#bitchy classmates
lemonidae · 15 days
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earthandsunandmoon · 8 months
Never understand people buying insects online to pin...like bro go outside ....
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totheidiot · 4 months
well, i feel like shit. time to isolate myself from my acquaintances and slowly withdraw from them i guess!
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minty-bubblegum · 1 year
There's no cheezy moon to my minty bubblegum dramatic sigh I'm so bored 😔
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p4nishers · 1 year
me 🤝 eddie diaz
being the bitchiest person you'll ever meet
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dykegirlfriend · 2 years
people really think they do something by saying "I hate you" like bitch I hate me too, you're not special get in line
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aberrantthornes · 2 years
I am going to visit our beautiful capital (berlin) due to a school trip next week, so I will be unavailable and inactive until the next weekend. I might log in every now and then, if I have wifi, but I probably won't be able to work on replies or asks.
Also, I am sorry I did not get anything done before leaving tomorrow, but my brain has been acting really stupid and I literally could not sit down and work on something because I knew I would not finish it before I leave.
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hoshiyoshis · 2 years
also ughhghg im gonna get some stupid shit off my chest so
tw for talk abt body image shit
i think the weirdest part of growing up fat has been realizing... i’m not as big as i thought i was?
like. yes im chubby, yes i have a tummy, i know these things as a fact bc i can see myself in the mirror. but when i went off to school (pre-pandemic), i saw girls who were bigger than me. fuck, i was friends w girls who were bigger than me. im plus size, but idk one of them told me that i’m not fat compared to her (bc she was both taller and stockier than me) and it just made me realize how damaging theater was for me while growing up??? that my high school drama teacher claimed to understand what it was like being a bigger girl in theatre only for me to realize years later that i was nowhere near as big as she kept making me feel like i was
like. fuck man no wonder i dealt w body dysmorphia for so fucking long. even now i always feel bigger than i am and it fucks w me a lot. i know im fat, but im not morbidly obese as ppl kept (and keep) making me feel like i am. im just short-ish and i have a chubby tummy.
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say-al0e · 6 months
Movie Night
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Rating: M | This is smut! No one under 18, Minors DNI!
Summary: You've been crushing on Eddie Munson for ages. When you finally ask him over to a watch a movie, you learn that your feelings are definitely requited. Warnings: General mention of Eddie's reputation/being mistreated for said reputation, protected PinV, oral (m receiving). Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader Word Count: 7.8k (it got away from me, my bad)
“I think I’m going to ask him out.”
Steve, who had been sorting through tapes on autopilot - huffing at each return that needed to be rewound, muttering under his breath each time your perch on the counter jeopardized his precarious pile of returns - lifted his head at the sound of your voice.
A quick glance around the store reminded him that it was empty, save for the two of you, Dustin Henderson, and Eddie Munson. It was obvious that you weren’t talking about Dustin and he knew you weren’t talking about him - been there, done that; be kind, don’t rewind. 
The only logical conclusion was Eddie and that pulled a grimace from Steve as he spared your one-time classmate a  weary glance.
Across the store, Eddie watched as Dustin - with flailing limbs and grinning lips - sorted through tapes in search of a film neither you nor Steve had ever heard of. He looked amused, eyes wide and bright as he listened to Dustin, and it brought a soft smile to your lips that Steve quickly erased.
“You’re going to ask out Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson?” Steve shuddered, as if he couldn’t bear to think about it - only a little exaggerated, a little dramatic in a way he often teased Dustin for - and shook his head as he transferred his pile to the cart. “Why would you do something like that?”
Though Steve had made great strides in shedding the high school persona he’d spent so long clinging to - he was no longer the Grade-A douchebag he once was - there were still moments of reflexive snobbery that made you roll your eyes. It didn’t help that there was an undercurrent of jealousy, spurred by Dustin’s newfound Eddie worship, but he seemed to realize his mistake as he held up a hand in apology.
“He’s cute.” There was a defensive bite to your tone, sharp and pointed - a derisive huff that made Steve raise a brow - as you spared the pair a glance.
Though most wouldn’t believe it, you’d always found Eddie cute. When he returned to school your junior year (his first senior year) with longer hair, wearing a leather jacket, you’d been drawn to him immediately. There was something about him that enchanted you - his hair, his smile, his big brown eyes, his theatrics, his give-no-fucks attitude - and saddled you with one of the biggest crushes you’d ever had.
Despite the years of pining, you never acted on it. Eddie never gave you much reason to believe your feelings might be requited, other than the time you caught him checking out your ass beneath your cheer skirt senior year, but things were different now. High school insecurity was gone and you no longer cared what anyone thought about your personal life.
And if Eddie truly had no interest in you, you wouldn’t be stuck in a building with him five days a week.
Steve’s face remained sour, uncertain - despite his knowledge that Eddie was almost perfectly your type - so you rolled your eyes and jostled the desk, just to make him jump. When he glared at you, you grinned.
“I mean, what’s the harm? Eddie’s always been nice to me. At worst, I pull a Henderson and replace you with Eddie.”
“Please. My life would drastically improve if you left me alone.” At your mock outrage, Steve sneered - though you could see the glimmer of amusement in his eyes, one that confirmed he was joking, though he would likely apologize for being bitchy later, anyway.
Steve shook his head as he shoved a tape, ready to be marked as a return, into your hands. “Of course Munson has always been nice to you. You’re hot.” It was said easily, as if it was the most logical explanation, a point blank huff that had him shrugging when you teasingly wagged your brows. “You know I think you’re hot. Shut up. And Munson’s weird, but he’s still a guy.”
The sharp nudge of your foot to Steve’s side drew another annoyed huff, this one accompanied by a swift swat to your foot - one that made you laugh and Steve roll his eyes.
“He’s not weird,” you defended, eyes narrowed as you scratched at the Family Video sticker covering the spine of a tape. “Just because you’re not into the same stuff doesn’t mean he’s, like, a freak or something. He’s just a guy. A cute guy, but just a guy.”
Finally, as if he’d come to terms with the fact that no work would be done until you’d decided to make your move or backed down, deflated and intending to leave well enough alone, Steve turned to lean against the counter. He folded his arms over his chest and allowed his gaze to flicker between you and Eddie.
“You’re really into him?” 
Steve knew that you were. Just as you’d given him dating advice, he’d given you the same in return and knew that you had a thing for metalheads in theory - guys with leather jackets and music collections that made his head hurt - but the last person you actually pursued was more like him. It was always the safe choice and he wanted to be certain that you knew what you were getting yourself into.
“You’re totally forgetting that I thought Billy Hargrove was gorgeous until he opened his mouth and proved himself to be a Grade-A dickhead. At least Eddie’s really a nice guy.” With a sigh, you slid from the counter - careful not to destroy Steve’s pile - and frowned as you spared Eddie another sideways glance.
