#bookworm flowey
kiok0r0 · 5 months
Skelebros and More Characters Names
Skelebros + Sonas (follows a Sans, Papyrus, sona pattern)
Comic, Pyrus, Kairi - tale Jayce, Paps, Kimi - swap Ruben, Pyre, Kishiko - fell Helio, Rus, Kimiye - swapfell Aster, Cyrus, Kikuyo - fellswap but it's green Aspen, Pine, Kinoko - horror Lux, Cyperus/Cyper, Kifumi - neon/cybertale
UTMV/Outcode Characters
Hook, Smoke, Utano - Killer variant, Dust variant, Undyne variant Xander and Alphonse - Cross and Xtale Papyrus Quillon, Coal, Sumi, Kinori - Ink, Inktale Papyrus, Inktale Sumi, Inktale Alphys Webb, Pascal, Pixel, Loop - Error, Error!Papyrus, Error!Alphys, Error!Flowey Con and Merc - Multiverse Hunters Papyrus and Sans Sable and Evander - Nightmare and Dream Phantom and Muse - Nightmare and Dream Papyrus Icarus and Caligo - Swapdream Dream and Nightmare Orpheus and Chrysanthos - Swapdream Nightmare and Dream Papyrus Slash, Knight - trickster deity Papyrus and Papyrus variant Cipher - a Papyrus is/was Gaster variant Vanilla (Extract) - an outcode OC who's a famous celebrity baker across the multiverse Demetrius - an outcode OC who's one of the multiverse's mob bosses Nova - a shapeshifting traveling merchant who explores and sells to the multiverse
Xerxes - an older skeleton/shadow elemental monster and former captain of the royal guard Ambrose, Nico, Morgan, Calliope, Blythe and Lenora Korinna - skeleton/dragon monsters and children of the Korinna family Peni Gentoo - a detective penguin monster who's Nico's best friend Shinichi Nakamura - a human seer/oracle who's also Nico's best friend Kira - kind of an oc but also kind of a sona, but a selectively mute gardener of a planet full of magical, alien flora Santiago Fiammetta - a skeleton/fire elemental who's a popular rock star. Morgan's ex Lapis - an agile sea dragon Halloran - Lapis' sibling, a bookworm and a storm dragon Squall - Lapis' sibling, a chimera of various things
Definitely more to come so this will be updated accordingly!
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punsmaster69 · 9 months
that day.
the one.
the twenty fifth.
the holiday.
if i list what everyone got from everyone, i'll be here all night, so just the most notable stuff.
got some new books. and socks. and a giant blanket. and a sweater.
i'm feeling very cozy.
frisk shrieked when they got one of those rock excavation kits from my bro.
(little known fact: frisk has an innate fascination with rocks.)
asgore gifted them an art kit.
alphys got them a mini salt lamp. they immediately licked it.
i got 'em a tungsten cube.
"Why are you so excited over a hunk of metal?"
"It's not a 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘬, it's a 𝘤𝘶𝘣𝘦."
"It's a hunk of metal."
"I'm gonna 'hunk' this at your face in a second."
"Do you WANT to kill me?!"
"No. But stop calling it a hunk of metal. It's a tungsten cube."
"Why do you care, anyway? It's MY cube, not yours."
"It's boring."
"Not to me."
"You underestimate my ability to find entertainment in shiny objects."
"Whatever. Suit yourself."
a lot of us had similar ideas, because flowey got a decent amount of (mostly dinosaur related) brick sets.
it's hard not to notice the pieces constantly strewn about flowey's half of their room.
walking over there's like a spike trap.
might be purposeful.
tori also got him some simulator game. he apparently already had the others in the series, so it makes sense.
papyrus has been using the same pots and pans for ages.
they're a bit charred and dented in places.
so, paps got gifted new cookware.
undyne got him utensils, and alphys got the pots.
tori gave him new oven mitts that don't have holes in them, unlike the previous pair.
i got him a giant puzzle cube. it's got so many rows.
it'll take him forever to solve.
he seems excited.
mettaton got him a robe, because apparently paps been admiring his. they match now.
got asgore some new teacups.
his current ones work fine, but didn't have many ideas outside of that. besides, when have extras hurt anyone?
undyne gifted him a book on slang and how to use it.
alphys' face dropped when she saw it.
"have fun with that."
(some kind of disgruntled lizard sound.)
alphys was ecstatic about receiving a manga she's wanted for ages from undyne.
tori got her some t-shirts. the one alphys liked the most is printed with a ramen brand.
undyne was gifted another giant foam sword.
that was the most exciting one for her.
they've been into collecting these specific stuffed animal things lately, so i got alphys and undyne matching ones.
mettaton had a similar gift, but luckily we didn't end up on the exact same stuffed animal.
something i'll probably regret was getting mtt a tub of glitter.
i know he likes the stuff, but i'm realizing now how this is probably ending.
already preparing to have glitter stuck to me every time he's in the vicinity.
...so not much will change, actually.
papyrus gave him a pillow custom-altered to have mettaton's branding on it.
giving mtt an mtt themed item...
he loved it. suggested that paps could help design products with him at some point.
alphys' gift was apparently done earlier, as it was an adjustment that enabled him to sign things without having to worry about carrying pens.
because his finger turns into the pen. kinda neat, honestly.
napstablook's headphone cord was looking a bit rough, so that's what i got them.
simple, but they smiled.
must not have been too bad a choice.
mettaton gifted tickets to a live band. they'll go together at some point.
me and tori, being old nerdy bookworms, exchanged exactly that: books.
frisk gave tori a cutesy handmade card, signed "by frisk and flowey but mostly frisk" on the back.
asgore gave her a necklace.
she stared at it and flatly thanked him before tucking it into her purse.
undyne gave a pie tin. self-explanatory.
probably exactly as expected, grillby was gotten a lot of various kitchenwares.
we have a lot of cooks in our friend group, i realize.
anyway, he was fond of the sturdy glass mugs i picked out for him.
that's the notable stuff gift-wise.
as for stockings, i went with chocolate bars for the other adults.
plain, simple, don't know anyone who doesn't like it.
safe bet, y'know?
got frisk a bag of those fake rock chocolates. the ones that look exactly like real rocks. they always talk about wanting to eat certain rocks; figured this would be a better alternative to shattering their teeth on real ones.
gave flowey a bag of fake coal.
