#but I hope it has been worth the wait
demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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emblazons · 4 months
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"Do you not see, Eleven?"
El & 001 + Mike Wheeler & Martin Brenner Parallels see also: Vecna' using El's trauma to manipulate(!) her ⤷ inspired by @heroesbyler & my own commentary (x)
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lucienarcheron · 27 days
Spirit Meets the Bones XXXI
Genre: Angst/Romance/Drama Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse. Author’s Note: dare I say...the end of my blue balling era has come.
shoutout to @divinerivals for being on this journey with me <3
Tagging: @climb-the-mountian / @rosewood-cafe / @vanserrass / @readthelastpaage / @teddyhoneybear / @zenkindoflove / @animezinglife / @positivewitch / @clockwork-ashes / @carnythian / @secret-third-thing / @runningwiththeoceans / @that-golden-lyre / @thedarkinmansfield / @readychilledwine / @goldenmagnolias / @mali22 / @maidr-00 / @electromagnetic-waves / @eastofatlanta / @moobell55 / @bibliophiliaxvignette / @devilsfoodcake22 / @weesablackbeak / @ladywhilemia / @alohaangels / @feysandfeels / @corcracrow / @dawneternal / @gracie-rosee / @mage-neve / @illyrianvalkyrie / @rainbowsnowflake /@queenoftheworld1998 /@wolvesnravens
Find it all here.
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Pieces of her heart were being chipped away at what he was suggesting. As if Iris would be able to simply…continue with her life should he be taken from her. 
She had no doubt – none that Eris didn’t cherish having a mating bond as deeply as she did. For him to sit here and plan for her to move on…
As if she would have a life with her mate dead. 
“Are these the kind of thoughts you’ve been sitting on the last few days?” she finally asked. “This is what’s been going on in that head of yours?”
When Eris said nothing, Iris couldn’t help her scoff of indignation and she shook her head, rubbing a hand to her forehead in true exasperation, anguish clogging her throat. She was still struggling with the idea of leaving him on that cursed day and here he was, trying to find ways for her to cut her losses and continue life without him. 
“And you have the nerve to say that so casually,” she muttered and felt her chest tighten painfully. “Like the loss of my mate is something I’m supposed to accept. Like it’s so simple to…adjust.” 
He scowled, working his jaw. “It’s not simple. None of this is simple but if I can do anything to protect you, I will.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes,” he said through clenched teeth. “If everything goes well and he’s dead by the end of it, I will ravish you to our heart’s content.” 
She stared at him incredulously. “If I slapped you right now, you’d deserve it.”
“I know.”
“What happened to ‘have faith it’ll end in our favor’?” she snapped. “I know you’re worried but for you to think that I’d be able to — to just move on should something happen to you…What is the matter with you?”
“I’m trying to take all the precautions I can, Iris.” he hissed. “The mating bond is a living thing – it’s real and people can sense it if we are together. They can scent it and while I can hide it as best as I can, there is always a fucken risk. Had we gone farther this morning – had our scents mingled – the mating bond would be strong, Iris. Far stronger than what it is now and the risk will be infinitely higher. Should anything happen to me, I don’t want it to be so catastrophic for you. If we can avoid it even a little bit –”
“There is a risk for everything, Eris!” she snarled and tried not to stutter as she continued, “Whether something happened to you or not – being mates won’t go away.”
“That is exactly why I don’t want anyone to know. In the event something happens to me, you’re not hunted down like an animal.” he snapped and avoided looking at her again. “If I can’t give you peace while I’m here, at least let me give you some peace if I’m gone.”
Iris could only stare at him, her hands slacked at her sides, her chest so tight. That ache she had felt this morning while watching him sleep returned in full force and she wanted to double over at the pain. The idea – the mere thought of anything happening to him – that he would cease to exist — a panic like no other unfurled through her whole body. 
Did he truly think he mattered that little to her? That she was somehow only sticking around at the convenience of being his wife and mate? 
“You’re being mean, Eris.” she said so miserably, that it made him finally meet her gaze.
“Iris.” he said softly, grimacing and she shook her head, distress coursing through every inch of her being.
“Are you truly so unaware of how much you mean to me, that you think the idea of you dying wouldn’t devastate me?” she whispered. “That I would want to have an out if you’re not with me?” 
Eris felt his insides shrivel, his body running both hot and cold, feeling wrecked by her words. He couldn’t help but look away, down at his hands – hands that had so much blood on them and would need to be soaked in more blood to get to the light at the end of the road. And here she was, saying things that would make it even harder for him to let her go.
As she watched him process, the way she always did, she thought back to her hesitation to confess her feelings to him for fear of him not saying it back. But knowing Eris and the way he was…she knew he needed words from her. He stayed in his head so often, Iris didn’t think he’d realize just how much she felt for him unless she said the words.
“Eris,” she called to him and he couldn’t stop himself from lifting his head and sharing a glance with her. “In case it wasn’t abundantly clear, I do not want to have a life without you.”
She said it so calmly – like the words wouldn’t crush him, to hear her say that. Even if he knew – he knew how she felt – for her emotions were usually a mirror to his own, but he was hit all over again with how badly he needed to hear it and it always seemed like she knew exactly what he needed. His wife – mate, who watched him the way he watched her, memorizing things about him and his wants, his needs.
He could hear the rapid beating of her heart, the flush on her cheeks giving away how nervous she was to say those words, like Eris hadn’t been drowning in his feelings for her since their first night together. 
Like he wasn’t so very overwhelmed by the sheer force of her existence. 
As if he wasn’t fighting just how obsessed he was with having her in his life.
“I’m not going to deny how I feel when everything is on the line like this.” Iris continued and took a step towards him. “I have been having all these feelings and it scared the shit out of me. Then we find out we’re mates and suddenly, everything about us makes sense.” She paused for a moment, swallowing as they watched each other, another type of declaration sitting on the tip of her tongue but Iris wasn’t ready yet; she’d save that for another day. “I’m not going to sit here and let you make plans that separate us because of what your father could do,” she said, waving a hand helplessly. “I’m not going to let him win.”
“I don’t want him to win.” he could only bring himself to say, his voice hoarse. 
“That’s exactly what you’re doing when you sit here and say those things to me,” she said. “When you belittle what we have and how – how significant it is. I’m your wife and mate and that’ll never not be a risk. We were complete strangers yet somehow, the stars aligned and here we are. On the cusp of something that’ll change the trajectory of our lives and everything we know…” Her mouth was set in a firm line as she continued quietly, “I’ll be damned if I let you think that you can hold me at a distance because of what may or may not happen. When you try and act like it wouldn’t ruin me should something happen to you. ”
Eris felt any resistance he had start to crumble. 
“The Mother decided you and I were mates for a reason,” Iris said and gently lifted his chin with her hand. “This thing between us… this is the first thing that has ever been mine and whether you like it or not, I will go down swinging for it. For you.” Iris licked her lips before adding so quietly, “Don’t deny me of you because of him. He doesn’t get to take anything more from us.”  
“I don’t want anything to happen to you.” he whispered and hated that his voice cracked. 
Iris’s expression softened, her thumb caressing his cheek. “If something is meant to happen, then it will. All we can do is accept it and be as ready for it as we can.”
A muscle flexed in his jaw and Eris had to glance down at his clenched hands. “I have waited so fucken long for this,” he said and met her gaze. “For you.” He stood once more, his hands latching on to hers. “I have wished and pleaded and fucken –” Eris stopped himself but knew the desperation on his face must’ve shown exactly how he felt. The sheer yearning he’d had over the years. Since she married him, Iris had been by his side and yet he still craved her more and more deeply each day. He wanted to inject her very essence into his veins. He wanted a life with her. To make her laugh. To give her every single thing she ever desired. But how did he describe this to her? How did he verbalize exactly how much she meant to him? Was telling her he lo – how he felt as she did enough? 
He hadn’t used that word in years – decades. Eris hadn’t even let himself think of the word all these years because of how his father would tarnish it. He had spent his life half in agony with his hope buried so deeply beneath it that he wasn’t sure he could feel that emotion. 
But his mate was a gift. An honor. One he still didn’t believe he deserved but would hold on to for as long as he had time. She was his hope. 
Eris Vanserra had always been a broken dreamer but with Iris? His sky finally had stars. 
And Iris watched him struggle with his mind, holding onto all the things she knew he wanted to say and squeezed his hands tightly. “I may have promised you that I’d leave on the night of the ball so that you don’t have to worry about me but I am not leaving you. I am not going where I cannot return.” 
Eris swallowed hard and forced himself to take a breath. “I have wanted for so long,” he whispered. “I am terrified this will be taken from me. I am terrified of what will happen to you should something happen to me and I want you far away from here in case it does.”
“That means you have to make sure nothing happens to you.” Iris whispered to him and cupped his face. “So that nothing happens to me and then you and I can actually get to live.” 
Whatever was left of that wretched heart of his broke into a thousand pieces and Eris felt his hands start to shake, his chest caving in. Why was she so patient with him? Why was she tied to someone as inadequate as him when she could’ve had someone – anyone better? Cleaner. Less troublesome. 
But her hands were on his face and no hands – none – had ever felt so right. 
It was as if any place Iris touched, she wiped clean and Eris was stained with misery all over. The more she touched him, the more of it she seemed to clear.  
He wanted to live with her. He wanted to look forward to tomorrow. He wanted to give her a life where she had everything she wanted and more. 
Eris wasn’t embarrassed as he stumbled over his words, “You – don’t want a life without me then.”
Roses bloomed on her cheeks as she blushed so beautifully, her hands dropping to her side and nodded. “No, I don’t.” 
And it was like a puzzle piece sliding into place inside his body and mind. 
Eris stared at her as she stood before him, her heart sitting there for the taking – his taking. She let him see all her vulnerabilities and Eris’s shoulders slumped. He felt the same way, didn’t he? He had never felt this way with anyone. He – he was in love, right? This was that feeling – the one everyone whispered about.
He was in love with his wife. A slight terror coursed its way through his chest as he forced himself to swallow hard and run a hand over his mouth again, the words on the tip of his tongue. The longer he looked at her, the harder it was to choke them down. He had always promised her words and yet, he wanted to savor these specific words for a better time. When it didn’t feel like an ominous declaration. Instead, Eris found himself confessing so quietly, it was barely above a whisper, “I think…I think that I lived half a life before you and am far more attached to you than I care to admit. My world was black and white…” He swallowed and took a breath before adding, “Now it’s screaming in colors I couldn’t see with anyone else. I find that your shade of life is my favorite.” 
