#but also so heartbreaking since they were a parent they had children but theyre all gone now
gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Secret Desire: Big Finish audios where the Doctor becomes an impromptu babysitter for some godforsaken reason.
Like we've seen 11, 12, etc with babies. And those are some of my favorite scenes!
I want the other Doctors shoved into that situation too. Depending on the Doctor, it could be wholesome? Chaotic? Both? But most importantly, it would make my heart happy.
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izzyfandoms · 5 years
Okay so I had an au idea this morning and since I have too many ideas I decided not to write it and instead I'm just gonna make a (hopefully not too long) post about it. It features Moxiety and Intruloceit.
-Okay so it starts with a typical zombie apocalypse, though I'm gonna make it so you only turn when infected, so not everyone who dies turns into one because those ones can never really have happy endings
-Our main characters are Virgil Nicholas and Patton Foster, a couple who both work at a child care centre thing (idk what theyre called) that take care of kids up to twelve years old while they're parents are at work
-When the zombie outbreak hits their area (it hit other parts of the country first, and spread quickly), most of the kids were picked up by their parents, and most of the adults left to figure out what was going on, to drop children home, or they just ran away, leaving Virgil, Patton and about a dozen children - including ten-year-old Roman Prince (the eldest of the remaining children), eight-year-old Thomas Sanders, five-year-old Remy Starlight (the youngest) and six-year-old Toby Month.
-They spend the first few days hiding in the centre, having locked and boarded all doors and windows to the outside, eating the food they had left and listening to the radio for updates. The power went out after the first two days and the phones and computers ran out of charge quickly
-Sometimes there's banging and groans from the outside, sometimes even screams, and the group just huddles up together, half the kids are crying and Virgil and Patton have to keep shushing them until the noises are gone
-It's terrifying, and, though Virgil is 99% certain that it's zombies, Patton is adament that it's something small and that everything will be fixed soon.
-However, they run out of food after a few days, so Virgil (despite Patton's protests) goes out to the nearby grocery store to nab some more food for the kids
-There's a terrifying hour of waiting and kids crying that they're hungry and Patton's trying to calm them down and tell them stories
-Virgil returns eventually with a stolen shopping cart filled to the brim with food. He's covered with goop and blood and is shaking.
-He and Patton take the food to the kitchen (leaving Roman in charge temporarily as he's the youngest)
-Virgil reveals that it is in fact a zombie apocalypse and that he didn't see any other survivors in town. He then reveals that he thinks he should go back to the shop and get the rest of the food that he can get so it doesn't get raided first. They get into an argument about it, but in the end they spend the next few days raiding all the nearby shops for food, supplies and weapons (that they keep out of the littlest kids' reach)
-The next month or so passes with minimal incidents
-A rather large horde of zombies passes through at one point, and it's a terrifying day of waiting it out and hoping they don't break the doors down - because they could have, there were enough of them - and they consider themselves lucky to have survived that
-Half the kids catch a stomach bug at one point, and Virgil and Patton are terrified that something'll go wrong, but it ends up okay (they got medicine from a local pharmacy, but don't want to risk using the wrong ones or running out)
-There were also at least three instances of children threatening to run away because they want to find their families, but those are pretty easy to deal with (Patton may not know zombies, but he knows childcare)
-At one point Roman asks to learn how to use a gun just in case cos he's the oldest of the kids and it's heartbreaking but Virgil teaches him
-They spend most of their time cheering the kids up by telling stories, some of them fiction and some of them from the past
-Patton talks about his parents and his younger brother Dorian, who he hasn't seen in years (they drifted apart and Dorian probably didn't get along with their parents)
-The kids also talk about their families (they cry a lot, but it's nice to share and talk about)
-Roman talks about his own older brother Remus, who he didn't see much (he too didnt get along with their parents) but misses very much
-Sad times all around, but they all get super close because of it and Virgil and Patton basically end up like all the little kids' parents
-Anyway back to the main plot
-A bit over a month passes since the zombie apocalypse started, and they've got a pretty decent thing going on
-One day, they're all having story time in the main room, when they suddenly hear footsteps in the hallway
-They all go silent and Patton and Virgil stand protectively in front of the kids with guns
-The door opens and oh plot twist Patton's brother Dorian walks in,,, along with Roman's brother Remus
-Patton and Roman shout their brothers' names in unison and run up to them and there's tears and crying
-Patton's first reaction is 'what the heck' and Roman's first reaction is 'what the fuck' and Remus laughs but Patton scolds him
-Virgil then pretty much repeats the 'what the fuck' (partly cos it makes the kids giggle) and is like 'okay how did you even FIND us'
-Turns out Dorian has been looking for Patton for like Weeks (Remus assumed Roman was with his parents and is lowkey heartbroken to find that Roman's been here the whole time) cos the last time they brothers saw each other was before Patton got the job
-He ended up going back to search their parents house. Their parents weren't there but he found a pic at Patton's apartment. Took him a while to find it but when he did he found a pic of the daycare and went there and there they are.
-Patton and Roman's families have lived in this area their whole lives which is how Dorian and Remus know each other. Also they're dating and have a third boyfriend named Logan Picani. Logan lives with his brother on their parent's farm and is one of those people who've been preparing for the apocalypse for months.
