#but I won't post them without permission from the owner of the character
thekavseklabs · 2 years
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A commission for @guildoffarah
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currytums · 4 months
I'm lowering my prices, but I don't currently have the energy to make a new example image for my sheet, so here's a new post with the updated prices!! Thank you for taking a look!
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Rules below the cut!
Will Do:
humanoids (anthros OK)
fruit TF
Won't Do:
underaged characters
full nudity
text/dialogue on the image (custom text may be added to the caption or description, however)
real person fiction/portraits (characters portrayed by actors in live action OK)
slob - minimal sweat/food stains, no gas, no borderline ahegao (I'm very squeamish!)
Interested customers must provide reference at least one reference image for their piece! Example drawings using stick figures are acceptable and even encouraged, and for original characters without a reference, dollmaker images are also acceptable.
If a piece is requested based on fanfiction or other writing, please provide context or relevant passages to help me narrow down details in the finished piece.
No commercial use - my work is for personal use only. Customers may crop or upload their own commissions for use in headers, icons, or social media posts on other websites PROVIDED they are the owner of the piece in question. Customers may also print their finished pieces on physical media, provided the items are not sold for profit.
For uncolored commissions, customers may also color their piece themselves and upload them with credit. (if you are not the customer but would like to color my work, please contact me for permission first.)
None of my art, personal, commission, or otherwise, may be used in any learning software or AI image generators or for use in the production of NFTs.
I reserve the right to post my finished pieces to social media unless otherwise instructed. Customers may ask that their name/credit be removed from social media posts if they wish to remain anonymous.
To contact me either send me a DM or an email at currytums @ gmail . com !!
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childofblasphemy · 7 months
[Clone Wars Timeline] [Foxtrot Squadron]
Authors Note:
I do not own Star Wars or any of its characters and events. This is fanfiction, and any copying/trading or other use without permission of this work is not condoned.
There may be timeline divergents within the canon lore of Star Wars for this fic.
(Also, it can be found on Wattpad. I might post it on Ao3 as well.)
(Let me know if it's complete dog shit, excuse my language.)
i. Canis Major
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The attack shuttle exited out of hyperspace, swiftly carrying itself to the republic fleet cruiser. A squadron of Clones stood in the hull, and their Captain turned to face them. "Foxtrot Battalion, it's our second mission. We have fought together already. We all felt the great loss on Genosis, but knowing what we face here on will only get harder. I may be your captain, but that means nothing without respect, which I intend to earn." He addressed, taking off his helmet. His face matched theirs. "We are a team, that means we have each other's backs no matter what." Gregor points, with the same hand that holds his helmet towards the others. Gregor puts his helmet back on and turns around as the shuttle enters the cruisers hanger. "Let's go, boys."
The ship docked at Republic Cruiser, and the shuttle had been expected. General Kenobi and Commander Cody waited for the hatch doors to open. A hiss sounded from the ship as the door opened, reveling a new squad of clones. Recently, having fought in the battle of Genosis at the start of the war, they were being issued to become a Special Operations Brigade appart of the 212th Battalion under the command of General Kenobi and Commander Cody.
The Captian of the new squadron leads them down into the cruiser to stand in front of Kenobi and Cody at attention. Saluting the superior officers, the captain introduces themself. "General Kenobi, Commander Cody. Foxtrot Group reporting for duty." Kenobi places his hand on his chin, aiming a smirk at the Captain. "Glad to meet your acquaintance, Captain Gregor. I wish we had time for introductions, but we have been ordered to aid Adi Gallia, who has fallen under heavy fire of the separatist while scouting to established base in the outer rim." Kenobi explained. "Follow us to the navigation room, where we'll discuss our strategy for the assult."
Kenobi, Cody, and Gregor left to discuss plans of their reinforcement. Leaving the rest of Foxtrot to prepare for the upcoming battle.
"Finally, we're about to see some action. Those training modules were beginning to get boring." The eager voice sounded. He took off his helmet, facing his brothers. "Don't get too excited, Haze. We aren't even at the battlefield yet." The clone bantered his bother. Three clones with orange painted armor walk past them, speaking to each other in loud voices. "Oh great, just what we needed." One groans. "Couldn't they have gone to another Battalion?" Another comments as they walk by. The commandos watched them as the clone toopers passed. "Don't mind them. They are just worried with you here. Cody won't pay attention to them anymore. You must be the new squadron." The owner of the voice greeted them. "Not just any squadron either, a Commandos Unit." Another voice joined. "That's right. We're Foxtrot Squadron. I'm Vishop." He introduced. "This is Haze. He tends to have a quicker mouth than blaster." He gestures to the clone who removed his helmet. "Lastly, is Tally." Vishop finished. Tally nodded his head. "Names Waxer." The clone introduced. "I'm Boil. Welcome to the 212th Battalion." Boil welcomed.
Waxer and Boil showed Foxtrot around the ship and helped them get ready for their assault. They meet with their captain after he finishes his briefing. "Men, we will be sent down to Adi Gallia to aid in their escape off their cruiser, which has been borded by droids. General Kenobi will be leading a squadron of fighter jets to assult the enemy heavy cruiser directly. Commander Cody will remain on the Crucible to aid the General in their assult, while we extract our men from the destroyed cruiser and bring them back to the Crucible. When we have everyone on the escape ships, we will contact General Kenobi. He will be able to exacort us back to the Crucible." Gregor delt. He placed his helmet back on. His squad followed his lead, placing their helmets on as well. "You know the drill, we have to be ready to leave as soon as General Gallia's ship is in sight, and we have been given an opening by General Kenobi." Gregor walked back to their shuttle. "We'll be taking three Attack Shuttles for evacuation. Dixon will be our advisor and pilot our shuttle." Gregor command. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to get us there in one piece ." Dixon saluted, then made his way to the ship's cockpit. "The other shuttles will be piloted by Gearshift and Frost. They will follow Dixon's lead. Let's get out there, Foxtrot, before they kill all droids." Gregor ordered. His men saluted him, boarding their shuttle once again.
Gregor waited for Kenobi to give the signal with his men and him ready in the ship's hull. He glanced at his squadron, noting their behaviors. "Tally, you look anxious." He walked over to him. "Sorry, Captain. It's just a bit of nerves." Tally confessed. Gregor placed his hand on Tally's shoulder. "It's our first mission since Genosis. We're all nervous. We have a duty. Don't worry, your brother's got your back." Gregor reassured. Vishop pounced on Tally's shoulders, placing his hands on either side of them. "It's okay, Tally. If you get shot, I'll patch you up." Vishop gave him a good shake. "Make sure you don't get shot. He'll probably just finish the job if he's the one to patch you up." Haze jeered. Tally gave him a chuckle, "I'll keep that in mind."
They received the signal from Kenobi, and they began their move on Gregor's command. Dixon lifted the shuttle from the cruiser into the fray of the fight. Kenobi managed to keep most of the attention on them, short two droid gunner ships. Which noticed the Attack Shuttles as the neared Adi Gallia's cruiser. Falling under fire, Dixon warned the other shuttle crafts. "Looks like some stragglers found us." He reported to Captain Gregor. "Do whatever you can to get us to that ship, Dixon." Gregor compromised. "You got it, Captain. It's about to be a bumpy ride." Dixon smirked.
Veering a sharp left, the squadron in the hull braced themselves as they were thrusted with the ship. Dixon dropped down vertically, bringing their shuttle's wings upward to increase the speed in which they could fall. The two other shuttles flew past them, the droid gunner ships raced towards them. Powering the thrusters and lowering the wings once more to add more power in their motion. Dixon was now able to use the front laser cannons. Blasting the closet gun ship, the droid not expecting their shuttle to turn so fast. It collided with the second droid ship because of their close proximity to eachother. "Wasn't that lucky." Dixon comments to himself.
Now, no longer under gunfire, he turned the ship back on route, following the two other shuttles to Gallia's aid. Dixon neared an emergency side port of the cruiser away from the main landing dock, which had become infested with droids. The two other shuttles docked at near ports. "Dixon, keep the ship running so we can make a quick exit." Gregor asked. "Yes, sir." Dixon followed. Gregor led his squadron out of the hull and into the cruiser. They crept through the air lock, staying alert of their surroundings. Checking both ways down the hall, he pressed forward.
They crept towards the command center of the ship where the survivors had escaped and now were cornered. Gregor ducked back into the he had just come from, hidding in the shadows as three droids passed by. He signaled to Vishop, who was behind him. Together, they shot the droids from behind. Gregor snapped in the opposite direction to check their backs. No droids were alerted. They pressed forward.
They made it right before the locked doors of the command center. They hid down the main hall, behind a protrusion in the wall that lined as support. A squadron of droids stood blocking their path. They were cutting through the secured blast doors with a laser extraction droid. Gregor turned to his men to give the signal. He pointed to Haze and Tally, motioning for them to go around. They nodded and moved back down the hall to flank the droids. Gregor motioned to Vishop, letting him know to push forward with him. Gregor got his Electro-Mag Pluse grenades ready.
Jumping into action, Gregor moved out into the middle of the hall, firing at the droids. In an instant, the droids turned on them, and they descended their attack onto the three clones. Gregor threw the pluse grenade, taking out the front five droids, allowing Vishop to push forward their attack. Moving down the hall, Gregor and Vishop found cover at the next protrusion of the hall. They exchanged shots with the droids. "Captain behind us!" Vishop notifed him of the droids flanking their rear.
Tally and Haze made their way around, catching the droids by the closed blast doors by surprise. Managing to down them all. "Clear up front." Haze called to connect their squad. Gregor and Vishop ran to join them at the doors. Tally and Haze gave covering fire against the droids that approached the two from behind. Two Droideka rolled in as support for the squad of Super Battle Droids that fired on Foxtrot. "Vishop!" Gregor called. "We need cover."
Vishop pulled a retractable shield frame from his backpack, attaching the grip to his forearm. Unfurling the frame, it was large enough to cover his full body. Holding the frame in front of himself, Vishop quickly activated his energy shield.
Stepping out from behind the wall, he allowed Gregor and Haze to move out behind him. Haze tossed six metal balls towards the Super Battle Droids, one on each side of the hallway and the other two straight ahead. Each activated creating a net mid-air, entraping 5 Super Battle Droids. Tally, who provide support, were able to help Gregor blast the remaining droids. Once the path had been cleared, Vishop took the opportunity to run into one of Droidekas with his shield. Haze followed after him, targeting the other. The Droideka's shots deflected off Vishop's shield as the clones approached them. Haze rolled a pulse grande under the second one's deflector shield. Vishop crashed into the first one, pressing it to the wall. He was close enough to stick his rifle through the shield and shooting the droid.
