#books that have maps in the front are my favourite!
nordic-language-love · 11 months
I got Minna no Nihongo a while back and today I finally opened it and omg it has a map with all the names of the prefectures and their capitals in kanji and furigana!
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nataliasquote · 8 months
Double the trouble | a day out | n romanoff
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Part of the ‘Double the trouble AU’
Summary: a day trip with 2 3-year-olds is a lot to handle…
Age: 3 years old
Warnings: none
Pairings: WandaNat
wc: 2.9k
note: this was a request from anon (my first request!) so I hope I did it justice
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Isla was always the loudest twin. She had all her firsts before her sister; word, steps, you name it, she beat Y/n to it. Which often left the younger girl feeling behind and unworthy, born to only follow in the shadows of her twin sister.
Natasha and Wanda tried their hardest to treat their girls equally, but with Y/n’s reluctance to try anything new and Isla’s strong temperament, they had a difficult situation on their hands.
Being three years old meant days were filled with trips to the park and fun days out for the whole family. Isla had been begging to go to the zoo, the colourful picture books she begged Wanda to read every night cementing her love for animals. Y/n nodded when asked if she wanted to go too. But what was she supposed to say? She did everything Isla did.
But the zoo wasn’t her thing. Whilst her older sister toddled around and pointed animatedly at all the different animals, Y/n stayed beside the stroller, her tiny hands fiddling with the fabric seat as she stared at the concrete pavement. Natasha tried her hardest to involve her, often picking her up so she could see over the fences and pointing to the monkeys who were chasing each other around the enclosure. But the little girl was having none of it, her fist wrapped around the strap of her mama’s tank top.
“What’s the matter maylshka?” Natasha asked, holding Y/n tight to her body as she lead them both over to a nearby bench. “I thought you loved the zoo?”
The small girl shook her head, flaming hair falling loose from its braids. “Isla like zoo. Not me.”
Natasha’s brow furrowed as she looked at her daughter. “But you said you wanted to go?”
Y/n gave her mother a glare. A very familiar one at that. “No. Isla said go. Not me.”
Natasha shifted so her daughter was now sat on her knee. She gently moved a stray piece of hair from her forehead and kissed it gently, rubbing the soft cotton of her t-shirt. “I’m sorry malyshka. I thought you wanted to go too.”
“It’s ok Mama,” Y/n said, placing her cool palms on her mother’s warm cheeks. Natasha smiled softly at the gesture and booped her on the nose, making the young girl giggle. “Can we get ice cream?”
Natasha pretended to think for a moment. “Ice cream? Hmmm, I don’t know.”
“I think yes!”
“Do you? And does Y/n make the rules now?”
The young girl nodded happily, her whole body moving with the force. “Ice cream!”
“Ok, big girl. Let’s get ice cream.” Natasha stood up from her seat and began to set Y/n down on the ground, but the three year old clung to her front like the monkeys behind her, tiny heels digging into Natasha’s waist. There were many things Nat loved about her youngest, but Y/n’s clingy nature was by far her favourite. It made her feel wanted, important.
With a stroller handle in one hand and a child balanced carefully in the other, Nat set off towards the jungle themed cafe she’d spotted on the map by the gate. Wanda had taken Isla off to god knows where, the young girl unable to sit still with so much happening around her.
The cafe itself was rather busy so Natasha expertly manoeuvred the stroller into a corner booth table and kicked the brake down so it wouldn’t roll into anyone’s way. She sank down onto the cushioned blue seat and allowed Y/n to straddle her lap, soft red hair tickling her nostrils as the young girl lay against her mother’s chest.
Natasha quickly scanned her surroundings before pulling out her phone and punching a quick update text to Wanda, who replied back with a video of Isla at the penguin enclosure.
“Look Y/n,” she turned her phone so the young girl could see but Y/n didn’t pay much attention. She watched for two seconds before her head went straight back to Natasha’s collarbone, finding more comfort there than anywhere else. “You’re really not bothered by the zoo, huh?”
Y/n shook her head lazily, her thumb coming up to brush against her lips, a telltale sign for Natasha who was well trained in motherhood.
“I think someone’s tired?” Another sleepy nod. “You wanna go for a nap, detka?” Talking was clearly too much for Y/n, who only replied with yet another nod. Natasha took her response and pulled the stroller close. However, she was met with some resistance as she tried to transfer a now squirmy three year old into her seat. “What’s wrong?”
“-na stay with you,” Y/n mumbled around her thumb before Nat gently prised it out of her mouth. Y/n’s big green eyes blinked up at her tiredly and Natasha couldn’t help but coo at the sight. Her girls were the most adorable things in her life and when they were tired they were so precious.
Nat moved her body back into the corner of the booth and allowed Y/n to swivel around so she was flat against her chest, cheek resting comfortably on the softness of Natasha’s chest. They may not be fed like that anymore, but the twins still found great comfort from their mamas’ chests.
It didn’t take long for Y/n’s breaths to even out and Natasha couldn’t help but take a quick selfie with her daughter, the moment too precious to capture. She stared at her screen with a blissful expression before posting it to her close friends’ instagram story. Only family and the occasional friend was allowed on there, and Yelena of course was the first to send a reply.
@ yelenabelova7
you better be bringing those munchkins to me soon. I want baby Y/n hugs too
Natasha rolled her eyes and laughed as she replied, flawlessly typing even with one hand.
@ natromanoff
i’m impressed you got the twin right. and i’m not putting them on a plane so you’ll have to come here. I know isla would love that.
@ yelenabelova7
I can’t believe you doubt me Natasha. I know my Y/n when I see her. Besides, she’s always clinging to you. You got the quiet one. Wanda has her hands full with the other monkey
@ natromanoff
They’re both our children, Lena. Wands is just happy to be dragged around a zoo. I’d rather sit
@ yelenabelova7
HA! You’re getting old sestra. You’re a mother, not a grandma. Not yet anyway.
Yelena’s comment made Natasha roll her eyes and place her phone down on the table. She cradled Y/n’s head to her chest and rocked her gently back and forth. A smile broke out across her face as she spotted her wife push through the large glass doors, Isla tugging on her arm impatiently.
Natasha held a finger up to her lips as her favourite girls approached, trying not to disturb her youngest. But her efforts were in vain as Y/n recognised the approaching voices and lifted her head to peer around. Wanda bent down and kissed her head softly, brushing her hair back as she pulled away.
“Hello sleepy head,” she cooed, taking a seat on the opposite bench and pulling Isla onto her lap. “Did the ice cream make you sleepy?”
“We didn’t even get that far, did we?” Natasha laughed, watching as Y/n’s head perked up at the mention of the sweet dessert.
“Can we get it now?”
Wanda looked down at Isla. “You wanna get some with me and we can bring it back for Y/n and Mama?”
“Me go too!” Y/n squirmed off Natasha’s lap and ran over to Wanda, taking the hand on her other side. “Mama stay?” She asked, looking back at Natasha.
The redhead nodded. “I’ll hold down the fort.”
Wanda led the twins away like a mother duck and her ducklings, holding their hands tight until they reached the large glass cabinet. The young woman behind the counter smiled at the precious sight in front of her as the twins stretched up on their toes to peer in.
“Pink!” Y/n exclaimed, pointing to the candy floss ice cream that sounded disgusting in Wanda’s eyes. “Can I get pink?”
“Mommy I want chocolate!”
“What do we say when we want something?” Wanda asked, putting on her best ‘mom’ voice.
“Pleeeeeese?” The girls chorused, tiny toothy smiles dazzling up at their mommy. The worker chuckled and caught Y/n’s eye so she smiled widely at her too.
“That’s better. And yes, you can get whatever you would like. But you have to ask the nice lady politely.”
Isla being Isla spoke up first, puffing out her chest as she took a deep breath. “Please can I have chocolate please?” She pointed into the cabinet, just in case the server wasn’t sure which one was chocolate.
“Of course you can sweetheart. Is that in a cone or a cup?” Isla looked at her blankly and turned to Wanda, a clear cry for help.
“The smallest cone you do please. And just one scoop.” The girl nodded and began preparing her order. “They don’t need too much sugar.”
Once Isla’s order was complete the server turned to Y/n who was staring intently at all the colourful flavours. “Which one would you like sweetheart?”
“Strawberry?” Y/n looked up at Wanda, tugging her sleeve for help. The mother shook her head and watched to see which one her daughter pointed too. Granted, Y/n could barely point in the right direction but her intention was enough to go off.
“I think she means the candyfloss. The one with the glitter on it.”
Y/n’s was scooped into a similar cone to Isla and then placed on the stand. Wanda quickly sorted herself and Natasha out; two scoops of honeycomb crunch in a cup for herself, and a double scoop of caramel coffee for Nat. Wanda always teased her wife for crunching on the coffee beans that topped her scoop. Natasha sure was a strange one when it came to her flavour preferences.
Ice creams clutched tightly in hands, Wanda ushered her little ducklings back to the safety of the booth where Natasha was waiting, a large grin plastered onto her face that mirrored that of her ice cream laden babies.
Sweet treats were consumed from the safety of the jungle themed cafe and Isla and Y/n swung their feet happily as they nibbled on their cones. Sticky hands and faces were just inevitable and Wanda was soon ready to attack both with baby wipes the second they were done.
“Did you two see everything you wanted to?” Natasha asked, scrolling through the pictures on Wanda’s phone of Isla at various exhibits.
“I saw lions!” Isla bared her teeth and roared, shaking her head like she’d seen the majestic creature do hours earlier. “And the ‘raffes!”
Y/n tugged on Natasha’s sleeve and pointed to part of the mural covering the wall to her right. “They have those here?”
The colourful sea creatures were definitely oversaturated; pink sharks didn’t sit comfortably with Natasha. But she followed Y/n finger to a sparkly blue turtle and smiled, noticing how Isla and Wanda also did the same.
“I saw a sign for an aquarium around the corner,” Wanda said. “There could be turtles in there.”
“We go!”
“Now hold on a minute-“ Wanda started, but telling two sugared-up three years olds on a mission to slow down was a fruitless effort. Natasha grabbed both of their tiny wrists and gently tugged them back to the table, earning little angry glares from both girls.
“What did we say about running off?”
“Not buts, Y/n. What did we say?”
“Don’t run off,” they said in unison, the floor now much more interesting than Natasha who wasn’t smiling. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok munchkin, just wait 2 minutes and we’ll be ready.”