-Dorian reveals Logan's existence before revealing that he and Remus are dating, he basically says 'yeah my other boyfriend lives on a farm its amazing for long term survival against zombies' (but he says it fancier than that)
-Virgil (he's met Dorian before) and Patton's reactions are basically:
Patton: other boyfriend?
Virgil: you're fucking a farmer?
-That almost starts a conversation where tiny Remy asks what fucking is and Remus (who is now holding Roman and will not let go) can not stop laughing
-Patton looks just about ready to choke Virgil and NOT in the kinky way. He doesn't though he's sweet like that
-Anyway Remus and Dorian drove a van here (it's the one Logan's family used to use to transport stuff to sell (it's just him and his brother Emile left though)) so they just about manage to stuff all of them plus as much rations as possible inside
-They make it to the farm and it's got like metal fences and a big gate and yeah Logan's 100% be preparing for the apocalypse for years
-But it wasn't just the whole 'paranoid scientist' (oh yeah he's a scientist) thing, he's actually been hearing of scientists trying to resurrect the dead for a while now and it was going weirdly and he didn't like the sound of that so he was preparing
-The farm has chickens, sheep, horses and bees as well as vegetables and a pond and stuff it used to have a ton of farm hands but like they all left to find their families so it was just Logan, Emile (Logan's brother) and Logan's boyfriends (Dorian and Remus ofc) tending the farm since the apocalypse
-Also Logan's been stockpiling a ton of books with information needed to do all kinds of useful things
-Basically they all make it to the farm and it's all happy and they're safe and they can actually raise the kids properly with a good food and water supply. They set up a makeshift schooling system (Logan has so many books and they go back for the rest of the daycare stuff at some point and they raid so many librarys)
-What I'm saying is that they live happily ever after despite the tragedy that is the zombie apocalypse
-I mean if people don't automatically turn into zombies after death then the zombies will eventually rot away and die and it'll be just humans left and it'll be all good
-And I suppose you could make this angsty and add some bad shit happening but I'm not gonna for once lol
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shira-yuki-hime · 5 years
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot who would you say are your fave Furuba characters and ships (canon) and why? Least fave Furuba characters and canon ships and why?
This is probably a pretty mainstream answer, but its pretty tough to pick. Im kind of torn between Kyo and Tohru, but i guess if i had to choose one it would be Tohru. Tohru just has a special place in my heart, shes not just a typical mary sue. Her kindness towards other people and characters in the show, really shaped me to who i am today i think. Making me learn not to hold grudges and really the key is not holding on to hatred to people who hurt us, but to be kind to them. 10 years later ive realized that i think im a lot like her, not inconveniencing others and just trying to be nice which takes a toll on me sometimes. And throughout the series we learn that we can be selfish sometimes too. I guess i relate to her more now, 12 year old me learned to be kind, but 20 year old me learned that its okay to be selfish once in awhile and stop thinking about others’ needs.
Welp that got longer than i intended, 12 year old me wouldve said kyo as my fave, but now that i look back maybe he was like my childhood crush, something about him is just interesting and cute, but has a nice heart deep down. ANYWAY, obviously you all can guess that my fav ship is tohru and kyo, its just their dynamics and how they truly fill each others gaps. How tohru is just willing to accept kyo, my heart is soft. Another ship would probably be uotani and kureno, i dont know it felt pretty heartbreaking, and they just seem to like each other so much :’)
My least fave character hmm, honestly i cant say since i mean there were a lot of shitty characters but we learn theres so much more depth behind their actions. (Lol this is why im too forgiving irl even to people who hurt me) so basically theyre so human, its hard to say. Maybe if i had to say one it would be Kyo’s father and most of the juunishi’s parents in general. Just because how shitty they were and made their children to he so dysfunctional. I mean they mentally abused their children.I guess thats that haha
Least fave ship i think would be, hmmm honestly i dont think i have one cause i feel like all the couples just complete each other. I GUESS IM JUST MAD THAT MOMIJI DIDNT GET THE LOVE HE DESERVED AND ALSO KAGURA :(
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sakuurae · 6 years
85 questions tag !
Tagged by @wtf-taeyong, and thanks again for the tag ! ^~^
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - Water with lemon !
2. phone call - My mum
3. text message - My boyfriend, haha. Were just online shopping together
4. song you listened to - Gods plan by drake lMAO
5. time you cried - Idk like a few days ago when i watched wolf children again with @taeyxong
6. dated someone twice - Naaah bruhh. I cant repeat mistakes haha.
7. kissed someone and regretted it - Nopee
8. been cheated on- Lmao (sadly yes)
9. lost someone special- I suppose so
10. been depressed- We all feel depressed at times
11. gotten drunk and thrown up- Happens way too often ! 
fave colors
Omg this messed up the number format but ... pastel pink, pastel yellow, and white
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Definitely—on this site as well as in person ! ^~^
16. fallen out of love - Nope ! 
17. laughed until you cried - All the time. I laugh easily at a lot of things so imagine what im like when something is actually hilarious
18. found out someone was talking about you - Yeah ! But its okay, it doesnt matter because people who know you the least always talk the most about you !
