#but i'm glad she got enlightened
dybalassunshine · 2 years
One of the students in my college (she's a year senior to me) was a die-hard CR7 fan. She had a CR7 backpack, CR7 keychains, and t-shirts and stuff and yesterday I saw her in college wearing an Argentina bracelet and she had even changed her bag...
I think she found the light and I'm happy for her. lol
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suzannahnatters · 3 months
Last night I remembered another of my favourite Tolkien wifeguy facts.
So in Western mythology we've often personified the Sun as masculine and the Moon as feminine. Off the top of my head: The Sun is associated with purity, reason, scholarship, illumination, constancy, dragons, gold, and masculinity. On the other hand, the Moon is associated with darkness, silver, impurity, flux, change, uncertainty, fickleness, and femininity.
You can see all this imagery being adopted, eg, in the Mozart opera THE MAGIC FLUTE, in which a benevolent scholar wizard (with solar imagery). straight up kidnaps the daughter of the evil, passionate Queen of the Night so that she can be properly educated in Enlightenment rationalism, purged of all those icky feminine night/lunar influences, and turned into a good submissive little wife for the scholar's young disciple. Guys the music slaps but the story is SO gross and misogynistic.
Anyway, what does this have to do with Tolkien? I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED.
In Middle-Earth, Tolkien does a GENDERSWAPPED Sun and Moon. The Sun is She, the Moon is He. And, like, it's not that he just thought "oh how can I make this mythology Different" - he really thought this through. In THE SILMARILLION, Tolkien tells us that the Sun and Moon are two vessels made from the last flower of Telperion and the last fruit of Laurelin, the Two Trees which once gave light to Valinor. Two Maiar were chosen to pilot these vessels. The pilot of the moon is Tilion, a hunter of Orome, and the pilot of the sun is Arien: "Arien the maiden was mightier than he", a spirit of fire whom I strongly suspect to be an unfallen Balrog.
Now, just as in our world, the Moon in Middle Earth has a reputation for waywardness and unreliability. Because, get this, apparently Tilion falls in love with Arien: "But Tilion was wayward and uncertain in speed, and held not to his appointed path; and he sought to come near to Arien, being drawn by her splendour, though the flame of Arien scorched him, and the island of the Moon was darkened."
And I just. Here's Tolkien, standing up in the face of centuries of unveiled misogynistic symbolism and saying, "oh, we've got two celestial entities, one of which is powerful and bold and glorious, and the other famous for being kind of lame in comparison? SOUNDS TO ME LIKE A SWAGLESS LOVER BOY ABANDONING HIS DUTIES TO WORSHIP HIS GODDESS. I MEAN OBVIOUSLY. WHAT ELSE COULD THE EXPLANATION BE"
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fuckyeahisawthat · 7 months
thank you so much for that excellent chani post. i've seen some annoying takes on twitter about how not making her totally devoted and subservient to paul makes her 'unlikeable' and i'm like. buddy. i think that speaks more to how you see women. than anything about her. this chani is very dynamic and interesting to me.
i'll be honest and say i've not read the books. this is me speaking from what i've seen of summaries, but i think giving her a real cause to fight for yet also genuinely loving paul gives her an interesting struggle, and also plays into how the portrayal of the fremen (seems to me to be) more diverse and nuanced. as in, the fremen themselves seem to have more of a push-and-pull to them. the clarification of how different fremen believe differently (the south being more fundamentalist) is a very important thing to include in a movie where you can run into the danger of saying that all adherents to a foreign, islam-adjacent (in coding) religion are all fundamentalists. that can (in less nuanced hands) be a pretty irresponsible thing. so showing that there's also more secular/pragmatic/less dogmatic sectors of the culture seems a pretty good counterweight.
so yeah. this is how i processed it as a movie-goer. and having chani represent that aspect (believing in people over prophecy, action over religion) and having stilgar as the humanized face of the southern peoples (showing that yknow, regardless of being fundamenist beliefs, theyre still PEOPLE with the capacity for love, friendship, honor) makes total logical sense. you're not just "telling" us that there's different aspects to fremen culture, you're SHOWING us by showing different characters who represent those aspects, without demonizing either or turning either into a one-note stereotype.
Thank you! I'm not someone who was a long-term fan of the books before the movie came out (I tried reading Dune as a teenager when I was reading a lot of classic sci-fi but found it too boring) but I did read Dune and Dune Messiah after the first movie came out, both because I wanted to know what happened next and because I wanted to have an opinion on how the movies worked as adaptations.
(book and movie spoilers below and also I basically ended up writing a whole essay in response to this)
My single biggest frustration with the book is that after they arrive at Sietch Tabr and Jessica drinks the Water of Life and becomes Reverend Mother...the book up and skips two years of the story and when we next see Paul he's already got Fremen followers who are ready to die for him and he's in an established relationship with Chani. Oh I was SO MAD when I got to this part. I was like FRANK. FRANK!!!! Did you seriously just skip two years of the most interesting part of your own story???
The thing is, even though I know that Frank Herbert's intention was to write a critique of the idea that oppressed people need an enlightened external (white) savior to liberate them...if you don't provide an alternate explanation for what's happening then you end up falling into some Orientalist tropes anyway. And because, in the book, we don't see the process of how your average background fedaykin comes to trust Paul as a military and political leader, there is nothing in the text to counter the idea that the Fremen are a bunch of unquestioning religious fanatics easily swayed to do violence by belief in a prophecy.
My second biggest frustration with the book is that we're given no reason at all why Chani would fall in love with Paul. While she has some memorable scenes, she doesn't have a lot to do as a character in the book, and she's missing from a whole chunk of the end...because she's in the south...because she and Paul have a baby, Leto II, who's then killed off-page when the sardaukar attack the south. (I'm honestly really glad they cut this from the film, because it never seemed to be given the narrative weight it deserved in the book.)
So you can imagine how happy I was when the Villeneuve movies figured out how to address both these frustrations by tying them together. The fedaykin don't just blindly accept Paul because of some prophecy. They come to trust him because he proves himself as a fighter, and because he starts out from a place of genuine solidarity and humility--which it is possible for him to do because he has no structural power over them at that point. And Chani falls in love with him for the same reason, in that heady environment of fighting side by side for a political cause, and maybe for the first time in a while starting to believe that you can win.
I think the Villeneuve movies improve a lot on what's in the book in terms of how the Fremen are portrayed...when we're with the fedaykin and/or Chani and Stilgar. There we see political debates and discussion and the fact that not all the Fremen think the same way. And we also see little humanizing moments of folks just hanging out, celebrating after a victory in battle and just shooting the shit and being friends.
I do wish the movie had extended this to more parts of Fremen society. If there's one thing I could have added, it would be seeing more of daily life in Sietch Tabr. It makes sense that when we're seeing things from Jessica's POV, she is more distant from and suspicious of the Fremen, seeing them as a force to be manipulated, but I wish we had even one or two scenes of people just being people in the sietch. It felt kind of weirdly empty and not particularly lived-in as a place, and I think they could've easily countered this, with scenes from Chani, Stilgar or Paul's POV, and that would have made it hit even harder when the sietch is attacked.
If there were two things I could have added, I wanted more exploration of the people of the south. Why are they more fundamentalist than the Fremen who live in the north? (We get one line about how "nothing can survive [in the south] without faith" but I wanted more than that.) While I think the movie did a fantastic job of humanizing and differentiating the Fremen we see around Paul, when we get to the south it does backslide a little into "undifferentiated mass of fanatics." Surely the people of the south also have some diversity of political views.
I think there are some interesting threads they could have pulled on in terms of how proximity to direct colonial violence shapes people's ideology. Sietch Tabr is one of the closest Fremen communities to Arrakeen, the seat of colonial control. They have probably had to mount some kind of armed resistance for generations just to keep from being wiped out. I can see that producing skepticism of the prophecy ("well I can't sit around waiting for a messiah but I do have this rocket launcher") as well as resentment at the idea of someone swooping in and taking credit for a struggle that you've put your life on the line for, and probably a lot of people you know have died for. There seem to be some generational differences, too, where young people of Chani's generation put less stock in the prophecy, while the true believers are mostly older. I can see faith in the prophecy coming out of despair--when you've been fighting for decades with no change, maybe you draw the conclusion that only an outside power coming to your aid will make a difference. While the people of the south are still under colonial rule, maybe being generally outside the reach of direct Harkonnen violence (the Harkonnens don't even know they're there) makes the concepts of both oppression and liberation feel more abstract and more receptive to being filled in with Bene Gesserit mysticism. It seems absurd to want more from a movie that's nearly three hours long already...but I wanted more of this.
Still, I do think they managed to improve on a lot of things that frustrated me or are simply dated about the book, while keeping the political thriller/war drama/epic tragedy elements that I think are the heart of the story, and in some cases drawing them out more clearly and effectively than the book did. The best kind of book-to-film adaptation imo is one that has a strong point of view in terms of what the story is About, on a large-scale thematic level, and is not afraid to change individual elements of canon in service of telling that story the most effective way possible in a cinematic medium. While there are always things I want more of, I feel like Denis Villeneuve really, really understood the assignment in terms of the overarching themes of the the story and he delivered so fucking well.
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strawbby-shortcake · 8 months
"What Animal Do You Think You Could Take in a Fight?" ✧˚ · . [all gn! reader]
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☽。⋆ JACK/THE NARRATOR You and Jack were sitting outside at a quiet cafe and there were little to no civilians passing by. He looked up towards the sky with his black shades and sighed. He seemed to be bored.
You snapped your fingers in front of his face and his gaze met yours. Well, you weren't actually sure if he was looking at you. You couldn't tell where his eyes were, only that he tilted his head.
"What," Jack mumbled.
Someone's cranky today. As he is, like, literally every day.
"What animal do you think you could take in a fight?" you asked.
Jack scoffed and shook his head, "Oh my god. How much time do you have?"
You shrugged and checked your imaginary watch.
"According to my calculations... all day."
He took off his sunglasses and stared at you intensely.
"Honestly speaking, maybe an armadillo."
ੈ✩‧₊˚ MARLA
You coughed as Marla blew cigarette smoke in your face. She never did stop smoking, even though every time you saw her, she promised to quit.
"I'll quit smoking forever next week, okay?" she teased, knowing full well she won't.
"Hell will freeze over before that ever happens," you laughed.
She playfully swatted your shoulder, and you threatened to take her cigarettes as payback. She quickly hid the carton to protect them from you.
"Hey, Marla, what animal do you think you could take in a fight?"
Marla glanced at you and smiled. You could see her sharp cheekbones clearly.
"You," she replied, blowing another puff of smoke at you.
Your eyes watered as you resisted the urge to cough. Fanning away the cloud with your hand, you gave her a "seriously?" look.
She simply cocked her head like a puppy and grinned.
Tyler was getting his waiter outfit on for his late night shift, and you were fixing his bowtie. He didn't know how to tie it correctly around his neck.
"What animal do you think you could take in a fight?" you asked, tightening the bow.
Tyler adjusted his sleeves and pondered for a moment. Before answering, he took a deep breath and placed both hands on your shoulders.
"That's a very good question. In fact, I'm glad that you asked. See, I think I'm strong enough to take any animal in a fight- especially gorillas. The whole point of fighting the animal is not to win, but to become the animal yourself. This is how you achieve great results, and scars. I've never fought any animals before. I think I should try it someday. Actually, this gives me an idea. We could release all the animals out of the public zoos! We could form an animal fight club. Instead of them eating stale peanuts, they'll finally taste sweet revenge against those that ridicule them. And let's not forget..."
You zoned out for a couple minutes while he was ranting. Maybe you shouldn't have asked Tyler that question right before he had to leave.
"...and what an amazing question that was! Thank you, truly. I know what my next objective is now. While I'm gone, I need you to search 'how to help animals escape from the zoo without anyone seeing.' Okay? Wonderful," he concluded.
He quickly left the house with a task assigned for you. You guess that there was no other choice than to complete it. In Tyler We Trust.
You and Bob were sitting on a park bench watching birds fly around, peck at the ground, and chirp. He seemed focused on them for some reason.
"Psst, Bob," you whispered, nudging his arm with your elbow.
"Hm? Yes? Oh, what do you need?" he asked, turning his attention to you.
He's got a serious case of sweaty pits.
"What animal do you think you could take in a fight?"
Bob's eyebrows furrowed as he tapped his chin like an enlightenment thinker. Talk about using brain power.
He raised one finger in the air and declared, "I choose peace."
"That wasn't the question, Bob," you chuckled.
"Doesn't matter, I choose peace. I love the animal kingdom. I would never hurt a fly nor an alligator."
