#bologna design week
wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Revenge of the Freaks Summary: The Hellfire Club does April Fool's Day a little differently. Contains: Sweet revenge, don't try this at home. Words: 1k-ish Note: Part of my Evil Woman universe, but more of a Hellfire story than an explicit Eddie pairing. Can be read as a standalone.
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Everybody expects to get pranked on April Fool's Day.
Everyone, everywhere, is suspicious of everything. Especially at Hawkins High. Even the cafeteria ladies get side-eyed when students pick up their trays, wondering if there's a little something extra in their pudding today. No one touches the salt and pepper shakers. No one accepts any gifts. Don't even bother trying to share your food. Check the toilet for plastic wrap before you use it. Beware the sink. For 24 hours, everyone is on high alert.
Because everyone is expecting to get pranked on April 1st.
They are not, however, expecting to get pranked on April 2nd.
As your April Fool's Day prank for the Hellfire table, you brought in cookies.
Not toothpaste Oreos. Those are a waste of both toothpaste and cookies. (Although nobody would've complained about being the designated Eater of the Creme Filling.)
Your April Fool's Day Cookies contained M&M's, Reese's Pieces, and Skittles. It counted as a prank because nobody was sure exactly what they were biting into, other than a circle of butter and sugar. But they were actually quite good. You passed them around, and you all shared a laugh and a few cookies. In case anyone was watching.
On April 2nd, when everyone let their guards down and thought they were safe again, Hellfire would strike.
People would suspect Eddie. Eddie was loud and lively and definitely stood out. The rest of you? Unless someone was looking for a punching bag, you all seemed to sort of fade into the background.
You'd be using this to your advantage.
You'd been plotting for months, and finally had a game plan in place.
For Jackie, who asked out Gareth on a dare and burst out laughing when he stuttered through his nervous response, a locker full of dead ladybugs. You'd found a pile of them in the attic and didn't want them to go to waste, so you swept them into a plastic bag and kept them for a special occasion. Showing her what a lady looked like seemed like a good one.
For Chip and his fancy new car, which he nearly ran over Jeff with while revving obnoxiously and laughing with his friends, a piece of bologna on the hood. It would fry in the sun during the school day and leave a marvelously discolored circle there, until his daddy paid to get it fixed. Until then, someone might throw out the phrase "asshole-mobile" a few times and hope it stuck.
For Brandon, who drew unflattering caricatures of Grant on the blackboard in first period every day for a week before he lost interest, a mouse trap would find its way into his backpack. A thoughtful gift for his creative hands. No idea how it got there.
For Troy, who successfully tripped Mike into Lucas one day and attempted to stuff Dustin into a locker the next, tiny bits of chocolate would appear on his chair. (The smaller the pieces, the faster they melt.) The boys had told you about a similar kind of incident with Troy in middle school, and you didn't want to ruin his reputation.
For Ashley, who took credit for spreading the rumor that you were spreading your legs for all of the freaks in town, a very professional-looking letter from the Hawkins Free Clinic would arrive at her house to inform her that she had a venereal disease. Several pamphlets on safe sex were included.
For Mrs. O'Donnell, whose hatred of Eddie seemed to intensify by the day, a loose screw on her desk chair. It would be a real shame if she were to fall on her ass so hard, it broke the stick that had been up it since 1962.
For Jason, who was generally unpleasant to you all, tiny balloons that appeared to be haunting him. Everywhere he went, a tiny balloon or two would appear on the ground nearby. This puzzled everyone, until somebody loudly suggested that he had to use those because regular condoms were too big for him. Wonder who that could have been.
And for the rest of the basketball team, something special to show your appreciation for the way they ruled both the court and the school. Let's go, Tigers.
A few weeks ago, you and Eddie had taken a little trip to a pharmacy two towns over and bought the cheapest, worst-smelling perfume you could find. It was the kind of perfume that an old lady in a fake fur coat might wear to Bingo on Wednesday nights at the VFW. The kind of smell that made you wish the stench of moth balls in her clothes was a little stronger, to help overpower it.
The Hawkins High gym lockers are more open than the lockers in the hallway. Instead of the standard slats on the top and bottom, there's a wire grate to allow for better airflow. Nobody likes a pile of sweaty teenage gym clothes. Just a few pumps of spray into the grate would have their letterman jackets smelling so bad, it was like a warning system. A Jock Alarm, if you will. You'd always be able to smell them coming, because that stuff wasn't ever going to come out.
Eddie spent all of his free time that day in the library, on his best behavior, under the watchful eye of the stern librarian. He was a good boy, just trying to work quietly on his English essay so he could graduate. She would attest to this, if asked, because he gave her a dandelion when he came in and smiled at her every time he got up to sharpen his pencil near her desk.
The recipients of your little gifts may have had their suspicions, but they couldn't prove a thing. No one paid attention to the nameless, faceless freaks of Hawkins High. No one batted an eye when a two-minute trip to the bathroom actually took eight. Or when an unfamiliar face passed through a hallway it had no classes in. Or when someone changed their shirt between periods because it suddenly smelled like an old lady.
After all, why would anyone want to prank people on April 2nd?
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f0point5 · 5 months
Have you seen the rumours about Newey leaving rbr for Ferrari? Like there were apparently sightings of him in Bologna multiple times. And he's said to be unhappy with the power plays at rbr. I'm calling bs on this but after that Lewis move I'm generally scared of these rumours 😂
I know he was in Bologna but then photos of him doing some kind of testing/experience day with different cars in the area emerged, he wasn’t at Maranello.