19. met someone who changed you - Definitely, @ loving bf
20. found out who your friends are - Alway knew and we stuck together since senior year of hs
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - I dont even have a facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I really dont even have a facebook and i also wouldnt add people i dont know in person
23. do you have any pets - nO but i want to claim my cousins dog. She has a white shiba
24. do you want to change your name - Nope ! Its a present from my parents so id never : )
25. what did you do for your last birthday - My friends and i got a hotel room for the night and partied in there
26. what time did you wake up today - Like 07:00
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Sleeping lol
28. what is something you can’t wait for - Summer plans !
30. what are you listening to right now - Back to you by selena gomez
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - No ? But ill reserve this for the day i meet tom misch lmao jk
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - Nothing really ! Things have been really placid
33. most visited website - Youtube and google drive !
34. hair colour - Light brown to blonde but im going back to pink
35. long or short hair - I have medium lengthed ! Its by my ribs
36. do you have a crush on someone - Yeah who else
37. what do you like about yourself - I like my personality !
38. want any piercings? - I dont want any more : ) i have seven and i regret getting that many and i honestly believe it was just my experimental edgy period ahaha. I dont even wear earrings anymore
39. blood type -  ???
40. nicknames - Every time i see this question i cry. Just make more puns already omg. Rae is a nickname, billy rae cyrus, raenglish major, sun rae, raeddy, furrae ... help.
41. relationship status - Taken !
42. zodiac - Leo
43. pronouns - She/Her
44. fave tv shows - I dont watch tv !
45. tattoos - I have one on my back and its a minimal outline-like drawing of dolphins hopping above waves. (It really isnt extra at all lol it looks like someone with a great steady hand drew it with a .38 pen on paper)
46. right or left handed - Right
47. ever had surgery - Nope
48. piercings - Sadly seven
49. sport -  Im all in for basketball these days, but in my other tags ofc i stated ping pong and badminton, etc.
50. vacation - Heck yeah i just got off one
51. trainers - ???
more general
52. eating - Nothing but im probably going to drive for ice cream
53. drinking - Water like always
54. i’m about to watch - Nothing ?
55. waiting for - My motivation to kick in so i can write soulmate ten more
56. want - To be happy ! ^~^
57. get married - I want to !
58. career - Professor, definitely. I want to make each class meeting more extra than the previous
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - Hugs are nice, but so are kisses
60. lips or eyes - Eyes
61. shorter or taller - I dont really mind to be honest. I care about personality way more before physical qualities. It just matters whether or not youre happy with the person and for me, looks isnt needed ! They fade away over time, but a good heart doesnt : )
62. older or younger - Doesnt matter to me either, but no huge age difference for me, haha
63. nice arms or stomach - Doesnt matter either
64. hookup or relationship - Relationship because my hoe phase is over
65. troublemaker or hesitant - I aint bringing a trouble maker home to my parents
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - It can happens
67. drank hard liquor - It isnt deemed a party to us unless theres hard liquor lol so yes
68. lost glasses - LMAO yeah i got new ones recently. Theyre the trendy circular ones
69. turned someone down - Yeah
70. sex on first date - Nope
71. broken someone’s heart - Yeah but im sure they grew from it the way i grew from heartbreaks—we all do
72. had your heart broken - Oh yeah
73. been arrested - Nope !
74. cried when someone died - Yes
75. fallen for a friend - Yeah ! Feelings cant just be prevented; people cant help how they feel often ! Usually when i crushed on someone i would just tell them and if i get rejected then i move on, and if not then we start something. My bf was a friend i fell for really hard and i told him, and then we ended up together : )
do you believe in…?
76. yourself - Always have to !
77. miracles - No ?
78. love at first sight - No, but attraction is !
79. santa claus - When i was five lmao
80. kiss on a first date - Not for me, but it happens !
81. angels - ? :x
82. best friend’s name - Lucy and i made jokes of her being lucy from fairy tail a lot before. Now all we do is watch miraculous ladybug and cry
83. eye colour - Brown
84. fave movie - I guess iron giant; i dont watch much movies
85. fave actor - Dont have one !
Tagging: @taeyongtime @taeyxong @jungwxoo @jencto @amorenjun @okmica
Only if youd like ! ^~^ Maybe thisll serve as a break from writing, haha
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swampgallows · 7 years
really feel like im gonna struggle to ever integrate into society. i struggle to chill w people my own age because a lot of them have careers n shit (i think... i guess? i dont really know actually lmao cause i dont talk to em) or theyre dating people and i cant really tell people what im up to because theyre condescending about it. “oh youre still into the rave thing huh?” yeah i’m “still into” it, sorry. you got two kids and a husband and youre living w your parents still too, that’s not a life i envy. id rather keep my ‘childish’ interests, thanks.
and i dont drink or do drugs so a lot of Adult Outings make me uncomfortable or are not right for me. and any time i want to find sober anything it becomes religious or recovery related, or it is considered exclusively for children. i have no problem being in the vicinity of alcohol but i dont want to hang w people while they’re using controlling substances because it sucks for everybody involved: they cant enjoy themselves because they feel self-conscious around me being the sober one, and then i feel bad for making them self-conscious but am also uncomfortable with them using substances around me. and of course i mean substances for the purpose of getting fucked up, not as medication. except in the case of weed which is a huge monumentally major trigger for me (whether i mentally prepare myself to be around it or not).
