#but dont provide much new information at all;;;;;
willlmesh · 11 months
go Double give us nothing !!!
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dirtcube · 1 year
Minecraft Wiki is independent again!!
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Yahoo!!! No more FANDOM wiki!!! Find the new minecraft wiki at minecraft.wiki!!
I thought it would be good to make a little PSA post with summarised information on why they moved from FANDOM!
Why did they move?
FANDOM is notoriously a bad wiki for both readers and editors alike. This is due to the insane amount of ads, the site layout, the lag, the fact that FANDOM can just take your wiki from you, etc has made the minecraft wiki decide to move
Because of the lack of agency the minecraft wiki has over its own wiki, they had a long discussion and vote with the community on what wiki platform to move towards. You can view both discussions here and here
By moving to a more independent wiki, they can provide a much better and friendlier service.
What's improved with the new wiki?
New site look, lacking the ugly FANDOM yellow sidebar and removing all other unnecessary bloat! This also includes a dark mode option and other custom settings.
Faster load times! I have incredibly good internet, and even I notice the STARK difference between the load times of FANDOM and the official wiki!
Less ads! At the moment they have no ads, but they do intend to have at least one. The placement of which will be discussed with the community to ensure minimal disruption to the user.
Better search functionality! FANDOM's search is notoriously bad at giving you the answers you need. Now they can have a more robust search function that more accurately brings users to what they are looking for.
No age popups- Unlike FANDOM this wiki does not need to know if you're a child or adult.
Anonymous editing has returned! Users can now once again anonymously contribute to the site!
FANDOM refuses to close old wiki's that have moved away, and so they will continue to show up in search domains. The old domains such as minecraft.gamepedia.com and minecraftwiki.net are also permanently attached to the FANDOM wiki.
In order to help the new wiki be successful, you can help out in the following way:
Spread the word!
Don't interact with FANDOM links. The less people interact with FANDOM, the more google knows that people are looking for the official wiki and not the FANDOM one!
Dont use the old links, again for the same reason as above!
And of course, improve the wiki :D! Since you don't need an account to make edits, see what you can contribute!
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
can i req love and deepspace boys gossiping to us or us gossiping to them, I wanna hear whatever juicy gossip you got lol I hope this isn't to much lmao
LMAOO i read this request as you want the gossip that I personally have which i do have tons of i LOVE gossiping its so bad my prev manager had to do a callout on the staff bc we all gossiped way too much but like. if you dont want us to gossip about you maybe dont be married SEVEN times??? /lh ofc idgaf
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Zayne isn't much for gossip. He doesn't mind listening to you if you've got something to say but he doesn't ever seek out tea unfortunately. You know there just has to be some juicy gossip at the hospital - and you're not even talking about the patients you tell him whenever he talks to you about medical confidentiality - but he refuses to indulge you.
However, that doesn't mean he's safe from it at work. The other staff get bored and things get messy sometimes! He ends up passively absorbing gossip through the others, coming home and giving it to you in small doses.
You can't believe that he's gossiping - even if it's more like he tells you something then goes to do something else because as far as he's concerned he doesn't really know anything else about the situation so he can't answer your questions. That doesn't stop you from theorising with him, asking him what he thinks is more likely as you run through a bunch of theories.
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Xavier doesn't gossip actively with you but if you start pointing things out to him he starts paying more attention. If you mention something seems suspicious the next time he's near that person he'll gently pry information out of them, providing you with the answers that you so desperately crave.
He doesn't mind it at all when you tell him the gossip that you've collected. He'll respond with the information he's pulled, you very happily taking in all of it. He just likes the fact that it makes you happy - and the fact that he doesn't have to learn a bunch of new people's names since most of the gossiping you do is about people from work.
He finds himself looking at everybody with a different perspective, especially if he's learned something especially salacious about them. He won't make it obvious that he knows something so nobody would even know it's happening, but he definitely has his thoughts on certain things.
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Rafayel LOVES gossip. He LIVES for it. You don't even have to say anything for him to be calling you over because he heard something SO slimy while he was at a show today.
He gets bored of the regular scandals - cheating spouses, hidden assets - he loves hearing the messier things and getting details if he can. He's very good at pulling information out of people so he also secretly gets all the tea so he can come home and give it all to you.
If you have tea then he wants to hear everything about it. He doesn't care if he doesn't know these people and never will - he wants you to pull out photos and give him real names. He will also ask about how things develop if it's an ongoing story. The only time his memory works well is if it's something about you, or some new gossip you've given him.
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if it’s not too much trouble, could you share a bit about how to better support closeted/ just-cracked trans women?
Okay this is going to be a fairly long response, be warned. Its also based off personal experience (or lack of positive experience) from how I'm treated irl. also its 4 am some of this may be less coherent than I want but whatever.
The basics: name & pronouns. Ask who its safe to use these in front of!!! Dont out someone to their parents or partner or boss!! Otherwise use these as much as possible. Avoid deadnames and dead-pronouns as much as possible too - I am fine with being they/themed over he/him and prefer a nameless "later, nerd" to "bye, deadname". sometimes its unavoidable but many times its not. this is 101 stuff but I see lots of people forget it.
Going out and about: GO. WITH. HER. A LOT. She fucking needs it. Go clothes shopping together and teach her how to pick out good clothes/outfits and how to at least begin to decipher the mess that is sizing. Find her a "spinny skirt" (pleated mini skirt or skater skirt, forgot the exact one but anything similar to those) if she really wants one, I dont care how cringe you find the memes this is more important than Reddit Bad jokes. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO, TAKE HER TO THE WOMENS WASHROOM WITH YOU. yknow how girls go to the bathroom in groups for safety? yeah trans women need triple that safety and nobody provides it like ever, even other trans women. change that and be that safety. also, if youre like ordering food or at the cashier, always use the correct pronouns even if misgendering happens. if she gets a "what would you like sir" from the waiter, you are going to say something like "she would like a cheeseburger with fries and a fountain drink". this will save her ass from a lot of awkward correcting.
transitioning & hrt: if she needs a space to wear femme clothes safely, invite her over or go out together. try to avoid places where people she's not out to frequently go. for hrt, if you already accessed it HELP HER AS WELL. the amount of people who are like one step removed from pulling the ladder up behind them with regards to hrt is insane. so much "fuck you got mine" attitude in this community. anyways, DESCRIBE THE PROCESS YOU WENT THROUGH, STEP BY STEP. mention specific doctors, clinics, etc. if you do diy, mention the provider, what to look for on blood work, how to take it (injection, gel, etc) and send relevant articles/pages, about each part, not just the hrt wiki home page. if you have a prescription, mention ANY AND ALL procedures you went through to get hrt. psychologist? readiness assessment? any other screening process? DESCRIBE IN DETAIL WHAT YOU WERE ASKED AND HOW YOU ANSWERED. this can literally be a life saving thing. treat that information like the death star plans and she is the rebellion. precise motherfucking details. similar thing for any surgeries like ffs, tracheal shave, various types of bottom surgery. if you and her are going through different systems (say, you got it under 18 as a youth and she's 22 and no longer qualifies for that, or she wants diy while you have a prescription) then look up third party anecdotes as well. reddit is great for this as they often have city specific trans subreddits which lets you look at local doctors/clinics/providers & shipping. if she gets hit with dysphoria, "you are valid" CAN help new girls but as a half closeted girl for the past three years, I know I'm valid already thank you very much. dysphoria is different to each person, just be there to comfort her, help distract if nothing else. Teach her to shave if she wants, offer to do her makeup if you know how (some tutorials are made by and for trans women btw! check those out if you can). if she wants to order things online, anything from a flag to a dress to diy hrt, but can't for fear of outing, OFFER TO BE THE RECEIVING ADDRESS AND PASS IT ON IN PERSON. you can also try setting up a PO box away from home. covering some costs can potentially help lower suspicion but only do this of you have the money. in general just be a safe & informative helpful person who is willing to stand by her side.
Other general tips:
- if you are transfem yourself you will know and experience many of these things. do not withhold information like others do. did you have another trans person in your own life who helped you out when you first cracked? if yes, now its your turn. if no, then dont let her lose out on that too. actually support your sisters for once.
- if you are having sex, she may want to be submissive and/or bottom more as these are often "forbidden" when youre male. if thats compatible with you then try to accommodate that, and throw in some gender affirming stuff like a "good girl". praise kink often works well here, but always ask first. teach her how to bottom if she wants. AFTERCARE holy shit aftercare. yeah that should also be at least skmewhat gender affirming. dont skip out.
- the self doubt spiral: "you are valid" are the three words that get way more use than they really should. "valid" is so vague that its near useless. if you can, find the specific root (e.g. "I feel like a pervert cuz I get euphoria boners when I wear a sexy dress") and respond with counter examples that tell her she belongs, she is a woman, e.g. "youre not a pervert, plenty of cis women feel similar and enjoy dressing sexy as well". this is mainly for self doubt not other types of dyphoria.
- she will probably be really fucking depressed and possibly even suicidal at some point. usually close to egg crack or after a shitty experience. personally, I have a lot of passive suicidal thoughts where I dont wnat to make any attempts but wouldn't mind if I vanished, if it weren't for a few things. try to be there as a rock in the stream for her to hold onto during depression. it is fucking rough and in the words of bill withers, we all need somebody to lean on. eventually we will all stand tall together.
I am sure there's more but I think I covered most of the points I wanna make.
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christnarr · 24 days
victor madness combat masterpost
everything we know about victor, a co-op exclusive project nexus character
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theres a lot of things people dont know about them!! like their connection with the maker, how they interact with the audience, etc. however this information is intentionally kept obscure for narrative reasons (ill explain later) so its understandable if you didnt know about this
full post under the cut since its long ==v
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the first appearance of victor was on the official burger gils website, under the "updates" section
the first news update, #207, says that rich (a character we see in "power play") is no longer the employee of the month, thus giving the title to victor.
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the next prominent update is #209, which states victor has mysteriously gone missing and gil is setting up a hotline for their return.
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judging by the next and final update alluding to the fall of nexus city, and that they can "finally open their doors" due to health inspectors being inoperable, we can assume victor went missing beforehand since the restaurant was functioning at the time of the hotline being released.
the reason for their disappearance is still unknown, but that can lead us into the next and more important section:
victor, by the laws of the universe, is not meant to exist in nevada. they are an anomaly.
similarly to the maker, they are likely trying to avoid being spotted by the machine or some other "indestructible nightmare".
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we learned in a stream that the maker talks to victor, and won't allow their "story" to be told.
"maybe vic, but his story can't be told. the maker won't allow it. that's why the maker talks to vic all the time. he'll never get near the plot."
victor stays as far away from the narrative as possible, choosing to hide as a co-op exclusive character for MPN. krinkels always emphasizes that there's a meta reason for this. even in things like little doodles, victor seems to want to hide from the public eye.
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victor reappeared after the city fell, and was found and taken into sq. there is a reason doc wanted victor to join sq, and that doc knows of their importance. however, krinkels wants to keep this part of the story untold too.
not much comments here since ill leave these up to interpretation. heres some dialogue + other things from them that show their personality.
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thanks to CondescendingChaos48s self eater dialogue video for providing these :D - mpn devchat clip of wallium doing a victor voice impression - burger gil plushie ad, which victor appears in
-this screenshot
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-victor may be the youngest of the main cast
-the burger gil arg, which victor briefly appears in (their involvement is described in the first section)
and thats all! do what you want with this info, i just want to shed light on stuff about victor that isnt as well known
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jkslipppiercing · 1 year
Bumblebee 01 | jjk
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• summary: Jeon Jungkook was your high school bully. What are you gonna do when your parents are forcing you to marry him as the country's most well-known CEO?