But yeah these rumours are…concerning. I want to be calling bullshit because Amus also said Alonso was going to RB and then the next day he announces he’s resigned with Aston so…
They’ve been right but they’ve also been wrong. I am ultimately very confused by these rumours because I don’t see why Adrian would want to leave. How much can the politics be affecting him really.
EDIT: okay wait I have a second wind on this. Because these reports saying he’s unhappy about working on the hypercar project…he loves that project. The Valkyrie project was what RB offered him to KEEP him, and now suddenly he’s unhappy designing this new hypercar? I don’t buy it. Not to mention, Newey is nearing retirement, he probably relishes spending more time in the UK on this passion project than running around the world 25 weeks a year, why would he prefer to be on the pit wall? And why would RB not have him there if that’s what he wants?
Who has contacts in the German media? Because this report is recycled from the one a couple of months ago and it still doesn’t add up.
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
Zim really likes science, hence his original job as a scientist and general scientific knowledge, but his absolute favourite scientific field has to be genetics.
Sure Zim is amazing when it comes to complicated machines, having built the Massive’s Bridge Cannon, Time Machines, Complicated Wormhole Generators that Irkens with heavily modified brains struggle to build, and the Zapper in the Zimvoid is his own design, but Zim seems to have a preference for genetics and biology. Just think about the amount of things he’s done involving genetics in the series.
Just to name a few, the Brain Sucking Creature he creates in Backseat Drivers From Beyond The Stars, Clembrain, his Bologna Serum, The Infinite Energy Absorbing Blob, and I can think of two moments where I headcanon that he messed with his own genetics: Career Day and Palindrome from the Zimvoid.
Every 1000 years, all Irkens go through an additional forced molt on the galactic equinox in addition to their usual molt once every five years. It’s usually unwelcome and extremely painful since the Irken isn’t in a condition where they’d normally molt, doubly so in Zim’s case because he had just molted a few months ago when he was on Foodcourtia, just a few weeks before OID2. So he messed with his own genetics to try and make it so he wouldn’t go through an equinox molt, which failed and resulted in the even more painful messed up molt he went through on career day.
Palindrome messed with his own genetics to try and make himself immune to water, which worked at the cost of him growing gills and becoming unable to breathe air.
Point is, Zim seems to be very interested in genetics.
Another thing about Zim and genetics is that, despite this love of it, Zim isn’t nearly as good with genetics as he is with other scientific fields.
This is the same person that put together the Massive’s planet destroying Bridge Cannon and can build a working Wormhole Generator in like an hour from scratch when it takes another Irken artificially enhancing their brain with dozens of Vortian brains months to do that. Even his less intelligent plans are still extremely complex from a scientific perspective. They just lack common sense. Zim has a 20 intelligence and a 3 in wisdom.
Walk For Your Lives is a good example of this. He figures out the complex calculations required to undo the effects on a time-slowed explosion, but doesn’t stop to consider the fact that he’s still in the blast radius. Although he lacks common sense, Zim is far from stupid and excels in multiple scientific fields.
But with genetics, he makes more mistakes than he usually does when comparing it to other scientific fields.
Zim struggles to keep the Brain Sucking Creature asleep as he’s working on it, eventually causing it to break containment before it’s ready, Clembrain is FAR from a perfect clone, Zim never considers what would happen if he was injected with his own Bologna Serum, the Infinite Energy Absorbing Blob (originally supposed to be a prototype for biological technology) had an error in its genetic code that made it infinitely absorb energy instead of redirecting it, Zim fails to avoid the Equinox Molt and goes through an even more painful version instead, Palindrome grows gills as an unintended side effect, etc.
He’s still good at it, being able to create whole creatures and extensively analyze DNA in a heartbeat, but he struggles with it more than something like mechanical engineering or theoretical physics. He still probably has a PHD in genetics, but it’s more of a challenge for him.
And I think that’s part of why he’s so passionate about genetics. Genetics isn’t something he just understands instantly. On other projects Zim is nearly unmatched (keep in mind what I said about Zim doing in a hour what a modified Irken Brain took months to do) as long as he’s sufficiently motivated, but with genetics, Zim is on par with most other alien geneticists. It’s a fun challenge for him because it doesn’t come naturally to him and he has to put a lot more thought into his work than he normally does. Plus he’s passionate about it enough that motivation comes to him very easily, which can’t usually be said about some of his other projects.
Also here’s some bonus Geneticist Zim headcanons:
Dib and Gaz have no idea that they’re modified clones of their father, but Zim is more than aware of it. He figured it out using things like Dib’s arm control nerve in the wrong spot, Gaz’s naturally purple hair, and the enhanced strength and durability that they both have. I go into detail on that headcanon here.
After the Bologna Incident, Zim stocked up on this stuff called “genetic neutralizer”. It’s a high tech syringe containing a serum that, when injected into a creature’s bloodstream, goes through the creature’s body and resets the creatures genes back to their default state, removing anything that was added via mutation or genetic tampering. For example, if Zim or Dib are injected with the stuff while they’re turning into Bologna because of Zim’s Bologna Serum, the genetic neutralizer will fix the anomalies in their genes (the Bologna serum and it’s effects) and return them back to their normal Irken and human forms respectively. This stuff was how the two of them fixed themselves after the episode ended, and Zim, leaning from his mistakes, has kept at least three in his PAK at all times since then.
These syringes of genetic neutralizer, like Gir and Zim’s Voot, don’t survive the trip into the Zimvoid and stop being usable upon entry, the serum inside quickly becoming unusable within the hour. This means that Zims like Palindrome and The Meat are stuck like that, even when every other Zim in the Zimvoid carries a cure for their conditions in their back pocket. Palindrome also never went through the events of bolognius maximus and as a result doesn’t carry any with him.
