#but horses are fkn illiterate
morimyth · 1 year
Local physically disabled person here, mesmerized by the inability of some folks to treat others like they would like to be treated in the disabled community. You can have as hard a life as there is, but there is no excuse to be telling people they're faking their disabilities, or sending them death threats and suicide bait, bc they disagreed with how you treat others and decided to say something.
The cognitive dissonance on top is they think others are talking about their disability, like anyone addressing this with them just wanted to leave them in the street to die, and that's just not true. It's the ableism and harassment that's the problem, and no matter who brings it up, or how nicely they do so, dude is determined to misunderstand. Every person saying "valid but I draw the line at harassment" whether they mean well or not gets blasted bc this guy wants to instead assume they're either faking their disability to make a point, or that they're hated for needing a wheelchair. Nah bro, it's cuz you're being an asshole that folks are pissed at you rn, not bc you're physically disabled. Kudos for making yourself blue in the face, determined to fill your veins entirely with salt I guess? Good job sticking it to the man? Idk. You do you.
Anyway, some people are so determined to die on the hill of "I am angry and misunderstood" that they will fully reject the reality in front of them, and then twist it around to fuel their own bad faith confirmation biases. Ableism will fuck you up. It's such a deep-seeded problem that when that shit gets you, all the flags end up being a visual sea of red, regardless of their actual color. It will have you feeling oppressed so hard that you'll start being ableist blindly to everyone that has a higher score on the fate lottery than you do, just for looking at you wrong. It'll mess you up so hard that anyone that disagrees with you, about anything, becomes an oppressor.
Good luck learning and growing out of the corner of that box you painted yourself into, bestie. Sorry in advance if it's dark in there. Finding the light again is always a process, but sincerely, I wish you luck.
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