Wanda and Natasha packed up quickly and headed towards the aquarium side of the zoo, eyes glued to the two little girls in front of them whose hands were tightly clasped together. They may have their favourite parent and stay glued to their side, but Y/n and Isla’s bond truly was unbreakable. Starkly different, yet inseparable.
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akixa · 8 months
Dearie || lookism
The story is about Y/N, a mysterious girl in the Lookism world where she doesn't belong. With her average height and charming or adorable face, she seems fragile-looking, but once you know her dark side, you will see a manipulative and dangerous lady, yet her appearance makes everyone want to protect her in their cruel world. Will she team up with Daniel to take down the four major crews and Charles Choi? Or does she team up with the enemy side along with other geniuses? Will she finally go back to her real world? Let's find out in the next Dragon Ball Z! Enjoy!
(Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/361532555?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=justakixa)
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CHAPTER 1 ˚୨୧⋆.
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪ ⊹Part 1
The girl on the bed let out a groan as she lazily reached for her phone to silence the sudden ringing of the alarm. She sits up on her bed and glances to the side, spotting a tall mirror reflecting her messy bedhead. 
"ugh, what a mess..." She muttered to herself as she let out a long sigh, ever since she got into the lookism world around 1 week ago and now she was stuck there for now. 
When she found herself in that unfamiliar place, she awoke in a room filled with furniture, clothes that suited her, a key house, and even her birth certificate. Questioning her sanity, she pinched herself to no avail before exploring the house, which was charming in every way. In the living room, she discovered an ID from J-high with her face on it. It appeared that she had been randomly taken, placed in a house, and enrolled in a school that was completely foreign to her. However, it was becoming clear that she was not in her world, especially after she researched J-high and her old address, finding no trace of them on any maps. Till she realised She was in her friend's favourite webtoon "Lookism".
She finally gets up and starts heading to the bathroom to take a shower, after that, she wears the uniform and combs her hair as she lets it free then ties it to buns. She then heads her way downstairs, grabs her backpack, phone, key house, and lastly she goes near the door and wears her shoes before going out of the house and locking the house.
While later she finally arrived at a gate at J-high School, she guessed this would be the start of a new life. Once she steps inside, all the eyes are on her making her feel nervous and awkwardly walks away from the stares as she finally arrives in front of the principal office. She knocks twice on the door as someone shouts to come in.
A few minutes later, she got out and started heading to the fashion department room in the other hall. When she arrives at her class, she braces herself and takes a deep breath before she enters the classroom and suddenly stares at her again.
"oh! I forgot to announce that we will have new students today. So, Kindly introduce yourself dear." The teacher looks at me and gives me a gentle smile.
"Hello, I'm Y/N and im 18 years old. My hobby is drawing and please don't ask me to draw you for free. That's all." She stutters a bit but she did great anyway. After that, the teacher signed her to sit next to the blond boy covering his both eyes. Can he even see anything underneath those hairs?
She smiles at him before turning away and grabbing a book to write down notes, while the blonde guy keeps staring at her and seems to fantasise about her in his mind as he smiles back a little bit making his ears turn red. As she keeps writing something in her book, the blond keeps watching her till the three classes are finally over and break time starts any second.
Upon her arrival in the cafeteria, everyone looked at the new student aka her but she didn't notice the new guy behind her making everyone gasp for a second and think they may be a couple? or Model? or Idols? She turned around to meet somebody's chest as she looked up and saw a handsome man who also looking at her. 
"Hi! You're Y/N, right? Im Daniel Park, am also new here and same department as yours." He smiles widely at her while. Right beside him, it was the blonde boy again, he kept looking at her as if he wanted to devour her or something.
"He mentioned that his name is Jay Hong." He gestured towards him.
"Is he mute?" She thought.
Daniel and Jay keep smiling down at her. She tilted her head looking at them before turning around and walking away to get snacks in the vending machine. Before she put the coin in, someone raced into it she looked to her side and saw Daniel with Jay leaning on the vending machine other side.
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She feels nervous because of those two who keep getting closer to her. She hurries to click the options button and takes a leave with the strawberry pocky in her hand.
While strolling down the hallway and munching on her pocky, she ponders why Daniel and Jay are behaving so differently in this world compared to the webtoon. Did something trigger this world? Will others also act out of character? Lost in thought, she accidentally bumps into someone, causing her pocky to snap in half. As she looks up, she is met by a man with tattoos and a jumpsuit tied around his waist. His chest feels as solid as bricks - why does it seem like she ran into a wall?
As she observes the man in front of her, she can't help but think that he might be a bully due to his appearance, especially the tattoos on his hands. She regrets not reading about Lookism with her friend, but she was too busy with school. Now, as the man walks towards her and stops right in front of her, she begins to tremble on the floor with fear.
What will happen to her next? Will he hit her since she bumped into him? Is he a bad guy? She prays silently till the man starts to reach his hand to her.
In just a blink of her eyes, she's in the clinic room. Just a second ago, she was in the hallway sitting on the ground with a man standing in front of her, and suddenly he carried her in the bridal way and ran. Then a nurse came up to me and checked if my knee got bruised or something while the guy was looking down on the floor, looking all guilty like a sad giant dog... A big-ear guy suddenly came to his side and comforted him and said she was fine; in reality, she was fine since the fall didn't cause her to hurt her knee or get sprained. The only one that got her hurt was her pocky, which broke in half and was left in the hallway.
A while later, a nurse told those two that she was alright and as they kept talking, she decided to check the phone that she was bringing since it wasn't hers in the first place. She opened the phone and saw the lock screen looked normal as she swiped it up and had a password in it.
"Eh, it has a password? how am I gonna open this?" she whispered to herself before she quickly hid it in her jacket uniform pocket as the two guys finally approached her. The guy with big ears tries to push the big tattoo guy toward me and keeps telling him to apologize to her for bumping over me.
"Hey, he would like to apologize to you for bumping you and carrying you without your consent." The big ears guy smiles at me as he points to the tattoo guy.
"My name is Jace Park and his name is Euntae Lee but call him Vasco instead. We're members of Burn Knuckles while he is a Leader."
"Well, that's ok but may I ask a question?" she tilts her head as she looks at Jace.
"What is it?" He looks down at her and starts to examine her body head to toe as he snaps out his thoughts.
"Are you guys a bad guy? you two look like you can kill a fly..." She asks both of them.
Jace let out a chuckling sound as he pointed to Vasco again "Believe it or not he may look like a bad guy but he's a big softie."
" And I wouldn't dare to hurt someone as precious as you little lady," Vasco said with a tint of blush on his chick.
"Little?!" She thought. She feels offended since her height isn't that small compared to theirs. Is she? Last time in her world she was 5'6 but this time she shrunk.
"Also, are you new here somehow? Your face is unfamiliar around this school." Jace turned to ask her as she nodded and decided to stand up and dust her skirt.
Later they start to head out of the clinic room and part their ways in each department. She pulled out the phone again and decided to guess the password of the lock screen. She put her birthday code, 1234, password, and everything she thought of but sadly for her everything was incorrect. As she arrives at her classroom she feels the intense atmosphere, she looks up from her phone and sees in the middle is Daniel and the random guy. Slowly walked around and sat on her chair while others were getting crowded around Daniel and that guy and cheering loudly.
She overheard the guy's name was Zack and a Boxer. She couldn't bear to look at the fight so she returned to the phone and guessed another password while everyone kept making a crowd with outsiders too. Then suddenly she heard someone get punched, she took a sneak glance and saw Zack guy was on the floor clutching to his stomach. She felt bad for him but she didn't know what had happened before she arrived so she went back to the phone and she noticed the girl with brown had left the room.
Everyone lowers their eyes and avoids Zack who is still clutching his stomach as he tries to get up from the floor, she lets out a soft sigh and puts the phone in her pocket once again. She walks to Zack and then crouches down to him as she pokes his shoulder.
"Do you need help?" She asked him as she held him up on her shoulder before Zack answered her. But when she asks him if he needs help, he looks up at her and everything goes in slow motion around him till flowers bloom behind her. A goddess. While he was daydreaming, she dragged him out of the room but before that, Daniel came up to her and helped her hold Zack to the clinic, little did she know Daniel was glaring at Zack when he noticed Zack was staring at her and getting held by her.
When they arrived, they laid him down on the bed and she told Daniel to stay there with him as she went to catch up with the nurse. When she said that Zack snapped out of his daydreaming and shook his head as he muttered that he had Mira for him, then she walked out of the clinic leaving the two alone inside and walking through the hallway. She was not going to call the nurse since she saw the letter on the desk that the nurse would come back any minute. She walked around the hall and checked her surroundings. Everyone seemed busy minding their business so she went to the library, pulled out the phone once again and tried one more password.
Finally, she successfully guessed the password of the lock screen. It was the exact day when she arrived. Lowkey is suspicious and feels it was set up just for her. Her expression drops when she notices the wallpaper on the phone. Unfamiliar man and a woman that looks like her...
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Is that even her? She can't even remember anything about that guy, mostly she just woke up last week ago in a random house and felt like an amnesia person. Yet she still believed that this world wasn't hers since she remembered everything in her 'world' so that's why that man and that woman are not related to her. Hopefully not. If it was, then her 'world' was just a dream and everything she knew was fake blurry people.
She shook her mind off of all the questions. Then she decided to look further, she checked the gallery and it was empty. There were no pictures or videos in there so she went to check the files but it was also empty. When she clicks the music app, she notices there's an unnamed folder only and it is full of voice records. She was about to play one but the bell interrupted her, she headed back to her classroom grabbed her backpack and quickly walked out of the school. She was so curious about what was in the voice records that she hurriedly walked, she even felt the soft gaze at her but she just ignored it and continued walking.
Part 3!
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Hi, it’s me again.
Could you do 9 & 17 with Dwayne? Maybe the reader was raised by vampire hunters but they don’t like violence so they spend all their life researching instead of training to fight vampires? Just a suggestion you have all the creative liberties
9. Why are you reading at the boardwalk?
17. I did everything you asked, and still you talk to me as if I'm nothing!
Ooh I love this idea!!! Thank you so much for requesting - I really hope you like this!
"There are vampires in this town. We need to handle quickly, before they know we're here."
My father stood at the front of the table and bowed down over a map of Santa Carla. My mother was washing the wooden stakes with holy water, and my sister was busy practising her fighting moves. I sighed, curled up in the chair by the window.
