#but by the time i got out it was 7 minutes after lunch started
youareinlovetv · 2 years
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tpwk-formula1 · 22 days
It Was Obvious - LN4
Lando Norris x Fewtrell Twin reader
Summary: Lando and Y/N Fewtrell have been seeing each other since just before the season started, what happens when they all go on vacation for summer break and are forced to continue and try to hide their relationship.
TW - NOT EDITED, lowkey mad cheesy, some fluff, talks of slight anxiety, secret relationship
WC 1200+
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"Lando, he's going to kill us if he catches you in here," I whisper to my boyfriend of 6 months, who is currently in my room pulling me in for another kiss.
"I'm willing to fight," Lando whispers again before kissing me again. It was a rushed make out session knowing we didn't have much time making me feel like I was back in year 10 hiding my boyfriend from my parents. But instead of my parents not knowing it's my twin brother who just so happens to be Lando's best friend.
"I love you," I whisper when he pulls away. I see the light blush crawl up his neck before settling on his cheek showing that regardless of how long we have been together we still get the giddy feelings.
"I love you too," he whispers back before slipping out of my room presumably going to his or Max's.
It's not even ten minutes later before another knock rings out through my room making me think Lando is coming back in already..
"Come in," I call out not moving from my bad. When the door opens to reveal Pietra I relax slightly knowing I don't have to worry about my twin coming in and finding out the truth had it been Lando.
"I wanna talk to you," P tells me softly making me sit up and start to feel some anxiety sink in, not knowing what she wants to talk about.
"Im not picking sides in the divorce," I joke softly making her laugh and shake her head.
"I'm not breaking up with your brother," P tells me softly making me laugh cause I knew damn well she wasn't trying to talk to me about that.
"So you and Lando?" She asks with a smirk on her face. I instantly feel all the air in the room leave making it increasingly more difficult to breathe.
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down! I'm not here to get anyone in trouble. I just wanna know more information," P tells me softly when she notices the panic starting to take over my body.
"Please don't tell anyone," I whisper out not knowing how to to trust anyone right now.
"I won't tell anyone. I think it's something you and Lando will need to do on your own time," she tells me with a smile making me relax a little bit more.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks me with a smile. I nod my head with a smile knowing I haven't been able to talk about my relationship with anyone but my mom.
"We started dating in February shortly after Max dragged you and I to that stupid golf thing. We had been talking before that but after Lando got wasted and couldn't take care of himself I went back home with him and pretty much babysat him until he went to sleep. The next morning he woke up and he set up a really cute brunch where he asked me out," I tell her with a smile making her smile with me.
"How did you figure it out?" I ask making her laugh out loud.
"Girl I love you to death but you guys are terrible at sneaking around. We've been here for for two days and everytime I can't find you, Lando just so happens to be missing as well, so I decided to spy on yall. Well kind of, I just so happened to be coming out of the bathroom when he was leaving your room and I truly wouldn't have thought anything of it but I was already suspecting you guys," she tells me making me nod.
"I think Lando and I are gonna make Max to lunch and tell him. I'm tired of lying to him and hiding my relationship," I tell her making her nod and smile.
"I think it's about time 'cause that was almost 7 months ago," she laughs out. I laughed with her happy to know she was happy for me and supported my relationship.
We're nearing the end of our trip and I have decided it was time. Keegan was already making jokes about us being together and thankfully Max was brushing them off as a joke but I'm sure he's going to start realizing the truth.
"Hey Max, I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch later?" I ask softly not wanting to give too much information and try to pass it off as twin bonding.
"Ya, we could go to that one restaurant you've been begging to since we arrived," Max says with a laugh.
"I saw it on TikTok and it looked amazing," I reply back showing my excitement.
I make sure to text Lando the plan and while I plan to tell Max just us I want Lando nearby incase he wants to talk to both of us.
We're halfway through our meal when I finally drop my fork and clear my throat.
"I have to tell you something," I tell him making him drop his fork and roll his eyes jokingly.
"I knew you didn't just want to hang out with me," he jokes making both of us laugh.
"Ya, um but you have to promise to hear me out before getting upset," I tell him suttering in stress a little making him focus on me completely.
"So, please don't be upset but, landoandiareseeingeachother," I breath out in one breath talking too fast for anyone to understand.
"Try again and breathe this time," Max says trying to stay calm at the situation.
"Lando and I are dating," I tell him refusing to look at him. When I meet his eyes I he is giving me the most disbelief look possible.
"Are you kidding me?" Max asks in pure disbelief making me grow increasingly more nervous.
"I promise he's a good one," I quickly come to defend my partner.
"You thought I didn't know?" Max rephrases his statement making it clear he already knows.
"You knew!" I announce being quite a bit louder than I had hoped.
"I've known since Miami. I mean that confirmed it but I definitely caught on before that," Max tells me slightly stunned that I didn't realize.
"I wanted you to tell me when you were ready. Besides its been funny watching you and Lando try to sneak around all this time," Max tells me laughing slightly.
"So you don't care?" I ask him trying to get clarification. He just shook his head no.
"What about P?" I asked just getting curious to the situation now.
"What about her?" Max asks, clearly confused now.
"She came into my room earlier in the trip and asked me about it," I tell him, giving him some more detail about the conversation.
"Oh, no I didn't tell anyone I knew. Meaning she also caught on to your guy's terrible sneaking," Max laughs before adding, "Hell, even Keegan caught on."
I just laughed at that before sending Lando a quick text to let him know he could come in if he wanted. When he met us at the table Max explained to both of us how he caught on and when he realized we both had feelings for each other, which had been long before we started talking.
"Hey but if you break her heart I will pay Verstappen to take you out," Max tells Lando as we are walking back to the beach house we rented for the week.
That just made Lando laugh before telling him he wouldn't dare hurt me.
It was nice being able to spend the last few days of break not having to hide my relationship.
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oh my god i figured it out
okay so it took an accident of me not checking on it, but I FINALLY figured out why I wasn't getting enough loft on my bread:
I was NOT giving enough time for yeast/bacteria production.
So if I do my other bread recipe's 4 hour levain development, then follow the pullman's recipe and do about an hour and a half initial rise (with stretch and folds) with a one hour final rest and rise, I get something like this:
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okay that rose in the oven but like. not a whole lot, yknow?
tried again, a little longer on the levain, but this time I tried to do the final rest/rise in the fridge overnight like when you have an overnight ferment on a classic sourdough
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oh that's a lot better! but the recipe is for a PULLMAN'S loaf, it should be square as possible, am I using enough ingredients?
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this time I let the levain (40-50g starter, 35g whole wheat flour, 35g AP flour, 70 mL water) develop for like six and a half hours in a proofer or a slightly warmed oven.
pour levain into a stand mixer if you've got one, bowl if you dont. Mix in sugar (35g) and warm water (400mL). Let that sit for the usual half hour in proofer.
add flour (600ish grams total, i often do about a third whole wheat to two thirds AP), 5g salt, 80-90g fat of choice (butter, margarine, etc). I put it in the stand mixer for around 10 minutes on low. (this is a REALLY old stand mixer so it CAN go real slow- do 7-8 min on lowest setting on a modern mixer, 15 min if you wanna do a hand knead)
cover and put in proofer. As usual I did 4 stretch and folds at half hour intervals, but on the final interval I forgot about the timer- it was left in the bowl for around a full hour after the last fold rather than the planned half hour.
by the time I checked on it, it rose WAY more than i was expecting it to. Decided to roll with it (lol), greased the pullman's pan (butter if no one's allergic, margarine otherwise), flattened, rolled up the dough, plopped it in and slid on the lid.
Did the final rest for two full hours in proofing temps, then baked at 350-60ish for a half hour with the lid slid on, 15 min with the lid off.
so, all in all: the ideal loaf of pullman's sourdough starts when you wake up and comes out around dark lunch.
not practical but hey! an interesting study to be sure
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littlexdeaths · 9 days
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eddie munson x shy fem reader
warnings: reader is a bit insecure, little sprinkle of jealous eddie, reader wears glasses, smooching, also the finest cheese in all the land (i hope) <3
part one | part two
word count: 2.5k
a/n: this ended up bit longer than i intended so oops. but big thanks to @strangerstilinski for brainstorming some ideas with me to further cheesify the kissing scene. and another HUGE thank you to @undead-supernova for helping me with fix some things and for looking this over. I LOVE YOU BOTH <3
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“What do you mean you didn’t kiss him?!”
You quickly turn to give Nancy a pointed glare before digging deeper into your locker to retrieve your biology textbook.
But really, it is a valid question.
“I— just,” you blow out an exasperated breath. “I panicked, alright? Trust me, I’m just as disappointed as you are.”
While your date didn’t end on a bad note by any means, it definitely ended on a lame one.
When Eddie dropped you off at home after the two of you spent way too much time cozying up in a corner booth at Benny’s— you weren’t entirely ready to say goodnight to him yet.
But when he walked you to your front door and carefully started to lean in, those pesky nerves got the best of you. Instead, you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek before he had the chance to reach your lips.
Feelings of disappointment clawed at your insides once your lips brushed against the stubble on his cheek instead of his lips, your tinted chapstick leaving a tinge of pink in its wake. 
Eddie cleared his throat, carefully rubbing the back of his neck while he bid you goodnight. 
You’d barely shut the door behind you when your smile faltered and all those feelings of self doubt you’d managed to push aside all night came creeping back in. 
Everything was going so well, why couldn’t you just kiss him? It wasn’t as if you’d never kissed someone before. 
Your first kiss happened your sophomore year, with band geek Ray Howard in King Steve’s coat closet during a stupid game of 7 minutes in heaven that neither of you enjoyed. 
If you were brave enough to do that, why couldn’t you kiss the guy you actually liked? 
“Well, when are you gonna see him again?” Nancy prompts. You shrug once you slam your locker shut.
“I don’t know… I’m afraid he’s not gonna want another date. I mean, I gave him a peck on the cheek! How lame is that.”
You hug your textbooks to your chest as you head to class with Nancy, who is desperately trying to convince you that Eddie would be insane if he didn’t want to see you again.
You just hoped she was right.
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When you don’t see him at lunch, you instantly deflate a little. The doom and gloom that lingers outside the school now mirrors your mood, taking any semblance of your appetite with it. You hadn’t seen him all day, so that only seemed to confirm your worries.
He’s avoiding you. What else could it be?
It’s not like him to skip out on lunch, so instead of heading further into the cafeteria you turn heel to head toward the library— 
And almost collide directly into Eddie.
His leather clad arms instantly wrap around you, a teasing smirk playing on his full lips. Lips you so desperately want to feel pressed against your own.
“Sweetheart, we really gotta stop meeting like this,” he teases, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “One of these days you’ll take both of us out.”
You let out a nervous giggle and an apology, relief filling your chest as his smile grows wider in response. Damn Nancy for always being right.
“Where are you headed in such a rush anyway?” he asks, finally letting you go, much to your dismay.
“Uh… the library. Wasn’t feeling super hungry.”
He nods, leaning his shoulder against the door frame. He looks even prettier than when you saw him on Friday. His curls are a little more unruly, his stubble more pronounced. 
And when you catch the faintest hint of cigarette smoke lingering on his jacket and how it mixes with his spicy cologne— it has your heart stuttering in your chest.
“Well, anyway, I was wondering…”
A small grunt leaves his lips as his body is forced forward, directly into yours. The jock that just shoulder checked him mutters a “watch it, freaks” under his breath before continuing past you into the cafeteria.
The shove has closed the remaining distance between you, your faces merely inches apart now. Your palms resting against his chest, feeling how his breath slightly quickens beneath your fingertips. You could so easily kiss him like this, all you have to do is tilt your head up…
But you choke, eyes darting back down nervously toward your feet when you take a small step back.
“Are you alright?” you ask, meeting his eyes once more.
Eddie doesn’t even seem phased by what just occurred, his warm eyes entirely still focused on you.
“Oh, that’s nothing, sweetheart,” he chuckles, “I can handle myself.”
Eddie motions to his torso, lifting the lapels of his jacket as if to prove his point.
“See? Not even a scratch.”
And it takes all your self control to keep your eyes from wandering lower, past the soft cotton of his shirt, over the handcuff buckle of his belt…
“Now, what I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted,” his voice raises in volume, eyes throwing a pointed glare towards the jocks table before they settle back on you. “Would you like to have lunch with me?”
Eddie nods towards the Hellfire table, your eyes drifting across the cafeteria. The familiar group of males are already seated at their usual spots, engaged in a heated debate over something.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
Eddie can sense your hesitation, shaking his head as he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“I promise they don’t bite.” He grins, beginning to lead you toward the lunch table. “Can’t say the same for me though.”
He whispers that last part, his lips playfully grazing over the shell of your ear. Eddie can feel how you shiver in response, thoroughly satisfied with himself as you try to compose yourself once you reach his friends.
The guys barely spare either of you a passing glance, still deep in their conversation when Eddie pulls up a chair for you. Right at the head of the table next to his own.
You take a seat with a polite smile, each of the members of Hellfire now noticing your presence. And they can’t hide their utter shock and surprise as Eddie takes his seat beside you. He introduces you properly, going along the table until he reaches the two youngest members of Hellfire.
“While we haven’t been able to coax Sinclair back from the dark side,” he sighs, resting his arm on the back of your chair. “You obviously know Wheeler and Henderson already…”
“Oh, Mike knows her alright,” Dustin interjects, mischievously glancing over at his best friend. “He used to have the biggest crush—”
Mike elbows Dustin in the side before he can even finish his sentence, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red as he hangs his head.
“Would you shut it?” he hisses, already noting the way Eddie’s gaze hardens as he tugs your chair impossibly closer to his own.
“No… Henderson, please continue.”
A brow quirks up from underneath his bangs, and suddenly the whole table has gone silent, all eyes on their fearless leader.
Dustin nervously swallows, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “It was… really stupid kid stuff, not important! Just forget I even brought it up. It was just a dumb— ”
The younger male’s voice raises an octave when he laughs, his nerves shining through.
“— right, just a dumb little crush,” Mike finishes, but Eddie doesn’t seem entirely convinced.
When you suddenly rest your hand on his knee under the table, his composure begins to slip. His eyes soften when he looks down at you. The whole table is practically holding their breath, in anticipation for Eddie’s next move.
But you beat him to it.
“Someone had to be the president of my fan club, right?” you giggle.
Mike just groans in response, head falling to the table while the other guys begin to chatter amongst themselves again, that underlying tension now beginning to melt. Much like you are under the weight of his gaze.
“Well, I’d gladly take over that position, if you’d have me.”
Your breath hitches at the underlying meaning behind his words, and, god, you’ve never wanted to kiss him more than you do right now.
When Eddie slowly begins to lean in, Dustin practically gags, the chiming of the lunch bell stopping everything in its tracks.
“Saved by the bell,” he mutters under his breath.
The brunette unwillingly rises to his feet and reaches out a hand for you to take, keeping you closely tucked into his side while he walks you to your next class.
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Your mind was racing the rest of the afternoon, impatiently watching the hand on the clock tick by ever so slowly— desperately waiting for the final bell to ring.
After Eddie had walked you to history, he planted a playful kiss to the back of your hand. Giving you a dramatic bow before heading in the opposite direction toward Ms. O’Donnell’s classroom. 
You were a fumbling mess once when you took your seat next to Nancy, and you could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to know everything.
So you spilled the beans during your walk to English afterwards, a plan beginning to form in your head with each step closer to Ms. O’Donnell’s.
Three failed kissing attempts was all your poor heart could take, so you spent the entirety of the last period plotting how you’d be able to get Eddie alone.
Which was how you found yourself pacing back and forth on the football field, eyes scanning the trees for any possible signs of movement. The palms of your hands are sweaty despite the crisp air, the fabric of your sneakers dampening with each step you take through the wet grass.
And you’re wondering if maybe this was a stupid idea, that maybe you heard Jeff wrong.
You knew Eddie dealt weed, the whole school did. But having never dabbled with the leafy substance yourself, you weren’t exactly sure where he made his deals at. So it was a stroke of luck when you overheard Jeff mention it in passing to Grant during English.
Something about how he was going to be late for rehearsal because some jock wanted to buy a bunch of reefer behind the football field. And who was Eddie to refuse a good sale? Especially when the douche was offering him a lot of money.
You’re abruptly broken out of your thoughts when you finally see his lanky figure emerging from the tree line and your heart kicks into first gear— about ready to burst out of your chest with each step he takes towards you.
His curls are a little damp from the mist hanging in the air, that signature dimple indenting his cheek when a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
And despite your nerves, it’s a welcomed sight.
“Well, I didn’t take you for a stoner, sweetheart,” he begins.
But you don’t give him the chance to give you a proper greeting before you’re springing into action. Your fingers curl into the collar of his denim vest, meeting him halfway as you lean up to press your lips to his…
Only to end up knocking your heads together instead.
A small grunt of pain leaves him and your stomach twists in embarrassment, fingers gently pressing against your forehead as you wince.
“Oh my god, I am so—”
Those words barely have a chance to slip past your lips before he tilts your chin up and carefully molds his mouth over yours. His movements are slow but steady, as if gauging your response.
Your body reacts before your mind can fully process what’s happening, instinctively reeling him in closer and pressing your lips more firmly against his own. He hums softly, the sound setting your whole body alight.
As Eddie slips one of his hands around your waist, the other reaches up to tenderly cup your cheek. And when he begins to guide you backwards, you let him. Only stopping once your back is flush against the goal post. But even then, he doesn’t stop kissing you.
You can feel the cool metal seeping through the thin layer of your jacket, causing goosebumps to rise on the surface of your skin. But even with the cool air continuing to nip at your exposed skin, you feel like you’re on fire.
His lips are like molten honey, sugary sweet and practically melting you to your core. And you swear this is the closest to heaven you’ve ever felt.
When he eventually pulls away and you take a shuddering breath in, your eyes remain closed. You’re practically on cloud nine, basking in the lingering tingles that prickle over your lips. His hand remains on your cheek, thumb brushing over where his lips just were.
Eddie suddenly lets out a deep chuckle, the sound vibrating against your chest while his breath washes over the apples of your cheeks. Only then do your eyes flutter open and you realize the reason behind his amusement.
Your vision is completely obscured, the round lenses of your glasses fogged over from the heat of his breath. You can just barely make out his smile through the frames, but the silliness of the moment has you letting out a giggle of your own.
“May I?” he asks, the tips of his fingers grazing over where the arms of your glasses meet your temples.
You nod immediately, allowing him to remove them with the utmost care. He untucks his Judas Priest t-shirt from his jeans, using the soft cotton to clear the fog away from your lenses. Even with your blurred vision, you manage to catch a glimpse of his tummy before it’s hidden away beneath his shirt again.
When his eyes flick up to meet yours, he can’t help but feel like he’s really seeing you for the first time. Not hidden away behind a book or the thick wire frames of your glasses. Just you, in all your unbridled beauty.
“Thank you,” you murmur as he carefully places your glasses back onto the bridge of your nose.
Eddie just grins, leaning his forearm on the goal post above your head. He smells faintly like weed and peppermint gum, and you really want him to kiss you again.
“How’s about I give you a ride home, hm?”
You can’t hide your smile, nodding your head enthusiastically.
“I’d really like that.”
Eddie leans down to press one more searing kiss to your lips before he slips his hand in yours and pulls you along. The two of you now walking hand in hand across the football field.
“So, sounds like I’ve got some competition with Wheeler, huh?” he teases, squeezing your hand a little tighter in his.
“Oh come on, you’ve never had a crush on a babysitter before?”
Eddie takes a step in front of you, beginning to walk backwards while simultaneously guiding you forward.
“Well… considering my only babysitter was starting to bald and my uncle,” he practically shudders, “I’m gonna say no, sweetheart.”
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series taglist: @sheneedsrocknroll92 @blckbrrybasket @your-nightmaredoll @missmarch-99 @fandom-princess-forevermore @mylovelycrazyworld @princesssunderworld
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freakassfemme · 2 months
chronically offline abby headcannons ✧˖*°
she is coping so well and thriving. i said i could fix her and i did
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heyyyy so this is sort of kind of low-key a little bit of a continuation on beloved butch abby, the premise of the au and personality is the same. i got a request asking for more and i was thinking about this anyways and thought they worked well together
♫ above the chinese restaurant (laufey)
ೃ༄ abby is (unfortunately) a retired soldier, she's got a kid to look after, she runs a cafe downtown and she's got two dogs. all at like, 22. did we really think she has the time to go online for anything more than 🔍 thirty minute dinner recipes your vegan teenager isn't going to kill you over
ೃ༄ just kidding. she doesn't mind lev trying out new things lol. he is her whole fucking world, she's more than happy to spend time with him cooking something he remembers from home, giving each other grossed out faces when they fuck up the tofu again, and giving up and going to target 15 minutes before close to piece together some random junk food.
Manny will come over and cook with them sometimes, and that's always a fun time. he's got abby drunk before nine and she's just a laughing mess.
ೃ༄ she just loves being around Manny in general. they meet up for lunch a lot, go on runs together in the morning, work on each other's trucks, etc.,
now that she's living a normal life, she's able to take a serious Spanish class, and he's very supportive about it.
