#black OCs
tododeku-or-bust · 2 months
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💖Plotting Mischief After Class💖
I'm squealing and kicking my feet seeing Philia, Calix, and Kairos on screen like this 🥹😭 The Try Again Trio is in full effect! Thank you so much to @droodlebug for looking at my refs and my shitty sketch and bringing them to life like this. They look exactly like they do in my head at this age. I will absolutely be back!❤️💕
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This design came together rather well….
Here’s Mallory my 27 yr old goth girl who talks the dead
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miyuhpapayuh · 9 months
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As soon as Leon walked through the door of Brandon's apartment, nostalgia hit him like a Mack truck.
The air still felt familiar. Every memory of their friendship within these walls came flooding back to him.
“You turned this into a bachelor pad, huh?” Leon cracks.
Brandon laughs. “Ah, had to upgrade the futon and card table at some point, right?”
Leon joined in the laughter, shaking his head. “We lived a lil rough, I won't lie.”
“We made do, though.”
“Please, our mamas woulda killed us if we didn't.”
“You right about that.” Brandon nods, as they move into the living room and take a seat.
The first conversation they've had in five years.
“So, what's up?” Leon asks.
“I wanna start by apologizing to you. I know I was a hothead and I blew you off, a lot. I said some fucked up shit to you and I can't take it back. It took me a long time to realize that you were just looking out for me, cause I just wanted to have fun with my dawg. I wasn't thinking about later in life or the consequences that would come. You were like a brother to me and it's been hell out here without friends like you in my corner.”
Leon nods, knowing it took a lot for them to get to this point, and he knew it was a genuine apology.
“It's all good, man. I said some fucked up shit to you too. I was mad for a while. A long time. Cause we was into it over crazy shit. Petty shit. Yeah, you blew me off a whole lot and I used to take up for yo ass at every stop, cause you was my boy. But I couldn't stick around for the disrespect. But, we can't go through the rest of our lives holdin’ onto that shit.”
“I understand that. I understood it then, it just pissed me off cause fuck you mean we ain't cool no more?” He laughs, Leon joining in. “I'm just glad that I could get you here and sincerely say that. I didn't know what to say for a long time. Sorry just didn't seem good enough. I'm sorry for that, too.”
“It's all good, seriously. I'm sorry, too.” Leon says.
“For what?” Brandon’s brows scrunch.
“I harbored some hatred for you when you and my sister started… whatever y'all got goin’ on. Did the usual overbearing brother thing, but she was hellbent on you becoming a stand-up dude, and I can see that she wasn't lying. It was just so weird to me.”
“I get it, honestly. I mean, that's your little sister. I would never disrespect either of you, things just sorta happened. We knew how it looked and I knew that you and I needed to talk.”
“Well again, I appreciate that man. And just as long as I ain't gotta knock your head between the stove and refrigerator, I'm cool with you and Eryn doing what y'all doing.”
“I know that came straight from the heart.” Brandon nods before laughing.
“I'm glad you know,” Leon says, laughing as well.
“Now that all of that is out the way, what's new with you? Cause I did hear about a girlfriend.”
“Man, ima marry that woman.” Leon shakes his head, a smirk appearing on his lips.
“Word??” Brandon asks, cocking his head to the side.
“No doubt about it.”
“Damn, what's that like?”
And boy, did Leon spend the next almost hour filling his old friend in on everything he'd experienced with Zora thus far.
“Am I invited to the wedding, at least?”
“Come on man, of course!”
They slapped hands and hugged like the brothers they've always been.
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Returning back to his apartment, Leon was immediately greeted by his yawning girlfriend, as she decided to stay up and wait for him.
“Hey baby,” he says, placing a kiss on her forehead as she wraps her arms around him, swaying in their hug as usual.
“Hey, how'd everything go?”
“It went well, actually. We both apologized to each other, caught up like old friends and he's invited to our wedding now, whenever that is.” He snorts, making her join in with her own laughter.
“I'm glad y'all made up, that puts me at so much ease, cause now you're at ease.” She says, rubbing his back.
He smiles, kissing her nose. “Me too, baby. Is that why you're still up?”
“Yeah, I thought something happened. I contemplated on calling you, but then I heard the door unlock.” She smiles.
“You still sleepy?” He asks.
“Eh, not so much anymore. We can still jump back in the bed though. I'm freezing.”
“I'll say,” he steps back to look over her attire, which consists of one of his sweatshirts pulled over her nightgown and fuzzy socks.