"Why can't we just let them be?"
"They kill people."
"Isn't hunting them down also killing people?" I asked, but the second I did I knew I went to far.
"You listen to me, child!" My father stomped towards me, grabbing my chin. "You're a part of this family, and we are destined to protect the world from vampires. We've allowed you to stay behind because you refuse to fight, but I will hear none of this nonsense!"
"These creatures are evil, demons that poison the world. And if you do not stand with us, then you're against us. You're just as bad as them."
I stood from my chair, trembling with anger. "How dare you?! I did everything you asked, and still you talk to me as if I am nothing! Why can't you just accept that I don't consider vampires a threat? Why must you kill them?" In the past year, I had researched everything I could, from behaviours to living situations - and I could only draw one conclusion out of all of it. Vampires weren't worse than humans. In fact, humans were more vicious killers than they were. Humans kill so many, not just people but also animals - simply for their pleasure (in the case of animals) or because it is expected from them in situations of war. But vampires, as horrible as they are, only kill because they need to in order to survive. And if they find a way for themselves to enjoy the killing, to make it bearable for them? Is that truly that bad? Does it truly make them worse than humans? I didn't think so.
My father turned to me, his stare turned ice cold. "Matthew -" my mother tried to calm him down, but he pushed her away. My sister had left the room, probably not willing to hear the same old argument again.
"You lost your brother because of those monsters. Or have you forgotten that?"
I glared at him. "Those killers have been dealt with."
"Exactly. And that's what we need to do here."
"But they didn't hurt us!"
"Get out!" My father now growled, and without looking back, I ran. I grabbed my bag, ran out of the house, and didn't stop running until I saw people.
I stopped to catch my breath, closing my eyes as I tried to fight tears. I missed my brother a lot, but it didn't justify the slaying of vampires. It didn't. It wasn't right, and it pained me more than I liked to admit that my family couldn't see that.
I entered the boardwalk, finding a way through the crowds. In the bag I'd taken was one of my favourite books, and I knew that I needed to read right now. I needed to clear my head and get away from the trouble at home. I didn't like the idea of reading on the sand, to afraid the sand would get stuck between the pages and damage the book. So, I walked around looking for a better spot.
I sighed as I found an empty bench at the boardwalk, a bright streetlantern right above it. It was a perfect spot to read. As I sat down, curling my legs up beneath me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over me. If they could only just accept me for who I was, and accept that I would never be like them...
I opened my book, and before I knew it, I was engulfed in the story. The laughter of the people on the boardwalk disappeared into the far background of my mind. The movements of the crowds disappeared from my sight. It was just me and my book. I had read it many a time before, every single time turning back to it. If the count cared so much for Mina, so much that in the end, he begged her to kill him so she could be free - then he wasn't truly evil, was he?
"Been a long time since I've seen anyone with that book."
I jumped, startled by the voice in front of me. I looked up and saw a handsome man looking at me.
"It's one of my favourites."
He smiled as he sat down next to me. "Why are you reading at the boardwalk?"
"It's more quiet here," I said with a soft smile. "Here I can get lost in the story, but at home..." I shook my head. "It's easier to read here."
"I'm Dwayne."
I gave him my name, finding myself enjoying his presence. There was something about him. We talked for hours. About the book I was reading now, about books we both had read - and by the time the boardwalk closed, I found myself considering him a close acquaintance.
"Do you want to meet again sometime?" I asked him, feeling more shyly than I had anticipated.
"How about we go out for dinner tomorrow? I'll meet you at the boardwalk at eight."
I smiled, nodding. "Sounds good. I'll see you then!"
Dwayne drove off, feeling contemplated. He knew that they were a member of a family of hunters, but nothing about them gave him any warning signs. In everything they'd talked about that evening, they had seem very positive towards vampires. No, they weren't a threat, he decided. Maybe even an asset if push came to shove. The question was, would that stay that way when they realised that they were destined to be a vampire themselves?
Part 2
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feathernotes · 1 year
Hello! My name is Krispy, and I’m the co-creator of the webcomic Ghost Junk Sickness (along with @spacerocketbunny​) It's story time!
GJS is a webcomic published by Hiveworks and features two bounty hunters with an unstable dynamic who are pushed to pursue the deadly bounty dubbed the Ghost The current iteration of GJS is about 9 years old (and wrapping up next year!) It’s been an incredible journey full of ups and downs. We’ve learned SO MUCH creating this comic, and I wanted to share some of it’s origins with you all in hopes of inspiring more folks to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy- and make that comic!
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The origin of Ghost Junk Sickness came from our love for Magic Knight Rayearth and Final Fantasy 7. Vahn, the protagonist of GJS, was basically a mash up of Hikaru and Cloud from those two series. The very first version of this story has unfortunately been destroyed, and this map is the only piece I have left of that world. Character art still exists though, and it was pretty funny to see how obvious we were with our inspirations at the time.
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The original attempt at the story was called Crew, and my sister Space and I worked on it in 2002-2004. We sort of got lost in our own ideas after that, and weren’t as focus on making the comic (now lost). A few years later, I decided to try my hand at it and it looked like this:
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This was all done on low quality paper, whichever I could find at the time and some pencil crayons. This attempt was over 600 pages long and had a pretty random story plot, much like the first version. I could not tell you what it was about haha 😅
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My second attempt (then called Divine Ace) I wanted to look more 'traditional manga' and kept with just inks and tried my darndest to tone on the computer (it never worked out). This one lasted over 400 pages, and was more allinged with my liking to edgy action anime and games at the time. It was also Trigger's first appearance!
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After experimenting and eventually wanting to change- I started to work with Space again, and we collaborated in full on our first fancomic for TF2 called "Be Efficient, Be Polite." It was a good lesson on how we could coordinate our shared skill sets and plan out who did what as far as the whole process of comics go.
All of these comics (save for the very first lost version) were hosted on DA the day we got our hands on a scanner. It was our first taste on being 'webcomic creators' back in the day, and it was very fun! We didn't much care for readers, only the process of completion at the time, so a page done was always a victory worthy to be celebrated (and back then, we had more time to make pages!)
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And so, as the years went by and we decided to move on from our fandom roots, Space and I went back to the Crew/Divine Ace project and redesigned and overhauled the entirety of it. (You can see the full evolution here) We wanted to re-asses what the story, comic, and characters meant to us, and how we could convey some pretty important ideas and concepts to our potential readers. From that, Ghost Junk Sickness was born, and began pre-production in 2013.
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Years after, we find ourselves reflecting on how much we've learned from the process of going ahead and diving in head first. There were certainly many iterations and years it took to get where we are today, but realising that it all began that day Space and I decided to scribble some pretty mediocire comics in our homework books and papers. Because that is the beauty of comics- The many skill sets, the hats, and challenges that come along with creating them. And how much we've become better at so many things along the way. So if you read this and feel nervous about diving head first into your first comic, I'm here to re-assure you that things will feel tough, but exciting. Things will feel really hard but amazing when you're getting your story out in front of you with such an incredible medium. Webcomics will always be my favourite because of how accessible it is to any skill set. And know in your heart of hearts that there ARE people out that that LOVE to see growth, they love to see the progression of your journey. So get out there and start creating that comic that's occupied your brain for so long, and start breathing that life into your OCs and your world. The only way is up with webcomics, and the only way to start is just by creating now.
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berryz-writes · 4 months
Grayson Hawthorne Headcanons- when he was younger
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He took ages to sleep. Playing chess games with himself, trying to draw the world map by memory literally did anything to fall asleep faster
Sometimes when he had nightmares he would just lay in bed knowing that Jameson would come to his room first. Once he did they would talk about things (never about their nightmares) but just in general. Once he knew Jameson was asleep he would finally sleep as well
Always took care of Xander even if it meant being the uptight brother
Wanted his mothers attention so would draw her cute cards and gave her flowers that he had dug up from the gardens
When he was bored, if his grandfather was at home he would follow him around sometimes discretely to see what he did and how he acted (he wanted tips on what to do once he got the fortune)
Being super young, Grayson sometimes wondered down corridors, just so he could get lost and then maybe he would get a little attention and someone would come find him
Instead he just found his way back to his room because obvs he's extremely smart
He also made up a lot of games for him, Xander and Jameson to play when they were younger
Always asked Nash for advice before doing anything because he didn't want to do it wrong
Never or barely cried in front of everyone because he didn't want to be seen as weak
He was a quiet child in class but always put his hand up to give the answer
Liked it when Jameson joined his school because Jameson was able to make friends in a heartbeat with literally everyone
Didn't trust his friends completely but he did enjoy spending time with them
His favourite extra curricular was Photography which he had joined because he had wanted to create memories that lasted forever
He is naturally good at drawing/art.
When he was small and the boys had a maid he would tell her "Please could you style my hair so it looks neat?" Cared about his presentation when he was like 6 years old
Also was always so so polite. His teachers always complimented his manners in parent meetings
Great at sports especially cricket but he's not really a fan of how long the game is
Whenever he wanted something he would whisper it at first "Could I please have the crayon?" He had to repeat himself like twice before the other children could hear him
Wasn't necessarily a shy child but he was quiet compared to Jamie
Jamie and Gray always get compared by teachers "You sure he's your brother? He's the complete opposite"
Anytime any child made eye contact with him he would give them the sweetest smile his dimples showing.
He didn't have very close friends but everyone in the class liked him so he was voted for class president quite a few times
His uniform was always so clean like there would not be a spot of dirt on his clothes. He was a clean child.
Unlike Xander who always had paint splotches down his shirt
When Xander was super young like 4 years old, all 3 of them would go to Nash's room and make him read a bed time story on Saturday nights
Slowly this tradition changed to Grayson also getting a part in reading. Xander and Jamie would fall asleep and so whenever it was Jameson's turn to read he had fallen asleep
Nash would ask if he wanted to sleep here as well but because Grayson likes to be independent he would leave to his own room- half an hour later he would creep into Nash's room and sleep next to Xander
Also still liked spending time by himself. Finding a comfy corner in the library to read his favourite book to escape for a bit- he would usually find Jamie here as well seen as though he loves reading
When he was quite young he insisted on having an opticians appointment because he thought people with glasses were smarter. Of course he turned out to have 20-20 vision.