Helpful tip: Gene based locks are useless against a geneticist. If some piece of technology needs a genetic code or sample to unlock it, Zim can get that thing open as long as he has enough time to work on it.
Crypids are kind of interesting to Zim simply because of the possibilities when it comes to their genetic makeup and biology. Dib wants to prove they exist, Zim wants to figure out how they work and what other creatures they share DNA with.
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chez-mimich · 1 year
Tra tanto parlare di design e di designers (veri o presunti), soprattutto in questa settimana che sta terminando, quella del Salone del mobile di Rho Fiera e della Design Week -Fuorisalone di Milano, la Fondazione Sozzani, ha pensato bene di mettere in vetrina le opere di un “designer vero”, ma poco conosciuto dal grande pubblico, ovvero Augusto Betti (1919-2013), che é stato allievo di un certo Giorgio Morandi all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. Le sue creazioni, anche a causa della sua ritrosia, sono sempre state esposte con parsimonia e, molto spesso, in esposizioni collettive, in mezzo a quelle di autori famosi o celeberrimi dell’arte e del design, come Enrico Castellani, Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Lucio Fontana, Ugo La Pietra, Piero Manzoni, solo per citarne alcuni. La mostra di Corso Como Dieci, offre una piccola ma preziosa rassegna delle sue opere d’arte e dei suoi oggetti d’arredo, a cominciare dalla magnifica poltrona “Noodle��� del 1967, al tavolino “Glass”, anch’esso del 1967 e al divano “Prisma” del 1971. Gli oggetti, anche a prima vista, mostrano l’inconfondibile imprimatur degli oggetti progettati appunto da un designer “vero”: estetica che segue la funzione e non viceversa, purezza delle linee del disegno, rigore e nitore di cromie e materiali. È forse inutile ribadirlo, ma il design è tale quando sotto di esso c’è un pensiero e, le tante, forse troppe, cose inutili viste al Fuorisalone, lo dimostrano. La Fondazione Sozzani mette in mostra anche diverse “cassette”, opere sotto vetro, raffinate e ricercate, di buon impatto nel loro aspetto vagamente psichedelico, che possono ben sostituire le tradizionali tele e che ricordano, per elementi e materiali compositivi, le “diapositive preparate” di un mostro sacro del design internazionale quale fu Bruno Munari, insieme oltre a belle sculture in vetroresina. Ancora tra i pezzi d’arredamento, va ricordato il tavolo “Austere” del 1964, la sedia “Ciclope” e la magnifica lampada “Parete luce”. Il tutto concorre a ricreare quella indimenticabile e indimenticata atmosfera degli anni Sessanta e Settanta che videro la nascita del design italiano e, soprattutto, il posto di rilievo e il prestigio che seppe ritagliarsi nel mondo. Poi, storicizzando le creazioni, possiamo ben fare un paragone, con tutto il “resto”…
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The most incredible two weeks exploring Italy… Till next time! #italy #tuscany #florence #firenze #pisa #bologna #emiliaromagna #rome #roma #lazio #venice #venezia #veneto #travel #travelitaly #travelling #historicalplaces #architecture #design #baroque #sculpture #italiangothic #architectural #architecturephotography #architecturaldesign #italytravel #italytrip #duomo #leaningtowerofpisa #bibliotecauniversitaria (at Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2-0cdIHq2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Schumer Says He Will Work to Block Any Effort in the Senate to Significantly Cut the CDC’s Budget
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/12/schumer-says-he-will-work-to-block-any-effort-in-the-senate-to-significantly-cut-the-cdcs-budget/
Schumer Says He Will Work to Block Any Effort in the Senate to Significantly Cut the CDC’s Budget
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NEW YORK — The Senate’s top Democrat said Sunday he will work to block a plan that would significantly cut the proposed budget of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warning that such a spending reduction could endanger the public.
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York told The Associated Press he would block legislation from passing the Senate if it were to include the proposed cut.
Democrats said the proposal in a House bill includes a reduction of the CDC’s proposed budget by $1.8 billion, or about 22%, that would harm public health. The Republican-led effort also would mean a major cut in programs designed to address firearm injuries and opioid overdose prevention.
The Republican-led House Appropriations Committee advanced the measure on a party-line vote in July.
Schumer said such a reduction would “would wreak havoc and chaos on food safety funding mechanisms and tracking operations at a core level.”
He pointed specifically to the CDC’s work on the ongoing listeria food poisoning outbreak linked to Boar’s Head deli meats that has killed at least three people and sickened more than 40 others.
“A slash of 22% to the CDC at a time when there’s a listeria outbreak should churn all our stomachs,” Schumer said in an interview.
Boar’s Head recalled 7 million pounds of deli meats on July 30, expanding an initial recall on July 25 after a liverwurst sample collected by health officials in Maryland tested positive for listeria. The CDC said last week that New York health officials tested a liverwurst sample and confirmed the same strain of listeria.
The recall includes more than 70 products — including liverwurst, ham, beef salami and bologna — made at the company’s plant in Jarratt, Virginia.
If the measure passes, the “overall food safety apparatus of the federal government could be risked.”
“It’s devastating,” Schumer said. “The Senate will not stand for them.”
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ippnoida · 5 months
Bologna Children’s Book Fair – bigger than ever
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Life is too short to read a bad book. – James Joyce
Hardly four weeks after the London Book Fair, it was Bologna’s turn to open its doors in front of a large demonstration for a cease-fire in Gaza and the liberation of all hostages, both those in Palestinian and those in Israeli custody.