“What?” She laughs, playfully smacking his cheek as he shakes his head, his eyes landing back on her face.
“You look beautiful.” He says before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her back into his room.
Back under the covers and in each others arms, the couple flip through the channels to find something to watch.
“Nah. Half & Half is on tv??” Zora squints, making Leon snicker.
“Did you forget your contacts again?”
“No, I just didn't wanna put them back in yet cause I might fall asleep again soon. I brought my glasses, I just need to get them out of my bag.”
Without another word, he hands her the remote and slides out the bed to retrieve them for her.
“Thank you,” she giggles, putting them on.
“No problem, is that what you wanted to watch?”
“Mmm… nah, let's see what else is on. It's just interesting that it's accessible like that. It's hard finding what you used to watch all the time.”
“Yeah, you right. I remember how hype I was when they brought Jamie back into the rotation.”
“See, he's better than Martin!”
“Yeah, I have to agree.”
“He was way too sexual for me, personally.”
“Yeah, what you be saying? Men are gross? I agree.”
“Good. Plus, you're not a man, you're an angel.” She kisses his face, making him laugh.
“And you're not a woman, you're a goddess.” He pulls her closer to him, continuing to flip through the channels.
“Ooh, my girls!” She all but yells as Living Single pops up.
“There we go.” He chuckles, sitting the remote down.
“Oh, it's one of my favorite ones too!”
“This the one where they were in a singing group?”
“The flavorettes, yes!”
“O had that nasty ass piece on his head, man.” He snickers.
“That was so ugly, I agree. It was so cute how he was still smitten by Synclaire and she was being so mean!” Zora laughs.
“We like that shit.”
“We know,” she responds, still laughing.
After watching Max fall of the stage and get hit with roses, she dozed off again, this time more comfortably since Leon was back underneath her.
“I love you.” He whispers, kissing her forehead.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“I don't wanna work here anymore.” Zora mumbles to herself as she leans on the bar.
“Then quit!”
“Not that simple,” she sighs, tapping her nails against the freshly disinfected countertop.
As if on cue, the restaurant phone rings.
“Thank you for calling the pub, what can I get you?”
“Yeah, let me get the Wednesday special and a side of Zora Jean!” Nique says before cracking up into the phone.
“Girl!” Zora laughs, covering her mouth and looking around her area.
“What do you want, man?”
“What time do you get off?”
“Six, why?”
“You'll see when we get there. I'll meet you at your place.”
“Do I need to dress up or something?”
“Nope. No more questions! See ya later, love you, bye!”
After work, freshly showered and dressed down in her comfy sweatsuit and uggs, she trudges towards her best friend's car as the wind picks up.
“Hey, lover!” Nique greets once Zora’s situated inside.
“Hey! Where’re we going?”
“You'll see,” she sings, before pulling out of the lot and to their destination.
“So, how was your day?”
“Tiring. I think I'm kinda ready to let it go, friend.” Zora sighs, sticking her finger in the middle of her curly bun to scratch.
“Really?” Nique smirks. “Why what happened?”
“Nothing happened,” she laughs. “I'm just kinda over being there. And I know, we talk about it all the time and I continue to stick it out and I've made it work for me, so it's been extra great.. but I'm not feeling it anymore. The money isn't even worth it.”
“It's okay to feel burnt out. That's why I've always been pro-fuck that job. And no, I'm not gonna insist that you come work with me, I know we're past that. But this could be a good thing for you. You wanna find a new job?”
“No, I need a revamp on my career, as a whole. I wanna… I wanna be the artist of my dreams, again.” She somberly smiles, looking toward the window as her emotions slowly take hold of her.
Nique looks in her direction for a split second, unable to hide her smile.
“I was hoping you'd say that.”
Looking back in her direction, Zora begins to ask what she meant, but then she begins to recognize her surroundings.
“The Mint?”
“The one and only, babe.” She cheeses, just as Zora covers her face, unable to hold her tears in any longer.
“Oh my god,” she sobs.
“Oh, Jean. Don't cry on me!”
Coming to a red light, she consoles her best friend, rubbing her back with her free hand.
“It's okay, I've been feeling like crying for weeks now. You know how I hold shit in— but, seriously this is so surreal. You just know what I'm thinking and how to execute it every single time. Who are you!” She hysterically asks, making them both laugh as the light turns back green.
“The greatest friend in the world— at least that's what my badge says.” She shrugs.
“Jesus,” Zora playfully scoffs, wiping her wet face.