He is the most hot fucking person in the whole of Hawthorne house
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crackers4jenn · 1 month
Fic Masterlist - Supernatural (Dean/Cas)
TITLE: down the road (WIP)
SUMMARY: Set immediately after the s7 finale, when Dean and Cas get sucked into Purgatory. They stick together to fight their way back out, running into some old friends along the way... and some old enemies. (Or, Brokeback Purgatory 1.0. Dean and Cas work through their issues in monsterland.)
TITLE: every inch of my life
SUMMARY: Post-season 15, in a version where Dean doesn't die and Cas is back from the Empty. Gabriel shows up with some mischief in mind, hurtling them through classic porn tropes.
TITLE: one more time (WIP)
SUMMARY: Set during the s15 divorce arc. What if Cas got captured by a djinn. What if he experienced his moment of ‘true happiness’ while caught in its dream, and it summoned the Empty. What if Dean saved Cas from the djinn, only to have a portal of black goo open up in front of them?
TITLE: lapse and fall again
SUMMARY: A post-finale fix-it fic where Dean doesn't die. Instead, he pulls Cas out of the Empty. Eventually, after the reunion, there's romance and a road trip, but not specifically in that order.
TITLE: like a tidal wave I'll make a mess
SUMMARY: 5 Times Dean and Cas Get Mistaken for a Couple (and 1 Time They Actually Are)
TITLE: and I will pull my whole heart up to the surface
SUMMARY: 15x20 fix-it fic. Heaven feels perfect, until suddenly it doesn't.
TITLE: here's a map, here's a shovel, here's my achilles heel
SUMMARY: Post-15x19. Turns out, Dean doesn't have to ask to get Cas back.
TITLE: sink
SUMMARY: "Where to?" A 9.06 coda.
TITLE: dry and blown like dust
SUMMARY: They worry first about angel doings and once-dormant plagues and monster illnesses from cursed objects around the bunker, but Sam WebMD's Cas' symptoms and diagnoses him with: the flu. Set in s9.
TITLE: Mr & Mr Winchester
SUMMARY: "No pet names, I popped the damn question, and you're the girl." (Or, Dean and Castiel: fake-married. Set in a hypothetical s9.)
TITLE: lights down low
SUMMARY: When Dean comes to, it's with a fuzzy, head-pounding disorientation. He's on his back, on the ground, that much he immediately knows, where there's an overgrown lawn cushioning what must've been one hell of a landing. (Or, my excuse to do a canon-compliant Dean/Cas rom-com.)
TITLE: the morning when it's clear
SUMMARY: Post-8.02 Purgatory fic. When it all goes to shit, and obviously it does, it feels like the world is splintering open. That's probably because it is.
TITLE: 99 problems (and a stitch ain't one) (WIP)
SUMMARY: Dean gets a job at a craft store to woo and date ladies, but his plans backfire because his boss is the v. annoying but v. dreamy Castiel, who might be the actual temptation.
TITLE: Wedding Guy
SUMMARY: Cas slips Dean his number at a wedding, and a friendship/relationship takes off from there.
TITLE: on higher grounds
SUMMARY: (based off a tumblr post) charity collector cas who has a spot outside dean’s favourite book store in town and who always looks so cold despite the huge scarf he wears so dean takes to bringing him hot chocolate every day and cas gets this little smile every time he sees dean coming down the street
TITLE: a way not steep
SUMMARY: Dean's twenty-six and his roommate's a guy who cries during E.T.
TITLE: like only a best friend could
SUMMARY: They're both 18 now and Cas is going off to college and Dean's. Well, Dean's probably headed for a fun future of 'would you like fries with that?' and sometimes it scares him so much he thinks about running away too. Like their dads.
TITLE: Filming Jesus
FANDOMS: Community, Supernatural
SUMMARY: God is not here, Dean. (Or, Jeff and Annie meet Dean and Castiel. Set during Community s3 and SPN s5.)
TITLE: 11 characters that never were the slayer
FANDOMS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, The Office, Community, Glee, Parks & Rec, Gilmore Girls, etc etc.
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dirtroadpsalms · 3 months
gotta love re-reading the silmarillion. i am back in the fucking building again except i still don’t know my way around beyond the front door. there’s a detailed floor map of the entire house yet despite this being my fourth time encountering it i still can’t figure out left from right or learn my vowels correctly. everyone has like three names and four titles and i gave up referencing the family trees on re-read number three. i have learned to recognise elves based on vibes alone. i devour this book every time i pick it up but don’t ask me where anything takes place ever. this is one of my favourite tolkien works. this book is a waking nightmare.
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shubblelive · 2 years
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summary : tommy’s plan to get you and wilbur back together doesn’t work. fortunately, you don’t need it. a quiet christmas party, joni mitchell and a little bit of alcohol works just fine.
genre : fluff with some angst peppered here and there
warnings : mentions of a breakup, alcohol/drinking (one mention of being drunk in the past, no one’s drunk in the fic), swearing, very minor panic attack, tommy being a little shithead
pairing : cc!wilbur x ex girlfriend!reader
pronouns : she/her
featuring : cc!wilbur soot, cc!tommyinnit (tommy and will are the only creators with dialogue),cc!phil + kristin (mentioned), cc!ranboo (mentioned), cc!tubbo (mentioned), cc!james marriott (mentioned), cc!aimsey (mentioned)
word count : 4.3k
note : christmas fic christmas fic christmas fic!!! december is one of my favourite times of the year and suddenly i am so inspired like i haven’t written anything in ages but december rolls around and boom here’s a 4k wilbur fic. thank you to carrie for letting me yell at her about this fic.
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it wasn’t unusual for tommy to call you and ask for a ride home. he would catch an uber somewhere and sometimes he’d go to book one home and the nearest car would be over an hour away, so if his parents were busy he turned to the next best thing; his siblings. 
the internet was well aware of the younger boy’s habit of adopting older creators as family members. phil and kristin were his parents, and you and wilbur were his older siblings, and you were more than happy to give him lifts whenever you were free. 
“can you come pick me up?”
“hello to you too, tommy.” you had just ended your stream, and were processing the footage for editing to go on your youtube channel. “where are you?”
“i’m about twenty minutes from your place, i can text you the address.” tommy answered. “please?”
you were already putting on your coat. “alright, send me the address, i’ll be there soon.”
“you’re a life-saver, atom,” tommy said. you huffed at the nickname, given to you because “you barely matter” as tom had joked one afternoon a few months ago. before you could respond, he had hung up.
“shithead,” you pocketed your phone and bent down to tie your laces. your phone vibrated in your pocket, probably tommy with the address. you pulled it out one handed as you tightened your shoes. without looking, you copied the address into google maps and pressed enter, putting it on your dashboard mount. 
it should have clicked when you passed the dive bar you used to frequent. it should have clicked when you passed the corner shop.  it should have clicked when you passed the ginger stray you used to pet on your walk to the corner shop. perhaps you were in denial, but you didn’t register where you were until you were parked in front of the building.
you were nervous when you’d first moved in there. you had lived in the same shitty flat since uni, and when wilbur had tentatively asked you to to move in with him you had your doubts. not because you didn’t love will, no that was the least of your issues. you just didn’t want to step on his toes, it was his place after all. you were hesitant to bring your things in, feeling guilty when wilbur’s novels were moved to make room for your plants, when he had to install another rack to hold all your shoes, when you had come home from the bakery and found wilbur had swapped out his sheets for a set of yours. but over time, wilbur had eased you into it, and soon it was just as much your place as it was his. 
now it was just his again. it hadn’t been yours for nearly a year, and yet when you pulled into the strip of parking you had to consciously go to the ‘guests’ section. you took your phone off the dock, your knee jumping up and down as you called tommy. he didn’t answer. you texted him. and again. then you called a second time, leaving him a desperate voicemail. fifteen minutes went by and tommy hadn’t even read any of your texts, so you huffed, realising that you were going to have to physically go and retrieve tommy. 
you dug out your key card from the depths of your purse, praying that wilbur didn’t block your card. the light turned green and you breathed a sigh of relief, pushing the door open. in an attempt to make it take longer, hoping and praying that tommy would reply before you reached the third floor. you reached the top of the stairs and sighed, counting to three in your head before knocking. “tom? it’s me!” you knocked again, not wanting mr adams next door to hear your voice and come out to talk to you. he was a nice older man, but you didn’t want to be in this building for a second longer than you had to. “tommy?” you inhaled. “will?”
you heard a muffled voice, and the door swung open in front of you. “tom.” you breathed another sigh of relief. “great. let’s go, i have a video to edit.”
“wait, i have to grab my stuff.” tommy said, and then he was off, and you were alone. 
the first thing that struck you was how the place looked. it was exactly the same as when you had been there. you turned around to the end table behind the door. a few unopened letters, a small wooden bowl, and a small plant. the bowl had been your idea, weeks of wilbur coming to you with “darling, do you know where my keys are?” before you caved and bought it for him. lo and behold, his keyes were nestled inside, spotify code keychain that you had also bought him sitting face up. the plant was new, and you ran a finger over the leaf.
on the couch there was a grey woollen blanket thrown over the back, also yours. though, technically he had bought it. you were the only one who used it, complaining about the cold. as lovely as you thought will’s flat was the heating barely worked. will radiated warmth, both physically and emotionally. 
the entire flat still contained your presence. any random person wouldn’t be able to tell that you hadn’t lived there since you and wilbur broke up. 
you spun around, wilbur smiling sheepishly. “sorry, sorry. would it be awfully cliche if I said I didn’t mean to startle you?”
you laughed breathily. “yes. but it’s okay.”
he nodded, guilty smile still pinched across his face. “tommy’s just grabbing his shit. you know that kid, fucking menace.”
if tommy noticed how awkward it was, he didn’t say anything. you and wilbur both brightened visibly when he came through the door. watching wilbur hug tom goodbye, squeezing his shoulder gently, it hits you suddenly that you haven’t seen wilbur in nearly seven months.
you’re quiet as you drop tommy off, and he wants to apologise. wants to say sorry for making you pick him up and not telling you his phone was on the verge of dying. he wants to say he’s sorry for all those times you cancelled streams, claiming you “weren’t feeling well” when he knew you were upset about wilbur. 
but tommy also saw all those times wilbur was curled up in that grey blanket you left behind. buying plants to fill in the gaps of things you took and to give him a purpose, something that depended on him. he saw the way wilbur’s eyes brightened when he heard your voice, his shoulder’s slumping before the door shut when you left. 
how one time he’d had stood in front of a drunk wilbur, tear tracks running down his face and had to wrestle will’s phone off him to stop him from calling you. 
tommy didn’t know what had happened between you two; you were adults, he was only seventeen at the time. it felt naive of him to think you two belonged together, but he couldn’t help it. 