• pairing: ceo!jk x reader, high school bully!jk (more to come in upcoming chapters cuz i dont wanna spoil anything.)
• genre: enemies to lovers, slowburn, high school bully to lover, arranged marriage, CEO/billionare romance, marriage of convenience.
• warnings: cursing. choking. tiny fluff. baby angst.
• WC: 3.5k
• a/n: make sure to read the teaser so everything makes sense ♡ please dont hesitate to send me an ask and tell me what you think! happy reading <3
taglist form (please fill in the form if you want to be added to my taglist ♡)
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"Y/N! Can you fucking stop for a minute?" Jungkook yelled after you as you stomp away from the ballroom, where the company event was advancing.
Well, long story short, you made a scene at the event earlier that evening. You were so exasperated about your parents planning something behind your back, and making your decisions on your behalf, that you just- ran. You ran away. You couldn't take it anymore, too many people, too many noises, too many things happening all at once.
You were practically suffocating. So taken aback by the sudden new piece of information, that your breath caught in your throat. Speaking of which...
As you resume your stomping, you realize that the steps that have been following you for the past 15 minutes suddenly stop. You halt, just when you hear Jungkook pant; "Can we talk? Please?"
He takes a few steps toward you, his long strides causing him to end up just a few inches behind you. He's close enough, you can sense his presence as he places his hand on your waist. "How do your tiny legs move so goddamn fast?" He chuckles, the breathy action rising goosebumps on your neck.
Snap out of it, Y/N!
You turn around, and when your eyes meet his galaxy ones, you just about take in your surroundings.
You walked away far enough into a quiet neighborhood. The type where there are a few townhouses lined up on either side of the street. The type where flickering stoplights provide dim- somewhat romantic- lighting. But this isn't romantic for you, not in the least. This is Jungkook you’re talking about.
You take a deep breath as you struggle to find your voice. "First of all, Jeon, my legs aren't tiny." okay...that was weak as hell...goddamnit.
Your face blushes a deep shade of crimson when you realize how weak of a comeback that was. Almost 1st grade shit.
Your eyebrows scrunch in irritation after Jungkook places his hand on your waist yet again, forcing you closer to him. "Oh, yeah?" You almost stumble in the process, causing him to smirk in response, "They look pretty tiny to me, bumblebee."
You push him away as you try to distance yourself from him. "Don't fucking call me that." You seethe, he laughs. The movement of his lips catches you off guard. It sounds so graceful that you let yourself get lost in the moment- in Jungkook; his chocolate eyes that hold as much as the galaxy holds in terms of beauty. His lips, the little arch of a bow on the top lip resting on top of the fuller, lower one. The slope of his nose, the messy ruffle of his hair, he's just so...ethereal.
Your eyes soften as you take his beauty in, and your lips lift in a small adoring smile. Suddenly, the world melts away as you truly take the time to bask in his beauty. You can't help it- you were never able to control your facial expressions. One look at the man before you, and all your troubles disappear- as if they were never there- as soon as your eyes rest on his magnificent features. Features that could have very possibly been sculpted by the gods and gifted by the heavens themselves.
Now, Jungkook is the one that's caught off guard. "What?" He blushes. He fucking blushes. A light rosy pink kisses his cheeks just when his eyes grow double the size. You could've never imagined a more adorable sight than this. This whole scene is unbelievable. So unbelievable that you want to forget how mad you were at jungkook, and that you had to marry him in- oh my god! How the hell could you forget?!
"There's no way in hell I'm marrying you." You rush out.
All traces of the earlier blush on Jungkook's cheeks vanish as his face contorts to form a frown. "Fucking hell." He scoffs. "You've become even more annoying than ever, huh?" He glares at you in disbelief.
You return the glare with utmost disgust as you sneer; "Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook. I hate you." The words roll off your tongue tasting bitter. They've always said that the truth tastes bitter though...right?
"Likewise." He answers.
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"Y/N, can I come in?" Your mother's muffled voice resounds behind your closed bedroom door.
"Ugh. I feel like shit." You mumble as you slip further under the sheets of the bed, nevertheless shouting a response, "What is it, Mom?"
You've been locked in your room for the whole day, refusing to interact with your family, and avoiding all three of them.
Turns out, your brother, Mingyu, knew about it all along. He was all up for you marrying Jungkook, considering Jungkook was incredibly popular back in the high school days, and even more so now. He claims that not only will you gain even more clout as a CEO's daughter, but you'll also become a billionaire's wife. "All your needs will be fulfilled", "Your parents know best", "Jungkook will treat you right"...a bunch of crap, and you're having none of it.
"Y/N. This behavior is unacceptable coming from a girl of such high responsibility." Your mother starts. "What will you do all day?! Sit in this crappy room and do nothing? Not on my watch, young lady. You have a whole lot of planning to do, and I'm having none of this crap." She finishes off with her hands on her hips as she frowns down at your slumped figure, your head resting against the headboard.
"You think it's fair of you to treat me like this when you were planning to marry me off to somebody without my consent?" You frown. You had a point, nobody can deny. In this society, arranged marriages resembled ancient relics from an outdated history. No one did that anymore, nor were they interested in the concept. Consent, people. Consent.
"Y/N, I don't think you quite understand the position we were in. Some things happened that you...still don't know of." Excuse you? There's more? "I want you to hear me out until I finish what I have to say. Please be patient." Well, there goes your heartbeat at 150 per minute. You probably need to go to a cardiologist.
"First off, based off of the analytics of HG enterprise- marketing, sales, and publicity- the analysts estimated about a year before the company goes bankrupt." Woah. That was not what you were expecting your mother to say. Your dad had always boasted about how successful HG was, so where is all of this coming from?
"But why? I thought it was doing fine?" Your confusion is beyond eminent on your features at this point, the earlier irritation long gone, and reciprocated with intrigue. Your mother takes a deep breath before she continues; "Unfortunately, there came a time when no agencies would accept any collaboration with us, claiming our concept to be too cliché or overused." She purses her lips.
HG: Heterogeneity; the quality or state of being diverse in character or content. At first, HG Enterprise was well-accepted into the industry for its wide diversity of lingerie. Generally, many women often complained about not finding the right size of lingerie, or not being satisfied with the designs as they were always too bland or too wild. Although, with HG Enterprise being an open-ended brand with various options to choose from, there was never an issue, which is why this issue is hard to digest.
"After the company did well based on the concept for the past years, modeling agencies only now started showing dissatisfaction regarding collaborations. To this day, the conflict seems rather peculiar as it doesn't seem logical, but nothing makes sense in the fashion/business industry, as they say."
"As much as this breaks my heart to hear, where does the part where you all lied to me come into play?" Your dad loved the company, so of course, you're not going to be happy hearing about the business going downhill.
You're about to question your Mom again, but she speaks, "Just when your dad was considering selling the company off to someone and retiring-", You interrupt, "Wait, what? Selling it?" Your eyes bulge. Your dad loved the company with all his heart, considering he built it all from scratch and had no base to start with. He did it all on his own, so giving it up must be hard for him.
"Let me talk, young lady." Your mother shushes you as she resumes her explanation. "Out of all the things your dad expected to happen, it wasn't Jeon Jungkook contacting him himself, suggesting an offer when HG was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy."
Your eyebrows almost shoot to your hairline. "Your father contacted him back, requesting a meeting, and he immediately agreed. When they met up, Mr. Jeon's offer was quite generous...and surprising." Your mother tries to hide a smile as you straighten further and wait quietly for her to drop the bomb, resembling a five-year-old with big eager eyes.
"Mr. Jeon offered a merger." Oh.
"What? Why would he want a merger? How would it benefit his agency?" Now you're even more confused.
"He claims that the merger would be of major success. He wants to bring back the 'diversity in people and lingerie' by advertising models of all different races, sizes, and beauty, from his agency, wearing all different designs of lingerie from HG. He mentioned it would benefit both ends and would indulge the concept of diversity even more nowadays, as he says that our society is in dire need of such a message." You bite back a smile. Way to go Mr. Jeon. That's clever as hell.
"While your dad was all up for the idea, saying it would sweep HG back to its feet and give it a greater push than ever, there was a catch." She hesitates. "They just keep on coming, huh?" You scoff.
Your mother waves you off, "Your dad is getting old Y/N. He's forgetting things, he lacks his previous abilities, and he's slacking in this field of work. After 50 years of working his ass off, as much as he hates to admit it, he knows he needs to quit and pass everything on to you."
Your eyes bulge for the 100th time, "Me? Why me? What about Mingyu?"
"Oh, honey, Mingyu is still young. He's only twenty-two and he still doesn't understand the meaning of responsibility. He's still got a long way to go, but you're already mature enough to handle things on your own." Her eyes soften, glistening as her own words seem to get her emotional.
"Oh, Mom...c'mere." You pull your mom in for a hug while both of you are sitting on the bed and rub her back gently.
She pulls away with a deep breath and continues. "For the merger to happen, we need a reason for it, and that reason is your marriage to Jungkook. Does it all click, now?" She waits for you expectedly.
"Yes, but I still need time to process everything. I can't digest the fact that i have to marry Mr. Jeon out of all people-" You realize your slip up a bit too late.
"Why? What's so horrible about Mr. Jeon?", she squints her eyes suspiciously at you. "He seems like a wonderful person. Quite humble for a person in his rank." She nods approvingly at the statement.
Oh, Mom, how I wish you knew. Your mom never knew about Jungkook bullying you in high school, so she suspects nothing. Innocent, oblivious soul. Jungkook is the cockiest bastard alive. Too much of an asshole for his own good.
You laugh awkwardly, "He...um...yeah, he's not that bad. What I meant was I couldn't possibly marry a stranger, you know?" Will she take the bait? "Oh! Well, that's why you have about six months to get to know him better!" She beams. Thank god.
“But, Mom…There’s still one thing that I don’t understand.” Your eyebrows knot in thought. Your mother nods in silent demand for you to go on. “Is Mr. Jeon okay with marrying me?” Your mother smiles. “Why don’t you ask him that yourself?”
"Put something revealing on. Mr. Jeon is coming for dinner in about...thirty minutes."
Thirty minutes?!
"What?! Why didn't you tell me before?! No way in hell I'm getting ready that fast. You all go ahead and enjoy dinner." You purse your lips sassily as you turn around in your bed and cover your head with the sheets.
"Y/L/N Y/N, if you don't get up in 3..." You're a twenty-six-year-old woman, why is she treating you like a child? "2..." The warning tone alarms you, so you straighten quickly enough it would've given you whiplash. You knew your Mom well enough not to disobey her. She was a goddamn psychopath. "I'm up!" You spring out of your bed and into the bathroom, hearing the faint sound of your Mom chuckling as she exits the room. She leaves you be, and that's when you realize...Jungkook is coming here in thirty minutes.
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Ding Dong!
The chime of the bell has butterflies raging in your stomach. He’s here.
You finish touching up your makeup and fix your dress into place, then head for the stairs. You were never one to dress to impress, but you just couldn’t pass out on an opportunity to show Jungkook that the fragile and frail bumblebee he used to bully in high school is long gone. There stands a queen bee in its stead.
Your outfit consists of a plain pastel green dress that was simple, yet elegant. It makes your eyes pop and magnificently highlights your facial features. It accentuates your curves in such a way that would’ve had sixteen-year-old-you blushing. It makes you feel powerful- at least, powerful enough to face the man downstairs.
