#black shrink tube
upmheatshrink · 4 months
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#cut heat shrink#heat shrink factory#shrink technology#shrink tube#shrink sleeve#shrink connector#shrink terminator#assorted kit#red heat shrink#black shrink tube
Union Polymer Material Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as UPM) is engaged in the R&D, production and sales of heat-shrinkable insulation products, expandable braided sleeve and other functional polymer materials. Focus on providing coverage protection solutions for system components to achieve insulation, waterproof, wear-resistant, impact resistance, color coding, binding, electromagnetic shielding, identification and other functions. The products are mainly used in automobile, military industry, aerospace, telecommunication, electric power, electronics, shipbuilding and other fields.
Products got ISO 9001:2015,IATF 16949:2016,GJB 9001C-2017,ISO 14001:2015,ISO 45001:2018 approval and comply with GJB,CE,UL224,UL486D,CCS,ABS,DNV.
Let's shrink the world together. Let's choose Union Polymer.Contact Lily at upolymer dot com or upmheatshrink at gmail dot com to customized your heat shrink products.
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dreaming-in-seams · 8 months
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Rapunzel, Season 2: Corset
Is it constructed the way hers is in the show? Absolutely not. Did it come out super cute? VERY YES.
I took some liberties with the design for my own personal preference, but this was a fun clear-out-the-fabric-bin project. My goal for the whole cosplay is to ONLY use materials I already have —including notions and thread! We’ll see how long it takes, but it’s good practice so far.
Process pics below the cut!
Okay I was pretty bad at taking process pics. To be fair, I moved twice while making this.
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Pattern and mock up! Always a must when I alter a pattern into something new.
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This is to show the materials I used. The main fabric is a yard of black flocked denim I had left over from a skirt I made years ago, and the binding around the edges is some burgundy satin ribbon. The metal boning I had was not very sturdy, so my fiancé suggested I secure two pieces with heat shrink tubing. Worked perfectly!
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mj-iza-writer · 4 months
The last thing Whumpee remembered was a bright light coming at them from seemingly nowhere. It felt like a bus when it hit them.
Whumpee squinted their eyes open. They felt drowsy from whatever was thrown at them.
'Whoever's magic that was needs to tone it down', Whumpee thought to themself, 'they must not of had proper training.'
Whumpee already felt that they were tied down with rope and black shrink wrap. A gag had been forced into their mouth, and a tube was connected to it. The tube ran partially down their throat so they could breath and eat. Without it, they would suffocate, but for the inexperienced, the gagging could be worse than suffocating.
Whumpee carefully wiggled, any panicking would make them gag. This wasn't their first time in this situation, they knew this, they were to experienced to make a mistake like panicking.
'Slave trade', Whumpee told themself after receiving a hit to their stomach, 'I'm in the blood market for the vampires.'
'This is terrifying... what if I go to someone else', Whumpee whimpered, 'at least Master makes sure we are properly cared for. Even if it's to cultivate our blood for himself.'
Humans on the purchasing block were wrapped up tightly in black shrink wrap so they couldn't see. A picture was posted of them when they first came in, and their blood was tested by several vampires in the trade so a correct description was posted for interested owners.
Whumpee had a very specific flavor in their blood. Their Master enjoyed it immensely, so Whumpee questioned how they ended up here.
'Master kills the humans he no longer wants. He doesn't resell', Whumpee thought to themself, 'they must have been watching me. Master won't be happy when they find out that I'm missing.'
Whumpee could feel hands caressing their body.
'I always hated this part', Whumpee groaned.
"Whumpee is that you?", someone whispered near Whumpee's head.
Whumpee quickly nodded.... somehow that voice seemed familiar enough. They gagged slightly from the tube.
"I thought so", the voice whispered again, "hold on, I was trying to find Tatum's branding on you, and I couldn't remember where they place it. Don't worry I'll get you out of this situation."
Whumpee felt relieved.
"Their picture of you was questionable, and I know Tatum wouldn't give you up so easily", the voice whispered, "with how much they praise your blood."
'I'd be dead if master wanted me gone', Whumpee sighed to themself.
"Excuse me", Whumpee's rescuer called over an employee, "I would like to put a hold on this one.... a friend of mine has been looking for blood like this slave's, I need to call for them."
"Yes of course", the employee nodded.
Whumpee felt arms cradle them from underneath. They were lifted and carried to a private room.
"If I may remain with them until my friend arrives. So I can make sure nothing happens to them", Whumpee heard the friend talking.
"Of course you can stay in this room... just do not remove the wrapping. In case your friend doesn't want them we won't have to rewrap them. It's harder when they're awake", Whumpee heard the person leave.
"I'm pretty sure your master wants you back. I just texted them, and they are not happy", Whumpee heard the person sigh, "I'm not leaving you like this... that tube has to be uncomfortable."
Whumpee nodded, then gagged again.
"Okay hold still."
Whumpee felt the person start cutting the wrapping away.
They were finally able to see who it was.
"Master Collin", Whumpee whispered after the gag and tube were removed.
"Yes dear", they smiled, "don't make too much noise, I don't want them coming back."
Whumpee remained in a laying down position.
"I don't know what happened", Whumpee whispered hoarsely, "I was outside to get some sunlight at Master's requests..... a bright ball of light hit me. When I woke up I was here. They used a lot of magic, I'm still drowsy."
Master Collin nodded, "these traders have been kidnapping different humans from their masters and reselling them again", they sighed, "I'm sorry I don't have any water for you. I know that tube dries you out."
"It's okay", Whumpee whispered.
"Tatum should be here shortly... I know they've been hunting you down since last night", Master Collin frowned.
Outside of the room rumors amongst the employees spread across the sale floor. A mysterious person was walking up and down every aisle.
Mysterious meant rich for most slave traders.
Master Tatum's frown deepened as he passed every human that was not Whumpee.
"I hate these places so much", Tatum complained, "this is inhumane even for lowly creatures like humans."
Tatum pulled out their phone, "I'm getting irritated. Where is my property?", they texted Collin.
"I had them brought to a private room for protection", Collin replied, "I'll open the door."
Collin opened the door and waved at Tatum.
Tatum rolled their eyes and started toward the room.
"Hello Master, can I interest you in....", a seller approached.
"No, I already know what I'm looking for... out of my way", Tatum gruffed.
"Yes I apologize", they quickly moved out of the way and watched Tatum storm off.
Tatum came into the room and saw Whumpee's state.
"They didn't waste any time preparing you for sale", Tatum frowned, "I am quite irritated seeing you like this."
"Please Master, I-I didn't do anything", Whumpee pleaded.
"I-I'm well aware", Tatum sighed, "I can smell the magic seeping off of you."
"Collin will you help me untie them?", Tatum stepped closer.
"I told you not to do that", the seller from earlier came in yelling.
Tatum turned quickly and snapped their fingers.
The seller flew back into the selling room, and Tatum stormed after them.
"You dare steal my property, then tell me what I can do with them", Tatum yelled.
Collin peaked out the door with a grin.
"What's happening?", Whumpee whispered.
"Tatum has reached their last straw. They'd burn this place down if it wasn't for the humans and innocent bystanders here", Collin chuckled.
Police had been called on Tatum's behavior, but it was quickly reversed on the slave traders.
The doors would be closed permanently on this company. All humans would be checked to ensure they were not stolen. All the others would be given to other sellers who followed more humane practices.
Whumpee was quickly returned to Tatum.
"Thankyou", Tatum looked at Collin, "I appreciate you finding them for me."
"Of course", Collin grinned, "I'm happy to help."
Tatum carried Whumpee home.
"Bed now, we will get that filthy place cleaned off of you after you've rested", Tatum frowned.
Whumpee looked down sadly.
"What?", Tatum tried to settle down. Whumpee wasn't at fault for this incident. They knew Whumpee didn't deserve their anger.
"Co-could I have something to eat.... a-and some comfort", Whumpee tried not to cry, "I tried to stay strong, but", Whumpee felt a tear sneak out, "I-I was scared."
"Yes you can have food.... you know I'm not the most comforting vampire right", Tatum glared.
"I know... b-but I'll take anything", Whumpee shook.
"Fine, let's get this over with", Tatum frowned, "let's get you some food first..... I'm guessing they never fed you then."
"No Master, Whumpee followed shyly, "unless they fed me through the tube while I was unconscious."
"I had thought you ran away when you didn't return when I called. I swore I would hunt you down. You knew the outcome for running from me. I wondered how brave you thought you were. When I came outside I smelt the magic spells used on you, and I realized you were taken", Tatum talked while they prepared a meal, "then I received Collin's message and I hurried to you", Tatum frowned, "I'm sorry", they forced out, "that should of never happened to you. I will take precautionary measures to make sure it doesn't happen again."
Whumpee smiled weakly as Tatum set a plate of food in front of them.
"Will you require a meal from me tonight as well Master?", Whumpee took a fork from Tatum, "thankyou for this food, Master."
"You're welcome... you may eat", Tatum sat at the table.
"As for a few days, I'll feed from the others. This way you have time to recover. Your blood won't taste good to me from the stress you were put through. I'll feed when I feel you're ready."
Whumpee choked.
"Slow down, you are over filling your mouth", Tatum warned.
"I'm sorry my throat is still sore from the tube", Whumpee looked at the plate, "plus this is delicious."
"Good", Tatum sighed, "let's get you cleaned up next.... then I will attempt to comfort you... I guess you deserve something for your trials."
Whumpee was taken into the bathroom, a different blood slave helped them bathe.
"Yeah, Master came into the kitchen and saw us eating, and they asked where you were. None of us knew, so they called for you", they talked with each other, "we were scared when you didn't return, then Master was ticked. Out of all of us you were the least likely to run from Master."
Whumpee nodded, "I would never dare such a thing, they would kill me. You wouldn't be truly free, constantly looking over your surroundings until the inevitable happened and Master came for you. With the bounty on my blood, they'd probably leave me in the dungeon and feed on me when they wanted."
"Probably", the other smiled, "in complete honesty, I don't even think Master is as bad as they could be. So what if they feed off of us, Master does it to survive, they have a right to survive as well. Master never hurts us unless we deserve it. We are well taken care of, and they don't over feed. There are five blood slaves all together."
"Plus they are a good cook", Whumpee laughed, "I know the care they put into us is to ensure our blood is of the best quality for them. I don't know many owners who put that much effort into their humans. Though we are fairly expendable for Master, it's still nice to be taken care of "
"I'm glad you both find me to be a good master", Tatum stood by the door and chuckled as the two jumped.
Whumpee and the other looked down shyly and tried to hide their embarrassment.
"No please continue saying good things about me. I've been listening for the last few minutes", Tatum came into the bathroom, "truly I am happy to know that at least two of you like me, and don't plan on running away. I at least know who I don't have to watch as strictly."
"You protect us Master", Whumpee looked up slowly, "why would we want to run?"
Tatum turned, "hurry and finish, unless you feel this was comforting enough. You are at least smiling now. Do you still require me to care for you?", Tatum frowned.
"You don't have to if you don't want to", Whumpee whispered, "but I would appreci...."
"Good", Tatum quickly left the bathroom and down the hall.
"I guess you aren't getting any hugs from Master tonight."
"I-I guess not", Whumpee sighed.
Whumpee tossed and turned half the night, nightmares and discomfort gnawed at them.
They sat up in bed and looked around.
"My throat hurts so bad, and these covers feel like I'm tied up again", Whumpee looked at their hands, "I wonder where Master is."
Whumpee got up and grabbed their teddy, then quietly left their shared bedroom.
After a few minutes, they found Tatum by the fire reading.
"Why are you awake?", Tatum didn't look up.
"Nightmares and discomfort Master", Whumpee stood in the doorway, "ma-may I have comfort now... please."
Tatum sighed, "it's not my specialty to be comforting that's why I have six..", Tatum caught themself. They had just killed one of the slaves for not obeying and breaking rules, "five of you to comfort each other."
"Please, even if it's your hand on my shoulder, it would help", Whumpee's voice cracked as they tried not to cry. They held their throat, "it still hurts Master."
"I've already asked for the doctor to come by and check on you. Collin reminded me of a few things they would have done to you. They will be by tomorrow", Tatum sighed, "well if you must, you must... come here then."
Whumpee quickly walked to the couch and sat beside Tatum.
Tatum awkwardly rested their hand on Whumpee's shoulder and then went back to reading.
"You are safe now", Tatum forced themself to say, "I assure you that will not happen again."
"Thankyou Master", Whumpee whispered.
"Ymhmm", Tatum hummed.
Whumpee started to grow tired sitting there.
They closed their eyes and absent-mindedly laid down; their head now on Tatum's leg.
"Whumpee I didn't agree to this", Tatum tried to lift Whumpee off, but Whumpee was out.
