because the computers were acting up at my workplace and needed me, the IT guy, to fix them.
Not to mention, the printer too... If I have to fistfight the printer again, or hear any of my coworkers complain, particularly Brandon, I am going to strangle them. I am really going to snap!!!
I wish their heads would just explode into a bloody mess. Just Carrie them off with my mind powers whenever I feel annoyed of them. They surely deserve that, particularly Brandon and my boss. Fuck those two. The world would be better if they didn't exists. We don't need red flags walking around the office... only me! Haha!
I promised myself to do it again, but alas, old habits die hard as the saying goes.
Went to the beach for a dip and found a baby bird on the sand. Ants surrounding its small body and biting pieces away to bring it to their lair. Lucky for me, I always have my camera with me. Never the one to miss a chance.
I guess I should be sad but that's how nature is.
I wonder how others would react if they saw my ant-bitten corpse...
Finished rewatching Scream 2 and...
Damn... Why is Mickey kinda...?
Like... you know? If I was a girl I'd be into him and have his poster hanging over my bedroom wall haha.
Still angry at Scream 2 for killing Randy, tho. He was my favorite.
Rented Carrie, Slaughter High, Graduation, Prom Night, for tonight. Felt a bit nostalgic for some reason. Getting shoved in a locker every tuesday really does something to a guy. Going to have a nice movie night with myself while I think of my high school times.
Totally good for my mental stability, yup!
I wonder how my old high school friends have been doing...
Do they remember me with disdain? Are they happy with their life? More successful? Managed to marry a nice gal or guy and have many kids together? A stable job and nice suburban house?
Fuck them.
Death still scares me.
I thought that if I forced myself to witness the worst of the worst. Every torture imaginable, researching hours and hours and hours of how a body decays, how long does it take for it to rot, shrink, turn into dust.
Live footages of people getting decapitated, stabbed, run over, split in half, drowned, squashed to death, gutted, burned alive, choked, flayed.
I'd grow out of it.
It's not that hard to look for stuff like that as long as you know where to find it and you're patient.
Will I ever be able to look at their loved ones in their eyes. Admit that I saw the last moments of their brother, mother, a cousin? The light leaving their eyes?
I thought I've become numb enough to just stare attentively, not blinking for a second.
People I know will die one day. Complete strangers, lives of theirs I will never know, are dying as I write this.
And yet, I remain wide awake. Imagining how it'll feel for my body to reach nothingness. The maggots feasting on my insides, eating away little by little. Gourging themselves on the bile and flesh and pus from my organs till they become fat, squirmy little bugs. Eating, mating, dying, rinse and repeat over and over and over again.
My skin itches thinking of it. Like they have already managed to crawl deep inside.
Even a death as boring and not spectacular like an illness terrifies me.
How long do I have left? Have I wasted my life? Is it too late for me?
When will I die...
I miss my friends from high school... some of them I've forgotten their names...
I sometimes think about Chelsea. No, I am always thinking about her...
If I contact her... will she ever forgive me?
It's too late to cry over spilt milk.
Seems I've been thinking about death a lot lately.
I went to go see a movie to try and fend of the feelings of dread and paranoia that have been seeping in me.
Stale popcorn, overpriced and oversized. Check.
Watered down soda. Check.
Badly directed horror film? Check.
Annoying and talkative patrons? Double check.
The blood effects weren't as cool compared to others, but at least the lead was hot even if she couldn't act to save her life.
Why am I even trying?
I made a blog.
I post all the pictures I've taken from dead animals and roadkill.
I feel numb.
I haven't been feeling real as of late. I even dared touch one of the spilt out guts of a cat behind an alleyway. I wanted to feel something. See if I was still here. I pushed my fingers in, feeling the slimy and sticky organs. It burned and I janked my hand away.
It felt surreal.
I can't feel my hands or face at times. Like they weren't even there to begin with.
I think I might go to a therapist.
I want to die...