A dejected sigh escaped, fell from your mouth in a puff of hot air, as you emulated Steve’s stance and folded your arms over your chest. You understood where Steve was coming from - his question was fair, one that made perfect sense - but it made your chest ache as you searched for the words to adequately describe what you’d been thinking.
“I just… I’m tired of going for the safe choice, you know? I’m tired of looking for people that won’t disappoint my parents or make judge-y assholes look twice, even if they make me miserable.” With a forced laugh, a sound that rang hollow in your own ears, you turned your full attention back to Steve. “I think you’re the only person I ever even attempted to date that I halfway liked and we both know how that ended up.” Steve made a face, one that clearly displayed his understanding, as he tilted his head to study Eddie, trying to see what you saw. “Eddie’s cute and sweet and I’m not just into him because I feel like I’m supposed to be.”
Steve understood, if only vaguely - he’d chased after people just because he felt he was supposed to, spent his entire high school career being a guy he didn’t really like because that was who he felt he was supposed to be - so he nodded. With a wave of his hand, he gestured to Eddie. “I say, if you want to ask him out, just do it. There’s no chance he’ll turn you down. He’s weird, not an idiot.”
With Steve’s encouragement, if only barely, you turned to face Eddie. There was a fire burning in the pit of your stomach, flames lapping at your already warm skin, as you considered exactly how to approach him. There was no sense in trying to beat around the bush - he was sweet, flirty and kind, but would need to be asked directly, just to avoid any misunderstanding - and you knew that you couldn’t have a conversation with him with Dustin Henderson stuck to his side.
An exasperated sigh escaped Steve, who had only just turned back to his work, as he held his hands up in defeat. “What?” Warm brown eyes narrowed, focused on you in an exasperated frustration that made you laugh. “What do you want me to do? I’m not asking him out for you.”
Laughter bubbled in your throat, escaped a little louder than you intended and drew Eddie and Dustin’s attention as you imagined Steve playing the middleman for you and Eddie. With a dismissive wave of your hand, you turned your head and pouted at Steve. “Take responsibility for your child and distract Henderson. I can’t ask Eddie out with him right there.”
Steve fixed you with a wholly unimpressed stare, not at all surprised by the turn your day had taken. “Fine,” he sighed, turning his attention back to the screen in front of him. “Get him over here and I’ll distract him. But you owe me. Cover my shift on Saturday? I’ve got a date with Lisa.”
“I thought you were going out with Anna?” Steve grimaced in a way that told you there would be a deeper conversation later, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to be distracted. Instead, you waved a hand. “Whatever. Henderson is literally only here because of you. I don’t owe you shit.” You rounded the counter, brows raised as Steve pulled a face, and laughed when he rolled his eyes. “I will swap you, though. I’ll take your Saturday night if you take my Friday night.”
“Yeah, alright. Just go before I change my mind. The kid can be a total cockblock when he wants to be and I’m thinking about letting him.”
With a middle finger tossed behind you, angled in Steve’s direction - met with his laughter and, no doubt, a middle finger of his own - you started off across the store. Dustin and Eddie had dropped their conversation to furious whispers, an exchange that you couldn’t make out from your distance, but fell silent the moment your steps sounded a touch too close.
“Henderson.” At your greeting, Dustin’s attention snapped to you, eyes wide and lips parted with a sentence you’d broken. Eddie shot him a sideways look and you raised an eyebrow at the silent conversation that passed between the pair. “Steve wanted to talk to you.”
Dustin frowned, eyes darting between you and Steve - whose back remained to your group. “About what?”
Eddie stifled a laugh, wide eyes amused as he watched you huff, and you rolled your eyes as Dustin waited expectantly. “I’m not a mindreader, Henderson. Ask him yourself."
Without so much as another glance in your direction, Dustin turned his attention back to the shelf he and Eddie had spent twenty minutes dissecting. “I’m busy,” he declared, fingers reaching for another tape that he had no intention of renting.
“Un-busy yourself. Now, preferably,” you snapped, eyes narrowing as Dustin turned to look at you. Before he could respond - mutter something smart, a quip that would leave you more annoyed - Eddie laughed and nudged his shoulder.
Eddie’s eyes, wide and pretty - a glassy brown that you could lose yourself in, given the chance - met yours. There was a knowing glimmer, the understanding that you wanted him alone, though you could see a hint of confusion as he tried to imagine just what you could want. “I think you’ve got about five seconds to leave before she snaps, Henderson. Might want to make yourself scarce.”
With Eddie’s encouragement, Dustin shot you an unimpressed glower before he stomped across the floor, muttering all the while. Beneath his breath, he mumbled something about not understanding girls, a huff that Suzie was the least difficult girl in his life, and had the nerves not been threatening to choke you, you would’ve laughed.
“I love those kids,” you began, eyes following Dustin’s retreating form as he approached the counter with an exaggerated huff, “but, man.”
A soft huff of laughter, accompanied by the crinkle of leather as Eddie stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket, met your eyes. That knowing smile grew a touch brighter, something more understanding, as he nodded. “It’s his tone,” he declared, grin conspiratorial. “A little humility would go far there.”
“Thank you! That’s what I’ve been saying!”
Eddie laughed and shook his head as you tossed your arms, exasperated, before glancing at you from beneath his lashes. Despite the clear amusement still settled across his features, it was obvious that he was studying you. It made you eager to shrink beneath his gaze, unused to being the center of his attention for longer than a few moments, but you willed yourself to keep your head held high as he raised a brow.
“So, Henderson’s gone,” he pointed out, dragging each syllable out just a moment longer than necessary. “What’s up? If you’re lookin’ to buy, I don’t have anything with me. We could meet later, though, if you want.”
“No, no. That’s not -“ You cut yourself off with a shake of your head, incredulous laughter threatening to escape as you did. “I don’t want to buy. I was thinking, maybe we could watch a movie or something? I want to watch The Return of the Living Dead but my friends are all chickens. I know you like horror so, I just thought, maybe we could watch it together.”
Eddie blinked, clearly caught off guard, and stilled for what felt like an eternity. In reality, only a moment passed before his lips began to curve into a slow smile. There was mischief glittering in his eyes, a warmth you hadn’t seen from him before, and you knew in that moment that Steve was right. “Are you asking me on a date, princess?”
“I am.” Despite his best attempt at nonchalance, Eddie’s brows winged up at your blunt acknowledgement. “Are you going to say yes?”
“Fuck yeah,” he agreed, easy and quick as he laughed. “If I ever say no to a date with you, assume I’ve finally lost it. But, uh, you sure about this?”
Eddie glanced across the store - met another pair of warm brown eyes before Steve and Dustin both hurriedly busied themselves with pretending they weren’t attempting to eavesdrop - and you rolled your eyes. He was far from the first person to assume there was more going on between you and Steve than friendship, but you were quick to dispel that line of thinking.