"Great now what?", Tatum sighed and looked at Whumpee awkwardly, "I'm only allowing this, so you'll sleep... do you hear me?"
They rested their hand on Whumpee's shoulder again and went back to reading.
Tatum's slaves required a full eight hours of sleep every night for their blood quality. Either Tatum had to wake Whumpee and mess with their already destroyed sleep schedule, or deal with Whumpee laying there until morning.
"At least no one else will see this", Tatum whispered.
Tatum saw movement at the doorway a while later.
"Now why are you up?", Tatum complained, "no humans should be awake in my household."
"I'm sorry Master, I saw Whumpee was away from their bed... I was going to check on them", the slave smiled when they saw Whumpee, "I see you got them."
"Yes I do, and if you say anything about this to anyone I will tear out your throat. Am I clear?", Tatum threatened.
"Yes of course Master... we wouldn't want anyone to think you have softened for something lowly like a human", the slave prodded.
"Go back to bed... now", Tatum ordered, "take your sarcasm with you."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst
@generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee
@expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers @starfields08000 @a-living-canvas @lumpofsand
@watermeezer @indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains @3-2-whump
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klavierpanda · 3 months
Tell me about math's. Anything. I'm so curious
Okay! I will tell you about one way we can test for holes in a topological space!
I will first clarify what I mean by a loop because it's important to be precise and they are the star of this show! A loop in a topological space X is continuous map from the interval [0,1] to X which starts and ends at the same point.
To motivate our test we shall look at two examples!
First imagine a plane (ℝ²). Intuitively this has no holes. If we consider a loop in the plane we can imagine shrinking this loops down to a point. This is sort of like placing a rubber band on a table and squishing it down as close as you can (except rubber bands have a physical limitation. Even if you can keep squishing it, you'd eventually make a black hole). It's important to point out that the loop lives in the space rather than on top of it like a rubber band on a table.
Now imagine an annulus (see picture)
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This obviously has a hole in the middle. Now we can consider loops in an annulus. We can think about two kinds of loops!
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The first kind doesn't go around the hole and we can still shrink these to a point. The other kind goes around the hole and when we try to shrink it, it snags on the hole.
So the idea is that we can find the presence of a hole in a space by shrinking loops to see whether they can be made into a point or not. We can adapt the rubber band analogy by adding the extra rule that the rubber band must always touch the table at all its points. So if we were to cut a hole into the table, we would no longer be able to shrink the rubber band.
Let's try another example! We shall look at a torus. This is the surface of a ring doughnut (that is, it doesn't have anything on this inside).
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First consider the red and green loops. All we can do with these is move them around the tube. We can't shrink them. Similar, we can't shrink the orange and blue loops. We also can't deform a blue/orange loop into a green/red loop and vice versa! So a torus must have some holes!
One thing that might seem weird is that holes can have different dimensions! The part of our space which bounds the hole can have a different dimension which means the hole is fundamentally different. In this context the dimension of a space is to do with what the space locally looks like. That is, if you were to zoom in closely the space would sorta look like a flat Euclidean space, i.e. a line or a plane or 3D space etc. For example, the torus is 2 dimensional since locally it looks like a plane. A circle is 1 dimensional since locally it looks like a line. Another way to think of this is how many different independent directions could you walk if you lived in that space. Another example is the sphere, think the surface of the earth. This is two dimensional because we only require two numbers to describe positions on it!
The reason I bring this up is our test can't always detect the presence of holes! This is because our test is great at picking up on 1 dimensional holes, but it doesn't always detect higher dimensional holes. A good example here is the sphere. We can always shrink a loop on a sphere but it's fairly easy to see that the sphere bounds a region that isn't a part of the sphere itself. There is a 2 dimensional hole in the sphere.
One more neat thing we can do with loops in spaces is we can use them to define a nice algebraic structure! By algebraic structure, I mean anything that involves a set and an operation between elements of that set which produces another element of that set. An example of this is the integers with addition. We can add two integers to get another integer. The integers have some nice properties. There is an element 0 such that 0+n=n+0=n. We can also take inverses, i.e. we for any integer n there exists another integer m such that n+m=0. We also have a property called associativity. This is the rule that says (n+m)+k=n+(m+k). This makes the integers what's called a group!
We can make a group using loops in a topological space! We first pick a basepoint which every loop will start at. Then we define out operations on the loops to be concatenation. That is, given two loops f and g, we define f*g to be the loop we get by first going around f then going around g. We also have the added rule that we consider loops that can be deformed into each other to be the same. The identity element is the constant loop, i.e. the loop e such that e(t)=x for all values of t, where x is our basepoint. The group that we get is called the fundamental group (kinda pompous but it really is important!).
We can see an example of this using the annulus from earlier! We can consider an anticlockwise loop around the hole to correspond to the number 1. We can get successive positive numbers by going around this loop the right number of times! We get negative numbers using clockwise loops! (Equally we can make clockwise loops correspond to positive numbers and anticlockwise to negative numbers).
The fundamental group turns out to be a very powerful tool! It turns out that if topological spaces have different fundamental groups they can't be the same space (strictly speaking, they can't be homeomorphic or even homotopy equivalent). And we can prove some useful results using fundamental groups too!
This is all formalised in the area of maths called Algebraic Topology (the area I hope to do research in!). Making this all rigorous is no easy task (I have written a few formal posts about it on my maths blog!)
This was a lot longer than I had planned originally haha. I've been writing for about an hour and a half. I hope you find it interesting!
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
If you're still taking requests, how about a beach day with Bob and the squad finds out he has a matching tattoo with his partner
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𝐚 𝐁𝐨𝐛 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛
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There's a reason that Bob usually wears a shirt on beach days. Even if everyone else on the squadron likes to tease that it's because he's not as toned as they are--which simply is not true--no one really knows why that is.
Until you accompany your boyfriend to the beach one hot and wet afternoon, a wicker picnic basket tucked under your arm and straw hat flopped on your head.
You're happy to be at the beach--you and Bob had agreed to take advantage of the nice weather in San Diego more than you had in the past, so when the squadron deemed that afternoon as a beach afternoon, the two of you had been all in.
"Floyd," Hangman greets, waving the two of you over to the parade of sweaty bodies in the sand. Hangman cheekily tips his cowboy hat at you. "Eventual Floyd," he greets with a wink.
Bob's blushing--a good sort of blush, one that makes his heart pulse with adoration. Yes, you will be a Floyd--eventually. And he's glad that everyone around knows it.
And you're all grins, tipping your straw hat at Hangman and gesturing to the picnic basket.
"I brought strawberry muffins," you tell him, which causes a chain-reaction of hollering from the group as everyone abandons their previous activities to gather around your picnic basket.
Bob just watches you for a moment, slipping his sunglasses on, smiling softly as his toes dig into the sand. You're grinning that pretty grin of yours, happily giving away all the strawberry muffins you made this morning so dutifully. You're such a giver--and so, so kind--and that's something he loves about you. Even right now, you're offering everyone bottles of water and extra tubes of sunscreen. You just can't seem to help yourself.
And you're just happy to be there--you really do love the squadron and reckon you've found somewhat of a family in their company. So after everyone's given you very wet hugs and thanked you profusely for the muffins and refreshments, they're begging you and Bob to join them for another game of Dog Fight Football.
"Shirts and skins," Coyote says, looking between you and Bob with a smile. "Who's who?"
"Good question," Payback adds with a playful eye roll.
"You can both be skins if you want," Fanboy finishes, bumping you with his elbow. "Don't think anyone here would complain."
Phoenix strikes him in the back of the head with a grumble before Bob can.
You're blushing, laughing.
Bob's shrugging his shirt off before you can even think about it--even if Coyote's only teasing the two of you, Bob never wants you to feel uncomfortable.
"Bob, man," Rooster calls with a smirk. "You've got a tattoo?"
It tickles you that the rest of the squadron has seemingly never seen him shirtless--because if they had, they would have seen it already. It's hard to miss: it's about the size of the middle of your palm, inked on his skin in black. It's a stamp of a honeybee, drawn in a classic illustrative style that Bob found himself drawn to the year he got it.
"Uh huh," Bob says, shyly raking his hand through his hair and resisting the urge to put his shirt back on. He feels like he's going to burn alive not even under the sun but under the gaze of his entire squadron as they come to get a better look at him. "So, football?"
"Uh-uh," Phoenix tuts, letting her sunglasses fall down on her nose as she looks closer at the tattoo. "Is that a honeybee?"
Bob nods, pretending like the red in his cheeks is from the sun and not from their prodding.
You know Bob well--arguably, you know Bob better than anyone else in the world. So as you stand beside the emptying picnic basket and watch him shrink underneath everyone's gaze, wringing his shirt in his hands nervously, stuttering out responses and trying to steer everyone away from him--you know you need to do something.
So you take your cover-up off, which you know will give everyone a view of the matching stamp on your outer shoulder. You move over to the group, holding a tube of sunscreen in your hand, pushing your sunglasses up your nose.
"Hey, Nix," you call, smiling when she turns to you with her eyebrows raised. "Can you get my tattoo? It's sensitive to the sun. Don't want it to fade."
That's got everyone's attention, much to Bob's immediate relief. You've always been much better at receiving attention than him. You're less shy by nature, which is something he's always admired about you, and you don't get so stuffy beneath everyone's gaze.
"You have one, too?!" Rooster asks, coming to take a closer look at your arm as you smile, pretending to be coy.
"Uh-oh," Payback sing-songs. "That's a flower, isn't it?"
It clicks for the group just before you give a proud nod, confirming that you and Bob indeed have matching tattoos. And they're thinking about chiding you, the lot of them cooing mockingly and pinching your sides. But you're too prideful for that, just tilting your chin towards the sky and smiling your pretty smile, giving all of them the same energy.
"I'm his petal," you say, intentionally inducing a grimace on their faces, "and he's my honeybee."
"And suddenly, I want to play football again," Hangman snorts, promptly nodding before turning back to the sand.
What you're saying is the truth; you do call each other petal and honeybee. But it's always been something the two of you have kept under wraps, indulging in the sweetness of it but all too aware of just how sickly-romantic it is.
Phoenix is rubbing suntan lotion on you through her remaining giggles and the rest of the squadron is starting to filter back over to the sand to pick back up where they left off, crumbling their muffin wrappers and tossing them into the trash bag.
Bob falls more and more in love with you every single day--he is just a man after all. How could he not when you're the most perfect person he's ever met? You outdo yourself everyday--outdoing the previous days sweetness, selflessness, kindness, wit, beauty. And right now is no exception; you're chatting with Phoenix about her date, something she mentioned last weekend off-handedly but something that you'd remembered to ask about because that's just how you are. You're so happy, gasping and oohing and awing along with her words, practically glowing under the sun.
Whenever Phoenix finishes and you glance over at Bob, your eyes partially hidden by sunglasses, your smile is as sweet as those muffins everyone loves. Bob can't help himself--he cups your cheeks, tipping your hat back just slightly, thumbing your cheeks gently.
"Too much?" You ask, searching his wanton face as your smile falters. "Didn't mean to give our pet-names out like that, but I could tell you weren't comfortable and--!"
"--You better get ready," Bob interrupts, smiling softly as your face softens and your brows come together.
You carefully stroke his tattoo before letting your hands rest on his shoulders, his skin warm beneath your palms.
"For what?" You ask, giggling when he pulls you against him and presses his lips to yours sweetly.
"To become a Floyd," he mumbles against your lips with a grin. "Sooner rather than later, petal."
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here is my tag list!!
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thatonebirdwrites · 1 year
*Asami is under the satomobile with her legs sticking out* Asami: Korra, can you hand me the shrink tubing? Oh, and the size 9 flare nut wrench. Korra: *stares at the toolbox* I think you need to label these things. Asami: Give me the thin black tubes with white letters on them. Korra: Oh! *grabs the tubing and grabs a ton of wrenches* Got it! *shoves the supplies under the vehicle* Asami: Did you just hand me half the toolbox? Korra: Maybe? Asami: ... Asami: Okay, I'll start labeling them.
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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Growing into the Job, Post 336: A Saturday at Melissa's, p11 (9PM, Randi)
We were kinda sorta still watching the movie, another superhero thing that was in the theaters a couple years or so ago. Sushi had all been cleaned up, and we’d let him start to recover, dialing back on our, uh, whatever they called these things - pheromones. Missy was reclined, he was cuddled up into her and had been put back into some loose clothes after he’d complained a bit. Most of us were still in swimsuits, though I’d put a little tube top on over mine after our last spurt nearly burst me out of my bikini. Fuck, my tits were getting huge. We’d all grown. 
“Hey, has anyone heard from Marisela?” I asked, to no one in particular, stretching my jaw, “She was supposed to be here.”