“Seriously, though. Thank you.”
“Come on, you know you deserve this. It's been in the works for almost six years!”
“Ugh, that's so depressing. Isn't it?”
“Nah. It would be depressing if you still wanted to come home covered in grease after six years. You've had your epiphany and now it's time to plan!”
“You said it! I'm ready.”
“That's all I need to hear!”
Moving inside the spacious museum, the two look around and begin formulating their ideas.
“Wow, I haven't been out here in so long.” Zora looks around in awe.
“Yeah, they rightfully changed some shit around! It was starting to get stale in here.”
“Hm, what pieces could I put in here?”
“All of them?” Nique looks at her like she'd just grown a second head.
“Stop looking at me like that! I'm just asking. I also need to create so much more.”
“Mmhm, get that portfolio together and fast. You know we gotta start making ourselves real familiar with these people. “
“Yes, mom. I'm on it.” 
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It feels good to be back.
@ghostfacekill-monger @sheabuttahwrites @honestpreference @thegifstories @harmshake @henneseyhoe @headcannonxgalore @blackpinup22 @motheroffae @mauvecherie-writes @blackerthings @megamindsecretlair @abeautifulmindexposed @blowmymbackout
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wreath-of-leon · 25 days
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me realizing i can just infodump and repost about my ocs and world on here without worrying cuz my posts only get three likes each time, ALSO I FORGOT TO DRAW HER FRECKLES IN THE FIRST PICTURE IM SORRY:
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Svetanya, long for Sveta, is a deer satyr. She's pansexual, her pronouns are she / her, and she's trans (specifically identifying as transfemme, and probably deer-related xenos in a modern!AU). If you really wanna get specific, I think she socially transitioned at a very early age (probably 7 or 8), but doesn't want to medically (or magically) transition. (of course I added magic transition, queer fantasy is supposed to be fun!). In these pictures, she's around her late twenties.
Satyrs often live in very communal environments—lack of an enforced hierarchy, individualism, large, ambiguous family units—the whole shebang. Unlike Atlanticians (Merfolk / Seafolk) and harpies, who get along based on similar hierarchical societies, satyrs do not get along with either on the same basis. Sveta, however, is unique in the sense she was not raised in a communal satyr circle.
Although living amongst satyrs is considerably ideal for a lot of humans, satyrs are often targeted by predator animals like bears or wolves as if they were actually animals. The communal living style, similar to herding behaviors, is useful to avoiding attacks, but not full proof. Not only this but the primarily rural lifestyle relies on the environment, of which several factors can decrease crop yields and production. As a result, living in a satyr herd can be quite difficult and challenging.
Sveta's parents, who acknowledged this significant challenge, were tired of predation. So, as a solution, they decided to integrate into a more urban, human-centric society.
Sveta, growing up within a rigid class structure, adapted personality traits and behaviors unlike any other satyrs. She can be arrogant, ignorant, sardonic, and sometimes vain and self-important. Though not only are these traits informed by her upbringing, but by the people she surrounds herself with. She was taken up by a certain human noble, Aylin Ernheim, impressed with her eye for fashion, and gave her a job as a tailor. Something both her parents were weary about, but allowed.
Aylin, in his neglectfulness, allows Sveta to face the brunt of abuse from other vain, self-important nobles. Although on the outside, she parades herself as bold, confident, and snarky, she's only really kept around as upholstery. She's deeply aware of her class, and thinks of herself as someone who exploited others to get where she is. In other words, a bit of imposter syndrome. Despite her sometimes rude honesty and lack of a filter, she knows where the boundary is because it's made implicitly clear.
Sveta also struggles with objectification. She cares a lot about appearances, and can unhealthily fixate on her body (fur, height, face, hair, antlers, clothes) due to her lack of self-esteem. When stripped of the exterior, she's overwhelmingly quiet, observant, and introspective. A type of quiet that'd make you think she was judging you, but she's really wondering if you're judging her.
Kinda went hard into all the negative aspects of her but she has positive aspects too guys, I promise!!!
Because she feels obligated to do stuff for others, she's very supportive, caring, and sensitive. Even if she's kind of being a brat to you while she does it. She's also witty. Satyrs are usually taught more practical skills in agriculture but her intelligence is purely based on word form rather than movement (also because she's just not strong enough for farm work, VERY fragile in terms of super heavy physical labor like that, and especially because of her antlers which are her pride and joy).