Gregor stood, turning to the locked doors. Tally contacted the survivors inside. The doors opened, revealing Adi Gallia and her men. "Captian, I'm glad to be seeing you." Adi smiles. "We have transports waiting at the emergency docking ports." Gregor informed. "Vishop, tend to the wounded. We are evacuating them first." He pointed Vishop to the other medic clones. Gregor removed his helmet as he approached the jedi.
"Captain, may I speak with you." Adi Gallia asked. "Alone." She added, glancing at Tally and Haze, who stood close by. Gregor nodded his head, signaling his two brothers to help Vishop. Tally nodded back and started helping bring the wounded to the medics of Adi's company, Haze helped load supplies. Gregor followed Adi to a spot out of the way. "Captain, we have some vital reports we procured, that is, on this ships database. It's what I believe the separatist are the true motives behind this attack. We are unable to erase the ships' memory, our main power frame had been cut off during their assult. It'll take too long to redirect power, I'm afraid." Adi explained. "We can't let them take the ship with those files."
Gregor stayed silent for a moment, thinking. "Well, then I guess we are just gonna have to make sure there's nothing left for them to take." He concluded. "You evacuate your men to the shuttles while my company takes care of the ship." Gregor deciceds. "You have a plan?" Adi questions, she crosses her arms and raises her brow. Gregor shrugs his shoulders, "Still working out the details." He admits. "Our main priority is to get you to safety."
Their conversation was intruppted by Gregor's comms going off. "Captain, come in. It's Dixon. The droids discovered our shuttles." Blaster fire could be heard in the background. "Copy. On our way." Gregor notified. "We need to move out." Gregor told Adi. She nodded, reassuring him. "I'll lead my squadron to the shuttles. We can reinforce Dixon and make an escape."
Gregor turned towards his squadron. "Vishop, you guide General Gallia to the shuttles. Dixon is being assaulted by droids and is going to need your help. Haze, Tally. You're with me." Gregor directed. His men nodded and started moving out. Vishop assigned clones to help move their wounded brother's. Adi Gallia headed off with a small group to clear a path. The rest of the squadron followed behind, tasked with guarding the injured and moving supplies.
"What are we going to do, Captain?" Haze asked, watching his brother leave. Gregor placed his helmet on and began walking. "We're going to give the ship some new renovations to welcome the separatist."
"You're going to have to trust me." Gregor persisted. "This is not just crazy. It's suicide. Are you sure we can't just wipe the data files?" Tally countered. "More separatist droid ships are entering the docking port. If we turned on the power and cleared the data, we would be overrun before we could think about getting out. This plan will at least give us a chance of making it out of here." Gregor strategized. Haze threw his gun over his shoulder, "I for one am in. The more time we waste, the less time we have." Haze concluded. Gregor nodded at Haze, turning his gaze to his other brother.
"Tally." Gregor pressed. Tally and Gregor stared at each other through their helmets. Tally nodded his head. "Brothers have each other's backs." Tally mirrored Gregor's words from the start of the mission. Gregor placed his hand behind Tally's head, colliding the crown of their helmets together gently. Gregor dropped his hand and leaned away from his brother. He began walking towards the deck's main panel. Haze gave Tally a good punch to his shoulder, "We are counting on, Tally."
The three begun their plan, Gregor stood at the main control's for the ship. "I'll reroute the ship. Tally, start arming the explosives. Haze, you direct the bridges power to the main frame and copy the data files onto the fob." Gregor delegated tasks. The clones wasted no time jumping into action.
Gregor moved to the navigation system, and he began turning the cruiser towards the separatist fleet. Gregor lifted his wrist comm device, contacting Dixon. "It's Gregor, come in Dixon."
"What do you need, Captain?" Dixon responded immediately. "Signal General Kenobi to have him and his men fall back, we're charting the cruiser's path right into the enemies' fleet. Make sure you're ready to get moving once we're back to the ship." Gregor commanded. "Yes, sir." Dixon complied. Tally started placing explosives under the control panels. Haze bumped into Tally as he downloaded the information onto their fob. "Will you be careful, we don't want one of those going off while we're still in here." Tally chastised. "You worry too much." Haze remarks back. Haze was able to divert the emergency power to the main computer to allow him and Gregor to work on navigation and pull up the data files. After a few minutes, Haze pulls the fob from the computer, signaling his Captain. "I got the ship's memory downloaded."
"Let's get going." Gregor spoke as he finished putting the coordinates into the navigation system. Haze, Gregor, and Tally ran through the hallway. A laser shot hit the wall in front of them, halting them into a stop. It was Droid reinforcements that must have been notified by their disturbance. They fired apon the commandos from down an adjacent connecting hall. Haze ducked forward to dodge the shots that barely missed his head. Gregor pulled Tally behind a wall with him. Tally switched the front of his rife to hold anti-armor rounds. The detonators went off, and an explosion could be heard from their distance, and they were able to feel the hallway vibrate. Taking this opportunity when the droids were distracted by the explosion. Gregor pushed Haze and Tally forward, signaling for them to run. Tally turned, firing anti-armor explosive round at the driods. He ran forward, trusting his aim enough not to look back.
They all surged forward, running down the hall towards the emergency docking port. More droids followed them as they got further from the stern. Vishop was waiting at the entrance of the connector tunnel. They gave covering fire as the rest of their squad boarded the ship. Vishop slammed the air lock closed once they were all in. Gregor went to the co-pilot seat upfront. "Detach from the cruiser before we're taken to hyperspace with it." Gregor warned. Dixon didn't hesitate to follow orders. Filpping the shuttles air lock switch, then pressing the button to release the door's attachment locks. Then, grabbing the controls, he lifted the shuttle away from the cruiser. Dixon contacts Kenobi, "General, it's CT - 5595. All shuttles have disembarked. Stay clear of the cruiser's course. Stay clear." Dixon informed the general.
"Copy, Dixon. My men have cleared the path. We'll cover you as you return to the Crucible." Kenobi ordered. The shuttle was escorted back to the cruiser, with the last of survivors on board. Landing safely aboard the Crucible, Gregor and his men watched Adi Gallia's cruiser speed towards the Separatist fleet. Inside the ship, the main frame panel and command center had been destroyed by the explosives they set. But not before Gregor had inputted coordinates into the navigation system, which activated the hyperdrive. Because the engines remained intact, the engines were able to power up despite the bridge being severely damaged.
The ship's thrusters were turned blue by the reflection of the heated flames spewing out of them. With a bright flash, the cruiser launches forward. It tears through the driod fleet. Appearing directly behind it is not a moment later. Adi's cruiser's hyperspace engines had failed cause it to stall out. Its parts laid thrown across space in front of the Crucible. Both Adi's Republic Cruiser and the droid fleet were demolished by their collision.
General Kenobi's gunner ship and the rest of his squad flew into the landing dock, safely into the Crucible. Kenobi jumped down from his gunner ship, walking towards Foxtrot's shuttles. Gregor and Adi Gallia meet Kenobi halfway. Gregor saluted General Kenobi when they had reached each other. "It's good to see you all in one piece." Kenobi greets. "It is good to be able to hear your jokes, Master Obi-wan Kenobi." Adi smiles, then turns to address Gregor. "Thank you for your help, Captain."
Gregor faced her at attention and saluted her. She nodded in response, Kenobi and Adi excused themselves to report back to the jedi council. Leaving Gregor to help direct his company to help the wounded to the medical bay. Foxtrot had helped the last of the wounded, leaving them to be attened to in the ward. Outside the room, they were greeted by two fimilar brothers. Boil and Waxer wanted to congratulate them on their successful mission. "Not bored anymore?" Boil started. "That was quite a show."
"You're now officially appart of the 212th Battalion." Waxer agreed. "That's just the beginning. There's more fun to be had." Haze coaxed. "Looking forward to working with you." Vishop chimed, giving Waxer a huge slap on the back. Making Waxer almost fall forward. "Haha," Boil laughed at his brother. "Make sure to leave some for the rest of us."
Waxer and Boils comms went off. They were needed in the bridge. "Never a moments rest for the weary." Waxer sighs. Boil faced the group. "We're going to paint our armor, with the rest of the 212th. You should join us." Boil invited. Waxer and Boil gave a small wave as they left. "Painted armor. That sounds like a fun idea." Gregor mused the thought out loud. "What do you boys think?"
"As long as it is within regulations, sir." Vishop agreed. Haze shrugs his shoulders, "White isn't my color, far too boring." Gregor snickered at his response. "There isn't much tactical use for all white anyway." Tally chimed. Gregor took off his helmet, walking down the hall. Foxtrot followed their captain. "Let's get some grub and slap some war paint on, then it's off to the next mission." Gregor commanded.
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
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~~CURRENT EVENT----> ⭐𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭⭐
~🫧𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞🫧~
⋆You can call me Hebi, I'm 19 and I really love listening to music and writing.
⋆My personal blog is @hebimoonlight, so here I'll talk only about what I'm going to do with this blog. You only have to know that my DMs are always open. Feel free to text me anytime you want to :D
⋆My Instagram is: hebimoonlightwrites
⋆My Discord is: hebimoon
⋆My secret drawing box: leave me a drawing or message if you want to ^^♥
⋆I'll write about 𝗛𝘆𝗽𝗻𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗰, 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭 and PΛЯΛDӨX ᄂIVΣ. I'm pretty interested in them!
⋆I'll update the masterlist step by step with links for each character
♥200 followers reached ♥
If you're interested in reading more, please, check these other writers' works out! They're amazing!♥
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I will accept requests like:
with any ship among the characters or between them and any OCs (please, NOT incest).
⋆You can request a maximum of 3 characters if you want headcanons or scenarios
⋆BUT only one or a ship if you want a story or one-shot.
!!!Please, give me a request in each message.. Don't send me a message containing more requests because I could easily getting confused with requests counting qwq♥ (I'm dumb, sweethearts haha)!!!
I will also write NSFW stories/scenarios, and post them with a warning message as an introduction. I will write also Yandere themes!!
In case you want to request a story with your OCs, please feel free to give me a detailed description of him/her/them in private.
⋆I will try to satisfy your expectations, so sorry if I don’t manage. It’s my first time as a writer here on Tumblr, so please help me improving and feel free to give me any advice!⋆
⋆Also, don't take my headcanons seriously, guys! They're only from my point of view. Anyway, feel free to share yours! I'm interested to know what people think about characters too!!⋆
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I will NOT accept requests with: 
-non-cons3nsu4l s3x
or this kind of things with minors (Jiro and Saburo, for example). 
⋆!!!!!Please, be respectful towards me and especially in comments and among you all. English is not my native language, so feel free to correct my mistakes :D Respect others’ tastes and spread joy and support here on my blog!!!!! ⋆
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⋆CREDITS for pics used in requests: I’ve edited every picture here using Picsart. Even if it’s clear, though, I DO NOT own any character here! All rights are reserved to the creators and owners!!! I DO NOT own any images either!