He felt her joy at his words through their bond, that small, shy smile she reserved for him and him alone graced her lovely face. That joy found its way to his chest and Eris could’ve sworn everything in him settled. His very spirit seemed to wrap around hers, settling deep into his weary bones, where the Prince of Autumn knew, nothing would compare to this feeling again.
Like his whole being had taken a breath of fresh air.    
Iris’s heart was thumping wildly, his confession only confirming what she already knew, knowing the way his words meant something deeper, something he was still terrified to share. But it didn’t matter.
Eris was hers and Iris was his, in every way that it mattered. 
She shifted on her feet, a hand tightening in the folds of her robe as she said, “It’s a really good thing we’re married –” 
“And mates.”
“ –Otherwise this obsession with each other would've been really awkward.” she finished, giving him a pointed look that had them sharing a chuckle. 
He stared at her for a moment too long and Iris had just opened her mouth when he finally said, “How is it you can do that?”
“Do what?” she asked, tilting her head curiously.
“Make me laugh when I – I feel like I can’t breathe.” 
“Because I see you, Eris.” she said simply and shrugged almost helplessly. “And…and I’m giving you my heart to take care of. The least I can do is take care of yours too.” 
Eris felt himself about to crumble. He would shatter into pieces all over this floor and Iris would be left with a pile of rubble for a husband. He wanted to be embarrassed. He felt his cheeks heat as she watched him process her words, a hint of amusement in her gaze. But gods, he didn’t even care. He just wanted her. 
“So it wasn’t just the puppies you were sticking around for, hm?” he finally said.  
Iris’s eyes lit up, her smile playful as she teased, “You called them puppies.”
Eris couldn’t help his own shrug, giving her a half smile. “You’re wearing me down, wife.” 
She chuckled even as she shifted on her feet and glanced at him beneath her lashes. “I haven’t even started wearing you down yet, husband.”
Immediately, the energy in the room shifted, the bond between them going taut the way it always did when they shared a heated glance.
“Is that so?” he asked carefully and Iris nodded. She placed a hand on his chest, slowly pushing him backward until the back of his knees met the bed and Eris sat, their eyes never leaving each other. “How else do you plan to wear me down?”
Iris bit her lip, a hand toying with the sash of her robe. With everything to come and all that had been shared the last few days, she knew without a single doubt, she wanted him. “That depends,” she said and straightened, her expression turning serious. “Are we going to let him ruin this for us?”
Eris’s eyes hardened. “He doesn’t get to win.” he said and his tone left no room for argument. “He doesn’t get to take anything else from me.” 
“Then I want you to forget about everyone and everything else. Stop thinking. Stop worrying.” she said softly. “Let’s just focus on you and me. Do you think we can do that?”
“Because I don’t want an out, Eris. I only want you.” she said. “ Do you want me?”
“That is a ridiculous question.”
“You’ve been ridiculous all day.” Iris said with a shrug. “I’m trying to stay on theme.” 
And he realized how truly stupid he was being when he almost chuckled at her words. For someone as calculated as he was, trying to be ten steps ahead of the curve, it dawned on Eris this was something he never had control over since the beginning. She wrecked all his plans, even when he was being pig-headed trying to protect her. 
If the end was coming, the least he could do was let himself enjoy it. Enjoy her. 
He licked his lips, his heart nearly bursting out of his chest as he confessed quietly, “I have never wanted anyone the way I want you.”
A flush crept across her cheeks and Eris loved watching the way his words impacted her. He sure as fuck was not good with words but he had promised himself he’d try for her and by the gods, he would say anything to watch the way she bloomed with encouragement. 
And he watched her, like a lovelorn fool, wondering exactly how he had managed to think he knew what happiness meant before her. 
“I’ve…thought a lot about what our first time together would be like.” Iris said, gently pulling to untie her robe. “I thought about what I’d wear and have been experimenting with different gowns to get a feel for what you’d like.” 
“I like everything you wear. You looked beautiful in them all.” he said and Iris preened at his compliment but gave him a coy smile.
“But I know you’d prefer me wearing nothing.” 
Eris couldn’t help but shrug, a smirk forming on his lips. “Nothing would look fantastic on you.” 
And Iris felt her body heat. He had said those words to her before and she had recoiled, not even imagining she’d ever want him to touch her. Now, she wanted to show him exactly how fantastic she looked in nothing. 
She bit her lip, her fingers holding the robe loosely. “We didn’t quite get a normal wedding day, much less a typical wedding night.” she started, her voice low and she watched as Eris’s gaze narrowed in on the way her fingers slid against the white silk. “But it’s better late than never so…I decided to keep it traditional and go with white today.” 
Eris made a sound deep in his throat and Iris felt it vibrate through her body, heat pooling low in her stomach. The gleam in his eyes was predatory and Iris was a very willing prey as she slid the robe just so down her shoulders.
“White for my pretty, pretty bride.” he murmured.
“Oh yes.” she said and bit her lip before continuing in a teasing tone that wasn’t at all a little breathless, “Do you think you can handle it?” 
“No.” he answered much too honestly. “But if this is the way I must go, who am I to fight destiny?”
Iris’s cheeks were crimson, a quiet giggle slipping from her lips. “Ah, spoken like a valiant soldier.” she added and slid the robe a little more, the white straps of her lingerie making an appearance.
Eris straightened where he sat, the scent of their arousal surrounding them. In the distant past, he’d played with lovers. He’d teased and taunted and had them begging for mercy. His wife’s skin wasn’t even on full display and she was toying with him in a way he was enjoying a little too much.  
“Let the robe fall, Iris.” he ordered, his voice a soft caress and Iris couldn’t help but shudder as his command slid over and skated down her spine. 
She was powerless to refuse and the silk slid off her, pooling at her feet. 
The Prince of Autumn couldn’t stop the choked noise that escaped him. He had gone wholly still, his eyes raking over her very beautiful and very exposed body. 
She stood before him in a white set, the lace stretching tightly against her waist, cupping her breasts in a way that threatened to ruin his sanity. She had worn gowns before, offering him some sort of reprieve from losing his mind completely but today…today, her set displayed so much of her lovely skin and the beautiful curves of her body. Her white lace left little to the imagination and Eris…Eris was going to die. 
“You are so fucken beautiful,” was his helpless response, uttered so softly and Iris’s flush deepened. 
She glanced down with a small smile before meeting his gaze again, a finger sliding across the waistband of her lingerie. “You’re a very lucky male.”
Eris couldn’t help the tight laugh that escaped him. “Indeed, I am.” he said, his eyes sliding down her body and then back up, cataloging every inch of her. Just this morning he was telling her exactly how often he pictured feeling her body on his. How often he thought of how he’d make her shudder beneath him. How he’d savor her taste on his tongue.
He was not ashamed to admit his thoughts had gotten aggressively dirtier the longer she stood there. 
“Come here.” he commanded and the words seemed to skate across her skin again, sending a pleasant jolt right down her spine at the way his voice dropped an octave. They shared a heated glance and Iris saw the way his eyes darkened the longer he watched her, her pulse thumping wildly beneath her skin.
Iris walked over to him and slowly, without her eyes leaving his, she carefully straddled him and brought his hands that had slacked beside him on the bed, guiding them to her waist. She let her eyes roam across his face and shoulders, scattered with freckles and it reinforced her mission to kiss every single freckle she found on his skin. 
Eris couldn’t bring himself to say a word and the room was silent as she shuddered slightly, gooseflesh erupting on her skin as so much of her body touched so much of his. Her chest brushed against his and he let himself lean forward just a little, inhaling her scent and marveling at how right she felt pressed against him. 
His hands had slid down to her bare thighs and his gaze dropped to his thumb caressing her lovely skin there. He glanced back up to meet her eyes, dilated in desire that matched his own. 
They drank in the sight of each other, so close, touching so softly. 
“Look at you and your excellent listening skills.” he finally said hoarsely and the corner of Iris’s mouth curled up.
“I’m masquerading as a good wife that listens to her husband.” she replied and let her hands slide to the nape of his neck, her fingers curling into the strands of his hair. “Is it working?”
It was his turn to shudder and Eris felt his cock stir, already hard beneath her touch, especially with the way her body was perfectly lined against his. She was seated in his lap, only scrapes of fabric separating their skin and Eris had to breathe quietly through his nose to control himself. 
“You’ll be the death of me.” he whispered. “I feel like a starving man seated in front of a feast. How do I begin? Where do I even start?”
Iris couldn’t help her smile and she leaned to press a delicate kiss to the corner of his mouth. “How about you kiss me?” she asked softly, her grip tightening in his hair. “Then we can go from there.”
Eris’s mouth curled into a soft smirk, his eyes blazing as his hands slid from her thighs to her waist then up her spine. “Oh, I’m going to kiss you,” he began and Iris shifted, arching into his touch as his voice dropped. “I’m going to kiss you everywhere. I’m going to taste what’s mine. And every inch of you is mine, isn’t that right, mate?”
Iris licked her lips, the very breath between them tense in the most pleasant of ways at his claiming, different from any other time he said it. This time, heart and mind were on the same page. This time, neither of them had any intentions of stopping. 
“Every part of me is yours. Just like every part of you is mine.” 
And no other words needed to be said as they fell into each other with urgency, like a dam flooding, and everything in Iris wanted to be wrapped in Eris. His kiss was a hot branding against her lips and she moaned into his mouth as his hands slid down her body and up, touching all the skin she’d kept hidden from him before, her grip tightening in his hair. A breath stuttered out of her when Eris’s fingers weaved into her hair and gently pulled back, exposing her neck. 
“Do you understand what I mean when I say mine, little gazelle?” he said against her skin and Iris couldn’t help the shudder that went through her body when his other hand kneaded then squeezed her ass. “I have been on my best behavior with you and even if I’ve explained, I don’t think you understand what I’ve been craving to do to you.”
“Do you?” she asked, attempting a cheeky smile that immediately dropped and was replaced by another shaky exhale when his hands squeezed her ass again. “Y-you seem to be all talk.”
Eris forced himself to pull back and meet her gaze, his nostrils flaring at her taunting but he could hear how wildly her heart was beating — could feel the thump of her pulse. She was aroused and excited but he sensed the nerves beneath the lust. 
And Eris couldn’t have that. 
“Don’t underestimate how obscene my mind becomes when it thinks about you.” he warned with a pointed look and Iris felt slickness begin to build between her legs. His thumb brushed against her lower lip as he watched her swallow, the scent of their arousal almost overwhelming. “I may have given you some idea,” he murmured. “But it’s impossible for you to know just how desperately I’ve wanted to touch you and feel your wetness coating my fingers. How desperately I want to taste you on my tongue.”
