#but at this point I'm kind of hoping one of these dishes will just taste absolutely awful to everyone but senshi
st-just · 7 months
Five episodes into Dungeon Meshi and there's, like, character development! And a sense that Fallin is actually someone these people care about and not just an excuse to go dungeon-hunting!
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Locked In
Ah, the classic forced proximity trope (I'm such a sucker for this). This idea was suggested by @blueberrysquire so thank you very much! This one's for you, I hope you like the fic!
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Sho Haizono x gn! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k (2,170 words)
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You and Sho get stuck in a classic forced proximity trope. What will happen when you have no choice but to confront your feelings for each other?
Sho was going to kill Leo this time.
He really was. Sure, he’d said that before and Leo had talked his way out of it or Sho’s anger had dissipated once the issue was passed. But this time, he was serious.
That grey-haired idiot had pushed him too far this time and Sho was going to kill him.
What had happened to get him to that point? Simple.
The food truck had been a great success. Better than he’d ever imagined it would be. Each day came with more and more customers and, while Sho was happy his cooking was finally getting the recognition it deserved, that also meant more and more trips to and from the storage room to replenish his ingredients.
And then there were your visits. At the end of every day, Sho would experiment with whatever leftover ingredients he had on hand and make up new dishes. And somehow, you’d found out about this routine and started dropping by just as he was closing up for a free feed of whatever he decided to cook up that day.
Not that he minded the company. In fact, far from it. Despite his initial mental refusal, Sho had started developing something of a crush on you ever since your support of his food truck idea. He’d been around Leo so long, all it took was a few kind, encouraging words from you to get his heart racing.
And then, just as he was starting to accept his feelings, the last person he ever wanted to find out, found out.
“What, you got a crush on the NPC or something?”
Sho turned his back on where Leo was sitting and concentrated on not burning the chicken he was cooking.
It was the middle of the lunch hour and, as usual, Leo had dropped by to “help out” and “keep Sho company”. Of course, Leo’s version of helping was sitting nearby and gossiping about everyone on campus.
Today, he had been gossiping about you, the Honour Roll, the NPC, who was going around being a goody two shoes and helping all the houses with their unresolved daddy issues. Or mummy issues. Depending on who it was.
Sho had been distracted by his cooking and had made the stupid mistake of defending you.
And that was all the encouragement Leo had needed.
“Oh my god, you do!”
Sho refused to turn around. He could already imagine the look on Leo’s face, smug and vaguely disgusted at the notion of his friend having a crush on someone. And he refused to let Leo see the blush that had spread across his cheeks.
“Really? Honour Roll?” Leo sighed, “You’ve got to improve your taste. But whatever floats your boat, I guess. Could be fun after all.”
At that, Sho turned to face his friend. “No. No, no, no. Don’t you dare. I know that tone. You’re going to keep out of this. I don’t want any dares or bets or gambles. You’re going to keep your pointy nose out of this for once. Okay?”
A slow grin spread across Leo’s face. “You really like them, don’t you?”
Sho felt his face begin to burn again and turned back to the stove. “What is it to you?”
“Nothing, nothing.”
But Sho knew it was never just nothing with Leo.
Which brought him to today. The food truck had been exceptionally busy, even by his standards and by the end of the day, he’d had barely any ingredients left over to cook dinner for the two of you. He was just considering another supply run when your voice broke him from his thoughts.
“How was the truck today?”
You were standing in the door, grinning at him and he had to bite back a goofy smile of his own. Sure, he liked you but that was no reason to go blurting his feelings out so obviously.
“Busy. I’m all out of ingredients. No dinner today.”
Sho watched your face fall, then lift as you scrambled to cover your slip up. “Oh, that’s all good. Can’t get a free feed all the time I suppose.”
Sho nodded, letting the moment drag out before he let himself laugh, a smile breaking across his face. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I was about to go do another trip to pick up some fresh ingredients for dinner. I have to eat too after all.”
The way your face lit up was all worth it and Sho felt his heart race faster.
“C’mon. You can tag along this time. Since I’ve got to get the ingredients, you can pick what we have tonight.” He untucked his tie from where it had been sitting in his chest pocket and walked over to join you at the door.
On the walk across to the storage room Sho let his mind wander as you ranted about your day. Apparently, the latest house you had been assigned to was full of weirdos and you had no idea how you were going to make them all want to work together.
 “And then they decide to just leave. I mean who does that?”
Sho shook his head, smiling at your incredulous tone as he unlocked the storage room door. Leaving the key in the lock, he gestured you through, turning on the light with his outstretched hand. You pushed past him and he tried not to relish the warmth from your body.
“So, what’s on the menu?”
You made a humming noise as you looked over the shelves. Sho followed you into the room so he could better see what ingredients your eyes lingered over.
And then the door slammed shut.
Sho spun on his heel to try but it was far too late to prevent it from closing. He sighed and placed a hand on the door handle. But just as he was about to turn it to open the door a click came from the other side.
Sho felt panic build in him and tried to turn the handle. It didn’t move.
“Yeah, I locked it.”
Sho covered his hands, trying not to yell. Of course Leo was poking his nose into Sho’s business. And of course he would take matters into his own hands in this way.
“Leo. Unlock the door. It’s not funny.” Sho glanced behind him to see how you were holding up. Being locked in a room was never fun, even if there was plenty of food around. You looked more annoyed than concerned and Sho remembered that, even if he’d known Leo longer, you’d still had to put up with your fair share of his nonsense.
Leo made a tutting noise. “Uh uh uh. You and Honour Roll aren’t getting out of there until things get cleared up between you two. I don’t care how it gets resolved. As long as you leave that room with…no secrets.”
Sho turned away from you quickly, hoping you didn’t notice the blush on his face. “Unlock the door.”
Sho banged on the door with an open palm but there was still no reply. Leo must have walked away. Sho could imagine him going, swinging the key in one hand.
He sighed, resting his head against the door. He was pretty strong, maybe he could break down the door. But no, this room was specially designed to survive the brunt of ghoul strength to prevent theft. He’d left his phone in the kitchen, assuming it would be a quick trip to the storage room and back. And he’d seen you put your bag down inside the kitchen door and he guessed your phone was in there. Unless you were able to think of a plan to get out, you’d both be trapped until Leo took mercy and came back with the keys.
“So. Guess we’re stuck in here huh?”
Sho turned around slowly, almost dreading your expression. But other than lingering annoyance that he hoped was because of Leo, you didn’t look that put out by being forced to spend possibly hours in a locked room with him. Sho decided to take that as a good sign.
“Seems like it. Sorry.”
You shook your head. “Nah, all good. I didn’t have any plans tonight anyway. I don’t mind spending time with you. Despite the circumstances.”
Sho exhaled through his nose and sat down cross legged on the floor. He gestured for you to do the same. “No point in staying standing.”
You nodded your agreement as you lowered yourself to the floor and mirrored his position. “So, what do you want to talk about?”
The conversation had been flowing better than Sho could have hoped. Usually, you talked while he cooked and listened so it was a nice change being able to have a proper two way conversation with you. But it had reached a natural lull and you were both staring at the ingredients, trying not to make the situation awkward.
What was Leo anyway? There was no way of telling the time in the storage room but it had to have been a while. Surely he wasn’t going to leave them there overnight?
Then again, this was Leo. Even Sho didn’t know what he was capable of.
“Hey, Leo said something about clearing the air right?”
Oh no.
“Do you know what that was all about?”
No, no no.
“I think things are great between us. Even when we’re locked in a room, it doesn’t get weird.”
He was going to kill Leo.
“Nah, who knows what he was on about. Probably some new trend he saw on TikTok.”
You uncrossed your legs and spun around onto your hands and knees, crawling towards him. “You sure? It’s nothing like ‘you have a crush on me and you’ve been talking about me to Leo and he’s finally had enough so he locked us in this room to get you to confess’?”
Sho’s mouth hung open despite the voice in his brain screaming at him to get it together. You were just hypothesising, you didn’t know how he felt. But you were getting closer and your face was on level with his and the rest of his brain was short circuiting and he wasn’t sure he trusted his voice at the moment.
You paused. “It’s not that is it?” Silence. “Is it?” More silence as Sho looked away feeling his cheeks heating up. “It is.” You leant back, sitting down with a thump. Sho couldn’t bring himself to look at you. “Oh my god. It is that.”
Sho cleared his throat. He opened his mouth to speak but you raised a hand and he dared to glance at your face.
It was flushed and you were avoiding his eyes as carefully as he and just been avoiding yours. “Just…just give me a second.”
Sho nodded and leaned back against the door, bringing a slightly trembling hand to his head to brush back his hair.
“So, you like me?” Your voice was stronger and, despite the flush that was still evident, you were about to meet his eyes.
Sho nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. I didn’t expect you to find out this way though.”
You let out a laugh. “I wasn’t expecting to tell you I like you back this way either.”
Sho blinked, letting your words sink in. You liked him back. You. Liked him. You liked him as well. His feelings were mutual.
He felt a smile begin to spread across his face and saw the same grin mirrored on your face. “You like me too?”
You nodded. Sho wasn’t sure which of you moved first but the next thing he knew, you were hugging him and he was hugging you back and everything felt right in the world, even if you two were still locked in the storage room.
You pulled back from the hug, keeping your faces close together. Sho felt a fluttering in his chest as you began to draw closer…and closer…
And then fluorescent light bathed the two of you as the door swung open and Leo shone a torch down on the two of you.
“Well, that took longer than I thought. If it hadn’t wrapped up soon, I was going to have to leave you two there until morning.”
“Were you sitting outside that whole time listening in?” Sho felt you stiffen in his arms as you realised your private conversation may not have been so private after all.
“Well I had to know when to let you two out. Really Sho, after all that and your secret got blurted out before you had the chance to tell her yourself. I’m ashamed.”
Sho gently pushed you away from him and began to rise to his feet. He stretched a hand down to you and help you up as well. Once you were upright, he smiled at you.
“You want to help me kill him?”
Your grin returned, clearly seeing the sparkle in his eyes. “Could be a fun first date.”
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Matchmaking Harringtons 2
Diane wanted to ask more about Steve's interaction with the cashier, but she remembered being a youngin. The more questions she asked, the more Steve would close up. She didn't know what her husband had said to get things started, but clearly they needed a different angle.
She said as much that evening as she and Jonas got ready for bed. He protested, as she knew he would, but it was her turn now.
So right away the next day, she returned to the mall, hoping Steve's intended would be there. And to her luck, he was.
"Hello, hi", she waved as she approached the counter.
"Hi. Did you need help finding anything?"
"Oh no, not really", Diane said. "You see...", she looked to his name tag. "Eddie, I don't know if you remember but yesterday my husband and I were here with our son, Steve?"
Eddie's cheeks got red and his mouth turned to a straight line. Diane would take that as a good sign.
"We really want Steve to find someone special", Diane said in a low voice, leaning in a bit. "Now I don't know what my husband told you, but I'm here to give you a bit of advice."
"Advice....on getting a date...with your son?", Eddie said slowly as if speaking to an alien.
"Yes. Now here's our number. Call today, we'll make sure he answers. And ask him out."
"Your son? On a date?"
"You've got to be assertive, really make use of this...", Diane gestured to his whole being, "alternative look you've got going. Steve's never dated anyone like you so I'm sure he'll get a thrill having a taste of rebellion."
Eddie smirked as he took the paper with the number written on it. "Getting permission to be rebellious kind of takes the fun out of it. Uh, where should I take him?"
"Some place where he'll get a real rush of danger", Diane suggested.
"A dive bar?"
"He's not of drinking age yet and I am still his mother. I've got to act the part." Diane had definitely drunk underage, but her parents didn't know about it. She was pretty certain Steve had partaken while hanging with his friends. But as long as she didn't see it, she could play dumb. "Where do you and your friends normally hang around?"
"Dive bars", Eddie answered.
Diane pursed her lips as she thought of the best course of action. "I've got it. You're going to say you're taking him out to dinner. But when you pick him up, you'll actually be taking him out to a movie."
Eddie was silent as he did the mental math. Tell the parents one thing, but do another, thus the rush of rebellion. Dinner was public and respectable. But two young folks could fool around in a dark theater. It was honestly something he might try to do.
"Okay, I asked your hubbie yesterday if this is entrapment and I just need to ask again."
"Our Steve is a good boy. He...just has trouble holding onto someone. We don't know if it's him or the girls. We just want him to find someone special."
"...How special? Like, should I be making room on my hand?", he asked, wiggling his ring covered fingers.
"Not that special. Just enough to get him on the right track."
Eddie looked down to the number, then this strange woman again. He braced his hands against the counter and took in a deep breath. "Alright. I'm a gambling man. My break's at noon. I'll call him then."
"Wonderful. And whatever you do, don't tell him that we came to you."
"I don't even know how to begin that conversation", Eddie admitted.
Diane was staring at the phone like she was the one waiting for a date to call. Jonas and Steve were watching a game on the tv and she was practically guarding the phone, using dirty dishes as an excuse. When it started to ring, she bit her lip to keep from smiling too much.
"Steve, sweetie, can you get that? My hands are wet."
"Got it", Steve said, picking up the phone on the third ring. "Hello, Harrington residence."
Diane was pretty much just pretending to do the dishes at this point, eavesdropping on Steve's side of the conversation the best she could without looking obvious. She fought the urge to jump for joy when she heard Steve confirm that he would be seeing the caller this Friday at 7.
"Alright. See you then", Steve said, the cord twirled around his finger. "Bye."
He hung up the phone, a dreamy smile on his face and Diane knew that look for sure but she reigned in her own expression. She was about to ask but Jonas beat her to it.
"Who was on the phone?", he called out.
"Oh, um, it was...", Steve was clearly debating how much to tell them, if anything. He took a breath as he decided to trust them. "It was that guy from the music place. He wants to grab a bite this weekend."
"Grab a bite, huh?", Jonas sat up a bit in his chair.
"Yes. Just a little something, we'll probably go to Benny's or whatever", Steve crossed his arms like he always did when he was trying to downplay something.
He then quickly excused himself to go up to his room and Diane dried her hands off for real. She went over to Jonas and nudged him, then nodded to the stairs.
"What woman? I'm not psychic."
"Go and listen. I bet you anything he's calling a friend right now to tell about the date."
"Are we really dropping eaves on our son now?"
"Go and listen!", she whispered urgently.
Taking his sweet time, Jonas got up and crept up the stairs. Steve's door was closed of course, but when he put an ear to the door, he could hear him walking about the room and talking to someone on the line in his room.
When he figured he'd heard enough, he came back downstairs to report to his wife.
"He's talking to that one girl he never dated, Robin?"
"About Eddie?"
Jonas nodded. Apparently the other day, Steve thought he didn't make the best impression on him when buying the music. He thought he came off as boring compared to Eddie. So he was surprised to get his call.
Diane couldn't help but be a little smug. Now the ball was rolling.
Saturday night was here and at 7 o'clock sharp, the Harringtons heard a loud engine enter their driveway. Steve came downstairs but instead of going to the door, went to the bathroom and did a final check in the mirror as the bell rang.
Jonas opened the door and got a load of date night Eddie. The ripped jeans were still there. But now instead of the uniform shirt and name tag, he was wearing a t-shirt that Jonas was just guessing had album art on it and a ratty denim vest.
"Evening Mr. Harrington. Is Steve ready yet?"
