#bring on the brinky!
friendshipgirl · 2 years
2 days! Nobody panic! Animaniacs is coming fast! Don’t panic!
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theonethatyaks93 · 9 months
Sleepless in Burbank (PaTB/Brinky Fic)
Hey y'all!! Oooh two new fics in one week?! What the heck is wrong with me? Anyways this came from a challenge me and my good writing pal/friend @therealhayyhay were doing where we gave each other prompts for fics. She asked me to write a fic where Pinky gets a little too into Brain's personal space when sleeping and I happily obliged. Go read the one she made for me it's so sweet!! She's such an amazing person!! But here's mine for those who were interested. Hoping this becomes a recurring thing because it was so fun and it allows me to write fun things!! Enough of my ramblings here's the fic:
Only Pinky could make bedtime an utterly laborious task.
That’s what The Brain was pondering to himself currently as his partner was sprawled haphazardly across the bed, snoring softly. He had absolutely no sense of staying on his side, which Brain found irritating, even though it had been happening for years. He desired sleep, especially after tonight’s failed plan ended in an explosion. A reprieve from all the pain was enough for him.
But apparently, Pinky did not care about personal space.
He wanted to reprimand him for his unusual position, but he was already too far gone. He’d probably be up until morning if Brain were to awaken him now.
By all things good on this planet would Pinky just move over?
Brain groaned, bloodshot pink eyes shooting open as his friend kicked him accidentally in the waist for the second time in five minutes. He knew that Pinky was prone to excessive movement while he slept but this was becoming too much. He was thinking about just taking his pillow and sleeping somewhere else, but…something kept him from leaving. An odd feeling held him down, refusing to let Brain get up.
It didn’t help his case when Pinky made a faint, breathless noise, which caused Brain to feel a light blush dust his face.
God forbid, he was going to regret this later.
He turned to face upward, staring at the bars at the top of their cage. They were barely visible in the darkness, rather they were only shadows. It was somewhat ominous. Even a little scary. But if looking at them would benefit, then so be it.
Brain wanted to fall asleep; he wanted to just drift off and wake up to a nice cup of coffee to kickstart his morning. He secretly hoped that Pinky would fix them breakfast, give him a massage, and kiss him on the forehead like he did almost every day. Brain liked their routine quite a bit more than he was willing to admit.
But sleep was all that he craved right now. Not affection, not embraces, and most certainly not kisses. He just needed to close his eyes and sleep. That was all.
Really. No thought of kisses from Pinky’s cloud-like lips right now. No.
Brain closed his eyes, feeling a slight wave of drowsiness wash over him. He inhaled deeply and sighed, finally feeling content about his situation. Pinky hadn’t even touched him once recently…
Brain winced in pain as Pinky’s paw hit his face with such vigor it almost caused him to yelp. He briefly held his eye, which lightly stung from the impact.  He growled, sitting up in bed with an angry look on his face as he saw his companion’s arm fall right onto his pillow, taking up all his space. Of course, Pinky was still dead asleep.
How on earth was he supposed to rest now that Pinky was becoming a bed hog?
He wanted so badly to wake him up, to shout and tell Pinky that he needed to share the space. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. His friend looked so happy, so peaceful, even if he was invading Brain’s space unknowingly. Ruining Pinky’s night just to confront him would be too cruel, even for him.
Groaning in defeat, Brain cautiously moved Pinky’s paw off his pillow before he laid back down, facing away from him. He guessed his ruined circadian rhythm would be somewhat mendable. At least, this way, he wouldn’t be distracted by something else. Or rather, someone.
Brain felt a little remorseful about turning away from Pinky, but it was what he needed for a good night’s rest. Though, he could still feel a little heat pooling in his cheeks. But he chose not to dwell on that, instead focusing on falling asleep once and for all. Pinky did bump into him again and he pulled the blanket away a little, but that was normal. Brain was used to those things.
He was just about to drift off when he heard soft murmurs coming from behind him. Brain cursed under his breath; what did Pinky want now? He turned around, about to spout some harsh words when he noticed how Pinky was beginning to toss and turn aggressively, whimpering quietly. Which only meant one thing:
Great, another nightmare. Just perfect. At least he wasn’t talking in his sleep this time.
Brain always hated it when Pinky had nightmares. He would get so scared, and then he would be dead silent the next day. Pinky would sometimes wake up in tears; other times he’d yell while still slumbering, which would very much startle Brain. But this time, it was different. He was too quiet, no shouting or crying to be witnessed. Instead, violent thrashing was present, which was not the regular occurrence when it came to Pinky.
This one must be really bad.
He felt his ears droop, guilt lingering in his mind as he watched Pinky violently turn in bed. His whining was still clear, and to say it was bothering Brain was an understatement. Brain had been so annoyed with Pinky’s sleepy antics. And now he was suffering through what seemed to be a very upsetting dream for no reason. Curse the unnatural nature of the resting world.
The persistent thought in his mind just to ignore him and sleep be damned. He was going to do whatever it took to ease Pinky.
Brain scooted closer to his quivering partner, his mind whirling. Giving affection was not usually his strong suit, so it was taking him a while to figure out an adequate solution. Choosing the more…intimate option, Brain wrapped his arms around Pinky, soothingly rubbing his back with care. Pinky stopped stirring, though his face was still in an unpleasant grimace.
It wasn’t enough. Pinky needed to be certain that he was there for him. Here goes his dignity.
He carefully pulled Pinky closer, continuing to hold him tightly and gingerly squeezing him. It was disheartening to see him so distressed, but Brain knew that he’d be able to calm him down. Hopefully.
“Hush, Pinky. It’s alright. No need to fret, I’m here now. I’m always here for you,” he whispered softly, trying his best to sound sympathetic. Brain nuzzled his chest, placing a small kiss on it when he lifted his head up afterward.
It thankfully worked.
Pinky became relaxed, his previously tense body loosening. A soft smile graced his lips as his quiet snoring returned anew. Brain un-did their embrace, pulling away from Pinky with a placid smile, satisfied with his work. He felt relieved that he’d been able to help Pinky so much.
But now, he needed to sleep.
Brain settled back onto his pillow, this time choosing to face Pinky rather than away from him. It was a euphoric notion that the last thing he’d see before finally closing his eyes would be the mouse he…tolerated most. He took a cleansing breath, prepared to finally get the sleep he so desperately treasured.
Until he was forcibly tugged from where he lay by Pinky’s slender arms, being pulled into his chest.
Brain was about to protest by removing himself from the hug, but before he could muse a way to part, he was struck with a pleasing warmth, his backside feeling like it was on fire. His initial confused expression shifted to one of contentment, a deep blush present. He sighed in Pinky’s hold, mostly from their shared heat. He supposed that sleeping like this for one night wouldn’t be the worst.
It was all so calm. Brain could hear Pinky’s gentle heartbeat and his low breaths in his ears. It was weirdly peaceful. Unlike those other times when they did this when they were awake, which were still nice, but this hit different. Probably because Pinky wasn’t awake, and he was the only one that could appreciate this affection.
Before he could second guess what he was doing still in Pinky’s arms, his eyelids grew heavy, and his mind began to wander. Perhaps, he’d scold his friend for this tomorrow. But currently, all he focused on was remaining with Pinky, together. As sleep finally came to him, Brain snuggled closer to his partner, the softness and warmth of his fur being the final thing he touched before drifting off.
He was awoken not by the sunlight, per usual, but instead by the sound of shuffling beside him, and a light yawn. Brain blinked once, the familiar scent of Pinky welcoming him back to reality. It was only then that he realized that he’d been sleeping with such proximity to Pinky all night. He’d almost forgotten about last night’s escapade.
And then he saw Pinky’s stunning blue eyes and it all came back to him.
Oh goodness, Pinky looked incredible. Wait, was what happened last night real?
It was. What a relief.
“Narf! Good morning sleepyhead!” Pinky playfully tousled the fur on Brain’s head and kissed his forehead, which caused him to blush.
“Good morning, Pinky.” Brain droned, still a little bit tired, though it had been the best night of sleep he’d gotten in a while. “How did you sleep?”
Pinky giggled. “Oh very well Brain! The bed was extra warm for some reason. Gee I wonder why?”