A small noise slipped from her lips and Iris closed her eyes against his words, arching into him again as his mouth returned to kiss and suck on the column of her neck.
“And how do you think I’ll taste?” she whispered, pressing her chest against his, earning an appreciative rumble from him. She wanted to push him down and feel exactly how he would be beneath her. She wanted to feel every inch of him against every inch of hers, all skin with nothing else between them. She wanted — 
“Exquisite.” he purred and Iris flushed. “Like the first taste of water after being parched for ages. Like honey melting on my tongue.” He grasped her hips, guiding her body to grind against his, earning him another shuddered breath from his wife. “You’ll taste exactly what I know my favorite dessert will taste like.” 
She couldn’t help the sound that slipped from her lips, her fingers tightening in his hair. Iris wanted to tell him that she too, had thought about the taste of him in her mouth. She craved to feel exactly what it would be like to have him inside her and cursed that she had somehow waited this long. “What else have you thought about?” she asked and gingerly rolled her hips against him again.
“This morning wasn’t enough of a description?” he continued, his voice low against her burning skin and Iris’s legs tightened around him. “I know you’ll fit perfectly. I know you coming on my cock will be heaven.” 
“I’ve thought about all the things I’ve never done and how I want you to teach me.” she admitted breathlessly and rolled her hips into his once more, her core aching against his cock. 
“I already told you I’d teach you anything you want, little gazelle.” he whispered against her skin, meeting the roll of her hips with his own. “I’ll make all your dirty fantasies come true.”
“Will you?” she asked with a coy smile and pulled back on his hair gently to nip at his lips. “Or will you keep running that pretty mouth of yours?”
Eris barked a tight laugh and stood swiftly, lifting her in his arms with him and Iris could feel how his hardened length settled against her center deliciously. “You think my mouth is pretty, do you?” he teased and she sucked in a breath as he pressed her firmly against him.
“This is not the time to fish for compliments.”
“Ah, but I am nothing without my inflated ego, wife.” he said, his voice a sensual whisper and he nipped at her ear. “Indulge your husband who immensely enjoys compliments and tell me what I want to hear.”
“Your mouth is not pretty, it’s wicked. You have a wicked mouth.” she said tightly and he quirked a brow. “It’s not doing what I really want it to.”
“And what do you want my wicked mouth to do, wife?” he asked.
“Kiss me.” she demanded. “Taste me.”
The Prince of Autumn’s grin was roguish. “I’d be delighted.” 
Eris crashed his lips against hers and the feeling of urgency between them returned in full force. The need to claim had their hands roaming and Eris finally turned and laid Iris down, immediately covering her body with his and grinding.
He couldn’t touch her quickly enough. She couldn’t kiss him hard enough. 
His lips released hers and made their way to her neck once more, leaving quick kisses as he pressed himself into her more firmly, his cock so hard it was almost painful — he knew he’d be leaking as soon as he slipped out of his pants. 
She moaned and Eris had to force himself to move away from her lovely neck to meet her gaze as he rocked into her once more. Her eyes were clouded with desire and the sight of her mouth falling open as he rocked into her again had him almost combust.
“Just a little preview.” he said tightly and kissed her again roughly, his tongue clashing with hers for another taste before pulling himself off her completely to drink in the sight of her disheveled on their bed. Her hair was fanned around her head in a way that made him long to have it wrapped in his fist, the strap of her lingerie falling off one shoulder, and her legs spread to accommodate him —  she was a sight to behold and if Eris could spend the evening just memorizing her in this view, he would. But her pretty mouth was begging for more kisses and he needed to hear more of those lovely noises she kept making. 
He dropped to his knees immediately, pulling her to the edge of the bed and her head shot up. 
“Eris —” Iris started but his lips had found their way to her thighs and the feeling of his mouth on skin he hadn’t kissed before silenced her for a moment.
“I need to taste you, wife.” he whispered against her skin, as his lips kissed the inside of her knee and kept moving up, spreading her legs further until he reached the wetness coating the lacy scrap she wore. He brushed his nose against the fabric, inhaling, and Eris nearly came at the scent alone. “If I don’t, I might, quite literally, die.”
She choked back a laugh, her legs shifting as he moved between them. “So dramatic even between my legs.” she said and though he was right where she wanted him, Iris needed just another moment — just one, and reached for him. “Eris, come here please.”
Instantly, Eris moved up to meet her hands as she cupped his face and kissed him hungrily once more. He groaned into her and his fingers slid against her legs, squeezing her thighs until she pulled back. 
“Yes, wife?” 
“I want you to touch me everywhere.”
“And I want you to taste me wherever you want.” 
“That was indeed my plan.”
“But I do need you to remember,” she said and her voice lowered as color bloomed on her cheeks once more. “That I have never done this with anyone before and I need you to be a little gentle with me.” 
Eris froze as she held his face in her hands. “Gentle.” he repeated and Iris nodded slowly.
“I may have done some…self-discovery before you,” she said with a flush. “But this is different.”
The roaring fire he had felt in his veins calmed momentarily as he looked at her. So that was what she seemed nervous about. 
He didn’t know gentle — he was not used to that approach.
Eris scanned his wife’s face beneath him. He took in the sight of her gazing up at him and saw the desire mixed in with the trust in her eyes. She wanted him but more importantly, she trusted him to take care of her. Eris Vanserra didn’t do gentle but he sure as fuck would try. 
He would be damned if he didn’t make this the most pleasurable first time a person could dream of.
Eris released a hand from her thigh and brought it to her hand on his left cheek, pulling it down to kiss her palm.
“You’re telling me this lovely hand here knows how to play with what’s mine already? It’s played with what I already know will be the prettiest cunt I’ll ever lay eyes on?” he said, his voice full of sinful promise as he smirked at her, and Iris’s body felt aflame. 
“M-Maybe.” she stuttered as he kissed each fingertip of her hand.
“Do you want to play a little for me? Do some…self-discovery to help you relax?” he asked, kissing her palm once more.
“I’d rather you played with me instead.” she breathed and his eyes darkened.
“I am physically restraining myself from devouring you,” he said. “And you say things like this.”
Iris fought a smile. “Why?” she said quietly. “You won’t hurt me.”
Eris squeezed his eyes shut, the wind momentarily knocked out of him again at the amount of trust she now placed in him. It still hit him with the force of a boulder and he opened his eyes to find her watching him with that same small smile. “You are going to kill me.” he mumbled and let a hand gently run through her loose hair. “You deserve something soft. Something sweet. Not the kind of rabid animal you make me.”
Iris laughed softly and pulled him closer, their lips only a breath away. “Then show me soft. Show me something sweet.” she said. “I know you have it in you.”
Eris faltered, a hand stilling in her hair. She really was going to be the death of him if she kept speaking to him like this. “You truly believe that?” his question barely above a whisper. 
Iris softened. “Yes.” she whispered and leaned in to brush her lips against his, causing him to shudder. “Especially because I think...I think you need that softness as much as I do.” 
Eris swallowed. “Even if my softness is wrapped in barbed wire?”
Iris bit her lip and rocked her hips against his, both of them groaning at the contact. “It’s a good thing that I love carrying a sharp knife then, isn’t it?” she whispered with a chuckle and Eris felt himself unravel. “So you can show me a little soft or a little rabid, husband, but whatever it is, it’s time you properly made me your wife.” 
Any resemblance of self-restraint that Eris had possessed until this moment, snapped and he was an inferno unleashed. He kissed her like the starved man he knew he was and Iris matched his eagerness with her own, her body pressing into his until once more, he pulled away and Iris let out a whine of disapproval.
Eris’s hands moved to the straps of her bra and he gave her a smirk. “This is lovely but I need it gone. Sit up.” he demanded and he leaned in to kiss her again as she followed his request, his hands skimming the back of her bra, undoing it quicker than she could blink. 
He tossed it to the side and Iris flushed at the way he watched her, forcing her to lay back down slowly, his eyes scanning her exposed skin. 
“Oh. I’ve dreamed about these.” he said reverently and allowed himself a moment to admire the sight of her exposed breasts and the gooseflesh scattered across her skin. 
Iris’s hands twitched by her sides as he watched her and Eris narrowed his eyes at the movement. “If you even think about covering any part of yourself, I will tie your hands up very quickly,” he said. “I want to look at what is mine.” 
“I think we should ease into bondage.” she said, her flush deepening, and the corner of his mouth curled up.
But he forced himself to relax. He had waited like a saint for this moment. To appreciate her and become well acquainted with every inch of her body. Eris couldn’t rush it or it would end quicker than he wanted it to. 
“We wouldn’t even need rope or silk.” he said, slowly settling himself between her legs once more. He kept his eyes on her face as he finally allowed himself to touch her, letting a finger circle around one breast while his free hand engulfed the other with a squeeze. “I’ll let my fire wrap around you. It’ll keep you warm and hold you in place as I feasted on you.” He leaned closer and pressed a kiss between the valley of her breasts. “What do you think of that idea?”
“Eris, if you don’t do something in the next second I’m going to — oh.”
His mouth had descended on a breast while his hand squeezed the other and Iris couldn’t help the arch of her body and the broken whine that slipped from her lips. 
The way his mouth felt on her skin was sinful. The movement of his tongue obscene as he teased her nipple and bit gently, his hand kneading and twisting the other in the same motion as his tongue, and Iris’s hand latched onto his forearm as another soft moan slipped from her lips.
“I like that.” she breathed and Eris lifted his head, his mouth making an indecent pop of noise.
“Good. I want to know all the things you like.” he said against her skin and switched, his mouth resuming its tasting and only stopped when Iris’s panting increased and was mixed with another little whine that delighted Eris to no end. 
Without taking his eyes off her, Eris kissed his way down to where he desperately wanted to be and kissed right over the slickness coating her panties. Iris couldn’t help but shiver at his predatory gaze, his hands skimming over her lacy cover and he raised a brow, hooking his fingers into the waistline. 
She wanted his tongue on her too much to form words and with a breath, nodded once.
He wasted no time. Eris kissed her inner thighs once more then shifted, finally and agonizingly slowly, he slid the lacy scrap down her legs and tossed it. 
Instinctively, Iris’s legs attempted to close but with a tsk of disapproval, Eris forced them open, his hands holding them apart with gentle firmness. 
A heartbeat of silence and Eris had to count to ten in his head to avoid coming.
“As pretty as I thought.” he mused and it was by sheer will alone that Eris hadn’t ruined his pants yet.
“Eris — I —” she began with a flush, quickly shooting up on her elbows and her husband finally ripped his gaze from the sight of her spread beneath him to look at her.