"I am", Steve said, appearing behind his dad.
"You two have fun at the diner. Have him back by 11", Diane said as she saw them off.
Jonas was oddly quiet the whole time. Diane just waited him out, knowing he'd announce any opinions he had once they were alone. In fact the moment he closed the door, he turned to her.
"How sure are we about Eddie?"
"Oh here we go. Were we so sure about Chloe? Or Mary Lee?"
"I just thought he might clean up a little more for a date, that's all."
"The important thing is that Steve likes him."
They spent their evening, drinking some wine and watching a movie. But they made sure to be up in their room before it got too late. They wanted the boys to have just a smidge of privacy when they returned.
All the lights were off when they heard that roaring engine come back at 11:15.
"They're late", Jonas said. "That's a good sign."
Diane smiled. They were both listening hard for any sort of sound that might tell them how the night went. They heard the front door open. It was about two minutes before it actually closed. Another good sign. Steve tiptoed up the stairs but in the quiet of the night and them holding their breath, he was easily heard.
The door to his room closed and Diane gripped Jonas' arm tight. "Do you think it went well?"
"Are you gonna go knock on his door and ask? Or should we tap his phone line this time?" Jonas chuckled at his wife's pout. "We'll hear about it in due time. Good night, Di."
"Good night."
They both settled in, officially this time. If things kept going well like this, they'd be inviting Eddie over to dinner soon.
Part 4
Don't worry, we're gonna get some actual steddie focus soon. And Jonas still needs to warm up to Eddie all the way.
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem
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yuyusboyfriend · 6 months
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500 follower special!
pairing: bestfriend's brother!wooyoung x ftm reader [gn reader coming soon!]
wordcount: 6,7k
content: Your best friend's twin has been the bane of your existence for the last 10 years. That was, until, he decided to visit your dreams.
warnings: nsfw, drinking, weed - both joints and a bong, drinking games, cunnilingus, pool sex, sex without a condom (dont!) afab ftm reader, use of words like cunt, clit etc. lmk if I'm missing anything!
soundtrack: water + truth or dare - tyla, Water - Ten
a/n: Thank you so much for 500 followers😭😭 I hope this fic makes up for all of my breaks between fics I made this as long as I could bc I really wanted to do smth special <333 also shoutout to @zh0nggucc1 for being my bsf 🙏❤️ one more note, this is proofread but I always manage to make a 1000 mistakes so I apologise for any!! Happy reading!
Masterlist!˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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"Finally you're here! Took you long enough" your best friend shouts over the music, holding out a shot glass filled with a clear liquid, "Gotta do a shot before I let you in, Jongho's orders" she smirks as she salutes.
"Really? At-," you quickly glance at your phone," 5 pm? I thought drinking would start later?" you look over the girl's shoulder to see Jongho and Mingi already holding clear cups with some sort of concoction in them.
"Look I'm not arguing with Jongho, he'll throw me in the pool and I haven't changed into my swimsuit yet, so! Take the damn shot will you, pretty please?" she looked at you with big round eyes as if that would persuade your decision.
"I'll do it just stop looking at me like that, it's kind of scary…" you teased, grabbing the shot and throwing it back, hissing slightly at the burn.
"Atta boy! Now go say hi while I go get changed." she ran off before you could argue. As you stepped inside you were greeted by your two friends that you had just seen, Mingi throwing his arm over your shoulder pulling you close to him and offering you his cup. You took a sip out of curiosity about what they had been drinking, not surprised when it tasted of all the soju flavours mixed with a dash of some juice they'd found in the back of the cupboard.
"Mmm! That is awful! Best one yet Mingi I mean seriously they should get you making poison," you and Jongho laughed as Mingi shoved your shoulder and pouted.
You felt eyes on you from somewhere as you looked around the room, your vision landing on the one person you'd hoped you wouldn't have to see until at least 10 shots in. Wooyoung.
Wooyoung was the biggest pain in your ass, and what made it even worse was that he was your best friend's brother. You had been best friends with Vee since the rotten age of 12 years old. Since your first day at your new school, you had practically been attached at the hip, never being away from each other for more than a couple of days — the problem there was that her twin brother Wooyoung was also attached to your hip, and somehow knew how to get on your every last nerve. He never did anything inherently bad to you but you just found him irritating nonetheless, even as the years passed, the smirk on his face every time he said or did something that knew would rile you up irked you.
"Your little boyfriend is watching you again~" Mingi sang into your ear, obviously already tipsy because there was no way in hell you'd ever be with Wooyoung. Was he attractive? Objectively, you guessed so. Had he given you butterflies once or twice when he held your hips to pass you as you helped his mom with the dishes? Maybe? But that was just a natural reaction, it didn't mean anything. Did the clothes that he gave you after you came out smell like him and make you feel funny? … He uses a nice cologne, that's all— The point is he wouldn't date you with the way he acted and you wouldn't either. So it was fine. Totally. Fine.
You elbowed Mingi in the side causing him to double over dramatically and wail, making Jongho laugh even more. You laughed along but couldn't shake the feeling that Wooyoung was still staring at you, so you excused yourself from the boys to go see Hongjoong in the kitchen.
"Vee not with you?" He asked as he spotted you rounding the island to greet him.
"She's upstairs getting changed, Praying she won't be much longer, need her to swat Wooyoung away." Hongjoong laughed as he shook his head at your misery.
"Surely he's not that bad y/n, he's cool when he's with us, a yapper at most," you stared at him with disbelief.
"All of you. Traitors!" You sighed as Hongjoong began to laugh more.
"Who's a traitor?" Your muscles stiffened as you felt a familiar pair of hands on your sides, causing you to roll your eyes and ignore the dip in your stomach. One thing Wooyoung never seemed to understand was personal space, 'what's yours is mine' as he would say.
"We all think you're just the best Wooyoung but y/n doesn't agree," Hongjoong exclaims to the boy behind you. You shake your head at Hongjoong's words, they might be true but it was still rough he put you on the spot. Wooyoung's thumb massaged the flesh at your side as he placed his head on your shoulder.
"Impossible, y/n loves me, don't you?" He smirked as you looked down at him. That fucking smirk.
"yeah, about as much as the rock in my shoe right now," you huffed as you shrugged him off. "I'm getting in the pool, I'll see you lot there, yeah?" you announced, walking through the back door before hearing Vee's voice behind you.
"Wait for me!" She exclaimed slipping by her brother and joining your side, a cute and flowy bathing suit adorning her body as Hongjoong watched her flaunt past. As you got to the pool Vee turned to you, "What was happening with you and Woo back there?" you shook your head, already sick of hearing his name in such as short amount of time.
"Nothing was happening! He's just weird and clingy!" Vee looked at you with confusion, being able to read your thoughts and know them better than you do at this point.
"Then why are you being so defensive? He doesn't usually piss you off this bad, what happened?" She said in a soft tone, the tone that made you feel safe despite feeling so irritated. You knew the answer to her question, but your words fell short.
Last night you had a dream. About Wooyoung. Everything seemed normal until he sat down next to you on your best friend's bed and laid his hand against your thigh, his thumb circling the skin just as his hands would always do when they came into contact with you.
"You want me, don't you?" His big brown eyes stared into your own as he carried on massaging your flesh, tingles zipping up and down your spine as you sat there in utter shock. The close proximity forced you to take in all his features. His little moles under his eye and on his lip. His gorgeous jawline sculpted by god himself. The way his fresh out-of-the-shower hair was draped over his forehead and the way the water droplets rolled over his tanned skin. God, he really was pretty, wasn't he? Your eyes darted back and forth between his features before finally landing back on his lips. You felt yourself leaning forward, losing control of your muscles as you did.
"Yeah." Wooyoung's face moved towards yours and joined your lips together so gently you barely felt it as his free hand pressed to your neck to bring you closer, the warmth of his hands and lips sending you into overdrive-
And that's when you jolted up out of your sleep in a cold sweat.
"Hello? Earth to y/n?" Vee waved a hand in front of your face to try to gain your attention, "What you thinking about?
"I… I had a dream and it's freaking me out okay? No more questions." you mumbled out of embarrassment.
"About my brother!? That's definitely new…don't tell me if you had sex because that's gross but I'm gonna need details!" she looks at you with a look of curiosity and horror.
"Will you lower your voice? Good god, I'm about five seconds from drowning myself in your pool."
She sighs, "Fine, but just use protection, you'd be a great dad but I don't want to be an aunt yet, I'm already busy enough with Kyungmin." you mirror her look of horror from a minute ago.
"I'm not gonna have sex with him Jesus!" she laughs at your panicked expression before sitting down to dip her feet in the pool.
"You getting in or what? We've been standing around for long enough" she said before throwing herself into the pool, splashing you on the way in. You smile and set your stuff down on a chair before taking your shirt off and following suit.
You and Vee chilled in the pool as more guests arrived and began to fill the water around you with inflatables and games, music filling the air as the sky changed to purple and red hues, the fairy lights hung on the fence twinkling this the reflection of the water. After a while, you could feel your skin getting ready to shrivel in the water so you decided to get out and dry off and get a drink. Compared to earlier the kitchen was now filled with people, the majority you knew but there were still quite a few new faces, maybe Wooyoungs friends? you didn't really care to converse with people who associated with him, so you went straight to the drinks table.
Only to feel a stranger's hands around you, pulling you towards him, "Hey handsome, what are you drinking? I'll get it for you hm?" Great, some drunk asshole has already started making rounds but before you could even reply with a snide comment, Wooyoung had ripped the guy away from you and had a hand clutched onto the guy's shirt.
"Don't fucking touch him you asshole, if you're gonna act like this Minjun ill kick you out right fucking now." Woo hissed at.. minjun? so he must know him then. Minjun put his hands up in defeat and apologised to Wooyoung before walking to the living room. Wooyoung turned back to you looking you up and down with worry. He knew you weren't comfortable with that much physicality, especially with strangers, but it was still weird to see him so outwardly caring about the state you were in. Maybe he was always like this, but you opted to ignore him most of the time so you wouldn't know.
"Y/n you okay, he didn't hurt you right? do you want him out he can leave, I'm sorry I didn't think he'd be weird-" You cut off his rambling, just wanting to leave and put on a shirt to not feel so exposed for the time being.
"Woo, it's fine I'll survive." You were looking around until that moment, finally connecting with his eyes. You noticed that he had a rather surprised reaction, not understanding why until you replayed what you just said in your head.
You never called him Woo, that was only reserved for friends. You never considered yourself to be anything close to a friend to him so you refused to call him it, despite him telling you to the first time you met him. You didn't really want to discuss this with him any more than you already had, so you slid past him to go and grab your shirt.
"Seriously, what the fuck is happening with you two?" Vee laughed at her brother, "He's spoken to you more tonight than he has in the last 10 years and It's kind of freaking me out honestly." Wooyoung stood there still in a state of surprise, acknowledging his sister's words, before returning to his regular composure.
"Oh I'll figure it out, he can't keep a secret from me." He flashed a grin at his sister and sauntered to the living room, grabbing an empty bottle and calling everyone to sit down and play spin the bottle.
You reluctantly sat down in the fairly small circle after San linked arms with you and practically pulled you to it. Surprisingly most of the guests didn't want to play so most of them either sat down to spectate and cheer on the players or moved outside to relax in the warm summer night air.
"Who's going first then?" Seonghwa sighed looking around the circle, praying someone would volunteer so there wouldn't be an extensive game of rock paper scissors.
"One of the hosts should go first, it's courtesy" Yeosang chimed in, looking between Wooyoung and Vee.
"Ooh, I'll go then~" Vee chirped, leaning into the middle and giving the bottle a good spin. The circle of people watched the bottle circle round a few times before landing dead centre between Hongjoong and Mingi.
"That's pointing at me!" Mingi exclaimed to Hongjoong, only for Hongjoong to argue back that it was pointing at him.
Vee laughed at the bickering boys, "I'll kiss you both then, yeah?" She crawled over to where they were and gave them a quick peck each before moving back to her space. You rolled your eyes and laughed at the boys who were abashedly blushing next to you. They span the bottle a few more times before it finally landed on you. At this point the group was teetering on the edge of being buzzed and drunk, you being the former.
"Come on y/n spin it!~" Vee shouted not being able to register her volume now, obviously being the latter the way her cheeks were rosy. You reached over to the bottle and spun it, anticipation making your stomach churn. You watched it spin round and around, feeling as though it was taking hours to slow down. Finally, it came to a halt and your heart stopped, knowing damn well who was sitting in that direction. But as you looked up -
"Yunho! kiss! kiss! kiss!" the circle cheered and gawked at the two of you in excitement. You and Yunho met in the middle before pressing your lips together briefly, moving back to your designated spots. Yunhos cheeks were slightly flushed, mostly from the alcohol, but before you could think about it anymore, your eyes drifted to Wooyoung who was staring right back at you. His eyelids were lowered as he kept his gaze fixed on your lips. what the fuck? You would blame it on him drinking but he had drank less than you at the point, so it was kind of scaring your buzzed brain.
As you watched the bottle spin over and over again, it managed to keep narrowly avoiding you, making your stomach flip time and time again as it passed you. As the circle started to get bored, Vee suggested we amp up the tension by playing truth or dare.
"But if you decide not to do it you have to take a shot, okay?" The group nods in agreement and Vee spins the bottle once more to decide who the first victim is. As the bottle span once the tension rose in your chest, you could already feel who it was going to land on, and sure enough, it came to a halt pointing straight at the man across from you.
"Woo! Truth or dare?" He ponders for a second before deciding on his answer.
"Dare." Wooyoung looks at you before returning his line of sight to his sister. But, before she could answer with a dare, you chimed in first.
"I dare you to back Mingi's cup!" You looked at the growing horror on his face, as Mingi was famous for his awful attempts at being a mixologist, but Woo wasn't ready to lose a dare, even if the counterpart was only taking one shot instead. He wasn't really thinking at that moment since it was you who asked. You watched him stand up and walk over to Mingi, grabbing his cup and staring at it briefly while grimacing before bringing it to his soft lips and chugging it in one go. As he finished the drink he hissed at the taste and shook his head before giving Mingi a stinkeye and walking back to his seat.
"Okay, y/n, truth or dare" Wooyoung studied you, waiting for your answer.
"Uh, truth?" you stammered out trying to think about what Wooyoung would've made you do if you had picked dare, probably make you jump in the pool or-
"What was the last thing you touched yourself over?" what the fuck? the room filled with oohs and giggles while they waited for your answer. How the fuck could you tell them it was a dream about Wooyoung that had pushed you over the edge? you hadn't even told Vee because she still would have likely been horrified despite her interest
"um, a dream." The circle cheered and laughed again at your answer and you could feel your cheeks warming.
"what was it about y/n?" Wooyoung pushed more and the circle seemed to get more excited in anticipation of your reply.
You huffed at Wooyoung, "Not telling you weirdo, plus it's not 21 questions." feeling eyes on you at your small outburst. "I'm gonna get a drink, carry on without me, I'll be back." You smiled, putting on your best poker face before getting up and leaving the room. you could feel Wooyoungs eyes on the back of you as you walked out almost making you stumble. You walked through the kitchen, grabbed a fresh drink filled to the brim and walked out to the pool, slipping your shoes off once again and dipping your feet into the pool. You felt your body cool down in the summer night air as you swayed your legs in the water and sipped on your drink. Why was Wooyoung being so weird today? His gaze was making you feel dizzy, you'd never really felt this way about him so why was a silly dream affecting you so much? You felt as if he was reading your mind all night and it was starting to get to you honestly.
