#bodybuilding stumbling blocks
bigwishes · 1 year
Pretty Boy's Mistake
Kye was you average university athlete, mainly there to get a degree a generic sports degree to get a job as a personal trainer in the high end gyms, he rarely went to his lecture but always got outstanding grades. It wasn't that he wasn't passionate about sports or health, in fact he had taught himself pretty much everything the university had to offer before he had even gotten there. He was only there for a piece of paper. He spent most of his time in the gym, lifting weights whilst also training some guys on the side for some cash in hand work but he always made sure to put his own workouts first. His body was almost perfect and he loved every inch of it.
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Although he wished he could be bigger. He saw some of the guys in the gym, how their tank tops looked like they could burst at any moment. One time he even saw a guys tank split because of an insane chest pump. He loved huge guys, wanted to be fucking huge like them. He would picture his gym crush and how his entire car would bounce and wobble when he squeezed his massive frame inside, he wanted a guy like that in his bed, he wanted to be bigger than that but a body like that would probably take him another 15 years to build and he wanted to enjoy and flaunt that size before he left uni.
Kye was in the gym when he saw a huge lumbering giant walk in. The man looked like a superhero right out of a comic and something possessed Kye out of no where. He followed the huge meathead to the locker room.
Kye stood there seeing the giant block almost all the lockers on a wall his back was so wide and Kye got nervous, a lump formed in his throat and he spat out what he had to say.
"so...how do I get as big as you bro"
the massive dude turned around looking around the locker room checking to see if he was talking to someone else, he let out a thunderous chuckle.
"you talkin to me pretty boy?"
Kye grew red in the face "y-yeah man, look I been lifting for a few years and I really wanna get fucking huge like you man"
"aaa just keep at it guy, youll be massive like mean real soon"
"how old are you?"
"Im 22 bro"
"22!" Kye yelled "bro im almost 23 how the fuck you get so big man, you gotta tell me your secret"
"hmmm, look, you're kinda cute bro so, I'll let you in on a little secret, for a trade of course"
"Anything man, anything, Ive tried everything I know with diet and routine and I'm just not swelling up like other guys are"
"I'll give you my secret if you tell me why you wanna be so big, annnnd, for a date" the large man raise his eyebrow and walked closer to Kye.
Kye's heart started pounded as he imagined what it'd be like to have his skull crushed by the giant bodybuilder's monstrous thighs
"o-okay, ummm, phew, is it hot in here?" kye tripped and stumbled over his words like it was his first time ever talking to a guy.
"so, why you wanna be big pretty boy?"
Suddenly the man had is arms leaning on the doorframe behind Kye forming an arch over him looking down at him.
"eer, well, I-I like size and, I like guys with size and I wanna be big y-ya know" Kye tried to avoid eye contact as the massive brute leaned in
"So you like big guys hey? why don't you keep your lil jock bod, let a mountain like myself have fun with you"
"Because I ain't no bodies bottom bitch, believe me man, if I was as big as you, I'd of already throw you against the wall and you'd be beggin for it"
The massive meat head in front of him bit his lip
"so you promise, once you're as big as me you'll be tossing me around?"
Kye smirked trying to keep up the confident façade
"yeah bro, but gotta warn you, I'm already a catch, once guys see me with arms tearing out of my shirt and my huge muscled fat ass squeezed into tight gym shorts you'll probably have some competition"
"oh I like a cocky meathead"
the man turned around walking back to his gym bag pulling out a small vial of orange fluid, he handed it to kye
"I'm Jason by the way"
"What is this?"
"My secret mixture, drink it man, it'll make you real big...and give you that fat juicy ass you want"
Kye instantly downed the drink and gave Jason a wink.
"Alright, Im gonna go workout man"
"See you tomorrow pretty boy" Jason laughed as Kye walked out.
Kye was stepping into his car, having to stop to catch his breath, he worked harder than he ever had. He knew the vitamin shot he was given wasn't going to do anything but it was at least energising. Kye felt a strange tingling, as the veins on his pelvis swelled with blood pumping downwards. Kye gritted his teeth feeling like he was about to get hard and suddenly he watched as his package swelled and doubled in size in his pants.
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Kye jumped in his car feeling his thighs and arms swell. Like his pump was subsiding but his muscles weren't shrinking down to normal size.
He drove home, gritting his teeth and occasionally grunting the entire way.
Kye stepping of of his car feeling his shirt tight around his chest and arms. He let out a tired sigh feeling strange and walked inside. Kye saw himself in the mirror, his shirt tightly pulled across body. He pulled off his shirt seeing his abs slightly stretched out, rubbing his stomach watches his package swell again.
UUUUUGGGGhhhhhh He groaned.
"W-what the fuck is going on"
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Kye watches as his bulge swelled outwards in his pants straining against the fabric, as his stomach swelled outwards with it.
Kye grabbed his stomach feeling it strain
Kye let out a painful groan that turned into a belch as tears started to form in his eyes, his perfect 6 pack was gone swelled out like he had been bulking all year round.
Kye couldn't hold back the belches escaping his mouth and with each on his body changed. His arms swelled bigger, his thighs swells bigger.
He watched helplessly in the mirror unable to stop the changes, no matter how hard he pushed his stomach trying to get it to shrink the only thing he managed to do was push out another belch. Kye mercilessly began scratching at his jaw and neck feeling an annoying itch take over. He was too busy watching as his body swelled up to notice the changes in his face. Kye finally looked up from his bloated stomach to see himself, hairy, big and bulky.
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"WHAT THE FUCK, I" Kye pinched the side of his waist in disbelief
Kye's massive meaty hand felt is muscled gut vibrate as he belched. Feeling a surge of change again, but he didn't see himself get any bigger in the mirror, he heard a slight ripping noise and looked around. Turning to the side he saw the fabric of his gym shorts tight, torn and ripped over his massive muscular ass. His face turned bright red.
"Oh god..I'm...uuggh I'm like a fat bear"
Kye's stomach grumbled and he made his way to the kitchen poking and patting his gut hoping by some mirecal it would shrink and turn back into a six pack.
Kye sat in the gym locker room trying to hide his new burly body under bagging clothing. Embarrassed and hoping Jason would walk in at any moment. After about an hour Jason walked in.
"H-Hey Jason"
"Oh hey Pretty Boy, hows it feel bein big"
"I" Kye couldn't even finish his sentence before letting out a monstrous belch
"I didn't ask for this"
"yeah you did bro, you wanted to be big"
"AND NOW LOOK AT THIS, WHERE ARE MY ABS IM TUBBY" Kye lifted his shirt and poked at the muscled slab
"Man you aint tubby, you bulky, thick muscle"
"But I wanted my abs bro, I wanted to look like some pro bodybuilder not like some kinda burping werewolf"
Kye rubbed his gut cocking his mouth open belching causing Jason to laugh. Kye's face turned bright red
"Dude stop laughing and fucking do something, uuuggghhh"
"alright bro, quit the complaining I might have something for you"
"Anything is better than this man"
Jason handed Kye a vial filled with bright pink liquid
UUUURpp "so, this'll fix me?"
"Oh man, it'll give you the perfect body"
Kye looked at it suspiciously feeling the concrete wall he had for a stomach. He closed his eyes and downed, a few moments passed and Kye didn't feel much different, when suddenly the familiar sensation rose up from his gut to his throat.
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Kye's eyes widen and his face turned white
Kye tried to speak more but he struggled to form a full sentence from his constant belching
"Looking good man" Jason laughed
Kye, felt is rock hard bloated gut and heard the sound of tearing fabric as his muscles bulged out of his shit, soon he was left standing there in the gym locker room in nothing but his underwear.
Kye looked at himself in the mirror disappointed by his huge muscle gut, he cocked his mouth open and belched.
Jason let out a booming laugh "bro you look like you take roids and smash 6 protein shakes hourly"
"bro why'd you do this" Kye sheepishly asked
"because you wanted to me big"
"then why not make me like you, why give me this huge gu-UUUUURRP"
"Coz you were cocky, and I find it hot when cocky guys get taken down a peg"
"oh" kye smiled "so now you've gotten you kick I can go back right?"
"nah, you were a pretty boy jock, now you can enjoy being a bulky cunt"
Kye went to walk away from the mirror, hearing his underwear start to rip around is massive muscled ass. That'll teach him to take stuff from strangers in the locker room.
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Hello! I’m the Anon who sent you the questions I wanted answered before I sent in my HSR X Reader Idea. First though, I’d like to thank you for answering them and for talking about the difference between someone who is extremely muscular like a bodybuilder and someone who is extremely muscular like a fighter. It was an extremely interesting read.
Now, for my request.
Might I ask for Serval, Yukong, and Stelle with a reader who is a talented fighter who, while primarily being a boxer, is quite capable of using other martial arts and the environment to their advantage. Essentially, a professional street fighter.
I had a absolute BLAST writing this, especially Yukong's part which, yes, is an Oldboy reference. Not to mention, I tried out a lot of moves from different Martial Arts like Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Taekwondo, and a bit of Bajiquan.
Also, A Special Thanks To @snobwaffles and @tragedy-of-commons for the encouragement and kind words when looking over the fight scenes.
Now! Your Wish Is My Command!
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“Sister? Why are you here?” Gepard asked as he walked up to her while she sat on a box and Oleg leaned on the railing next to her, both of them watching something going on below.
“Hey there Lil Geppie! I’m just watching the guys do some sparring to see if I can get some inspiration for my next song.” Serval said with a wave of her hand.
“And you?” Gepard asked Oleg.
“Making sure Miss Serval’s friend here doesn’t rough up the guards too much.” Oleg answered as Gepard walked to the railing to look at what was going on below.
The Garrison was standing around a makeshift ring that was essentially four poles in the ground with rope tied between them.
In the ring, there were eight people, seven of which were guards, though only four of the seven were standing, their hands all raised in the exact same way, that being the standard Close Quarters Combat style taught to all soldiers in Belobog, Gepard included. The other three guards were down for the count on the ground.
Standing opposite to them, was you, arms at your side and hands closed into fists.
The first of the guards advanced towards you, readying himself to throw a right straight.
However, the moment he did, you dodged under the blow, your right fist striking him in the chin with a powerful uppercut before grabbing him by the throat and closing your hand tight around it as you walked, dragging him with you as he tried to remove your grip on him in a dazed state.
You continued to walk forward, the second guard rushing in to help his compatriot.
In response to this you threw the guard you had by the throat at the comrade who was trying to help him. He was sent flailing and stumbling back and right into the arms of his fellow who stopped his advance to ensure his friend was okay.
This would soon turn out to be a bad decision as a powerful left cross struck him across the jaw and a right elbow slammed into his temple, sending his brain rattling around in his skull before both he and his friend were sent into the ropes by a powerful kick to the first guard's chest, leaving them both dazed and unable to continue the fight.
Nonetheless, the remaining two guards were undeterred and advanced upon you as one, hoping to overwhelm you by striking together.
It was, in theory, a good plan.
In theory.
The first of the two lashed out with a left hook, you attempted to stop him by firing off a right straight to his face. However, he blocked the blow and tried to catch you with a kick. In turn, you caught his leg before sweeping him off the ground and in the same movement, dodging under the punch and countering with a right uppercut before hitting him in the knee, bringing him down.
He attempted to hit you with a wild left, however, you caught him by the wrist and then pulled him into your right jab which struck him clean in the nose, dazing him further before he was punched in the throat, sending him to the ground completely and removing him from the fight.
That left only the Guard on the ground who was quickly dealt with via being pulled slightly off the ground by the collar of his coat and then having his head punched into the ground, ending the fight completely.
“You never told me your spouse could fight!” Gepard quietly exclaimed.
“Eh, it never came up! Besides, they aren’t exactly the type to play by the book.” Serval said as she stood up while stretching.
“That aside, I finally have an Idea for a song! Better go grab them before I start working on it, they like listening to me talk about my music and my work.” Serval stated as she began to walk away, waving back to her brother and saying “Be sure to stop by later! I bet they’d love to talk about fighting stuff with you Geppie!”
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The Sanctus Medicus member stared you in the eyes, slack jawed.
In turn, you did the same before leaning into your Jade Abacus and saying “Yukong, love, I… am gonna have to put you on hold. I’ve got some-”
“GET THE INTRUDER!!!” The Sanctus Medicus member shouted as his form began to morph and grow, blades forming on his arms as he ran towards you.
“-Business to deal with. Alchemy Commission Warehouse 30, Dock 3. Sanctus Medicus. Would you be so kind as to send some back up!?” you exclaimed as you sidestepped the first one’s charge, kicking him into the wall as you hung up and grabbed the Sanctus Medicus member by the head before slamming it into the wall and then through it.
However, just as soon as you had done that, a second one, carrying a massive sword, charged you.
Reacting quickly you braced yourself and caught it by the shoulders, however the force behind the charge still pushed you back before it stopped. Capitalizing on this, you kneed in in the chest before striking it in the head with your right elbow and then, when it raised its left arm to block the left that it thought was coming, hit it what a right straight sending it to its knees where you kicked it in the face with a spinning heel kick and in the process, narrowly avoiding the beam of energy that another of the Sanctus Medicus fired at you as it floated in the air.
Thinking quickly, you grabbed the member of the Sanctus Medicus that charged you by the collar and used it as a shield, ensuring that none of the beams struck you as you used the Sanctus Medicus member in your hand as a battering ram to send it, and the one in your hands through the wall and outside.
Unfortunately, this move left you in between two halls not counting the one you had just come from, both of them filled to bursting with Sanctus Medicus monstrosities.
Instantly beams of energy were fired at you and the monsters began to charge, thinking quickly you ducked under the beams and dodged back, striking the first one on the right with a right cross and the first on the left with a uppercut before stepping back once more as the hall flooded with enemies, all of them wanting to tear you apart.
“I really hope you're gonna get here soon, Yukong.” you muttered as you raised your hands and readied yourself for a fight.
This was gonna hurt.
The one at the head of the group charged you alongside two more behind it, in response you struck the first one with a left then a backhand before dodging under the seconds strike and punching it in the liver, sending it to the ground as you caught the third’s strike and punched the elbow, breaking it before you hit it in the head, using your hand as a hammer to spike it into the ground.
Three down, a lot to go.
The fourth one carried a spear and a shield, a hard combination to get over in a tight corridor like this, but not impossible.
Thinking fast, you dodged past the strike of the spear before kicking it into the wall, lodging it into it for a brief moment which was all you needed to strike the spear, snapping it and then, while the spearman was in shock, ducked under hs still outstretched hand to slip past his shield and grab him by the back of the neck and throwing him onto the broken weapon, impaling him by the throat.
Unfortunately, this left you with your back to the crowd which they were quite aware of and capitalized on when one of their number blasted you in the back with a beam of energy sending you stumbling forward and almost toppling over as another barrage went overhead and another charge was mounted.
However, you weren’t dead yet, and, using the position you were in to your advantage, trusted your elbow into the center of the first attackers charge, making a sickening crunch echo throughout the hall as the monster fell to the ground, gasping for breath whilst its fellows continued the charge, slicing and stabbing and shooting at you pushing you back, trying to corner you.
They were succeeding at.
Every attack you dodged, two more managed to strike or nick you.
Soon, you were almost at the wall.
It was do or die time.
The new head of the charge lashed out, trying to impale you on its blade.
For a moment, everything slowed, the adrenaline pumping through your body running wild.
Then, at the last moment, you stepped out of the way, and sent a punch directly into the side of its head, the armor that had become a part of its body shattering off as it was sent careening into the wall as you readied your next blow, punching into the chest of another monster, turning its ribs to powder and its insides to jelly as it went flying back, forcing a not insignificant amount of the horde you were facing back.
You briefly noted the cracking sound your hands made from those two blows.
That was the sound of your index, pointer and ring finger breaking, your wrist fracturing, alongside several of the small bones in your hand.
You were going to need to get those set back in place when you got out of this.
Until then, you raise your hands once more as you advance, fists closed tight and adrenaline dulling the pain.
The next attacker attempted to cut you down with an overhead strike which you stopped with a punch to the elbow, breaking it and following that up with a right hook to the face and then a left hook to the liver with a right uppercut and then a kick that sent it flying back and sending several of its fellows through the whole in the wall, giving a clear view of what was floating outside.
A Starskiff, loaded with Cloud Knights and standing front and center, the love of your life, Yukong, bow at the ready.
After that, things got a lot easier.
On one side, was you.
Punching, kicking, and fighting the monsters one by one. A one person battering ram that was tearing through them like a bat out of hell.
On the other, was Yukong and the Cloud Knights, shooting and cutting the enemy down.
They were caught between a rock and a hard place.
And one by one, they all fell.
Soon, you and Yukong stood before each other once more.
Worry and concern was etched on Yukong’s face as she looked at you.
“Helm Master Yukong, it's a pleasure to see you as always.” you muttered with a slight bit of flirtation in your voice, the Adrenaline in you still dulling the pain you were in and keeping your body from realizing the full extent of your injuries.
However, it did not keep you from falling into Yukong’s arms, your body unable to keep itself upright.
“Y’know, it's a shame, you cleared your day for tomorrow so we could have a day off, but it looks like I’m gonna be cooped up in the infirmary for a while.” you muttered as your consciousness began to fade, your body beginning to force you to take a break.
One that Yukong was going to ensure that she shared with you.
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When the fight with the IPC in the mine began under Belobog, Stelle expected many things.
What she didn’t expect was to see her significant other fighting off an entire squad of IPC goons with their fists.
And winning.
You faced them down, fists raised as you stood on the edge of one of the many deep crags that cut through the mine.
They had you against the wall, and there was only one way out.
Through the IPC.
You bent your knees, lowering yourself close to the ground and held your fists close to your face as they began to slowly advance towards you, wary of what you were planning due to the fact half of their number had already been knocked out of the fight and into the infirmary.
Then, you exploded forward, running towards them at full speed, shifting your weight with every step to bob and weave through their attacks.
The first one, who carried a halberd of some sort, attempted to cut you down with a slash.
With ease you weaved under and through his strike before countering with a vicious left cross, sending him to the ground while you dodged another attack from one of his compatriots and countered with an uppercut before sweeping him off his feet with a swift kick to the legs.
