📖+ Fashion Model Agent 3. Let's see what you decide to do with this! (@braveheartsquid)
('Bout time I answered this)
Ever since she was a young child, the Inkling known as Tanya Hokai has always been interesting in going down runways, showing off clothes, things like that. So when she finally got her chance to start strutting her stuff down runways at the age of 16 years old, she definitely didn't look back. Sure, she occasionally participated in Turf Wars like she did during her younger years, but that was RARE nowadays due to the fact she was swarmed by fans each and every time after a Turf War! Though when the Great Zapfish had gone missing, her modeling gigs were becoming more and more rare due to power slowly becoming more and more limited across Inkopolis. And on her way to one such gig, she had noticed Captain Cuttlefish sticking his head out of the sewer grate that led to Octo Valley.
Unfortunately letting her curiosity get the better of her, the fashion model followed the Captain down the sewer grate; Captain Cuttlefish explaining everything that was going on and how the Octarians were responsible for the disappearance of the Great Zapfish. At first, Tanya was going to decline the offer of becoming Agent 3, but the more she thought about it... She eventually agreed to becoming Agent 3. Though less for the sake of Inkopolis and more for the sake of her modeling career being at risk. However, the more she battled the Octarians and the more Zapfish she saved, Tanya found herself becoming more and more excitable fighting the Octarian menace until eventually... She was fighting for more than her fashion career. She was fighting to defeat the Octarians. She was fighting for the sake of Inkopolis!
Sure, she was more than happy to save her modeling career, but after that fateful day...
Whenever duty calls, Agent 3 never hesitates to put on that Hero Suit and cape of hers and rush to Octo Valley to take out Octarians...
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longtermlingloon · 2 years
"Trisa! How big have you managed to get?" (@braveheartsquid)
"Well, ever since those people rolled me onto my stomach " So I could see the presentation better", I've had a harder time trying to get a sense of proportion. Last I remember, I was, like, a foot or two from my head bumping against the ceiling? I honestly can't tell anymore."
She really couldn't. It's hard to tell much of anything without a neck.
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demonicrebeletna · 2 years
Since y'all been asking...
@demonicrebeletna - You're here! It's Etna! @nauticalnonsenserealm - An Azure Lane-inspired RP Blog @agent2i - A Marie RP Blog @neoagent3 - A Neo Agent 3 RP Blog @oversizedscouts - A Sailor Moon expansion RP Blog @enbywarriorastolfo - An Astolfo RP Blog @chubbymagician - A Marisa/Touhou RP Blog @fashionsquid - A Toni Kensa RP Blog from Splatoon 2 @helpfuldoggo - An Isabelle RP Blog @braveheartsquid - Electra, my Splatoon OC @growinggaminggoblin - Timtaz, a goblin OC! @ember-space - My self-insert OC! @dog-n-cats - Homestuck Blog!
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
“Hey loser!” (@braveheartsquid from Wendy.. she's going to regret this, isn't she?)
The slip of paper had the following written:
Writes Dungeons and Dragons smut fanfiction.
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
Shot! A foam dart at Wendy's arm! (@braveheartsquid)
Wendy shot up onto the ceiling, claws dug in; with her tail straight as a flagpole.
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"So Three, how much can you lift?" (@braveheartsquid)
"A lot more than you'd think." Agent 3 answered. "I may be flabby like the rest of the Splatoon, but under all this fat is plenty of muscle."
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ [@braveheartsquid to Wendy!]
Send me   ‘ ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ‘   and my muse will list 6 things they want to do with / to yours. 
"To go camping."
"Go swimming, if possible. Don't want to risk any harm."
"...just hang out."
"M-maybe -uh- just go out..."
"Maybe date... I don't know if it'll be a gooddecision."
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Casino Night Zone (Agent 3 @braveheartsquid)
They've hit it big tonight! Normally, Agent 3 wouldn't be one to go doing something like gambling... Buuuuut since the new casino that opened up reminded her highly of Sonic 2's Casino Night Zone, with the bright lights and the unique slot machines where you have to shoot a certain amount of ink into them in order to activate them, she figured why not? What's the worst thing that could happen with her an Electra going to a casino for one night?