"You want to smoke?" The familiar voice nearly made you fall into the pool, Speak of the fucking devil. You turn your head to see the last person you would want to right now, holding a joint in one hand and a lighter in the other. Despite your need to be as far away as possible from this man right now, you couldn't pass up the one chance at relaxation being offered to you.
"…Sure." You reluctantly answered him. He took a seat way too close for your comfort at this moment, but you tried to shrug the weird feeling in your stomach off. You watched Wooyoung hold the joint between his fingers and light it, bringing it to his lips. He took a hit and handed it to you, smoke cascading out of his mouth while looking into your eyes.
"Your turn," He kept observing you as you took a hit from the joint, feeling it travel down into your lungs and relaxing you instantly. You took one more long puff before handing it back to the boy next to you and laid back to look up at the stars. You and Wooyoung kept passing it back and forth in silence till it was finished, him now laying back with you.
"Why do you hate me so much, y/n?" He said so quietly you barely caught it.
You sighed before formulating a reply, "You used to irritate me a lot when we were younger, you'd pushed my buttons too much and I started to dislike you more and more. Now though? I'm not really sure anymore." You tilted your head to look at Wooyoung only to see he was looking right back at you. He was always looking at you.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to be your friend, but you pushed me away and the only way I knew how to get your attention was to do what I did, and eventually I didn't even realise what I was doing to you, to our relationship." His words felt sincere, and fuck you felt horrible. You knew Wooyoung only acted that way with you and you hadn't even noticed why, not even after ten years of fighting. You kept looking into his eyes, and you could see the sadness in them. Was that always there and you just never noticed?
"I never said thank you for the clothes you gave me when I came out, did I?…thank you."
"I knew you needed them, they were waiting in a stack for the day you would claim them." before you could even realise it, you felt a tear roll down your cheek. Wooyoung hesitantly lifted his palm to your face and wiped the wetness from your face, stroking his finger under your eye and cupping your face with his hand. His soft thumb swiped back and forth, gently caressing your face.
He looked so pretty in the moonlight. The way the light sat on his lashes and defined his jaw made you want to touch. You craved to feel the surface of his skin grazing against your palm right now you could hardly fight it. Instead, you leaned into his chest and rested your head on his collarbone, not daring to look into his eyes right now, not daring to reveal the emotions in the expression that was on your face. He stroked your hair rhythmically and you felt your whole body relaxed into his touch, god was this what you were missing out on all this time?
"Don't fall asleep on me now, my sister will kill me if she sees I let you sleep on the floor," You chuckled into the warmth of his chest before finally sitting up, Wooyoung following you.
"you wanna go for a swim?" You smiled at him, not waiting for an answer, taking your shirt off and sliding into the heated pool. You swam to the middle, hearing a splash behind you, and turned around to see a now wet-haired Wooyoung following suit. You tried to ignore the fact that now he really reminded you of your dream - hair soaked, droplets dripping down his shimmering skin as his smile spread wide at you. You tried to swim away but your battle was quickly lost when you felt a hand grab your ankle and pull you under the water.
Your body flipped underwater, turning around to feel Wooyoung right above you. His hands came to your face and begged you to look in his eyes. You opened them to see his face inches from yours, and how desperate his eyes were to close the short distance between the two of you, and you were only a weak man. You pulled him down by the nape of his neck and joined your lips together and good lord, even underwater, it was still better than you imagined. Wooyoung broke the kiss after a few seconds and brought you back to the surface for air, not giving you long till he dived back in to kiss you once more, his hands begging to feel every inch of your waist and pull you towards him. The way his skin felt against yours felt hot and you needed more of it everywhere so desperately.
"Woo I need you," you whispered, trying to communicate with your eyes and praying he would understand.
"You have me, baby." His body moved you backwards, out of sight from the living room and windows, until your back hit the side of the pool. His mouth made its way to your neck, nipping at the skin before running his tongue over it. "Can I touch you?" He whispered into your ear, biting your earlobe.
You nodded into his shoulder, hungry for the feeling of his fingers in you. His hand slipped passed the waistband of your swim shorts, giving him straight access to you. His fingertip grazed up and down your slit, teasing your aching clit.
"Wooyoung please" You whined into his ear, deciding to take some sort of initiative and fidget with the strings of his shorts, tugging at them till he permitted you to touch.
"You wanna touch me, baby?" He grabbed your hand in his and slipped it into his shorts, letting you get a feel of the bottom of his stomach, hand slowly inching down till you reached the base of his girth. His other hand was still teasing your cunt, finally allowing one digit to slide into your hole. You moaned softly into his shoulder, writhing at the pleasure of feeling him in you, while still beating yourself up from missing out on this for so long.
As you were about to start stroking his cock you heard the back door open. You and Wooyoung shot your heads around to see who it was, quickly separating yourselves to not get caught. You heard the loud music bouncing throughout the house as a hoard of people spread out onto the porch, all ready to go for another swim, Vee carrying another speaker with her to liven up the night.
"What are you guys doing out here?" Vee shouted over the music, looking between the two of you with a shocked expression.
You looked at Wooyoung trying to formulate an answer, but you answered for him instead, "Oh, we were just talking… about stuff…" You watched her face try to decipher what you meant, but she came up short with answers. She could tell that both of you were stoned though, and honestly? She was grateful you were getting along, even if it was just for one night. Wooyoung watched Vee walk away, far enough before he asked you,
"Do you wanna go upstairs?" He pressed his body against you slightly, and you could feel how hard he was against your leg. His eyes were begging for this not to end here, and you didn't feel the need to argue for once in your life, So you dragged him to the ladder and got out first, ready with a towel for him once he got out so he could hide what was going on his shorts. Once he was out he clutched your hand in his own, pulling you through the house and up the stairs to the safety of his room. Before you could even react Wooyoung had you pressed up against the closed door, lips back on the underside of your jaw. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness of his room. You had only been in here a handful of times, in which you'd never spent long enough to have a good look around the area. As you examined the room, your eyes zeroed in on the bong on his bedside table.
"You have a bong?" Your voice came out hoarse.
"Yeah, you ever..?" Wooyoung questioned.
You looked at him, "No… Can I?" He smiled at you and brought you over to his bed. The bong was already filled with fresh water, as Wooyoung packed the bowl, grabbed his lighter and held it to the bowl igniting it. He inhaled for a few seconds before pulling the bowl out, inhaling the rest of the smoke. He gave you a smug grin at your amazement and handed the bong over to you.
"So I'm gonna light it for you, and when I pull the bowl out, I'm gonna need you to inhale the rest of it or it'll leave stale smoke in the chamber, okay? now I'll let you do a little hit to get you started, just put your lips on it like I did, baby." His sugarcoated pet names had your stomach doing flips, but you stayed focused on the task at hand. Your lips met the mouthpiece and you waited for wooyoungs signal.
"Okay I'm lighting it, start inhaling gently…" You followed his instructions, feeling the water bubbling and the smoke enter your mouth. "Okay inhale fully," Wooyoung concentrated as he pulled the bowl out, you felt the fresh air clear the bong and go into your mouth. You took your mouth off of the bong and exhaled, feeling a cough climb out of your throat with the smoke - Wooyoungs hand instantly joined you to rub circles on your back, a little laugh coming from him at your suffering. After you laughed with him, "Let me try again, I won't cough this time-" Wooyoung suddenly kissed you quickly, making your body follow him as he pulled away.
"Sorry, I just wanted to kiss you again." He looked…Bashful? You had never seen this on him, and God it made him look hotter, I mean, really how did you not realise any of this? He brought the bong back to your mouth getting ready to light it once more. "You wanna do the same or a bigger hit?"
You tried to think through your already clouded mind, "Big." was all you were able to come out with, too busy staring at his pretty face. You put your lips to the bong and Wooyoung repeated the process, adding an extra second before pulling the bowl out for you. You felt slightly lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, laying back slowly to ground yourself, hearing Woo take a hit above you. As Wooyoung joined your side, Your mind started filling with all the dirty things you wanted to do with him, all the things you could do to make up for wasted time. Woo felt you sit up and throw a leg over his waist so you were straddling him.
"You know what you asked me earlier? About what my dream was about?" You leant down to his face and whispered in the shell of his ear. "It was about you. I was dreaming about you, looking all sexy fresh out of the shower, touching me." You looked at his face, hooded eyes but still surprised at your confession. You ground your hips down on his bulge, feeling his hard-on grow against you once again
"Y/n…" You halted your movements, shit, had you done too much? Before you could worry you felt his hips rise looking for the friction "Oh God please don't stop, y/n." His hands landed on your hips and pulled you back down, moving your hips with his own. He whimpered under you as you rolled your hips along him, thumbs massaging your flesh. His head tilted back and you took your chance to nip at the base of his throat, and began to suck, leaving a blooming mark in its wake. Your mouth needed to be busy, begging to have Woo in it any way you could have him. You left a trail of bites on his collarbone leading up to the underside of his jaw and ears, making him huff with each one.
"Mine," you whispered. He heard you. Your words sent him into overdrive as he sat up and flipped your bodies so you were now under him before he started tugging at your shorts.
"need these stupid things off," He mumbled finally getting them off you, leaving you completely exposed. "Can I eat you out? I really wanna taste you." He patiently waited for your response like a dog waiting for a treat. As soon as you nodded, cheeks blushed, He dived in and started to devour your aching cunt. His tongue was working magic against your hole, nose rubbing your clit deliciously as he moaned into you. You writhed against his mouth, hands gripping his hair to ground you because of the way he took you to cloud nine.
You could already feel the orgasm building as he greedily ate you out. His tongue worked against your clit as he added a digit to your soaked hole, moving it in and out in a steady rhythm, desperate to bring you over the edge before he finally fucked you senseless. He was barely taking breaks to breathe, ready to die if it meant he'd die face buried in your sweet cunt, the way you clenched around his finger was going to make him cum in his shorts at just the feeling. Both of your senses were heightened from the weed and the pleasure was a hundred times stronger than usual, you weren't sure you were gonna last long and Wooyoung could tell. "You gonna come on my fingers, baby?" He said, voice croaky as he added another finger, "Cum on my face pretty boy, I want to feel you on my tongue when you do."
Wooyoungs words sent your body over the edge, and you seized up as you let go, feeling Wooyoung sucking your clit while you rode it out on his fingers. He unlatched his mouth from you, feeling your body calm down, and slid his fingers out of you to see them soaked in your arousal. You watched him with hooded eyes as he licked the traces of you off of his fingers. Fuck, that sight alone could've brought you to an orgasm again.
"Gonna fuck your pretty hole now, baby" You moaned at his tone, pulling him to you so you could taste yourself in his mouth, tongues moving in unison. Once you had a good grip on him, you pulled him back onto the bed and stood up to pull his shorts down. You watch his hard cock spring out from them and licked your lips at the sight. You knew it was big, you could feel it but fuck, the way it glistened from the precum leaking out of his tip, made your desire to taste him grow one hundred times. You leaned down to his tip and gripped the base, before running your tongue across it and sinking down about halfway. He whined feeling your mouth around his hardness, it was heaven but, "I don't wanna cum in your mouth baby, want you on my cock now," He begged you, needing to feel you, to connect you.
You needed him just as badly, so you moved upwards so you could straddle him. You lifted your hips and hovered over his cock, holding it so you could get the angle right before slowly sinking down on him. You felt so full as he entered you, the stretch feeling the best you had ever felt. You knew nothing else would ever feel the way Wooyoung felt in you at that moment, you would never be able to take another cock that would feel as good as he did. His voice cracked as you finally bottomed out on him, staying there until you both adjusted to the feeling.
"Holy fuck, give me a second or I'll bust early" Wooyoung huffed out, his chest sinking and rising quickly as if he had forgotten to breathe, because well, he did. "Fuck baby, you feel so good, your boy cunt is mine, it's mine you're mine oh my god." Wooyoung babbled, his brain completely fried from how you clenched around him.
"You ready for me to move, baby?" You whispered to Wooyoung, receiving a nod from Wooyoung as you started slowly rocking your hips back and forth. The feeling of him reaching deep into you was pure bliss. Wooyoungs hands had a death grip on your hips, fingertips digging into your soft flesh, making you moan with each movement.
"Fuck Wooyoung, you feel so good, I don't know how long I can last," You could already feel yourself losing control of your sanity, but you weren't about to let this end so quickly. You lifted your hips to slam back down onto his cock, making him moan loudly. You kept this rhythm going and the pleasure was overwhelming, feeling the way he hit your g spot so nicely each time you bounced on him.
"Ah fuck, fuck you feel so fucking amazing holy fuck please don't stop," His praises kept fueling you to sink onto him deeper and deeper with each stroke. You both were losing your sanity together and it was fucking incredible, if Wooyoung was ready to die happy before, he was even more sure now that he was buried so deep in you that he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to leave you and the way you gripped his throbbing member. Your body ached to be filled by Wooyoungs cum, not ready to feel empty once he was done. You craved to feel full like this for as long as you were on this earth, while Wooyoung was by your side.
"Baby I'm not gonna last much longer, where do you want me to cum?" Wooyoung wheezed out between breaths.
"In me, please god please, I need you in me," You begged, speeding your pace up as Wooyoung reached to circle your clit.
"Are you sure?" He said worried.
"It's fine I'm on the pill, please Woo I need it." Wooyoung rocked his hips aggressively as his orgasm built up, yours ready to spill over the edge. His hand sped up on your clit and finally, your orgasm hit you like a truck, ripping a guttural moan from your chest. Wooyoung felt you clenching around him so hard that his own orgasm followed suit, His soul being snatched from him as you kept riding out yours.
Your body turned to jelly as you finished and you flopped down onto Woo's chest, hearing his heart racing against your ear.
"Fuck me." He gasped out, still trying to catch his breath, making you laugh.
"I literally just did Woo." He pinched your side in response, making you laugh more, your arms wrapping around him. You sat there until you had both calmed down, before sliding out of you. You could feel his cum leaking out of you and you whined at the loss as he moved you to the side of him so he could clean up.
"Sorry, baby I gotta clean you, and me up. I'll be two seconds." You watched him walk to his bathroom, damn he's got a nice ass, you thought to yourself, waiting for him to come back. Sure enough, he was quick, and back with a washcloth to clean you up. He was careful as he wiped you down, knowing you'd still be sensitive after two orgasms. He handed you some of his clothes to put on and excused himself to get the two of you some water.
"Where have you been? and where's y/n? I can't find him," Vee questioned Wooyoung as he reached the bottom of the stairs, noticing he had changed into sleep clothes despite the party still going.
"Don't tell me…" Vee thought about the circumstance, and the guilty look on Wooyoung's face.
"Did you fuck my best friend??" She watched the corners of Wooyoung's mouth curl up, and she knew she already had the answer.
"Sorry?" Wooyoung said very unapologetically as Vee punched him in the arm.
"If you ever hurt him I'll kill you, I do not care if you're my twin. I still have kyungmin, you hear me?" Vee said dead seriously, slightly scaring Wooyoung, but he couldn't help but make fun.
"I solemnly swear to never hurt y/n as long as I live, Seargent!" vee punched him one more getting ready to send a very long message to y/n.