“Completely.” You debated for a moment, curious as to whether you should dig yourself deeper, but the bright glint in Eddie’s eyes - hopeful and delighted - spurred you on. “I’ve kinda had a thing for you for a while,” you admitted, attempting to feign nonchalance as you swiped at a wayward piece of dust on a shelf. His surprise was evident, brows lifting beneath the curl of his hair, but before he could comment, you barreled on. “My parents are out of town. I have to finish my shift,” you began, glancing at the clock above the desk, “but you can come over at, like, seven?”
“Seven, yeah.” Eddie’s agreement was quick, voice a little dreamy - as if he still couldn’t quite believe you’d asked him out, that you were seriously inviting him over or that you’d admitted to having a thing for him. “That sounds good. I, uh, I’ll see you then.”
“Cool, awesome.” You nodded, grinning at him - unable to even feign nonchalance as his smile mirrored your own - before you turned back to the desk. “I’ll see you at seven, then.”
Neither Eddie nor Dustin lingered long after your conversation - the latter, no doubt, leaving with the knowledge of where Eddie would be spending his evening, thanks to his gossiping with Steve. Eddie left with a smile in your direction and you saw his flailing celebration the second he stepped out of the store, even if you dutifully pretended not to noice. 
Steve, however, made it a point to keep the joyous gesture at the forefront of your mind.
For the remaining three hours of your shift, you endured Steve’s teasing. He poked fun at your upcoming date, wondering idly if Eddie would be waiting for you when you arrived home - too excited too wait until seven - or if he’d wear something other than his leather jacket or black t-shirt. But, no matter what he said, you simply rolled your eyes and kept checking the clock every ten minutes.
The time seemed to crawl, passing so slowly that you were half-sure Dustin changed the clocks just to mess with you, but when the hour struck six, you were out the door with a parting wave and a bright ‘thanks’ to Steve for taking on closing duties alone.
There was little time for anything more than a change of clothes and a quick tidying of your home before seven rolled around, but you knew that Eddie wouldn’t really mind. Though there was something about him that made you nervous - excited, giddy, some kind of schoolgirl crush - if you really thought about it, you figured there was little you could do that would truly bother him.
And, thankfully, before you could think too much about it and send yourself spiraling, a knock sounded at the door.
At seven on the dot, you found Eddie standing at your front door. He’d changed - his leather jacket remained, but it covered a nicer shirt instead of the worn Metallica shirt he’d donned earlier in the afternoon - and you could smell the green apple of his shampoo as he grinned at you.
“Hey.” Though he attempted nonchalance with an easy smile, you could see the nervous tension in his shoulders.
Eddie had been burned - you knew that - and he was likely waiting for the catch. There was none, just a desire to get to know him better, and you wanted desperately for him to know that. So you mustered up your widest grin and held the door open for him.
“Hi. Come in.” As he stepped inside, closer than necessary - shoulder brushing yours, so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body - you hoped he don’t notice the breath you took to steady yourself. “So, I got Return of the Living Dead and Sleepaway Camp. Not sure if you’ve seen either, but Return is supposed to be amazing and Sleepaway Camp is one of my favorites.”
“I haven’t seen Return yet,” he admitted as you closed the front door, “but I’ve heard good things. Sleepaway Camp, though? This whole time, I thought you were cool.” The jab was teasing, meant entirely in jest and accompanied by a grin, and earned a roll of your eyes as you gestured for him to follow you deeper into the living room.
“I don’t know where you got that idea, but I’m happy to prove you wrong.” Eddie followed, close enough that. He could reach out and touch you, and the idea made your thoughts a little fuzzy as you approached the couch. “I won’t be taking any Sleepaway Camp slander, though. It’s killer.”
Eddie paused, tilted his head and regarded you with furrowed brows and a badly concealed smile as he watched you reach for the tapes. “…was that a really bad pun?”
“I keep getting cooler, I’m aware.” Eddie laughed, unable to conceal his smile any longer, as he took a seat at one end of the couch. “I was going to say we could start with Return since neither of us have seen it but now, you’re going to suffer through Sleepaway Camp first.”
As you placed the tape into the VCR and pressed play, you could hear the shuffling of Eddie tossing his leather jacket onto the chair beside the couch. “Fine by me,” he hummed, a sly grin on his lips as you glanced at him over your shoulder. “Maybe the company will make it better.” When you fixed him with your best unimpressed look - a feat, considering the heat traveling to your cheeks - his grin grew a touch wider. “I keep getting more charming, I’m aware.”
“Wow.” The nervous energy began to dissipate with every teasing jab. You were reminded of how easily you’d always gotten along with Eddie - how easily you’d always been able to converse with him, despite the crush that made you conscious of your every move -  as you approached the couch yourself. “You know, now that you mention it, I never realized…” Warm brown eyes tracked your every move, anticipating - hoping for - a compliment as you took a seat at the opposite end. “… just how big your head was.”
The opening scene began to play, sounds of a B-horror film filling the small space, as he reached for the lamp on the side table. “Big head, big… well, you know how the saying goes,” he teased as he settled deeper into the cushions and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I do but I’m pretty sure that is totally not how it starts.”
Eddie shrugged, grin never faltering as he watched you reach for the lamp at your end of the couch. “Same thing. Creative license and all that.”
“Right. All the songwriting and campaign planning, makes sense you get a little creative.” When he tipped his head, seemingly surprised that you knew about both his songwriting and campaign planning, you rolled your eyes. “I’ve had a crush on you for, like, three years. I know things about you, Eddie. And, I mean, I spend time around Dustin Henderson, begrudgingly most of the time, but he talks about you all the time. So, I’ve picked up some things.”
There was a look of something akin to awe on his face as you shifted closer. “You’re pretty, you like horror and metal, and you like me. Why?”
It broke your heart to hear the doubt in his voice - to see the hesitance in his eyes, the residual concern that he was being left out of the joke - and you couldn’t help but sigh as you continued shifting closer to him. “Because you like horror and metal and you’re kinda cool. And, I mean, it doesn’t hurt that you’re kinda hot, too.”
“You know,” he spared the television a glance, “if you didn’t have sort of questionable taste, I’d think this was all too good to be true. But, I’m not gonna question it too much ‘cause you’re kinda cool, too. And definitely hot.”
“Glad to know we’re on the same page, then. Now, are we going to just talk or are you going to allow me to educate you in good horror?”
Eddie’s laughter drowned out a brief moment of dialogue - a line you could easily recite - as he tossed an arm over the back of the couch and shook his head. “‘M sorry. Educate away, princess.”
For a few brief moments, the pair of you settled. Eddie kept his attention on the television - and even cracked a smile or two at some of your favorite moments - while you kept your attention on him. His side profile was captivating, so distracting that you didn’t notice the minutes ticking away as you studied him, and he was kind enough to refrain from pointing out your obvious staring as the film played on.