He had a point; he couldn't harm a fly even if he tried. And he did try once, but poor Bob burst into tears before swatting it.
What a sweetheart.
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TMAGP 29 Spoilers (Theories and Reactions)
Ok, ok ok ok.. Holy shit I cannot wait for the finale!!
Celia and Sam:
Honestly, I'm glad Celia found Sam. While it would have been interesting to see one of the others find him, I like that Celia did, because we got more insight into her!
1) We know she cares about Sam. While we knew this from other episodes and their relationship, we can confirm that Celia deeply cares for Sam and isn't just manipulating him. The statements that Celia cares for Sam and Celia is manipulating Sam can co-exist.
2) Imo - Celia is the one most likely to survive. She knew the right questions to ask Sam to get to the important details about that Archivist (I'm going to try to call them, "that Archivist" so they won't be confused with TMA!Jarchivist), and why they attacked Sam. She also was reluctant to go to the Hilltop Centre, knowing that that Archivist was planning on heading there from Sam. Furthermore, she was planning on stopping Sam until he basically begged her to go.
3) Celia cares for Alice. While this episode had Sam/Celia interactions and no Alice/Celia interactions, we still saw Celia caring for Alice. Sam didn't want to tell Alice anything about his encounter with that Archivist. Celia was the one to force him to, and even then, Sam still blew her off when the train left the station. Celia understands that Alice cares for Sam and is very protective of him, and she understood that if Sam didn't tell her about that Archivist, it would devastate her, thus she made Sam call Alice.
So that Archivist is after The Magnus Institute and Hilltop Road. Interesting. While I initially thought they were feeding, I don't think that was the case. They wanted as much information as possible on the Institute and Hilltop Road, therefore, they went to the person that let them out. They were after Alice before, and on their way to find her, they found Sam instead. That's why Alice felt like she was being followed before, that Archivist was looking to get information out of the people who let them out. They initially followed Alice and found Sam instead; and they took advantage of that. Now they are on the way to the Hilltop Centre, perhaps they followed Sam there...
Gwen and Lena:
Ok, so Lena is proud of Gwen and Gwen dropped the act of being kinder to her, showing her true emotions. Interesting. I guess because Gwen gave her (and Augustus's/Jonah's (my theory lol)) information to Trevor, she assumes she will get the job anyhow. It makes sense for her characterization so far. I'm starting to wonder if Gwen is going to take a more Jonah-Magnus-approach to the job, if she gets it, and Lena is the one with the Gertrude-Robinson-approach.
Case: This case was very much a Buried case, with Viola even saying that she was afraid of drowning alone. It's interesting that she specified "alone" since Stan was with her. It reminds me of "Alone" in TMA Season 1, the statement of one of the Lukus's fiancée. So perhaps Lonely undertones as well? Maybe the Stranger or Spiral too, with the door/lock themes and the overall theme of unlocking yourself? Still, it's definitely related to the Buried.
Viola and Stanely Locke, I wonder if this is a reference to John Locke of the Enlightenment.
From my memory, I took a lot of history classes: John Locke was a philosopher during the Enlightenment, advocating for so-called "natural rights" - life, liberty, and property - as well as theorizing on the "natural state" of humans, basically, what would we do if we did not have a government. He believed that humans have a "natural state" of kindness and helping each other, and that we exchange some of our rights for a government to organize and protect us, and because of this, if a government became tyrannical, we could take back our rights and rebuild the government. His ideas influenced a lot of people, including those involved in the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions.
There might be a connection there but IDK. I'm in a similar situation with them and their last name to what I have been with Ink5oul and their last name of Wilde (possibly a reference to Oscar Wilde).
This case was so interesting, and I was devastated for Stan.
That old scruffy person who opened the door for the Locke's had to be an avatar. Maybe the case is more Spiral related as they opened the door into an illusion/another realm? Then again, the Buried's coffin worked in the same way...
Maybe they were this universe's Breekan or Hope? Possibly a Lukus? I wonder if they will show up again...
Teddy and Alice:
Teddy has insomnia. I wonder if it is from staying away from the OIAR? (sorta like how Tim got sick when he stayed away from the Archives for so long)
I like Teddy's and Alice's interactions, I hope the two can talk after whatever will happen in the finale!
Teddy needs to talk to Alice about something in regards to his job, something "serious." I wonder if he's been having problems since he left the OIAR? Maybe in a similar way to Sam pre-OIAR? Oooh, or maybe he's Becoming? Maybe he had a run in with an External during his new job and has started Becoming? Or maybe he had started Becoming when he got the OIAR job and Lena, and/or her higher-ups were able to prevent it? Maybe the food helps the OIAR crew build up a resistance to the Fears? Lena has been very insistent on the crew eating the OIAR food, so maybe she did something to it (maybe with alchemy) to help the crew resist the Fears, like how Sam was able to resist that Archivist in the beginning and survived them messing through his memories?
"It's on the train:"
Yay! Go Alice! Protect your friends/potential love interests! (please talk to Teddy afterwords though!)
I like how Alice keeps fighting to save Sam and Celia here.
Wait, so only Alice can see that Archivist? Oh, maybe because they are an avatar and the OIAR crew is being marked/already marked/aligned with the Fears so they can see it? Either way, this is definitely an interesting detail!
Predictions for the Finale:
Ok, predictions time! So, I think Celia is going to die or be at least severely injured. You may be thinking, "But didn't you say earlier that Celia is the most likely to survive, in your opinion?" Yes. Yes, I did. However, I think that she would be the most likely to survive, IF Sam did not involve her in this mission. Now, that is not to say this is Sam's fault at all! (although, if she were to die/get injured, he will probably blame himself) I think that Sam and Celia are going to get chased by that Archivist, and Celia will die so Sam (and possibly Alice) can get away. Before she does, she is going to expose her being from the TMA-verse by asking that Archivist about the stuff she saw. This would leave Georgie and Sam having to take care of Jack for one, and for two, it would leave a good cliffhanger to explore both worlds and possibly figure out more about FR3-D1 and that Archivist.
Someone is going to Become, or at least, start Becoming. I'm not sure who though, my best bet is Alice, probably for the Spiral or Dark. I'm still not quite sure for this one, so I don't have much else to say.
Lena is going to play a key role in the survival of the OIAR crew. Going based off the theory that she is taking a Gertrude role; she is going to be the key to surviving. My theory is that Lena is going to go hunt down that Archivist when she finds out that it was near the OIAR, they are not an external, therefore, her superiors don't know about them, and she has free reign. She is going to find Sam and Celia (and probably Alice), with that Archivist, and either witness Celia die or Sam holding Celia injured or dead. She will be the one to beat/kill that Archivist, probably take the crew to the OIAR or to a "Fear resistant room" and start explaining general things to them (basic, things, not even as much as Gerry told Jon). We will end off with them coming in battered and traumatized and learning why. If this happens, one of two things could happen in S2: 1) Lena's superiors find out about what she is doing. She is killed by them and Gwen, having proved her loyalty by giving Trevor the files, gets her job like she wanted.
2) Lena's superiors find out too late, and they are Protocolled. Lena leads the team in a sort of resistance-style movement against the fears (and possibly Gwen, who may have taken over for her), to destroy the fears and prevent the alchemy project that the Institute was working on.
Also, I think near the end of the episode or near the end of the Hilltop Road shenanigans, we are going to get a glimpse of Annabelle Cane. (I really want to hear her again, guys; I want her to be involved with this grand plan)
I really don't want anyone to die, especially Alice and Lena, since they are my favorites, but I have a feeling Lena is going to die )):
Anyway, I can't wait for the finale! I will most likely have a lot to say about it :D
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cas-backwards-tie · 4 months
Chapter Three: Fate Rewritten
The Missing Title
Helmut Zemo x Reader
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: After bumping into Sharon, you're escorted back to her apartment in High-Town. What lies in wait is way more than you'd anticipated in store for your night.
Words: 6.4k
Warnings: Partying, Alcohol, Power Dynamics, Semi-Smutty, Inferences toward sex, Age Gap
Mentions of: Government, Betrayal, Treason, Hypocrisy, Grief
A/N: I've been waiting so long to get to this part! Ahhh, I feel like this is really when things will start to change, considering the reader's backstory and her growing relationships with the guys. Not to mention that some of the main plot points are finally being set in motion. I decided to not fully wind up writing them together since the chapter got so long, but I'm sure it'll def pop up in flashbacks later on down the line.
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It's safe to say that you're more than a little out of it by the time you guys get into Sharon's vehicle. She insists on driving, and the guys need a good view of Zemo to make sure he's in check. That leaves the three of you in the back: Sam, you, and Bucky. As your journey takes you back a similar way you'd come, you can't help but still be fascinated with the lights. What's Sharon got in store for you all? What's her plan? While you're not super familiar with her, you wonder what she was doing in Low Town Madripoor in the first place. Surely, she hasn't been following you all this whole time.
Once she parks outside a luxury-style apartment, you follow Sam out the back door and follow Sharon into her place. "Woah," you whisper, taking in the fact that not only one security guard--slash--doorman stands out front, but two. Through a big metal sliding door lies an art exhibit, glass containers lined with neon blue lights illuminate different sculptures and craftsmanship. Real antique and pricey-looking things.
"Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well," Sam comments as he walks beside Sharon alongside the containers. Whatever she'd been going through when you'd first had your run-in has clearly dissipated as she seems to come to life upon Sam's teasing.
"Well, at some point I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. You know how much I can get for a real Monet?" She asks, gesticulating with her arms as she explains her situation. While Zemo lingers a few steps behind you with Bucky trailing, you can't help but slow your steps upon this information.
"Easy, deactivate your hustle mode," Sam warns, "You sell fake Monets." He wants to clarify. While Sharon might pretend to allude to a profited criminal life such as Zemo, Sam clearly thinks she's a goodie-two-shoes.
"No, she means real. This gallery specializes in stolen artwork. Monet. Van Gogh. Classics," Zemo explains nonchalantly as he follows Sharon, continuing to round the exhibit.
"So it's true then? What they say..." You ask them, eyes shifting from Zemo onto Sharon, then finally Bucky who stands a few feet before you while Sam occupies the space by your side.
"It's true. You know, half the artwork in museums like the Louvre is fake. Real stuff sits in places like this," Bucky answers, eyes still taking in the pastel-dotted canvas.
"There's no way," you whisper to yourself, voice trailing off as you take in the scenery. Heading down the two steps, you approach Bucky's side, eyes scanning over the Monet painting before you. You've seen his other works in museums, though now you know they were fakes. Regardless, you don't think you'd be able to tell the difference.
"Okay, guys, I see what you're doing. You're more worldly than good old Sam," your friend complains, still stationed where you stood a few moments ago.
"Yeah? What's Google say?" Bucky asks, a playful tone curling around his words as he physically rounds Sam. This elicits your attention as you shift your gaze onto Sam, glad he's now enlightened onto the, well... not-so theory of conspiracy you and Bucky both seem to know about.
"No shit," Sam exclaims, clearly bewildered by the thought. In all honesty, you can't blame him. To think people would do something so greedy and frivolous? Useless? It takes seeing it firsthand to really believe, and it seems Sam's eyes are finally opening to that aspect.
"Come on, guys-" Sharon calls from the stairs, Zemo waiting a few steps behind her as they stare in your general direction. "You need to change. I'm hosting clients in an hour," She informs.
While you don't question her, you are curious as to what sort of clients and business she does... besides selling art, that is. There's a world of art, of course, yet you know that there's only so much a lifestyle of it can afford. Following the group upstairs, you're taken aback by the fact that this whole place is starting to seem like Sharon's.
"Of course, I've got all this stuff out here for you guys-" Sharon eyes the men, "-but I've got a few things you can borrow for tonight. Come with me," she commands.
Following Sharon through a series of archways and pristine doors you find yourself in a massive bedroom. Intricate patterns are embroidered on the comforter, and through an open doorway, you can see that there's a walk-in closet. It's precisely where she's led you, her hands gesturing for you to follow. "I know. Nice right? Every girl needs a walk-in," she comments before chuckling to herself.
Taken aback by the wide array of shoes on the shelves, purses on hangars, coats, dresses, pants, and shirts all hang neatly in their place, their own rack for each category of piece. Though you aren't sure where to even start, let alone if you even want to. Everything is too expensive, you couldn't possibly use them. Sharon speaks up.
Her fingers run across the fabric, only stopping once she spots something, though her back is to you and therefore your view is obscured. "Try this on, I have the shoes to go with them and together? I'm sure you'll have a great night!" She says over her shoulder before winking. With a quick hand she tosses the hangar to you, which you scramble to catch. "I'll see you downstairs, then."