ೃ༄ definitely takes the dogs into the cafe with her. whenever someone complains about the pandora radio she puts on, she blames it on the dogs.
yeah she uses pandora until someone teaches her what Spotify is
ೃ༄ she's such a planner. she's got a huge chalkboard in the kitchen for the week and the month with both of their schedules drawn on it down to the hour if needed. hers is written in orange and lev's is written in green.
only watches tv once a week, and it's for a designated show that's so laid back, like the great British baking show.
"do you want to watch this show?" "no it's not Sunday"
ೃ༄ she's definitely the type to limit screen time, and lev himself isn't like partial to brain rot, but sometimes he says something that has her turning around like what did you just say eyes wide and everything
lev tells her to touch grass one day and she goes on a hike
ೃ༄ her favorite evening activities are taking the dogs on a sunset walk with lev, and then when lev's gone up to his room for the night, she will pack him like a little bento-type lunch. she'll cozy up in her lazy boy by the fireplace with Alice at her feet and journal away, sometimes until she falls asleep.
she's got BUCKETS of journals. it started in therapy after her dad passed, as like a coping mechanism to at least attempt to correct her thought processes, and it's always stuck. it's always made her feel like she's putting herself in order again.
after therapy, i feel like abby spent a lot of time thinking about religion. she never really found anything that clicks, but she reads a lot about buddhism and really appreciates the perspective.
ೃ༄ definitely has a weird phone setup going on. she's either got a really old like iPhone 7 with maybe 6 apps on it or one of those CAT flip phones lol. can you imagine flip phone selfies from her
ೃ༄ writes her grocery lists on a little piece of yellow paper that she'll tuck into her front pocket. carries specifically one of those bic ballpoint pens, has like 5 year old reusable grocery bags and a keychain for her Aldi quarter that she thinks is so clever and fun.
she definitely uses one of her favorite coins from her collection as her Aldi quarter.
ೃ༄ gets the paper delivered to her house. she prefers to read it that way, but she pays for lev to get a digital subscription to his kindle or something
ೃ༄ keeps her dads beat up, decaying quilt as a topper for her bed. she folds it up neatly every night and sets it in a rocking chair in the corner of her room, just to preserve it a little longer.
ೃ༄ knows how to get throughout almost the entire west coast without a map or gps or anything
ೃ༄ reading is HUGE in her house. lev's reading log was NEVER forged not once. she spent a whole summer building ceiling to floor bookshelves with a gorgeous trim and a mahogany stain. she loves to swing by the used bookstore after work every once in a while, the one where she can get a book for 25 cents or a big bag of them for two bucks.
every birthday, lev gives her a bag of books, and he always puts one in that he loves but isn't sure she will like. it's usually not her style, but she likes learning more about his interests and she thinks they're always very sweet books.
always secretly surprises lev with little books with transmasc characters or about real trans people. she will just leave them on his desk in their shared office or something with a little sticky note with a heart on it
ೃ༄ makes friends with the lanky manager of the record store with a weird fucked up tattoo when she's looking for more cassettes for her beat up truck.
"dude, you're the only person who has looked through this crate in like, six months. you can just take what you want."
"holy shit, really? it's the only thing i can play in my truck besides the radio."
"jesus, that's kind of funny. yeah, anytime you want, you can use my shit to make your little mixtapes. if I'm not here, just tell them Ellie said so."
ೃ༄ is definitely an active member of her local library, not only for reading material, but to check out music, and she loves to participate in the chess and book clubs.
really loves board games in general.
ೃ༄ I feel like abby loves Birkenstocks, but the clogs. she has a pair of sandals for the summer, but in my heart I know she's a clog girly.
ೃ༄ very simple, very minimalist wardrobe. I feel like she exclusively sticks to Levi's for jeans, and then she has like 8 black tee shirts and some thrifted sweatshirts and tee shirts.
would very much adore though if her girlfriend crocheted her a hat or a scarf or something <3
ೃ༄ speaking of girlfriends, I feel like abby really goes for opposites attract. she's so mild in appearance, that she loves someone that's a little over the top. maybe a little frilly, or adds odd little details to their outfits. she loves funky hairstyles and creativity in women.
ೃ༄ she loves making her own coffee. working at the cafe wasn't just convenience for her, abby loves the slowness of it. she loves packing the espresso, she loves checking on her sourdough every morning, she loved crafting her own tea blends. she definitely has a beat up metal French press, but she probably invests in her own espresso machine to keep at home too.
ೃ༄ i feel like eventually abby would coach for a sports team at lev's school. maybe he joined gymnastics or like, made the soccer team, and abby's packing-coolers-full-for-the-team and carpooling and excessive volunteering eventually takes her to leading after school drills and a best coach ever mug for the middle school boys soccer team lol.
this OR she becomes one of the most active parents any GSA has ever known to mankind
joins the pta
ೃ༄ is SO sentimental. has photos of people she loves all over the walls of her house, keeps tickets from movies and cuts out bits from the newspaper to keep in a little shoebox under her bed. she keeps her dad's medical journals and research on a special shelf above the fireplace.
her little flip hone has a blurry picture of her and Manny in the background
ೃ༄ Abby texts and types like this. She is a very formal typist. She will become very confused if someone texts her in lowercase or without punctuation.
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inuyashaluver · 8 months
Hi! I love your writing so much!!
Can I request something for Leah Williamson? Like Leah and Popstar!reader has been in a secret relationship and in the reader’s music video she has to kiss/being intimate with an actress (sort of like “Justin Bieber - Mistletoe”music video) Leah become jealous, although reader has explained that the song was for Leah and it was just acting. So in the next music video (I pictured it like “Dan + Shay, Justin Bieber - 10,000 hours” music video) Leah be in the music video and kinda hard launch to the world about being married to the reader.
So, maybe cute jealous Leah and fluffy ending?
(You don’t have to use the same music video reference, it just what gave me this idea☺️)
Thank you, and if you don’t want to write my request it’s okay.. no pressure!
hard launch - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which your wife gets jealous when you kiss a man in your music video for your new album, so you give her a special one instead
warnings: swearing, jealous leah, slightly angsty idk
a/n: hiya, lovey! i hope you don’t mind but i switched the request around a teensy bit just for plot! ily and thank you for the love and request❤️ mixed feelings again lmao
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you and your wife, leah were each other’s biggest fans, but in a relatively secret manner, only the people closest to you knew about the two of you and that was how you liked it.
you and leah met at the brit’s years ago when you were seated next to each other. someone on stage said something quite unhinged and you both glanced at each other in disbelief.
“what the fuck?” you mouth to the girl next to you, she places a hand over her mouth to conceal her laugh but both of you break out into silent giggles.
after that, you both followed each other on instagram and she miraculously got your number. you both started chatting, finding out you lived 10 minutes from each other. you always met up for lunch or anytime whenever the two of you were free and it steadily progressed into a romantic relationship.
you’d been together for over 7 years, wanting to keep your lives private as you were both highly influential people in the media. you, a popstar and leah, a star football player.
and like the media always does, they ruin things. often. so, you and leah made an agreement to keep your relationship a secret, your wedding was quiet, your nearest and dearest all in attendance.
you and leah brought out the best in each other, and everyone noticed it. everytime you and leah got interviewed, it was one of the top comments that you and leah respectively were much happier recently. both of you always saying, “it’s just a happy day” with an identical smile.
if people did put two and two together, you and leah wouldn’t confirm nor deny your relationship. you and leah would put on subtle disguises when supporting each other, whether it was at an event or a football match, the two of you would make an effort to be there no matter what.
you both genuinely loved each other and that was all that mattered to the both of you. through a large, mutual respect and trust with one another, it worked.
when leah tore her acl, she was at home all the time, you took some time off music to support her and she was eternally grateful for you. when she’d cry, you kiss her cheek and tell her everything was going to be okay.
you took her to rehab, to training, to get late night snacks. whatever she wanted, you did it for her, knowing well enough that she would do the same.
all the time at home together made you both giddy amongst all the sadness of the injury. leah claimed she wouldn’t have been able to do anything without you, expressing her gratitude everyday through lazy kisses and prolonged embraces that had your hearts synched in unison.
in an attempt to express your unconditional love for your wife, you decided to make a secret album dedicated to her. once she was asleep, you would slip out of her embrace and write songs until your hand was tired and your eyes were sore.
leah was by far your biggest inspiration and you wanted her to know that.
when you would finish writing for the night, you’d hop back into the welcoming arms of your wife. she’d immediately settle on your chest, her body rising and falling as she slept soundly.
you worked on the album the entire duration of recovery for leah, impressed with how you were able to keep the secret for so long, considering she always had the ability to coax something out of you when she’d give you that attractive smirk as she’d tower over you.
once she’d recovered and made her comeback, you knew the album needed to be released, so, you put out a poster advertising it on instagram, a major yet subtle nod to leah, featuring one of her newest tattoos.
leah sees you’ve posted something on instagram since she has your notifications on, her heart stops when she recognises her tattoo, she smiles brightly that day, rushing home from training to ask you all about it.
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 44,232 others
yourname: my new album, ‘home’ is coming very soon! dedicated to a special person in my life, my biggest inspiration ever, i love you xx
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“baby!” leah calls out from the door, her keys clanging on the kitchen counter as she searches for you. you’re sitting in the living room on the couch, bundled up in one of her hoodies while you drink a tea.
“hi, love” you smile lazily at her, she looks at you full of adoration, sitting next to you on the couch and carefully taking the mug from your hands and placing it on the coffee table. she takes both of your hands in hers, leaning forward to place a kiss on your lips.
“hi, beautiful” leah smiles against your lips, placing little kisses there before pulling away to look at you. “has my girl been making an album without telling me?” leah narrows her eyes at you, placing a hand on your thigh when you kick your legs into her lap.
“maybe” you shrug teasingly, causing the blonde to groan in annoyance. “oh come on, man!” leah huffs, you raise your eyebrows at her amusingly, kissing her cheek affectionately causing a little smirk to play on her lips.
“alright i’ll tell you,” you give up when she gives you her best puppy dog eyes, “the album’s for you, i’ve been writing it throughout your recovery and a couple of songs are coming out over the next three days before i release the full thing” you inform her, fiddling with the fingers of her free hand.
“it’s for me?” leah breathes out surprisingly, attempting to move closer so she was pressed up against you, “it’s for you” you affirm, puckering your lips up for a quick kiss.
she instantly closes the gap, the kiss more passionate than you expected, causing you to whine into her mouth when she pulls you to straddle her lap. the kiss is bruising, it makes you both dizzy with affection when your lips and tongues move against each other.
in need of air, she pulls away and rests her forehead against yours, her breath fanning against your lips as she holds you close. you lean back to look at her, pushing away the stray hairs adorning her face that had fallen from her loose ponytail.
“i’ll take it you’re excited then?” you tease, placing a hand on her cheek and smiling softly at her, she nods and moves her head to kiss the palm of your hand, “more than excited” she teases back, moving to kiss you again and taking your breath away completely.
it was the day one of your first songs got released, labelled : ‘softly’ (by clairo - highly recommend this banger, listen and check out the lyrics!!). the music video was filmed months ago and it was cute. you thought she’d love it, but the girl sitting next to you while she watched wasn’t overly excited as much as you thought she would be.
the song was beautiful and she loved it, it was the music video that had a funny feeling bubbling in her chest. in the music video, you and a close friend of yours, a male actor had been exploring a random part of london, goofing off, slow dancing in the street, sharing a coffee and leah was fine with that, it was ‘whatever’. until the very end of the video where you shared a quick kiss before the screen turned black.
leah had an unreadable expression on her face, sitting next to you, cross-armed while her eyes were trained on the tv in your shared living room. she prods her tongue on the inside of her cheek before she clenches her jaw.
“lee, baby” you say nervously, testing out the waters, she doesn’t look at you, her eyes still on the tv. “leah?” you place a hand on her shoulder and she shrugs it off, standing up to run off to the bathroom.
she was fuming to say the least, she knew it meant nothing but there was just something about seeing you kiss someone else that made her immensely jealous and she couldn’t admit it to you.
you sigh when you hear the bathroom lock click, she never does that. you say to yourself you’re giving her space but it took you the span of 1 minute to rush to the door and sit down in front of it, your back pressed against it while you waited for her.
you hear the distant lull of the shower and you pout, picking at your nails at the thought of her being upset with you. when she was done, she opened the door and you fell back, staring up at her with wide eyes before scrambling to get off the floor.
“you okay?” you breathe out, the blonde just nods, moving past you and sitting on the bed, her back resting against the headboard while she scrolled on her phone, reading all the comments on your song.
all of them talking about how cute the video was, a couple confused as to why you casted a man as the love interest for a song clearly about a female.
you breathe out shakily before sitting next to her, picking at your nails again until leah broke the silence, “don’t do that” she reprimands softly, looking down at her phone again. “sorry” you mumble, head hanging low as you stare at your hands in your lap.
“have i done something?” you question nervously, the girl just shakes her head, placing her phone down and looking at you. her scowl was gone and instead somewhat of a pout was hinting on her lips.
your eyes slightly widen when you take in her appearance, she was jealous. you fight extremely hard to conceal your smile as you watch her amusingly, ready to see her crack under the pressure.
“did you really have to kiss a man?” leah clenches her jaw with a roll of her eyes when she hears your stifled giggles escaping your mouth. “baby-” you start, promptly interrupted but a frustrated looking leah, “a man? the songs about me!” leah scoffs in disbelief, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks at you expectantly.
“don’t smile” leah grits out, but you can’t stop, moving to sit in her lap as she frowns.
you try to untangle her arms but she’s extremely strong, deciding to place a hand on her shoulder while the other cards through her hair. she tries incredibly hard not to hum at the contact, staring into your eyes through her furrowed brows.
“the song is about you, i kissed a gay man by the way, i just thought he’d be a good fit for the video but the song is clearly about a certain pretty blonde that i love” you say sarcastically, leah untangling her arms and pinching your hip warningly.
“i love you and i only love you” you say reassuringly, peppering her face with little kisses which causes her to break out in a little smile.
“i liked the song” she sighs, leaning into your body for comfort that you happily give to her.
“i’m glad” you smile, nudging her nose with your own and giggling when it crinkles up.
“still doesn’t change the fact that you kissed a man when you have a wife” she exaggerates, her scowl making its way to her face again. you smile at her affectionately, “a gay man” you groan, “are you sure? you’re really hot and could easily make someone question themselves” leah says simply, checking you out shamelessly.
you roll your eyes and give her a chaste kiss, “yes, leah, he’s gay and i’ll happily kiss my wife that i love so much” you smile cheekily, making the blonde huff out a laugh and pull you closer into a passionate kiss.
it completely takes your breath away when she pulls away, you pant and just look at each other for a moment. she’s happy for a second until she remembers you locking lips with that man, she doesn’t care if he’s gay, it scarred her.
“so grumpy” you mumble, reaching up and running your thumb over the wrinkled skin. “i don’t care, it should’ve been me,” she huffs, she’s completely unaware of what you have under your sleeve. “i love you” you quip, she replies without skipping a beat, “i love you too”
with a couple more shared kisses and reassuring words, leah got over it.
two days later, the video you’d been excited yet nervous about was finally about to be released. you’d been working on not only the song but the music video extremely hard.
the song was called ‘leah’ (actually ur so pretty by wasia project), it was different from your usual music but it felt right. you nervously sat with leah on the couch, bundled up under a blanket together as you cuddled.
leah could sense your nervousness, she’d run her hand up and down your arm in attempts to calm down but this was literally a hard launch and you didn’t know how she would react.
the video gets uploaded and you nervously move the remote towards the video to click on it.
“leah?” the girl mumbles in slight shock, you lean into her, kissing her cheek quickly before pressing play. the opening chords of the piano had leah’s heart already lurching.
the video is an edited video of you and leah throughout the years. all of them filmed by you. it had videos from your dates, at home, cuddling, sleeping, kissing, everything.
‘you’re so pretty, when you smile it kills me’
your voice sings out, leah immediately tenses against you. tears were already filling in both of your eyes, leah holds onto you tightly, completely engrossed on the screen and your voice.
‘can’t stop thinking, about the way you kissed me, under the stars’
leah laughs fondly at some of the silly videos in video, a full play by play of your relationship presented to the world in the most beautiful way. when it gets to the more recent moments of your relationship, leah squeezes you gently, her breath hitching when footage of your wedding plays. you’re both crying at this point.
‘you’re the only person left, so hold me. don’t leave me’
your song finishes, the final clip you and leah sharing your first kiss as a married couple, smiling brightly with each other and walking down the aisle together excitedly before a picture of you and leah is left on the screen and then turning into a black screen.
you in leah sit in silence just crying, she pulls you into a tight embrace, her face tucked into the crook of your neck as her tears pool out of her eyes.
“i love you, i love you so much” she cries, holding onto you tightly like you could disappear at any moment.
“i love you so much, lee” you sniffle with an affectionate giggle, cradling the girl’s head to you as you held onto each other tightly.
after the long embrace, she pulls back to look at you, kissing you sweetly before pulling away again to smile lovingly at you. “sorry for the hard launch” you giggle, wiping the remnants of tears on her cheeks with your thumb. “thank you for the hard launch” she teases, kissing you again.
“the rest of the album is out” you remind and she perks up, “what are we waiting for then?” she exclaims, making you lie on top of her while she plays the album.
“there’s 10 songs, lee, we don’t need to listen to all of it now” you say sheepishly, “such a sap, lovey, 10 whole songs for me? i’m so lucky” she teases, kissing the crown of your head. “of course we need to listen now, i need to support my official wag” you smile up at her, kissing her gently while the sounds of your album drown out in the background.
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leahwilliamsonn: stream my WIFE’S new album she made for me, best present ever
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yourname: my wifey
↳ leahwilliamsonn: my pretty wife
yourname: remember when you got mad i kissed a gay man
↳ leahwilliamsonn: time out.
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word-wytch · 10 months
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Don't Stand So Close To Me — Chapter 16
Eddie x Teacher!Reader
Chapter 16/? 9k. Series Masterlist
✏︎ Frustrated by inconclusive endings, Eddie takes a seat behind the wheel. 
✏︎ Series Summary: Forced to move back home to Hawkins after your fiancé cheats on you, you begin to fall in love again with an audacious 20 year old metalhead, only there’s one problem — he’s still in high school and you’re his English teacher.
While you struggle starting over in a place you never thought you would return, Eddie struggles feeling stuck in a place he can’t manage to leave — until you offer to help him. Of all the lessons learned, the most important are the ones you teach each other.
✏︎ Series CW: forbidden romance, slow burn, true love, smut (18+ mdni), internal conflict, student-teacher relationship, 10 year age gap, mutual pining, sexual tension, emotions, drama, angst, character development, happy ending :)
✏︎ Chapter CW: general angst, paternal angst, drug mention
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Thursday, December 12th 1985
Before the first morning bell, Eddie gave Judy at reception his best impression of Wayne over the phone. He wasn’t totally lying, he was in fact, quite sick. Sick of all the taunting looks from meathead jocks. Sick of the way Ms. O’Donnell cleared her throat every five minutes. Sick of waking up so goddamn early. Sick of wasting his time. So after hanging up the phone, he stuffed a few essentials in his backpack and made for the door. 
Like clockwork, Wayne always came home at around 8:10 AM, and though it would be far from the first time he’d skipped school, Eddie would rather not have to explain himself. Besides, he could use a change of scenery. There was no denying winter anymore, the ice he scraped off his windshield made sure to remind him. On a typical hooky day he would drive down to Lover’s Lake and toss open the rear doors, catch a breeze, light a joint, sit back and take in the ripples on the water and the rustling leaves. But that had all frozen over, so unless he intended to burn through his whole tank of gas, he would need to get creative. 
That was how he found himself at Benny’s at 7:58 on a Thursday morning, setting up camp in a booth at the back of the restaurant. He ordered his usual — bacon, scrambled eggs, and a stack of pancakes in addition to white toast. Tossing his fourth emptied sugar packet beside the leaning tower of creamers, he sat back in the sticky, padded seat and took his first deep breath all morning. 
The diner was bustling lowly, a handful of regulars perched on silver, spinning stools at the bar. From the frosted window leeching cool air beside him, he watched the funeral procession of headlights down Washington under a mournful sky. Just another day for the upright citizens of Hawkins, Indiana. From his cozy booth, Eddie sipped the top off his very full mug and smiled to himself. 
Sprawling his belongings around the piping hot plates, he popped on his headphones, cracked open his monster manual, and got to work. The first hour flew by like his pencil across the graph paper. Between the bacon bits that had leapt from hand to page, a formidable lineup of foes was taking shape. Bottom line; the boys were in for a world of hurt tomorrow. He did his best to resign the grease to the flimsy napkins, but by the time he was finished, syrup tacked the gargoyle and gorgon pages together. 
“Anything else I can grab for ya besides the check?” Sheri—according to her name tag—asked with a tired lean as she reached to clear his plates. 
Eddie glanced down sheepishly at his freshly topped off mug. “I uh, think I might be staying for lunch.”
Sheri forced a hot pink smile, catching the fork with her decorated finger when it threatened to slide off the plate. “Y’ want me to get a room set up for you too?” she joked with a wink of her spidery lashes. “Just teasin’ sweetie. You just flag me down when you’re ready.”