Next, one holding a gun attempted to shoot you, luckily, you were able to slip past the barrel before the trigger was pulled, allowing you to rip it from his hands and using it as a impromptu bat, slamming it into the side of his head with such force that the gun shattered to pieces and sending your attacker flying.
Trying to avenge his fallen comrades, one of the ones carrying a halberd attempted to impale you, however before he got far you stepped to the right of his rush and countered with a right straight to the side of his jaw, a left uppercut, a knee to the chest and then a kick to his legs sending him tumbling to the ground.
All that left was one holding a gun, shaking in his boots as he aimed his gun at you and readied to fire.
In an instant you had torn the gun from his hands and tossed it away as you struck him across the jaw with a hook, his mask shattering and bones snapping like twigs before you grabbed him by the collar and continued to wail on him, raining blow upon blow upon blow down on him, his bones fracturing and shattering as you beat him within an inch of his life.
This was your home.
Was it freezing cold?
Was the food atrocious?
Did you go hungry from supply shortages?
But that was changing.
You could feel it getting warmer.
You could taste the food getting better.
You could see that people were no longer going hungry.
And while you didn’t know where these black clad buffoons came from.
You did know one thing.
They were going to make things worse.
A different type of cold would freeze people to the bone.
A different type of terrible food would form.
A different type of starvation would occur.
Not to mention, all of the hard work she went through, all of the blood, sweat, and tears, she spilled to stop the Stellaron.
It would all go to waste.
You couldn’t let that happen.
You couldn’t let everything she had done become useless.
You couldn’t let her come back to Belobog and see it turn into something worse then when it was under Cocolia.
You couldn’t.
But right now, all you could do was throw a punch.
So that was what you did.
At least, until you were pulled off the man.
To begin with, you fought it.
Then, you saw her gray and silver hair.
She had returned.
Maybe things were going to be okay after all.
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 Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 3,851
You’re stuck on Berk. You get by. (Httyd1)
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse
You groaned, stumbling back unsteadily as you got up onto your feet. Around you, bodies ran like stones tumbling at the bottom of a river, strangely clothed in leathers and furs, occasionally knocking into one another with the heavy pat of covered meat against metal.
You couldn’t help but to stare. Some of them, the ones that weren’t too busy marching to and fro down the path, stared back.
It was a long moment before you thought to remove your hand, which had been absentmindedly hovering against your sore ass, having been thrown quite suddenly and roughly onto smooth, uneven wooden planking. 
“Uh, Hello?” You muttered half to yourself as you looked quickly up and down, continuing to ogle at horned helmets and worn, sewn boots, wrinkling your nose as the strong smell of manure and musk assaulted your senses. You felt, in that moment, as if you had landed in some obscure renfaire full of terribly scented bodybuilders. 
Your shoes sounded almost hollowly against the path as you wandered, your limbs feeling quite suddenly weighty, your forehead stuffed with cotton, hobbling through small openings between pale, thick, freckled and scarred shoulders.
You might have called it difficult to weave through the bustling crowd if you hadn’t been so taken with the sight- Houses with tiled rooves in the curved shape, long enough to touch the ground and make the need for side walls moot, racks of weapons of the medieval type, all ball, chain, spike and blade with handles dull enough to be called worn, scratched enough to be called more of a utility than a piece of decor.
The smell of the sea had the hairs of your nose standing on end, tingling as if they were being brushed past, salt startling your sense in the same way another might have been startled if something sour had just been sprinkled on your tongue, muscle and cartilage contracting and pulling.
You ambled, your shoulders pulling in on themselves, your hands growing nearer to your middle. 
You stumbled past what looked to be a large set of men carrying what looked like a large pillar of something.
You were knocked back to attention by a gruff shout- at someone, at you, at everyone in the path- You’d almost missed it, even as they swept past you, large chests of hairy-armed men carrying up a huge pillar way above your line of sight, thicker than your middle, enough to crush you twice over. 
You wondered if that was safe. If this was a renfaire, that kind of play should definitely have been made illegal.
It took you what was probably much too long to cow and to decide, finally, that now was the time to ask for directions. After a moment, you settled on a woman who seemed generally well-mannered, Minding a set of full crates in a large cart with furrowed brows, still enough for you to catch her attention easily, until the people around you, all fast and carrying heavy loads.
She had red hair tightly pulled into what might have been a bun except its coil was not made out of simply twisted hair but also a set of small, simple braids. Her shoulders were broad, and way above her helmet lay, horns incredibly large and anchoring, the rim of metal around her forehead and above harshly glinting light where her form blocked out all else.
As you approached, you were slightly intimidated by the way she towered over your nervous mold.
“Excuse me,” You started anxiously, “Where am I? Do you know?”
Chapped lips parted.
You stared, quite emptily at that, thoughts absent as if your mind had stalled itself with the expectation that it would soon be filled with cargo, or as if it was an empty cup, sitting prime on a shiny countertop just waiting to be filled.
Her words lacked an immediacy of comprehension that had you, at first, despite the moving of her mouth, you were sure that she had not yet spoken, mouthing things you both heard and did not hear, muddled things which left you waiting for sound to meet your ears, for vowels to form a din you might be able to decipher. 
You assumed at first that she had an accent. However, as her tongue rolled over ‘r’s and ‘y’s in a way that seemed abhorrently organized, unfamiliar yet pointed in that way that all people did when deeply entrenched and invested in the preferred method of communication, with a dread that grew heavily in your gut, weighty and slogging, you realized that perhaps your issue lay not in the fact that her words were nonsensical but with the fact that you could not understand them at all.
Berk... You’d found its name out in the night as the hearty seaside village had been suddenly and violently attacked by a loud entourage of angry, fire-breathing reptiles and all of the puzzle pieces you’d unwittingly collected had finally fallen back into place. 
You lamented over it as you took unsteady steps forwards, feeling to constant, smooth shifting over weight along your shoulders as if you were being blown along the wind. Beneath hewn, knotted fabrics and fur, your muscles strained. It was only a small load and yet it’d still given you some trouble.
Your arrival and integration had been somewhat seamless. There were so many people on Berk that it hadn’t been hard to blend in, not after the initial confusion, especially not after you’d lost your odd garb, all semi-bright and too-evenly-dark colors and modern textile. 
Tickling along your arms dispute the fact that you knew it had never once touched there. It was nearly unbearable- you dropped your load, a smooth-to-the-touch set of newly repaired wooden oars.
The long handles settled with a thick wooden clatter against the ribbed tile set along one of the many strong house walls lining the wood pathway.
You brushed the bottom hem of your tunic, shaking your shoulders out in a way that was both purposeful and compulsive, your muscles twinging as if you’d just been shivering.
Your palms brushed flat against scratchy cloth as you grunted, brows furrowing so deeply you could feel them, frustrated as you struggled to clear away invisible dust. You knew, objectively, that nothing was there, however you couldn’t help but to feel it, having walked through a very wide spider web, phantom strings tickling along your nerves. 
After landing, you had, of course, spent some time panicking as the lines between what you thought had been fiction and reality had blended together. It was hard, though, to concentrate on much else besides the dragons when your life was in mortal danger. 
After a short run in with homelessness, a couple living by the grazing fields had been kind enough to take you into their stables. You’d been fed and clothed and eventually, you had been taught their language. You’d been helped along just enough to get your sea legs, to become steady enough to pay them back in kind. In effect, you were their live-in maid, but you supposed things could have been worse, so you were quite fine with that.
You huffed.
You thought you would have been less irritated if you could have just worn a pair of trousers. The feeling would be gone if you’d been able to take the offending article off- it would have never been there in the first place, or, well, you didn’t think it would have lasted so long had the tickling edges of heavy fabric hadn’t been teasing the place just above your knees. It was an idea that often left your generous hosts disgruntled, but they weren’t your parents.
The act of skirt-wearing was mostly performative, at least from what you’d gathered, given that most of the women on this island wore pants underneath and heavy layers of wrappings and furs throughout.
You scuffed your boots against the wooden pathways, aching arms twinging. It was an abhorrently empty day, cold and misty, hard to see through as the bulk of the village off in their huts or in the hall. It was just as well, too- there was no one around to witness your misery.
Initially appreciative, you’d taken to your new, schoolless life with gusto. You had more pressing things to worry about, after all, like not dying.
Unfortunately, you weren’t very good at any of the jobs you tried. You couldn’t fight, as you discovered after many days spent being smacked onto your ass with a wooden sword, but you were a decent delivery girl and an alright shepherd, shiphand and maid.
It was all enough to keep your head barely above water. It was a lot harder than you’d thought it would be, living on Berk. You did a lot for very little, but that’s just the way life was there, it seemed. 
You thought you might be able to handle it if it wasn’t for one thing… Or maybe two.
When your hands grew restless, when your eyes drooped, or even worse yet, when you were wide awake and bored as you often were, when there was nothing to do but think about doing, you thought about home. And, very quickly thereafter, after you’d gotten over the ‘missing’s and the ‘aching’s, there came the pressing realization that, if you’d ever gotten home, you were already part way through the school year. The thought of having to do it all over again gave you the hives. And the worst thing about it all?
There was no internet. It was awfully boring with no internet. 
Shaking yourself free from your mourning, you stretched your arms high into the air, feeling the light, satisfying pulling of muscles, a high-pitched, nearly-squealed groan leaving your mouth from a place high in your throat. 
As you relaxed, blinking wearily, drowsily, you admired the darkening sky, feeling a light chill run down your back. 
There was always the question of what to do moving forwards. 
Through all of your mis and fortune, after a long time spent deliberating, by which you meant not much time at all, you settled into the unwavering decision to mind your own business.
The plot would continue on as it should and, well, you didn’t want to mess with it any, did you? 
With an absent hand and now only slightly protesting shoulders, you tipped the oars over from where they were leaning, trying to leverage them back onto your shoulder, eyeing the deserted path forwards. It wouldn't do to linger, especially this late. 
You heard the occasional clatter and the pound of something which told you that you must not have been the only person in the area. You couldn’t make out much though, not even a single bend.
The path forwards was unclear, the mist and fog having only gotten thicker since the last time you’d looked it over. It was nearly ominous. You weren’t afraid, yet… It felt like the kind of thing that needed to be broken.
“Hopefully there’s some stew left at home,” You hummed, wobbling unsteadily forward, nearly losing your balance along the way.
You shook your head, not at all minding your way. 
It hit you suddenly, roughly- you wheezed pitifully as something slammed into your whole upper body and knocked against your forehead, hitting you with such a violence that you felt as if you were a large bell that had been roughly rung.
You stumbled back, startled, the slightly loose toe of your boot catching against wood grain, the long poles slipping from your hands, burning the sensitive skin of your palms.
In that moment, you only registered one thing- what ran into was alive and very gawkily boy-shaped.
Treaded leather scraped against your ankles through fabric in what must have been a misguided effort to brake as the both of you fell messily to the floor. 
Thin wood clattering against wood, though all you could really focus on was the way your knees stuck as they scraped against wood and the way grain felt against your palms as you struggled to get up. 
“Sorry,” The boy said tersely, clumsily as he attempted to gather his effects, a worn old journal and a long charcoal stick. 
You just rubbed at your head, squinting dazedly as you felt something slightly wet well against one part of your hand where you’d borne the brunt of your fall, pressing it against your skirt as you ogled.
“It’s, uh, It’s fine,” You stuttered weakly as the boy tore off, waving your hands out in front of you, pushing back up onto your feet. 
You didn’t know it until later, but that was your first meeting with Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third.
You squeaked making a noise like a strangled animal as the top of your head slammed into something heavy and wooden. 
Your fingers were dusty where they’d just grazed over dirt, slightly black where charcoal had rubbed off into your fingerprints. Your eyes were closed tight, fingers clenching around a thin block of leather and dappled paper, said piece of charcoal lodged in the space between palm and book spine.
“Here,” You said, after you’d gathered your bearings, feeling a smidgen embarrassed, “Found it sitting on one of the boulders… by the bridge. The, uh, the rock in front of the…”
The rock by the cliffs, slightly sandy, where the wind blew the strongest and the smell of the sea was thick. The rock by the docks. 
You weren’t sure whether or not to feel proud of your rhyme. You thought you might settle on ‘awkward.’ 
After a long period of silence, staring into startled green eyes, you decided that not saying it would be a measure better than saying it. You still felt quite clever for thinking it up, though.
You slipped the notebook over the counter quietly, unable to really hear the sound of leather sliding against wood over the sound of men making merry and working in the back, shouting to and fro.
You peered up over the Forge counter from where you’d, again, slipped.
You pointedly ignored your head as the ache still rang, the feeling spreading over itself like thick honey.
In front of you was one Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, whose eyes were still wide. 
His shoulders were clearly visible, missing his usual brown coat, or, well, the coat you assumed he always wore- it’d been prevalent enough on screen, anyhow- and very, a-little-bit loose. His hands were on the counter before him, his fingers dancing lightly along the edge, the middles of his palms anchored to the ledge, the one opposite to the side you’d jostled just a moment before. His mouth pursed so that no lip was visible, all hidden behind a stiff line. 
You shifted, feeling slightly chilled as if it was much darker than it was, feeling as if you could feel the smell dew and the sound of crickets instead of the weight of a dandy morning sun across your back, and as if instead of staring into the face of a boy, you were looking right at the stiff body of something nearly roadkill, frozen in the icy night -a deer, perhaps.
In the silence, the one between the two of you, that didn’t include any of the bumbling, heavy-shouldered clattering coming from the back of the forge or the disjointed, clumsy, distracted humming of a rough voice in the back, you felt something grow stiffly in your gut, an unsurety that grew stronger the longer you waited. 
“It is yours, right?” You hesitated, knowing that if you didn’t break the silence, the spell- something else would have broken it for you, and you’d rather it not be whoever was shifting around in the back. 
“I saw some of the drawings in it,” A blueprint of something with a lot of knives, some chicken scratch, what looked like a cannon, “They were nice.”
“I- I well, ah-” The boy startled again, shoulder jumping hastily.
“I didn’t mean to look,” You corrected hastily, not quite sure what to do with your hands- should you point, or scratch your neck or brush down your skirts or hold them at your waist? You settled for nothing and all of them, hand hovering in between motions, jerking- “But it was open, and no one was around, and I thought I ought to return it.” 
He shut his mouth very quickly. 
You waited for him once again, the silence now his to break. 
You could feel your eyes darting around though you felt frozen in a much similar manner. There didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary- you had to wonder, then, if there was something wrong with you? Was that why he wasn’t speaking?
You knew you still had an accent. You were a little self conscious about it.
“...Thanks.” The boy -Hiccup- said awkwardly, after a while. He looked constipated. Maybe he was.
Your beating heart felt as if it had stopped at that moment. You acted quickly.
“Well, okay. Bye,” You said as you got up, brushing the dust off your knees. You wore a skirt today. 
You moved quickly, too fast to be called walking yet not fast enough to be called a run or a jog, your strides still pulled too close together to bring you over any real distance.
You couldn't help but to look at him oddly as you left, making a beeline across the clearing. Even as you turned your back, you kept an eye back on the forge counter. It was an awkward position to hold for sure, yet you couldn’t break your eyes away, a little confused by the whole encounter. 
Hopefully you’d be able to find cover in the crowds- if you didn’t run into anyone first. You nearly did, checking shoulders with the corner of a crate, the place point met skin stinging, the eyes of the lady holding it nearly more so.
You regretted picking up the journal. It probably would have been fine left well enough alone.
You’d never been the most observant. 
But Hiccup… He was kind of weird. 
You caught him staring a lot. Many times, many places. It was very convenient, to the point where you thought he might’ve been orchestrating it.
You brushed it off, however. You’d barely shared more than a few words, after all, so why would he?
Once you put your mind to it, it was very easy to ignore.
The grasses here were long and damp, enough to nearly soak through your leggings and to tickle skin through tough fabric. It shifted gently around your waist and ankles as draconic wings beat above, sending gusts of wind down your way.
You stood still at the base of a hill, both your hands gripping at the thin metal hand of a pail of water, sore fingers aching protesting loudly as it dug into your joints and sent tremors up your arms. 
Your pail knocked at the place just below your knees with one bottom edge. Hanging from the side, also dampening the longer end of your skirt, were two sopping wet rags of a muddy color.
You were sure the dirt by your feet had turned to mud by now, slick and grainy as the offending bucket dripped water down into it and around your feet, causing your soles to sink slightly into the ground and for you to feel ever so slightly more unsteady, as if you might slip even though you hadn’t moved a muscle for a short while.
The wind billowed your sleeves and made you feel hollow and bare, dancing its way up then and down your shirt, brushing past skin. You frowned, though not with displeasure. Not as you stared up at the Chief's house, standing large and proud, decorated with dull color and many carved patterns. 
You stumbled across this moment by accident, watching as Vikings crowded around Hiccup enthusiastically, giving him their congratulations as he steadied himself on his new leg
It strung something familiar in you. Animated shapes and tawny shading, pink sunsets and a small, ugly portrait scratched into dirt, a nice, blue say and something brave said, a shocking thing and a new leg- you remembered this bit from the end of the first movie. 
If you recalled it correctly, Astrid was supposed to punch Hiccup in the shoulder… Then they were supposed to kiss.
You had to squint, bobbing your head to the side slightly, your nose wrinkled. You felt something- it was a small thing, a spark of delight crackling through a point in your chest as you caught a glimpse of straw hair then the whole head, both very yellow and sort of tame, a patchwork of blondes streaking down her scalp in a way that reflected light in a special way when she stood clearly in the sun. 
You kept watching even as the strongly blowing wind made your eyes feel slightly dry, doing your best to keep them open until you couldn’t. Then you felt a tad ruffled as they were forced to flutter.
There it was- You waited as she walked up to him, shoulder rearing back, dull metal shoulderguard folding back, the flattest part of her fist knocking into Hiccup’s shoulder.
You grinned as he reeled back, rubbing his arm. 
You couldn’t make out any real details, too far away to make out any hard details, mouths blurry and eyebrows impossible to see, but you could tell who was who- you could make out the way Astrid leaned forwards, the way people shifted, but then- something weird happened, then.
Your smile flagged slightly.
You found that instead of looking at her, you and Hiccup met eyes. 
The other Vikings are too occupied with each other to notice, you thought.