The dress is a plain black fabric, a halter top cut, two slits on either side of your hips at the start of your thighs. It's a little more exposing than what Zemo had picked, though with everything that's happened tonight, you feel for some reason that you can't bring yourself to care. If someone sees something, it's not like it's the end of the world. Besides, with this dress you could wear a thong or panties. Though the panties would have to be matching or sexy, intentionally meant to be seen as a fashion statement. Deciding to just go for the dress, no bra needed and your panties already discarded, you're glad for the comfy snug fit the fabric offers. It's far more stretchy and accommodating than Zemo's. The shoes you have on work, the only thing left to do is to put your hair up. Finding a claw clip on Sharon's vanity, you figure she won't mind if you borrow it for tonight. After all, it's a lot less intimate than a dress.
With a wet wipe from the bathroom, you're all good to go. Makeup is natural enough to pass as anyone, hair is different, so is your dress, and while the shoes may not be, with the darkness of the gallery you're sure no one will notice. Especially not if there's going to be drinking; and no good party lacks a variety of drink. Heading back to the foyer Sharon had originally brought you to, you find the guys settling in nicely.
Taking in the intricate pieces placed throughout the room, you inspect each one carefully. "Much better," Sharon comments, heels clicking against the wooden floors announcing her return.
"What's going on, Sharon? You don't ever wanna come back home?" Sam asks. The shuffle of fabric and the faint tinkling of metal tells you he's changing his shirt again! Trying to find something suitable for him is practically impossible, and this, you swear. Out of your peripheral vision, you see Sharon place something on the arm of the couch while Zemo stands by the bar.
"They'll lock me up if I ever step foot back in the States. Madripoor doesn't allow extradition," She informs.
"Good to know," you joke to yourself. Fingers running along the smooth wood of the desk behind the couch, you don't notice how the comment seems to have everyone's eyes lingering on you for a moment before Sam chuckles and shakes his head.
"Look, sorry I didn't call, but after the Blip and the chaos, I just..." He attempts. This piques your interest, not initially intent on eavesdropping, though this sounds like something a lover might say. Did Sam and Sharon-? You don't wanna know... do you?
"Look, you know the whole hero thing is a joke, right?" Her tone softens, a genuine question reaching out to form some sort of connection. An attempt to regain a friendship, you think. "I mean the way you gave up that shield, deep down you must know it's all hypocrisy."
Eyes rising from the necklace displayed by the clothes rack, your eyebrows furrow in surprise. Wasn't Sharon CIA? To join the government so outright, then denounce it only a few years later? Something's fishy about it and eerie in a way you don't like. Even if what she's saying elicits a subconscious subtle nod of your head.
"He knows. And not so deep down," Zemo comments with a raise of his drink. This garners everyone's attention for a moment. You can't help but stare as you linger on him. Curious... Questioning.
"By the way, how is the new Cap?" Sharon asks, hands in her pockets. You aren't CIA by any means, but you know how to read body language. She's clearly got her guard up, but for what? You're not sure.
"Don't get me started," Bucky groans.
"Please, you buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit," Sharon argues. You round the room, peeking through the windowed panes of the glass doors into surrounding rooms to see what goodies lie there. If the rooms you've seen so far are anything to go by, you're sure the rest of the apartment complex is loaded with treasures. "Before you were his pet psychopath-" it doesn't take looking to know she's referring to Zemo, considering her positioning and emphasis, "-you were Mr. America! Cap's best friend."
Although you don't comment, you can't help the way your lips curl inward in a silent attempt at holding back any sort of chortle or chuckle from emerging.
"Wow. She's kind of awful now," Bucky comments. While you might guess he may be joking sarcastically, you can't be sure. Is he just insulting her? Being passive-aggressive? You can't tell.
"Karli Morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the serum," Sam informs, passing you as he rounds the couch the other way and sits across from Bucky.
"You guys really should steer clear of all this for your own safety," Sharon warns. Being in Madripoor and clearly in a position of wealth and selling artwork underground, she must know the rumors.
"We know it's a risk, but we won't leave until we find the person who cracked the code," Sam responds, unfazed and defiant of her advice. Elbows on his knees he leans in closer.
"We got a name. Wilfred Nagel," Bucky discloses. Sharon gets up and crosses Bucky to get to the bar, Zemo gets out of her way and walks toward you to sit in the lone chair by the side table.
"Nagel works for the Power Broker," Sharon replies. A dissatisfied hum rumbles in your chest. You don't want to think about the past, nor worry about how you're going to find the Power Broker to stop the supplier.
"We need your help, Sharon. I can get your name cleared," Sam offers, all the men's eyes intent on her as she pours a drink. Fingers running over the edge of a tapestry hung on the opposite wall, you listen intently.
"You haggling with my life?" She asks, tone sounding genuine to you.
"Not like that," Sam corrects.
"I don't buy that," She responds, and really, you can't blame her. "You pretending like you can clear my name."
You have to admit that Sharon is starting to grow on you in some sense. She's smart, that much is clear. While you don't outwardly boast the things you know will be demonized, she does, and you can respect her for that, if anything. Though you haven't weighed in much, you've been listening. Of course everyone has their judgments and suspicions, and while you may be leaping to conclusions, there's a fishy suspicion brewing in your mind. You only wonder if anyone else is catching onto what Sharon is putting down. Eyes flickering over to Zemo for a moment, you notice him meet your gaze. Immediately looking back to Sharon, you can't help the tiny smile that snags at your lips, blush forming on your cheeks. Originally intending to gather intel, for some reason you couldn't handle the pressure of his gaze.
"-I'm willing to try if you are," you zone back in on what they're saying. "They cleared the bionic staring machine, and he killed almost everybody he's met," Sam points out. A chuckle escapes your lips and you shrink in on yourself, not having expected that.
"-I heard that," Bucky comments to Sam, though his eyes and dissatisfied look are aimed at you. You don't even have to see it from your peripheral to feel his stare, the sense of it sending an internal sort of shiver down your spine.
"I don't trust charity," Sharon posits, intent on finishing their conversation.
"All right, a deal then. You help us out, and we get your name cleared." Sharon accepts Sam's extended hand and they shake on it. Downing her drink, she places the used tumbler aside and starts toward the door you'd entered from.
"Well, I sell to some pretty connected people. Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party. Try to stay outta trouble. I'll see what I can find." With that, she's out of the foyer and onto whatever business it is that she's doing.
"Trouble," Zemo repeats playfully with a shrug of his shoulders, a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Yeah, that's what you better not be," you warn. Eyes meeting his, you can't help but find that his playfulness has spread to you, even if you know you can switch into gear and act in accordance with the mission if need be.
"Well, you know me," Zemo taunts. With a swig of his drink, he lays the finished glass atop the coaster on the table beside his chair.
"That's the problem," Bucky quips, standing as Zemo moves to follow where Sharon had gone.
You have to admit, with wherever Sharon stands in your likes, she can throw a good party... that much is clear. Originally determined to view all the authentic art pieces lingering around the gallery, it hadn't actually taken as long as you'd have thought. With a drink or two offered along the way, you can feel yourself start to loosen up. Hors d'oeuvres are littered throughout the party, and with Sharon being such the great hostess, you hardly feel the usual sense of guilt for indulging when it comes to fancy parties. It also doesn't help that they're really good and you hadn't eaten a lot, really, since Zemo's jet was scarce of in-date snacks. Eating expired foods wasn't really a risk you were willing to participate in today.
As the night goes on you find your way to the dance floor after a little persuasion from Sam. While you all might still be focused on your mission, the excuse of blending in is one of necessity. It's not really a party if there isn't dancing, right? The Avenger eventually decides to ditch you in favor of making small talk with some of the other partygoers. He's most likely trying to seek information, knowing him.
Dancing with Sam was different than dancing with Zemo. You hadn't anticipated for this to happen, but considering he's maintained a central viewpoint for the boys, that just so happens to be the dance floor. He's discarded his jacket at some point clearly as his chest is in full display in the plum sweater he's donning. It'd started off friendly, simply busting out your lamest dance moves for fun in the same vicinity. Yet, as the songs played on and you grew closer in distance to make conversation, the vibe between you shifted.
There's a reason they say not to mix drinks... and now you know why. It takes a matter of a half hour for your resolve to break, the inner dialogue, the constant fighting of the comical angel and demon on either shoulder bickering with one another. Overall, the devil had won- there was no use in denying what you want, that you have a plan, and are pursuing it. You're going after what you want. Using any chance to get closer, any excuse to feel his hands on you. the recent memory of his hot breath fanning across your neck, the spark when your lips met... it's still heavy on your mind and hot in your blood.
"You should know this one," you joke across the few feet between you as you sway to the music, the beat of the music ramping up, the bass and beats getting faster and faster toward that familiar climax you all know so well. 'There's not a soul out there-' bouncing to the rhythm, you let your hips sway as your arms find their way above your head.
'Give Me,
Give Me,
Give Me A Man After Midnight~'
It's a remix, the techno music is very different from the original, however, you can't deny you enjoy the song. It's fitting if nothing else. If anyone were to ask why you want this, you couldn't explain it--not rationally--and looks aren't a good enough reason, you know that better than anyone. While there are certain characteristics that could be said of his mannerisms and personality, you wouldn't dare to compliment or lead to the ego of a madman overextending its peace. Many would argue it already had, after all.
He doesn't seem to mind either. Whether you're simply keeping up the act, even if it's unnecessary here, you both find yourselves indulging in the ambiance around you. Breath heavy with the adrenaline of dancing and the higher temperature of lots of bodies on the dance floor, you're being bumped and jostled by the people around you. His hand extends at some point, loosely wrapping around your waist as the two of you draw nearer to one another. Over all, it's safe to say that Sharon may just have predicted your 'great night'.
As it draws closer to the wee hours of the morning, Sam makes his way around to advise you all of making it an early night. Tomorrow is supposed to be busy, so it makes sense. While the four of you head upstairs in a staggered manner, you find that once you're changed and sat on the bed that you still don't feel ready to officially end the night. Eyes drawn to the red dress and accompanying apparel you'd borrowed earlier, you can't help the thoughts that follow. However lewd they may be, it doesn't stop your mind from drawing up a vague plan.
Part of you knows it's a bad idea, that you shouldn't do this, but then again... what's the worse it could lead to? A one night stand? There's no reason that leads you to believe, rationally, that any of the same thoughts are going through his head at all. Therefore, you continue your trapse down the hallway. The wooden floors creak every so often, and you don't miss the way that Sam's clicking fingers on the keyboard come to a momentary halt before returning to its previous pace. It'd go unnoticed if you didn't know better, but you know he's well aware of your presence, just as you are of his.
You'd already thought this through--the excuse--the lie. It's a shame, really, to have to lie to a friend whom you love dearly... yet, you know there's no telling the truth in this circumstance. Yet, there is... isn't there? After all, you know it'd be taking a play from Zemo's book, you're sure, no doubt, but anyone who's smart knows that all lies hold some semblance of the truth. Hence, your excuse; smooth and comforting material weighing your hands down by your stomach, you're about to walk past the back of the couch when his soft voice stops you.
"You're going to visit him?" It's a reasonable question, a check-in. Something to note, since, he is a criminal... a dangerous person. Someone to be kept in check. Unpredictable, as they'd said.
"Just returning these," you answer, lifting the bundle of clothing and the accessories of your disguise for Sam's viewing.
"I'm sure he could care less, but, by all means-" Sam extends his hand in the direction of the hallway. "If he tries anything-"
"-call out, I got it. I'm only planning on dropping this off. Maybe asking him something if he's up for conversation. But it shouldn't be too long. Don't worry," you attempt to reassure him. "You should get some sleep soon, too, you know? Especially if we're to do this in the morning," you shift the topic, intent on reminding him of what you hope is tiredness showing, even if the bags under his eyes grow heavier with the hours.
With a nod in your direction, Sam lets his attention drift back to the computer screen, intent on whatever work it is he has waiting within the digital world. Though you'd like to say this relieves you, lifts a burden from your shoulder, it only makes the weight on them sink further into you. Whether it's dread, guilt, or shame at all of the incredulous scenarios that run through your mind in possible what-ifs of the conversation to play out between you and the Baron, you can't do anything but shake your head in an attempt to dissuade them. Bare feet padding across the wooden floor, you notice how the dim light that peeks from under the door gives your heart a reason to speed up. Really, its the realization that you've never truly been alone with this man since you've met. The rumors, perhaps, the danger they claim he holds... the possibility of a supposed madman snapping at any point is equal parts exhilarating and yet, still terrifying. At least when you let yourself truly contemplate this fact.