⋆ Twisted Wonderland (ENG): Official english website of Disney Twisted-Wonderland (disneytwistedwonderland.com)
⋆Twisted Wonderland (JAP): 【公式】ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド(ツイステ) (aniplex.co.jp)
⋆Paradox Live: Paradox Live Official Website
⋆Hypnosis Mic: 音楽原作キャラクターラッププロジェクト『ヒプノシスマイク』オフィシャルサイト (hypnosismic.com)
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~🫧𝐌𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬🫧~
⋆𝗛𝘆𝗽𝗻𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗰
⋆𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
(If you don't see some characters there, then it doesn't mean I won't write about them.. It's just that nobody has already asked me to~ Feel free to ask me if I will write about any, though.. I will upload these masterlists step by step~)
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⋆ANON LIST⋆: if you want to be an anon in this blog, check it out!!⋆
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~🫧𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫.𝐚𝐢 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐈 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝🫧~
Paralive BAE---->♥
Paralive Cozmez---->♥
Paralive AKYR---->♥
Paralive FEM!Iori Suiseki from AKYR---->♥
Paralive The Cat's Whiskers---->♥
Paralive FEM!Yohei Kanbayashi from The Cat's Whiskers---->♥
Paralive FEM!Ryu Natsume from The Cat's Whiskers---->♥
Paralive 獄Luck(Gokuluck)---->♥
Paralive FEM!Shion Kaida from 獄Luck(Gokuluck)---->♥
Paralive VISTY---->♥
Paralive 1Nm8---->♥
Paralive Amprule---->♥
Paralive 武雷管 (BURAIKAN)---->♥
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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nanjokei · 1 year
on what is considered "official art" and conduct between fandom across the globe
i think there is a fascinating cultural difference between what is considered free to use by fans in the """west""" in general and specifically japan. in recent years, the playing field has become somewhat leveled: most people who are in the know know that fanart should not be reposted or used without permission whether it be for copyright reasons or just out of respect for the human being who made it, but it's ok to use what is agreed upon to be "official art"—
er, what IS official art? if you ask the answer is different between regions. tying back to strict copyright, a lot of japanese fans will consider even anime screenshots a big no-no, because they are not yours, unless they were posted to be used (for example when an official twitter account gives out heavily embellished promotional graphics to use as icons and sometimes headers). so really, there isn't any such thing as "official art is ok" unless the express worded intention of the rights owner is "you can use this". of course, not everyone observes it, but it IS upheld and kinda faux pas to violate. and i said japan specifically because other nearby countries like s korea and china, their fandoms aren't so strict (i assume bc the rights holder can't do shit outside of japan), but they still uphold rules if a creator says it out loud. i'll come back to this later
for us, official art is anything coming from the horse's mouth really, be it magazine scans, promotional art, standing images, art from the original artist/mangaka, game files— these are free reign to this side of the globe culturally. it's not a social faux pas and in fact considered more ethical to do this (but not to be trumped by just making your own rendition, still). now for stuff like magazine scans, that stuff is definitely very NG because it's sold, you have to buy the magazine to see it. but due to inaccessibility in early animanga fandom days (and honestly, for a lot of magazines, you still need savvy to get your hands on them), a culture of sharing with others was born. the topic of how and why cds and magazines are still alive in japan is a conversation on its own so i won't go into it. it's a whole can of worms we can open another day.
for anime and commercial games, it's honestly whatever right? like who cares. what i wanna circle back to is individual creators tackling the culture gap here. your indie game, web manga/novel, music etc creators of the world/internet. though i'll mostly use indie game devs as an example as those cases i am most familiar with. in japan AND other eastern countries, there's a level of respect leveraged to the individual creator's wishes— they're usually simple requests like DON'T USE OR EDIT MY ART. my beef here is, why do people on this side have so much trouble respecting guidelines? some creators will allow people to use even in-game files, so long as it isn't edited. but they ask, for example, their personal art not be used.
a segway but, this is also a difference that exists in japan (i'm not sure about other places), but an artist that works on an official work... not all their art is "official art"! for example, an artist who makes art for an otome game. they may doodle a character they like. i think by our definition, this is considered official art, but in reality it is FANART. a lot of them will cover their asses just to be safe and explicitly state it's fanart so it's not misconstrued as official art— often either so as not to influence the work with their own personal expressions OR not to get in trouble with the rights holder. this is really important to know in this topic
and yes, even if the characters belong to an individual creator, sometimes their art can be personal art that they don't want people to use. it's really not hard to grasp and yet there are cases of artists being peeved by the actions of overseas fans (i try to avoid using "western" as much as possible bc its such a weird term that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, eastern too but lol). one case where a creator halted a translation project due to them being sick of overseas fans using and editing their art after trying to get them to stop several times but to no avail. i'm surprised this isn't happening more often because honestly i'll be frank for a second and say that while they tend to skew young, fans of free games have no excuse. i understand it's either immaturity or "it's online so i can take it" culture OR most likely, i think it is the cultural misunderstanding of "it's official art". but also in that specific case, a certain western indie game dev commented that that creator "should be grateful that people are playing their games at all". are you for fucking real?
you literally only see """western""" fandom commit such faux pas though. is it individualism? is it because i am raised in a collectivist culture that i don't fully get it? the subject fascinates me until it gets to thinking about the disrespect of indie creators. then i just get kinda smad
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victoria1676 · 2 years
LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME BUILD MY S**T! Interlude: The aftermath of the destruction: The Calm before the Storm
Summary: The Last thing you remembered was finally putting Dream to jail and then everything went black only to wake up in a world you don’t recognize. trying to find a way home you found yourself in a mob chase that you find irritating and once they are satisfied threatening and killing you who then respawn the in execution made them realize who they almost killed and just as they were about to fall from their knees and beg for forgiveness.
You destroyed their homes in Revenge.
(Prologue Part 2) (Prologue Part 3) (MASTERLIST)
Notes: I would like to Shoutout to my senpais: @willowedwisteria, @chocoenvy and @nicebonescomrade for the help on Guizhong and Morax because without them I would have been stuck and not able to finish this interlude this TAT
But anyways I would like to apologize for posting this late since I had to take alot of revising and stuff here to make it interesting and make it enjoyable for you guys XD 
So the Interlude here is basically the aftermath of Mondstadt’s destruction nd there will be Dream SMP spoilers again in this one and also this will show different perspectives of the characters I have chosen in this interlude. So far I had remove two since it would make it struggling for me to finish so you’ll see the two povs that I wasn’t able to add it here in Prologue 3 and a interlude of a certain character. There's a explanation a bit of what reader's personality is like on Rubedo's perspective a bit.
Also quick note I tend to switch God and Creator since that's what I usually see or read from the other SAGAU stories so I hope you guys won't mind or confused of me switching God and creator sometimes XD
Prologue part 3 will come out soon since I just finished revising and adding changes to this interlude to make you guys enjoy it but I think I went overboard on the build up whoops XD but oh well at least it has interesting details once we finish all the prologues UwU
But anyways please enjoy this interlude and I will do the Prologue 3 next month since the interlude was a pain to right TWT
Also first half is the flashback of Reader in the Dream SMP and I can tell you I have no idea if I did their characters right or made them OOC on accident which I apologize 😭😭
WARNINGS: Swearing, Violence, mentions of characters who died, angst, destruction, NPCS dying, betrayal being mentioned, Manipulation is being mentioned, Mentioned of a character being dead, Spoilers from the Dream SMP lore, Characters might be OOC since I'm trying my best to get them in character DX, things will go dark soon and cult behavior are mention here!
Interlude: The aftermath of the destruction: The Calm before the Storm
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"Please tell me I'm not late please!!" You flew at high speed.
You hated Dream so much for teleporting you far away from Tommy and L'Manburg after he confronted you for protecting your little brother. The voices started appearing insulting the masked man and wanting blood from him.
If you were there then Tommy wouldn't be hurt.
If you were only there that time when he was about to get exiled and you could have prevented him from getting exiled if you just stayed a bit longer to be with Tommy instead of going to Techno about his plans on what he will do for his retirement.
Your chat was with you chatting loudly as you focused on returning to L'Manburg to catch your baby brother and the people you care about who gonna be losing more of their canon lives.
“Damnit Quackity!!’ You cursed the Mexican for pissing off and fighting Technoblade who is supposedly retired from anarchy but is now ready to fight again thanks to the butcher gang wanting revenge on him for destroying L’manburg.
"Don't worry Big (First initial)! The blade will take care of me!" Tommy huffed with a smile.
That was the last you remembered living with your older brother Tommy and the moment you left the house you were teleported away under Dream's command where you had to take a month to return home since he teleported you far away from the main island of the SMP.
You were very pissed and out for Dream's blood as your eyes slowly began to turn red before flashing back to (e/c) color.
'Once I get my hands on that Teletubby I will-'
You cursed as you used your ender pearls to get you there faster. Luckily it was also raining so you can just use your trident.
'Let me not lose another brother please!'
"WILBURRRRR!!!!!!" You screamed in agony as your father embraced you yet you continued crying.
Never in your life have you thought that your brother would smile in his death after he told his own Father to kill him and he couldn't so Wilbur kept pressuring you but you tried to tell him not to make Philza kill him but he told you that it was alright and he deserved it for causing trouble.
In the end, your father; Philza killed him.
"I love you sister" Your brother ruffled your hair as you hugged him.
Why did you have to die?!
For the first time, the voices began to mourn Wilbur instead of yelling for blood.
You kept screaming and crying even though your father tried to calm you down.
You lost your mother to the unknown curse.
And now.
You have lost your older brother from his unfinished Symphony.
I already lost Mom.
And I already lost Wilbur.
Please any deity out there.
You saw what was once L'Manburg now was a nation filled with holes and TNT falling from the skies with Withers attacking every living being.
Don't make me lose another family again.
He paused as he turned around and saw his sister standing in front of an injured and shaking Tommy and Tubbo with her arms stretched out blocking them from him.
"ENOUGH TECHNO!" She shouted at him as he could see her tears running down her face.
"Move (Y/n)" Techno ordered his sister.
"L'MANBURG IS GONE NOW! THEY LEARNED THEIR LESSON" You attempted to reason with him.
"DON'T TAKE ANY MORE LIVES! THEY LEARNED THEIR LESSON! HISTORY HAS ALREADY REPEATED ITSELF MANY TIMES NOW" You felt your voice hurting from the shouting but you didn't stop until you finally convinced Techno not to kill Tommy
“And yet it's also their fault they keep getting their nation destroyed” Technoblade responded but you already know he is right.
The scenery changes to a familiar home as he could see his sister in the same position with Wilbur behind her cradling his bruised cheek. You stood there crying with your arms out to stop him from going any further fighting with Wilbur.
Technoblade sighed and let his crossbow down a bit before looking at you in disappointment.