You couldn’t help but to feel a little confused. Bewildered- astonished. 
You considered him, stiff shoulders under his fur coat and tunic, as if under trance, feeling both transparent and unknowing.
The moment -nearly a trace- was broken but a second later as Hiccup stumbled forwards, the large hand of the Chief having roughly clapped him over the back, forcing him to stumble forwards. You couldn’t see anyone anymore- not anyone important, but, well, that didn’t matter.
You followed his example soon after -the attention-breaking one, that is- sighing and turning to look down over the rest of Berk.
You were careful not to trip. You usually did, coming along this slope. You should get going- you had to. You still had chores to do. You still had laundry.
 You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. It would have been cool to be a part of something so monumental- something interesting enough to be shown on screen, even if you were just a part of the background. It couldn’t be helped. 
Whether or not Hiccup got a kiss wasn’t important and in the end it had nothing to do with you. 
You were just thankful that the raids were over
By the time he looked back down, you were gone.
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ultram0th · 1 year
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Brad Rowe blushed when he saw Gabe waiting for him on the pier, the latter looking cross for some reason. The bodybuilder gulped loudly as he approached the smaller man.
“H-hello, Gabe,” he barely whispered, already fearing the worst.
The smaller man looked the bodybuilder up and down, noting his red shorts and tank top. “You didn’t get permission to wear that, Brad,” Gabe tsked, even going so far as to wag his finger at the paling muscle man.
“W-well, I thought th-that…” the bodybuilder stumbled over his words, knowing that he’d fucked up and had made Gabe angry. He’d known that Gabe had wanted him to wear just the tiny thong that’d been left at his place, but he couldn’t bring himself to wear such a demeaning piece of clothing. He’d figured that he’d compromise with a modestly revealing outfit.
Gabe narrowed his eyes at him and Brad felt that fearfully familiar tingle wash over him.
“W-wait!” he tried to cry out when he felt his center of gravity shift. Slowly, Brad’s body began to shrink.  However, the more he stared at his shortening stature, the hunk was horrified to realize that it wasn’t a proportional shrinking.  Instead of maintaining his usual muscle physique, he appeared to be compressing down, all of his years’ worth of muscle piling up on each other.  His long arms pulled inwards, his biceps puffing up until they forced his limbs out at an awkward angle.  His legs followed suit, his quads and calves inflating as they shorted, making the man to adopt a wider stance.  His clothes stretched to the limit as they struggled to contain his widening frame, giving the mortified hunk an outlined view of his cock which also pulled into his body, transforming into a little nub.  With a whine of panic, Brad instantly reached for his puny member, only to bristle in shocked annoyance when his bulky, short arms were virtually inflexible due to their new mass, prohibiting him from reaching his new nub which probably wasn’t even two inches big.  Even Brad’s torso compressed too.  His flat six-pack pushed out slightly as his stomach scrunched down.  His pecs inflated outwards as well, nearly blocking his view of the rest of his midgetized body.  Had the funhouse mirror not been close by, Brad wouldn’t have noticed his bubble butt push outwards from his altered body, forming a near perfect shelf from his broadened back.
When the dizziness passed and his head began to clear, Brad’s jaw dropped… and his chin automatically brushed up against his protruding pecs.  The hunk stared wide-eyed at his altered frame in the mirror.  He had to only be about three and half feet tall now, having lost nearly half of his height, but none of his weight.  His arms stuck out akimbo from his bulky torso.  He even tried to take a step forward, blushing profusely at the way his new thighs rolled over each other as his walk was reduced to a waddle.
Gabe nodded to himself. “I think you’ll stay like this for the day,” he teased.
“Yes, Sir,” Brad mumbled, wincing at his higher octave voice. Ever since he’d ran afoul Gabe at the gym, the warlock had it out for him, taking pleasure in humiliating the bodybuilder every chance he could get.
Last week, Brad had walked around looking like a twink with barely any muscle mass on his tiny frame, the week before that his head was the size of a plum, and before that his ass looked like two yoga balls had been attached to his back. The bodybuilder was surprised that he could even feel any semblance of humiliation still after all that’s happened to him.
“Why don’t you go flex on the beach with the other muscle men?” Gabe suggested.
Brad felt the wind blow over him and he looked over in one of the fun mirrors to see his warped body wearing a bright red poser. The back of the poser was hidden between his puffed out ass cheeks and the front pouch was a little loose as it blocked his shortened cock from view.
“Yes, Sir,” Brad squeaked again, waddling off the pier towards the beach, trying to get the hang of maneuvering with his compressed musculature. He just hoped that one day Gabe would forgive him and set him free and let him stay in his normal body.
[I don't remember where I found this picture. If it's yours, please let me know so I can give proper credit!]
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shaylixie · 2 years
Neon Lights & Rollercoasters
Word Count: 1661
Genre: Fluff.
Pairing: Eminem x fem!reader
Requested: Yes.
Summary: You, Marshall and friends embark on a theme park adventure.
Warnings / Contains: Slight hints at smut / sexual talk; language; dialogue heavy. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
A/N: Hey! ✌🏼 I apologise if the writing is shitty - had a block for a bit & this unfortunately doesn't feel as refined as I'd like it to be. But alas. We move. Also. Just a side note. The friends mentioned in this fic are: Jessie Reyez, Denaun Porter, Royce da 5'9" & Skylar Grey. Hope you enjoy! ♡
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You walk through the gates of the theme park; the sky a perfect cotton candy pink with streaks of purple and orange clouds. Well, really you do a weird run-skip-almost-trip kinda thing, with Jessie holding your hand and leading the way. Her giddiness seems to be reflecting your own, at the great amusement of the others...the others being Marshall, Denaun, Royce, and Skylar.
"Man, you guys are like some kids forreal!" Royce calls after you lightheartedly.
Jessie lets out her classic giggly laugh and says, "Gotta stay in touch with that inner child, you know."
"Yeah c'mon, Royce!" you shout after her. "When else do you see 5 stars walk into a theme park and just let loose?"
"You mean 6 stars, right?" Marshall adds. You roll your eyes, about to tell him that you don't count and that the life of fame can't touch you when he adds, "You forgot to count me twice, babe."
You crack up with everyone else and slow down, letting go of Jessie's hand to slap him playfully on the chest.
"I'm surprised we're actually doing this," Skylar says. "It's nice to do something normal for once." She glances at the bodyguards surrounding you all at a distance and then adds, "Well, mostly normal."
"Yeah, and who would've guessed you'd see the big, bad Eminem at a theme park of all places," you say, imitating what looks like either a gorilla or a bodybuilder at the words 'big, bad'.
"Yo, as long as you got 'big' in there..." Marshall quips, putting his arm around your waist and pulling you closer with a smirk.
"Big ego? Big ears? Big...hmm, I can't really think of anything else..." you retort, stifling a laugh.
Everyone laughs while Royce and Jessie let out some overdramatic "OOOOOOOH!"s
Marshall shoots you a warning glance...you're definitely going to pay for that later. "Oh it's like that now, huh? That's not what you were saying when you were on your knees las-"
"HEY LOOK A ROLLERCOASTER LET'S GO RIGHT NOW!" you very passionately interrupt him.
"Yo, I'd rather listen to your sex talk than go on that shit..." Denaun says.
"You've never been on a rollercoaster?" asks Skylar.
"Look at it!" he argues, pointing at the mega ride.
"Yeah, I think I'm with Porter on this one..." Royce adds.
"The men can't handle a little rollercoaster, huh?" Jessie teases. "I thought y'all were gangstas..."
"Yo, don't lump me into that shit. I'm going. These two are just weak," taunts Marshall.
"Aight Em, have fun throwing up then," Royce retorts quickly.
You turn to him. "What's the point of going to a theme park if you don't throw up at least once?"
"...I can't tell if you're being serious or not," Denaun muses.
You shrug and say, "Me neither. Feel like it makes for good theme park philosophy though."
"Y'all talk way too much, let's just go already!" says Jessie, eagerly leading the way again.
Somehow, you got Denaun and Royce to join anyway. Something about "we'll probably never get to do this again" that convinced them. Halfway. The rest was just the "fuck it" vibe that you all seemed to be on.
You sit next to Marshall, with Royce and Denaun close to the back and Jessie and Skylar in the front - you sitting a few seats behind them.
The build up as usual is pretty slow, and when you finally hit the peak, you fight the urge to close your eyes...then suddenly everything is a blur.
What feels like seconds later, you stumble off with the helping hand of Marshall, buzzing with adrenaline.
Jessie is laughing so hard she can barely speak, and you're right there with her, slapping her arm the way you're howling. Skylar is trying not to laugh so hard while she takes a somewhat shaky recording of the cause of said laughter...or causes. Marshall breaks character too, his laugh deep and loud and real and your favourite sound in the world.
"Never again. I ain't never doing that shit ever again!" Royce declares.
"Yo, I ain't know your voices could get that high!" Marshall teases Royce and Denaun. "I woulda made you guys sing the fucking chorus if I knew that shit."
Denaun drops to his knee dramatically and then decides to just lie down on the floor, clutching his chest...also dramatically. It just makes you and Jessie want to fall to the floor too and laugh even harder - right after you thought you had just gotten it under control. You don't notice, but Marshall has the biggest smile he's ever had in public - aimed mostly at you, standing there laughing with the people he gets to call his friends. The sight warms his heart, and not for the first time does it hit him in the chest just how much he feels for you.
You stand up on weak legs with Jessie after actually having sat down to catch your breath.
"Okay, something more chilled this time?" you suggest, followed by the relieved shouts of gratitude from the two guys.
The sun seems to have mostly disappeared during the rollercoaster antics, leaving the theme park now washed in an array of flashing neon and bright boardwalk lights. You take your phone out to snap a few pictures, and then flip the camera to take a selfie with Marshall. He looks unreal bathed in the glow of the colourful lights, and you can't help but to step back and capture that on your phone. Jessie offers to take a picture of the two of you as Skylar and Royce go off to buy some snacks. The pictures come out beautifully and Marshall offers to take pictures of you and Jess together in return.
It feels like you've been posing for years when Denaun finally says, "Yo you just put the flash off. Hold on lemme help-"
"Nah hold on I got it...I just gotta...wait where's the flash again?" Marshall asks.
You drop your head on Jessie's shoulder, giggling while Denaun helps your extremely tech-savvy boyfriend out.
"Aight I got it...try to look sexy now."
He snaps a few pictures just as Royce and Skylar come with extravagant-looking theme park snacks, and you take the opportunity to use them as props. Once everyone takes a picture together and a group shot is taken, you decide to just walk around and vibe for a bit, stuffing your faces as you go.
As time passes, the chill night air seems to get to you, along with the ice cream you just finished. Marshall notices and stops to take off his Doggystyle hoodie. He pulls it over your head despite your protest and kisses your cold lips briefly.
Nodding his head towards the gigantic Ferris wheel, he whispers, "Wanna go?"
You take his hand and agree, notifying the rest before walking towards the ride.
Denaun takes a picture of the two of you from behind, happy to see his friend more at peace than ever. Marshall's arm is around your shoulder, keeping you close, and your hand holds the one hanging from your shoulder while your other wraps around his waist lovingly. He sends the picture on the group chat, and 50 is the first to reply:
[ Looking good Em, glad to see you so happy. Hold on to her...and get me a ticket next time so I can crash! ]
[ Also Denaun you sneaky for this one! 😆 ]
You settle on the seat of the Ferris wheel, tucked into Marshall's side, and it slowly turns to bring you up before stopping. The two of you silently enjoy the view for a bit. Your fingers play with his and he plants a kiss on top of your head.
"Y'know...this has gotta be one of the greatest days I've had in a while," Marshall confesses.
You tilt your head to look up at him. 
"Yeah...I mean. Being with my girl...my friends...just fucking around and doing shit I never thought I'd do...even somehow managing to stay lowkey without facing that much harassment...man, you know what I'm saying?"
You kiss his cheek and say, "I do. I'm really happy you had a good time. I did too. I don't think I'll ever forget this day. Ever."
Marshall chuckles and leans into you a bit more.
"Yeah, me neither. Or the way you were just fucking losing it with Jess...man, that was something. I hope Sky got all that shit on tape."
You burst out laughing at the memory together, before being interrupted by his phone vibrating with a bunch of incoming messages. He smiles as soon as he opens it.
"It's the girls," he reveals, eliciting an immediate grin from you. "I sent them some photos...Hailie just saw 'em," he finishes, laughing to himself.
You glimpse one of those pictures now as his wallpaper before he tucks his phone away, and your heart does cartwheels at the sight.
"We should do this with them one day," you suggest. "It'd be fun. With their boyfriends too. Well, Alaina's fiancé. Even Stevie has a partner now...they're all so grown up, huh?" you muse.
He sighs, but an intimate smile crosses his face at the thought of his kids. You let him get lost in his head for a few, while resting your head on his shoulder.
"I really love you, y/n. You know that?"
"I love you too, Marshall," you reply with a kiss to the top of his hand. "And...I don't know that. Maybe you should remind me?"
He succumbs to your cheekiness; his lips meeting yours. You stay like that for a while, just kissing, as you melt further into him.
The Ferris wheel turns again and suddenly it feels like you're on the top of the universe; kissing the love of your life above a soft, neon-painted world, with the stars closer than ever; surrounded by the ones you love most.
Your heart couldn't be more full.
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Emp-Ire “The King.”
“I am starting to think that the oracle was screwing with us.”
“Silence!” One of the men barked, clapping Ramirez across the back of the head with an open palm. Ramirez jerked forward with a grunt of pain, and seeing that, Adam was having the sudden, sneaking suspicion that…. Everything wasn’t what it seemed to be.
At first, the whole thing had screamed of elaborate tourism. Let the tourists show up and think they are going on some cool quest, and then make them overpay to meet with some lady who was just super high, but the way these men were acting…
Adam was beginning to agree with Ramirez.
If their adventure as Sheriff’s deputies had been real then wasn’t there all the likelihood that this was real as well? Just because you show up to someplace exotic doesn't mean it was designed like that to amuse you. He wouldn’t take a hop and a skip over to Japan and just assume that the different customs there were an elaborate ploy to get money off of tourists….
Well maybe on Earth that sort of thing could totally happen, but looking at these men…. Their physiques, their clothing,their weapons, and the very real, point of their spears, he was becoming aware that maybe they had stumbled on something a lot more serious than they had first thought.
He seemed to have a habit of doing things like that.
He glanced around at the small contingent of men who walked with them. As he had noticed before each and every one of them was absolutely shredded, not necessarily in the bodybuilder kind of way, but in a way that made it clear these guys never skipped leg day, arm, day or cardio. 
Adam and Ramirez were no slouches; by comparison, both of them hitting the gym at least five times a week for an hour at least, but in comparison?
And of course they didn’t hide it either. 
Each of the men carried a massive circular shield and spears taller than they were. They had on sandals with greaves and simple leather wraps, most of them were bare chested, though their commanding officer wore a breastplate, all of them wore helmets.
His sudden exclamation startled the man as well as Ramirez, 
“Shit, I just realized why that sounded familiar.”
One of the men turned to look at his commanding officer, “I do not think they are Athenians, sir.” He glanced back at Adam, “Too dumb.”
The other men laughed at his expense. Adam frowned, “Sorry my knowledge of ancient greek geographical locations isn’t up to snuff.”
He was silenced with another slap to the head, and with his ears ringing and one eye fuzzy, he finally accepted that this was, in fact, not a joke. Somehow, for some reason that dumbass oracle had sent them out to get potentially sacrificed by a group of Neospartans, and he doubted they were going to be able to sue for damages.
It took almost the whole day to make it to “Sparta” itself, though he became aware of their approaching closeness when small dwellings began appearing on the edge of fields. It was only when he figured out that Spartans needed to eat too that he realized not ALL of them were going to be big buff badasses. Of course, that was until he saw the farmer pulling the plow, who was in fact Hercules’s cousin on his father Zeus’s side.
Okay so maybe things were a bit different.
He was under the impression back during the age of real Sparta, a lot of spartan citizens were just normal people and it was only a select few who were turned into warriors. Women, while they had some rights than in other places, were still expected to stay home and take care of things while the men were off at war. She had to be strong, but that was only because she was expected to raise spartan sons, or something like that. He couldn’t remember exactly how that sort of thing worked, he wasn’t a historian. For all he knew Spartan women were just as shredded as the men.
A truth that seemed apparent for thee spartans because, as they made it to the next little farming house, a woman turned to look at them and damn it was like the Amazons met the spartans. She wasn’t particularly tall by anyone’s standards, but she looked like did mixed martial arts for a living.
He had no doubt she could probably kick his ass.
Ramirez had gone rather silent as he looked around  nodding to himself every so often as they were dragged through the outlying villages and farms, and eventually up a set of stone steps leading into a city which was surrounded by lush medeteranian hills and grasslands on either side.
The city itself was no slouch either. It wasn’t as artistically expressive as New Athens had been, ut there was no shortage of statues, and interesting architecture. Walking down the street, everyone they met was shredded or well on their way to becoming so. The men, the women, everyone but the children.
He noticed a few differences from ancient histories, including but not limited to the fact that the women were just as armored as the men, the many races and ethnicities, and the strange assortment of modern day dogs that roamed the place, which he thought was a strange addition.
A line of marching soldiers passed by wearing their red and gold, and as they went Ramirez turned his head to follow them, “Welp, I am pretty sure I had a dream like this once.”
“Did you dream include us dying horribly?”
“Does being crushed between someone's thighs count?”
Adam sighed and rolled his eyes to the heavens, “how can you be thinking like that at a time like this?”
“How can you not, I am scared and way turned on and it is the most confusing feeling I have ever had in my life…. Aren't you just a little?”
Adam frowned and was surprised to find that, “No, he didn’t think so. He was JEALOUS of plenty of these men, but none of the men or women caught his eye in that way, at least he didn't think so.”
Ramirez stared at him and shook his head sadly.
“Still thinking about your breakup huh?”
“No I’m not.”
“Quiet.” One of the men hissed raising a hand to backhand one of them, though he stopped as a voice called out from before them.
“Captain NIcos, you have returned from your patrol.”