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"Hah, well.. there's a lot that I can do. I mean.. I would be down to give a demo sometime Three.. I can call you Three, right?" @braveheartsquid
"I'm too used to being called Agent Three in the field, so I'll allow it over my actual name." Agent 3 replied with a nod, crossing her arms and placing them down on her stomach. "For now, YOU need to tell me how you're able to perform everything I've seen you do so far in my investigation."
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
“fee fi fo fum” (Wendy and @braveheartsquid)
Ever since she seen out of place areas having different inks, she gain interest in finding out what effects each have. One of the methods to find the effects was to toss herself into said ink. To become a fifty foot tall Octosquid was on thing she couldn't predict.
"At least this wasn't in the city or a kettle." Wendy nervously giggled.
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‘ you slept for a long time. ’ (@braveheartsquid to Agent 3 Neo).
"Ugh... Blame the fact that Captain Buffy called me in the middle of the night for a mission..." Neo groaned.
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“This is wrong. Who deserves this as punishment?” (@braveheartsquid to Agent 3)
"Trust me, I've... Urk... Suffered worse..." Agent 3 replied, having gotten captured by the Octarian menace, stripped of her weapons and Hero Suit - leaving her in nothing but her grey boxers and white bra - and pinned against a wall covered with Octarian Ink via metallic shackles at her wrists and ankles that the veteran agent was struggling to get herself free from.
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📖+ Supersized Thunder Agent 3! (@braveheartsquid)
Due to her constant investigation into Electra Calypso's electrical ink, Agent 3 had come into physical contact with the stuff far too many times than what should be safe for any normal Inkling or Octoling. Which eventually came with an... Unfortunate side effect of her growing huge. Not in the sense of fat, but in the sense of the fact she grew into a coddamn giantess! Shell, she had become the size of a small house before her growth finally came to a stop! Thank cod her Hero Suit mysteriously grew with her, or else things would have been a lot more embarrassing for the veteran agent. Not only that, but for some odd reason, she had found herself gaining the exact same electrical abilities that Electra herself naturally had... Something which she was definitely going to apply when she was called in for missions in Octo Canyon. That is, if the now gigantic Inkling didn't start crushing the Octarian menace under her own two feet first...
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👀 (@braveheartsquid for.. Rider!)
She forgot why, but for some reason Rider didn't have much of a choice but to bunk with Electra for the night. Was it because of the fact that the two ended up encountering each other and decided to train and lost track of the time? Or was it because if a different reason entirely? Thank cod for the spare bedroom. Though instead of walking in on a completely nude Rider like what would have probably been expected, Electra ended up walking in on her... Removing her normal clothes and revealing a complete Hero Suit underneath the clothes she normally wore! Not only that, but along with the Hero Suit, she was wearing a black cape with a giant yellow-green colored 3 imprinted on the center of the cape!
There had been... Stories of an unknown Inkling with such clothes helping out Inkopolis when it was needed, but those were just stories! Rumors! Could the leader of the Yellow-Green Team really be that Inkling? Regardless if this was true or not, it seems like the yellow-green tentacled had yet to notice Electra... Evident from the fact that she was starting to remove her Hero Suit as well, possibly to get comfortable or to change into something else without her Hero Suit underneath.
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Electra frowned. "Agent 3, what is that banging?" (@braveheartsquid to Agent 3 Neo)
"Uuuuh... Minding your own business is what!" Neo quickly responded after some hesitation.
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undercurrent-ink · 2 years
Years into the future (Wendy and @braveheartsquid)
[Hope this is good :3]
Moving on is the hardest part from loss and can often be debilitating for some. To think she'd be standing in front a full-body mirror in a bride's dress made by her hands.
"It's strange to see myself like this."
"I think you look gorgeous."
Wendy jumped and turned to look at Electra.
"You know there's superstition about seeing the bride before she walks the isle," Wendy giggled, "then again your a bride to, just wearing a suit. Guess it doesn't count."
"Guess so." Electra held her smile then sat down in a near by chair.
"Only a few minutes left." Wendy walked over and sat in Electra's lap.
Electra grew red in her face only to get redder when Wendy looked back at her, "Aw, you're growing red. So cute~"
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