Brain smirked a little; Pinky’s tone had indicated that he knew the answer, which was just a little humorous. “I must say that last night’s rest was very pleasant. I’m almost completely ready for the day.”
“Wonderful, Brain! Poit!” Pinky sat up immediately, getting ready to do his usual morning procedures. “I’ll go make breakfast, get your yummy coffee all ready, and then we can…”
Brain cut him off, grabbing Pinky’s arm to keep him in bed and placing his hand on Pinky’s mouth. “I said almost. I didn’t say get up, did I?” His voice was almost a needy whine and there was a bit of a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Brain couldn’t help but softly smile when Pinky’s gaze met his as he realized what Brain had meant.
“Egad!” Pinky’s face lit up. “More bedtime with my bestest boyfriend? You mean it?”
“Indeed. Just a few more minutes shall suffice excellently.” A part of him wanted to just get out of bed and start the day, but Pinky came first. And he needed more time with his lover. Desperately.
“Yay! It’s cuddle time, sweetheart! And your gonna looove it!” Pinky giggled as he settled within the blanket again next to Brain. The temperature increased dramatically.
Brain could only muster one quick chuckle before his and Pinky’s lips met for a quick, but well-deserved chaste kiss. When they parted, Brain settled his head below Pinky’s, wrapping his arms around his waist again. He felt Pinky’s arms do the same; they were even closer than they had been last night.
As the two just relinquished in their shared embrace, Brain couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest mouse in the world that he’d found Pinky. Not only was he a great friend but he was a doting partner and, yes, an exquisite snuggler. He knew that they’d always have each other, no matter what abnormal circumstances came their way.
Even if Pinky kept him awake for half of the night.
Special thanks to once again my good friend @therealhayyhay for just being the coolest and most supportive person ever. BTW you might wanna check the notes on the Ao3 version of this for a little surprise lol. Thanks for reading!!
Ao3 version is linked below:
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lemonfairywrites · 2 years
Tell It Like It Is pt. 2 (Brinky blurb)
first chapter here.
The two mice sat together in silence for an hour.
         Pinky’s leg bounced frantically in place as Pinky himself pondered like his life depended on it.
         Brain felt himself sinking into the countertop, as he cringed at his own vulnerability. He could tell that neither of them felt satisfied with the current interaction, but felt helpless to fix anything.
         Pinky’s whole heart broke for Brain. It must be so hard to have a best friend who’s in love with you, but you can’t tell them whether you like them back or not. Poit! Not knowing what Brain felt in that moment tore him to itty bitty pieces. He could feel a burning in his face that must’ve been some sort of mushy feeling that he feared Brain wouldn’t return; no wait, that’s just Brain staring at me real intense-like. Wait- what?
         Brain set it in his mind that if word would continually fail him, an undeniable gesture would have to get through to his fluff-brained cagemate. He set his eyes on his goal, grasping Pinky’s arms for a small level of assurance.
         Pinky didn’t usually mind Brain grabbing him and taking him somewhere, now he was holding his arms, no wait- his wrists, no -wait… his hands. They weren’t going anywhere either. His breath hitched, and he could feel Brain’s little rose colored eyes burning a hole in his face. Why does he look the way he does when he’s planning- only he’s looking at me! Is this some sort of new plan?
         Brain intended to bring Pinky closer to himself slowly, but he had never been a patient mouse. Besides, fear was beginning to grip him, and if he didn’t act now, he would simply never do it at all. That’s why he yanked Pinky into his face, gave him a sloppy, Bugs Bunny-style kiss, then dropped him and ran around the countertops to the other end of the lab. He certainly hoped he was coming off genuine, but he couldn’t bear to stick around and watch Pinky’s reaction.
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rgbyshipper101 · 2 years
I feel like I can do a compilation post of Wakko getting hurt from season 3 alone.
I went from thinking it’s gonna be a Wakko season (season 1 was about Dot and season 2 was about Yakko and Wakko was center of poster for season 3) to watching him suffer. Like what?
Does someone hate Wakko? Or finds sibling bashing funny? Cause it doesn’t work for them. They never did this to each other. They tease each other not bully. They said they looked at fan feedback. Brinky I can see but like did they see Wakko angst? Cause this definitely isn’t angst. It’s not even funny.
It’s too late in the day right now but I was researching for my reviews and realized this. I was gonna do wholesome sibling moments like I normally do but this brings me down. Ugh.
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patb-goose · 9 months
Tense ~ Brinky
Chapter 6
A brief massage from Pinky instills an addiction in Brain and causes him to stumble upon why it is that he likes them so much. Does he merely love the relief, or perhaps the mouse giving it?
Brain was doing this.
He was actually doing this. 
He wouldn’t be saying to himself or some mediocre stand in. Brain was going to confess to Pinky. 
“Pinky, come!” Brain had shouted, very unsure about what he was doing or about to do, but he had a confident determination nonetheless.
Throughout the course of the next day, and now night, he had decided to tell him face to face. There had been a lot of insecurity and warring within himself, but in the end, it was the only thing that made sense to him. This whole ordeal encompassed his every thought. How was he to focus on his stratagems if all he could think about was his idiotic companion and the feelings he somehow stirred within him? It was driving him mad, in both senses of the word. He needed to get the words out. Now.
Brain was waiting, tapping his fingers together in a very nervous way. He tried to convince himself he was angry. Angry at Pinky and his stupid massages for bringing this inconvenient knowledge of feelings to light. Brain would tell himself he didn’t want to feel this way. That these feelings were an unwelcome distraction and he was irritated by the fact that he cared for something more than the world.
But these were all lies. 
He enjoyed this feeling, no matter how he tried to rework it. Brain never showed it, but when he took the time to analyze how he truly felt about his friend, he knew the word ‘love’ barely touched it. Pinky was a naive buffoon, but he was loyal and sweet and supportive. He was caring and always tended to Brain’s every need. He was so selfless. Pinky was the complete opposite of The Brain. He was certain he didn’t deserve such a gentle soul by his side every waking moment, but there he remained. He was like sunlight breaking through a rainy day. 
None of which Brain would ever say to Pinky while he still drew breath…
But he would try to convey….something, at least.
After their last conversation, he at the very least felt assured that Pinky wouldn’t cast him aside if he didn’t like what he heard… That was what mattered. Brain didn’t need more than that. (even if the squeezing sensation in his heart disagreed)
“There is something we need to discuss.” Brain said once Pinky had come into view.
Pinky looks shy and guilty. “Is this about the egg salad i left underneath your pillow last night?”
“The what?”
“Nothing.” Pinky said quickly, shoving his hands behind his back. “Please continue.”
“Why would—”Brain shook his head and waved both of his hands in dismissive gestures at Pinky. He had many questions, like how, and why and for that matter, when?! But he decided not to ask any of them, “Nevermind. I don’t want to know.” That was a lecture for another time. He couldn’t afford to be distracted by his idiocies. This was far more important. “Come this way,” Brain said, yanking on his wrist a pulling him along to another section of counter. He wasn’t sure why, but he wasn’t really “feeling” their current location. If he did this, it had to be done right, with the right atmosphere. He considering turning down the lights but he thought that might be a bit much. Brain pulled him to several different spots and none felt ideal to him. (In truth, he knew his nerves were just making him do this in order to stall..)
“Um, Brain? S’everything alright? You are acting funny.”
What if Pinky thought he was joking? Or worse, what if Pinky thought he was a joke? Brain had his own difficulties accepting when this epiphany was thrust upon him. Pinky might not think he was serious. He wasn’t sure what he would do if he laughed, but he had to factor that in. It might happen.
His reaction doesn’t matter. His reaction doesn’t matter. His reaction doesn’t matter.
Brain took a breath and released him. He stared ahead at the books and scientific equipment before him. His shoulder bunched, the anxiety evident in his body language. He had to quit letting it hinder him. Otherwise, he would continue this cycle of half-done confessions. It was like crafting one of his plans but never finishing the construction of the machine. The comparison almost made him angry. He did not like to leave things unfinished. 
He turned around to face Pinky, who had this adorably confused look on his face. Brain kept his expression controlled. From Pinky point of view, he could have dragged him over here to tell him just about anything. In fact, he probably thought this was about another one of his schemes.