I didn’t really get a response. I’d been here only a few hours but he’d came like a bunch of times today already. We were all just sort of lazily recovering, enjoying the new size and energy. Some of us handled it differently than others, and though nobody really talked about it too much some of us were beginning to change in different ways. I stretched out my jaw again, which tended to feel a little sore afterwards, and considered Marisela once more. “Should someone call her?”
“I already tried. Nothing,” Josie replied, casually rubbing J's bare foot. I thought I saw the ends of her long brown hair twitching. She’d gone back to watching Black Widow shrink Ant Man down for like the third time, Amelia was checking her nails.. 
Hm. Well, fuck it. If no one else cares I don’t either. These were odd chicks, for sure, this little friend group of ours. That I’d become the responsible one was a laugh, and I tried not to get too concerned about the weird shit that was going on. I figured I’d worry about whatever Marisela was doing later tonight. Maybe tomorrow. 
Scarlett was holding the guy in her hand and scowling down at him while he tried to joke his way out of something stupid he’d just done. I gererally thought superhero movies were fucking stupid but had to admit the effects in this one were pretty amazing. It was one of the first ones, along with the first She-Hulk movie, that really caught people’s attention, big girls and all that. 
“Haha I dunno..!” Missy laughed back, hugging his head back into her boobs, “Maybe! Would you like that, sweetie..?”
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We all laughed as a few girls turned to watch him blush and stammer something we could barely hear. Missy, for her part, took it upon herself to gather him in a little closer, bundling him in the thin blanket he’d been given. I didn't even have to look. One of her hands was definitely under that blanket.
I’m sure I don’t have to spell it out for you people, but for all her quirks, we all adored Missy. Josie, Katie, Amelia and I have known her a long time, Shanette even longer. She’s a special friend to have. It’s been a trip, watching what’s happening to her in the middle of all the crazy shit that’s going down in the world and seeing how she’s drawn this hive of girls all around her. This job had been haha really good for her, to say the least, and it had given us all the opportunity to not only make bank, but to become more than what we were before. Some of us were worker bees, some were becoming more like warriors or soldiers, but everyone had their part. I like to think the boss girls were something even more special still. But Melissa, again for all her oddities, was definitely our queen bee…and she seemed blithely happy with this new little boyfriend of hers. It’s good, she deserves to be happy, especially with what her life story has been. And I have to admit he was pretty cute, so vulni and getting more so everyday. It made my mouth water, thinking of it, and my jaw flex remembering the couple times I had him in the car and in his apartment a few months back. Yummy... 
The guy was a hard-triggered mess unable to think with anything besides what was between his legs. Most of the time that didn't seem weird anymore. It certainly didn’t bother Melissa. In fact, I think she sorta loved it. She would've had trouble seeing anything odd or strange about it. Her view of men was certainly different than most people’s, with the way she was raised. That she even seemed to consider this guy as human, let alone someone to care about, was a big step for her. She’d had him tamed through his libido, which was sort of her go-to automatic thing and not a surprise seeing as how she’d treated boys before, but she honestly seemed to love him. 
Jesus Christ I sound like such an adult. The important thing was that she had him by the dick and that was that. Her new thing was that she wanted us all in on the deal. Well, okay, we could become his protectors, his guardian angels or whatever. It certainly felt good, this new kind of energy we were all getting since yesterday. I could feel it in my teeth and jaw.
Watching Black Widow zipping up her top, hiding away and trapping Ant Man in her bra and then having to fight off some robots got Melissa thinking. She and the rest of us sort of chatted about it, and it was obviously making him kinda nervous. I sensed it, and she certainly did too. She spoke up, finally, and sat him up a bit on her lap. It was weird, kinda. How her voice seemed to make the movie go quiet as all the lasers and punching noises faded into the background. We were all - all like, I dunno, dozen of us - turned to her. Attentive. 
”Jay, I want you to tell them what we talked about last night,” she said. Melissa was half-reclined on the couch, her long legs stretched out and taking up a good number of seats. Shanette sat alongside her on the other wing of the sectional.
He was turned on her lap a little awkwardly at the waist, so he could look back down at her. He nodded his head, like he knew exactly what she was talking about, what she wanted him to tell the crowd of us. “Melissa, uh…because of what’s going on with my, uh…health, thinks I need some…protecting.” 
As the words left him I watched Shanette whispering in Missy’s ear. As she pulled back, Melissa shook her head in the negative and spoke up again. “No,” she said to him, “That doesn’t sound right. Try again, sweetie.”
I saw his reaction - he was a little taken aback. But he paused, and rather than argue, he thought for a moment and reworded what he’d said. ”She believes it’d be in my best interest if you all helped her-“
Shanette was whispering in her ear again, and again Melissa stopped him. ”Uh uh uh,” She said, herself stopping to think now, “I know what’s wrong. Try saying it like this ‘I’m starting to have a hard time, and I need all your help. I need you all to become more protective of me.’” Melissa looked at him with those big, golden-green eyes of hers and I could see the gears turning between them. “Try that, honey,” she instructed, already expectant.
You could tell he felt awkward, all those female eyes on him, the center of attention. But, he was able to repeat her word for word: “I’m starting to have a hard time, and I need all your help. I need you all to become more protective of me.” 
When we all gave several half-claps and ‘good jobs’, you could see his face growing redder. He felt happy and self-conscious at the same time, surrounded by a bevy of bosomy bikini girls praising him like he was a shy schoolboy.
“Much better,” Melissa lauded, petting his shoulder and gracing him with that big dimpled smile of hers.
”Melissa, th-that was embarrassing,” he said, plainly, making us all purr in delight. The light of the TV screen silhouetted the shapely figures of Aubrey, Katie and the B-girls from behind, covering J with their shadow.
The room erupted with an “Awwwww..!” as I watched his vulni little eyes settle on his reflection in the glass pool doors. The TV gave off just enough light for him to see his shrunken little self - and I swear he was smaller now than he was this afternoon - surrounded by his big beautiful protectors on every side. He was seated in the middle, a little man on his girlfriend's lap, right where he belonged.
”Don´t think of it that way, sweetie,” Shanette giggled, “think of it as a lesson…”
“...and you just needed some help with it,” Josie chimed. 
“But I´m sure that, from now on, you will pay attention to what every woman says, right?” Melissa finished. She was sitting up straighter, now, and had pulled him slowly closer to her. I could see her eyes light up as he had moved closer to her right breast again. This whole exchange was so, like, enlightening. She obviously didn’t want him to feel as if he had no say in the matter. She wanted him to think that he had at least some power in this relationship of theirs, but she also needed him to know what’s what.
“We’re all excited to help you,” Lakshmi spoke, turning ever so slightly towards him on the couch, that big rear end of hers pivoting and causing something - springs in the sofa? - to groan.
“We want to keep you safe,” said Aubrey.
Melissa continued. ”Does that make you happy?” she asked, “Are you happy you have us, you have me to protect you?”
His voice cracked, adorably. ”s-SU-ure?” he answered, “Yes?” That caused the girls to titter and giggle excitedly, though I could tell he couldn’t make out what they were saying even as they were all - me included - drawing in closer to him. The whole place already looked like a big slumber party from some weird-ass porno.
”So tell me… why?” Melissa pressed. Their gazes were locked, intent on one another.
”Uhhh…” he began, searching for the right answer, “if someone tries to h-hurt me, you’d stop them?”
Melissa shook her head while her words came quickly. “Oh no no no,” she said, “If someone were to try to hurt you I wouldn’t just stop them. I’d absolutely murder them.”
When his smile changed we all felt the electricity. Her own excitement surged and we all began to warm slightly. He was picturing it, we could see, he was imagining what someone with the size and strength of Melissa could do to another human being, and it turned him on. Missy shivered, and needed to squirm her legs below him.
“We all would,” someone else said. I think it was Amelia, at first, but then the others joined in in chorus. 
“Yes, cutie…”
“You have us…”
“Your girl army…”
All our voices were echoing off the high ceilings, sounding louder and louder. I don’t know if the others were noticing it but I was watching him flinch.
“Your big pretty bodyguards…”
“We’d fucking kill them.”
Girls were laughing, and onscreen Black Widow was again arguing with Ant Man, who was complaining from deep inside her cleavage. The robots were crumpled and smoldering, beaten, but she still hadn’t unzipped. 
Melissa continued to smile, satisfied with the enthusiasm of her girls. ”What else?” she asked him, “What else are you happy about?” The smell of our perfumes, the chlorine in our wet hair, and the lingering tang of wasabi filled the room as we waited for him to answer.
”Uhhhh….” he began, struggling again under the attention of a dozen jigglebunnies. He knew there was a right answer, somewhere.
Josie spoke up to help. ”How about this, Dr. J…say this:” she began, “‘Now I don’t only have one girlfriend, I’ve got thirty…”
Lots of giggles.
”Th-thirty?” he stammered, looking over at Josie. 
”Haha yes!” Missy laughed, “Thirty girlfriends! You lucky little guy!”
“So lucky!”
“And soon we’re going to hire more,” Missy added.
“More girlfriends??” someone sang, “OOOOoooo YES!”
“Okay, Fifty!” Josie called.
“Sixty!” offered someone else.
“And the more of us there are..?” said Brittni.
“...the stronger we get?” finished Bobbi.
“A hundred!” called the redheaded Julia, who’d arrived an hour or so ago. She and a couple others were actually standing on the second-floor balcony above us, outside the bedrooms, watching from up there.
“A thousand!!” laughed Stephanie after her, also from the balcony. When’d she get here? I think there were three of our witchy friends up there, too.
Anyway, I felt it myself, for sure - this group of women swelling in strength, excited and energized. We were a unit, a hive, a family - and we were growing. So weird; three months ago you’d have never been able to convince me I’d be hanging out with some of these people. But now, look at all of us. Each one of us that joined the group just makes us bigger and better, makes her bigger and better. Is that what’s making Melissa so strong? I thought, The more of us there are, the more powerful she becomes? I’d seen her, in the parking lot just yesterday, casually pushing one of the construction guy’s pickup trucks out of the way. He’d parked it blocking in her beemer, and she moved the thing like it was nothing. 
“A million!”
Does she even realize it?
There was the patter of strong footsteps as several more girls came in from the kitchen, bare feet and high heels, both. Silvia, Nadia and Kori were here now, and had been swimming and looking for wine in the fridge. Bessie had also arrived, still in her BOOMfood uniform and pumps. Among everyone, the growing, giddy crowd, Missy seemed to draw all light and attention to herself. Look at her, I remember thinking, seeing her holding him so small on her lap, I fucking love her.
“A million girlfriends, Jay, how does that sound?” Missy laughed, “Could you handle all those kisses?”
The girls loved that, and we all smushed in closer. The movie still played, and with the doors out to the pool now left open you could hear the sound of the hot tub from outside the room. The floor was damp in places and there were warmly wet towels everywhere, left by the few who had not fully dried their hair. Some of us - oh yeah, me haha - had their towel around their waist.
“We need you, sweetie, to start getting used to having as much physical contact with the girls as possible,” Missy continued, as the pile of girls swarmed in closer still, some crawling onto the couch, across the ground, gathering towards him with the sofa pillows they had brought to sit on the floor, “It’ll help you bond.”
“Yes, bonding. Lots of bonding,” Shanette cooed, pressing her big breasts together in her overmatched blue bikini, causing his eyes to goggle.  
“I’m going to need my good morning hug every morning,” Josie offered, pushing a pillow up alongside him, between him and the back of the couch.
“Me too, and a good morning kiss,” said Katie, also adding a pillow to support him and leaning in to smooch him on the lips. 
“Bonding…” Shanette cooed again. 
“Everyone will need their good morning hug, and their good morning kiss when they come into the office, okay Jay?” Missy charged, watching his eyes follow Katie’s chest up and then rivet to her brilliant smile as she pushed back her thick blond hair.
“Yes lots of physical contact,” I said, moving in myself towards him seeing how hard he obviously was, with a tent pulling the thin blanket up off his hips, “Let’s try it out…” 
At that I scootched in for my own kiss, my mouth opening wide - though not nearly as wide as haha I could open it - to take his own. The girls were building pillows around him, attempting to make him even more comfortable as I could taste Katie’s cherry chapstick on his lips. I added my own lipstick to his face, my mauveness, smearing it on him. How do you like that flavor, boy? I then heard him grunt, feeling the surprise when he realized the size of my mouth. I chuckled thinking about how he’d react if he realized I could probably swallow his whole fucking head if I wanted. I grabbed his cock through the throw blanket, and we all heard him groan, everyone giggling as his body tensed into spasm.
“Who’s the best kisser, Dr. J?” I asked, giving him another quick peck, this time right between the eyes. Then I licked him up his face, chin-to-nose-to-forehead. “Me?”