raves are the perfect blend for me. people who wanna get fucked up can, people who dont want to dont have to, and everybody is there to have a good time in their own way. they wear what they want, they dance how they want, and they generally dont infringe on anybody else’s good time with weird stuff like sexual advances or whatever. and if something like that is going down (like when RTC strips down and starts fucking on stage basically) you can always go somewhere else without having to sacrifice listening to the music or enjoying yourself otherwise. there’s generally outdoor areas (or people will let you in/out if it’s not the shadiest) to chill or if you need a breather, people are willing to help you, etc. i dunno raves compared to clubs or bars are vastly VASTLY superior. youd think id be able to stand the latter two since i rave all the time but i just cant (also because there is never any good music at clubs).
plus im not dating anybody and being ace is a shit and a half in terms of All of That, it’s another fuckin hang up on my perceived adulthood that im unpalatable or a freak or something is wrong w me if i’ve “gone this long” being single. sorry all the dudes who have been into me have been petulant children or massive abusive jerks and im not open enough about my bi-ness to be visible to women i dont think. either way im entirely de-sexed and this is the age where people are definitely fuckin, and fuckin with a PURPOSE. theyve all had like ten years of practice by this point (whether actually having sex or not, theyre just programmed to understand it) and so most people dont have time for a stiff like me who really doesnt give a shit about sex or ranges to even actively fucking hating it. i also havent developed feelings for anybody in a long time unless you count my tumblr crush (who im pretty sure has a partner anyway lmao and they seem pretty sexual actually so i dont think theyd, among many other reasons, give a shit about my dumb ass) and that can be really alienating too. 
my high school best friend got married yet to me i feel like the only development i’ve had since high school is Trauma and mental illness. like i developed dissociative episodes in the last few years whereas in high school i basically only had the chronic insomnia and hypnagogic hallucinations. i mean i certainly think i’ve developed AS A PERSON in HUMONGOUS strides since high school but i know people i knew then will just be like “oh you still do ‘the rave thing’ and play WoW, huh?”
like yeah, i dunno, FUCK ME for enjoying my interests. i quit wow when i needed to and im glad i did but it’s not WoW’s fault i entered a morass of suicidal depression in the years i wasnt playing. WoW had run its course at that time in my life. and at the latter end of that i was going to raves regularly, making the BEST lifelong friends i have ever had, and generally being part of something greater, part of a community that genuinely cared about me. i was working out further kinks with my ability to socialize and love and be open to people (as i will continue to do until i die) but i feel there is arguably a much larger capacity to love in me than before. so i still wear kandi, so i still wear black clothing, so i still prattle on about orcs and trolls. fuck off. at least now i dont hate myself and let myself get raped every day, at least now im not mindlessly swallowing and regurgitating actively racist rhetoric out of fear of confronting my parents’ hatred or by surrounding myself with the dregs of society, at least now i dont want to “sew up my vagina” because i detest my womanhood and the men who covet(ed) it
currently i play wow honestly like maybe twice a week. i went on a bender with diego my REAL LIFE FRIEND LMFAO (like what, stop enjoying time w your friends, it isnt grown up!) a few days ago and we played for like 6 straight hours which was pretty fuckin wild. i think about wow a LOT like TOO mcuh and all of my art recently has been wow-related but holy shit i am drawing at least 
since playing wow again (almost concurrent with when i had started my job) i did more drawing than i did in probably all 4.5 years of college, assignments or otherwise. i was drawing EVERY DAY, legitimately, even if they were just quick scribbles. and when i wasnt i was writing every single fucking day. and when i wasnt, i was READING. like FUCK me for having warcraft as a motivation to do fucking anything in my goddamn life. youre right, abandoning my interests and adopting ones i hate for the sake of appearing more adult is totally worth the mind-numbing soul-eating depression i crumble into without these silly safety nets.
like that’s all it is. it’s silly. raves are silly. video games are silly. “good luck getting laid” thanks i dont need it. “good luck finding someone who loves you” fuck you i have plenty of people who love me BECAUSE of the things i love, not “in spite” of them, not in some tongue-in-cheek “That’s our Swamp!” fashion. they say, “THIS IS GREAT. PLEASE MAKE MORE.” they say, “THIS IS GREAT. PLEASE TELL ME MORE.” they say, “THIS IS GREAT. PLEASE PLAY MORE.” (that last one is about music, not warcraft lol).
but i mean i do worry about it, worry about being “too insular” as some critical piece of shit idiot put it to the point of being unrelatable. I dont want to alienate myself from people of course, nor do i want to get so wrapped up in fantasy that i lose myself. and that’s something i was tearing myself apart about during my episode earlier, just that “I have to get off the internet” because while i think and do all of this stuff, “Me” is just sitting in my bed rotting. Even when im drawing or up at my tables mixing i know it’s still just me, in my house, sealed off from the world, and i started having panic because i was telling myself “i want to go home” over and over but i am at home, i’m in my bed, but i realized of course that home is not in this house. home is many places for me, but it’s also why im SO enthusiastic about wow again: it is home. and believe me im getting wary of just how fucking much i am eating breathing sleeping dreaming (literally dreaming) warcraft because while i dont know if i was ever “addicted” i, again, dont want to be so swept up that i forget im a person (and with dpdr that shit is way potent). that and uhh i got shit to do, but mostly... it’s not real. and i know im setting myself up for failure and heartbreak again by yearning for something that cannot exist no matter how much i set my mind and hands to create it.