Wooyoung arrived back upstairs, two bottles of water in his arms and a few munchies in the other.
"Oh you're a godsend Wooyoung- never thought I'd say that…" You laughed with Wooyoung as he plopped down next to you in bed, putting a movie on and cuddling up to you.
"Sorry, it took so long for us to be friends, Wooyoung. Woo." You sighed, avoiding eye contact with him now, guilt still eating away at you after everything.
"I don't want to be friends." Wooyoung declared, waiting for you to look at him. You shot your head around, confused and concerned.
"What? What do you mean?"
Wooyoung smiled before answering, " I've loved you too long just to be friends, y/n." Tears filled your eyes as you wrapped yourself around him, needing his warmth. "I love you y/n."
"Love you too."
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AHHHH tysm if you made it to the end I hope you enjoyed!!! <33333333 thank you again for 500 followers !!!❤️
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stxrr-strxckk · 3 months
"Trust me darling, I'm not the man you think I am." part  II
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Work rivals to lovers with Carmen Berzatto. (read part I here!!)
Pairing: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x fem!reader
Synopsis: Maybe Carmy's work crush isn't as one sided as he thought...
Any warnings?: Not very proofread writing, cursing, and some innuendos
What's that on the record player?: Pretty girls make graves; The smiths
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The only thing Carmy thinks about when walking into the kitchen is himself. Things like how he's going to smoke everyone in that damn kitchen like they were a pack of cigs on a smoke break. He'd make sure they knew he was the best, and there was nothing they could do about it. He was a man on a mission, laser focused on whatever he had to cook for that night. Nothing could get in his way.
Except you.
You, with the loud mouth and messy station and attitude like no other. If you weren't somehow royally fucking up another one of Carmy's dishes or moods, it was because you two were in a screaming match in the back of the kitchen.
So of course it's natural of him to be watching your every move, making sure that whatever the hell is going on in that brain, that it doesn't fuck up his routine like it has so many goddamn times in the past.
Yes, it's perfectly normal for him to spend every minute of his job, the one he worked so hard to get, ignoring everything but you. Hey, he's just being prepared. How else to make sure you're not getting in the way of his perfectly planned out station?
But lately? Carmen was beginning to realize his staring was a bit more than just a precaution.
God, ever since that fucking lamb he couldn't keep his eyes off you. That memory lived rent free in his mind 24/7, and he found his consciousness drifting there every free second he had.
Especially with what happened with the mint jelly.
"What about the mint jelly?" Carmy felt a little jolt go through his body. The look on your face, so innocent and pure. Something in him wanted to ruin it, make you feel the sin that covered his body. The hope in your eyes and the smile threatening to curve onto your gorgeous lips was enough for him to give in to your demands.
"Fuck, really? Yeah. Fuck. Let's do this." He could feel himself smiling, and you soon return the favor. How could you not? Carmen rarely smiled, but when he did? You had to admit, it was adorable. There was a child-like, naive charm about that grin. He was like a little kid again, and you just wanted to hug him in that moment.
"Great! Yeah, let's uh, let's go over here, and you can show me how to do this. Properly." God, were you really being nice to Carmen Berzatto? Fuck, what kind of demon had possessed you tonight?
You follow Carmy as he shuffles towards your station once again. He grabs the pan holding your runny jelly, grabbing a nearby spoon to taste. You feel heat rush to your cheeks. It was embarassing, really. Here was probably the best chef in all of New York-and he was taking time out of his shift to help you make a fucking jelly.
As he takes the spoon in his mouth, Carmy can feel his eyes widen. While yes, the consistency was off- it was barely even jelly, anymore, the taste was there. And it wasn't even half bad.
"Mmm," he savors the flavor, and you look at him anxiously. "That," he points to the pan. "is good shit."
"Really?" you let out a sigh of relief, and Carmy nods. The look on your face makes him want to smile again. Your bright eyes and wide smile have him thinking one thing: cute.
"Yeah, uh, I mean- it's not perfect. Definitely not perfect. Like, it's all runny and shit- and that's-that's not good. But the flavor is spot on. It's- it's fire." he replies, wiping the corner of his mouth on his sleeve before setting down the spoon.
"Thanks." you say awkwardly, gazing down at the floor. You hate to admit you're scared to meet his piercing blue gaze.
"Damn." Carmy says, placing his hands on his hips. "At least I know why they haven't fired you yet."
And just like that, Old Carmy's back.
"What do you mean, why they haven't fired me yet?" You inquire, looking up at him with slight annoyance. "Are you questioning my ability?"
"What? Oh fuck- no. No. Not at all." he stammers, trying to recover. "I just meant that- while the taste is good, the presentation is sloppy, which isn't- it's not what most restaurants want. So it's like, surprising if you haven't tasted the food that you're still around. But- but I tasted the food, and- you know what, I guess I was wrong."
"Wow, Carmen Berzatto admitting he's wrong? That's shocking, considering how fucking stubborn you are." you retort. Thank god, you were beginning to get worried that maybe you were a total asshole to this guy for no reason. But nope, you were right. Carmen's a dick.
"I- how am I stubborn? How? Give me one- one fucking example of me being stubborn. I fuckin' dare you." he raises his voice, and you take a step towards him.
"Gee, let me think. How about every fuckin' day, not taking any suggestions from anyone because you think we're all fucking below you?"
"Okay, okay- first of all, I don't think you're below me-"
"Then how come you never take anything I say seriously? It's like-"
"Don't fuckin' interrupt me, I'm trying to explain myself- if you'd let me-"
"Hey, maybe I wouldn't be interrupting you if you fucking listened to me every once in a while-"
"Maybe I'd listen if you had good ideas-"
"What, like your ideas are better than mine?"
"You know what, yeah! And my dishes are too, bitch!"
"The fuck are you saying about my dishes? You saying I'm a bad chef?"
"Actually- yeah! Yeah, I am saying that! You're a bad chef! You. Are. A. Bad-"
"Oh fuck off, Carmy!"
"Make me! Fuckin-"
"Last time I checked, this was MY station! So how about you leave me the fuck alone, Carmen?"
"I'm only over here 'cause you needed my help so goddamn badly! That lamb was fucking so raw I could hear it fuckin' bleatin' still!"
"I didn't ASK you to help! You just fuckin- sauntered over like some macho man-"
Ah, classic Carmen. Back to bickering with everyone he knew. Especially you. The other chefs start to gather around, watching your argument with the bastard. You two were leaned so close together, faces inches from the other's as you two screamed at each other.
"...Yeah, I said it, and I fucking meant it! And I'll say it again! You're a fuckin'-"
Your voice fell silent, as well as Carmen's. The group of chef's surrounding you two turned, revealing a head chef who didn't look too pleased.
"Back to work everyone. This is a kitchen, not a preschool. Leave the fights for the playground."
That seemed to end it, and the crowd dispersed. You stared at where the crowd once stood, but Carmy snapped you back to reality.
"Back alley. Now."
You followed him, confused. Why were you going to the alley? To argue more? Or maybe he had something else planned. You shivered at the thought of him pushing you up against the brick wall, trapping you between his strong arms and doing whatever he wanted to you. You wish you didn't enjoy the idea.
As you left the kitchen, coat in hand, cold night air greeted your skin. It was accompanied by the smell of smoke. Carmy leaned against the wall, a cigarette hanging from his lips and a lighter in his right hand.
He glanced over at you, and raised his eyebrows. "Cig?" he offered the pack to you, and you shook your head.
"Smoking kills, you know." You shiver, and he shrugs.
"Why do you think I do it?"
"God, that was a stupid ass line." you laugh, rubbing your arms to try and warm them up. Curse these New York winters. You looked towards Carmy again, wondering the hell he could survive without a jacket on in his freezing weather.
"You cold?" he asked, taking a drag of his cigarette.
"No shit, sherlock. Great observation."
He chuckles, seemingly a lot more cooled down thanks to the nicotine.
You two sit in silence for a minute, before he speaks again.
"I got a coat, you want it?"
You freeze, contemplating both your shock and your answer. Why was he being so nice? Carmy's usually the biggest asshole in New York, maybe even the united states. But here he is, offering you his coat like it's some kind of first date? Fuck, it's kinda sweet.
You nod, teeth chattering. You figure no harm done; it was either this or freeze to death on the streets of New York. Carmy takes a final puff of his cigarette, before dropping it and putting it out with his shoe. He heads back inside, returning with a heavy winter jacket. He puts it around your shoulders, and you start to feel warmer.
"Thanks." you say. He doesn't reply, enjoying the background noise of the busy New York streets. You decide this is as good a time as ever to cool down, let off some steam. You had to admit, it did get heated in there. You regretted some of the things you said, but there was no way in hell you'd admit that to him.
"Sorry I called you a bitch."
"What?" you laugh. There's no way Carmen Berzatto just apologized. He never apologizes for anything, but now he's saying sorry to you? Of all people, you?
"I said I'm sorry I called you a bitch. Wasn't cool on my end."
"... Apology accepted." you reply awkwardly, trying not to smile. It was oddly sweet of him to actually say sorry for once. "Sorry I said you were an asshole."
"Nothing I haven't heard before." he shrugged. "Plus, you weren't wrong. I was being an asshole."
"Glad you noticed." a laugh escapes your throat. Carmy feels himself blush, but maybe it's just the cold biting at his cheeks.
"So, should we head back inside?" you offered. "I don't know about you, but I'm freezing to death."
"Yeah, sure." he agrees. "You go first, I'm gonna wait out here a bit longer." he adds, watching as you rush back inside, to the heated kitchen.
"Fuck..." is all he manages to say, staring up at the dark sky. It started snowing, he noted. There was already some piled around from the last few days, but this one seemed different. This was one to enjoy. This was one for friends, for family, for lovers.
He wished you'd stayed out here with him.
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A/n: Chapter 2 of my work rivals fic is DONE! Hope y'all like it, I'm pretty invested in this series. Tell me if you've got any ideas on what should happen next! Remember to reblog, like, follow, and send in requests! XX, Starr!
Wordcount: 1,885
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Hey! Love your work and was wondering if you could do one where the reader is a really good cook/baker!
A/N: Hey there! I'm so glad you like my work :D I really hope you enjoy this one too!
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He swore he couldn’t love you any more than he already did but then you went and started cooking for the boys and Darry found out just how wrong he was
It’s so nice to have someone else who can cook and who Darry can trust alone in the kitchen, he knows you’re not gonna start a fire or something
You’re the one cooking dinner now most of the time, simply because the boys like eating your cooking the best
Darry will cook for you sometimes! Especially if you’ve had a bad week or it’s a big milestone in your relationship, blah blah blah, Darry has a thing for taking care of his partners, and that comes out in the form of food
King of hyping up your cooking, especially your chocolate cakes! You’re the only one that can bake a chocolate cake and get Darry to admit that yours tastes better than his cake does 
Also also also, he asks you to pack him lunches sometimes so that he can take it to work with him and just kind of have a little part of you there with him <3 I highly suggest dropping a little handwritten note into his lunchbox, but y’know, that’s just me talking
Don’t tell Darry, but he likes when you cook or bake for him more than when his brother does, Sodapop thinks it just tastes better
*Insert a joke about how Sodapop likes to claim it’s because you make your stuff with love and Darry doesn’t but we all know that’s nonsense*
I kid you not, Sodapop is a bottomless pit and not a picky eater by any stretch of the imagination, so if you need a taste-tester for some dish you’re trying out, look no further than your pretty boy
Show up to the DX with a packed lunch for the two of you, flirt and giggle before giving it to him, stay with him and eat together in the garage on the hood of some ridiculously Soc car that Steve was supposed to fix later in the day
Nothing says I love you more than sitting on a car and laughing during his lunch break, doing nothing but sitting there and just being together
Plus! Steve will get sort of grumpy and pouty because he wanted to have Sodapop with him for his lunch break but you got there before him and he can’t really be mad because you guys are just too cute but he’ll be funny to watch  
You’re into cooking? Baking? That’s cool, Ponyboy has no problem eating whatever you’re working on and loves to be in the kitchen with him
He’s a menace and likes to sit on the countertops or eat the food before it’s cooked, so maybe it’s not always the best idea to have him there with you, but, y’know, he’s cute so it’s way okay!
The two of you have definitely made a mess of Darry’s kitchen at some point, cookies gone wrong or a mini-flour food fight, so there’s a high chance that you’ve gotten Ponyboy banned from the kitchen
If you bring anything treat-wise for him to school, expect the boys to try and steal some of it, especially Two-Bit, that boy will literally steal anything he can
Hype Man pt. 2, Pony talks about your cooking so much that Darry has probably asked you to just come over and cook dinner one day so that Pony will stop telling him about how you’d cook everything differently
Also, strong opinion that he only knows how to cook very simple meals, scrambled eggs and grilled cheeses and things, and is seriously impressed by when you make things that are like even a fraction of a bit of something better than those
If your folks are out and you’re planning on cooking? Please oh please, call up Dally and let him in so he can eat whatever you’re making
He’s not helpful, he eats your food and then doesn’t help with the dishes, I wouldn’t recommend him as a sous chef at all
But! He’s honest and will tell you exactly how he feels about what you’re cooking, which can be a blessing and a curse, just as things usually are with our dear Mr. Winston
If Dally doesn’t like something, he’s gonna bitch about it, but if he likes it, god he’s gonna compliment you and compliment you and compliment you and kiss you so many times as a thank you
No one else is allowed to touch anything you make for him, he threatens to and has bitten and snapped at people who get too close to his plates before, I’m not even lying to you
Also, don’t let him cook because Dally’ll probably end up burning something, solid headcanon that he can barely cook, and he’ll probably end up blaming you for whatever he’s messed up!  
Hard one, I don’t know exactly how I feel about Johnny with an S/O who’d bake or cook all the time, but I know he’d like it!
You’d probably make an extra lunch for him every so often (every other day or so because you know you love him) and the two of you would eat your lunches together at school
Johnny likes everything you make, he’ll tell you how great everything is and shower you with praise and compliments as he shovels food like he’s some sort of chipmunk
I don’t think he’s picky either? Like, I don’t think he cares very much about picking and choosing when it comes to food, he’d rather just put it in his mouth and go on with his life
But I think Johnny has a favorite thing that you make, I don’t know what exactly, but it’s gonna be something sweet, maybe cookies or brownies
He’s a horrendous cook, okay? Recipe or not, he absolutely sucks and it’s terrible having him in the kitchen with you but he likes to stand with you so I think you should just let him hang out as long as he promises not to touch anything- 
You’re helping him babysit his sister? And you’re making dinner? For both of them? And you’re having the time of your life in the kitchen?
Two-Bit thought he was in love with you already, jeez louise, he’s so gone for you and is about to have a meltdown because you’re just standing in his kitchen making dinner for everyone 
He tries to kiss you and almost burns himself on the stove because he’s too busy staring at you he doesn’t realize where he placed his hand and then you’ve got to take a break from cooking to take care of him
Two really does like what you cook though! He’s not picky and he’s open to whatever you want to feed him, I promise! 