The Bologna Children’s Book Fair was again configured in three co-located sections – the main children’s book fair, a generalist (non-children’s) extension under the heading Bologna Book Plus, and the Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids. New features in the program were the TV/Film Rights Centre in collaboration with the United Nations and the Society of Illustrators in New York, and the Audio Forum, added to the existing Literary Translation Forum in partnership with app developer Beat Technology. Also new for 2024 was the Licensing Portfolio Review, an opportunity to bring together consumer goods and audiovisual companies with illustration and design talents to create new business opportunities.
In its fourth year, BolognaBookPlus (BBPlus) included the topical programme India in the Limelight, with exhibition spaces, book jacket exhibits, copyright exchanges, and training workshops on rights selling, author representation, scouting, and writing and self-publishing. This year’s emphasis on the Indian book market was organized in cooperation with the National BookTrust of India. With BBPlus’ Literary Translation Forum returning for a third year, the centerpiece there was Taiwan’s book industry. 
The Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids (BLTF/K), dedicated to brands and the licensing of content for children, teenagers, and young adults, was held for the 17th time as an integral part of BCBF, with a Licensing Business Lounge and features such as matchmaking events for companies in the fashion and retail sectors. In a collaboration with Licensing Magazine, BLTF/Kids also organized the 4th edition of the International Kids Licensing Days – three days of in-depth discussions with international brands on issues related to content for children and young adults, from licensing to publishing, from audiovisual to gaming. Some of the topics discussed continue to be available online on demand, including digital publishing, animation, omnichannel retailing, sustainability, and toys.
Bologna Global Rights Exchange online
BCBF also has an online rights exchange platform, the Bologna Global Rights Exchange database, GRE. Powered by the international rights platform PubMatch since 2020, it has some 20,000 titles and offers exhibitors the opportunity to present their titles and brands, create and name their own showcases, search content and trends, and schedule and hold calls directly on the platform.
The system is open to publishers, agents, agencies, scouts, licensees, licensors, developers, audiovisual producers, and service providers. It is free to all in-person BCBF exhibitors.
Asia was also high on the agenda at the other two book fairs that were held recently – the Leipzig and Brussels book fairs. With 2085 exhibitors, including 445 at its Manga Comic Convention, the Leipzig Book Fair was attended by 283,000 visitors, both from the trade and the general public. At the Manga Comic Convention, several publishers from Japan, South Korea, and Malaysia had taken large booths. The Brussels Book Fair, with 380 booths and 75,000 trade and other visitors, had installed a large ‘Manga Village’ representing several Japanese publishing houses.
Bologna awards
Among the winners of the BolognaRagazzi Awards, aimed at highlighting the most beautiful and innovative picture books published worldwide, three publishers from South Korea received special mentions – Atnoonbooks for its Mo Story, Woongjin ThinkBig for the book As You Drive, and Sakyejul for the title Rice Cake House of a Tiger. 
Another of BCBF’s awards is the Bologna Licensing Award for agencies, licensees ,and retailers on an international level, to enhance the content link within the entire supply chain as the basis of success. This year, a new category was introduced, dedicated to the Best Licensed Sustainable Project, to reward companies and brands that care about the future of the planet through the development of sustainable consumer goods and projects for children, teens, and young adults.
The next BCBF has been scheduled for 31 March to 3 April 2025. 
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ear-worthy · 8 months
The Good Robot Podcast: Feminism & Tech Converge
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The Good Robot podcast offers listeners an engrossing premise -- Dr Eleanor Drage and Dr Kerry McInerney ask expert guests in each episode: what is good technology? Is ‘good’ technology even possible? And how can feminism help us work towards it? Each week, they invite scholars, industry practitioners, activists, and more to provide their unique perspective on what feminism can bring to the tech industry and the way that we think about technology. With each conversation, The Good Robot asks how feminism can provide new perspectives on technology’s biggest problems.
The podcast is tied closely to the book, "The Good Robot" published by the co-hosts of the podcast, and available in late February. In this edited collection of essays, leading feminist scholars, technologists and activists show why technology needs feminism. Cutting across disciplinary differences and intergenerational divides, the essays demonstrate the breadth of feminist thinking about technology. From Buddhist approaches to making AI ‘compassionate’, to indigenous cultural perspectives on re-thinking relationships between humans and AI, this book offers powerful and provocative alternatives to the status quo. For some contributors, good technology means making AI more inclusive. For others, it means stepping back from new technologies altogether and ‘getting off’ social media. University of Cambridge AI ethicists Dr Eleanor Drage and Dr Kerry McInerney bring together a variety of top thinkers in the field, who provide diverse and expansive responses to the question of ‘what is good technology?’. Each essay acts as a bright spark, an illuminating snapshot of how feminism is reshaping the way we think about technology. Collectively, the essays create a constellation of ideas, laying out a path for us to build a better technological future. Co-host Dr Kerry McInerney (née Mackereth) is a Research Fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, where she researches anti-Asian racism and AI and Asian diasporic approaches to AI ethics. Kerry is an AHRC/BBC Radio 3 New Generation Thinker, where she brings complex conversations about gender, race and artificial intelligence to wide audiences. ​ Her work uses feminist and critical race theory to examine how histories of race and gender shape contemporary technologies, with a specific focus on artificial intelligence. Her scholarship on this topic has appeared in journals such as Feminist Review, Public Understanding of Science and Philosophy and Technology. Her work on AI-powered hiring tools has also been covered by media outlets like the BBC, BBC Today, Forbes, the Register, and the Daily Mail, among other international outlets. Co-host Eleanor Drage was previously a Christina Gaw Research Associate on the Gender and Technology Research Project, where she helped resolve AI ethics issues at a major technology multinational using feminist and anti-racist theory. She has presented findings to a range of audiences including the United Nations, NatWest, The Open Data Institute (ODI), and the Institute of Science & Technology. She is the co-host of The Good Robot Podcast, has appeared on popular shows such as The Guilty Feminist, and is a TikToker for All The Citizens' data rights channel. She holds an International Dual PhD from the University of Bologna at the University of Granada, where she was an Early-Stage Researcher for the EU Horizon 2020 ETN-ITN-Marie Curie project “GRACE” (Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe). Dr. Nomisha Kurian is The Good Robot's Youth Inclusion Consultant, and is working with Kerry and Eleanor on developing innovative teaching services and educational programs from The Good Robot podcast. Nomisha is a Teaching Associate at the University of Cambridge. She is currently researching the role of human-centered design in empathy-driven technology and presented her work on children's wellbeing at the UNESCO Artificial Intelligence and Education Forum. She recently became the first Education researcher to win the Cambridge Applied Research Award for "outstanding research with real world application", for designing and delivering interventions for 286 low-income and state-school students across the UK to widen participation in higher education. Previously, as a Yale University Henry Fellow, she used international human rights law to design an anti-bullying framework for marginalized youth. Her work has most recently been published in the Oxford Review of Education, the British Educational Research Journal, and the International Journal of Human Rights. 