i feel hurt physically by the fact that there are “only humans”. i mean there are infinite different kinds of humans, but it’s more of an existential quandary than a yearning for an orc boyfriend or something. it’s why we dream up fantastic creatures and aliens in the first place: we’re not alone in the universe, are we? are humans really the only sentient beings out there? we can’t be. we can’t be. “they” say either option—that we are, or are not alone—is equally terrifying but i dont think so. sure we might fear violence or eradication from not being alone, but to know that we are? out of everything we’ve charted and studied, that we’re it? that’s... that’s death. and of course there’s going to be heat death or whatever they say in 6 billion whatever i dont know, so whether we’re alone or not is irrelevant because it will destroy our universe and what happens when there is no universe? and so of course all of this was compounding into panic, of course, of course, jumping from a dumbass thought like “i guess im not as into overwatch because it’s sci-fi but also theyre all humans” straight into “INEVITABLE HEAT DEATH”. so like, really, does it matter that i care about wow lore more than i care about marriage?
i mean, i guess i should have a career, but i dont really know what i could be capable of doing. i dont know if it’s mental illness or discipline or what but even if like metzen himself was like “come work at blizzard!” i would still probably just collapse into a heap of worthlessness and fear. 
i dont know what i fear. i guess i fear that im wasting my time, and by spending my time in another world i dont have to worry about how im spending time in this one. and that’s really, really bad. i dont like that.
i have to make this world worth living in. i have been trying. but i havent gotten very far. in fact, i took some steps backward.
from the edge of the cliff, so... i guess that’s forward in some ways.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
02/13/2019 DAB Transcript
Exodus 35:10-36:38, Matthew 27:32-66, Psalms 34:1-10, Proverbs 9:7-8
Today is the 13th day of February. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is a pleasure and a joy to be here with you around the global campfire that is nice and warm and bringing light and life and good news, and we just gather around and allow God's word to speak, which is what we're about to do. We’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week. Exodus chapter 35 verse 10 through 36 verse 38 today.
Okay. It’s hard to talk about anything else but what we were reading about in the book of Matthew today. And it's pretty hard to talk about that because for the first time we experienced the crucifixion of Jesus in our reading from the Scriptures this year. And, so, there’s not a whole lot else to say. And we know it's the story of our salvation but if we would just sit with the humanity of the scene. It's so heartbreaking. It is so profoundly sad to think that the Creator who fashioned beings in His own image with the idea that a mutual relationship could be formed and bound by covenant, that this creator would come and become one of us only to be killed by us. This is profoundly sad. And it doesn't feel like it's been that long ago since we began our journey but within the first couple of days of our journey we saw everything get blown apart in the book of Genesis. And in the scene that we’re seeing in the book of Matthew today we’re able to see just how far, just how twisted, just how backward an upside-down things had gotten among the human race. And to be honest, we could just look around now and say things are still pretty upside down and backward but now we don't really have an excuse because there is a way. This bloody scene that we’re seeing play out on a cross and the gasps of an innocent man, His blood was shed on our behalf and we were restored to God in the process for those of us who believe. We have no business and no excuse for living backward and upside down anymore. It's not supposed to be our reality anymore. So, if there's a thought, if there's something for us to live into today, it would be to sit with the brutal scene that is before us and what it cost to bring freedom into our lives and then to consider the ways that we’re living far less than free.
Jesus, thank You. And even as we say it the words fall flat because what can we say? We had no way to untangle the mess in our species created in Your image. We were irreversibly lost and then You came and rescued us and we didn't earn it and there's nothing that we can do. You’re giving it to us as a gift and so often we find ourselves not even taking the gift that cost You Your life and living into it and being transformed by it and being shaped into Your likeness. So, often we’re busy trying to make You in our image and make You do the things that we need done instead of the other way around and we’re repenting and were sitting with the starkness of the scene that the Scripture has brought into our lives today and contemplating it because there is no other story to tell. And, so, we invite Your Holy Spirit, come. Make this scene matter to us. Show us how to embrace it and show us how it is to transform us because of the work that was accomplished there, the victory that was won. Come Holy Spirit and let us sit with the weightiness of what we’ve read today and appreciate with a heart of gratitude and help us to look at the world through Your eyes. You looked at the world and loved it even though that hated You. You died for people who wanted You dead. What kind of love is that? Lead us deeper into that love we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
I thank you for your continued prayers over our journey to actually walk in the footsteps of Jesus and experience the land of the Bible coming up here next week.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s, of course, a link on the homepage or you can use the app, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And this is a community experience and if you're shouldering burdens that are too heavy and shouldn’t carry them alone then we do a good job of loving one another even though we’re spread out all over the world. There’s a number you can dial, 877-942-4253 is that number.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi, this is Amber from California. I’m a new listener and I just wanted to call in and say that the Daily Audio Bible has really blessed my life. I tend to have difficulties finding the time to sit down and just soak in the word and it’s really been an awesome experience for me to listen to Scripture and then reflect and have my own study. So, just wanted to call in and say what a blessing it was. I also wanted to share a prayer request with you all. I’ve been married for some time and have children with my husband and I’m just calling to ask our community to reach out and pray for my husband who has been struggling with a sleepwalk and really just a lot of spiritual warfare within our home and marriage and specifically with him. So, just wanted to call and ask the brothers and sisters to lift him up prayer and me up in prayer. Really trying to strive to be the mom and life that God has called me to be. So, thanks so much for listening and I look forward too much more in this community.