Though you could feel the rapid beat of your heart, a warmth prickling at your skin as you remained conscious of the fact that you’d finally taken the leap and had a chance to make your move, Eddie seemed unfazed by the proximity as he laughed at a particularly cheesy scene. However, when you shifted closer - body now practically touching his - you caught his sharp inhale.
It brought you a sort of comfort to realize that he was not as unaffected as he seemed, nowhere near as nonchalant about the entire encounter as he wanted you to believe, and you couldn’t help but smile as you tipped your head to look at him.
“Do I make you nervous?”
The question was teasing, a light jab, but he didn’t miss a beat. “Of course you do,” he confirmed with a nod and a laugh as he glanced at you. “You’re smart and cool and hot. You fucking terrify me.”
“Me?” You scoffed, despite yourself, and shook your head. “As if. I’m totally not scary.”
“‘M serious.” Eddie relaxed, if only slightly, and shifted his body to face you fully as his arm fell around your shoulders. “No one had their shit together in high school, but you did. You knew what you wanted and it was kind of intimidating.”
“I definitely did not have my shit together,” you confessed, laughing as you leaned into his embrace. “But I’m glad it looked like I did. Maybe I’m just a good actress.”
“If that’s acting, you should be up for an Oscar, princess.”
As Eddie laughed, a quiet sound that washed over you and filled your chest with a sticky warmth, you shook your head. “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know?”
Eddie hummed, a flash of confusion washing over his face, before he asked, “What, princess?”
“Mm. I think if it was anyone else, it would sound condescending. Like they’re trying to be a prick, you know. But I don’t mind it from you,” you confessed. “It’s kinda nice.”
That grin you were beginning to love - genuine, warm, happy - lifted his lips as he shifted once more and knocked your knee with his own. “I’m not a big fan of nicknames, for obvious reasons,” he confided, “but I like it when you call me Eds. It’s kinda cute.”
“God, we’re kinda gross.”
“Totally. But I’m not complaining.” Eddie removed his arm from around your shoulders and brought his hand to cup your cheek. He paused for a moment, studying your face, before he asked, “Does it make me a total loser if I’ve thought about kissing you for, like, ever?”
For a split second, you wondered if he could hear the beat of your heart over the screaming emanating from the television - and if you’d heard him properly over the noise. But when you met his expectant gaze, wide brown eyes waiting for you response, you realized you didn’t really care.
“Only if you keep thinking about it instead of actually doing it.”
With your permission, Eddie leaned in and tentatively pressed his mouth to yours. The kiss was careful, hesitant, but you could feel the underlying excitement as the warmth of his palm bled into your skin. Without thinking, you breathed a contented sigh as you lifted your hands to his hair and tugged him impossibly closer.
The noise of the film continued in the background, unnoticed by either of you as Eddie took the initiative to deepen the kiss. He swiped his tongue along the seam of your lips, urging you to open up for him, and you gave in without a moment of hesitation.
As many times as you’d thought about this moment - as many times as you’d pictured yourself in this situation, at the center of Eddie’s attention, with his hands and mouth on you - the reality was infinitely better than any dream. Eddie’s hands were calloused, rough from years of guitar and, now, his work at Thatcher’s, but his touch was featherlight as his hands began to wander.
Gentle fingers brushed along your jaw, dragged down the side of your neck and shoulders, inching lower until they found your waist. Your fingers tangled in his curls, indulging in your long hidden desire to play with his hair, as Eddie pulled away to allow you both a moment to breathe.
“We’re missing the totally not awful movie,” he pointed out, breath fanning over your neck as he dipped his head to nose at your jaw.
“We can rewind it later.” 
Eddie laughed, his smirk evident as he nipped at the hinge of your jaw before lapping at the skin to soothe the brief sting. “Thought you wanted to educate me, princess,” he teased.
Warm hands began to wander, fingers dipping beneath the hem of your t-shirt to brush the heated skin of your waist, as he pressed soft kisses to your neck. Your own hands began to wander as well, dipping to his chest as he latched onto a patch of skin just beneath your ear. 
“Want to kiss you more.”
He hummed, pleased with your answer, as he tipped his head to meet your gaze. Soft brown eyes were blown black and there was a hunger in them that you’d never been privileged enough to see. Now, the sheer weight of his desire hit you all at once as he grinned. “Glad to know we’re on the same page, then.”
Before you could huff, playfully pout at his taunting callback, Eddie reclaimed your lips. This kiss was more heated than the first, hesitance now gone as you realized you both wanted the same thing, and it completely obliterated any remaining thoughts other than how good it felt to have him pressed so close.
Though his hands began to wander, touch fleeting as it dragged across your hips and thighs, over your middle and back to your arms, he remained respectful. As eager as you both were, his hands only fell to your chest when you lifted them there yourself.
Eddie groaned into the kiss the moment you placed his hands, fingers experimentally flexing as you shifted impossibly closer.
“You can touch me however you want,” you allowed, word exhaled against his mouth as you separated just an inch to breathe. “I’ll tell you to stop if I don’t want something.”
“Fuck.” His forehead fell to yours, curls beginning to stick to his forehead with the lightly beading sweat, as he laughed. “Ditto. I’m all yours, princess. Take whatever you want.”
“That’s a dangerous offer.” The hand you’d left on his bicep, fingers tracing the stark black ink of his tattoo, began to wander then. Slowly, you raked the tips of your fingers down his chest - not bothering to hide your grin as he inhaled sharply at the sensation of your fingers raking over his lower stomach - and stopped at the buckle of his belt. “What if I want everything?”
“It’s yours. Been yours,” he admitted, tongue darting out to wet his lips as his gaze met yours once more. “Fuck, you’re all I want, princess. ‘ve been crazy about you for a while.”
“Keep talking like that and you might make me fall in love, Eds.” It was too late - you were already halfway there - and you both knew it. Still, Eddie laughed dutifully as his gaze fell to watch your hands tug at his belt buckle.
“Give me a few hours. I’ve been there, time for you to join me.”
The admission was half-teasing, accompanied by a breathless laugh as you worried with the warm metal beneath your fingers, but it still filled your stomach with a storm of butterflies. The time you’d spent pining over Eddie could’ve been spent lying beneath him, going on dates with him, enjoying time with him, and you were determined to make up for lost time as you tipped your head and pressed your lips to his once more.
“I’m closer than you think.”
Before he could consider your admission too closely, you pulled away and slipped off the couch to kneel between his spread thighs. Those brown eyes went wide, big and disbelieving, as you unbuckled his belt.