“thanks for driving me.” he said earnestly as he stepped out of the car. you nodded and gave him a pained smile. “i love you.”
it wasn’t a normal occurrence, saying things like that, but you softened. “i love you.” tommy brightened seeing your more genuine expression, but he could still see that your interaction with wilbur had left you upset. 
you collapsed back onto your sofa once you were home, not in the mood to edit your video anymore. 
wilbur always worked too much. it was something his viewers loved; how dedicated he was to them. but they didn’t see the sleepless nights, when you would wake up to wilbur typing frantically in his notes app, a muffled “go back to sleep, darling” when he noticed you were awake.
but then it turned to missing entire nights of sleep, coming back from streaming to find wilbur passed out on the couch, shoes still on from last night. sometimes he would talk to you about it, laying on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair and whispering about how he didn’t want to let anyone down.
you soothed him as best as you could, but you knew that the dark circles and the endless cups of coffee would only get worse. he didn’t have the time or energy to take care of himself, let alone you. not that you needed him to take care of you, but the two of you lived together and you probably talked to the fedex person more than you did your boyfriend.
you’d only been split for eight months, but you’d been missing him for far longer.
you were putting up christmas decorations when tommy called next. stringing lights across the shelves in your office, only bothered to decorate the one room. it wasn’t like you’d be doing anything anyway. “yeah, tom?” your phone was wedged between your shoulder and ear as you tried to detangle the lights. 
“hey, me and will were streaming together and i have to get home like, now but my dad isn’t available until three,” tommy explained, and you winced at the sound of wilbur’s name. “i totally get it if you can’t, but-“
“i’ll be there, but i’m going to mcdonald’s on the way back and you are paying.” tommy laughed and you had to move the phone away from your ear, giving up on the lights for the time being. “will still has the same office right?”
“yeah you can get there alright?” he asked. “you don’t need the address?” you assured him you’d be fine, and he paused guiltily. “we may also be locked in. the door broke again.”
“jesus,” you shook your head. “yeah, alright i’ll come let you out. dickhead,” you smiled at his noise of indignation before hanging up.
this time it was worse. the last time you’d been planning on avoiding wilbur until about five minutes before you saw him. this time you had the whole drive over to think about what it would be like. his hair was longer, you’d noticed when you first saw him. you always loved it when his hair was longer but it got in his face too much and he hated the feeling. 
you’d cut his hair for him once. wilbur sitting on a chair in the kitchen of your flat (this was before you’d moved in together) while you sat on the bench behind him, swinging your legs ever so slightly as he gazed adoringly up at you.
“let me take a picture,” you’d giggled, turning to grab your phone. “you look so cute.”
“no,” he’d whined. “darling,” he’d still smiled when you prompted, and you looked softly at your screen, completely enamoured. “do not post that anywhere, can’t have anyone knowing that i simp for you.”
“dork,” you had put your phone down and ruffled his hair, some loose hairs falling out from where you’d cut. 
you pulled your car up to the pavement and went up to wilbur’s office. it was a fairly small building, and you managed to get there without anyone asking any questions. 
you reached the office and peered inside. it was dark. you opened the door and stuck your head in, but there was no one inside. “hey!” tommy said much too loudly, him and wilbur coming around the corner. your eyes flicked between the two of them, narrowing slightly.
“i thought you said the door was locked?” you asked uncertainly.
“it’s not,” tommy said simply, and he reached a hand out and shoved you through the open door, shutting it behind you. “but it will be.”
“what the fuck?” you banged on the window.
tom pushed wilbur over, but the older man just looked at him incredulously. “have you lost your mind?”
“please?” tommy asked, gesturing to where you were glaring at him.
“no!” wilbur said, hitting tommy’s arm off his shoulder. “you’re a dickhead. now let her out.”
“fine.” tommy’s shoulders slumped and he moved out of the way. wilbur rolled his eyes at tommy, saying he’d do it and then making will. his hand wrapped around the doorknob and he was halfway through an apology to you when tommy’s hand collided with his back.
wilbur stumbled toward and you both watched in horror as tommy shut the door, triumphantly locking it with a click.
“tommy you fucker!” wilbur yelled.
“now, i may have been lying about needing a lift and being locked in the office, but i wasn’t lying about needing to go home.”
“thomas if you leave i’m gonna delete your channel!” tommy actually looked nervous at wilbur’s threat. “open the door.”
tommy sighed again, finally giving up. he jiggled the doorknob and his eyes widened. “okay i would let you out but i may have broken the door.”
he backed away, both you and will yelling at him. 
you turned so your back was against the door, sitting down with your knees up to your chest. will came to sit next to you. “are you okay?”
“i just don’t like knowing there’s no way out of a room.” you said quietly. “i don’t like being trapped.”
“i know,” he said softly. “is there anything i can do besides breaking a window?”
you exhaled, smiling weakly. “can you just talk to me?” you fiddled nervously, suddenly worried about what he would think.
“of course i can.” without realising, wilbur had reached out and was dragging his thumb gently over the back of your hand. “you know that step down the street from ou-my flat? the one that you always used to trip on? they fixed it.” you didn’t seem to notice his mistake, so he kept going. “and there’s a new bar a few miles away and we’ve been trying to get them to let us play there, so we might have a new gig bar soon.”
your breathing was more even now, and he squeezed your hand gently. you squeezed back and he smiled.
you could vaguely hear tommy saying he was going to get maintenance, and wilbur shuffled. “i’m gonna see if i can jimmy it with a card. could you grab one for me please?” 
you reached over to will’s desk and grabbed a random card out of his wallet. you went to hand it to him but before he could grab it you took a closer look. “you kept this?”
over a year ago as a joke you’d bought him one of those simp cards from the arthur meme, and it had your name written underneath it. “you’re only allowed to simp for me,” you’d say as you gave it to him, making him crack up.
“yeah,” wilbur admitted, his cheeks turning warm. “guess i forgot it was there.”
he shoved it into the lock and wiggled it around until he heard a click and the door swung open. “here.” he tried to give it back to you, but you shook your head.
“you can keep it, or throw it out. whatever you want. it’s yours,” you babbled, not meeting his eyes.
wilbur wasn’t sure what came over him in the next ten seconds, but before he could stop himself he blurted out “does this mean i’m still allowed to love you?”
your gaze shot up and your eyes met wilbur’s, warm and brown, filled with uncertainty. eventually, you nodded. “always.”
wilbur wasn’t sure if that was if that was an invitation, but before he could stop himself he was wrapping his arms around you. you burrowed into his chest, breathing deeply. “did tommy really parent-trap us?”
“well,” you replied shyly. “don’t they get back together in the parent trap? not exactly accurate to the source material.”
“well we all know how important it is,” wilbur said quietly, eyes flicking down for just an instant. 
“very important,” he could feel your breath on his face.
“it’s a christmas miracle!”
“it’s gonna be if i don’t kill him,” wilbur muttered, teeth gritted as you pulled apart to find tommy. he was holding a stick, and seemed to register your confusion.
“couldn’t find maintenance, so i went outside and found this.” he said proudly. “i was helping.”
“yeah actually,” will said genuinely, holding his hand out. “give us a look.” tommy handed the stick to wilbur and was promptly hit in the face with it. “that’s for locking us in there, bastard.”
“ow.” tommy picked the stick off the ground and chucked it at wilbur, but it just bounced off the door behind him. “okay fine. i’m sorry.”
“you better be,” you stepped towards him and he flinched, clearly sure you were going to attack him like wilbur had. “come on, let’s go.”
as tommy said goodbye to wilbur, the two of you made eye contact over tom’s shoulder. he smiled at you, and you smiled back. he raised his eyebrows slightly, grin overtaking his face. you nodded almost imperceptibly. he’d call you.
he didn’t. 
it had been two weeks since you’d last spoken, and he never called you. you didn’t want to admit that it hurt you. you had spent eight months trying to get over wilbur, all that progress destroyed in an instant.
you’d never deleted his contact, not even when you first broke up. you hovered over it debating on whether to call him, before exiting out and closing your phone.
your phone stayed dark for approximately one second before it was lighting up again. you answered, “yeah, tommy?”
“so, atom, me and a few others were thinking of having a little christmas get together on the 23rd? would you want to come?” he rushed out, wanting to get the words out before you said anything.
you considered it for a second. your parents would be going on holiday. they invited you, but you always wanted to spend your christmas with wilbur. this year, you’d declined again, without really knowing the reason. it’s not like you had other plans.
“yeah, alright,” you said, and you heard tom let out a triumphant breath on the other side. “who’s coming?”
“you, phil and kristin, tubbo, james, ranboo, maybe aimsey, a few other people maybe…” he trailed off, and you frowned.
“wilbur?” you asked.
“yeah.” tommy admitted. “but there will be enough people that you can be a coward and not talk to him.”
“tommy,” you said, voice low. “don’t.”
“okay, i’m sorry. please come?”
it’s not like you had anything better to do. “i’ll be there, tommy. don’t worry.” 
the things you would do for that fucker. he could never know. god knows his head was big enough without you telling him that.
while you were quietly dreading it, tommy seemed almost giddy with excitement. so you forced a smile and acted happy about it, even after tommy abandoned you within thirty seconds of you arriving. 
you managed to strike up a conversation with ranboo, though, grateful that you knew everyone. you’d isolated yourself quite a bit after the breakup, worried that your friends would rather be friends with will.
your worries were shattered when you were  engulfed in a hug from him. they seemed really interested in your upcoming projects and you asked about his with equal fervour. 
the night was going much better than you’d expected, and it was winding down when wilbur finally approached you. joni mitchell singing through the speakers about her lover making her weak in the knees, sipping on a drink with your head resting on top of aimsey’s.
“hey,” he was quiet, words slurred more from being tired than drunk. “can we talk?”
you looked down at aimsey, who was immersed in conversation with james and tommy, so you slid off the counter and followed him down the hall. tommy’s flat was small, so the two of you found a quiet corner. your shoulder was pressed into the wall, looking at him over the rim of your glass as he fiddled with his glasses. “i’m sorry i didn’t call.”
