#bts begin
cherrystar12 · 7 months
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bizarrelittlemew · 11 months
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"From the top...🏴‍☠️" (from Samba Schutte)
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andrhomeda · 4 months
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working on a hyyh yoonkook inspired fancomic
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jimimn · 8 months
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dearest, darling, my universe 🤍
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joonie · 9 months
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jimzittos · 2 months
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        can     we     still     fall     in     love     this     summer     ?
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        @qqmariztwsse    @awwriri             
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banghwa · 5 months
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BEGINS ≠ YOUTH · Episode 4
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oursisthetear · 4 months
softest thread you'll see today: all the times jeha took cein arm in arm </3
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the-djarin-clan · 4 months
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inquebrar · 5 months
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lemotmo · 3 months
Can we take a minute to talk about how today’s bts clip is the perfect example of how much…for lack of a better word, damage, Lou’s cameos really caused?
Because the show, the writers, the directors, Oliver, the promo teams etc have all been showing and telling us a very specific story. With very specific moments. And very specific scenes with specific beats hit or missed. And it paints us the picture of what the storyline is about. Buck. Buck figuring out this new piece of information about himself. Buck figuring this new piece about himself out and finding his footing with it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Then we have Lou and the small section of his following who are very loud. They showing a very different story. Lou has used cameo to spread head canon after head canon after head canon about his character, his relationship with Buck, his relationship with other characters. And it’s warped the actual story to the point where it very much goes against what the actual canon events are showing and telling the viewers. The loud BT fans truly believe Buck and Tommy are this match made in heaven, stars aligned, madly in love about to move in together and start planning a wedding, couple. And the loud BT fans think that because the head canons they were told in these cameos, and because they paid for them, they think they hold more meaning than the free episodes that are aired.
But then as we see by the clip released today, and despite all the other issues people have with the scene and how we can interpret the actions not matching what we’ve seen especially compared to how their first date played out, the actual words they have Tommy telling hen and Karen and by extension the audience is “we’re taking it very slow. Bucks setting the pace”
That doesn’t sound like a deeply in love about to move in and get married couple being portrayed in cameo videos to me. It’s the actual canon reality of the show and the BT relationship though. Snail paced speed. Not that deeply developed or defined. Entry level to allow Buck to get his footing in this new reality he’s discovered.
It also gave yet another moment of is this man actual that serious about Buck? Because instead of taking the opportunity presented to him to reassure Hen and Karen, two important members of Bucks family, Tommy once again instead deflected and made jokes at an inappropriate moment that again didn’t land well, based on Henrens faces. Which again, doesn’t sound like the “everyone loves and respects Tommy and is to thrilled he’s dating Buck, he’s got all these connections with the 118” narrative that has been given through cameo videos.
We will probably never know the actual full reason why Lou suddenly cut his cameos off. But I do think this released bts video is a perfect example of at least one of the reasons he did. Because the content and context of them was getting so far off base from the actual canon of the show and story.
YES! All of this Nonny!
Lou's cameos were such a bad idea. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was told to stop making them either.
He filled these fans' heads with headcanons and wild fairytales about Tommy's completely made up childhood and how he feels about Buck. All while the writers were clearly telling us a very different story. His narrative about Tommy doesn't match the show's narrative. But for some reason a lot of the BT fans don't want to see the canon evidence that BT is not that big love story they want it to be.
On the contrary, the show has been pretty consistent in telling us Buck and Eddie's story and their connection. THAT is canon. All the rest that Lou made up? Definitely fanon!
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stevenrogered · 7 months
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Dexter's wedding speech draft in the book vs the show
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danlous · 2 months
Sam and Jacob were so happy to just be together again like how did they get anything done when they needed to be all scary and serious but just seeing the other's face made them smile
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cowgodmoo · 4 months
[ENG] Begins ≠ Youth (all episodes)
Episode 1: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 2: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 3: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 4: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 5: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 6: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 7: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 8: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 9: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 10: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 11: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
Episode 12: SOURCE 1 | SOURCE 2
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buddiebitch · 4 months
saw someone complaining about how little Tommy was in that episode..
of all the things to be worried about you pick his ass?
you aren’t worried about Christopher’s emotional trauma? what about Bobby? who’s gonna be captain? henren losing Mara???
nah none of that, you just wanna see Tommy get that shit always from me
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banghwa · 5 months
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World's Best Cheerleader
Min Cein in BEGINS ≠ YOUTH · Episode 4
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