With a hesitancy at the door, you lift your small fist up to the carved oak, lingering... debating. While you'd thought all resolve had fled the moments after you'd downed your fifth shot... the buzz of alcohol has long since seemed to dwindle away from your mind, the accelerating carefree feeling emptied from your veins and replaced by the cautiousness of someone who Sam would tease is entirely, all you. Determined to defy the limits of the box your closest friends place you in for one reason or another, you gently knock on the door.
There's no response. Something you'd expect, if not for the way that there's a shuffle of fabric and then a sigh on the other side. "Come in." Cold golden ornate knob within your grasp, you turn it and push the heavy door open enough for you to slip inside before quietly closing it behind you.
"Hi." It's the first word that comes to mind, the only thing you can think to say, to break the silence between you as he takes in your bare goosebump-riddled legs and the satin robe you have on.
"Hello," he returns the sentiment, unmoving from his position, torso upright against the headboard as he lies in bed, legs outstretched before him. "What a surprise to see you, Schön. Though I should've guessed from the light footsteps and quiet knock. James would certainly not allow me a moment of privacy, nor Sam." Sitting up a little straighter, his hands clasp in his lap. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Swallowing your shyness, as you can't simply stare at him forever--that'd be far too embarrassing--you lift your arms a bit for emphasis. "I thought I would return these to you." There's a wooden chair with a striped pattern of cloth covering the cushiony seat standing by the vanity. That's where you place the pile of folded clothing and shoes. Although you're no longer facing him, you can feel his gaze lingering on your figure. When you turn around again, he has his head tilted, no doubt thinking about something.
"You can keep the clothes, Schön, I don't need them back. However, I'm sure you knew that. Why are you really here?" He questions.
"What if I really was just here to return the clothing?" You offer, mirroring him unconsciously with a little tilt of your own head.
"Then I'd say you're courteous, and ask how you liked the outfit I picked out for you," he retorts. Even from across the room, you can spot a flicker of something within his irises. Whether he's playing with you, toying with you, or testing you, you're unsure. This question, however, puts you on the spot. A bemused smile graces your lips and you don't try to hide it. Taking in his state of wealth, you decide not to comment on how expensive you thought everything was, as you'd rather not know. It's better to play on his level.
"I... thought it was very nice. Not something I'd normally wear, but for a nice evening out, I think it was a good pick. The shoes were cool, the gems on the back," you recount.
"The color suited you wonderfully. Brought out your features, just as I'd predicted," he comments with a somewhat smug look upon his face. Seemingly half-placated with the notion, though there's still something gnawing at the seams of his resolve. "There's another reason you're here, whether you're willing to admit it or not." This is a test, you're well aware.
"Mmm," the hum leaves your lips before you can even begin to think of a retort. Turning on your spot, you can't help but run your fingers along the carved wooden back of the chair, walking your fingers along it and taking a step further into the room as you think. "Am I?" You stop moving, offering a look in his direction. "What if I said that you intrigue me? That I wanted to ask you how you do it?" You posit.
Tongue sneaking out to wet his lips, the Baron listens intently. Though he silently chuckles to himself at you returning his question with another question, the second half of your thoughts elicit a narrowing of his eyes. This notion has caused pause for his own thought. "Do... what, Schatz?" He plays along, subconsciously leaning a little closer despite being across the room.
Though the various thoughts and moments from tonight race across your mind, there's one theme that you can't bear to continue reliving. One thought, one realization that you know will have you getting nowhere in the coming days. Jaw threatening to clench down on itself, you can't help but sigh as your hands ball up into fists by your sides. "I... tonight, I just noticed how... in every instance, no matter what seemed to be going on, you... didn't seem scared. Like nothing fazed you," it comes out a whisper. Those final words. Though you'd been trying to search for the right words, everything came out how it wanted to, yet in the end you couldn't help but whisper the truth. It seemed like nothing fazed him. Meanwhile you... were downright terrified. Scared in a way no one has made you feel. Ever. And the worst of it is that you know it's not over. Tomorrow you will get up, alongside the rest of your friends and acquaintances and get geared up and ready to face a man who's only haunted your past.
"Oh..." Zemo responds, your name falling off his lips as if you were simply a child, a silly girl that he feels pity for. Something shifted in his demeanor by the time you finally raise your eyes to meet him again, not sure when you had dropped your vision to the floor. Possibly too embarrassed to admit the truth.
It's this moment... that's when things changed, you think. Time settles in the space between you, the air thick and heavy with confusion and a cluster of effervescent emotions bubbling up and out of you both into the air, a swirling and confusing domination of raw emotion. There's no denying what's there; the truth, the matter of your age held right before you in time like a reflection of your souls. While you'd both endured a heaviness of trauma encumbered in your life time and time again, there's no denying that he's the older man, that he's experienced more... seen more, done more, lived more. And you... well, let's save the stereotype for literature digests, will you?
"Don't-" you warn, the rise of embarrassment hitting you like a brick wall as you begin to march toward the door with a speed that leaves him in a whirlwind. What surprises you both, however, is the way that as soon as your hand is reaching for the doorknob, his is roughly placed atop it. His hand effectively trapping yours underneath. You hadn't even heard him get up, yet you can feel the heat coming off his body only inches away.
"Come," he beckons, "listen." With gentle hands he peels yours away from the knob as he guides you over to the side of the bed, simply sitting. A pat of his free hand on the empty space beside him lets you know what he wants. Really, you'd want it too... if it weren't for the conflicting emotions in your stomach making you want to tear up.
He seems to pick up on your hesitance as he stands once more, hands tentatively moving to ghost over your shoulders, tacitly asking for your permission. When you don't push him away, he places them on you, hands encompassing your satin-covered shoulders. "You have to understand, Meine Süße," he starts, voice holding a softer tone than you've ever heard him use. "I joined my country's military as soon as I was eligible. From the time I was a recruit to the time I eventually became a Colonel..." Zemo sighs as he tears his gaze from you, the motion eliciting your gaze on him in turn. "The point is, I have been through more, seen more, than you and anyone will ever know. And despite my training, the truth still remains... disregarded by most."
Soft hand sliding down your shoulder to your wrist, his long fingers gently wrap around it as he guides you toward the bed. Sitting, you follow suit beside him, shoulder to shoulder as his arm winds its way around your shoulder. "As I see it, there is only reason to be afraid of death if one feels they have something left to live for. Would you agree?" While speaking you'd noticed his gaze, even if no longer stationed on you, become more far off and glazed over. As you silently ponder on his words, his eyes find your face, gauging you no doubt.
"Yeah, I suppose so... though are you saying you don't have anything left to live for?" You prod, eyes shifting between his as you attempt to read him, the two of you finally making eye contact once more.
"I did, once, yes. Though your friends would most likely also claim my recklessness only provides evidence for this theory," he answers. Zemo may not mention it explicitly, but you know that he's referring to his family. You'd heard the stories from Sam, the details from Bucky. That's why he tried to destroy the Avengers. Or did, considering the rift he'd created.
"Maybe... but you know that most people would argue that when you don't feel you have a reason to live anymore, that's an opportunity to find a new one, right?" You offer. Brushing your hair behind your ear, your vision drifts from his face toward the wall before you both. "And don't get me wrong. I understand. I do, really... I'd be lying if I said that I felt I had any sort of reason right now, but... I also think there's a certain cynicism in giving up hope. Maybe it's my naivety... my lack of experience in life comparingly... but I believe there's hope for everyone."
He hums in contemplation, "Perhaps." It's the only answer you receive, his eyes still lingering on your face for a moment before he, too, finds his own spot on the wall across from the bed. Neither of you move, still stuck in quiet consideration.
Held safe within his warm arms, there's a relaxation that finds you in the blue. You hadn't anticipated the night going this way, and yet... you wouldn't change it for anything. The answer was unexpected, but you can't deny that you'd gotten an answer. Heart thumping steadily in your chest, you finally take in a deep breath before leaning back just enough to peer up at him from underneath your thick lashes. "Thank you, Zemo," you whisper. There's no reason to be loud, not when the night is so quiet, so still, and there's only so much room between you.
"Helmut," he offers, a slight nod of his head downward in your direction, a squeeze of your hand in reassurance.
"Thank you, Helmut," you repeat, teasing slightly as you use the name he'd offered. An amused smile graces your lips and his grip on you loosens, glad to see you're no longer feeling beaten down. Unbeknownst to the both of you, while his grip has loosened, the distance between you is increasingly closing. In a matter of seconds, you can't help but jump off the ledge you'd been teetering off all night long- diving into the ocean that is Helmut.
Pressing your lips to his gently, the shocked gasp that resonates through his closed mouth easily turns into a hum as he returns the kiss, then draws out into a growl as his hand roughly finds your cheek, gripping it tightly with a desperate need. A whimper involuntarily leaves your throat as this happens, unsure what you've unearthed. Slowly forcing himself to pull away, his forehead rests against yours as you both breathe deeply, in need of the oxygen that streams into your lungs and filters through your blood. "Why?"
It's a question you hadn't anticipated receiving from him. An answer that you weren't prepared to give. Even if you both knew of the inklings and sparks that'd been building and dancing around you all night. "Because you were right," an airy laugh echoes in the space between you, "earlier. I did want something else, even if I wanted this, too." A smile stretches upon your lips, and the contagion spreads, Helmut mirroring it as an amused smile of his own tugs at the corners of his lips. The moment is short; a brushing of your noses against one another as you breathe in the same light-hearted air. Each of you tempting the other to be the first to lean in and capture a kiss from the other. Some unspoken instinctual game, perhaps.
Lips darting in for another peck, you're not surprised when his hand moves from cupping your cheek to rounding your head in search of a hold, a grasp of some sort. His hand winds into your hair, fingers gripping it tenderly. Pulling you in with his lips, he draws back, making you careen after him in search of his lips. Yet the instant he lies back, hands moving mindlessly down to your hips to help you straddle him and stay steady, the spark is interrupted. Helmut lies on the bed, a look crossing his face that leaves you knowing.
How can one read a stranger like they're a book they'd left open on a coffee table, passed by dozens of times? The heat where your clothed sex meet his undeniable erection. a spark sated in nips and kisses you'd been teasing each other with all night, yet there's something unsaid. "We don't have to," you voice it. "I don't want you to do anything you don't want to." The hand that's not secured on his chest and holding you up runs down the front of his robe, the thick and cozy material running beneath your fingertips.
"I want to..." his voice trails off, "I just..."
"Don't want to offend her. I understand," you answer for him. Lips pursing into a thin line, the upward tilt of the inner corners of your eyebrows betray that semblance, showing your empathy. Even if to him it might appear as some sort of pity. "Though... if I may?" You inquire.
"You may," he encourages, curious to hear your thoughts. Warm splayed hands lie on your thinly robed hips keeping you steady and preventing you from grinding down on him and teasing further, even if you aren't presently doing so. A precaution, nonetheless.
"I know I didn't know her, and I've only heard a little, but... if there's anything I can say, I'd think she'd want you to be happy." The sentiment lingers in the air, and you offer him a saddened smile, quickly intent on clarifying. "And I'm not saying that to get you to sleep with me, I just... I think you should know. If anyone hasn't said it, I think any wife that truly loves her husband would eventually want him to find happiness again. However, it may be."
Silence settles in the air for a moment, and his lack of response elicits a spike of anxiety as you continue to voice your thoughts. "I know it probably doesn't mean anything coming from me, a stranger, but I still do believe in what I said," you chuckle, "and that includes people some may otherwise consider criminal, but... I believe there's hope for you. To find another reason."
"Verdammte Hölle," he curses. One of the hands on your hip squeezes for a moment. "I know," he acknowledges, "I just..."
"Haven't since?" You question, noticing the slight pinch of his brows. It's a guess, a posture in relation to the circumstance you both come from.
"Exactly," he affirms. Searching your eyes, you leave him no room for doubt as you lean down so you're chest to chest.
"Then we'll take it slow. If that's what you want," you reassure him, eyes searching his for some sort of clue into his thoughts.
"Yes, just bear with me, Schatz. It's been a while for me," He reveals, a hint of red tinging his cheeks. Whether it be from blush, embarrassment, or lust, you can only think of how handsome it makes him look in the golden light pouring from the bedside lamp.
"Me too, don't worry," you reassure. Hands resettling themselves on his chest, you both lean in, lips easily finding their way back to one another.
Schatz = treasure, sweetheart, darling
Schön = lovely, beautiful, nice
Verdammte Hölle = fucking hell.
