#but also doesn't give a shit about being naked or near naked
the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
I’m curious to know when the first time Noa thought Reader was beautiful (because of or maybe in spite of her being an Echo) 🥰 I need some of your wonderful fluff
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Noa definitely finds you... Nice to look at, right off the bat of meeting. The prospect of beauty and thinking that way really doesn't settle into him until he's gotten to know you and finds aspects of your personality just as attractive as the outside appearance. It's probably during a lax day where you and he are working in tandem together on a project - maybe he needed your smaller fingers to work around something he was putting together for the Clan. Thankful for that, he watches intently as you tie a knot with twine, the crease between your brows catching his attention and causing his heart to flutter a bit on the inside as he recognizes your expression as being very focused. And he's absolutely floored at just how nimble your finger movements are compared to his own. Reckon, he's got strong fingers, but they are thick, they are not swift ( Only when he's signing and odds are he's fumbling over words at times because his hands can't keep up ). It's also a way to get you to be near him without explicitly asking. After you're done helping him tie the tiny knots that he needed, the smile? The radiance on your face, the tinge of redness that appeared to be right along your cheekbones, right under your eyes and upwards towards your ears. Your eyes, fluttering as always in the Sunlight, were now avoiding his own, your fingers pressing against each other as you wait for him to give you more direction, just happy to be of some help to the Apes.
I would imagine that moment... You smiling, genuinely at him, would get the cogs turning in his mind. He'd start connecting all the dots together like a puzzle, probably obsessing about it even after you're pulled away from the project by Anaya and Soona to go fish for the afternoon. Noa's torn apart on the inside thinking of all the times that he's caught you staring at him, your eyes wide, your cheeks welling with redness, the times that his shoulders have brushed against yours and even through the density of his fur, he was able to feel your heart beat quicken with his own. The reason why he liked to watch you with such acute focus and attention to detail is because the things he was seeing, albeit beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, were beautiful to him.
How you spoke. Beautiful, Noa would be blessed to hear your voice in tandem with his as he made you his mate.
How you looked at him. Noa wanted you to look at him like that always; He would do anything to make sure that happened.
How you touched him. Noa wanted you to be on top of him, not inherently sexual, but if you're on him, if you're near him, he's able to sink into it and become a part of you.
How you smiled at him. So gracefully, though he had observed you covering your mouth with your hand ever so often if your smile exploded into laughter.
All of these small moments, the smaller intricacies would draw Noa's mind to beauty. To say that you are an equal, if not beyond, the word itself. You, over time, become Noa's definition of beauty. ( Definitely amplified once you guys are a mated pair and he's able to dig into the aspects about you that he had only imagined before hand. I.E you naked. )
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Caesar is probably the one where admittance of a human being beautiful is the easiest. He grew up with them, he was raised with them. He'd be a fool not to acknowledge that vain beauty was a human standard and he was pretty intuitive to it. NOW. That being said, he also gives off the secure vibe that while you are beautiful on the outside ( Which he'd be happy to admit noticing the first time you meet ), he's also very in-tune with his own self and will acknowledge that his needs go far beyond that of a shallow depth.
Actual beauty and admitting that he finds himself actually attracted to you in the sense that he'd want to mate takes a lot of time and a lot of trust building between the two of you. The more time you spend together, the more your beauty will shine for Caesar. You're smart, he likes that he's able to talk to you about more human ailments that maybe other Apes didn't understand. You're incredibly good with the young of the Colony, a trait that often took the forefront amongst Apes looking to mate. The one thing that gets him though, and it does it EVERY TIME. Is the way you look at him. He knows he commands respect, he gets it from his fellow Apes. What he didn't know he needed was getting it from you. And while your gaze is all respectful ( Even when you're thinking filthy things, tsk tsk ), there's always a glimmer of more there in your irises if he took time to stare deeply enough into them. First time actually admitting acute attraction and admitting that you were beautiful in the ways that actually mattered to him might happen at the moment you and he actually do become mates. Tangled in the animal pelts together, your face so deathly close to his own and your hot breath is cascading along his face. He had chosen you, you had chosen him. There's nothing more clear cut about it as Caesar grasps the back of your head and brings your forehead in so he can kiss it with his own. That moment, right there as you're brought to orgasm against him, face contorting as you uttered his name right against his lips, is the moment Caesar fell in love further and admitted to himself that your beauty knew no bounds anymore.
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Blue Eyes is definitely the most oblivious to it. ( we all knew it was coming c'mon lol ) It probably takes him a while to even feel comfortable really looking at you unless it was just a passing glance. The Ape literally went 8 years without seeing a Human, and the first ones he had seen shot his friend so excuse his weariness. He'll build into it though, despite Koba constant chatter in his ear about just how bad ALL Humans were. Blue Eyes ultimately starts taking it into his own hands to establish his own opinions.
First off, your scent? Way different than anything he had ever experienced and it left a vaguely metallic taste in his mouth when he thought about it too long. Very stringy, not harmonious and more often than not, he can't really detect much outside of your sweat. ( You were nervous around them, understandably until you were able to actually trust. ) You refused eye contact with him more often that not, Blue Eyes had searched for your gaze a few times when Caesar had gotten on him for not being welcoming to you, biding to make eye contact to establish some sort of relationship with you that wasn't based in hostilities like your relationship with Koba.
Blue Eyes was better than that. He'd bite the metaphorical bullet and force himself to get close to you in hopes that maybe it'll expand his mind into the way that his Father thought about humans. Well, it was hard to be welcoming to someone who was so shut off, Blue Eyes wanted to tell his Father but he grinned and bared it. With our baby boy, I see it happening all of a sudden and without warning, leaving him more perplexed than before, concepts of beauty and all were not engrained in him. He really only looked for the qualities he wanted and that was it. Ash had brought his attention to you one day, you're washing your clothes at the river while the Apes fished for the communal dinner that evening.
The way the sun is playing against your bare shoulders, Blue Eyes hadn't known you to wear shorter sleeved shirts and the dip of your collarbone captivated him for a few seconds longer than really needed, the pit in stomach churning with unease and resting a BIT too closely to his lower navel, drifting downwards between his legs. The bounce of the light off the water below, alighting your expression. Timid. You were... Having a good time doing whatever you were doing, the idea of actively washing your clothes in a cycle completely foreign to him. ( Weekly basis, Blue Eyes noticed. Underwear a bit more frequently when he was able to sense it was your time of the month, which face it, the Ape knows. ) You're suddenly splashed in the face by Cornelius who had taken time away from the grasp of Caesar to enjoy wading the shallow water, beckoning you to play, knowing you often caved at his cute demeanor and gave him what he wanted. And you did, as per Blue Eyes' suspicions. The smile you graced his baby brother with left the older Apr Prince bristling at the shoulders fur standing on end, his breathing rapid as he sought to inhale and exhale through his nose to keep himself from unraveling at the unknown ideas hitting him all at once. He doesn't know the premise yet, but the thoughts are there that you were nice to look at... That... That you were a good person, good with his brother, nice to Ash and himself. There was... no threat. Not in the way that you smiled, the way you carried yourself so carefully. Blue Eyes suddenly had no idea what Koba had been on and on about. You were... Beautiful.
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Koba is the toughest to get an admittance out of, and it really never comes to fruition no matter how much you pestered him about it. His actions are still remarkably pseudo-aggressive towards you, and he really only asks to see you alone if he feels the primal urge to mate ( Not often, and unfortunately he is selfish and just uses you as a play thing to give himself satisfaction. ) At least, that's really how it starts. Easy, once a week, he'd lay with you and go on the rest of the days without having to worry or bat an eye in your direction.
Over time though, as things develop and get a more more complicated, he finds that he's more disgusted in small minute things about you. How your fingers tucked your hair behind your ear. Absolutely abysmal, how dare you. Now your scent was wafting his way and he couldn't find it in himself to stop his feet and hands as he dragged you away. Flashing him a smile when he was busy doing something, especially if he's talking to Caesar, inappropriate. He hated the feeling it caused in his stomach when he thought about the idea of your smiling being more for his closest friend than being for him. Honestly, he'd rather it be for Caesar. That way he could justify the anger that bubbled in him out of petulant jealousy. No reason to be jealous, you were free to be with whomever you wanted, and Koba was more than willing to relinquish you to an Ape who actually gave a damn about you ( His own twisted mind process, he'd rip off the face of anyone who gave you more than a seconds glance ).
Admittedly, the waves of aggression and disgust towards you are ultimately dusted in fine particles of his attraction. The first time it really hits him might be after he leaves you in the nest to take care of yourself after he lays with you ( the common thing, he'd hang out around your hut when you pleased yourself just to give himself the pleasure of knowing that he could bring you there, but he chose not to. ) Never admits to straight beautiful, maybe a tolerance of sorts as he hears your moans, able to clearly see what your hands were doing to yourself. Mild tolerance, you weren't as bad as his mind wanted to think, but he convinced himself otherwise over and over again that it must be the truth. That he wasn't feeling anything towards you than pure animosity, despite his deeper introspection saying otherwise.
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absolutebl · 2 months
This Week in BL - Everything Went a Bit Weird Allasudden
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
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I'll be passing out metals in various sporting events, as part of the weekly updates (through mid August) just for funzies.
Aug 2024 Week 1
Ongoing Series - Thai
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) eps 11-12fin - THE STAIRS ARE BACK and now they’re evil! Frank is truly great. He's out acting everyone else, but I'm just happy to see him pine. OK yes, the ending wasn’t awesome but I still really enjoyed this show. 
In conclusion: (deep breath)
This was a sports romance Thai BL pulp with everything I could have asked for given this sub genre. More, actually, since MeenPing are both great basketball players and the team component really did form part of the connective tissue of the show (vital in a sports romance). Meen has his shirt off within the first two minutes which is all I needed but he's still pretty great as the sullen secret keeper against Ping's cheerful survivor - childhood sweethearts torn asunder and now reunited. Then Frank sweeps in to give everyone a bad case of second lead syndrome. I always try to judge BL for what it is AS BL, and what it’s trying to do within its own territory and purview. This did exactly what it claimed on the tin: gay boys play b-ball and fall in love. That was all I wanted from it. Sure there was random kidnapping and a light bought of mass murder, but what’s a BL in 2024 without a touch of the mafia? You do you little pulp, I’m disposed to be pleased.
Thank you, Rebound, for being exactly what I wanted. Is this gonna be anybody else’s favorite BL of 2024? Probably not. But there is a real good chance it’ll be mine. Is it perfect? No. But for me, it got as close as a pulp can get, so I’m giving it 9/10.
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 9 of 12 - Them being boyfriends is so damn adorable. Like PondPhuwin I think I could watch G4 just be boyfriends for 16 eps and not fuss about anything in life. They're my emotional support pair brand. Back to the show:
My goodness Atom is such a frenetic high strung babygirl. He is a near constant emotional pingpong.
Gold in Table Tennis
K is a teenage saint. The lights thing, and the hands to head (reminiscent of certain previous characters from this pair), all made me coo and laugh. 
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However, this ep was mostly about the hets. It’s always funny to me when the gays have their shit figured out in a show but the hets are in chaos.
