eqvclue · 11 years
「 03:15:00 — KNOCK, KNOCK. 」
"Soohyuk...," Gain murmured as she looked down at the ground, too afraid to look up. Before her stood two tall towers otherwise known as Lee Soohyuk and Kim Woobin. Youngjae let out a small gasp of 'I knew it' before reaching over and grabbing his ally out of any harm's way.
The two actors stood relaxed till Soohyuk spoke up in a hushed tone. "What do you mean?" he asked ever so politely, his nose upturned and his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Woobin grinned devilishly, playing with the gun in hand.
"Hey, Dongwoon, I heard you had some extra ammo. Can I borrow some? I promise I'll give it back," he sneered. The rest of the group fell silent, unable to truly process what had been revealed.
"Why?" Gain prodded, this time looking straight into the suspect's faces. Her pretty, feline eyes were narrowed down into a contortion of worry and anger. Soohyuk quirked an eyebrow, still unfazed. "You weren't at dinner. And you  were good friends with poor Hakyeon...I don't know how you dare look us in the eye...You're a monster. What have you done?"
The two men exchanged glances, shaking their heads in disapproval. "So what are you suggesting? That he killed Baek Sumin? Hah, Dongwoon, give me the bullets," Woobin ordered, asserting his request by roughly grabbing onto the other's lapel.
"And when he heard that his friend argued with Kitten," Gain started up again, feeling the urgency, "He confronted her about it. And…," she looked down at the ground where Sumin laid, a glimmer of sadness in her eyes, "Since she was so stubborn, he found himself in a fight with her...Is that right?"
Soohyuk rolled his eyes in annoyance before correcting her statement, "Truly, Idol turned detective. But, you see, I was only trying to help. Someone, so it seemed, had poisoned her in vengeance...," He trailed off, looking over at a somewhat agitated Woobin. He grunted and fixed his clothes before standing back, licking his lips, and adding into the conversation.
"Hakyeon. It is unfortunate that in the end he had to be, ahem, back-stabbed. It was certainly not part of the plans, but a turn of events. Sumin, she had to been taken care of...," he looked down, feigning sadness at the Little Ghost, "I was just looking out for Hyuksoo. She seems like a real party pooper."
Apprehensively, Soohyuk intervened, "I tried to help her. She seemed to be choking on her own tears at the top of the stairs when I found her. After exacerbating everything, I suppose there was not much I could do."
"No wonder Woobin is still alive," Youngjae spoke so brusquely it seemed like a scolding, "Despite being the worst perpetrator of insensitivity about Sumin’s death. He’s important to Hyuksoo, therefore spared."
"Ah, really? Anyway, what's there to hide? You were all going to find out once we got to you…," Woobin joked nonchalantly. Before he could say any more, the perpetuating silence was interrupted by loud knocking at the door. Calls of 'Open up, it's the police!' rang out through the beating rain. At last, freedom for some came.
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jimadonna · 11 years
"Shit," He swore under his breath silently, his brand new iPad in his hands as he waited for the bus to take him to his stop not far from his dorms.  Youngjae puffed out his cheeks, groaning softly when he’d managed to run out of moves on his game of Bejeweled 3, his full lips pursed as he watched the gems pop off the board and fall off screen. Slowly coming back to reality, he blinked, raising his head and turning to look at the woman beside him, instantly blushing and wondering if she’d heard him cuss, like a young child who’d been caught saying something inappropriate by their mother. He bowed his head to her politely and smiled, tapping his finger on the screen to pause the game.
"I uh…" He blinked softly, not sure what to say. First meetings, even random encounters with strangers, were always so awkward, and he could feel his nerves rising slightly as he nervously laughed. "Uhm. Hello." He smiled sweetly, his eyes narrowing behind their lids, the bright and wide grin displaying chubby baby cheeks. He reached a hand up to rub the back of his neck, tugging a little at the beanie he was wearing. "I guess I need more help than I thought, I lost. Pretty badly too, I was only on Level Five." He laughed.
The loud sound of the "gems" smashing and falling off the screen made her jump in surprise before the screen made a sad tune along with the large "Game Over" present on the screen. However, her surprise turned into giggles when he looked flustered and apparently didn't even realize she was there until she spoke. "And don't worry, I won't tell your mom you swore, it'll be our little secret." The redhead nodded, putting a finger to her lips in a 'shh' motion.
"Hello to you too." She grinned in return, noting that he was actually pretty cute up close and desperately fought the urge to pinch his cheeks and coo at how adorable he was. "It's a puzzle game, right? I'm pretty good at those...but uhm.." Jieun trailed off, not sure if she should even ask this question for fear of looking like a complete imbecile, "What exactly is that thing?" She wondered, pointing to the Ipad itself with an embarrassed flush coloring her own cheeks.
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askgain · 11 years
askgain: @brainxjae Aigoo ㅠㅠ I'm happy!! I'll sleep peacefully from your hashtags, maybe. 
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imxyna-blog · 11 years
"Hello sunbae." He smiled as he bowed to the older girl, smiling warmly. "It's nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Youngjae, I hope you like it here."
"Hey there Youngjae! It’s a pleasure to meet you too." She nods her head and gives him a small smile. "Well, since you guys are pretty friendly, I think I’ll enjoy my stay here."