Switching out his tapes, Eddie shut the cassette player and stared out the window as the men at the bar tossed their napkins and fished out their wallets. Snow was falling in lazy clumps, clinging to his windshield. Somewhere behind the overcast clouds, the sun was rising steadily. It was dismal, a fitting backdrop for the opening track of Black Sabbath’s Heaven and Hell. Of all the seasons, winter belonged to metal. Like it was made for cruising down a quiet, snow-covered street in the middle of nowhere. Made for drowning out Bing Crosby crooning from the speaker in the corner above him. Tinsel glittered on the small tree perched on a cloud of fake snow beside the cash register. Ornaments on swags swayed to the thump of footsteps passing. Eddie sighed and stared into the changing street lights.
Glancing at his watch he figured you were probably wrapping up the film with second period, knitting your brow and drawing your pen across the papers you were grading. He wondered what you’d think when the bell rang for fourth and you found his seat empty. Would you think he was upset with you? There was a small part of him that hoped so, and another part that hoped you would understand. After all, he was giving you the space you asked for, was he not?
Like a siren, your story—tucked between his notebook and the magazines he’d exhausted twice cover to cover—called to him. Cracking open the plastic spine, he dove headfirst into the typewritten pages.
For the whole narrow path into Rower’s End, Cybelle had sat in the front of the caravan, breathing the briny air unhindered by a barrier. Lazarus admired the brilliant fullness of her smile as she watched the seagulls soar overhead, under the clouds she had only ever seen from above. The sunlight had graced them then, beaming down in golden rays, glinting on the distant waves as they approached the sleepy seaside town. 
Eddie could feel the corners of his mouth tug as Lazarus regaled Cybelle with a story of a time when he’d accidentally taken a crab home with him after spending a day at the beach, followed by an explanation of what a crab was. Cybelle seemed delighted with the prospect of seeing one, even more-so when he told her how he’d discovered the little hitchhiker when it pinched his rear in bed that night. Eddie noticed the way Cybelle leaned closer whenever Lazarus told stories, the way her hand came to shield her bare face with a giggle when he mentioned his rear. The way her delicate, copper fingers lingered over the soft skin of his forearm when she checked beneath his bandage. The wound was healing nicely — no sign of infection and not a thorn in sight. She warned that it might scar, but Lazarus did not appear concerned—rather the opposite actually—as if a strange part of him was pleased with the idea of having something to remember her by. 
As they dipped over the final hill toward Rower’s End, Lazarus told her another story. A dream, rather, of a little cottage in Shantiglade with a full sized bed, and a garden, and a goose egg omelette big enough for two. A dream that would likely never come to pass. Cybelle seemed equally enchanted by it. Sitting back against the boxy, wooden seat of the caravan, she breathed in the salty air and imagined how good it would feel to do so every day. To experience the feeling of sand between her toes, of the ocean at her ankles, of propping her elbow against their shared kitchen table and gracing Lazarus with a naked smile before trying whatever an omelette was. It was good like this too — bumping along under a clear blue sky as Turnip plodded down the scarcely trodded path, watching the wind caress the wild grass and Lazarus’ even wilder curls, hearing his tales and his laughter.
Around the time he would be slumping into his desk in the back of your classroom, the bell dinged over the door of the restaurant. Eddie cranked the volume on his headset to drown out the chatter of a family of four clambering into the booth in front of him. The little boy had brought a pair of plastic drumsticks with him, beating a rhythm on the steel-rimmed table much to the annoyance of his little sister, who was clutching her book the way Eddie was yours. Dipping his few remaining fries into the smear of ketchup, he wondered why they weren’t in school on a Thursday afternoon. As he focused back on the type-written letters, he figured he should be the last to judge. 
Eddie felt for Lazarus, he really did. The way he looked at Cybelle as she emerged from the cave, cradling the ghostfern like a pale, translucent child. The scene was as beautiful as it was somber — waves lapping at the rocky shoreline as the setting sun cast its deep orange hues on both of them. The rocks—slick with algae—had Cybelle stumbling, but Lazarus was quick to offer his arm. She accepted without hesitance, clutching the plant like a bouquet as her deep earthen fingers braced the pale angles of his. He lead her down the cascading stone as if it were a chapel aisle, slow and steady until they reached the flat edge of the water. There—in the golden remains of the day—seagulls dipped and soared over the glittering ocean, clasped hands swayed in the lapping wind, and for a moment, they had everything they came for.  
After what seemed like both a small eternity and an aching second, it was Cybelle who broke away, tracing the ridges of his fingers as hers fell, stating out loud what both of them knew — that night was coming soon. 
The journey back to Torgaard proved easier than the journey out, at least in terms of natural foes. No fenfinks or villainous vines, but the sky seemed to hang much lower. Dark, stormy clouds loomed overhead, casting its pale grey light over the moss curtains outside of Fenwood, over the verdant  forests that shuddered in the gusting wind. There was a tension, a dread looming on the horizon that grew with each passing day. Even Eddie could sense it — the way Cybelle stared out into the swath of shifting green like she was attempting to soak up enough for the rest of her life. The way that Lazarus’ jokes were swallowed the creaking of the caravan. How nights that were once spent laughing over a roaring fire were now spent silently watching its crackling embers.
One day—just a few outside of Torgaard—the sky came crashing down. It sobbed in sheets, heavy enough to soak through Cybelle’s coat, to find the tear in her tent and make a lake of it. Lazarus ushered her inside the wagon, offered her a shirt that fit like a dress, offered to sleep on the floor. Assessing the size of the bed, and then the hard, narrow walking path, it was Cybelle who insisted they share it. She was small enough, or at least that was what she rationalized out loud. Lazarus did not argue. Her logic—unlike her tent—was water-tight. And so she climbed in between the soft linen sheets, tucked herself under the weight of the down blanket, and rested her damp, weary head on a pillow that smelled just like him.
Eddie glanced sheepishly around the restaurant, shielding the binder with his arm as Lazarus climbed in beside her. He hinged on each type-written word, lingering over the ones that stirred a fuzzy feeling. Written with careful attention to the way Lazarus’ chest rose and fell, how stiff their bodies were in hyper-awareness of the nearness to each other. How solid his shoulder felt under Cybelle’s cheek when the corner of pillow no longer sufficed. Slowly, they relaxed into the feeling. Not enough to sleep, but enough for Lazarus to free the arm that she was crushing. Enough to wrap it around her shoulder, to relish in the feeling of her cold nose in the warm crook of his neck.
It was good like this. Better when her fingers draped across the landscape of his pecks, felt his chest rise and fall like waves. Best when they awoke in the morning to the sun steaming in through the small, stained glass window above them. When their giggles shook the wagon. When their eyes met, closer than they’d ever been before. There, in the dim cocoon far outside the turning world, the smile that she had hidden for so long finally grew brave enough to capture his. And by the time they reached the towering stone walls of Torgaard, there was nothing more to hide from one another. 
Eddie flipped the page to find only a black, plastic pocket. He rubbed it with his fingers to make sure it wasn’t sticking to another. When it failed to separate, he sat back and fumed. That was it. There was no more. No ending, no closure.
Sheri leaned against the top of the booth seat opposite him, hand on her hip, shifting between her dirty white sneakers with a tired sigh. “Listen sweetie, I’ve got ten minutes left of my shift. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want, but I’ve gotta cash you out before I leave.”
Eddie glanced at his watch, almost 2:00. “Yeah—yeah, no problem. Sorry for the trouble.”
“’S no trouble, just the way it goes around here. Hope you enjoyed your stay,” she said with a wink as she dropped the check. 
After six hours and two meals, Eddie had gotten his fill of watching the world turn through an old, frosted window. His head was spinning enough on its own. With a frustrated huff he peeled his graph paper and manual away from the sticky table before shoving them into his backpack. Slugging it over his shoulder, he grabbed the grease-stained check and made his way to the register. That was when he noticed it — the lonely, half-eaten omelette on the bar.
“Alright that’ll be ten seventy-five,” chimed Sheri. 
Tinsel glittered on the tree. Red, metallic bulbs swayed in the echo of his footsteps. Judy Garland caroled on about a merry little Christmas and he wondered if your characters would ever enjoy anything over their shared kitchen table or if that dream would be abandoned for their duties as well.
Snapping out of his trance, he fished for his wallet and palmed her a twenty. “Keep the change,” he muttered before turning toward the door with a hoist of his backpack.
Her jaw hung open. “Oh my word, are you serious?” she called to his back, but the bell above the door was the only answer she received.
Main Street Vinyls was a ghost town on a Thursday afternoon, and Eddie preferred it that way. Aside from Jerry at the counter, it was just him and his noisy thoughts, accompanied by the slow plod of his own heavy boots as they weeped against the carpet. At least in this store he could escape the onslaught of Christmas tunes. Jerry—old hippie that he was—at least had some sense. Sometimes even sense enough to play some halfway decent rock music, but today Eddie would settle for Neil Young over the jingle bell garbage blasting through every speaker in Hawkins.
Glancing down the rows of plastic cassette spines, Eddie perused the M section as he kicked himself for giving away almost ten dollars. There was an album by a new band he’d only read about in magazines called Megadeth. Turning the tape over in his hands, he examined the cover. Everything about it spoke to him — the skull with its mouth chained shut surrounded by knives and candles, the title — Killing Is My Business. Flipping it over to the back, the phrase continued in haunted red letters …and Business Is Good! 
The change he gave away in a fit of blind stupidity would have easily afforded it and left him with some to spare. With a bitter sigh, he shoved the tape back in its slot, knowing for a fact that the cash register at Benny’s had eaten the last bill he had in his wallet. Padding slowly down the aisle, he began his calculations. 
He had a few regular deals lined up this weekend but would need to dig into his “savings” in the bottom of an old tobacco tin and pay Rick a visit before any of that happened. He might make eighty bucks if he was lucky. Maybe eighty more over the course of the week between the deals at school. Nobody wanted to spend too much time outside this time of year, so the park bench location was always iffy depending on how bad it was. He would resort to other classic meetup spots, like under the bleachers or the back of his van. 
If he networked enough he might have some left over after helping Wayne with the bills. Scanning past the Tina Turner and T-Rex tapes, he wondered how much Wayne suspected about his little business. Surely he had to have some suspicion. Gig money, odd jobs, and oil changes for neighbors couldn’t possibly afford the kind of gear he had, or the ink in his skin, or the cash he contributed monthly. Wayne was sharp, and though he was no saint himself, he shuddered to think what he would say if he discovered his nephew was straying down the same path his brother took.
Peering back over his shoulder, he eyed the Megadeth tapes again—only three in stock—lined up like gifts wrapped in cellophane. They were such tiny things. Small enough to hide beneath his palm, to slide into the pocket of his coat with room to spare. Glancing up at the angled surveillance mirror in the corner of the store, he saw Jerry at the counter, humming obliviously as he stuck price tags on a fresh shipment of tapes. Over the tall shelf that separated them, he expected to meet his own eyes, but instead saw another man. A man he hadn’t seen in quite a while.
Eddie remembered finding a G chord for the first time; how big the fretboard felt in his small hand, how awkwardly his fingers had to stretch, how a larger set of hands had helped him find it. He earned a broad smile when the chord rang out, one he would search for again and again with every strum. 
Sometimes in the late evenings as he crept past Wayne with a lunchbox full of drugs while he was watching reruns of Bonanza on the couch, Eddie would tell himself that at least he wasn’t stealing cars, or drinking himself half to death, or rotting behind county bars. At least he was still in school, something Warren Munson couldn’t say even at sixteen. At least Eddie could say he was trying.
With a bitter shake of his head, he continued down the aisle, leaving the tapes behind for the record bins that lined the walls. Mindlessly he walked his fingers over the cardboard spines, glazing past titles he’d seen a dozen times. Nothing new. Nothing different. Few things ever were in Hawkins. Every day he’d wake up and slog himself to a different type of prison, sit in a classroom for eight hours and actively feel his brain rotting. He would crumple up his failed tests and shove them in his backpack, endure the stares from kids whose parents cared enough to give them a ride to school, day after day. And every day he would come home and see the twinge of pride on Wayne’s face for the fact that he’d gone at all.  
There were a few perks to sticking around, like running his club, and saving lost sheep, and seeing his friends everyday. Like having a swath of potential customers all in one place. It was safe and familiar, like a cage. His little business might be dangerous and criminal but at least it could afford him one thing he valued even more than ink or gear — freedom. Time, for another thing. Flexibility. It sure as hell beat making three dollars an hour flipping burgers or having to answer to some corporate boot-licker telling him what to do. Eddie huffed sharply, wondering what you would think if you knew. You, with your tightly buttoned blouses and endless patience. You, the very last person he wanted to disappoint. 
The last look he’d seen on you destroyed him when he thought about it; the pain in your eyes and bitter line your pretty lips became. You were just about the only reason he had left to show up to class anymore, and now that was getting in the way of the one thing that actually had potential in his eyes. Way more potential than a stupid piece of paper that says, congratulations, you’re a real member of society and not a complete disappointment. 
You had asked him a question back when you’d first made the arrangement to help him, one that rattled around in his brain ever since. Why did he want to graduate? If his memory served him, he’d given a relatively bullshit answer: to prove all the assholes in this god-forsaken purgatory wrong. It still held a fair amount of truth, but when he glanced up at the surveillance mirror again and saw himself this time, the real answer was abundantly clear. But was proving a point worth the risk of losing you?  
The smell of cardboard and cellophane kissed his face as air puffed between each record falling forward. Each a different picture, some repeats of the same. Rock gods wielding wicked weapons, bathed in holy stage lights somewhere in New York or Los Angeles probably. Somewhere important. Sometimes at the Hideout he would close his eyes and imagine he was on one of those stages, but when he would open them as the last note rung out, it was always the same — just Bill and Drunk Sam, maybe a couple of bikers perched at the bar with their backs to him. Empty stools and sticky tables. A weak applause.
Eddie stepped back from the record bin with a heavy sigh and glanced at his watch. He’d killed about thirty minutes in this store, which meant he had at least twenty more before he could return home without triggering Wayne’s suspicious questions. The walls were starting to close in around him — posters like windows into a world far out of reach. Every million dollar strum reverberating through the speakers like a mocking reminder. With a half-hearted wave to Jerry stocking shelves, he left the store. Empty handed. 
The drive down Randolph was always dismal, especially in the bleak winter light. Storefronts with yellowing signs that hadn’t changed in twenty years selling mattresses and televisions. A gas station with a rusted awning, dusted with snow. Architecturally speaking, the church was about the most interesting building, but only because it was brick and made up of more than just four flimsy walls. Even that was being generous though. The most exciting thing to happen to Hawkins since the housing development over by Factory Lane thirty years ago was the shopping mall that opened this past summer. Thrilling. 
No matter where he drove within a fifty mile radius, it was all the same — a tomb where dreams went to die. 
Gripping the steering wheel, he watched the car in front of him make grooves in the dirty slush, hypnotized by the spray off the sides of the tires. It wasn’t until he saw the high school approaching in his peripherals that he even looked up. It always felt good to be on the other side, especially when he wasn’t supposed to be. He could almost see you in there; brushing the chalk off your hands, shifting between your tired feet as you glanced at the clock, gazing out the window with a longing he’d seen in his own reflection — caught sometimes at night in his drivers seat window as he cruised the highway, dreaming of where it could take him. 
As the squat fortress faded in his rearview mirror, he pictured you five years from now. Ten. Twenty. Wasting away in front of that chalkboard. Rattling on about stories written by dead people while your own collected dust inside a closet. While your talent withered like the dead, crumpled leaves under the snow; buried and forgotten. 
With a hard right onto Prospect, he set out on the final stretch towards home. Sometimes he liked to imagine what might happen if he just kept going, just drove into the sunset and only stopped for gas. He had a vague idea from the movies and the maps that swayed in the wake of Ms. O’Donnell’s lumbering footsteps. Sometimes in the height of his boredom he would lose himself in them, imagine he was at a diner in the desert on his way to a gig with an actual sound system. Because somewhere out there—beyond the flat horizon—there were mountains, and canyons, and cities where names couldn’t follow. 
“How does it end?” Eddie asked you on Friday between the fourth and fifth period bells. You glanced up from the stack of papers on your desk, cocking your head with narrowing eyes. “Your story,” he clarified.
“Oh.” Blinking, you sat back to ponder. “You know, I don’t think I ever fully decided. Cybelle is in a difficult position. The whole reason she set out on this adventure was to save her brother. I imagine she would want to fulfill her quest, but if she returned to Myrne, it may be difficult to leave again. Plus, she may receive some sort of punishment for leaving in the first place. I had written the laws to be quite strict, if I recall. And then if she chose not to return, her mother would lose two children. No matter what, she loses.” 
Eddie furrowed his brow, shifting between his boots with a pained sigh. “I would hardly call a life with Lazarus losing. She seems happy with him.”
“Right, well, of course that would be ideal, but…” you tsked, “it’s complicated, and honestly that’s partially why I abandoned it. I really wrote myself into a corner. Well, that and student teaching started to eat up my time. Then it was finals, and moving, and then after that I met…” you trailed off with a bitter shake of your head. “Anyway, I guess life got in the way. It has a way of doing that, I’ve noticed.” 
Eddie looked at you, really looked. You, in your cable knit sweater with pen on your hand and sandbags under your eyes, casting them down over your work with the same amount of hope he’d seen from players rolling threes with even fewer hit points to spare. He racked his brain for something he could offer—a dramatic death speech or a new character sheet—but you weren’t playing and he wasn’t prepared. Any words of comfort forming on the tip of his tongue were swallowed by the ringing bell, and he exited your classroom feeling the same as when he entered; unsatisfied. 
It was starting to close in around you — the colored lights and ornaments, the mall Santas and fake green swags draping from shop windows. It was the first Christmas you’d truly spent in Hawkins since you graduated college, outside of day trips for visits. Surprisingly little had changed, the main thing being the fact that there even was a mall for Santa to post up in. Duplication must have been one of his many powers because he was still at Sears too, at least he was on Saturday when you dragged yourself out of the oppressive quiet of your apartment and into the bustling chaos. 
You had no idea what to get your relatives for Christmas. You never really did, but this year it seemed insurmountable. This year you had no one to bounce ideas off of, and the constant mental chatter left little to no room for inspiration. As you scanned the shelves of cookware and appliquéd dish towels with snow men and reindeers, nothing really seemed to jump out at you.
What did jump out at you—or rather, jumped out at his sister—was a little boy across the aisle hiding in a circular rack of women’s bath robes. Pressing apart the terrycloth like curtains, he would retreat into his makeshift cave to the complete oblivion of his mother, who seemed more preoccupied with the price tags on a set of lingerie than with the whereabouts of her children.
A fantasy tugged at the corners of your mind, more sinfully indulgent than the one you had in class last week involving your desk and Eddie’s tongue. This time the set was the same as the scene before you, only the little boy had a mess of dark curls and Eddie was diving in after him. Not to scold him, but to play. You could almost see those fraying knee holes widening from contact with the carpet. Almost hear the giggles and the shushes and the click of his rings against the metal pole in the center of the rack for balance. You could almost turn around and see them popping out at you, feel the laughter ripple up through your very full belly and into the corners of your eyes as you feigned surprise to both of their delight. You could almost feel the glares from the other shoppers, the regular people eager to get on with their Saturday in peace, same as any other. It wouldn’t matter though, not in your little world.
The real mother in the real world did eventually turn around, grabbing the boy by the wrist and demanding he stay by the cart. Turning a dish towel over in your palms, you lowered your eyes to the machine-embroidered stitching of a corn cob pipe and a button nose as the fantasy disintegrated. You left the store shortly after, your cart just as empty as when you’d arrived. 
On Monday it was hard to look him in the eyes. It was easier to meet Diane’s. At least this week you could hold a conversation without crumbling like Ms. Click’s half-eaten fruitcake up for grabs in the teachers lounge. But the coffee was bitter on your tongue, like a lie you were telling yourself. 
In accordance with your wishes, there had been no rap of knuckles on your door frame after school, no screeching of chair legs dragged across the tile, only the dull thud of folders sliding into your bag, the surprising click of a magnet under the flap. 
On Wednesday you left behind footprints in the parking lot before it had even half cleared, only to be swallowed by the emptiness of your apartment. You filled the space with what you could manage — an early dinner, and an early bedtime. Sleep seemed to be the only thing that quelled the battering ram thoughts, the scales tipping back and forth so much it made you queasy. You would lie there and dream of swirling smoke and plush lips, of arthritic fingers punching numbers on an office phone as you sat and accepted your fate. You would toss and turn, back and forth until your sheets became a tangle, and when you faced the mirror Thursday morning you barely recognized the person staring back. 
When the final bell rang on Friday, the hallways cleared out like someone had yelled fire. A mass exodus of students and staff, flowing into the parking lot like a tidal wave outside your classroom window. You watched them as snow fell in clumps, as bright colored backpacks disappeared into the back of sedans, as cars peeled out like a parade into the street. 
Assessing the paper mountain range framing your desk, you made an educated guess at how you would be spending your two week break. In hindsight, it might have helped to make the due date for the senior creative writing project last Friday instead, but deep down you knew you would have hardly made a dent by now. 
When Ms. Click popped her head in to wish you a merry Christmas on her way down the hall, she seemed surprised to find your hand still moving across paper, not swaddled in mittens like hers. You brushed it off with something casual, the type of thing any regular person would say before the holidays. That it was too much to take home. That getting work finished now would leave more time with your family. You omitted the more personal details like how empty your apartment felt and the small, naked tree your mother brought over last weekend. This seemed to placate her, and with a cheery wave she left you in the silence of your classroom with only the ruffling of paper for company.