“Whoa. Fuck, wait.” Eddie swallowed harshly as he swept his hair from his eyes and glanced down at you. A gentle hand fell to your cheek, urging you to meet his eyes as he blinked away the lust-fueled stupor. “You don’t have to… I mean, I don’t expect you to -“
“Eddie.” He paused, tongue darting out to wet his lips once more, as you cut him off mid-sentence. “You can say no. But I want to. Is that okay?”
Eddie was far from a blushing virgin. You’d heard the rumors, tales of just how talented he was - had even heard the stories of a few trysts from the man himself - but his hesitation gave you pause. However, before you could pull away, he assured you.
“Yeah! Yeah, that’d be - yeah. I’ve had sex. I’ve just… No one has ever… It’s usually a quick fuck and then back to whoever they’re supposed to be dating,” he confessed, pink tinging his cheeks as he hurried to explain himself. “Blowjobs aren’t usually the priority.”
Though you knew Eddie fairly well, enough to have been half-in love with him for a while, you knew his reputation. But to know that others had taken advantage of his desire to love and be loved in return, it made your chest ache. Despite his reputation for being a freak - for being scary, intimidating - you knew that he was a sweetheart who deserved more than he’d been given. And you wanted to show him that you were apply to make him a priority.
“I’d love to be the first, if you’ll let me.”
“Fuck.” Eddie shuddered, his chest heaved with a sharp breath, as he raked a hand through his hair and nodded. “Yeah,” he allowed, “yeah, please.”
Eddie leaned back into the cushions then, allowing himself to relax into the plush of the couch as you popped the button on his jeans. It was obvious just how much he was enjoying the attention - plain to see from the bulge in his jeans and the pink staining his cheeks and neck - and you couldn’t help but smile as you took in the sight of him.
“You’re so pretty, Eddie.” It was reverent, a breathless observation as you tugged at the denim and studied the slope of his nose - the curve of his jaw, the wild tangle of his hair - and you meant it wholeheartedly.
“Flattery will get you absolutely everywhere, princess.” He lifted his hips, allowing you to tug at the denim just enough to expose his boxers - cheeks flushing darker when you bit back a smile at the sight of the blue and white checkerboard pattern.
“Not flattery, just honesty. You’re distracting,” you admitted, glancing up at him from beneath your lashes as you began to palm at the bulge in his boxers. “But I wanna see how much prettier you are when you’re falling apart.”
“You’re killing me. Fuck.”
Deciding that he’d had enough teasing, you gave in to the desire and tugged at the final layer of material separating you. The moment you exposed him to the air, you both gasped - him at the sensation of cool air hitting blistering warm skin, you at the sight of him.
Without thought, you spit into your palm before allowing yourself to reach out and experimentally stroke his cock. Eddie groaned at the feeling, his head tipping back and his eyes fluttering shut, and you felt a surge of warmth wash over you. Each noise he made ran straight to your core, fanned the flames of the fire already beginning to burn out of control, and you shifted to allow yourself some relief before leaning in to lap at the bead of precum already beginning to form.
Another noise, this one louder, met your ears as a warm hand fell to your head. He was careful not to push, careful not to attempt to take control, as he sought to anchor himself to the moment but you wouldn’t have minded either way. And as you traced the vein running along the underside of his cock before taking the head between your lips, you could hear him swear beneath his breath.
Though you were tempted to prolong the pleasure, witness him falling apart piece by piece as you slowly worked him up, you were too worked up yourself to do more than take as much of him a you could into your mouth. You knew there would be time to experiment later - time to push yourself to take him all - so you focused on giving him the best experience you could in that moment.
It only took a few moments for his thighs to begin to flex beneath your touch, for his chest to heave and his noises of pleasure to grow louder. And though you could see the hint of embarrassment tinging his cheeks at beginning to fall apart so soon, you felt a surge of pride at your ability to rile him up so completely.
But before you could lift your head and urge him to come, assure him that it was alright, he spoke. “Fuck, princess. I don’t wanna come in your mouth.” Eddie urged you up, then, away from his cock as he attempted to catch his breath and pull himself back from the brink. “Wanna come with you. Can I fuck you?”
The blunt question warmed you from within, stole your breath and had you keening as you nodded eagerly. “Please.” A moan escaped your lips as he reached out to cup your cheek and pull you into a messy kiss that was an eager clash of tongue and teeth.
For a moment, you both lost yourselves in the kiss. Eddie groaned as your hand remained on his cock, fingers stroking slowly as you waited for him to gather himself, only for him to swear as he broke the kiss. “Shit. Fuck, I don’t have a condom,” he lamented, eyes falling shut. “Sorry. Wan’t exactly expecting,” he waved a hand, gesturing to your hand, “this.”
Luckily for the both of you, you still had a stash of condoms - given to you by Steve as a joke the last time you considered asking Eddie out - in your nightstand. “I do,” you revealed, giggling as his shoulders relaxed. “C’mon, pretty boy.”
As you stood, offering Eddie your hand, he groaned once more. “Is it your goal to kill me, princess? Because I think you might actually kill me.”
“What a way to go, though, hm?”
Eddie stood, quickly tugged his jeans up but left them unbuttoned, and followed close behind as you led him up the stairs, his hand warm in yours. You could feel his body heat radiating, could hear his shallow breathing as he attempted to even it out, and you were secretly satisfied to know that you had such an impact on him.
Even more, however, you were thrilled to know that you were only moments away from getting what you wanted.
With quick steps, you tugged him down the hall and into your bedroom, pulling the door shut behind you as you entered. Once inside, Eddie paused for a moment to take in the sight.
“You know, I was expecting a Tom Cruise poster,” he teased, laughing only slightly when instead he saw Nikki Sixx.
“What can I say? I’ve got a thing for pretty, dark-haired metalheads.”
A smirk quirked his mouth as he tugged you close, hands falling to your waist as he dipped his head to capture your lips. The kiss was eager, uncoordinated and messy but breathtaking as his hands began to wander. Deft fingers flitted to the button of your jeans, and after a moment of hesitation, popped them open.
“If you want to stop, we can,” he reminded you, fingers ghosting along the sliver of skin just above your jeans. “We totally don’t have to do this.”
“You’re incredibly sweet, Eds.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, hands drifting to his hair to tug at the curls as you met his gaze. “But if you don’t fuck me, I might cry and I don’t feel like crying tonight.”
Eddie grinned, glad you were as eager as he was, and hummed as his fingers began to drift lower. “Can’t have you crying on my watch, princess. ‘Less they’re good, ‘I totally fucked you stupid’ tears.”
“I mean, if you’re up to the challenge, then by all means.”
Though it might’ve been the wrong thing to say, a taunt you would later regret, he took the challenge for what it was worth. There was a determined glint in his eyes, a burning desire that tied your stomach in knots, and it was burned into your field of view as he pressed his mouth to yours once more.
For a moment, you weren’t certain which sensation to focus on as Eddie’s tongue licked at the seam of your lips and his fingers ghosted over the cotton of your panties. However, he drew your full, undivided attention as he nudged the fabric aside and swiped his fingers through your slick folds.