It was a woman’s voice this time, and as they looked up an armored figure stepped down from the steps to the columned temple. She wore a bright golden breastplate, knee length red skirt and golden greaves and bracers. An attendant at her shoulder carried her Helm, though she kept hold of her spear and circular shield. She was at least six feet tall and had a body like the she hulk though her face was exceptionally beautiful as well, with large brown eyes and full lips. 
The man raised his spear to her, “Queen Xanthia.”
The man around them raised their spears as well.
She stepped forward over the stone, “What have you found here.” She used the tip of her spear to reach under Ramirez’s chin and tilt his head back, “Athenians?’
“They say they are ‘from Athens, but not “Athenian.” Captain Nicos said shoving Adam forward so he tripped and fell to his knees on the hard stone.
She grunted and turned her attention to him, tilting his head back to look at her, “Is this true, not-an-Athenian.”
He crinched away from the blade of her spear, “I’m Mericandian actually, Terran, Earthling.”
There were a couple grunts of surprise from around the group.
“Tourists.” Ramirez piped in.
Xanthia frowned, raising her chin, “And how did you end up on Laconia. We don’t encourage tourists here.” 
“Would you believe it if I said that asshole of an oracle sent us here.” He raised his hands, “We meant no disrespect of course, we just came here to see the sights and then leave.”
Ramirez nodded.
There was another muttering from the crowd. She had an eyebrow raised, “The oracle you say?”
The two of them nodded again, not sure where this was going.
She turned her head to Captain Nicos, “Keep a close eye on them, I will speak with the king”
She turned on her heels and walked off, passing through the double doors with a swish of her red cloak, leaving the two of them still kneeling on the rough stone.
They turned to look at each other in nervous confusion, not entirely sure where this was going. Overhead the sky had dimmed to a dull blue and torches were being lit all up the city streets. The young man who was doing the lighting had the look of a classic greek hero with tight curly hair and a body borrowed from a demigod.
The two of them didn’t say anything until the doors opened and the queen walked back out, “The king wishes to see the intruders.”
Two guards held the doors opened as they were forced to their feet and up the steps. The interior of the room was bare and blunt, no more than stone pillars and a single uncomfortable throne carved out of sharp marble blocks, on which sat the manliest man he had likely ever seen. Xanthia walked over and sat in the identical throne next to him, and together it seemed as if they were being pulled before the throne of the very gods themselves.
This man was godlike, but not the kind of overly muscled where he can't even touch his own head. This was probably what peak human performance looked like with a neatly shaved beard and thick dark hair. Adam glanced over at Ramirez again, to see the other man was nodding in great approval of this development. He turned his head back to the man who stood very slowly, his armor clinking. He wore a short sword on one hip and carried a spear in one hand, and when he moved, he moved with the grace of someone who knew exactly what he was doing, and where his body was at all times.
He walked down the steps and looked the two of them over with steely golden eyes, like those of a wolf.
His gaze fell on Adam for a long hard moment, “I see we have been graced by the presence of a foreign general.” He said turning back and stepping up the stone steps.
There was a murmuring in the room around them.
Adam blinked in surprise, “You know who I am.”
The Spartan king stood before his seat, but did not sit down, “Well of course.”
He held up his arm so Adam could see the scrolling holographic image across his wrist, “Just because I live like a spartan doesn’t mean I subjugate my life to not knowing what goes on in the universe. In fact as King it is my duty to know what important developments are being made in this galaxy.”
He turned his head to look at Adam ,”I am loyal to this galaxy and the ideals upon which humanity has befriended aliens.” He walked across the stone, “And you Admiral Vir  are an important linchpin in that model.”
He turned to wave a hand at Ramirez, “And of course I know a Marine when I see one.”
Another muttering from around the room.
So, this is sort of not what he expected. The Spartan king was well versed in intergalactic politics, and was no slouch intellectually either.
“So, you’ll let us go then.”
The man did not smile, but the way his eyes twinkled, almost menacingly did not give Adam much hope.
“Oh I never said that.” He turned and paced back in the other direction, “You see, Admiral, I have become aware of an unfortunate pattern in humanity’s political history, and this includes the fall of empires due to poor or weak leaders.” he turned on the spot, “I had given up hope in being able to influence the intergalactic stage, but finding you here has…. Given me an idea.”
Oh no.
“I want to see just what kind of men are being tasked with keeping this galaxy together. I want to know if you can do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. I want to make sure that my people are in good hands, when their good is out of mine.”
“What are you talking about.”
“I want to make sure you are a brave leader, and that you can fight when is necessary.”
He made a motion with his hands and Ramirez was dragged off to the side.
A group of Spartans stepped up and grabbed Adam around the arms hauling him to his feet.
“Bring him to the training field.” The king said, and the group of men dragged him forward and out the doors.
Adam tried to protest but he was silenced as he was dragged from the doors, down the walkway and into a large lit arena with a sandy dirt floor. A large group of men were practicing here with their spears and shields, but cleared off as soon as an order was barked.
“What are you doing!” Adam demanded
“Consider this your greek trial, Admiral.” The king said taking his own spear and tossing it to Adam, who caught it in one hand, “Fight, and let’s see what you can do.” “But I-”
He was handed a shield, and then the group began to pull back.
The king stepped up onto the arena wall and paced down it’s length, “Lets see if you can beat one of my men first, and we will go from there.”
He motioned a hand and ordered one of the younger men forward. He couldn’t have been that old and was not nearly as well put together as the others, but he held his spear and shield with some confidence.
Ok…. this was going to get interesting.
He knew there was nothing he could do to stop them, so Adam dropped into a crouch.
The shield felt awkward and heavy on his arm, but the spear was a familiar weight. They circled for a short time before the boy came charging at him. He could see what the king was doing. This boy was young and had probably trained repeatedly in drills but had never sued weapons in practice..
He was meant to be easy to beat.
Adam stepped to the side and caught the boy’s foot sending him staggering away. Adam used the shield to knock him further off balance and sent him plowing into the dirt.
No one made a sound.
It wasn’t that impressive. That was SUPPOSED to be easy.
“So at least you have SOME training.” The king called. Overhead a shooting star crossed over the heavens. A crowd trickled onto the stands of the arena.
He motioned someone else forward. She too was young, but the set of her face and a scar down her right cheek showed that she had at least SEEN combat at some point. The way she eyed Adam told him that she knew what she was doing.
Her problem?
She was likely to set i nher fighting abilities, not creative enough. He traded a couple of strikes with her, gaging her ability before making his move. He used his shield as a distraction to cover some of his movement so she couldn't see, and then sent a lightning fast jab. He struck a hit hard on the side of her helmet sending her plowing to the Arena floor.
Still no one made a sound.
The king nodded slowly and motioned someone else forward.
This man was an actual soldier, though likely no great shakes, but at least he knew what he was doing. Adam ended up in a sharp flurry of contact before the shield got in his way and he almost took a hard blow to the shoulder , even so he ended up with a delicate cut along the side of his cheek. It was only by way of quick thinking that he was able to duck under one of the swipes and kick the man hard in the sternum. He went flailing back into the dirt, and Adam couldn’t help but whisper to himself.
“And this is sparta bitch.”
The kind paced around him in a wide circle, “So, someone has trained you in the use of the spear.”
Adam growled, “I was trained to fight aliens with four arms, so you are going to have to try harder.”
The king smiled, “Confidence…. Always a good sign. But the shield, I think you have not been trained to use one of those.”
Adam paused nodded, and then threw the shield to the ground kicking it away.
He took the spear up in two hands, in a distinctly different style from the spartans, “Well, come on then.”
WIth the shield gone and his switch back to using a spear like he had been trained he defeated the next three challenges with relative impunity. It was only when the king stared adding extra fighters did Adam struggle.
They clashed hard, Adam ducking dodging and sometimes jumping over swings from his opponents. He dived into the dirt, rolled onto his back and caught two spears as they hurtled down at him. He kicked one in the side of the knee and he went down. Adam lunged for the hit, spun on the spot and caught the second spear as it came down for him again. He brought the but of his spear up and hit the woman in the face before spinning back in the other direction, dodging an oncoming jab and slammed his spear into the back of his opponent’s head sending them sprawling to the ground.
He was breathing heavily now but he could see and hear some of the men and women muttering in surprise.
The king nodded, “This is heartening, I must say. It seems as if our leaders CAN fight.”
Someone was motioned forward and he was handed a rag to wipe his face and a canteen of water. He drank greedy wiping his mouth and tossing the leather skin back to the young woman who had brought it to him.
“But I think I do see one deficiency.”
He took a waiting spear from one of his followers, waved off a shield and stepped into the ring.
Men and women all around the circle leaned forward in anticipation. Adam readied himself.
The king stepped forward.
Adam could already tell this wasn;t going to be easy.
He was already tired, the kind was fresh.
But still he was ready, the two men circled and then Adam lunged forward in the way the Drev had taught him, The king batted it away and they made an exchange. The man didn’t try to attack him, but seemed content on seeing what Adam could do. Their engagement must have lasted for thirty minutes as they clashed, the king slowly escalating over that time. The longer they went the more energized the other man became. Adam thought if he could just hold out until the other man grew tired as well, then maybe he would have an upper hand.
But it never happened.
Adam gasped for air.
Even after what must have been thirty minutes of continual engagement, the other man only seemed to be breathing steadier and more deeply. All together they had been fighting longer and harder than all of the other previous engagements put together, and still the man was not tired. Adam watched as the man specifically did not take openings that should have killed Adam.
He knew he was trying to make some sort of point.
Adam was breathing in ragged gasps now. He had never been so tired in all his life, he came in for a lunge he knew was sloppy, and his spear was kicked from his hand. A sandals foot hit him in the chest and he went down choking. The king stood over him nodding, “I am impressed by your skill” He turned and waved to the crowd, “You could match any man or woman here hand to hand in a fair fight, but you do have one deficiency.”
Adam gulped and panted.
The king crouched next to him, “No stamina.”
He stood again, “You train with my men tomorrow, and so does your marine. We will make Spartan’s out of you yet!”
Adam gasped coming to his knees, “Wait… but I-”
“You came here for vacation, and I am sorry to inform you that will not be so. You will not be leaving until I am satisfied our galaxy is in the Best hands.”
Adam stood crawling to his feet with great effort.
The king even smiled at him this time, which seemed strange to him somehow. He held out a hand and Adam took it, “A pleasure to fight with you Admiral, I am James king of the Spartans.”
Adam frowned, “James?’ Not Kyros or something?”
“I was born in the northern provinces of Mericanda, of course I don’t have a greek name.”
He clapped Adam on the shoulder and then walked off joined by his queen and their entourage as he shouted orders vanishing into the night.
Adam stared after him.
So, the king of Sparta was Canadian? 
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
Pretty please jealous Ludwig to where he has to get physical 👉👈 You are truly blessed with talent!
💕I’m not very good, but thank you!!! I know this was suppose to be him getting jealous but it ended up more as a protective Luddy. I can always do it again! I won’t get offended!!💕
Who knew grocery stores attracted so many weirdos. Well he guessed freaks had to eat too and it probably doesn’t help that you both got the urge for sugar at 11:30 at night.
“We can do one of those brownie cookie things! Those are always so good and we can put some vanilla ice cream on it. A lot of people are making it on tik tok.” You looked away from the flour in your hand to look up at your boyfriend. He was staring behind you and you followed his gaze to see a sketchy looking guy at the end of the aisle. “Lulu?” You asked. You nudged him with your elbow, finally snapping him out of his daze.
“Get on the other side of me.” He said softly. His large hand gripped your waist and moved you so he was standing between you and the man.
“I’m sure he’s harmless.” You mumbled, standing up on your tip-toes to looked at the man. Despite your words you nuzzled your side against his for protection.
“Let’s go get the eggs.” He quickly grabbed a bag of chocolate chips and plopped it in the shopping basket. “We have coco stuff at home if you want brownies.” He placed a hand on your lower back and made sure you walked infront of him. “Don’t be freaked out, Kätzchen. Im probably just being paranoid.” He sighed, grabbing eggs from the top shelf. “That’s all we need.”
As you two made your way to the check out, as you made your way down the aisle the same man just so happened to heading towards you. Before you could even think Ludwig removed his hand from your back and put his arm infront of you, so your body was pressed in between his side and the aisle. The large blonde completely blocked you from the man but, he had seem to noticed you anyways.
“She’s a pretty little thing isn’t she.” The man smirked. Ludwig didn’t even bother to pay attention to him but that seemed to annoy him. “Hey meathead, I’m talking to you.” He laughed at his own statment and he leaned against the aisle for support. Figures he was drunk. I mean you would have to be if you thought it was a good idea to pick a fight with a 6’4 man built like a wall.
“Watch it.” Ludwig growled. He looked down at the man who was probably around 6’0.
“Were’d you find her?” The man quickened his pace and walked right at the both of you. “I could use me a doll like that.”
“LuLu.” You whimpered gripping the back of his shirt. He immediately shushed you and completely stopped walking. He used his whole back to shield you.
“You better not take another step.” Your heart was pounding in your chest and the worst scenarios entered your mind. Mostly with Ludwig bleeding out on the floor.
“I just wanna have a look!” The man whined.
“Creep.” You grumbled under you breath.
He stopped a few feet away from you. Your boyfriend had placed the basket down on the ground, ready to use his hands if he needed to.
“I bet she’s a tight little thing isn’t she? God what I would do to that ass.”
You had to stop a dry heave the threatened to escape your lips but you cringed as you saw your boyfriends shoulders began to shake.
He was livid
The man made his biggest mistake by taking another step forward. Ludwig raised a fist and took one quick step forward his fist hitting the man square in the face. A loud crack resonated through the aisle causing a gasp from the store clerk how was watching the ordeal from the checkout stand. The man fell directly on his butt and gripped his now completely busted nose.
“What the hell man!?!” He squeaked. He tried to get up but stumbled a few times and landed on his back. You were surprised Ludwig didn’t knock him out. He must of restrained himself a little. The man groaned a few times in pain, but you bet the alcohol numbed a lot of it. Ludwig shook his fist out, and gripped your arm before dragging you down the aisle.
“Wait the brownies!” You yelped, reaching back and grabbing the basket. You looked down at the man and noticed that he was now unconscious.
“I just punched someone in the face and you’re worried about brownies?” Ludwig grumbled. You nodded and threw the basket on the conveyor belt.
“I called the police. That was really brave of you.” The older woman smile at Ludwig. “My husband would never do something like that.” She grumbled the last part causing you to giggle. “He comes in here every night and makes people uncomfortable!” She stared sending a nod towards the man. She was half way throw scanning your items when she suddenly stopped. “You know all of this is free, for your bravery and the inconvenience.”
“Thank you.” You and Ludwig said in unison.
“You’re welcomed now the two of you might have to stick around and give a statment to the police.” Ludwig sighed and yanked you closer to his side. He grabbed the paper bag and went with you to go sit on the bench near the front of the store to wait for the police.
“That was really hot, you know.” You whispered throwing your legs over his lap. He would usually scold you and threaten to spank you if you showed such affection in public but at the moment he just wanted to feel you close to him.
“Hot?” He chuckled. He looked over at you and let you press your forehead against his. “He was drunk it wasn’t actually a hard task.”
“Ja, but you’ve beaten up sober people. You even protected me from that one bodybuilder guy who was even bigger than you!” Ludwig hummed in response and kisses the top of your head.
“I would do anything to keep you safe”. He sighed against the top of your head. “Always remember that.” He soothed leaning his forehead against yours again.
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livingfitnessposts · 3 years
Mistakes I made as a beginner
Probably every one of us has a role model in sports that he does. From the beginning, I had it too. Over time, I have found that this common mistakes in bodybuilding sport is not what it seems at first glance. Few bodybuilders go out with the truth, and worse, many of them are even misleading in some way. On the one hand, they write, they still talk about proper protein intake, hard training, supplements, they offer meaningless nutritional supplements, and there is something more behind it all. Yes I write about doping. You don't build muscle mass on TV, and even these things don't build them for you, but just a reasonably set training, diet and all the important factors. These "supplements" will move you one level up (in the worst case, possibly down). Therefore, you need to realize that you can also cast spells, but if your pattern goes the other way, you will probably never achieve such a result, unless you choose a similar path. The worst thing is if a beginner starts to follow advice that can do more harm than good. He starts to lift senseless scales and at the same time he doesn't even know the technique properly, he doesn't know what to do with the exercises and why to concentrate, he orders accessories (BCAA, tribulus, burners, etc.) on the assumption that he does exactly what his model writes, talks years will be where he is. He has to eat a lot of meat, drink protein, because his pattern receives 4g per 1kg of weight and this is exactly what he preaches to him. Nowadays, information finds trusted sources, sites and you can form your own opinion and possibly achieve much better progress.
Another mistake I made is high protein intake. I just didn't deal with anything but protein intake. I tried to push a mound of protein into myself, thinking that the more protein, the more muscle I would build. Now I know that the body  does not receive the protein (or meal) every 2-3 hours, not  eating 5-6x the day not  to drink protein after exercise n Emus take cottage cheese before bed and not even the body to not spend more than 30 grams of protein per serving. It's just nonsense and myth! It is sad that I still meet these statements even today, and the young guys in the gym believe it, and it is sadder if their coach or role model tells them to .
What applies to someone does not mean that it will suit you as well. Your muscle doesn't know if you're doing classic squats or multipress squats. Your mission is to destroy the muscle fibers during training as it suits you . Find exercises where you can most effectively destroy a given muscle and progressively increase weight. This is not to say that you should never practice exercises that don't suit you again! Maybe you just need to involve the exercise third. I can assign this error to the first SAMPLE error. When you watch videos or someone in a gym, you see them squatting or doing an exercise, and you're trying to copy exactly what they're doing. The reason is simple, he practices it this way because it works best for him and suits him,  but it doesn't have to be !
This can also be one big stumbling block for you. I was looking for the best possible training. But in fact, you'll be looking for him unnecessarily. You have to come by yourself. I tried to copy the training of fighters in the gym, read various pages and forums, until I came to the conclusion that I, for example. I can't regenerate. Therefore, as a beginner, you will needlessly copy the training plan of a bodybuilder who has a much faster regeneration, and thus we get to the number one mistake (SAMPLE). Each of us has made and is making mistakes, thanks to which you will learn an awful lot, as you will go through something yourself. Therefore, if you make a mistake, sooner or later you will come back and learn something new again and move on. He who has never had a coach and learned on his own mistakes will have much more experience than someone who has always listened to someone's footsteps.