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ssantokkii · 11 years
"Hello Sandara Sunbae." He smiled as he bowed deeply, slowly straightening himself up. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Youngjae."
"I know who you are, you’re Youngjae from B.A.P" She grins widely chuckling. "It’s really nice to meet you, I’m a really big fan of your group!" 
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oheota · 11 years
He bowed his head deeply and politely before he raised up and smiled, waving to Minhyuk. "Hello, my name is Youngjae, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Turning around, he faced the stranger with a smile adorning his features. He raised a hand, giving a casual salute before fiddling about with the jewelry on his wrists. "Youngjae, hey there. Minhyuk, at your service."
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eqvclue · 11 years
After much deliberation and a not exactly unanimous vote on team name, myself, Zelo, and Ga In are officially Team Triple S. I've been nominated to be team leader.
Noted. Triple S like the SS501 fanclub name ... ?
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bxyg-memoirs · 11 years
"You and ramen." He rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head, laughing a little. "There are other foods. See, there's these things called food groups, maybe you should look into that." He smirked. "Teasing. I'll make you some for lunch or something since I seem to be the only one willing to come out of their little hidey-hole."
"I can’t help it, rahmen is the answer to everything. It is the philosophy I live by, Youngjae." He teased gently, his lips parted for the briefest of moments, a brow quirking upwards slightly to the suggestion. "Maybe. I have my food groups, I do indulge in them. I mean, besides meat — which I can substitute with eggs, there are vegetables, grain and a few other things. I mean, I’d call it perfect if it wasn’t for the amount of sodium I’m eating." He chuckled lightly, waving off any further questioning. "I know what you mean. Without Himchan around, I feel as if we’re all going to starve to death." He glanced around briefly. "Not that it’s dead enough here anyway. 
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mjxngup · 11 years
brainxjae said: "Well I’m not sneaking ice cream anymore, that might be why." He laughed, shaking his head. "I haven’t been eating too much lately, it’s been tea tea and more tea."
He sighed and patted his hyung back, clicking his tongue as he shook his head in denial. "I don't like this at all. Hyung, you should eat a little more."
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askgain · 11 years
askgain: @brainxjae I thought you would give me nice hashtags back...
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askgain · 11 years
askgain: @brainxjae I guess I can put #youngjae is #wonderful and #kind ㅋㅋ
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askgain · 11 years
askgain: @brainxjae When am I supposed to use it? What word do I put it in front of?
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askgain · 11 years
Gain felt as if the night were a dream; a nightmarish Halloween horror movie where everyone died just to see everyone die. It seemed too surreal and calculated to be true, and she would wake up in a cold sweat, all the people she knew perfectly safe and sound. She felt slightly detached, not all there, her body reacting with instinct rather than reason, sticking close to the only one she felt comfortable trusting, Youngjae. 
To sob would be too loud, and to keep it all in would be heartless. She wiped at her eyes. Was time standing still, or was time going at warp speed? It was hard to tell. Nothing seemed to make sense. There was too much to think about; who did it, who would be next, who was going to be safe. If this was a dream-- no, a nightmare-- she wanted to wake up now. This wasn't thrilling anymore. Gain was frightened, she felt small and vulnerable, and it didn't seem like whoever was behind everything wasn't going to stop until everyone was dead. 
She had blocked out everything, putting herself in a trance of sorts, trying to calm down. Don't think about the questions. Stay here, in the now. Youngjae was going to protect you. Things were going to work out somehow. A positive reel of thoughts spun in her brain, willing herself to come to her senses. Slowly, her tears stopped and she was suddenly aware of how eerily quiet it was. 
Gain was alone.
Her heart squeezed in her chest. She would never make it alone. She was tiny, she hated exercise, she wasn't particularly quick-witted or clever. And she hated scary things. Slowly, she slipped the broken mirror from her pocket, holding the plastic part between her fingers tight. 
Bang. Bang. Bang. Three gun shots. 
She almost stopped breathing, her body jolted so suddenly and forcefully. Glancing at the monitors, she saw them. Three bodies and Youngjae. It was no HD TV, but he looked like he was going to be sick. He probably couldn't hear her, but she shouted for him anyway. She peered at the buttons and dials for the cameras, frazzled. Of course she would be the one stuck in the A/V room. The one who sucked at technology. What could she do here? Nothing. 
Fear and worry started to creep up in her again, her knees and hands shaking slightly. While the other two were out, with a possible chance of finding a way out of here, she was a sitting duck. Crouching behind a stack of boxes, she kept absolutely still, hyperaware of any sounds, movements, or changes of light in the room. She kept her eyes on the monitors, watching Youngjae still in the same room as before. Why?! Get out of there! What are you still doing there...?
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askgain · 11 years
askgain: I learned how to lock "portrait orientation" on my phone without @brainxjae helping me for once!! Congrats to me!!
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eqvclue · 11 years
The second group has been formed, and consists of:
Youngjae - Yoo Youngjae [BRAINXJAE] ♔
Gain - Son Gain [ASKGAIN]
Zelo - Choi Junhong [A-CHOIJUNHONG]
Remember to stick together at all times. 
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eqvclue · 11 years
Choi Junhong currently possess the gun; Bullet count unknown.
Yoo Youngjae currently possess his own sword; Assumed to be real.
Wu Yifan currently possess the pills and apple.
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