A hum of encouragement met your ears as Eddie coated his fingers in your slick, teasing for just a moment before he found the sensitive bundle of nerves. With his lips a fraction of an inch from yours, he asked, “This all from blowing me?”
It was incredulous, almost as if he couldn’t believe it, but you hummed. “Thought about it for ages. Reality was better.”
“Don’t think I’ll last long enough to return the favor right now,” he confessed, breath fanning across your lips as he rubbed lazy circles over the bundle of nerves, “but I’ve gotta taste you before tonight’s over. Got myself off so many times thinking about it, ‘bout you.”
Eddie grinned at the moan you released, at the way you sagged against him - unable to hold yourself entirely upright with the promise of him between your thighs, the thought of him touching himself to that image. “You sure you’re not trying to kill me?”
“What a way to go.” He lingered, just for a second, before Eddie pulled away and shushed your whine with a press of his mouth to yours. “I’m gonna come in my jeans if I don’t get inside you soon, princess. Promise to take my time with you later. Gonna give you everything you deserve, treat you right.”
“Ditto.” He laughed, amused and flattered in equal measure, as he began to tug at his clothes. Encouraged, you followed suit and, soon enough, a pile of garments littered your bedroom floor.
However, neither of you dwelled on the sight for long as you headed for the bed, stopping only to retrieve a foil packet from the bedside drawer.
Every dream encounter you shared with Eddie varied - sometimes he was soft, other times he manhandled you exactly the way you wanted; sometimes he was quick, others he teased for hours - but nothing lived up to the reality of having him climb into your bed after you.
This encounter would be quick and dirty, a desperate search for relief, but you knew that it was only the first of many. And, encouraged by the future that now seemed so clear, you reached out and tugged him into you.
Lithe arms braced themselves at either side of your head, tattoos stark against his pale skin, and you hummed as you decided you would someday spend as much time as he’d allow you committing them to memory. But that could wait. For now, you simply savored the weight of him above you and tangled your fingers in his hair as he positioned himself at your entrance.
“Haven’t even gotten inside and I already can’t wait to do this again,” he confessed, dipping his head to nip at the hinge of your jaw. “And again. And again. I’m already ruined for you, princess.”
Before you could confess the same sentiment, admit your utter ruin at his hands, he pressed his hips forward and began to sink into you. The stretch was bearable, a tinge of discomfort completely overshadowed by the warmth of his skin against yours - the weight of his body pressed to yours, the nip of his teeth at your jaw - and you inhaled sharply at the feeling.
Eddie stilled for a few long moments, hands stroking at whatever skin he could reach - your hips, your thighs, your stomach - as he breathed reverent nonsense. The words blurred, compliments and awed whispers of how good you felt, but it paled in comparison to the moan he released when you yanked at his curls and begged for him to finally move.
The pace he set was blistering, deep and quick and perfect, and you marveled at how right his touch felt. Every snap of his hips, every brush of his mouth against your skin, every whispered word of praise; it felt as if each was a puzzle piece, suddenly falling into place.
Though he took great care to ensure your pleasure, he made no attempt to treat you like a doll, like something that might shatter beneath his touch, and you were grateful for the heavy press of his hands to your skin as he pawed at your thighs. Almost immediately, you understood one another - both quickly fell into step beside one another - and you felt the flames he’d been fanning begin to grow out of control.
Heat engulfed you, body burning with every swipe of his fingers and snap of his hips, and it grew harder to draw your breath as his fingers found your clit. Eddie nipped at your jaw, breath fanning over your skin and sending goosebumps erupting, as he encouraged, “Come for me, princess. Wanna feel you.”
With anyone else, you might’ve been embarrassed at how quickly you barreled toward your release - at how eager you were to give in and come just because he asked - but this was Eddie. Anything he wanted, you would at least consider, and your body knew it well. So with a few swipes of his fingers and another snap of his hips, you barreled over the edge with a cry of his name.
Almost immediately, as if he’d been waiting for you, he followed suit. One, two, three snaps of his hips before he buried his face in the crook of your neck and came with a moan that you knew would play on a loop in your happiest of dreams. 
For a few moments after, you both lay still - Eddie with his head buried in the crook of your neck, hands still stroking your heated skin; you, with your eyes shut and lips parted as you caught your breath, fingers raking through his curls. It was blissful, a moment you’d dreamt about, but the dream was interrupted by reality as discomfort began to set in.
When you began to squirm, Eddie quickly pulled away - pulled out and cooed when you whimpered at the loss - and tossed the used condom into the bin beside your bed before returning to lay beside you. He pulled you close, wrapped his arms around you and tugged you into his chest, and you both lay in silence for a long moment before he spoke.
“So, you wanna actually watch those movies now?”
With a laugh, you tipped your head and buried your face in the crook of his neck. “Mm. Give me a minute. Gotta return to the land of the living first.”
“Take your time, princess. When you do, though, maybe you can return as my girlfriend.”
Eddie could almost certainly feel your smile, grin bright and happy as you hummed against his skin. “Yeah,” you agreed easily, not bothering to hide the giddiness you felt, “I think that can be arranged.”
Though it wasn’t how you pictured your evening, you knew it was better than anything you could’ve imagined. And, while Steve would be annoying, you couldn’t wait to venture back into the world with your boyfriend by your side.
Author's Note: Take this away from me. I've been working on this forever but got stuck on the smut.
Taglist: @x-avantgarde-x, @thisisparadisemylove, @eddiesprincess, @slvdsjjk, @munsonlover, @tasmbestspdrman, @urofficial-cyberslut, @jxngwhore, @hopelesslylosttheway, @meaganjm, @lazuli-leenabride, @deiondraaa, @piscesmesss, @glowyskiess, @kiszkathecook, @missryerye, @solarrexplosion, @ofherscarlettwitchways, @lovedandleft-haunted, @trappedinlimbo15, @sweetiekitten, @bookfrog242, @gwendolynmary, @sage-bun, @zealouslibrariesparadiselight, @castiels-lilass, @tojis-little-brat, @emmah787, @theworldsendxx, @asuperconfusedgirl, @flores-and-sunshine, @passi0np1t, @laurathefahrradsattel, @hellf1reclub, @slut4yourmom, @niko-04, @hannirose-loves-you, @mrs-eddie-munson, @screambabe, @vllowe, @ryswritingrecord, @cheriebondy, @ryswritingrecord, @thewitchofthewilds140, @bootlegmothman420, @maruushkka, @honeymoonpython, @keenesbeans, @jess-bonn, @sammysinger04, @khaoticken21, @denkis-slut, @spiderman-berries, @lotus-es, @amortiff, @stardust-galaxies, @ure-a-sunflower, @1-800-ch3rry, @ladybeewritethings, @ynbutbetter, @hunnybunimdun, @breathinfive, @s-u-t, @s4ntacarlal0stk1d, @rae-iin, @pennamesgame, @stefans-wife, @voldieshorts, @frankie-mercury, @bbymochi1, @serendiipty, @saturnsworld01, @eddiemunson1sstuff​, @valthevalkyrie-main​, @crying-caro​, @inglourious-imagines​
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falcqns · 2 years
things with bitchy classmate #1 have been resolved and we’re now friends!!