As a recreational exerciser, I bought various supplements for Fat Burner, BCAA, Glutamine and many other supplements that you don't even need. There are a lot of supplements on the market, but in reality only a small number of them can work effectively on our body. Before you start tackling any BCAAs, get your diet and training in order and start working on some supplements. It is far more important to supplement minerals, vitamins and trace elements. I dedicate a separate blog to this chapter and gradually go through the most promoted supplements.
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thunderthevoltwing · 4 years
The 11th Tribe- Prologue: Bolt
A/N Hey all who have chosen to read my story! I thank you so much for choosing to read this. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment, as I want to know how good my writing is or what you all think of this story. I’ll eventually find a way to keep all my posts together as well. Enjoy!
In a cave on the top of the tallest mountain in Permero, a dragonet calls to his mother. "Mother! There's no food again, and I'm starving!" cried Bolt. Bolt is a large 5 year old Voltwing dragonet, who has an athletic build with strong talons and wings, and is always beating the other Voltwing dragonets whenever a strength contest arises.
"Maybe that's because you ate all our bloody rations, DRAGONET!" his mother screamed back. When it came to parenting, she wasn't the best dragon for the job, and the reason why Bolt is so muscular is because he's had to mostly look out for himself and defend himself against his mother, which is whenever she has one of her storming rages. Bolt prepared himself for a blow, just as a talon screamed towards his face, causing Bolt to tumble to the mouth of the cave that was their home, on the bottom tier of the mountain city, Olympus. He quickly got up, and stanced himself facing towards his mother, ready to pounce and strike. She lithely walked over to him, and again struck, but this time Bolt was ready. He blocked and swerved, giving his mother a huge kick on the back, which caused her to stumble right to the edge of the cave mouth, her back being barraged by rain. Even though she was twice his size, Bolt has twice the amount of bulk, caused by the fights he always has with his mother.
She looked at Bolt and gave him a hard stare, then bounded over a moment after. Bolt wasn't ready, and failed to dodge the strike. He was thrown onto the cold, hard wall, shivers running down his spine.
"Give up, dragonet. Or you will only get more hurt." his mother snarled. With his pride wounded, Bolt stopped, walking over to the edge of the cave. "Good riddance, mother" he spat. "I hope I'll never have to see you again." And with that Bolt flew out of the cave mouth, before his mother could chase after him. He flew North, where no voltwings usually go, for fear of the unknown.
For a year now Bolt has travelled from small island to island, eating fish and following the occasional storm. Once he encountered a continent dotted with what looked like hives, with the residents taking unkindly to visitors. They were yellow and orange, all with blotches of black. Their eyes were pure white, which freaked Bolt out by a lot.
During his nomadic life he noticed that all traces of fat had been burned away, causing him to look like a bodybuilder. He utilised this strength when hunting, being able to bring down prey larger than himself without having to use the power of lightning.
Bolt flew down after another day of travel, resting in the canopy of a few palm trees. He sighed to himself and looked around into the empty, endlessly dark sky. "Goodnight, world." He told himself, just before settling down to sleep.
Bolt awoke to the sound of thunder, looking up to the sky just as a droplet of water smacked his eye. "Finally, another storm to chase!" He chirped to himself. "Time to see where this one takes me" Immediately Bolt fanned his wings and stretched them, their massive size stretching beyond the edges of the small canopy. With a large thrust Bolt was in the air, surging after the storm.
After two days of chasing the huge storm Bolt spotted land, looking at the horizon. With his hopes renewed he flew as fast as he could towards the massive continent. As he flew it drew nearer and nearer, the outline of trees becoming visible. The closer he got the more obvious it was that it was a forest he was approaching, and the thought of food crossed his mind as soon as he saw it was a rainforest.
Bolt landed on warm, leaf covered soil, and walked deeper into the forest. He spotted a silver fury thing, sleeping while clinging to a branch. Bolt crouched down, stalking towards the sleeping animal, and just as he was about to pounce, his whole world went black.
"Excuse me?" A regal but calm voice said to Bolt as soon as he was conscious. "Why did you just try to eat my pet, Silver?"
"Because it looked like food" Bolt grumbled in response. He eventually managed to open his eyes and look around, only to find out he was in a metal net surrounded by colourful, curious dragons. "And that's a good excuse? You should try going vegetarian, I think. Plus why are you so unnaturally heavy? Is it because of all that bulk your body contains? You know, I have a friend that is just as large as you" The strange regal dragon said.
"That's nice, but I don't think you'll want to mess with me, rainbow." Bolt retorted.
"Huh. Rainbow. I've never been called that before, huh Deathbringer?" The regal dragon stated.
"You certainly haven't been called that positive sounding name before, your majesty." A black with silver specks dragon perched right next to the colourful dragon said.
"Well I'm Glory, Queen of the Rainwings and Nightwings. And you are?" Continued Glory.
"Bolt of the Voltwings" Bolt immediately responded.
"Well Bolt, welcome to Pyrrhia" Glory said.
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Hard Gainers: Train Big, Eat Bigger
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The world is complete of unfair outcomes - autism, dwarfism, the natural propensity to obesity, as well as any kind of variety of hereditary deformities. However what of a trouble that the majority of do not view as a problem?
What Are Ectomorphic Body Types?
Growing up, the majority of us delighted in eating whatever we desired without loading on the pounds. When we hit 25, all that altered - other than for the real ectomorph who could not place on weight if his life depended on it.
This body type shows up to hold the winning metabolic gold ticket, yet ask any person who is a real ectomoroph what it's like to attempt to include muscle in the gym, as well as you'll listen to a tale of broken heart a mile long.
Overcoming this genetic downside is challenging - even in ideal situations. Frequently this is the body kind team that turns most heavily to steroids. He's the individual with sand kicked in his face as a 15-year-old. Mocked for having a concave chest, spindly legs and also buggy whips for arms, it's a difficulty to action in the fitness center and also see appreciable gains.
Rarely is anybody born with exceptional muscle building genes. There are a couple of, yet for the most component, all of us mitigate defects as ideal we could by coming to be well-informed about training and also diet. An ectomorph is a true hard-gainer as well as very easy loser. That implies that he will usually lose the majority of his hard-earned gains without a great deal of diligence.
"An ectomorph might not acquire fat, yet he can't obtain muscular tissue either. Usually, this is likewise come with by other concerns, consisting of a lack of stamina, as well as a vulnerable skin-and-bones look, together with an absence of confidence in the fitness center as well as a risk of injury up until sufficient mass gains are made."
The excellent news is, this type of body will know when he has gotten pure muscle, due to the fact that it will not be come with by unneeded fat stores that commonly go along with gains in a mass cycle.
Ectomorph Training
Training properly couldn't be more vital for other type. A lot of us could grow, ultimately, even by doing an egregious variety of points incorrect. When it comes to the ectomorph, however, training as well as diet is like bodybuilding life and death.
Overtraining is an ectomorph's largest stumbling block. So excited are most to pack on weight, they place in much way too much effort and time. An already sickly body can additionally be besieged with injuries from over-zealousness. Healing times could additionally be difficult as well as, if not enough, could stop any type of gains at all. This type needs to be absolutely careful not to exaggerate workouts. As well numerous movements, expensive set as well as associate ranges, as well as excessive overall quantity, can lead to no gains and sideline injuries.
Workouts should be loaded with compound activities - one or two motions each body component. Substance motions motivate one of the most release of testosterone as well as human development hormonal agent (hGH) so sticking with these moves is important.
For the ectomorph, hard, hefty and also brief - with longer healing between exercises - is the only answer.
This kind need to train simply one body part daily, however be created to focus on hard and heavy, and also maximum strength - which consists of much shorter rest times with hefty weight.
Sets must number 3 each motion. Rep ranges should be in the 6 to 10 variety to urge hypertrophy. Strength, owned by hefty weight, will certainly additionally boost the shorter durations of rest in between collections, but time in between training sessions must be lengthier.
This is where an ectomorphic framework truly makes gains: In the kitchen area. Virtually other type could overlook diet plan till the last weeks prior to a competition as well as end up just fine. This type may can be found in skeletal lean with paper thin skin without much initiative, yet entering enough calories to make gains throughout a lot of the year is just what counts.
It's important to produce a diet that manages a surplus of calories in the way of macronutrient thickness, and remaining, slow-burning foods that encourage storage space as well as retention, as well as manual release.
Ectomorphs take in and also assimilate nutrients quickly. Eating foods that are not fast burning, yet remain in the gut for longer durations suggests that there's a chance those calories will certainly become a surplus.
Tips To Help An Ectomorph Load On Weight
Macronutrient proportions should reflect the kind: 30% protein/ 50% carbohydrates/ 20% fat ( or 30P/40C/30F) will certainly enable you to have actually caloric density required to transform difficult testosterone-boosting, extreme and also heavy workouts right into hard-earned muscle
Meal frequency: An ectormorph should take in a dish every 90 minutes to 2 hours, preparing in advance with portable food that are calorie-and-nutrient thick, such as nuts, oils, nut butters, pre-cooked yams, as well as greater fat healthy proteins, such as dark meat versus white meat poultry.
Take in Slow-Absorbing nutrients: Not all calories are developed equivalent - specifically for this physique. Making use of simply tidy healthy protein integrated with easy carbohydrates (sugars) indicates your body will certainly shed all of it so fast you won't have an opportunity to gather calories in the method of a surplus for gains in between exercises. The key to growth is to guarantee that you have sufficient slowly-absorbing macronutrients (carbs as well as fats) that allow your body to take in those calories. Yams, oat meal, pasta, bread, rice are all excellent options for slow-releasing carbs. Coconut oil, walnuts, canola oil, avocados, and also other healthy Omega-3 owned fats are a terrific option, together with full-fat dairy products, such as home cheese and also milk.
Weight-gainer drinks: A meal replacement or weight gainer whey healthy protein powder is optimal for an ectomorph. Dish replacements can be taken in as typically as three times a day for this kind, and can have additional calories added (mixing shakes with gelato, mashed potatoes, avocado, oat meal and various other high-density, slow-burning foods. Greater calorie protein bars are likewise an excellent alternative to maintain on hand.
Supplements: Creatine, RNA-releasing supplements (Mesobolin ™), testosterone-boosting products (TridenosenH ™, Dental Testibol ™), and a Nitric Oxide product (Nitrox-ATP ™, Androxybol ™) to take prior to an intense workout.
Protein with above typical fat web content: Premium whey healthy protein can be light on fat and carbs - also sugars - or could pack even more of a strike. Ectomorphs need even more fat as well as carbs in their healthy protein. Pick something with coconut milk (Met-Pro ™) or oil for the anabolic effects of a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), and also include a carb to the mix in the mixer (waxy maize or sweet potato).
Meal 1:
Whey protein
Whole milk
Orange juice
Meal 2:
Chicken breast
Meal 3:
Vegetable (broccoli)
Meal 4:
Weight gainer beverage mixed with coconut milk or whole milk, or protein bar
Meal 5:
Cottage cheese
Meal 6:
Meal 7:
High-calorie bar + Pre-workout drink
Meal 8:
Whey protein
Whole milk + ice cream scoop
Berries, and crushed cookies
Note: Quantities will certainly differ based on budget and also amount of weight gain desired
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thattennisgirl · 5 years
Loki x Fem! Reader - First Impressions
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Holy cow, two fics in one weekend. Thought I would write something as a thank you for all the love I have received on my last fic, as well as a thanks to my followers!
Summary: The reader is a former SHIELD Agent and now an employee for Stark industries. You work in the Avengers Facility and meet the newest member of the Avengers, Loki Laufeyson, a now “reformed” villain. 
Set in an AU where Loki is part of the Avengers as part of an agreement for the Asgardians to settle in part of Norway. Post Thor-Ragnarok.
Word Count:  1,311
Warnings: Language
The incredibly wise Bruce Lee had once stated: “the most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes.” You had thought nothing of it, but now, in retrospect, you could see the truth behind that quote. Especially now that the only thing standing between you and probably one of the most dangerous persons on the Earth was a glass panel for the observation room.
You looked down at the large training room from your vantage point, you could see some of the Avengers training. To the normal eye, nothing seemed extraordinary, but you had been trained by SHIELD prior to its collapse, to spot anomalies. And this was one of them. 
If someone did not recognize him on the street, they may have considered him to be an extremely attractive man, perhaps even a model. His dark raven hair was in soft waves and fell to his shoulders. His pale skin was smooth and flawless, with a complexion that many women would kill for. His sharp cheekbones and regal nose were accented by beautiful green eyes. You found your gaze examining him further to examine his athletic build. Compared to Thor, he would likely be considered an opposite, since it seemed nearly all Asgardians had bodies similar to bodybuilders. Loki however, despite not being overly muscular, you did not doubt that he had a more lean strength to him. 
Not to mention, he was tall. Incredibly tall, towering over almost all of the Avengers.
But it wasn’t only his features that warned you of the danger of the Asgardian. It was the way he held himself, but also the way his emerald eyes flickered over his companions in an almost detached way. He was a natural observer, able to recognize underlying emotions, lies, and truths. It would appear that there was more to this God than mere magic tricks.
From what Maria Hill had told you, the God who had invaded New York all those years ago was no longer the same person. He was what Thor proclaimed to be a reformed villain, but not without flaws. 
“Ready to meet your new partner?” Maria asked you, jerking you out of your stare to look at her in surprise.
“We’re working to get Loki more adjusted to working with different team members. You may not be an Avenger, but it will be good for the two of you to work together. You certainly have the experience with working undercover.” Maria explained nonchalantly, moving towards the door, without waiting for you to follow.
You stumbled after her, trying to desperately to shake off your shock. You were going to work with him? You were familiar with the Avengers members, but this, this was an entirely different ballgame.
“Ah, there is Lady Hill and Lady Y/L/N!” Thor proclaimed excitedly, causing the gazes in the room to shift towards you and Maria. You had to keep yourself from nervously fumbling with your hair at the attention. Instead, you settled for holding your hands behind your back. Knowing that you probably shouldn’t, you felt your gaze gravitate towards the other Asgardian in the room, whose sharp green eyes were already trained on you. For a moment, your heart was stuck in your throat and it felt like adrenaline was racing through your veins. He was dangerous, so incredibly dangerous from what you could tell from his stare alone, and yet, he was cool and composed. Were you the only one concerned about this?
Loki had noticed your stare and met your gaze unflinchingly. You were beautiful, at least in terms of Midgardian standards. From what Thor had said, Loki distinctly recalled that Thor had mentioned you were a former SHIELD agent before its demise. There was a special draw of danger that Loki could sense from you. Loki raised a single dark brow as you stared at him, tilting his head in mild interest.
You quickly looked away from Loki, having to remind yourself it was a terrible idea to stare at the Asgardian. You followed Maria to the ground floor of the training room, while Captain America ordered the Avengers to proceed with training. 
You had just made it to the floor when a sudden movement caught your eye. You looked to your left in time to see Loki pull out his daggers in a smooth motion. He must have pulled them out from his sleeves you reasoned as you watched him swipe at Thor who had predicted the movement and blocked him quickly. He was fast, you realized as you tried to track his movements with your eyes. Loki moved efficiently, a trained fighter but with much more fluidity and grace compared to Thor. Thor, however, looked more panicked, at the idea that his brother may actually stab him.
According to Bruce Banner, that was a common occurrence between the two.
“Loki!” Captain America said sharply, enough to make Loki pause in his movements to glare at him. “Meet your new partner for the upcoming operation out of France. This is Y/N.”
Loki glanced at you rather nonchalantly as if uninterested and perhaps even bothered by the presence of another human. You couldn’t help but feel a little bit of annoyance at him, first with his careless attitude towards his fellow Avengers, and now you. However, Loki was rather curious about the former SHIELD Agent, and what made you so special that Stark would hire you. 
“I’m Loki, you may have heard of me.” Loki stepped closer, flashing a pearly smile that certainly would have caused other females to blush and smile. His accent smoothly covering his words.
But not you, instead, your annoyance increased at his arrogance. 
You clenched your fist, willing yourself to not hit him, to not invite further animosity between the two of you. The two of you would be working together, you had to be amicable. But Loki was a natural instigator, and read your signs of irritation easily which caused him to grin.
“Truly Thor, I thought she would have been much prettier.” Loki looked over at Thor and smirked.
You then proceeded to throw a right hook, watching with some sense of satisfaction as Loki was caught off guard. You were much faster than he had anticipated, and he stumbled back for a moment in surprise.
His green eyes darkened dangerously and you realized that hitting a God much taller than you may have not been your best move. But it sure as hell had been satisfying.
Loki could hardly believe that you dared to hit him, and while you were certainly a beautiful little thing, he was not about to let that go unpunished. 
“You’re going to pay for that.” Loki spat, his gaze now zeroed in on you.
“Am I?” You grinned, trying to maintain a fearless face even though your heart thudded in anticipation and fear. 
Loki launched himself at you without hesitation, his daggers drawn, and you, with daggers of your own. For a few moments, as the two of you exchanged blows, some of the Avengers were concerned about your safety. Finally, after you and Loki had managed to disarm each other, Thor reached in to separate the two of you.
You smiled as the God stumbled for a moment, before glaring at you with green eyes that flashed dangerously while he breathed heavily. “Honestly, I thought you would have been much stronger,” You taunted.
Loki frowned at you while Steve moved in to pull you away.
“First impressions matter,” Steve muttered. Loki couldn’t help but agree, although you had been an annoying little Midgardian, you had certainly proved your ability to withstand a challenge. And he hated to admit it, but he admired you for it. 
Yes, the two of you would make excellent partners.
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belliesandburps · 5 years
(Commission) Venom’s Voraciousness
The following is a commissioned story from an anonymous user featuring everyone’s favorite voracious symbiote and his prey, everyone’s favorite webslinger.  :P
The air was extra chilly that night; the kind of chill where the wind hitting one’s face was enough to make one shiver like a chatterbox.  It was the worst kind of weather for webslinging.  Unfortunately, a young webslinging superhero really didn’t have much say in the matter when being chased down by a much larger, brutish webslinging alien monster!