It was eery how quiet it was, but it afforded you a small hill of graded papers in the last hour, double what you would typically accomplish in front of the television. Thumbing through what remained of that stack, you counted each staple. Five, six, seven… you stopped when a certain name jumped out in MLA format. 
Eddie Munson American Literature — 4th Period 20 December 1985
No title. 
Papers fluttered to the desk as they fell from your hands, leaving only his. You held it gingerly between your fingers, as if it was alive. As if it could feel you, or rather, you could feel him through every type-written letter, through the thumb-sized grease stain in the top righthand corner. You could almost hear him too, shifting into a deep, dramatic narration.
Mount Myrne loomed on the horizon like a dark omen. Towering over the bustling docks of Torgaard, it disappeared beneath the ominous clouds with a formidable presence. Merchants scattered about, hauling their wares in heavy crates and barrels onto the many zeppelins. 
This was where Lazarus first met Cybelle. In his mind’s eye he could almost see her stumbling about in her clean silk boots and glimmering gold coat. But her appearance today told a different tale. Her boots were caked with mud, her coat was splattered with muck and tattered by claws, her mask hung crooked on her face. Those large eyes that once glimmered with hope and wonder now stared off into the distance with oppressive sadness at the looming mountain. 
This was where he was supposed to leave her. This was what they had agreed upon many moons ago. Cybelle just stood there, shifting back and forth between her tired feet as she dug her thumbs under the straps of her heavy knapsack that now held the rare and precious ghostfern. She finally had what she came for. Any moment now she would be moving those muddy boots toward the docks and use what little coin she had to barter a one-way trip back home.
That was the plan anyway..
Cybelle was frozen though. Fearfully, woefully, bitterly, she gazed upon her gold gleaming home in the sky with a sadness that was only dwarfed by Lazarus looking down at her. He looked at her beautiful face like it was the last time he was ever going to get the chance to. He memorized it in his mind as he shuffled his own dirty boots against the cobblestone. He didn’t have eyes for anything else. Not the zeppelins, nor the merchants, nor the mountain. Only her. After a moment that felt like an eon, Cybelle took a step forward.
“Wait.” said Lazarus. Cybelle turned around with surprise but also a hint of relief. “You don’t have to do this.”
Cybelle looked up at him with a mournful frown. “Of course I do, my brother will die if I stay here.”
Lazarus shook his head bitterly. “No, he will die if the ghostfern stays here.” he said.
Cybelle sighed as she looked out across the docks, “But how is it going to get there if I do not deliver it? No one is allowed within the city walls if they are not from Myrne.”
Lazarus furrowed his brow as he watched the merchants at work, hauling their wares aboard the large, formidable aircrafts. Suddenly he had an idea. “There are docks in Myrne, correct? And Myrnish merchants who take goods into the city?”
The gears were starting to turn in Cybelle’s head. “Yes, there are.”
“Well then, can we send the plant with like, a note or something? Some instructions and directions for the merchant to take where it needs to go?”
Cybelle thought for a moment. “I do know a few of the merchants by name. Arturo and I grew up together. He was my neighbor for a long time. He would know where it needs to go, and my mother would know what to do with it.” The brightness in Cybelle’s eyes dimmed suddenly as she had another thought. “But… I would never seen them again. My family.”
“Never say never, Cybelle.” Lazarus said. “Do you know that for a fact?”
Cybelle frowned heavily, “The laws in Myrne are very strict.”
“What if in the letter you told your family to meet you on the docks some other time? Perhaps in another moon or two once your brother has recovered?” Lazarus offered.
Cybelle sighed bitterly, “Only merchants are allowed on the docks. It is strictly prohibited. I was only able to come here because I snuck inside a crate. It was a miracle that they didn’t notice me.”
Lazarus kicked a stray pebble and huffed. There was a long pause before he spoke again. “I cannot tell you what to do, Cybelle. Only you can make that choice. But what I can do, really the only thing I can do, is tell you how I feel.” 
All of a sudden there was a knot in his stomach. Because if he was going to say anything he knew that this would be his last chance.. 
“All my life I’ve dreamed about that cottage by the sea with the garden, and the bed, and the omlet. When I saw that pendant you were wearing I knew that it would be my only shot at ever getting what I wanted. Magic tricks are….. not exactly lucrative. And actually, if I’m going to be totally honest here, I figure you should know the truth about me. The whole truth.” Lazarus sighed, swallowing the bile creeping up his throat at the mention of the truth. He was going to be honest though. Maybe for once in his whole life. “This is difficult for me to say, but I owe it to you if nothing else. I’m a thief, Cybelle.” 
Lazarus winced at his own words and Cybelle’s fallen expression, but he bravely continued..
“I confess that for a moment when I first saw you I thought about stealing that pendant, but once I heard your story and saw so much of my own I simply couldn’t. There is a goodness in you that I admire, how selfless and pure your cause is. Over the course of the last few moons I have had the privilege of spending with you, I have come to discover how beautiful the woman beneath the mask truly is. How kind, and curious, and patient you are. I have been all over this land. Traveled far and wide, through forests and over mountains. I have swam in lakes and oceans and gazed out over countless valleys. But never has the world looked quite so hopeful than when I saw it through your eyes. It made me believe that if you could see the beauty there, if you could see the goodness in me, then perhaps I can as well.”
It was startling — the tear that leapt over your lash line. Violently enough to hit the page, to blur the Os in goodness. 
“If you choose to stay I promise you that I will never steal another coin or pocket watch. It may leave me poor for the rest of my days but if they’re spent with you, then I would be the richest man of all. It is all that I can offer you. My honesty, and a promise that I will show you more beaches, more mountains, more of the world than you could ever imagine. And since I intend to keep my promise, here is my honesty: I love you. Regardless of what you decide.” 
With a trembling hand, you turned the page only to discover there was nothing on the back. Sitting back in your seat with a ragged sigh, you stared out into your empty classroom. Your nose stung, fluorescents flaring in your tear-blurred vision. Separating the pages with your thumb, you flipped back and read it again. The last paragraph. The last two sentences. Those three type-written words. Over and over, wedging in the cracks of your armor as your sniffles echoed off the tile. 
The sun was dipping below the treeline, flooding the near-empty parking lot with a wash of somber pink. The snowfall had ceased, settled into the footprints and tire tracks. Glancing up at the clock and back down at the papers, you tried to imagine lifting another, scanning over sentences and writing in the margins like you hadn’t been completely upended by the one that trembled in your grasp. You couldn’t. 
Tears dripped down your cheeks as you donned your coat, as you shuffled overstuffed folders into your satchel and slung its weight over your shoulder. You swiped at them with your scratchy wool sleeve, flicking off the lights and shutting the door.
The soft pink had cooled to twilight blue when your boots met the blanket of snow, leaving tracks in the clean, fresh powder. Your breath trailed behind you in heavy clouds. It was quiet here too, barely a scattering of cars in the parking lot. Not even the wind disturbed the limbs of the orderly saplings between the curb and sidewalk, dusted with a glittering powder. 
Your hands found your keys, and the key found the hole, and soon you were sliding into your frigid leather seat, tossing the weight of your satchel on the passenger’s side with a dejected thump. You sat there a moment with only your breath for company before flicking your wrist at the ignition. 
Stomping on the break, you lurched forward with conviction this time, as if you could convince it you were serious. All it awarded you was a weak, persistent click. It’s fine, you told yourself through gritted teeth as you lunged again, snapping your wrist with a startling anger, like the seal had been cracked on a two liter pop bottle that had rolled around in the trunk for a week and a half. Still, nothing but a pathetic click. A split second thought crossed your mind—that the ferocity of your stomp might actually damage the car—but the logic was quickly snuffed out by your rage. The hard plastic key bit into your numb fingers. Over and over — stomping, twisting, cursing. Cursing yourself most of all for being stupid enough to let this continue for months. You were paying for it now. 
The tears were already waiting, primed behind your eyeballs, hardly dried on your cheeks when you left out the back door. They spilled over again, cooling as they dripped past your lashes, down the slope of your nose. One more time, you begged. Just one more time and I’ll be good, I swear. But the white Chevy Nova sat unmoved, offering only a vacant whine where there should have been a roar. You tossed back in your seat and huffed, chest heaving, filling the cramped space with the furious steam of your breath. 
Snowflakes glittered in the floodlights, shining like flares through the blur of your tears. It might have been beautiful on any other evening — one where the engine was warm, and your mind was clear, and your heart didn’t sink like a pit in your chest. It was hard to notice anything outside your bitter sobs, most especially the shadow that appeared in the window beside you. The rap of rings on the glass had you jumping, whipping your head to face the set of eyes you’d been avoiding most of all. 
“Need some help?” Eddie offered, bracing his knees in a crouch, eyes brimming with concern. 
Your stomach twisted with relief, then embarrassment, then a million other things rolled into one, sick knot. Wiping the evidence from your cheeks with a futile swipe of your sleeve, you cranked down the window with your left hand. You must have looked like an absolute basket case, jerking your arm in tight circles as the barrier lowered with the urgency of a tortoise. When where was enough space for him, Eddie braced against the top of your door and ducked his head inside. 
“Hey.” The warm sigh of his greeting kissed your cheek, thawing the sting of the cold. 
“Hey,” you mimicked, sounding just about as stable as you felt when it came out. “W-what are you doing here so late?” 
“Hellfire,” he stated simply. “You know, I could ask you the same question.”
Despite how true it was, it still felt pathetic when the answer left your lips. “Just… trying not to take so much work home with me.” You said it as casually as you could muster, but your voice betrayed you. Your cheeks were still cooling from the remnants of your tears, framing the heat from your dripping nose. 
Eddie suddenly looked very serious, splintering your armor with his softness. “You ok?” 
You gestured dejectedly at nothing, offering a hollow laugh. “No.”
Eddie filled the cabin with his sigh, eyes narrowing like he wanted to lunge through the window. Instead he just thumbed at the rubber and tipped his head closer, creaking your chest plate with the weight of his gaze. “You know, I could hear you clear across the parking lot,” he joked softly. “The car—I mean. Mostly. You leave your lights on or something?”
You shook your head. “It’s been doing this for months, ever since it started getting cold. I should have taken it to get checked out, but it usually starts after a couple tries.” 
“Sounds like it might be the battery, or maybe the starter. I won’t know unless I try and jump it. I’ll swing around—if—if that’s ok.” 
The wind ushered a curl toward his lips, and you clenched your hand to subdue it. “Yeah, it’s ok,” you sighed. “Thank you.”
With a nod, Eddie ducked out of the window and pivoted swiftly on his heels. From your side view mirror, you watched him make tracks in the blue snow with his heavy boots, hands shoved in his pockets as he glanced left and right, the ghost of his breath trailing closely behind. The seat creaked as you sat back and blinked like the cursor on a computer monitor; processing. One glance in your rearview mirror told you how disheveled you looked. Even in the twilight there was no masking the puffiness around your eyes, the mascara bleeding toward your cheeks. You swiped at them again, this time with a napkin from your glove box.
With a yank of the frigid handle, Eddie slid across the plaid and pleather padding into the drivers seat of his van. He froze for a second, glancing in his rearview mirror toward your small white sedan. Butterflies tore through his stomach, churning like a tornado as he flicked the ignition. Out of all his ridiculous fantasies, he hadn’t entertained this one. Not exactly anyway. One where you were the damsel in distress. One where he got to be the hero. 
The parking lot was vacant enough to drive across the lines. Ploughing through the naked patches where cars had spent the afternoon, he rumbled up beside you. Your stomach did a summersault when he stepped out, plodding around to the front of your car with jumper cables slung under his arm. 
“Can you pop the hood for me?” he asked.
The summersault rippled south through your abdomen. Reaching down under the console, your fingers found the leaver and obeyed. You felt kind of useless, just sitting there while he propped the hood onto the stand, shielding him from vision. Before you could form another thought, your hand was moving on its own, finding the plastic leaver of your door and opening it to the cold evening air. 
Eddie gave a shy look from behind his curtain of curls before stepping back with a nod. “Well, good news, there’s no monsters,” he joked. 
A smile cracked across your face, so genuine it almost felt foreign. You tucked your hands into your pockets, stepping closer to assess the engine like you knew what you were looking at. Your aura prickled with proximity, like his heat could thaw you even from where you stood. Eddie’s glance was soft and quick before procuring a small flashlight from his inner coat pocket. He held it in his teeth, flipping up the red and black plastic covers on the battery terminals. 
“I have hands too, you know,” you said with a smirk.
With a playful side-eye, he clamped the appropriate cables onto the terminals. Removing the silver torch from his mouth, he made room for his retort. “Mmhm, best keep ‘em warm. It’s uh, kinda chilly out.”
You shook your head as a laugh escaped your nostrils in a plume. Sauntering over to his van like a dark knight, Eddie leaned in the door to pop his own hood. Your boots made tentative tracks in the snow, drawn like a magnet as he hoisted the metal. From the light pinched in his teeth you could see the expanse of the massive engine, the shadow of his furrowed brow as he unscrewed plastic knobs. What you saw more than anything though—like a filter laid over the scene—were three type-written letters. The hands that typed them fumbled with the cables, squeezed around the thick, jaw-like clamps. When they bit right where he wanted, they released; tendons flexing, knuckles pinking from the freezing air. Reflexively, he wiped them on the chest of his black hoodie peeking out from his open coat. 
It might have just been the cold, but even in the twilight—in the absence of the flashlight he was tucking into his pocket—you could have sworn his cheeks flushed when he caught you staring. “Alright, um, go ahead and start your car. I’ll do the same.”
Following the tether that joined the two vehicles, you did as he told you. Nothing came of it though, just more incessant clicking. Exasperated, you tossed back in your seat before slumping out of the car once more. 
“Shit, it must be the starter. Probably cracked, that’s my guess anyway by the sound of it,” Eddie explained as he stepped around to face your engine again. Clicking his flashlight, he peered into the compartment. “See, if you follow the positive terminal line all the way down, that’s where the starter will be. Only problem is it’s tricky to get to without a lift.” 
You followed his grease-stained finger down the dirt-dusted tangle of tubes, drawing nearer under the subtle guise of interest in your engine. You stopped just inches from his solid leather frame, close enough to brush him with your elbow. “You seem to know your way around a car.”
He huffed, shaking his head as he muttered. “Wish I didn’t.” But before you could comment, he was shutting the hood. “I’m sorry, but I think we’re gonna have to call a tow truck.” 
Your defeated sigh rose toward the clouds as you glanced at the squat school building. The lights were off. Judy’s car was absent from the lot, as were all but a handful, including the two of yours. Glancing at your watch under the floodlights, the big hand tipped past the golden dot where a five should be.
Eddie stepped closer, filling the gap with a heavy exhale before meeting your eyes. “You know I could, um—” he scratched the back of his neck, words evaporating quicker than his breath. What could he do? What could he really do about any of this? For most of his life he’d been a leaf on the wind, scuttling across the pavement toward the gutter, struggling to steer himself away. But you were stranded, and if there was anything he was good for, it was a ride. “I could—I could take you back to your place. If you’re ok with that, I mean. We could—fuck—I mean you could call from there a-and I could—”
There were chinks in your armor, cracking with each bumbling word. You looked at him, really looked. Eddie Munson, with grease-stained hands and eyes that pierced like arrows in their pleading. Straight through to the softest part of you, the place between your ribs that cries I want. And oh, how desperately you wanted. Wanted to soothe his worried lips in yours again, to feel his pounding chest again, to be thawed by his heat again. But you just stood there, frozen.
Shoving his hands into the pockets of his open coat, he shifted on the balls of his feet as he searched for more words in the snow. “Look, I know you said you wanted space, a-and it probably seems like—shit.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, releasing with a sharp sigh. “I just want to help you. Will you just let me help you? Please?”
Your chest plate clattered to the concrete, gauntlets falling in a heap beside your greaves. There was no white flag to wave. No sword to relinquish, or shield to discard. Your surrender was nothing but a soft “okay,” barely heard above the howling wind. 
A/N: After over a year and 100k words, the smut chapter is finally upon us! Thank you for coming with me on this very long journey and sticking it out. I have no idea how long this next one is going to take me to write, but I can promise you that when it’s finished you will experience every moment in exquisite, delicious, poetic detail. 
You might have noticed that I’ve pulled a few small details like character names and places from Flight of Icarus, but I will not be retconning any of Eddie’s backstory. 
Also random, tumblr decided to make that one paragraph bold once I changed it to chat font with no ability to unbold it, but that wasn't intended. It kind of worked though so I'm not mad.
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callsign-dexter · 10 months
Baby Bradford Meets The Rookies
Summary: Tim's babysitter can't pick Y/N up after school. So, Tim does and brings her back to the station where The Rookies are in for a surprise.
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter
Banner done by @callsigns-haze
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Neither Tim nor his daughter, Y/N, were a morning person. This is why when his alarm goes off in the mornings he lets her sleep in as long as he can because dealing with a grumpy 7-year-old.
Tim loves his daughter, he has ever since she was born. Her mother, Isabel, left when she was 6 years old but even then she wasn't really a mother to their little girl always in and out of undercover. She cared more about the job than she did her husband, now ex-husband, or child. When she went undercover and didn't come back, Tim went to court and got full custody of their daughter. Isabel wasn't happy about it but signed the papers and was out of her life for good. Y/N favored Tim the most out of both of her parents. While Tim was gone for work he would drop her off at school in the morning and then her babysitter, a sweet 26-year-old woman named Marina Bailey, Y/N absolutely loved her.
Tim's alarm went off at 6:30 AM and it slowly roused him awake and he was turning over and turning it off. He sat up and threw the covers off and sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his hand down his face waking him up and getting the sleep out of his eyes. He stood up and stretched and walked out of the bedroom towards the kitchen but first, he stopped by his daughter's room to check on her. Tim opened the door and smiled seeing her curled up facing the wall sound to sleep he shut the door quietly and walked into the kitchen. Y/N didn't have to be up until 7:00 AM.
Tim got the coffee grounds out and scooped out what he needed and started the coffee maker. While it was brewing he made her lunch and then he went back into his bedroom and started to get ready for work. He also packed a bag with extra clothing and miscellaneous stuff and walked it into the kitchen. He then went back took a quick shower and brushed his teeth and put on his clothes for the day, he would change into his uniform at the station, and watch. He looked at his watch and it was 7:00 AM, time to wake his daughter up.
Tim walked to his daughter's room and opened the door quietly. She had moved positions and now was sprawled out in the middle of her bed with her covers thrown off and he smiled and chucked. He walked into her room and to her bed and knelt down. She moved to another position to where she was facing him. He started to speak to her slowly and softly "Y/N/N, it's time to get up." He said and she groaned and scrunched her nose up.
"No." She said and buried her head into her pillow and he smiled and here starts the wake up process.
"Yes, it's time to get up and get ready for school." He said running a hand gently through her hair.
"There isn't any school today." She said opening her eyes not happy to be awake.
"If there wasn't I wouldn't be waking you up. I also would've known." Tim said and she groaned knowing she had lost the fight.
"Fine." She said and started to get up and he stood up and watched her for a minute.
"If you need me. Yell for me." He said and she nodded and he left the room. He walked back into the kitchen where the now-finished coffee was done brewing and grabbed a cup poured some in and began drinking it. He made himself busy around the house. He looked down at his watch and it was only 7:15 AM. He was about to start something else when Y/N yelled out for him.
"Daddy?" She asked loud enough for him to hear from the kitchen, he put his coffee cup down and headed to the bathroom where she was at the sink in her clothing for the day and teeth brushed.
"Yes, Baby Girl?" He asked
"Can you do my hair?" She asked looking at him through the mirror with puppy dog eyes. Tim always hated doing hair but since Isabel wasn't around he had to learn and he got pretty damn good at it. Damn good that almost all the moms were jealous.
"Of course, Baby Girl. How do you want it done?" He asked and the brightest smile appeared on her face.
"French Braid." She said confidentiality.
"You got it!" He said and got to work. It was only 7:20 AM and they had to leave by 7:30 AM to get to her school that was 20 minutes away. Tim got done in no time and stood back looking at his work and smiled the same smile that appeared on his daughter's face. "How did I do?" He asked and she nodded turning to him.
"It's perfect." She said and he kissed her forehead and they headed to the kitchen so she could eat breakfast and then they would be on their way.
When she was done she put her dishes in the sink while he filled a thermos of coffee for him and grabbed her lunch while she grabbed her backpack and picked up his duffle bag. She started to walk out while he walked behind her toward the truck. "Remember Marina is picking you up after school." He said as she hopped up in the truck and she put her stuff beside her and he helped her strap in.
"You got it, Daddy." She said and he smiled and shut the door and got in the driver's side throwing his duffle bag in the front seat. He started the engine and backed out of the driveway and onto her school. They arrived at the school at 7:50 AM a teacher opened the door and greeted them.
"Good morning!" Mrs. Woods said and they both smiled at her.
"Good morning!" Y/N said and she un-buckled herself "I love you, Daddy." She said.
"I love you too." He said and she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and he did the same. Mrs. Woods helped her out as she grabbed her stuff and headed into the school. Tim drove off once they were in the school and onto work.
Tim arrived at the station and parked his truck, he killed the engine and grabbed his duffle bag and headed inside. He greeted everyone and then walked into the locker room and changed into his uniform. Not many people were in there besides Jackson West and John Nolan. "Good morning, Officer Bradford." Nolan said trying to get on his good side.