One of my favorite episodes was the December 12, 2023, one with Jess Wade on rewriting Wikipedia. Wade explains the lack of feminist authors and people of color on Wikipedia and the disturbing lack of feminist issues covered.
Every few weeks, the co-hosts have a shorter Hot Takes episode on the biggest issues in tech. The August 1, 2023, episode about Musk's name change from Twitter to X and the lack of female representation in the tech industry was particularly illuminating. Check out The Good Robot. It's refreshing to listen to a technology podcast that is hosted by two women instead of Elon Musk-type dudes. The co-hosts are articulate, brilliant, and explicit enough to render complex topics graspable for most listeners.
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irinavaneeva · 9 months
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My 2023.
I did a lot of drawing and learning.
Created 3 vector series with colors for microstocks. Floral series with #Midjorni
Showcased 7 projects on @behance . Updated my portfolio and shared on Instagram.
Designed a logo for a coffee shop in Turkey @lacotecafestudio , images for lunchboxes, and nature illustrations in Bologna @bolognachildrensbookfair
Opened a store on Etsy (44 listings, 7 sales).
Produced 45 videos for a new YouTube channel, 48 short ones for Instagram about drawing with kids.
Conducted drawing lessons with kids in January and 7 weeks in the fall, some were individual.
Learned from Dina @dina_ruzha to create a newsletter for client outreach. Signed a contract with illustration agency @magpieillustrationagency
Visited a book exhibition in Copenhagen @bogforum
Had many English lessons. Even studied Danish for 2.5 months!
The year was rich and interesting. I'm confident that the next one will be just as exciting.
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mvonloeb311 · 10 months
The Distinguished Vagabond
The man walked down his trembling solitude as his feet splashed along the puddles left by broken sewage pipes and opened fire hydrants. He looked down at his vintage pocket watch whose long hand struck eight and small hand pierced six. This was no ordinary man. Robert Darwin was a peculiar man. He was mostly and well defined as an eccentric intellectual by his fellow friend, but was generally described as a pompous, pretentious freak by the common public. He wore a black dress shirt, a sweater vest and a black trench coat which was neatly pressed as soon as his Norwegian alarm set off in the morning. This man was not a man of his time and had no trouble in showing it. Although in his mind he demonstrated an imposing and electrifying presence, he had a problem that was burdening his life. One which pure class, fashion and knowledge of Eastern European goat cheeses could not solve: he was unemployed.
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It was never a problem for Robert as he always found ways to scrap and hustle money together for rent and to maintain his highly elusive lifestyle. Yet in all sadness, his expenditures highly exceeded his income and was notified that he would be unjustly evicted from his home in two weeks time. His apartment was already small as is, and he could not afford the principled toll of sleeping in a sleazy motel or a filthy homeless shelter. Robert continued to walk down the sunlit streets as he saw children playing on the road, enjoying the water of the fire hydrant as if it were their own personal waterpark. It was summer, and it was dusk. The orange sunlight was absorbed by his dark wardrobe and along with the summer heat, it made the man sweat. He took off his clothes and as he removed his second layer he noticed something splendid. Near the deli, where he had usually purchased an array of bologna to pass off as exotic meats, was a light he had never seen before. It was a light quite difficult to put into words, but in Robert’s mind, it felt like a soft voice whispering lustful obscenities of life and love. He followed the light and found himself walking down an alleyway he had seen various times before. It was the same alleyway where he constantly witnessed street muggings and passionate couples, but today it was completely different. It was smaller. The distortion of size and the blinding light gave Robert a headache. But as he walked closer, squeezing between the walls of the alleyway towards the back, he grew a sense of comfort. At the end of the gap, he noticed that the light was emanating from below an oxidated garbage bin. He bent down, and in no coherence to his character, placed his knees on the murky floor, ruining the designer pants he had bought at Old Navy. He moved the bin to the side and saw a passage underneath the brick building.
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He slid underneath and found himself in a dark room filled with small LED lights and a luxurious king-sized bed with silk sheets. He slipped into the covers and drifted away into a dream. As he awoke the next morning, his shivering made him notice his lack of clothing. He was not in the mysterious dark room but in the alleyway he had earlier explored. With only a tube sock around his phallus, he stood up from the piles of garbage he had slept in and walked down the rainy street. 