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“Pinky.” The taller mouse showed his attention at the sound of his name. Brain continued, “You… make me feel things..”  It was a safe start. He was actually impressed he’d gotten the words to leave his mouth. Maybe he could do this.
Pinky gave him a questioning gaze, tilting his head. “Anger?”
“Often, but, no, Pinky. Good things” He grabbed his shoulders and shook him lightly, “Positive things.”
“Egad! I had no idea I could make you feel positive things, Brain!”
“You are the last to be surprised by that fact.” Brain responded, his eyes trailing to the side as he reflected. “I can still hardly believe it myself…”
Pinky leaned toward him with keen interest to know more, startling Brain in the process. “”What kinds of good things?”
My, he was very close wasn’t he? Part of him didn’t mind that so much, as much as the other part was terrified of it. His feelings for Pinky were so perplexing. How is it possible one could want someone so close and yet fifty feet away at the same time? So much hinged on this conversation and would be the deciding factor on which of those feelings he leaned more towards.
Brain was second guessing himself. He knew these were only nerves. He still couldn’t help worrying about the aftermath; how things might change. He wasn’t delusional enough to believe in this ending like those movies Pinky (and he, secretly..) enjoyed. His mind worked overtime, calculating the various outcomes of his confession. The most ideal, unrealistic kind, the worst case scenarios —which he tried to block out— and the most likely. Pinky was easy to predict in most cases but this situation had him struggling to figure out the most probable result. He couldn’t be completely objective. 
He had fears of Pinky… leaving.
It kept creeping up and he had to continuously bury the irrational worry.
He knew that wouldn’t happen..  Despite Brain and all his flaws and misgivings, not to mention his flash temper, Pinky never casted him aside. He was too good. Too pure. Too loyal. Too…Pinky. 
Was it such a wonder he’d wrapped his way around his heart? 
He cleared his throat and leaned back a bit as he attempted to answer Pinky’s question. Brain had prompted it, after all. “Um.. well..” What did he say? There were too many things he could say, but they all carried some level of embarrassment for him. Expressing a feeling was difficult. “There are many things..”
“Such as?” Pinky pressed, eagerness set in his features.
He could be straightforward. He could simply explain what he was feeling at this very moment. Excluding the nerves. Pinky didn’t need to know about those. He wrung his hands. 
“You… make me feel…”
“Thirsty?” Pinky tried.
Brain placed a hand on his chest and angled back even further, looking at Pinky with wide eyes and a flush on his cheeks. “What on Earth are you talking about?!”
“Well, you look like you could use a glass of water..?” Pinky offered innocently.
“Oh.” Brain said, feeling a tad foolish. “Yes. Thank you, Pinky.” When Pinky ran off to go collect a thimble, Brain slapped both of his palms over his eyes. He was allowing himself to get far too carried away. 
Pinky was hardly that perceptive. 
Not that what he imagined he meant was true! He gave his face a hard slap. “Get a hold of yourself, Brain.”
He did his best to look natural when Pinky returned. With a wide grin, Pinky reached out to hand him his drink. Brain eagerly grabbed it and immediately began guzzling the entire thing down, desperate to cool his temperature. He gasped, feeling renewed.
“See? You were thirsty!”
Brain got up on his tiptoes, smashing his nose against his while wearing a glare. Something he did out of habit. “Stop using that word!” He lowered back down then, examining his cup even though there was nothing left inside. He rubbed his nose absentmindedly. Even whilst in irritation, the smallest contacts gave him the sense of tingles. He suddenly wished he had more water.
“Okaaay….You…umm, were, uh…Brain drinky-wanty..? Is that better?” Pinky shrugged.
Brain huffed in exasperation, “…Infinitely.”
“Now, then. You were saying?”
“You were going to tell me about the good things, remember?”
“Oh, that!” Brain clenched the thimble tightly. He had thought Pinky would have forgotten between here and the water retrieval. That would have been less stressful for Brain, but then he remembered that he was supposed to be making some sort of confession here, not trying to get out of it. 
Well, he could. 
Perhaps delay it so that he may do some more planning. Devise an easier way to get the words out. Hmm…maybe he could invent a machine that could do it for him—
No, he thought, the word slicing through his thoughts to eradicate all his bargaining. He was on the road to convincing himself not to come clean. He had to. If only for his own sanity. 
As if the idea of confessing to Pinky wasn’t proof that he’d already lost it…
“Well…” Brain started. “To, um, continue off from where I was…Gosh, where was I…?” He was stalling and he knew he was but he couldn’t help himself
“You were talking about your feelings” Pinky said, clasping his hands and fluttering his eyes.
“Mm…Yes…” He nodded his thanks for the reminder, though he tried not to look at him. He started again. “You make me fee- fuh—” Brain stuttered. He had to word it differently, because that had been how he’d stammered the first time. So, he stopped and tried again. “–want to…” Brain attempted.
There was a long pause and Brain seemed like he was having trouble. So Pinky tried to finish his sentence by saying the first thing that came to mind. “Play charades…?” It sounded plausible enough to him.
Brain’s face went from shy, back to his usual scowl. How Pinky could never even come close to relevance whenever he opened his mouth boggled his large mind.“What? No, Pinky, this is —He stopped in his tracks. This was perfect! He threw his hands forward “Yes! Yes, charades.”
Pinky clapped happily, “Oh, boy! I love charades! Troz!” After a moment, he closed eyes opened to a look of confusion once a memory hit him, “But wait, I thought you hated playing charades with me.”
“Whaaat? No… I …love… charades.” Brain said, falseness in his tone that he hoped wasn’t noticeable. He needed to sound as natural as possible to go forth with this plan. Being able to confess without having to say a word sounded more than ideal. “Besides, this would be a very special game of charades.”
“Special, Brain?”
“Uh, yes! Very special. I can assure that this particular game is one I would only consider playing with you” Brain responded truthfully.
Pinky’s eyes lit up. Brain nearly fell back when Pinky leaned forward, startling him. Goodness, he was so on edge… Not only that, Brain found himself admiring him. His eyes were very blue. His scientific mind began narrowing it down to the exact shade.
Electric…? No…Sky..?
“You mean it?” Pinky had asked.
Without thinking, Brain just blurted out, “Cyan..” Then he clamped his mouth shut, though unfortunately not in time to stop the random word from coming out. He spoke again before Pinky had the chance to ask. “Come along.” He grabbed his wrist and pulled him along to the cage. They would do this there.
Brain was slightly hunched over, a scowl freezing his face.
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Charades was not going well.
 They had been at this for some time now and Brain was remembering exactly why he despised playing this game with Pinky. He was awful at it. Or perhaps he was purposefully bad at it because Brain had something he needed to tell him without actually telling him. He rolled his eyes at that thought, realizing the ridiculousness. But it was irritating. At this rate, he’d be forced to use ‘words’ He got chills again.
Not yet.
Brain righted himself and performed his gestures again, before allowing Pinky to try for an answer.
Pinky looked confused, his brows down, scratching his head as he used every ounce of mental energy he had to try to guess at what Brain was trying to convey. He hoped he didn’t pull a muscle again. “Um, you…” he pointed at Brain and earned a nod. That was good. He pointed to himself “…want me..” Another nod. Oh, goody! “…tooo….” 
Brain nodded again, more fervently before gesturing to his head and repeated all the other movements. Brain actually felt as if he might get it when Pinky’s face lit up.
“Oh! You want me to…” He said, splaying his arms open wide, “—shove a biiiig block of cheese in my mouth while humming a popular song by the Backstreet Boys!” He tapped his chin. “Well, I’d say its doable but i’m not sure if I want it that a-way—” Pinky made a choked sound as Brain yanked him toward him.
“Pinky! Are you even trying?!” Brain spat.
“Brain.” Pinky ignored his words and instead chided him for going against the rules of charades. “I don’t think you’re supposed to talk”
Brain shoved him back with a growl. “Pinky, sometimes you are so obliviously, ridiculously idiotic, it’s almost cute”
Pinky gasped, “You think I’m cute?”
“What—No, that’s not what—”Brain stuttered, falling into old habits of saving face, but it wasn’t as if the statement was untrue, which is what made him flustered. Even if this had just been another case of Pinky missing the point of what he was saying.
“I’ll do it, Brain! Just for you! Narf!” The tall mouse was suddenly very motivated and eager to please.