Meine Süße = my darling, sweet, dear, honey
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
tmt taglist: @wheres-mylove , @ashy-kit
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no-name-blu · 4 months
A thought. John turning evil by some entity promising him a way to protect his friends and Melissa. But he’s just doing the right thing g but the wrong way
When they used to be Welcome Home OCs, that's literally John's plot in my AU, Gameshow Host! Wally XD
But it's more of a fun side plot that can be taken out/ignored. This plot shows more on what the real world is like, how the cult fans of the show are formed, and also shows what happens to the winners of the gameshow. Because according to Wally, they usually turn into a threat to Humanity.
Here's an old comic that I never finished, glad it gets to see the light of day now :D
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You can get their lore explanation down here!
I figured to reveal it since they're not Welcome Home OCs anymore and I'm not gonna draw all of this
Melissa, John, Briella (My OCs) and Sunny (that bird character), are a friend group together. Briella was the very first contestant of the show and dies, making Melissa wanting to investigate it and she's been non stop working about it.
And then, maybe 3-6 months later? idk, John got picked to be the contestant and won, so he asked his prize to have the ability to help Melissa. So Home gave John this opportunity to have a tour in the studio with Wally. So the day that happened, Wally showed him around, the problem with foreign objects going to the studio, it starts to deteriorate, especially for one's sanity. John eventually runs off Wally's tour and try to find more secrets in the studio just to accidentally found the void where Home resides in. His brain did not recover from seeing Home, he doesn't remember what happens after that. But John got Home's powers now YIPEEEE
Also his mind is in shambles in a way it's like an "enlightenment" to him. He sees it like the show is actually a good thing, weeding out the evil in the world. And he wanted to help more than anything.
John finds more people to see this show the way he sees it. He somehow got Melissa convinced too (old idea was that he can do hypnotism) When he tried to convince Sunny, he disagreed, leading to John to think he's evil and such, ended up killing him. Both the idiotic and crazy couple basically going on a killing spree to form a cult fan club of the show :D Honestly, imagine JD and Veronica from Heathers, but they're both JD. They're what killed the dinosaurs, they're the asteroids that's overdue /lyr
Eventuallyyy Melissa starts to snaps out of it, telling John she doesn't want to do this anymore, noticed Home has been watching them and she wants to make a deal with him. Home says something like "make one big sacrifice, and I'll give you what you wish for" Not very helpful but still she took the deal. Then the comic above is what's next. After that, they fought.
John was about to kill her but held back and gave Melissa a chance to fight back, so she starts punching, beats him up until the marionette puppet stops being alive.
Somehow the result of this made Home gave Melissa her own powers with the glowing eyes and Home's pupils too. Basically saying, now she serves for Home and that she's also gonna go crazy, like what had happened to John.
But Melissa didn't take over the cult, that'll be someone else. What she did is help Wally find a suitable contestant for the episode.
This plot probably got some holes and not that fleshed out since I stopped writing into it. It was fun tho :D
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If you wanna know the other nickel, it's their Reboot AU lore. John was also cray cray for a different reason.
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cooki3face · 1 year
what permanent union w/ your divine feminine would be like: divine masculine reading
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message: this one's for the divine masculine today, I'm really excited about it. I don't know much of the divine masculine collective I have as an audience on this blog so hopefully, it reaches who it needs to reach, if you're a divine feminine I'm sure you can enjoy this message too or find something within it that will resonate with you. I’m still brain storming more ideas for readings to make for the divine masculine collective, I even asked around and asked a couple of male friends I had who I felt like were a little more enlightened then most and I wasn't able to find anything but surely the answers are within me and I can be able to develop more content directed towards the divine masculine collective. 💚
The color green feels incredibly significant at this time as well as angel numbers 444,888,9911,36548
I believe my past message I just posted just now about “The Sign” by Ace of Base and the lyrics may have been able to resonate for the divine masculine collective or at least for a handful of you. Many of you who are in twin flame connections who have a divine feminine or divine counterpart have finally awakened to your worth and are realizing how much you don't deserve to settle out of fear and are about to step into honoring your heart chakra and acting on your truest wishes and desires. Congratulations, you've finally done it!
“I've got a new life, you would hardly recognize me, I'm so glad!”
Complete transformation. Karmic cycles are closed and done for. Your current reality is history all on it’s own so stop looking at it and checking for it the reality you're coming into is the one you've been dreaming of all along.
I see this connection with the divine feminine being extremely private and protected pile one. The two of you will grow to know how important it is to protect your connection and value it above all else, I see you guys doing big things together, making big moves, accomplishing goals and reeling in manifestations left and right. the two of you are going to protect this connection from unnecessary interferences and nosey people who just want to see what you’re doing and have opinions about your connection or even be haters and talk to their friends about how much the two of you are receiving and how much they think you don’t deserve it. There may be a lot of jealous onlookers. People who wanted your divine feminine or people who wanted to be with you. You may be someone who attracts people who like to take up space and are attracted to you for what you can give them rather than who you are and your divine feminine isn’t this way. She loves you for who you are, she chose you, she doesn’t need you.
And, she’s about to make a lot of people really jealous and unhappy lol. There’s going to be so much love and passion between the two of you and so much care with this two of cups here, the two of cups coming out here makes me think of twin souls and high level connections where the two people become so in alignment with one another that you’re practically fusing souls and becoming more able to connect with one another energetically. I’m hearing you guys are going to become in sync. Finishing each others sentences, knowing what the other wants without having to ask, being able to have genuine conversations, being able to help each other through arguments and hardships in an energy that’s not meant to scrutinize, judge, or hurt one another but with the energy to understand and process what’s going on with one another. Being able to literally do things for one another as acts of service or because you two share a great love and it be exactly what’s needed.
Acts of service could be a big love language for you as well and your divine feminine is the queen of acts of service. If you know her already as a person she may be someone who loves to give to others and make people feel very safe and acknowledged. I’m getting imagery of Snow White and the seven dwarfs, her being able to give them and all the other creatures in the forest things to look forward to and things to suit their individual needs and do it gracefully and out of love if I’m correct. She shows them this genuine love and maternal care and appreciation (especially the dwarfs) and in return they love and admire her back and go out of their way to protect her and keep her safe. Im hearing she’s a woman of the world or she falls very deeply into the archetype of the mother. You may be very paternal in energy as well. You guys go together like peanut butter in jelly, you guys are the emperor and the empress. Mom and dad.
Children and animals are particularly drawn to her and love being in her energy because they know in their hearts that she accepts them and will go out of her way to make sure they feel safe and content when she’s around. Your divine feminine could be someone well loved, well desired or well admired. She could be really graceful and she may even potentially attract haters or people who are mad at her just because she exists because she produces such a high vibrational energetic frequency. She may even trigger others to see aspects of their own shadow and look at themselves and reflect on who they are. The imagery of reflections and mirrors are significant here and really being me back to this whole show white thing. The main antagonist is jealous of Snow White, wants her beauty and her grace and as a result poisons her so that she can step into her spotlight. Your divine feminine may be hyper aware of people in her life or people who’ve been in her life before who wanna shove her aside and take her place and she could be very protective over her energy.
You could’ve known women in your social circles who were envious of her or knew her, were friends with her, or watched her and admired her and tried to mimic her or copy her influence and were unsuccessful. You may be realizing a lot of this behavior with karmic feminines you’ve dated in the past who knew about your divine feminine as well. This divine feminine of yours could be spiritual as well, highly intuitive or someone you deem to be very wise and intelligent. She will return you from spiritual poverty and help you to cleanse the spirit and heal. Your connection will be full of spiritual growth and enlightenment. The two of you may spend a lot of time working through trauma and sitting with each other healing each others pain. I see her completely shifting your life around and your habits and lifestyle as a whole when the two of you are in Union. Teaching you about things she’s learned over the years, changing your dietary choices, introducing you to holistic care and practices, getting you to meditate, journal, and create and express yourself and expand as an individual. She wants the best for you and she will treat you as such because she respects you and she loves you.
I see her protecting you in spirit as well, cleansing your energy for you, bathing you, or even casting protection or abundance spells for you if she’s into Wiccan practices or the metaphysical. You guys are going to be doing a lot together, traveling, spending time outside in nature, starting businesses and making money together, learning, flourishing, picking up new hobbies, cooking, making friends and meeting soul family, making love, being the embodiment of love, finding peace. I also see her not allowing you to spend time around people she intuitively knows don’t love you or don’t want good things for you as well. She’s so protective over you. Naturally. All on her own without you having to ask. She defends you when you’re not in the room and she speaks very highly of you.
She will make you a better man and a better human being. And when the two of you come into union with one another the ball will start rolling and it’ll begin rolling very quickly, you guys may even run off and get married very quickly, manifestations coming in very quickly as well, the world will be aligning in your favor because your spirit guides, guardian angels and the divine mother protect this connection with a heavy hand. Looking for a house? Market will be cheaper you’ll find a real nice one quickly and be able to move in right away. You guys want to go on vacation together? You’ll find an opportunity to be able to travel for less money and be accommodated along the way. You guys want another pet? The perfect one is sitting at the humane society waiting patiently for the two of you to come and biting the fingers of whomever else dares to come see them.
What more do I need to say??? What are you sitting there doing nothing for??? GO GET HER AND PROPOSE!
I’m hearing , “I was blind but now I see.” You could’ve been running from her or you do run from her and you may try to invalidate your connection or downplay how much influence she has over you out of fear but I’m hearing that you want love but you keep turning around and looking in all the wrong places, looking at all the wrong people because you’re settling for what and who you feel you deserve. It’s what people do, the choices you make, the types of people you choose to be around, hang out with, date, sleep with, etc. are a reflection of the way you feel about yourself. Whether or not your perception of what you’re worth or your self concept was created by you or someone else or other people or other influences in your life who told you that you weren’t important or deserving of good things and genuine love and respect AND SUPPORT. The energy you bring to your divine feminine and your connection is a reflection of you and how much value you think you have.
Men are designed to bring things into fruition, you take your manifestations and you make them physical, tangible things, as natural guardians of the physical 3D world you siphon energy from deep within you to push things into the atmosphere or bring them into fruition. This is why in our world today, when we know masculine energies and men struggle with their own self concept, self esteem, and position in life they outwardly express and project that onto the world and the people around them. I sense very complicated and confusing energy within this pile, it’s almost like many of you struggle with your words or often find that you say the wrong things instead of what you wanted to say, or your throat chakra is blocked. Some of you within this group aren’t great communicators and may not be able to express yourself well with people in your life especially women and especially with your divine feminine. A lot of you are very tired and stressed out as well because you may spend a lot of time with the wrong people, doing the wrong things, not valuing your presence, not grounding your energy and maybe even failing to do some hard inner work or welcome your emotions and fears so that you can see them clearly and take action to understand and release them out of self compassion.
There’s a lot spirit wants me to say to you here about the way you give out your energy to others. Even for many of you who don’t sleep around or physically participate in energy transfers and the creating of soul ties, you offer your energy to too many people through flirting or through social connections. You may find within your love life that you come in and out of peoples lives or get them to a point of feeling emotionally connected or tied to you and then you run away to avoid feeling trapped and that all on its own will contribute to a loss of energy. You spread yourself too thin, chasing highs or trying to fill voids and you leave with less than you came with in the first place. You allow people to walk around with pieces of your spirit that you let them have.
Coming into union with your person would fix so much of this. What you’re looking for outside of yourself and outside of her you will find almost instantly. It’s almost like the answer and solution is so clear yet you can’t yet see it or you hadn’t seen it before. All this stress you carry she would take away from you and cleanse you of it. There’s no way that you would continue to feel burdensome, incomplete or as if your value is less than you would like it to be. When you’re with a divine counterpart, in Union, in alignment with them and with yourself that does not exist. She would give you the strength to love yourself whole heartedly because she loves you unconditionally and would not judge you. When I think about what love is supposed to be like I think about 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
That within itself is the message right there. When you are in union with her and you’ve done the inner work before hand to accept her and become a unit with her you will no longer feel the need to consume so much or collect so many people or so many things in your life to make yourself feel as though you have plenty of opportunities and accomplishments here. You could be someone who takes a lot of pride in their accolades or someone who collects things and picks things up no matter karmic, temporary, or whatever along the way to add to the list of things you have when what you genuinely lack is self love and self care. You will be secure and you will be whole. When you find her, when you are with her, all your past hurt and sorrows will not hurt so bad and you can continue to heal and find happiness and solace in her care and presence. When you find her, when you are with her, you will no longer feel stagnant or feel as though you are undecided and in a constant state of being uprooted. You’ll be able to continue to explore what feels like to release limiting beliefs for yourself and found freedom.