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enkeynetwork · 1 year
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
"Barbie Style Talent Contest" alla Milano Fashion Week
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"Barbie Style Talent Contest" alla Milano Fashion Week. A Milano la Fashion Week si appresta ad ospitare un evento unico che unisce creatività e valori essenziali: il "Barbie Style Talent Contest". L'appuntamento è fissato per il 24 settembre 2023, dalle 18.000 alle 22.00, nel magnifico Spazio Diaz, nel cuore della vivace movida milanese, a pochi passi dal Duomo. Questo straordinario evento è patrocinato dalla Regione Lombardia ed è organizzato da "Le Salon de la Mode – Musikologiamo", realtà riconosciuta sia a livello nazionale , sia a livello internazionale. In un momento in cui il film di "Barbie" ha incassato oltre un miliardo di dollari in tutto il mondo e il suo iconico stile ha catturato l'immaginazione di giovani e appassionati di moda, il "Barbie Style Talent Contest" rappresenta un'opportunità unica per scoprire nuovi talenti e trasmettere non solo lo stile, ma anche i valori fondamentali della vita. ll Contest, patrocinato dalla Camera Nazionale Giovani Fashion Designer, è il risultato della visione innovativa di Gabriella Chiarappa, giornalista e manager di moda, nota per la sua costante ricerca di innovazione e la volontà di coniugare moda e cultura. In questo contesto ha deciso di superare le tendenze effimere, promuovendo giovani talenti nella moda e nell'hairstyling, con un'attenzione particolare alle autentiche forze trainanti dell'industria: creatività, innovazione e dedizione. Il Contest vanta la partecipazione di otto fashion designer e hair stylist selezionati da prestigiose accademie e associazioni di categoria, ciascuno ispirato dall'iconica bambola Mattel. La giuria, composta da esperti e figure istituzionali, decreterà i vincitori in entrambe le categorie. Tra i membri della giuria: Francesca Caruso, Assessore alla cultura della Regione Lombardia, Alessandra Giulivo, Presidente della Camera Nazionale Giovani Fashion Designer, Vanessa D'Amico, Design Director RTW Tod's, Mena Marano, Ceo del Gruppo Arav Fashion, Marco Giuliano e Nicolò Bologna, Designer MarcoBologna e Silvian Heach; Pablo Ardizzone, make-up Maestro. Per il settore hair, Isabella Corrado, Hair Stylist Senior Vogue Salon. Le opportunità offerte ai vincitori comprendono la realizzazione di un capo da parte di un brand celebre, un corso specializzato presso un'Accademia di settore e la visibilità su riviste di moda internazionali. Un plauso particolare va all'Azienda Silvian Heach per il suo sostegno totale al progetto, al MAM - Maiani Accademia Moda e a Confartigianato Imprese (Macerata, Ascoli Piceno e Fermo). Il "Barbie Style Talent Contest" è molto più di un semplice evento, è un'esperienza socio-culturale che affronta questioni come l'identità femminile e l'uguaglianza di genere, promuovendo valori fondamentali , in contrasto con la superficialità della società moderna. L'evento sarà arricchito da sorprese e dalla presenza di illustri ospiti, tra cui la Fondazione Pangea Onlus (progetto box Pangea Patatas Nana) e l'Avv. Anna Leone dell'Associazione (Anti), per la tutela dei diritti LGBT, insieme ad altre personalità di spicco e volti noti. L'evento si aprirà con un cocktail di benvenuto, in perfetta armonia con l'atmosfera glamour della MFW. In conclusione, l'iniziativa "Barbie Style" celebra la moda, la creatività e l'innovazione delle nuove generazioni, riunendo creatività e valori spesso trascurati dalla società moderna. È un'opportunità straordinaria per i partecipanti di portare lo stile "Barbie Style" direttamente alla Milano Fashion Week. Non resta che attendere con trepidazione questa serata, che promette di essere ricca di sorrisi, di scintillanti flash e momenti indimenticabili.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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rubybirdgrad604 · 1 year
Week Seven - Class Content
This class was just a short discussion around the formative and looking forward to the poster diptych. The examples of methods of representations that Fiona shared I found very useful as a way to start visualising and considering how I want my poster to be laid out. It will be important to make sure what ever method I chose to work with has a connection to myself as a creative to keep it relevant and purposeful.
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Emma Lewis - Museum of Me
This collection of work is by Emma Lewis and focuses on a very illustrative creation style. The mixed media approach cleverly integrates real aspects from the artist's world into this more personal and hand made version. This style of working is an option for the poster. While I do really like and connect with aspects of it, I'm not sure if working solely like this is relevant to my practice. However, I still really appreciate the mixed media approach as something I could experiment with.
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Threaded Magazine
These are some spreads from Threaded Magazine, showing some different options for recording and collating some items. The left image uses conventions associated with editorial design which is an interesting method. The right image is more of a physical collection, which works quite well to showcase the beauty of the objects themselves.
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Henrik Drescher - Seeded Notebooks
What I really like about this method is the analogue creation of it. It has much more of a connection to the artist as it was created with his hands. These are very personal, created in a way that incorporates different elements from his world - notes, sketches, found objects/ephemera. I think this is a method more relevant to me as I find analogue notes and sketches to be very important to my process.
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Alistair McCready - Monument
This method is very typographic, which is a part of my practice that is very important to me and something I enjoy. I like how these sketches showcase a process and are informal and unfinished - the analogue techniques and marks have more life and connection in them which I like. I would love to incorporate type into my posters and this is important to my practice, and doing this in an analogue and process led style would work well for my creative practice.