“No no no you have to try us all!” Josie squealed, suddenly leaning in aside me to plant her own lips on his. His eyes had closed, so he couldn’t see how her hair, in the strange way it had started to do over the past week, began to swirl and curl, with a movement of its own. One strand reached out towards me, one towards him, caressed his face.
I sat back and Missy, for her part, just watched and smiled as the entire crowd of us moved in for kisses. His face, I could see, was quickly coated with smears of lipstick, the sheen of glosses, pink and red and shiny. Aubrey, Lakshmi, Brittni and Bobbi. Amelia and Katarina and Shanette. Even the new girls Silvia and Kori and Bessie and the rest got in there, everyone taking their turns on his lips, settling for his cheeks and neck and shoulders, back and belly when needed. He was a-glob with lipstick, all over his body, the girls sitting back to apply more to themselves, to each other, when others slid in to take their place on him and his skin. The blanket, which had been across his hips, was gone. If he’d had on shorts or anything underneath those were gone too, and now it was cock, all cock. Huge throbbing cock again, nearly ten inches of it rising from his weak-ass skeleton. As we kissed him - I’d gone in for seconds, thirds - hands were on him, now. The other girls were cooing and clucking, groaning and texting and taking selfies and group pics with him swimming in his harem, drowning in their lipstick, trying to stay afloat as our mouths sucked him into our depths. In all his glory he was now only weakly twitching and he would have long ago collapsed and flopped over were it not for us all, for the pillows around him, and for Missy’s strength holding him up from behind. She, in fact, finally eased us all away to allow him breath, while we all writhed alongside him, buzzing and squealing. She turned him, gently, pivoting him at the hips and - his chin in hand - took him in for a kiss of her own.
If you’ve never seen a man’s brain melt, it’s quite the fucking sight.
Missy drew him into the kiss, and I could see how his jaw stretched and his eyes widened as she was pushing her huge tongue into him. She moved it around his mouth, down towards his throat, claiming her territory and then, drawing breath herself, began pulling the air from within him. His eyes began to flutter closed. She wanted to take him deeper into herself to make him closer to her. Just as I’d felt the pull, the instinct to eat him, the want to suck him right into me, I could see Melissa was struggling with the same hunger. She wanted him. She wanted all of him. She wanted to suck out all his brains along with his come and all his manhood, leaving him a dribbling pathetic husk. She didn’t want to kill him, she wanted him alive to hug and cuddle and care for. But she would take his breath away. She would control his breathing, filling him with her own oxygen and keeping him alive at her whim. Haha she wanted to do more - I could see, I could fucking see how she wanted to just be able to open her mouth wider and wider and wider and just YOMP - but she wasn’t quite that big yet. What she could do is fucking suck the life out of him if she wasn’t careful, and so she released the kiss before he began to suffer any real discomfort.
“C’mon, Daddy,” she urged, “Come for us...”
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The other girls, too, cooed their encouragements. I was chiming in myself, my lips the closest to his left ear. 
“Let’s go, you little shit,” I sneered into him, as my mouth all but ate up his ear, “come for us again.”
I was in his left ear, Lakshmi had moved into his right, both of us were purring and slurping and tonguing his brain. Others were between his knees, sliding lips up thighs and around his sac. Hands caressed arms, slid over chest and shoulders. Still Josie stroked him, as Melissa gazed into his failing eyes. 
“Go ahead, Jay, it’s okay,” she said, giving him permission. This was her boyfriend, her new man, the love of her life, and she haha was willing to share. We were all his, and he was all ours. “Give yourself to them, Jay, I want you to…”
“Come for us,” we hissed.
“Come for us now,” I said.
My smile grew so huge around his ear when, yes, finally, we all felt him shudder and collapse, like a dying fucking beast underneath us all, this pride of lionesses. When he finally came the girls - and me, and Melissa - all sang his name and Josie pumped and pumped and pumped. We watched him wither, we watched his jaw fall open and his head bob like a marionette on his neck. Though he’d climaxed countless times today, come still rocketed from his dick in gushes and fell onto his chest, into my hair and Lakshmi’s. And then, as she still pumped, Josie sat up straighter and drew his eyes to her tits. She pulled back her shoulders, thrust her big breasts out, straining straining straining at the top of her bikini and waiting waiting waiting for - oh god, there it was, there it fucking was - the warmth, the strength, the power that swelled and there it was she knew it, we all knew it - we were all just about to-
Josie’s top burst, her bikini snapping apart. Her tits ballooned outwards, and Missy began to laugh as he moaned an ‘oh my god’ in the weakest, most pathetically male voice you could imagine. She had  begun to grow, we had begun to grow, all around him, visibly. He was watching us and he was watching us fucking grow. Staring at Josie’s burgeoning tits and the swirls of her hair dancing about her shoulders, he was staring into his future and feeling his world close in all around him. “Get ready little man,” I whispered into his ear, “your girls are going to eat you alive…”
thanks in huge gobs to ResistanceIsFutile for his inspiration, contributions to atmosphere and editing on this one.  I’m also using brother Beetlebomb’s render of Dr J…again.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
A Life in the Hands of the Enemy -- Villain reluctantly saves Hero's Life part 8
Warnings: violence, bleeding, near-death experience, captivity whump, cruel Villain whumper
Regaining her strength, Amber pulled away from him with a grunt of effort, lurching back to her feet on her own and scowling at him.
He meaningfully patted the bed again, all traces of teasing smugness long gone, replaced with dark intensity. "Come. Here. Now. Or you get another shock."
She felt the band on her neck start to vibrate warningly, and knew she couldn't push her luck any further. Resistance would be pointless in this situation.
Hesitantly, with clear reluctance, she sidled up to the stretcher and climbed on, laying down with a dreadful sinking feeling in her stomach.
"Good girl," Zack praised mockingly, and reached for the side of the bed, pulling out a pair of leather cuffs.
Amber was already regretting it as he strapped her down, completely restraining her. She hated everything about it. She felt so exposed, so vulnerable. Completely powerless. Now Zack could do whatever he wanted to her, and there wouldn't be a thing she could do to stop him.
Torture her, maybe... though that wasn't really his style. Perhaps he would try to dissect her piece-by-piece to study her? With her accelerated healing, she would be an intriguing specimen, and he did have an obsession over obtaining new knowledge to make himself even smarter. She did NOT like where her mind was going, and tried to shut down all the horrifying, gruesome thoughts bouncing around in her head.
"Aww, are you scared?" Zack asked, pulling up a chair next to her. Amber could feel anxious beads of sweat forming on her forehead as he leaned over her, staring into her eyes with a power-hungry look in his expression. "You don't need to worry... yet. I still need you alive."
He got up and grabbed a rolling medical cart with a tray on top, which already had several sterilized tools laid out on it. He snapped on a pair of latex gloves and picked up a needle attached to a tube and small bag.
"What's that for?" Amber asked nervously, desperately trying to keep her voice from wavering.
"I'm going to get some blood samples while I have you in my possession. I've always wondered where your powers come from, whether it's in your DNA, or your blood. What the source of your powers is. I want to find out if normal humans can harness such power, like New Villain seems to have done." Zack didn't give a warning before he slid the needle into her skin, causing her to flinch. Amber watched numbly as her blood flowed out from her arm through the winding tube, before slowly filling the bag. When it was full, he took the needle out, pressing a piece of gauze and tape to the small prick wound.
"See? That wasn't so bad!" He let out a laugh at her tense expression.
"I-Is that all you needed?" Amber asked hopefully.
Zack patted her sympathetically on the head like a dog, and she cringed under his touch, barely suppressing a shudder.
"I'm not quite finished with you yet," He chuckled. He got up and returned with what looked like a strange black tablet screen. He held it over her midsection for a few seconds, and it made several beeping sounds before he pulled it away, frowning down at it.
Amber didn't make a sound, holding her breath uncomfortably in the silence.
"Hmph." Zack grunted to himself in observation, brow furrowing, before he set the tablet down and picked up a syringe full of pale blue liquid, leaning back towards his prisoner.
Amber instinctively retreated, shrinking away from him as far as the leather cuffs on her wrists would allow, eyes widening.
"Hold on! What's that do?!" She demanded loudly.
Zack chuckled with amusement at her reaction. "My, you sure are jumpy!" He laughed. "I just used a portable x-ray scanner to check your insides. You have several bullets lodged in your stomach, as well as some sharp fragments of shrapnel from your fight with New Villain. I'm going to have to remove them before they cause any permanent damage. Your accelerated healing sealed over the entry wounds, so the bits of metal are trapped inside you. All it would take is one wrong movement of your body and the shrapnel could slice into some of your organs. It's a miracle it hasn't happened already."
⏪️ Back Next ⏩️
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heatshrinktube · 5 days
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Still looking for a fully flame retardant dual wall heat shrink tubing? A1-FL Fully Flame Retardant Dual Wall Shrink Tube Shrink Ratio 4:1 Flame retardant both Black outer Jacket and Inner White Adhesive Environmentally friendly,ELV and ROHS compliant Stress Relief,abrasion protection of wire splices,terminals... Sizes: 5.1/1.25,7.6/1.65,9.0/2.29,11.6/2.54,17.8/4.45
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upmheatshrink · 2 months
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Heat shrink tubing and Braided Sleeve for your automotive wire harness insulation protection, water-proof sealing,connection and anti-abrasion anti-vibration.
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
Thanks for answering! To continue with the au:
How would the house chores be divided amongst the three roommates?
thanks for asking! I'll jump at any opportunity to talk about my characters FJSJFHK
As mentioned in the last ask, V and Kallias are the cooks, because Galen 1. Can't cook constantly due to their schedule and 2. Doesn't season their food... (loud booing) Kallias may be godawful in a kitchen but at least they use seasoning.
I like to think that everyone does their own laundry! Kallias is surprisingly diligent about separating lights from darks, handwashing when needed, all that jazz. They always need music blasting though, or they can't work. Just can't do it. V, on the other hand, mixes all their shit together without a care in the world. All their formerly white socks are colourful now. There's a reason they started only buying their clothes in black. Galen's never used a machine dryer once in their life they just hang their clothes out on clothing racks, the shower bars, the door handles, etc. Perhaps it stems from paranoia that their clothing will shrink in the dryer...
The roomies do rock paper scissors for cleaning the bathroom. V somehow always loses, and it would make them so mad. They'd argue for some sort of rule, like once you lose three times in a row it has to be switched to someone else. "Must suck to need a handicap," Kallias would say, and Galen would have to hold V back from throttling them. (V would then stubbornly refuse the handicap and try to win on their own. After a good amount of losses though, Galen would take pity on them and say "It's opposite day" and clean the bathroom in V's stead.)
Everyone also does their own dishes! Except for Galen's days off, that's when they just do everyone's dishes.
Vacuuming is Kallias' job! Because they kind of like it for some reason. Something satisfying about seeing all the dust disappear, maybe. All with music blasting in their ears, as per usual, so you'll usually find them dancing while vacuuming. Unfortunately they suck shit up that they weren't supposed to suck up all the time. And then they just wait for V to come home and they're like "Heyyyy, so, uh. I sucked up Galen's sock... can you grab it for me from the tube thing..."
The house has like a million plants (all bought by Galen except for the single one Kallias bought as a gift to them) and Galen takes very good care of them. Watches all the YouTube videos to figure out the best way to care for each individual plant. If they ever find themself without enough time to water their plants, they'll draw a frowny face on the whiteboard on their fridge, and whoever sees it first will do it for them, then erase the face once they've finished. Kallias' default picture background is anywhere with a shit ton of plants visible in the background for the aesthetic.
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wafflebloggies · 2 years
4. a place that remains unchanged
back - next They said you could never go home again.
Whoever had first said so, Antonio guessed their home probably hadn’t been the HR Department. On a site big enough to have two official zip codes, in a building big enough to require its own proprietary SatNav, in a zone within a zone within two smeary tempered-glass doors and past a number of warning symbols which most humans never got to see (certainly in combination) in the course of a normal and safe lifetime, Antonio’s first home was a tricky place to visit if you didn’t belong. Humans, with their dependence on things like light and a reliable source of breathable air and geometry that made logical sense, tended to struggle if they were left to wander around in it for too long. For which reason, and a whole host of others, they weren’t.
Humans had to keep records, and check biometrics, and make sure the people who were allowed in to the HR Department were people who really should be there. Antonio, who wasn’t a person, didn’t pay much attention to them. The few he met on his way to the Entry saw him coming, a big husky guy with a big friendly smile on his big friendly face, his neat-and-tidy black clothes and his serene ambling walk, as easy to stop as continental drift, and got out of his way about as fast as Mrs. Hernandez’s cat, with maybe a little less scrabbling on the squeaky tiled floors.