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fxshigurosbae · 10 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ toji fushiguro (40) x f!reader (18)
✶ mature content (minors do not interact) — pseudo!incest, step!cest, school!girl, virginity, dumbification, size kink, pet names, discipline, fingering, cunnilingus, humiliation, squirting, corruption, daddy kink, dilf, age gap, jealousy, manhandling, strong language.
this one is quite problematic and i apologize for it, deal with it however you want to i guess . . .
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a sweet eighteen year old high school girl. she is going back home, wearing the school’s cute uniform — on her way back to her step-daddy and older step-bro’s home, and mommy nowhere to be seen. the rules are pretty simple: she can’t have a boyfriend, she has strict curfew, no guy friends. yet, she’s extremely pampered, spoiled, and innocent… that’s you, you’re toji fushiguro’s cute step-daughter.
to your misfortune, you’re later than usual tonight . . .
leaving your mary janes at the entrance neatly and taking off your blazer, undoing the first few buttons of your shirt. you’re a little taken aback by toji already latched onto the couch, all spread out while watching the tv on mute. he doesn’t seem happy, but that’s also just his usual bitchy rest face. your delicate feet tip toe as in to stand behind the sofa, leaning over and giving the grumpy old man a wet kiss on the cheek, MWAH, with that strawberry lipgloss, mixed with the drool of the cherry lollipop you clumsy held on the other hand full of the bracelets toji gifted you, then putting a strand of your hair behind your ear in order to admire his profile better, despite the dim-lit room, with a wide cheeky smile of yours to add to the charm, and probably gain some mercy from him.
“where were ya, little miss? ya late.” he speaks in his deep usual lazy tone, eyes blank as they remain on the television. he’s wearing grey sweatpants and one of the thousand of black tight shirts he owns, which means he’s been home for quite a while now — what a deception he had when he realized you hadn’t arrived yet.
“had a project to work on, sorryyy.” you whine gently and honeyed, dragging out the last letters of the apology. then, walking to the front of the couch, seating down as your purposely flimsy short skirt puffs along and you prop the lollipop on your mouth in front of him innocently.
“at school? with who?” his face finally turns towards you slowly and uncaring, cold voice. his arms spreading wide against the back of the couch, his eyes focused on your doe ones that look up at him like a pitiful puppy.
“my classmates.” you purely reply, taking out the lollipop with a low POP before you speak, with a quick lick of your lips, all while watching him — he wonders if you’re doing it on purpose, but knowing you, he disagrees.
“where’d ya get that lollipop?” toji then asked, glancing down at your lips sucking onto the candy that has left your lips prettily reddish.
“a friend, he gave me a few, i shouldn’t have eaten so much sugar.” a slight pout surges on your pretty dolled face, with a slight devilish grin that’s almost mocking him. “sorry.” you add a few seconds later with a chuckle.
“he? ya should be apologizing for something else other than sum candy. didn’t i say i don’t wan’ ya to be friends with boys?” his voice is still flat, nosy but a little intimidating, his piercing eyes on you makes your little heart flutter, and your eyes shy away at the rebel action you committed. “‘m sorry…” you mumble, once again, discouraged to even lick more of the sweet lollipop, as you keep looking away, turning your body towards the tv now.
“were ya two alone? did he do anything to ya?” toji pressures rigidly as he rests his temple on his fingertips, and the same arm still on the headrest of the couch behind you, closely. turning his body towards you, and simply staring, analyzing is all he does. once he’s gotten a negative response to his question with a head shake from you still avoiding eye contact, the man remained quiet for a few seconds before leaving a low exhale. “i don’t believe ya, let me see for myself if ya lyin’.” as soon as toji demands, your cheeks warm up, and you now pout expressively, moving your earlier low head to now look at his eyes, all slowly, and he’s staring back intensely with a controlling and demanding aura. your cheeks burn. used to it, you leaned your head back onto the armrest beside you instead, lifting up your legs on the sofa cushion and holding the short skirt up, still with the drooled lollipop in one hand, while it almost drips and stains the white fabric of your skirt. there’s a small smirk on toji’s scarred lips as he focus on the middle of your legs, watching the slight wet trail on your pastel pink cotton thong as he towers over you with that huge figure of his, it’s even more intimidating than the way he talks.
“did ya get wet ‘cause of that boy? just ‘cause he gave ya some attention? popped a lolly or two out of his pocket? did he put ‘em in y’er mouth? don’t doubt it.” toji teases, his thumb dragging onto the hem of the panties, then right over your entrance. his emerald eyes shifting to yours, he’s watching your cheeks flush to pink but he knows it’s all innocent when it comes to you, after all, he’s made you think this is normal, and instead of making you blush from toji’s actions, the man has bred you into making your cheeks flush for the simple thought of the things he’s accusing you to have done . . . so, in other words, your mind doesn’t think that your step-father is doing something wrong, but you’re focused on imagining what he just said: about your guy friend putting the lolly in your pretty mouth, but why? it makes you feel dirty, because it sounds dirty coming from toji, so you get flustered, and he knows it, it’s his doing after all.
but you shake your head again and immediately, very shyly and quiet. “i think ya did, i’m gonna check if ya haven’t been a little slut and let him fuck ya. spread those fucking legs, sweetheart.” he demands firmly since your thighs threatened to close, and at the same time, his hand tapped your knee a little harshly for you to obey. yet, you flinched and ended up giving in, embarrassed and aware there was no way out of this.
toji’s fingers easily removed your thong, and you were so focused on his eyes that you couldn’t even see him putting it on his sweats’ pocket . . . for later. some slick almost dripped onto the couch, you were a little wetter than usual. toji tries to keep that neutral cold face as his lids narrow a little and maintain this controlling stare at your parts. his calloused hands spread your silky thighs even further apart, as his eyes kept focused onto your cute pussy, virgin pussy, taking in every single tissue and color.
he inhales deep and exhales restrainedly, the silence is loud as you can hear your heartbeat intensify, and your own breath hitch through your slightly parted lips. toji’s thumbs spread your folds widely, stretching the skin and you let out a very short unconscious moan. toji can see how moist you are, making his fingers almost slip, SQUELCH, he can almost feel the arousing warmth exuding onto his face as he leans closer, even feeling your legs tremble a bit at the sensitivity of his fanning breath, and the embarrassment of his face being so close. the man admires and looks at every muscle, noticing how he still can see the intact hymen — not being able to look inside the walls of your cunt as much as he spreads you out — which takes a sigh from him, leading your legs to twitch and your hole clench in response, even if not so much. the smirk he had before comes in again as he chuckles at your cute chaste reaction, your grip onto the hems of your skirt is tight and nervous, the lollipop in your hands is so close to slipping from your fingers, a string of the red sugar melting into your hand as your eyes are totally hypnotized onto the man facing your heating core.