Pinky ran off before he could stop him or even tell him that his guess was one hundred percent wrong. Brain pulled at the skin beneath his eyes, stretching it out in exasperation. He let go and it slapped back into place, leaving a tired glare set as his current default expression. Somehow, attempting to tell him was more stressful than the feeling’s existence alone. 
He slowly left the cage to go find him.
Pinky fell over, blue in the face as he struggled with the ridiculous challenge he had come up with himself ( and was convinced Brain was the one who had given it to him, because he was absolutely terrible at guessing games) The cheese was lodged in his throat. Brain stood there for a few seconds with his hands on his hips, his eyes carrying exasperation and a lack of surprise. Pinky was an absolute buffoon.
After waiting a little, Brain sighed at his idiocy and decided he should help him. He hopped up and jumped on his friend’s midsection, launching the block out of his friend’s mouth. The food crashed somewhere across the lab. Pinky gasped and coughed as he recovered.
While Pinky was distracted, Brain went off to have a tangent, and he did this aloud because it wasn’t as if the other mouse was paying him any mind. His attention was always elsewhere. Pinky was always in a world of his own, even when he was supposedly “listening” Granted, Brain hadn’t actually been talking but his gestures should have made it clear enough. But as per usual, Pinky didn’t get it.
He was so aggravated. How had he even let this happen? Him and his brilliant mind falling (incredibly hard, apparently) for a dense, oblivious complete nincompoop like Pinky!
He growled.
With a hefty sigh, Pinky came over to him. “Thanks, Brain!” He said, still sounding out of breath. “S’lot harder than it sounds…who woulda thought a block of cheese would be quite so….blocky?” He snorted, but by now he noticed that Brain seemed upset. He frowned, sure he had disappointed his friend, “I can try again!” He said, raising a finger and puffed his chest, “After all, if at first you don’t succeed, something-something-something!”
Before he could run off again, Brain stepped on his tail and he fell over, “Pinky. Try that again and I might just let darwin’s theory run its course.”
“What’s that, then?”
Brain was going to explain but he was so drained by the situation that he threw his hands in dismissal and began to march away. He would hope this would deter his friend from interacting, but he was never so lucky with Pinky.
“ Troz! Brain. Braaaaain!” Pinky called out, catching up with him with his arms out, “M’sorry, Brain.”
Brain stopped. He had no choice with him in his path. His emotions settled. He knew it wasn’t necessarily Pinky’s fault for not getting it. Maybe charades was too vague a method. A bit too wishful thinking on his part. He needed to try something else. It wasn’t working.
“Why can’t you fathom that I’m trying to tell you—!” 
Air. That’s what came out. Why was he this incapable? It’s like some invisible force was stopping the words from coming out. He didn’t understand. He wanted to say this. He truly did. Brain knew what he wanted to say, but everytime he looked at Pinky to say it (or even pretended during his practice sessions) he closed up. There was something special about him. Pinky twisted him up in so many different ways, both good and bad. Brain’s come to realize that he’s never felt like this about someone before. He thought he’d felt love before. He was certain he had, but the things he felt for Pinky, they were so different. So much more intense. Brain wasn’t sure he could even make him understand what he barely understood himself. To try made his heart palpitate uncontrollably. The idea of being open about these unique feelings to the one person who knew him best made him incredibly vulnerable. That explained his hesitance.
These thoughts were maddening. He shut them down before his head exploded from the uncertainty. He didn’t need to get into all that. It wouldn’t be necessary. All he needed was three words or at the very least, get Pinky to somehow grasp the concept by some means.
Before his mind could start up again, he hurriedly went up to his friend and spoke up. “Please. Do your best to think, Pinky.” He said. “What I am trying to tell you… Think of the most uncharacteristic thing. Something you would never in your lifespan expect me to say and what would you say that thing is?” 
Pinky had looked concerned but was immediately distracted once Brain had posed his question. He glanced upward. “Mmm….Let me see… Oh! I’ve got it!” Pinky looked back down at him.
Brain’s mouth pursed and he sweated a little, holding his breath until Pinky continued.
“You would say you don’t want to take over the world!” Pinky touched his face, “and I must say that is very uncharacteristic.”
Brain’s face fell into his palm and he sighed, “Okay, that was my fault. I left the bar too low…”
“Poit! Do me, Brain! Do me! What is the most uncharactery thingy you could never picture me saying?”
With a plain glance, Brain indulged him, “Hi. My name is Pinky and I am very good at grasping the obvious.” 
It should have been insulting but Pinky found it absolutely hilarious and had a good laugh, slapping his knee. “Oh! It’s true!” He cackled a little more, “I’m so bad at that! Narf!” Pinky settled a bit. “I’m plenty good at grasping other stuff though. Like my tail….or my foot…or my other foot…” He did a demonstration with each. “Or my Brain! Troz!” With that one, he lifted the shorter mouse off his feet, each hand beneath his arms.
Brain had decided to let him ramble on through his idiocy, rolling his eyes, but the very moment he hadn’t paid attention, he’d been swooped off the ground. His face fell in surprise and then reddened when his friend hugged him tightly, nuzzling their faces together. He gritted his teeth and did whatever he could to create enough distance to bop him sharply on the head.
Pinky was dazed for a moment, but so was Brain. He felt like he was going to have a heart attack. He never used to get quite so jittery during Pinky’s overbearingly affectionate moments. Annoyed, yes, but this was a much different experience. The nuzzling. Brain wanted to be nuzzled. Which was exactly why he couldn’t be.
So much emotion had already been building, he feared it was only a matter of time before it poured out. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in the most positive of ways. It came out via snapping.
“Pinky! You are missing the point of this exercise!”
“Egad! I didn’t know this was an exercise! I would’ve grabbed my spandex!” Pinky responded with hands on his hips.
Brain growled in irritation. “Focus, Pinky, focus! This is very important.” He counted on his fingers each word. “Uncharacteristic. Me. Go.” This was the best way to explain it to him because never in a million years would anyone, especially his best friend, expect that he, The Brain, would have fallen head over heels for the last person even he expected. It was so obvious. Brain knew even Pinky, with his low intelligence, would be able to come to that conclusion. He was making it easy to guess.
He hoped…
Honestly, he just really didn’t want to have to say it out loud…It was too difficult.
“Can’t you just tell me? Just a little hint?” Pinky pleaded instead.
“Because why?”
“Because I said so. Come on, Pinky. I’m leaving it right there for you. It’s not complicated.”
“I don’t know, Brain….It’s pretty vague, now, isn’t it? There are plenty of things you could do that would seem out of your ordinary Brainy-Brain-ness! How will I ever narrow it down? Poit!” Pinky replied and watched Brain lower his head into his hands and make a groaning sound. “We both know I’m going to get it wrong.” He giggled quietly, “So, go on. Tell me. What do you think would be the weirdest, most unusual thing for you to do?” Pinky smiled widely and waited but no reply came from Brain. “Brain?” He waited again, but after he just got more silence, he walked up to him and began waving his hand in front of the megalomaniac’s downcast eyes. “Oh, Braaaain—” His wrist was seized by his friend’s firm grip. Pinky seemed glad that he’d got his attention. “There you are! I didn’t get your answer, so what was it? Brain…?” Pinky began to look a little concerned and you could see questions on his face; This was just a little game, right? One of Brain’s fun quizzes? Was something actually wrong..? “Why won’t you tell me?”
“Because I can’t!” Brain shouted immediately. After a few seconds, he huffed and took a few steps away, placing both of his hands on his head., “Why am I even trying? I could tell you straight to your face, actually manage to say the words, and you still wouldn’t get it. Who am I kidding? I can barely fathom the concept.”
“Oh, now Brain. There’s nothing you could say to me that I wouldn’t understand!” Pinky was starting to understand why Brain wanted to play guessing games and gave him his sympathy. He wanted to tell him something but it was apparently very hard. 
Brain twisted to view him,“There’s arguably a lot, Pinky. If what you say were true, we’d have the world by now.”
Brain’s words gave Pinky an idea. “That’s it.”He commented and his friend gave him a look of curiosity. “Why don’t you just pretend it’s one of your world takeovery thingies!”
“I don’t follow…” Brain replied, a hand positioned on his face as he waited for Pinky to further explain what he meant.