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pretty-prince-lulu · 1 year
I I mister beaned it pretty hard tonight, internet and I feel the need to inflict the experience upon the world at large
be me (honestly I could fucken end it here) walking down the hallway toward the domain of the porcelain throne when out of the corner of my eye I see it
it has been years, actual years now, since I have done true battle yet my nemesis stands before me- rather, scuttles above me, on the ceiling, taunting me with his plumpness a cockroach. my first true enemy in life, really this being the first house I have ever lived in without nests in the foundations or a frame consisting 80% of wood rot meant that I had sadly grown fat on my own complacency and taking peace for granted but I am Ready. I can face this foe
old reliable is at the ready. a 15 year old can of pea-beu! it's an Australian brand of bug spray. 'Hit 'em with the ol' Pea-Beu!' croons the ad! it's pronounced 'pee bow', which is still hilarious to me I psshk him with great noble bearing by which I mean 'from around a corner and at as great a distance as I could physically achieve' and wait for him to drop I wait I wait did I actually get him or I must have? that or he's just ambling down of his own volition either way
KATCHONK the can is placed atop him! he is CONTAINED! now all I must do is wait! so I wait and I wait surely he'sNOPE JESUS MARY MOTHER OF SHIT antennae and legs swing at me from under the can with incredible malice and singular will the can goes back down. and I wait
and at this point I remember! there is one thing that I have never seen pea-beu do that is- fuck, what's the word I'll have it around here somewhere oh yes WORK legs still scrabble in effort to escape I am less and less convinced that he has peed his last bow and more convinced that the next bow to be peed shall be mine
fuck FUCK okay well raising the can is out of the fucking question he's seen me now, he knows my scent and is very clearly out for revenge (probably in the form of running up my leg until I pee my bow) there's a technique I use all the time to rescue crickets from the bathroom though! and this is more of a Special Military Operation (tm) than a rescue but desperate times call for desperate measures and lateral moves so I do it I grab the nearest piece of paper and sliiiide it under the can if I can contain the creature I can have it airlifted to a location that is not my hallway
but I've just made a critical error its on paper now and paper, when confronted with 6 legs of undeniable fury, makes a sound and that sound does something magical that magical thing being compelling our hapless protagonist 30 years backward in time
she's addicted to reading! that's what her parents tell her teachers! we just can't get her to put the books down at night and sleep! ha ha ha! and she does love her books, that little girl but something more sinister is at play when the lights go out is when they awaken by the tens and by the hundreds skinny little barbed legs and long hairlike antennae but they can tell when you're still awake, you know that's when they run around in circles beneath the wallpaper and under the posters that's when they climb over the bedhead and wait sitting in the palm of your hand until you realise that's when you think the breeze is shifting the hair at your temple but the wind is prickly this evening and your eyelashes are only beyond their reach if little blue eyes stay open until dawn but no depth of story can drown out the sound of legs and wings caressing paper
SNAP BACK TO REALITY whoops there goes gravity right bug. can. paper big regretti… mom's spaghetti eminem can't help me now oh god oh no the noise has drawn attention player 3 and player 4 have entered the game
my cats precious fat idiots no hunting instincts between them, frankly the kitten has never hunted anything in his life and the last time the big boy encountered an Animal (tm) it resulted in him screaming, actually s c r e a m i n g and I had to pick him up and rescue him from the VERY scary cricket that had cornered him (the assailant was released outside) but they are interested in THE NOISE and the mystery and if they knock over this fucken can I know it's game over for me I'm still in full on vietnam flashback mode fortunate son is on full blast in my head I cannot handle a prison break
I drive them away the only way I can think of by using the only thing that's as scary to them as a cricket a psshk from a can of compressed keyboard-cleaning air nyoom disaster averted, or at least that specific flavour of disaster of course, the problem remains I cannot pick up the fucking paper. please understand. it's all that stands between me and my nightmares fortunate son is still playing but by now it's on kazoo I deepen my hole of shame a little further and attempt to s l i d e a plastic lid beneath the paper.
now I have it in my hands, a teetering, tenuous tower of can, beast, tupperware lid and a phone bill with a destination to decide what? empty it in a bin? so he can swing over the edge of the paper like lara fucking croft and hoik himself into my open mouth? or run up my sleeve into my hair? as has happened before? no thank you, you little shit, you probably submliminally suggested that yourself didn't you b u g but I can't just. squish it that also risks CONTAINMENT BREACH letting it onto the floor risks my cats eating it (and potentially peeing their bow in 12-19 business years I guess) and so, I compromise
I run outside out the front door. at this point I feel like it is important to note my outfit I am wearing a whole-body lamb costume that I have been using as pyjamas they are very wooly and floor length and have a little silk ribbony bow at the neck, as-yet unpeed
and god knows what the neighbours must think seeing this shrieking lamb kool-aid man out of her house shedding phone bills and pesticide containers and frisbee a tupperware lid across the road like it is made of fire before doing the Universal Dance of Absolute Crawling Horror, complete with arm-flailing and knee-to-chest high-steppy in circles
anyway I lived and I've been told off for sadly humming 'fortunate son' to myself 7 times. some folks are born made to wear the flag :')
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
hello, its me requesting again, ive been dealing with sinclair brain rot all day so may i get some bo and vincent sinclair (seperate) jealousy headcanons, with male reader. some girl flirts with the reader unknowingly and you can take it from there :-) also, if possible, may i be 🦇 anon?
Of course I can do this for you anon. I've been thinking about Vincent for a little bit now and I can't get him off my mind. I'm just a sucker for men with long hair. Anyway you can totally have the bat icon. I hope to see you coming back. Reader is gn
Jealous Bo and Vincent Sinclair
Warnings: Mentions of murder and violence, strong language
When you're working at the gas station with Bo and someone comes in and starts to flirt with you it's gonna take a bit for Bo to really crack.
Bo being jealous is a slow building thing. He'll be polite about it first. Commenting on how you're his partner and how long you two have been together, etc.
But if they keep going he'll be more aggressive about it. Keeping an arm around you or a hand on you. He'll still be making those comments about how you're together and how much you love each other.
But this person is still flirting with you and basically ignoring Bo so he has you go back up to the house and before he actually kills the person flirting with you he's gonna have a strong word with them.
Then he's going to be brutal with how he kills them. Like no mercy. And the entire time he's going to be talking about how you're his and that they should have never tried to flirt with you in the first place.
After handing off the body to Vincent and getting angerly signed at for damaging the body so badly he's going straight to you and he's going to have a very long and possesive make out session with you. The entire time asking you who your man is and who you love the most.
You're with Vincent at the house of wax, cleaning some stuff up when in comes a tourist you didn't know about. Vincent is going to hide and you'll take care of them.
But when you try to direct them out of the house and back to the town they start to flirt with you. Calling you pet names and putting a hand on your shoulder.
You obviously tell them you have a boyfriend and Vincent prays that's the end of that. But of course they don't listen. They keep flirting with you and Vincent just try's to hold himself back.