The eyes of the Entry raked over him, pinged green and let out a happy double-beep. The Entry hissed open, slow and sticky, both doors juddering crankily, and Antonio headed inside, nearly bumping into a couple of late personnel who were heading for decon, gas-masked and goggled and crinkling along in their grubby bluesuits. He smiled at them as he passed and left them behind, disappearing into the dingy clutter that filled the rooms beyond.
“Creepy fucker.”
Most of the outer layers of the HR Department existed in a state of permanent nomadic flux. The humans who had work to do here did it anywhere they could, camping in odd corners and places they felt relatively safe, the equipment they brought with them hastily unpacked and shoved wherever there was space. Antonio passed benches scattered with discarded racks of tubes and petri dishes, overturned chairs, mini-fridges leaking melted goop, X-rays pinned crookedly to the walls with peeling tape, and multiple empty boardrooms where meetings seemed to have broken up in an emergency, or never ended up starting at all.
Inner, deeper. Through the screaming halls, the hair room, half an acre of blackened paisley carpet, through a minor plumbing problem which turned the tiled floor into an endless greenish lake, Antonio splashed on, humming a peppy little tune in his light, pleasant tenor. Certain things, hungry in the dark, heard him coming- cracked doors- twitched ceiling tiles- saw him and thought better of it. Other things sensed him coming a long way off and cleared the path in a hurry, shrinking from his shadow.
Antonio still remembered being new, and how amazed he’d been that there was anything else in the world besides Mother's light. He remembered how dull and ashen dark the world had seemed at first, beyond its reach. He remembered having to grow used to the world outside, to slowly learn the contrast of nights and days, slowly begin to see the subtleties of sunlight and shade and colour the way humans did, with their five narrow senses.
He could, with some effort, see the HR Department the way humans saw it, too. He knew that to them it was mostly cold and damp, ghastly humid in strange thermal hotspots where the heat and wet had rotted wood and melted plaster and taken the paint right off the sweating black walls. He knew the air smelled and tasted generally like an old carpet that had been rolled up without being dried properly and then put in a garden shed for several years. He heard the weird noises in the darkness, and with a little imagination he recognized how worrying they might sound if you didn’t know whether they were cries of fear… or hunger.
And even though Antonio might have admitted that a small struggling part of him felt less settled than it usually did, and that the gloomy halls and noisome voids felt less comforting than, say, the last time he’d made the trip… well, it had been a while, and he believed- he wanted to believe- that a visit back here would put him right. In his heart, his bones, or whatever he had instead, he knew that he belonged. Here, so close to Mother that if he were to look fully with his true senses he would have been struck blind in an instant, if he needed the reassurance he could still open his real eyes just a very, very little tiny smidge of a fraction and see by the blazing glimmer all around him that he was home, walking in glory, in the heart of her light.
Inner, deeper still. Humans did not work here. They came here, when they had to, very carefully, very quickly. If they were lucky, and stuck to the many stringent safety protocols, most of them also managed to leave.
Down a long, lonely hallway, where some of the discoloured metal panels had shorn off of the wall and a lot of the rest were buckled outwards in wild hooping arcs as if the whole corridor had been subject to explosive decompression, Antonio and his cheery humming bopped along, a little echoey, his wet black lace-ups leaving grey prints on the gritty floor. Overhead, so many of the tiles were missing that the ceiling looked like a maniac’s chess set, a crazy checkerboard barely hiding the steel skeleton above.
Antonio turned a corner and passed by yet another heavy, nameless steel sealer door, this one standing half-open on a lightless void. Not so many paces past, he slowed as an indefinable sensation of being seen squirrelled up his back with chilly fingers and crawled right to the top of his head. He turned, carefully, squinting into the dark.
As he stood still on the threshold of the heavy door, a single sharp point of red light appeared, flickering, much closer than he expected. As he backed up an instinctive step, the light stuttered, steadied, and circled into a ring- another- a third. Like an eerie triple sunrise, the trio of glowing red circles brightened and lifted together in a rough pyramid stack, until they loomed high over Antonio, bathing his upturned face with an eerie scarlet glow.
“Oh… hey, Jared,” said Antonio, unenthusiastically. “How’s it going?”
“Eh, yunno.” It was a smooth lazy breeze of a voice, supremely unbothered, underscored by a faint metallic twang. The lights of Jared’s three segmented eye-rings slid away into the shadows as he spoke, vanished entirely, then whipped back into view like a pendulum, upside-down and swinging gently back and forth, right in front of Antonio's face.
“Haaaaanging in there.”
Antonio forced a laugh. “Man… good one. Well, anyways, I gotta be-”
“Antonio, right? How’s it been, jellybean?”
“Oh, great! You know, just tickin’ along, only I gotta-”
“Working hard? Or-” Clink-clink-clink-clink swishhhhhh, and the eyes reopened in quite another direction entirely, down near Antonio’s ankles in the mottled dark. “-Hardly working?”
You didn’t talk to Jared. It was a Rule. You didn’t talk to Jared, just like you didn’t keep secrets. Antonio looked desperately towards the far end of the corridor, seeking a polite escape, but the problem with the Rule about not talking to Jared was, it didn’t say anything about what to do if Jared tried to talk to you.
“Y’know, I’d love to stick around and chat, but I’ve actually got a thing-”
“Hey, shot in the dark- you don’t happen to have any jerky on you, do ya?”
“No, I-” Antonio paused, blinked. “What?”
“Yeah, not our brand, though. Between you and me...” the lights spiralled quickly up Antonio’s body, stopping by his ear, “...our stuff kinda tastes like old tennis shoes. Literally any other kind, like, Trader Joes, Red Truck... oh man, I saw Tillamook County’s doing these teriyaki-style wagyu strips now? I would literally kill to try that stuff. K-I-L-L. Though if you wanna be picky, it’s not technically a jerky, it’s more of a biltong. No? Oh, well, you don’t ask, you don’t get.”
“Sorry, man,” said Antonio, taking a couple of not-too-subtle steps backwards. “Uh, look, any other time I’d totally be down for a catch-up sesh, but I’ve really gotta jet.”
“Aw... well, okay.” Jared’s eyes drew back into the recess of the doorway, tilting in a mildly disappointed way. “Great job on the commercial, bee-tee-dubs. Little preachy, maybe... but I get it, I get it, you gotta stick to the pitch, right? Anyhoo, props, that was some solid work.”
“Hey, thanks,” said Antonio, and despite his pressing itch to be gone he was unable to keep the note of surprised gratitude out of his voice. Whether purely out of the discomfort of the situation, or the weird way he’d been feeling lately, or just because a simple, ordinary compliment was the last thing he’d expected and kind of a rare thing in itself, he was genuinely caught off guard. “Seriously, dude... thank you. That means a lot.”
“Anytime, Antoni-oni,” said Jared, now somewhere almost entirely out of sight that gave his voice a hollow, distant echo, like he was talking directly into a steel bucket. “Say hi to your little buddy for me.”
A final flicker, and the lights blipped into darkness.
“I’ll see you around…”
Antonio waited until he was pretty sure Jared was really gone, then turned and headed again down the long, pressure-scarred metal hall. It wasn’t really too long a trip from this point, and he padded along in silence.
He didn’t feel much like humming anymore.
After a few more corners, the hallway started to change and taper down through a narrow twist-and-turn, the walls crowding with grubby white ceramic pipes, like pale veins lining a long dry throat. As Antonio ducked under the last cracked angle of the ceiling, he found himself stepping out at last onto the debris-littered floor of a long, low, dim room, seemingly endless, full of slanting beams.
In this muffled, colourless space, heaped as it was with drifts and piles of grey dust, even the usual noises seemed far-off and stifled. Antonio picked his way carefully past bare recesses and empty hollows, under the watery grey light, over strange shapes buried beneath the thick dust, half-familiar, half-formless.
A door, one of many, sealed from the outside with a thick, crash-bar handle. Latched, in the same way you'd put a child-lock on a trashcan- not really for any reason of security, more so to stop any of the hungry and inquisitive things roaming these halls from getting in and making a mess with the contents. Some of the other doors here looked as if they could have been sealed tight-shut for a hundred years. Others hung open on tall little cells, like wax pockets in a comb; vacant nodes, nothing inside but bare concrete walls, indistinct shadows, eddies of dry grey dust.
A peeling bit of Dymotape that didn’t look too old clung to the smeary plate above this latch, carelessly applied, already coiling itself into a little spiral. Antonio reached out, smoothed it down flat with a thumb.
Antonio shot the latch, took a good deep breath, and pulled the heavy door wide open, already smiling his biggest, widest, friendliest smile.
“Hi, Mark.”
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laytonleib · 10 months
He was running. Just running. Nobody knew what from. But a great roar came from behind. Then from an undisturbed wall comes a creature on all fours, towering over him and many other buildings, horns pure black and tipped and its fur turning into a purple and black mist. It charged after him smashing into the walls to the side of it. He was jumping over the wrecks falling towards him. Then he jumped on to the walls beside him one to the other rising upwards to safety. He reaches the top, relaxed thinking he is safe and it's over. He walks away at a normal pace, he wears a blue zip hoodie with blue running trousers and a metal case on his back with a handle sticking out which is seen over his shoulder. Then the beast bursts from the ground roaring in rage. Debride flies everywhere. Then he draws a blade from his back “here goes nothing” he says. The blade starts to glow blue as well as his arm that holds the blade. The beast, in fear, tries to run away. He throws the blade. It hits the beast right in the back as it runs and it screams out in pain. Then it starts to shrink till a wild boar runs away leaving a small little ball of that black and purple mist moving on its own. He pulls a small flat round circle from his pocket and he holds it over the creature then the circle spawns see through glass sides and another circle at the bottom holding the creature in place. He brings his fingers to his ear “base this is Isaac Azi… I have that Viton that was causing trouble in metallic… yeah… from what it seems it had possessed a boar and like smashing things…copy that. Be back in 10 minutes…oh ok…over and out” Isaac says. He brings his fingers away from his ear and reaches for a small hollow glass globe in his pocket he throws it and as it hits the floor and smashes it becomes a circular portal he walks through it and it becomes a slide and he slides down it to who knows where and the portal closes behind him.
Episode 1 Who they are and why we never know them.
The same portal opens at a new location a massive building. Isaac exits the portal and enters The DCU home base. There’s one long curved desk with about five people on it using the many computers on it. There Are also different people of gender, race and some have weird deformities. As Isaac walks towards the main desk holding that contaminate unit holding that Viton. He places it on the desk. “Hhheeeyyy. Welcome back Mr Azi. Another Viton?” one of the desk workers said “yes Ralph. The one down in metallic. Fused with a wild boar. That reminds me. We need a clean-up crew at the scene” Isaac says “what did you do this time?” Ralph asks taking the contaminate unit to a tube with a hole in it. The tube was on the wall behind him. He places the unit in it and it is sucked up through the tube and is lost in the many other tubes heading to different locations. “you didn’t answer me” Ralph says “oh yeah. I may have thrown my sword at it. And it may have caused a crater. But the Viton smashed a lot of things before I did that” Isaac says trying to avoid trouble “oh my” Ralph says before pressing a button on the desk “can we get a clean-up team to metallic a Viton has been smashing things there and Isaac Azi was as well. Thank you” Ralphs voice says but it projected by many speakers on the walls and hallways. “you need to try and contain your fights to certain areas” Ralph says “the thing was chasing me Ralph! What would have you done?” Isaac asked “I would have run as fast as I could. Oh, it’s just come through. The peace masters want to see you” Ralph says “oh! ok” Isaac says as he walks away from the desk and starts to head down a hallway “good luck!! You going to need it!!” Ralph yells out.
Isaac reaches the end of the hallway to a big wooden door with carvings on it. “here we go. Do not screw it up like last time” Isaac says to himself. He pushes open the door and walks in side. The room was dark the only light came from singular beam from the ceiling. Isaac walked into the light “Isaac Azi” a voice says but appearance is unknown as Isaac walks in. Isaac then gets down on one knee. “peacemakers. You honour me by allowing me to be here” Isaac says. “rise” a second voice said. Isaac did. “Your recent event on metallic has allowed another Viton to be captured and imprisoned. We thank you” a third voice went. “Just doing the job you chose me to do” Isaac said “your rank is 998. Is it not?” a voice asked “yes. Almost 100000 years work in our DCU time. So that would make it ten years in my timeline” Isaac answered “well now consider your rank 999” a voice said. Isaac looked at his right arm. There is a number on it 998. The numbers change to 999. “I thank you. It is a great honour” Isaac said “you are close to the maximum rank 1000. No one in your generation has been able to reach it. Not since the days of the first ones” a voice said “yes. That is true. I’ve been told” Isaac said “do you know how they died?” a voice asked “all I was told is of a battle. The name I do not know. One that caused them to sacrifice themselves in a last attempt” Isaac replied “the battle was… the battle of maxima croton. The Vitons had possessed people and animals. The first ones tried to fight to the last man and woman. They used all of their powers to fight them. But then the queen arrived” a voice said CUT TO FLASHBACK.