Pinky raised his hands. “You know. When you come up with your plans and you toil away—” he mimicked using a keyboard, “with your tap-tap-tapping and then all the banging—”he imitated using a hammer “—and then wham! You’re done! And then you call me over, and I don’t listen, so you come find me and then there’s a pencil and stars—”
“Pinky….Please get to the point…” Brain begged impatiently, as he could see him losing focus.
“Oh! Oh, yes!” Pinky waved his hands, “and then you do your big reveal with the big words and tell me what we’re doing tonight! Just tell me just like that. Pretend you’re going to take over the world! And all you have to do is tell me how!” Pinky finished with a large grin, looking very pleased about his solution. 
Brain took a step back, almost as if Pinky’s words had assaulted him. “P–Pinky…” Brain said shakily. It wasn’t a bad idea. It was actually very clever on Pinky’s part. He knew that. But…how would he even begin? “It won’t work.” He decided, and before Pinky could interject, he went on. “The topics are completely separate. This has nothing to do with the world”
“That’s why it’s called ‘Pretend’, Brain. I mean, you always have such a easy time talking about your plans.” Pinky looked upward in thought. “Though, I suppose it would be rather easy to talk about those. You talk about them everyday! Zort! And if this is something you don’t talk about everyday, I see why it might be giving you trouble. That’s why I think the best way to get it out is to pretend you’re talking about something else!”
“Like the world…” Brain mumbled.
“Mmm…You do love the world, don’t you, Brain..?”
“That goes without saying…” Brain replied, pretending like the use of the ‘L’ word hadn’t made shivers go up his spine. He refrained from making direct eye contact until Pinky responded with a joke. 
“Aha, see? That does make it the most uncharactery thing you could say!” Pinky said smugly.
“Yes. Okay. You got me. It’s the most obvious but it’s not the correct answer.” 
“What is?”
Brain went back to Pinky’s resolution for Brain’s problem. He shook his head at it. While initially pondering the idea, he decided the comparison wouldn’t work. Sure, he could go off on a tangent of how he had come to his conclusion. All the ‘studies’, you could call it. The experimentation; i.e, him keeping note of each and every response he had to the various sessions of theirs. Brain swallowed, feeling sweaty and jittery about thinking of these things while Pinky scrutinized him.
At the end of it, he could state his final result. That he had discovered that he…
That he…  
That he…
“Brain…? Are you okay…? You’re changing color..”
The nerves became too much for him. Pinky was asking him questions. Repeatedly. He was pestering him. It was just too much. Too. Much. 
“Pinky! Would you just stop it! Will you stop with your silly inquiries and your ridiculous ideas?! None of it; None of it is making it any easier to admit out loud that somehow, unbeknownst to me, sitting somewhere deep beneath the consciousness of my mind, I have managed to succumb to levels of passion you only read about in risque literature; Adoration that far surpasses what you’d find in the classics. The torture of being both physically and emotionally attracted with no outlet. Having to suffer in silence because you’re incapable of saying three stupid yet also incredibly important words!”
“Beg pardon…?”
It looked as if everything had gone right over Pinky’s head. Steam built and Brain boiled over. He jumped mid-air and shouted very loudly, “I’ve fallen in love with you, you nincompoop!”
He landed, still wearing his glare and huffing to catch his breath. His arms were still up with balled fists as he wound down from his loud outburst. 
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His demeanor didn’t change until he heard;
“What did you say, Brain? Poit…” slow and shocked.
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Brain straightened in alarm. The way Pinky said this was not his usual innocent confusion or him not understanding what was said. Not his ‘Oh, sorry, totally missed that.” “Can you explain the plan again, Brain?’ This was a stunned sounding Pinky. In fact, if he wasn’t mistaken, Pinky looked about as shocked as Brain was sure he did. What did he do? What did he say? This was exactly how he hadn’t want it to come out. Brain had been so overwhelmed and didn’t truly realize what he had said and done until he heard those small words from Pinky.
Brain panicked. “I didn’t…I didn’t say anything! I-I—”
“You said— I heard you. You said you were in love with me.”
“No. Oh, no. I didn’t. I said…I said…” His mind was blank. He’d lost control of the situation and in his irritation had made an ill-timed outburst. He hadn’t even been remotely prepared. This had gone all wrong. Now, Pinky knew and he was staring at him with a gaze he couldn’t quite read. Pinky was judging him. He just knew it. It made him feel vulnerable and then, angry. So, he reacted with what came naturally; lashing out. He might as well know everything. “Okay! Fine! Yes, Pinky. Yes! There you have it! All the feelings in the world. Take it all in” He stomped up to him, poking him in the chest with a finger to emphasize every other word, following him as Pinky moved backwards. “I. like. you. I. am. attracted. to. you. You are the single most distracting mouse I have ever come into contact with.” 
“B–” Pinky moved forward but when Brain spoke, he moved back again.
“Don’t interrupt! That’s all you do. You interrupt my life and give me all these feelings and I alone have to figure out what to do about them. I have to constantly think about you and your laugh and your idiotic made up words and dances and whatever else. You are inane. Nothing you do makes any sense. Your stupidity is a constant vexation and yet despite all of that, somehow I cannot stop the the convulsions sent to my cardiovascular system every time I think of you. I can’t stand not having you near me. I desire it, even! I desire things you can’t even begin to imagine!” He had backed him into a wall now.
“You do?”
If Brain wasn’t in such a state, he might have noticed the dream-like quality in Pinky’s voice as he slumped. But all he’d heard was confusion and it frustrated him.
“Yes, Pinky! I do. Okay?! Are you happy now?! You know everything” ” He was exhaling heavily as he finished, winding down from possibly the worst, impulsive love confession of all time. 
What had he done? What had he done…? It just poured out. He’d spent so much time struggling with the words not coming out, but now that they had finally made themselves known, he felt ashamed. 
Brain turned his head and stuck out a hand just as Pinky began to inhale to stop him in his tracks. He couldn’t look at him. He knew his friend had things to say but he couldn’t let him say them.  “I don’t want to hear it. I already know what you’re going to say.” 
Brain wasn’t sure he could handle Pinky saying the words, the sympathy, the rejection, first hand. He understood it. That was enough.  Brain never went into this thinking that these feelings would be mutual and it was better that it wasn’t… He only did this to get it off his mind and he accomplished that. He could plan again. That was what he really wanted.
It was odd. It had made sense to him. He did feel a weight lifted now that the confession, albeit terrible, was out in the open. Which you would think would be a good thing…
But then…
Why did it hurt?
There was a weight lifted by the freed secret but there was another weight that sequentially slammed down on his chest after the fact. This wasn’t the relief he was expecting.
His eyes and ears drooped, but it was only for a second. Pinky was still there, watching him, probably feeling sorry for him and Brain didn’t want to give more reason. That was worse than mockery. He had to get away from him immediately, process this and file it away, as he did with most of his inconvenient emotions.
“But, Brain–” Pinky tried but Brain didn’t let him speak further.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do…”
Brain left before Pinky could argue or see any trace of excess moisture in his eyes.
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loveroffandoms · 4 years
Is it just me or do holiday-themed Pinky and the Brain episodes have some of the most angsty secedes in the show? [MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD]
I mean, think about it:
• The Pinky and the Brain Christmas episode has Pinky’s letter to Santa and the soul crushing moment when he asks for Brain to have the world
• The Halloween special where Pinky LITERALLY SELLS HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL just so he could make Brain’s dream come true. AND THEN Brain traveled to Hel-Hades to bring Pinky back. Even giving up the world for his hus-I mean his fellow mice fo help find the food pellets
• I know this doesn’t count but the Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain episode Yule Be Sorry, it shows a reality where Pinky doesn’t exist/Pinky is not Brain’s friend. It shows Brain will glance or talk aloud only to find his friend isn’t there. Brain even says that if he had the world but lost Pinky, then he would have gained nothing
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wimsiecal · 4 years
Honestly I can't remember what I followed you for originally but now I follow for Brinky
Pffft that's great 🤣
No really I'm happy hahaha
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handsmotif · 4 years
im not going to be a weirdo on the vc with rob and maurice and talk abt ships im probably just going to say that pinky and the brain are neurodivergent icons and mean a lot to me and my friends to have characters like them to relate to, tell maurice how much i love squit and the goodfeathers, and show rob my mug shaped like yakko’s head. that’s fine i think
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I've mentioned this a few times here or there on other people's posts, but as an older LGBT person in the Animaniacs fandom I hope the reboot keeps uping the LGBT themes a bit more.