If they get very persitant and bordering on aggressive he'll have to step in. He'll make quick work of them. Wanting to be more brutal for trying to take away his muse but he stops himself.
If you can finally lead them away from the house he'll follow you two and watch as they continue. If they ever go too far he will have to make an appearance. Maybe not to explicitally kill them but to maybe just intimidate them a bit.
But after he gets the body handled he's going to you and holding you close and tight to him. Please affirm him that you'd never leave him and that he's the only one for you.
He might be a bit more clingy after this. Following you around, holding you hand or having his hands on you constantly, asking for more affection, etc because he needs it.
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katenewmanwrites · 5 months
With a sigh, I glance around at the overgrown gardens and the neglected outbuildings, wondering where to begin. The once-proud farmhouse, built by my grandfather's own hands, now stands silent and forlorn, its paint peeling and its wood rotting. It's a far cry from the happy home I remember, where my Nana would cook up her famous ANZCA cookies and we'd gather around the fireplace to listen to stories.
I unlock the front door, stepping inside to find the same dilapidated state within. The ancient carpet is stained and worn, the walls papered in a pattern that hasn't been fashionable since the 70s. A faint musty smell hangs in the air, a reminder of how long it's been since anyone's stepped inside. My heart aches as I take in the sight of the once-beloved home.
The sound of a pickup truck rumbling down the gravel road interrupts my thoughts. Dust billows behind the vehicle as it comes to a stop, revealing Angus Spencer behind the wheel. Dressed in rugged work clothes, his sleeves rolled up to reveal muscular forearms, Angus steps out of the truck with a cocky grin on his face.
"Hey, Summer," he says, walking up to me. "Long time no see." His voice is familiar, laced with a hint of mischief that brings back memories of our childhood days.
I can't help but feel a mixture of emotions as I look at him. On one hand, there's the anger and resentment I've been harboring for years. On the other hand, there's the undeniable attraction I've always felt towards him. It's as if he has this magnetic pull on me, drawing me back in no matter how hard I try to resist.
Angus walks up to me, his confident stride making my heart flutter. He's always been the kind of guy who knows how to command attention, even when he's not trying. He leans against the porch post, casually crossing his arms over his chest, and grins at me. "So, you finally decided to come back home, huh?" There's an edge to his voice, a challenge that I can't quite put my finger on.
I grit my teeth, trying to maintain my composure. "Yeah, about that. I wanted to talk to you about some changes I want to make to the farm." I gesture vaguely towards the overgrown gardens and the dilapidated buildings.
Angus laughs, the sound sharp and mocking. He steps away from the porch post, looking me up and down. "It's going to be one hell of a job, that's for sure…" His voice trails off, his gaze lingering on my face for a moment before he looks away.
"I know, that's why I called you Angus." I say, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach.
Angus looks at me, his expression softening slightly. "Well, I'm here now. So, tell me what you have in mind."
I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility settle heavily on my shoulders. "I want to keep the original character of the house."
Angus rolls his eyes. "Of course you do. But you realize that a lot is going to need to be replaced, right?" He gestures to the ceiling, then to the walls. "The wiring is ancient, and those old plaster walls are a nightmare to work with."
I nod, knowing he's right. "I know, but I think we can find a way to balance preserving the character of the house with making it safe and livable. My Nana put so much love into this place, I want to honor that."
Angus shrugs. "Fine, fine. But we have to be realistic here. We can't just ignore the fact that this place is a death trap."
I grit my teeth, feeling my temper rising again. "Just because it's old doesn't mean it's dangerous. And I'm not going to let you tear down everything that my Pa built."
"And I'll try not to tear down… everything," Angus retorts, his voice laced with sarcasm.
"Good." I say, folding my arms over my chest.
"Good." He repeats, his tone still edged with annoyance. "Well then, let's get started. We'll need to do an assessment of everything first, see what needs to be replaced and what can be salvaged." He pushes off the porch post, walking over to the toolshed. "I'll get the inventory started, see what we've got to work with."
I follow him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of thinking he can just walk away from me. As we make our way through the house, I can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for all the summers I spent running around these rooms, playing hide and seek with my cousins. The thought of changing anything feels wrong, like erasing a part of my childhood.
Angus stops in the middle of the living room, looking up at the ceiling. "I'd say the plaster on the ceiling is pretty much gone in here," he says, frowning. "We'll have to get that replaced."
I stand behind him, watching as he surveys the damage. "Can't we just patch it up?" I ask, hoping.
"I won't know if it's affected the structural integrity until I cut into the ceiling," Angus says, his expression unreadable. "But we can't risk it. If it's weak, we'll have to replace it all." He steps away, moving over to the window. "The woodwork on these windows is in pretty good shape, but we should probably consider replacing the single-pane glass with double-paned."
I bite my lip, trying to contain my frustration. "What about the floors?" I ask, pointing to a particularly worn spot in the living room. "Can we sand them down and refinish them?"
Angus looks down, considering. "Well, they're in pretty rough shape. The wood is warped and splintered in places. I think we'd need to replace a few boards, and then sand and refinish the rest."
I nod, feeling a knot form in my stomach. "Okay." I exhale slowly. "Let's do that."
Angus glances over at me, his expression softening slightly. "It's going to be a lot of work, but I think we can make it happen. We'll just have to prioritize what needs to be done most urgently."