“Who is this wetness all for, little gazelle?” he asked, his voice as soft as silk, his thumbs caressing the skin of her inner thighs, his breath hot against her core, and Iris’s toes curled. “Is it all for me? You want me to know how ready you are for me, wife?”
“Y-yes.” she whispered and though a part of her felt embarrassed at how blatantly aroused she was and how Eris was staring at her bare before him, it didn’t stop her from feeding into the way she felt and how he was making her feel. Iris didn’t want to think. She wanted to feel and let herself be worshiped. She couldn’t stop the roll of her hips if she wanted to. “It’s all for you.”
Eris’s grin was a wicked promise. “I’m going to devour you.”
The first lick of his tongue set her on fire.
Iris’s head fell back with a breathy groan as Eris feasted on her. He gave an appreciative noise as his tongue delved into her, traveling in and out then sliding to her clit and back. Iris couldn’t help the way she rolled her hips into his mouth — couldn’t stop the whimper and the breathless moan that followed his actions. His mouth closed around her clit and Eris had to pin her waist down with an arm to stop her hips from lifting as he lapped at her arousal. He sucked and licked on her bundle of nerves with deadly focus, switching between fast harsh flicks to long, flat strokes before releasing it noisily. 
“Fucken divine.” he rasped and brought a thumb back down on her clit, rubbing as his tongue slid in for another taste. “You taste exactly as I imagined. Everything I wanted.”
“D-don’t stop yet.” she whispered, circling her hips with his hand movement. “I like that.”
Eris chuckled, his hot breath making her shudder, and without another word, his tongue dived deep into her once more. He groaned into her, the taste of her sweetness undoing him bit by bit as Iris’s hands fisted into the sheets and she rolled her hips to meet his licks. 
He was indeed a man starved and the only thing that would satisfy him was for his wife to come on his tongue. 
Eris lifted his head as his thumb worked her clit to watch his wife’s chest rise and fall at his movements and he wished he had more hands to keep touching every fucken inch of her. “Ready for a little something else?”
“Yes.” she nearly begged and Eris grinned. His eyes didn’t leave her beautiful face that was etched in ecstasy as he slowly slid a finger inside her. 
Iris’s head immediately lifted and Eris swore as she tightened around his finger, her pussy pulsing. He planted a kiss on her inner thigh, watching her as he pumped his finger and let his thumb continue its movement.
“Keep rolling your hips for me, wife.” he said against her skin. “I’m going to add more. And you’re going to love it.”
Iris bit her lip, her skin flushed as she watched the movement of his finger and rolled her hips to match his pumping. Just as she started to relax into the movement, he added a second finger and Iris couldn’t help the shameless noise that slipped from her lips as her head fell back on the mattress.
Never in all her self-discovery had it felt even remotely close to this. 
“You like that, don’t you, little gazelle?” he said lowly and placed a kiss a breath away from her clit, his breath hot on her skin. “Because I like seeing you like this, spread for me. I’ve dreamed about this.”
“Y-you have such perverted dreams.” she stuttered and then moaned softly as his fingers picked up the pace. 
“I do.” he confirmed and curled his two fingers at an angle that had her back arching. “I am a very big pervert when it comes to you.”
“Oh gods.” she groaned and the pace of Eris’s pumping increased, his eyes watching her like a hawk, for he would memorize every inch of her, every movement, every reaction. He would know exactly how her body would react before she came and Eris would be there to lick up every inch.
“You’re so pretty when you’re coming undone.” he continued and couldn’t stop his mouth from replacing his thumb, sucking at her clit once more before releasing it with a groan. “You’re soaking my fingers and I can’t wait until you’re dripping all over my cock.” 
Iris’s mouth fell open as a breathless noise slipped out. The things he kept saying would be what sent her over the edge. She knew her orgasm was building with the way he kept curling his fingers and working his wicked mouth. She wanted to know what that mouth would feel like everywhere. She wanted his tongue inside her again. 
“Please.” she begged. “Your mouth.” 
Eris’s face erupted in feral delight and he let his fingers work in a frantic rhythm for another moment just to listen to the quickening of her breath and to watch as Iris rolled her hips with the movement of his hand, trying to match his pace. He knew she was getting close, her walls clamping on his fingers as she neared her release. 
But he would be damned if the first orgasm he gave her was anywhere but on his tongue.
He pulled his hand away suddenly and before Iris could protest, Eris had buried his face into her pussy and his tongue moved in ways that had her brain short-circuiting. Her breathing became heavier and Iris let her hands find their way back to his hair, firmly pressing his face into her, chasing the sweet release she knew was coming.
His fingers still coated with her slickness were now pressing and rubbing into her clit as his mouth worked on her and soon, Iris’s grip tightened as she finally reached the moment of bliss.
With a small gasp followed by a soft, “Oh.” Iris’s orgasm crashed over her. Her fingers tightened on Eris’s head and she kept rolling her hips as he carried her through her release. 
Grasping her hips firmly, he lifted her slightly, burying himself further into her, drinking in her release and his tongue didn’t stop moving as he lapped every drop of her sweetness, nearly coming himself. With one final lick, Eris slowly settled her back into the bed and watched her chest rise and fall, basking in the bliss of her climax. 
He knew without a doubt that she would be his favorite feast. He would have her come all over his face for eternity. 
His thumb continued to caress her clit as Iris shuddered through the last waves of her orgasm and Eris couldn’t help the satisfaction coursing through him as he watched her. His hand spread to cover her cunt and he rubbed into her wetness, watching as she squirmed beneath the possessive touch until she met his gaze. 
Eris kept his eyes locked on hers as he slowly licked each finger clean and then licked his lips. He glanced down at her cunt still glistening with her slickness then back at her again. 
“This. Every day. Do you understand?” he said and delighted in watching the flush spread across her skin even as she nodded.
“First thing in the morning.” she demanded and Eris couldn’t help his smirk, bringing his hand down once more to play with her wetness.
“Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then right before bed again. Don’t bother with your lace scraps anymore.” he said and tested what he’d been craving to do since he had gotten her naked; he slapped her cunt suddenly and Iris’s sharp inhale filled the room. He grinned. “Do you like that, little gazelle?”
Iris rolled her hips into his touch as the light sting of the smack faded. “Do it again.” she breathed and Eris was delighted as he slapped her cunt once more with a firm hand and Iris’s skin seemed to tighten at the sensation. “I — I like that.” 
“Good. I’ll be doing it every chance I get.”  he promised then finally pulled away to stand, even as her nipples tightened at his words. “I’ve always thought you needed some spanking.”
Iris tried not to groan at the image of him spanking her and forced herself to take a deep breath before sitting up gingerly to watch as Eris finally peeled off his trousers and though she could hear how fast his heart was beating, his movements were unhurried. 
He had just sent her over a blissful edge and his movements were unhurried. She watched his face almost hungrily then her eyes dropped down to his hands and — 
The world slipped out of her before she could stop it at the sight of him in his naked glory, his cock erect and glistening with pre-cum. He was sculpted beautifully, with muscles in places she hadn’t expected – a lean, athletic build. Iris bit her lip. She was used to staring at him dressed in well-fitted attire and shirtless but she realized very quickly that looking at him naked was a much better view. 
And he looked like he needed to be licked everywhere. 
“If you keep staring at me like that, I’m not going to get to come inside you the way I want to.” he said and his grin was of pure male satisfaction as he fisted his cock. 
“Well, that’s not fair.” she said, watching his hand movement then met his gaze with a raised brow. “You stared your fill. What if I want to look…and lick too?”
Iris bit back her own grin as she watched Eris close his eyes and take a deep breath, his hardened cock twitching as he squeezed it. “Can I touch you?” she asked quietly and her husband let out a pained growl.
“You never have to ask.” he said, meeting her gaze again, the fire in it spreading gooseflesh across her skin. “I’d crumble if you didn’t.”
He was standing before her, his jaw clenched, trying indeed, not to crumble and Iris bit back a smile. She moved closer to him and bit her lip as she carefully replaced his hand, wrapping her own around his erected cock and Eris swore, twitching beneath her touch. She had no idea what she was doing but she’d read enough books, and heard enough whispered scandals that she had a general idea. She could be an apt student. She would be the best student.
“Will you show me how you like it?” she whispered as she glanced at him from beneath her lashes and squeezed his shaft then stroked it firmly. “I want to make you feel good.”
His nostrils flared and his eyes darkened at the sight of her before him. “I will show you everything,” he said tightly and Iris preened in delight as he rocked into her hand. “Everything we’ve ever done in my perverted dreams of you, I will show you.”
She couldn’t help her arousal spiking at the feeling of him in her hand, at his dirty promises. Her breasts felt heavy and she could sense wetness gathering between her legs once more as she squeezed him harder. “Do you want my mouth on you?” she asked and feeling brave from his low groan, she leaned in to kiss the tip of his cock. “Or do you want me to keep going with my hand?”
Eris swore again then grabbed her jaw in his hand firmly, pulling her up to kiss her fiercely. Iris returned his kiss with fervor, her hand still gripping his cock, pumping him slowly and she let her thumb brush his pre-cum over the tip.
“I’m going to come by your hand and then come in that pretty, pretty mouth of yours soon enough.” he said hungrily against her lips. “I’m going to cover you in come, little gazelle, but first, I need to be buried inside you. I want that cunt of yours clamped around my cock milking me for all I’m worth, yes?”
“Yes.” she breathed and gave his cock another firm squeeze. “I want you to give me everything. Come undone inside me.”
He growled as he kissed her fiercely again, thrusting into her hand once more. “How do you want me?” he asked. 
Iris licked her lips, his question unleashing image after image of all the ways she could have him. All the ways she wanted him to have her. “We have three weeks to make the most of everything until we know what comes after.” she began and Eris swore as she stroked his cock more firmly. “And in these three weeks, I will want you in every way you can think of.” she continued and his low groan had more wetness gathering between Iris’s legs until she finally released him, slowly backing onto the bed. “But for tonight… I want you as you promised me. All over me, as my husband. As my mate. As what’s mine.” Without breaking eye contact, she leaned back on her elbows and slowly spread her knees for him. “So come here and make me yours.”
Eris didn’t need to be told twice. He had his body covering hers in an instant, kissing every inch of exposed skin on his way until he reached her mouth and again, kissed her hungrily, claiming so thoroughly as always. Iris arched into his touch and moaned softly against his mouth, a small needy sound that had her husband smiling against her lips. 
He broke their kiss as he carefully laid her back and settled himself between her legs. 
“I like hearing these kinds of noises from you.” he said and brushed a strand of hair from her face.