Also they're touted as "a teacher and a baker" but they're playing the gay dads of this narrative and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. More gay dads in BL!
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Fri iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 - I’m just gonna say it, because no one else is, this pair kisses like they’re in a Taiwanese BL. There’s no other way to put it except there’s a whole body genuine interest and enthusiasm to the way they do physicality that’s comparatively rare in Thai BL. This kind of on-screen sexual maturity is my favorite, especially in grown-up characters like these. The side couple = awesomesause. JJ is a very appealing character. He hates Methas, he likes him, he loathes him, and also... he definitely wants to see him naked. 
All praise aside? I have questions about why half the hair in this show is so absolutely ghastly. Like bad enough for Japan. Enough of that now, Thailand. Tut tut. Cut cut. Style style. Please & thank you?
Then again who cares when we get...
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They already won silver last week, but I guess they're going for
Gold in Weightlifting
Century of Love (Weds Gaga) eps 7-8 of 10 - Well THAT is an interesting take on a Faen Fetale. As expected, a somewhat doomy ep 7. I did enjoy the doctor punching San tho.
Bronze in Boxing
Meanwhile, that camel jacket is a sin against all things, especially Daou. But I eventually got a crying kiss. I love a crying kiss best in the world. Next week looks good! But I miss my nine tailed fox nod. Will we get back to that or was it just a brief weird thing?
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The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 5 of 12 - It’s kinda great actually. The romance is the only bit that isn’t really hitting for me. Gun’s smile at the "oppa" is so adorable. His little dimples.
Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - I really do not like the pet name in this one. Khun Dad is too weird for me. But I do think their relationship is ridiculously cheesy and endearing in a terrible way. These two are the equivalent of that couple that always speaks in baby talk. It’s a good thing they’re pretty because they’re not so bright. Wait! No Christmas music in my BL! That's far too weird. 
Bronze in Diving
I Saw You in My Dream (Weds Gaga) ep 3 of 12 - I’m liking this a lot better now. It’s still a little slow for me but since the bullying has stopped relatively quickly I’m not as upset as I was. Also, look at those eyes, our P'Seme is IN LURV. That said, I’m not wild about the sudden suicide plot line. That feels... weird.
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Battle of the Writers (Sun YT) - TutorYim are back and so far this is better than Middleman's Love - but that's not saying much. For a second there I thought they were going to open on the REAL blindfold scene from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. But then I remembered that that’s more Mame than anyone else. On a completely different note, I do like this pair. And I’m willing to give them ever more chances. That said this is very, I don’t know, weird? I’m not sure what is happening, and I’m confident that’s not my fault. I hope it makes sense eventually.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 11 of 12 - Peak's dad is so completely frustrating and kind of psychotic. It’s annoying to watch. So I spent most of this episode upset. I'm glad he came around in the end but it was a lot, mostly unforgivable, from this side of the screen.
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 8 of 10 - It's committing the greatest sin of all (in the realm of entertainment). It's mind numbingly dull. I'd sooner be offended than bored. Trash watch
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - I don’t remember the camping trip from the manga, but I really enjoyed it in this series.
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - The bit with the kid was cute but I’m still finding this rather slow and the central relationship unappealing. I think the balance of power has to shift for me to engage, and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
It's airing but...
Bad Guy (Korea YT) - yeah, erm, no thank you.
Sugar Dog Life (Japan Sun ????) 10 eps - OMG a uni student who looks too young and a... COP. GAH. The subversion and kink of it all. Please SOMEONE pick this one up?
4 Minutes (Thai Netflix/Grey) - A rich boy at uni suddenly gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future. I have a source, but I've decided to hold off and binge if it ends okay, since it's only 8 eps. I depend upon y'all to tell me how it goes.
Meet You at the Blossom (China) - it's your funeral (or, more likely, one of the main characters'). You can argue but... statistics. You know my feelings on this matter. MY BLOG, remember?
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In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer IS COMING IN SEPTEMBER!!!!
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Coming Up This Month!
8/6 Cosmetic Playlover (Japan Tues Gaga) 8 eps - office romance around the makeup counter featuring a younger seme and sexual blackmail. I'm intrigued. DFTUJ (don't fuck this up, Japan).
8/8 Monster Next Door (Thai Thurs Gaga ) 12 eps - I am so DAMN excited to see Big finally lead a BL. I can't even with this, one of my most anticipated of this year. He's a great kisser ya'll, he's kissed a lot of boys as second lead. I can't WAIT.
8/12 First Note Of Love (Taiwan Mon Gaga) 12 eps - About a singer with stage fright and his timid fan stars Charles (H4 the puppy one) and Michael Chang (the youngster in My Tooth Your Love), plus side couple featuring a Thai actor Jame (Koh in Gen Y) and Liu Min Ting (of Guardian fame). What a damn tean. I can't wait. With thier powers combined!
8/13 Addicted Heroin (Thai Tues YT) - supposedly Jinlo with air this on their YT channel. Stars August (Love Sick) so I'm excited despite Jinlo's poor reputation. From the trailer it looks like it's following the original pretty closely just Thai style.
8/16 The Last Time (Thai Fri YT) ? eps - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something.
8/22 The Paradise of Thorns (Thai movie) theater release - Jeff Satur is back but this does not look like a BL (the gay lover's death is the inciting event). More in Goodbye Mother vein. Looks dark and dramatic. He opposite and extremely well known actor Toey Pongsakorn who has never done gay before.
Addicted Heroin (Thailand adaptation) is also supposed to release this month. GIVE IT TOO MEEEEEE. I don't care about anything else but August back on my screen. It's been almost a decade since he did BL.
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This is the kind of jealousy I like to see. Boys getting pissed about the stupid stuff.
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Also, more counter making out. I'm not complaining, but babies the bed is way more comfortable.
All from Long Beans.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in its infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
Sports in Play (the jokes write themselves)
(That's Not) Cricket
Diving (yes, for that)
Fencing (yes, with those)
Handball (exactly what it says, no, read the word.. again)
Rhythmic Gymnastics (obvs)
Squash (snicker)
Table Tennis
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Silly vampire buggy being so very normal about it while the rest are absolutely FERAL is so funny.
Buggy, before Roger passed, still on the Oro: hmm, I'm kinda thirsty-
Shanks, ripping his already open shirt further off: Oh Dear, Oh My Look At ALL THIS So Very BITEABLE SKIN, Sure Hope There's No VAMPIRES Thirsting Near Me, Wink Wink!!!!
Buggy: I bet Gabban still has some juice boxes. I hope he has that guava one. I'll be right back!
Shanks, half naked and drooping: 🥺😟😥😫
Mihawk: I read this interesting novel yesterday which gave me much to ponder.
Buggy: oh? Awesome! Which was it?
Mihawk, side-eying Buggy pointedly: it was a supernatural romance between a human and vampire. It was rather explicit and had many scenes which piqued my interest.
Buggy, absolutely Not Getting It: oh man. I usually hate those. It's a toss up between bad writing or the vampire is always a top. Like? Give me gay bottom vampires too, we deserve to be recognized!! Oh, Hawky, can you hand me my sunscreen?
Mihawk: ........... here.
Buggy: thanks, love!
Crocodile: hey you drink blood.
Buggy, sipping A+ out of a care bear cup: yeah?
Croc: does it work on Logia users? Or would your fangs need Haki to pierce us?
Buggy: hm. Good question? I dunno, actually!
Crocodile: seems this could be a learning experience. Would be a shame to not experiment. I know how much you like your science.
Buggy: I do like science. Yeah. Yeah. You're right! I SHOULD experiment on that!!
Croc, unbuttoning his shirt, tugging down his cravat: uh huh, well, I suppose we ought to get to it- where are you going
Buggy: to my workshop! Science waits for no man!!! Nor clown, in my case. Man clown? Vampire? Who knows. Wait. Am I a man...? Hm, what is the gender today... wait, have I eaten at all? I don't remember. Anyway, I need to grab my suit, I'm low on sunscreen again. Oh, remind me to add that to the next shipment request. Oh, I should also grab a bloody mary!! That sounds great! Okay. Bye bye!!
Croc, halfway undressed, watching Buggy run outside, start swearing bc he didn't pull up his hood and is cursing the light, before tripping flat onto his face: ............. shit.
Buggy rarely pushes the limits of his abilities BECAUSE of the vampirism. If he uses his DF more than usual, it makes him hungrier. And once he hits a certain point, he begins to lose his already loosey-goosey sense of humanity. It scares him to be so cold and uninterested, especially since he always feels things turned up to eleven. When his hits that point, EVERYTHING turns off. At best, he'll be mildly annoyed, angry, amused - but it's like being in a glass bowl, watching things happen from the outside. It terrifies him.
His partners...? Well. It does things to them too, but terror isn't exactly the dominating feeling... 👀
((Also, the romanticism of blood. Of life energy. Of an exchange of that out of love. Of giving parts of yourself to sustain and satiate another. Carrying pieces of someone else in your body to propagate your own life. Of giving and taking consensually the liquid which carries your time. The inherent provocative nature of taking someone else's essence into yourself with full permission and full understanding because they receive so much from you in turn that it is simple, easy, logical to consent to this.))
Vampires 🥰
THE FIRST ONE IS SO REAL EFJKBWEJKBWJEKBF Shanks does that constantly he's DYING for Buggy to bite him and the clown won't even notice he's trying so much. It's ridiculous. Shanks and his failguy moment simping for a vampire that doesn't want his blood.
Mihawk and Crocodile trying to flirt and failing miserably because Buggy is always oblivious to what they do is amazing and no matter the AU it's always like this. I adore. They just want their vampire boyfriend to bite them :(( Failguys.
The last thing you said is so real. Vampires can be something so romantic and I think usually books/TV shows/Media in general don't focus on the important stuff. I want to see teen!Shuggy with Buggy and Shanks traveling together right after the crew disbands (before Roger's death) and Buggy not having access to other types of blood. So Shanks offers him his blood and they have like-- This moment of realization of how intimate it is. And Buggy will forever remember what it felt like to feel Shanks' embrace while sucking his blood without any complaints. And!! Both Mihawk and Crocodile wanting to do the same but it's definitely just for the horny, they don't expect it to be so passionate and intimate, and romantic.
Also, I agree with Buggy, the vampire should be the bottom. Really necessary for this situation.
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
This Kinda Shit
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Pairing: Boyfriend's best friend Yeonjun x afab! reader x boyfriend Soobin
Genre: Smut
Content Warnings: Smut; cuckolding; voyeurism; use of the petnames "Doll" and "Princess;" spanking; piv; unprotected sex; pussy eating; fingering; probably some cursing
Word Count: 1k words
Mellow speaks: Yeah so another week went by with me being busy af, but I came up with something quick to keep you guys up till I manage to write an actual fic lol. 
Tagging: @sweethyuka @yedammi @enhacolor @axartia @hyunsuksmygod  @duolingofanaccount @zurimochi 
"Never knew you were into this kinda shit, Binnie," Yeonjun's voice cuts through the air, like ice caressing your supple skin while his hand presses your wrist against the mattress, his breath tickling your clavicle. "Watching me devour what's yours? How filthy. But don't worry, I'll do as you want, I'll ruin your little doll just right."