"for being a butthead this year."
"Jokes on you, I'll gladly take this. And I'm STILL being the same next year!"
"didn't expect any different."
"besides, that's why you got coal last year too."
"Does it even count if it's chocolate coal? Not much of a punishment."
"it's the idea."
"The idea?"
"that you're eating rocks."
"Frisk is the one eating the rocks."
"you want real coal next year?"
"Give that to Frisk instead."
"wouldn't be a punishment to them."
there's a lot of candy in each stocking, and most have forgotten who got what anyway.
the certain thing was everyone getting a bone in their stocking.
you know who from.
he gives 'em every year, this being no exception.
previous rock-paper-scissors decisions on who brings what dish collaborates now into a holiday feast aplenty.
or whatever jolly terminology i'm supposed to use to say: there was a lot of food. it was good. asgore overcooked the rolls a little. edible enough though.
somehow still full of energy, paps, mettaton and frisk are belting holiday songs.
napstablook's dj-ing for them.
undyne and alphys are chatting quietly beside the tree.
asgore is trying to help flowey put together that brick set.
his big hands aren't doing great with the small pieces.
grillby's trying to help him help better.
leaned against me, tori is chilling on the couch. i think she's convinced everyone else she's asleep, but under the blanket, her hand lightly tightens around mine every once in a while.
might be that she doesn't want to draw any attention to it.
i don't either, so i'll close my eyes too.
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teammelodies · 4 months
So I got a bunch of undertale soul OCs
And I decided that I'm gonna share them with the internet in order of creation.
The Patience Soul
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Hope (she/her)
She's the first of the human soul OCs I have, I've had her for years at this point. She's a sweet little girl who's happy to sit and wait when she's told to. She was blind, and her parents couldn't afford to care for her, so they had to give her up to the orphanage with the plan to earn enough money to be able to take care of her (sadly, that would never happen). Her ribbon was the last gift she got from her parents before they died tragically.
Now *initially* I didn't consider whether Hope would be a pre-undertale soul (before the game) or a post-undertale soul (after the game). Buuut I do have a basic idea of how she would've fallen underground if she was a pre-undertale soul.
See, not every human is a good person (there has to be a reason that Chara didn't like humanity, after all), and not every kid in the orphanage that Hope stayed was very nice to her. Some of those kids were cruel enough to bring Hope up the mountain and push her down.
The Justice Soul
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Astrea (she/her)
She is the first Soul I made after Hope and was made very recently, much like the rest of the souls. I made her on whim, really, and the rest of the souls followed. Took some inspiration from Starlo with her poncho, and as a nod to Clover (and the omega flowey fight), I put a clover on her hat.
Something I did with Astrea and all the other souls is find names that mean whatever their soul trait is. "Astrea" comes from Astraea, the Greek goddess of justice. (It's also a spacey name, which gave me a good excuse to put stars on her poncho)
Clever, right?
Anyway, much like Clover in yellow, Astrea goes up the mountain in search of the humans that went missing before her.
The Perseverance Soul
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Perry (he/they)
Perry is one of those bookworm types with a passion for writing and journalism. He carries a notebook everywhere he goes, so he's always able to write down his thoughts. (Kinda like me, except I carry paper around to draw with LOL)
Perry (at least of the site I initially found it) is a gender neutral name that's a "playful take on perseverance", but it also means traveller, pilgrim, or "one who dwells by the pear tree" which is neat too I guess.
Being a journalist in the making, Perry most likely went up the mountain to write a story about the monsters that live there, to get the truth about what they're really like.
The Bravery Soul
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Casey (they/them)
Casey is one of those kids that will sock you in the nose if you do something to hurt their friends. The first thing they'll do is punch you. They aren't afraid of getting in trouble. (Ngl, they do seem to dance on the line between brave and reckless sometimes, at least in my mind... idk, still developing their character a bit)
Fun fact, when making Casey, I had *no idea* what wether I was gonna make them a boy or a girl, and in the end, I decided on neither.
Casey's name means watchful, vigilant, and brave.
They probably went up the mountain seeking adventure, not sure tbh. Casey and the next two souls are the ones I haven't fully figured out reasons for going up the mountain yet.
The Kindness Soul
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Winnie (she/her)
Winnie is an absolute sweetheart, as you can imagine with her being the kindness soul. And, of course, she has a passion for cooking.
Winnie's name doesn't *directly* mean kindness. It means fair and pure (or that's just one meaning)
She probably went up the mountain to find some ingredients.
The Integrity Soul
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Olive (They/Them)
I wanted to do something different with Olive because most of the versions of the integrity soul I've seen were all girls, so I decided to try and make a boy. But of course, I ended up changing them to look like they could be either gender (not that Olive would really mind if they're misgendered. I'm thinking they're more fluid than anything.)
Olive is one of those people who usually has their head in the clouds, if that's the right away of describing them. (They're sort of like a Luna lovegood type of character if that helps, but a little more chill?)
I actually chose the name "olive" because I kept seeing the name "oliver" and I thought I'd go for something more gender neutral.
Olive is (of course) a name derived from the olive tree, which "signals a time of integrity and peaceful power, when we are being asked to own the decisions we made"
Pretty cool.