(A peace master narrates) She looked like a wasp one with stingers on all legs and arms. She towered over all who crossed her and killed all in her path. She could launch her stingers. Like great bullets. She drove all of the remaining first ones back to the mountain side. It was their where they made their choice. They combined all of their powers into one item… The nitro javelin. They gave all their life into one person who they chose to throw the javelin. She did it. It hit the queen right in her chest if she lived or died was a mystery and it forced her armies to retreat back to their hive. Where for years they lie there. But the last first one died shortly after the battle of her injuries but her death allowed you and all the other crossers to be chosen to become the heroes you are. Most of you are orphans with no memory of family like you, others are people who did great things and deserved to be here and others have seen our fighters in battle and helped them. END TO FLASHBACK (back to normal speech) “and now you are closer to becoming maximum rank. We need you to do something for us” a voice said “and what may that be?” Isaac asked “hunt down a man called Michael van demolition” a second voice said “right. Um, who is he?” Isaac asks “He is a bounty hunter, who lives in the wild west timeline and killed out warriors who travelled to him taken their limited globes entered into our storage stores and stole our globes allowing him to transport himself and others to other places and attack our crossers and spread Vitons” a voice said “why wasn’t I aware of his attack on us?” Isaac asks “you were off on Luna 8 dealing with our 77 prison escapees” a voice says “ok. So, this van demolition any chance he’s working for the Viton Queen assistants by any chance?” Isaac asks “yes. they are paying him in their currency that being what they call sting coins” a second voice said “I’ll stop him. Dead or alive?” Isaac asks “any is fine” a second voice said “alright consider it done” Isaac says. He walks towards the door “Isaac. You have reached one of the highest ranks meaning you can partake in the trials for the court. Meaning you could become one of us” a voice said “I’m a fighter. I want to be one for as long as I can. And no offence but sitting still all day every day in one room? Where’s the fun in that?” Isaac says. “We understand” a voice said and Isaac left the room.
Back in the main area. Isaac walks over to Ralph at the desk. “hey. listen. I got a job to do. Can you get me a portal to the location of Michael van demolition?” Isaac says “yeah. No problem. The Peace masters messaged in saying you needed it. He’s in tooth edge. It’s a small town with a population of 105. So please don’t kill anyone you don’t have to kill. Oh, also your new gear for this job is in your locker. Oh yeah. Congrats on the rank up!” Ralph says “how did you know?” Isaac asks. “message came in. don’t worry nobody else knows.” Ralph says. Isaac heads to a room with lockers on the walls with different names on them. “Yet” Ralph whispered. Isaac finds his and opens it. Inside there’s sword handles, bullets, different guns and a box with “new gear. Isaac Azi'' written on it. He opens the box and inside are two six shooters, ammo for them, and a long flip load rifle. He places the guns in his backpack. He looks up and sees a western hat, this black in colour. “gotta have that” says Isaac reaching for it and placing it in his backpack. He walks out of the locker room back to the main hallway and no one is there. The hallway is lightless and empty; the only light comes from the locker room lights. “hello” Isaac yells out. No one replies. Isaac reaches for the end of the rifle sticking out of his backpack. Then. “surprise!'' Everyone yells and the lights come on and everyone is there with party food and a “congratulations” banner above them “congratulations Isaac” everyone says. Isaac, who is still in shock, walks over and greets everyone “twins. How are you?” Isaac says to two girls ``good Isaac. You?” they say in unison “yeah. Just getting by” Isaac says “same old same old” They say “how about You?” Isaac asks “Our mother wants us to quit. She’s trying her best to make us” they say in unison. “parents never get it and never will. You two fought alongside me all those years ago in vision 7 you deserve this” Isaac says. “Lura and Luna. Hey. Sorry. you're needed down in kickersvile someone just started holding the mayor hostage. They want you two for this job” Ralph says running over to them “ok sure. Bye Isaac” they say and they walk away together “they are so creepy at times” Isaac says collecting a drink “yeah but a pair of the best junior fighters” Ralph says also getting a drink “so level 999” he adds. They both walk over to a window and look out of it. “yeah. I don’t see why people are making such a big deal out of it” Isaac says “your joking right being that close to max rank is amazing Isaac. People would go and kill the entire Viton hive to get your rank” Ralph says “ralph the only reason why I do this is for a good life. Before all this I was alone and weak in a way. I wouldn’t have survived” Isaac says “still on the waiting list for early retirement?” Ralph asks “. We still can travel from dimension to dimension. I just want to see it all. I deserve a break after 100000 years of work” Isaac says. “Hey Isaac” someone says from behind Ralph and Isaac turns to see “hey Steve. What’s the matter?” Isaac asks “someone’s here to see you” he points behind him. Isaac walks over to where Steve pointed and he sees… her hair was a wavy bob. But pure white in colour. She wore a purple dress but It looked to be solid weightless armour. And her lips were purple. “Pearl” Isaac asks “hey sword boy” She said in a sweet and innocent tone. Isaac walks slowly over to her and she holds her hand out to stop him getting too close. “It’s been too long” Isaac says “You want a drink?” she asks.
They both collect drinks and walk to a window. “It's been too long. Ah god. I’m saying it again” Isaac says “haha. yeah. I didn’t enjoy being without you” Pearl says she then drinks. “You haven’t changed one bit except the hair of course. You went from over waist length to this?” Isaac asks “ah. No, I tried something else before this” Pearl says. “I sense a story coming” Isaac says
“Alright. I was down in never-light city in century 89 and I had dealt with a Viton there and was waiting for evac and I left the Viton contained and hidden so no one found it but during the fight my hair was getting in the way and in my face. So, I thought ‘I need to get it cut’ so I went to this place that only cut women’s hair but they only did short styles and the staff were some of the nicest people you would ever meet. They offered drinks and we had such nice chats. I had to wait. The only person cutting hair that day was shaving a girl no older than the age of 14 completely smooth bald. Apparently, she asked her to do that and they did with no question and that girl was the fourth girl that asked them to shave her bald within that day. So, while I was waiting I read one of the magazines there, they allowed everyone there to do that, and I saw a picture of a blond girl with a super short shaved bald back and sides flat top haircut. And I thought ‘I want to try that’. So, my turn came. That girl before me was completely bald and she loved it. I got in the chair and I brought the picture with me. The person working asked ‘want do I want to do?’ I showed them the picture and they were shocked with what I wanted to do. They asked ‘are you sure?’ I just said ‘yes like that. So short and flat’. They did it. It took about 2 and a half hours but it was worth it. The amount of hair on the floor was mental. But the finished result was amazing. The back and sides were completely bald smooth and the actual flat top itself was perfectly level and nice and short. I had no regrets. It was easy to maintain. Not a lot of brushing and wetting. I just needed to wet it, gel it, and dry it up into a flat top position. I kept it like that for so long. I kept going back for regular trims or to go shorter. But then I just forgot about it and let it grow out to this and I just cut it myself. But I have thought about going back to the flat top because of how easy it was to have” Pearl explains “honestly, I think you should. I’d love to see you with it” Isaac says as he takes a sip from his drink.
“I also have been thinking about you. I didn’t like the way we ended things Isaac. It was wrong for us to give up on each other. I was just glad I’m here now” Pearl says “your right. I also have been thinking about you. Our date at the ridge. The festival. Your birthday. But you ended it. I didn’t want to. Do you want to try again?” Isaac asks “what else can I say but yes” Pearl says. They start to hold hands slowly. “I have to admit. I missed this” Isaac says. They were about to kiss but then “Isaac! Isaac! van demolition. Oh, hey pearl. He just showed up on our radar” Ralph says running towards Isaac and Pearl “van demolition? The bounty hunter?” Pearl asks “yeah. I got tasked with hunting him down” Isaac says looking at Pearl “I have to go. I’m sorry. We get back together and this happens” Isaac says “well Isaac if she didn’t tell you she was also tasked with hunting van demolition as well as you” Ralph says “ruining the surprise Ralph. like last time” Pearl says angrily “really?” Isaac asks “one of the main reasons I’m here. right Partner?” Pearl asks “of course. partner” Isaac says. Pearl slowly pushes Isaac away. “I’ll ready your portal” Ralph says walking away. They stop “we never got close last time” Pearl says “we never had a chance to. So, this time this time it will be different” Isaac says “now we have a bounty hunter to get. Shall we partner?” Isaac adds on “we shall partner” Pearl says and then walk away holding hands to the portal. “right it’s set for tooth’s edge around 12 o’ clock” Ralph says “ready?” Isaac asks Pearl “ready” Pearl replies and they run through the portal still holding hands.
The exit the portal to a sand and rock hill side. On a ledge that looked over the town. They look down from the edge and see a town. “that’s tooth’s edge” Isaac says. Using technology and magic, they transform their clothes into attire suited for the era. Isaac’s guns from his backpack enter holders at his sides but his rifle is on his back held there with tiny clips and rope. But they stand in the same place. “Let's find this cowboy” Pearl says and they walk off to find a way down to the town.
End of Ep1
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Bucky's (41/44)
***Contains soft vore***
Chapter 41: Belly
Leon was paralyzed with terror when he was swallowed by his Giant boss. He was in disbelief that such a terrible thing was really happening, even as the slippery throat walls crushed around him, dragging him down deep inside. The restrictive, suffocating meat tube extended an agonizing distance, like an elevator shaft to hell, until it suddenly dropped him into open space. He plopped down into gurgling, boiling, churning blackness. 
Leon panicked. His rational brain switched off, leaving only raw fear and an all-encompassing instinct to survive. He thrashed wildly in pure darkness, slapping his fists and feet against slimy stomach walls, crying out desperately for help. His efforts, of course, were useless. He had no chance of escaping at all. He knew this, having been himself a Giant, who had overheard remarks from his Giant coworkers about how pleasurable, even how arousing it was for them, to have tiny creatures wriggling inside their bellies. Leon had successfully avoided eating a human, but he couldn’t dodge his fate. He was done for. 
Eventually, he ran out of energy and gave up, ceasing his struggle. Besides, he didn’t want to give the CEO the satisfaction. He wondered how long it would take for him to die. Oddly enough, the gastric acid that submerged his lower half wasn’t burning or tingling. He collapsed against one of the squishy walls, churning in a rhythmic motion, and began to sob. 
“Hey...” a voice called out to him, echoing in the hollow chamber. Leon just about jumped out of his skin, until he recalled Mr. Wolfe had swallowed the human woman before him. In his panic, he completely forgot about her. He wracked his brains to remember her name. 
“Uh... Little Debbie?” he answered back awkwardly, his voice quavering through his sniffles. The stomach shifted him further into the acid and a loud rumble erupted nearby, making him shiver. 
“That’s the name Bucky gave me. Actually... my real name is Penny. But I guess it doesn’t matter now, since we’re both going to die.” As she spoke, her voice moved closer to him, like she was seeking him out. For somebody who was about to die, she sounded strangely calm. 
“H-how can you be so calm?” Leon choked. 
“Oh… I’ve been eaten way too many times by now for it to faze me. Plus, I knew this day would come. I’ve prepared myself. As best I can, at least.” Her voice betrayed a trickle of fear, but she composed herself. “Perhaps it’s a fatalistic perspective, but I knew I’d be chosen for fatal ingestion at some point.” 
Leon flinched reflexively when something contacted his arm in the darkness, but he understood it was the human and leaned into her touch. Her hand felt quite large, as she was easily able to cup his shoulder. She was twice his size, after all. Leon would never get accustomed to being so small. 
“Are you in pain at all? Are you being digested?” 
“Surprisingly, no,” Leon stated. “I don’t know how that’s possible. I thought my skin would be peeling off by now.” He cringed as a chunk of pasta splashed down next to him from above, spraying him with fluid. The droplets were hot and rancid but didn’t scald him. 
“Maybe that shrinking pill had some protective medicine in it,” Penny mused. 
Leon pondered. “Perhaps. They were designing the pills for Giants to be able to eat other Giants, after all. Not that it matters now. The effect will wear off, and both of us will die with no way to get out.” 
“Giants are so barbaric,” Penny said with venom, before correcting herself. “Oh, sorry…” 
“It’s… it’s okay.” Leon shrugged. “You’re not entirely wrong. But, at the same time, we’re not all bad. Not all Giants are bloodthirsty monsters.” He paused. “I would claim to be good, but to be honest, I’m not. I’m really not. I’ve been too complacent this whole time, too passive. I should’ve done something sooner, before the whole situation got out of control. And now... now I’m paying the price with my life.” His words hitched in his throat, and Penny gave him a reassuring squeeze. 