“Dude, Eddie, seriously, can’t we just call it a draw like usual?!  It’s friggin’ freezing out tonight!”  Spider-Man piped up as he swung from rooftop to rooftop, webs latching onto the sides of the buildings as he heard a vicious roar behind him. 
The source?  Venom, a monstrous beast with an inhuman bodybuilders frame, sporting claws, a jaw full of razor sharp fangs, and a tongue so slimy, it would make a Xenomorph grimace. 
“Is that a ‘no’?” Spider-Man asked with a disappointed tone in his voice.
“It’s a ‘stop runnin’ so we can gnaw out yer brains,’ Parker!  That’s what it is!!” Venom roared in that deep, beastly voice of his. 
“Technically, I’m not running, I’m webslinging!  BIG difference there, tall, dark and gruesome!”
Venom hissed as he webslang after his prey.  “Ya know yer the ONLY one who finds yer jokes hilarious, don’tcha?”
Even as the two continued their pursuit, Spider-Man frowned beneath his mask.  “Words hurt, y’know, Eddie...”
“Not as much as our fangs tearin’ through yer FLESH!” Venom roared, lunging with built-up momentum and catching Spider-Man mid air.  The two struggled as they flew towards a nearby apartment rooftop.  Venom’s jaws were wide-open while Spider-Man held them back from clamping over his head, grimacing with disgust as slimy saliva dripped all over his mask. 
“Yeeeuck, dude, guys, one word...mouthwash,” Spider-Man grimaced before shooting a web-glob right in Venom’s mouth.
“GRRAAWGH?!” Venom hissed with surprise as the two crashed onto the rooftop.  Spider-Man removed himself from the burly monster’s grasp while Venom gagged and spat, using his mighty jaws to destroy the webs holding his mouth in place.  “Grrr, y’know those webs’uh yers taste like crap!”
“Really?  Huh, never would’ve guessed,” Spider-Man droned as he got into a fighting stance.  “Well, unless you back off, that’s ALL you’re gonna be tasting, big boy!”
Venom snorted with amusement and bared his claws readily and waved his long, slimy tongue out of his mouth like a rabid beast.  “Heh, don’t count on it, nerd...”
Again, Spider-Man’s demeanor shifted at that as he said, “...Dude, grow up-”
“-MAKE US!” Venom roared, lunging into the air and swiping his claws down at Spider-Man, who just narrowly evaded the attack. 
The beast snarled and shot a black tendril at Spider-Man, who backflipped out of the way and shot a series of webs right at Venom’s face, making the gooey monster roar as he reeled back, clutching his now-sticky face.  Spider-Man used the window to web up a large chunk of debris from the crash the two caused, and with all his might, swung it right at Venom’s broad, muscular chest.  Venom gasped breathlessly as he stumbled back, ripping the webs from his face just in time to block a flying kick from the webslinger, causing Spider-Man to bounce right off the solid wall of muscle that was Venom’s body. 
The brute went for a backhand, which sent Spider-Man flying, before a tendril caught him by the chest in mid-air, SLAMMING him against the ground.  Spider-Man grunted in pain, but shot a series of ‘web balls’ at Venom, making him stumble back as the balls blasted his torso like rubber shotgun bullets.
“Urgh, I thought ‘eating floor’ was just a saying from that one Batman movie,” Spider-Man gasped as he stumbled back to his feet.
“That the one with Bronson wearin’ that metal mask?”  Venom couldn’t help but chime in, even during the fight.  “Hah, he was awesome!  Dunno why, but we really like that John Hardy dude...we feel a strange...connection to ‘im...”  Of course, as Venom inadvertently broke the fourth wall, he was in the middle of building up a huge glob of symbiotic goo in his palm, which he shot right at Spider-Man, who just narrowly flipped out of the way.
“Yeah, TOM Hardy is alright,” Spider-Man conceded, webbing up more debris and swinging it around like a flail.  “He’s no Tom Holland though...”
“Who...?”  Venom remarked, using his clawed hands to catch the debris slammed into him by Spider-Man.  He then proceeded to rip it right from the webs tethering it to Spider-Man’s grasp, then chucked it right at the wise cracking young hero, who once again had to jump out of the way, but wasn’t fast enough to evade a full-on shoulder-check from Venom, who came charging at him like a slimy linebacker. 
Spider-Man flew several feet backwards, tumbling onto his back while Venom charged after him. 
“Ya know, we always enjoy these lil chats with’cha, Spidey, usually our prey’s too busy screamin’ to try’n have some back-n-forth banter,” Venom remarked, swinging his fists high into the air before ground-pounding where Spider-Man’s head was.  The young webslinger just narrowly rolled out of the way, then double-heel kicked Venom right in the gut.  Venom gasped as he stumbled back, clutching his muscular stomach in pain before Spider-Man flipped back to his feet.  
“Rgh, well, I aim to please, ol’ buddy,” Spider-Man remarked, shooting his webs at Venom, who ducked out of the way, but didn’t notice the toolbox Spider-Man’s webs attached themselves to before SLAMMING into the back of Venom’s head.  The beast cried out in pain, stumbling forward just in time to stumble right into Spider-Man’s fist, which decked Venom under his jaw in a mighty uppercut.  As Venom crashed onto his back, Spider-Man winced in pain and shook his fist.  “Mph, besides, who else has the kinda chemistry we have?”
Snarling angrily, Venom pushed himself up to his feet and took a swing at Spider-Man, who ducked and delivered a good few punches right into Venom’s sides, before flip kicking the beast in the face, making him stumble back again.  But as Spider-Man ran in for a flying haymaker, Venom’s tendrils caught him mid-air and SLAMMED him as hard as he could against the ground.  Spider-Man gasped breathlessly, before Venom hoisted him up from the ground, and SLAMMED him right back down again...and again...and again...
After a few gnarly slams, Venom’s tendrils released Spider-Man, causing the battered and beaten young webslinger to stumble onto the ground, sprawled and groaning in pain.  “...Urgh...th-that was...cheap...”
Venom’s foot proceeded to press down on Spider-Man’s chest as he leaned down, grinning wickedly.  “Who said we fought fair?”  Venom teased, his clawed toes digging into the spider insignia across Spider-Man’s chest, tearing through the fabric as he asserted his dominance over his foe.  “And now that we’ve gotcha beat...it’s time fer our victory meal...”
Venom released his foot from Spider-Man’s chest and snatched him up by the throat, hoisting him up with one arm.  He looked his prey over, grinning a fang-filled grin as he opened his mouth and let his long, slimy tongue lather all across Spider-Man’s masked face.  Spider-Man spat in disgust as the tongue slithered all across him, caking his suit in disgusting green slime, which smelled almost as bad as Venom’s stinking, humid breath. 
And just to drive his point home, Venom pressed the battered young man’s head right against his muscular stomach.  Spider-Man could hear as Venom’s belly grumbled ominously and borderline impatiently.  “Y’hear that, Parker?  That’s the sound’uh yer doom glorpin’ away like you’ll be doin’ soon enough...” Venom teased, grinding Spider-Man’s head forcefully against his rock-hard abs.
Spider-Man held up a finger wearily and in spite of the situation, said, “...Pretty sure ‘glorp’ isn’t a word, Eddie.  Seriously, weren’t we in the same study group back in college?  How are you THIS dumb...?”
Venom’s expression became completely deadpanned in that moment.
“...We ain’t gonna miss you, Parker...” Venom droned.  Then, without another word, Venom hoisted Spider-Man nice and high...then proceeded to unhinge his jaws. 
The eyes of Spider-Man’s mask went wide as saucers as they stared down the fang-filled abyss that was Venom’s gaping maw.  Suddenly, without warning, Spider-Man was shoved head first into that mouth.  Spider-Man gasped as his body was forcefully shoveled into Venom’s maw.  That long, disgusting, slimy tongue of his wrapped itself all around Spider-Man’s body, practically tugging him further and further into the dank abyss of Venom’s maw.
“Dude, guys, seriously, you NEED to brush these fangs more!”  Spider-Man’s muffled voice sounded off from inside of Venom’s gaping mouth.  The beast would be rolling his eyes if they weren’t white slits.  Instead, he greedily shoved more and more of the young hero down his gullet.
Spider-Man spat with disgust as the tongue once again caked his mask with slime, and slithered all across his toned, slender body.  He could feel Venom rumbling pleasantly, clearly delighted by the flavor of his arch nemesis, and eager for more.  He should’ve known today was going to be one of ‘those’ days...
Venom dipped his head back as only Spider-Man’s legs dangled free from his slimy lips.  Spider-Man, meanwhile, had slipped further and further to the back of Venom’s maw, now pushing down Venom’s throat.  It was a tight, rippling fit, with Venom’s throat muscles simultaneously slimy from the symbiotic goo, but also feeling fleshy and rubbery at the same time, much like an organic throat.
“Ugh, as if I needed another lesson on anatomy...Symbiote Edition...” Spider-Man grumbled unpleasantly to himself before...
A deep squelching sound rumbled all around Spider-Man as Venom gulped heartily.  Spider-Man grunted as he found himself getting processed further and further down Venom’s throat.  Due to Venom’s gooey form, his throat was able to expand and accommodate Spider-Man’s body, but it was still an immensely tight-fit.
Outside, Venom’s throat bulged immensely, almost like that of a pelican swallowing a fish whole.  The beasts’ eyeslits narrowed with euphoric delight as his clawed fingers pressed right up against the throat.  He felt Spider-Man squirm frantically and helplessly in his throat and loved every second of it.  Slimy drool dribbled down from the corners of Venom’s jaws as he gulped again, the sound rich and wet.  The form of that large bulge in Venom’s throat ohhh so slowly pushed down, nearing his broad chest, claws following all the while. 
Spider-Man pushed past the esophagus...a rather tight fit, then steadily began to enter Venom’s belly.  That rock-hard six pack of Venom’s steadily began to push out the more Spider-Man filled him up.
Then, with one last especially heart gulp...
The red and blue superhero was swallowed whole.  Spider-Man unceremoniously plopped into the belly of the beast, which stretched out enough to accommodate Spider-Man’s whole frame, and left Venom looking like he had swallowed a beanbag chair.  Venom’s immensely swollen stomach bounced and sloshed intensely with Spider-Man’s getting deposited within as the beast himself huffed breathlessly, salivating all the while.
Then, almost immediately after, Venom’s face tightened with discomfort, before he threw his head back and expelled a loud, bellowing belch, one loud enough to echo across the night sky and rumble his gut for a good few seconds straight.  Inside, Spider-Man yelped comically as the high-pitched sound left his ears ringing.  “Jeez!  I thought you didn’t do well with loud noises, Eddie!!”  Spider-Man complained, clamping his ears shut with his palms.
But when it ended, Venom just sighed with immense relief and gave his gut a couple of hearty pats.  Each pat caused his bloated belly to jostle beneath his palm, and caused Spider-Man’s confines to quiver aggressively.  “Guuuuuh,” Venom groaned pleasantly and in a weary tone, running his clawed hands all across his spider-filled belly.  “Man, we ain’t had a meal this fillin’ since fer-frickin’-EVER...”  Venom remarked, gripping his heavy underbelly with both hands and hoisting his spider-filled gut high before dropping it, causing his big round sphere of a gut to bounce intensely, and forcing Spider-Man to take a tumble against the stomach walls, causing a few smaller bulges to emit from the surface of his belly as Spider-Man hit the front of Venom’s belly from the drop.
The bounce had also dislodged a pressure pocket from Venom’s belly, making the beast grimace as his gut gurgled.  Then, a moment later...
Another huge belch erupted past Venom’s lips for a good few seconds straight, causing several flicks of slimy saliva to go flying out of his maw.  When it ended, Venom smacked his chops and gave his gut a couple of proud pats of satisfaction.  “Heh, s’cuse us...”  Venom teased.
Spider-Man scowled beneath his mask, pulling his face from the stomach walls to a slightly more manageable sitting position and said, “For the record, I’m not a meal, you jerk!”  And to emphasize his point, Spider-Man kicked the stomach walls, earning another large belch from Venom for his troubles.  “God, you’re gross...”
Venom just snickered and sat down on his rump, spreading his legs apart and causing his belly to spill onto the ground.  “Heh, sorry ‘bout that, Parker...must’uh been somethin’ we ate,” Venom teased, slapping his belly extra hard for emphasis, causing Spider-Man to yelp as Venom’s meaty palm all but slapped hin against the face.
The alien beast sighed contently as he leaned his back against a nearby vent shaft and caressed his big round belly pleasantly.  “Mmmm, ssssoooo full,” Venom moaned, claws digging into his gooey flesh, savoring the feeling of his heroic meal squirming within him.  “Won’t be long now, lil Spider...my other always wanted t’be a part of ya...now, YOU get to be a part of HIM...funny the way that works, ain’t it...”
“Yeah, absolute hoot,” Spider-Man remarked, kicking the stomach walls as hard as he could. 
Outside, Venom’s eyeslits went wide as a sizeable bulge emitted from his already bulging gut, the imprint of Spider-Man’s heels poking out, before snapping back into place and causing Venom’s entire belly to jostle and slosh intensely. 
Another deep, lengthy belch erupted from the monster, causing him to gasp in discomfort as he clutched his belly with both hands. 
“Ey, cut that out, ya punk!” Venom hissed, before another kick worked up another sizeable burp, one that sounded lower and more guttural.
Venom sat up a bit, getting onto his knees as he gripped his gut firmly in an attempt to stabilize his stomach by constricting it so Spider-Man couldn’t thrash around so much.  Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks to having such an expansive, gelatinous body was it was hard to maintain a steady grip, especially when his belly was as bloated as it was.  Spider-Man continued thrashing and battering the stomach walls all around him.  It caused Venom’s belly to bounce and slosh immensely, and left Venom burping uncontrollably, each one leaving his throat stinging more and more.
“Urgh, *HIC!* C’mon, Pete, can’tcha be a pal’n just-AAAAAUUUUUUURRRP-guh, digest in peace alreeeEEEEUUUUURRP!!”  Venom attempted to speak, only to find himself interrupted by his gaseous eruptions.
“You wanted to eat me, you disgusting bag of slime?  Well, careful what’cha wish for, ol’ buddy!!”  Spider-Man barked as he hammered away mercilessly.
Belch after belch after roaring belch exploded from Venom’s lips.  Fed up, the beast practically bellyflopped onto the concrete floor, forcing Spider-Man to be pinned between the hard concrete rooftop and Venom’s muscular mass, pressing forcefully against him. 
“Ha!  How d’ya like THAT, ParkuuuuurrrrUUUUURRRP!!!”  Venom spat back, belching out the last part of his sentence from the pressure being applied to his belly.  He aggressively and possessively slapped the side of his big, round dome and added, “That’s right...no makin’ THIS Symbiote sick...yer stayin’ in there ‘til we’re good’n done with’cha...”
Spider-Man yelped in pain.  The feeling of being compressed and grounded against the concrete like this was unbearable, even for a superhero.  At the rate Venom was going, it wouldn’t be long before things started breaking.  Spider-Man needed to act fast.  Unfortunately, strong was he was, Venom was infinitely stronger.  He knew he couldn’t out-muscle the musclebound freak.
He’d need to outsmart him...
And that’s when he recalled Venom griping about the taste of Spider-Man’s artificial webs.  Looking up, he saw the sphincter that connected from Venom’s stomach to his gullet and up his throat.  His attempts to make Venom sick were failing because Venom just kept on burping his indigestion away.  He’d need to make it ‘stick.’
But how could he use his webshooters when both hands were firmly planted against the floor to keep from getting crushed?  He needed to act fast.  After all, his arms were getting tired from holding himself in place. 
So, he pressed his feet up against the stomach walls, arching his back a little to give himself more ‘give.’  Spider-Man, with all his might, heaved himself up using all fours.  It was just enough to, much to Venom’s surprise, force the brute up from the ground.  “Ey, what the hell...?!”  Venom spat.
Then, without warning, pushed himself up as hard as he could, causing Venom’s whole body to jerk back.  The beast stumbled backwards, landing flat on his back and causing his immense, sloshing dome to jolt upwards.  “BUUUUUUURRRRRuuuuuuurrrrooooorrrp!!!!  Urgh, dammit!” Venom gasped, grasping his gut after emitting another low, rumbling burp from the impact.
Spider-Man had his window.  Immediately, he aimed his webshooters at the connecting ring that led to Venom’s stomach and fired as many webshots as he could at the sphincter.  After a while of this, it was caked in thick, sticky globs of web, ensuring nothing could go in or out.  And with the connecting tube blocked off, Spider-Man got to work, thrashing around in Venom’s belly all over again.
Venom’s eyes went wide as his gut bounced and jolted around aggressively.  The beast groaned in pain as he grasped his gurgling gut, feeling it burble with immense, gastric distress.  “Orrgh, our gut...” Venom groaned, lurching in a sickly manner.  “...W-What’re ya doin’ in there, Parker...?!”
Spider-Man didn’t respond, he just kept on thrashing away, causing Venom’s indigestion and nausea to grow worse and worse. 
Venom’s belly quivered aggressively as it groaned, burbled and churned like a barrel of unstable chemicals. An immense buildup of pressure was festering within Venom’s belly.  Venom needed to burp, VERY badly.  But his stomach was blocked off from his throat, and thus, the pressure accumulating in his gut had no way of escaping.  All it could do was build up the more Spider-Man thrashed away.
It was getting so bad that Venom’s belly actually EXPANDED from the excess of pressure brewing and getting clogged from within.
“...Urrrgh, w-we don’t feel so good...” Venom groaned in pain, salivating nauseously as his belly quivered aggressively with pressure.  He held his hands atop his expansive middle, feeling more and more sick as Spider-Man went on.
Then, with one final, mighty kick, Venom’s gut could take no more.  The entire round, black surface quivered and shook dangerously, like an earthquake was rumbling forth.  In fact, the whole rooftop quivered slightly in it’s wake. 
Venom’s cheeks bulged out as he was clamped his mouth shut, as if about to vomit up his meal.  Instead, the webs steadily un-tethered themselves from the force of the pressure within being stronger.  Until finally, the pressure had room to expel, and the instant it did...