You may feel discouraged, you may feel as though you’ll never find genuine love or like it’s not written in the stars for you to find your divine counterpart and to find someone within this lifetime that will love you the way you love them and thats not true. It’s a reflection of how lovable and how valuable you think you are. When you find her she’s going to be able to build with you and contribute to your life and support your wishes and dreams. She’ll be growing with you and moving with you at a pace that’s safe and comfortable for you. You’ll feel even more inspired and ambitious in your life and in your goals and aspirations. I think you may worry about getting to a point in your life where you feel even with your accomplishments that you’ll be feeling incomplete and unhappy because you don’t believe you’ll find genuine love outside of what and who you may have found already but this is not true. Your divine feminine and you will find one another. You’ll be happy and supported. You’ll build a life together that’s safe and consistent and compliments your hearts desires and values.
The two of you could be highly collaborative here or be a very business savvy or entrepreneurial couple here. I’m getting highly influential and rich together. You could compliment one another’s weaknesses and strengths and share a lot of core values that will bring you a lot of abundance in your life here. There’s also an energy here of the two of you learning from one another in many walks of life. Being able to feed off one another spiritually and not only financially. But there’s such a big message here about financial security and freedom coming through. You guys may be incredibly financially educated with one another, making responsible investments, spending your time collecting guidance from other influential people who make tons of money, networking and making your way to the top.
There’s some energy here of delays for this collective or a lack of growth and stagnancy in matters of the heart. You may be unwilling to let someone or something go or you be unmotivated to do some much needed inner work in order to put yourself in the position to receive this divine counterpart or connection here. You may feel that this is generally not possible for you, or at least somewhat unrealistic and this may cause you to be stagnant or disable yourself to grow and move forward. Once you overcome this, release something and do the inner work necessary to step into your power, your divine masculine energy, and heal some trauma and break some karmic cycles this blockage will be completely obliterated.
Part of you within this collective are stuck. You may have mother wounds, father wounds, struggle with a lack of examples of success in your personal life or familial structure. You may have a habit of consuming energies or knowledge from all the wrong places or not properly using your discernment when you’re trying to put yourself in the right spaces or even consuming content here on social media. This may even reflect in your personal relationships too, having people close to you who don’t reflect the energy you want to essentially become one day and you becoming swept up in the motion of their energy and karmic cycles. There’s a void here within you divine masculine, you have an ego issue, or need to learn to step out of the human way of thinking and stop associating your worth with such surface level or shallow ideas of what men should be or what is important here.
You’re going to have to undergo a complete 360, unlearn everything you’ve learned, completely transform and start fresh here. Your spirit guides and ancestors have given you a situation, a connection, or some sort of heart break or karmic connection here with someone who holds a lot of power and is meant to break you down and shake you up so that you can at some point wake up and do the inner work necessary but some of you aren’t learning your lesson, you’re pushing against the divine plan or what you’re meant to do here because you’re misguided or confused.
Your spirit is young for many of you. Not been here enough times, finding your way. Spirit says, “why aren’t you moving? You need to move.” You’re not letting go of whatever this is and you’re not moving forward, you’re ignoring the call. Some of you could have prominent earth sign placements or even have prominent cancer placements especially in your top three. Your biggest challenge and lesson in life may be learning to let go of something incredibly significant and move forward generally speaking and in the energy of the mother, the home, and some semblance of it. You may have mother wounds that are unresolved and this person you’re sticking to has a high level of divine feminine energy or has a lot of maternal energy or heavy cancer placements as well. There’s a trauma bond here.
This reading was meant to be about what permanent union would be like with your divine feminine or divine counterpart here or the person meant for you overall but it seems spirit is saying that before we even get into all of that we need to talk about it you first. Everything you want in love is attainable for you, there is someone who is going to love you, accept you for all that you are when you find who you are or accept who you are as well, someone who will take care of you, who you will be able to take care of in return, who will be able to challenge you and stimulate you intellectually, who you will be able to build with. Someone you can have and hold. Someone you can walk into the afterlife with.
But you must do this first divine masculine. What you put out into the universe, you get back. For all your hardship and pain and heartbreak you’ll be rewarded. For all your work on yourself and for the collective there will be compensation. It’s time for you to make a choice about who it is you want to be, if you want to be your higher self, if you want all that you desire, if you want true fulfillment.
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ilovetheriddler · 17 days
Broski you have been the only thing keeping me sane these last couple weeks. Would you feed a starving girl with some more Oswalda x reader. Perhaps some sweet fluff where Oswalda is stressed with having to kill both of her sons and the police being on her ass so reader comforts her. I CRAVE OSWALDA CONTENT.
Thank you so much! I'm glad that you've been enjoying my writing! I'll glady write some more Oswalda, there's just not enough content for her out there! I hope you enjoy it!
Calming Waters.
(Batman The Caped Crusader) Oswalda Cobblepot x F!Reader.
Word Count: 694.
Contents: Fluff, Comfort, Affection, Petnames, Non sexual Bathing together.
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This was just great! It's just fantastic, in fact! First, she had to dispose of her sons, and now the police were onto her! Oswalda was having to put a lot of work in to hopefully remain just a few steps ahead of the cops, but it was extremely stressful and draining for her.
Of course, you felt very worried about her well-being as you watched her trying to get everything in order. You tried to come up with what would be the best way to comfort your girlfriend during this more stressful time for her. Ultimately, you landed on the idea of running a nice bath for her. Perhaps that would help her unwind just a bit? You made your way to the bathroom and turned on the warm water, pouring just a bit of bubble bath solution to hopefully make it more enjoyable before carefully lighting a few candles as well.
Once it was done, you made your way into her office, just in time to see her slam down the phone she was on in a fit of frustration and annoyance. However, a slightly more pleased look crossed her face as she realized that you had walked in.
"My dear, I'm quite busy right now. Did you need something?"
"Well, it's just... you seem really stressed, and I wanted to try and hopefully help with that..."
"Oh really? Then please enlighten me, Darling. What exactly did you come up with?"
"I thought a nice relaxing bath might help, I mean, at least I hope it does... I don't like seeing you stressed, Ozzy. You already have so much you have to worry about...."
Oswalda seemed genuinely touched by your concern and worry for her well-being, It was sweet of you.
"A bath? Well... that's quite considerate of you, my darling. And I presume that you'd, of course, be joining me as well, correct?"
"O-oh! Um... well, if you want me to, then I'd gladly do so!"
"Perfect, then please, my dear, let's preferably do it before the water gets too cold."
The two of you head into the bathroom and proceed to get undressed and get into the tub, sinking into the nice and warm water, The pleasant scents of ivory and honey from the candles creating a relaxing atmosphere. Oswalda let out a content sigh as she leaned back against you.
"Hmm... I will hand it to you, my love. This is fairly nice. Now, could you perhaps help me wash my hair? I'd appreciate it a lot, darling."
"Of course... but only on the condition that you help me with mine as well?"
She chuckled lightly at your fair condition before offering a slightly playful response.
"Oh, very well, my dear, whatever you want... you drive such a hard bargain."
You pour some shampoo onto your hands and carefully start to massage it into her scalp, making sure to get a decent amount on there before grabbing a cup to scoop up some water and then rinse it off. She lets out a pleased and relaxed hum as you go about washing it.
She then helped you wash yours as well. Once finished, the two of you just soaked in the tub a bit longer as you enjoyed each others company. She hummed a light and soft tune, which added to the already perfect atmosphere, Oswalda had such a gorgeous singing voice. In fact, you were positive that you'd never get tired of hearing her. It always made you feel so at peace.
After a bit longer of just basking in each others presence, you both got out and, once noticing the time, decided to go ahead and get ready for bed. You crawled under the covers and snuggled up into her arms once you were in bed. Overall, it seemed as though your plan to help her relax had worked as much as it could in this situation. Eventually, the two of you fell into a peaceful slumber for the evening. Oswalda had a lot that she had to take care of, but it could wait until the morning. Tonight, she'd just enjoy having you in her arms.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I was actually a Vivzie apologist until relatively recently. I would ignorantly sweep drama she was in under the rug as just that, drama, instead of people expressing that she's not a good person, all because I liked the art that she did (I'm not proud of this reason, and have reflected since). I wanted to say that the only one who could push me away was Vivienne herself, and it was with her pissbaby attitude when it came to shit that happened on the internet. That was an enlightening experience really, and I went back and did more research on the shit that she's done. Her attitude online and behind closed doors lined up, and I can now say that I fucking HATE vivziepop, all thanks to the wicked witch herself!
Don't blame yourself too much. No one wants to admit someone whose work they admire could be bad, and we've got a lot of former Viv apologists around here; I know I sure was one. It's the kind of experience that I think really does make you better in the long run.
It's also true, you can't force anyone to see Viv's true colors. You can't make anyone change. But sometimes they just do, and when they do, it's no one's fault but Viv's.
Glad you're here now, Anon! The show's just getting good!
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Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
Contains: Fluff, smut (voyeurism, exhibitionismf, fingering, praise kink, Dom Jax, P in V)
2.9K words
When an arrogant prospect takes it one step too far, Jax feels the need to teach him a lesson.
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Jax watched you at the bar, smiling and glad handing all the visiting sons. He was grateful that you were there playing the diplomat while he got down to business. He didn't miss the way you would glance back at him every now, it had taken a while but you had developed a kind of silent communication that he found invaluable.
He had learned that you were very good at picking who was going to last and a look in your direction after you chatted with a prospect was always very enlightening.
Right now, he was in the middle of getting an update from the President of a visiting charter, the man going on and on about how hard it was to find good recruits, "I fucking tell you, that prospect over there, I give him another month before he's tossed out on his ass."
Jax huffed, "why isn't he gone already?"
The look he got told Jax all he needed to know, "he's a legacy, his dad was one of the first men picked to run a chapter who wasn't first nine."
Jax scoffed, "well, if he steps wrong here, we'll get rid of him."
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"Can I buy you a drink?"
You raised your water and turned to the man behind you, this must have been the prospect you had heard all the others complaining about, "I have one thank you, can I help you with anything?"
He smiled, "yeah, let me buy you a drink."
You sighed, "I have one, I'm also married."
He licked his lips, "hey, I'm up for anything and it's not like I see your man around."
You pointed behind you, "because my man is Jax Teller and he's busy. Now, if you need companionship, I suggest you find Mr Padilla and see if he can find a lady to spend the night with."
He leaned in closer, resting his arm on the bar, "hey, I don't discriminate. I'm sure he has fun too."
You blinked, "yes, we have fun together because we are in a loyal and loving marriage. Now I would like you to turn around and walk the other way, I have nothing else nice to say to you after you've said such nasty things about the man I love and my marriage."
Jax was paying more and more attention to you as he watched you stiffen, "is that the fucker you're talking about?"
The noise from the visiting President's mouth gave Jax all the information he needed, "yep, is that your old lady?"
Jax took a sip of his beer, waiting for you to wave him over, "yep. Don't worry she can handle herself."
There was a huff from his friend, "let's hope so because this guy needs to learn his lesson."
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Trying to get him to go away was fast becoming a fool's errand, "I know you ladies think he's pretty and all but guys like that are shit in bed. I bet he just does what he wants. Me? I listen."
You took a deep breath and stood up, "no you don't and since you can't listen, I'm going to go over and sit in my husband's lap so you fuck off." You waved to the prospect behind the bar, "three fingers of that fancy scotch, please, on the rocks."
You were handed the drink and without even looking at the man who had spent the last five minutes hitting on you, you walked over to Jax, pressed your lips to his, handed him the drink then sat in his lap with a smile.
"Sorry my love, I couldn't stand to be parted from you a moment longer so I thought I would come over. I brought your favourite to say sorry in case I was interrupting."
Jax chuckled and pecked your cheek while wrapping his arms around your body, "nah darlin, I was about to come over and grab you anyway. Are you having fun?"
You shook your head, "not really, there's a new prospect that needs a good punch in the mouth. He seems to think you're no good in bed and he thinks he can do better."
The smirk on Jax's face was downright diabolical as he called the man over, "are you into my old lady prospect?"
To your surprise, he smiled, "who wouldn't be? I mean, she's the hottest piece of ass here."
The look on your face grabbed Happy's attention and he walked over, "everything alright, boss?"
Jax sucked on his tongue, "everything's fine Hap. The prospect here was just telling me how nice my wife's ass is, ain't that nice of him?"
Happy's face was unreadable, "I don't think it's appropriate to be talking about a lady like that, especially not the wife of the leader of this Club."
Things went from bad to worse when the prospect smiled wider, "hey you know who my father is. I grew up in a Clubhouse, all these bitches are up for grabs unless they're knocked up."
Jax huffed and turned to the other man, "you were right, he is a problem."
You thought for a moment, sure Jax could beat the stuffing out of him but that wouldn't really teach him a lesson, "my love?"
Jax turned his attention to you, his arm tightening around you, "yes darlin?"