Come up to him with a spoonful of mystery and tell him to open his mouth and swallow, Two-Bit will do it immediately, no questions asked whatsoever
He’s a good guy, alright, and he’s got simple thoughts, he just really likes seeing you when you’re cooking, when you’re in your element and I think he’d be a really great pal to have in the grocery store 
Have I mentioned? That Steve? Is a cheerleader? And likes to hype you up? Because that’s running around and around in my mind
For the love of everything, you better have a chocolate cake recipe memorized because that’s what Steve’s always going to ask you to make, he can’t get enough of your chocolate cakes
You’re gonna have to persuade him to eat anything else, honestly, he’s just so in love with you and the cake, it’s gonna be a challenge 
If you don’t let him in the kitchen with you, Steve’s just gonna whine and pout until you eventually cave and let him in from where he’s been throwing a fit in the doorway
He’s good though, he knows when to keep his hands off, especially when he’s coming from work and covered in grease, he honestly really doesn’t want to help with the cooking anyway
Steve would much rather just watch you and talk, laughing about your days and just be there with you while you cook and bake your little heart out  
He’s picky with food I have a feeling? Like Tim likes what he likes and that’s what he’s gonna eat, y’know?
Bowl of cereal in the morning, a burger when he goes out to the diner, Tim’s not really into the whole trying-new-things but I have a feeling, if you tried hard enough, you could convince him to try something a little new
Present it to him and smile, bat your eyelashes, say your pretty pleases and beg just a little bit and there’s nothing Tim can do but say yes <3
He’s a good person to cook with! I think he knows what he’s doing enough and likes to cook, so I think it could totally be a bonding thing for you!
The moment you cook dinner for Angela and Curly, Tim knows he’s not gonna let you go anywhere because if you love him to care for his siblings as well, Tim knows you’re definitely a keeper
He likes to come up behind you when you’re cooking and hug you, murmuring into your ear as you throw things together, some compliments and some teasing remarks, but they’re all said with such love it makes things totally cool-
This little shit, Curly is head over heels even before you tell him that you like to cook/bake, he’s gonna be long gone when he learns about that
He thinks it’s great, absolutely loves it and absolutely loves you, and wants to hear about everything you’ve ever made
You need a taste tester? Someone to go grocery shopping with you? Someone to talk with while you cook?
Don’t you even worry, baby, Curly is more than happy to spend all day in the kitchen with you while he does no cooking whatsoever, just hangs with you
And, so uh, y’know how cookies and brownies and stuff have that sort of window where you just sort of put them in the oven and wait? Yeah, Curly likes to take advantage of that time period and kiss you senseless
Tell me I’m wrong, you can’t because you know that this boy will take any chance he can get to make out with you, regardless if he runs the risk of burning those cookies to a crisp or not-
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vickyyoon · 9 months
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(you're mine pt 2)
Pt-1 <- here
Warning : Stockholm syndrome, non-con, unprotected sex, smut, rough sex, over stimulation, yelling, begging, angst (fluff in the end), ' rape
Synopsis : your n-th attempt to escape had gotten him frustrated and finally take serious actions he ends up regretting hard!
It has been almost a week with you living with hyunjin, all your plans seem to tear apart when you see how he was prepared mentally and physically for all the things he expects you to do, it was scary as if he was reading your mind and each time he guesses what you wanted to do he smirks to himself.
It's not as bad as you would think to live with him either but still, he took away your freedom, your phone, your social life, your car keys but he was nice and soft when it came to you.
You realize his intention as never to really hurt you but when you make him mad by refusing to do somethings that he considers important he starts to throw things around the whole house screaming and traumatizing you without actually hurting you, how could he hurt you? He only wanted you near him, he wanted to be loved by you. He's spent his whole life waiting to be yours.
You woke up again it was 3pm and the sun was starting to set. You went down stairs to see him cooking for you, his food was amazing you've never tasted anything better than his cooking, maybe he even took classes to master your favorite dishes.
" Woke up from your nap princess? Why don't you wash your face and we have snacks. I have games to play with you."
You went back to your room into the bathroom and washed your face when suddenly your brain started to work like Einstein, playing with his agenda!
You came downstairs to see him waiting with the food laid on the table, his face with a bored expression, he must've gotten so bored without you so you sit down with a sad expression and he can instantly tell.
He was feeding you and asking you what was wrong but you kept on brushing it off.
" Why won't you tell me? I know when something's wrong. Just tell me I can help you."
" what's the point in telling you? How would you understand?"
" it's OK i just wanna know what's wrong! I'll do anything to make you happy!"
" after work days, every weekend I take a long drive to enjoy but ivm stuck in this house for weeks!" you sound annoyed.
" you're saying you want to go out?" he hoped you wouldn't say what he thought you would say.
You nodded and his heart felt so heavy now. " you know I can't let you go outside. Besides you don't have anymore work days and I'm all you need."
" if you really loved me, you would've gone out with me the second you heard me mope about it" you toyed with his little sick game.
" I get suffocated and depressed whenever I stay too long inside! You have to understand" you argued again.
" someone can take you away from me! I love you so much I can't have you gone! I'll be done!" he reasoned.
" Com'on can't you fight them for me? Besides you don't trust me! You think I'll run away don't you. How can you think like that of me?"
To tell the truth you would actually run away.
" so you know the reason too? You think I'm dumb? The second you try to guilt trip me and I'll let you out, you would actually run away."
There you were baffled again, just too stunned to speak. There you were dumb founded and this seemed to be the last straw for him.
He yelled and cupped your face in one hand making you stare at him, his eyes piercing daggers at you now. You only felt nothing but pure fear as you looked back at him. It was a new side of him you first saw.
He never hurt you but here he was burning his fingers into your jaw.
" Bad girls like you don't deserve this kind of treatment, you're lucky I love you."
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the bedroom. He threw you so harshly onto the bed you were so scared.
" You keep playing with my feelings, you think my love for you is just a little joke? I'll prove you today."
He started to get on top of you, harshly kissing you, almost ripping your lips. He was like a demon now, his hands frantically went over your body, finding your shirt's buttons and taking it off of you. You finally realized what he meant.
" stop squirming!" his hands pressed you down on the bed still kissing you, he unclipped your bra and started to kiss you down to your chest, marking every kiss and bruising your skin.
He pulled your pants down along with you'd panties as you kept begging for him to stop but nothing's gonna stop what you started now.
He got up fiddling with his belt and threw all his clothes on the floor. Pushing himself into you, stretching you so much, God he was much bigger than you thought, you were horrified if he would break you now.
He started to thrust slowly before going insanely fast.
" Do you know how much I wanted you? I refused every girl and I've been lonely my whole life just to have you in it! Each day didn't feel like it was worth living without you!"
"I-I'm sorry, please ahh- hng please don't do this to me."
You were starting to tear up, it felt good but it was stimulating you so fast that you came with just 20 minutes, and he kept on going, simulating you over and over again.
He was going rough and nothing came out of your mouth you were just numb, everything that was happening has happened and you can't change anything now
Suddenly he put a halt to his actions and looked down at you, your tear stained face tore him apart completely.
" I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything!" he was panicking, he hugged you tight.
He felt guilty now, how could he hurt you? You were his princess! "I'm sorry! How could I do this to you!? Why didn't you stop me?"
" Well I did! But you didn't listen!" you were starting to cry again.
He was hugging your shaking body and crying now, he didn't mean to do that really. He was just so frustrated that after all his attempts you still don't love him in the slightest bit but he had no rights to hurt you or force you.
He pulled out caressing your face with eh back of his hand, he was crying hard.
" D-don't touch me" you warned as you got up. Your legs were aching, you didn't know if you could even stand up now, you walked over to the bathroom and locked yourself.
He was shaking he pulled his clothes on and knocked on the bathroom door but no one answered, " Please don't hate me, I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean it, I know how much it hurts you!" he begged on the other side.
You could only hear him cry from the other side of the door, ironically it felt like you hurt him and he was more hurt from hurting you? You tried to understand why he would act like that, it did make sense, he tried so hard to earn your love but there you were trying to escape. He just got so frustrated...
You opened the door and saw him crouched in the corner of the room huddled, hugging his knees, he looked so broken. You knew he really didn't mean it because if he did, he would have don't it a long time ago.
He stared at your coming towards you, he tried to hold your hands but he remembered. " please sweetheart, I didn't mean it, you know I love you, I live for you."
" I'll take you outside, I'll literally do anything now I swear just please don't hate me and don't leave me. It's so lonely without you." he was tearing up again
Watching him beg like this for you to just stay hurt you alot. You could feel how lonely it was for him everyday, you were like a light to his darkness.
" j-just promise me you'll never hurt me again"
" ofcourse, I can never hurt you intentionally, i promise I'll never hurt you. Just please."
He gripped your hand finally after you let him and placed it in his forehead. " I promise, I swear" you couldn't help but melt a bit.
No one's ever been so desperate to have you in their lives...
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sillylittlestoryblog · 7 months
(Not) Hard to Love
Part 2 (2/2)
Trafalgar Law x Reader
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Warning:⚠️ smutty situation, angsty thoughts
Authors Note: sorry that it took so long to post this. I was having a few bad days, just struggling with my confidence. Now I m doing a bit better. So here you go. Hope you have fun 🥰
this is by far the most suggestive thing I have ever written. lol. I hope it doesn’t suck too bad. If you like it, leave a comment. It does wonders to my mental health ❤️ (btw this raspberry jam is just in the story because I have been planning on making it for the past months and this is my reminder to get up from my lazy ass and make it! )
You were relieved, after days of almost doing nothing, because the sun was too hot and your thoughts too distracting, you were finally able to work again. It was one of those days were everyone was doing their best to restore and repair their beloved home.
The Thousand Sunny was a big ship. And after days of not doing much, it often needed some time to get everything organized and clean again.
Knowing your captain wasn’t the biggest fan of an organized living space, most of the work was split between the rest of the crew. While Nami was always on board keeping an eye on the ocean, Sanji was the one who was keeping the kitchen organized, while preparing the dishes for the day.
Franky and Usopp were repairing something in the library, while Brook and Robin were sorting the newest books, they got on the last island.
Luffy and Zoro were supposed to take care of everything on deck, which already wasn’t much. But after cleaning the girls bedroom, you walked towards the kitchen and saw both of them sleeping in the sunlight. Random, uncomfortable looking items being their pillows.
You just rolled your eyes and smirked. These two weren’t really cleaning themselves regularly, so why would they clean something else. It didn’t really make sense why you guys kept asking them to organize, even though you kinda knew they weren’t gonna be much of a help.
Opening the kitchen doors a warm sweet smell came towards you.
Sanji was standing at the stove, filling sugar into a red liquid.
"Uhhh, this smells amazing. May I have a taste?" you point to the boiling jam in front of you with an outstretched finger.
"Of course, my dear."
The cook gave you a spoonful of the sweet liquid and without blowing for long you tasted it.
"It tastes wonderful, Sanji! I'm already dreaming of how it will taste on the fresh crossaints you make from time to time."
The blond man grinned. He had to concentrate now. Not get distracted. Even if he particularly liked compliments from you.
"I'm glad you like it. I bought lots of raspberries so I could cook them for you.
I just realized that a little vanilla is still missing. Could you do me a favor? I have fresh vanilla in our storage room, I just forgot to bring them up from downstairs earlier. Could you get them quickly from below deck? I don't want the jam to burn.“
"Sure thing." With a smile, you walk back towards the door. You suck in the wonderful smell once more before quickly scurrying outside.
You had given Sanji the recipe for this particular jam a few months ago. Your mother used to make it when you were a child.
With quick steps, you skip down the stairs towards the storage room.
Your mind was full of warm memories of sunny mornings. Jam on baked goods. A table filled with fresh food. The last good days of your childhood.
Being on the thousand sunny was kind of like that time. With a smile on your face you walked towards the entry.
The groaning door gave you the creeps. Chopper had accidentally locked himself in down there once before. So, to be on the safe side, you put a box between you and the door. That way, it won't fall shut the next time the wind blows.
The light was already turned on in the storage room. You expected the little reindeer, who often spend time organizing and storing medicines down here to refill them in his little doctor's room when they were empty upstairs.
But it wasn't this doctor who was waiting for you in the far corner of the room.
Law was sitting on the floor looking through several boxes of pills.
Presumably he was going to take care of refilling the medicine room. Chopper probably send him, because he was still scared of last time.
You whisper a quiet "hey" in his direction so as not to startle him.
Law just looked up briefly and mumbled something in your direction.
What was his problem? You were starting to get angry again. Everyone was trying to build a home, be nice and him?! He was just not accepting you whatsoever.
How could someone be so arrogant and ignorant ?
A loud bang snapped you out of your thoughts.
The heavy door had slammed shut.
How could that be? You had just put something in between.
Annoyed, you turn to Law.
"Shit, now we're locked in here. I can't believe Franky still hasn't fixed the door!"
You push against the door with all your strength. It doesn't move. With a loud groan you press on the door again. But it doesn’t help. A large hand rests on your shoulder.
"Hey. let me try it, Y/N-ya. I'm sure I can get the door open."
You step aside and let the dark-haired man go at it. He also pushes against the door with all his might, but it doesn't move a bit.
Frustrated you started screaming for your friends to help you out of this awkward situation.
"Hey Namiiiii! Luffy! Frankyyyy!!! Help!"
"fuck! don't shout in my ear" Law
dramatically put his hands to his ears and stared at you angrily.
"do you want to get out of here or not?! Apparently mister-I can do anything- wasn't strong enough to open a simple door after all."
"Excuse me?"
The captain turned to you. He looked down at you, annoyed.
You took a step towards him. Pointing your finger on his chest.
"I finally want to know what your problem is?"
"I don't have a problem"
"Oh? Really? You're a fucking liar, Law."
"It's none of your business, what's wrong with me. Don't talk to me like that.
Your crazy captain has decided to form an alliance, and if that's a problem for you then talk to him and not to me."
Annoyed, Law turned to the side. He only took one step before you pulled him back by his shirt sleeve.
"Hey! Stay here. I don't have a problem with you or the Alliance at all."
Your back was against the cold iron door.
Law actually turned back around and took two steps towards you.
Only now do you realize how close he was to you.
"Why are you making it so difficult for me?"
His gaze was still avoiding yours. How much you would have liked to look him in the eye now. But then you probably wouldn't have been able to hold back. Your emotions were already getting the better of you.
You spoke to him much more calmly than before.
„What's so hard, Law? I can understand that you don't like me as much as the others. But why do you hate me? Is it that hard to just like me? Or even less. Just to accept me?"
Tears welled up in your eyes. Your own words stung your heart. All you wanted was to be looked at him. Be seen.
Law still stood rooted to the spot in front of you. One hand in front of his eyes, he shook his head.
„What makes you think I hate you?"
Your voice wasn't ready to answer that question. You just shrugged your shoulders, sobbing. You would like to sink into the ground. Now you're crying in front of the man who has no interest in you. You were a failure. A pathetic girl crying in front of her crush. Nothing more.
"hey. Shh. Don’t cry. Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Sternly but without anger in his voice, Law put his index finger under your chin. So that you can't help but look into his gray eyes.
" I don't hate you, Y/N-ya.“
A sigh escaping his lips. His eyes looked different then before. You almost thought he was leaning in. And the air around you got thicker and filled with more tension.
„I really don’t. Quite the opposite in fact. Ever since I saw you for the first time, I've been attracted to you. I just can’t act on it.
I have responsibilities and… I'm not a particularly good person. I've done bad things. I've taken lives when I should be saving lives as a doctor. I don’t want more people to get hurt because of me. And to be honest, I've never had feelings like this before. I have no idea how to deal with it.“
He looked down. Almost debating if he should say the next part.