A deep, gastric bubbling emitted from Venom’s stomach, one that steadily rose up his gullet and throat, causing an actual bulge to rise up with it, until Venom’s cheeks puffed out.  The beast clamped his mouth shut as best he could, but try as he might, he couldn’t hold it back...
Venom lurched forward, jaw gaping as widely as it did when he swallowed Spider-Man in the first place.  And out from the belly of the beast expelled what HAD to be the single loudest, longest, most devastating belch ever uttered in New York City.  It exploded with such ferocity that one would swear the entire apartment complex was quivering in its wake and startling all the tenants.  A whopping fifteen seconds passed, and felt like an utter eternity as Venom’s burp just raged on and on and ON....all that pressure festering within his belly expelling at once in one record-shattering eructation...
And with it, much more than stomach gases came flying out of Venom’s gaping maw...
At the tail end of that lengthy expulsion of stomach gases, Venom’s stomach hitched.  The beast lurched again, panting breathlessly as he stumbled onto all fours, clawing at the ground and salivating nauseously.  He heaved and gagged a few times, then expelled ANOTHER colossal belch.  This one, much wetter-sounding...and also bringing up with it, a young, slime covered hero, who, by the time nauseating belch had ended, spilled onto the ground, gasping breathlessly while Venom plopped lifelessly onto his back.  His once again firm, muscular belly heaved in and out, up and down as Venom desperately tried and failed to catch his breath, tongue hanging out of the side of his maw as he did everything in his effort not to whimper in front of his expelled prey.
Both Spider-Man and Venom laid sprawled onto the ground, both panting like exhausted dogs for several seconds before Spider-Man finally broke the ice.
“.........Excuse you...”
Steadily, Spider-Man pushed himself up to his feet, staggering weakly, both from the ordeal of being in the belly of the beast AND from the beatdown he took during their fight. 
“...Word to the wise, Eddie...next time ya got the munchies...stick with chocolate...this spider doesn’t go down quite so smoothly,” Spider-Man muttered, sniffing himself, then gagging.  “...Urgh...all the detergent in the world won’t get that stink outta this suit...”
And with those last words, Spider-Man leaped off the rooftop and swung out of sight, leaving only Venom as he laid there, still utterly winded.
“....Urgh...sh-should we go after him?”  Eddie finally spoke up internally, earning a groan of misery from Venom in response.
“...N-Nah...right now...the only thing I want in our belly is a gallon of Pepto.........and maybe tater tots...”
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monkey-network · 6 years
WarioWare: The Series Season 3 Episodes
52 Episodes. Season 4 Coming 20XX Season 2, Season 1 * = Episode Submitted by @tmantookie
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The End of the Show: WarioWare Inc. want to make games again… except Wario, who has grown tired of the idea and the gang somehow taking advantage of him (even when he steals from them), so he goes back to treasure hunting. This begs the question: can a company run smoothly without an (arrogant and maniacal) entrepreneur to lead it?
The Prince and the Bopper: An elegant prince gets transported to Diamond City and feels out of touch with this new reality, so JT helps him see a side that’s been locked away. His kingdom’s chancellor arrives to take him back, but he’s conflicted between becoming king of the castle or staying as king of the ball.
Wario Side Story: The Possums and the Squirrels, rival gangs of DC’s Crystal Park, have fought for territory for generations. However, the daughters of the gang’s leaders start to bond and wish to put an end to the war. With Wario and Mona spectating from afar, can there be enough resolve in putting an end to the conflict?
Hurry Up!: The WarioWare gang are making a mad dash to a concert, but when they try using a shortcut through the DC mall, they’re forced to confront persistent kiosk owners who will stop at nothing to make them pay.
Words Hurt: In the show’s quietest episode ever, 9 and 18 Volt study at a library when higher grade kids start getting them in unintentional trouble, so the duo set up prank traps that’ll surely get back at them. All without making a sound.
Greed Pluribus Unum: A master thief is taking money from Wario, the richest fatcats of DC, banks, schools, hospitals, everything from the town. Why and where to is anyone’s game, but Wario-Man’s on the case to track down, take back, and force himself to give back to those who’ve been wronged.
Robot Humble: Doris 1 short circuits and plots to lead a robot uprising, but fails at getting an army due to Crygor’s bots not being the most vicious (or stable). So she turns to Mike, who develops feelings for her but gets annoyed by her constant pleading and moping.
Star Tolls: Orbulon takes over Dribble and Spitz’s shift for the day and is somehow better than the duo at getting the job done. But when he accidentally scratches a car and is challenged to a race across the galaxy, he may have to break some codes of his to win.
Nightmare on W Street: Halloween has arrived and Ashley is still the one person who’s afraid of nothing (beyond that one time). She and Wario takes this as an opportunity for easy money from the city, but when a stranger shaman casts a spell on her, the scam might falter when she starts to finally recognize fear.
Man of the Woods: Former minions of Wario’s past are stalking him, and everyone’s trying to figure out how to sooth their haunting tension toward him.
Cater Joe’s: Manager Joe opens a diner on the edge of town to have some time away from the city life. Some of the WarioWare gang stop by to share an adventure they had over the week.
Penny Machine: A snooty scientist is dazzled by Penny’s science fair project, but Penny refuses to give it up as it’s her most delicate creation. So the judge does all they can to get it, but you can’t put a price on love.
The Hero’s Might: After her first ever sugar rush, a hungover Lulu is stranded in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a lute, a water bottle, a mule, and Wario’s clothes on her back. Nothing left to do but try to make it back. And it begs the question: who’s the stubborn one in this story?
The Rhythm Hath Fallen* (Half Hour Crossover Special): A cosmic earthquake causes Heaven World to fall and collide with Diamond City, with HW’s citizens treating DC’s citizens to a week long block party. But the week starts to overstay its welcome, so Rhythm Heaven’s Tibby, his friends, and the WW gang try to fix things with Mamarin’s bizarre guidance.
The Opposable Opponent: Young Cricket starts training under a master that only uses his left thumb to fight, but struggles to keep up with the regime... until he starts to figure out how the master came to be.
Spell “Mi cup”: 9-Volt, 18-Volt, and 13-Amp enter and win a special edition movie branded mug and split up their days of possessing it. However, sharing germs is the one thing the three unfortunately overlook.
Tree Top Tango: Jimmy T is enjoying a jazzy walk in the woods, but gets in a pickle when creatures of nature’s variety start to surface. What’s a disco fool to beside show them a natural groove to ease their carnivorous minds.
Love at First Strike: Ana starts to develop a crush on 9-Volt, and is stuck between practicing and hanging out with him. 9-Volt would feel the same way, if she wasn’t pummeling him as a means to hide him from Kat.
The Typical Beach Episode: It’s an average beach day for WarioWare Inc... until a hurricane lands smack dab in the middle of the fun. So now the gang is caught between staying within the eye of the storm and dodging the chaos circling around them.
Ashociates: Ashley finally made some friends, dawg! Except not really, she’s only using them to get a mystical artifact and if you see her so called “friends”, her front is kinda justified.
Good Golf: Mona and Dr. Crygor are enjoying a nice day of mini-golf when a egotistical pro golfer butts in their game and begins ruining people’s fun. The two team up to beat him just in time for lunch, but things get difficult when he put up traps on the course.
Chili Dog Millionaire: Lulu finds out she’s a great cook, so she gets a job at a gourmet restaurant where the head chef demands for nothing but perfection. Nervous at first, the head chef treats her better than the rest, which prompts jealousy and potential sabotage her way.
King of the Dill: 18-Volt is selling hot pickles at school but sells out quick and ran out of his special ingredients. While going to the store, his classmates spot him and suddenly transform into sore throat, teary eyed zombies by the sight of his green jacket.
Becoming Human (For Dummies): Orbulon gets tired of people picking on him because he’s an extraterrestrial. So he invents a human suit that helps him appear like one. But, the intricacies of the suit start to send Orbulon dark thoughts that yet don’t stray from typical human ideologies.
Dueldreaming: Kat is suffering from nightmares to the point of not sleeping at all, so with the help of Penny, Ana goes into her dreams to slay the horrors but starts to cower before what she finds.
Way of the Birthday: It’s Young Cricket’s birthday, so Mantis has the perfect gift for him for all he’s done: a Battle Royale where it’s him against Mantis’s old friends.
Jump the Rope: We got ourselves a flash forward episode, where we see the kids grown up, the adults living out their days, and Wario.... ummm, in another place.
A New L.O.W.: Wario creates the League of Wario, a team of sinister pranksters, to get back at a viral video celeb that wedgied him great enough to put him in a wheelchair. 
Wario Party: It’s the anniversary of WarioWare Inc, and the gang wants to celebrate the occasion... by dining at the perfect restaurant. But they’ve dined at every place in DC, so they set out to go to the best place with the best palette, atmosphere, and prices.
Musclecats HO!: Mona joins a gym and enters herself into a bodybuilding competition. With the help of a supportive and swoll group of regulars, she’s aiming for the top.
Grey JT: A grey hair sprouts from Jimmy’s head and this makes him worry about how his routine may be the cause of aging faster.
That’s Enough, Buddy: Due to increase danger risk in DC, a young yet no nonsense sheriff is enforcing old rules on the public which interferes with Wario’s latest scam.
A Mother’s Metal: 9-Volt wants to give 5-Volt the best Mother’s Day gift ever, and eventually digs up an old relic of her past that’s both a blessing and a curse to 5.
The Best Worst Case Scenario: Television has gotten boring, even Wario thinks it’s a waste of his time, so everyone trashes their TV and goes outside to more productive means. Everything is swell, except for the people up top who soon rely on Wario to save them.
Oh Snow: Layers of snow has hit DC and while Wario becomes a life-sized snowman, Ashley learns about the multifaceted fun of snow.
WarioWaRPG: A digital virus manifests from Penny’s laptop and turns Diamond City into a card based RPG world. She kidnaps Penny and it’s up to the gang to save her. Unfortunately, they skipped the tutorial and don’t have the best decks on hand.
Let’s Be Lazy For Once: Due to a budget setback thanks to last episode, the WW gang decide to look back on previous episodes and provide as clever and nice a commentary as possible.
You’re Clowning Me: Dribble and Spitz pick a group of clowns that are on their way to rehearsal. What the two fail to realize is that they’re clown mafia with police, and rival clown cars, not far behind.
Chivalry is Dumb: A famous detective, and his maid sidekick, arrives at Diamond City to investigate an elaborate crime, only to be taken aback by Wario and all that he stands for, while his sidekick grows to enjoy the big guy’s rebellious and burly personality.
Break Out the Rainy Day Fun: Kat, Ana, Penny, 9 & 18 Volt join Ashley and Red at their manor while the rain’s heavy outside. And while Ashley is busy with a certain brew she’s craving, she summons skeletons to go play with, and not chomp, the others.
The Suit: Legends says there is a mystical 3 piece suit that can turn any normal being into a charming yet sadistically unruly reality bending version of themselves. Now this would be the part where I mention who stumbles upon such clothing, but I’ll let that be a mystery.
Consider the Fruit n’ Nuts: Dr. Crygor, with assistance from Wario, Mona, Cricket, and Penny, teaches us the good and bad of dieting.
House of Mike: After Mike stumbles upon a group of pugs who’re seeking a sense of purpose and bonding, he shows them a fantasy game he recently bought that could help them out.
The Hero’s “Happiness”: Lulu is comfortable with the life she now has in DC, but doesn’t feel happy, whatever that means. Only when a familiar villager of Luxeville enters the picture does she question whether it’s right to stay or leave for better purposes, and she turns to the least favorable person for help.
You Agree With Me?: In a shocking turn of events, a man who’s never able to decide on any choice was able to thanks to Jimmy’s advice. Now our more decisive denizen is indebted to his afro hero, to the point of imitating him to a bizarrely fleek degree.
Master Blaster: A few million years ago, jerk aliens decided to blast the earth with a laser beam that’s destructive yet really slow. A few million years later, it’s set to touchdown in 24 hours. Orbulon and Dr.Crygor team up to figure out how to beat the laser, but our alien is more worried with time than the doctor.
A Series of Unbelievable Events: At Joe’s Diner, Young Cricket and Master Mantis share their awful day and Manager Joe doesn’t find everything to be true, so they begrudgingly trace their steps and recount their day to Joe exactly how it happened.
Amp Unleashed: 13-Amp must face her fears when she has to rap battle against a duo that inspired her career. While she is alone on this mission, the memories of 18-Volt and Mike’s help give her new found strength.
Fronk Sonata’s Moonlight: Penny’s terrible singing practice makes her voice soul leave her body for 9V’s fronk, Snag, who becomes a hit nightclub singer.
Unininja: Kat and Ana fuse into one ultimate dual wielding ninja, but unfuses for good when they go too far with their newly acquired fun. But when a Tengu Shogun is coming with an armada toward Diamond City, it’s the perfect time to unite once again.
My Witch Ashedemia: Ashley is enrolled in a prep school for witches, but feels bored with the mediocre lessons. But she uncovers a secret about the school and uses this to blackmail the teachers for more advanced schooling, which inadvertently puts a target on her from an anti witch group.
LessTalkMoreTanks (Half Hour Season Finale): The WW gang finds a giant battle tank and take it for a spin, but it turns that they stole it from its cantankerous, anarchy driven owner. So... tank fight in the sand dunes, the gang vs the owner’s friends? Who’s on board?
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chocolatechubby · 7 years
Reprinted by permission of the author
(with deference to Wilson Barber and his wonderful Fast Majicke stories)
The CD case was quite ordinary. The only distinction, a small iridescent strip on the spine that caught Ben’s eye as he pawed lazily through the bargain software bin. It said simply “Morph”, and had a picture of a man in various stages of metamorphosis. There was something about the realistic quality of each rendering that made Ben hold onto the software. 
It had been a tense morning at work, and he’d slipped out for a longer than usual lunch. Since his break up with Devin, he wasn’t able to concentrate as fully. Ben, the chief designer in his company’s marketing department, had allowed his ennui to cause two very costly mistakes that did not sit well with his boss. Called into his supervisor’s office, the phrases “pink slip” and “severance package” punctuated the conversation. Ben thought it best to allow time for his boss to cool down. He loved to come into Chucky’s Computer Cove when he was restless. 
Chucky’s was a little Mom and Pop operation a few blocks from his office. The most beautiful brother he had ever seen—well besides Devin—owned it. Actually, Charles Brown, or “Chucky”, reminded Ben a lot of Devin: tall, cocoa brown skin, grey eyes and shiny bald head. They could easily have been brothers…with one major difference: Chucky weighed around a hundred and thirty pounds more than Devin did. Chucky had played for the Rams in the 90’s and busted his kneecaps sufficiently enough to make him walk with a pronounced limp. He had drowned his sorrows in food. Still solid and handsome, Chucky was definitely fat—a fact that Devin would rudely point out whenever he and Ben used to visit the shop together. “That’s the problem with brothers today...” Devin used to mutter under his breath—audible enough for Chucky to hear—“...we don’t take care of ourselves. THEN we wanna blame the white man for the fact that we can’t get ahead!” 
Ben had never told Devin that he actually found Chucky’s size a turn on. He often fantasized about Devin putting on a few sexy pounds. A heftier Devin might also mean a kinder, gentler lover with less of an attitude. Devin’s attitude had been a major factor in the break up of the relationship. Both men had come from similar middle-class backgrounds. In fact, their mutual love of mainstream Americana had brought them together. Ben had heard Devin whistling the Brady Kids “Sunshine Day” in a record store, and the rest was history. Two black guys who, between them, knew every sitcom theme song since “Gilligan’s Island”. 
But during the course of the relationship, Devin had begun to doubt his cultural identity. He would disappear for hours and, when questioned by Ben on returning, simply say he had been “hanging with the ‘brothas’”. Ben accepted his lover’s need to find himself; but it was how he chose to do so that had become an issue. Devin had taken up African drumming with a musician who played for an ethnic dance troupe—a tall muscular Kenyan who was the epitome of Black Maleness to Devin. 
Then one day Ben had come home to find the two men pounding on a different type of skin in the bedroom. Even then, Devin chose to hide behind his search for identity. “Only a weak brother would have a problem with this”, Devin calmly stated rolled up in the sheets, as he watched the Kenyan drummer stumble around looking for his clothes and the tears rolling down his lover’s cheeks. “I can experiment with other forms of black love, and still want to be with you! And if you can’t understand that, then you have been brainwashed by the White Man.” 
If the line had been any less clichéd and stupid, Ben probably would have kicked the shit out of Devin and the asshole drummer and landed in jail for assault. As it was, he just turned around, walked out of the apartment leaving his keys on the table by the front door, and cried himself to sleep in a hotel room at the Marriott around the corner. 
That had been six months ago. And despite the callous and thoughtless things his former lover had done while in the relationship, he still missed him terribly. Sometimes he would come to the shop just to see the large physical reflection of Devin, which he found in Chucky. 
“Ben!” Chucky shouted from across the store. No matter how busy Chucky was, he always found time to greet Ben personally. He finished helping the customers at the counter and lumbered over. It seemed to Ben that Chucky got larger every week. His big round belly seemed to hang lower over his straining khakis, and his arms almost burst out of his too tight shirts. “How ya’ doin’?” He asked, chewing on an enormous cruller. “Haven’t seen you and your friend here in a while.” Ben wondered, “Does Chucky know I’m gay?” He never felt awkward around Chucky…but ex-football player? Too many chances for homophobia so Ben always played it cool. 
“We don’t hang out together anymore.” was Ben’s short reply. “Well probably for the better”, Chucky winked. There was something in the wink that gave Ben pause, but he decided not to pursue it. He changed the subject. “Chucky…do you know anything about the manufacturer of this software?” Ben showed him the CD-ROM he had picked up in the bargain bin. Chucky turned it over a couple of times. “Fast Magic”, Chucky mused. “Never heard of them. This must be one of the CD’s I bought from this homeless dude a couple of days ago. He looked like he could use a few bucks, and the stuff was in good condition. I was a little worried that he might have swiped it from somewhere, but he said he had invented it. Whatever. If you have any problems with it, just bring it back and get something else you like.”