I have no idea why Olive would go up the mountain.
Okay, so then, if these characters are the humans that fell before frisk, how would they lose their souls?
I will take a note out of UTY's book and say that, presuming they were all pasifistic, all of them gave up their souls willingly.
I think doing this would fit their soul traits, too.
Hope gives up her soul, knowing that she'll be helping to free the monsters with a little patience
Casey gives up their soul to help the monsters stay brave
Olive does it because they think it's the morally right thing to do, showing integrity
Perry does it to help the monsters perservere
Winnie does it out of kindness
And much like Clover, Astrea does it to bring them justice
(Okay so some of the reasoning might be stretching it, but still)
Delving into a bit of AU territory
Something I like to think happens as well is that every soul that dies becomes a ghost that follows the next soul that falls, so the first Soul would be alone, the next soul would have the first soul, the third would have the first two souls, and so on so forth until frisk who has seven ghost children (including chara, who was awoken by frisk's determination) following them around.
And then when the souls are used to break the barrier, they return to their bodies, and they all live together with frisk.
"But how would that be possible?" I hear you asking, "How come their bodies are still healthy enough to return to?"
If anyone wants to know more or have any questions about these guys or the "Souls AU," feel free to ask!
Bonus images
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exquisitelyinsanelady · 4 months
undertale purple's protag should be called uriel
uriel, last time i checked, is known as the master of knowledge and archangel of wisdom
the perseverance soul is usually paired with stuff related to books and whatnot which can be seen all the way back in their section in the photoshop flowey fight, further supporting the knowledge thing
they're probably a bookworm
the fuck squad will be extra real (Frisk, Uriel, Clover, Kris)
they should meet up ngl
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penguinsare-gay · 7 years
some of my ut/aus and a slight description
freezetale: cold
fish au: everythings the same but charas Asriels pet fish
Rifttale: frisk's reset f*cks up
kiltgore: Asgore. Kilt. we don't talk about this
Cherry: Chara isn't acttualy dead they pretend, asriel killed, fusion happens, don't let them know
ripped au: Chara is a ghost ripped in half
4ntitale: Toriels rude, Undynes pure, ect
swap... thing: Chara and Sans swap roles
determined hatred: pun thing
bookworm flowey: ... you can tell just by that name
musfrisk: frisk can only make music to communicate
french frisk: chara has to translate frisks french rambles
undercide: frisk you don't have a dick stop being one
Little theif: frisk give back the things
plushverse: https://randomdrawer1010.deviantart.com/art/Plush-Verse-Chara-705378416
redeye frisk: edge
skip/hop: frisk can hop though dimensions, they want to go back home
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snailsagere · 2 years
Please read my dni in my bio before interacting
This is different to the stuff I usually post but I made a sims 4 undertale legacy challenge and wanted to post it because I'm proud of it :3
'you are filled with determination'
You're past is unknown and you wish to start a new life for yourself, you want to travel and make new friends along the way.
Friend of the world
Business (politician if you own city living)
❤️make atleast five friends
❤️go on atleast five holidays
❤️finish the snowglobe collection (City living)
❤️go on atleast two dates
❤️never get into a fight
❤️have two children
'in this world its kill or be killed'
You grew up with a negative outlook of the world, you don't believe in kindness or friendship.
Hates children (self absorbed if you own get famous)
Public enemy
🖤be close friends with your sibling
🖤start atleast four fights
🖤grow yellow flowers
🖤reach 5 mischief skill
🖤reach 8 programming skill
🖤have one child
'be good, alright?'
You've always loved the idea of having a big happy family even if not everything always goes to plan.
Family oriented
Big happy family
Culinary (education if you own discover university)
🤍don't have any friends other than your family+future spouse
🤍reach level 6 in the cooking and baking skills
🤍bake something every week
🤍have atleast seven children
🤍have atleast one child die
🤍get divorced after having the seventh child
'the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick, it's always funny'
Most people think you're just lazy, however you're lazy and funny, you like to make jokes and spend time with family and friends.
Joke star
💙reach level 10 comedy skill
💙skip a day of school/work atleast once a week to eat out (dine out)
💙be close with your family
💙order fast food atleast once a week
💙have atleast three different jobs throughout life (third job has to be entertainer)
💙have atleast two children
'nyeh heh heh'
You're very great and wish to make loads of friends, you're caring, a bit naive and always see the best in others.
Master chef
💙make a social media account
💙get to level three cooking
💙complete the simmies collection (snowy escape)
💙call a friend atleast once a week
💙make spaghetti atleast twice a week
💙have one child
'why would I ever be friends with you!?'
You're confident, determined and always willing to do what's right, you care deeply for others and want to do well in life.
Self assured
Neighbourhood confidante
Athlete (detective if you have get to work)
💚reach level 5 fitness
💚become a mermaid (island living)
💚watch atleast one movie every week (movie night)
💚cook with your child once a week
💚marry your best friend
💚have one child
'I'm gonna stay inside and watch anime like a total loser!'
You're really shy and don't think highly of yourself, despite this you're very intelligent even though you've made some mistakes.
Computer whiz
Tech guru (Science if you have get to work)
💛reach level 5 programming and robotics (discover university)
💛complete the my sims trophies collection
💛watch a movie atleast once a week (movie night)
💛have a dog called endogeny (cats and dogs)
💛post to social media atleast three times a week
💛have one child
'lights! Camera! Action!'
You've always wanted to be a star and love the spotlight and attention to all be on you, you're glamorous and everyone else should see it too.
Outgoing (high maintenance if you have spa day)
Self assured (self absorbed if you have get famous)
Fabulously wealthy (world famous celebrity if you have get famous)
Entertainer (actor if you have get famous)
💛reach level 10 acting (get famous)
💛complete the city posters collection (City living)
💛become a five star celebrity (get famous)
💛post to social media atleast three times a week
💛reach level 5 charisma
💛have one child
'I so badly want to say, would you like a cup of tea?'
