#brian wtw
yourbelgianthings · 11 months
within the wires first gay man just dropped! he wears vintage cravats and restored an old farmhouse (he’s also snooping around and harassing people at work but shhh it’s probably only people who hate him lying about it!)
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ah yes within the wires' first mlm relationship. multi level marketing scheme relationship
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sk-ew · 10 months
Hey. Hey Tony. Tony?
”I want you to get what you deserve. I’ve wanted it for a long time.”
What the actual fuck does that mean!?
Again, I am so torn between whether I think he wants to fuck him or kill him.
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trashburgersblair · 10 months
I genuinely can't tell if Tony is trying to destroy or help in a shady way.
He's implying that Brian's husband is cheating on him, and that end line of, " do you know how to pick a lock? you never know when skills like that come in handy." Which is shady as fuck.
This doesn't seem that super helpful advice, but also some of it is a think.
I am dumbfounded, but I support it
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themadcaptain · 9 months
That….was quite a ride, folks
Unrelated - am I the only one who would love another book or side series or something from the pov of the people the tapes are made for? Because I would LOVE to read Greg’s reactions to all this first hand
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wtwcommunity · 10 months
it's time for WtW Major Arcana Project...2!
we're doing another one! the first project was so much fun, and such a success, that we want to do another. and as luck would have it, we've had four seasons and a novel since the last one, so we have a whole new roster of characters to choose from.
as before, drawing ability is no object whatsoever. whether or not you think you "can draw", you are more than welcome to participate in this project!
here is our new lineup (huge thank you to @iknikblackstonevarrick for putting it together with some input from the rest of the server gang!)
to claim a card, send an ask or message to this blog, or join the discord server linked in this blog's pinned post.
The Fool (0) - Anita (FenTheOtter)
The Magician (I) - Ekaterina Yelchin
The High Priestess (II) - Gwen/Nan (eyeharvester)
The Empress (III) - Liv
The Emperor (IV) - The Arboretum (@dystopiansoundscape/sarwhal)
The Hierophant (V) - Brian (@krypey)
The Lovers (VI) - Chunhua and Tina (marlar1222)
The Chariot (VII) - Indra (@saintmichale/mckay)
Strength (VIII) - Siobhán
The Hermit (IX) - Gráinne Lynch (@genderbinaryisforlosers/styx)
The Wheel of Fortune (X) - Rose Torres
Justice (XI) - Nora Bostwick
The Hanged Man (XII) - Clíodhna Byrne (Static)
Death (XIII) - Elsa (YFIJBTR) (cern)
Temperance (XIV) - The Yuriatin Press (@iknikblackstonevarrick)
The Devil (XV) - Tony Tollinger
The Tower (XVI) - Hilda Brownstead
The Star (XVII) - Miriam Gregory
The Moon (XVIII) - Rosemary (YFIJBTR)
The Sun (XIX) - Teresa Moyo
Judgment (XX) - Edgar Hartley (graci)
The World (XXI) - Elena Jiménez (rcbirdy)
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 8 months
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WTW Relationship Week – Day 6
The Báthory Family
The Báthorys are one of the most powerful witch dynasties, even though they don't belong to the Great 666. The dynasty is known for not following the rules most witches do, their affinity for dark magic and their leadership over other minor covens. They follow an hereditary line of succession, being now led by Jacquetta Báthory. From Jacquetta it passes to her daughter Vera, who despite being the third and is a twin and they precedence in the line of succession. Vera and her twin, Brian, were both put to The Test as all twins do. Vera won.
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ghost-town-story · 3 years
(WTW Prompt Bingo No. 2. Am I going for that middle line bingo? Who knows. Either way these prompts were too perfect for Band AU. Brian’s joining the band y’all)
The moment Brian walked into the coffee shop, he started to wonder if he was going to regret this. The coffee shop was incredibly crowded, and the noise and bustling was aggravating the tail end of his hangover. Admittedly, he probably should have expected something along these lines with classes starting soon and everybody moving in, but it was still a pain.
Unfortunately, just as Brian was debating saying fuck it and leaving, he caught sight of Aiden waving him down. Thankfully, he wasn’t far from the door, sitting at a table with a boy his age that Brian didn’t recognize.
Well. There went any hope of making a quiet escape. Brian resigned himself to his fate and made his way over to the pair.
“Hey.” Brian slid into the free chair across from Aiden. “Wasn’t expecting two of you.”