“I like that you get these noises out of me.” she replied and Eris nipped at her lips again with a small smile, a hand sliding to her core once again and he began stroking his fingers into her arousal. Another breathy moan slipped from her lips and Iris let her own hand slide between them to his cock, gripping it tightly.
The two locked eyes and matched the pace of each other’s strokes, the scent of their desire had taken over the room. It was a moment suspended in time. 
“Have I told you lately,” he began quietly, bucking into her hand as Iris rolled her hips against his fingers. “That you’ve become very tolerable, wife?”
Iris choked out a laugh and squeezed him tightly in her hand, earning her a deep groan. “And have I told you lately,” she began softly. “That you’ve become very tolerable too, husband?”
He chuckled and finally moved his hand from her arousal, wrapping a hand over the one fisting him, and didn’t remove his eyes from hers as he slowly stroked the tip of his cock up and down her slit, teasing her clit as they went.
Eris raised a brow, asking his question without saying a word, his gaze filled with emotions Iris couldn’t help but flush deeply at. 
But she nodded all the same, shifting her free hand to lay her palm open for him. His eyes flickered to her hand then back to her eyes and for someone who had considered sex a transaction, a mindless release — a clash of bodies and nothing more, the small act of her open palm was enough to unravel him completely. 
Eris slid his hand into hers and Iris intertwined their fingers. 
And without waiting another moment, Eris removed his hand to let Iris stroke him once more before guiding him to her entrance. 
A mutual groan of pleasure echoed through the room as Eris carefully eased into her and the world stilled once more around them. Their every breath and their every thought seemed to sync up to this moment. 
Inch by inch, Eris moved slowly, watching her every expression and pausing whenever she tensed, leaning in to kiss the corner of her mouth and her jaw, especially as her breaths began to turn shallow. 
Iris only gripped his hand tightly as he eased out to the tip then gave one final thrust, sliding into her to the hilt and Iris gasped, her body tensing beneath his. “Oh.”
Eris sucked in a breath, holding himself as still as possible as overwhelming pleasure washed over him. This was it — this moment where everything else no longer mattered except taking care of her, where they were finally one. 
He leaned in to kiss his wife and pressed his body further into hers, letting her adjust to him. “Are you alright?”
It took Iris a moment before she could answer, letting out a breath at the sensation of being filled by him. It overpowered every other thought as Eris stretched her, his cock twitching inside her. She hadn’t felt any pain, only slight discomfort, pressure that was slowly easing, and as it eased, she felt the pleasure start to build. 
“Yes.” she finally whispered against his lips, carefully rolling her hips. “I — I feel good.”
Gingerly, he rocked into her, and the sensation of his cock deep inside her and how tightly her walls clamped around him threatened to kill him. He couldn’t help but thrust a little harder and Iris’s whimper of pleasure spurred his movements.
“And you feel so fucken good, wife.” he murmured and slowly pulled out again to the tip before thrusting hard once more and Iris’s eyes rolled back with a stuttered breath. “I told you — you would be a perfect fit.” 
Iris couldn’t do much more but whimper softly as Eris did it again, rolling his hips with each careful thrust, and soon, she had started to roll her hips up more confidently to match his movement. 
“That’s right.” he praised, and the pace of his thrusts slowly began to quicken. “You know exactly what you want, baby. Keep moving those beautiful hips for me.” “Oh, fuck.” She breathed and leaned up to kiss him deeply, her tongue teasing his before pulling back. “I want you. Make me feel good.”
Eris chased her lips once more, growling as he kissed her. “I need to keep moving, Iris.” he said tightly and slipped his hand from hers to spread her thighs further for him as her body started to relax, adjusting to his size. He rolled his hips into her, the movement slow and deep as he added. “I need to go harder. Tell me if it’s too much.” 
Iris didn’t take her eyes off his face, watching and feeling how he took his time with her. She squeezed her walls around his cock and grinned when his head fell forward with a groan. 
Iris kissed his shoulder gently then his cheek. “Go a little harder, mate. I can handle it.” she whispered and Eris’s eyes snapped to hers, his heart leaping at the words before he kissed her fiercely, diving into bliss.
No more words were said as Eris’s pace quickened, his thrusts in line with the sounds of Iris’s breathy moans. His eyes stayed glued to her beautiful face as it lit up in ecstasy and he would allow his pace to quicken, his thrusts to indeed go harder until her brows furrowed and he’d ease up, rolling his hips at a more leisurely pace until the sigh of pleasure would slip from her lips again before quickening once more.
An avalanche was building inside him as Eris Vanserra made love to his wife, claiming her as his. Iris fell into the bliss of the motions, her body taking the pleasure he gave her, trying to match his pace and giving him pleasure of her own. She felt her orgasm building and she couldn’t help tightening around his cock again, loving the way he filled her up, his grunts of satisfaction only making it more erotic for her. The way his hands possessively held her, tracing her body before sinking into her thighs again had her on fire; his touch igniting her body, an incandescent glow to their joining. They were a perfect fit, their bodies made for each other. 
“Eris —” she whined, her grip tightening on his arm as his hips quickened. “I need —”
“I know what you need, wife.” he murmured, his fingers digging into her inner thighs as he was rutting into her, his thrusts quickening then slowing down before quickening again, his hips rolling with the movement. His eyes were on her beautiful breasts bouncing before him and he couldn’t help leaning in to take one in his mouth for a soft bite as he thrust hard, grinning at the way Iris cried out. “I know exactly what you need. I’ve got you, little gazelle.” 
His mouth switched to the other breast for a quick taste before he adjusted himself to rest over her, lifting her thighs to give himself a better angle, and Iris’s breathless whimper only encouraged the movement. 
“Almost — I’m almost —” she begged, melting into his movements. “Oh, fuck.”
“Touch yourself, wife.” he demanded knowing he would not last much longer. He needed her to come. He needed them to come close together. “Play with that pretty cunt while I fuck you and come for me.”
Iris immediately obeyed, her fingers sliding to her swollen clit, her hand moving in pace with his quick thrusts, to the roll of his hips snapping against hers. 
“Good girl. You’re doing so well for me.” he praised again and Iris flushed deeply at the words, her breaths quickening. “You’re going to come for me and then I’m going to spill myself inside you because you’re mine.” His voice was guttural and his mouth descended on her exposed neck, biting. Iris bit her lip through the pleasure mixed with a hint of pain at his harshened thrusts, his pace turning frantic. “Mine.”
“And you’re mine.” she breathed and with the next thrust timed to the exact movement of her hand rubbing her clit, Iris’s body arched as she fell over the edge.
At the sound of her breathless moan of pleasure, Eris finally came with a deep groan, burying his head into the crook of her neck. He came so hard and with such force, that his vision momentarily blurred. He’d been holding on for this moment for so long that Eris couldn’t stop the rolling of his hips as he panted heavily, his come still spilling out of him as his thrusts began to slow, emptying himself inside her. Iris lay beneath him, breathing heavily, her fingers tangling in his hair and she couldn’t stop the rolling of her hips either, her silken walls still clenching around him.
It took him a moment to finally come to a stop and Eris pulled out of her slowly, the wet sound obscene as it filled the room. He nearly came again at the sight of her sex covered in him, at the way she pulsed beneath his gaze. His heart raced as he took in her flushed face, the marking of his hands on her body — his bite mark on her throat. 
This would be a sight he could never see himself getting tired of. 
They sat in silence for a few moments, letting their breathing fall into its natural rhythm and just watching each other. For all their worries and feelings, and for all their words said, everything about this moment was exactly how it was supposed to be.
Eris and Iris, as one; the mating bond seemed to pulse between them, the gold thread taut.
He watched his wife for a moment, a finger brushing her cheek as she closed her eyes against his touch and Eris had to use every ounce of will he had to force himself move. 
He had to take care of her. She trusted him and he would always take care of her. 
He returned with a damp washcloth kept warm from his magic and as gently as Eris Vanserra could be, began cleaning her up. Iris shifted at his touch and the slight wince on her face had his expression fall. “Did I hurt you?” he asked quietly.
Iris could already feel the sense of panic bubbling inside him, so she shook her head with a small smile and requested, “Come here.”
Without hesitation, Eris gingerly lay his body over hers, the washcloth slipping from his hand and she cupped his face, kissing him softly. Eris buried his hands in her hair, groaning against her lips and that sense of delight flared in him again as she wrapped her legs around him.
He didn’t think about his release still mostly all over her even as he unintentionally bucked his hips into hers; his cock already half erect just by pressing against her.
“You did not hurt me.” she said calmly. “I liked it.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Good.” he said and nearly purred when she ran her fingers through his hair. “My husbandly duties have been performed well.”
Iris snorted and rolled her eyes. “Cauldron forbid you to go a few minutes without complimenting yourself.” 
“You have to give credit where it’s due, wife.” he asked with a smirk. “I will gladly show you again if necessary.”
Iris let out a soft laugh that had Eris’s heart skip a beat and he couldn’t help leaning in and placing a hot kiss on her mouth. 
“You have always been so eager.” she teased against his lips and Eris made a noise of agreement as he pulled back to watch her, his fingers sliding into the loose strands of her hair. 
It fell silent between them once more, both basking in the closeness and soft touching, happy to just be.
To be at peace. To be present at this moment. Where that invisible string wrapped itself around them. 
“You know…” Iris began after a moment, and color bloomed on her cheeks as she trailed a hand down his arm and then met his gaze. “This means we’ve finally consummated our marriage.”
“About time, I daresay.”
“I am now truly your wife.” 
Eris’s brow quirked. “You were truly my wife the moment we said those vows in front of everyone at our wedding.” He said dryly. “There was never a single moment where I thought otherwise.”
Iris hummed, her lips twitching at his expression. “Well, can’t say the same now, can I?” she teased then laughed as his expression flattened. 
“If you don’t take that back right this instance —”
“What are you going to do?” she challenged and Eris’s mouth slowly curled into a smirk. 
“I’m going to fuck you and that pretty mouth of yours until you’re so incoherent, the only words you can say are husband,” He said and leaned in to kiss one corner of her mouth. “Mate.” He continued, kissing the other corner of her lips. “And my name.” he finally whispered against her lips.
Iris’s pulse quickened and she squeezed her legs around him, his promise igniting her arousal once more. “Oh, then I’m most certainly not taking it back.” she said. “How else will I find out if the rumors are true?”
Eris lifted a brow and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “And what rumors might that be?”
Iris’s lips twitched as she answered, “That Autumn Court males have fire in their blood—,” she said then added in a low voice. “And they fuck like it too.”
Her husband blinked then a wicked grin slowly spread across his face. “Oh?”