Your heels announce your arrival as you descend the stairs, making your way down to the dining room. Jungkook comes into view as you descend the last two steps, and when you reach the end of the staircase, you’re planted directly in front of him.
Freshly shaven, suit-clad Jungkook meets your eyes as he seems to marvel at your beauty. He looks star-struck, in a way. Like your magnificence might stab at his heart if he looked at you longer than intended.
He’s wearing his signature all-black suit and chunky boots, which add a sprinkle of Jungkook’s personality to make it look like his. His hair isn’t in the usual messy ruffle it’s always in, but this time, he slicked it back to expose his forehead.
“Hey.” Your voice surprises you with its breathiness.
Get a grip, Y/N! Shut up.
“Yeah, um, hi.” Jungkook stutters. Is he flustered? You really can’t tell.
“You clean up pretty nice, Mr. Jeon.” You bite back a smile. He really does.
“I know.” You roll your eyes. He’s such an ass.
“I was literally trying to be nice for once.” You scowl. “I take it back, you’re, like, the biggest eyesore I’ve set my eyes on in a long while.” You smirk in achievement as a silver of Jungkook’s irritation shines through his poor attempt of a poker face.
Just as you notice Jungkook open his mouth to respond, your Mom’s voice cuts through the silence. “Come on, lovebirds! There’s enough time for chit-chat after we eat dinner!"
"Shall we?" Jungkook offers his hand in invitation, so you lock it with yours as you head toward the dining room. As you go to take a seat beside your brother, he surprises you by saying; "Y/N, I believe it is only eligible for you to dine beside your future husband." Oh, how much you'd love to smack that grin off his stupid face. "Right." You say awkwardly.
As you round the table to sit beside Jungkook, he hurries out of his seat to pull the chair out for you to settle in. You slowly and thankfully thank him as you take a seat. In conclusion, the whole thing feels super awkward.
You were now sitting opposite your brother, with Jungkook beside you and your Mom facing him. Your dad sits at the head of the table.
Jungkook is the first to shatter the deafening silence, “I’d like to start this gracious evening by thanking Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N for taking the time to invite me to this dinner.” He smiles politely.
Something you’ve noticed recently is that Jungkook acts like a robot when he’s around your parents. His movements are automatic, and his eyes lack the usual mischievous glint they possess whenever you’re with him. It’s weird, almost like he’s trying his best to not mess up, or maybe it’s because he actually wants to be a part of this family.
Jungkook was raised by his dad after he accidentally got a model knocked up. The model- now Jungkook’s Mom- was working at his dad’s agency at the time, and had slept with him for money. This, of course, is heartbreaking to hear, as he seems to treat your Mom like his own; always bowing down to her purely out of respect, speaking to her extra formally, seeming as though he thinks he’ll mess up if he didn’t. The thought alone makes you tear up.
“Of course, darling, it’s always a pleasure. You can count on us, we’ll always be here for you- whether you like it or not, young man, you’re stuck with us!” Your mother’s words have you all chuckling as the dinner resumes.
Your Mom’s care towards Jungkook is eminent as she places extra food on his plate, shushing him when he complains about being full, and urging him to eat more. You feel pity toward the man as your mom can be quite a stubborn woman, so you stand up and look at Jungkook, “Mr. Jeon-“ Jungkook interrupts you. “Please, just call me Jungkook.” “Okay, Jungkook, will you come fetch the salt with me from the kitchen?” You wait expectedly.
Jungkook looks confused but agrees nonetheless. As he gets up and you both make your exit from the dining room, your brother takes the salt shaker off of the table and hides it in the chair next to him when your parents' eyes are on you, so no one notices. “But we have the salt right-“ Your Mother goes to reach for the salt, only for her eyes to fall on an empty space on the table. “Here. Oh, I thought I put it right there. I guess I forgot.”
“Don’t worry, Mom. They’ll take care of it.” Mingyu smiles to himself.
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“I thought you wanted to get the salt?” Jungkook looks at you with big doe eyes and a pouty mouth as you make your way to the porch located outside the kitchen.
“I just saved your ass, I deserve a ‘thank you’.” You snicker. The chilly breeze of the summer night cools you down. You can finally breathe.
“Well, thank you.” Jungkook says as he comes up beside you. You hum in return. “Now that we’re alone, I think we should use the time to properly talk. You know…the merger, the marriage, you moving in…” What? No way in hell. Not happening.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. No. I’m not doing this.” You turn around to leave, but Jungkook’s hand stops you. Just like two nights ago, his hand circles around your waist and pulls you to him. The position has your black flush against his chest as you face the door. “Stop fucking running away from me every time.” His head dips into the crook of your neck as his husky voice reaches your ears. He breathes in your scent, his nose nudging against your skin. You should push him away, but he feels like heaven. You close your eyes in appreciation for the contrast of sensations you’re experiencing right now; the cold air kisses your cheeks, but Jungkook’s body warmth has you feeling hot. Your head swirls in the moment, unable to think correctly. You’re incapable of anything at this point.
“What makes you think you’re in a position to order me around?” You say in an implicit challenge. You’re provoking him, you know that. You simply want to push his buttons and see where his limits lie, only because you always knew how much of a sucker Jungkook was for a good challenge. His hand rests on your waist as the other snakes up your body, finally resting on your neck. You take a deep breath when you feel him do so. “Don’t tempt me, sweetheart. I just want to talk.” He says lowly. You hum out a response, and as soon as you do so, his hand tightens, barely cutting off your air supply. He loosens his hold on your neck after a couple of seconds, his voice sounding behind you as it sends chills down your spine. “Use your words, Y/N.” You can practically hear the challenge in his tone just as you could’ve done in yours. You take a deep breath before uttering a quiet “Okay.” In contrast to your thundering heartbeat. Your feelings are raging, and there’s a wet pool of arousal between your legs in dire need to be taken care of. If Jungkook could turn you on this much without having to be inside you, he was a massive step up from all the other men you’ve been with.
Jungkook steps away from you slowly but surely, and you turn around just in time to see him smirk in triumph. You scoff in return.
This is about to be a long conversation.
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bumblesimagines · 3 months
Under The Moonlight
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Part 16
Request: Yes or No
Summary: Seven years have passed since (Y/N) and the crew arrived to Constantinople. They've settled in since then, but life has not been easy for them.
CW/TW: Violence, war, religion bashing, vikings being vikings, period era situationships lmao, angst?, hurt emotionally and physically but barely any comfort, red flags? dont know her, (y/n) im begging you there's better fish in the sea
If you're new here and wondering where this came from, you can check out part one here and the masterlist here!
Seven years had passed since Emperor Romanos offered his sincere gratitude for ensuring the safe passage of his new wife, Eleana who they now were to call Empress Zoe. His gratitude reared its head through riches, rewards, and a place amongst his people, as well as a place amongst his army of men trained to kill and conquer the land of the empire's enemies. Constantinople was home now, even if temporarily.
They'd all settled in, although it'd taken time to grow accustomed to the vastly different culture and language. It'd been a difficult feat for (Y/N), his longing for his real home never dissipating amidst the heat and flourishing city. He missed his settlement in Greenland, his old friends, dearly missed his beloved mother who'd no doubt presumed him dead when he and his siblings hadn't returned home from their voyage. He longed for the cold and snow, the sound of the wind howling at night. 
Leif and Harald, ever the adaptable ones, slotted in perfectly with their surroundings.
Harald climbed the ranks with ease, finding himself a stranger no more to Emperor Romanos as his personal bodyguard and newfound general of his own army: the Varangians, an army full of Vikings and mercenaries in need of a home and money. It'd been expected from a Viking prince to slither his way up and coil around such an important role. He ensured the crew joined his army, and took part in the fighting and rewards. But it was never enough for Harald, no matter how many riches he acquired through the years. Nothing was ever enough for him.
Leif took to Mariam's old home and called it his own, his newfound thirst for knowledge only growing after he read through all her books and eventually began seeking it out in places called 'libraries'; rooms of knowledge, he explained. Each time they traveled to fight another war for Emperor Romanos, he sought out the writings and maps of those places, learning new information from ancient and modern times. The sciences of the world around them enthralled him, captivated him into an obsession. (Y/N) preferred it, though. He preferred his brother's eagerness over watching Leif lose himself in grief again. 
As much as (Y/N) found himself feeling out of place, fighting for the Byzantine Empire and calling Constantinople had given him much to do; and provided him with chances to see places he never would've dreamt of seeing. Such as the place they'd traveled to now, to defeat the Saracens at the urging of General Maniakes in Sicily. They'd been fighting for six months in what felt like an endless siege, and Emperor Romanos had begun growing antsy. 
(Y/N) squinted through the darkness as he walked through the tunnels they'd been digging for the past few weeks, a lantern tightly gripped in one hand and held before him. His eyes slowly grew accustomed to the darkness around him, allowing him to better see the crevices in the dirt walls around him. Short wooden beams and planks held the dirt in place, preventing it from crumpling and trapping those within. All a part of Leif's plan, as always. 
"How are we doing, Kaysan?" (Y/N) called out once the man came into view, flashing him a smile and being rewarded with a large one in return. Kaysan chuckled and wiped his hands along his pants, the subtle stink of sulfur lingering in the air around them. Foul-smelling enough to bring tears to one's eyes, but Leif insisted it was needed for his plan to work. 
"Your brother is working on the last of the sulfur we need. He says once it is ready, we can set the plan in motion." Kaysan answered, taking a step back to admire the combined work of the last couple weeks. Bundles of sulfur had been pushed into holes expanding across the wall of dirt, ready to be lit by a flame that'd bring down the tunnel and subsequently the wall of the fortress just mere feet above them. "I must admit I had little faith in his plan at first. But seeing what this powder can do when a flame is close to it..." Kaysan shook his head lightly, a twinkle of admiration in his dark eyes. 
"It is hard to match up to such a creative thinker as Leif." (Y/N) chuckled, his steps slow as he walked along the wall and took in the wall before him. He'd always known his brother had been destined for great things, whether on land or sea. Leif had inherited the best parts of his parents. No longer the savage son of Erik the Red. No, that title had fallen on (Y/N)'s shoulders, and he accepted it. 
"Come now," Kaysan gave his shoulder a small playful push. "You hardly need to match up to him, (Y/N). You're a smart man, and a loyal one at that; and, from what I've heard, you're quite charismatic when you wish to be."
"Have you been gossiping with the others, Kay?" (Y/N) questioned with a teasing grin, casting a glance at the man over his shoulder. It hardly counted as gossip, he supposed. Things with Harald never lasted long, whether he pulled away first or Harald did, but they always returned to each other in a desperate clash. It was vexing and tiresome, and he'd made up his mind a long time ago to put his foot down when it came to the charming prince. 
Kaysan gave a light shrug. "It surprised us, is all." 
The thumping of footsteps, soft panting, and clinking of lanterns swaying filled the tunnel, and (Y/N) had heard the panting noise enough times to recognize who it belonged to. He made brief eye contact with Kaysan and turned, raising his lantern high and smiling at the sight of his brother, although it faltered slightly when Harald appeared behind him. 
"Keeping an eye on things?" Leif asked, his hand rubbing affectionately into (Y/N)'s shoulder when he passed him by. The two Vikings carried sacks slung over their shoulder, no doubt the last of the sulfur they needed to ensure the wall would completely collapse and allow them within. (Y/N) gave a silent nod, feeling Harald's eyes burning into the side of his skull.