Your boyfriend's grunt is soon heard across the room, the sound of his zipper being undone almost pressing in on your ears if you weren't already too focused on the way a certain pair of lips feel against your breasts, soft kisses being pressed to your mounds as teeth graze your buds ever so slightly. 
It had all been Soobin's idea, but you had been the one to add fuel to it. It had been during the drunken escapade of a particular night, when he had confessed to his fantasy of seeing another man having his way with you. And this sudden confession had in turn prompted you to come clean about your own fantasy, and had told him just how hot you found his best friend. 
Yeonjun truly was like a dream, from those stupidly long legs to those plush, pink lips, and you had found yourself wondering what it'd feel like to have those very lips kiss your lower ones, or to have those gorgeous legs trap yours as he thrusted into you. Of course, you never would've thought you'd see the day where you could express what you felt towards the university senior to Choi Soobin, your boyfriend of two years now. 
Yet, here you are now, sprawled out on the soft mattress of your queen-sized bed as it dips just a little under the weight of Yeonjun's knees, delicious shivers running down your spine from feeling his tongue glide along the valley of your breasts. "Enjoying the show, Soob?," he drawls almost lazily, wrapping his lips around your nipples as he begins sucking on them, focusing on one at a time. 
You can only whimper in response, your body responding before your mouth can form words as you buck your naked hips, pushing your boots closer to his face while seeking some type of friction by grinding against him. "Easy there, doll," Yeonjun grunts, the smirk evident in his voice as his big hand presses down at your abdomen, in a bid to calm you down. 
You want to protest, you want to talk back, you want more. But your words are cut off by the sound of a deep groan coming from somewhere near the couch, followed soon after by that of skin aggressively rubbing against skin. "Give me a good show already," Soobin calls from his seat as a spectator, another groan escaping him as he begins to pump himself, wanting a release. 
"Eager much?," comes Yeonjun's reply, a slight edge to his words as his fingers run down your body, inching closer and closer to where you want him most. "Tell me what you want me to do, princess," he mumbles against your throat, pressing a soft kiss to the dip as his hand ghosts over your heat, arousal pooling between your legs as you moan and pant. And he hasn't even done anything yet.
"T-touch me, p-please," you whimper somehow, but lucky for you, he doesn't have to be told twice before his fingers push through your puffy lips, entering your wet warmth in a way that leaves you begging for more, though of course, your words fail you yet again. He's meticulous with his movements, and yet, those same movements are also hurried and desperate, like he's trying to prove a point. Having slender digits sure is a plus for him right now, helping him hit your sweet spot with every thrust and every curl. 
You've released before you know it, but it doesn't seem like he's planning on stopping anytime soon. Soobin's moans get mingled with your own, Yeonjun's grunts cutting through them like a knife as he goes down on you again, his tongue lapping around your bundle of nerves as your boyfriend angrily jerks off to the sight of you, to the sight of your body squirming and writhing under Yeonjun as he bathes you in another orgasm. 
He's just about to push himself into you, ready to go all in, when a voice stops him in his movements. "On all fours baby, you like that, don't you?" It's Soobin of course, his words leaving you a flustered mess at having your bedroom secrets exposed. Yeonjun can't help but chuckle at your state, a smirk on his face as he says, "Aww darling, got caught?," faking concern.
And you know he's faking it because the very next second, he's slapping your buttcheeks, his thick cock pushing through your dripping folds till you're full of him, your arms barely keeping you up while tears stream down your cheeks. He's relentless with his moves, his hips slapping against your own as he shows you just how good he can fuck you. 
You can't tell how many times he makes you cum, but with every time he brings you to your climax, you come one step closer to being his doll, the doll he's imagined burying himself inside so many times. By the time you're tired and spent, barely with any energy left inside of you, the only thing your brain can seem to register is the way he flips you over, his slightly rougher hands making way for Soobin's gentler ones, a soft kiss being placed to your forehead just as a duvet covers your naked body. 
"Seems like you enjoyed it as much as I did, huh princess?," your boyfriend asks, receiving only a soft hum in response. But that hum is enough to make him smirk as he walks over to the elder, throwing an arm around his shoulders. "Guess we'll have to make Yeonjun a regular inside our bedroom, huh?"
And from the smirk that graces Yeonjun's lips, you would have been able to tell he was more than willing. If you weren't already out cold, that is.
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btsrunmylife · 1 year
I would like to formally request a little thing of Jk being a sweet pliant boy and asking his noona (not his sister obviously 🥴) to help him wash up bc he is oh so tired!!!!
Doesn't have to have smut! Just whatever you’re inspired to write! 💛
HELLO FRIEND!!! I wonder how you ever could have come up with such a prompt 👀🤔😏
Here it iiiiiiiis!!!
I hope you like it 🥺👉👈
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Pairing: noona!reader x Jungkook
Rating: Explicit 🔞 (minors dni)
Word count: 3.5k
Content warning: sexual content; noona kink, "good boy", oral sex (male receiving). uhhhh, that's it. That's pretty much the entire thing in a nutshell lmao
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You glance up from your book, wrinkling your nose at your roommate standing at the edge of the couch. “Jungkook, why are you whining?”
“Because I’m tired,” he sighs dramatically, collapsing down on the couch next to your feet.
You grunt and remove your toes from beneath him, then press them firmly to his thigh as you return to what you’re reading. “Then go to sleep.”
“No,” he whines petulantly, taking your feet in his hands and making you gasp as his cold fingertips touch your skin.
“Hey, why are your hands always so cold?” you yelp, trying to wriggle from his grip unsuccessfully.
“I need to shower,” he complains, completely ignoring your comment about his hands. You can see the beginnings of a smile twitching at his mouth as he wrestles with you and you know you’re only encouraging him when you laugh.
“Then go shower,” you mimic with a roll of your eyes.
“I’m too lazy,” he sighs, forehead wrinkling as if the thought alone is exhausting.
You huff. Contrary to what it seems, Jungkook isn’t a lazy person. He’s actually pretty active. Having known him for a few years through your friend group and, now, after living with him, you know what a hard worker he is when he wants to be. But that’s just the thing – he has to want to be. Trying to get this man to do anything he doesn’t want to is near impossible. And because of that, there are moments that he gets on your nerves.
Namely because he knows that if he pouts those lips and flutters those lashes a little, he’ll get exactly what he wants.
Too lazy to cook himself dinner? Noona will do it. Too tired to wash the dishes? Noona will do it.
Truthfully, you don’t normally mind. It’s kind of nice to have someone to do things for. And it’s not like he does it all the time. Actually, you’ve noticed he really only does it when he wants your attention.
“What do you want me to do about it?” you laugh, finally shaking his hands free.
“Wash me,” he pouts, aiming those big, bambi-like eyes your way.
“What,” you say flatly, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of the request. Sure, you do things for him and you’ve even seen him naked the few times you’ve hooked up at house parties, but…none of those things were quite like this.
“Yeah,” he nods with conviction, hands now moving toward your shins as he shifts on the couch, leaning closer to you. “Noona, please? I’m too lazy to wash myself.”
You scoff, ignoring the goosebumps that pebble from having his stupidly cold hands on your skin. “But you’re not too lazy to go stand under the shower head while someone washes you?”
He grins cheekily, nose scrunching as he shakes his head. “Not when all I have to do is stand there.”
You roll your eyes up and stare at the ceiling, an expression you’ve definitely seen on him once or twice. Because not only have you learned that Jungkook can be a little shit when he wants something, but he can also be sassy as fuck. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Noona,” he whines, bowing over your legs and pressing his chin to your knees while he gazes up at you. “Please?”
And that really shouldn’t be effective. It shouldn’t work.
You can’t believe you’re even contemplating–
Something about your expression must give away your thoughts because he straightens up with a grin, tugging your hand free from your book. “Come on, it’ll only take ten minutes.”
You groan as you lose your place in your book, tossing it on the table with a thud. You give him a dubious look because there’s no way that mop of hair is only going to allow for a ten minute shower. He seriously needs a haircut, but he keeps it so soft you haven’t found it in you to point it out yet. 
It’s nice to run your hands through, okay?
“I promise,” he smiles, a little too sweetly for your taste.
You ignore it, letting yourself be pulled toward the bathroom, all the while questioning your life choices.
At the door, you pause. It’s been a while since the two of you have seen each other naked. You actually haven’t slept together since before you lived together, figuring there should be some boundaries for the two of you as roommates. That’s not to say you haven’t seen him shirtless because he genuinely has no qualms about showing off the abs he works hard on maintaining, but…this particular favor will be crossing a few lines.
“Jungkook, maybe–”
The words die on your tongue as he grips the bottom of his shirt and pulls it up over his head. His muscles stretch and flex as he twists and drops the garment to the floor, shaking the hair from his face and blinking it out of his eyes when he looks at you. His lips twitch around a smile he fights off, tongue coming out to poke at his lip ring as he raises his eyebrows. “Yes, noona?”
This little shit.
“You need a haircut,” you scoff, keeping your eyes above his chin.
He grins, shaking his head like a dog, letting the shaggy locks bounce and fluff up. When he stops and looks at you, it only makes you want to double-down on your statement. He looks ridiculous.
But he just grins and runs his hand through it. “You don’t like it? It’d be nice to pull on though, right?”
He pulls, as if to demonstrate this exact point, and giggles at the look on your face.
You repeat: this little shit. He knows from previous experience how you feel about hair pulling.
“Come on, noona,” he encourages, eyeing you still standing stiff in the doorway as his hands move toward the button on his jeans. “You can’t wash me from all the way over there. Not in that.”
You frown down at your t-shirt and sleep pants. “What’s wrong with this?”
He looks at you dubiously, hands freezing on his zipper. “They’ll get wet?”
And, okay, fair. Maybe you’re not thinking very clearly right now. You’re too stuck on how bad of an idea this probably is.
“I’ll grab a swimsuit then–” you begin, half-joking.
“Noona!” he protests with a laugh, rushing forward to stop you from backing out of the room. His hands curl around your wrists and tug you forward. When he sees your hesitation, he hums, thumbs swiping tenderly over your pulse points. “You know you don’t have to help me, right? I’d be really happy if you did, but you don’t have to if it’ll make you uncomfortable.”
Of course he’d be sweet at a time like this. When, as your gaze flickers down, you can see the waistband of his Calvin Klein boxer briefs beneath his jeans.
You scoff and pull your hands free. “I’m not uncomfortable.”
He narrows his eyes, then backs away. “Okay. Then strip.”
“I will,” you grumble, waiting for him to turn around or, at the very least, go back to stripping off his own clothes.
He doesn’t. Instead, he pushes his tongue into his cheek and crosses his arms over his chest like he’s waiting.
“You’re just going to watch me?” you squawk, waving your hands at him.
He smirks, letting out a quiet chuckle. “Why not? I’m about to see you naked anyway.”
He throws his head back in a laugh, uncrossing his arms to hold his hands up. He turns back toward the shower, hands returning to the waistband of his jeans. “Okay, okay. I won’t watch…even though I know you were just watching me.”