„I think of you. All the time. I lay awake at night and all I see is your face. I long for your touch. And I want to learn to love, Y/N-ya. But I'm afraid of it. Fuck."
He took a deep breath. And exhaled.
"I want you. I need you.... And I don't know how..."
Now it was you who put your index finger on Law's lips and slowly stroked his cheek with your hand.
"Just kiss me"
Horrified by your demanding words, Law looked down at you. He forgot how to breathe for a moment. His heart was beating so fast in his chest that he could hardly hear anything else. Your lips opened to say something. He didn't want you to change your mind. He took your face in both hands. Before he pressed his lips to yours.
"Just so you know. it isn't hard to fall for you, Y/N. But I m afraid, I have no clue what I m doing. My life is..."
"Law... just kiss me"
You moved forward again, pressing your lips to his. Law felt like the walls he had build up so maticulously, melting away by your kisses. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore, letting his desire take over.
Soft moans escaping your mouth while he pressed you against his body and the door behind you. You were caged in by his arms fully accepting whatever was gonna happen now. Your hands exploring the doctors body, while kissing each other hungrily. Law let out a low groan. This was better than in his daydreams. Your soft hands roaming his chest. Tracing his tattoos with lingering touches. One of Laws hands firmly placed against your hip. Shoving you against the metal door. Law was overwhelmed by his emotions. Not a single thought in his mind while he started grinding against you.
Using your moaning as chance to slide his tongue into your mouth.
His lustfull eyes being the most beautiful sight to you, while you buttoned down your summer dress.
Law was breathing heavily. His hair fully out of place by you tugging at his dark strands.
He can’t remember the last time he didn’t take the time to unbutton his shirt, but right now he was rushing to get it over his head. Throwing it down on the ground next to your dress.
Moving towards each other like magnets, lowly groaning between kisses, Law lifted up your thighs around his hips. Moving you against the door again.
His jeans rubbing against your panties. Making you cry out his name.
And for the second time that day you were interrupted by the same door you were making out against. The (stupid ) door opened with a loud hiss. Falling out of its angle. You and Law tumbeling and falling to the wooden floor.
This was a very annoying disturbance to your newly found passion. But it definitely wouldn’t have stopped you from showering Law with kisses, if it wasn’t for the circle of people and a very shocked reindeer standing around your almost naked bodies.
You and Law got up from the floor with red heads and stupid explanations. Feeling humiliated but kinda happy.
Law held his shirt protectively in front of you and hoped fervently that no one was looking at his jeans.
You looked at a bunch of different expressions.
Nami grinning. Robin, playing shocked, with one hand over her mouth. But she couldn't fool you. Her giggle was the first to be heard from the crowd.
„We really only planned for you guys to finally talk about it… that all… -
Nami made some hand gestures towards your half undressed bodies and the broken door on the ground.
„ - was not our intention.“
Usopp covered his own and then immediately afterwards Chopper's eyes. While Franky and Zoro toasted with sake in their hands. Apparently everyone was part of the stupid bet.
Luffy just looked back and forth between you and Law, confused. Obviously he hadn't quite understood yet, what was so exciting about this situation. He had seen you guys in swimwear before, not really something different in his eyes.
Sanji had blood all over his shirt and on his nose but tried to control himself. And thankfully pulled the others towards the exit.
"Don’t you guys look at Y/N-san like that. That’s not how you look at a lady.
Lunch is almost ready… let’s go Luffy.
Let the two of them go. We'll get the food ready."
Nami pulled Usopp towards her by the collar.
„So Usopp... I hope you remember our agreement... right?"
Laughing, the Strawhats left on after the other. Leaving behind two embarrassed pirates.
Franky mumbled something about "now I really have to fix the door"
While Chopper desperately tried to figure out what had just happened.
Robin gave you a wink while walking up the stairs.
Embarrassed, you looked at Law.
He took your hand and kissed it gently. Although it was hard for him, he tried to stand in front of you as confidently as possible.
" umm that was something… you know…
We still have some time before lunch. Would you like to… continue?! … What do you say Y/N-ya?"
You look at your intertwined hands and then back to Laws face. His face blushing, his eyes looking on the ground even though he would much rather look at your beautiful body before him. You stand on your tiptoes to give a quick peck to Law's lips.
"You may be right there is still some time. But I'll only follow you if you promise to use your devil powers this time. I wouldn't survive being caught like that again." Giggling, you put your arms around Law's neck.
"Okay then, let's pick up where we left off."
He gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead before lifting his hand. A smile on his face as he heard your heart beating loudly.
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silent-words · 3 months
cherries + gale 💜
I had to make a research on different kinds of cherries, so it took a long time to write. But now I'm prepared to present you a little fic that got suggestive in the second part. Nothing explicit, but you can count it as a foreplay.
The Intricacies of Cherries
Gale x F!Tav, Druid Tav, suggestive. Post-canon, Waterdeep.
Who would think a summer day in a coastal city would be utterly unbearable? In moments like these Tav really missed her faraway forest home. Hot and humid air with a scorching sun made her think Grymforge had been a comfortable place to exist. She didn’t miss the tadpoles and bedrolls though. In fact, she was hurrying towards her new home – a nice tower cooled by magic (and thick stone walls, of course). Today was her day off at work. She had just been to the market – the hottest place with sweaty people around, which was awful in itself. But she didn’t endure it all for nothing. She was carrying a tasty surprise for her husband.
When she entered the tower, a cool breeze made her dizzy at first. A slight heat stroke, but nothing her druid magic cannot heal. She heard a distinctive smell of delicious food being cooked and heard a melody hummed by a familiar voice. That meant Gale had returned from Blackstaff academy and was making them dinner. When she entered the kitchen, he turned to her and smiled:
‘Hello, my love! Where’ve you been today?’ He looked back at the stove to control the food. She started unpacking her bag of holding:
‘I’ve been to the market, love, and look what I’ve found there! My favourite berries: raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, cloudberry and cherry. I hope we’ll enjoy them together.’ She pulled little wicker baskets filled with berries of one kind each and put them on the table.
Gale strode towards the purchases and grinned: ‘What do you think about adding them to the ice cream? Ah,’ he looked at the cherries and furrowed his brow. Then he put his index finger uo and continued: ‘It seems you mixed up the cherries. This is the sour sort,’ he pointed towards the cherries in front of him, ‘they are used for baking and brewing cider. You should have bought the sweet sort, they are suitable for consumption as they are.’
‘Who are you that you should teach me, a druid, what kind of cherry this is?’ she crossed her arms. ‘While you have always been a city dweller, I spent a big part of my life in the forest. And these are the cherries we consumed, not the saccharine kind you call “cherry” here. You just need to get used to the taste.’ She was offended that this magic man didn’t want to understand the obvious.
‘Get used to?’ Gale laughed. ‘I beg your pardon, but I remember, when I was a very young boy, I stormed into my mother’s kitchen, took a mouthful of cherries and tried to eat them. It was so sour that tears started running down my cheeks. Then she told me that these cherries were meant to be a filler for cherry dumplings. The dumplings were still delicious, but I learnt the lesson that day.’ He gave Tav a warm look. That charming look that made her forgive him for anything. ‘Every time I see them I remember that day and that acidic taste in my mouth.’
‘Okay, Gale, I can never properly argue with you. I was taught to eat them since before I could remember, that must be the reason why I enjoy eating them. I can think of making you a better memory to associate with sour cherries. Teaching you properly to eat them, so to speak.’ She gave him a mischievous smirk. ‘But only after dinner.’
‘Your wish is my command, my lady.’ He put the fire off and started to dish out the food.
* * *
It was not long after dinner when Tav was sitting on a balcony, a bowl of thoroughly washed cherries on the table by her side. She had already changed into the silken summer dress she wore at home, which was coloured in pink and orange by the setting sun.
‘What a sight to behold,’ she suddenly heard Gale saying. When she turned to the door, she saw her husband leaning on the door-post. He wore his linen shirt, half-unbuttoned and with his rolled up to his elbows. His skin, even more tanned in summer than usual, was a stark contrast to white linen. She looked wistfully at his forearms, his damp hair fresh from a bath, his smile and his eyes that seemed to devour her.
‘I remember you wished to show me something about the sour cherries,’ he chuckled, ‘I promise I’ll be an obedient student.’ Gale walked towards Tav and sat beside her. She resisted the urge to kiss him immediately. Instead she took a cherry and held it between her thumb and middle finger.
‘At first you need to watch carefully,’ she said and slowly brought the cherry to her lips. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Gale swallowing hard but never looking away. She bit through the skin of the cherry and felt the sour juice run into her mouth and down her chin. Her husband’s breath quickened. She threw the kernel into the bowl and said:
‘Now you can taste the juice on my lips.’ He didn’t need to be told twice. He licked the juice from her lips and kissed them. But the kiss was short, for he was too excited about what would come next. Tav smiled and ran her clean hand through his hair.
‘Good boy. Now, to the next part of our lesson.’ She took another cherry and popped it above the neckline of her dress. The juice ran down her hand, but a few drops reached the destination and made their way under the fabric. When she looked at Gale, his pupils were dilated. He swallowed again. ‘Now you can taste the berry with my fingers,’ Tav whispered, for Gale was very close to her now. He took her fingers into his mouth obediently, and, while wincing at the sour taste, he still shut his eyes and moaned with pleasure. Soon she withdrew her hand. ‘You did so well. Now as a bonus you can catch those droplets that escaped under my dress.’ Gale licked a stripe between her breasts.
‘As much as I enjoy the lesson,’ he looked into her eyes with burning desire visible in them, ‘I think I’ll never enjoy raw sour cherries. However,’ he gave her a mischievous grin, ‘I am all too curious to find out where those droplets might end up. And for this thorough analysis I would require a special environment,’ he stood up and extended his hand towards her, ‘so I suggest we go to the bedroom, my lady.’
‘I’m thrilled at the prospect of bearing witness to such meticulous research.’ She took his hand and stood up. ‘Shall we?’
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elysiaheaven · 7 days
𝗘𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲-𝟮𝟰-(The Fox's Wedding)
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TW:Mentions of (cooking borisin) If you think it's actually bad from me. Just a thing Jiaoqiu actually cooks a borisin in his trailer and feeds it to baliu and sushang.
Jiaoqiu held you in his arms, the weight of everything you had shared pulling him into silence for a moment. His hand brushed a tear from your cheek, and despite the horror of your past, he gazed at you with a rare softness in his eyes.
"Y/n," he whispered, his voice steady even though you could hear the pain behind it. "I have a plan... something that might work. It's risky, and it could mean my death, but if it works, we can stop Hoolay, and maybe... maybe cure Feixiao." His voice faltered for a moment, but he tightened his grip on you. "I'll do my best to survive... but if I don't... I need to know."
He hesitated, searching your eyes as if they held all the answers to his unspoken fears. "Do you love me?"
Your heart clenched, the question sending a flood of emotion crashing over you. All of the pain, the darkness, the guilt—it didn't matter now. You nodded, leaning in to press your lips against his, the kiss soft but filled with all the emotion you had been holding back.
"I love you," you whispered, your voice shaky but honest. "I've loved you for so long. If things were different, if we weren't trapped in this nightmare, I would've married you... lived with you... so normally."
Jiaoqiu's eyes flickered with a mix of relief and something deeper—love, hope, maybe even fear. "If we survive this," he said softly, his voice trembling just slightly, "will you marry me?"
Before you could answer, Mok Tok's loud, grating voice shattered the moment. The creature's enormous hands grabbed hold of the cage, yanking it harshly across the prison floor. The iron bars screeched as the cage rattled, the sharp sound sending a jolt through both of you.
"If you're dying, Jiaoqiu, I'm dying with you!"
Jiaoqiu's eyes locked onto yours, his expression one of determination and pain, as he mouthed the words back to you, silent but clear.
"Not if I can help it."
Some time had passed- Now you were walking...
Jiaoqiu, in his usual calm and measured tone, began speaking, his voice cutting through the tense silence.
"As I mentioned before, I'm a healer, but my art of healing requires the culinary arts to be truly effective."
You glanced at Jiaoqiu, your mind still reeling from everything that had happened. Despite the dire situation, he spoke as though he was preparing for an ordinary conversation, as though the danger outside the bars was something distant, not imminent. You watched him closely, sensing his subtle strategy in the way he carefully picked his words.
Jiaoqiu continued, "The magic of my cauldron... my hot pot, is its ability to make all kinds of medicines into dishes that patients can easily eat. When simmered and cooked together, even the most bitter herbs become a delightful delicacy."
Mok Tok grunted, unimpressed. "Delicacy... but isn't that just one flavor overpowering the others?"
Jiaoqiu smiled, as though the hulking monster's disdain amused him. "Well, you have a point. But let me ask you this: If there's a fussy child who refuses to eat green peppers, what's the best way to make him eat them?"
Mok Tok's eyes glinted with malice as he tilted his head toward Jiaoqiu, clearly not in the mood for games. "Stuff the kid's mouth with the green peppers and cook him alive in a pot."
You stiffened at Mok Tok's words, the barbaric imagery making your stomach churn. Your fists clenched as you tried to hold your emotions in check, knowing that showing any weakness would only embolden your captors.
Just be messed up y/n, you're good at scaring people...
You always have.
Do it, you coward
But Jiaoqiu only chuckled, seemingly unfazed by the grotesque response. "Hahaha! You have quite the sense of humor." He paused, glancing at Mok Tok's massive, imposing figure. "I've heard that you borisin have lost many of your taste buds during your self-modification process. You can't experience complex flavors anymore, can you? Only the saltiness of blood and flesh can truly awaken your appetite."
Mok Tok growled low in his throat, his patience thinning. "It's a shame I don't have any green peppers right now," he sneered. "Otherwise, I'd happily stuff them into your mouth and cook you alive in a pot."
Your heart pounded faster, the tension in the air thick enough to choke on, but Jiaoqiu pressed on, undeterred.
"I'm just kidding," he said lightly, though there was an edge of steel in his voice. "The answer is simple: You chop the peppers and mix them with minced meat to make meatballs. This way, the flavor of the meat overpowers the taste of the peppers, and even a fussy child can enjoy them."
You bit your lip, barely suppressing a sigh. Jiaoqiu's calm demeanor was remarkable, but it also worried you. How long could this charade last before Mok Tok or Hoolay snapped?
Mok Tok's lip curled in annoyance, and his hand flexed dangerously near his weapon. "Can I just boil your tongue in this hot pot already? I know what you're doing. You think you're buying time until someone comes to rescue you."
His breath hot and rancid as he stared down at you and Jiaoqiu.
"You said that Jingliu recently returned to the Luofu, right?" Mok Tok sneered. "Well, she did come back... but unfortunately for you, she committed serious crimes and was escorted to another Xianzhou ship."
Your breath hitched. Jingliu, the one person who might've understood the truth, was no longer within reach. In fact, the news...about her was heartbreaking...
Mok Tok smirked at your reaction, his eyes gleaming with cruelty. "Do you really think you can delay our departure by provoking Lord Hoolay's desire for revenge with your clever little tongue? We're leaving soon, and no one's coming for you."
You felt a cold shiver run down your spine. The situation was dire, and yet, you couldn't give up. You shifted closer to Jiaoqiu, your voice trembling slightly as you whispered, "Jiaoqiu... what now?"