“it’s fine.” you said stiffly.
“no, it’s not.” he pressed. “i fucked up. not just when i didn’t call. i fucked up when we were still together.”
“will,” you tried. “it’s okay. it’s the past.”
“but you’re not.” he said. “you’re not the past, not my past. at least, i don’t want you to be.” he took a shuddering breath. “i was so worried about letting people down that i fucked up, and i ruined us.”
“you didn’t ruin anything.” it came out breathy, just above a whisper and you gave him a watery smile. “definitely not us.”
you didn’t know why you were getting so emotional, maybe it was how cold and dreary it had been, maybe it was exhaustion or the alcohol. or maybe it was because wilbur had taken your hands in his and pressed them to his lips. 
“i’m so sorry, darling,” he murmured against your fingers, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “so so sorry.”
“it’s not your fault, will.” you said. “i could have done something.”
he opened his eyes and met yours, shining as you tried to fight back tears. “i’m so hard to handle, and i’m selfish and i’m sad,” he sang along to joni mitchell softly, pulling you forward to wrap your arms around him. he smelled like cinnamon, and he let you cry for as long as you needed.
you pulled away softly, looking at him as your hand ghosted over his jaw. “you didn’t lose me, will.” 
“you’re saying you think you’re the best baby i ever had?” he asked, eyes shining, and you pushed him away. 
you giggled. “how presumptuous of me.”
“you would be correct though,” he admitted, coming to pull you close again, swaying on the spot. he leant forward and pressed his lips to yours, you threading your hands into his hair.
“you have got to let me cut this,” you mumbled, and wilbur laughed against your mouth. he pressed his forehead against your shoulder, and took a shaky breath.
“i miss you.” he said. “i stopped working so much, i’ve been taking care of myself more. let me love you again?”
his voice wobbled, clearly so sure that you would reject him. he had hurt you, he knew that. will let his thumbs stroke up and down your arms and you got goosebumps even through your jumper. “you do have a permit, don’t you?”
he laughed, relief thick in his voice. “of course, darling. have my card in my wallet.”
“then i guess that’s okay.” you said, as if it didn’t matter to you all that much. “as long as you let me love you.”
“you can do whatever you want,” wilbur kissed you again. “as long as it’s with me.”
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sam-glade · 2 years
Writeblr Intro
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Hi! My name is Sam (they/them), and I write SFF.
About me:
I'm queer, in my late 20s, and I live in Europe.
Pets? Two cats + 1 orange braincell
Favourite food? Please don't make me choose.
What I write? Hard fantasy with excessive worldbuilding
Favourite books? The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien. The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. The Traitor by Seth Dickinson. Red Rising by Pierce Brown. Uprooted by Naomi Novik.
Fiction I probably won't enjoy? Romance. Middle grade. Most High School YA. It's just not my cup of tea.
Outside of writing? I'm a mathematician-turned-programmer who wishes they've gone into a more creative career
Silmarillion blog: @ward-of-irmo
Personal blog: @careening-mind
Read all the snippets I've posted under this tag.
DMs/Asks/Tag games? Yes, please
This blog is a mix of things related to my writing, from snippets, through info dumps, to historical trivia and inspirations for the setting. Also, cats.
I'm happy to do beta swaps.
About my writing:
Expect themes of found family, battling inner demons, finding one's identity and strength. But also, superpowered sword fights and epic locations. Don't expect romance front and centre, and don't expect characters who are minors. Most of my characters are openly queer; I enjoy seeing people I can identify with partake in fantasy adventures, without their identities being a burden.
I write multi-POV stories, 3rd person only. I'm not that keen on seemingly unrelated POVs coming together, but I love seeing group interactions through the eyes of a different person each time.
I like turning 'what if' questions into stories - what if the Chosen One was chosen by the villain? What if a Bronze Age civilisation experienced a first contact with an alien race? What would crime-scene investigation look like in a setting where people turn to dust upon death? I also love learning, and I learn by researching random areas that are tangentially related to my writing projects.
Are my fantasy settings too realistic? Maybe. Am I having fun writing it? Definitely.
About my WIPS:
The Sunblessed Realm
Hard fantasy, queernorm setting inspired by Slavic folklore and the history of Central-Eastern Europe. The age of heroes has passed. The heroes remain alive.
A list of all stories and longer snippets in this setting that I've posted.
Days of Dusk trilogy [Tag]
Swords used to be the protectors of the world, channelling the power of the Elements to fight against the Primeval Darkness. Now that the threat is contained, they are perceived as a danger themselves. Their powers are feared, while any advantages they can give are made up for with developments in science.
Info dump posts: Map || Magic system || Fashion || Architecture || Cast || Rites of passage
⚔️Gifts of Fate ⚔️
Intro post || [Tag]
The Witcher x Fullmetal Alchemist
Genre: NA hard fantasy
Pitch: The hero was chosen by the villain to become might incarnate. With all due respect, he'd like to decline.
Expect gratuitous superpowered HEMA fight scenes mixed with fridge horror.
Progress: First Draft done at 107k, beta readers' feedback received
⚔️The Prince's Shadow⚔️
Intro post || [Tag]
NA military fantasy.
The hero of the first instalment was deemed to dangerous to live or be killed. The Army's spymaster and the Chief Strategist set him up to die a hero's death.
Note: This was the first story I've written in this setting, with the pitch being 'the hero has just saved the world and needs to figure out what to do with his life'. It has evolved a fair bit since then.
Progress: Needs rewriting, now that the prequel is written.
⚔️Prodigal Children⚔️
Political fantasy.
The last - the only - war fought by Swords took place two millennia ago, and the memory of its horrors kept the princes motivated to stop it from happening ever again. When an uprising in one of the princedoms spills over the borders, it again becomes a real threat.
Now with more intrigue and sapphic romance.
Progress: First Draft done at 128k
To do: I've got feedback to incorporate
The Truth Teller [Tag]
Intro post
Urban fantasy version of the Eastern Bloc.
Three thousand years later, the heroes of the previous stories have passed into legends. There are no more Swords to protect, Crystals to heal, or Elemental Dancers to mend and build. There are only Knacked, shunned by the society.
Progress: Outline done, writing started.
The Fulcrum
First Contact Sci-Fi from the point of view of the alien species. While their civilisation is comparable to early Iron Age ones on Earth, don't worry, they have nukes.
Progress: First Draft - 24k/100k
To do: more research
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
First of all thank you so much for the deaged fics.
They both made my day and little Max is especially close to my heart 💙
I have some questions if you have the time?
Do they remember what has happened to them in their childhood up to the age they age down to and do they know their adult life?
What made Max go to Daniel when he aged down? Did he remember Daniel’s promise to take care of him or was it something else?
What is Max and Daniel’s favourite thing to do together when Max is small?
I have about a million more but I’ll stop there🤣
And again thank you thank thank you ☺️
Little Max is also very close to Daniel's heart, if that helps.
Some waffling thoughts under the cut :)
okay, so if you think back now to being seven, those memories are pretty fuzzy or have gaps or feel quite far away? That's what it's like to age up after being small. I guess some people might have very good memories for when they're little irl so might remember things better, but Max when he ages back up just remembers things in a gently fuzzy kind of a way. And it's the same going the other way. Like, baby Max asking for his cats isn't because he remembers being grown up and having cats, it's because he knows that when he's small and with Daniel, that they go and get his grown up cats and bring them to Daniel's and he gets to play with them. But also, he fuzzily knows of these people - Charles and Christian etc, they're not strangers, but he also doesn't know them, know them. And he knows that he's supposed to go to Daniel when he first gets small but he doesn't know him like he knows him as a grown up. (Of course, not being able to fully remember what it's like to be small and have Daniel love you/love him in return is very confusing/strange/weird for a grown up Max, SPOILER)
He remembers that he's supposed to! And I'm making it so that they still live in the same building so it's not that difficult. People are supposed to make contingency plans and have ICGS contacts in their phones (in case of going small) so they can ask someone for help but baby Max in particular is not really able to ask for support, which is why he goes to Daniel's place by himself like a very, very scared but really very brave tiny person. He also has it written on a little card, a little message from grown up Max to him. It's in English and Dutch.
Max doesn't like bedtime stories so they read his flag book together instead, and Daniel knows it upside down and back to front, so he tries to widen the collection to include another geography book and a different flag book. They also have some flag jigsaw puzzles and one of maps. Max likes to tell Daniel all about all the Pokemons and he also likes to look at pictures of grown up Max and Daniel and ask Daniel a lot of questions about if Max is happy in this picture or if Daniel is happy in this picture or if Daniel thinks that grown up Max would like him. Mostly Max likes to talk a lot and Daniel likes to indulge him.
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joachimnapoleon · 1 year
Hello there! In the last few weeks your page turned into one of my favourite places on the internet through your knowledge and your posts about Murat and all around about the napoleonic era. I do wonder: Do you know about Murat‘s relationship with the other marshals? I am aware about your really nice post about Murat‘s relationship with Lannes but what about the others? I believe to have read that Murat disliked Davout. At the other hand he seemed to have a positive relationship with Bernadotte and Ney? I could be wrong though. I hope I do not annoy with that question and wish you a beautiful day. c:
Hello! Glad you’ve been enjoying my page, always nice to see more fans of Murat/the Napoleonic era in general popping up here. ^_^
Regarding Murat’s relationships with his fellow marshals, this is one of those subjects in which the amount of information is frustratingly sparse, so most of my views are just from piecing together what fragments I’ve come across here and there. And my guesswork may very well be wrong; my knowledge about the marshals is nowhere near complete. 
Murat & Bernadotte: It’s generally been accepted that they were friends, at least early in their careers, because of their shared revolutionary sympathies and backgrounds. So I was a bit surprised to come across a letter from Murat to Joseph Bonaparte, which I included in my book, in which Murat says he’d resign if Bernadotte were ever given preference over him for a military command, after Bernadotte sided against the Bonapartes on 18 Brumaire. That being said, Murat had invited Bernadotte to his wedding ten months prior to writing that letter (though I’ve always wondered if this was just to nettle Napoleon for having opposed his marriage to Caroline). I really haven’t come across what their relationship was like in later years, but it would be interesting to look into.