As we walk to the kitchen, I notice the floorboards creaking beneath my feet, feeling them shift with every step I take. I've always known they were old, but I never realized just how much damage they'd sustained over the years. Maybe it's time to consider replacing them, I think to myself. But as I'm about to bring it up to Angus, I trip over my own two feet when a floorboard gives way beneath me.
I let out a small cry of surprise as I feel myself start to topple forward. In an instant, Angus is there, his strong arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me back upright. "Are you okay?" he asks, his face inches from mine. My heart is racing, and my cheeks feel like they're on fire as I nod, trying to regain my composure.
"Thanks," I manage to choke out. "I think I'm fine." My heart is still racing, but I'm more embarrassed than anything. I quickly step away from Angus, feeling the heat creep up my neck and into my cheeks. "I guess I should have been more careful."
Angus follows my lead, backing up a step. "Yeah, maybe you should. I can't always be there to catch you." He smiles, trying to lighten the mood. "Seriously, though, are you okay?"
"Aw, are you worried about me, Angus? How sweet." I say, teasing him, but still feeling the heat in my cheeks. He smirks and shrugs.
"I don't wanna have to drive you an hour to the hospital," Angus teases, smirking.
"Maybe I should leave the inspection to you and you can just fill me in later," I suggest, still feeling a little wobbly. "I mean, if there's any other hidden dangers lurking around here, I want you to find them, not me."
"Gee thanks, love," Angus says with a grin. "Doesn't matter if I break my neck, huh?"
"I'll leave you the keys?" I ask, digging them out of my pocket and holding them out to him. "I'm sure I'll be fine from here." I try to act casual, but I can feel my hands shaking slightly as I offer them to him.
Angus takes the keys with a grin. "You're sure?"
"It saves me comin' back when you're done to lock up." I reply, trying to sound casual. "Just call me if you need anything." I say, then immediately wonder if that was too forward.
Angus nods. "Thanks, I will. See ya later, then." He turns to head down the hallway, and I watch him go, feeling a pang of nervousness in my stomach. As soon as he's out of sight, I let out a slow breath, leaning against the counter.
The kitchen is quiet, save for the distant sound of running water from the bathroom. I look around, taking in the peeling wallpaper and the chipping paint on the cabinets. There's so much work to be done, but I'm not sure where to begin. I guess I'll start with whatever Angus deems most important.
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basil-the-bulbasaur · 8 months
White houses by vanessa Carlton for the ask game (its been rotting in the back of my head for days)
I'm using the lyrics with commentary and mild editing to explain why this has actually been about ranchers the whole time
I hope this is comprehensible
Crashed on the floor when I moved in (Tango getting explodificated) This little bungalow (like a ranch?!) alone with some strange new friends Stay up too late, and I'm too thin We promise each other it's til the end ("you will always be my soulmate, my rancher") Now we're spinning empty bottles It's the five of us (this may bring up thoughts of The Southlands but actually "the five of us" is Jimmy, Tango, chickens, cows, and goats/horses) With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust (because when you ally with Jimmy the canary curse gets you) I can't resist the day ((I don't really know what this means)) No, I can't resist the day (Its ranching. They can't resist going outside and ranching)
[The Warden] screams out and it's no pose (Jimmy is in the deep dark getting enchanted) Cause when she dances she goes and goes And beer through the nose on an inside joke And I'm so excited, I haven't spoken (because if he speaks the wardens gonna get him) And [Tango]'s so pretty, and she's so sure (consurened about Jimmy being in the deep dark) Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her ((this part actually doesn't match well because the ranchers are to silly and oblivious for either one to be more clever than the other) its about Jim surviving the deep dark and proving everyone's worries wrong) The summer's all in bloom The summer is ending soon (Its a death game. they don't have long :( )
It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone (soulmates) But I hold on to your secrets in white houses (the horse that they stole, who is now in the barn)
Maybe I'm a little bit over my head I come undone at the things he said (wow I love my soulmate. Hey what happened to our goats???) And he's so funny in his bright red shirt (like- like the shirt Tango wears?) We were all in love and we all got hurt (The Ranch! D:) I sneak into his car's cracked leather seat ((this part made more sense before I decided to focus on DL setting ranchers, if they're in a modern setting then sure yeah, car, but like this?) leather jacket, i guess) The smell of gasoline in the summer heat (not the ranch!!!!!!!!) Boy, we're going way too fast (they're both so impulsive) It's all too sweet to last (the ranch was too epic and cool so it got burnt down, also ranchers being doomed to die or something)
It's alright And I put myself in his hands (Jimmy stopping Tango from getting unplanned revenge) But I hold on to your secrets in white houses (they still have the horse) Love, or something (revenge!!!!!) ignites in my veins (ignites?! like fire?! like blazeborn!Tango?!) And I pray it never fades in white houses
My first time, hard to explain ("Jolly Ranchers" they get to enchant! yay!) Rush of blood, oh, and a little bit of pain (Oh no! arrows!) On a cloudy day, it's more common than you think (Jim falling off the tower above the velvet keep) He's my first mistake (referencing the creeper death)
Maybe you were all faster than me (contemplation of canary curse) We gave each other up so easily These silly little wounds will never mend (getting attacked by an Enderman) I feel so far from where I've been (dying so far from the ranch :() So I go, and I will not be back here again (They can't return to the ranch because they're dead!) I'm gone as the day is fading on white houses I lie, put my injuries all in the dust (canary curse strikes again) In my heart is the five of us In white houses
And you, maybe you'll remember me What I gave is yours to keep (they're still ranchers) In white houses In white houses In white houses
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nancypullen · 10 months
Checking In
It's been a wonderful few days here on the Pullen spread. Matt has been in town and he's always such good company. We've had a lot of laughs, eaten too much holiday food, and just enjoyed being together. The Edgewater gang went down to Tennessee for Turkey Day, but I've had two calls from our Little Miss and have seen loads of pictures - they're having a ball. They'll be home on Sunday, Matt will fly out this evening, and we'll all brace ourselves for Christmas. We're getting decorated, my cards have arrived, and I'm ready to start wrapping gifts. The mister and I may wander into D.C. and visit the Christmas market, or we may opt to go to Baltimore's Inner Harbor - they do a big German Christmas village with loads of vendors (and German food!). Chestertown, on our side of the bridge, will have their Dickens Christmas festival the first weekend of December. We'll definitely give that a go. Doesn't look like we'll lack for Christmas cheer. I've volunteered to work the Friends of the Library booth at the Ridgley Christmas shindig, we'll see if they plug me into the schedule. I think that's on the 9th. It's tiiiiime!