"Good morning, Rookies." Tim says as he finishes putting his uniform on and then starts his trip to the briefing room. When he gets there he sits by Angela Lopez and Talia Bishop.
"How's Y/N?" Angela asks him and he turns to look at her.
"Doing good. Asked me to braid her hair this morning and I did. She also tried to tell me there wasn't any school today." He said and the two females chuckled.
"How convincing was she?" Talia asked after the chuckling died down.
"Not very." He said and just then Lucy Chen, Nolan, and Jackson walked in and then Wade Grey walked in to start the day. The briefing was over quickly and then they were heading out on patrol.
Nothing exciting happened on patrol although everyone made a few arrests and some had to break up fights. It was nearing lunch time and everyone decided to stop at their regular place. As everyone was sitting and eating and talking Tim's phone began to ring. At first, he didn't pay attention to it "Aren't you going to answer that?" Angela asked him and he pulled out his phone to see that it was Marina.
"It's Marina. I need to take this." He said and got up and walked away from the group as he answered it.
"Hello." He said
"Hey, Tim. It's Marina." Marina said and he smiled she always greeted him like this.
"What's wrong?" He asked her wondering why she was calling in the middle of the day.
"I'm not going to be able to pick up Y/N from school. A family emergency came up." She said and he nodded understanding.
"That's perfectly fine. I'll pick her up. Everything ok?" He asked and she sighed.
"My mom is in the hospital and they don't know what for I was the only one available to be with her." She said
"If you need anything don't hesitate to call. You take as much time as you need. I hope everything turns out ok." He said
"Thank you. I'm sorry again." She said
"No need to apologize. I get it. Family comes first." He said
"Again thank you so much. Have a good day." She said
"You too." He replied and they both hung up the phone and he walked over to Angela and Talia.
"Everything ok?" Angela asked.
"Marina had a family emergency come up so she can't pick up Y/N." Tim said as he sat down and took a bite of food.
"Who is gonna pick her up?" Talia asked
"Lucy and I will." Tim said and everyone nodded.
"They haven't met her yet. It's going to be interesting." Angela said and they all laughed.
"I need to call Grey and let him know." Tim said and they nodded as he pulled his phone once again and hit Grey's number to call him. It rang twice before he answered.
"Officer Bradford, how can I help you?" He asked
"Marina can't pick up Y/N after school so had a family emergency. I need to pick her up." Tim said
"That's perfectly fine. She can hang out here until your shift ends." Grey said and Tim nodded.
"Thank you, sir." He said
"Anything for you and that little girl. You know Luna would love to help out and watch her when she needs to." Grey said and Tim smiled.
"I'll definitely keep that in mind." He said and then they said bye to each other and hung up.
As he was hanging up a call came in and he responded to it letting dispatch know that he and Lucy were on the way.
"Oh, what call do you think Tim just took?" Jackson asked as they watched him sit back down at the table.
"Who knows. Any guesses?" Nolan asked and they just shrugged.
"Not that I can think of." Lucy said now wanting to get to the bottom of what her TO was hiding.
"I think he has a kid." Nolan said and they looked at him.
"Why do you think that?" Jackson asked
"Just a gut feeling. He just seems like a dad." Nolan said and they still looked at him weirdly.
"Tim, hard ass, doesn't take any shit, and makes no mistakes Tim?" Lucy asked and Nolan nodded as he took a bit of his food. The rest of lunch was spent eating in silence while the rookies thought it over until Lucy and Tim had a call and they were off to it.
The call was just a disturbance call and it was quickly dealt with. Tim looked at his watch and saw that it read 2:20 PM and this caught Lucy's eye. "Do we have somewhere to be?" She asked looking at him and Tim looked at her as they stopped at a stoplight.
"Matter in fact, Boot. We do." He said
"Are you going to tell me?" She asked and he didn't say a word just turned on his right turning signal and headed towards the elementary school. Lucy took notice of this. "Why are we going to the elementary school? We didn't get a call." She said and again he didn't say anything. Tim pulled into the parking lot and pulled up to the front of the school.
"You stay here. I'll be back." He said as he parked the shop and headed towards the entrance of the school. Lucy watched in full curiosity, her window was down so she could hear everything going on. Nothing happened and so she took her phone out when she heard a shriek and she looked up making sure nothing was wrong and the sight that she saw warmed her heart.
"Daddy!" A little girl yelled and Tim bent down for her to rush into his arms.
"Baby Girl!" He yelled back and kissed her and she giggled and picked her up and started to carry her towards the shop.
"I thought Marina was supposed to pick me up." She said
"She had a family emergency. So you're going to come back to the station with me and hang out until it's time to go home." He said and she shrieked.
"Yay!" She yelled out. He opened the back door and sat her in and buckled her in and got into the front. Lucy was shocked, he did have a heart and could smile she turned to the little girl that was looking at her and Tim noticed.
"Y/N this is Lucy Chen. Lucy this is Y/N Bradford my daughter." Tim said and a smile appeared on both of girls faces.
"Hi." She said quietly.
"Hi. It's nice to meet you." Lucy said and Y/N blushed and looked down. The car ride was filled with questions and talking.
It didn't take long for them to make it back to the station and pull into the garage. Tim parked and shut the engine off and opened the door where he helped her get out and grabbed her stuff. The three of them walked further into the station while Y/N chatted with her father about school and playing with the collar of his uniform.
Nolan and Jackson were there and they were surprised to see Tim with a child. They were stunned in silence until Jackson spoke up "Officer Bradford did you find a missing child?" He asked the question that everyone was wondering but Lucy.
"No, Boot. This is Y/N Bradford, my daughter." Tim said as Y/N buried further into her father's neck being shy. "Y/N say hi." He said and she looked at them.
"Hi." She said giving them a wave.
"I knew it. Hi Y/N I'm Nolan." Nolan said already attached to the little girl.
"I'm Jackson." Jackson said
"Hi." She said and gave a wave just then Angela and Talia walked in and she lit up like a Christmas tree. "AUNT ANGIE, AUNT TALIA!" She screeched out and wiggled to be put down and he did so taking her bag off of her back and watching as she ran to them. They bent down and hugged her.
"Hey, sweet girl. How was school?" Angela asked and she started to tell them about her day as she picked her up and walked over to the rest of the group.
"It was good! We didn't learn anything interesting." She said and they all chuckled and Tim rolled his eyes the same answer he always got. Angela looked at Jackson.
"We need to go." She said and he nodded as Tim took Y/N back.
"Bye Aunt Angie and Jackson!" She yelled pit over Tim's shoulder and waved at them and they waved back and then they were gone.
"Ok, Y/N/N. I need to take you to Officer Grey. Say bye to everyone." He said and she turned around and did as she was told and he walked off with her.
"I knew he was a father." Nolan said watching him interact with his daughter in Grey's office.
"He's a good one. He's been pretty much raising her all by himself for 7 years." Talia said
"Really?" Lucy asked and she nodded.
"Yea. Isabel cared more about being undercover than raising her child." Talia said as Tim came back to the group.
"Alright. Let's get back to work." He said and everyone nodded.
It was the end of the shift for them and they all headed back to the station. Cars were parked and everyone went and changed. Tim was the first one to change and head to his little girl. She was fast asleep on the couch in Grey's office. He knocked and Grey looked up and waved him on in. "Wasn't too much trouble was she?" He asked and he shook his head.
"Not at all. She's too much like you. Luna came by with supper and we ate together. I told her the situation and she 100% is on board to help." He said and they both chuckled. Tim picked her up without waking her and grabbed her stuff looking at him.
"I might just take you up on that offer." He said and Grey nodded.
"Just let us know." He said and Tim nodded and headed on his way. As they were walking everyone came out of the locker room and started walking with them.
"She's just so adorable." Nolan said and everyone nodded in agreement as Tim pushed her up further onto him.
"Thank you." Tim said they followed them to Tim's truck which was right beside Nolan’s and Jackson's and Lucy's not too far away. Talia and Angela had to do something before leaving. Tim put Y/N in the truck and in her carsest.
"Hey if you need any help or someone to watch her, I'll happily do it." Nolan said
"I second that." Jackson said
"Count me in." Luchy said and Tim nodded and smiled.
"Thank you guys, that means so much." Tim said really grateful that he introduced her to The Rookies. They all parted ways.
When Tim and Y/N got home it was late and he picked her up and took her. He would grab their stuff later. He unlocked the door and into the house and straight to her room. He got her changed and tucked in. He kissed her head "I love you." He said and then walked out cracking the door. He was definitely glad he introduced her to them. He knew that they would protect her like she was their own and no harm was going to come to her.
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mattscoquette · 6 months
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𝒊𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉..a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
cursing, very very slight mentions of a panic attack, mentions of kissing, mentions of drinking
3.2k words
introduction 1 2 3 4 6 7
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addilyn richardson,
had been absolutely grinding out this science project. she and matt had been working together a little more than a week, and were currently five days away from its due date. not only did they have to create the marble run, but they had to also complete a five page packet along with it, and present their project together in front of the class. addilyn was sitting across from matt, hunched over her worksheet as matt glued pieces of the project together.
“it’s getting kind of late, addy, why don’t we pick up tomorrow?” matt suggested to her. she looked up at him with tired eyes. since that one weird night the previous week, matt had starting acting nicer. at first it started with matt inviting addilyn out to lunch after the hockey game. then he started saying hi to her in science. the absolute cherry on top was when he offered her a ride yesterday morning.
addilyn walked outside, instantly being met with the brisk morning air. boston winters were hardcore, and the heavy wind was only making it worse. wrapping her coat around her frame tighter, addilyn braced herself for the walk up the block to wait for the bus. she walked down the driveway, stopping when she heard her name being called. she looked up as matt walked over to her. he was bundled up in a north face jacket, a pink tint across his cheeks and nose as he shivered.
“it’s too cold for you to walk addy, let me give you a ride.” that was the first time he called her addy. at first, he wouldn’t even call her by her name, only saying things like “tell her to do this” to his brothers if they were around. if they weren’t, then he’d call her addilyn, saying it always with an annoyed tone. but today he called her by her nickname, and it made her heart skip a beat. he offered her a soft smile and she returned it, nodding quickly. she climbed into the back seat next to nick, chatting with him the whole way to school.
she looked over at the clock the sat above the stove. it was 9:45, but she was determined to get more of this assignment done. she only lived next door, after all, and she needed to make sure they got a perfect score on their project. “i’m okay matt, i think i just need a quick break.”
he nodded, offering her a water, and let her excuse herself to go into nick’s room. nick was sat atop his bed, scrolling on his phone when she walked in.
“hey girl,” he smiled at her, “how’s it going out there?”
“okay, i think.” she yawned, stretching her arms and legs out. they’d been working since they got home from school, only taking a short break a few hours ago when chris came barging into the kitchen, asking matt to drive him to get food. “i’m a little tired, though.”
“yeah it’s late, you leaving soon?” nick asked.
addilyn shrugged. “we still have more we need to do. i’m okay going home a little late. the walk isn’t far.”
nick laughed. “why don’t you come sit? we can take a break and watch a quick episode of rupaul or something.”
the tired girl nodded, sitting down next to nick. he got up momentarily to switch off his overhead lights, turning on the soft fairy lights above his bed instead. he climbed back into his bed next to addilyn, turning on the t.v. at a low volume. the change in ambiance of nick’s bedroom made addilyn all-the-more tired, and she rested his head onto his shoulder.
resting my eyes for five minutes won’t hurt, right? she thought as she closed her eyes.
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
both addilyn and nick jolted awake about an hour later to the sound of matt pounding on the door. he’d gone on his phone when addilyn was in nick’s room, not noticing how much time had gone by until chris came down to say goodnight.
addilyn sat up, shaking nick to also get up, and walked over to the door to let matt in. she took in the sight in front of her. his hair was messy, as per usual, and he’d switched out his pair of blue jeans from earlier to a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants. he wore a grey hoodie with his school’s logo on the front, a number 4 on the side of his sleeve underneath his last name. he looked good. “sorry,” he apologized quickly, realizing how loud his knocking was.
“what time is it?” they both heard nick call out from the bed, sitting up to turn off the show they fell asleep watching.
“almost 11:30,” matt replied, looking at nick. he turned back to addilyn “i packed all your stuff up, i didn’t think you’d wanna get back to work.”
she smiled, thanking him for the gesture, as she felt a knot in her stomach. she’d been feeling that a lot around matt lately and she didn’t know why. maybe it was because he was acting nice. or maybe it’s because in the week she’s spent with him, she’d realized she was maybe starting to catch feelings.
it was a monday night, and addilyn was over at matt’s to work on the project. he was wearing a navy blue hoodie that made his eyes look even more blue, and he was currently laughing at an anecdote addilyn was telling him. she smiled brightly at him, laughing along with the boy.
he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, immediately breaking out into laughter again as he looked up and met her eyes.
his laugh is so cute, she thought. she looked down at her lap away from matt, trying to push her thoughts into the back of her head.
“you’re really funny, addilyn,” matt told her softly, wiping tears from his eyes. she looked over to him to find him already staring at her.
she looked at his face, trying to read it. she wasn’t the type to normally confuse niceness with having a crush on someone, but something with matt felt different. when nick or chris talked to her, she didn’t get dizzy when they would smile at her, or accidentally brush hands. but she felt it all with matt.
“what are you looking at?” he smiled, leaning forward across the table slightly as his eyes flicked between both of hers. she could’ve sworn he glanced at her lips.
addilyn was feeling bold. “you.” she replied.
he shook his head, smiling softly, and then leaning back against his chair. “we should get back to work.”
“addy,” nick said from his bed, breaking addilyn away from her thoughts. she blinked up at matt as he smiled down at her.
there’s that feeling again.
“do you wanna spend the night? i know you only live next door but i feel bad making you walk back over so late.” nick asked her, walking over to where she was.
“are you sure?” she breathed, “i feel bad.”
“don’t,” nick replied, “i have pajama bottoms and a hoodie you can wear. it’s no problem really.” he smiled kindly at her. she broke her gaze away from matt, looking to nick.
“okay,” she nodded, “i’ll let my mom know.”
addilyn turned back to look at matt. “i’ll go get you your backpack and stuff,” he told her softly, “wait here.”
“i got it, don’t worry.” she told him, brushing past him in the door way as he looked at her go. she heard footsteps trailing behind her. she turned around to find matt following her into the kitchen.
“i need to get my stuff too.” he told her. she nodded softly, trying to keep her cool and act normal.
they made their way to the table, matt collecting all of his belonging he left out on the table. addilyn’s notes and books were all packed away neatly in her bag, which matt had left on the chair for her. she offered to help matt clean, but he just smiled at her.
“i can do it, you go to bed, you worked too hard today.” he laughed, handing her bag to her. his fingers brushed against hers, lingering there for just a second. she felt her cheeks heat up as she took the bag. she looked down at her feet, knowing for sure her face was a bright crimson color. suddenly the room in the air felt thick, and she became hyper aware of matt’s presence in front of her. was he standing this close the entire time? she looked up at him, to find him already looking at her.
“goodnight matt.” she whispered, afraid if she spoke any louder it would break the atmosphere around them. he was standing so close to her, she wondered if he was able to hear her heart beating out of her chest. a smile ghosted across his face, and for half of a second addilyn thought he would lean down and kiss her.
he didn’t, though, only softly replying “goodnight addy.”
she turned on her heel, making her way back into nicks room quickly. she found a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms and a large hoodie folded neatly on nick’s bed, where he was sat. “you can go change in the bathroom, i left a spare toothbrush in there for you too.”
she thanked him, collecting the clothes and walking into the bathroom. she changed quickly, then paused to look at herself in the mirror as she began brushing her teeth. did matt even like her, or was he only acting this way because she was friends with his brothers? that had to have been the reason. there was no way he felt the same about her. but she couldn't help but think about the way he was looking at her in the kitchen, and how his hand lingered over hers. she sighed, turning off the water and going back into nick’s room. he was already under the blankets, lights off, and scrolling on his phone. he turned it off, turning to face her as addilyn got into the bed.
“our first sleepover,” nick sang, “this is so fun!”
addilyn laughed, making herself comfortable. she loved being friends with nick. they’d only been hanging out for less than two weeks, but they both connected so easily with one another. they both understood one another, and enjoyed the company of each other. nick loved having someone other than his brothers or his teammates to talk to, and addilyn just loved having someone to talk to. “i know.”
despite how tired the girl was when she entered the room, the two teenagers were suddenly wide awake, talking about anything and everything with one another.
“if you had to fight any animal with your bare hands, what would you fight?” nick asked, staring at the ceiling.
“what?” addilyn laughed, looking over at him.
the later and later it got, the more and more they opened up. it was currently 1:30 in the morning, and they were both deep in conversation about nick’s coming out.
“i can’t believe i thought i liked my friend when it was really her boyfriend i liked.” nick told her.
addilyn shook her head. “yeah, that’s kinda crazy.”
“have you ever liked one of your friends?” nick asked, sitting up slightly. she looked up at him, thinking.
she hadn’t had many friends her whole life. she had a couple close people that she’d talk to in class, but never close enough to ever hang out with or talk to outside of school. the only people she talked to outside of school were nick and chris. her mind suddenly went to matt. “i don’t think i have.”
“really?” nick asked her in disbelief. “you’ve never thought someone you hung out with was cute or anything?”
“addy, come on, there’s no way.” nick sighed, laying back down.
“well, maybe.” she felt her voice trail off. she couldn’t tell nick. she wasn’t even sure for herself if she liked matt or if she was just confused. he and chris were the closest thing addilyn had to real friends, and she didn’t want to throw it all away by telling nick she caught feelings for his brother.
“oh my god, tell me!” nick whisper-shouted in excitement, sitting back up again. addilyn laughed and shook her head.
“okay, okay, let me guess.” nick offered, thinking about the boys in the classes they shared together. “david, from art?” addilyn shook her had no.
“liam?” he tried again. she shook her head once more. nick named just about every boy in their class, even began to name random people addilyn didn’t even know that well.
“do i know him?” nick asked.
“yeah,” she breathed quietly.
nick looked at her inquisitively. “it’s not chris, is it?”
“no, no way.” addilyn shook her head. “he’s just my friend, i promise.”
nick looked at her once more, as if he looked hard enough he'd be able to read her mind. he paused, silence falling over the both of them.
his eyes went wide. “matt?”
addilyn stayed quiet. she opened her mouth, then closed it. she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.
“addy,” nick said, “do you like matt?”
“i don’t know.” she whispered, turning away from him. he sat up to meet her eyes. “maybe.” he gave her a look once more. “yes.”
she braced herself for the anger. the disappointment. something. but nick just smiled at her. “that’s so exciting!”
she looked at him dumbfounded. “what?”
“i’m serious,” nick started, “you’re so fun to be around, there’s no way he doesn’t like you back. i’ve noticed he’s been acting nicer to you.”
addilyn continued looking at nick like he was crazy. “there’s no way.” she laughed, pulling the covers over herself. “i’m tired, nick, i’m going to bed.”
he laughed, wishing her a goodnight, assuring her once again he didn’t care if she liked his brother, and that he was happy for her. soon after, she heard his soft snores, singling he was asleep. addilyn, however, continued to lay awake, thinking about what she told nick. she couldn’t believe herself, normally she would keep her feelings in, but something in her was off. she wasn’t even sure why she liked matt so much. she barely even knew him, and he didn’t start acting nice to her until a week into their project. it was a small crush, it meant nothing. it wasn’t worth risking her friendship for. she suddenly felt her chest tighten and the instant feeling like she couldn’t breathe. she closed her eyes as the air around her grew thick.
you’re fine. she told herself. nick isn’t mad. you can tell him tomorrow you were kidding. everything will be normal again after the project is done.
she glanced over at nick, making sure he was asleep before she slipped out of bed. she couldn’t lay in her friend's room any longer knowing matt was only down the hall. she softly tore a piece of paper, writing nick a quick note, praying he wouldn’t wake in the middle of the night, and would only see it when he woke up in the morning.
went home to shower and change before school, see you in art!
<3 addy
*₊˚ 𓂃✧
matthew sturniolo,
slept for maybe three hours that night. he couldn’t sleep in his room knowing addilyn was only down the hall. he kept replaying the way their hands brushed as he gave her the backpack earlier.
he felt his fingers lightly graze hers as he passed her the bag. he let them linger for a moment, hoping she wouldn’t notice. she looked down at her feet quickly, taking the bag from matt. their bodies were nearly pressed up against one another. all he wanted was for her to look at him. as if she read his mind, she looked up with a shy smile across her crimson red face. he so badly wanted to close the small gap between them and smash his lips against hers. he didn’t though, only whispering a soft goodnight as he watch her go into nicks room.
he hadn’t stopped thinking of her since his dream. he was obsessed with everything she did. the way she’d twirl her pencil between her pointer and thumb, or the way her brows furrowed as she read. he kept trying to distract himself as he thought about her.
matt had known who she was for a long time, despite addilyn being an “always in the background” kind of person. but the second she stepped foot in his kitchen that day she came over for dinner with her family, he knew it was over.
matt was in the kitchen with chris and nick, arguing about something dumb when she got there. he opened his mouth to say something back to chris, when nick nudged him altering him they had company. matt looked up at addilyn as she stood shyly in the kitchen. chris walked over to introduce himself as matt just started at her. she wore a white cotton dress that hugged her in all the right places, and beat up white chuck taylor’s. matt knew exactly who she was, but he didn’t remember her always looking this pretty.