"Future King of Norway," Kaysan greeted teasingly, patting Harald's arm and taking the sack from Harald so he could insert the last of it into the dirt walls around them. Harald chuckled breathlessly in return, tearing his eyes away from (Y/N) to study the dirt room. (Y/N) allowed himself to watch him, taking in the grime and blood covering his exposed biceps and face. He'd ridden off to battle once more, no doubt a failure as all the battles before. 
"As soon as we take this castle," Harald murmured, his hands coming to rest at his hips. (Y/N) swallowed, his gaze sliding away from the beautiful prince as bitterness settled in his stomach. Despite the years that'd passed, Harald's mind never changed on what he truly desired above all else: the throne of Norway, one occupied by the son of a man Harald once considered a close friend. 
"Is there really as much treasure inside as you say?" Kaysan asked, voice strained as he worked to shove the rolls of sulfur into the wall with Leif's help.
"Enough to fund all our dreams," Harald replied. 
(Y/N) hooked his lantern on one of the wooden posts and crouched down beside him, rolling up the dark blue sleeves of his tunic and revealing the ink along his right arm. The creature his mother would tell tales of back in his youth; a sea monster that resembled an octopus but grew to be as large as a warship named Kraken.
The head and body of the began around his bicep while the tentacles expanded and wrapped around his forearm, stopping around his wrist. He understood why so many others covered themselves with ink, whether writings or designs. The Kraken reminded him of his mother, of all the times he spent on a boat watching his brother and father hunt for narwhals and other sea beasts. 
Dipping his hand into the sack, he wrapped his fingers around one of the rolls and carefully lifted it before he pushed it into one of the holes in the wall. He rolled it side to side, scrapping and mushing dirt until the roll was securely in place. He mimicked the movements with a few more rolls, absentmindedly listening to the three men speak about the plan until he finished, his fingertips lightly dusted in the vibrant yellow powder. (Y/N) stood back up and turned, nearly barreling into Harald's chest plate. 
"Can we speak?" Harald asked softly, and (Y/N) felt his skin burn at the knowing glances cast in their direction from Kaysan and Leif. 
"We have little to speak about, Harald." (Y/N) told him, scooping his lantern back into his hand and making his way through the tunnel. Harald followed him because the man never took an answer he didn't want, and (Y/N) largely ignored him until they reached the entrance of the tunnel and stepped out into the blinding light of the late evening. 
"There's much to speak about, actually. Starting with the most important thing-"
"The throne?" (Y/N)'s features scrunched up, his spotty vision slowly adjusting to the daylight around them. He blinked a few times and his vision finally focused on the bustling camp around them. His gaze darted back to Harald's face, catching the grimace that passed over his features at his words before the general cleared his throat. 
"No, I do not... I don't wish to speak of the throne. I know how you feel about it. You know how I feel about it." Harald frowned, his lips nearly covered by his thick beard. He took the lanterns from his hands and hung them up by the entrance, a heavy sigh escaping him. "You've done well in Constantinople for many years. I've seen you flourish. You're not as guarded as you once were. If you can do well in a court like the Emperor's, you'd do even better in a Viking court amongst your own people." 
"Except it'd be your court with Christian jarls and Vikings who believe me worshipping a god that isn't theirs is a crime punishable by death. Your religion loves violently, Harald, as do its supporters. They'd condemn you for everything you've done with me." (Y/N) scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief and walking forward deeper into camp toward his tent. They'd had the conversation many times over the last few years, a neverending dance of push and pull trying to tire each other out into admitting defeat. But they were Vikings, and Vikings never gave up easily. 
(Y/N) stepped through the flaps of his tent and released a heavy sigh, his feet guiding him to the basin sat on the table filled with warm water. He dipped his hands inside, cleaning the dirt and sulfur off his fingers until the water turned murky. The tent flaps rustled with the arrival of someone else stepping into his tent and he peeked over his shoulders, half-expecting to see Harald but only seeing Dorn. She smiled at him, her hands and sleeves of her blue tunic steeped in dark red. He crinkled his nose. 
"Trust me," She sighed. "I know how it smells." 
"Come wash your hands, then." (Y/N) smiled, picking up a rag and drying his hands with it as she stepped up and eagerly rinsed her hands clean of pig's blood. Her eyes flickered up toward him a few times, her lips twisting and teeth digging lightly into them. He tilted his head at her and took a seat at the table, reaching out to pluck a grape from the bowl in the center. "What is it, Dorn?" 
"Batu and I were speaking the other day, and the topic of you and Harald came up." She began softly, thumb roughly rubbing into the skin of her palm until the streak of blood disappeared. Dorn raised her drenched hands toward her face, wiping off the grime and splatters of blood that'd collected on her skin. "I always wondered what went wrong between you both. When we meet... it seemed as if you two had much unspoken business. Then, during our trip to Constantinople, it all became clear. You were lovers, or former lovers, it was hard to tell at times but you... loved each other. We thought you had reconciled from whatever had occurred and yet..." 
"I've come to learn that love is complicated, and at most times it's the worst thing that can occur. Harald is... a lot of things, too many things, truly. If you are worried that the same will happen between you and Batu, I can certainly assure you that it will not. Batu loves you, Dorn. I can see that you love him. You're happy together, content. Neither of you desires more than what you have now. Harald does. He hungers for far too many things, and it will eventually be his ruin. I do not wish to be dragged along with him." 
"But you love each other?" Dorn questioned, wiping away droplets of water from her chin and drying her hands on her pants. (Y/N) plopped the grape into his mouth and bit into it, feeling the juices explode along his tongue as he mulled over her question. He loved Harald, he knew that well, but part of him resented him too. Most days, Harald made him wonder if he loved him, or merely lusted after him.
"It's complicated." He answered quietly, and Dorn winced, giving a meek nod and turning on her heel to leave the tent. He watched her depart, a mixture of emotions coiling around his heart and constricting it. (Y/N) released a shaky inhale and ran his hand over his face, forcing away the thoughts of Harald and their odd relationship to focus on preparing himself for a good night's rest and a long morning. 
Seven years had passed, but it barely changed either of them.
The following morning, (Y/N) and the others awoke and began preparing for the day ahead before the sun had even risen over the horizon. They changed into clothes more worthy of battle, putting on their armor and chain mail before collecting their weapons. (Y/N) secured his dagger to his hip and retrieved a battle axe, a hefty yet powerful thing that'd do more swift damage than his dagger. By the time the sun rose, the Varangian army had gathered around awaiting instructions. 
"Ready?" Leif asked softly, instinctively reaching out to check the straps of (Y/N)'s armor. The younger man smiled and allowed him to do so without fuss, a soft chuckle leaving him when Leif gave an approving nod, his fingers running over the chain mail before his arms dropped back to his sides. 
"As always." (Y/N) sighed, glancing at Harald when the prince approached them. The deep furrow in his brows softened when they locked eyes, the determination in his gaze disappearing into a look of longing. Harald had grown over the years, all his training with a disciplined army making him stronger, and larger. His hair had grown, as had his beard, and on the days the two managed to keep the peace without arguments, Harald allowed him to trim them. He looked older, more king than prince, and it made his stomach churn to admit it to himself.
Harald walked past them with a nod, coming to a stop at the entrance of the tunnel and peering into the darkness inside where Batu and Kaysan waited for the right moment. They were to draw the attention of the soldiers and coax them into attacking first so the flames from their attack ignited the trail leading to the sulfur. Once ignited, the two had to run before the tunnel exploded and the wall fell. Harald raised his battle axe and lightly tapped the bell, the one Batu needed to ring when the plan sprung into action. 
"You never were good at waiting, were you?" Leif arched a brow, wrapping his fingers around the bell to stop it from swaying and tolling. A small, playful smile tugged at Harald's lips. "Patience. It won't be long now, friend."
"Patience is hardly one of Harald's best attributes." (Y/N) murmured, a hint of teasing in his voice that drew Harald's lips into a full smile. Harald's hand reached out toward him, his palm pressing over his hip and sliding over his lower back; fingers dipping under the silver armor and pressing into the fabric beneath. His touch always felt protective and safe, but it never failed to fill (Y/N) with a false sense of hope. 
"It has always been one of yours, though," Harald spoke softly, his fingertips rubbing the fabric into (Y/N)'s skin affectionately. His eyes crinkled, and despite everything that'd been bubbling up inside (Y/N)'s stomach, he returned the smile. The prince's hand moved to the base of his neck, squeezing the exposed skin there lightly. To any strangers, it may have come across as two close friends merely speaking. But it was simply because Harald couldn't touch his face in public as he desired. "We should speak after the battle, (Y/N). I cannot allow another day to pass without us having a conversation." 
Pursing his lips, (Y/N) gave a small nod and wrapped his fingers over Harald's wrist. "Fine, Harald." Harald's features brightened and he leaned in, pressing their foreheads together before he released him as the bell began to toll. 
The enemy had fallen right for Leif's trap, just as they had hoped. 
Harald clapped Leif's shoulder and trekked back to his post atop a mound of dirt overlooking his army of seven hundred men and women. He began his speech, his words of encouragement riling up the army into cheers and shouts, warrior cries and calls. (Y/N) lingered by the tunnel's entrance, searching the dark for any sign of Batu and Kaysan as the army erupted into more cheers and cries. He spotted movement and Batu emerged, his armor slightly singed and parts of him coated in ash. (Y/N) waited with bated breath for Kaysan, but he never emerged, 
"Leif," (Y/N) turned to look at his brother, giving a light shake of his head. Leif's jaw clenched and he inhaled sharply, tossing his axe to Batu and motioning for him to join the others before he entered the tunnel, the darkness swallowing him and voice echoing off the walls until it grew distant and hardly audible. 
The cries and war horns sounded off through the valley as the army moved, rushing toward the wall their tunnel had led to. The ground gave a light tremor, and through the darkness, Leif emerged with Kaysan leaning on his body, a trickle of blood seeping down from his temple as dark smoke escaped from within the tunnel. (Y/N) called over one of the healers, helping his brother hand Kaysan off to the older man before the two turned and spotted the wall crumbling into a heap of smoke and dust. General Maniakes' men sprinted into action, following after the Varangians and joining the battle. 
"Come!" Leif called to him, taking two axes for himself and running toward the fortress with (Y/N) hot on his heels. 
Stepping through the rumble of the fallen wall, all that could be heard were cries of anger and pain, the clashing of metal against metal, and the thumping of rushing footsteps as all armies hurried to fight and defend. (Y/N) moved forward, locking onto the first Saracen soldier he saw and swinging his axe. The soldier blocked with his shield and then pulled it away to thrust his sword forward, but (Y/N) anticipated the attack and dodged, raising his axe and embedding the blade into the side of the soldier's throat. 
Taking the shield for himself, (Y/N) used it to block attacks from other soldiers, shoving them back and into expecting Varangians who struck the soldiers down with cries and heaves. The first wave of soldiers fell easily and (Y/N) heard Harald's victory cry sound off throughout the air, the tight crowd dispersing throughout the fortress to attack, take, and conquer as they made their way to the castle. The people residing within the walls had quickly fled to the castle for sanctuary, leaving the place largely deserted apart from the second and then the third wave of soldiers. 
By the time they reached the castle gates, Emperor Romanos had joined them, and with his appearance came a plea for parley that momentarily stopped the fighting. (Y/N) found his way to Leif, standing beside him and Dorn as the gates into the castle slowly parted, revealing soldiers inside and the people that'd taken refuge watching from windows or along the roofs. Their ruler, the Emir of Syracuse, waited in the center, clad in clothes and robes of gold and black. He walked forward, and despite his city having been sacked, his face remained unreadable. 