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In other news....I GOT A JOB! The Caroline County Library looked past my pink fluff (and maybe my age) and offered me a position! Yippee! I'll start January 16th, so come on over and see the nice granny at the library, she'll help you with anything you need. I never thought I'd be starting a new job at age 60, but I truly think it's going to be good for me in many ways. I can't just rot in this house. When the offer was made and salary and start date settled, I was reminded that this was, of course, pending a clean background check. Why is it, that even when you know you haven't had so much as a speeding ticket in decades, you wonder if you'll pass the background check? No one has lived a more vanilla life than I have, but what if they uncover that I skipped school in 1980 and egged a rival high school? I'll bet the people doing my background check weren't even born in 1980. What's the statute of limitations of egging? I may also have knowledge of several toilet papering incidents. That's it, I'm sunk.
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Moving right along. I've got several artsy projects going. It looks like a glitter factory exploded in my craft room and that makes me happy. Look at these little chests (don't look at my mess).
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Those are going to be tooth fairy boxes! My grandgirl and my sister's grandson are about the same age, both in kindergarten and nearing the snaggletooth stage of life. I''ll touch up the paint on these, glue in a little cushion, and place a little scroll inside printed with a poem I wrote for them: The Tooth Fairy Riding a moonbeam, she enters our land With glittering wings and a pouch in her hand Searching for treasure, a fairy's delight, a child's lost tooth, shiny and white. Upon finding a tooth that pleases her eyes, she leaves that lucky child a surprise So take care of your teeth, do your best When one is lost, use this chest Close your eyes, drift and dream She'll soon arrive on a silver moonbeam When you wake, look inside And see what treats a fairy hides
Okay, it's rough, but it'll work for little kids. It's all about the magic, folks. Make as much magic as you can for as long as you can. If it includes glitter, even better. Okie dokie, time for me to get busy around here. There are decorations to hang, things to sparkle, and cookies to eat. I hope you're doing something fun today, too. Whether that means shopping with the crowds or watching Hallmark movies and drinking hot cocoa, do it! Let's make a pact to send 2023 on its way in a cloud of merriment and happiness. The world is insane, bad news blares at us all day, so do everything you can to make your little corner of the world sweet. Sending you love and lots of holiday cheer. Sprinkle it all over! Stay safe, stay well, stay jolly. XOXO, Nancy
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battlemageserioth · 2 years
Werill's Serenade
Episode 3
The Pantheon was closer to Pandemonium than anything else. Under the gaze of huge statues that represented long forgotten figures, the Council members were yelling, pointing fingers and for some of them, biting. From afar, they looked like barking dogs. Werill smirked.
"The elite of all magic users, eh?"
"Shut up," sighed Amelia.
The spellblade stepped forward, and shouted.
"Council! Prisonner Werill demands audience!"
There was an instant of silence as all eyes turned to them, broken by a geomancer with flowing red hair.
"A prisonner demands audience? On what rights?" they said, rising an eyebrow with an inquisitive look on their face.
"On rights of the False Hydra that I've helped grow inside the City."
Immediately, the Pantheon exploded once more. Shouting resumed, and only cease when, with a smirk, Werill snapped his fingers. Three heads closed their mouths shut, and appeared. They were gigantic, dwarfing the statues of the Pantheon. All were bald things of grey skin, bloated almost to the point of rupture. Veins of black blood ran under across them, down long neck that looked like withering logs. One of them, the central one, was covered with bulbous eyes that looked around in a frantic fashion. They were smiling with rotting teeth that were much too large for their faces, and out of their mouths dripped a yellowish saliva that conglomerated on the ground, forming foul smelling puddle. The mages recoiled in horrified disgust. How long had the Pantheon housed this rotting filth..?
"Hello," the heads whispered in unisson, somehow loud enough for all to hear it.
The geomancer turned a strange colour.
"It talks..." they whispered, much to Werill's delight.
"It does! A steady diet of well fed memetovores will do that to a hydra. Anyways! I wanted to negociate. Let's be quick. My friend here has been hungry for a while."
Another mage stood up. He had a long white beard and steel grey eyes, and his voice, though shaking, echoed like a far away storm.
"What do you want, Werill?"
"Little old me? We'll talk about that later," he chuckled. "Right now, it's about what the Hydra wants. It has access to the Portal Room, but... Well, it would like access to more worlds."