 “Thanks,” Ben said. Ben looked around a while longer, paid for the software and gave Chucky a final smile and wave. He couldn’t get Chuck’s comment: “Well probably for the better”, out of his mind.
The rest of the day was uneventful. The boss had calmed down enough to assign Ben to one of the agency’s bigger clients: Joe Dante’s BodyWonder line of bodybuilding supplements. Ben took the copy and the artwork home to play with it in his spare time. He seemed to have plenty of that these days. After dinner, he spread out the BodyWonder materials on the drafting table next to his computer and began looking over each item in earnest. It was all the same old crap: personal testimonials on how these pills and powders had changed lives.
 Among the literature, were the standard “before” and “after” pictures that would show flabby men and women transformed into Venus and Adonis in a matter of weeks. Most of them looked better in the “before” pics, Ben thought. There were also the stills of Joe Dante himself—five-time World Body Building Champion and all around humanitarian—shaking hands with his success stories and showing off his impossible pecs. One of Ben’s jobs was to make sure that all the muscles and curves were in place on the “after” pictures. He wouldn’t really “change” any of the pictures—just clean up any unwanted bulges and enhance the image as best he could. He was always searching for new programs to help him with this task. He decided to try out his new software.
He slid the disc into his CD-ROM and hit “run”. The familiar blips and bleeps gave way to a high-pitched whine and the lights in his apartment began to flicker. Suddenly, the entire place went black. “Great!” Ben thought, “I’ve probably introduced this mega-virus to my computer, and I’m going to spend the next month cleaning up my hard drive!” As he was about to begin feeling through the darkness for the breaker switch, the apartment was again illuminated and the computer had its familiar glow. The new program had apparently installed itself and a little gnome-like wizard was waiting patiently on the screen prompting Ben to complete the process. “Please input registration code” the gnome instructed. Ben turned the jewel case over and over. No numbers anywhere. He was about to give up when he noticed the holographic strip that had caught his eye in the computer store. “8,3,1,9,9,0” 
The numbers seemed to float in front of him. “That’s odd…” he thought, “…that’s my birthdate.” He keyed the numbers into the proper box and pressed enter. The little man walked to the center of the screen and slowly began to change. His body began to take on different forms—going from small and elf-like to muscular, to giant sized and overweight—each metamorphosis more believable than the last. The figure then winked and disappeared. Replacing it was the title of the software and a warning notice. “The creators of this program are not responsible for the misuse of this product. Please use with caution as results can be permanent.” “What an odd warning.” Ben thought. 
He scanned a couple of the “before” and “after” images into his computer, along with one or two pics of Joe Dante posing at some contest or another, then brought them into the new program. The interface looked pretty simple. He rarely looked at the “readme” files that came with graphics software—most of the writing was for novices. The tools were familiar and he quickly got the hang of using the program’s palate and toolbars to create the effects he wanted. There was a smoothness, and an intuitive feel, that caught Ben’s imagination immediately. 
He finished making his changes on the first image in record time. A mister Carl Hurley of Grand Rapids Michigan had gone from 330lbs of man fat, to 220lbs of muscle. He still, however showed a good deal of love handle, and his pecs were softer than the rest of his frame. Within a matter of minutes, Ben had managed to erase all indication of flab in his mid-section and tone his chest to perfection. The program had a tool that allowed the artist to effortlessly balance changes on one side of the body to reflect those on the other. 
When he finished, he leaned back to examine his work. He was astonished. The picture in front of him was flawless. Every line, shadow and curve was perfect—if he hadn’t known the image had been retouched, he would have sworn this hunk in front of him had been born that way. That gave Ben a thought. He had always loved big men. In college, he worked for the school paper, taking photographs and drawing images for the sports column. Sometimes he’d get hard just sketching a big boy’s arms, legs and buttocks. Lineman made him cream, and he loved to draw huge beefy men and jack off to his heart’s content. Could the program help him do that to this guy? 
He started with Hurley’s face, using the “before” image to recapture Carl’s strong double chin—he even added a goatee to give him a slight bearish quality. Then he worked on the upper body—smoothing out some of the pectoral and upper arm definitions so that Mr. Hurley looked more like a powerlifter than a bodybuilder. He lovingly sculpted the stomach, so that a strong gut emerged from the burgeoning six-pack abs, and placed it on powerfully built legs that would never fit into a standard pair of pants. He lengthened Hurley’s entire frame so that he took on the larger than life proportions of a comic book superhero. By the time Ben had finished, Mr. Carl Hurley had gone from a 220lb-muscle boy, to a 400lb behemoth that could play for any professional football team in the league. 
Again, he surveyed his work, astonished by the results. There before him was a perfect slab of male beef. His penis confirmed the aesthetic appeal. Suddenly, the little brain in his underwear took over. He wondered aloud, “If the software could turn Carl Hurley into a hunk…could it turn Joe Dante into a chunk?” His imagination and dick began to respond. He grabbed one of the shots of the owner of BodyWonder and went to work. The program was incredible. He had seen morphs online in many of the big men sites he frequented—many were poor in quality—impossibly stretched midsections on underwear models. Every now and then, he’d run into some real masterpieces, but for the most part, he’d lost interest quickly. And forget about men of color. No one seemed to have any interest in making Lee Haney fat. 
With this program, he would change all of that. It was as if the Morph software could read Ben’s mind. He watched as the tight, overly muscled body of BodyWonder’s founder melted into the smooth corpulent flesh of the men in Ben’s dreams. Under his mouse, Joe Dante’s pecs became voluminous man tits, puffed out and resting heavily on a stomach that fell past his mammoth thighs to his knees. His face, which most morphers failed to touch, became large and round with a huge double chin that enveloped any trace of a neck—his arms and shoulders joining it in a wide and fleshy mass. He gave him huge suckable nipples that sat in the exact center of perfectly round areolas the size of small saucers; and huge legs the size of Redwoods, with a rump to match. He finished him off with an organ long enough to peek past Dante’s stomach, and rest below the massive gut. 
When he had finished, Joe Dante looked like he weighed over a quarter of a ton—a perfect transformation. Ben had the raging hard-on of his life. This program was the stuff of all his fantasies. Of course, he would have to do normal sized renderings for campaigns, but he would have his own private gallery of manufactured big men all for himself. He clicked “file”, and then “save” and the familiar “are you sure you want to save this file?” prompt appeared. Ben clicked “okay” and oddly, the program asked again “are you really, really sure?” Ben did a double take—must be the programmer’s idea of a joke. He clicked “okay” again. “File saved”, was the software’s smug response. 
Ben yawned mightily and looked at his watch. Two A.M. He had been at this since eight in the evening. He knew he had to get up for work in a couple of hours, but there was one more rendering he had to do. He searched through the picture files on his computer and came up with the perfect image of Devin. It was one of their vacation photos. On the beach in Hawaii, Devin could have been an ancient island god. “Let’s see how the program does on a ‘brotha’”, Ben thought. He worked feverishly—barely containing his lust. When he had finished, he had the perfect Devin—a Devin that made Chucky from the Computer Cove look as if he was on Slim Fast. Ben shot the biggest load of his life, and fell fast asleep at the desk. 
He woke up late for work.
As he arrived breathless to the door of his office, he heard a great commotion coming from his supervisor’s suite. “Might as well start packing he thought.” Sure that firing was in store, he decided to get it over with, and headed towards the door to his boss’ office. He was not prepared for what he saw. Standing, well, stooping in the door of his superior’s suite was none other than Mr. Carl Hurley himself. Ben’s late evening jack off project was standing before him in the flesh. However, not the 220 pound muscle boy from neither the “after” picture, nor the fleshy 330-pound “before” fat man. In front of Ben was the spitting image of the morph that he had created: 400 pounds of Carl Hurley. He was so big; he could barely fit in the doorframe. Every part of him was exactly as Ben had sculpted: arms the size of an average man’s waist, chest so wide it struggled to stay inside the overly stretched super-sized sweatshirt he wore. His legs were so big; they had begun to rub the material between his thighs thin. He was phenomenal. 
His voice boomed in the small confines of the office. Ben caught the last part of his sentence: “…incredible! I took a glass full of supplement last night before bed, and I woke up like this! I must’ve grown half a foot and look at my body!” He flexed impossibly huge biceps and nearly hit his head on the frame of the door.
 “And look at mine!” came a muffled croak from inside the office. 
Hurley moved slightly, and Ben caught a glimpse of his second shock of the morning. Sitting in his boss’s office, taking up a couch that usually held three people, was one enormous Joe Dante. He too was exactly as Ben had morphed him—a human Jabba the Hut, scarfing down doughnut after doughnut: his jowls quivering as he struggled to keep up with his new hunger. There was so much fat on his body, he could barely raise his arms to stuff his sausage fingers in his mouth. His mountain of a belly stretched out three feet in front of him and cascaded down between his mammoth legs. And through his too tight sweatpants, Ben could make out the organ of organs hanging like an elephant’s trunk between them. Ben took a step backward, almost fainting in disbelief.
What the hell was going on? Had he done this? Dante was burping, eating and talking all at the same time. “Must be a glitch in the new formulas. I knew I should never sample this crap!” he said, spewing out chocolate sprinkles. “How am I going to sell this shit looking like Moby Dick?” “Speaking of which…” chuckled Hurley “…I’ve noticed a change in THAT area as well!” “Only damn good think about all this!” the mountain that was Dante replied—trying to reach for his mammoth penis that jumped every time he took another bite of doughnut. “Well we’ll just have to cancel any appearances until we figure out what went wrong. Until then,…” Dante eyed the remaining food with a lust usually intended for a night of raw sex “…I get to eat anything I want! Wheel me to the nearest all you can eat buffet!” 
Ben staggered to his desk—his eyes swimming from what he had just seen. Somehow, his lust-filled fantasy handiwork on the computer had become a reality. How was this possible? What kind of program was this that had the power to transform people with a few strokes of a mouse? He had to find answers. Chucky told him to come back to the Computer Cove if there were any problems with the software. Well, this was a big problem. 
He decided to go back to Chucky and find out if he knew anything else about the program or the homeless man who sold it to him. First, he needed to get to the restroom. His crotch was so hard from witnessing the two men’s transformation that he had trouble walking to the john. Once in a stall, he stripped down to his skivvies, propped one leg on the toilet seat, and let his mind play back the pictures of Joe Dante and Carl Hurley. Their sheer mass was unimaginable and hotter than he could have ever dreamed. 
He stroked himself and watched his cock grow hard and throbbing in a transformation of its own—veins bursting as the image of the burping Dante grew stronger. The force of his ejaculation threw him against the wall of the stall. Whatever was happening was certainly good for his libido. 
There was only one customer in the shop when Ben entered. A man at the counter was in a hushed conversation with Chucky. And what a man he was. It was a very obese man who, from the looks of his clothing had been growing quite rapidly. From behind, his fleshy rump crack was peeking boldly from pants that barely contained his big butt. His puny shirt could no longer hold his mass, and incredibly ample love handles played hide and seek on each side, exposing most of the mid-section. And what a mid-section it was. From where Ben stood, the man’s brown belly pressed on the counter and hung halfway down his thighs. He ungainly shifted, supporting his bulk by leaning his chubby arms on its surface. Chucky was so enrapt in conversation with this fat boy that he hadn’t looked up for his usual greeting. 
As Ben approached the two big men, he could hear bits of the conversation. The guy with his back turned must have been quizzing Ben about area eateries. “There’s a Pizza Hut around the corner that has a pretty good lunch buffet…” Chucky offered “…but with the way I bet you like to eat, try the Bloated Belly around the corner—they know how to treat guys like us!” It was then that Chucky noticed Ben. “Ben!” Chucky cried. “Look who stopped by to say ‘hello’!” The big boy turned around.
It was Devin.
Copyright 2003 by FBC. All rights reserved.
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beanghon · 2 years
Crazy Nutrition Reviews – Just Don’t Miss Golden Opportunity
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Many individuals would you like to develop into a bodybuilder to sign up with regard to international matches, whilst some wish to have a fabulous muscular body merely to draw other companies. The're a great many purchasing would you like a greater system as they quite simply don’t hope to search unappealing should they featuring shoreline merely a number of other activities. Having a sexy body is really a movement, which means that everyone is able to putting a a lot of labor at the gym not to mention feeding a wholesome eating habits to receive gains more rapid, however, it is seen that a number of people aren’t effective at lower an individual's body fat and suffering from many situations to receive a significantly better model of their own health. Lots of issues are pretty annoying for those wanting to obtain a huge entire body, as well as large numbers of many people want to go with several types of products accessible within the body-building whole world. A number of vitamin supplements which offer protein, as well as creatine monohydrate to your your body given that they situations are essential for setting up a muscular body.
A large number of citizens include an important pre-workout remedy on their diet regime to undertake competently in the fitness center. Some building muscle mass supplementation can effective in health galaxy, however fundamental pick the best supplementing business enterprise it arrives with procedure. There are plenty of companies which supply creatine monohydrate medications, whey protein vitamin supplements, pre-workout dietary supplements, in addition to other solutions to obtain operating a toned body, but Crazy Nutrition is thought to be the single most reputable merchants on the health and fitness galaxy. That is a fairly popular agency we know of with regards to their finest objects. By using crazy nutrition supplements, buyers can gather such large numbers of incredible benefits without effects due to the fact nearly every crazy nutrition supplement is included with natural ingredients. If necessary, mesmerized women and men should click this link or maybe travel to some of our endorsed can i find out more within the crazy nutrition review.
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girasolemelda · 3 years
Bodybuilders are irritated by some of the Anavar cycle results
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Anavar is one of the finest bodybuilding medicines for individuals who want to lose body fat without sacrificing muscle mass. But what more can you expect from Anavar results?
Anavar, oxandrolone, often known by its drug name, or simply "var," is an anabolic steroid that has become quite popular among bodybuilders. Anavar was created by Searle Laboratories in the 1960s to help individuals with illnesses that cause involuntary weight loss rebuild muscle. However, due to negative publicity from bodybuilders who used the medication, Searle halted manufacture of Oxandrolone. Fortunately, other firms have taken over manufacturing, and bodybuilders continue to use this methylated steroid to enjoy amazing power gains, dissolve body fat, and harden their physique. Having saying that, let's have a look at 39 amazing outcomes you may get with an Anavar cycle.
1. Accelerated fat reduction (when combined with a healthy diet)
Anavar is mostly used for cutting, which means that bodybuilders utilize it to help them lose weight faster while preserving lean muscle mass. It should be noted that doing an Anavar cycle and expecting big results while you're 25 percent body fat and eating doughnuts is not a good idea. However, if you're already in shape, eating clean, and working out regularly, you may expect some fairly spectacular fat reduction. Do you want proof? According to a 2004 research, this medication can decrease total body fat even without exercise (1). But don't expect var to have the same fat-burning properties as clenbuterol or ephedrine..
2. Women's muscle growth
Anavar for women is frequently compared to testosterone for males. Furthermore, women can take Oxandrolone to grow lean muscle, which is rather surprising given that it has limited mass-building benefits in males. And, with the correct Anavar dosage (5mg-20mg), women can use this medicine without fear of virilization (developing male sex characteristics).
3. There are no aromatizing negative effects
One of the finest Anavar outcomes is something that does not occur: aromatization (estrogen conversion). Because Oxandrolone does not aromatize, users do not have to worry about estrogen-related adverse effects like as gynecomastia and water retention, according to Wikipedia. So males may lose weight and gain strength without needing to wear a bra afterwards.
4. Gains that last
According to numerous Anavar reviews, this medication provides extremely good long-term benefits. The modest lean muscle gains and substantial fat loss noticed with Anavar results will not just evaporate after a few weeks if you follow a solid post-cycle treatment protocol (PCT). In comparison, other medications, like as Dianabol and Anadrol, do not often provide as long-lasting increases.
Anavar negative effects definitely exist...but they are outweighed by the benefits.
5.Mild side effects are to be expected, especially with an oral steroid
As stated in Point #3, this medication does not convert to estrogen, thus there are less Anavar adverse effects to be concerned about (2). Var has less effect on blood pressure and does not damage the liver as much at lower dosages. The latter is particularly intriguing because Oxandrolone is an oral steroid, the majority of which are toxic to the liver. Mild suppression, acne, hair loss, and nausea are some of the potential Anavar side effects to be aware of. You should also be warned that your lipid levels will fall.
6. You'll break past stumbling blocks.
If you've hit a wall with your body and can't manage to harden your muscles or lose the excess pounds, Oxandrolone is the answer. Anyone who has been working out for seven to ten years should seriously consider an Anavar cycle. Run a cycle, however, if you're 50 pounds overweight and seeking for a miraculous solution to get rid of your Wendy's addiction.
7.Your diet will be much improved.
Continuing on from the previous point, one of the best things about Anavar is that it amplifies the advantages you receive from already eating well and exercising regularly. The final consequence will be a steroid-fueled diet.
8. Gains from dry sources
Anavar outcomes are not aimed at mass development and extreme bulk. However, this does not rule out the possibility of seeing some muscular increases as a result of Oxadrin. And if you do achieve these gains, they will be dry because Anavar has little water retention. In comparison, another oral steroid like Dianabol can cause fast weight gain, but much of it is lost post-cycle owing to water retention.
9. a toughened physique
Continuing on from the last point, because Anavar is a water-insoluble steroid, you may expect a hardened, vascular body after completing a cycle.
10. Immediate benefits
When you acquire Anavar, be aware that you will get rapid results. This is because, like many other oral steroids, this one starts working during the first week or two. And with the appropriate exercise, you should see results in as little as a week.
11. Getting a cycle started
There are differing viewpoints on how to begin a cycle by using a fast-acting steroid to offer immediate increases while waiting for a long-ester steroid (such as Testosterone Enanthate, Trenbolone, or Nandrolone) to take full action. However, some bodybuilders prefer to begin with an oral steroid to achieve instant power and muscle hardening. If you're interested, var is one of the finest candidates for the position.
12. completing a cycle
When it comes to Anavar for men, it's uncommon for males to do an Anavar-only cycle. Instead, it's frequently inserted into other cycles at some point, particularly near the conclusion. Oxandrolone can clean up gains and make your body seem better when used as a finisher while a long-ester testosterone kicks in. A very simple testosterone and Anavar cycle is shown below, with the latter serving as a finisher:
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