Hello everyone, this is Peggy in Texas. And first I want to thank Brian for doing an excellent job day after day, such a blessing to me personally. I’m calling…I’m asking for prayer for my precious grandson Xander. This is…I’ve called before, and he’s troubled, he’s alone, he’s manic-depressive, he’s drinking, he doesn’t have a doctor. So, he’s not getting any help. He hasn’t sought Christian friends. In fact, I don’t think he has one. Today he called, and he was frightened and afraid something might happen to him and afraid someone was out to cause him trouble. And I think he’s trying to reach out and say a call for help and yet I don’t know for sure. He’s in school and is working, an engineer student. So, as a grandmother I’, trying to keep the lines open to him and I’m trying to communicate love and guidance and, you know, personally I think he needs to be in a treatment center but financially that’s…that’s not possible. Anyway, you’ve got the picture. I’m a very concerned person, a very concerned grand mom. I don’t want to be a worrier, I want to trust the Lord, but I’m week. And, so…and I don’t have a great support system right now and I’m just calling on someone to pray with me. So, anyway I’m feeling a tad lonely and I just need you all too. And, so, I’m turning to you. Sometimes it’s just hard to pray. Maybe all of you have experienced that at some time but I’m in that boat tonight. And, so, I’m asking for you precious people to pray for my precious grandson, Xander. Thank you.
Hi, this is Victoria Soldier just calling. Wanted to say thank you Brian for all the fire that you’ve been putting out on the web and through your word and it’s been really blessing my soul and I just wanted to call and bless some of the other souls more abundantly. And I just wanted to pray for Prodigal and Rebecca and I wanted to pray for Hamm and Jamie and Tyler and I wanted to pray for the lady who wanted a friend and she was going through. I wanted to pray for those who have gone through depression and trying to help them to take away that precious life of the precious life through wanting to commit suicide. Lord, I just ask You to fill them with so much joy that they will see what You have before them, that the enemy is trying to take away them feeling not only the joy but knowing that they have salvation in You, knowing that they are going to be with You. Oh Lord You’re coming back soon. The world act like they don’t remember that You said You were coming back, they don’t remember that You are the way the truth and the light, but Lord You said You’re coming back __ without spot or wrinkle. You said we shall not all sleep but we shall be all changed in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the sound is gonna sound and You gonna hear…and the mighty archangels…and the dead in Christ will arise first and we that are alive will be caught up to meet Him in the air. Lord I pray for my brothers and sisters today that the enemy’s trying to trick. You fill them with Your joy, You equip them with what You need to make this mighty journey. Oh Lord You bless those that need a friend, You bless those that need a spouse, You bless the one who is looking to have a baby and they couldn’t conceive but God You are…it all comes from You. Lord I just ask You to bless that womb Lord, that they will produce the baby that You have…
Hi this is Tony from Germany. I’m actually in Minnesota visiting my family and I just wanted to call in to….I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible during my commute to their place…they’re in a nursing home, my parents. So, but for Tito, I want to tell you that I have tithed for many many years and I’m gonna tell you that the Lord has opened amazing doors for me and I believe that is because I tithe. For example, even going to Germany, it was just very miraculous and many many other things. And I just wanted to relay that to you because I wanted to give you a little bit of hope so you can continue onward. And then for Pelham, you know what __ ice. Not ICE but EIS, as you know, is just amazing amazing Italian ice cream. And, so I feel the Lord is steering you in the right business and perhaps at some point in time in planting a seed you will travel to Italy to learn different recipes, experiment with different recipes so one day you could do your own, come up with your own Italian ice recipe. So, remember you are not alone. I know that you’re reaching some low points. We are your family and we do love you. So, just remember that. Thanks for sharing your story with us and your faith and your faith journey. The other thing I wanted to say is I have played the Daily Audio Bible to my parents. My dad keeps his eyes closed a lot but when I have played the Daily Audio Bible his eyes open and he listens and at one point he took off his glasses, laid them down and blessed himself with this big…
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Mom & Baby Die Within 6 Months of Each OtherHeres the Heartbreaking Note She Left Behind
ShareTweet Every mother dreams of the prodigious party their own children will grow up to be. From the time they first knock below mommy’s center, to the years that flashing before our eyes, has become a father is an indescribable journey of hopes, reveries and cherishing every moment God gives you. For Sara Chivers, motherhood is more than time rallying cherished minutes, it’s a fight for their own lives, and now that of her 18 -month-old son, Alfie. Tess Follett Photography In March, the 34 -year-old mother of two was tell she has terminal psyche cancer. She had previously fought and forge cancer in 2008, but it has since rendered in accordance with the arrangements of three psyche tumors. As if that capsule wasn’t hard enough to ingest, last-place month, Sara and her husband, Leigh, were told that their 18 -month-old son, Alfie, had also been diagnosed with intelligence cancer. “Since his diagnosis, we have been in ultimate offend and mistrust, ” Sara told TODAY. “There are no oaths that do justice to the way in which our middles ought to have shattered for our beautiful little boy. He should not have to go through this sting and suffering.” Sara and Alfie have different forms of cancer, and doctors conclude the cases are entirely unrelated. In actuality, an oncologist told her there was a better probability of triumphing the lottery than a mom and brat developing different types