Murat & Bessières: These two went off together, as young men from the Lot, to join the Constitutional Guard in 1792. He also attended Murat’s wedding in January 1800. Beyond that, I’ve found depressingly little on their personal relationship. Bessières apparently did become quite close with Eugène de Beauharnais, which does make me wonder if his relationship with Murat might’ve soured at some point, since poor paranoid Murat tended to be one of those “the friend of my enemy is also my enemy” types. Nevertheless, he and Caroline both wrote letters to Bessières’ widow after his death in 1813; sadly I’ve never been able to read them, since they’re in the French Archives. 
Murat & Ney: At least during the 1805 campaign, these two didn’t get along very well. Shortly after Murat’s victory at Wertingen, Napoleon placed the entire right wing of the army (which included the corps of Lannes and Ney) under Murat’s orders, which neither Lannes or Ney were happy about. At one point Ney argued with Murat over his dispositions and whipped out a map to show Murat why he was wrong, to which Murat said “I understand nothing of your plans; it is my way to make mine in the presence of the enemy!” The remark stung Ney enough that he threw it back at Murat prior to the attack at Elchingen, in front of Napoleon, turning to Murat and shouting, “Come, Prince, come with me, and make your plans in the presence of the enemy!” But a lot of the campaign-tension stuff shouldn’t be read too deeply into when it comes to analyzing friendships; Murat and Lannes butted heads on campaign too. War is stressful, and generals/marshals wanted to show each other up and win the most prestige. Ney still took the waters at Barèges with Lannes and Murat in July of 1808, so Lannes and Ney were two of the first people with whom Murat got to share the wonderful news that he was officially a king now. I don’t think Murat and Ney ever became particularly close friends, but they at least seemed to get along, and work together, better during the 1812 campaign. 
Murat & Soult: Apparently disliked each other, but I haven’t found much mentioning them in relation to each other either way. @josefavomjaaga has posted some excerpts from the memoirs of one of Soult’s aides which mention Soult’s displeasure with Murat though.
Murat & Davout: Their mutual dislike really seems to have crystalized during the 1812 campaign, in which they quarreled repeatedly (at one point Murat wanted to fight him, and Belliard held him back as he was about to head for Davout’s tent with a pistol), culminating with Davout accusing Murat of “black ingratitude” towards Napoleon when Murat was ranting about him at one point. I think they were just an oil-and-water pair, totally incompatible with each other personality-wise, and I also think it grated on Davout (and probably many of the other marshals) that Murat had been made a king by Napoleon by virtue of being an imperial brother-in-law, and that they officially had to refer to him as Your Majesty from then on.  
Murat & Berthier: This is an interesting one, and I wish I had more information. Early on, Murat disliked Berthier and seemed to think Berthier had it out for him (and maybe he did, since Murat admitted to having spoken against him; but, again, Murat was kind of a paranoid wreck and thought virtually everybody had it out for him). Between this and the fact that his relationship with Napoleon was on an early down-turn, Murat actually wrote to Barras at the beginning of the Egyptian campaign (I believe from Malta) and asked to be reassigned. At some point though, his relationship with Berthier improved. There are some interesting letters from Berthier to Murat in Murat’s published correspondence which speak to them having a closer relationship. In one, I can’t remember the year off the top of my head but I want to say sometime between 1806-7, Berthier says that he misses the lunches they used to share together. In another from around that time or perhaps 1808, Berthier laments that Murat has been nonresponsive to his previous letters and is clearly wounded by it. In the summer of 1808, Berthier writes Murat another touching letter as Murat is about to become a king, and Berthier regrets that soon he will not be able to write to him with the same effusion. Throughout Murat’s reign, Napoleon would typically leave it to Berthier to kind of “soften the blow,” so to speak, when it came to giving Murat lectures on how he should behave as a king, and to try to soothe his hurt feelings after Napoleon’s typically insensitive reprimands. They both endured Napoleon’s stormy moods during the 1812 campaign and had to figure out how to pick up the pieces together once Napoleon abandoned the army. Berthier initially supported the choice of Murat, due to his rank, to take command rather than Eugène, but soon realized Murat wasn’t capable of handling it, and wrote a ciphered letter to Napoleon saying that he needed to be replaced immediately. I don’t think it was personal; Murat was just terrible under pressure, and wasn’t the right man for that particular job. Anyway, I think anyone would be hard pressed to find two guys who put up with more of Napoleon’s shit over the years than Berthier and Murat, and after 17 or so years of working so closely together and going through so much shared hardship, I can’t help but think they had bonded at least a bit. 
Those are the main ones; as far as the other marshals, I haven’t come across enough info on Murat’s relationships with them to have anything to say. If anybody has any more information to add on anything, feel free. :)
Thanks for the ask!
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Here is my Comiket haul, for those who may care!
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Arranged on the apartment chabudai for maximum weeb vibes. I won't go through all of them, just note a few to showcase the diversity of things that were on offer. If there is one someone wants a deep dive on, let me know, happy to take photos!
First up, the centerfold star - A Bocchi/Shimo-Kitazawa Fan Celebration doujin in the shape of a vinyl record:
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Its extremely adorable, these guys went all in. It comes in an album case with "tracks", the vinyl-shaped doujin has an A side and a B side with totally different content when flipped, and when you are reading it the text slowly rotates page by page as if you are "playing" the disc.
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Some of it is the circle's thoughts on Bocchi, but more is about their love for the part of Tokyo that Bocchi takes place in, Shimo-Kitazawa, with sections on show-accurate locations and favourite cafes and stores. They even included a map with all of the spots they recommend you visit in the area!
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This one is to me the most "magic of doujin": we all have favourite parts of our cities, and if we sat down could maybe make a map like this. But why would we do that? Who would care? The joint power of a locally-set anime & Comiket, however, makes that personal map into a piece of art people want to own. This piece is pure creativity & passion, and its very special for that - a symbol of doujinshi.
Also one of their members spoke fluent English and aggressively upsold foreigners at the event ^_^ Successfully so! Good job.
For something a little less high concept, this tiny artbook of Rin from Laid-Back Camp as Ghibli characters is adorable:
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A smol kiki, too cute. And look at her as Nausicaa! Full blue and ready to kick ass.
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Its like 5 pages and each page is a gem, great buy.
This next one is a genre of book I really love - the photography/anime composite book focusing on scene locations, starring our girl Haruhi Suzumiya:
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I appreciate how much fun this one has with its concept, lots of cute drawings on the margins; and the photographs are not all Haruhi related, instead it is just the author's own journey put through a Haruhi lens. This book is another great example of how "transformative" these works are, breaking the bounds of their source material.
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"Hey, its me!"
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Okay, now for some extreme Ash-brand doujin - Flowers for Yamada-san, a history doujin about Hiroyoshi Yamada, also known by the name Koji Kawamoto, a manga & magazine editor who played an instrumental part of the lolicon boom of the 1980's:
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He passed away this year, and so this doujin is a memorial to him, an accounting of his influence and role in early manga, a wider discussion of the lolicon boom in general, and its own creative work; sandwiched between essays are comic depictions of moments of his career done in a mimicry the classic loli/bishoujo early 80's style:
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This will of course take some time to read - I am excited to dig into it. As I have mentioned before, I am toying with the idea of a deeper research project on the "lolicon boom"; its, for understandable reasons, extremely neglected in western discourse of the history of anime & manga. But that moral aversion doesn't change how instrumental this period was, so I think a lot of good work could be done documenting and explaining its place. This book was an amazing find to stumble upon, and the creators are extremely well-researched on this period.
Anyway this is probably long enough lol. I did find some ero-doujin as well of course, though very few - as I mentioned, Comiket was a warzone, and I did not 'prep' for that side of things. I laughed at the idea of people doing days of research to prep of their porn buying adventure - I was the fool, they the wise, you absolutely need to do that if that is your goal. It wasn't really mine but I respect it now for sure - and I actually found the Comiket experience sort of liberating on that front, I "get it" now in a way I didn't before.
This is of course a tiny sliver of the book buys from Japan - hopefully I can make a few posts about the rest soon.
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lunaoblonsky · 1 month
I loved reading Her Spell That Binds Me, such a beautiful novel! I was curious to know what your writing process is like? Do you create vision boards with literary references or other things that inspire you? Do you have any rituals/routines you like to do before, during or after writing? Are there particular spaces you like to write, in your home or in public?
I'm also curious to know, what your favourite books are? Or the books you have re-read the most in your lifetime.
I’m so glad you enjoyed my book! Here are my answers to your questions:
Writing Process ✍🏽
I love a good outline. I like to have the whole story mapped out in front of me, going beat by beat and filling in the gaps more and more as I get new ideas.
Then when I start the book, I use the outline as a jumping off point so I have room to forge my own path while still having a general sense of direction. I try to write at least once a day, even if it’s only a few sentences.
I also take notes, notes, and more notes. Random words I like, names, phrases, ideas for spells, a character’s thoughts, or a plot point I want to consider later. Literally anything that pops into my head throughout the day that I don’t want to forget.
My Inspirations 🎶
My biggest inspirations are movies, TV, and music, as well as books. I make a playlist of songs for every book I write. Some songs are more the vibe of the book while others are associated with specific scenes. I posted the playlists on Spotify!
I’ll also have a list of movies that I put on in the background while I write. Idk if that’s a writing process thing or an ADHD thing, might be a bit of both 🤣
For Her Spell That Binds Me, it was Pride and Prejudice (2005), Bridgerton, Dickinson, War and Peace (2016), Emma., and The Witch.
I’m currently writing Her Spell #2, and I’ve been rewatching Suspiria (2018) on a loop. I can’t stop watching it, it’s a problem. 🙃
Vision Boards 📸
I use Pinterest a bit but more so for social media stuff, like pictures and ideas for posts. Sometimes I’ll find a painting or picture that really speaks to me for a certain scene or character and I’ll save it in a folder for later. John William Waterhouse was a big inspiration for Her Spell #1.
I also cast the characters in the books with actors and made a grid with pictures and referred to it when I wrote character descriptions. Not every character has an actor associated with them but many of them do. Maybe at some point I’ll post about that but not for a while. People should imagine the characters for themselves first, I think.
Rituals/Routines 🕯️
I like to light candles and feel cosy when I write, with my cat sleeping next to me. I prefer writing at home so I have a controlled environment without as many distractions. I wrote Her Spell #1 during an unexpected period of unemployment so I knocked it out fairly quickly. Now I work full time again so I’ll write during my lunch breaks, after work, on weekends, whenever I can.