“i’m chris,” his brother said, sticking out his hand.
she replied to him so softly matt barely heard her. “addilyn.” her voice sounded like honey. matt just looked at her again, before deciding to open his mouth and say “i can’t hear her.”
as matt laid in bed, he stared out his window into her empty bedroom thinking about why he was so mean to her. maybe it was because he liked her the whole time and didn’t want to admit it. sure, she was beautiful, but she wasn’t the kind of girl matt would typically go for. that’s why he was so attracted to her. she was so unlike anyone he’d been with. any girl he’s ever met at a party had been the same. they all seemed to have had the same lives, matt would listen to them talk, then he would tell about himself. that he’s a triplet and he plays hockey and lacrosse with his brothers. that he’s lived in boston his whole life and he loved the outdoors. and that’s how it went every time.
addilyn was different. she didn’t care he was popular, or that he played sports. she was just her normal, quiet, typical self. she wasn’t throwing herself at him, and matt saw her as somewhat unattainable. matt often mistook his attraction to her for a disliking. he felt so guilty about it, but he thought if he was mean, she’d leave him alone and wouldn’t try to get with him. he mentally cursed himself for acting the way he does. if she was already out of his reach, why would he try to drive her even further away?
but that dream he had fucked him up bad. every night since then, he’s thought about it. how soft her hands felt in his, how delicate her voice spoke. how good she kissed him. he wondered if she’d ever kissed a boy before. he secretly hoped she hadn’t, he wanted to be her first. he’d be gentle with her, not rushing her into anything. he’s kissed girls before, but it was always drunk at some party. he never actually liked the girls he kissed, he just wanted them in the moment. and when the moment was over, he went back to his friends and did whatever he was doing before. but addilyn was different, he wanted to kiss her anywhere he could, not just while he was drinking at some random's party.
the light in addilyn’s room turned on, snapping matt out of his daydream. he saw her walk into her room wearing nicks pajamas, walking over to her blinds to close them. he was confused why she walked home, but let it slip his mind. although he knew she couldn’t see him that well, he pretended to sleep anyway knowing she would look into his room. had he not closed his eyes, he would’ve seen the lingering look addilyn gave into his room before she closed her blinds.
© mattscoquette
𝐚/𝐧: thank u so so much for 170 followers <333 the fact u guys r liking this series warms my heart so much bc i was SO nervous to post. this story only has two parts left after this :( that being said, my reqs are open if anyone wants to leave anything b/c i'm not planning on writing anymore stories atm so i have more time to write little oneshots or hcs or whatever, just lmk! as always if anyone wants to join my taglist pls lmk and i hope u all enjoy:)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia @franticroads @sturnsssbow @cams5sos @strombolilovr @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @mattscurlygirly @simply-a-simper @sturnrc @sturnifyed @freshlovie
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bangchansgirlsblog · 10 months
Sweet Angel 👼
Part one:
Has to re-write this
The clock was ticking. Her heart was pounding as she sat outside the principals office. She said a small prayer because she knew the trouble she was in. She knew this was going to be a good day.
“Y/n. The principal is ready to see you,” Candice, the school receptionist, called for her. She gulped and looked over at the lady. She was tall and had a mini skirt on. Her blouse was see through but no body complained because quite frankly everyone enjoyed the view. She was a hottie after all.
“Goodluck,” Candice said before Y/n could even step into the office. She needed it in order to stay calm and stay collective.
Her shaky hands opened the wooden doors and the smell of fresh books and coffee filled her nostrils as she took a step inside.
“Y/n, please take a sit,” His voice was loud but not scary loud more like loud for no reason loud. Y/n never liked the way he yelled. It was always hours of a lecture that she didn’t give two shits about because she knew she was going to get into trouble again but get away with it anyway.
“Goodafternoon Mr.Zang,” she smiled politely before taking a sit and looking straight at him. It was almost like she was taunting him, making him look like some type of clown.
“Alright let’s cut the crap young lady. We’ve called your brothers in,” her whole body went cold. Her breathing picked up its pace and her shaking hands were very visible now.
“You called my brothers?” She asked in disbelief, “but sir-“
“I don’t want to hear it Y/n, we’ve been going through a roller coaster with you and I think it’s time I set my foot down,” He was signing a piece of paper. The room was dark and mostly made of wood. It was a typical principal study and that creeped her out even more.
She was scared. She was terrified because if Chan was on his way he was definitely pissed off. She was definitely going to be in big trouble and she was definitely going to get killed. She was on her second strike. She had already been kicked out of a school before this and if she got suspended again in this school that meant she was one step away from getting expelled again. That alone would put Chan and all the boys in a coma.
She let out a sigh. This wasn't good at all. At all.
She looked up at the clock again to calculate how much time she had to live. 20 minutes. She had 20 minutes to live and she would spend it in this sad room. Not how she expected her last moments to be.
Her stomach was churning and suddenly the lunch she had eaten wasn’t such a good idea because of the nauseous feeling that came over her. The nerves were eating her alive and at a point she thought she was dreaming.
Her short prayers were interrupted by the doors opening. Had it been 20 minutes already?!
"I'm so sorry I'm late," She heard Chan's voice fill the room. She looked over at the door and gulped when she saw him come in with leeknow glaring at her. A lump in her throat started to form.
Leeknow was the scariest out of them all. He was the only man that scared the shit out of her (after Chan ofcourse) she just knew if it was the two of them (Chan and leeknow) it wasn’t a good thing because the both of them together was like losing a finger while cooking your favorite meal…does that make sense?
"It's okay Mr.Bahng, welcome. Please have a sit." Mr.Zang said pointing at both empty sits right next to Y/n. She made sure to scoot a bit further so she wouldn’t be at punching reach from Chan. (She was just taking safety precautions)
"So what seems to be the matter? what did she do this time and how much will it cost me?" Chan chuckled and she knew straight away that that chuckle wasn't real. It wasn't real at all.
"Im sorry we have to go through this again but today we caught Y/n- well you'll see by yourself," he pointed the tv remote at the tv that sat on the opposite side of the room. It was cctv footage. Y/n cursed herself for not knowing that this man was keeping cameras on her 24/7. She felt dumb. The video tape played and showed Y/n with a bottle of vodka passing it around with her friends. They were behind school in the alleyway between the gym and main hall.
She gulped again and looked at the floor not daring to look at Chan or leeknow. Her throat was dry at this point. She could hear a frustrated sigh and a 'you better start praying' from Chan.
"Now Ofcourse we don't tolerate any of this behavior," Mr.Zang turned off the tv and sat back in his chair.
"I understand that sir," Chan replied,
"We will have to put her on suspension for 3 days but I do have a question," he looked back and forth between Leeknow and Chan with a worried look on his face.
"Yes Mr.Zang, what is it?" Leeknow asked.
"Who is at home with Y/n? Is it just you guys?" He questioned the boys while adjusting his glasses.
"No sir, she has a nanny that takes care of her sir. It's me and my other brothers that are in charge of her sir,"
"And what about parents?..." he trailed off. Her heart slightly jumped at the thought of her mum and dad. All she could feel was numbness everytime they had to talk about them.
"We don't have any of that sir, her mum and dad died a while back so I was given custody over her sir," Chan replied politely. He too didn’t like to talk about the death of her parents. It ruined his whole mood because he knew it was a soft spot for his little sister.
“Oh I see because Y/n has been acting out lately and with the grades and her attitude she might not make it past 12th grade,"
She glanced over at Chan who was massaging his temples and trying to stay cool while leeknow sat with his hands crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.
"I understand that sir, I'll make sure she gets on her game,"
"Alright I think that's it, young lady I hope you take this time to reflect on your behavior," he pointed at her. God! She hated Mr.Zang. His pin black hair and beady eyes always creeped her out. Even his golden tooth that always seemed to be glowing no matter what. Ugh.
"Trust me she will be reflecting a lot," leeknow said before shaking Mr.Zang’s hand.
They handed them the peace of document for her suspension so they could sign it and once they had finished she got out of her chair and grabbed her bag from the floor and started following behind her two older brothers. They both were talking to eachother whispering back and forth as she walk quietly behind them. The school corridors were quiet and she was glad because if word got out that  2/8 of straykids were in school, that would be hell for her.
The car was parked outside with the driver in the front seat and when they got into the car and all the doors closed Chan started yelling. Yelling really loud. Her body was trembling at this point.
"What the fuck Y/n?!" He started off. she kept quiet and looked at the ground not daring to look him in the eye. "Oh! So now she can't talk huh?! Now she can't talk!"
"This is so disappointing! Yah! Do you know how embarrassing this is?! Getting called out of rehearsal?!" Leeknow added on.
"I can't even look at you right now! You're so stupid! Why can't you think before you act huh?! Why can't you do things without getting into trouble?!" Chan yelled while bawling up his hands in a fist.
"I'm sorry-" she softly said but she was interrupted by his sharp laugh,
"She's sorry! She's sorry she says! You know what I'm sorry for?! You're grounded for life. Locked up in that house for internal life!" Chan scoffed, "No tv, No phone, No tablet, No computer..oh and you know what else? No more free tickets for your friends! You will stay in that house until I see straight A's again understood?!"
“Yes Chan," She nodded her head,
“Also I’m taking you out of the trainee program. Your not debuting anymore-“
“Chan, please don’t. Please Chan that’s the only thing I have-“ tears started to build up in her eyes. Her heart was shattered. Chan knew how important that was for her. He knew how much she was looking forward to being in a girl group.
“I don’t want to hear it. This conversation is over,”
His face was red and he looked scary but she couldn't help it. Why would he do that? He knew that was my most valuable thing going on in her life.
“Chan I’ll-“
"I don't care! I don't fucking care right now! Just stay quiet and don't even talk to me, don't look at me if you can please don't even breathe the same air as me,"
She looked at him with so much hurt but obeyed his wishes. Her heart was heavy but she couldn't blame him. She deserved it.
She kept quiet and continued to look at the floor as they arrived home. Leeknow was trying to calm Chan down as she got out the car and walked into the house. Tears fell from her eyes at a constant speed.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Han asked, he was sat in the living room with one of his friends but he still chose to leave them and come up to her.
"Y/n? You reek of alchohol, where have you been?" He pulled her into a hug. Concern was written all over his face.
“Don’t touch me,” she tried to remove herself from his grip but it was too tight,
“Talk to me please,” he begged.
"I thought I said I don't want to see your face!" Chan's voice boomed in the room. She got out of Han's grip and quickly run up the stairs sobbing.
"Wait- what happened?" Han asked Chan who was now huffing and puffing.
"She's on Suspension,"
"Again?" Han asked confused, "what did she do this time?"
"Bottles of alcohol in her bag," leeknow explained while rubbing his eyes, tired as usual.
"Where does she even get that?"
"I don't know but I'm starting to get worried about her. I think this is her last strike. What are we gonna do?" Leeknow shook his head.
Chan was fed up and it was so clear, "I don't know but right now I don't want to deal with her crap."
"Chan don't say that, you don't mean it," Han said frowning.
"No I do! Han she has been causing hell! I don't know what to do anymore! I might just have to ship her off to boarding school! I can't be dealing with work stress and her stress! I've tried everything, literally everything but she won't change," he snapped at Han.
“Dont yell at me, I don’t mean any harm,” Han frowned feeling abit attacked, “Chan just give her time, she's just a teenager and she just lost her parents,"
"Who's just a teenager?" Felix asked entering the room from the kitchen.
"Felix back me up here, Chan wants to send Y/nnie to boarding-"
"What?! Why? You can't do that Chan?!"
"I didn't say I would and she got suspended Lix, " he run his fingers through his hair before he started to pace back and forth
"Maybe we can put her in classes? To distract her from being bad?" Han suggested.
"Yeah that's a good idea! That way we can monitor her there too. We can even pick her up after practice," Felix agreed
"We'll see but for now she's grounded for life."
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oathbips · 1 year
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summary: the older itoshi brother was caught off guard after seeing his younger brother with a girlfriend
word count: 2.2k
content: f!reader x itoshi rin, slight fluff towards the end, focuses more on sae and rin's relationship, sae being a sore loser with his feelings
author's note: my first fic after like 6-7 years. it was fun writing this but i feel like it's still lacking a lot after reading it so I'm sorry if it's not good. i always try my best to keep everyone accurate to their characters so hopefully, this is not too oc.
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It’s been a week since the u-20 match. Itoshi Sae didn’t really expect to still be here in Japan walking around and about. The prodigy midfielder was dead set on going back to Spain the day after the match against Blue Lock but a call from his parents and some convincing on their part persuaded him to stay back a bit longer. He is scheduled to meet them today around noon to pick up a few packs of salted kelp his parents got him to bring on his trip back to Spain.
He’s not one to ever possess this sort of feeling but as he approached the front porch of his childhood home, he can’t help but be hit with some sort of nostalgia. It’s been years since he last stepped foot into this house. Feeling a little weird with how nostalgic he is suddenly getting, Sae stood right in front of the house entrance for a good minute or two, zoning out before he finally felt ready enough to ring the doorbell. 
Distant footsteps could be heard inside the house before the door swung open and his mother was standing in front of him ecstatic to see her son after so long. 
“Sae!” she exclaimed happily and followed with an open hug for her oldest son. “I’m home.” Sae finally exhaled after realizing he’s been holding his breath the whole time. He shifts awkwardly in the hug before his mom releases the hug a second later. It's not like he had anything to be awkward about. He always called and texted his parents when he was away from home, and they would always send stuff over to him monthly. He himself is confused about the way he was acting and feeling. The red-headed boy cannot understand it. 
Before long, another pair of footsteps was heard. He turns around to be met with his father approaching, waving at him. “Ah Sae, you’re home. It’s good to finally see you again. It’’s been a while Sae.” 
“It has been,” Sae replied. “Come in Sae. The salted kelps are set on the table in the kitchen for you. Have you eaten? I just made lunch. Have some before you leave.” His mom insisted as she guides her son into the house before closing the door. It felt like Itoshi Sae was more like a guest at this house now. 
“I'll prepare the food and table. In the meantime, you can look around the house again if you like. Quite a few things have changed since you moved out.” 
As she headed towards the kitchen, leaving her son behind in the living room to take in his old home again, Sae found himself standing stiffly in one spot once more as he looked around the house. It indeed did change a bit. Everything looks like it has been rearranged. He can still see the family portraits he grew up seeing with a few new additions. After a while when his unexplained feelings finally started to settle down, he then soon realizes once he lay eyes on some new framed photos that his younger brother had yet to make his appearance. You can definitely hear when things are happening around the house so it’s unlikely that Itoshi Rin could’ve missed all the commotion that just happened. 
The look on his face was so obvious that his mother took notice after one glance at him. “Rin's not home right now. He’s currently out.” 
“Where did he go to?” Sae asked. “He said he was going out for a bit but didn’t specify where before he swiftly left the house.” She replied before continuing, “We saw the game. Sorry, we couldn’t make it last week. We decided to watch it on tv instead. It was an amazing game Sae.” 
“mhmm.” he hummed absent-mindedly while walking towards the stairs leading up to the bedrooms.
“But you know Sae… he’s been acting different after the game.” That made the older Itoshi do a double take as that statement piqued his interest. He turn towards her and she continues, “Ever since he got back from Blue Lock for his short 2 weeks break, he’s-” She stopped to think on how to explain it. “I don't know how to explain it, Sae. It’s like he’s more distant now because he always seems to be zoning out like there’s something on his mind.” 
Sae took in what his mother had just told him. He honestly didn’t see any deal with it all. “He's always like that even when we were little. I don't see any difference. Nothing has changed with him.” Sae stated. His opinion of his little brother is very complex to understand. It's almost like he doesn’t really have an opinion towards the young striker anymore. Not after their last departure at least. Or so he thought. What the midfielder failed to realize is that deep down, there are still lingering feelings of endearment he’s not aware of himself towards Rin. Even right after the match when they finally talked again for the first time since their fight, he’s still unaware of that feeling. 
His dad who has been listening in on this whole conversation, stared at his older son’s face. Lingering on his facial expressions before letting out a sigh and finally speaking, “My son, I think you’re more unaware of the situation between you two than we thought.” That caused Sae’s face scrunched up in confusion. 
“What do you mean?” 
Now it’s his mother's turn to give a small sigh. “Oh, Sae… It’s okay. Just forget it. I think this is something that you two have to work out amongst yourselves. Nothing your father and I say will help fix anything. Sorry to interrupt your little plan of going upstairs but lunch is ready now. Come eat and you can head up afterward.” At that, Sae gawked at his parents debating whether or not to press them on about it. He was more confused than ever. 
Throughout the meal, he too started spacing out in his thoughts about what his parents had just told him. His thoughts kept swaying back and forth trying to decipher their words. “Our situation?” He thought to himself. “I’m unaware of what exactly?” He debated again if he should bring it up once more but after some more thinking and realizing his mom said to work it out between his brother and him, he decided to just brush it off as no big deal and figure it out on his walk back to his hotel. If it continues to bother him later, he’ll ask his parents to elaborate on their statements. 
After the meal and his little tour of the house again, Sae said his goodbyes and thanked his parents for the package before setting off to his hotel. He suddenly finds himself taking in the neighborhood around him and that uneasy feeling of nostalgia he felt earlier strikes again. The conversations with his parents at noon start to replay in his head. He feels even more uneasy remembering it. This causes him to do what he never expected himself to do ever again after declaring to never step foot into Japan after he left. The Itoshi Sae is now witnessing himself walking around the area of his old hometown. He walked to the schools he and his brother used to attend, to the playground he and his brother used to play at, and to the shops he and his brother used to go to. It was almost as if he was fulfilling his guilty urges that he became aware were the causes of his uneasy feelings earlier. Now here he is, walking towards the soccer field he and his brother used to play together at. He's mentally kicking himself for suddenly being so sentimental about all of this. For him to waste his time so he could fulfill his “urges” that were bothering him so he could shake off that uneasiness. He hates it all. 
As he got closer to the field carrying the grumpiest face ever, he notices two figures on the field. The figures were still pretty far from his vision but he didn’t care for who it was. Too grumpy over his emotions to care, he told himself he is just going to look at the field real quick and immediately leave. So he just kept walking closer and closer until he couldn’t anymore because he can’t help but stop in his tracks. The two figures he’s seeing are now suddenly something he cared for because one of them is literally his younger brother, Itoshi Rin. The black hair boy is sitting next to someone. The prodigy couldn’t believe it as he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. His younger brother is sitting next to a girl? Careful to not get caught, Sae is now moving cautiously and quietly as he could to the nearest hiding spot he find himself in, peeking out the tiniest bit to see his brother. “Is that a friend?” He thought. 
“I think you can do it Rin.” She spoke. “I will.” The striker replied. The girl gave a heartfelt smile at him and then giggled. 
“What's so funny?” 
“Hehe, nothing. Just happy to get to see you again. That’s all.” 
Rin gave a little huff at that before standing up and dropping the soccer ball he was holding. “Hey, teach me how to play a little!” The girl exclaimed excitedly. 
“You’ll suck.” Rin quickly commented. 
“That's why you’re teaching me!” 
She took the ball from the tall boy and lightly kicked it around while having the biggest smile on her face. Rin watches her as she attempts to kick the ball into the goal and completely misses. “I told you, you suck.” 
“Cause you’re not teaching me!” 
Rin looks at her before cracking the faintest smile as he got the ball and walked back to her. He ruffles her hair and she tries to fight him back for doing so before bursting out a laugh.
Sae is watching all of this in his hiding spot, baffled. This was not something he had ever seen coming from Rin even in their childhoods. Was this what his mother meant by him acting differently? When was this? Who is she? His mind is filled with questions as he looks at the two people in front of him. He had never seen his younger brother giving such a soft, endearing look like that towards anyone. Well, back then Rin used to look at his older brother like that too but this feels a lot more different. Sae was too deep in his thoughts now to realize that his younger brother has now spotted him. The redhead quickly snapped out of it as soon as he saw the identical pair of teal eyes staring straight at him. Both of them wearing the same expressions on their faces as they're both staring at each other.
Rin was shocked. His mouth was agape at what he was seeing with his own eyes. “Nii-” He let out before stopping midway and changing his expression back to that cold, aloof expression he always wore. Seeing this, the girl turned around towards the direction her boyfriend was looking at, wondering what had caught his attention. She then saw the red hair and those same teal eyes that her boyfriend also possesses. It was now her turn to be shocked. Standing in front of her own two eyes was the Itoshi Sae, famous midfielder prodigy, and the older brother of her boyfriend. 
“What are you doing here?” Rin was the first to speak. 
“…Mom and Dad called to pick up some packages for me to take back to Spain.” Sae quietly stated, wanting to dig a hole for being caught. 
“The house is that way. Did you forget?” Rin said coldly and pointed in the direction of the house. 
“Tch.” The older brother smacked. 
“Huh?!?” Rin snapped back, annoyed. He's not the one going around stalking people. 
Sensing the tension, the girl chimed in hoping to ease the atmosphere, “Uhm! hello, I'm y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” 
Sae turned his attention towards her and stared at the girl who brought out a side to his younger brother he has never seen. His gaze lingered as he wondered how. Seeing his older brother now intently staring at his girlfriend, Rin got irked once more. “What are you looking at? It’s rude to stare.” 
