sireneia · 4 years
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@bookoftriumph​ sent:  to faye: 👀 + "Would it trouble you so much to maybe go..." he couldn't outright say date as he also didn't want to make his own feelings as obvious, "Go on... a stroll to an opera with me! There's an opera and we can hope no one tries to kill us on our way there!" Good job with your words, Kliff.  ( 100% honesty. )
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   “ an opera...? ”  faye blinks a few times, staring dumbly in reaction to kliff's proposal. it takes a few moments for the question to fully be processed by her, but when it does, she looks incredulously at him.  “ wait, are we not even going to watch the opera?! gosh, i don't even know if either of us can afford a ticket! ”
but she looks down at her feet, twiddling her thumbs together.
“ well... even if i really would love to go see the show, i guess i won't say no to a stroll. even if you are asking about it really weirdly. ”  she can’t help but grin as she says it, perhaps a bit at kliff’s expense. but in a moment, she is as fiery as she ever is:  “ but we're NOT getting killed on it! i've been working hard to be just as tough as gray, you know! though what kind of route are you planning if you're expecting enemies to ambush us, huh? ”
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jasperlion · 5 years
@bookoftriumph​ replied to your post “WHY IS THE FLOOR GLOWING”
Kliff: "Alm, that's like asking why a huge majority of things in this world are glowing. There is nothing unusual in this world anymore and a glowing floor shouldn't surprise us anymore." Kliff stop breaking the fourth wall.
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sireneia-a · 5 years
bookoftriumph: hugs thy baye. he just felt like it all of the sudden. he kind of feels ashamed but he just wanted to give her a hug cuz maybe she deserves hugs
       faye had never thought of kliff as particularly warm. he can have a bit of a mouth on him, he is never the model of affection as shown in fairy tales. but right here, right now, with his arms wrapped around her body, she is cocooned by a gentle warmth. her eyes widen a fraction; after all, it came out of seemingly nowhere. she is like a doll, standing rigid as he embraces her. 
he is too smart for his own good, she thinks. when the sensation hits her and becomes something she consciously acknowledges, the rigidness that had captured her body loosens and she feels something in her snap.
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“ kliff. everyone’s gonna leave me. ” faye’s voice sounds so quiet, so weak. she had bolstered herself as some kind of killing machine in this war, willing to get her hands bloody for those she loves even if the stench of blood made her stomach turn. now that they were at the eve of peace, there was no use for that soldier she had made herself out to be.
she was a village girl who loved home. it was a shame that nobody else shared that dream of returning. she buries her face in his shoulder, not wanting him to see her right now. the warmth of his arms, so rare as it is, reminds her so keenly that the future shall be so full of the cold. “ i’m gonna be alone in ram. i know it. i know it! ”
her words are muffled against the cloth of his mage’s robes but she knows she’s close enough to his ear that he’ll probably catch it anyway. her own shoulders begin to tremble, and she bears her heart as she begins to weep. 
+*. @bookoftriumph
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yumispelled · 5 years
{ @bookoftriumph liked for a starter! }
There are times where Conrad is himself, and times where he isn’t. Unfortunately for everyone near him right now, the poor prince has just faded into one of the latter times. While the summoner prevents him from attacking anyone, he’s not exactly pleasant to be around.
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{CONRAD} ---- “Whatever could you possibly be bothering me about now? Speak now or incur Lord Duma’s wrath.”
And unfortunately for Kliff, he’s near Conrad during one of these times.
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fairelance · 5 years
@bookoftriumph Got... Kamui!
“You missed a hell of a ride, you know.” 
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He began it offhandedly, taking a quick swig from something in a flask, “When we joined there was still a bit more sailing before we got to Zofia Harbor, and I think you should be glad all those drunk shanties got stuck in my head and not yours.”
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pellucii · 5 years
As much as she was getting used to Yato- even if the grip was starting to feel natural in her grasp, that the balance was just a bit off compared to what she was used to -she had no shame in pursuing a few of the other weapons the order had to offer!
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She grabbed a silver sword, striking a daring pose with a large grin. “Kliff! What do you think?”
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heroslucidum · 5 years
Ike had found himself once more in the training yard of the keep, away from the summoner who’d pulled him there and from those he did not know. He was, at best, a middling conversationalist, so he tended to keep to himself and only speak what needed to be said. As such, he had a reputation among the troops of being a bit cold- so he was a bit surprised when he awoke and found someone had actually thought to bring him some food- a flaxen-haired young man, slim, with the build of an archer or a mage if he had to guess.
Ike offered him a smile as he accepted the food- He’d taken a nap after training, and he was starving.
“Thanks. I’m Ike.”
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painintopcwer · 5 years
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“Um... Excuse me... B...But you dropped this.” Noire handed the other a small book, trying to avoid eye contact.