My favorite books are:
- The Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead - Incredibly underrated, I reread the series at least once a year.
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - I would die for Charlie! I highly recommend watching Perks with the director/actor commentary. Stephen directed the movie as well.
- Tryst Six Venom by Penelope Douglas - This book changed my brain chemistry 😳
- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - Loooove, the main character is so complex and the love story is bittersweet. The twist was great as well.
- Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - It’s a perfect book and so comforting. I love the 90s movie adaptation the best.
Thank you so much for your questions!
Luna ❤️
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hoe4fiction · 5 days
One Piece x Black Butler crossover (?)
A/N: I have not written on tumblr in ages and thought it was time to start again. This is inspired by this weird dream I had recently; I just really needed to write it down. I have been trying to catch up on One Piece - just finished Water 7 and Enies Lobby- and I also fucking love Black Butler, so I suppose that is what triggered this fever dream. It's 2nd pers POV and total trash but wtv. English is not my first language.
Tags: all platonic, fluff, angst (there's a natural disaster happening in the background), OC ig?
Buckle up it's gonna be confusing as hell.
Years away in a distant future or just a fucked up different dimension, in a skyscraper-filled city, you're chillin on the couch in your apartment at the very top of a huge building. It's a beautiful morning, the sun is shining and people go about their day unbothered. You're relaxing on the couch watching your favourite show, your mom is cooking some chicken in the open space kitchen, your dad's working on his laptop at the dining table and your younger sister is probably texting her friends. At your feet lays a beautiful black cat, Salem, he's napping comfortably, while your other cat Shaggy - an orange tabby looking like he just got struck by lightning - is trying and failing miserably to distract your mom so he could steal some cut-up chicken. Cuddling into you is Oscar, a grey Irish wolfhound who thinks he's still small enough to climb into your lap.
Suddenly, an emergency broadcast takes over the TV. A reporter in a grey suit is standing in front of a map of the city. "To all citizens, we have gotten reports of a massive influx of water coming from the nearby islands. Powerful waves the size of skyscrapers and huge floods are expected to hit the city this afternoon. We advise all citizens to evacuate immediately to the station port. Stay safe!"
Hurriedly, you get the cats in their carrier, get Oscar's leash and start packing. Just throwing whatever clothes you think you'll need in a suitcase, stuffing another one with books and mangas and taking a small backpack with snacks. With your family, you make your way outside to the rooftop where a car on a rollercoaster track awaits you. After many twists and turns through the city, finally arriving at the station, you meet with your best friend. They're alone, only their adorable golden retriever by their side. As a train station employee takes all your bags, you notice you're suddenly also alone with only your pets. People are embarking on the sea train, an old late Victorian-looking model that can also travel on water. How that is possible, you do not question it.
As you get on, your friend notices that you have next-door compartments. They offer to take the cats and enter their cabin. As you make your way to yours, you notice that Oscar is getting excited, like he can sense someone familiar inside the 6-seater cabin. He looks adorable tippy tapping in front of the door, his tail wagging happily. Smiling, you take off his leash and open the compartment door. Was it your family your dog was so happy to see? Nope. Inside the compartment, opposite each other next to the window, there sits on your left, Sebastian in his usual butler fit and on your right Ciel Phantomhive in a dark blue suit (you know the one). Oscar rushes in and basically throws himself at Sebastian, excitedly slobbering his face in saliva. Sebastian looks distraught and gently tries to get the dog to settle down. Ciel just seems bored out of his mind. You greet them and get Oscar out of the demon's face. He just turns around and tries to nuzzle his little nose into Ciel's legs begging for pats. Begrudgingly, Ciel accepts his fate. You put away your backpack and settle next to Sebastian, while casually having a conversation with the duo. Something about how things have been lately, about Ciel's business, and whatever crazy cases they have had since you last saw them. By now, Oscar has settled down at Ciel's legs and is napping peacefully.
There is a knock on the door and it opens to a giggly Undertaker in a long coat and his silly-looking hat. He's carrying a small leather bag. After greeting each other, he sits down on Ciel's side next to the door and takes off his hat. Sebastian jokes about him potentially packing zombies again. There's another giggle from Undertaker.
In the next-door compartment, your friend is in quite a predicament. They're sitting at the window minding their own business just crocheting some blanket. In front of them, Nami is trying to enjoy a good book while Luffy snacks and rambles on about some weird bug he found earlier. Zoro is sitting next to his captain napping and Sanji is trying to flirt with your friend. It's actually quite pathetic really cuz you're friend is not even listening, they have earphones in. Poor boy.
Back in your compartment, Ciel has laid down on the bench trying to get some sleep, Sebastian is staring out the window, while you and Undertaker chat and braid each other's hair.
In your friend's compartment, Luffy has finally fallen asleep, and Nami is still trying to enjoy her book. Your friend is also asleep. Shaggy (the orange cat) is lazying about inside their carrier. Salem is discreetly trying to get the cage door open.
--another time-skip--
Rain started pouring outside. The train is steadily approaching the port where it's gonna switch to travelling on water for the last half of the journey. You have fallen asleep, head in Sebastian's lap as he is absentmindedly playing with your hair (very out of character of him lol). The Undertaker moved back to his spot and is hunched over with his head on the wall next to the door snoozing away.
The train rattles for a second. As a result, Sanji accidentally kicks Zoro awake and they start fighting. Salem has managed to get out of the cage and has made his way out of the compartment without being noticed (smart af cat). He climbs next to you and just threateningly stares at Sebastian. The cat's eyes get this weird glint for a second, Sebastian's eyes shining red in retaliation. Then the cat just casually nuzzles next to your head.
Shouting from the other cabin wakes you up. There's a loud crash in the hall and Salem slips away and climbs on Undertaker's lap to continue their nap. The door opens to a red-faced Sanji and a disgruntled Zoro. "Nami kicked us out..." Sanji introduces himself and Zoro to the butler and sits down next to you. Zoro grumbles annoyed and goes to enter the cabin but gets stuck in the doorway because of his swords. After fumbling about for like a good minute, he eventually sits across from you in between a now sleeping sitting-up Ciel and a cat-cuddling Undertaker. He mumbles something and goes back to his nap. Sanji curses him softly in French and then moves his attention to you and the others. He pulls out his cigarette and lighter. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is it ok if I smoke here?" Sebastian goes to answer but you beat him to it. "No actually. Sorry. The kid's got asthma." Sanji nods and puts away his cigarette. Casual conversation ensues.
Officially having begun travelling on the ocean, everyone decides to stretch their legs a bit and move to the dining car for some lunch. The storm has picked up outside. Everyone sits at this huge booth next to the window, Luffy stuffing his face as usual, Zoro and Nami sharing a drink and the Black Butler trio sipping some tea. It's quite a weird scene. Seeing 2 people dressed in normal everyday clothes, 4 pirates and 3 Victorian gentlemen. Despite the weirdness, you seem to be enjoying yourself. Outside, in the distance, you spot the Sunny sailing in the same direction.
Out of nowhere, there is a loud boom. The car rocks violently and lights start flickering. Everything goes black...
And that's when I woke up...
This was probably one of the weirdest but also most vivid of my dreams as of late. If you got through to the end, thank you for reading this nonsensical wild ride. Who knows, maybe this whole thing will get me to start actually writing again.
Stay safe out there!
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iwonderwh0 · 2 months
(I forgot that this post exists, I finished this book a while back)
Btw, @kishavo (I'm gonna tag you cuz I wanna share it and you're the reason I got into it) reading another Chandler's novel (The High Window) and once again the wording of things and the overall comedic value of it is killing me.
Here's some favourites:
"My asthma," she said carelessly. "I drink this wine as medicine. That's why I'm not offering you any."
I swung a leg over my knee. I hoped that wouldn't hurt her asthma.
..a carpet that was just something on the floor, and two open windows with net curtains that puckered in and out like the lips of a toothless old man sleeping.
"Marlowe," he said, even more earnestly, "I'll try hard, but I don't think I am going to like you."
"I'm screaming," I said. "With rage and pain."
He fussed around in the chair, trying to get comfortable. A lot of people had tried to get comfortable in that chair. I ought to try it myself sometime.
"Your powers of observation startle me," I said
He looked as if he had been sitting there since the Civil War and had come out of that badly.
He looked like a man who could be trusted with a secret—if it was his own secret.
"...For this my charge is five dollars."
"And suppose I don't pay it," I said.
He leaned back and closed his eyes. A very faint smile twitched at the corners of his lips. "You will pay it," he said.
I paid it. I took the five out of my wallet and got up to lean over the desk and spread it out right in front of him, carefully. I stroked the bill with my fingertips, as if it was a kitten.
He didn't say anything. We just stared at each other, half curious, half hostile, like new neighbors.
In and around the old houses there are flyblown restaurants and Italian fruitstands and cheap apartment houses and little candy stores where you can buy even nastier things than their candy.
His ears were large and might have flapped in a high wind. He had a long nose that would be into things. The whole face was a trained face, a face that would know how to keep a secret, a face that held the effortless composure of a corpse in the morgue.
Below his eyes across the top of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose there was a wide path of freckles, like a mine field on a war map.
He looked up, surprised. The girls at the pinball machine looked at me, surprised. I went over and looked at myself in the mirror behind the counter. I looked surprised.
"I don't like peepers," Morny said.
I shrugged.
"I don't like them for a lot of reasons," he said. "I don't like them in any way or at any time. I don't like them when they bother my friends. I don't like them when they bust in on my wife."
I didn't say anything.
"I don't like them when they question my driver or when they get tough with my guests," he said.
I didn't say anything.
"In short," he said. "I just don't like them."
"I'm beginning to get what you mean," I said.
"You boys are as cute as a couple of lost golf balls," I said. "How in the world do you do it?"
"I just thought of what is the matter with policemen's dialogue."
"They think every line is a punch line."
I nodded. "Mr. Grandy, could you use a five dollar bill—not as a bribe in any sense, but as a token of esteem from a sincere friend?"
"Son, I could use a five dollar bill so rough Abe Lincoln's whiskers would be all lathered up with sweat."
I gave him one. I looked at it before I passed it over. It was Lincoln on the five, all right.
He nodded and was gone. The unnatural brightness of his smile seemed to linger in the air after the door closed, like the smile of the Cheshire Cat.
Yeah I'll probably read some more of his novels, I think they're really funny. Thank you for introducing them to me xd
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