“Apologies… Nice to meet you. I’m Sae.” He gave a small nod and she returned it with a small bow. 
“Well, I’m off.” He said as he turns around and walk off. “Huh?!? Seriously? You came here stalking me and then just leave? You didn’t even answer my question!” Rin yelled out to his brother. Sae ignores his remarks and continues walking away. “Hey!!” Rin shouted once more. 
“Rin-” The girl whispered while reaching out to him to calm him down.
“I will beat you and Isagi.” This declaration from Rin made Sae pause in his tracks. He turns around to his little brother, staring at him before giving a scoff and walking off again. Rin glared at his brother’s back. Seeing his brother again filled him with a new sense of determination. “I will beat you.” He thought to himself. As Sae walks further and further away from the field, he looks back one last time at the two figures. The girl was now holding Rin's hand and placing her head between his chest. The striker soon follows, placing his hands on the back of her head. Sae took one final glance before turning his head and never looking back as he walked away. “A girlfriend huh?” He thought to himself. 
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sweetpiccolo-blog · 1 year
To take care of you... (SMUT)
Oscar Piastri x Reader
A/N: This was such an impulsive activity but worth it. This is what I produced. Hope you like it. Warnings: SMUT, and a tiny bit of fluff
Words: 1,8k
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Summer holiday has started and somehow you were stuck on track. Well not somehow, some tests were being run. In scorching sun, the guys from McLaren were making one fastest lap after another one, testing the tires, new upgrades, anything and everything.
The only time they were not in their cars was during lunch and at the end in the evening. The sun was starting to set and everyone was running around the garage to tidy everything up ASAP so they could go home. Lando and Oscar went into their rooms to get out of the drenched suits. 
You were Oscar's right hand so you tried to give him some time to get ready to leave, while you tried to get some data for him before he sees them in the team meeting. 
You were chatting with some engineers, when you realized that Oscar is probably waiting for you all cleaned up and ready to go. You excuse yourself and head for the Australian´s room. You knock and get back a soft Come in ! .
You enter and what you see makes you soften your gaze.
Oscar is laying on the couch, sprawled all over, still sweaty and half asleep. What makes you quickly worried is the A/C turned on to maximum blowing straight at him.
“Oscar! Get up. You can't be laying completely drenched under the cold air. You'll get sick! Is that what you want?”
He softly groans and stirs awake. You decided to have none of this so you pull him up and into the bathroom, not caring if he is awake. You helped him out of his shoes and suit, leaving him sitting on the floor in the fireproof white shirt and pants. “Okay mate, you'll have to do the rest. I give you 10 minutes, then we are leaving.” You close the door, not giving him a chance to complain. 
You smile to yourself as this reminds you of his good old F2 times. Oscar was never a drinker, but once he was celebrating his victory with his friends and overdid it. Luckily you were there to save him and get him into bed safely. The only differences are that he isn't drunk now and you work for him.
After a while he comes out, wrapped in a towel, looking like he is more awake. “Good morning sleepyhead. C´mon get dressed and I will wait for you in the car.” , you tease him with a smile. “I know you want to get to the hotel quickly, but you are quite bossy. I hope I'm still sleeping and you aren't this rude to me in reality.”, replies Oscar jokingly, faking a frown. “Can't we stay here for a little bit? Just a quick nap. Then I'll drive to the hotel.”, he tries offering. “Osi, no. Get dressed or I'm leaving you here.”
He sighs: “Yes chef.” 
You go gather his belongings, taking them to the car and saying your farewell to the team for the day, learning that Lando has already left. Oscar gets to you and together you walk towards the car. “You have a lot to learn as a rookie from your teammate.” He looks at you confused: ”What do you mean?”
“Well, he is already on his way, wasting no time…” “Oh cmon, give me a break…” 
“Not yet, gotta get you to your room.” “I'm not a kid anymore and you know me since childhood.” he whines.
“Exactly, I know you enough to know you need to be taken care of 24/7.” you smirk his way as you put the bags into the car. “Osi, I know you are exhausted but just cooperate with me for a few more minutes. I know you can.”
The ride to the hotel was a bit different than you thought. You expected Oscar to fall asleep, instead he was very responsive and talkative. Not like you didn't enjoy it, you just didn't expect it. Finally you arrived at your destination and got out. It was kinda early for you to go eat dinner so you went straight for the rooms. As your trusty friend unlocks the door for you he helps you with some bags and lays on the bed. You look at him: “Alright, I will leave you now. See you tomorrow morning Osi-”
He sits up suddenly. “Hold on! Can you stay the night here? You will just get the stuff you need from your room and come back. We can have a sleepover! Like old times.” he blurs out with hope in his eyes. You laugh at his eagerness and sit next to him : “Well if that's what you want… we can, but if you snore, I'm kicking you out on the balcony.” you joke. “Hey! This is my room. I'm the boss here, your rules don't work on me here.” You look at him with a glint in your eyes. “Oh really?” You were feeling a little bolder today so you decided to play with him a bit. You stood up and climbed onto him so your legs were beside his thighs and you hugged him around his shoulders. Eyes looking at his reddening face and inching closer. “ Someone is feeling themselves after nearly winning a race. Isn't that right?” He was too stunned to say anything. When he finally realized he had you like that, nearly sitting in his lap he woke up from his day dream and put his hands on your hips. It felt so so much better than you thought, to have his palms touch you and warm you up. But you weren't letting him have you. “Well then thanks for letting me stay here for the night Osi. I'll go get my stuff and get right back here.” you ruffled his soft locks and left to go for your pjs. But you didn't get far because the racing driver caught your wrist thanks to his quick reflexes. Under his breath he says: “Where do you think you're going.” You got caught off guard. That didn't sound like a question at all. Oscar stood up and towered over you. “I don't think I am the one feeling them-self in here. You are not going anywhere until we get that attitude out of you.” You are now the shocked one. You are about to say something but he pulls you towards him so your palms are on his chest. “You got to tell me what to do since Thursday. Now it's my turn and you are going to listen, understand sweetie?”
This Oscar was so hot. Not that he isn't usually hot but now he wasn't goofy hot. Just HOT.
“There we go, I knew you could behave well.” he smiled “Is it okay if I kiss you?”. You stare at him for a moment and smash your lips together. You two get into a rhythm and just go for it. It's messy, it's hot but absolutely amazing. He is holding you by your hips, your hands are on the sides of his head. When you separate to breathe, you simultaneously decide to get rid of your clothes. You climb on the bed in your bra and panties as he stumbles out of his pants and climbs on top of you. You kiss yet again but now with more touching. He pets your stomach and touches around your thighs. You caress his neck and trace his chest with your fingers. Soft touches are everywhere. He pulls away : “God…you are stunning”. He takes your hand and puts a little kiss on your palm. Then he intertwines your and his hand as he squeezes it. You realize how much he loves you. He loves you and knows you care about him. You look into his eyes and nod at him. A silent signal of trust. 
“Climb on top of me…” he orders softly. You sit up and move to hover above his thighs. You guide his hands to the back of your bra and he understands what must be done. He frees your chest and lets his hands do the work. You sigh in comfort and get your fingers in his brown locks. He is so gentle, yet he knows what he wants and you love it. The kisses around your shoulders, chest, upper arms, ribs, just everywhere. It is his and you let him claim it. 
“Osi… don't tease” you whine. “Don't. I want to explore you. Don't be so tense, let me spread my love everywhere…” he speaks against your skin. “Your skin's so soft... so smooth... so warm.”
You let him do what he wants and then it's time to get rid of the last piece of clothing on both of you. He grabs a spare condom from his wallet and puts it on. You would ask him jokingly where he got it from but you don't want to ruin the mood, so you climb on top of him once again. You put your hands on his shoulders and kiss him deeply one last time before hovering over him and slowly sinking down. Your quiet moan turns into a louder one as Oscar helps you go further down. “Shh, you can take it.” You hide your face in his neck and breathe in his scent. He smells so familiar. Like home. "You're doing so well for me love."
Slowly he starts moving your hips, breathing out softly. You start lifting yourself up and down again and again. A steady pace is set and you both enjoy the feeling. “You were made for me…” escapes from Oscar's mouth in a small moan. You look down at him, at his pleasured gaze and kiss his cheek. This nice and calm rocking suddenly turns into you being handled by Oscar as you repeat his name like a mantra. “Say it louder. I need to remember you saying my name like this.” You were slowly starting to lose control over your body and just let Oscar do what he wanted. His name left your lips in shorter and louder yelps. He loved it. He brought you to this state. And you let him. The trust he was given fueled his hips to meet yours in the middle. Your muscles were like enchanted, contorting in pleasure.
Oscar laid you down and took over completely. He will bring you two to the oh so desired state as if his life depended on it. His lips worked on marking your chest and his hips hammered into you like no tomorrow. You felt him everywhere, he overtook all of your senses and clouded your mind. The hand on your belly and the other one on your sensitive nerve sent you over and you yelling out Oscar´s name helped him reach his seventh heaven.
And just like that it was over. Oscar composed himself, threw away the condom and went into the bathroom. Soon he returned with a wet cloth and a cup of water as you leaned on your elbows. “Now let me take care of you baby…” he said with a smile and you returned it. 
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akutasoda · 10 months
Can I request fyodor, Nikolai and chuuya with a housewife s/o?
homely forever
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synopsis - how are they with a housewife s/o?
includes - chuuya, fyodor, nikolai
warnings - fem!reader(no pronouns mentioned but reader is called a homemaker), mention of traditional gender roles, in all scenarios it was readers choice, fluff, mentions of marriage, wc - 563
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chuuya nakahara ★↷
↪he respected your decision, and honestly if he could he'd gladly do the same. so you explaining after you two married that you'd like to be a homemaker he was fine with it.
↪he wanted it to be wholly your decision and not influenced by his own opinions as he wanted you to do what made you happy. and he very quickly did start liking it.
↪especially because the minute he got home from work you were there to greet him and he would instantly melt into your embrace - he always got home as soon as physically possible. and also it meant that if he was stuck doing paperwork you sometimes visited him.
↪while it was slightly dangerous, koyo always escorted you from the entrance to your husbands office and back again. therefore you could always accompany him at lunch.
↪bringing homemade meals and talking all the way up until you had to leave. he always looked forward to those times.
↪and even if you stayed at home and managed it, he still liked to help. always asking if you could perhaps leave him a few things to do so you didn't have to do absolutely everything at home.
fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪respecting your decison part 2. he barely left the house for his work anyway and so having you around made it slightly better for him. but ultimately it was your decision.
↪he didn't want to force it on you, seeing as you were someone he deemed worthy to be with so he trusted your decision after your marriage. you still want to work? that's fine. rather be a homemaker? fine as well.
↪while he does give off the vibe of being someone that is preferring of traditional roles such as, he isn't that forceful of it as again its your decision and he respects that.
↪he did enjoy having you around, especially because if he wasn't too busy you could join him and keep him company. distracting him slightly but he'd never complain.
↪and even if he had to go out to deal with 'stuff', coming home knowing you would be there waiting made him feel something he rarely feels.
↪but he absolutely treasures your presence and if he did voice his opinions he would have you beside him 24/7, 365. no negotiations.
nikolai gogol ★↷
↪respecting your decision part 3. he doesn't really care what you want to do after your both married. as long as your by his side you could do whatever. so when you said you'd prefer being a homemaker he was absolutely fine and supportive.
↪he does understand that some people still expect traditional gender roles but he isn't one. he believes in freedom and therefore your choice is your freedom to express what you want. he'd be a hypocrite to deny it.
↪and there's definitely a charm to it, knowing that he could literally teleport home whenever he wanted and be in your embrace was a huge comfort to him.
↪no matter how far he was he could always find you. and he absolutely adores the idea of coming home after a long day knowing you'd greet him makes him so giddy inside.
↪he's also practically at home all the time anyway, only of he's required to go somewhere would he make the effort. so unless your going with him, he'd rather stay at home with you.
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fastboatsmojito · 1 month
And they were ROOMMATES - Luca x reader one-shot
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|AN; basically influenced by the entire short n’ sweet album 💋
|WC;4k ish
|CW; smut BTC, roommate trope obviously, some annoyance and frustration in general and also sexually lmao, vibrator + masturbation + getting caught sorta kinda, uh ruined orgasm just for a moment + general desperation, touch-starved characters, fingering SORRY im obsessed with his hands, annoying horny mfs, brief pnv eventually but I got lazy at the end, soft dom?? Luca <3 🙂‍↕️
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You groaned and shoved a pillow over your face as you were subjected to listening to the blender at 7 am. Your roommate was currently in the kitchen overworking himself once again, blissfully unaware of your annoyance.
You took the pillow off of your face as soon as it stopped, opting to stay in bed to complain instead of walking all the way into the kitchen.
“Luca! Can you please be insane a little quieter? I don’t have a class for two more hours.”
“Oh shit, my bad!” He called back, focusing on something else for just a few moments before moving back to the blender, pressing the button for the softest option this time.
You just got comfortable before the distant whirring started again. perfect.
You fell asleep eventually, holding the pillow over your ears. The muffled buzzing of your alarm barely enough to wake you up just over an hour later. You moved the pillow away from you, alarm now blaring in your ears as you quickly leaned over to turn it off.
Yawning before you looked at the time; 8:45. You had just five minutes to make it out the door before you’d be really late. Later than your usual ‘just make sure to eat before class’ late.
“Fuck.” You groaned as you rushed out of bed, grabbing whatever clothes were cleanest and closest to your bed. You hastily moved through your typical morning routine, grabbing your bag before dashing to the door.
“No breakfast?” Luca was still in the kitchen, covered in sugar and glancing at you as he was making your apartment smell mouthwateringly delicious.
“No time. Your fault by the way.” You pointed at him, shaking your head as he put a hand to his heart.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, just had to fix up a recipe I’ve been working on.” He wiped his hands off before grabbing a banana and tossing it to you.
“Just don’t let it happen again, chef.” He nodded and smiled at the name.
“I won’t.. probably.” He whispered the last part, looking down as you rolled your eyes and walked out.
You walked back into your apartment after your class was over and shrugged your bag off by the door, rubbing your sore neck as you walked into the kitchen for some lunch. It was quiet and cleaned up so you assumed Luca was at work.
You had homework to do but figured some food and a nap was more pressing, quietly making yourself a sandwich and grabbing a drink before moving to your room.
You put on your usual comfort show and sat in bed after throwing on some comfier clothes, enjoying the peace that came with having an apartment off campus.
That morning wasn’t the first time Luca had gotten a little too into his work and disturbed your sleep but his work schedule and cleaning habits made up for it.
He takes up space in the kitchen a lot but he always cleans up after himself, oftentimes sharing some food he brought home from work as a wordless thank you for putting up with his early morning chaos.
You weren’t perfect either, procrastinating long enough to cause plenty of late nights reading, writing; and pacing in the living room that bled into his said early mornings.
You had a few arguments about both of your faults, usually ending in both of you apologizing and trying to figure out a plan to fix it for the future. Clearly they haven’t worked very well but you were still getting used to him. Used to each other, including your weird, occasionally annoying habits.
You finished your lunch and tried to take a nap before your next class, closing your eyes and sighing into your pillows as you tried and failed to get comfortable.
Usually you had no problem falling asleep; Imagining some faceless entity in whatever romantic scenario you could think of lulling you off, but now you were getting increasingly frustrated as you couldn’t turn your brain off.
Anxious thoughts racing through your brain were making it impossible to relax; Are you doing enough? Do your friends really like you?
The repetition was making you second guess yourself and stress out too much to sleep. You felt exhausted, eyes heavy and drooped but you still couldn’t fall asleep.
You rolled around on the bed, irritated sighs falling from you as you finally accepted the defeat. You were tense, stressed out and frustrated, racking your brain for solutions.
You reached into your nightstand for a hair tie when you found just what you needed; your vibrator. Duh. It’s been a while since you used it so it hadn’t crossed your mind, getting caught up in your work and forgetting to take some time for yourself.
You took it out, placing it on the bed beside you before you put your hair up and laid back down.
Similar to how you slept you usually imagined some faceless figure moving their warm hands over you instead of your own, sometimes dreaming up the face of whatever celebrity had caught your eye recently.
As you moved under the covers, hands slowly making their way down your body to tease yourself, you closed your eyes and found yourself thinking of someone you hadn’t anticipated.
Hands rougher and bigger than your own moving over you as you imagined him lying behind you, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck as you sighed into him.
“Luca,” You gasped, your hands paused and you opened your eyes quickly, surprising yourself by saying it out loud. Oh. You sat up for a moment to think.
Okay weird, but it didn’t mean anything, really. You were just desperate and he’s a familiar face. People have thoughts like this about people they’re just friends with all the time. It’s normal. There was no reason to punish yourself for something you couldn’t control.
You shook it off, taking a moment to relax again as you grabbed the toy next to you.
You were so close. Soft breaths and sighs leaving your mouth as the muffled buzzing sound filled your ears. Your body relaxing as you got closer and closer - until you heard your name followed by a knock at your bedroom door. The sudden sound surprising you and pulling you off of the edge you were about to fall over.
You moved quickly, turning your vibrator off and tossing it on the bed somewhere before fixing your pants and standing up.
You opened the door, warm face accompanied by a clear look of annoyance.
“Hey! I just uh,” He stopped himself to look at you, taking in your disheveled, tense figure.
“You just what?” Your voice was full of irritation, crossing your arms as he leaned in the doorway.
“Right. I just- I was about to go to the store for a few things if you need anything?” He asked, eyes looking into your own as he focused on not staring at the thin line of black peeking over your sweats.
“Oh I don’t need anything, thanks.”
“Of course. Did your uh, class get cancelled?”
“The one at 1? No, why?”
You leaned over, glancing at your alarm clock, you were about to be late for the second time partly because of him.
“Shit.” You mimicked your morning with a few less steps, throwing on your shoes and grabbing your bag before walking to the door when you realized you forgot your phone in your room.
Luca was already on it - walking into your room and reaching over your bed to grab it, where it had been lying right next to the vibrator you just put down a few moments before.
You walked in to him glancing at it for just a second, grabbing your phone and walking it to you with a grin he was trying to hide behind his hand.
“What?” You took your phone from his hand and rolled your eyes.
“I didn’t say anything.”
You walked back to the door as he followed you, pulling your tote up to your shoulder when you got there.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
He laughed softly as you turned to glare at him.
“I’m sorry I just didn’t realize I was interrupting something-“
You stopped him with a shake of your head, biting your tongue to hide your smile as you opened the door.
“Shut the fuck up.”
By the time you got out of your final class of the day it was almost 5, you were still tense, and stressed out. The pestering heat between your legs driving you even crazier after the man flooding your thoughts had unknowingly ruined your form of stress relief.
You stopped by a cafe on the walk home, ordering a sandwich and an iced tea. While you waited you texted a friend of yours, wanting a second opinion.
Elena; I don’t think that’s weird, is he hot?
:I mean YEAH, but that’s not the point?
Elena; Okay so he’s hot, single, and he cooks for you? I’d be dreaming about fucking him too
You giggled when their message came through, fidgeting with a straw wrapper in between texts.
;But what if it’s weird? We live together and I’d like to continue having a place to live
Not to mention the lack of sleep I’m already getting because of him.
Elena; Noise complaints aside, if he’s as nice as you say he is I really doubt he’d kick you out for that Plus if he did you could always move in with me !
;Then we’d both be losing sleep. I think I just need to talk to him about it
Elena; well I think you should just fuck and get it out of your system
You left them on read as your order was called, grabbing your food and walking back to your apartment.
You walked in and put your bag down, sighing when you saw Luca in the kitchen.
He looked up from whatever he was making as you glanced at him before grabbing a glass.
“Woah, what’d I do now?”
“I didn’t say anything.” You mocked his sentence from a few hours before, pouring yourself some water before walking around and pulling out a chair from the island he was working on.
He was chopping some vegetables while a pot of water on the stove was simmering. “Pasta?”
He just nodded as he continued, the smell of onion and garlic filling your nose as you decided to start working on a research paper you had due soon.
You got up to grab your laptop before sitting back down. You could never work in your room without falling asleep and the calming sounds of the kitchen were enough to keep you focused.
You stretched your arms after opening your laptop, rubbing over where your neck meets your shoulder before getting to work.
“Tense?” He was standing over the island as he started on a sauce, glancing up at you with a smirk as you worked.
“You’re such a dick.” You replied, eyes focused on the words in front of you, not looking at him until he was turned away from you.
He went to grab something from the spice cabinet, your eyes falling to the hem of his shirt as he reached up, giving you just a peek at his happy trail. Your eyes followed him as he moved back in front of you, mind stuck on the thought of your hand moving under his shirt.
It was no more than a few seconds but he caught you staring, smiling as he ‘stretched his arms’ to give you a better view. His shirt moved up just above his stomach, giving you a direct view of his abs, successfully distracting you from your work.
He moved his arms down, shaking his head when you sighed and looked back at your laptop, placing his hands on either side of it to look at you.
“What?” You leaned back in your chair, glancing at him before looking down at your hands.
“I didn’t say-“
You shut your laptop and stood up, moving your hands as you suddenly went on a tangent. You planned on just talking to him about it but the exhaustion was getting to you, your words rushing out one after the other.
“You’re so fucking frustrating, Luca. You’re distracting and you use the fucking blender at seven in the morning and you’re used to it so it doesn’t bother you but it bothers me,” He was just looking at you in surprise as you started pacing around.