He glanced at you, his gaze steady despite the danger looming over both of you. "I still have a plan," he murmured softly, his voice low enough that only you could hear. "Just trust me."
The tension continued to simmer between you, Jiaoqiu, and Mok Tok, an idea slithered into your mind—one that sent a wicked chill down your spine. Your lips curled into a twisted smile as you glanced at Mok Tok, who still hovered menacingly outside the cage.
"Do you know," you began in a slow, almost eerie tone, "how to cook a Borisin monster?"
Mok Tok turned his eyes toward you, a mixture of confusion and disgust flashing across his brutish face. He wasn't sure whether to be insulted or intrigued, but he was certainly caught off guard by the sudden shift in your demeanor.
Jiaoqiu, who had been playing the role of the calm negotiator, tensed slightly beside you. He glanced your way, his eyes flickering with concern, but he stayed silent, trusting that you had a plan—or, at the very least, a distraction.
You leaned forward, pressing your face against the bars, your voice dropping to a whisper that dripped with a sinister amusement. "First, you make sure they're still alive. You don't want the flesh to lose its, shall we say, *freshness*."
Mok Tok's eyes narrowed, a growl rumbling deep in his chest. "What are you on about, girl?"
Ignoring his snarl, you continued with a macabre smile. "Next, you skin them—slowly. They need to feel every inch of their fur being peeled away, to make sure their nerves stay active. The screams... the scent of fear... it seasons the meat just right."
Mok Tok stiffened, a disgusted scowl darkening his features. But you weren't done yet. Your voice dropped even lower, more sinister. "Then, you carve out the muscles—each slice precise, but careful not to cut too deep. You don't want to ruin the organs. Oh, and the heart? That's the best part. You let it beat a little longer before you cook it over a low flame... tender and full of life until the very last second."
A twisted giggle escaped your lips as you leaned back slightly, letting the horror of your words sink into the dimly lit air. "I wonder how you'd taste, Mok Tok," you mused, licking your lips theatrically. "Do you think you'd be tough or tender? Would your flesh fall apart, or would it cling to the bone? Leave him alone, you moron."
Mok Tok recoiled, his face twisted in rage and revulsion. "You're a monster," he growled, his fists clenching tight. "What the hell are you?"
The air seemed to thicken with your twisted amusement as you tilted your head, flashing him a smile that was anything but comforting. "One more word from you," you hissed, your voice sharp as glass, "and I'll snap your neck before you can even scream."
Mok Tok's face contorted in a mixture of anger and fear. His hand hovered near his weapon, but he didn't dare make a move. Your gaze was locked onto his, the eerie smile never faltering as you relished in the control you now held over him.
The silence stretched, heavy and thick, until finally, Mok Tok turned away with a snarl, retreating a few steps as if your words had physically pushed him back. His hulking frame trembled with barely contained rage, but he didn't speak.
Jiaoqiu exhaled softly beside you, the tension in the air finally easing as Mok Tok took a step further from the cage. He looked at you, a mixture of awe and apprehension in his eyes.
"That was... something," he murmured under his breath.
You leaned back against the cold bars, your twisted smile fading slightly as the weight of reality settled back in. The darkness that had surfaced inside you retreated, but not entirely. "We're not playing games anymore," you whispered to Jiaoqiu, your voice steady. "If we want to help Feixiao, we need to be as dangerous as they are. But" you clutched your head.... You wanted to cry....acting like this is....
Mok Tok stood before you and Jiaoqiu, his eyes dark and menacing as he spoke, his voice dripping with scorn. "You see, borisin, you may view us as savages who know nothing of the Xianzhou, but we are far more aware than you think. We know about your tracking tricks—like the jade abacus you carry and the cycranes circling in the sky."
Jiaoqiu's eyes narrowed as he considered Mok Tok's words, his hand gripping the bars of the cage tightly. He remained silent, waiting for the right moment to counter.
Mok Tok continued, his gaze shifting between you and Jiaoqiu. "The more hope you hold in your heart, the greater your pain will be when death comes. I wonder if you can maintain your composure when I tear your throat open."
A shadow fell over the room as a new voice cut through the oppressive tension. "His composure is only a temporary effect of the medicine, and it will wear off soon, right?"
The voice belonged to none other than Hoolay. His imposing figure loomed over the scene as he stepped into view, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity.
Mok Tok turned to Hoolay with a mixture of fear and respect. "Lord Hoolay."
Hoolay's gaze swept across the room, a cold smile playing on his lips. "You pathetic foxians. For thousands of years, we were the ones who allowed you to live and granted you civilization. But in the end, you chose to betray us for the 'freedom' promised by the Xianzhou people."
He took a few menacing steps closer, his voice dripping with contempt. "But it's alright. As long as you catch the scent of your masters—borisins—you obediently return to us... no matter how far you run."
You watched Hoolay with a mixture of dread and defiance. Unable to hold back any longer, you took a deep breath and spoke, your voice trembling but resolute. "Run away, you say? Well, I'm not the one who's trying to run away right now."
Hoolay's eyes narrowed as he turned his attention to you, his smile widening in cruel amusement. "Ah, the little goddess speaks. How charming."
Jiaoqiu seized the opportunity to sow discord. He looked directly at Hoolay, his tone laced with bitter truth. "Hoolay, have you ever wondered why it took them seven centuries to come to your rescue?"
Mok Tok flinched at Jiaoqiu's words, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. He glanced nervously at Hoolay, who had grown silent, his expression unreadable.
Jiaoqiu pressed on, his voice cutting through the heavy silence. "The borisin's era has long passed. Did they ever tell you these harsh facts before giving you hope of returning home, Lord Hoolay?"
Hoolay's expression darkened, his eyes blazing with anger. "Do not attempt to sway me with your empty words, Jiaoqiu. The truth of the past is irrelevant. What matters now is the vengeance I will exact upon those who dared defy us."
You could see the tension in Hoolay's stance, the flicker of doubt in his eyes as Jiaoqiu's words began to sink in. Despite your dire situation, a spark of hope flickered within you—a hope that perhaps, just perhaps, the seeds of discord Jiaoqiu was planting could turn the tide in your favor.
Mok Tok shifted uneasily, his eyes darting between Hoolay and Jiaoqiu, the weight of the conversation pressing heavily upon him. The room seemed to hold its breath, the outcome of this tense standoff hanging precariously in the balance.
Hoolay's rage surged once more...
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could i have the bros reacting to a hispanic mc?
nightbringer has given the brothers so much more equal screen time and im obsessed w em
so basically, the nb!demon brothers dont really expect for you to cook that well since the only human food theyve ate recently is from solomon and um well... yk..
beel/belphie maybe have eaten in the human world when they were angels but honestly its been a century... theyve probably alr forgotten and they probably ate at burger king or smth😭😭
so then hispanic!mc comes around and one night, when diavolo asks them to come for dinner he tells them that mc will cook,, at first they were EXTREMELY worried and tried to get out of it because what if mc was as bad as solomon? what if they were worse?
they see the traditional food and at first theyre like "what is this" since theyve never seen it before but for respect cuz theyre infront of the cook and diavolo they eat it and then theyre like "wait actually this is so good??!!??" and just shocked
- 🍭 anon (if its taken then 🦑 anon)
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Yes of course. The length is fine haha the more detail it has the easier it's for me to write it. I also started nightbringer while I'm not even close to finishing the original game, I'm on lesson 19 of the original game and on lesson 6 from nightbringer haha. I am not hispanic though so I hope I did this right and if not please feel free to correct me in the comments.
Requests: open <3
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When Diavolo had announced that mc would be cooking for them tonight the brothers weren't sure what to expect. The only human food they had tried recently was from Solomon and that almost killed them.
What if mc was worse than Solomon, what if all human world food is like that. Everyone had tried multiple excuses to get out of eating mc's cooking but Diavolo expected everyone to be there so Lucifer made sure that all of his brothers and him would show up.
So when they came in for dinner they looked at the table of dishes confused. What was this? It at least didn't look like something that Solomon had made so that was progress. But it also wasn't anything that they were able to recognize. But once they sat down and hesitantly tried it, afraid it would be like Solomons cooking. They were shocked that it was actually good, it tasted great actually.
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。lucifer 。
‣ Checked up on you every once in a while in the kitchen to make sure you didn't burn it down and to make sure it wouldn't be as bad as Solomons food.
‣ To his surprise you actually knew your way around the kitchen without turning it into a big mess.
‣ But still her food you are making isn't anything that he recognizes so he is still slightly hesitant to try it.
‣ But when he does try it it's actually quite good.
‣ Asks you where you learnt to cook and is willing to listen to you explain that you learned it at home in the human world.
。mammon 。
‣ Probably already sort of knew that you could cook but just expected it be some basic standard dishes that anyone could cook.
‣ So is surprised when you cook traditional dishes to your culture.
‣ Is probably one of the first to try it having trust in you that you can't create worse food than Solomon can.
‣ When you ask him if he likes it he will pretend he won't because he won't admit that your cooking is actually pretty great.
‣ You know he likes it though because he goes back for seconds.
。leviathan 。
‣ Probably already has seen an anime including the food that you have cooked but is still hesitant due to the experiences with Solomons cooking.
‣ Tries it and absolutely loves it, will ask you to watch the anime he saw this food in with him.
‣ Will now ask whenever you are watching anime together and you point a dish that you know how to make if you will make it for him to try out.
‣ Will ask you to bring him food whenever he is binging a new anime or trying to play out a gam as fats as possible.
。satan 。
‣ Is kind of in shock when he first tries it, is one of the few people that had refused to touch Solomons food but he had seen what that had looked like and yours already looked better than his.
‣ Will ask you what everything is and what the ingredients are, he will listen to you explain everything patiently. Might even try to look up some human world recipes for the food that you have made.
‣ Asks you for recommendations on food from the human world and asks if u could maybe show him how you make it.
‣ Is very interested to hear that different cultures have different signature dishes.
‣ Will order new books about human world culture and food.
。asmodeus 。
‣ First thing that he notices is probably that you don't look that good after standing in the kitchen for so long and will probably tell you so too.
‣ Thinks the food looks passable, he prefers it when the food is completely plated and made to look good.
‣ Still tries it and is pleasantly surprised that it tastes good. Now that he knows this he takes out his phone and snaps a picture of the food for his devil gram and tags you in it.
‣ Will ask you to make desserts for him to try out and plate it nicely so he can post those on his devil gram too.
。beelzebub 。
‣ As soon as he saw this didn't look like Solomons food he was already willing to try it.
‣ Is shocked at how good at tastes as he remembers the last time he at Solomons cooking he was sick for the rest of the week.
‣ Will ask you to cook for them more often.
‣ Tried every possible dish that you had made: paella, empanadas, rice pudding etc.
‣ Whenever you are cooking in the kitchen he now comes by for a taste test of what you are making.
。belphegor 。
‣ Beel probably had to drag him downstairs for dinner, even with Lucifers threats he didn't feel like risking it trying your food. It might be as bad as Solomons or even worse.
‣ Tries to pretend to sleep to escape having to eat your food.
‣ As soon as he hears Beel talk about how good it is he slightly opens his eyes. It looked better than that from Solomon, so maybe it wasn't that bad.
‣ Hesitantly tries it and is surprised that you can actually cook, maybe it wouldn't be that bad to let you cook more often. Will now try to make you take his kitchen duty when it his turn so he can sleep while you cook.
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bots-and-cons · 19 days
Heya, I just want to offer some advice on your vent post, bcs I struggle with similar problems regarding selfcare. Having sensory issues + depression and anxiety sucks, and here are some things that help me wrangle my own autistic brain into caring for myself;
Making food fucking sucks, but there are a bunch of stuff that can be eaten in a cup. I know ramen and soups in a cup can be a hit or miss depending on texture, but I found that they are one of the easiest ways to get something warm and not sweet into my body.
On that note oatmeal or muesli or cereal is an option. With oatmeal being a good neutral tasting but filling thing, that you can dump some sugar or salt or whatever in to achieve the taste. When I needed something sweet but filling, I would add sugar and cinnamon. Or some syrup if I wanted some fruity flavor.
Higiene is annoying to do, I can't express that enough. But wet wipes are a saviour in that regard. I use neutral non scented ones, and they help keep the private areas clean when showering is too taxing, and can also be used for a wipe down and a way to freshen up the armpits (I have a fear of stinking, so that helps me a bunch).
I buy them along with toilet paper. People don't care what we buy, and toiletries are on everyones shopping list, but buying stuff together helps me get my anxiety to shut up.
My oral hygene and sweet tooth are mortal enemies. I've got holes and crowns to prove it, so I started working on making brushing easier on my brain. I rinse my mouth with water a few times, and if brushing feels too hard, I put some toothpaste in my mouth and spread it around with my tongue.
It either gets me to grab the toothbrush or I atleast have a slightly fresher taste in my mouth. Surprisingly, I can force myself to eat way easier when my mouth doesn't feel gross.
My struggle was with auditory hallucinations before I got meds that worked, so yea, headphones are life saving when everything is. Extra loud.
The only thing helping me not to bust my hearing when things are REALLY bad, is that warning that shows up on the screen when I try to turn the noise up over the safe limit. It makes me pause, and instead change to some other music that holds my attention better.
I hope some of these help you. I wish I had more to offer, but I myself am also struggling with the piles of laundry and dishes so... Good luck to us both I guess. Putting music on and trying to go autopilot sometimes works for me.
I have no idea what a friendship of 18 years looks like, but your bff kind of reminds me of a friend I had in my hometown. It took me moving away and getting some perspective to realize she was friends with me for the benefits of homework and stuff, and p much nothing else. Or to make a joke at my expense and not get called out for it.
I don't know what you and your bff are like, but from my point of view, she doesn't sound like a best friend. Especially not one that is for Forever, because friends do not make us feel like shit.
It took me some years to learn that, and a good friend I met in the dorms, that helped me realize what kind of person I consider a good friend. Qualities I mean, and she has remained a prime example of a best friend for 8 years now.
This is getting way longer than I intended, but I hope its of some help.
Have a good day/night, and a cookie to help you battle with the stresses you're under 🍪
This is a great advice post tbh, and I'm going to be trying some of these I don't already do. I do have a couple of soups I make very well, even if it's a bit of pain, but then I'll have food for a couple of days. I sometimes eat oatmeal multiple times a week for many days straight, and then I forget about it for like two months, and then I do it again. I like to put some frozen berries into my oatmeal, but it can also be a bit of a hit or miss since the texture sometimes sucks.
Hygiene is indeed a pain in the ass. I learned about the thing with the wet wipes a while back, and I try to remember to use them when I don't want to shower. I have a big problem with actually remembering to do things, so I have to constantly remind myself. I've never been good with brushing my teeth, ever since I started doing it on my own when I was a kid. Since no one was making me do it, I didn't really bother to do it much. Also, it's sensory hell for me and if I try to brush my tongue it's make me gag. So that's fun.
I'm kinda the opposite with the volume thing, since I often feel like even one bar of volume is way too much, so I'm not at danger of hurting my ears, luckily.
I'm probably going to like week's worth of dishes today, and it fucking sucks. I know I shouldn't let them pile up, but I just can't wash them as they get dirty, because that would be every day and I only have so much energy. I know it's disgusting to let them sit for that long but I just can't manage sometimes. Kinda same with the laundry. Everything is piling up, but I'm gonna try to get them done again so I can focus on school stuff.