“Hey!” Brian was reminded vividly of an excited puppy as Aiden grinned. “Yeah, sorry, maybe should have warned you, but this is Theo, my best friend.”
“Yo,” Theo greeted. When Brian looked at him, he was met with brown eyes staring right back, and Brian had the distinct impression Theo was sizing him up.
Luckily, Brian was used to appearing unfazed, even in the face of unexpected pretty boys. He spared Theo a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to Aiden. “Okay. You said you wanted to talk?”
“Yeah!” The mental image of a puppy was only growing. “So, funny enough, this actually does include Theo a bit,” Aiden continued with a laugh. “We have a band, you see, and we’ve been looking for an unclean vocalist for a while now.”
“And you’re asking me because of last night?” Brian guessed.
Aiden nodded with a hopeful expression.
Brian let out a long breath. Great. He was going to have to disappoint the excited puppy. “Hate to burst your bubble, but it’s going to have to be a no from me,” he said. “I’m not exactly bursting with free time around work and classes.”
Aiden’s face fell, but before he could say anything, Theo spoke up. “You have no idea who we are, do you?”
Brian frowned at him. “You literally introduced yourselves to me.”
Theo sat back with a smirk, and god Brian hated how good he looked. “Hi,” he said. “I’m Theo Kingston, he’s Aiden Heller, and we’re two-fifths of the band The Sirens.”
Brian didn’t keep close tabs on the music scene, but he had at least heard of the band. Which made it even harder to believe that these two college freshmen sitting in front of him were actually a part of said band.
“You’re joking.”
“Does it look like I am?” Theo retorted.
Before Brian could think of some sort of response, Aiden cut in. “We’re serious here,” he said earnestly. “And I am very serious about liking your voice and wanting you to join our band. So if you legitimately have no free time, I understand. But if that’s just an excuse cause you thought we were just some cover band…” Damn. The kid was more perceptive than Brian anticipated. “Well.” Aiden shrugged. “Can you at least think about it?”  
It was… a tempting offer.  One that Brian couldn’t help but actually half consider, despite his reservations. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”
Despite his non-committal words though, Brian couldn’t help but feel like he was in a little over his head as Aiden grinned back at him.
(Bingo card beneath the cut again)
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Prompts: University + Band
Word Count: 572
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henrytcasey · 7 years
Watch This Wrestling 49 (12/10—12/16)
Hello friends!
As always, if I'm missing anything that can be accessed without too much trouble, @ me on twitter: henrytcasey .
What I Watched
Beyond Wrestling: Cold Brew, 12/10
Evolve 97, 12/10
Fight Club Pro: Infinite, 12/10
Monday Night Raw, 12/11
SmackDown LIVE, 12/12
205 Live, 12/12
NXT, 12/13
Death Match 7, 12/13
MLW: Never Say Never, 12/13
Impact Wrestling, 12/14
Progress Chapter 59: Whatever People Say We Are, That's What We're Not, 12/15
House of Glory: Se7en, 12/16
Upcoming Watch List
WWE Clash of Champions 2017, 12/17
Monday Night Raw, 12/18
SmackDown LIVE, 12/19
205 Live, 12/19
NXT, 12/20
Progress: Live at the Dome (12/13), 12/22
Non-WWE Match of The Week:
Mark Davis vs. Jordan Devlin vs. MK McKinnan vs. Omari (Infinity 2017 – Final)
Fight Club: PRO: Infinity 2017
Fight Club Pro — one of my favorite new promotions to watch this year — came to a raucous crescendo with its Infinity 2017 tournament. And so while I wanted to give the point to one of the many other good matches from that week (wow, see below), this elimination based-fourway was so solid. Not only does it offer a chaotic scramble style, but you practically got a whole other great match when it was down to the final two. 