"Emir," Emperor Romanos spoke, "We have reached your barbican and taken your city. Your castle is surrounded. I have come to ask for your surrender, to save your people unnecessary suffering and death." Leif stepped forward, beginning to repeat his words in Arabic but the Emir raised his hand to stop him.
"A translator is not necessary. I understand you perfectly." He said, waving Leif off before he turned his attention back to Emperor Romanos, his dark eyes studying the shorter man before him. "There will be no surrender. As we speak, a great Saracen army is on its way from Cairo and Alexandria to join us. When it arrives it will be you who is surrounded and destroyed."
"For your sake, you should hope it arrives soon." Emperor Ramons responded.
There seemed to be a certain smugness that passed over the Emir's features, finally breaking the serious stare. "We are not worried. We have food and supplies to last us many months."
"But no water." Leif piped up, and the smugness promptly vanished, the furrow in Emir's brows disappearing and the corner of his lips turning downwards. "Syracuse has six wells. I diverted water from five. Your supply will last a week at most." 
At that, Emperor Romanos grinned. "Perhaps your allies will reach you and destroy us before that happens, or perhaps they won't and..." His eyes raised and dragged over the people watching and listening, amongst them women and frightened children. The Emir's head turned and (Y/N) followed his line of sight to a woman with three children at her side, all of various ages. His wife and children, he assumed. "Syracuse will perish. But either way.. many will die. And all will suffer."
"Then I offer another solution," The Emir said, tearing his attention away from his family to look back at them. "Single combat between two fighters. If you are victorious, Sycaruse is yours and you have my promise that my warriors will not retaliate. If you lose, you must depart and not return. Either way, my people must not be harmed."
"And who would your warrior be?" The Emperor inquired with a slight tilt of his head. (Y/N) glanced toward Harald, and then General Maniakes. The brutal, hate-filled man had hardly done much to win his ruler's approval over the last days, at least in comparison to Harald who'd handed him the fortress on a golden platter with little trouble. The Emperor himself would never fight, but he'd certainly unleash his favorite dog on the enemy. 
"Me," Emir answered icily. "And yours?"
"I fight for the empire." General Maniakes deep voice rumbled as he stepped forward but Emperor Romanos raised his hand to stop him, shaking his head and turning to look over his shoulder at Harald. The corners of his lips twisted up into a smile, one that made General Maniakes scowl and glare viciously at Harald.
"You will fight my Varangian." Emperor Romanos responded, striding forward toward the Emir and giving a dip of his head. "And you have my promise. Your people will not be harmed and our agreement, honored."
(Y/N) remained silent the walk back to camp, his gaze bouncing between the floor and staring holes into the back of Harald's head as they entered Leif's tent alongside the others. He approached the basin and dipped a rag inside, roughly wiping his hands and face clean to distract himself from his churning mind. He could feel the irritation creeping up his back, an annoyance he couldn't quite pin on anyone. Batu sharpened Harald's axe in thought, the sound filling the silence while Kaysan helped Harald adjust his armor. 
"If we were in Novgorod, I could sell a thousand seats and make enough to retire," Batu said and laughed heartily, his words only reminding (Y/N) of the countless times Harald had thrown himself into battle without thinking. He scarcely had good memories of Novgorod, and the ones he remembered vividly were of Harald bloody and battered. 
Without thinking, (Y/N) sent Batu a glare sharp enough to get his friend to hurriedly clamp his mouth shut and wince. He cleared his throat and diverted his eyes, subtly motioning for Kaysan and him to make their exit. Kaysan nodded and stood up from his stool, giving Harald a pat on the shoulder as Batu handed him his axe back and smiled encouragingly before the two quickly slipped out of the tent; leaving Harald alone with the two brothers. 
"We can select three weapons. I'll start with the battle axe." Harald spoke, approaching the weapon's table and setting the axe alongside the rest. (Y/N) inhaled deeply through his nose and rubbed his fingertips against his temple to soothe the beginnings of a headache away before it could consume him. Leif remained equally as silent and it finally made Harald cave. "You're both quiet, which means you're either angry or worried about something. Perhaps both."
"I worry you underestimate him," Leif revealed with a sigh, raising his head to look at his friend with a growing frown. Harald scoffed, his brows furrowing as his eyes darted between the two brothers, almost as if offended they'd doubt him. (Y/N) squeezed the water out of the rag and set it aside to dry, finally looking up at the prince. 
"I underestimate no man who's trying to kill me." Harald retorted, turning his irritated stare onto the weapons spread out in front of him. "We'll both be fighting for our lives." 
"No, only you will be." Leif's lips formed a grim line, feet moving slowly as he approached his friend and motioned in the direction of the castle. "He is fighting for his people."
"As am I-"
"What people? Yours or Romanos's?" Leif questioned him sharply, arching his brows and drawing a scowl from Harald. (Y/N) leaned his hip back against the table, his arms folding over his stomach. Harald and his short temper... it was a mystery how the man had lived for so long without getting himself killed.
"I fight today for the same reason I've been fighting for the last seven years! For treasure." It stung, even if (Y/N) had seen it coming, piercing his stomach and sucking him dry of the false hope. "So I can return to Norway and assume the throne of my people, which is rightfully mine. Nothing else." 
"I am glad to hear my brother and I are hardly considered things you fight for, Harald, after we've spent the last seven years fighting and living in a foreign country for you." (Y/N) seethed, and the tension in Harald's shoulders disappeared, his eyes squeezing shut and a silent curse forming on his lips. His chest heaved with a sigh and he stepped past Leif, his arm extending to grab him but (Y/N) smacked it away with a scoff. "I can understand caring little for a bedmate but Leif deserves to be someone you fight for after everything he's done for you." 
"A bedmate- (Y/N), I-" 
"Enjoy your fight, General." (Y/N) shoved past him forcibly and rounded the table before Harald could attempt to stop him. He threw the flaps of the tent apart and stepped out into the sunlight, taking a sharp inhale of the fresh air to calm the fury and hurt dancing along his veins. His fingers wrapped around the handle of his dagger, allowing himself to take a few more steadying breaths. 
He'd made the right decision years prior, he reminded himself. Harald proved it to him time after time. He just needed a reminder every once in a while, even if it hurt.
(Y/N) avoided looking in Harald's direction once he finished preparing for the fight, only focusing on following Emperor Romanos into the castle where they'd set up an area for the fight. He broke away from the Emperor's tight crowd to stand behind the table where Batu placed Harald's other two choices of weapon: a smaller battle axe and a sword, with the larger battle axe being the one he walked into the makeshift arena with. 
"He didn't mean to say it like that," Leif said quietly, always the one forced to make peace between them. (Y/N) pursed his lips and clasped his hands in front of himself, his fingers wrapping tightly around his palm. "I know you called yourself a bedmate to hurt him, (Y/N). You've seen how desperate he's been these past three years; you've seen how he gets when he hears you have a new lover. You are much more to him than that."
"But not enough to desire a different destiny for himself." Leif fell quiet at that, his softened eyes gazing into the side of his brother's face before he sighed softly and looked forward toward the two fighters when they entered the arena and assumed their positions. Despite his lingering hurt, worry jabbed at his stomach for Harald. 
Harald moved first, swinging his axe upward to knock back the Emir's sword, but the Emir moved swiftly, turning on his feet and facing Harald before he could turn around. Harald's jaw ticked and he studied his opponent, switching which hand held the axe before he charged again, grasping the axe with both hands and taking a few swings at him; metal clanging through the air as the Emir swiftly blocked each swing with his sword until Harald turned his axe and slammed the blunt end against his chest, forcing him back a few steps. 
The Emir grunted and grabbed Harald's axe, shoving it back and mimicking his movement as he slammed the handle of his sword repeatedly into Harald's chest which forced Harald to stumble backward and just barely dodge a swing from the sword. The Emir charged, giving Harald hardly any time to dodge another swing but he managed to duck down in time and create some distance between them to reassess his approach. The Emir sneered, baring his teeth and grasping the handle of his sword with both hands. He was a good fighter, as all rulers had to be. 
Harald charged again, slamming the end and top of his axe repeatedly against the Emir's side before slamming the top near his armpit and forcing him back roughly against the stone wall. The Emir released a shout at the impact and shoved the axe away, slashing his sword at Harald and missing his chest plate by an inch or so. Harald swung again, only for his axe to slam into the wall and break in half, leaving him without a weapon. 
With the half still in hand, he managed to defend himself by blocking the Emir's attacks as he sprang and walked backward toward the table. He threw the broken piece at the Emir's head, nearly hitting his ear, and swiftly turned on his heel to snatch both weapons from the table. He faced the Emir once more, eyes narrowing when the Emir approached his own table and took two new swords into his hands. They stared at each other for a brief moment, catching their breaths. 
The Emir charged first with a cry - perhaps growing emboldened with the trickle of blood seeping from Harald's brow - and swung both his swords at him relentlessly, turning and swinging as he followed Harald's quick dodges. Harald nearly sank his axe into the Emir's face in a quick turn but the Emir dodged it in time. They continued back and forth, swinging and dodging hits from each other with grunts and cries. They moved viciously and relentlessly, switching between fighting offensively and defensively within seconds as they grew more enraged and desperate for a win. 
Harald managed to swipe at the Emir's feet and knock him onto the gravelly ground, the Emir's foot rising up quickly to slam into Harald's knee and knock him down into a kneeling position. The Emir moved onto his knees as well, the blows they swung at each other forcing them to remain kneeling until the Emir launched himself forward and Harald threw himself backward, both men rolling along the floor. Harald moved onto his side and attempted to stab the Emir in the side with his sword but the Emir slashed right through the blade, leaving him with a sword resembling a knife. 
The two men scrambled upright and assessed each other again, sucking in large gulps of air and staring each other down. Harald switched the way he held his broken sword and the swing-block dance resumed until Harald swung at the Emir's and was cut just above the elbow. He released a cry of pain and sound around, wincing as he touched his bleeding arm before looking up at his opponent. The Emir stared at Harald, his breathing turning wheezy and his feet staggering. (Y/N) caught the gleam of the broken sword jammed right below the Emir's armpit. 
The Emir raised his arm and stumbled forward again, a look of distraught passing over his features as he fell to his knees and slumped forward. While Emperor Romanos's men erupted into cheers of victory, (Y/N) couldn't help but look in the direction of the Emir's wife, watching the tears stream helplessly down her face. Her husband had fought bravely, not just for his people but for her and their children. (Y/N) bit the inside of his cheek. 
His father had fought and killed countless of men, simply because he could and felt like it, but at least in Greenland, when you killed a man it was because it was necessary. For food, shelter, to defend your family. But in Constantinople, they took lives to make an emperor richer. They killed for treasure they hardly used, and for little else.
(Y/N) grimaced. He missed home.