You've made some bad choices but wish to live a peaceful life and forget about your past failures.
Family oriented
Loves outdoors
Freelance botanist
Business (gardener if you have seasons)
🤍reach level 10 gardening
🤍reach level 5 flower arranging (seasons)
🤍have one child die
🤍get divorced after death of child
🤍drink tea atleast once a week
🤍have two children
'let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next'
Chief of mischief
Tech guru
❤️never get past level 5 cooking skill
❤️reach level 10 programming
❤️get food poisoning (dine out)
❤️die before becoming an elder
❤️never get married
❤️have no children
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Normal Bitty Masterpost
‘Normal’ bitties are like the original bittybones! Smaller versions of the undertale(and au) characters! So these guys dont have any special fetures aside from the ones from their au! 
The ‘normal’ part of them is mostly for classification purposes and to make them easier to find in the in tags!
Sans =
Undertale - Softy
UnderFell - Edgey
UnderSwap - Berry
SwapFell - Bicker
FellSwap - Blackberry
HorrorTale - Ash
HorrorFell - Cinder
HorrorSwap - Clincker
UnderSweets - Taffy
Papyrus =
Undertale - Sketti
UnderFell - Lasagna
UnderSwap - Honey
SwapFell - Smokey
FellSwap - Cocktail
HorrorTale - Penne
HorrorFell -  Mafaldine
HorrorSwap - Paccheri
UnderSweets - Skittle
Gaster =
Undertale - Bookworm
UnderTale(Goop!Gaster) - Goopster
UnderFell - Scholar
UnderFell(Goop!Gaster) - Muckster
UnderSwap - Lector
UnderSwap(Goop!Gaster) - Slimester
SwapFell - Savant
SwapFell(Goop!Gaster) - Glopster
FellSwap - Pedant
FellSwap(Goop!Gaster) - Gooster
HorrorTale - Tart
HorrorTale(Goop!Gaster) - Gunkster
HorrorFell - Chiffon
HorrorSwap - Galette
UnderSweets - Milkyway
Monster kid = 
UnderTale - Gecko
UnderFell - Snake
Undyne =
UnderTale - Aqua
UnderFell - Nero
Alphys =
UnderTale - Sci
UnderFell - Mad
Asgore =
UnderTale - Fluffybun
UnderFell - King
Toriel =
UnderTale - Tori
UnderFell - Queen
Asriel =
UnderTale - Azzy
UnderFell - Prince
Mettaton =
UnderTale - Fancy
UnderFell - Lavish
Napstablook =
UnderTale - Blooky
UnderFell - Napsta
Grillby =
UnderTale - Ember
UnderFell - Charcoal
UnderSwap - Donut
SwapFell - Strudel
FellSwap - Bahulu
HorrorTale - Coal
HorrorFell - Carbon
HorrorSwap - Banket
Muffet =
UnderTale = Pastry
UnderFell - Dessert
Muffin =
UnderTale - Muffin
UnderFell - Scone
Frisk =
UnderTale - Passive
UnderFell - Pliant
Chara =
UnderTale - Coco
UnderFell - Guilt
Nice cream guy =
UnderTale - Gelato 
UnderFell - Sorbet
Burger pants =
UnderTale - Burger
UnderFell - Croissant
Goner kid = 
UnderTale - Lost
UnderFell - Static
Hypergod =
UnderTale - Prism
UnderFell -  Kaleidoscope
Flowey =
UnderTale - Petal
UnderFell - Corolla
Outcode =
Killer!(tale) Sans - Killer
Leviathantale =
UnderTale Sans - Shell
UnderTale Papyrus - Manta
UnderTale Gaster - Lantic
Wolfverse = 
Vampireverse =
C Round=
K Round=
Spamton NEO=
Tasdue Manager=
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squeiky · 4 years
!!!List of papyrus things!!!
(Update 3! mini update.)
For anyone who needs more info on the guy! Since you usually dont see alot of info about him!
A list of stuff thats just papyrus's tid bits i've collected overtime!
(Disclaimer: some things can be taken off of memory, though I did search most of the stuff up, so you dont have to worry too much. But if your feeling unsure, search it up! And correct me while your at it.)
his room doesn't play/have music.
(If you have reunited playing at enter his room, it'll disappear forever. Untill you go back and let it play again. Even without reunited, a song that plays no matter what room your in, doesn't play any music.)
Never takes off his battle body.
(According to sans, he only takes it off if he has no other choice too. Otherwise he'll just put clothes ontop of it, or just repaints it if needed. He does how ever, change his pants but never takes off the top.)
the minute "royal gaurd " is out of the picture, he's got nothing.
(It was the one thing he worked up for. When the royal gaurd disbands He says he "working hard on doing absolutely nothing". Then again this can be interpreted as papyrus does say he is working on something, despite not being a royal gaurd yet.)
He lies. (And can manipulate)
(Though he is really bad at lying, he seems to manipulate just fine, though its usually not out of malice. He gets undyne to befreind you by mentioning "challenge", which is a weakness of hers, since she never can turn down a challenge. And has lied about floweys name to her to. Has lied to sans or atleast mislead him about the things he knows about. Pretended he didn't know what a lab was during a call in hotland, but if you call him when sans isn't there, papyrus mentions the lab as if it was common knowledge instead of saying "Labrador-y?" As if he had no idea.)
Changes up his attacks
( if you get captured a few times, you see variation in his attacks. If you do it right, you can get him too skip half of his entire attack.)
Calls his own puzzles "Awful"
(This happens after battling papyrus, he says "WHO KNEW THAT ALL I NEEDED TO MAKE PALS... WAS TO GIVE PEOPLE AWFUL PUZZLES AND THEN FIGHT THEM??" This could be interpreted in many ways.)