“If only... I was stronger... If I wasn’t such a coward and a fool, I could’ve prevented this...” The tears started to flow again, and his voice wavered. “I was trying to do good, to make up for my wrongs, but I failed... I failed everyone... I’m—I’m sorry, Penny... I didn’t even have the strength to save you...” 
“There, there, it’s alright. It’s okay. You tried your best.” Penny wrapped her arms around the miniaturized man, only half her size, to give him a hug. She was in the profession of physically comforting lonely men, so such an act came naturally to her, and she was quite skilled at it. Hugging him comforted her as well, when she was so scared and sad inside. She didn’t want to die alone. 
They stayed together without speaking for a while, with only the constant noises of the stomach digesting and vitals pulsing to fill the emptiness. Leon continued to quietly weep as Penny held him. He feared dying. He had not expected to face death so soon, and he wasn’t ready. He lamented that he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to his parents. He regretted never starting a family of his own, with a wife and children. That chance was forever lost to him now. Penny cried softly too, holding the miniature man against her chest. He felt so fragile as he trembled, showing such poignant and raw emotional vulnerability to accompany his diminished physical stature, like a child. Penny was thankful to have him with her, in her last moments. Though she hardly knew him, and he was a Giant, he nevertheless seemed like a good man. 
They toppled over when Mr. Wolfe finished his meal and stood up to walk to his car. His belly was not designed for passengers to ride comfortably inside, obviously lacking seating or handholds, so the pair had no choice but to slide around in the acid as his huge strides rocked his body back and forth. The motion was smoother when he sat down in his car and started to drive. Penny righted herself again, sitting against the wall and holding Leon in her lap as best she could. He didn’t protest, and laid against her, still shaking. She stroked his hair and thought about what else she could say to him. She wanted to distract herself from the knowledge that the pills would wear off soon, and they’d both be writhing in unbearable agony. 
“What’s your name?” she inquired. 
“Leon,” he mumbled. He didn’t see much of a point in telling her, considering they wouldn’t be together long, but he had to admit it still felt nice to be acquainted. 
“Thank you, Leon, for not eating me,” she said. “I’ve never met a Giant who was nice to me. I suppose you’re right. Not all Giants are bad.” 
“I never intended to harm you,” Leon explained. “I admit, I was planning to eat you safely with the pill, but only because I had no other choice. It wasn’t something I wanted to do. I had a larger purpose.” 
“What do you mean, you had no other choice?” She was genuinely curious, seeking to understand the bizarre circumstances that brought a gentle Giant like Leon to the restaurant.  
Leon took a deep breath. “The Giant who ate us is none other than Mr. Wolfe, the CEO of Big Corp Inc., the company that sells the human pills to Bucky. He’s also my boss. He’s been engaging in illegal activity and unethical business practices for a while now, and I finally got fed up with it and devised a plan to take him down, along with Bucky, in one fell swoop.” Penny listened with wide eyes.  
“In order for my plan to work, I needed to lure Mr. Wolfe out of his office for a few hours and distract him. With luck, he’d be gone long enough for Tanya to access his computer, leak all his secret files, and shut down the entire operation. But-” 
“Who’s Tanya?” Penny interjected. 
“Oh... she’s a human. She escaped from Bucky’s, actually, so you might know her. Her name used to be Patty.” 
“Oh my gosh! Patty!” Penny exclaimed. “Of course I knew her! I was hoping she made it. It’s not like Bucky tells us what’s going on in the outside world. I’m glad she’s safe.” 
Leon gulped. “I fear she might be in harm’s way now. I wasn’t able to keep Mr. Wolfe away for as long as I would have liked. I’m assuming he’s returning to his office as we speak. Hopefully, even with everything going wrong here, she’ll still be able to succeed in shutting down Bucky and escape his office before it’s too late.” 
“I hope so too,” Penny agreed. As if on cue, they were scrambled about as Mr. Wolfe stepped out of his car and strutted into the Big Corp building. The stakes were high, but Leon felt detached as the knowledge sank in that he wouldn’t survive the encounter. What happened on the outside was crucial, of course, but less so for him personally. Nothing mattered to him anymore. 
Leon felt a rising sensation, and he recognized Mr. Wolfe must be in the elevator. His consciousness was dimming. Mr. Wolfe answered his phone, and his voice boomed through his guts in deep, rich tones, but Leon could no longer understand his words. He was fading away. He could only focus on breathing; with every breath, he strained harder to take in sufficient oxygen. His skin started to tingle, and he discerned his time had come. The pill was wearing off. He was going to die. Penny spoke to him, but he couldn’t hear her anymore. He closed his eyes and let blissful sleep spirit him away before the pain could seize him. 
Penny realized his pill was no longer protecting him, and tried her best to hold him out of the acid, despite her full awareness of the futility of her efforts. This was no easy task, and her arms tired quickly: Leon was smaller, but still half her size. Mr. Wolfe was moving around and yelling about something, making her task all the more difficult. Just when her arms were about to give out, Leon began contorting and cracking, and she lost her grip as he started to expand. Penny didn’t understand what was going on, and she had no time to react before she was compressed painfully against the wall of the stomach and then burst through. 
By the time Leon grew back into a Giant and exploded out of Mr. Wolfe’s body, Penny was exhausted. Her body was screaming in agony, particularly her left side. She slid across slippery innards and launched into a terrifying free-fall. Fortunately, she landed on something soft—Leon’s huge, bare chest—before tumbling the rest of the way to the ground. She looked up, with her heads sideways on the floor, to behold Leon as a behemoth again, unmoving. She couldn’t keep her eyes open, and her eyelids fluttered closed. She heard someone call her name and she cried out for help before losing consciousness. 
When Leon woke up, he was confused. He obviously wasn’t in a belly anymore. As he stared up at the white ceiling, he almost believed himself to be dead, but if he was dead his body wouldn’t ache so much. As his mind slowly rejoined the living, he realized he was in a bed. He was wearing a hospital gown, with an IV drip in his arm. His body had been cleaned up and bandaged, and he could see his skin had been mildly burned in various places, though not bad enough for him to be seriously injured.  
He was alive. Somehow, by some miracle, he was alive and free. Leon experienced a burst of euphoria before he was inundated with questions. How was it possible? Was he back to his normal size? What happened to Mr. Wolfe? Was Tanya successful? What happened to the human who was with him? He shot up in bed with a start and looked around him. Penny! He hoped she had survived and was safe. 
He nearly jumped out of bed to search for answers when he noticed a human-scale hospital bed set up on his bedside table. Penny was passed out in the bed, with her leg and arm in casts. Leon was relieved to see her alive, but he was saddened by her condition. He wondered how she was injured, but he didn’t have any time to think about it before she began to stir. Leon’s heart pulsed with anticipation, and he leaned in closer to see her better. 
The tiny woman murmured indistinguishably and rubbed her eyes with her free hand. She grimaced when she attempted to move her other limbs and was greeted with sharp pain. She opened her eyes and weakly turned her head to the side to see her new casts. She groaned. 
Leon shifted slightly, and Penny’s attention snapped up at the colossal movement. She let out a small yelp at the all-encompassing mass of the Giant above her, her face betraying her fear. Leon’s countenance crumbled. 
“Oh! S-sorry!” he coughed, backing off and raising his hands in a placating gesture. “I-I didn’t mean to scare you…” He sat sheepishly on his own Giant-sized bed and clasped his hands to his knees. He hadn’t considered how scary he must look to her, at his full size. 
Penny recovered from her shock swiftly. It was jarring, to have a man that had been small enough to hold in her arms suddenly towering above her on an impossible scale. However, she could see his gentle kindness reflected in his soft eyes, devoid of malice or hunger. He was a sensitive soul. 
“Don’t worry about it, Leon,” she assured him. “I was just startled. I didn’t recognize you at first. Most of the time, if I see a Giant leaning over me like that, it means I’m going to be eaten again.” She quivered at the thought. 
“Sorry,” Leon apologized again, softer this time. After being shrunk, stuck in a sandwich, and ultimately eaten by the CEO, he could relate. He felt guilty for being a Giant, guilty for his reluctant involvement in Big Corp’s treacherous ways. He wished he could take away her traumas and pain. He gave a small cough and changed the subject. “So… what happened? How are we alive? How did you get hurt? I passed out, so I don’t recall anything…” 
Penny explained, and Leon’s expression morphed into regret and shame as he was informed that he, in fact, was the one responsible for breaking Penny’s arm and leg. He started to apologize yet again, but Penny shushed him. 
“Stop that,” she scolded. “You saved me, Leon. You saved us both. I’m very grateful.” As she looked around the gargantuan hospital room, the reality started to sink in that she had escaped Bucky’s clutches, and her eyes grew wet with tears. “I’m free… I’m finally free of that place…” she murmured to herself, overcome. 
Leon melted at the touching display. He had a strong urge to reach his hands out and hold her, or touch her, but he kept his distance. He didn’t want to frighten her again. He cleared his throat.  
“Really… I should be thanking you. You comforted me in a dark moment. I was so scared…” He tightened his grip around his wrist at the memory. Penny smiled gently. He didn’t realize that he had comforted her just as much, in their bleakest moment together. She found his frank honesty regarding his vulnerability endearing. 
Before either of them could say anything more, a Giantess nurse came into the room. Penny clammed up and blanched. Leon noticed her reaction and scooted closer to her defensively with a natural instinct. 
“Oh, good! I see you both are awake!” the nurse said in a chipper voice. Oblivious to Penny’s fear, she came over to check Leon’s vitals and removed the IV from his arm. “Your injuries weren’t too bad. You’re in stable condition and good to go, sir. There’s some clothes you can change into right over there.” 
She turned and looked down at Penny. “You can leave too. There isn’t anything else we can do for those broken bones. Only time will heal those.” Without waiting for a response, she left the room in a hurry to attend to other patients. 
Leon and Penny blinked, then exchanged looks, staring at each other. They realized the problem simultaneously. Penny was unable to walk, take care of herself, or do anything, really, with a broken arm and leg. She wouldn’t be able to get home on her own, and she didn’t want to be an additional burden on her family when her mother was already so ill. On the other hand, the idea of staying in the Giant hospital by herself frightened her. She had nobody else to turn to. 
Leon licked his lips. “Um… if you need me to take you anywhere, I’d be more than happy to… or…” He wasn’t sure if what he was going to suggest was entirely appropriate, or if she’d be offended, but he’d feel worse if she needed the help and he didn’t offer it to her. He fidgeted with his hands. “If you want… I’d be happy to give you a place to stay, if you need…” His face grew warm. 
Penny brightened. “Y-yes, I’d like that,” she responded, feeling a light flutter in her chest. 
Leon swallowed. “O-okay.” He didn’t move. He wasn’t sure what to do next. He thought about that frightened look on her face when she first looked up at him, and he didn’t want to get any closer. He was paralyzed on the bed. 
“Y-you can pick me up… Leon…” Penny suggested, unable to keep a tremor from slipping into her voice. 
Leon nodded. “Let me get these clothes on first.” He wanted to hold her, more than anything, but he was nervous. He was stalling. He went into the bathroom and changed into the cheap clothes the hospital had provided him. 
He took a deep breath and reemerged. He looked down at Penny and smiled. Slowly, so as not to scare her, he walked over to her and held out his hand. With the upmost gentleness, he curled his fingers around her and lifted her off the bed, placing her fragile body gingerly into the palm of his other hand. She was trembling. 
“You doing okay?” he asked. Penny nodded wordlessly as she gazed up at him, unblinking. She was shaking, but it wasn’t merely out of fright. She was nervous, but also… exhilarated. 
He smiled in a way he hoped was reassuring, and tried his best to keep his gait smooth as he shuffled out of the room. As he walked, he kept his eyes on the little lady dwarfed by his huge hand, constantly checking on her. His heart felt lighter than it had in a very, very long time. That monster Mr. Wolfe was gone, and Leon had to assume that Tanya had succeeded in finding at least something to shut down Bucky’s. He didn’t know what would happen with his job at Big Corp, but he suddenly didn’t care either. More than anything, his conscience had finally been unchained from its terrible burden. He’d done the right thing for once. He was free.  
Chapter 42
Chapter 1
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wispisstillverybored67 · 11 months
Various HCs of Formaggio because I said so.
29-30 years old, and about 5"10.
The Denji to Nero's Aki (and Illuso's Power). Just give him some gum and he'll behave. Even though he's older this time around...
When out but not in use, Little Feet passively shrinks himself and things that he touches. Of course, he could also cut himself with the dagger to get the blood from his body to the thing that needed shrinking.