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the-anime-enthusiast · 3 months
#3 Shoto Todoroki
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Bro does not care 😭🙏 I personally believe that romance is very hard for him to understand and emerse himself in, so whenever he finally meets someone nice he barely pays attention to the physical ✋😌
Besides that I still gotta provide some grounds of his attraction so to start I think he likes slim women, not like super skinny, he's okay with some chub but he prefers athleticism (I blame his dad), someone who looks like they run cross country 🫡
LEGS LEGS LEGS you got long legs? Folded. 8 different ways. 🫡 He likes em bigger, skinny, muscle, bro does not care, he just likes them 🙂‍↔️ Finds himself laying next to you at night rubbing them, not even in a sexual way, just like giving massages and touching them 🧍‍♀️
Long hair 😉 He prefers someone with natural color, just any natural color honestly, BUT AN ABSOLUTE SUCKER FOR LONG STRAIGHT BLACK HAIR ‼️(momo cough cough) He's a very traditional man and finds beauty in traditional women 🤧
Small boobs ✋😌 He's never been a sexual person but loves em, something easy to grab 🌚
If you dress like a mom or a teacher he's puddy 🧍‍♀️ I believe he has a hard time expressing his feelings and understanding his own thoughts so this, he just kinda rolls with 😭 You got a thin maxi skirt, cardigan, SOME GLASSES? He's done for. K.O.‼️
Features don't matter a lot for him buuutt HE LOVES BEAUTY MARKS‼️ Like a lil mole on the face like Marilyn Monroe, he's checked out. His fav random feature he likes 🌞
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Smart women 🙇‍♀️ Loves a big brain and someone who can just as logical as he is, seeing things for what they are on face surface 🙂‍↕️
motherly women 😭 He doesn't get it either but if you cook and clean for him ✋ Play with his hair til he falls asleep in your arms ✋ KISS HIS FOREHEAD ✋ He's a pile of puddy for you to play with bro 😭 He loves it 😌
SWEET AND GENTLE WHO DONT UNDERSTAND THEIR OWN STRENGTH‼️ He loves to give reassurance to the people he loves and ABSOLUTELY LOVES giving compliments, making you feel good about yourself, so when you often doubt yourself he kinda likes it 😭 Gives him an excuse to constantly tell you how great your doing and when you accept his compliments with warmth and love he practically dies 🫶
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Had a crush on Kiyoko from HAIKYUU 🧍‍♀️ Watched it when he was like 12 and that was the first time he ever had a lil crush on somebody 🤭
LOVED watching the Geisha as a kid, always admired them so much, thought they were the most beautiful women he's ever seen too ❤️
BOARD GAMES‼️ Loves playing some board games with his s/o 🤩 Loves to play Mahjong, complex card games, even some of the new stuff like cards against humanity, but only when someone there to help him understand what's so funny about the game 😭🫶
Making tea and sweets are fav past time for him and his girl, Indulging her in her baking fantasies 😚 (stealing his dad's credit card information and buying her all the expensive supplies she needs) 🌝🎂
TRADITIONAL CLOTHING ‼️ GETS THIS BOY GOOOOIIIINNNGGGG ‼️ He loves it so so much, in an innocent way even, something about it lights the fire in his soul 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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THATS THE POST ‼️‼️Again, I've never been a huge fan of SHOTO but trust me ✋ I get it so HERES SOME HEAD CANNONS FOR YALL ‼️ Hope you enjoyed, I've always loved the idea that he's OBSESSED. with traditionalist things so writing about it was SO MUCH FUN ‼️
the Geisha thing is my fav ☺️ Just little SHOTO watching them go down the street with his mom, awestruck by their beauty 😭🫶🫶
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/17/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; TellTaleTVAwards; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Con O'Neill; Guz Khan; Samba Schutte; Lindsey Cantrell; Zine Fundraisers; Articles; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; NeverLeft Podcast; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
== Tell Tale TV Awards ==
You did it!!! Congrats everyone! Thank you so much for voting over the past weeks! Both OFMD and Rhys won!
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Source: Tell Tale TV Awards
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== David Jenkins ==
June 17th is the anniversary of Flight of the Conchords episode 1! Dad was sending some love out to Bret, Jemaine, and of course our captain Rhys.
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika and Rita are in another silly tiktok video-- good news, you dont need a login to see it, just mark yourself as guest!
Source: RIta Ora's TikTok
== Vico Ortiz ==
This Friday, Vico is back with Them Fatale PRIDE edition. June 21st at the First Congregational Church of LA. Doors open at 6 PM and show starts at 7:30! In the area? Stop on by! Tickets available here.
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Story
== Con O'Neill ==
Con's got some new merch up on Stands! Please visit ShopStands for some awesome OFMD Shirts, and pins, and to help a good cause!
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Guz Khan ==
For those of our Muslim friends celebrating the end of Ramadan, Guz is sending out a loving Eid Mubarak <3
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba is also sending out a lovely Eid Mubarak! As well as sending some more family photos with Aria and the little one.
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram Stories
== Lindsey Cantrell ==
Our fabulous Set Designer Lindsey Cantrell has been working on this short film Watching Walter, if you're so inclined, please check it out when it's out! CW: Holocaust/Nazi's/Violence
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram
== Zine Fundraisers ==
There's a new OFMD Fan-Led fundraiser to benefit Gaza out! Please follow @ofmdaction on tumblr for more information! Artist and Writer sign ups are now live! Carrd | Twitter | AO3 Collection | Daily Click for UNRWA
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Source: OFMDAction Tumblr
== Articles ==
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Some fun new cast cards from @melvisik today! "As fate would have it (did not plan this, it just happened in sequence) OFMD writer Simone Nathan" had her second season of Kid Sister just drop in the last few days! The previous night's cast card was Don A! aka "Swampy Town Folk"!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This time a mini-sode read by Baby Kraken Podfics! Listen on your favorite platform here!https://linktr.ee/ofmff
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Never Left Podcast ==
"This week is discussing Violence in OFMD! "Episode 22 is OUT! This week we’re continuing our discussion on physical and emotional violence!" CW: Gun and knife violence Listen on your favorite platforms here: https://linktr.ee/neverleftpodcast
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Source: NeverLeftPodcast's Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there Lovelies! I hope the week hasn't started too crazy or you! I know sometimes it's hard to see our impact, but take a look at those Tell-Tale TV results! Sure, it's a silly TV awards, but it 100% happened because you all were steadfast in voting! Just remember that while all our efforts don't always come to fruition in the way we want, you do make an impact <3
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Img Source: PositivelyPresent Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's theme is Flight of the Conchords since it's the 17 year anniversary of the first episode airing!
Gifs courtesy of the absolute legends @celluloidbroomcloset and @fandomsmeantheworldtome <3
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fuck-customers · 6 months
Genuinely cannot please these fucking people. All they do is bitch and whine that they never get good customer service but if you provide it to them you might as well have flipped them the bird the moment they walked into the store.
It’s Presidents’ Day.
Lady comes in masked up and with gloves. Mask, I get. Gloves? Eh alright. You do you. She’s walking around shopping (i work in an Adult Toy Store) and she comes up to me with a toy and says she wants this one but doesn’t want one that people have been taking out and messing with, it’s contaminated, she’s a “huge germaphobe” etc. so can I get her a new unopened one from the stock room? Sure, no problem. I know we don’t have anymore in the back but god forbid i tell her that without looking first so I go into the stock room, bum around for a few minutes, come back and tell her no but I’m more than happy to completely sanitize the item for her.
You have a problem, I have a solution.
Absolutely the fuck not, apparently. she gets huffy and says nevermind she doesn’t want it and she’ll find someone that can actually help her.
Fuck me i guess. whatever.
she doesn’t want anything to do with me given her attitude but consistently comes to me with problem after problem after problem despite the fact i’m not the only associate on the floor. every “problem” she has, I have a solution for, and she’s progressively getting more and more pissed off!!!
I’m not giving her any attitude or anything, I’m genuinely trying to help her find something that will work for her.
And now on to check-out. Finally, after like an hour of walking around she finds a toy. She didn’t even really want it but it was a box that was shrink-wrapped shut and couldn’t be opened so that’s what she had to “settle” for, as if i had a fucking gun to her head and made her buy anything in the first place.
I ask if she wants a rewards account.
“What is everything that entails?”
i explain it all to her and i just get the lead-poisoning boomer stare from this lady. she can’t be more than like 30, btw.
“…so would you like to make an account?”
see maam this is when you use your Big Girl words, yeah? you know what those are? when you at least open your fucking mouth and speak? maybe even include a “please”? honestly with the way she was acting i’d be surprised if her mouth could even sound out the fucking word.
go through getting her signed up which includes a name, an email, a phone number, and a birthday
we go through all of it and then once it gets to birthday i ask for the year (an 18+ verification, you can’t have an account if you’re underage and it’s REQUIRED IN OUR SYSTEM) and she just yells “I DONT WANT TO GIVE YOU THAT INFORMATION” and calls for my manager because i’m “being ridiculous”
i have your legal government name, your email, your phone number, and the month and day of your birth. you think adding the year you were born is going to make much of a difference here?
i don’t fucking know what her issue was.
also, for “a huge germaphobe” she sure was out shopping on the second largest shopping holiday of the year.
also later that same day i had a lady get mad because she asked if we had wide-toed shoes and i told her we don’t. this woman yells back “oh so cause i’m fat you think i can’t be a dancer?”
literally nobody fucking said anything about you being fat!!!!!
Posted by admin Rodney.
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windybreeze12 · 4 months
I am so very late sksksksk but you have asked, and I shall provide. Welcome to today's episode of A Fangirl's Analysis of DBD and today we have:
Edwin and The Cat King
okay now listen to me. I love payneland so much. I think they're amazing both romantically and platonically. BUT GOD THESE TWO.
I am very sick and tired of people trying to hate on this pair because honestly it's like we didn't watch the same damn show. Yes he's old beyond comprehension and yes he is very much attracted to Edwin (and to an extent vice-versa) but yall are completely overlooking the fact that without the Cat King and his infatuation with Edwin, most of the things that happened in DBD wouldn't have happened. Dare I say, all of the events of DBD.
Yes, it was the Cat King who was also the reason for the boys to go through all the events both good and bad but can we please stop forgetting that he also actively (actively) tried his best to help Edwin (and Crystal and Charles by association).
And can we also please stop overlooking the fact that even though Edwin is a teenager in a physical sense, he is very much emotionally, mentally, and in every other way, a hundred years old. Now, if Edwin were still as emotionally mature as a 16 year old, there would some ethical issues but we can very well see that this is not the case.
I find the Cat King to be a wildly interesting character. A fun sort of anti-hero if you will. A mischievous, fun-loving, playful and flirtatious character who's pining led to his boo being sent to hell (which honestly i find hilarious). Despite his sort of unpredictable nature, he still has a strong moral code and follows through with it. And we can also see that he is actively trying to woo Edwin like mans is showing up with vital pieces of information and saving Edwin just so he'll like him back. He's absolutely pathetic and I love him.
I love love love the last interaction we get between Edwin and the Cat King when he gives Edwin the lilies in honour of Niko. In that scene, it's subtle but clear that both characters have changed. It's obvious that Edwin has changed but it's also obvious that the Cat King has changed. Rewatching that scene i just keep finding new things and UGH. One important thing that stood out for me were the increasingly soft smiles he gave Edwin. These were less flirtatious and more understanding. Like he had already come to terms with the fact that Edwin would be leaving and mostly likely would have a different romantic path (maybe Charles) than him. Yes he is still very much a flirt and still trying to woo Edwin (because characters dont change like that overnight) but he does so with respect and boundaries. When Edwin didn't go in to hug him, he backed away. It's also super fun noticing how the Cat King kept freaking glancing at Edwin's lips when he was talking about how lonely they are.
And at the very end, when Edwin told him that he forgot to count himself, the smirk the Cat King gives Edwin is much less flirtatious and much more like the kind of smirk that someone would give when seeing someone as an equal.
Overall, I find Edwin and the Cat King's relationship to be extremely intriguing and very interesting to talk about and your honour, I love them.