"You already know why I had to do this," He said, "Your chat saw Tommy betraying-"
"I know!” You shouted, “He betrayed you for L’manburg and we all know that but the fact you let Dream go with you when you know what Dream wants with Tommy!”
“It’s obvious he would side with L’manburg but also because this is his home!”
Green eyes flash before your eyes as he took Tommy away from you with a smirk of triumph that made your blood boil.
"Both of you make your decisions! Tommy joined L'Manburg on his own decision and you joined Dream with your own decision!"
You panted tiredly feeling your voice become hoarse as you stared at your eldest brother before he glared at Tommy behind him who moved near a scared Tubbo and returned the glare at the pigman hybrid.
"Are you picking his side now?" He said referring if you are siding with Tommy.
"I choose people!" You answered him, "I choose my family! You already know I'm in the middle ground!"
Another crack of thunder hit the ground as the rain felt heavier for you.
"So, please…No more killing. You already destroyed L’manburg that will now forever take a long time to repair…"
Philza watched his children talk before staring up at Dream who seemed to be dancing and humming something. The elytrian knew how much you cared to bring your family back just like the old days.
But it was too late to bring them back all together. After all, Dream SMP killed and brought much pain to the whole family and its people.
"You are a fool," Technoblade said as he then gave the signal to stop the doomsday.
"I know…"
"But just so you know" He began walking and stood next to you.
"People betray each other and we both know how much betrayal hurts us" He reminded you, "You can't keep protecting Tommy or continue thinking our family will be back like before when it is too late now”
You looked down, not bothering to speak up about what he had said to you as the rain heavily came.
"I told you many times to be careful who you place your trust in (Y/n). We both know what our loyalty can be like and we all know how the world is like to us players”
"…I know"
"Don’t forget the universal language I gave to Tommy that time”
“Tommy, the thing is you’re using words, but the thing about this world, Tommy…” You let Tommy learn into your shoulder, “Is the only universal language is violence”
Tommy glared at Techno weakly while the half pigling crouched down to his little brother’s level, “Your sister knows this and we have that conversation with you”
“...I know”
“And you know the meaning of what I told him those words right?"
You glanced at him as both of you made eye contact once again.
Another thunder cracked once again as Technoblade continued talking to you, he suddenly said something that made your eyes widen, you grit your teeth and looked down.
Once the TNT ran out, Technoblade left with Philza and Dream. The people who reside with L'Manburg mourned for their home as you continued hugging Tommy who kept saying 'sorry' and Tubbo clutched onto you.
"And stop thinking everything will be fine as our family will be fixed again when we already have lost our bonds with each other…"
You cried silently hearing the words that your eldest brother told you and you knew he was right about what he said to you.
The Minecraft family will never be the same again.
"I'm sorry Mom…" You whispered, "I failed to keep my promise"
You don't know why you couldn't remember your mother's smile or voice anymore.
You didn't know why your memories of your happy family are now shattered into pieces.
"I'm a bad sister…"
I'm sorry…
You opened your eyes quickly and summoned your axe to hit the person who woke you up but your weapon was blocked. You saw that it was Rubedo blocking your axe from going for his head with his weapon, the festering desire that you took from Aether, and decided to give it to him since it fits him more. You calmed down instantly realizing you were still in Teyvat and also in a familiar room which was one of the bases that belonged to the Abyss that was made for you as Rubedo dismissed his weapon.
"Ah…sorry" You apologize.
"It's fine but it looks like you had a bad dream" He pointed out noticing you almost killed him on reflex.
"Something…like that," You said your words very slowly realizing you are still very tired.
You groaned in pain realizing your body also sat up as you then saw you are in a bed with your clothing still the same yet you can't help why your head was throbbing very painfully.
"What the hell happened to my head?" You muttered as you began to massage your forehead to remove the aching headache.
Rubedo then brought a glass of water that was on the desk beside your bed, "Do you remember what happened or at least recall something?"
You thank him as you slowly drank the water before trying to recall what you were just doing before finding yourself in your bed.
Ah, that's right.
You guys just finished destroying Mondstadt but you were sure you didn't black out after summoning the wither there.
A hidden part of you cried and screamed at you in anger for destroying a city that you should just give them their forgiveness.
But you aren't in the mood to play nice when these idiotic simps did not use their common sense and just continue to act blind and be a slave to Mallory.
You are a type to hold a grudge sometimes but this one you have a good reason as these people did not hesitate to kill innocent people for a Tyrant who was the real imposter.
So you'll have no choice but destroy all these governments of the simps so that you can head to Celestia either without their Gods being controlled again by the higher deity.
After all…It's justice to those who died for you even though they were innocent and didn’t deserve to die at the hands of their comrades.
"I don't remember blacking out after we summoned the withers"
"That would be my fault since you almost summoned another wither and almost went into a killing spree again"
"Oh…" You winced, "Sorry…"
Rubedo shakes his head, "I already said it wasn't your fault considering you are not the type to lose control of your calm demeanor whenever your voices called for blood"
"That's true…" You said.
Suddenly a huge pain began to hit your head as you closed your eyes and things started to return to what happened to you that made your first companion knock you out.
You stood in the hands of the headless Barbatos statue as you watched the three wither attack the people of Mondstadt. Considering they had no idea how to kill it made you snort as you saw one unlucky knight was able to do it only to get the wither effect and began to die slowly as more screams and cries appeared. TNT went off with a bang thanks to those withers. Rubedo stood behind you watching the chaos only from the side.
"Ah" You spoked, "Never thought this how revenge with suffering would be an…amusing sight"
Rubedo hummed as he opened the message box to inform someone, "Indeed although but please do not lose control again"
You chuckled as your eyes slowly became full of blood-red, "Wouldn't promise it"
You watched the knights struggle to kill three withers as some of the people who fought for Mondstadt used their visions to kill the wither but you could see some suffering the effects of the wither.
“I never thought doing anarchy would be this fun~”
Back then you refused to show or fall victim to the voices who were enjoying the sight of L'Manburg gone before you then realize Wilbur and your father were there where the explosion happened.
And then Wilbur died.
More screams and cries rang as the whole Mondstadt began to crumble, fall, and burst into flames. The flag that would have protected this peaceful city was now burned into ashes.
"Nations should see or hear by now that Mondstadt has been destroyed" Rubedo watched the wither who went after Albedo that is working together with Aether before glancing at you who was humming.
You then started laughing at the destruction as you covered your eyes with your head thrown back to look up at the grey skies.
Your eyes stayed blood red as you stopped laughing before smirking at the sky and looking toward Celestia. You began to play with another wither skull that appeared on your right hand before throwing it up and down like a toy while humming a dark tune.
The city of freedom continues to burn as the people try to fight the unknown creature that is slowly killing them and destroying their homes.
Only two people witnessed the full destruction being the culprits of destroying what used to be the beloved city of Barbatos.
"I can't wait to destroy this interesting world~"
You laughed again but louder as you failed to realize you have lost control of falling into the voices’ chanting and your bloodlust as well.
You winced knowing you did lose your self-control once again and you are grateful for Rubedo knocking you out considering your bloodlust has been going out of control for revenge and thirst for blood for the stupid ex-simps of Mallory. You then notice you haven't seen a single crow or your chat in the room other than two baby hydro fungus and different elemental slimes sleeping together in the corner of your room and Rubedo seems to be using one of your brewing stands with different resources from the Nether.
"Where's the chat?" You asked your companion.
"If I remember they are currently bullying someone abyss mages while some are just chatting or yelling at each other in stupid things that I do not wish to know," He said causing you to snort knowing how typical and normal your chat is which is something you are used to.
"What about the people in Mondstadt? Did anyone survive or kill the withers?"
"Two Withers have died under the traveler's hand thanks to the help of the Anemo God and the other one suddenly went straight to Liyue after they found a lot of animals there"
"Looks like Liyue is gonna suffer fighting a wither but probably will kill it quickly since they have that blue-haired Adepti that uses a bow" He was talking about Ganyu as he recalled seeing her in action that time when he was with you in looking for answers of how to get to Celestia yet no one wanted to give you other than to kill you for looking like their God until shit hits the fan of their mistake.
"Indeed Ganyu is very impressive in using a bow and it's a shame she's part of the people who chased you under Mallory's orders"
"True" You agreed with him.
It was kinda ashamed that bow user Adepti decided to be one of your enemies but oh well you aren't in the move to give forgiveness.
"But anyways some citizens in Mondstadts have died from the wither effect or from the fire and debris but most of the vision users that belonged there have disappeared although I think they headed to Liyue for cover" Rubedo explained, "Dainsleif decided to investigate and see if they are there along to get answers from our spy"
"I see" You then open your inventory and grab your apple that was in there, "Before you tell me about who or what our little spy is doing I do wish to know about the progress of our Doomsday operation"
Rubedo began to chuckle as he finished making his potions before making another batch of new potions, "Not even interested who our spy is and more into knowing that project that is like the one that happened back at the server you know"
"I don't care" You cruelly replied to him, "I'm not in the mood to know that our spy decided to betray their nation by becoming our spy after learning that I was their real God and wanted nothing more than my forgiveness when they blew it."
"Second chances aren't something I usually give especially since they want the Creator's forgiveness not mine" You huffed.
"That is true," Rubedo hummed before looking at you.
You looked very tired yet very much ready to get all regions (except Sumeru and Snezhnaya) to be destroyed just like a certain nation that used to be destroyed 500 years ago by the seven gods under Celestia's strings only this time you are the one destroying the nations with your abilities and helps from your allies.
History repeats itself
I guess it was never meant to be right, Wilbur?
If there is one thing that Rubedo noticed is that you have changed after what happened in that failed execution.
Back then when you first found him in Dragonspine injured after he explained to you that he had refused to side with the fake creator when he realized they only wanted them for their looks and was punished by it until you found him and healed him. It was then he decided to become your companion. You were known to be kind, a big sister who can be very chill and lazy sometimes along with being a skilled fighter, a good planner, a good builder, and someone who uses dark humor. You also tend to flirt or tease for reactions that amuse you along with you being a loyal person.
But now?
You become very silent and all you want is to go back to the Dream SMP server to check if your brother is alive and the message box notification of your brother dying was a lie. You would do anything to go back to the SMP server even if you are willing to spill more blood in your hands that will forever make you feel around your hands.
You wished you didn't have to spill some blood or fight against the people of this unknown world you suddenly appeared in. Yet the people who are under Mallory's orders have tested your patience and crossed the line to the point you will have no choice but to be violent as they had killed the people who have tried to help you get home or expose the truth to everyone that the one who sat in the throne of the Creator was the real imposter.
You refused to acknowledge when you found out that you are their true creator yet you aren't sure why you are regarded as one when you don't remember being one or creating this world or making the vision users your vessels.
What Rubedo doesn't know is that you have been getting strange memories of a person who looked like you.