Spikes, fire, traps, fencless bridges: are all safe for children, according to papyrus.
Has "talked" with asgore before.
(Sadly, asgore and papyrus has crossed paths. Asgore advises him not to but dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. Papyrus wants to put dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. This results in them bickering over saftey laws, with papyrus usually winning.)
Tried to start a flowey fan club
(On multiple occasions calls flowey "his best freind" and shows genuine love for the little guy. He even gave flowey a little red scarf to match his, during the 5th anniversary winter alarm clock.)
Has photo-graphic memory for phone calls.
-call in the room where undyne chased you. He seems nervous, or atleast stressed out during this call. I'll leave any and all interpretation to you.)
(Ps: papyrus has bad memory, but good photographic memory?)
His disliking for grease
(Says this during a call with undyne in grillby's place. Undyne says she loves grease, and he quickly dismisses his opinion in favor of hers. Of course, papyrus HAS visited grillbys before, as the dogamy and doggeressa mention him with sans. )
Calls alphys "great"
(During the first tile puzzle, he praises alphys by calling her "THE GREAT DR. ALPHYS" )
Knows about undynes crush on alphus
(He teases undyne a few times on this, leading to the "hot voice" and "audible wink" papyrus lines. He's not oblivious to the things around him, unless he chooses to be.)
Put limes in his eyes!
(Conversation in hotland! The guy thought limes where cucumbers and stuck them in his eyes. When. He thought it wasn't working he put more limes. It burned like hell but he says it was all to have "mettaton's bishoning eyes")
Knows about mtt's eyes
(Nobody seems to know that mettaton has eyes?! Undyne confirms this fact. Papyrus is the only one who outright mentions it.)
He got mettaton to do the tile puzzle thing
(FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON- mettaton was the tile puzzle robot alphys built. The puzzle robot papyrus had during his own tile puzzle. Infact, during mettaton's tile puzzle in hotland, he says that you'd is this a few hundred rooms ago. If you call papyrus, he starts rambling on all the instructions again. Hehe.)
he likes dinosaur oatmeal
(According to the undertale tumblr, flowey response to "whats papyrus's favorite food?" Is DINOSAUR OATMEAL!! YAY!)
really enjoys mtt's show and mtt in general.
(and mtt even helped him with a tile puzzle)
enjoys cars
Owns a car bed
(Want to drive one)
really freaking artistic!
(Paints a whole bridge, makes a snowpapyrus, made his own costume/battle body, built a okay replica of a sentry station)
The red book on the table in the skelebro's house is infact his!
(For specifics, the quantum mechanics book with infinite books inside of it. It isn't specified who reads it, but both brothers should be capable as jokes and puns are not out of papyrus wardrobe.)
has his own shed and tools.
(Also known as "the punishment shed, doghouse, cpature zone, guest room, a garage" or undyne's pun which was "the coolshed". Ah, to be enriched by shed puns... Wonderful.)
tried to learn the "horoscope"
(Got "stumped" according to sans)
thinks junior jumble is harder than crossword
wants a 6 pairs of hot pants and 6 pairs of legs to wear those pants
has a dream of owning a shop where he just sells flames
(Call near in waterfall, near the turtle man shop.)
He's very influential
(If he's the only one killed in a neutral run, even without undyne, a revolution will still occur. Look into it yourself if need be.)
Called himself a genius
(During the instance, where he talks to you after turning the light on in sans's room.)
Can't really tell when someones mad
(He couldn't tell when undyne was mad at him during a call. He asks us too.)
Doesn't watch anime.
(He thinks its like cartoons for babies. Jokes around with undyne for awhile before taking it all back once he knew she watched anime.-during one of the calls.)
Brutal kind of guy
(He says this himself, i don't exactly know WHY he thinks this of himself, but he does.)
Owns a bookshelf
(He has a book Its where his vast dictionary comes from.
Knows about the time and space manipulation tactics sans uses.
believes you can be a better person, if you just try.
(And he's right. Even if you kill him he still believes this, beacuse well.. Its true. Undyne wont forgive you and try to kill you, sans won't fight you, bht he's still right either way)
Knows about river person
(He asks about how river person is doing. No body seems to know about river person, and its unsure if undyne knows about their prescence.)
The days in his date scene (Monday, Tuesday, weekday, Thursday,e.c.t ) changes depending on your computer. Even though the date in undertale is always Monday.
(River person has a scheduled thing that matches up to your computer date as well, but this is about papyrus, not river person.)
Weird abilities
(Flying and super speedy twirling, flying backwards. He doesn't even hide it.)
He's pretty freaking tough!
(According to undyne, the person who defeated asgore.)
His "absolutely normal attack" is a giant cluster of bones.
(In theory, his attack could be the size of the entire area, including the giant bone at the end.)
Papyrus can lower the giant bone at the end of his "absolutely normal attack"
Has Collection of bones (or was planning to make one.)
(The room behind the sink was made for.. His attacks/bones. Before toby(dog)came in and made a shrine instead.)
Is annoying dog's favorite target.
Has a cannon, spears, fire thingy, and a dog at his disposal.
(Displayed during the bridge scene)
One persistent dude.
Likes to say "NYEHEHE!"
Has alot of MTT items.
Owns makeup!
(Mtt brand of course!)
Never dated anyone before.
(He says it himself.)
owns a dating manual
Not much of a sleeper.
(To the point where he just calls sleeping "naps" which aren't that long. He outright says he's always working, so he doesn't sleep.)
Dislikes hotland
dislikes hotland x2
Dislikes hotlands puzzles
Dislikes hotlands ethics.
Doesnt know much about hotland
(Says he knows it like the back of his hand!)
