Please forget
Please let me forget you...
The taste. How you tasted like a the ocean during a storm. Licking my lips to get more...
Sweet. Carmel on ice cream, pretzels crushed on top. Savory, best with a pinch of salt.
The way your skin was the current that matched my veins. Pumping as it bleeds...
With the slightest touch you controlled all my mechanisms. Over circuit to my heart.
Please! Please let me forget you...
Your laugh, fuck! Your laugh is an unanswered prayer. And your laugh is my favorite church...
Notice the boldrul stutter it is, how it caresses the soul with intamacy. It echoes in my mind.
How you smelt like running water under a shaded tree. Fresh and sweet turned by nature.
Fuck, please let me forget your eyes. They weren’t the ocean, but the sky.
Filled with uncertainty. So blue on the happiest days turned so grey in overcast.
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