"Something on my face," You said, noticing how quiet Rubedo is being like and also seeing his staring.
"Not really other than realizing the fact you changed after what you have seen on that failed execution that happened I suppose weeks ago” He spoke.
You didn't say anything knowing he was right as you then summoned a bracelet that had the color red, blue, pink, green, and (f/c). Looking at you made you quite sad knowing you haven't known how long you have been in Teyvat, especially since you aren't sure if the time here is the same on the server.
“I made this bracelet for everyone!” You chirped, showing six bracelets to your family.
“What's this baby bird?” Kristen looked at your little bracelet with a smile
“It's a family bracelet!” You grinned, “That way it shows how close our bond and we are the best family!”
Your heart clenched remembering that memory.
“Despite I am still learning human emotions slowly under your care I can say I know you haven't been well since…you heard what happened to your little brother" Rubedo carefully said his words trying not to offend you.
He remembered when he and Dain brought you back to the base you started crying while trying to contact your brother or any of the SMP members to know if the notification was a lie but alas the communicator remained silent.
Your cries echoed throughout the base and no one could console you.
Not when you failed to protect your baby brother and just found out your brother died when you were trying so hard to return to the Dream SMP server.
You just let out a humorless chuckle before lying down back in your bed and wrapping your wings around you.
"…All I ask is if everything is going according to plan," You said.
"We have already prepared a lot of TNT, obsidian, and Redstone materials for the doomsday thanks to the help of the Cryo Archon's organization" He informed you.
"Good," You replied.
It was then the room became silent yet both of you didn't have the heart to ruin other than you could hear the brewing stand working.
"🎶 JuMp in tHe CaDillAc
Girl let's put some miles on it
Anything you want-🎶"
"Rubedo please turn that chat into fried chicken"
"Already on it"
Suddenly explosions and loud cawing noises were heard outside the base.
No one knows what happened but the chat was just cackling that one of their kind had the balls to sing that song.
Elsewhere a familiar blonde teenager who is in the void sneezed and shuddered to feel a strange annoying chill that he couldn't figure out.
It didn't had to end like this…
He lay on the soft yet cold white snow in pain.
He barely escaped from getting killed by the Traveler and the other Archons along with his mother's perfect creation.
He didn't expect that he could find his end like this…
Not when he hasn't fulfilled his goal.
“And to think…” He breathed out, “I would be the villain…when they are…following the true imposter…”
He coughed out more blood as he felt his eyes blurry.
“Just when…I-I finally…g-got out of Durin…I…am gonna die…this time”
He couldn't stop closing his eyes as he felt his ears ringing. Just as he felt himself dying a shadow covered his body and he felt himself being turned around in lying on his back.
He didn't know who turned his body. All he could see was a blurry image of a person with big wings.
“-re you okay?”
Such kind words felt like kindness that he didn't get from Albedo's people. He could have laughed and looked at them as if they were crazy yet he could not speak with his body in pain from the wound. He slowly closes his eyes but hasn't felt his ringing ears or the pain of his body stopping meaning he is still alive but not for long.
Something cold hit his lips that felt like glass and a hand on his jaw that was trying to open it. He couldn't move so he let the person move his body knowing he would die in the end except he felt something like a liquid run down his throat. He couldn't feel the taste yet it was warm. With a little bit of strength to open his eyes, what he saw will be something he wishes to see even more as his vision was clear for a moment
(e/c) eyes that are filled with worry towards him and a face that looked like the true imposter and he knew who it was giving him this strange drink.
That one word he could only manage to say before things looked a bit dark and back being blurry. Warmth wrapped his body and it felt like a fluffy cloth. Just as he finally accepted the darkness he heard those last words that he will remember.
“We are both labeled as imposters, right? Then…Don't die. Not when I want to ask you if you could be my companion and partner”
Suddenly he woke up wrapped in a blanket and was laying down on a soft bed. What greeted him wasn't the warm sunlight but a face that held happiness and a wonderful smile.
“Hey, there fellow imposter” You greeted him with a playful smile, “Finally awake and still ready to live?”
Paimon was Aether's second companion with Lumine being his first and the floating fairy was the one who had tried her best to be positive for the traveler.
That is until he learned the truth of what his role is and his sister's role.
Paimon couldn’t blame her friend who she remembered hearing his cries and his screams of anger that time when they were heading to Inazuma.
Paimon could understand why he was feeling like that.
Despite Paimon knowing her origins or what her role is to her friend she could not tell her friend the system would never let her reveal her origins only when the time comes.
So when Paimon and Aether met the player creator in person Paimon knew something was wrong with them.
Aether knew as well and instead of stopping for confronting the ‘creator’.
He decided to let it all happen.
Aether let the ‘creator’ do its thing by spreading lies and use of manipulation on all the nations and its archons.
Paimon was shocked by her friend’s actions and began questioning the blond traveler on why he let the ‘creator’ do its tranny when it could hurt many people if they do not tell them the truth.
But Paimon only received a look from Aether to which she stopped asking.
Aether never told her why he let the nations’ people suffer under a fake creator.
That is until the true creator came and Paimon knew why her friend was like that.
He was tired.
Tired that his role was nothing more than being a vessel to learn the truth of what Teyvat is like.
Aether was nothing more than a puppet to be played like a kid.
If he wanted his sister back then he must play the hero and travel to 7 nations to reunite with his sister.
Aether could handle it but when he learned that he and his sister were made out of codes to be played in this world.
It hurt him so much.
And Paimon knew he hated it and was tired of being shoved around saving and helping people along with doing a lot of tasks when he just wanted to be reunited with his sister.
And so Paimon stayed by her friend’s side by remaining ignorant of what was happening to Teyvat.
Paimon also wonders about that certain conversation at that time with Aether and the ‘creator’. All Paimon knew was the change of Aether's personality and what Paimon meant by Personality she meant the way Aether started hunting down the creator muttering something about he will do anything so long he can be with Lumine despite him taking reckless action from the ‘Creator'.
The last thing Paimon could see or remember was pushing Aether out of the way from getting hit by one of the heads of the creature that Albedo's imposter and true creator summoned. She got hit instead of her friend who started screaming her name clutching her tiny body.
Paimon couldn't hear Aether’s words as she suffered the effects and then fell unconscious in her friend's arms.
Paimon will do anything to make her friend happy and promises them that she will make sure Aether reunites with his sister.
"Someone has fallen to the unknown effects of the monster!"
"Another one has passed away from it!"
"I need medical attention over here!"
“Someone call a healer please!"
The people who survived the aftermath of the fight between the two wither have now taken shelter in Liyue after one of their people killed a wither that wasn't defeated by the Traveler was suddenly in Liyue destroying and killing any living beings it could find or buildings to get to them.
Luckily the vision users in Liyue were able to stop it however the people who got hit by the wither skull have died from the wither effect; however, they have only left people who are vision users unconscious or worse, in a coma. Venti was one of the victims who have been hit by the wither same goes for the other vision users except currently he is unconscious as healers from Fontaine with Hydro visions or those other people who use Anemo started healing the people who have visions or those who don’t have visions but unfortunately can not be saved.
Madame Ping watched the citizens and the citizens from Mondstadt help one another. She could also see the Tianquan sending orders to the Qixing and Millelith to help the survivors of Mondstadt and Ganyu was there speaking to Jean who was carrying a passed-out Kaeya by the shoulder. The Traveler could be seen sitting down with his head down in grief and Madame Ping knew something must have happened to Paimon since she saw someone taking the tiny floating companion to one of the healers.
She sighed seeing what had happened to the city of freedom and that it was the sign of the destruction that would happen to her beloved nation.
“If only you used your eyes and mind, old friend,” She said glancing at Zhongli who frowned seeing the state of the Mondstadt people, “Then our dear creator would never start her revenge on us if we-no you realize the signs that the one who sat in our beloved creator's throne was the true imposter”
Madame Ping just shook her head and drank her tea while the Liyue's retired Archon just looked at his tea that would soon be a cold tea. Madame Ping may not forgive her old friend for killing innocent people, especially XiangLing's family and other people who helped the creator. She decided to have one last tea with him before she and Yanfei parted ways with Liyue.
At least she and Yanfei knew who the real creator and the real imposter but they were sent to jail after what they did by helping the true creator to escape.
But thankfully they were released, however unfortunately we're only to know the aftermath of what has happened to the failed execution. Both Yanfei and Madame ping agree to leave Liyue not wanting to be in a nation that is currently going around like headless chickens and asking forgiveness for what they had done when they should have listened to them, especially Yanfei who has all the evidence.
In the end, no one listened and now will pay the price…
Zhongli knows that Madame Ping and Yanfei will be leaving Liyue and he doesn't stop them. After all, they had the right to leave by their own decisions, especially since he and his people were the cause of letting their nation feel the wrath of the creator.
“I heard that Shenhe was released from her prison and went into a rampage when she heard Chongyun was killed” Madame Ping started, “The fact there have been sightings of dead treasurer hoarders somewhere in Ligue and a Cryo vision being used on them is the fact that Shenhe is angry”
“Indeed. She was released 2 days after the…incident ” Zhongli said.
“Huh no wonder why I keep seeing elements of Cryo being used on some dead treasurer hoarders that I encountered through the lands of Liyue"
Zhongli and Madame Ping looked to their side and saw Yanfei who was carrying a bag walking towards them.
“Hello, Yanfei” Madame Ping greeted Yanfei, “Is everything already packed?”
“Yep” Yanfei nodded, “Yelan decided to help as well since she's planning to leave with her people along with Uncle Tian and Huixin as well“
“Well, that's good to hear,” Madame Ping said before looking at Zhongli who is watching Jean and Ningguang speaking to each other.
“I will be leaving now, Morax,” Madame Ping told Zhongli who sighed and nodded.
“Safe travels old friend,” He said.
With that Madame ping slowly stood up as Yanfei was there by her side carrying the tea set with the ex-Adeptus. Both slowly leave the Yuehai Pavilion while Zhongli on the other hand just looks at his tea that has now become cold. He let out a sigh recalling what he had done for serving the true imposter. He cursed himself for not realizing the obvious signs of what the true imposter did when they disguised themselves as the creator he had prayed to and worshipped. He should have realized things sooner, especially the way Zhongli faintly remembered the imposter manipulated everyone with some kind of power or fragrance that made them in control of their actions yet Zhongli and the others allowed the creator to do it despite they have sudden doubts about it but will be washed away once the creator notices them.
But it doesn’t excuse their actions for being oblivious and letting Mallory continue ruling and almost bringing Teyvat down with her tranny actions. However after the events of the execution, he and his fellow archons are more than happy that they get to make Mallory suffer and go all out on her since she cannot die when she is cursed by the creator for the crimes and sins she had done from stealing their creator’s identity. Despite the torture of revenge, they brought to the real imposter for her sins, and the archobs know that despite what they did will not make the creator forgive them. Zhongli grimaced at remembering the anger of some citizens such as Chef Mao, Xingqiu’s family, and Chogyun’s family when this whole time the children were innocent and didn’t die for saving and helping an imposter but the creator.