Because of her body image issues, she gets bouts of depression—sort of like seasonal depression—when her antlers annually shed (like real deer!). I wanna draw her when her regrown antlers are short and velvety, i think it'd be cute.
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mr-laveau · 1 month
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Hey hey have some small info cards I did because I love mythology and I like sharing my thoughts on it through characters and yes, most NeXus characters are based on mythology and I will tell you about that.
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neonchipz · 23 days
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Violeta, my comfort oc :) 💜
She is the moment, she is THE demon 🥀
༺♥༻❀༺♥༻ ༺♥༻❀༺♥༻
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pabloalwaysdrawin · 3 months
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howdy!! i'd like to submit one of my ocs ^^
this is kento sasaki, one of my bnha ocs!
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(just now realizing the pockets arent even on that second piece D:)
i made him during my initial consumption of bnha back in middle school, and honestly i think he's grown up with me even if i wasn't into bnha for a few years in between then and now. he used to be this shy, timid little dude (i say little. he's like 6' 1'), and now he's a little more outgoing and friendly. he loves hatsune miku and alt fashion! a lot of his style is sort of emo/goth adjacent, and his hero costume is techwear inspired. also he's in a loving poly relationship with some canon characters because every time i make a fandom oc i gotta make em kiss a canon character lmao /hj.
i used to have a major thing for experiment ocs, so his quirk (kitsune) was given to him artificially. essentially the people doing the experimenting were trying to see if they could give quirks to others by using the dna of the original person who had it (think similar to how ofa works, but it has some extra steps since not all quirks can be passed on by eating a hair lmao. i don't think i've fleshed the idea out enough to give a full explanation). similar to how midoriya has to get used to having powers for the first time, kento deals with a lot more intense side effects from using his quirk, since he hasn't had it all his life. more muscle soreness, migraines and dizziness, general fatigue, etc. over time, as he trains with it more, the symptoms lessen and he knows how to deal with them better ^^
when i was in middle school and first drew him, i was NOT well versed in drawing Black characters. like at all. i've been trying to find some old art of him to compare to how he looks now, but i've scoured all of my sketchbooks and found nothing, which makes me kinda sad. so, instead, here's an artist's rendition (can you even call it that if the original thing is art?) of his original design, compared to his revamp!
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i think the reason i used to draw him with straight hair was because i didn't know how to draw any sort of Black hairstyles outside of maybe afros iirc (which wasn't an excuse at all but baby me thought it was) and i wanted to give him long hair, because i've always loved designing masc characters with long hair. so, when i redesigned him, i decided to give him locs so he can still have cool long hair :3. he usually wears it in a half-up ponytail! i recently started giving him bangs, too (like the sketch at the beginning) and i love how they look on him!!
last little blurb before i go: i was watching some alt fashion tiktoks the other day, and cynlotus is EXACTLY the vibe i want kento to have. everything about them is so super cool, and their style is definitely the type of stuff kento would wear! they even look like him, which i think is super awesome!
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okay, i think that's everything i have to say about him! i just love my boy so much and i love rambling about him whenever i get the chance <3
OOP! I used to be a My Hero girlie. Alas... Alas. I got out long before y'all wasted all y'all's time on that ending though. Sorry. I put in work under my moniker though, so that it shall stay!
It's good to see that you've grown! You didn't know before, but you know now, and you apply now! Definitely loving the new design 👍🏾 I'm glad you realized that you can have long hair on Black characters without it having to be thin textured waves 🙏🏾 may everyone have that revelation. Kento wears it much better.
And 👀👀😳😳 that is a fine person right there! Their vibes are 🤌🏾🔥 so I love both that and your growth for Kento!
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raviyoli-webp · 5 months
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Live reaction of how I feel whenever I wear Radian's stupid golden egg collar lmfao
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real-hot-grl-shi · 3 months
ok but y'all im actually debating on who I should pair denki with I need yalls help again im so sorry
Raven or Angel y'all
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Decided to redraw + redesign an old childhood oc from my middle school days….
She was an elf named citrus, and princess with magical powers who had a pet dragon XD
Haha good times….
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A little late but here’s a quick sketch of my mermaid magical girl Marjorie for Mermay ~🩵🐠✨🫧
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
The faces of Mocha.
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moppopus · 1 year
Designed a human pneuma and drew him with his friendo hype hehehe! @goregurt
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mr-laveau · 4 months
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Designs for Uriah and Zachary, the vampire parent-child duo from my series NeXus
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nill0013 · 12 days
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My little Jade 🕸️
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