They've returned to a very different world then what they left when it comes to representation. Shows like Steven Universe and The Owl House have been able to successfully intergrate LGBT content to children's programming in a way thats packaged for children, especially LGBT children. Growing up and only ever seeing LGBT content geared towards adults was nice but I definitely was not in spaces I should have been in and was definitely not seeing child apprioraite content.
I feel this way especially with Pinky and the Brain. Even adults recognized their affection for each other way back in the day. I think @thelittlemermage said it best when they said that there are aspects of their characters that can breath a little more, especially Pinky's.
It would also been nice to have some LGBT history and culture thrown in there. Like a LGBT history song or a whole episode making fun of drag race (be a good time to bring back Chicken Boo). Alot of LGBT culture has become more mainstream, like Rupauls Drag Race, or has been able to integrate/package itself for all ages.
Also, obviously it would nice for a main characters to come out *cough* Brinky *cough* but blatantly so like Steven Universe and not a "its up for intepretation" kinda way.
I just think theres something invaluable and unprecedented in a show from the 90s being able to come back and possibly really lean into the incredible cultural shift from those two time periods.
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friendshipgirl · 2 years
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theonethatyaks93 · 2 years
My Official Review of the Masterclass Pinky and The Brain Shorts (Spoilers)
Attention! DO NOT READ THIS if you don’t want spoilers for these shorts because I’ll be spoiling the heck out of them. Are we good? Alright!
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You guys!! I am proud to announce that these shorts, which I watched today, were actually pretty good! Like seriously! The clip show aspect was not invasive, the new animation was amazingly expressive, it was not a massive advertisement for the Masterclass service, it felt like a somewhat proper conclusion with the mice getting to say all their iconic phrases for one last time, there were no breaks in the continuity (in fact they bring back a lot of things such as Pinky lying whenever he says zort and the no-bake cheesecake), and it was actually funny!! I laughed a lot from the new stuff and the interactions were cute. Pinky calls Brain handsome!! Eeeeeeeeee! Brinky is real! The voice acting was also top notch. Why does Brain sound so good here? I don’t know but I love it! And the animation was amazing! For this being a secret project, it was well animated with a lot of expressions we see from season 3, proving that these were being produced simultaneously. Brain is also a wonderful teacher. He could does really well in this setting with him providing useful knowledge and tips. Brain was at his best here as well, with him not being too unlikable. He’s just over-the-top and funny. Also, the reveal of his greatest enemy was pretty surprising (Brain have you seen your internet fanbase? People love you!!). Pinky was so cute! He also gets a lot of good lines and interactions. I loved the ending of the final short with Pinky essentially defeating Brain’s plan because of something he learned. These shorts were also kind of complete chaos. Also, my worries of this being a massive ad for Masterclass were thankfully invalid. It wasn’t annoying and didn’t detract from my overall enjoyment. I’m so happy! However, there were a few issues. First off, they weren’t long enough! Sure the use their four minute run to their advantage, filling nearly that entire runtime with the mice, but I wanted more! They have so much potential for a spin-off that I think this might be a testing ground of sorts. Another problem was the amount of clips used. Yes, they weren’t that invasive and I thought that it could’ve been worse, but I wanted to see more new animation. It’s fine though. Brain and Pinky played off of those old clips very well to honestly hilarious results. Also, Brain Pinky-proofing his entire setup for the class was amusing and entertaining. And yes, I know everyone’s talking about the Future Brain references. I thought they were funny and clever.
Basically all my concerns about these shorts were made invalid. I really enjoyed them and I hope you did too. I can’t believe that I laughed as much as I did and I think the writers and animators were trying to put as many gags and jokes in as possible due to the short runtime. Were there problems? Yes. Was it as good as the highs from season 3? No. But I think these shorts served their purpose well and managed to surprise me. The animation was sooooooooo good! Do I think that this serves as a semi-proper finale; I think so. You have all that was missing from the final segment on Animaniacs. What more could you want? Anyways that it for now! I’d rank these an 8/10 overall. What a fun time! I’m going to miss them so much!! 🥺😢(Yes I’m working on Pinky Week right now. Sorry for the extensive delay!)
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volleypearlfan · 3 years
Now that Animaniacs is coming back in 2 business days, I am pleased to be bringing back my Bi Yakko, Enby Wakko, Transbian Dot and Brinky agendas
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thelittlemermage · 4 years
More Brinky Headcanons? pls
Brain doesn’t work on Christmas anymore. In fact, he finds that day a little overwhelming now. Not necessarily in a bad way, it just brings up a lot of strong feelings. Ultimately, he decided if Pinky deserves just one day a year to decide what they should do...this should be the day. So he gives him Christmas. And of course, he goes nuts with it. They watch EVERY Christmas special (at least he’s pretty sure it must be very one, there are so many), wear ugly Christmas sweaters, drink hot cocoa, chew on tinsel (only Pinky does that), and just have an obnoxiously festive time. Is it worth the world? Yes, always. 
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patb-goose · 9 months
Tense ~ Brinky
Chapter 2
A brief massage from Pinky instills an addiction in Brain and causes him to stumble upon why it is that he likes them so much. Does he merely love the relief, or perhaps the mouse giving it?
————————– After that massage, as relaxing and stress reducing as it had been, he had told himself that would be the end of it. It had to be! It was far too much of a hassle. It made him feel…weird. But…it also made him feel…good. He was becoming slightly attached to that sort of feeling. Brain felt ridiculous for it.  It was only a massage. Brain was only thankful for receiving some tension relief. That’s what he was feeling. Nothing more. Why, he wouldn’t care if it ever happened again.
He was wasting far too much thought on this. This was time that would be better spent on his plans and not Pinky. It was a new day. A new day meant new plans and work to do! He’d be so busy, he wouldn’t even give himself time to think about it.
Brain was on the counter, pencil in hand as he prepared to go to where he’d set up his book and busied himself with calculations and concepts. He didn’t get very far.
He glanced to watch Pinky out of the corner of his eye despite his resolve not to. It was hypocritical of him, considering his claims to care less, but his curiosities were getting the better of him. Pinky hadn’t noticed his gaze, so he turned fully to view him.
Just the act of looking at him made the thoughts return. He cursed them.
What was it about these massages that made him feel this way…? Was he that touch starved…or touch starved for Pinky…? No. No. He was being ridiculous. As if there was a day that went by where Pinky wasn’t all over him.. Too much, from where he was standing.. 
 Still….this was different. He found himself actually desiring that touch. Those hands. He watched them, so intrigued by every movement of his fingers. He wasn’t even doing anything special. Inanity, he was sure. Making some sort of nonsensical formation out of tin foil, giggling and being his ridiculous self. Brain felt his IQ points dropping by simply watching him. And yet, another part of him wished he was that tin foil, earning all of Pinky’s attention, having those beautifully firm fingertips digging in. He leaned on his pencil for support as his eyes drooped dreamily with a goofy grin to match. He got lost in a trance as he looked on, visualizing it in his mind and it was grand. “Yes!” 
Pinky did turn to look at him then and called his name questioningly, bringing Brain back to reality. His eyes widened, the pencil point snapped and he took a long fall off the counters edge, shouting all the way down until his face collided with the floor.
This was a pain that would linger…
Pinky gasped and immediately came to his aid.”Are you okay?” He called out, but before Pinky could even attempt to help him up, Brain was already peeling himself off the floor. He was still wobbly, so Pinky held out his arms anyway, just in time to catch him before he fell again, “That was quite a tumble, Brain, ZORT!”
Brain was embarrassed by his folly, but he had left himself in a good position he realized. He thought on it for a few seconds. His fall served as an adequate excuse. Not just for Pinky, but for Brain as well. It had been a nasty fall, hadn’t it? It would only serve his plan-making better if he allowed Pinky to soothe him from his temporary pains so they wouldn’t hinder him. He was a bit sore. It had nothing to do with his prior thinking.
“I hate to ask you again—” Brain began, as innocently as possible.