Amelia's eyes flared with fury, and in an instant, a glowing sword of golden light was against the man's throat. She did not get time to speak, however. In an instant, one of the heads was in front of her, so close that she could feel its warm breath. It simply whispered :
Amelia staggered, and took a step back.
"What the..?"
"Did I mention that it likes me?" Werill chuckled again. "Anyways. You all have two days to decide. After that... It will eat what it finds. Goodbye."
The man jumped on top of the head as it lowered itself, and before Amelia could do anything, it had left the hall. There was a moment of silence, before the spellblade turned to the Council.
"Cowards!" she shouted. "Any of you could have burned that thing, or zapped it, or... I don't know, make it brain dead! Why didn't you?!"
The grey eyed mage was the first to answer.
"No, we can't. A False Hydra doesn't need a mind to function. They are things of the Void. As such, their hunger is enough to move them. One this size can shrug off most physical damage, and we do not know where the other heads, or its heart are. For now, we need... Diplomacy."
"Di-" Amelia clenched her teeth, and nodded. "...very well."
"You are dismissed, spellblade."
Amelia turned to leave, and she felt herself sinking into dread and rage. On the great bridge that connected the Pantheon to the rest of the Towers, she took a deep breath, and looked up. The City had stars, once. Before it had any tower, before mages even gazed upon it, before this patch of sky was ripped from the heavens, it was gleaming with threads silver light. Now, the invisible eyes of the Hydra patrolled the sky. She clenched her teeth. As a spellblade working for the Council, she had been in danger, and she had been powerless. But never before had she been both at the same time. And never before could the the threat be a danger to Sophia.
She rushed towards her girlfriends tower. She had to keep her safe, because the Council would not. She had to get her out of here.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
Oh and I can't handle body horror either tbh, I had to cover my eyes during the surgery scene TwT. I've yet to finish the second one (it's so unnerving god help me)/lh
tw for implied grooming (nothing sexual just generally since its known dave was a "young man" when he meets henry and henry used it to his advantage canonically), manipulation, stalking, murder, child death, general sexual themes at points (its just mentioned a couple times), medical talk, forced lobotomy and suicidal idealization
radical/aubergine/gnarly/bad ending timeline
>dr henry miller starts fredbears family diner with william afton
>unnamed guy starts freddy fazbears pepperonerie (a play on fredbears family diner) and it INFURIATES henry (and william because henrys angry)
>henry does fucked up experiments on william (lobotomizes him to some degree, takes out his organs, etc etc etc)
>henry manipulates william into killing children because it would "let them live out their happiest days forever"
>henry tells william about his dead son, david, and william imprints on this and renames himself to dave miller (he takes henrys last name after he passes but for now im just going to call him dave miller)
>dave works at ffp and kills children there while henry kills children at ffd
>henry fucking DIES and ffd forecloses, leading dave to work at ffp
>dave meets jack kennedy (the protag and the person you play as) at ffp
>dave negotiates with jack that since hes a "clean slate" he should help him murder five children, jack agrees and they Do That
(small note here; dave becomes obsessed with jack after this and its just a whole ordeal with jack and dave being ?? freaks and in love ?? normal behavior/sar)
>phoney (named steven as a person but the phone guys are a Whole 'Nother Thing that i CANNOT GET INTO RIGHT NOW) becomes suspicious and dave and jack frame him
>dave and jack scurry off to vegas
>rinse and repeat this cycle in dsaf2
>in dsaf 3 dave is found rotting away in a building (in a springlock rabbt suit and now he goes by davetrap btw) by jack and goes on a monologue of how he "knew he wouldnt leave him alone" and jack takes him back to his new restaurant that jack now owns (im just. gonna call it uncle jacks family diner because its funny to think he named it after fredbears)
>davetrap and jack kill children, phoney (harry) flips and im pretty sure they kill him? i cant remember
>davetrap springlocks jack to give him "immortality" and they go to vegas
>davetrap goes on a brief rant about how he realized he was never happy because jack never knew who he "really was" and confesses to being william afton
>davetrap takes jack to his "fazbunker" (note this is just the same place as we see in fnaf sister location) and shows him a chest containing a red scarf
>jack has a realization that this is his dead sister dee's scarf and comes to the correct conclusion that dave/william killed his younger sister and framed him back during the ffd days
>henrys ghost "controls" jacks mind kind of ?? and jack kills dave
(note there is a tiny little voice clip of dave telling jack he loves him as he dies i just think its very interesting that the last thing dave chose to do was tell him he loved him . agony and peril)
(also i didnt know where to put this but in dsaf 2 theres a scene where jack wakes up to dave standing at the foot of his bed and they prankcall phoney (peter) together. jack tells dave to shower and dave says it is "not the first time he has been in his house"
(also also dave has a long rambling file in dsaf 2 on the computer which includes the words "old sport", a nickname he gave jack, 5000 times)
good end/saved end
>everything is the same as before but this time you decline everytime dave asks you to kill kids
(fun fact you can see daves diary in dsaf 2 and his diary entry after the day you reject him is nothing but nonsense ramblings about how he is going to kill jack and how he cant believe he would "betray him like this")
>jack finds davetrap rotting and declines taking him back to uncle jacks family diner and davetrap sobs and cries and yells about how he shouldve known he would do this to him and begins begging jack not to leave him alone
>davetrap then stalks jack home
(fun fact you can look at davetrap and jack will say "he followed me home again" implying that this isnt the first time hes noticed dave or davetrap doing this so. what the fuck. i dont know if he just did nothing about this or if he said something and dave continued but either way What The Fuck ???)