“And now that we’ve consummated our marriage once…” she continued, carefully rolling her hips against his and smiling when he sucked in a breath. She whispered, “I think you should show me.”
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gt-daboss · 16 days
Nightmares (7)
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Zoom in on the bottom right for an angsty surprise~
{ los ojos gotean }
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mintjeru · 2 months
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pov you're at the airport to see your bias and he smiles directly at you?? and his bodyguard is kinda cute too?? thank you @/dendrosummer for your donation to @hkvthm-action!! (this gotcha is accepting donations until august 9! your support is appreciated 🍉)
open for better quality | do not repost
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livingforthewhump · 1 year
could you pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassseeeeeee continue the villain tortured livestreamed thing??
sequel to this
Hero surveyed their team, ensuring everything was properly in place. Of course, they’d already checked a dozen different times, but there wasn’t much else to do with their anxiety other than put it to good use. There was one area, probably the most important, that they lacked the expertise to check well.
“Medic?” They asked, trying not to let their anxiety seep into their words. They knew Villain would be in desperate need of medical care. How could they not know? After all, Supervillain had gone to great lengths to make them all aware of that fact. Hero was frustrated beyond all words that the thing Villain would need the most was not something they could provide them. Hero was terrible with anything to do with health, which was really a large part of the reason why they had been elected the leader. Process of elimination: they simply weren’t good at anything else.
Medic raised an eyebrow. “Everything is ready, Hero. Including you. You should sit down; You’re going to wear yourself down before you’re even out on the field.”
A shake of their head. “Can’t. Hacker is going to send the signal any moment now, and I need to be ready.”
And just like clockwork, a steady pinging noise hit Hero’s wristband, letting them know that the blackout of Supervillain’s cameras was about to begin. Hero was on the move instantly, hopping lightly out of the back of their camouflaged van with just a jerk of their head to tell Teammate to follow. As they walked they powered off their wristband. Their earpiece was left behind in the van—the electronic blackout was total, and any technology used by them would be like a foghorn in a cathedral: utterly out of place and infinitely noticeable. They knew without looking that Teammate was copying them.
The plan was simple: Hacker had gotten into their camera system from the van, locating where Villain was being held and copying down a map to it. They needed more controls to do a full camera blackout, so they froze a few frames in the security system while they went ahead of the company and took control of the security room. From there they would orchestrate a blackout that would last approximately ten minutes before someone noticed and fixed it. In the meantime they would be loading Supervillain’s files onto their own computer while Hero and Teammate went to get Villain. Five minutes in, five minutes out.
And the clock was already ticking.
The door creaked open in front of Hero, the lock having been disabled by Hacker just moments before. Without sparing more than a glance around to make sure no one was waiting in ambush, Hero took off at a sprint down the hall. The door they’d entered through was on a lower level equivalent to a basement, they supposed. Supervillain’s base was built on a slope, allowing for easy access to several different levels.
Hero hooked turns and opened doors without any hesitation. They had studied the map Hacker had made for them so many times they were certain they wouldn’t forget it as long as they’d lived. Without knowing what state Villain was in and if they were going to have to carry them out, Hero wanted as much of their time to be budgeted for their exit as possible. Teammate’s footsteps thudded just behind them, constant and reassuring.
Once they got to the door that Hero knew was Villain’s, they skidded to a halt. No one had intercepted them on their way in, which was ideal, but…unrealistic. They knew they had to be prepared for a trap. Hero took a split second to catch their breath and toss a look over their shoulder to Teammate, who gave a nod and pulled out their weapon, holding it at the ready.
Hero pulled a small kit out of their pocket, slotting a tiny explosive into the space between the door and the frame just over where the doorknob was. A small press of a button and a cautious step back later, a tiny explosion of various acids and chemicals corroded and broke through the lock much faster than Hero could have. Hero pushed the door open and stepped inside.
The room was easily recognizable as the one the ransom video had been recorded in. The concrete walls were the same, the same chair was set up in the center with knotted rope neatly coiled in its seat as though it were just waiting to be used again, even the camera was still set up on a tall tripod a few feet away from the chair. One wall was covered in knNives and grotesque tools for torture. Dark blood puddled on the floor, some dried and flaky, and some still pooling in the grim light.
In the opposite corner huddled a small form—Villain. They were not easily recognizable as the same one in the ransom video, the same one who came to Hero with a defiant scheme to take down Supervillain and spent late nights researching and planning and brought them coffee in the morning when neither of them had slept. No. This couldn’t be the same one.
But it was.
Their hair was lanky, falling over their face and hiding their eyes in shadow. Or maybe it was just bruising so dark that Hero couldn’t tell the difference. Their knees were tucked up to their bare chest protectively, arms wrapped around their legs and face buried down. Even from here Hero was struck by how loosely their pants hung, how scrawny and thin their arms looked compared to how they used to be. Slightly bloodied cuffs were holding their wrists together, and their arms were covered in mottling bruises and purposeful cuts and what looked like cigarette burns. Hero took a step forward, trying to shake themself out of their horrified stupor, and the small figure that they knew was Villain cowered back, eyes flicking up to them. Hero couldn’t see their eyes well enough to tell if there was any recognition or hope in them, or just fear.
They crossed the room quickly so they could kneel down next to Villain.
“Villain, it’s me, Hero,” they said quietly, eyes moving over Villain’s form without thinking. “You look awful.” Apparently their mouth also moved without thinking.
It was true, though. Up close, even more so. Now Hero could see that some of the cuts on their arms spelled out words, crudely carved into the captive villain.
“Are you here to break me out?” Villain’s voice came out hoarsely like they hadn’t used it properly in weeks. Still, there was a sardonic edge to their voice, a slight glint in their eyes telling Hero to stay focused and remember their mission. Hero was in awe of that strength that remained after they had been put through all hell.
“Of course,” Hero scoffed. It should have been obvious.
Villain’s face darkened. “But…Youngest. Supervillain said—”
“Can you walk?” Hero interrupted.
“Um,” Villain hummed noncommittally, face screwing up while they shifted their legs. They tried to stifle a whimper in their throat, but Hero heard it loud and clear. “Supervillain kind of, um. Broke my leg with a mallet?”
“They what?” Hero hissed, rage spiking red through their vision. They took a long, controlled breath. “Okay. I can carry you. We just need to get out of here.”
Without waiting another second they scooped their arms underneath Villain and stood. They were much lighter than they should have been. They tried their best to ignore that and just start walking. Hero met Teammate’s eyes as they exited the God-forsaken room with Villain in tow. Teammate’s face was blank, but there was a tightness around their eyes and mouth that spoke volumes to Hero about just how bad Villain looked now that they weren’t folded over themself against a wall.
Villain’s bound arms now lay demurely over their lap, by Hero’s chest. This close, it was hard not to look at the words etched into them with a lazy and sadistic hand.
Hero swallowed bile and started jogging. Villain cried out under their breath at the jostling it required, but Hero just went faster. If they didn’t get out of there they couldn’t promise that they weren’t going to turn around and find Supervillain just so they could make them pay for each one of those marks.
They didn’t remember getting back to the van, but suddenly they were there, and Teammate and Medic were lifting Villain from Hero’s arms and onto a small gurney strapped in place in the back of the van. It was a slightly makeshift setup.
Hero made themself climb into the van just so they could get closer to Villain, to make sure they were okay. Medic had them laying down and was cutting through their pants so they could get to the broken bone to set it. Villain’s head tilted wearily to the side, seeking out Hero. Their hand reached out and Hero caught it easily, letting them squeeze while Medic reset the bone. Before Villain’s yell had even died down, Hacker had the engine revved and was driving away.
Villain was passed completely out by the time they reached their base, and Hero wasn’t far from it. They insisted they carry Villain inside, now swathed in bandages and cleaned as best as they could manage with the supplies they’d brought. They were frightfully thin, ribs poking out like knuckles through their battered skin. A deep red burn slashed down their chest, drawing attention to the bright and inflamed skin around it compared to the ombre of bruises and scabbed cuts covering them. Supervillain had even signed their name on them, like they were a damned canvas.
Time wasn’t really making sense to Hero when they set Villain down in the medwing. They noticed it was dark outside when they left the van, and the full moon was bright overhead, but they didn’t know the time. They remembered Hacker remarking something about being surprised that Youngest wasn’t waiting up for them, and the tired laughter that went around the group. They remembered the color of Villain’s skin against the clean white sheet, and the weariness in Medic’s eyes as they went to fetch their charts and IVs. They remembered being pushed into a nearby bed, but they weren’t sure who it was that pushed them there.
Then they felt sunlight hitting their eyelids as their consciousness swam back into awareness.
“How is Villain?” Hero was asking before their eyes were even fully open. Hacker sat in a seat beside Villain’s bed, computer open on their lap.
Hacker’s lips twitched slightly. “Good morning to you too. I slept great.” A beat of silence let their joke fall flat, and they sighed. “Villain’s doing fine. Malnourished and dehydrated and very weak, but stable. They still haven’t woken up. They needed the rest.” Their appraising eyes went back to Hero. “You did too. Medic made some coffee before I threatened them into going to rest. How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” Hero stood, swaying just slightly as they made their way to Medic’s office and the coffee machine on their desk. “Where’s Sidekick?”
Hacker shrugged. “I haven’t seen them. They’re probably taking advantage of having those training halls all to themself.”
“Find anything in those files yet?”
A heavy sigh filled the air with the cadence of something done many times already. “I have them loaded up, but they’re heavily encrypted, and the decoding has taken me hours. I think I just about have it, though.”
Hero had poured themself a mug and was seated in a chair opposite Hacker when they let out a triumphant shout that just about made Hero spill their coffee.
“I got it!” Hacker grinned, gesturing Hero over. Before they even got to Hacker’s side, their smile was dropping. The only folder on the drive was one titled “I hope you enjoy your trade :)”
Hero’s stomach dropped. The file was filled with pictures and videos of Villain, during their captivity, displaying in horrible detail everything that was done to them.
Except, at the very end, was a link.
Hacker clicked it, fearing the worst.