You grumble, waiting for a moment to make sure he’s not going to turn and blatantly stare at you again. When he doesn’t, you quickly rid yourself of your shirt and pants, leaving you in a plain pair of panties – you hadn’t been counting on anyone else seeing them, okay? – and the bralette you usually lounge around the house in.
When Jungkook turns to you in all of his naked glory, you feel your mouth go dry. You’d almost forgotten how stunning this man is without his clothes on, just how much muscle makes up his body. He could probably hold you up against the shower wall and fuck you no problem.
Which is exactly what you should not be thinking about the man you’re supposed to be just good friends with. Just roommates with.
“You’re getting in the shower in that?” he questions with a quirk of his head.
“I agreed to wash you, not get naked,” you point out, to which he shrugs and turns around to turn on the water.
“Just didn’t think you’d want to get your clothes wet,” he mutters quietly, almost as an afterthought.
“Right,” you say slowly. “There’s definitely no other reason you’d want me to take my bra and underwear off.”
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, testing the temp of the water with his wrist – you can’t lie, the view from behind him as he leans over to do so is not a bad one. “Of course not.”
You blink when he straightens his spine, averting your gaze so you’re not caught gawking like he probably expects. Judging by the look on his face when you look back at him, you’re not as subtle as you think you are. Your gaze flattens.
“Get in the shower, Jungkook.”
“Yes, noona,” he sings through a grin, practically dancing his way into the shower.
For someone who’s too tired and lazy to wash himself, he sure has a lot of energy.
Being in such a small, enclosed space with him is awkward, there’s no way around it. The floor is slick where the shower mat doesn’t reach and the two of you knock into each other more often than not. Actually washing him takes more effort on his behalf than you think he realized, requiring him to turn and, at times, bow his head so you can wash all of his hair.
Washing his hair does take more time, like you knew it would. His hair is so thick and long that it takes you a bit just to make sure it’s all wet before you massage shampoo into it. Jungkook seems to enjoy this process the most, letting out a few relaxed sighs and moans of appreciation. 
When you move on to washing the rest of him, you only allow yourself to hesitate for a second. If you make it awkward, it will be awkward. So, you try not to make it awkward.
You’re mostly successful. You ignore all the thoughts running through your brain about how firm the muscle underneath your hands is, about how said muscles jump and flex beneath your touch, how his stomach flutters like he’s releasing shaky breaths as you run the loofah over him.
You try not to think about it.
You also try not to think about the way your bra is entirely useless in this shower, soaked through and providing very little to the imagination.
…and how you’re pretty sure Jungkook is starting to get hard.
It’s easy to ignore at first, when you’re focused so much on his back and then his abs, but it gets a little difficult when you have to move lower – when you can’t keep scrubbing at the same spot on his lower stomach anymore.
You swallow, maneuvering him around so the spray can rinse off the suds you’d left behind. While turned, you wash the swell of his ass and down the backs of his legs, trying to ignore the way his ass flexes as you do. He probably wouldn’t be able to tell if you stare, not unless he twisted around to look for himself, but you feel like it would show all over your face the moment he turns around.
And you want to be at least a little respectful.
“You–” Jungkook’s voice is a mere squeak and he clears his throat before trying again. “You forgot the front of my legs.”
Blessedly, he cups his hands in front of himself as he turns around, allowing you the chance to crouch down and wash his legs without being poked in the face.
Not that you’d complain.
“I think that’s everything,” you mutter.
He hums in the affirmative and you glance up at him, watching his lips pop open as he looks down at you. “Sorry for–” His gaze flicks down to his hands. “--this.”
You can’t help it, you laugh, making his cheeks turn redder than they already were from the heat of the shower. “Why are you sorry? Can you control it?”
He gnaws at his lip and shakes his head, tonguing at his lip ring. “Not around you.”
You raise your eyebrows, a slow smirk tugging at your lips. “Oh?”
He shakes his head and his little quivered breaths turn into a moan when you press a kiss to his lower stomach, his hands tightening around each other, like he’s not quite sure what to do with them – what he’s allowed to do here. You help him by prying them away from himself, guiding them toward your head. He releases a breath like it’s been punched from his lungs when his cock, fully erect, springs free and smacks against you.
“Noona,” he whimpers, fingers tangling in the wet strands of your hair. “Please.”
“Please what, Jungkook?” you question, smiling when you look up at him.
His eyes flutter open to look at you and he swallows hard. You’re momentarily mesmerized by the sight of the hair matted to his forehead and neck, by the droplets of water cascading down his collarbones and chest. It’s a gorgeous sight, you have to admit.
“Touch me,” he pleads, bottom lip pulled into a pout – the very one you have such a hard time saying no to.
Not that you want to. Not that you would.
Not when you can feel just how hard he is.
“I am touching you, Jungkook,” you point out cheekily, pointedly nipping at the little swell of skin below his belly button.
He sucks air in through his teeth, groaning in frustration. “Noona, don’t tease.”
You kiss the spot you dug your teeth into, fluttering your lashes up at him innocently. “Nobody’s teasing. If you want me to touch you, you have to tell me where.”
His pout deepens, eyebrows drawing together as if embarrassed. “You’re going to make me say it?”
“Jungkook,” you say reasonably, leaning away from him. You’re always so blown away by this man’s duality – by his cocky, playful demeanor shifting into such a quiet, bashful one. “If you can’t even ask for what you want, then we shouldn’t be doing this at all–”
“I want you to touch my cock,” he rushes to say, voice coming out a little high-pitched. His chest and face have turned a pretty shade of pink – whether it be from the warmth of the shower, the arousal, or the admission, you can’t be sure, but you like it. “Please. Hands, mouth. I don’t care how, just touch me.”
You hum through a smirk. “See, was that so hard?”
His undoubtedly sharp retort is cut off by a moan when you finally wrap your hand around his length, teasing at the tip and running your finger through his precome. His cock twitches in your hold and your mouth waters at the sight. You can’t resist leaning forward to give him a little lick, sighing at the taste of him on your tongue.
“Such a sweet boy,” you praise, listening to the way his breath stutters in his lungs. “So hard for noona, hm?”
“Ah ah,” he gasps, hips jerking forward when you run your tongue along the length of him, following a vein right back up to the tip.
“You want noona to take care of you, Kookie?” you question, wrapping your hand more firmly around him and giving him a few slow strokes. “You want noona to make you feel good?”
“F-fuck,” he whimpers, leaning back against the shower wall and running a hand through his hair, fingers tangling in the long locks and tugging. “Please, noona. Please. Wanna feel good.”
“Shh, okay,” you soothe him, pressing a light kiss to his slit. “Noona will make you feel good.”
“Yes,” he breathes, fingers tightening in your hair when you finally wrap your lips around him, rolling your tongue along his tip before giving it a light suck. “Ah, fuck.”
This is something you’ve learned about Jungkook, something you loved when you started hooking up with him – he’s incredibly vocal when he’s enjoying himself…and pleasing him is not very difficult to do. Hearing him moan, gasp, and cry out when you move down his length certainly strokes your ego, makes you feel like you’re good at this and makes you feel good about yourself. There’s nothing quite like knowing that you’re pleasing your partner, that you’re making them feel good.
It makes you moan and sink down further onto his cock, which twitches against your tongue.
“Noona,” he sighs, seeming to tremble with the resolve not to thrust into your mouth. “Fuck, you make me feel so good.”
“Yeah?” you breathe as you pull back, taking him firmly in hand as you look up at him. His eyebrows are pinched, lips pulled into a tight frown as his chest heaves with the shaky breaths he takes. The water continues to rain down around him, but neither of you pay it any mind. Your sole attention is on Jungkook, on the shift in his expression when you twist your wrist just right, on the way his teeth dig into his bottom lip when you squeeze just a little bit tighter. “How good, Jungkook?”
He curses under his breath and opens his eyes, looking completely fucked out from just your hand and your mouth. He moans, lashes fluttering and fingertips pushing some of your hair from your face. “So good, noona. You make me feel so – ah – good.”
“Good,” you echo, getting a little more comfortable on your knees and edging just a smidge closer. You place your hands on his hips and blink up at him. “I want you to be a good boy, Jungkook. Be a good boy and cum in my mouth, okay?”
“Oh, fuck,” he groans with a quick nod.
You laugh at his enthusiasm, then take him back into your mouth, running your tongue along the bottom of his length and smirking at the way he trembles. Giving his hips a gentle squeeze of encouragement, you brace yourself and relax the back of your throat, humming happily when he takes the hint and starts thrusting.
It’s a lazy thrust, like he doesn’t really want to do any of the work, but you’re fine with doing most of the work anyway. You’re fine with bobbing your head and pausing to swallow around him, fine with swirling your tongue and drooling around his cock. You’re fine with making a mess of him, doing your best to unwind and unravel him, to make him completely lose that cocky composure he had at the start of all this.
And he does lose it, moans becoming whimpers and whimpers becoming cries, words of how good he’s feeling becoming garbled and nonsensical. “Good” and “noona” are the only two words you hear, the rest getting washed away by the sound of your mouth around his cock.
“Fuck, noona,” he whines, hands flying to either side of your head and resting there. “Gonna cum.”
You hum, giving a reassuring squeeze of his thigh to let him know it’s okay. That you want his cum in your mouth.
He cries out, torso bending over and arms cradling your head as he comes on your tongue and into your throat. His hips jerk and tremble as he finishes. He falls back against the wall of the shower, releasing a loud and noisy breath like it was the most exhausting orgasm of his life.
You smirk and wipe at the corners of your lips as you stand, waiting for him to open his eyes before making a show of swallowing and opening your mouth for him to see.
His eyebrows pinch and he groans. “Ugh, noona.”
You chuckle, reaching around him to turn off the water. “Good, Jungkook?”
He nods breathlessly, bringing a hand up to swipe his thumb along your bottom lip. “So good.”
“Good,” you repeat with a soft smile, turning to reach out of the shower for a towel. 
He surprises you by wrapping his arms around you from behind, pulling you back against him. He sighs happily, burying his face into your neck. “Thank you for taking care of me, noona.”
“Uh huh,” you sigh, as if it was troublesome. As if you didn’t enjoy it.
“Maybe you’ll let me take care of you sometime?” he questions softly, almost shyly.
You feel yourself soften in his grip. “Yeah, okay. Maybe.”
“Good,” he hums, smile evident against your skin.
And, okay, maybe the two of you should reconsider your roommate agreement.
Just maybe.
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betweenthings2 · 7 months
if you're still doing cuddle prompts, 6 or 23 for g&m would make my day 💖
Thank you for the ask! I always still doing everything--all the prompt lists are fair game--it just takes me a little while to get to them sometimes.
6. Pecks and nose grazes over all areas of exposed skin and 23. "Cuddling has never felt like this. I honestly feel like I’m melting into a puddle and my brain is mush. Or is it just this way with you?”
6. Pecks and nose grazes over all areas of exposed skin
Matty's favorite spot to rest his head is on George's chest for a multitude of reasons. He gets to hear George's steady heartbeat, feel the warmth of his skin, the comfort of being close. He gets to smell their laundry soap, George's cologne, their shared cigarettes and joints. He gets George, he gets closeness and comfort and love. What Matty also gets is the opportunity to return the little tokens of affection that George always offers him. He gets to touch and love and be.