Honorable Mentions:
Walter vs David Starr, Beyond Wrestling: Cold Brew, 12/10
Darby Allin vs. Keith Lee vs. "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams, Evolve 97, 12/10
Jaka vs. Zack Sabre, Jr. (c) (Evolve World Championship), Evolve 97, 12/10
Matt Riddle vs. WALTER (No Rope Breaks Match), Evolve 97, 12/10
Omari vs. Millie McKenzie (Infinity 2017 – First Round), Fight Club: PRO: Infinity 2017, 12/10 VOD
Kay Lee Ray vs. Mark Davis (Infinity 2017 – First Round), Fight Club: PRO: Infinity 2017, 12/10 VOD
Ospreay/Okada vs Naito/Takahashi, NJPW World Tag League Final, 12/11
Zack Sabre Jr. vs Chuck Taylor in a Falls Count Anywhere No Ring Match, Death Match 7, 12/13
MJF vs Joey Ryan, MLW: Never Say Never, 12/13 
Shane Strickland & John Hennigan vs Jimmy Havoc & Darby Allin, MLW: Never Say Never, 12/13
Grizzled Young Vets (Zack Gibson & James Drake) vs Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis), Progress Chapter 59: Whatever People Say We Are, That's What We're Not, 12/15
EYFBO (Angel Ortiz & Mike Draztik) vs Private Party vs House Of Gangone vs Brian Burgundy & TJ Marconi, House of Glory: Se7en, 12/16
Zack Sabre Jr. vs Amazing Red, House of Glory: Se7en, 12/16
Non-WWE Segment of The Week
A Wild Chris Jericho Appears... And Then
NJPW World Tag League Final, 12/11
What started as a fantastic surprise now has some teeth to it, thanks to these two segments. Just, bravo. 
Also, gotta love the subtle trolling from Jericho, in the lines saying this match will end Omega, he specifically suggests it’s the end of Omega’s run in New Japan. 
WWE Match of The Week:
Roman Reigns vs. Cesaro - Intercontinental Championship Match
Monday Night Raw, 12/11
Ah Cesaro. Remember what I said about his former fellow King of Wrestling in WTW 48? Same goes here. 
And this match allowed him to show management that he’s ready as hell for a singles push if and when Sheamus retires.
Honorable Mentions:
Seth Rollins vs. Sheamus: Raw, Dec. 11, 2017 - YouTube, Monday Night Raw, 12/11 
The Usos vs. Rusev & Aiden English, SmackDown LIVE, 12/12 
Aleister Black vs. Adam Cole, NXT, 12/13
Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs. The Authors of Pain, NXT, 12/13
WWE Segment of the Week:
“Don’t talk to Drew like that.” - Tony Nese / Tony Nese vs Enzo Amore
205 Live, 12/12
It pissed off many that Enzo Amore got the cruiserweight championship, but wow has this situation helped Drew Gulak. While the below segment focuses on the match between Nese and Amore, I’m only bringing it in as contextual info to a clip WWE’s YouTube doesn’t have, a backstage segment where Gulak’s Team PowerPoint buddy Tony Nese — maybe Drew’s one true friend — stuck up for Drew. 
The sadness of the betrayal, though. Not since Festival of Friendship has WWE hit this note so well.
Honorable Mentions:
Matt Hardy’s “Woken Warriors” prepare to battle the “Wyatt Swarm”, Monday Night Raw, 12/11
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn occupy SmackDown, SmackDown LIVE, 12/12
"The Queen of Spades" Shayna Baszler is headed to NXT, NXT, 12/13
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trashburgersblair · 10 months
Tony saying that he thinks Brian's dog is gentle implies that he has in person seen it.
He's also farther implying that Brian's husband is cheating
"YOUR HUSBAND TOLD ME" The fuck?????
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trashburgersblair · 10 months
sorry, wtw liveblogging again, like halfway through the ep
major within the wires s8 spoilers (also kind long):
what the fuck is happening
he slept with Tony
holy fuck
there's another affair
he was demoted as well what the hell is happening
no not the dog (istg if Tony killed the dog)
omg the house as well
what the fuck is happening
my fuck What The Hell
Ok, episode done, final thoughts:
that was so much information. Tony slept with Brian/Greg AND his husband, broke up their marriage. Knew that Brian's real name was Greg, and apparently knew him when that was the case? Might have killed his dog. Might have implanted termites into the house. Definatly was the cause of the demotion (or rather it was Brian following Tony's advice that caused the demotion).
fucking hell that was a ride
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themadcaptain · 11 months
Okay - NOW this season has my full attention
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trashburgersblair · 10 months
my wtw liveblogging broke tumblr (can't see any blog content from anyone)
"I could make you, you know" Honestly sounded so sexually charged
Tony is manipulative, just straight up admitted it.
(Tony Tollinger avatar of the Web)
... Brian's sounding a lot like me. "the most passive creature alive" "a complete non-entity" "no regard for the feelings or needs of others"
Tony's laugh is actually pretty nice
"I know everything I need to know about you" CREEPY MAN
i don't know what the IID is but this seems pretty important
ok, liveblogging done now, that was a roller-coaster
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