Everything has gone into shambles and Zhongli couldn’t help remembering a particular memory as he then started walking down the Yuehai Pavilion stairs and heading towards his own shrine that he made.
“Hmm?” Guizhong glanced at her friend who looked at her with eyes filled with questions.
“Why would you serve the higher god, the creator for everything when we were created just to be puppets?” He asked the Goddess of Dusk who was touching some of the glaze lilies she had loved dearly.
Morax never liked the creator after he learned the truth of what he and the other roles are from Guizhong who spoke to him about what their world and roles are about to them. Nevertheless, he was furious however he continued his role but still held a deep disdain for the creator who only made him and other gods beings that will soon become puppets of their game if they survived the war that will happen to them soon and one of them will become a vessel to the creator. This is why other beings are angry at Morax for hating the creator while some understood the geo dragon’s feelings towards the creator.
They are only created solely to create the world where the creator will be using one of them as a vessel.
So Morax decided to ask his friend why did she continue praying or worshipping such as he had seen his friend giving her favorite flowers, food, or any kind of item she could give away to the temple that he despised since the temple is for the creator where humans and gods would send their offerings in hoping the creator would accept them. Morax was not one of the people who would give offerings to the creator yet he doesn’t stop Guizhong from sending her offers and Guizhong lets Morax show his dislike for the great creator in her presence since she understands how he feels about the higher god.
“This is the first that you asked me Morax” Guizhong chuckled as she turned to face her friend who continued staring at her.
“You never asked me about this despite knowing I'm one of the gods who worshipped them,” She said, “Why so curious, my friend?”
Morax crossed his arms, “I still do not understand why you are showing your dedication to them when you already know the truth? Should you not be angry at them?”
Guizhong merely gave her friend a smile before she bent down to pick up the Glaze Lilies and gestured to follow her which the Geo God did. Both of them were walking to a certain path that would lead to a certain temple.
“When I first learned the truth of my role and what this world is I was devastated,” She explained with honesty, “Learning that my role in this world is irrelevant and I knew someday day I wouldn't meet the creator once they finally walk through the land or choose one of the people or gods to be their vessels”
Morax stayed silent and continued listening to his friend as they both walked to the great temple of the creator where they would place their offerings and prayers.
“I didn’t know what to do with the truth…” Guizhong sighed, “But another part of me was…curious”
Morax blinked and glanced at the Goddess, “Curious?”
Guizhong giggled as she stared up at the skies with an unreadable expression, “Indeed I was curious. I didn’t know why after I became sad I started curious about the reason our Creator made this land and made us as well”
They then reached their destination before Guizhong dragged the reluctant Morax inside the temple that is filled with different offerings from the people and the other Gods that reside in Liyue.
“I wanted to know who our creator is and I wanted to know the reason why they put us in this land with roles to fulfill” She continued before kneeling down and placing the flowers next to the offerings, “So far I only know little information of who our creator is other then we know that they have given us orders or rather things to fulfill. The one place I know who would have more information about our Creator is Khaenri'ah”
“It's a shame but” Guizhong then started to smile as Morax looked at her in confusion, “I could not help but thank them”
“Thank them?” Morax repeated the words, “You thank them despite knowing your role is irrelevant to this land they made?”
Guizhong nodded, “Yes I would like to thank them. For being alive and able to see what they created and leaving us to make it our home and the home to the people of Liyue”
Her words were genuine yet they still confused Morax. Thanking the creator for making them born and then letting us do whatever we want just for the people that they are given or rather to protect? The geo God still has questions yet he doesn’t have the heart to ask more of his friend who is now starting to do her daily prayers to the Creator.
“You should pray to them, dear friend,” Guizhong said.
“You know I don’t do those things Guizhong” Morax stated.
“Just this once,” She said, “ I am only asking you once to pray for them even if you keep hating our creator”
Morax grumbled to which the Goddess of dust laughed at her friend who then started praying for the first time to the creator.
That was the last time they prayed to the great creator in the temple together…
Morax held the dying body of Guizhong who was dying after a fierce battle. Both of them were in an area surrounded by Glaze Lilies as the Night sky bloomed to them. The geo god was in tears while his friend was also crying yet still had her beautiful smile. Both didn’t expect this to happen but they knew someday they would both part ways from each other but not today.
“How could they…” Morax muttered, “You always pray to them…and yet you are dying..”
It was then that Morax started loathing and hating the creator even more. Guizhong, his dear friend and one of his closest people who he cherishes dearly, is now dying in his arms. He didn’t want her to leave or her to see her dying yet fate decided to tear them apart. Seeing his friend like this made him slowly start to hate the creator even more.
Why aren’t they saving Guizhong?
Did she not pray enough for them?
Did her offerings not satisfy them?
Did she not worship you enough?
So many questions that Morax wants to spat the creator angrily when he cannot lose one of his dearest friends who was not afraid of him or judged him for hating the creator. Guizhong saw her friend’s change of expression. For once she was happy to see another expression from her friend other than having his signature poker face or his rage expression but she didn’t not like seeing her friend sad, especially since he is showing signs of hating the creator even more and is probably blaming them for her death. So she slowly lifted her hand despite dying slowly to her death. She needs to calm her friend down and not continue hating the creator.
“Don’t Morax…” She spoke with a soft and tired voice, “Do not hate them for my death…”
“How can I?!” He exclaimed, “Not when you are dying in my arms!!”
His words shooked the land as Morax gritted his teeth at seeing Guizhong still cares about the creator when she is in a serious condition.
“It is not their fault,” She told him but before Morax could retort to her Guizhong cut him off, “We both know…one of us will part away from this land…”
The full moon glowed brightly in the darkened skies as the Glaze lilies bloom around them. It was a beautiful sight yet quite saddening with the Goddess of Dust now slowly dying from her injuries but still staying breathing only for a bit just to send her final blessings or words to her close friend.
“Sorry I didn't…tell you more my reason why…I continue to pray for them” Guizhong apologize as Morax shook his head to her, “You don't need to apologize Guizhong”
Guizhong smiled as she cupped Morax's face which was stained with tears, “Although…I am glad to see you…showing more expressions…”
Morax was different from the other gods and was one of the people who rarely show emotions. Mostly everyone would see him as someone cold or someone with that they wish they would not cross paths in case of getting killed but Guizhong was one of the people or rather she might be the first person to be close with geo god who has the form of a dragon. There are many times they have been mistaken as a family or the common one where they are mistaken as lovers yet both never say anything of their close bond.
“I am grateful for the creator…” Guizhong chuckled tiredly, “For being born for this land…to meet you…and to meet others…”
“What a blessing to be created with a heart…to care deeply and…the mind to help and guide…the people of Liyue…”
You can see Guizhong slowly losing her body but she still stays strong to make sure her friend remembers her words and also hopes Morax could fulfill her last wishes along with hoping for happiness for him. Morax continued listening to every word Guizhong spoke with her remaining breath as he also made sure to embed it in his memories so that he could remember it forever.
“Despite I…could not see them…Please Morax…Protect and…also cherish them…when……you finally…meet them?” She asked her friend as she could feel her breath slowly going away but tried to stay a bit longer in her friend’s arms.
The tears of the geo god fell onto the Goddess of Dust's cheek who was still crying yet holding a smile for him.
“I will,” Morax said, “I will fulfill it my dear friend"
It sends a small chuckle to Guizhong along with it, which makes her happy that despite not seeing or meeting the creator she hopes the creator would meet Morax instead.
“About…that stone dumbbell…I have given to you”
A flash of a memory of Guizhong giving her stone dumbbell to Morax who looked at it in confusion but also keep it and take it as a challenge given by Guizhong to figure it out
“Forget about it okay…”
Morax just stayed silent as slowly Guizhong’s body began to fade away he held her fading body that was slowly reaching her upper body. The Goddess of Dust’s eyes began to close yet the smile remain on her face.
“What a blessing to be born…”
Those were her final words as she then faded into dust. The night sky continued to bloom as the wind softly flew by Morax who held the dust that was the remnants of Guizhong who has now parted from this world leaving him and others alone to fight, build and bring peace to this world.
“Guizhong…” Morax uttered those words with a voice that missed his friend.
That was the last time Morax saw Guizhong as he then remembered the times with her and the memories they had spent. But what stood out of it is that he has finally realized the words or rather why Guizhong was curious yet grateful for the creator’s existence. No one knew who the creator was or knew what their appearance looked like or sounded like. However, there have been notes about the creator wearing a cloak that covers their face and covers their whole body. They also hold a warmth that makes you know that you are home.
Before Morax was never a believer and hated the creator when he learned the truth and answers from Guizhong but after his friend died in a place filled with Glaze Lilies he finally found all the answers that he needed.
The creator has given all living beings such as Gods, Humans, and animals a meaning of life and is meant for something. This land would be what it was if the creator did not let them do what they want or give them roles to fulfill for this land to flourish. Guizhong as she said her role as background or side character is irrelevant to this world yet still had a meaning. Everyone has a meaning including himself.
The creator did not build this world for fun.
But they created it with love.
With all the answers Morax now has become one of the creator’s loyal acolytes who will not only fulfill his friend’s wishes but also cherish, worship, and thank the creator for making them born out of love.
“What a wonderful god they are…”
The location of the shrine was in a cave where only Zhongli knows where it is as he was the one who made the shrine where he can only do his prayers to the creator and bring offerings to them. Zhongli felt tears coming out of his eyes as remembered the promise he made with Guizhong. He bows his whole body to his private shrine to the creator.
He ruined his promise for Guizhong.
What would she think of him now that he had actually hurt his and Guizhong’s beloved creator?
She would be so disappointed in him.
“I’m sorry…” He cried, “I’m sorry my Creator! I am sorry Guizhong!”
“Please give me another chance to repay my sins…”
Outside the cave was a single crow that was spying on Zhongli before it flew off the moment it saw the ex-archon crying on his shrine for the creator.
If you open your eyes and realize the signs sooner.
Then you would have never suffered like this with the sin of hurting the true creator.
In the land of Inazuma, a crow flew towards the Great Narukami Shrine where shrine maidens would reside and it was also the place where the Electro Archon’s familiar reside as well. The crow cawed softly before spotting the familiar pink-haired Kitsune of Narukami shrine who seemed to know that the crow would arrive in her shrine as she lifted up her arm where the crow would land with a note on its claws.
“So it finally arrived,” Yae Miko said as she pets the crow who was happy for the pats, “I was wondering when will she deliver the letter after they finally realized their mistake of who they serve”
The crow caw before flying onto one of the roofs of the shrines as Yae Miko starts examining the letter that the crow has given her and she knows who has given this letter to her.