Matty is pretty sure he couldn't ask for more than touching and loving and being. He'd give it all up just to lay in bed like this with George. He'd give it all up to lay in bed with George, half naked and stated, head on his chest, touching and loving and being. George is running gentle fingers through his hair, scratching against his scalp with blunt nails on occasion, and his bare skin is warm and Matty couldn't think of anything better if you paid him. There is nothing better.
Matty shifts slightly so he can press a kiss to George's bare skin, then another and another. George doesn't really react, just keeps running his fingers through Matty's curls. That is, he doesn't react until Matty moves enough that he can reach the juncture of George's neck and shoulder where he is, admittedly, very ticklish. Matty presses a collection of featherlight kisses there, then up George's neck, until it's all he can do to not squirm away.
"Matthew," George starts, trying his very best to sound firm, "what do you think you're doing?"
"Kissing you," Matty says, faux innocent.
George laughs, incredulous. "Yeah, alright," he says.
Matty stays still for a few minutes, breath ghosting over George's skin. Then, without warning, he returns to kissing his way up George's neck, earning slight laughter at first, then near hysterics when he reuses to stop. When he finally does relent, it's with a cheeky grin that George couldn't be upset with if he tried for the rest of his life.
"You," George says, "are a fucking menace."
Matty keeps grinning and responds, "You love me."
"I do and you're still a menace."
Matty softens and says, "I love you, too." He presses a kiss to George's collarbone, then his chest, no ulterior motive this time, nose grazing over bare skin as he moves.
"I regret ever letting you know I'm ticklish," George says once Matty has settled again.
"I'll never forget about it," Matty says. "I promise you that."
"I don't doubt that," George admits. "You've been torturing me with it for years."
Matty presses another kiss to George's bare chest, and protests, "That is hurtful, quite frankly. I just like it when you laugh."
George laughs. "As far as excuses go, that's not great."
"And for someone who loves me, you're not very nice to me," Matty counters.
 George laughs. "You're full of shit," he says. "Who brings you coffee every morning? Who remembers your phone charger every time we travel? Who always has a lighter and never complains when you take it and lose it? Who-"
"Mean," Matty interrupts. "This is you being mean to me. It's not my fault I lose your lighters. You've let me get complacent 'cause you always have another. And they're not really yours, they're ours."
"I love you, you know that?" is all George can say.
Matty nods. He moves so he can kiss George properly, and when they separate he says, "I love you, too. Thanks for always bein' so good to me."
"I couldn't do anything else if I tried, Matty," George responds. "Still," Matty protests, resting his head back on George's chest. "Thanks."
23. "Cuddling has never felt like this. I honestly feel like I’m melting into a puddle and my brain is mush. Or is it just this way with you?”
Matty is a tactile person. He likes to hug, touch, hold hands. He likes to fidget with things, likes to feel, likes to be occupied. George knew this, he’s know it as long as he’s known Matty, really. What he wasn’t prepared for was how much Matty likes to cuddle. And really, he'd known Matty likes to cuddle for a long time, a product of years spent sharing beds in teenage bedrooms, of years spent writing and producing pressed into each other's sides so they can both reach the laptop they're working on, of shared joints and cigarettes because it makes sense to be close if you're sharing. George has gotten used to Matty there, next to him, but now they're a proper couple and it's different.
Now, it's like Matty is a part of George, like they've been stitched together, for better or for worse (it's for better, everything with Matty is better). George hasn't seen Matty act like this with anyone else, but he also doesn’t think he's observed Matty in a serious relationship with another man, or anyone, for that matter. He's not even sure if that matters, or if it even should. Maybe it's just that it's them. Maybe Matty is half way in is his lap while they watch a film solely because it's them. Actually, half way is an understatement. Matty is fully in George's lap, stoned and pliant and comfy in a way George dares not move, even if Matty is like a space heater and George had long since discarded the blanket they'd been under.
The film ends and Matty doesn't move, comfortable exactly where he is. The credits play and then Netflix threatens to play something else, so George uses his free hand to reach of the remote and shut the TV off, then wraps his around Matty to hold him close.
"Hey George?" Matty murmurs after a while.
"Yeah, love?" 
Matty hums like he's going to say something important, but all he really says is, "You're comfy. And warm."
"'m warm?" George asks. "You're like a space heater."
Matty nods. "I like this," he says. "I'm comfy."
"Can you be comfy in bed?" George suggests. "Sleepin' on the couch kills my back."
Matty puts on his best display of faux upset, but he's a bad actor when he's this stoned, so he just seems a little bit petulant. George finds it endearing anyway.
"C'mon," George urges. "Let's go up to bed, Matty."
Matty lets George urge him to his feet and herd him upstairs. Matty curls himself around George again in bed, like he simply needs the contact. George holds him close, lets him cling, all entwined limbs and wayward curls.
"Ya'know," George murmurs after a while, "I never realized you were this fuckin' cuddly." Half of him doesn't expect Matty to answer, thinks he's already asleep.
Matty tightens his grip on George and mumbles, "Neither did I. Cuddling has never felt like this. I honestly feel like I’m melting into a puddle and my brain is mush. Or is it just this way with you?"
"I think it's you," is George's answer. "Or it's how stoned you are."
Matty burrows a little closer to George and says, "'ve got evidence that says neither of those things are true."
"Yeah?" George asks.
Matty nods. "Yeah."
George presses a kiss against Matty's temple and says, "Tell me 'bout it in the mornin', yeah?"
"Yeah, alright," Matty agrees, shifting like he's trying to get even closer. "G'night. Love you."
"I love you, too," George responds. "I love you, too."
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blkkizzat · 13 days
Woooh I've been a bit MIA for the most part lately but it's been for good reason...Kali I'm on the last chapter before proof.. my book is damn near DONE BABES! And unfortunately not a speck of smut in sight but there might be a love scene in the sequel. Unfortunately, my parents have to read this novel as it's hopefully going to be my debut and I 100% refuse to let them know what I find hot. They don't deserve that.
I'm also writing a Sample Writing piece so I can go back to school. So I'm giving myself more work.
I never got my fried cheese, but the craving went away with my time of the month, so I'm okily dokily.
I generally ONLY like mozz sticks and cheese curds from a greasy bar. Is it the best place to eat? NO. BUT if I have one more cheese curd served with a three house sauces and not ONE of them is marinara I'm going to freak. Worse is when they try to give you No sauce and then say, we don't serve marinara. Then why tf do you have cheese curds?
Anyway... onto my thoughts this evening.
Big celebrations with ya mans. I'm thinking
Gojo, has to go all out. He takes the day off. He showers you in gifts (nothing expensive just things he knows you like) take you out to an elaborate dinner to top before taking you home and making you forget your name. Like you aren't sure what happened or how you ended up on the kitchen counter, but Gojo's house keeper is not entertained when she finds you both naked on her previously clean counter
Geto is more low key and sophisticated a good dinner, some dancing. He let's you pick your favorite spot out and orders you the good dessert. You get home and yes he does pipe you down. Respectfully.
Nanami, he does not like going out. Something about him screams home body to me. He cooks you dinner. Candles, flowers, the whole 9 just at home. He still gets dressed nicely. Lays out a pretty dress so you feel sexy. His reward to you for your celebration is like 4 orgasms on his tongue. He doesn't ask for reciprocation, this night's about you..but you give it to him anyway.
Toji... you're getting dick. Metaphorically and physically. Like he's not buying you shit but he is dicking you down. Like can't walk the next day Dicking you down. You can't even complain. You're satisfied. Your toes barely move without twitching. He does, however, make you toaster waffles the next morning. With orange juice.
Choso...sweet baby that he is...plans something elaborate ..that does not happen. He planned to do the Nanami thing and cook for you and give you a nice relaxing day. But he failed to remember he could not cook. Nearly burnt the damn apartment down. Instead, he orders your favorite take out. Puts on your favorite movie and let's you put your cold ass feet just under his legs to keep them warm. You end up making love on the couch while he's praying you don't smell the burnt food he had to throw away...you do but it's okay cause he's cute.
One stress done and another ready to beat my ass- 🧠
🧠nonny! sorry ml ive been so tired and busy myself i couldnt get to your ask, i have a little back log i still need to get through 😭.
First congrats on your book! That's amazingggg! Smut isn't needed and yeah definitely not if your parents are going to read it 😭😭.
Oooh are you going to go back to school for writing? I love the commitment!
"Worse is when they try to give you No sauce and then say, we don't serve marinara. Then why tf do you have cheese curds?"
NO OKAY CAUSE REAL!!! Or if you can tell the marinara they are using is old/not fresh, urgh.
Also fhjdasfkjhagdfhjab lmfao i know gojo house cleaner would quit if she wasnt getting paid so well. i cant imagine the messes she be coming across. but totally agreed!
Oooh and Geto! I bet hes such a good dancer too, so smooth. I see him being good at salsa and that shit be so touchy/sensual y'all ripping each other clothes off by the time you get home.
Ah yes, Nanami home is his castle! I can also imagine that with lots of flower petals, candles and essential oil. you'd feel like you were somewhere else the way he'd transform your living room.
"Puts on your favorite movie and let's you put your cold ass feet just under his legs to keep them warm."
SEE IM CRYING NOW CAUSE THATS MY BABY GIRL AND THAT IS A NECESSITYYYY!!!! I absolutely love that, esp cause my feet are always cold tbh. He's so cuteeee ahhhh i love him. This was super cute!
What about Sukuna though? I feel like he would need Uraume to remind him of the big event, then Uraume would fine out what you like, buy it and then sukuna will give it to you lmfaoooo
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irl-batsignal · 2 months
Fantastic examples would love more, but the gothamites reactions to the sun is real.
Have you ever been flash banged by the sun? That shits no joke 10/10 worst things about the daytime and being awake in general. Pretty sure it makes us hallucinate in Gotham
The sun actually doesn't effect me badly like that surprisingly. It's due to my metapowers something to do with photokinesis, which I can use to manipulate light as well as process light differently then others. Due to my body's unique photokinetic properties I possess enhanced photo-sensory abilities. My photokinetic senses can detect changes and variations in light invisible to the naked eye, and I can absorb and process light faster than humanly possible.
Anyways here are some other Gothamite stuff:
Once I went into a convenience store and there was a robber. He saw me and instead of waiting for the cashier to give up all the money he just took the entire cash register and bolted. He was very easy to catch 😕
This other time I was fighting off like 3 people and one of them threw me. I accidentally landed near a civilian but they kinda just stared at me and then put a leaf onto my chest. (That leaf is still on my dresser)
These two people i met weren't Gothamites, I could tell. It was a mother and a daughter. They were probably visiting a friend. But the daughter came up to me and ran a circle around me and so brightly went like, "You look like the sun!" -- this ones not weird or anything, i just thought it was cute
I also remember once with the birds. It was like a whole murder of crows. Several istg. But they were all following this one old lady. I swear there were like 100 birds
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thediktatortot · 1 year
I have this HC that after Billy is out of recovery/therapy, he starts smoking weed basically every day, becoming a bit of a coping mechanism for him.