“you apologize and cook me food and clean and that should all make up for it but it can’t because you’re also really hot. And I can’t even do anything about it because you’re my roommate and you’re usually here when I’m here so it’s not like I can just deal with it myself or fuck someone else.”
Your hand moved to your head as you continued, avoiding his eyes until you were done.
“You know, I’m trying to actually graduate but if I’m not sleeping and I can’t even get off around here without you interrupting me I’m going to fail my classes and get kicked out-” You took a deep breath as he walked closer to you, taking your laptop out from under your arm and placing it on the table beside you and looking into your eyes.
He spoke before you could finish,
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was upsetting you that much, the last thing I want is to add stress to your life. I’ll go to work earlier and work on it there so I don’t wake you up. I’ll figure it out, I promise.”
He sounded the most sincere you’ve heard him since you moved in. You nodded and he grabbed your hands to pull you into a hug, your heartbeat getting faster when he put his arms around you. He smelled faintly of pasta dough, reminding you of the food that was probably burning now.
“I think your pastas fucked.” You said, pulling away from him. He looked at his watch and walked back into the kitchen.
“Nah, its still got a minute or two. Hungry?”
The way he was looking at you as you ate was making you nervous and desperate. You always hated when people watched you eat, but you assumed he just wanted to know if you were enjoying his food.
You gave your ‘compliments to the chef’ to no avail, he continued to look up at you between bites like he’d miss something if he didn’t.
He reached for his glass and you stared at his watch, silver sparkling on his wrist. There was an energy you couldn’t place as both of you finished, eyes on your plate as you could feel his gaze over you.
“Done?” His voice brought you out of your head, soft tone he reserved just for you echoing in your head as you nodded, handing your plate to his outstretched hand.
He brought your plates to the sink as you sat, wondering if you should get back to your paper.
“You want some cake?” There was that tone again.
You got up and walked into the kitchen, sitting on the counter in front of him as he grabbed the cake he put aside before you got home, icing it in silence as you watched him. His controlled, steady movements in the kitchen were making you dizzy.
“Try this for me?” A common request, he usually let you try whatever new dessert he was working on; he liked your honesty. So you did, opening your mouth for a spoon, when you got an icing dipped finger in your mouth.
You looked at him in surprise for a moment before grabbing his wrist and obscenely licking the icing off while you looked into his eyes. You let his finger drag over your teeth as you pulled it out, licking your lips as you let go of his wrist. He was looking at you so intensely, you wanted to know what he was thinking.
“So you think I’m really hot, do you?” He grabbed one of your hands, putting it to his mouth as he kissed over your knuckles. You could feel your heartbeat speeding up once again as he moved his mouth up your arm, open mouthed kisses placed over your skin as he went, stopping when he got to your shoulder.
“Yeah I mean, I also mentioned you were really fucking frustrating, if you remember.”
He laughed softly at that, thumb stroking over your hand as you pressed your thighs together for some semblance of relief.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered, kissing your shoulder between each word. The hand that wasn’t in his own was gripping the counter you were sat on, restraining yourself from jumping onto him like a dog.
His other hand moved to push your hair away from your face, exposing your neck to him. The back of his hand rested right over your pulse point as he leaned back to take you in.
“You really are tense, d’you want some help with that?” You didn’t trust your voice to be stable at this point, nodding under him as he moved both of his hands to your shoulders. The hand you weren’t using to steady yourself moved to his forearm as he started gently massaging your muscles.
Your eyes were closed as you leaned into him, focusing on breathing through your nose so you didn’t moan at the soft touch.
“Does that feel okay?” He was closer now, smooth, deep, voice close to your ear as his hands continued easing the tension out of you.
“Mhm.” His hands felt so warm over you, for the first time in a while you didn’t feel like you were carrying weights on your shoulders.
He moved one of his hands to your jaw, thumb moving to let out the lip you were absentmindedly holding between your teeth.
“It’s okay, darling, if it feels good I want to hear it.” He places a soft kiss to your jaw before moving his hand back, making you close your eyes again at the sweet gesture.
You leaned your head back when his hands moved to the back of your neck, letting out a soft sigh as you melted into him.
Your mouth was open then, stress and quick breaths leaving your body with every stroke of his hands.
You were adjusting your hips to gain some friction when one of his hands moved to support your head as the other moved to the outside of your thigh.
He lifted your head, resting it under your ear when you looked at him. His grip on your thigh tightened as he smirked at the desperation on your face.
“Luca, please.” You wrapped a hand over the wrist on your thigh while the other moved to the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer to you.
“Now who’s being loud in the kitchen?”
“Fuck you.” Your voice fell short of the bite you anticipated, desperately breathing over his mouth.
“I think you’d like that.” Your hand moved to his back, pushing his lips into your own. The kiss felt hungry, messy, exactly what you needed. Both of your hands moved to his face, deepening the kiss as his hand on your thigh moved to slot between your legs so he could stand between them.
You couldn’t get him as close as you wanted, wrapping your legs around his hips to sloppily grind into him as you moaned into his mouth, letting go of any promise you made to yourself to stay calm.
His hand moved up your thigh while the other moved to your waist, keeping you in place. Your whole body felt hot, trying to keep your mouths connected as his hand rested on your inner thigh right under where you could feel your pulse.
“You okay? Do you still want this?” His reassuring nature still present as you’d basically beg him to fuck you at this point.
“I still want this.” Your voice almost sounded like someone else’s, whiney and desperate as you tried to move towards his hand.
“Good.” He punctuated with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. He lifted you up, wrapping his arms around you as he carried you to your room, trying to keep his eyes open as you started to kiss his neck.
He laid you down on your bed, hands moving over the soft sheets under you.
“Soft bed.”
“Thank you.” You laughed softly before he moved his hands over your body, from your shoulders to the waistband of your pants, pausing for a second to look at you.
“Luca - please touch me already.”
“Okay, okay. I got you, I’ll make you feel better, promise.”
He pulled your pants and underwear down at the same time, goosebumps showing up on your skin as the cool air hit you.
“Have you been this wet all day? Poor thing.”
One of his fingers moved between your lips, collecting some of the wetness there and bringing it to his mouth as you gasped at the sudden action.
He cleaned off his finger as you’d done to the same one earlier, dragging the wet digit up your inner thigh and pushing it into your soaked cunt.
You moaned at the intrusion as he added a second one, slowly dragging them in and out, separating them to let you feel the stretch of his fingers.
He pressed into your clit with his palm as his fingers moved, kissing over your stomach and softly biting at the skin over your ribs. He kept moving up, nose and mouth pressing into your skin as he continued to draw moans and praises out of you.
The vibrator you were using what felt like forever ago was still on the bed next to you, he leaned over to your ear as he grabbed it,
“Think I should use this on you, love? Finish what you started earlier?” He stopped his fingers for a moment so you could answer
“Please.” You whined, moving your hips up into his hand.
“I know, I know. You want it so bad don’t you?” Your eyebrows scrunched together as you nodded, closing your eyes and letting your head hit the pillow under you as he turned the toy onto the lowest setting and placed it onto your clit.
Easing the tension out of you as he began to move his fingers again, curling them up and making you gasp at the sensations. You felt insane. He was all you could feel, see, hear, he was everywhere.
“Luca- Luca I’m so close, please-“ you were murmuring between moans, begging for permission you didn’t know you needed.
His face was right over yours, kissing along your hairline as the hand that wasn’t inside of you rested on the side of your neck, thumb stroking over your throat lightly.
He was kissing your face, your temple, your cheeks, your nose, and your lips, capturing the breaths falling from your lips. “You’re doing so good, darling. Let go for me. I got you, you can take it.”
You came soon after, his fingers mixed with the vibrations from the toy assaulting your clit sending you over the edge. Tension you didn’t know you were holding leaving your body as he worked you through it, your brain finally turning off.
Once you were shaking and grabbing his wrist he removed his fingers and turned the toy off, tossing it back in its original place on the bed.
“Feel better?” He asked, face still close to your own as he placed soft kisses all over you. You hummed, hand moving to his hair to lightly scratch his head.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him into you and helping him out of his pants. You slowly moved your hand over his hard dick through his boxers, granting you the sound of him moaning into your open mouth.
You pulled him out and stroked his leaking cock over your sensitive before slowly pushing him into you, both of you groaning into each others mouths as he stretched you open.
“Now I feel better.”
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I’ve been looking at this too long and I can’t tell if I love it or hate it
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 7 months
Fourth Wing Men HCs: nicknames for him
Includes: Bodhi Durran, Garrick Tavis
A/n: I haven’t wrote some headcannons in a HOT minute, but me and @garricks4thwingqueen have been conspiring and inspired me to take a whack at it again. These got a smidge long, so I will make a part 2 with more characters, and other scenarios, but you know who had to start with! I also included some AI pics I’ve been cooked up that are mashes of my fancasts ideas for the characters. I have the hardest times visualizing a lot of characters and places in stories and sometimes the AIs I’ve seen all look alike or aren’t itching the right part of my brain. Disclaimer: I tried to take into consideration book accuracy, but AI is AI and I only dabble w it on my phone. So I’ll take what I can get. Skin tones, hair, proportions may not be perfect. These just personally help get a better concept, and I find fun to make, and anddd risking forgetting about a free 7 day trail from time to time 🕳️🤸‍♀️ *muah* enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking/smoking (if u squint), suggestive content
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Bodhi Durran
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Bo/Boh, beau, bowie, Bo Bo, babe, love
Xaden and him are maternal cousins. While the firstborn always had the weight of responsibility growing up being an heir by his parents. The younger cousin was always ‘coddled’ by his. Though he adored his family, he hated how they always doted on him. Mainly because of how much his older cousin and his best friend would tease him about it.
Xaden and Garrick started cooing “Bowie” and “Bo Bo” at him when they were 12, he was 11.
“Bowie, don’t forget to write to me.” “Bowie, be good for your uncle.” “Oh Bo Bo don’t you look so handsome today!” They’d snicker to him under their breaths when he’d arrive at the fortress when his mom would drop him before flying out to an outpost. Watching how his cheeks flushed red, and he had tight balled fists pressed at his sides.
Once the doors closed, after formal introductions with his Uncle and lingering personal staff were done, and once the adults a room away—he would hurl one of his clenched fists at their shoulders.
Starting a playful brawl amongst the three
Spoiler alert: Bo Bo back then lost once or twice…maybe a handful of times
Then as awkward teenagers when problems were simpler the three of the pubescent boys discovered churam and drinking. Bodhi started unironically calling himself Bo Bo and Bowie, mockingly teasing himself as a ‘bit’.
The young men were sat around a fire in the clearing to the outside of Riorson House. Xaden and Garrick in a heated debate over a petty topic. “Bo Bo can’t comprehend what’s going on right now.” He would say, exaggerating and scratching his the top of his head. It had been effective for the most part to ease the tension between his friends
Now from time to time, he’ll still do it especially if you’re present. He always thought you looked cute as you shook your head with a crooked smile spread across your face when he did it
Sometimes fhd guys would find him doing something badass, you’ll hear triumphant whooping from Xaden and Garrick, endearingly using the nicknames they called him as a child
“Go Bowie!” “Bo Bo that was fucking awesome!” “Bowie! Bowie! Bowie!”
But if anyone else besides the select few called him those names, he’d glare daggers at them. Like the time Ridoc tried to call him Bo Bo during lunch while the group was joking around
Bodhi’s boyish grin disappeared instantaneously. “If you ever call me that, I will rip your tongue out.”
The first time he heard you call him Bowie tho, he nearly melted. It was one of the first times you slept over with him and he had to get up early for a leadership meeting
You propped up on elbow, using your other hand to wipe the sleep from your eyes. “Do you have to go, Bowie?” A small pout on your lips watching him get dressed
His other pet names from you were selective, usually just calling him Bo/Boh, but your favorites were Babe and Love
Babe being the one you leaned towards the most
especially when you would catch him doing something ridiculous or he’d press your buttons. Or just when you wanted something
“Babe? Are you kidding me?” “Babe stop!”
“Babe can you get me another drink, please?” You asked, looking up from your lashes with puppy dog eyes. He folded every time no matter if you were closer to the serving station or bar. How could he say no when you gave him that look? Not caring, flipping all his friends off as they’d give him knowing smiles.
He was a simp for you
Love was usually reserved for tender moments with him. When you’d notice he’d be having a bad day, or to calm him down when you’d notice he was fuming silently beside you at something going on
Intertwining your fingers with his giving a reassuring squeeze. “It’s alright, Love.”
Or holding his cheeks, bringing him to eye level with you. “I’m here, Love. Can you take a couple deep breaths for me?”
Sometimes you broke out the corny double entendre of beau. Very select people would get it, but you thought it was great
Mainly you’d be out to the taverns with your friends when you’d use it. Usually when a girl would approach him, and you’d try to hide your jealousy tho it was plain as day
“He’s actually my beau.” You’d say, a sinisterly sweet smile on your face when a girl tried to introduce herself. Your hand twirling the curls at the nape of his neck. Bodhi would always shiver from the gesture, trying to contain his arousal at your possessiveness
Then later in the night, he’d pin you to the wall of his room. Pressing feverish kisses up the column of your throat. “Are you gonna show me all the way I’m your beau?” He muttered before grazing the delicate skin with his teeth
Garrick Tavis
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Gare, Tavis, Gary, Gare Bear, Hon/Honey, Sir
His parents tried to call him Gary at one point growing up, but he always ignored them or begged them not to call him that. It always sounded so stupid to him
Garrick was blunt, dry, and straight to the point not caring for nicknames. Only really preferring to be called by his name or Gare on occasion by his friends and acquaintances. His last name an even better alternative than a nickname
But Xaden, Imogen, and Bodhi took a sick pleasure in all the creative corny nicknames his parents would try to make a thing for him growing up.
“I think we oughta get Gary’s input?” Imogen leaned her chin in her hand as they all discussed weekend plans after school looking over at the towering young man. The side of her mouth crookedly lilting upward, knowing she struck a nerve. Garrick could already feel his eye twitch, clenching his quill as he acted like he hadn’t heard them a few feet away at the table in the library.
“It seems Gare Bear’s not in the mood today.” Xaden would casually lean back in his chair, smirking, and watching his best friend stroll into the dining room late for dinner time after a terrible day
Which would result in Garrick walking by, and tipping his chair back causing the Riorson to flail and fall backwards. “Relax asshole,” Xaden hissed, rubbing his head.
To this day they still called him the silly names. Taking immense pride when you had picked up on the memo, and started to call Garrick the names he despised. Especially because you two weren’t each others favorite people at first
The first time it happened, it was when Garrick pissed you off. He had been criticizing all your sparring movements, and you had enough. “Sorry we can’t all be perfect like you, Gare Bear.” You’d sneer, watching the irritation form on his face.
“Do not call me that.” He’d glower, but you’d just smile brightly. “Whatever you say…Gare Bear.”
Seeing how it got under his skin, from that moment on you’d always call him just to pester him. Enjoying the glare he’d shoot your way or awaiting for whatever witty remark he’d reply
Eventually once you two started getting along, you called him his first name, being more considerate towards his feelings. Garrick’s chest filling with disappointment as he awaited the usual Gare Bear falling from your pretty lips.
“Hey Garrick,” it was a rare moment when you found him by himself. None of your mutual friends around for once, and one of the first interactions you had alone. “What?” He looked up from what he doing. “I said hey?” You gave him a weird look. “But you called me Garrick.” He said in disbelief. “That’s your name isn’t it?” “You always call me Gare Bear tho.”
That’s when you realized he secretly liked it despite him trying to act annoyed at you.
Then when you had officially started dating, he had to get used to fact you loved calling him all these terms of endearment. Deep down, loving how you could make him become bashful by your words
“Here you go, Honey.” Leaning down, kissing his cheek, setting down a dish of apple crisp in front of him. You knew how much he liked the dessert and grabbed an extra one when getting your dinner. Garrick’s cheeks tinged red and chuckled appreciatively, “you’re the best.” His friends just silently stared as if you two had three heads. “What’s the matter?” You asked the group unphased, taking a seat. “You broke him.” Imogen replied in awe.
You had changed his perception on being called nicknames. Even letting it slide when his friends poked fun at him with the once despicable nicknames
Out of all the nicknames you called him, his favorite by far was the one you’d use in the bedroom.
“Please,” you begged, while sitting on your knees. “Please what?” Garrick gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger. You gulped, “please Sir.” A cruel smirk on his face, pressing a small kiss to your lips. “Good girl.”
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Has Austin ever accidentally hurt readers feelings? How did they work through it?
hi anon!
thank you for the ask!
to answer your question, yes!
austin has unfortunately hurt reader's feelings, and reader has accidentally hurt his at times too. though usually their main way to work things through is to take some time apart to cool down and then come together after to talk out a resolution.
here is an example of a time austin accidentally hurt reader's feelings during the time they'd just moved into their first place together:
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“ Hey.” You knocked on the door seal of Austin’s office where he was head deep into a book surrounding the WWII history of pilots. He was doing major background work for his role of Major Gale Clevens and you were excited to see him diving back into work after both Elvis wrapping, and the scare he gave you during his hospital stay.
You could see the papers littered everywhere and the empty coffee pot on a nearby table. “ I know you said to let you know when dinner was finished, and I’m done. I made that lasagna soup recipe I was telling you about from tik-tok. Why don’t you take a break and come have a bite, babe.” 
He didn’t bother looking up from the pages, “ In a minute honey.” He muttered. 
Frowning you couldn’t help but feel worried since he’d told you the same thing at lunch and then later when you’d offered him a snack. He hadn’t been out of this room all day and you knew his body  needed something more to run off of than hours old coffee.
You stepped inside closer, “ You know you said that earlier, baby. And I just think a little break to re-fuel would be good.” 
Again he didn’t look up, “ I said in a minute sweetheart, now please.” He attempted to dismiss you.
Still you weren’t satisfied, “ Aus I know but-
“ Dammit, Y/N!  I said in a minute! I am a grown ass man and I’ll eat something when I’m ready.  ” He snapped, looking up at you.
A lump quickly formed in your throat and you quickly exited the room, slamming the door behind you and ignoring his calls after you. You could feel tears threatening to spill out your eyes. In a split decision you decided to get some air, grabbing your bag and picking up a disoriented Magnus fast to go out the door.
For a while you’d just driven around, let the windows down to take in the breeze of the setting sky, and just allowed your mind to blank for awhile.
You then stopped and impulsively got a honey matcha for you and pup-cup for Mags at a little coffee place you'd come to like , went into Target and walked out with an undisclosable amount of body products, and then had a good cry in said Target parking lot.
You and Austin has only been living together officially for six weeks, but the last two had proven to be a bit rougher on your relationship. It was evident that the two of you were still getting use to learning how to share a space 24/7 and find balance in togetherness and your respective solitudes.
By the time you’d pulled back into the garage of the loft, you’d walked into the door and found Austin sitting with his hands in his lap in the chair facing the doorway with a grave look on his face. “ Where’d you go? Without this.” He held up your phone.
In your haze you must have left it, “ Nowhere in particular. Just ran a few errands, is all. Needed some time to myself.” 
He nodded, “ Do you have a minute? “
You walked past him, “ For you to yell or snap at me. No, not really. I’m heading up to shower and then I’m going to bed.” 
He sighed, “ I’m not going to snap or yell at you, baby. I just need a minute to apologize.” He followed you toward the stairs.
Still you didn’t stop your ascent, “ Y/N..please don’t walk away. Just give me a minute.” He pleaded.
Stopping halfway up, you turn around and drop the bags on the stairs to stop and sit, “ Here you go. Here’s your minute.” 
Running a hand through his hair he started, “ First off, I wanna say that I apologize for snapping at you, honey. I didn’t mean it and I surely didn’t mean to make you cry.  It’s not an excuse but I think I’m still getting used to having someone around all the time that calls me out on my bad habits and wants to take care of me. Been awhile since I’ve lived with someone else and I'm used to obsessing over my work alone.” 
You nodded, “ I understand.” 
“ Good. Now, second, I’m gonna ask that if the next time we unfortunately have a moment, which we will have more tough moments together since we’re stuck with each other forever, I need you to take your phone. Not so you can pick up my twenty phone calls trying to apologize, but because the world is crazy and in case of an emergency, honey. You need your phone, okay.” You could hear a slight strain to his voice. 
You felt a tad bad knowing he probably got a bit nervous when you’d left it, he was a big stickler on you being safe. 
“ Okay.” You whispered, wiping tears from your eyes.
Austin then made his way to meet you on the steps and pull you up into his arms, “ I’m sorry, honey. Daddy’s sorry. You were just trying to take care of me and I snapped. I apologize. You’re so considerate always. And it doesn’t go unappreciated.” He kissed your forehead and comforted you as you let out little sniffles. 
" You hurt my feelings, babe." You whispered.
He sighed, " I know, mama. I'm sorry. Don't want anyone making my best girl cry. Even me."
“ I’ve been a mean Baboo.” He joked in an attempt to get you to laugh.
And you did, “ Yeah you have. “ You giggled. “ Don’t let it happen again, buddy. Or I’ll have to stick my ferocious guard dog on you.” You referenced Magnus who was passed out in the living room corner from his treat, knowing full well all he was capable of was licking someone to death.
“ Noted.” Austin laughed, holding you tighter. " Now, come on so I can warm up this delicious soup I keep hearing about. I'm excited."
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