You did your best to hold back a smile, "I was very offended that he thinks you're a poor lover, I'm actually quite mad about it."
Jax pressed his lips to your neck, "are you now?" He turned to the prospect who still clearly thought he wasn't making a huge mistake, "what are you going to do about making my lady mad?"
He shrugged, "I think that's your problem, the women I know who get fucked right are never mad."
Jax clenched his jaw, something dark coming to the surface, "well then that settles that, how about you come in and watch me fuck her brains out and if I'm as bad as you say I am, you can tell the whole fucking Club."
This man's audacity seemed to have no end because he smiled, "sure, if you need some pointers."
Jax stood up with a smile, taking your hand in his, "are you alright with this darlin, you say the word and we can go home and enjoy the night all the ourselves."
You knew Jax wasn't going to let him touch you, this was about Jax showing off. The prospect was going to be lucky if Jax didn't make him face the wall and put his nose in a corner, "I'm fine with it, he clearly won't listen to either of us so maybe he's so dumb that he needs to see it with his own eyes. But maybe we should stay under the covers, I don't want to make the poor boy feel inadequate, that can really harm a man's self esteem."
Jax smiled, "you should thank her for being so kind to you."
The prospect wasn't interested, "are we doing this or are we just going to talk about it?"
You could tell by the tone in Jax's voice how pissed he was, "you can back out at any time man, don't stay because you think you have too. Hell, I'll make stay until your patch vote no matter what."
He huffed, "I ain't going anywhere."
Jax took your hand and you walked into the dorm with the prospect in tow. Jax locked the door and directed you to the middle of the room before turning to the prospect, "you can sit in that chair. And don't even think about putting your hand anywhere near your dick, that wasn't part of the agreement."
He did as he was told, the gravity of the situation still not sinking in as Jax stood in front of you and leaned in to kiss you. You soon forgot about the interloper as Jax kissed you senseless. You started on your top button while Jax shrugged off his kutte and placed it over the back of another chair, coming back as your shirt fell open.
He slid his hands under the fabric and placed them on your waist, leaning in to kiss your neck as your head fell to the side to give him more access. His hand moved up to slide the shirt on your shoulder and you reached out to unbutton his blue flannel.
Jax's flannel came off and he pulled back so you could pull his SONS T-shirt over his head, Jax smiling as your eyes racked over his bare chest. The chair shifted and Jax looked over, the prospect suddenly realising that Jax was far larger and stronger than he was. Jax turned his head with a smirk, "you can go man, we ain't keeping you here if you're feeling insecure."
The man huffed, "I'm fine thanks."
Jax turned back to you, pressing you to his chest as he reached down and removed your jeans, you following suit after you palmed his growing bulge. Jax didn't have your shyness and he shoved down his boxers and his hard cock sprung free.
The smile on your face was automatic, as was your hand reaching out to wrap around the shaft. Jax grunted, his eyes filling with lust as you started walking backwards and kissed him. Jax ran his hand from your ribs to your back, undoing your bra before pulling back while you wrapped your arm around your body to hide your nakedness from the stranger on the other side of the room.
Jax spun you around so your back was facing the prospect, your crow on full display, then threw back the covers but not the top sheet and with a smile and a gentlemanly gesture, he was holding it open for you to climb inside. You lay down on your side, your back facing the other man while Jax got into bed next to you.
The prospect couldn't see your skin under the sheet but it was clear from the movement under it that Jax was running his hand up your leg. There was more shifting as he lifted your leg over his hip, then his hand emerged from the sheet to throw your panties away and you placed your hand on his ribs, the muscles rippling under your skin as he breathed.
His hand went back under the sheet and to your centre as he ran two long fingers up and down your slit, "you're very wet for me darlin, you want to tell me why?"
You smiled and brushed his lips with yours, "I'm always like that when I'm with you."
Jax chuckled, it was full of ego, "oh, I know. There's no way he's getting you like that."
You kissed him again, "not in a million years, it's all you my love."
Jax's thumb found your clit as he slid two fingers inside you while you buried your head in his neck. He didn't waste any time working you up, his calloused fingertips brushing your G-spot as you gasped. He looked at you, then flicked his eyes to the other man, a plan forming in his brain as he pushed you closer to the edge.
He pressed his lips to yours and you rocked your hips into his hand, his thumb picking up speed as the prospect shifted again. Jax pulled away, just far enough that he could speak to you without anyone else hearing, "you still want to keep going? I can feel how close you are."
You smiled, "he can't see anything."
Jax smiled back and kissed you hard, swallowing your moans as you came around his fingers. Jax didn't stop, removing his lips from yours in time for you to let out a desperate but soft cry as you fell over the edge again, "good girl." Jax didn't even look at the man as he spoke, "you ever have a woman make that sound for you prospect?"
There was no response, the situation finally taking hold. Jax turned his attention back to you, "give me one more then you can have my cock." His fingers slowing for a few minutes to get you over the almost painful overstimulation, his lips soft on yours as his beard scratched your skin.
When your twitching faded, his lips moved to your neck and his fingers sped up again. You moved your hand from his ribs to wrap around his shaft and jacked slowly as he wrung another orgasm out of you. You had a bit more trouble keeping you quiet this time, but his expression told you he didn't mind.
He pulled his fingers from you and sucked them into his mouth, moaning around them as your taste coated his tongue. He pulled his fingers away and his hand found your face as he kissed you, tasting yourself on his lips while he rolled on top of you.
He pulled back and looked into your eyes, his chest pressed to yours to hide your body from the other man, "you good darlin?"
You nodded, "I'm great, are you?"
Jax smiled softly, "I'm great, you want me to get rid of him?"
You looked over at him, the prospect turning away when your eyes landed on his face, "it's up to you. If you think he's learned his lesson, then you're more than welcome to throw his out on his ass."
Jax looked over at the man, it was all predator and dominance, "I don't think he has but he can leave if he wants. He knows where the door is."
"I'll stay, it ain't like it's hard to fingerfuck a woman." You couldn't tell what was pissing Jax off more, the disrespect to you and your marriage or the disrespect to him as a lover and as his President but something about the expression on his face told you it was the former.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and Jax settled between your legs, rubbing his cock up and down your slit before sliding inside you with a kiss on your lips. The shuddering moan you let out was matched by the groan that came from Jax, there was a growl to it that gave you the urge to sink your teeth into his shoulder.
You buried your head in his neck as his hips started to rock. He started slow, grinding into you while you ran your hands up and down his back. Your breath caught in your throat as he angled his hips to brush your G-spot while one hand shimmied between you to rub your clit.
"Jax please."
He smiled and kissed a path from your neck, across your face and to your lips, kissing you softly juxtaposed to how his hips were now ramming into you. You pulled Jax even tighter to you as the end neared, stuck between waiting to continue kissing him and wanting to refresh the ever present love bite on his shoulder. Jax made the decision for you as a particularly punishing thrust had you sinking your teeth into his flesh to muffle your moan as you rocketed over the edge.
"That's it, my good girl, you feel so good." Your whimper only served to spur Jax on as he turned to face the prospect, "have you learned your lesson?"
There was no response and despite the fuzziness of pleasure clouding your brain, you couldn't help but turn your head to see what he was doing. There was something on his face, it was hard to pin point if it was from being proven wrong or the fact that he thought Jax was going to kill him when this was over so he didn't share this experience with anyone.
Jax had triumph on his face at his vanquished foe. The prospect was no longer cocky but deflated, "look at the fucking wall. You don't even deserve to be in the same room as my woman, let alone get to look at her."
Jax turned back to you as you rocked your hips, matching Jax's pace as his grunts became more urgent. He bit down on your lower lip as he came, moaning your name like a dying man.
He breathed against your lips, smiling softly as he shifted his hips to pull out of you. He didn't roll away, deciding to stay holding you for a little longer, "I love you darlin."
You pecked him, smiling against his lips as he rubbed your nose with his, "I love you too."
Jax turned to the prospect, his voice a mask of calm rage, "get the fuck out."
He stayed frozen to the spot, "did you not hear me? Get the fuck out, I don't want you here anymore." He only started to move when Jax started to pull away from you, you imagine the thought of Jax beating the life out of him naked was enough to get him moving.
The door slam had you jumping and Jax pressed soft kissing into your skin to soothe you, he rolled off you and took you with him, pulling you into his arms, "did you have fun?"
You nodded, "yep, I forgot he was there most of the time."
Jax chuckled, "good."
You pressed your lips to his chest, "are you alright? You still seem revved up."
Jax chuckled, "I'm just excited for round two without someone looking on."
You smiled, "well in that case, I better go get us some snacks."
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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freesidexjunkie · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
ahhhhhhh but your fics are the lovely and perfect ones!! 🥺💕
okay okay top 5, which i did have to stretch a little bit bc my real number 5 is still in drafts...
5. Nuts & Bolts, a Fallout 4 crack fic that has no right to exist. This is my legacy among my friends. The lines in here still live in my brain rent free nearly a decade after writing them. My Immortal had a very brain-chemistry-changing effect on me in high school. I'm so sorry.
4. to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you, a durgetash piece that was my first attempt at writing actual smut and part of my effort to break thru my years long writers block and get going again
3. First Light, Rolan x tav fic that took me nearly 6 months struggling thru angst and pain and imposter syndrome to get out. i felt like i would never be able to get this first chapter out or halfway presentable but in the end, im really very proud of it and glad i stuck it out!
2. tell me you're mine, durgetash smut that im really proud of for both the actual smut part and the intense opening scene (which im gonna paste below because. this is my fridge and i choose the magnets)
1. Din'an All Elgara, my solavellan fic that has my heart and soul and has to take the number one spot ❤️💕
“And what about the bhaalspawn?”
Gortash knew he shouldn't be listening. He had better things to do than listen to every bit of gossip that passed between these cultists. Nevertheless, at the mention of his co-conspirator, he found himself rooted to the spot, skulking behind the half-opened door frame like a common thug.
“You’d have to be mad to even try,” a drow woman said to the elf in front of her. “She’s likely to carve out your heart where you stand if you got too close.”
The elf snorted, puffing out his chest a bit. “I bet I could handle her,” he replied, insufferably cocky to Gortash’s ear. “She wouldn't be so scary once I was–”
Enver had heard enough, he decided. He threw open the door as he stormed into the room; a bit more dramatic than was likely necessary, but it certainly made his presence felt. The cultists’ eyes grew wide with shock as he leveled a fearsome glare at them.
“Y-your holiness!” The elf stammered out as the pair fell to their knees, eyes pointed downwards as his face colored.
“Such reverence,” he replied, the unnervingly calm in his voice not reaching his eyes. “Such respect . Tell me, do you only blaspheme against your God's Chosen in secret, then?”
“N-no, my lord!” The elf replied, head bowed low as he kneeled at Gortash’s feet. Sniveling little worm, he thought; all bravado, and no judgment. Useless.
“Oh, by all means!” He drawled, almost sweetly beneath the venom. The wicked snarl on his face was a challenge as he looked down on the man, wallowing pitifully into the dirt. “Do continue. Tell us how you would show due respect to your leaders. Enlighten us .”
“I… I–” The elf’s eyes darted around the room as he spluttered pathetically, desperately searching the faces of his compatriots for aid. But he found none; all averted their eyes from him, as if his doom might be catching.
Gortash could feel nothing but disgust for the man. He was clearly useless to their cause; he seemed to think himself above his betters, yet showed no spine when challenged on it. He could do nothing but weaken them. Gortash turned his sneer on the drow with him. “Does this man speak for you?”
“No, my lord,” she answered, her voice calm and her eyes cast down as she knelt.
He unsheathed his short sword and threw the blade at her feet, a snarl escaping his lips as he bid her, “prove it.”
The drow gave a curt nod as she lifted the blade. “Yes, my lord.” He watched as the elf’s eyes widened in terror as he looked to his former friend, a silent realization dawning on him. The sword was through his chest before he could make any plea for his worthless life; his only answer a little gasp as the blade was pulled from his chest as harshly as it had been thrust in. The room watched in silence as he collapsed to the floor, a few more pitiful gurgles before the elf quickly succumbed. The only pair of eyes not watching were the drow, still cast down reverentially as she presented Lord Gortash’s sword to him, her charge fulfilled.
He watched her, looking for any sign of weakness; but she showed none. He considered for a moment that he may punish her regardless for her complacency. But no – she showed promise, and he trusted that this would serve as a lesson for all who had watched. He took the sword back without a word, turning his back as he settled it back into the sheath. His gaze swept over the room, eyes still full of fury as he watched the onlookers busying themselves with their work, none of them eager to share the elf’s fate.
Gortash spared them one final displeased grunt as he left the room. “Clean up this mess. Give it to the gnolls, perhaps,” he called behind him as he left the room, letting the door slam behind him.