The Great Narukami Shrine was quiet other than some shrine maidens roaming around doing their task.
“Lady Yae!”
A Shrine maiden who seemed to be a new one ran towards the Kitsune with a look of distress. The shrine maiden panted indicating she was out of breath from running.
“Dear me,” Yae Miko said as she glanced at the shrine maiden, “What news do you have?”
“It's about Mondstadt!” The shrine maiden exclaimed with her eyes looking scared when she heard the news of the city of freedom, “The city has been destroyed and the cause of it was the great creator!”
Everyone in the shrine who heard the news started whispering in shock to her that the city of freedom has been destroyed by the true creator.
“It seems she finally has started her revenge,” Yae Miko said looking back at the letter “Looks like things will not look good in Inazuma if only Ei and the others except the Arataki gang just opened their eyes and realized the signs sooner”
Suddenly another person entered the shrine as one of your chats began cawing at the new person.
“What do you mean by that”
One of the shrine maiden gasps when they see who it was, “A-Almighty Shogun!!”
Raiden Shogun or should I say Ei suddenly appeared in the shrine with a look of shock when she saw the crow from that rooftop and recognized that the crow wasn't from Inazuma but it belonged to the true creator.
“The Shogun has appeared?!”
“When did she arrive?!”
“I thought she was busy, especially since there were many soldiers assigned around Inazuma”
Whispers appeared once again in the Shrine which made Yae Miko irritated by it as she turned around and turned around to face her friend who wanted answers.
Especially since she did not know that Yae was in contact with you.
“My it seems someone has finally got out of her place after what happened to the execution” Yae Miko chuckled, “If I recall shouldn't you be helping your people or continuing your mourning?”
“Don't change the subject Miko” Ei glared at the Pink Yokai Kitsune, “Since when did you come in contact with the creator?”
“Oh?” Yae Miko made a fake surprised expression, “Is the Almighty Shogun jealous that she was not the one to be in contact with our creator?”
Yae Miko laughed as she looked at the Electro Archon who isn't in the mood in being teased, “Alright I'll stop for now”
The Kitsune then shoos away her shrine maidens before gesturing Ei to a table that is already prepared for them ahead as all the shrine maidens give them privacy.
“Let's have a chat after you finally got out of your abode”
“How long have you known the creator Miko?” Ei promptly asked.
“Straight to the point and not even a greeting,” Yae said as she drank her tea, “Although I can't say I pity you once you realized you have been serving the fake creator”
Ei tensed up as she stared at her mango milk while Yae just looked at her. Guilt and pain were all over the Electro Archon’s face after she realized who she hunted down the whole time.
“To put it simply” Yae put down her drink, “Back when Sayu was around she informed me about the so-called impostor that you and the other archons are chasing which I had no interest that is until I saw them”
Yae looked at the person that entered her shrine while bandaging their wounds that are bleeding which are slowly flashing red to gold making her eyes widen once she recognizes the signs.
“So I took them in and started asking questions about themselves” She explained, “Only to find out they are an outlander like our dear traveler and wanted to look for a way out of this world”
“Did you know that (Y/n) complained to me about when she arrived here for no reason only to get chased down under the orders of our faker” Yae glanced at Ei who continued looking down in shame, “I pity her especially she has no idea what our world is like nor knows about her being the true creator but was mostly labeled as an impostor by everyone”
“Nothing to say? Well, then I will continue-”
“Why didn't you tell me about it Miko” Ei looked at her with a frown, “Why didn't you tell me that you knew they are the real creator when you noticed the signs”
Yae Miko suddenly felt a huge annoyance as her vision began glowing in the rage of her emotions. How long has she tried to tell Ei that she was serving a fake? How many times she was turned away and banned from getting near her and the faker?
She has told her friend so many times but she refused to listen.
This made Yae Miko annoyed.
"I told you Ei! I told you many times that the Divine creator you have been working with was none other than the true imposter" Yae looked at Ei who slumped down as you could see her eyes swarming with guilt in them.
"No excuses," Yae cut her off, "You knew you should have been suspicious when that faker suddenly starts throwing tantrums and made stupid executions on the people of Teyvat"
“The fact you say I didn't tell you when you were the one who ignored my words and continued to blindly follow that faker’s tyranny that already has ruined and killed innocent people such as Sayu and the other people from the other nations!”
Ei flinched but she knew Miko was right and Miko had the right to get angry at her. The Electro Archon looked down at her Dango milk in sadness and shame
What would Makoto think of you?
She did everything to make the creator proud.
And yet you ruined it for her and did not realize sooner that you served an imposter.
“History is repeating itself and this time it's their fault for being such blind simps!”
Dainsleif watched silently at the crow that suddenly decided to follow him in meeting the spy.
Or rather there are actually two from what he had heard from one of the crows.
“Thou shall all sinners get punished by Big sis!” The crow shouted.
Honestly, Dainsleif pitied you for dealing with these kinds of crows but at the same time, he finds them interesting despite how talkative they are.
“They will” He replied to them, “Her Majesty will start her plan once she gives the signal”
“BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!” The crow shouted following a sound that suddenly sounds like…your cackle?
“If one of my chat starts mimicking a voice that is not their own then they are probably using one of my voices or from my family”
“Is that possible?”
“It is for them and I sometimes wonder if they are a crow or just a parrot in disguise”
At least Dainsleif knows what your crow is doing or what they are like.
Finally the former Captain of Khaenri'ah' has entered the border that reaches the entrance of Liyue and Monstadt as he could see bloody footprints and walls of the cliffs that looked destroyed indicating where the third wither has gone off. One of your crows landed on Dainsleif's shoulder to which he allowed it so long the crows do that yell or peck him then he will continue to allow them to stay on his shoulder.
The good thing is that no one was sight of the entrance as it was getting dark. Mostly the place was trashed with whole and bloody footprints that can be seen at the entrance.
“Now one of our spies should arrive…”
“You know you didn't have to come with me,” Aether said to Amber.
The outrider just gave him a small smile, “I had to, especially since I already finished my tasks in Liyue and also did some checking on Eula who has fallen asleep after finally surviving that three-headed monster’s poison-like effect”
Aether grimaced at that. Eula one was one of the victims and was the first to wake up after surviving the effects of that three-headed creature they try to fight but it was not easy especially when it attacks those who are hit get some kind of poison-like effect on their bodies before dying completely except for vision users who mostly get into like a comatose state or continue suffering the pain.
Paimon was lucky that she survived the process but was unconscious after receiving the monster's effect and Aether hasn't been himself after Paimon took the hit instead of him. The healers told him that Paimon will be okay and are not sure when she'll be waking up but so far she was lucky to survive the effect of the monster.
It eases a few of his nerves to Aether but at the same time, it still made him more guilty than he got Paimon hurt.
Right now Aether was assigned by Ningguang to check the border between Mondstadt and Liyue after Ningguang got a report of something happening on the border due to the sight of crows there. Aether was supposed to do it alone but Amber decided to accompany the Traveler. Right now they already walked passed Wangshuu Inn and now are heading to Dihua Marsh to check out the strange happening at the border that is the entrance between Liyue and Mondstadt.
“I'm quite worried about what will find,” Amber said as she started hugging herself, “To think we have to check something when it's almost dark is making me get goosebumps”
“True” Aether said especially since he doesn't know why feels something will happen, “Let's hope once we finish checking we can use the teleports to go to Lityue”
“Oh yeah speaking of teleporting” Amber looked at the Traveler, “Why didn't you use that instead of walking to the entrance”
That made Aether stop walking with Amber.
In 1 minute of silence, the blonde Traveler went red as he covered his face in shame making Amber let out a laugh realizing why her friend went red with embarrassment.
He forgot about the waypoints or rather the teleporters.
“PFFT! I can't believe you” Amber wiped her tears away, “Forgot about the waypoints! Hahaha!”
Aether groaned as he covered his face, “I'm so sorry Amber!
“Hey!” Amber patted his back, “It's fine, a bit of Exercise helps!”
That made Aether uncovered his face and let out a sigh as he smiled at the outrider. Just then his smile went away as he spotted a crow flying past them. Amber saw the sudden expression of the Traveler and looked where he was looking only to see the crow as well.
“Isn't that-”
The crow whined before flying off as Amber and Aether made the chase to go after it. The crow didn't seem to notice them and was heading to the entrance of Liyue and Mondstadt which means that there can be only one thing.
You might be at the border and as much as the outrider and Traveler could return by spotting the crow they already knew that it would waste their time, especially since they are very close to the entrance.
‘Dainsleif?’ Aether thought as he never knew that he would be seeing the former Captain of Khaenri'ah again.
Aether and Amber arrived at the entrance of Liyue and Mondstadt after they followed the crow. They both thought it would lead them to the creator except it didn't but instead of the creator it was Dainsleif who was at the entrance of the border talking to someone who was wearing a brown cloak.
The Pryo brunette and the blonde Traveler were hiding as they only saw the two people talking about something. They have no idea who the cloaked person is as they try their best to stay hidden through the bushes and trees.
“Hey Aether” Amber whispered to the blonde, “Isn't he that person who stopped the creator back in the…execution?”
“Yeah, it is him,” Aether replied as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Both of them became quiet as the crow landed on Dainsleif's shoulder sulking, making the blonde Khaenri'ahian pet the bird’s head with his index finger before continuing the conversation with their ‘spy’.
“When Rosaria informed us of you suddenly joining I knew something was up, especially since Her Majesty is currently resting and preparing for her revenge,” Dainsleif said crossing his arms.
“Revenge…” Amber muttered.
The person in the cloak lowly said his words to Dainsleif who was able to hear it with the crow except for Aether and Amber who couldn't hear the cloak person’s voice and words.
Dainsleif sighed, “I trust you should know that her majesty is not gonna be giving second chances not after you almost killed her”
“Joining us won't make a change or make you accepted in Her Majesty’s arms easily”
The cloak in person started talking again and Aether swore it they sounded familiar but he can't place his finger on it.
“What's going on?…”Amber asked worriedly, “I can't hear what they are saying except that person who stopped the creator’s bloodbath”
Aether couldn't say anything and tried to get close a bit but Amber stopped him, especially since he almost got spotted by the crow.
“In 3 days her majesty will unleash the Doomsday”
Aether and Amber suddenly felt their heart drop hearing that word. They aren't sure why when they heard Dainsleif's words but hearing the word ‘Doomsday’ caused both of them to have red flags around them.
The person in the cloak flinched but asked them in another low voice to Dainsleif hummed.
“We plan to make them think 3 weeks they can prepare everything in time but that is merely a lie” Dainsleif explained, “Both her majesty and Rubedo agreed 3 days they will unleash it as a punishment”
“We need to tell everyone!…” Amber hissed in a low voice that only Aether can hear, “Everyone will get hurt!”