Says he never taken off his gloves, so he has no idea how his hands look like.
(He wears gloves or mittens on top of his gloves. And refuses to take it off, like his "battle body")
Calls hotland's steam puzzles garbage.
Dislikes hotlands conveyors
Thinks L1 and R2 stand for left and right
( Of course, it takes him awhile. He starts making puns, and tries to compare the words to pasta, and THEN comes to the conclusion that its left and right. Its Trail and error.-)
Knows about death.
(Said he wanted to meet death one time during a waterfall call.)
He pauses when speaking as a lost soul.
("I MUST CAPTURE A HUMAN! THEN EVERYONE WILL. ...." This is unusual as he is the only one that pauses. This can be interpreted, but it is rather interesting nonetheless)
Alright this is a bit more interpretive. Things may not be 100% facts down here.
Disclaimer: i will be putting "Interpretive" in red coloring for things that have may my interpretation or opinions in! Please do be mindful in your search, and take it with a grain of salt. It doesn't make it comepelty wrong, it has facts! Just muddled with oppinions.
self-worth problems.
( can be called interpretive: He always feels very unimportant, as if he doesn't actually matter. During a call in waterfall, with the puddle hallway, papyrus talks about not letting it "get to you" or something along the lines of that. Since undyne speaks from her experience with the puddles, then i'd assume papyrus would too.)
(I think its just a sign of self doubt or insecurity. Someone once said its dysphoria, which is a cool headcannon for paps or something. What ever it is, he has some demons that he doesn't want to let out.)
( according to the genocide description)
( Interpretive: Other than that, he's not even noticable. Though, there are a few people that appreciate him, most dont really acknowledge him. Unless you kill him of course!)
( interpreitive as well:Before the human showed up, sans explains how his brother was feeling quite down lately. We see a.. Happier side of papyrus through out our journey.. He vents out to us, the player/human, about things he dislikes, or troubles he faces. Hes like a froggit. Life is hard for a froggit.)
Smiles through things.
("This is where I tried to capture you! What a bad memory." -quote he says as he smiles through it all. He does have a sad emote, but so far i have only seen it during a call in hotland, where the CORE was shown. As your adventure is coming close.. To an end.)
Uses his playful "OUCH!" emote when you straight up kill him. Instead of his hurting/in pain emote when flowey catches him off guard before absorbing everyonesones souls.
(The reason is unkown, but that emote is normally associated with more of "light taps." Examples are, toriel's fireballs at asgore and flowey. Unless... Cutting off his head was considered a "light tap" then, but flowey wrapping him in painful vines is considered more painful than getting his head chopped off and still having enough consciousness to joke about it.)
He knows his cooking sucks and that nobody likes it.
(He's not naive. He knows. He even says it. "Nobody has like my cooking before!" - QUOTE. This isn't some hidden fact. He's trying his best, "mabye next year, he might even make something edible." -sans quote.)
That was all the stuff i gathered for now.
Feel free to tell me anything i haven't added! :)
yeah, hes a pretty cool dude, ain't he?
(Edit: i've added some new things to the bunch, and fixed/deleted ome opinions or unrelated junk. Please, continue helping me add!)
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Can you give me a link to the list of every single character that you made please? I have to scroll for a long time to find it...
((I constantly add new characters to my list, so just because you don’t see your AU or character on this list doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go ahead and request the character! I’m always excited to add new things! So, go ahead, and ask for characters that might not be on here!))
* Sans/Undertale Sans ‘ The Judge ‘ -
* Papyrus/Undertale Papyrus ‘ The Liar ‘  -
* Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ -
* Grillby/Undertale Grillby ‘The Bartender ‘ -
* Toriel/Undertale Toriel 'The Caretaker' -
* Asgore/Undertale Asgore 'The Previous King' -
* Alphys/Undertale Alphys ' The anxious scientist ' -
* Undyne/Undertale Undyne ' Captain of the royal guard ' -
* Flowey/Undertale Flowey ' The soulless monster ' -
* Bratty/Undertale Bratty ' The friendly crocodile ' -
* Catty/undertale Catty ' The chatty cat ' -
* Lady/Snowdin shopkeeper ' the cheerful shopkeeper from snowdin ' -
* Chara/Undertale Chara ' The vengeful ghost ' -
* Asriel/Undertale Asriel ' The crybaby heir ' -
* Frisk/Undertale Frisk ' the monster ambassador ' -
* Mickey/Undertale Monster Kid ' The Undyne Fan ' -
* Ginger/Undertale Burgerpants -
* Red/Underfell Sans ‘ The Sentry’  -  
* Boss/Underfell Papyrus ‘The Guard Captain’  -  
* Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ -
* Firefly/Underfell Grillby ‘ The Cold Flirt ‘ -
* Ursa/Underfell Toriel 'The Caretaker of the Catacombs' -
* Tenor/Underfell Asgore ' The Tyrant' -
* Laguna/Underfell Alphys ' The mad scientist ' -