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crzynighta · 3 years
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" ah. Sir Kliff. " There was a slight rise in his voice from pure surprise. A delight to see any of the many heroes brought in by the summoner even if it was not an area they would be seen normally. Alfonse smiled brightly as he slowly closed the distance, a hand flicking the cloak back over a shoulder.
" Is there anything you need ? If there is a problem you heroes face we are happy to assist. "
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sireneia · 5 years
bookoftriumph for Faye: Runs towards her with a 🌹. However... As he was running, he ended up tripping, and Gray and Tobin are totally not laughing at him somewhere within the distance now. While Kliff's face was now on the ground, he proceeds to hold up the now ruined rose anyways, feeling ashamed for tripping. "...I got this for you. I thought you liked flowers."
valentine’s day prompts
send 🌹 to give my muse a rose
 “ kliff! ”  faye calls out by instinct on seeing him stumble. it’s said too late though ( as if anything she could’ve said would’ve have prevented it ) and she winces at the sight. it turns to a clicking of the tongue and a shake of the head when she spots gray and tobin off in the distance. boys will be boys — especially them.
she disregards them after a quick glare and then turns her attention back to the mage, crouching down to better meet his gaze. the flower in his hand is crumpled, and one of the petals have fallen off. it reminds her a little of her own clumsy luck in love, and although it’s not perfect or whole anymore, she still reaches her hand out and takes the rose, holding it fast to her chest.
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“ i do. i really, really do. ”  she admits.  “ they’re always really pretty. i’ve always wanted to be like one, you know. ”
her face is tender as she speaks, and after a few moments, she offers her other hand to kliff.  “ come on, get up. i think i saw the other guys laughing at you. let’s beat it out of here before they get any funny ideas. ”
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jasperlion · 5 years
@bookoftriumph replied to your post “Oh Gods, I’m so glad I wasn’t dragged into this.” “I’m just not made...”
Kliff: Does this mean we have to watch your cousin and his fiance dance now?
“Well, I don’t think we have to watch— I’m not even sure we have to attend at all!”
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“... Which would be nice; the last thing I want to do is trip all over myself.”
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yumispelled · 5 years
{ @bookoftriumph || Continued }
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{BERKUT?} ---- “Saved?... The hell are you talking about?”
He paused, staring at the mage for a few moments longer. No... He knew who this was. This was one of Alm’s friends wasn’t it? Alm... He knew who that was. He knew. The name was familiar... This was...
{BERKUT?} ---- “I killed you. You and that damned farmboy. He... Damn him. He stole everything from me. Damn him!”
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hxjiime · 7 years
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【×】 – ❝Do not push your luck.❞
@bookoftriumph | start;
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pellucii · 5 years
bookoftriumph: 💭 [idk if i'm late]
“Oh, Kliff? He seems to be such a sweet boy. He reminds me a lot of Leo, you know? All bookish and magically oriented and all.”
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sireneia-a · 5 years
                    @bookoftriumph / cont.
   Faye spun around at Kliff's warning, using her adrenaline to very quickly cast the first spell she could think of, muttering the short chant that was required of Nosferatu. Though it missed, it granted her enough time to catch her assailant off-guard and establish some distance between them. She didn't look to see if someone else could help her out now, taking matters into her own hands with a cast of Seraphim. By the time someone else moved to help cover for her, she had exhausted a decent bit of her vitality but she still pressed on towards her friend collapsed in the field, pulling up her skirt as she ran.
Though it had been a bit of some trouble to get Kliff to safety in the chaos of a battle, Faye had managed to get it done with by evacuating the field herself and calling him to her location with the aid of her Rescue spell. It had been a risky maneuver to leave him out there, but his body was too heavy for her to move on her own, and she couldn't be distracting any of the other people out there fighting.
Still, her initial attempts to try and move him initially clued her into something very important: his body temperature was higher than it should've been— alarmingly so.
She had managed to pull him into his tent for the sake of privacy and had since been toweling the sweat off of him, making sure to routinely change the water and cloth she was using. When she thought she saw his facial features move an inch, she drops the washcloth entirely and grabs him by the shoulder, forgetting entirely that she should be gentle as his nurse in the haste of wanting to see him awake at last.
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“ Kliff?! If you hear me, say something. Or blink. I don't know— anything! ”
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//Well seeing as my first post was well received, here are some more attractive npcs
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Also promoted archer looks sad...you think he would be happy to get promoted but nope. I mean I probably would not be happy in Grieth’s army either. I guess I will just keep posting more of these when I have the chance. It does make the game a lot more fun for me. ‘Spot the hot enemy unit’ lol 
@jasperlion​, @sireneia​, @pieman1112​, @convxction​, @bookoftriumph​
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