Wanna see more interest dynamics like this? WATCH DEAD BOY DECTECTIVES!!! It's got dynamics like this and more and it DOES NOT deserve to be cancelled so please please PLEASE go watch it <3
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Girl I think we all need some poly ghostface where stu and billy are teasing the reader and talking about them like their not there, "i dont know...maybe if they asked ever so nicely for it, they would get what they want..." ;)) it can be smut or not idm. Love ur writing so much <33333
❝highschool detective on the case❞
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✭ pairing : poly ghostface x reader
✭ fandom : scream
✭ summary : (y/n) is the new girl who just moved up from (hometown) she has a crazy fetish when it comes to serial killers having taken it upon herself to even solve unsolved murder cases - which she gets from her father. He was the top detective in his unit after all. Upon hearing about this ghostface killer she dives into detective mood grabbing their attention in the process
✭ authors note : I think we all are borderline psychotic when it comes to these two nibwits also thank you for requesting and I’m glad you’re enjoying my works so far :)
✭ slashers masterlist
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Woodsboro High School buzzed with the energy of a new school year, and (Y/N) had just arrived, ready to start fresh in this unfamiliar town. As she stepped onto the campus, her presence stood out like a stark contrast to the other students.
She wore a leather trench coat that fell just past her thighs, giving her an enigmatic aura. Low-rise washed-out jeans hugged her hips, revealing a tattoo on her lower stomach. Her hair was styled in a pixie cut, and dark shades shielded her eyes, giving her an almost FBI agent-like mystique. Chunky boots completed her unconventional ensemble, and a crop top black vest shirt adorned with a rhinestone skull on the breast part added an edgy touch.
As she walked through the courtyard, students couldn't help but stare and whisper amongst themselves, wondering who this mysterious new girl was and what her story might be. (Y/N), however, seemed oblivious to the attention, her mind focused on something else entirely.
Reclining on a bench, she delved into the contents of her notes. In her lap lay a case file, weathered by time and use, filled with photographs, notes, and articles. It was the unsolved murder case from her hometown that her father, a dedicated detective, had entrusted to her once the trail had gone cold.
(Y/N) was determined to find answers and bring closure to the grieving families back home, even if it meant uprooting her life and starting anew in Woodsboro. The gravity of the task weighed heavily on her, and her fierce dedication to solving the case had become her driving force.
Throughout the day, students at Woodsboro High had been attempting to strike up conversations with (Y/N), but her terse responses and preoccupied demeanor made it clear that she had little interest in making friends. She was on a mission, and she had no time for idle chitchat.
At lunch, (Y/N) found a quiet spot to sit alone, her case file still in her lap as she reviewed the evidence once more. Lost in thought, she didn't notice Stu, one of her classmates, approaching from behind. He playfully wrapped his arms around her shoulders and said, "Now, what do we have here?"
(Y/N) stiffened at the unexpected contact but quickly composed herself. She turned to glance at Stu, taking in his appearance before responding with a raised eyebrow. "Aren't you a bit too old to not know about personal hygiene?"
Stu, looking slightly offended, discreetly sniffed himself and made a face. "Hey, I don't stink!"
Tatum, Stu's girlfriend, along with her friends Sidney and Sidney's boyfriend, also joined the group, curious about the interaction. Randy, another student, chimed in, intrigued by (Y/N)'s mysterious presence. "What's that you're reading?" he asked, peering at her lap.
In her usual blunt tone, (Y/N) replied, "A case."
The group exchanged puzzled glances, clearly taken aback by her straightforward response. Stu was the first to regain his composure, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "A case, huh? You're a detective or something?"
(Y/N) didn't provide any additional information, her eyes returning to the contents of the file. She was used to curious glances and questions, but her focus remained unwavering on her mission to uncover the truth.
Randy's curiosity remained unabated, and he leaned in closer, asking, "So, what's the case about?"
(Y/N) let out a sigh and put her notes aside, her expression serious as she shared a glimpse of her purpose. "I'm trying to solve a cold case from my hometown. It involves a young woman who was violently beaten and tortured."
Tatum raised an eyebrow, looking puzzled. "But if it's a cold case, why are you trying to solve it now?"
(Y/N) shrugged, her dedication evident in her reply. "It's just a hobby I enjoy."
Billy, who had been listening quietly, couldn't help but become more intrigued. He leaned in with a casual demeanor and asked, "So, you're into things like that, huh?"
(Y/N) met his gaze with a cool, unwavering stare. "Yup. I was raised watching the dangers of the world and even experiencing it."
The group fell silent for a moment, absorbing (Y/N)'s cryptic response. Her presence had added an unexpected layer of mystery to their lunchtime gathering, and they couldn't help but wonder about the secrets she held and the motivations driving her pursuit of a cold case.
Sidney, feeling a twinge of awkwardness, couldn't help but blurt out, "What kind of experiences are you talking about?" But she quickly realized the insensitivity of her question and immediately apologized, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
(Y/N) simply shrugged off the awkward moment, her demeanor unphased by Sidney's unintended bluntness. "No worries," she replied calmly before elaborating on her past. "I've seen quite a bit, to be honest. When I was three, I watched an unsub murder my mom right in front of me."
Sidney's eyes widened in shock, regret for her earlier question apparent on her face.
(Y/N) continued, her tone steady. "Then, when I was thirteen, I was kidnapped as part of a blackmail attempt against my father. He's a detective, you see. Since then, I've been to all sorts of crime scenes, helping him with his work."
Stu couldn't help but comment, "Wow, that's dark."
Billy, mumbling under his breath, added, "Wicked."
(Y/N) acknowledged their reactions with a nonchalant nod, as if her experiences were just a matter-of-fact part of her life. She had learned to cope with the darkness she had witnessed and embraced her role as an amateur detective, eager to make sense of the chaos around her.
Breaking the now oncoming silence (Y/N) decides to ask her own question, “So what’s fun around here?” Tatum taking it upon herself decides to reply back whiles filing her mails, “Not much honestly, though shopping is always on the table.”
But (Y/N) wasn't interested in the usual teenage pastimes. She leaned in, her eyes gleaming with curiosity, and clarified, "No, no, no! I'm talking murder cases here, blonde. Anything good?"
Randy, who had already labeled her as a weirdo, rolled his eyes, muttering, "Oh, no, not another weirdo."
(Y/N) couldn't help but give Randy a proud smirk, as if she embraced that title with pride. Sidney and Tatum, perhaps sensing the direction the conversation was about to take, excused themselves from the group.
Stu, always eager for attention, chimed in, "You know, Sidney's mom's murder was pretty wild. She was having an affair, and the guy must've gone crazy and slaughtered her."
(Y/N) listened intently, a crazed look in her eyes, and responded, "Yeah, now there's the good stuff. Tell me more."
Billy, with a hint of excitement in his voice, added, "There was also the murder of those two students not too long ago. It was pretty brutal."
"A murder, you say?" (Y/N) leaned in with an unsettling grin, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me about it."
Stu, relishing the chance to share a gruesome tale, went into chilling detail about the murder. "Well, my ex, Cassie, she was slaughtered. Her body was found strung up by her own organs in her front yard. It was... brutal. And her boyfriend, Derek, was found duct-taped to a lawn chair and drowned in the pool at her house. His intestines were out too."
(Y/N)'s eyes sparkled with a disturbing excitement as she listened to the horrifying description. She pressed for more information, asking, "Any leads on the killer?"
The boys exchanged glances and shook their heads. "No, not really," Billy admitted.
Randy added, "And Sidney, she was attacked a few nights after that. She said the killer was masked and wore what looked like a ghost mask."
(Y/N)'s grin widened at the mention of the masked killer, her fascination with the macabre evident. It seemed that the darker the story, the more it intrigued her. The group had unwittingly drawn her into their web of murder mysteries, and little did they know that her relentless pursuit of the truth would soon unearth secrets that would put them all in grave danger.
“Seems this town just got a little more interesting,'" (y/n) remarked with an eerie grin as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. She gathered her things and excused herself, leaving Randy to his own devices as he followed suit and left.
Now, only Stu and Billy remained alone at the table. Billy's eyes darkened, and a sinister glint danced in them as he leaned in closer to Stu. He asked in a hushed tone, "Should we go after her tonight?"
Stu, hyped up by the disturbing stories and (Y/N)'s unnerving interest in murder cases, couldn't help but share Billy's excitement. He replied with an eager grin, "Hell yeah."
(Y/N) returned home after a long day at Woodsboro High, finding a note from her dad, the detective, explaining that he would be back late, as usual. With a resigned sigh, she decided to unwind, slipping into comfortable sweatpants and a tank top.
She settled onto the couch, surrounded by an array of open books, articles, and her laptop, her research materials for delving into the recent murders that had captured her fascination. The room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the soft glow of her laptop screen.
Hours passed as she scoured the internet for any information about the brutal murders that had taken place in Woodsboro. (Y/N)'s determination was unwavering, her thirst for answers driving her to dig deeper into the dark mysteries of the town.
The hours dragged on, and fatigue began to creep in. Despite her best efforts, the weight of exhaustion overcame her, and (Y/N) eventually drifted into a fitful nap on the couch, her mind still haunted by the gruesome details of the unsolved murders that had consumed her thoughts.
(Y/N) woke up late at night, the room cast in darkness except for the faint glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. She glanced at the clock, which read 10:00 PM. Her dad still hadn't returned home, but she was used to his late hours.
Feeling hungry, she decided to order some food delivery to keep her going while she continued her research. As she dialed her order, anticipation for a late-night snack grew. She gave the delivery address and hung up, ready to return to her work.
Just as she settled back into her research, her phone rang, startling her. She picked it up, and at first, the voice on the other end played it off as a wrong number. But then they began asking personal questions.
"So, do you have a boyfriend?" the voice inquired.
(Y/N), her curiosity piqued, retorted playfully, "Why? You trying to ask me out?"
The person on the other line let out a smirk, their tone suggestive as they asked again, "So, do you have a boyfriend?"
(Y/N) decided to tease them with an equally suggestive response, "Perhaps." She was intrigued by the mysterious caller and couldn't help but engage in their unusual late-night conversation.
As (Y/N) found herself engaged in this mysterious late-night conversation, her curiosity only grew when the person on the other end suggested, "Let's play a game."
"What kind of game?" she asked, her tone laced with intrigue.
The voice on the phone responded, "I want to know your favorite scary movie."
(Y/N) didn't hesitate to share her interests. "Well, I really enjoyed 'The Craft.' It's a fascinating blend of witchcraft, teenage rebellion, and a dash of horror. The story revolves around a group of high school girls who form a coven and use their newfound powers for personal gain. But as their abilities grow, so does the darkness that haunts them. It's a captivating exploration of the consequences of wielding supernatural abilities and the complexities of female friendship."
She paused briefly before continuing, "Another one I really liked is 'Thinner.' It's based on a Stephen King novel and tells the story of a morbidly obese lawyer who's cursed by a gypsy and begins to inexplicably lose weight at an alarming rate. The film delves into themes of karma, guilt, and the unintended consequences of our actions. The slow, agonizing transformation of the main character is both terrifying and thought-provoking."
(Y/N) went on to describe the intricate details of both films, her passion for horror movies evident in her animated discussion. She shared her insights on the characters, the plot twists, and the underlying themes, displaying an impressive knowledge of the genre. The mysterious caller on the other end seemed intrigued by her enthusiasm.
The person on the other end of the line, after inquiring about her favorite scary movies, pressed for her name. (Y/N), however, wasn't so quick to reveal her identity. "Why should I tell you my name when you haven't told me yours?" she countered.
A sinister chuckle came through the phone before the voice replied, "Because I want to know the name of who I'm watching right now. Nice top, by the way."