Have this Billy pov sad whumpy thing I typed out while you guessed it, high.
~~~~~Billy Narrator~~~~~
It helps with pain, it helps with anxiety and depression, it helps with social situations and can help with appetite. All things he's now dealing with after his brush with the upside down.
Pain from losing parts of himself, literally, to a monster who used him like a walking meat puppet, sending him into his own personal hell he couldn't escape from and had no way of expressing his experience to anyone else.
With every person he encountered, he had hoped somehow, someone would see what was happening, that somehow someone might have gotten to know him well enough in this hick fucking town to have given a shit about how weird he was acting.
No one did.
It wasn't until El with her mind powers and his stupid fucking sister deciding to peep on him. It was pure luck they had even found out, he had basically avoided everyone in the house as much as he could leaving no real opportunities for the rest of his household to notice.
Max fucked off with her friends, Susan avoided the house just as much as he did and if Niel wasn't working, then he was watching TV or out with his new buddies from work.
No one was ever home if they couldn't help it, and when they were everyone stuck to their own rooms more often than not. No one *wanted* to see each other and Billy had liked it that way.
Now Billy can't stand being alone in rooms, but he also can't handle going out around too many people at the same time.
Then there's the pain, the soreness, the twinges and the burning nerve pain that feels like needles stabbing his skin. The accidental skin tugs as he doesn't move cautiously enough are enough to stop Billy from playing sports or even to work out, already lowering his completely decimated self esteem.
He hates himself and he hates everyone else. He hates Niel who's dropped out of his life about as thoroughly as he tried to keep Billy in his.
He hates Max for being just as stubborn as he was, he hates Susan for never sticking up for him, he hates how his life has been one big series of battles, thinking he would win eventually and end up on his own where he could choose his own life from that moment on and now he's fucking stuck in a 8x8 trailer bedroom.
He used to live near the beach.
It was gorgeous, it was fun, he had friends and even though he never really got along with Niel, things had been okay. But even that wasn't great, looking back now he can see the things he didn't see before; his mom's sad smiles, the occasional dinner that felt tense for no reason, the times when his mother would turn up the volume of her music to drown out the arguments they were having.
Billy's never really had a good life by normal standards and now it feels like he won't get it ever.
He's reliant. He's in pain all the time, he can't be around people and the thought of being naked in public has him shaking with anxiety.
The weed helps a little, loosens him up socially, dulls some of the more sharper pain and helps him to forget about his past for a little while.
Helps him eat too, not having had enough of an appetite to stomach more than water and maybe a fruit or two. There's a lot of things he can't eat now and it's all the monsters fault.
He hates himself because everything's different and a large portion of his life is now inaccessible to him, he *has* to change if he's going to live through this life, there's either only moving forward or...nothing, he couldn't imagine himself hiding for the rest of his life.
He hates the idea of that, the engrained need to have something important about himself, some skill he could show off or talent to use as a social weapon to gain social points.
Can't even give himself time to grieve the loss of his old way of life. He just, doesn't want to think about it.
The weed helps that too. Billy doesn't do much thinking anymore, not the deep kind, opting to fill his entire day with some form of stimulus, TV, music, walking, reading, cooking, cleaning, the list goes on.
The dull in pain helps him keep active but he always regrets it when he eventually comes down, feeling the ache in his body hit him like a ton of bricks all over again because he pushed himself too hard.
So yea, he's high a lot, he doesn't want to deal with his issues sober. Munson had tried to bring it up once, made a joke about selling most of his stuff to Billy but he didn't give him an answer, changing the subject.
He knew people could see something was up but no one knew how he'd react if they asked. He'd probably get upset at them and he knows it, he knows that if someone tries to get him to talk about it now that he won't be ready to explain it.
He's tired, and the freshness of it all is too much to handle just yet all at once, he needs time and he'll deal with it bit by bit.
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paperbunny · 1 year
S2, E1: The Arrival, Pt. 2
Not a meta, just a tribute.
[Starting at 22:22] Ep 1, Pt. 1
('Allo 'Allo 'Allo) Muriel is perfect and I am so happy that everyone instantly loved her.
(General Omens) The matchbox says "Out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks of fire leap out." Job 41:19 This is interesting because it doesn't seem like it applies to Gabe or Jim, unless the sparks are the prophesies that he says, which seems redundant since those were pretty clearly prophetic and don't need any extra hints. Crowley as Aziraphale did shoot flames from his mouth, though. The extended passage is all about the Leviathan which could be a reference to Crowley the Serpent but I hope it's a more interesting forewarning of Guardian!Aziraphale when he gets to work upstairs. It could just as easily be a warning about the power of God as wielded by the Metatron though. Important but not clear to me where to point it.
(General Omens) The coffee cup on the wall of the shop outside (above the outdoor seats, near the "or") has orange flame-like whisps instead of white or light grey that one would expect to signify steam. Ominous coffee business. The coffee shop is blue whilst the record shop is orange. Opposing colors.
(Nina the Mirror) Interesting that the coffee shop is called Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, considering the lack of liberty Nina clearly has in her personal life. Nina and Aziraphale both taking up for others whilst trapped themselves. Sure, Az is technically unemployed, but he's certainly not free.
(General Omens) Not sure if there will be more to the story about the coffee shop being essentially USA-themed, such as a Greasy Johnson tie-in, but for now it just seems like another little UK joke about things getting set in the US or otherwise America-coded for the sake of mass marketing.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) He wants Crowley to be calm, he wants himself to be calm. He's also not familiar with the effects of espresso. And neither he nor Crowley are acting like it's at all unusual to be hanging out together, though they've not been together in this shop it seems. Eccles cakes? *pointed look at Crowley* Some eccles cakes please. He's just as nervous to show Crowley as he is about the problem itself, but not telling Crowley isn't even on the table. Because Crowley is there allll the timmmeeee and is an integral part of his world, too, of course.
(Nina The Shit Stirrer) How's your naked man friend? NINA. You know that this little book man has never brought this slinky goth fellow into your shop and you have no idea what their business is. But you just HAD to mention the naked man in front of Aziraphale's man-shaped friend. And she was so happy to do it. Has she seen the Bentley and Crowley coming and going? How much does she suspect? Is she poking that situation because of the volatility of her own?
(General Omens) "You're a dark horse Mr. Fell" First Dark Horse mentioned, of at least three.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) Immediate embarassment! Where was that embarrassment when it was the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD? But no, in front of Crowley suddenly you're shy.
(Domestic Moments) The tone of "go back a long time" is so sweet. They really aren't trying to hide much at this point, despite aggressively refusing to Address The Situation. And how nice that Crowley gets to be introduced. No "friends" no obfuscation. No labels, either, but there's a real tide change even so. And Nina does a cute little curtsy-ish move in response. Maybe she has a sense about how long "a long time" could be.
(Crowley With A Purpose) He's so happy that he has actual news. Is he happy that there's something to do, or that something bad might be happening to Gabriel? Both? The IMMEDIATE interest in getting into the bookshop. I can't imagine that he thinks Aziraphale would be harboring a recreational naked man for sexy reasons, but he certainly isn't laughing about it either. He asks Aziraphale if he can help, and poor Az seems to have had whatever his plan for a soft launch of the problem was completely obliterated by Nina's bomb dropping. Also that coffee cup was SO EMPTY.
(Domestic Moments) Despite Az clearly getting his plan for easing Crowley into the problem messed up, they are off to the shop. Whole plate of eccles cakes in hand, and no "after you" needed at the door. This is a well oiled partnership opening doors and holding things as needed. Nina watches them steal her plate. Why is the closed sign stuck on with tape? It's like he's not even trying to pretend he is ever open.
(Maggie the Strange) She stops Mr. Fell to thank him, while he's clearly in a rush, and he tries to give her eccles cakes. No intro for Crowley this time. Was her purpose just to make sure we noticed the Eccles Cakes? Because we did. Everyone is upset that he just stole the whole plate. People need to slow down on the "not going to parties" and "not being that kind of teenager" meaning that she's some inhuman being, because some of us were also not that teenager. More talk of names. Maggie gives her a record because it's the same name, Nina hasn't accepted Maggie giving her name yet. She's still Skinny Latte.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) (Domestic Moments) Why are you closing all the blinds, sir? Jim!Gabe has been in here for awhile with the blinds open, so maybe it's more about the reaction of Crowley that's concerning? Crowley who has his own place for his glasses, who seems entirely at ease in the shop, and who says "Do we know a Jim?" we! I love that we. And the casual conversation. Go on and guess. I know a storm comes later, but we really did get so many soft, romantic moments.
(Heavenly Scandal) (Domestic Moments) So much of the Jim!Gabe is scandal but also tied up in the sweet domesticity. Crowley is pissed and scared but neither lashes out at the other in a real way. Aziraphale isn't scared of him, just worried about the whole mess. Jim!Gabe already trusts Az enough that he looks to make sure there's nothing wrong when Crowley first confronts him.
(Domestic Moments) The warm yellow-ochre walls. I thought people were exaggerating the yellow thread through the story but no. That's pretty intentional looking. I don't know if it's Az's favorite colour, but it certainly seems to be a color that makes him feel at home. Is there more than one room up here? Is this the room that Jim!Gabe ends up staying in? No bed up here it seems, though I don't know if our collective hearts could have handled A&C standing alone in a room near a bed. Az doesn't seem against the idea of getting rid of Jim!Gabe at first, just unsure of what to do. Crowley immediately is ready to dump him in Dartmoor. Az can't bring himself to not help. Would he go to Gabe to help him? Likely not. But once the person-shaped-being is in your care, is it your fault if harm comes to them?
(Husbands at War) This fight is well-trod soil. Neither seems legitimately angry at the other, but rather they fall immediately into defending their side in well-worn territory. Az wants to stay and help/fight/fix, Crowley wants to not make themselves a target/save their peace/refuse to get involved. There's strong arguments for both sides and we have our seeds of future conflict. Az tells him if he wants to leave he can, and that reaction from Crowley, "Is this how you want to do this?" as though this is one of a few versions that the argument takes.
(Bookshop Omens) The eccles cakes. Four of them. Next to a horse. Four horsemen? What are the cakes about!?
(Existential Crisis Crowley) His peaceful existence is at risk. He's so mad he's recognizing his own lack of control and tries to self-regulate. Did you learn that from a Richard Curtis film, Crowley? Or does Az have a self-help section?
(Nina the Observant) She sees Crowley smoking before the people on the street seem to. Everyone stops and watches though. There's no way that there isn't some kind of low grade miracle on this street that prevents these strange events from sticking in the brains of the passersby. Man smokes and yells and then is hit by lightning. Everyone watches and no one seems to retain it except Maggie and Nina. Also Nina I'm pretty sure those aren't auto locks. There's no sign of anything auto about the regular looking deadbolt.
(Heavenly Scandal) Why do I like Uriel so much? Michael does have the best claim to be Supreme Archangel Pro Tempore, as Duty Officer. I love the bureaucracy. It's great. Micheal is basically pulling a Dwight Schrute move. Saraquel is the one Muriel went to. Is Saraquel not an Archangel? Or are they just a more approachable one? It doesn't seem like they have a dog in the fight over who is the next SAAPT.