“Say no more, say no more. I’ve got you.” Pinky said almost instantly, picking up on his body language, and consequently picking him up to go to a more suitable location.
Brain blinked a few times, not quite expecting such a development without further explanation, (Pinky always required further explanation), but he most certainly was not arguing with having to say less to get to his desired result…
‘I’ve got you’ Brain repeated mentally. The words made him feel warm and cozy…Being carried gently in his arms wasn’t half bad either. He didn’t mind this time..
A few days had passed.
Brain had noticed a lift in his mood. Not only that, improved focus. Ideas almost overflowed. He had such a burst of inspiration, that it actually made him plan ahead. Not that he didn’t expect his current plan to be flawless enough to finally be the one that made them succeed in taking over the world, but back ups did come in handy considering their record. He felt strangely stress-free. 
It was nice.
Pinky came up behind him, obviously curious by the sound of his voice. “Oooh, that’s a lot of extra squiggles, isn’t it, Brain?” 
Brain, for once, didn’t correct him. Pinky had caught him in high spirits. In fact, hearing his voice brought a rare smile to his face. “Indeed it is, my friend. And all those ‘squiggles’ will ensure we finally take over the world!” He leaned back ever so slightly and was greeted by the warmth of Pinky’s chest. He hadn’t realized he’d been so close. 
Pinky gave his usual cheers and Brain relaxed, eager to give him some level of explanation but he would save it for his big reveal later on. He did appreciate his enthusiasm. It was encouraging. He had to get back to it, however, so it was best to usher him away. He was about to do just that but that was when Pinky’s hands went to his shoulders. His entire body stilled and he forgot what he was doing. 
His heart did a flip. Now? Brain hadn’t even made a request. He swallowed, glancing at his papers and noting all he had accomplished so far. Well, he had been at this for some time, and it was still hours before he’d need to execute… Perhaps he could take a small break. Brain did his best not to smile about the prospect. He closed his eyes and waited with the smallest bit of anticipation.
 After a gentle squeeze, however, his hands were gone. His eyes opened and he blinked a few times with a disappointed frown.
So, he wasn’t actually— 
Brain folded his arms, feeling rather embarrassed at himself for letting his mind go there, even though Pinky was obviously oblivious to any thoughts he may have been having. He absentmindedly rubbed his arms, suddenly missing the warmth despite the fact it had only been there for a few seconds. He dropped his hands quickly once he noticed. He set his glare on Pinky, silently blaming him but it was pointless. It was not his fault for Brain’s assumption. Why was he even thinking about it at a time like this? Pinky wasn’t going to do that everytime he touched him.
Besides, It wasn’t as if he required it at this moment; a massage. Brain was perfectly fine. He had been fine since the last time he had rationalized it. There was no current reasoning for it. Why would he just do that out of nowhere? That was something out of a fantasy (which, he didn’t have, obviously)
He grumbled to himself, suddenly wishing that he were tense so that he could make a request with some validity.
Like lightning striking, he came to his senses almost instantly.
How unbelievably ridiculous was that thought? 
He should be very glad he was feeling well and strong. It was better for the plans he needed to carry out. He would quote Pinky in saying that one cannot take over the world if one didn’t care of themselves first, and this was most certainly accomplished. If his mood was anything to go by, he was happier for it. Thanks to his friend’s handiwork, he was not sore. His usual pains were not agitating him, which helped him spend more time focusing all his attention on his brilliant plots. 
That was good.
The satisfaction flickered. Brain wanted… He paused, swallowing. His eyes viewed the other mouse, who was observing his calculations pointlessly. He knew Pinky didn’t comprehend a thing. His gaze swept his form, not quite understanding this strange feeling building inside him the longer his gaze lingered. He didn’t like it. It surfaced with each massage…and even each thought of them. It perplexed him.
Brain often loathed what he couldn’t understand. It was what pushed his goals in science…but no amount of study or research or science could ever make him understand Pinky. To even ponder trying gave him migraines. Despite all that, Pinky’s simplisticness and insanity often pulled at his curiosity. His feelings were very complex. Brain found he was often agitated in his presence…and yet, also had this confusion inducing need to be near him. 
Need. There was that word again…
He didn’t need him. Just like he didn’t need these massages.. But, he would admit he did enjoy his company.
And the massages? Well..those, too..
But he would just have to forget them! They were clearly distracting him. Easy enough. He’d gotten by without them before, and now that he had no reason to require them, it would be simple to do so. He nodded to himself, before bringing his attention back to Pinky.
He watched him as he used his fingers to trace the shapes of symbols and numbers on his paper. When he noticed he was beginning to smudge them, he yanked his hand away by the wrist in a scolding manner. “What have I said about touching?”
“Umm….Firmer and to the left?” Pinky guessed.
Brain’s eyes went wide and face red with heat. He growled. As if he needed Pinky to remind him even more of such things! He yanked on his wrist and flipped him over onto his back before proceeding to get back to work, drowning out the sounds of Pinky’s laughter. as well as the Narf and Zort that followed.
“Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down! HaHaHa!” Pinky exclaimed obnoxiously, swishing his tail about rapidly. He was laying so close to where Brain was standing that the swift movements of his tail swiped underneath Brain’s feet and made him off balance until he ultimately fell over. His pencil went flying in the other direction. Brain landed on top of Pinky, who wasted no time wrapping his arms fully around him. Due to his size and dizziness, he could do nothing against this. “Rolly time! Rolly time!” Pinky called out and proceeded to roll around with his friend on the counter, giggling up a storm. 
Brain called out his name in a stuttery way with each spin until they ultimately landed, a loud “Oof!” from Brain and an even louder laugh from Pinky.
The taller mouse had him pinned down, arms and legs both stretched out.“Oh! That was fun Brain! I do love when you’re in a playful mood! Troz!” Pinky said with giddiness.
“Pinky! You are crushing me!” Brain complained with a heavily narrowed brow, his mind returning. When Brain had pondered about Pinky applying pressure to him in a close together manner, this most certainly was not what he had in mind.  When Pinky gave a little way, Brain used the opportunity to turn onto his back so that he may get up on his own. 
“Sorry, Brain–” 
Brain looked upward to glare at his friend, but mistook how close the proximity was and suddenly they were nose to nose…
“..Oh, um…hello..” Pinky continued quietly with just a hint of amusement.
This wasn’t unusual.  Brain often got in his face in such ways when Pinky vexed him. But usually not like this. Something was different. The strange feelings from before returned full force…and Brain searched his eyes wondering what it all meant. He had been angry just a few seconds ago because of his friend’s impulsive behavior, hadn’t he? And now he was…he was…well, he didn’t know. But his urge to bop him had dissipated. Pinky had ceased his giggles and was merely staring back, which only served to make him feel more awkward. It was unsettling for him to be so quiet. 
Say something, Pinky. Brain begged mentally. Do something irksome to snap me out of this state..
Why must his heart beat so loud…? It was messing with his ability to think. Or maybe it was just Pinky. Pinky often did that. But it was usually through his annoying ways, and at this moment, there was nothing vexsome about him. Pinky was soft and warm and despite his complaints, he found himself enjoying the weight of him. His hands went to his sides instinctively, fingers delicately pushing through his fur in a cautious manner; He wasn’t sure why he’d done it, but it felt…right… 
“Brain..” Pinky said lowly, a tender smile lifting his cheeks. He had wondered if Brain wished for him to move, but his touch said otherwise. Pinky did not know what it meant but he knew it made him grin.
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The way he said his name sent chills throughout him. Brain could not remember him ever saying it so gently, nor it affecting him in such a way. Alerts were blaring in his mind, telling him it was time to run away.
He could pull him closer…
Wait. He blinked. Why would he do that?
In the end, he wound up pushing him away in a typical manner the other was no doubt accustomed to. A smart decision, Brain thought.
He did not know what was wrong with him. He’d felt so unsteady. He still did. He’d felt uncomfortable.
He’d felt comfortable…and he was uncomfortable with how comfortable he’d felt. 
It was bizarre.
It all had begun with these accursed massages. Pinky was getting under his skin and much differently than he was used to.. His resolve amounted to nothing. No amount of mental preparation mattered the moment they were in close proximity. He selfishly wanted them. He wanted them for no reason at all. The closer he was, the more he thought about it. Who was he kidding? Even when he was far away he thought about it.