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Week 7: Lecture
General Feedback
Dive deeper - what are their influences, why are they doing that kind of work (social good etc.,)
Underlying message and how they put their messaging into their work – justification of their work
Being able to explain research methods – e.g. taking random images to create collages or thinking purposeful images for the collage and justifying why we work like that
The Creation: When discussing our work we like – why do we like that work: environmental, mental issue etc., dive deeper
Context: what are the field of work - pop art, what is the politics of it - relationship to time and place, investigate further about the artists context
A2 Poster
Diptych A2 Poster of 20 elements montaged as a designed artefact
paired with a contextual inventory of each element - explain significance of item to my work
must include name
draw on strengths – illustration, typography, grids, mixed media
Modes of representation – artist Joseph Kousth, what are the contributing factors that we could bring to the A2 posters?
what is the system that we are going to be developing ?
describe, analyse and underpinning concepts of work
how we use an "inventory" has to conceptually link to our work – again looking back to my artists and seeing what system they used, could be experimental publication design, or something more handwritten conversational
Thinking about the significance of objects
Ways to Portray 20 Items
Emma Lewis
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She is an illustrator based in London. Her illustration style follows a narrative approach to her work. She uses mixed media when creating her work. There's a clear mix of photographic, digital illustration and hand-drawn elements within her work, collaged together. Although these components are all very different, she manages to create and express her style and story cohesively.
Maria Fischer
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Maria Fischer is a German Designer who explores hyperlinks that we encounter on the internet by showing that through the threads in this publication design. This captures the intangibility and mystery through hyperlinked threads wich tie in with the keywords that she highlights. I am personally interested in publication design and enjoy the process of binding, so I might take my direction towards publication design for my poster.
Threaded Magazine
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Both spreads/pages are displayed in the Threaded Magazine. The first image above shows a collated collection of objects and items in its physical form with copywriting on the side of the page. The first image above of the spread feels more personal and intimate. The images below show a more editorial way of the items/objects with texts around and next to the items. The highlighting of keywords is also a great way to highlight its importance with arrows directing the text to the image to show its relation. As mentioned before, I am quite interested in publication design, arranging text and images ina grid system to show effectively communicate through design, so this might be a way to approach my A2 poster as well.
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I grew up collaging a lot through my adolescence all the way through high school and I found myself really enjoying the process of cutting, and gluing pieces of found art together to create a body of work. I like how through collage, you can combine objects to show their relation but also differences to one other object.
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sbknews · 1 year
Historic Harley-Davidson Anniversary Celebrated In Budapest, Hungary
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The Harley-Davidson® 120th Anniversary Festival has taken place over four days, from June 22-25, at the iconic Puskás Aréna Park in Budapest – Hungary’s national football ground and major event venue. The festival took over the park with a wide range of attractions and activities, including an indoor showcase of Harley-Davidson motorcycles old and new, celebrating some of the iconic brand’s greatest creations. Headlining the Harley-Davidson Expo was an exclusive European first viewing of the all-new 2023 CVO motorcycles, the CVO Road Glide and CVO Street Glide, globally revealed just two weeks before the festival began. Motorcyclists were also given the opportunity to test ride more than 70 Harley-Davidson motorcycles on the streets of Budapest – and beyond. And a tailored two-hour Pan America on-road and off-road demo experience, designed to fully test the capabilities of the adventure touring motorcycle, was also available. Riders and fans of Harley-Davidson made their way to Budapest from across the globe, travelling across Europe but also from the USA, Australia, South Africa and Singapore. Visitors were also treated to free tours of up to 300km, hosted by local experts, taking them far beyond Budapest to some of northern Hungary’s most scenic locations. One of the highlights for both visitors and locals was an extensive entertainment schedule, which included more than 50 bands across five stages. International acts such as Airbourne and Wolfmother from Australia, Larkin Poe from USA, fan favourite The Picture Books from Germany, and UK rock band The Darkness took to the arena stages, with Glenn Hughes Performing Classic Deep Purple bringing the show to a close on Sunday night. A clear Hungarian flavour was also added to the entertainment line-up with iconic bands such as EDDA Művek and Pokolgép also headlining. VIPs in attendance included Jochen Zeitz, Chairman, President and CEO of Harley-Davidson, overseeing a prize draw alongside Karen Davidson and Bill Davidson, 4thgeneration grandchildren of company co-founder William A. Davidson. A limited edition 120th Anniversary Harley-Davidson Heritage Classic was awarded to a UK winner. As well as a wide variety of creative custom motorcycles on show in various locations around the festival, Friday saw a customer ride-in Custom Bike Show, supported by Metzeler tyres, and featuring more than 80 