(Y/N), far from being scared, merely rolled her eyes and glanced out the window behind her. She smirked into the darkness and said, "So, this is the infamous killer of Woodsboro? Would've expected better, but then again, you're just a small-town killer."
The voice on the other end of the line grew audibly offended, and they began to issue chilling threats. They spoke of slicing her open, just like they had done to Cassie, and leaving her hanging for her father to find. The threats were meant to intimidate, to strike fear into (Y/N)'s heart.
However, she remained surprisingly unshaken. Instead of cowering, she chuckled, a mix of defiance and amusement in her voice. "Give it your best shot," she taunted, her bravado unwavering. "I'm not one to back down from a challenge."
The late-night conversation had taken a menacing turn, and (Y/N) was about to find herself entangled in a perilous game of wits and survival with a cunning and ruthless adversary.
The next day at school, (Y/N) arrived with an unusual cheeriness about her. Stu and the rest of her newfound friends couldn't help but notice her upbeat demeanor, and Stu was the first to comment, asking, "What's got you so cheery today?"
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, (Y/N) replied, "Oh, you won't believe this. I've got video footage of Ghostface trying to break into my house."
The revelation sent shockwaves through the group, their eyes widening in disbelief. "No way," they chimed in unison.
(Y/N), however, seemed nonchalant as she waved off their amazement. "Yes way," she affirmed, laughing it off as if it were just another everyday occurrence.
Randy couldn't help but express his surprise. "I'm surprised you're not dead," he remarked, his tone laced with incredulity.
(Y/N) shrugged, her explanation casual. "My dad had our houses revamped before we moved here. Custom locks, gateways, and cameras. No one gets in unless they want them to. It's like living in a fortress."
As the group absorbed this information, (Y/N) decided to take a teasing turn. She smirked and declared, "Oh, this is going to be fun. I haven't been hunted like this in a while."
The reaction from her friends was mixed, to say the least. Most were creeped out by her unusual enthusiasm, especially given the recent unsettling events. But Stu and Billy, the true culprits behind the Ghostface mask, couldn't help but exchange sly glances. Their nefarious plan was in motion, and (Y/N) had just unknowingly stoked the flames of their sinister game.
Billy couldn't resist adding a chilling remark, his tone laced with dark humor, "I don't know... maybe if they asked ever so nicely for it, they would get what they want."
“What’s the suppose to mean?” (Y/n) remarks and billy shrugs it off “Who knows maybe the killer is somewhere watching you, after all you can never be too careful.”
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crayfurbs · 1 year
Bejewled furby resurfaces - June 2023
Hello everyone! I have been on a slight hiatus due to a myriad of personal reasons, I am back for a short post with some interesting news
a GENUINE Bejeweled furby has surfaced! 
This bejeweled furby is in my opinion the only one to exist, as with much other furby information numbers of units produced is a shaky 25 year-old game of telephone. But having researched archived Tiger and FAO sites, it appears all promotional images are the same snowball furby (Notably with green eyes) and we haven’t really seen any different versions, For the information in this post I consulted several archived websites on archive.org along with the new listing 
Background info: 
The following description is transcribed from the original FAO Schwarz listing for the bejeweled furby. 
“Created by designer Sidney Mobell. The world's most exciting tay is now the world's
most precious. bedecked with 156 gleaming and glittering genuine gemstones Lovable Furby comes adorned with a tiara necklace. and earrings crafted in platinum and 18k gold and containing 63 full cut diamonds (3.7 ctw) 44 rubies (4.5 ctw) blue sapphires (5 3 ctw) and emeralds (1.O ctw). AIl 3 pieces are removable So you can wear them too!
A portion of the proceeds will benefit the word class hasbro children's hospital–”
The listing + info
So here is the description of the listing, the starting bid is 1,200.
(ill add it in later once the auction ends)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Now for those of you at home, you may be thinking... a $100,000 furby with an auction cap of $2,000. somthing must be fishy right?
but on paper... the bejweled furby isnt worth that much, and Ill explain.
For those of you who are not jewelers (I have only taken intro classes myself) this furby may appear to be absolutely studded in expensive gems… but in reality the true value is being obscured by the cwt, or Carat Total Weight, this value is in reference to the TOTAL cumulative weight of the gemstones. So for example, the 63 diamonds CWT is 3.7, so each diamond is only 0.06 ct. so in reality the QUALITY of the dimaonds used is very low, for comparison you can purchase 25 loose diamonds of the same color, carat and clarity for around $50
So after a very novice rough calculation the total value of all the metals and gemstones here dont seem to total over $800. This is why I think the piece was designed to be a symbolic representation to the person who donated the $100,000 to the hospital, rather than a truly $100,000 furby which is why the capped value of the auction is $2,000
Conclusion + opinions
I still think this is an absolute amazing piece of furby history, one that I admittedly was not to familiar with, but was aware of in my deep dives into the furby archived sites, I think that the resurfacing of this piece is a ode to the furby community, and the fact that we are STILL actively learning about undiscovered information relating to Furbys a quarter of a century later! This toy line was only produced for just under 3 years but has provided a trove of information that's out there just waiting to be discovered! 
And with that, ciao
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hello, i'm trying to do my best to boost gazan fundraisers, i get a lot of asks and see from a lot of posts where the verification or vetting provided is that the post was reblogged by 90-ghost and i can't find much more information on this - is it said somewhere that 90-ghost only boosts fundraisers they have vetted? i'm to bother you with this, i don't distrust these fundraisers i just don't know much and am trying to do my best, thank you if you can help me <3
90-ghost is ahmed saad, he’s a palestinian from gaza who evacuated to egypt when the rafah border was still open because of fundraising on tumblr. since then he’s been vetting gofundmes but i think he has stopped verifying new ones recently because of racist harassment on here and the volume of requests he’s getting. i am not sure if all the fundraisers at this point are the ones he’s vetted himself, but i think that was how he was doing it before. of course in any instance there’s room for human error, there’s no organization doing this, but there are other things you can do to look into a campaign if you’re uncertain. a lot of the people fundraising on here have digital footprints that go back far before october 7, social media accounts on other websites original photos that dont appear in reverse images, etc. i also would add that a lot of the ones he’s shared were verified by el-shab-hussein or nabulsi who i think speak to everyone they vet
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intersex-questions · 9 days
as a perisex person, how could i be the best advocate for intersex people i can be? i want to talk about intersex issues but i dont wanna talk over actual intersex people
I think every intersex person you ask this question to will give you different answers. First, I'd like to direct you to InterACT. They have a lot of good resources and information about being intersex and intersex advocacy.
Reading up on intersex issues especially from intersex perspectives is something that I think is a great thing to do. Keep up on news about us, about laws and legislature being passed about us. If there is intersexist laws/legislature being passed where you live, do what you can to protest it, spread awareness, etc. Likewise, support laws/legislature going into place that support intersex people.
In my opinion, one of the best ways to be an advocate/ally is through the "small" things. If you hear someone saying something intersexist, whether it's intentional or not, speak up and correct them. Inform people about how sex isn't a binary or correct their ideas they have on the sex binary. And I'd like to be clear I am not saying to argue with people. Especially not on the Internet. It's likely to not do very much. If people aren't willing to change or learn, you cannot force them to.
Be there for intersex people! If you know someone is being intersexist to someone (whether or not they're intersex), speak up for them or defend them. If it's a situation where you aren't able to, talk to them after the fact and provide them a safe space. Be someone who intersex people can feel safe coming to about their issues or as someone who is on their side.
And truthfully, I think something a lot of people need to learn to fear less is "speaking over" X group of people--not that it isn't an issue or that it doesn't happen, but a lot of the time, the things people are afraid of doing when it comes to speaking over is actually useful advocacy. "Speaking over" is when voices from people who aren't part of X group are prioritized over those who are. This would be if perisex people were the primary voices and speakers when it comes to talking about someone's intersex experiences. Or correcting or policing someone on what they say their experiences are.
You aren't going to be a perfect ally or advocate. No one is able to do that. What matters is you keep trying, learning, and listening. If people harass you or bully you over your mistakes after you've already learned from them, that isn't right of them. As an ally of any group, you're probably going to experience people from that group who think you're being an ally in the wrong way. For example, I am inclusive when it comes to things like being transgender and intersex. For being transgender, I do not believe you need to have dysphoria to be trans, I support nonbinary identities (even the "weird" ones), etc. But there are groups of trans people who think that in itself is transphobic and that there are correct ways of being trans. I believe being a trans+ ally would mean supporting ALL trans people, regardless of how they are trans, but those people who restrict and exclude who is and isn't allowed to be trans would call allies who support that transphobic. Being an ally is active work. It isn't always going to be easy. And that's okay! Like I said, keep trying.
I apologize if this didn't answer very well, and other intersex people are more than welcome to weigh in on their own thoughts on how to be a good ally/advocate. And I am always welcome to more specific questions!
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onepieceisreeeeaaalll · 2 months
Strawhats Favorite Book Genres
I'm personally a bookworm and wanted to give my thoughts on this~
Luffy: Picture books, not because he can't read, but he likes looking at the funny pictures and making his own stories. He can be pretty creative about the twists and turns, even if they don't make much sense. He loves pirate tales and as a kid he would always put himself in the stories as Captain Luffy!
Zoro: This man does not read. However, he's always enjoyed action stories people have told him - full of adventure, daring fights, the rise and fall of character arcs. It enthralls him to hear it being told to him far more than if he ever attempted to read the same story from a book. That being said, if someone just started telling him a story they were reading, he'd act annoyed but then say, "Yeah? Then what happened?"
Nami: She is a sucker for a good romance. Specifically the ones where the main plot is fraught with danger, action and angst. She doesn't often take the time to read, and will sometimes take suggestions from Robin in her downtime.
Usopp: This boy loves urban legends and fairytales. He's always appreciated the way those stories can be both silly and dramatic, and he'll often recall them on his own adventures, making comparisons from what he remembers.
Sanji: He doesn't really care about reading now as an adult, but it was his escape when he was a kid. He loved to read about far away lands and adventures that involve groups of friends. He's always been seeking that found family dynamic and hasn't even realized he's fulfilled that dream. This is where his interest in the all-blue comes from! Sometimes he's been known to pick up a cookbook and tear it apart piece by piece, scoffing and insulted by how juvenile the recipes are, thinking of ways to make them better.
Chopper: This one's obvious, but the only books Chopper reads are medical books. He likes to expand his knowledge and continue training to best support his crew. He is more than willing to listen to the girls talk about their books, but those stories dont really tend to be his taste.
Robin: This girl loves mysteries. When she's not reading history or nonfiction, she eats up any mystery or drama she can get her hands on. She loves to try and guess the ending, always excited when she's correct. Robin loves to talk about the books shes reading and will gladly share her thoughts on the story.
Franky: He doesn't read anything aside from manuals. He's willing to hear someone talk about the stories theyre reading, but its just not something he personally gets. He'd much rather be working on new inventions, the Sunny, or making his own adventures. He does love to hear a good story from strangers at the bar, though, and will be completely enthralled in whatever they tell him.
Brook: This bag of bones loves nearly any kind of story. He doesn't often make time to read, but he's more than willing to read stories that provide some kind of inspiration for his songs. More than reading, Brook enjoys writing and reviewing the adventures that the crew has logged, reminiscing on their adventures.
Jimbei: Strictly non-fiction and history. He doesn't typically read, but when he does, he uses it as an opportunity to expand his mind. Biographies, informational books about new lands, you name it. He's not interested in reading something fictional, not really seeing the point in it.
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