This was nonsense.
Easy enough, Brain mocked his earlier thought. 
Why was he behaving this way? What did it all mean?
Brain stood, still pondering this; these strange thoughts and feelings. Pinky stood not long after and went over to him. Brain raised a brow as the other mouse began dusting him off with swipes of his palms, gaining his attention. He was used to this. Pinky loved to tend to him and Brain realized he liked it a lot more than he’d let on… 
Pinky circled him around to the back, ready to dust his shoulders but halted his movements suddenly, because Brain had grabbed his hand. 
When Brain realized he had done this, his eyes widened and his head whipped to look at his best friend, who looked just as surprised. He must’ve done it subconsciously. It was very unlike Brain to do something without thinking….but maybe it wasn’t so unthinking.. After all, he was thinking about Pinky…
“Needing something, Brain?” Pinky asked.
Pinky knew. He had to know. Brain began to sweat. Pinky knew that he was acting strangely and he was going to have questions. Questions Brain did not know how to reply to. What did he say? What should he say? He began to sweat more.
Get ahold of yourself, he self-assured and began to calm down, This is Pinky. He knows next to nothing…
Brain didn’t answer and looked as though he didn’t know how to answer, feeling a bit frozen in place. So, Pinky thought for a moment and put together an answer of his own based on Brain’s last comment. “ Oh. Are you sore again?”
Okay. Maybe not nothing…
Brain’s eyes widened and his heart rate picked up at the implications that usually followed this conversation. He was alarmed but…he wanted it. 
“Yes. I am sore. Very sore” Brain blurted out almost immediately without thinking. He hadn’t meant to, but could not turn back now. He swallowed back the shame. “I guess I’ll be needing another one of those…” he cleared his throat, “massages…” He hated to say the word aloud. It made him blush and his heart beat even faster. He also felt like a bit of a heel, considering just earlier he was convincing himself he needed to forget these…somewhat favorable distractions… But when the opportunity presented itself, he couldn’t just let it slip by.
But this would be the final time. He swore.
“You like them, don’t you, Brain?” Pinky asked, feeling a bit of pride.
He did know!!
Brain panicked. He couldn’t have that. He had to think quick.
“What? No. I don’t like them. I only…well, logically…” Drat. Why were his words failing him now. Pinky was looking at him, scrutinizing his every move. He had to quickly save face. He cleared his throat. “They are necessary.”
“They are?”
“Well, yes. It’s the only way to deal with the pain that ails me on the constant..”
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“Y’mean, it hasn’t gone away…?” Pinky asked, suddenly appearing very sad. He had wanted to help his friend out, but it appeared what he was doing was having no effect. It made both his heart and head hurt. He didn’t understand. Why would Brain continue to ask if the massages weren’t helping? Or…maybe they were to some degree? “Poit.”
Brain could not look in his eyes. He always had trouble with that when he lied. “It would appear not.”
Pinky pondered what to do, and then it came to him.
“Theres no way around it, Brain. We’re just going to have to have a longer session..” Pinky decided he was just going to have to try harder. A more lengthy massage to make sure he got every single inch of Brain’s hurty parts. He did have a tendency to be forgetful, so that seemed like the best thing to do. He would heal his Brain yet!
“Luh– Longer…?” Brains eyes grew and glistened a moment. He very much liked that idea. It would be so very relaxing. It put him in a dreamlike bubble, which popped the second he realized that it wouldn’t work. He frowned about this as logic brought him back to his senses. “Oh wait. I can’t. The plan.” He still had details to work out and things to go over. A short break he could rationalize, but he was certain if he even entertained Pinky, he would lose track of time. He was so torn! But the plan had to come first. He was ashamed that he had forgotten about it until just now. More proof of how distracted this concept made him. He would have to put it off for now, and just hope an opportunity arose later. He cursed.
“But Brain, we have to.” Pinky reasoned, raising his arms and leaning his way to try getting some sense through to him. If Brain was in pain, it would do him no good during his plans and he knew how important that was.
Brain waved him off and picked up a sheet of paper, busying himself by looking to see where his pencil had rolled after Pinky’s assault. He was doing his best to reject something he really wanted, and a pestering from the one who could provide it was not making things any easier. 
“Pinky. There is much work to be done. I’ll be fine.” Brain was being honest here. He truly would be, and he knew it. Though, he couldn’t believe he was passing this up but he couldn’t let it distract him from taking over the world. That was more important than some…indulgence.  He wrote some things down, attempting to focus on anything but his friend.
Pinky didn’t let that happen.
“Okay. But what if we get all the way to the very top and you are carrying your big ol’ fancy remote device thingy—” He gestured, hunched over walking with an invisible object. Then, he snapped back in front of Brain, almost causing him to fall over, dropping his pencil yet again “But THEN! You get a twinge!” He grabbed his arms and shook him, “A twinge, Brain! And oh, it hurts so bad! Troz!” He hugged himself, “The pain! ‘If only I had done something to avoid such a disaster’ “ He flung himself backward, falling flat on his back on the counter, “And then, splat! You fall all the way down off the Empire State building! Your whole plan in shambles because you didn’t listen!” Pinky teared up a little.
“That won’t happen.”
“How do you know?!” Pinky called out, sitting up suddenly.
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“Because we aren’t going to the Empire State building.”
Pinky got to his feet.
“Well, if that’s the way you feel about it, Mr. Smarty-pants, then I suppose we have nothing more to talk about!” Pinky turned up his nose with closed eyes and folded his arms.
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Pinky was really invested and overreacting in a ridiculous manner. Brain had to put a stop to it. “For goodness sakes Pinky! It doesn’t even–”
Pinky had dropped his aura of upset in exchange for a look of curiosity at Brain’s incomplete sentence. “It doesn’t even what, Brain…?
Brain gasped and bit his lip. What was he doing? Was he really going to slip up just so he could have the last word? If Pinky knew he truly felt better, he may never get a massage again. Which… wasn’t so bad, as it would end this routine and things could get back to normal. That would be preferable, wouldn’t it? The strange feelings would stop. He would stop thinking about it so constantly, in time, and he would never have to awkwardly tell Pinky how confusingly attached he had become to these happenings. 
 These were all things his mind told him would be ideal, logically, but every other part of him seemed to dislike this idea. Brain knew he would miss it… Despite past claims, he wanted it to continue.
Besides, Pinky was the one nagging him about it. Who was he to deny him? This meant really it was more Pinky’s idea than his. He would have to give in (with restrictions, of course. He did have a plan to complete.)
Brain swallowed, shaky as he tried to answer him.
“Uh….Uhm…What I meant to say was…You’re right, Pinky…” Those words felt weird in his throat, even if he did say them on occasion. “I am being foolish. How about a compromise. I allow you to do half now…and half later, for…as long as you see fit.” He was blushing. He knew he was. Brain turned away once he realized this. Pinky couldn’t see it. He wouldn’t let him. 
“You mean it?” Pinky brightened up, eager that Brain was going to allow him to help after all.He really wanted to, even if it wasn’t what he’d had in mind. He’d do his best now and even better later. He swore it. For Brain. 
Brain faced forward, away from him and sounded like he were in disbelief. “Apparently so..”
He continued to question why he was doing this in the first place, but Pinky’s hands were on his shoulders again and he put off any more thought on the matter. 
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nerdymariamania · 4 years
Maurice is on the Ship-it-show with Tara Strong, and I am TERRIFIED they will bring up Brinky
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baemy624 · 4 years
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I was listening to my patb playlist and this song came on and I realized how to fix it + the episode.
So you can keep the song but change Pinky’s cameos to wanting to join them (take pictures, prepare snacks, etc) as more of a motherly figure.
And in the song during his short part: (as a rewrite)
“Oh, what is this emptiness?
Brian has not realized what he’s done
Oh, how I’ve dreamt of this!
All I want’s another... (son)”
The writers really missed their chance to bring back Romy, or at least this sorta robot-son. If they just tweaked Pinky’s reaction to wanting to be apart of the family rather than wanting to be in the place of robot-Brain, then this would be *chef’s kiss* golden.
An updated ‘Brinky’ was practically here, but they fumbled w the execution 😪
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