bikes, brought especially to Budapest to compete, from eight different countries. The ultimate winner was Marco Sonnino from Italy. The company was also delighted to announce the location for next year’s 30th edition H.O.G. Rally, a free event open to all riders, which will take place in Senigallia, Italy from June 6-9, 2024. The outstanding location is less than two hours from Bologna and features iconic renaissance architecture, a stunning coastline and is surrounded by rolling hills and winding roads, making it a perfect location to plan a tour to in 2024. Kolja Rebstock, Regional Vice-President for Europe, Middle East and Africa said: “This was a truly incredible festival which epitomised Harley-Davidson as a truly magnetic brand and lifestyle that reaches far beyond motorcycles. On behalf of Harley-Davidson EMEA, I would like to thank the event organisers ‘SportMarketing Agency Kft’, the city of Budapest and of course the people of Hungary for embracing the festival’s combination of motorcycle, music and entertainment by making riders from all over the world welcome. We will head to Austria for our next large scale event on 5-10th September to welcome riders in celebrating 25 years of European Bike Week.” For more Harley-Davidson UK news check out our dedicated page Harley-Davidson UK News or head to the official Harley-Davidson UK website www.harley-davidson.com/gb/en/index.html Read the full article
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onlinecrown · 2 years
Refin bluetech vintage plain
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Till that becomes unseen and receives proof in its turn. Vintage Dcor: Are you impressed with the designs and decorations of the past. *Fourth item must be equal or lesser valueĪ February 6, 2009 the Austin chronicle 5 Built with our BlueTec palm material, SOLID Handpainted GOLD Skull. ‘SOCCER WATCH’ online - updates from everywhere SMARTY PANTS - sooner or later, he’ll answer > ‘POSTMARKS’ online - updated (almost) daily > ASK MR. CERSAIE 2021: NUOVE COLLEZIONI CERAMICHE REFIN AL CERSAIE 2021: REDISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE 27 Settembre 1 Ottobre 2021Bologna Fiere, BolognaPadiglione 36 Stand B32-C37 Dopo una lunga pausa torna Cersaie, il Salone Internazionale della Ceramica per l’Architettura e dell’Arredobagno che si terr a Bologna dal 27 settembre al 1 ottobre. Proud to be counted among NEW ORLEANS’ SINS > Under the Covers gets all HOT AND BOTHERED > Picture inĤ the Austin chronicle īLOGS VLOGS TUNES GALLERIES COMMENTS + FORUMS BALLOTS + POLLS GUIDESĬONTESTS DAILY LISTINGS BREAKING NEWS + 455,000 PAGES THAT DON’T FIT IN PRINT Tato dlaba je vhodn pedevm pro venkovn prostory. Dlaba je vhodn do vech interiru, kde vytvo pjemn prosted. Inspirac pro tuto dlabu byl modr kmen s jemnm ilkovnm. IN THE BIG TAN BUILDING ACROSS FROM WAL^MUzNS |Ī February 6, 2009 the Austin chronicle 3Ĥ Earache sheds a tear for SOUTH AUSTIN JUG BAND > Gay Place is Refin Bluetech Vintage Plain R Out 2.0 60圆0 Matt, Refin Bluetech Vintage Plain R Out 2.0 60×60 Matt je slinut rektifikovan dlaba v modernm matnm proveden. GREAT NEW MUSIC AT GREAT PRICES & OUR 100% GUARANTEE
Funds generated go directly to the needs of our children.
Le scaltture sulla supercie, cos come i bordi frastagliati e gli angoli smussati, donano a queste piastrelle l’aspetto caratteristico del materiale naturale segnato dallo scorrere del tempo.
Run by Hope House - we’re not a vehicle broker Bluetech Vintage di colore grigio azzurro, con sfumature pi scure e segni bianchi che ricordano le tracce di calcite nella pietra.
WITH YOUR HELP - CARE IS PROVIDED FOR 40 SEVERELY CHALLENGED CHILDRENįROM VIRTUALLY EVERY AUSTIN NEIGHBORHOOD. THAT'S NOT TRASH.' WE'LL FIX IT/ REPAIR SHOP OPEN M-F 10- 6, SAT II- 3Ģ the Austin chronicle MT62 Out2.0 Bluetech Vintage Plain R90X90 > 138.53 / sqm / Add the item to the basket in the right quantity. SET SOME CASH/ WE BUY PESKTOPS, LAPTOPS, RAM, HARP PRIVES + MORE/ REFIN Out2.0 Out2.0 Bluetech Vintage Plain R90X90. Come celebrate our success & say thanks for standi lag upf This Sunday, Februa ry iHh ■ 1 1 am tc 5pm - Ha ngtown Grill at JJurnet Rd & 2222/Koenig Laneġ5% of food purchases be ns fits the RG4K lega I f u nd. Join us at the Responsible Growth for Northcross “Good Neighbor Get Together” Home > Vloertegels > Bluetech Tradition and innovation De prestige en elegantie van Belgische blauwe hardsteen komen terug tot leven in deze innovatieve Refin tegelcollectie, uitdrukking van de meest hoogstaande productietechnologien gecombineerd met de ervaring en kennis die al jarenlang het onderscheidend teken zijn van gres porcellanato. NEWS The State Budget Debate Begins THE ARTS Hamrick and Mills Retrace the Steps FOOD Tea-Totaling SCREENS Ernie Cline’s ‘Fanboy’ Follies Second row, Father Leo McKernan, Carol Skalski, Mary Ann Magda, Father Michael Salvagna C.P.See for breaking news, daily listings, a busful of pot, an exploding house, a snap for rupaul, an inevitable Springsteen take, and more illuminating e-vents JMJ radio station volunteers and staff, front row, fromleft, Ann Marie Yeager, Carol Margetts, Arlene McCabe, Jackie Galvin, Ed Niewinski, Carol Ann Niewinski, Phillip Local Catholic radio station on-air fund raiser this week Appearance (), Design, Vintage Charbon, Vintage Plain. Dining Room Rustic Lighting for Kitchen Island Lighting Bar West Ninth Vintage Pendant Farmhouse Chandelier Fixture Fayette Wood Beam Light Early American.
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Weddings.Social 1īirthdays.Social 3Īdvertising deadline is Thursday at 3 P.M.įilling the airwaves with the Word of God Home > Tile Flooring > Bluetech Tradition and Innovation The appeal and elegance of the Belgian Pierre Bleue are brought up-to-date in this ceramic collection by Ceramiche Refin, a series with an extremely innovative make-up and appearance, the result of the most advanced production technologies combined with the experience and know-how typical. Specification Details for Bluetech - Marble And Stone (Floor Tiles). Providing Quality Legal Services To The People of Northeast PA
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