Aether nodded and just as they were about to quietly escape-
Aether started swaying as he hit the ground hard. Amber gasped and was about to summon her bow and she was quickly knocked down.
“INTRUDERS!! NICE ONE XIAO!!” The crow shouted as Dainsleif looked behind the cloak person who did a small glance at the duo since they did not want their face to be revealed.
Indeed the one who knocked out Amber and made Aether hit the ground was Xiao who looked at the Traveler with an unreadable expression before walking towards Dainsleif.
“W-Whats the ma-meaning of this…?” Aether asked, “W-Why”
Xiao didn't say anything as Dainsleif nodded at him, “I supposed you decided to finally come after scouting and avoiding the Geo Archon's eyes?”
Aether suddenly felt his head pounding in pain as his vision began to blurry. All he could hear was the crow's laughter before the cloaked person turned around causing Aether's eyes widened.
No way…
First Xiao and now-
“KNOCK HIM OUT!” The crow once again screamed as Aether then felt his head collide with the ground very hard.
Before he fell unconscious he words these last words:
“Make sure you use the potion that erases the memories on both of them. Her Majesty said that the effect will last until 4 days”
And then everything went black.
Somewhere in Liyue monsters began disappearing for no reason however there are some who are around the lands of Liyue but their strengths were stronger than before. Hilichurls would normally be easy to fight but now they are a bit harder and also aggressive. Slimes began to appear in numbers more than before and Geovishaps are sometimes seen in groups with the hatchling as well. The Fatuis are nowhere in sight except some Treasurer hoarders who are unfortunate to get caught in the crossfire with the elemental enemies.
No one in Liyue is safe, especially since there have been sudden earthquakes around Nantianmen that were definitely banned to all citizens and adventures considering that is where Azhdaha was sealed into.
A little blue finch was flying through the trees while trying to find high ground to stay safe from the animals, monsters, Humans, and of course, earthquakes that Azhdaha would make sometimes. The bird chirped before another earthquake came causing it to squeak as it lost its balance and started falling towards the lake.
Just as it was about to land on the water something caught the bird who was confused before opening its eyes and seeing who saved it from falling into the water.
“My what a pretty bird you are”
A woman with brown long hair wore black clothing with a black veil covering her face and a black hat that looked very similar to a certain person who wore a hat. She also wore a beautiful black dress and black gloves. A bracelet that looked like a locket was on her right wrist shimmering from time to time.
The bird chirped, making the woman giggle as she watched the bird fly away to Liyue.
“What a beautiful world this place is…” She whispered admiring the beauty of the city of Liyue.
“Oh but it is”
Suddenly a flash of green appeared a bit far but still near the woman who let out a sigh as she suddenly felt her mood down when he decided to appear.
“...What do you want?” She asked the entity behind her, “Shouldn't you be keeping one of your precious champion?”
“Shouldn't you be in your domain especially if I recall you never appear in your full form except possessing your husband” The entity retorted at the Goddess.
The woman rolled her eyes before running around to face the entity.
“What are you doing here DreamXD?” The woman glared at the other god.
DreamXD just laughed, “Come now Lady Kristin you know why I am here~”
“That’s Lady Death to you” Kristin corrected the Green God especially since she doesn't like how this God is saying her real name casually like she is his friend.
Both knew that they aren't friends especially Kristin can not forgive him when his little champion brought pain to her family.
“My how rude of you” The green God chuckled as his four wings ruffled, “And I thought you would continue being yourself instead of pretending to use that personality despite it doesn't change anything”
“Out with it!” She glared at God.
Kristin has patience but she has no patience for a God who has been interested in her daughter from the moment she was born. The mother remembered how the Green god stared at her daughter with interest and proclaimed she was the reincarnation of a higher God in another world.
Her husband never believed it. She didn't believe it either.
But in the end, she can't help but agree after she saw what her daughter was capable of when she arrived in this world.
The green God shrugged, “I just came to check on you after the other gods well mostly myself have noticed your presence disappeared and to think I would find you in this universe despite you know you can never stop your daughter’s revenge”
“But when I arrived I never felt excited!” He chirped, “To think she would pull the same idea from her Philza and Technoblade makes my day!”
The God laughed while the Goddess of Death stayed silent and stared at him. Life around Kristin was slowly withering due to her anger that is currently being held back as getting angry or falling for the taunts of the Green God would be a waste of time.
He is just like Dream, his little champion but more annoying.
“It's quite a shame though” DreamXD calm down from his laughter, “Once (Y/n) finally got her powers as the Higher God or rather the creator of this game world she would never return back to herself”
“You know what I mean right Lady Kristin?~”
Kristin frowned. She knew what he was talking about and she could not meet you face to face without Mojang’s going after her. Once you slowly get your powers being the true creator you will be facing a price that you may not like.
Kristin wished that you didn't deserve this role, not when you have no memories of being the creator of this world and all you want is to be with your family.
“Although I wonder…If she was able to become a God. Will she be forever forgotten by her family? Just like when-”
“It seems” Kristin cut him off, “That you have forgotten what your role is like only in the Dream SMP but never outside of it”
Suddenly the atmosphere became really tense as the wind between the two gods slowly disappeared and the animals or other living beings ran away from the area as both gods stared down at each other.
“Tell me DreamXD” Kristin spoke, “What were you the God of again?”
In the blink of an eye silver chains that are glowing with darkness around them appeared and wrapped themselves on DreamXD who was startled as the ground around them withered.
“You! How-”
“The thing is DreamXD” Kristin started as she slowly walked towards the Green God, “ You are a God mostly in the Dream SMP but outside?”
DreamXD didn't say anything but he was shaking around the chains.
Is he scared?
He is angry.
He is angry because out of the other gods Kristin knows that DreamXD is more capable and strong in one server.
But if he were to go to any server or outside of it-
“…Are you trying to make me mad Lady Kristin-”
Kristin snapped her fingers causing the chains to tighten around DreamXD who gritted his teeth behind his XD mask.
“You have forgotten your place and who I am so I will correct you”
Kristin was now in front of DreamXD as she made him bend over a bit as he was very much taller than her and her husband.
“I'm the Goddess of Death,” She told him as her chocolate eyes suddenly disappeared and her eyes became the whole black behind her veil.
“When you are one God in a server that will make you powerful but outside?”
“And you? What kind of God are you?” The smirk appeared on Kristin-no the Goddess of Death made DreamXD grit his teeth behind his mask as he felt enraged and humilated thanks to this Goddess
He should have been aware that Kristin despite is the one who is in charge of the souls in the underworld was given a gift to have chains the will chain other gods and they could not escape it unless Kristin let them.
However Kristin herself knows how much power she has once she got gods on her chains will make her powerful and a threat to other gods. So for now she will only use these chains unless she is provoked.
“You are nothing”
My brain hurted this shit so bad please 😭😭😭
YEP I GAVE KRISTIN THE HELA LINES FROM MARVEL UWU ✨💕 Plus it was inspired by an animatic I watched in YouTube and I couldn't find it anymore IDK why TAT
And the meaning behind of Mumza's words about DreamXD is that in my own opinion I feel like DreamXD wouldn't be a full God unless he is in the DreamXD since its known that DreamXD and Dream are different persons yet similar people. Plus gods who are in the Minecraft world can visit other worlds like how Mumza was able to enter Teyvat without needing to possess Philza ^^
The sad thing is that she can't meet her daughter or else she'll be force to back to the underworld directly which is sad TwT
But honestly what do you think especially now I can take a break and then work on Prologue 3 that will be coming out next month ^^ I really hope you enjoy this despite it looks dragged on but hey you can't blame me on my world building lol XD
No hate in my comments or else I will remove it also no anon hating me in my inbox of my story when I already said I made this for fun and made sure it is different to the other SAGAU stories but still similar.
Also a bit of changes in Prologue part 1 and Prolonge Part 2! I'll be re-reading this interlude to check it I missed anything or made a mistake once I wake up the next day.
But anyways that's all I can say and please reblog, like and comment on my stories! Don't forget to follow me for of these!
Taglist: (If you see your username in the list and it didn't notify you like the rest then I'm sorry since I tried to search your names yet Tumblr decided to say there is no one 😭 forgive me!! TAT)
@rea-can-yeet @chocogi @ayamvirus @greenteaanon @yunadxd @leafanonsforest @g3n0dtt @lilqi @persephone-kore-law @ryokuu @sweet-seraphim @creation-magician @mappleleaf893 @rampantparadox @romireblogss @campanula-rotundifolia @loser-loalo @moon--kitty @abyssmal-skies @atsuki-mitsuri @the-real-fandom-person @alastor-mydear
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shinechermont · 3 years
(Last atualized at 03/10/2024)
• About the owner of the blog
Hello everyone! My name is A.C. Chermont, but you guys can call me just AC or Shine (username, y'know) or Phemto (which is my monstersona's name). I am currently at UTMV and Repurpose (Visual Novel) fandoms!
My montersona's reference
(if you scroll through the tags or even this page, you may see other sona designs, but I preferably rather that you consider these the main ones - though the other sonas actually still are canon)
• Works and projects.
I've been working on a couple projects, besides my drawings.
The first one is Unexpected Changes. A fanfic I am currently working on.
The second one is my small au called Angel AU. You can use these links to have more information about it.
The third one is an askblog with my ship kids and ocs. There are a couple things happening there.
The fourth one is the role-swapped au where the bad sanses and the star sanses change roles.
The fifth is a quiz where you can find which skelly would really, really like you, based on my interpretation.
The sixth is a project I started with an old friend a long time ago, another discord server where we could also hang out and talk about utmv related things (please tell me if the link isnt working! The invite may have expired!)
Also a lil disclaimer: I have an art tag ( #ac art ), but it is new and I didn't actually managed to tag my oldest artworks, so if you are curious I recommend you to go through other tags (im sorry im trying to fix this but it happens that I have too many posts lol)
• About my ship kids and ocs
This link is from a post with all of my ocs and their birthdays. There, you can know more about them.
There is also a post where I talk about some random curiosities about my ocs.
Also, if you wanna see more about my characters, I recommend you to search the tags with their names. There may have more things about them I forgot to put here :'3
• Permissions and restrictions.
Things you CAN do in this blog:
- Send asks
- Send drawings and writings, and also headcanons (I enjoy reading them)
- You can dm me. I may not be able to answer too soon but I WILL answer you at some point.
- Send requests.
Things you CAN'T do in this blog:
- Talk about NSFW subjects or send content like that in my DMs or askbox.
- Use racist or lgbt-phobic terms (be it on asks or comments).
-Repost my art without credit. Preferably, ask permission if you want to repost my art (and the answer won't be always yes, so beware)
These are the main restrictions for now.
Thank you guys so much for reading until here! Hope you have a nice time while visiting this blog <33
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