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year
Hello~! I am a new fan of Ace Attorney and I found your blog and absolutely fell in love with ur fankids and au, aaaa!!!! It's all so cute!!! I was wondering if I could ask a few questions about it, if you don't mind?
My first question is regarding Maya and Phoenix! So is Phoenix like a sperm donor for their kids together and it's like an agreed upon thing they talked about alot beforehand and felt okay doing because they're dear friends and close or is it more like a comfortable romantic-leaning relationship they've got going on where they have sex sometimes but they're more like cozy partners?
My 2nd question is about Miles!! I wanted to know how he interacts with the girls! For them, he's more like an uncle right? (Or is he like another father figure for them too?) Does he find it more awkward/harder to interact with them or does he soften up and treat them the same as Gregory??
Anyway, thank you for enlightening me to this au!!! I just got through the 1st game and could definitely see the Phoenix×Miles ship but I hadn't considered how well all 3 of them could click together! I love that you're exploring that happiness for them and now it's one of my favorite au/headcanon's for AA!!! (^^)💕
Hello friend (and Happy Pride Month everyone 𔓘⭒๋࣭ )!! Thank you so much and I'm so glad you enjoy the au, it means a lot! The three of them deserve a happy and loving life together and it brings me joy to see that other people think so, too!
I always love answering questions about the au so I'll be happy to answer!
There's a lot here so I have it all under the cut. :)
(And here's another teaser from my illustration series I'm still working on. I haven't had much time to make new artwork for the au lately ahh ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ )
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Anyway, with your first question, it's funny because neither is exactly right. In the beginning, being a donor was something that both Edgeworth and Maya mentioned explicitly (Phoenix feels that there's maybe a "nicer way to put it") but that's essentially what they believed that they were getting themselves into.
They discussed it for nearly half a year while Maya still explored her options and met with other people in the mean time, and this was already after Maya was actively looking for a husband for more than a year and a half. Luckily, Phoenix already knew a bit about the matriarchy and history of Kurain Village, so Maya didn't need to explain much more about that to him. Regardless, the arrangements had to be discussed at length.
Maya didn't expect nor want Phoenix to drop his whole life to be her house-husband in Kurain, so they knew early on that they would spend their parenthood together on a visiting-basis. They visited each other often anyway, so it wouldn't disrupt their lives too much all things considering.
This obviously wasn't ideal on paper, and there was some lament that it was unreasonable for them to be full time parents together. However, with Maya finding herself feeling overwhelmed "in a bad way", as she puts it, whenever she met with potential spouses combined with Phoenix's anxiety with the history of unhappy marriages in Kurain Village and wanting nothing more than for Maya to be happy, they decided the "less than ideal" situation was the best option for them.
Then there was the matter of conceiving the kids, which I detailed in a previous ask.
Their journey to parenthood did push the boundaries of their friendship, and after exploring what those boundaries were, they often had to stop and ask themselves what they even were to each other anymore. They weren't attracted to each other, weren't super comfortable with being married for a long time (with Maya opting to label themselves as "hus-friend" and "wi-friend" in private). However, they still deeply loved each other, found some forms of intimacy pleasant with each other (eg, they enjoy cuddling and sleeping in the same bed but not making out nor having sex), and, obviously, had children together.
It wasn't until shortly before Mia (the eldest daughter) was born--nearly 4 years after Phoenix and Maya decided to have kids together--that they accepted that their relationship could not be defined and stopped caring. They knew what they were to each other and that's all that mattered. (Although, their relationship can be defined: it is queerplatonic, but they don't call themselves this because they are ignorant to the label.)
As for Edgeworth and the Fey girls, it's also a hard relationship to define. He doesn't see them as often as Phoenix does, because when Phoenix and Gregory visit Maya in Kurain, he opts to go to his house to rest and enjoy some time alone. He sees Pearl's daughters even less, since when Maya visits LA, Pearl rarely joins her since she takes over Maya's duties in Kurain.
While all four of the Fey girls call Edgeworth "Uncle Miles" or just "Miles", he’s considerably closer to Maya's daughters than Pearl's. Even before adopting Gregory, he found himself involved by counseling Phoenix and Maya throughout their journey to parenthood, was present when all three kids were born, and even named the youngest daughter (Melusina).
When the girls got a little older, Edgeworth isn't hesitant to discipline them (well, Mia--Melusina doesn't usually cause issues) if he needs to. He tries to give them equal attention but he can't help but be somewhat distant to them compared to his son. Sometimes he overcompensates and Mia takes full advantage of this--and Edgeworth knows it. All in all, he's somewhere in between a father to them and an uncle. Regardless of labels, he is very much part of their family.
Thank you so much for the question!
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realityandrebirth · 2 years
Summary: Nya convinces Morro to pose as his past self in the fight against the Hands of Time, even though by then, he would be dead.
Warnings: Violence.
Prompts: Time/Past.
Morrotober Day Twenty-Five
Morro would have been content to stow away in the enormous mech for as long as it took for the Hands of Time to go back to the present, but Nya dragged him out of their hiding place. "Come on!" she hissed. "We've got to go!"
He couldn't protest. Nya and Kai helped Wu climb out, Morro following a few steps behind. Outside the monastery's walls, they put distance between themselves and the Iron Doom as Acronix and Krux waged their attack on the Elemental Alliance of the past.
They huddled just outside the walls. "What are we going to do?" Kai whispered. "We can't change the past!"
"Why not?" said Morro. "The Hands of Time are doing plenty of that."
Wu mumbled something incoherent. Morro tried not to look at him.
"Yeah, and they're causing all sorts of problems!" Nya crossed her arms. "If we change anything here, it could change the future–our present–and make us not even exist anymore. How do we stop the Hands of Time without even showing our faces?"
Kai looked at Morro. "What?" Morro said with a glare. He glanced at Nya only to find that she was looking at him with the same enlightened expression, as if she realized something that could rewrite history in their favor. He didn't like it from either of them.
"The hell are you looking at?" Morro snapped.
"We're not from this time," Nya said, "but you are."
His stomach lurched. "I'm not," he said. "By the time the Serpentine War ended, I was already dead."
"Past Wu doesn't know that," Kai said. "Actually, when you first showed up as a ghost, he didn't know you were dead, either–maybe this would explain why!"
Morro took a step back and looked helplessly at the Wu of their time, who had fallen unconscious again and was no help. "So you want me to lie to him?" he said, his voice shaking. "Make him think I'm fine when actually I'm rotting alone in a cave?"
"I know it's asking a lot," Nya said, "but what else can we do? If we go, they won't recognize us, but they know the masters of fire and water are supposed to be other people. It has to be you."
"Fuck this," Morro said. "Maybe the timeline is better off ruined."
"Morro, please."
He already knew he had no other choice; the desperation in Nya's voice only confirms it. "Fine!" he shouted, and jumped into the air without giving them time to respond, the wind carrying him over the monastery walls.
He threw himself into the battle without making eye contact with anyone else. The Vermilion Warriors fell apart in the vortex he summoned. He forced the snakes away from each other, preventing them from reforming, and hoped the Elemental Alliance would realize what he was doing and follow his example.
Wu's cry felt like a knife in his gut.
Morro ignored him and slammed a tornado down into the next enemy. It took a moment before he realized it had been the last–there were no more Vermilion to fight, and nothing to distract from Wu running up to him, out of breath and his cheeks flushed.
"Morro," he said, his eyes wide. "You came back!"
"Temporarily," Morro snapped. He took a step away. "You have other problems to deal with."
Wu glanced up at the Iron Doom, which was eerily silent. "Morro, I–I didn't know if I'd ever see you again! I'm so glad you're alright, I–"
"Shut up!"
He flinched back. Morro gritted his teeth and turned away. "I'm not coming back," he said. "I left for a reason, and–and I'm only here now because I hate these idiots more than you. As soon as they're dealt with–"
Wu grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. Morro sputtered and pulled back. "Don't fucking touch me!"
"You should be older," Wu said.
Morro went stiff. He couldn't answer.
"When you left–" Wu's voice trembled. "You left so long ago, and–you hardly look older than a teenager. You should be nearly thirty."
"Who says I'm not?" Morro said, but there was no conviction in his voice.
Wu spoke almost too quietly to hear. "What happened to you?"
Anger erupted within him.
"You have no idea," he said. "You have no fucking idea! You have this fantasy that I–I left, and I found my own path, or whatever the hell you think, but I–" Morro clenched his fists. "–I've already been dead for a decade!"
He couldn't look at the horror on Wu's face. Morro turned away. "You never came looking for me," he spat. "At least, you never found me. My body still lies where I died, alone, cursing you with my last breath."
It was a lie, chosen because he knew it would hurt. Alone in the cave, struggling to breathe poisonous air, Morro begged for Master Wu to save him. He pleaded with the visions dancing in front of his eyes–I was wrong, Master, I'm sorry, Master, I want to come home, Master, please–
The machine grabbed him by the waist and flipped him upside down in the air. He shrieked, struggled–no use. The Iron Doom brought him up to its head, and with a flick of its wrist, threw him out over the side of the mountain. As he fell, he saw it disappear through a portal like the one that had brought them there, traveling to another time.
Stupid, Morro thought, covering his face and sobbing into his hands. Stupid, stupid. He could control the wind, why didn't he tell it to carry him? Why didn't he tell it to save him? He was going to hit the ground and die, again, and this time the future died with him.
He crashed into Nya's arms.
"Hey," she said, sitting up between her and Kai on the dragon. "Stop wailing, you're embarrassing yourself."
"I don't care!" Morro shouted. "I failed! We all failed!"
"It's okay," Nya said. She held up the Reversal Blade, already crackling with power. "We all get a second chance."
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polaroidcats · 9 months
Dearest Cat, I feel I have missed an important part of the geoseeker canon lore 😔 can you please enlighten me why Reg is now a horse? A very fine horse of course, and so perfect for Bat!!! She's so lucky you make such lovely collages for them to decorate the walls of their future home ❤
Ahhh I am so glad you asked this very important question, and as the official spokesperson for @plecotusauritus's relationship I AM the most qualified to answer this.
So we have all heard the rumor that the marauders were the youngest people in history to achieve becoming animagi, right? And then the other rumor that Reggie was actually even younger? Well the first one is true, the second one isn't but in classic younger sibling fashion, he still tried and tried so hard to become an animagus, and when he eventually succeeded he may not have been the youngest animagus in history but he was the first horse in the slytherin dormitory, so that's at least something. And once you've joined the horseboy Reggie agenda, you will never be able to see him as any other animal, here are just a few reasons why he is obviously a horse:
"The horse, a prey animal, depends on flight as its primary means of survival. As humans, we need to understand their natural flightiness in order to fully understand horses." Reggie is constantly in flight mode, you can't deny it.
"Horses are one of the most perceptive of all domestic animals. Since they are a prey species, they must be able to detect predators. A stimulus unnoticed by humans is often cause for alarm for horses." Reggie successfully identified the predators and decided to willingly join them.
"The horse has a very fast response time." Reggie was a seeker, his horse instincts really came in useful for that.
"Horses can be desensitized from frightening stimuli. They need to learn quickly what is harmful (e.g., lion, cougar, etc.) and what is harmless (e.g., tumbleweeds, birds, a discolored rock, etc.), so they do not spend their whole lives running away." This is purely speculative but the first time Reggie heard about fascist deatheaters wanting to kill people they didn't deem worthy of life he might've still been frightened by those ideas, but his horse nature helped him become desensitized to their bullshit.
"Horses forgive, but do not forget. They especially remember bad situations!" This just seems very slytherin of Reggie.
"Horses categorize most experiences in one of two ways: a) something not to fear, so ignore or explore it, and b) something to fear, so flee." Reggie did the best he could by not fearing Voldy and exploring all he had to offer while ignoring the part where he hated house elves, and then starting to fear him and fleeing when the cognitive dissonance got to big.
"Horses are easily dominated." Yeah out of respect to bat I will not go into detail but I'm sure you can fill in the gaps. I do however feel the need to assure you that when bat and Reggie finally consummate their marriage they will be in their human forms.
"Horses exert dominance by controlling the movement of their peers." Yeah I'm sure Reggie has never used imperio in his life...
"The body language of a horse is unique to the equine species." We all know Reggie loves to nudge people with his face, which his typical horse behaviour.
"The horse is a precocial species, meaning that the newborn foals are neurologically mature at birth." Reggie was so smart, and mature even when he was just a tiny little baby!!!
So, in conclusion, there is no other option than for Reggie's animagus form to be a horse!!
(The text in italics is an actual list about horses I found via google that I just shortened, here's the link.)
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