of mentality cancer. Since March, Sara has undergone three rounds of chemotherapy and surgery to remove most of her largest tumor. Though the cares have bought her more day with Alfie and his 3-year-old brother, Hugh, it isn’t enough for her to be able to “mother them like I always dreamed, ” she said. “Alfie’s diagnosis has given me something else to fight for, ” she continues. “It’s not about me anymore. It’s all about him.” Knowing that her hour with them is shorter than she can bear, Sara lately wrote a love letter to her lads. Full of motherly advice and sound messages of wisdom, Sara’s letter has since been shared across the Internet. Tess Follett Photography Dear Hugh and Alfie , b> I won’t be around wants to talk to you “re growing up”. It’s a hard stuff to reply and even harder to face. You will have to hear from others the little things that did me me: my fragrance of select is Michael Kors, my favourite dinner is spaghetti bolognese, winter is my wished season. I please I was a better cook. I’m a steward of remembrances- tiny hospice reputation labels, the rhyme Leigh wrote for my 21 st birthday, first babe robes . i> I know your Dad, and our village of family and friends, will continue me alive for you as much as they can, but there are some things I crave you to hear from me . i> Don’t be afraid of conveying your ardours. I will never tire of listening’ I love you’ from Leigh, you boys, their own families, friends . i> Tess Follett Photography Love hard-bitten. As “theyre saying”, it is better to have affection and lost, than never to have desired at all. That’s how I feel about you both. Heartbroken doesn’t come close to describing the agony I appear at not is available on your lives in the future, but I would never change or forego the time we have depleted together and the immense glee you have brought me. You are without a doubt my proudest accomplishments . i> Pay attention to study but know there is so much more to school life than textbooks. Play team athletics. Try a musical instrument. Learn a language . i> Always try your best; I could never ask any more of you. Never fear omission – you are able to read more from mistakes than successes. There’s never anything more certain than change so embrace it. Don’t be afraid to try new events. Travel as much as possible- it will shape whom you . i> Be gallanted in your decisions and believe in yourself. Never tease or humiliate person because they’re different to you. You will be a better being by bordering yourself with people who will challenge your views and beliefs . i> I can never emphasize enough the best interests of good table manners. Remember to say delight and thank you. Address your friends’ parents by Mrs, Ms or Mr unless told otherwise. Stir your plot when you stay at other people’s homes, and always offer to clear their table and do the dishes . i> You will have friends for a season, acquaintances for a rationale, friends for life. It won’t take too long to work out which ones fall into which category . i> Family moves firstly. We will always be there for you to fall back on regardless of any mistakes or bad choices, and will help you through tough times and to celebrate life’s triumphs . i> Tess Follett Photography Be species to your Dad. It won’t find it easier for him fostering you are the only one who, but all the decisions he makes will be with your best interests at heart. He is an exceptional leader and role model. Don’t made him doubt himself or the fantastic position he will do determining you into the men I dream of you growing up to be . i> There will come a duration when he wants to find gaiety again with a brand-new spouse. Accept and hug his hand-picked, and know she will be a positive girl influence in their own lives extremely. I have absolute religion that he will move the right decision, for him and you both, and I hope she improves their own lives as much as you’ve all fertilized mine . i> Your Dad is the most admirable, courageous person I have ever known. He is my assistant, my rock-and-roll, my everything. He has shown true grit in the face of our miseries, and without him beside me I would have crumbled . i> I will be forever grateful for the time we wasted together, the reminiscences we created, the kindnes we shared. It was always him. Always will be . i> Love , i> Mum There’s not much convenience to be found in a terminal cancer diagnosis. Still, Sara has more than enough to fight and live for. Tess Follett Photography The road ahead will not be easy for the Chivers family, regardless of the outcome, but we believe in a God of miracles. My devotion today is that as Alfie and his mother face the fight of their lives, they would be surrounded by the Holy Spirit, and be able to experience the Serenity of the Lord, which outstrips ALL understanding. Inform: Sara passed away in January of 2018, and Alfie died in June, simply 6 months after his momma. Our thoughts and devotions are with the Chivers family as they sorrow. Read Next On FaithIt The High Cost of Being Low Maintenance ShareTweet Read more: https :// faithit.com/ mom-son-die-brain-cancer-within-6-months-heartbreaking-letter-sara-alfie-chivers / http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/07/31/mom-baby-die-within-6-months-of-each-otherheres-the-heartbreaking-note-she-left-behind/
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rosewoodprincess · 7 years
Okay so I rewatched LND and I feel like if a few things were changed, I would have accepted it as a more character fitting sequel. Due to it being the way it is, I see it as a more ‘what if under certain circumstances’ scenario. 
Madame Giry says they’ve helped Erik but I don’t believe that could have been the case. 
Erik escapes from the Opera house alone and I don’t believe he would seek out Madame Giry so soon after the whole ‘i nearly choked raoul to death but told him to take christine instead’ ordeal. I think he would have found a way into gathering the people that now work for him. his musical genius and manipulative skills would earn quite enough willing people and his general personality would have probably found a few more willing participants. A lot can change in 10 years. Furthermore, from what I saw, when Ramin sang as Phantom in LND OLC, he had no mask during ‘Devil take the hindmost’ (favourite song in LND), which would show his face holds no fear around the people he is around now. 