>jack goes into "the flipside" and sees dave just kind of. chilling. jack is reasonably caught off guard and they have a neat little meet-cute where dave explains the flipside is where souls come to chill because of course theres a fucking place for that god damnit
(note you can get small dave commentaries by interacting with objects like posters or things on the wall or pizzas in the kitchen and i just think its cute)
>dave makes a portal because of fucking course thats a thing you can do in the flipside i hate the flipside why can he fucking DO THAT and fuck off to the second floor
>jack and dave find dees ghost here and it revealed shes the puppet
>dee engages jack and dave in battle because she doesnt believe dave is "truly sorry" and thinks jack is making some sick joke at her expense
(note if you fail to escape from this battle dee says that you cant run from your problems forever)
>if you succeed in escaping the battle, jack explains to dave that this is his sister and dave has A Moment where he explains how henry told him he was helping the kids by killing them (its also implied that dave was groomed by henry since he states he was a "young man" when they officially met and started working together)
>dee decides hes just kind of. pathetic honestly. and decides she can live with this if it means she can save the dead ghosts
>jack fucks off back to the reality and does reality shenanigans like running his business
>he comes back and they go into a portal to the second floor
>on the third floor we meet steven whos been just kind of. there. the entire time. and he INSTANTLY assumes theyre there to kill him and makes them battle foxy robotss until they find him huddled in a corner
>he instantly starts rambling about how he cant be saved and how thhey should just leave him (its implied that by this he means hes going to?? die if they leave him?? as if he isnt already dead??) because he was a terrible person to jack, peter, and dave
>jack says thats in the past or whatever and he joins their team
>dave makes another portal and this time steven goes nuts and is fucking furious about hating the flipside (me too man. me fucking too)
>jack fucks off to go do business stuff again. the health inspector is here. hes french. you can bribe him. either way you dont get shut down unless you do a REALLY bad job so. eh.
>jack comes back to the flipside and they scurry around until they find peter (jack and dee remark about how "this is peters house" (i forgot to mention the floors are all designed around memories and this one is based off peters house that jack lived in after he was killed))
>they find peter and he remarks about how hes just a trap and everyone is confused
>JACKS FUCKING SOUL APPEARS. THATS RIGHT BABY. HE WAS SOULLESS THATS WHY HE DIDNT DIE. AND ITS IN THE FORM OF HIS DEAD DOG SPARKY. also he speaks in a cesaer cipher and dave asks him to get rid of his "accent"
>jack and blackjack (thats his souls name. haha. very funny. because hes a shadow. very funny. haha. i hate it here) talk and ouugh ouugh it pains me it hurts me its peril and agony and i love it augh. that isnt really related but it DESTROYS ME
>they fight henry (during this henry doesnt hit anyone, instead choosing to use his words which i think is interesting)
>they fucking win yippee yahoo
>everyone leaves except for dave and jack. they talk. dave cries because jack tells him he cant go with them since hes soulless. dave says he "wont leave without him" and that he cant lose henry AND him. jack gives dave blackjacks collar and says that blackjack wont leave him. anyway yeah jack literally gave dave his soul. bawling my eyes out i hate these two so so much (affectionate)>jack burns down his diner with him and every freddys animatronic inside and the plot of land is turned into a gravesite for william/dave, jack, dee, peter, and steven
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just-a-pen-name · 9 days
I sit on the floor, my back against my bed, and stare at my wall. It has humidity marks all over, and in some spots, white comes through the green paint. I freaked, thinking it was mold, but my dad said it wasn't. I'm not sure I believe him. When did I stop taking his word at face value? I guess it's just a thing about growing up, realizing everyone around you is just as fallible as you are.
How long have I been here? The sun moves through the sky and the clock ticks away. I can't really trust my own head, the memories of all the times before merge together. Diferent houses, diferent stars. The floor still feels familiar.
My bookshelves are near that wall. They hold every book I've ever owned. If I stretch my neck far enough, I can catch a glimpse of the children's tales I used to read. I don't know where my newest book is; it wouldn't fit anyway. I wonder if the mold will ruin them. I woke up with a cough today, I wonder if it's ruining me.
How fast did that appear, anyway? I can't remember seeing it until it was all over. Did it happen so fast? Was I too busy staring at the underside of my desk, my hands covering my ears, to notice?
There's two drawings from the painting classes I used to take taped to the wall. One of them covers a spot where I accidentally peeled the paint a little after I moved in. I was so scared someone would see. The whole wall is peeling now.
Those white spots, are they mold? Is it just the white paint beneath? It looks powdery. Is it spores? Am I dying? Should I pack my bags and move to another room? Another house? Another life? Maybe the mold would follow me. It's already covered my clothes; its spores pass as dandruff on my hairbrush. I can almost feel it in every breath I take. In and out. In and out. In and out. Tiny white spots in my lungs that hurt on their way in. Or is it out? Am I inhaling them? Or exhaling? Do they come from my wall? Do they come from within? I'm not sure it matters now. It might be too late.
Maybe there's nowhere I can go.
I wonder if it'll infest the pile of my childhood stuffed toys, just below my books. Will they rot on the inside? I don't want them to be like me; they deserve better. I deserved better. Am I rotting? Am I ruined?