* Currant/Underfell Undyne ' The cruel captain ' -
* Dessy/Underfell Chara ' The demon who brought despair underground ' -
* Daffodil/Underfell Flowey ' The frightful flower ' -
* Fawn/Underfell Frisk ' The genocidal freak ' -
* Penny/Underfell Monster Kid ' The moody teenager ' -
* Tuscan/Underfell Asriel ' The obsessive prince ' -
* Lucky/Underswap Sans ‘ The Manipulator’  -  
* Stretch/Underswap Papyrus ‘ The Puppet ‘   -  
* Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ -
* Peachy/Underswap Grillby 'The bubbling bakery owner'
* Pepper/Underswap Mutter ' The quiet Bartender' -
* Cinnamon/Underswap Chara ' The Two-Faced savior ' -
* Tawny/Underswap Asriel ' The friendly town guide ' -
* Buttercup/Underswap Frisk ' The lost princess ' -
* Periwinkle/Underswap Monster Kid ' The current monster prince ' -
* Razz/Swapfell Sans ‘ The Lord ‘ -  
* Mutt/Swapfell Papyrus ‘ The Wild Dog’  -
* Ebony/Swapfell Toriel ' The unstable Queen' -
* Marigold/Swapfell Asgore ' The Unstable Caretaker' -
* Fuschia/Swapfell Alphys -
* Rosewood/Swapfell Undyne -
* Pitch/Swapfell Chara ' The Cheerful ambassador ' -
* Cobalt/Swapfell Asriel ' The quiet town guide ' -
* Chartreuse/Swapfell Frisk ' The domineering prince ' -
* Peacock/Swapfell Monster Kid ' The prideful princess ' -
* Blackberry/Fellswap Sans ‘ The WannaBe Guard ‘ -
* Patch/Fellswap Papyrus ‘ The Loyal Pet ‘ -
* Sunny/Fellswap Grillby ‘ The Poisonous Bakery Owner ‘ -
* Mahogany/Fellswap Chara ' The temperamental fallen human ' -
* Flaxen/Fellswap Asriel ' The bored town guide ' -
* Canary/Fellswap Frisk ' The good-hearted Lost Spirit ' -
* Jade/Fellswap Monster Kid ' The frightful princess ' -
*Merlot/Fellswap Gold Sans ' The bad wine expert wannabe ' -
*Mochaccino/Fellswap Gold Papyrus ' The coffee addict ' -
* Hickory/Horrortale Sans ‘ The Butcher ‘ -
* Tatters/Horrortale Papyrus ‘ The Cannibal ‘ -
* Lilac/Horrortale Toriel - 
* Vile/Horrortale Grillby 'The starving bartender'
* Trigger/ Horrortale Undyne ' The Fallen Queen ' -
* Widow/Horrortale Muffet ' The Black Widow ' -
* Toffee/Storyshift Chara ‘ The Guard ‘ -
* Plum/storyshift Asriel ‘ The Captain’s Son ‘ -
* Pebble/Storyshift Frisk ' The one who will free them all ' -
* Moss/Storyshift Monster Kid ' The village boy ' -
* Cantaloupe/Storyshift Papyrus -
* Skyblue/Storyshift Sans ‘ The King ‘ -
* Delta/Asylumtale Sans ‘ The Maniac ‘ -
* Daisy/Asylumtale Alphys 'The therapist' -
* Sam/Overtale Sans 'The Boy-Next-Door' -
* Audrey/Overtale Papyrus 'The eccentric mascot' -
* Sapphire/Overtale Frisk ' The friendly goat monster ' -
* Oliver/Overtale Monster Kid ' The curious neighborhood teenager ' -
* Bumblebee/Outertale Flower ' The worrisome flower ' -
* Midnight/Outertale Sans ‘ The Star Fanatic ‘ -
*  Marrow/Outertale Papyrus ‘ The Earth Fanatic ‘ -
* Kris/Deltarune Kris  -
* Susie/Deltarune Susie  -
* Sugarberry/Trickstertale Swap!Sans ' The eccentric Trickster ' -
* Glitch/Error! Sans 'The destroyer' -
* Palette/Ink! Sans 'The creator' -
* Night/Nightmare! Sans 'The bringer of nightmares' -
* Starry/Dream! Sans 'The bringer of gentle dreams' -
* Sansy/Fresh! Sans 'The parasite' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Iris/Fresh! Chara -
* Fern/Mafia!Dream  ' The Optimistic Detective ' -
* Onyx/Mafia!Nightmare  ' The Pessimistic Detective ' -
* Sangria/Mafia!Ink  ' The soulless detective ' -
* Chiffon/Mafia!Error  ' The guilty Detective ' -
* Berry/Strawberry Nightmare ' The positive nightmare ' -
* Arctic/Snake!Dream!Sans ' The positive snake protector ' -
* Anchor/Snake!Nightmare!Sans ' the negative snake guardian ' -
* Sky/Outcode Underswap Sans ' The last star sans ' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Raven/Killertale Sans -
* Blueprints/Error! Underswap Sans -
* Tortilla/ Pup Bitty -
* Denim/Sansy Bitty ' The lazy bitty ' -
* Pistachio/Sansy Naga Bitty ' The peaceful snake bitty ' -
* Jam/Edgy bitty -
* Navy/Baby blue bitty -
* Echo/Echotale Sans ‘ The PlayBoy’  -
* Heather/Echofell Sans -
* Juniper/Echoswap Sans - 
* Green/Echotale Papyrus ‘ The BookWorm’  -
* Solaris/Dusttale Sans ‘ The Murderer ‘ -
* Hound/Dustswapfell Papyrus 'The feeling addict' -
* Yammy/DustJar Papyrus -
* Bronze/Disbelief Papyrus -
* Sandstone/Dustbelief Papyrus -
* Squash/Dustswap Papyrus -
* Fog/Dusttale Papyrus
* Carob/Dustshift Asriel -
* Rust/horrorfell Gaster 'The man who speaks in screams ' -
* Carnal/Horrorswapfell Gaster ' The Pathetic RiverMan ' -
* Teddy/Horrorfell Sans 'The dusting butcher' -
* Cranberry/Horrorswap Sans 'The backstabbing maniac' -
* Bell/Horrorfellswap Sans 'The incompetent little helper' -
* Knight/Horrorswapfell Sans 'The Try hard protector' -
* Garnet/Horrorfellswap gold sans -
* Rottenberry/Horrorfell Papyrus ‘ The Mute ‘ -
* Pine/Horrorswap Papyrus ' The creepy Con Artist ' -
* Cedar/Horrorfellswap gold Papyrus -
* Umber/Horrorshift Asriel ' the broken down sentry ' -
* Soot/Horrorshift Chara ' the protective Butcher ' -
* Spice/Underlust Sans ‘ The Lover ‘ -
* Cotton/Lustswapfell Sans 'The Authoritative slut' -
* Candy/Lustfell Sans -
* Teal/Swaplust sans ' The innocent slut ' -
* Sugar/Underlust Papyrus ‘ The Friend-With-Benefits ‘ -
* Lavender/Lustfellswap Papyrus 'The Affection seeker' -