('Allo 'Allo 'Allo) Muriel is a scrivener, which immediately makes me think of Bartleby the Scrivener. I've been told that the job of scrivener comes up in games and stuff enough that it might not be a direct reference but it seems pretty pointed to me? Maybe it's just English Nerd Brain. The story tracks though, potentially, for where Muriel could be headed. From google, about the meaning of Bartleby: "...as the narrator is forced to admit, “Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance.” Refusing to kow-tow to the demands of his employer, and working to his own individual rule, Bartleby represents a challenge to capitalist, corporatist ideologies." Part of Bartleby's problem, from what I remember, is living in a place with no joy or interaction, and realizing that he can actually say no. Isn't that eerily similar to Muriel?
(Heavenly Scandal) Uriel looks at Micheal like, you want to be in charge so you get to touch the Material Object. Michael is not thrilled.
(Existential Crisis Crowley) He's sitting in that street, in his car, looking like the Saddest Boy-Shaped Husband. He's not having a good time, and now his little corner of peace is in high danger. He looks SO SAD. I didn't notice how sad he looked on previous watches. It's interesting to me that C always uses the honorific for Beeze. Lord Beelzebub. He also slides riiiiight into being cool and collected as soon as he realizes he's not actively in trouble. It's not a kidnapping, it's an offer. Watching him squirm immediately when he realizes this is about Gabriel is pretty fun. Crowley the suave, chill snake is just a flimsy cover for Crowley the clingy movie dork who uses affected disinterest as a defense mechanism. He's still one of Hell's best (ex)employees though. He's not suprised that Beeze wants to use his talents, but he is surprised that it's coming with an offer of a reward. "Doesn't seem like the kind of thing you're likely to say". Neither of them actually say anything solid. Hell is clearly better with contractual language.
(General Omens) Crowley says Extreme Sanctions don't exist. Beeze says they do. This remains to be seen.
(Nina The Mirror) More being mean to Maggie for no reason, then trying to make it up.
(Maggie The Strange) Maggie doesn't drink. That isn't weird. The "No Judgement" that feels awkward is a little strange. Especially since she waits til Nina is in the middle of a sip to say it.
(Maggie/Nina) They have a *moment*. It's a nice little conversation but doesn't seem very weighty. Not what you'd expect from a meet-cute.
(Husbands at War) I liked the use of Loverboy here. I seem to be in the minority. I hope it comes back again in S3, but I thought it was sweet. He's hauling ass to get back to his Angel. When it comes down to it, he's a good old fashioned loverboy. He always comes back.
(Eldritch Tendancies) I know things were a bit different in S1 but there seems to be NO concern about hiding from the human folk. Just explode on the street and then magically power-on the whole cafe. No big.
(Maggie The Strange) (Nina The Observant) Why doesn't Maggie seem to have the same level of awareness that Nina has? Also, one of Lindsay's texts says "I'm a real person. I Matter. Why don't you care about me?" Is someone not real? When the text is on the screen, the camera is on Maggie. [38:53]
(Domestic Moments) Aziraphale you petty bitch. He is just sitting in the chair waiting. Crowley sails in (does he have a key or did Az leave it unlocked for him?) and then suddenly Az puts on his glasses and starts pretending to look at his random papers. Our stage is set for the Dance of the Repressed and Afraid. This scene is so much funnier now that I've noticed that Az is clearly being a bitch on purpose. And that he is possibly delighted to have the chance to make Crowley do the dance, since Az clearly has done all the Dances lately.
(Husbands at War) The dance erases the tension and lets them move on without actually resolving the fight, but that's not really an issue here because Crowley has new intel. They immediately shift into planning and figuring things out. When it comes down to it they are both always on eachother's side. Az is nervous about doing a miracle, and it does sound like they've never done one together. Why they do it together this time isn't totally clear upfront but I guess it keeps the power used smaller on each side and shielding him from the other side helps prevent red flags being raised.
(Jim!Gabriel) He and Crowley don't like eachother, in this moment. Crowley is being "nice"-ish. But they make great faces at eachother.
(Husbands at War) Az suggests splitting the miracle and Crowley listens. Later we see Crowley not listen and steamroll Az. Unfortunately this isn't a great argument for listening to Az, since the teeny tiny miracle does NOT fly under the radar. There's a lot of wide angle or fisheye lens used here. And the chair Jim!Gabe is sitting in is on top of the portal. That might be a red herring, might not. Portal isn't active, but it could explain why alarms went off in heaven but not hell.
(Good For Me) I noticed the portal being under the chair. Also note that the rug is currently a general faded beige-y rug. Also Jim!Gabriel offers his hands crossed, left offered to Az and right to Crowley. They look distasteful (?) about it and awkwardly reach across to take the "correct" hand.
(Husbands At War) Crowley tests the waters, so to speak, and pokes at the air to feel the miracle. Az is happy that things seem to have worked. He reassures Jim!Gabriel and Crowley is still only in the fight to protect the Oasis, not Jim!Gabe.
(Heavenly Scandal) Michael seems to be ignoring the klaxon alarm on purpose? And Uriel is like, if you want to be Assistant To The Regional Manager, then you need to fix this. The miracle shows up as pink, and Saraquel is the one operating the globe thing. They refer to Aziraphale as a former angel, and there's no reference to Crowley. I really don't think that heaven or hell knows or understands much about the Az-Crowley situation. They clearly know there's something odd there, but I don't know what their impression of it is.
End Ep 1.
Ep 1, Pt. 1
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devildancing · 7 months
Unrequested Rabastan Drabble ft. Narcissa
❝ The fuck does a man have to do not to run into one of you bloody Black witches? ❞
Rabastan gives the pretty little blonde a pointed little stare, raising his upper body from the floor by the palms he's pressed into the carpet. He'd been in the middle of trying to exercise ( and exorcise ) some of his demons when the youngest daughter of the house had made a point of slipping through the door of the room he was sharing with Rodolphus. She's still standing there, arms behind her back with her palms resting against the door knob. If it weren't for pure curiosity, he might have told her to fuck the fuck off.
" I suppose you'd increase your odds if you weren't staying in our home. "
He snorts at that, grabbing at the pack of cigarettes near his hips before tamping them against his palm. Rab doesn't miss the way her cool blue eyes follow the act and, gentleman that he most certainly is not, the boy offers Narcissa one before pulling his own. Color him surprised when she not only takes it, but lights the thing and takes a drag like a champ. A whistle leaves his lips, but nothing about these bloody bints ever makes sense to him.
❝ What do you want, Black...aside from a nicotine hit? ❞
" I was looking for your brother, actually — "
He supposes that makes a little more sense, even if it seemed more likely that Rod would be looking for their soon-to-be sister-in-law rather than the other way around. Narcissa had made herself pointedly scarce during their stay.
" — but it seems we both have a habit of finding the wrong sibling. "
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...Shit. Shit shit shit!
This time, the wizard finds himself at the sharp end of her pointed little stare and he thinks, maybe just maybe, hers is a little more perfected than his. Rab feels naked in the worst sort of ways, insides squirming at the realization that Little Miss Amnesia has a perfect memory. Does his brother know? Does Andy?
❝ Don't know what you mean. ❞
He watches her take a drag from her cigarette, embers burning as the little princess exhales a perfectly delicate billow of smoke from her parted lips. He can't even tell where the hell her mind is or what her actual stance on the matter is. ( Fuck's sake, are all of them like this? ) Rab only knows that, for whatever reason, Narcissa Black wants him to know that she knows. But how much? To what extent?
" Bullshit. "
❝ Excuse me, Princess? ❞
" Bullshit. " She repeats, succinctly.
❝ You kiss Malfoy with that mouth? ❞
If looks could kill! He chuckles nervously as she steps deeper into the room, dark head forced to cant to make up for the fact that she's standing and he's still sitting like a dumbass on the floor.
" I am being plain with you, Lestrange. " Her voice cuts through the tension in the room. " I expect the same courtesy. "
Rab places a hand over his heart as if touched. He doesn't know what else to fucking do. There's something familiar about the way she's speaking to him but he can't quite place it.
❝ That's all fine and well, but you haven't told me what you fuckin' want. ❞
" I want my sister to be happy, Rabastan. "
His eyes narrow, his own cigarette burning away between his fingers.
❝ That's up to her, innit? ❞
He understands with perfect clarity that her silence is only because she's scrutinizing him, the cant of her pale blonde head all too similar to that of her sister's. Rabastan hates the feeling — being sized up, knowing that he's always always going to be found wanting. His tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, brows furrowing faintly at the realization she's come to some sort of decision.
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" I also want you to know that I know what you did and why you did it. "
Ah, there it is! He prepares himself, steels himself. Before he can even comment or, if he dared to fucking do it, ask her what the hell she means, Narcissa is already talking again.
" You're not bad...or wrong. " A pause. " Neither is she. "
He's right fucking speechless, watching on as she takes one final drag of her cigarette before stamping it out beneath her pretty little foot. Rab doesn't dare try and form words when the lump in his goddamn throat is choking him the way it is.
" Just get your...mess together before we have to do more than talk, Lestrange. " She offers as a final piece of advice, opening the door. " And do tell your brother that I was looking for him. "
0 notes
hospitalterrorizer · 9 months
today has been pretty good.
i decided to procure . some new plugins , today . one of the does this crazy thing w/ eqing, where you can eq the transients separately, it feels like kind of insane and a little bit like cheating but in a good way. w/ these plugins came a really good distortion too, which is exciting, and it has a function that reminds me of super gated velcro fuzz, so i'm interested in seeing what i can do w/ that. or i kind of have figured out one thing w/ it but it feels like it's going to help me do a ton, when i need that kind of fried sputtering thing. i got 2 songs out, the one that was / is still maybe a maybe, and then one i did yesterday but still felt like needed work, i think i basically got the guitar / fake guitar sound to be way better in one part. listening again, it's good, but the back half has another guitar that needs some brightening, and the snare too, i feel like split-eq will be perfect for those kinds of tiny touch ups, and there's some weird shit i think i can get it to do w/ distorting and stuff. that idea is really exciting, i wonder when i'll get to figure it out.
anyway now i am reading and thinking about other stuff. mostly what i wrote here last night, about people's weird and intellectualized transphobia, i don't think theory of a young girl contains that, at least it's not pointing there because that wasn't on the mind of whoever was writing at the time most likely, maybe i will eat my words but basically it seems disinterested in queerness, it mostly (and accurately for the most part) levels the field, not focusing on heterosexuality but instead focusing on things like the basic happenings re: sexuality currently, and so on. e.g. below:
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the sexual revolution only opened a market where one could leverage something against another, in order to have access to something they wanted. thinking about courtship rules and methods, how to make someone want you, seduction, and how to make someone accept you as a lay. trading favors, is part of it. this is not all of sex now i think but it does capture the reality of casual sex, broadly.
but this doesn't have to do w/ last night. while i don't think the book is queerphobic i do know that people can read it and take it that way, its critical eye turned at gender how people embody gender/identity and the ways that is socially enforced can basically be read in negative ways.