Youngest’s teary face filled the screen.
hero/villain taglist (and those who wanted to be tagged in the continuation): @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @utopian819 @whumpkitty @journey-the-panda @freefallingup13 @prettyboysinpain @1becky1 @temporary-whump-sideblog @chartreusephoenix @thelazywitchphotographer @onestopheroxvillain @smolxhero @mylifeisonthebookshelf @broadwaybabe18 @grizzlie70 @sunflower1000 @digitalart-dwa @tobeornottobeateacher @wolfeyedwitch @canigetanamenforbritney @ladygwennn @onlywhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @classicplesiosaur @lemongrass404 @defectiveangel13 @alainayumira @spiccykels @jadeocean46910 @icarusinstatic @will-ruadh @pumpkin-spice-whump @michelleswhumpyreblogs @cyberneticfire @tinyreadinglifelight @savagelysarcasticsilence @void-fireworks @dead-whispers @strawberryglitterball @writing-with-olive @rose-pinkie @didieatyourdog @corvid-voidbur @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @princess-poopsicle @hollowgast1 @naturallyathief @equestrianwritingsstuff @yells-in-lowercase @antmeisteronion @ace-caz
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deoidesign · 2 months
HI I think I sent an ask a while back about having recently found TaTA and a) if it came off as trying to rush/guilt you. I am so sorry because that was NOT my intent, and b) I can hugely guarantee you have at least one person who will eat up any return, no matter when it happens, because I care about the guys so much 🥺 really looking forward to whatever comes next!!
Oh, I appreciate this a lot thank you!
Tbh it's a stress I would have regardless of anyone asking me about it, I'm probably the biggest one rushing and guilting myself on it. Which might contribute to some of the burnout I had...
My complaints are more about people who are demanding "more content daddy" or asking me if I'm dead or asking on every single post I make where it is... Wondering when it's coming back is completely reasonable, it's been a long time! but there's definitely a line haha
my editor also keeps randomly scheduling me and then saying "oh, btw you're scheduled to return in 3 weeks. Is that alright?" And I have to keep saying no, that's not alright??? And then dealing with that process...
I could write an essay about all the reasons it's not back yet, but that doesn't help me feel any less pressured, and it doesn't help you all get the rest of the comic any faster...
As of right now I'm scheduled to and trying to return october 21. No official announcement yet cause I have to do a lot of work in that time, but it's my official goal at least. When we get closer I'll be able to say for sure whether it's coming back on that date!
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torgawl · 1 year
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missingn000 · 8 months
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lunathrix · 2 years
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Your honor, the girls are fighting
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gentaroukisaragi · 1 year
Ultraman Blazar's Salutations From Episodes 1-5 (ft. Bazanga, Leviera, and a sleeping Dorgo)
Episode 1 as well as the rest of the series can be found on youtube for free with eng subtitles and an eng audio track if that interests you
[Video description: Ultraman Blazar, a colossal grey humanoid alien with red and blue markings on his body, and blue markings on his face, performs his signature salutation in several different places and times. This salutation consists of raising his arms up to the sky in a circular motion, and bringing his knee up before stepping into a lunge and scooping his arms down and upward.
From episode 1, in a city at night, the camera watches from below, as Blazar performs his salutation and his markings flash red and blue. The shot cuts to a wider one, showing off the buildings and Blazar's opponent, Bazanga, a prawn-like Kaiju. After his salute, Blazar moves his hands into a guarded, fighting stance.
From Episode 2: Blazar stands against the bright blue day sky in a small fishing village, with much shorter buildings. He faces the camera directly as he does his salutation, and the camera zooms in on him as he does it and his markings flash red and blue once more.
From Episode 3: Blazar is framed in a head and shoulder shot and smothered in smoke as his colour time, a big round spot on his chest that is normally blue, flashes red. Once more he faces the camera as he does his salutation, before flying off, kicking up dirt in his takeoff.
From episode 4: The camera pans over a cityscape, with a highway at the front of the scene. Once more it is night time and Blazar faces off against a monster among many many buildings. The monster is Leviera, a sea-angel themed kaiju whose face is open to reveal flashing yellow lights as Blazar does his salutation from the side. Leviera is aggressively ready to go.
From episode 5: Blazar stands behind the sleeping kaiju, Dorgo, who looks mostly like a hill of dirt in this shot. He performs his salutation, and immediately begins to push the sleeping Kaiju back to its proper resting place. The shot switches to one of Blazar from behind, as he continues to push Dorgo back into place, among the green hills and mountains of the Japanese countryside. With a thump, Dorgo returns to his resting spot, and Blazar turns to face the camera as he jumps up into the air to fly away.
End video description.]
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prouvaireafterdark · 1 year
Practical Ethics || Chapter One
I dedicate this fic to my beloved enablers and Armand whisperers (you know who you are). This fic would not exist without the tremendous support and ideas you’ve given me over the last few months and I love you all very much for it. I really hope you enjoy this <3
So, without further ado, I present to you the first installment of an Ethics Professor Louis AU, as told by the grad student Armand.
Also on AO3!
When Armand sweeps into Dr. du Lac’s graduate level Ethics course on the second day of class, he finds his seat in the center of the small lecture hall’s first row already taken. 
The blonde man occupying it, Armand notices, is older than the average student, perhaps in his early thirties, and the desk he’s stolen is totally devoid of notes, books, or a laptop. Dressed in a designer leather jacket, tight black jeans, and platformed Doc Martens, he looks like he’s attempting to channel his inner rockstar. The man’s hair has also been pulled back into a low ponytail that would make anyone else look like a founding father, but in combination with his striking jawline and devastating profile, Armand finds it infuriatingly charming in spite of his considerable annoyance.
Armand had chosen this seat carefully, you see, as he had just endured a harrowing semester as research assistant to Dr. de Romanus—a Romanist, coincidentally, whom Armand had met in Venice, and who had encouraged him to move all the way to San Francisco to complete his doctorate now that he was teaching in the Religion and Philosophy department after the unfortunate defunding of the university’s Classics program. Currently staring down the barrel of another semester working with Dr. de Romanus, Armand is keen on seizing any opportunity he can find to serve under someone with a less… draconian approach to pedagogy in the future. Dr. du Lac seems a more promising prospect than the ancient Dr. Talbot by about a mile, and so the stakes for making a good impression are quite high. 
Armand’s eyes narrow as he approaches.
“Excuse me,” he says, standing up as tall and imperious as he can as he stops beside the blonde man. “You’re in my seat.”
“Am I?” the man asks, his English faintly accented. French, definitely, but not Parisian, if Armand recalls from his own considerable time spent living in the city—a regional dialect, he would guess. The generous curve of the man’s mouth and the tilt of his head turn mean all of a sudden as he continues, “Apologies, monsieur. I did not see your name on it.” 
The man makes no move to find a different seat, and in fact settles more fully into it, his spine slumped casually against its cushioned back like he could drop off and take a nap at any moment.
Indignant rage simmers beneath the surface of Armand’s skin, mingled with the equally infuriating attraction he feels as an errant blonde curl comes loose from the man’s ponytail, falling over the curve of his cheek when his head tips drowsily forward.
Well, that decides it, Armand thinks to himself. I must destroy him.
Out of spite, Armand chooses the seat next to him, spreading out his folder of meticulously highlighted and annotated readings across the meager desk space this lecture hall provides, just past the point where the edges of his papers brush the blonde man’s arm where it lies on the armrest. He can almost feel the man’s answering glare like a physical thing against the side of his face, but Armand simply feigns ignorance and busies himself with unlocking his iPad to get ready to take notes.
Dr. Louis de Pointe du Lac enters the classroom then, dressed impeccably as always in a finely tailored suit—a sophisticated heather gray tartan this afternoon. Though Armand appreciates the view, he struggles to comprehend how someone living on a philosophy professor’s salary at a small liberal arts college can afford to indulge such exquisite tastes.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the blonde man sit up straighter, his attention captivated by the professor as he sets up his notes at the podium in front of the room.
The man can’t be blamed for that, Armand supposes. In his opinion, Dr. du Lac is by far the most handsome professor who works here, and if the chili pepper on his Rate My Professors is any indication, most of his peers agree. 
“Alright, everyone. Let’s get started,” Dr. du Lac says with a kind smile and a clap of his hands to gather their attention, taking a moment first to review the names of all his students as he takes attendance before settling in to give his lecture. 
Armand does his best to stay focused on the lesson, diligently taking notes on his iPad as Dr. du Lac writes on the board, and even asking and answering questions when the opportunities present themselves. Inevitably, however, he finds his attention drawn to the man sitting beside him.
The man—Lestat, he’s learned from Dr. du Lac’s roll call—seems incapable of doing three things: sitting still, taking his eyes off the professor for longer than a microsecond, and taking any notes whatsoever. 
An expensive-looking leather bound journal now sits open on his desk, but he has yet to write down a single word beyond his own name in elegant, looping script. In fact, the only time Lestat even lifts his ridiculous fountain pen off the desk throughout the entire lecture is to rest the end of it against his full bottom lip as his eyes track Dr. du Lac’s every movement, his tongue occasionally peeking out of his mouth to swirl around the metal tip. 
Several weeks pass this way—Armand and Lestat stubbornly sitting side by side, each focused entirely on their professor but with seemingly very different goals. He’s noticed that Lestat is always the last person to leave the lecture hall, lingering around for a private word with Dr. du Lac once everyone else has gone. Armand even saw Lestat follow the professor to his car in the parking lot once, but he was running late for a meeting with Dr. de Romanus and couldn’t afford to be too curious. 
Lestat’s apparent oral fixation also continues to rear its head at least once a class, driving Armand to the point of madness until one day he can stand it no longer.
“Why are you even here?” he seethes, glaring over at where Lestat is fidgeting in his seat. 
They’ve been asked to discuss some reading questions in small groups and, to no one’s surprise, Lestat has made no move to actually contribute anything of substance.
“Pardon?” Lestat asks, looking over at him with those impossible eyes of his. Are they gray? Blue? Purple? Their color seems to change by the day and Armand is pathetically distracted by the desire to pin down their hue.
“You sit here every class taking no notes, doing nothing except practically fellating your pen while you stare at the professor like you want to eat him,” he hisses, frustration bleeding through in his tone. “Do you even do the readings?”
To Armand’s extreme displeasure, Lestat smirks at him.
“Perhaps if you spent less time worrying about what my mouth is doing and more time reviewing your precious notes, you would not have only gotten a 94 on the quiz,” Lestat muses. 
“What? How—?” Armand stammers, his cheeks burning with humiliation. 
“It seems highlighting nearly the entire article as you have done did not guarantee that last six percent,” Lestat continues, gesturing down to Armand’s desk-full of neatly organized readings with a single manicured finger.
Incredulous anger consumes Armand’s chest. Lestat must have seen his grade when Dr. du Lac handed their quizzes back at the end of last class. It’s the only explanation, but, come to think of it—“You didn’t even take the quiz!” 
“I don’t need to,” Lestat shrugs, unfazed. “I am merely auditing the class.”
Now that was even more baffling. He had assumed Lestat needed to take this course as some kind of curriculum requirement, but why on Earth would someone like Lestat be auditing an ethics class? 