Maybe the mold is me. Maybe I am the mold.
I don't care if you can see the peeling paint on my wall now; I'm too busy trying to hide my peeling soul. Is that white thing below mold? Is it paint from the artwork I used to be, something that should have been hung in a museum, but fell too short? Was it ever really good enough? Or is it just landlord white, rough brushstrokes covering with no care?
Am I dying? Was I ever really alive?
Hey, Dad? Are those white spots mold?
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strangeshutter · 2 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ dear diary: contemplation
I don't necessarily think I want to die, I think its just that I don't want to be here in this place anymore. We've lived in this house for nearly ten years now, so since I was a child, and yet I want nothing more than to go away. I tend to like things like this, spaces that remain the same for years, places where only stuff like the color of hand towels and the types of sofas change. However, when I walk through this house or even just sit in my bedroom, I feel that I need to get away. Maybe it's because of the things I've been through here, the ages I've been. I'm scared that if we move though, I'll miss this place too much. I want to go away, find my own home, pick out my own colors for hand towels and types of sofas, but I'm so far from that reality. I have no job, I have no car, I could be considered a disappointment to all around me and all who know of me. I feel even some of my friends don't understand this. It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I never planned to live this long at all. I didn't want to make it to thirteen even, much less nineteen. I think that it has ruined me in some way, I'm sort of left floating in this dreadful air that I'll never amount to anything ever in my life, so why even try.
I can't do anything about it though. I'm self aware, I can see that people care about me, I cry knowing that my own ending would impact them in harsh ways, and I love them all so I don't want to hurt them in any way. But at the same time, when will it end? When will i grow up and start actually living a life I can be prideful or even just remotely happy in? Will I ever get to that, or will I cut it short impulsively? I keep hearing and reading people say that I'm still young, that there's still so much time left to find it all out myself, but I feel I've already fallen behind people my age. My friends are getting jobs, driving around, planning their futures with hope. I see no future for myself. I see no light at the end of the tunnel, how am I supposed to just walk in blindly, unknowing of how long it will take to get out, or if there even is an out at all?
I can admit, sometimes I feel hopeful. Sometimes someone will say it all just right and I'll believe them. I'll get out, I'll feel better. I'll have an apartment with my best friend in the city. We'll have dinner every night together and make a tradition of watching Saturday Night Live on our big couch. We'll adopt pets, learn recipes, take photos and hang them up in thrifted frames. I'll stop hurting myself, I'll be too busy being a happy person to even remember I ever felt this way. I'll take a class, have hobbies. I can see it, but it's too far and its like there's this long path of barbed wire and rotting fruit in my way. I don't know how to get there, how to be that person.
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infecting you with the brain worms. also imagine a normal human getting isekaied to a fantasy world, getting sick and slowly getting over it, if the sicknesses change their immune system so much, would there be a point where they aren’t considered human anymore? while we’re at it, what’s the medical implications for hanahaki disease? surgeries? dungeon meshi has mana sickness, owl house has the common mold, so it got me thinking of sicknesses very specific to magic users. like a fire user getting a fever that’s permanent after a while, their magic altering their immune system so much
ngl i think i've been infected for a long time, anon XD
lot of deep worldbuilding you could get into here... like "what makes a human human" sort of deep. ship of theseus deep. plus the question on top of how much of our actual, real life biology is due to the influence of microscopic creatures that we can't even see? *chef's kiss*
you know how your gut biology can influence your mood/cravings/etc? imagine it's like that, but with the influence of something magical or ethereal in nature.
plus the double whammy of maybe they change so much that it's impossible to get back home...
i've seen a lot of fics where surgery can cure or cause hanahaki to go into remission, with various side effects tbh. i think my favorite take on it is that surgery only helps up to a point--if the roots get deep enough, it WILL kill you to excise it with a blade, just like any tumor. i also like the idea that once the love is reciprocated, the plant takes time to shrink down and loosen its hold, tho i don't see that much in fics. hurt/comfort, my beloved.......
also ngl, dungeon meshi needs to come back here and EXPLAIN MAGIC BETTER. like is dark magic forbidden just because it's old?? is it legit dangerous, or is it outdated??? because they CLEARLY have what could be considered necromancers who can LEGALLY raise people from the dead (tho only in dungeons, admittedly). so what gives?? why, exactly, is what marcille did so dangerous? I have my guesses, but I demand to know!! that and the mana sickness, like... is learning magic like flexing a muscle and you just have to strengthen your ability and the mana sickness goes away?? can marcille get mana sickness still?? what would it take?? also laios with a bloody nose.... i am looking respectfully (maybe)
this was what i loved about BNHA tho, like for real. there was SO MUCH depth to quirks and their consequences (thank you, deku, for prattling about them all the time, seriously), and you could dig even deeper in fan works. like.... mr. nitroglycerine sweat. and how he can make himself sick if he accidentally ingests his own sweat. the strengths and weaknesses, the uniqueness of them all. iida using juice as fuel LMFAO. loved that so much??
but more generally... imagine chlorokinesis users who can be affected by blight, or root rot, or fungus because their bodies have started to take on plant-like traits. god, or imagine this: a chlorokinesis user who can't take off their shoes and socks because their feet have started growing roots into them LMFAO. psychic users who always feel others' symptoms as if they're their own. diseases that can pass across a psychic link!! immunizations against psychic viruses that alter your brain chemistry!!
good SHIT, man
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