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the first quote here is the most interesting regarding what i am thinking on. all the others are interesting and good, but maybe they also exhibit something that is easy to notice in this kind of work, which is a blurriness / nearness to other kinds of things i've read, for instance, the part about alienated socialization reminds me of ted kaczinsky's manifesto, where he talks about oversocialization, which is an essentially reactionary idea of socialization in urban environments. i don't think tiqqun were meaning to recall that, or point in that direction, but i know, certainly, people will take it that way, because that conforms to an easy thing to believe, that there was a point in the past where all maladies we experience now were not present, and technology prevents us from going back. but i think tiqqun are good at not giving into luddite tendencies, which you can find in this kind of french stuff at times as well. it's an irritating strain in radicalism. the right now will not go away, and the past gave us right now, this isn't a teleological vision, but it is one where there is an ongoing communication with the past and we feel it constantly erupting in new forms, explaining what we have, while things shift away, there is a sense of being out of time always. this makes some people very upset and worried, so they dress like roman soldiers or get naked in forests and do rituals, hoping their simplified fantasies will be revealed as true in history. there is no point in history that is not complicated and miserable, is what it seems like.
still though, the first quote is very reminiscent of a lot of things i see terfs repeat, especially the ideas re: fetishes. obviously what the book means is this applies to every human, and gender abolition is an escape from that, but in the eyes of terfs gender abolition would simply let everyone be "normal" again, when in truth it would obliterate cis-ness especially, and hopefully disentangle people from the pain of having to pass (which cis people experience as well basically).
i dunno though. it's such a bizarre and stupid thing to have to contend with.
it at least made me write something. a good idea i think.
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the one above is quite excellent i think, it recalls how i think of porn, to me, as an essentially sanitary service/process which strips sexuality of libidinal force by making it about watching, and constant and easy access, and to allow one to empty themselves of pulsion/fantasy. maybe my disagreements with this people come down to the feeling i have that fantasy is 1) not evil and 2) productive in many ways, at getting one to examine and dismantle what might have produced those wishes. but the wishes cannot ever dissipate entirely. this i guess is tethered to my feeling that many people who are queerphobic are essentially/intellectually repressive. not of themselves truly being queer or whatever but of their abilities to express desire. they can only understand things as received/taught socially, which they are on some level, but that's all that can make it okay. it's a strange issue of scrupulosity a lot of the time it feels like i guess. i hate that i am there having to navigate it as an object of that, basically.
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anyway, today was productive basically, and stuff. and nice and stuff too. i am just tired now. i am tired of a lot of things, people are slowly making me sick kind of. right now i've got a friend who is getting really obsessed with r. kelly's music, and another friend/the guy who said the thing that pissed me off so much is another r. kelly head. it's very tiring and bizarre to have things like that, it's such a bother to have people tell you that r kelly is one of the greatest musical geniuses of all time. i don't want to hear that.
anyway, i am tired, so
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avid-adoxography · 10 months
OK, so! Since I've been given absolute freedom with this one, I think I'm gonna do two: one for an F/O of mine and another for their respective S/I. Because what's more romantic that having our wigs snatched together? jfksabgfjs
Also, spinning roulette guide me through this task, for I can't choose for shit <3c
Edit: it turned out waaay darker than expected, I'm so sorry besties
💩 : An embarrassing headcanon for Lord Bhaltair Kardok -> He can't swim. He's fine with crossing bodies of water or standing/walking in the shallows, but once the water gets near his elbow (the horse one, to be clear) he's out.
It'd be hilarious to think about this huge scary centaur warlord getting flustered by something so small, but instead it's actually really sad once you know the reason why (<- abusive father has entered the chat).
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💩 : An embarrassing headcanon for [undone] -> Hopeless fingernail and skin biter, to the point of even drawing blood when she gets particularly stressed or overwhelmed. And being able to turn into a dragon doesn't change a thing: she will gnaw on those claws and you can't stop her (literally). Also...
Under the cut because of TW: pregnancy talk, gore, cannibalism(?). Idk man, I'm gonna put it here just in case. You can stop here dw.
Emoji prompts ask
She was also seen, naked and wide-eyed, as she was feverishly devouring her own placenta over the corpse of her fallen husband after giving birth to their son on the battlefield, cradling him in one arm while sinking her teeth in her bloody meal, crying and disheveled. But, that's a story for another time I guess...
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mokutone · 3 years
I wonder what shirtless Yamato look like? I love him
hmmm...I'm not sure there would be much of note! I think of him as being generally a sturdy dude and a little bit broad, with well-muscled arms, but not the kind of bulging and shrink-wrapped muscle of a body builder. Like, I don't think you'd see any kind of a visible six pack on this guy
i have not drawn him w/ top surgery scars (bc i like to headcanon that he was allowed blockers + hrt at an appropriate age to prevent significant development of breast tissue. it just makes me happy to imagine him being granted this control over his body when he is inducted into anbu) but i am not opposed to the idea either
what else...well, we know he's got the anbu tattoo on his left arm—and on his left shoulder juncture, he's probably got a nasty scar from where Sasuke speared him through (and then electrocuted him. lmfao)
like, he heals fast, but I don't think that one is going to leave a clean mark!
what else. jeeze i dont know...this isn't a physical thing but a psychological thing, but i don't think Yamato is particularly self conscious about nudity in like. casual and appropriate situations. basically i do not think he would care if his shirt is off. he might henge to cover the anbu mark
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charmixpower · 2 years
Thinking about when the girls get their magic revoked in s1 and I thought it was weird that they barely had a reaction to that? You'd think losing what's essentially a limb or a sense would fucking be traumatizing as hell?? (Which is why I hc in s1 Faragona stopped them from externalizing their magic, instead of taking it away). I wanted to rank them by how well they'd handle losing their magic for an amount of time, with bonus notes on if they could handle fighting:
Bloom: Upset but generally unbothered. Lived without magic for years, she'll survive. She's mostly upset because of how hard she fought for her powers and her place within the magical world, only to get her powers taken.....she's big fucking annoyed and very agressive about trying to get her magic back. Not completely useless in a fight without magic, see Bloom's willingness to tackle someone, but isn't super helpful
Aisha: Fine. Most of her hobbies and things she enjoys dont involve using her magic and she's not relying on it for chores or anything, so Aisha gets by fine while they try to get their magic back. Also not useless in a fight! Has been using morphix staffs for a while and is pretty muscular from all of the dancing and rock climbing she does. Can hit very hard
Musa: Isn't fucking doing to well but deals with it. Her connection from music being revoked is...painful for her to say the least but she can handle day to day life without her magic. It just makes her feel emotionally naked. Probably spends a lot of her time forlornly listing to music she can't feel anymore. She's pretty useless in a fight. Musa is pretty muscular in the arms from playing instruments and she has to have a lot of core and arm strength to pull off those Believix dance moves but she's never held a weapon before. Give her a sword and a week and she'll become useful but at first she can't do shit
Stella: Not fucking doing too good. Stella very heavily relies on her magic from day to day for chores and basically everything and now that that's gone she's fucking suffering. She has never cleaned with her bare hands (as s1 shows) and she hates it she hates it so much. Stella has technical combat training from using her scepter. The fact that Stella will bitch about having to fight without magic near constantly won't actually stop her from biting someone then caving their skull in with her big stick with a circle on the end of it
Flora: Her connection to her plants is gone and Flora is maybe having a little mental break down. And by a little I mean a lottle. She is not fucking doing ok with out her connection to her plants. She can get by well enough without magic but the emotional distress makes her damn near catatonic. Completely useless in a fight without magic, someone please protect her I am very worried
Tecna: I hc that Tecna is always mentally connected to the internet and this connection is why she's like that™, so uh she's doing the worst?? Flora's connection to her plants is external enough, it doesn't affect her very literally. Tecna on the other hand is um going the fuck though it because her whole way of functioning is based around always being hooked up to the internet via her Tecno magic. You've unplugged the poor girl and now she doesn't know what the fuck to do with herself. Tecna looks like a bean pole to me and her karate screams "I saw this in an anime", but even if she did know real karate she'd be more useless than Flora for the sheer fact that she's fucking out of it with her connection gone. On top of that Tecna is even more reliant on her magic to do day to day chores. 404 Tecna literally fucking broke, someone please get her a Google eye glass or something before she panics any more
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leffee · 2 years
I'm angy and ugly so... What are my three favourite things? Bad Sans poly, Errormare, and ErrorHorror. Yup, time to rant about that third one as part of my ErrorHorror propaganda.
I know that it's a very, very rare ship and just relationship in general, but for some reason I almost never like the most popular ships like Errorink, instead my mind was like, "hmm yess, Error and Horror". If I in/directly ignite a spark of interest towards these two together in someone then I will take it as an absolute win. Actually, not only as a ship, but just Horror and Error having any sort of good relationship.
Having said that, what better way to do that than sharing some headcanons :DDDD. You can see them as lovers, friends, best friends, part of Bad Sans Poly, anything you want, really:
I said it before, but listen, Error smol, Horror tol,
I believe in "every Sans is asexual" supremacy, but imagine for a while that in Nightmare's gang everyone but Error and Horror is not asexual. Neither of these two gives a shit about being naked in front of each other, because they know the other doesn't either. And so they sometimes take baths and showers together, or sit in the jacuzzi completely naked from time to time, because it's just more comfortable like that. Perhaps the first few times some other gang member walked in on them they were just like, "???", but after some time they simply got used to this,
they are cuddle buddies, they just are,
Error is not used to eating and Horror is of course very sensitive to that, so he naturally tries to change it. They sometimes just buy a bunch of snacks and do a taste test. Also, whenever Horror tries cooking something new he always lets Error taste it first,
Error tried to return the favour once and his dish turned out really shitty, but Horror ate it all so it wouldn't go to waste,
More often than not, Horror calls Error Ruru, vice versa Error calls Horror Rory. Yup, those are very similar nicknames,
I don't know if I favour this headcanon, but I definitely don't mind it, so if Horror talked less and very simply because of his head injury, Error wouldn't mind at all as he likes silence. On the other hand, Error can sometimes spontaneously start babbling about nothing in particular due to being used to talking to the voices in the Anti-void, so they sometimes complement each other like that,
Error kinda got used to drinking alcohol to "cope" with his issues. He's not addicted by any means and Horror makes sure to keep it this way. In turn, Horror sometimes is paranoid that all their food has suddenly disappeared, so Error assures him that even if that happens he could always simply open a portal and steal some more,
no matter how aggravated Error is, being near Horror always has an inexplicably calming effect on him,
with time Error starts wearing more and more of Horror's clothes, because of course he does. Also, Horror really doesn't mind any not painful kind of touch at any time, so once Error realizes that he just randomly sits on his lap, climbs onto him, lays across his lap, etc,
they love each other 👉 👈 
Obviously none of those are canons, and yes, I know Error is canonically haphephobic, just treat it as "he got over his phobia" or whatever you want. I'm touch-starved and coping, leave meee be. That's kinda cringe, ngl. Also, remember not to leave any suggestive comments or something like that, yes, people can take a bath together in a non-sexual way :)). Shocker, I know.
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