He supposes it does explain the reason Dr. du Lac’s eyes seem to almost intentionally skip over Lestat when he’s sprawled out in his chair like the entitled brat that he is. If he isn’t paying for the course, why bother making sure he’s actually learning something?
“Well, I don’t know what good it’s doing you. It’s not like you’re even reading the articles he assigns,” Armand shoots back, arms crossed tight over his chest. “Wait, you can read, can’t you?”
Lestat sneers at the question, but before he can open his mouth to deliver the venomous rebuttal Armand is sure he’s been working on the ten whole seconds it’s been since he asked, Louis is addressing the class again.
“Alright, that’s enough one on one discussion time for now. Who’s got something for me?” Louis asks, and when Armand looks up, he sees the professor’s eyes are flickering between the two of them, his brow creased in concern.
It’s another week after that that Armand gets back their latest quiz—a perfect score this time—and finally decides that the moment has arrived for him to move on to the next stage of his plan.
After Dr. du Lac dismisses their class, Armand waits for the handful of other students who have questions for the professor to depart before making his approach, ignoring the glare he gets from Lestat who still hasn’t moved from his seat.
“Armand,” Dr. du Lac smiles as Armand steps up toward the podium where he’s still gathering his papers into his messenger bag. “Those were some very insightful comments you made about the assigned reading. I think you might be the only one who actually understood it.”
Armand is momentarily stunned by the compliment, warmth flooding his body at such praise. He is struck, too, by how beautiful the man is up close, finding himself captivated by the gentle curve of his lips as he grins at him and those warm, dark eyes, fathomless in their depth. He could fall in love with those eyes, he thinks—if Louis wasn’t his professor and Armand wasn’t already in love with someone else, of course.
“Thank you, professor,” Armand says, an almost dreamlike quality to his voice as he attempts to recover. 
“Please, call me Louis,” Dr. du Lac interrupts with a wave of his hand. “‘Professor’ is for the undergrads.”
“Louis, then,” Armand replies with a soft smile of his own, shaking off the urge to just keep staring at him. 
“So what is it I can help you with?” Louis prompts when he says nothing else.
“Oh,” Armand says, redirecting his thoughts. “I was wondering if you might have recommendations for further reading for me. I will be writing my dissertation on philosophical approaches to the devil and plan to include a chapter on the epistemological and moral issues concerning the subject. As our department’s resident expert on moral philosophy, I thought you might be uniquely situated to point me toward a starting point for my research.”
“Already thinking of the diss?” Louis wonders, curious as his eyes pass him over again. “You must be a few years out from writing it.”
It isn’t hard to imagine why he’s asking. By now, Armand is quite used to being underestimated because of his perceived youth. 
“I’m older than I look,” Armand assures him, shifting from one foot to the other. “And I am eager to get started.”
“I don’t doubt it,” Louis says kindly. “I meant you’ve only just started your degree. You’re new to the department, right?”
“I do already have my master’s,” Armand tells him, disliking the implication that he hasn’t advanced enough in his studies to know what he wants to focus on, before he continues, “but yes, I matriculated while you were on sabbatical last semester, no doubt crafting your latest masterpiece.”
Louis laughs, a soft and beautiful sound. “You could say that.” 
He glances behind Armand to where Lestat is waiting as he says it, but then his brown eyes refocus on Armand.
“Hey, why don’t you come by my office hours tomorrow?” he suggests. “I’ve got to run, but I might have a few books you’d be interested in.”
Any rankled feelings still lingering in Armand’s heart evaporate completely in the face of Louis’ generous invitation. He is as flattered by Louis’ interest in supporting his work as he is excited by the prospect of spending more time with him. 
“That would be wonderful,” Armand replies, eager to accept. “Thank you, I truly appreciate it.”
“Of course,” Louis nods obligingly.
Armand says his goodbyes before heading out the door, feeling strangely light on his feet, as if buoyed by the butterflies he can feel fluttering around in his chest.
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landinrris · 1 year
Title: Gold Light Falling Backward Through the Glass
Pairings: Lando/Carlos (main); brief mentions of Lando/Luisa at the start
Rating: E
Chapter: 1/1
Carlos’ relationship status means nothing to his personal life— except, Lando tells himself, that’s not entirely true, is it? Because, not so deep down still sits a conversation from nearly two and a half years ago. A conversation where Lando had complained about his feelings of loneliness to Carlos in a less than transparent manner as a way of coming out to Carlos, wanting a gauge for the rest of the grid— any potential advice. And Carlos had told Lando to get a girlfriend if he could help it. Or: Lando decides he's tired of living the objectively safer life and dives into his feelings about Carlos in a bit of a public manner following Summer Break 2022.
Read on Ao3
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taegularities · 10 months
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
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Having this caption in an episode that finally gives us some depth about Millie is so funny
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runawaycatwalker · 2 years
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Part 17. Truthful by Technicality (Veritruce, part B)
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Description below the cut
The sentimonster Veritruce glows with magical energy.
Veritruce: LIE DETECTED!
Veritruce moves the part of the conic barrier that Catwalker was stuck in upwards with such force that Catwalker is flung straight into the sky.  Ladybug reaches her hand uselessly toward him.
Veritruce: LIAR EJECTED!
Ladybug: Catwalker!
Mayura projects an air of innocence while Veritruce floats by her with a cheerful smile.  Ladybug continues to be stuck in the barrier, annoyed.
Mayura: I probably should have mentioned: Veritruce is always watching for lies, I don't have to ask it to verify every statement.
Ladybug points her fingers accusingly towards Mayura.
Ladybug: Then that means you need to answer me truthfully too.  So: Why do you need to know what Chat has been doing so badly?
Mayura averts her gaze, clenching her fists.
Mayura: Chat Noir’s identity carries... unforeseen consequences.
Ladybug: You recognized him when he detransformed.  Who is he to you?
Mayura: He is... someone that we wanted to avoid akumatizing prior to now.
Ladybug panics.
Ladybug: You can't akumatize him!  The world... You cannot let that happen!
Mayura thumps her fan against the palm of her hand.
Mayura: I have no intention of allowing Chat Noir to be akumatized.  But, if the last few akumas are any indication, Shadowmoth may end up ignoring my advice, should he become too focused on certain means for accomplishing his goals.
Ladybug looks at Mayura critically.
Ladybug: 'Last few akumas'? You mean the ones that have been going after Adrien Agreste, right?  Is... is Shadowmoth choosing akumas who will hunt down Adrien deliberately?
Mayura stands with fan grasped in both hands, Ladybug’s yo-yo lying on the ground behind her.
Mayura: It's not what you think.  Shadowmoth merely wants to see the Agreste boy reunite with his father.
Ladybug: This is the same Shadowmoth that doesn't care when he terrorizes Paris, right?
Mayura: He's not that heartless.  If anything, he cares too acutely for his own good.  Once he decides how the world should be, he doesn't let go of it easily.
Mayura covertly looks above her, where Catwalker falls through a cloud in the sky.
Mayura: Speaking of persistence...
Veritruce creates a second cone, this one purple and inverted, in which to catch the falling Catwalker.
Mayura: Veritruce, seclude the liar.
Catwalker splats dizzily into the bottom of the new cone before he can make contact with the first cone.
Catwalker: Kaaadrghkh!
Ladybug: Catwalker!
Catwalker: Ow...
Ladybug: Are you okay?
Catwalker: I'll live...
Catwalker pushes himself up against the cone’s sides so he can reorient himself upright.
Mayura: Veritruce reinforces its barriers with the Power of Truth, did you really think it wouldn't notice that you lied about knowing Chat Noir's identity?
Catwalker: We only had your word about what it could do.  Testing whether we could lie seemed like a good idea.
Catwalker sits himself against the cone’s side.
Mayura: What if the consequences were something else—say, vaporizing you?
Catwalker: Then that would have been helpful information for Ladybug to know.
Mayura: Hmph.  You're lucky that I'm not done prying answers out of you yet.
A wide shot showing Mayura standing under the original pink cone, with Ladybug stuck in the barrier on one side and the stretched up hole left from where Catwalker was previously trapped.  Catwalker is currently trapped in an inverted purple cone, its tip floating mere inches above the tip of the pink cone.
Catwalker: Ladybug, what have you told Mayura?
Ladybug: Actually, she's mostly been the one answering me.  She's agreed to not let Chat get akumatized.  Also, Shadowmoth wants Adrien to come home, apparently.
Catwalker: That’s… concerning.
Mayura: What is there to be concerned about?  Isn't it a good thing if Chat Noir remains unaffected by akumas and a missing boy returned home?
A shot of Mayura’s lower half, Ladybug’s yo-yo still on the ground behind her.
Mayura: Unless your concern comes from something else...?  Tell me, Catwalker...
Catwalker folds his arms and looks down.
Mayura: What do you know about Adrien's disappearance?
Catwalker: I don't want to answer that question.
Ladybug’s eyes tear up, aghast, and reaches up towards Catwalker.
Ladybug: You know what happened to Adrien?  How?
Catwalker: ...
Ladybug: Answer me!
Catwalker: I was... around right before Adrien went missing...
Catwalker looks away, holding his hands between his knees.
Catwalker: I couldn’t help but notice that Adrien was deeply troubled by something, something he refused to disclose when asked.  But it was clear that he needed an escape... and that if I used my powers as Catwalker, I could provide the means of that escape.
Ladybug: Then that means...
Catwalker: I'm how he disappeared that night, yes.
Catwalker looks down towards Ladybug, the hand in front of him leaning on one of the barriers between them.
Ladybug: Do you know where he is now?  Please tell me that he's okay.
Catwalker: I'm sorry. I have every reason to think that he's still alive, but if he was dead, I wouldn't know.  He doesn't intend to approach me in the future.  And ever since that night...?  The only person who knows how to locate 'Adrien Agreste' is Adrien Agreste.
Mayura holds her fan in front of half her face, her other hand gesturing with palm faced upwards.
Mayura: You seem awfully concerned about Adrien, Ladybug.  You wouldn't happen to have ulterior motives for wanting to locate him, would you?
Ladybug waves her hands in the air in exasperation.
Ladybug: Are you kidding me? Oh right, every time I don't want someone to die it means I'm secretly in love with them!  That makes sense!
Veritruce gets in Ladybug’s face, eyebrows pointed down.  Ladybug covers her mouth sheepishly.
Veritruce: LIE DETECTED!
Mayura: Did I mention that sarcasm counts as lies?
Veritruce yeets Ladybug into the sky.  Catwalker reaches his hand uselessly toward her.
Veritruce: LIAR EJECTED!
Catwalker: Ladybug!
Below is the same image as above, only without text: 
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