How do Madame Giry and Meg come into it? I had a small theory so I watched carefully this time around and compared to all the ballet in POTO, LND does not have much elaborate dancing when it comes to Meg’s performances. Yes, her voice has improved but her dancing doesn’t seem to be as good as before. One way it could work was that something caused her to stop being a professional dancer and, due to the sudden stop, the Phantom helped Madame Giry and Meg, therefore repaying his dept on being sneaked into the Opera House in Paris and having his secret kept for quite a long while, especially after having murdered a few innocent people. Also, it makes more sense than Erik accepting help after everything he did. 
Now, we have the set up of Coney Island, why do Raoul, Christine, and Gustave go there? (i have no idea if im spelling the kids name right but I really dont care). 
Oh Christine and Raoul do have problems. They do but not because Raoul grew to be an alcoholic that gambles all his money away to the point where his wife has to sing across the world to save them. Nah. Their problem is their lack of chemistry. Don’t get me wrong, they love each other, but I do think that sometimes, love just isnt enough. At the end of POTO, I do believe that Christine decided to follow her heart and go with Raoul but I also believe her soul longed for Erik. Maybe there wasn’t as much romance between them as between Raoul and Christine but that’s understandable. Erik WAS a monster. He killed without thinking about it and tried to force Christine to marry him (he didnt know what love felt like he only had Christine). Christine loved Raoul for the safety he promised and the romantic feelings between them. her heart belonged to Raoul. (the Love never dies and hearts can be broken lyrics made me think of this). She loved Erik for the connection they had through music. Raoul told her she doesnt have to sing, she can have that choice. He protected her. Erik told her to sing and sing and always dare to go beyond what she thought she was capable of. 
So yeah Christine and Raoul struggled and they decided that staying away from Paris and all their problems would do them do. spend some family time together (haha Erik comes to ruin Raouls day). Oh yeah also Gustave aint eriks idc what anyone says I dont believe Gustave is Erik’s son. I don’t believe Erik and Christine would have slept together. Not because ‘whoa he ugly’ but because I don’t believe that’s what their relationship in POTO was about. (to summarise, I doubt Erik would WANT to sleep with Christine (”but the point of no return!” yalls shout! “but be logical about the social standards and how Christine wouldnt have slept with someone she wasnt married to! and also Christine was Erik’s muse, first love, first person to not scream and laugh at his face when she saw it. I doubt their time together would be spent on anything other than singing in a boat about the phantom being there and how theres music in the middle of the night while normal people sleep). Anyway Gustave can be a talented lil prodigy have any of yall heard Christine sing in the main goddamn song?
Okay so theyre at the coney island and all goes fine and then Erik is like “hey those final moments in my ‘under the opera house’ home and those 10 years made me realise that I was a bit of a awful human being and i kinda changed but damn christine I still love you” and yeah he grew to be more compassionate. The last moment in POTO literally show him understanding that he cant achieve shit byt being a violent murderer. He isnt a good man, no. he takes advantage of Raoul questioning his relationship with Christine to challenge him to a duel- I mean a sing off that turns into a bet. At least hes trying. He wants to give Gustave all he creates because he couldnt give it to Christine. Also because he wants someone to sing his music and if Christine isnt very willing he might as well go for second best, her child. the rest seems pretty believable considering the above ideas. 
Madame Giry isnt bitter about Erik not giving them his music. She knows he cares about Christine. He made it clear that he loves her and Madame Giry is shocked at the humanity in him that she doesnt really care. Also Meg is more important to her than music. 
Now, why would Meg take Gustave and then threaten to kill herself? She didnt take Gustave to harm him, but she knew the main trio would pay attention if she took him. After 10 years of not seeing Christine and spending at least half of that time trying to get Erik to write music for her, she would grow jealous. not in a malicious way but in a ‘All I have in life is a mother and a freak show. Christine takes the main song from me and everyone pays more attention to her than me, the star’. I mean cmon who wouldnt be annoyed? She does thing to get attention from others. Maybe she just wanted to know what it was like to have a musical prodigy actually pay attention to you (”Not all of us can be like Christine” way to go Erik ruin the whole moment why dont ya).
Oh, Christine dying? nah. If anyone were to die, it would be Erik. Yes, he could have the happy ending with Christine but it would ruin things for Raoul, who still loves her. Anyway, if Christine dies, I doubt Erik would have it within him to go back to music with as much passion as before. He struggled without his muse, what if she were dead? Now, if Erik dies, Gustave would become the musical prodigy. He’s already everything that Erik could have wished for. Parental love (haha stab me right in the feels). Christine would grieve for Erik but she would have Raoul. Their love, having survived such heartbreak and so many struggles, would have grown stronger. No, it wouldnt be like it was before, but they would make it work. Christine’s soul would always long for Erik and his music but her heart loves Raoul. Also Raoul already went through so much lets give him a break yeah? he just wants a happy family because he has loved Christine since they were children. 
So if we were to accept someone dying, I say itd have to be the Phantom. If no death then maybe Christine and Raoul working things out between them but also Raoul accepting that Christine will always love Erik and maybe a happy end for Erik and Christine this time. 
anyway, thats how id go about changing some of LND key things but its just one way to go about it (better than original if you want it to work with POTO characterisation)
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