The friend thing is complicated. After I made that post, she answered my messages the next day, and we talked on the phone. As usual, I didn't really air out any of my concerns and how I felt, because I didn't want to upset her. I just keep swallowing my own feelings in favor of not upsetting someone else and it sucks sometimes. You're probably right about the whole thing tbh, my BFF and I are just both pretty codependent, and it's hard to let go, especially because I have no other friends "IRL" currently.
I hope you can get through whatever stress you're battling against, too. I really appreciate the advice, because it's something I can actually use and not just the "think positive" or "try not being so sensitive" crap.
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torveiglyart · 1 month
The more I think about my hobbies and achievements (or lack thereof), the weirder I realize my life is. I had never really thought about some of these things until as of recent, specifically when someone introduced to another as "cool". Like what.
First things first that I've talked about on here is I'm an oboe player. Which is already a kind of "different" instrument to play. And, actually, I've been third chair in the All-District wind ensemble for grades 11-12. So there's that.
Another thing I tend to tell people /if prompted/ is I'm a nationally recognized Scottish Highland dancer. I placed third in the southeast regionals and qualified to perform in Las Vegas along with everyone else who qualified across the country. This one is kinda like my "fun fact" during ice breakers 'cause it's something I know won't be repeated.
I'm a digital artist, as you all know, but I also do traditional art often. A few of my paintings in my portfolio helped me score a spot in NCSU's ID program. Maybe one day I'll scan them and post here.
I'm a singer. This one goes multiple ways as in: HS choir, church choir, musical theatre, and bands. I just like singing and got blessed with a nice voice... I think.
I can bake and decorate very well. As in won a cookie decorating contest at the NC State Fair well. That was a good year for me :). But it's also the perfect ganache every time kind of good. I guess the same can be said about cooking given no meal I've made has gone wrong or tasted bad. I seriously hope it stays that way.
This next one only partially counts because while I'm not /fluent/ by any means, I can somewhat comfortably hold a conversation in a few languages. French, Spanish, Japanese, and, strangely enough, Swahili, are languages I've worked on since uhhhh... I don't know at this point. And I've since added Scottish Gaelic to that list to work on. Languages just fascinate me and I plan to travel A LOT when I get the money to do so.
I do archery in my free time. Often enough I have my own bow and arrows. It’s fun. And last time I went to an actual range I never missed a target which I’m totally bragging here but it’s also just a fun activity to get anger out, you know?
Back to the musical theatre thing, I actually was called back for an audition to enroll at UNCSA, but did not make it. And back in freshman year, I did this whole Society Performers multi-class thing, but cut it short to work on my studies. So while I probably could have gone into theatrics, I don't think that would have been the best choice for me.
An going further back to the instruments, I can also play piano, ukulele, and clarinet, but lessons are those were far fewer than oboe.
Time for the weirder stuff.
I definitely have ADHD, and so does my dad, but we're both undiagnosed so let's just not go there.
I can't whistle or roll my tongue. People always seem really surprised by this one but it's not like I'm in a tiny percentage with that one.
I'm nearsighted in one eye and far sighted in the other, and I also only require one contact lense/prescription. Actually let's call this the whacky section.
I'm allergic to celery. Yes, celery. And only that. Not pollen, not pets, not dust, not even ragweed, but celery. And only when it's raw. Cooked in a dish? Fine. Raw in a salad? Cotton-mouthed and itchy. Not terribly sad about it though.
I can't ride a bike. Like, I know how to in theory, but I just never had a bike growing up. My older sister's always had a flat tire, and by the time my younger brother got one, I was too big to ride it. So I scooter instead :).
I have perfect pitch, as in I hear a pitch, and can tell you the note it is, and can tell you what key a song is originally in and sing it. I would get in trouble a lot as a kid for "picking a fight" with my siblings by telling them, "it actually goes like this," and then changing the key they were singing in. While many find this cool or helpful, unless you're a music student or something, it's actually annoying. The car radio is always a few microtones sharp and there's nothing I can do to make it in tune. My choir teacher would also have me sing the starting pitch for songs, no tuner, which was nerve-wracking.
WOW this was just me ranting (bragging) lol, sorry about that, but hey! Now you know more about me!
If you have any questions or comments, don't be afraid to ask! Or, y'know, do the whole asks thing. I think I changed the icon for that but I'm not sure.
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engelakiko · 8 months
(The text in English was written with the help of a translator, so I apologize for the errors, I tried to minimize them, but I still apologize. I was inspired by one of the recent answers to questions from @minevn (Kei belongs to them)) THE FANFIC MENTIONS TOPICS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL VIOLENCE, SUICIDAL TOPICS (?), SELF-VIOLENCE "Honey, I'm going to cook dinner, is there anything you'd like-" Before Kei could finish speaking, he managed to notice how a chair flew towards in him, only to fight off the door protecting Kei. With absolute despair, pain and painfully red eyes from daily hysterics, the girl, not sparing her throat, continued to repeat endless screams "EITHER LET ME GO OR GET AWAY YOU BASTARD!!! PIECE OF SHIT!!! SUB-HUMAN TRASH!!! DIE FUCKING PSYCHO!!!…." With an unreadable face, he just sighed "…You should rest. Screaming like that is bad for your ligaments." Before receiving another round of endless insults from the angry girl, the guy locked the door to go to the kitchen. Normally he wouldn't pick her up in her room, but in her condition it was dangerous for both him and her to let her wander around the house in an uncontrollably upset state. At least a week had passed since Akiko began living with Kei, despite the guy’s hopes and all sorts of attempts to calm her down and force the girl to accept a new life, her condition was not getting better. Everyday attempts to kill, harm himself and him, attempts to escape did not stop. Her face was covered with sweat, tears and sebum, her eyes were swollen and painfully red, her hands, despite Kei's close supervision and care, were covered with bruises, scratches and cuts, especially in the veins. Silence and peace came only at that moment when she could not stand it and fell unconscious with only one prayer - not to wake up. There wasn't a day when she didn't want freedom, no matter how she received it, all of Kei care and love was a empty, incessant noise, the room carefully arranged to suit Akiko tastes and needs was no better than prison (perhaps even worse), the illusion of freedom and normality life was torn by daily attempts to kill Kei or escape, but what was the point? Going out into the street, my thoughts were confused and floating: “Where to go?”, “Where am I?”, “Will they believe me?”, “Are they looking for me?”. Despite the girl’s hysteria, years of studying human psychology are bearing fruit; now even the friendship with Haruto, Jun and Aki that has lasted throughout life was now in great doubt. Are they looking for her, do they remember her, did they even notice she was missing? A brief daily viewing of the news fueled her anxiety, not a single news about the girl’s disappearance. They…didn't look for her? Doesn't anyone care about her fate? No one at all? Even Yani?! A new wave of tears filled my eyes, my legs gave way and collapsed to the floor out of helplessness or despair. Maybe he's right? Could he really be the only person who thought about her all the time? Despite the pogrom, attempted murders, hysterics, screams, insults, he still took care of her, tried carefully, treated all her wounds, was kind, affectionate and amazingly patient. M-maybe it would be better to just accept his love and try to start a new life? In the end, she now had everything: a loving “partner”, a spacious home, no work with nasty colleagues, delicious food and everything that a person tired of everything could dream of. With eyes empty from fatigue, legs unsteady, Akiko walked up to the door and, staring at one invisible point, knocked, with heavy sobs, said… "K-Kei?" "Yes, love?" "Can I…Kutia?…please?"
*Kutia(Кутья) is a Slavic dish that is prepared for funerals
*At one point I tried to reference the Japanese criminal Kabu Terayuchi.
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taliskermortem · 1 year
okay on to episode 9
again under the cut so as not to bore you all
the cuddling. its back. i’m still not over it.
minseong not impressed he’s been abandoned
oh my god. he made a list. i’m in love with him.
hyeongjoon’s driving terrifies me and minseong willingly got back in the car with him behind the wheel that’s some serious bravery
ah my hyeongjoon he’s so shy and awkward
why are they the only ones doing a proper activity
also they did not wear warm enough coats for this… oh never mind they did bring better coats thank god
why is hyeongjoon like this, he’s such a mess and its adorable… at least its an excuse to hold hands i guess
(side not again… okay i never used to understand why so many koreans hate cucumber because where im from its really not that strong of a taste but that was before i had a korean cumcumber and now i undersand completely i don’t know whats wrong with them )
i’ve just ealised this is minseong’s first proper date bless him (no that one with junseong did not count that was just friends hanging out)
also how does hyeongjoon make those slits in his eyebrow disappear so thoroughly
ah communication. we love it.
they’re so cute together
aah jeongwook i wish you weren’t so hung up on yoonghee
glad he’s enjoying himself though and he seems more relaxed with hyeongjin than i expected
oh my god imagine if hyeongjin didn’t like dogs this would have been a disaster
i too would focus on the dog and not the date can’t really blame you for that one
no no if he’s going to serenade i’m out of here i can’t deal with that i’m sorry even if you have the best voice in the world i cant hack it
okay i’m sure he has a lovely voice but i think i died of embarrassment hyeongjin you truly are stronger man than me
okay it’s nice that jeongwook is opening up and showing more of himself but this is not really feeling like a date at all and if i were hyeongjin i would feel so incredible awkward right now
ah jeongwook don’t cry noooo this poor guy, he seems to really be struggling i hope he’s okay
not the dates coming home in order of how successful they were (from least to most in my personal opinion)
minseong following hyeongjoon to his room even though they’ve spent all day together already
yoonghee and junseong’s friendship is important to me okay
seonwoo literally could not answer a question directly even if his life depended on it
oh wow he’s really just going to sit there and stare at junseong and seongho in the kitchen what the hell dude
wow this isn’t awkward at all what are you trying to achieve here other than making everyone uncomfortable
let’s be honest the real final couple from this show is hyeongjoon and food
they talked for SEVEN HOURS HAHAHA I’M FINE (also still sitting together at the table it’s the little things okay)
AH I'M WEAK – hyeongjin wanting to talk to junseong and junseong taking seongho with him with that soft arm on his shoulders yes hi ive died had to rewind like five times to catch what they were saying because i was too distracted watching them… oh my god seongho’s ‘im going with you’ look im totally fine
seongho abandoning them to all the dishes he created just to hang out with junseong some more
okay im glad they had the same reaction as me to taking him to his house
“a very personal song” it was a christmas song bro
sensible seongho – go talk to jeongwook not them
poor jeongwook i feel like he’s been totally confused this whole day and to be honest i cant blame him there was a much simpler and susinct way for hyeongjin to get his point across without sounding kind of like an asshole and hurting people’s feelings
hyeongjin, my dude, stop. he get’s it, you misunderstood. let’s just let it rest and say you had a good time but you don’t have feelings
i understand hyeongjin not wanting there to be a misunderstanding but also jeongwook is right why he’s saying it like this is weird and hurtful
right i knew this conversation was going to go down the toilet but i didn’t think it would be this bad
unnecessary drama is all im saying
ha seonwoo no message from seongho or yoonghee this is what happens when you act the nice guy and have no follow through
seonwoo to seongho – awkward phone call and the first thing he brings up is seongho’s date with junseong this guy is a joke he literally said the other day they should just focus on each other not on junseong but he cannot let it go
two messages for junseong i’m living for this he deserves it
his face when he heard yoonghee that was priceless oh my god he’s so sweet and yeah i just love their friendship
love the silent pause before the second message like junseong and literally everyone else is holding their breath in anticipation
also i’m pretty sure junseong has his eyes closed like he can’t quite believe it
look i don’t really want to talk about this i’ve been mad about it all day and will be for the next week
but also
from the voice mails we now know:
junseong – seongho
seongho – junseong
yoonghee – junseong
seonwoo – seongho
hyeongjin – seonwoo
minseong – hyeongjin
so the only one we don’t know is jeongwook, which means he definitely doesn’t have any messages and unless he sent a message to hyeongjoon (which is definitely possible) hyeongjoon also won’t have any messages
i kind of wish minseong had told hyeongjoon beforehand that he hadn’t sent him a message just so hyeongjoon isn’t expecting it and it’s not going to ruin his evening after the date they had
ugh it’s still such a mess i’m just going to try and forget about everything that isn’t junseong and seongho being soft
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heliosoll · 2 years
hiii hope all is well!
i wanted to know about ur mermaid dr cause i dont think youve talked about it before??
how long did you spend in that dr in total?
do mermaids speak in a different language?
were there any mermaid specific foods you ate
if so what were they and how did they taste?
did you have any powers as a mermaid?
did this dr follow any kind of "plot" for lack of a better word?
what did having a tail feel like?
was their any cool history about mermaids that you learned during ur stay?
-🌧 anon
Oh fun!! No I don't think I've ever talked about my mermaid DR here!
A few notes just for reference; this DR was heavily inspired by Barbie Mermaidia and the actual environment plus what we looked like was basically a direct ripoff from that. Humans exist there and they've always known about merpeople - we're pretty well integrated actually. Pollution doesn't exist and the oceans are pretty clean! Merpeople breathe oxygen (we actually have gills!) so we can be out of water but not for too long or we do risk "drying out" (aka dying). Houses were usually completely underwater but there were a lot of homes with an upstairs out of water that you could swim up to.
Hm... iirc, I think I spent about four-ish years? I remember when I first shifted there I was 15 and when I left I was 19! So... I'm not sure about the specific time spent, but it was around four years.
So in my DR, merpeople spoke whatever human language they were around and specific merpeople languages! We had a "general" language that basically everyone spoke and then a lot of regional differences, some more intense than others. Also I'm sorry for being boring but the general language was literally just called Shui. I don't know why my mind did me like that 😐
Cuisine differed from area to area but most merpeople ate fish and plants! It was actually pretty similar to what humans do just in the ocean. Bigger mammals were usually a no-go just for safety but I did try shark once. I didn't love it to be honest hahah Also! We couldn't get sick from mercury! Tuna was really common and a lot of seafood contains mercury so I scripted that it wasn't an issue.
In terms of specific recipes, there was one dish that was basically like pasta but with wakame instead and had pieces of whatever fish was available. It was really good! Not everyone is a fan of the texture though. We also had a version of khanom chan that was made with seaweed! It was often flavored with underwater fruits and tropical fruits :)
I didn't have any powers! Unless you count being able to breathe underwater and swim super fast?
No, there wasn't a big plot! I really just wanted to enjoy being a mermaid hahah I went to school and I got a job watching pets at some point (yes we had pets it was the coolest thing ever - the most common pets were crabs and penguins for some reason).
Having a tail felt very natural but definitely different! It feels a lot more... powerful (?) than human legs! I also remember having a revelation of feeling like a bird because you could flap your tail a lot to gain momentum and then stop moving it but still swim forward because of that momentum. It was pretty cool actually
Cool history... there used to be a lot of ancient civilizations that lived on and around islands! When I shifted there, we mostly lived underwater (plus occasionally above water because of the houses but it was still in the middle of the ocean), so learning about the merpeople who lived on islands was really neat to me. They basically built houses around the island and then made manmade rivers that through the islands to use the resources on them. Apparently, they also built something that was similar to a wheelchair to move better but no one's been able to find solid proof of that so we don't know... (personally, I think they did!)
Anyway, this was really fun! Thank you for the question!! This DR was so much fun and really healing for my inner child hahah I definitely recommend having a mermaid DR it's so cool to be able to just swim and breathe underwater
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