#bucky would definitely try to fly in his skivvies
thesullengrrrl · 6 months
Masters of the Air deleted scenes should include Bucky trying to fly a B-17 in his skivvies because I know he tried it I know he did it I just know he wanted to try it the moment Rosie and his guys said they did it!
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
hi!! so if this tickles your pear:
something about the 100th having crushes on buck and bucky calls to me i cant ignore it so just blurbs of the boys sighing piningly at the buckies and random moments please and thank you?
Jack is immune. Yes he is. Shut up. No, he does not wish Bucky would hug him like he hugs everyone. He definitely does need a couple of those sometimes (joke's on him, Bucky knows when someone needs a hug and just shows up and tells Jack, "All right, come on. Get over here." They never, ever speak about it.
I mean, Curt's living the dream. Two tall drinks of water to keep him company. Is it still a crush when they're all in bed together? He isn't sure because he still feels some sort of way about just looking at them.
Rosie introduced himself with a story about flying in his skivvies and will internally die of embarrassment for the rest of his life. But soon enough, he's friends with them, so the crush mellows into just a nice friendship.
Brady has the biggest crush on Buck because he's quiet and stoic. He has given up ever trying to impress him because he is aware Bucky sees him as a little brother, and nothing will ever make Buck see him any other way.
Demarco's crush on Buck didn't start until he saw how sweet Buck is with Meatball. He had a crush on Buck for the time it took them to get their first hangover together, and then away it went.
Harry has the WORST crush on Bucky. He really, really tries not to, but Bucky's so confident and comfortable and just never seems to have to think about anything more than once. His feelings for Buck are complicated. Sometimes he has a crush and sometimes he's just a regular amount of impressed.
Bubbles thinks they're both great and has stolen a couple of cheek kisses more than once. Yes, it's partly done to watch Harry blush because he wants to kiss Bucky's cheek.
Blakely, Douglass, and Hambone all swear they don't have crushes on those two. This is hotly debated.
Helen wants Buck to take her for a fancy dinner and talk about books and science. She wants to shove Bucky down and sit on his face. She has had these thoughts in detail while talking to them. She's a masterclass in keeping it under wraps.
Quinn, Bailey, and Babyface literally cannot imagine having crushes on THE Majors. That's so WEIRD.
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