* Marmalade/swaplust Papyrus -
* Cerulean/Lustfell Grillby 'The flirty bartender'
* Sepia/Lustfell Toriel - 
* Orchid/Horrorlust Toriel - 
* Eros/Altertale Sans 'The gentle giant' -
* Nebula/Alterswap Sans 'The benevolent ruler' -
*  Azure/Dancetale Sans 'The dancer' -
* Puffy/Danceswap Sans ‘ The Happy-Go-Lucky Dancer ‘ -
* Lyric/Danceswap Papyrus 'The jokester dance fanatic' -
* Tangerine/Dancetale Papyrus  -
* Comet/Outerswap Sans 'The Curious human fanatic' -
* Pluto/Outerfellswap Sans 'The strength fanatic' -
* Perseus/Outerswapfell Sans ' The rule follower ' -
* Cygnus/Outerfell Sans ' The eccentric dreamer ' -
* Cherry/Shiftfell Chara ‘ The Pet ‘ -
* Majesty/Shiftfellswap Chara ‘ The Captain Of Pride ‘ -
* Caramel/Storyswap Chara ' The friendly sentry-to-be ' -
* Brash/Storyswapfell Asriel 'The absent minded sentry' -
* Ivory/Storyswap Asriel ' The laid-back sentry ' -
* Bloodbath/Shiftfell Papyrus ‘ The Catacombs Caretaker ‘ -
* Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ -
* Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' -
* Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ -
* Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ -
* Casanova/Mafiaswapfell Sans ' The Angry Boss ' -
* Grim/Mafiahorror Sans ' The Devoted follower ' -
* Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ -
* Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Toots/Mafiafellswap Papyrus ' The kind follower ' -
* Dreary/Mafiahorror Papyrus ' The cowardly follower ' -
* Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ -
* Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ -
* Admiral/Mafiafell Gaster ' The brutal Don ' -
* Basiliscus/Mafiatale Gaster ' The Collected Don' -
* Apricot/Mafiaswap Gaster  ' The cheerful informant ' -
* Sable/Mafiaswapfell Gaster ' The strict Don ' -
* Dove/Mafiafell Chara  ' The Apathetic heir ' -
* Sage/Mafiaswap Chara   ' The two-faced sweetheart ' -
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' -
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' -
* Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' -
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' -
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' -
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' -
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' -
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' -
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' -
* Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave' -
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' -
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' -
* Frank/Overfell Sans 'The flirty mechanic' -
* Tommy/Overswap Sans 'The friendly donut shop owner' -
* Pierre/Overswapfell Sans 'The justice obsessed officer'
* Theodore/Overfellswap Sans 'The temperamental nurse'
* Flynn/Overhorror Sans 'The veteran'
* Angelo/OverLust Sans 'The insane cat gentleman'
* Daniel/OverOuter Sans 'The passionate astronomer'
* Tony/OverMafia Sans 'The typical dark backstory ex-mafiose'
* Russel/Overswapfell Papyrus 'The child-loving kindergarden teacher'
* Tobias/Overfellswap Papyrus 'The helpless romantic'
* Whitley/OverLust Papryus 'The damsel in distress'
* Willow/OverMafia Papyrus 'The friendly rival'
* Spurce/Beasttale Sans ' The territorial Alpha ' -
* Shamrock/Beasttale Papyrus ' The Friendly Beta ' -
* Charcoal/Snaketale Sans ' The chubby snake ' -
* Leather/Snakeswapfell Sans ' The territorial snake ' -
* Grease/Snakefell Sans ' The aggressive snake ' -
* Aquila/Outersnake sans ' the dreamy snake ' -
* Walnut/Snakeswap Sans ' The cheerful snake' -
* Crow/Dustsnake Sans ' the homicidal snake ' -
* Lapis/Altersnake sans  -
* Seafoam/Sirentale Sans ' The human-hating siren ' -
* Ocean/Sirenswap Sans ' The selfish siren ' -
* Seaweed/Sirenswapfell sans  -
* Hades/Reapertale Sans - 
80 notes · View notes
saffronsplace · 4 years
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March 29th: Bounding with Mickey Ears  - Belle
pose @ flowey - arcade tales #8 Trompe Loeil - Bookworm Hideaway PG
ears @ #187 - mouse ears roses headband earrings @ glam affair - suki earrings hair @ stealthic - allure dress @ hilly haalan - julian maxi dress summer pack
2 notes · View notes
quagsthecryptid · 4 years
I really want to dress like an emo, semi steampunk, totally in a fictional world, lesbian bookworm idek how else to describe it. I want the flannel and the high heeled combat boots with pockets and the strange earrings and the rings and the old looking sort of Victorian skirts and odd makeup and ngl a corset so my back doesn't hurt. I want the distressed jackets with tons of pockets and the cargo pants and the flowey shirts with the fancy swooshy sleeves and the leather jackets and cool belts and fabric bracelets. Ooooh! And one of those flowey cotton pirates shirts thingys with the weird sleeves and the ties. Not to mention snazzy gloves and gauntlet things and undercut designs in my hair.. But I mean, I can't dress like that can I? I can't look like I'm straight out of a fantasy novel can I?
0 notes
penguinsare-gay · 7 years
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oh wow an au that doesn’t revolve around Frisk-
0 notes