His cat's named Brie. He's sorta rough with her (assuming that the cat he stuffed in the bottle was his...), but he loves her regardless.
There's an entire expanse of tubes (think of Tube City) leading into a Lego-house in his bedroom. If it's not him and/or Brie wandering in there, it's one of the guys, whether for a prank, or they just need a break.
Much like Melone, he uses bitter humor and sass to cover up his genuine feelings. Unlike Melone, however, it's more downplayed to black comedy and whatnot, and wouldn't go to the extent of insulting his teammates.
Takes him a billion years to find out if two people are dating, or even if someone likes him or vise versa. It took him this long to find out that Proscuitto likes Nero, you think he could've guessed that Sorbet and Gelato are a thing in time?
South Park enjoyer (derogatory).
Human space heater.
He and Illuso constantly fling insults at each other back and forth, but anyone can confirm that they're besties.
Noticeably low opinion of himself, and is surprised that the group hasn't gave up on him yet.
The one most likely to dare the other guys to the dumbest things. Of course, they often take it.
This one would have his spritework resemble Leon Kuwata and Hajime Hinata.
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ULTRAMagic Prelude Chapter 25
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“Well that was unpleasant…” Desislav groaned with a shudder as he emerged from his tube. He was getting his bearings until he looked down into the pit. His head spun and sent him reeling into Dragoslava’s arms.
“Whoa, easy, big guy…”
“Drago? Drago, thank God.” He took a second to catch his breath.
Tusk emerged from his tube, feeling uneasy. “Tendrils! Strands! Ew, fibers! Sinew! Ack!” he babbled with his own shudder.
“Well then, organic armor” Deimos observed. “Who would’ve thought…” 
Desislav looked at Tusk. He was wearing armor made of calcified plates and what looked like muscle fiber. “Are you aware of what you’re wearing?”
“Yes… It feels so weird… What about you?”
Blood-Wraith lifted up Desislav’s arm. The satyr’s body was covered in a black goo that pulsed with light like the walls before. “Amazing… How artistic… maybe I should’ve asked for something like this.”
Desislav took his arm away. “Excuse me, but weren’t you the one who tossed me into the wall in the first place?”
“Heh, heh heh… sorry about that…”
“Oh, I can’t stay mad at you, blood.” Desislav gave him a hug. “I’ve been through way worse… What's going on with the new guy?”
Vlastimir finally poked his face through the amoeba’s plasm and membrane. “Okay, you can let me out now…”
“...Oh just getting into trouble,” Deimos answered.
“Ew, sticky, ick, ooey-gooey… Just like that one time I got warped into a transdimensional serpent… ha…”
Blood-Wraith was confused, but elected not to comment. “So how do we tackle… whatever this pit is?”
Deimos took a moment to assess the situation. The thing at the bottom of the pit was warping everything around it. Even he got uneasy just looking at it. “Well… I don’t want to alarm everyone, but that is a black hole down there. I was hoping for a portal or a gateway, but I see The Great Unspeaker has a morbid sense of humor…”
“What’s a black hole?” Desislav asked with worry in his voice.
“A black hole or singularity is a region of spacetime where gravity is so intense that almost NOTHING can escape it. You either need to travel faster than light or be 4th dimensional or higher… which we are not. Typically they form when a big enough star DIES, HA! I’ve always wanted to be sucked into one…” Vlastimir…explained… Everyone gave him weird looks.
Desislav looked into the pit, then back at the group. “So no going back once we jump in… How do we get out?”
Vlastimir chuckled. “Oh I don’t know, probably a white hole, the hypothetical inverse that’ll spit us out somewhere else…”
“Hypothetical, right… Alright everyone, on the count of three we all jump. Any objections?” 
There were none. The fall into the pit and black hole was a surreal experience. The Crimson Abyss kept shrinking until it vanished. Time stood still, yet felt like it was progressing. There was nothing to see and nothing to feel. Blood-Wraith felt strangely at home as it was like the time before he was born. He looked around only to see his friends and family frozen in place. Were they still moving? After losing track of time, a strange force hit him followed by Blood-Wraith landing on something.
“Blood, are you okay?” Dragoslava asked as she shook him awake.
“Who? What? Where are we?” Snapping out of his daze was going slowly, but Blood-Wraith could tell that he was in the void of space. Furthermore, he was on Leif’s back with the others.
After destroying an asteroid with a fireball, Leif spoke. “Long time no see, Blood. Sorry about the stuff you guys had to go through.”
“Oh right, dragon time…” he mumbled.
“No need! I’ve got a friend who’s agreed to take us where we need to go!”
For some odd reason, Leif was holding Vlastimir in his claws. It certainly made Blood-Wraith wonder what was even going on. Upon fully recovering from his delirium, he was greeted by the sight of a planetoid shrouded in dark clouds. These storms formed a giant eye that was looking right at them. Leif sped towards it, plunging into the atmosphere. Thunder cracked around them as the wind battered their faces. It was the bizarrest planetoid Dragoslava and Blood-Wraith had ever seen, being nothing like the others.
“Alright everyone, take five” Leif stated as he landed, followed by everyone getting off. It’ll be a bit before we arrive at the Dark Grand Desert.”
Dragoslava looked around at the peculiar landscape. It was beyond imagination, looking as if someone had created their own take on The Unlight itself. “Just where in the blue blazes are we?” The plants made no sense, the fauna were outlandish, and the layout of the land was completely irrational.
“Simple! You’re currently standing one me. I’m the planet itself” A goopy entity welcomed them as it shook her hand. “Leif, you got the Dracul boy?”
“Yes, he’s right here.”
“Excellent. Drop him right in that pool…”
“Hey, wait a second! What is…” Before Vlastimir could properly react, he landed on something soft with a plop and began sinking. He tried to complain as his face went below the surface, but this resulted in him getting a mouthful of black goo. He made a few attempts to escape, but too much of the goo clung to him. He was fully covered in the stuff, heavy and cumbersome, and eventually gave up as the pool went still.
“Some help he was…” Leif lamented. “Don’t worry, everyone. It’s for his own good.”
Deimos laughed. “Well given what we went through in the abyss, I’d dare say a time is in order.”
“I bet all of you are wondering what’s going on…” The entity observed.
Dragoslava looked slightly horrified. “Uh, yeah…”
Desislav swallowed. “Same…”
“First things first, call me Darkness. Secondly, I asked Leif to bring me Vlastimir. He’s been getting into a lot of trouble as of late, so I’ve elected to keep him in my blood where he can’t hurt himself. Also his patron, The Screaming God, is annoyed at the fact he won’t acknowledge him. Getting back to your situation, in return I’ve agreed to take you all to the Dark Grand Desert to deal with that foolish Lich.” Vlastimir began making attempts to escape the pool, unable to break its surface.
Deimos walked over and inspected their newfound host. “You seem familiar… don’t tell me! It’s on the tip of my non-existent tongue…” It then occurred to him. “Wait a second! You’re… no way, it can’t be…”
“What is it, Uncle Deimos?” Blood-Wraith also felt the familiarity, but could not place it.
“This! This is the Prima Materia Sword!”
Darkness smiled “Dad!” He hugged Deimos, followed by Blood-Wraith. “And brother, I'm so happy to finally meet you! I have heard a great deal about your adventures so far.”
Deimos took some of the blood from the pool and inspected it in his hand. “I never thought the sword would change like this. What a breakthrough! This… This stuff is essentially concentrated Prima Materia, a physically manifested form of it. I mean technically this stuff is all around us as it is the building blocks of existence, but to see it in this state is incredible. Presumably this can only exist in a realm such as the Deep Nebula, so I definitely made the right choice on the location for my sword. Utterly amazing. And let the records show, Leif, that this is one of the reasons why I should go through my convoluted reincarnation…”
“Duly noted, brother. Duly noted.”
Desislav stroked his chin. “Okay then. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Darkness. I take it you also want to stop the Lich, but why haven’t you yet? It seems like you can. I mean no criticism, just curiosity.”
“Yeah, I hear you… The problem is twofold: I can’t actually enter the Dark Grand Desert, only go there. The other part is that I can’t attack the Lich, no matter what I do.”
“I can vouch for that…” Deimos waved his hand, forming a throne for him to sit on from the land itself. “We can’t completely control Darkness, but we do have a great deal of influence over him. We are his creator after all.”
Tusk was busy taking off his armor and placing it on a stand he had made. “Well that bites… Can I have a moment to relax?”
“Why of course” Darkness replied. “Here, let me make things more comfortable…” He then snapped his fingers, causing a great palace to form around everyone. “I imagine going through the Crimson Abyss was quite harrowing…” With another snap of the fingers, seats and rests for everyone (aside from Leif) materialized.
Things from this point onwards were calm. It was a very nice reprieve from everything that had transpired. Darkness as a whole was unsettling given the surreal environment. At the same time, it came with an eerie tranquility that was relaxing the more they thought about it. Everybody would take this chance to practice their Alchemy and plan for the upcoming battle. Blood-Wraith on the other hand wanted to explore. He had not come back for some time, so Darkness went looking for him.
“Blood!? Oh Blood! Blo…oh, there you are… Need some help?”
Blood-Wraith was stuck in a spherical plant pod with his head sticking out. He was also hanging from a giant stalk. “Oh no, it’s fine…” The pod gurgled. “Okay, I’m stuck. It snuck up on me when I wasn’t looking…”
“You got to be careful out here. I have no idea what most of these plants do half of the time. Everything keeps changing while I’m busy maintaining my core activity. Trust me, it’s hard being a sentient planet…”
“These plants have it out for me. I think the forest wants to eat me. I’ve had to stumble out of multiple sticky plants already…”
“Oh great, it’s one of those days… HEY! I WAS TALKING TO HIM!” Darkness shouted as a giant flower came up and swallowed Blood-Wraith. “BAD PLANT! YOU… CAN’T… EAT HIM!” He fought with the plant, finally pulling his brother out… only for the two to fall into a pod that coiled around them, sealing them inside.
“Does this happen on a regular basis?”
“Only when there’s visitors… OKAY, ENOUGH!” Darkness focused on the forest, turning all of the problematic plants into beautiful flowers and trees. “Good lord…”
“So…uh, were those the carnivorous plants I’ve been reading about?” Blood-Wraith remarked as he inspected the flowers, a bit bewildered.
Darkness gave a regretful laugh. “Kind of. Blood, I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I’m starting to think I need to invite people to come live here.”
“It’s alright… I think that might have been karma for what I did to Desislav and Tusk…”
“Nah, that was just bad luck. Again, I have a hard time controlling what grows on me.” He then handed an apple-like fruit to Blood-Wraith. “Surely you’ve had moments where you’ve gotten over excited, right?”
Blood-Wraith nodded. “Yeah. One time I raced Leif around the Singing Storm Tower only to find out he wasn’t actually racing me and had gone inside…”
Darkness laughed. “Did you win though?”
“Hm… Yes, yes I did.”
The two went for a bit of a walk after that. Things were a little shaky as Darkness tried to keep everything under control. Not wanting to get eaten again, Blood-Wraith suggested the open fields. A fine choice as they were quite nice and peaceful. Seizing the opportunity to get to know his brother, Darkness proposed they play some games. This ranged from tag to hide & seek. Things were quite lonely in the Deep Nebula, so this was a welcome change of pace. The siblings darted around until Darkness eventually pounced on Blood-Wraith.
“Hey, I’m the seeker!” Blood-Wraith stated. “That’s cheating!” 
“Too bad. I won because you didn’t catch me!” Darkness proclaimed. They both laughed it off.
Sitting up, Blood-Wraith noticed what looked like a setting sun. “I guess we should head back, shouldn’t we?”
“Yeah, it is getting late… Is something wrong, Blood?”
Blood-Wraith hugged Darkness. “Brother? I don’t want to go fight the Lich…”
“Ah, I see. Don’t worry, it’s going to be alright.”
“My last battle with that monster really hurt. Everyone nearly died…” Blood-Wraith sniffled, then began to cry.
Darkness continued to hug his brother. “There there, Blood. Look at this way; you all survived, didn’t you?”
“Well there you go. Look, I know it’s hard. I do not envy you in the slightest. You can’t give up now, not after how far you’ve come. If not for the others, then you at least owe it to yourself to keep going. Overcome the odds and better yourself. If you can get past this obstacle, you can overcome anything. On the other hand I don’t blame you for being afraid, especially given how young you are…”
“I wish mom and dad were here…”
“Pardon my asking, but who are your parents?”
Blood-Wraith thought about this. “I… don’t know. I haven’t met any yet.”
Darkness shook his head. “You poor thing… Alright, how about this: I can’t find your parents right now, but I can treat you to a nice, warm meal and a comfy bed. Sound good?”
“Yeah. Thanks, brother…”
Next: Chapter 26
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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