“y’er princess’ pretty parts ‘pparently look aight, but that doesn’t mean nothing, i gotta be 100% sure, understand? i don’t trust ya no more.” he looks up to you, and your eyebrows knit in nervousness, slightly pinched nose and pouty lips, red cheeks and glowing pupils are such a sight for him. his eyes go excitedly back to your pussy, as he leans a little closer even, he’s invested, and the self-control this man has in on another level, toji’s almost licking his lips at the sight of his step-daughter’s pretty virgin cunt, how could he not, how could anyone not?
his middle finger — the thicker one — runs through your drenching slit, squelching again, sending shivers down your spine as the liquid refreshes your burning core skin, and your eyelids immediately shut down, toji silences a chuckle at that. the tip of his digit messes with the sensitivity of your hole, which aches a little, and he teases with a poke or two, making sure to take his time, as if he really was examining your cunt.
“look at me.” amidst the silence, his nasal deep voice resonates across the room lowly, and your eyebrows remain knit as your eyes open slightly to stare at him. “i needa see y’er face to know if y’er lying.” he begins, “have ya been a little slut with boys at school?” and even a little before he’s finished, your head immediately shakes NO and his eyes remain fixed onto your shy ones. toji’s finger continues feeling the small tight gummy ring of the opening of your cunny. “if i can tell y’er lying, ya in big trouble, miss.” he threatens slightly, your heart racing ten times faster because you know you haven’t.
yet suddenly, toji’s middle finger entered your pussy and your eyes shut down once again, letting out a silent lengthy moan — his cock is aching inside his sweats — you’re trying to close your legs together, and your head and shoulders shrugged like a turtle, gripping tight onto the hem of your skirt. “keep y’er legs open.” he demands monotonously, struggling to do so, they’re trembling at the slightly uncomfortable? feeling, since he’s never done this before.
“f-feels weird.” you mumble, clenching your pussy as he goes in a little deeper, and squeezing his only finger tightly. he’s stretching this freshly virgin pussy only a little bit and it feels almost impossible to fit it in, he’s having thousands of thoughts now.
“it’s nothin’.” he replies forcefully, manipulative, almost a little too eager too as he tries to glance between your contorted cute face and your drenching cunt, but his eyes keep moving to the latter. toji’s suffering inside, he’s miserable at how much restraint he is going through, and he’s almost groaning out lots of fucks and literally just fucking you right now. his finger goes a little deeper, your legs shaking a bit more and belly squirming and breathing heavily along with your chest, eyelids trembling as they remain closed and lips slightly parted, temptously leaving shy quivering hums. it’s an almost excessive reaction for such a small stimulation as this, but he has never ever gone this far, it’s entirely new, and you have never done this by yourself.
toji’s mean, and once his finger finds a good length, he instantly and not even hesitantly curls it upwards, finding something else that you have never even imagined, and it was so fucking easy, despite you being a virgin, but after all, toji . . . he has a curriculum. your hips move forward and up gently, you’re moaning unconsciously. you’re in another world, and to you, letting out those sounds is nothing wrong.
“aren’t you eager?” he mumbles under his breath, inaudibly, smirking and finally looking at your struggling face, you’re almost humping at his hand. “feels really weird, toji.” you repeat, panting like a puppy. “toji?” he fakes a little offended expression, “well aren’t you being a little rebel, little girl?” your head gets thrown back onto the armrest as you’re struggling to even listen to his words, and he’s up for more teasing as well. once you believed to have calmed down a bit and finally got used to his finger exploring inside your pussy, caressing that one specific spot for an unknown reason, something wet pressed against your clit. your eyes instantly flew to look down, and found toji licking your folds, having a hungry sloppy taste, SLURP. “w-what are you doing?” your half-lidded drunk eyes threaten to cross as his mouth muscle keeps running messy lazy slow circles over the nub.
“what else could i be doin’? i’m examining ya, taste test.” he lies shamelessly, and you accept it, hesitant still because this feels too good, and in your mind, you believe toji is actually just being a caring step-father and making sure you’re being kept in line. so, guilt is filling you entirely. firstly, for believing you were actually slutting yourself out. secondly, your hips now begin trying to hump his face subconsciously, and sweat starts to drip your forehead. you start to feel bad for trying to wrap your mind around what you’re feeling, and the desires is roaming your head constantly, though you’re unsure, quite unfamiliar with this concept. of course, toji takes notice of your failed disguised attempt of restraint, and he’s contemplating on whether it is a good idea to take advantage and corrupt you in this way so bluntly, just leading you on to believe on this facade . . . but he doesn’t care, because he loves you, and also, he’d never do you any harm either.
your breath is faster, as his finger keeps poking your g-spot, his tongue running laps over your clit, sucking and occasionally kissing it very subtly. he’s also drunk, but this time on your sweet pussy, because it’s just too addictive, too tempting to destroy and make it even more belonging to him. he wants to shape your cunt into his dick’s own personal bed, his cock’s own personal cave hole, fuck, he wants to see you under him all fragilely and begging to cum, to drop you off at school after he’s fucked you in the parking lot with his seed all the way into your womb, then have you walk down the hallways with the cum threatening to slip down your bare legs — that he knows guys stare at and fantasize, since he’s caught them doing it multiple times when picking you up — he wants you to beg for his cock on your knees as your step-brother is just down the hallway studying his ass off in his room. don’t worry, he knows he’s problematic.
but the way you look right now, the way his eyes are drowsy as he eats you out, the way his only finger is being sucked inside, it’s just heaven, and it’s more than he can take, it’s absolutely driving this old man insane. yet, it’s also the way your legs close and your pussy clenches intensely, along with a very specific louder moan coming our from your lips that he knows you’re on the edge, and perhaps, he achieved something greater. “toji, toji, feels so, s-so so weird.” your voice sounds a little more desperate, pulling onto your skirt and your legs almost smothering him, he’s looking up and trying to observe your face as you’re incessantly fidgety and squirmy, with doe sleepy eyes finally staring back and down at him. “oh yeah?” he only teases, barely moving an inch from your clit to speak, with his tongue out pressing down at the nerves, almost not even being able to make his words out. once in for all, without further stimulation, and so easily, his finger presses down a little more forcefully on the spot he’s been rubbing so gently inside, and it sends you over the moon. your head leans back swiftly and shaking legs wrap around his head firmer, as toji takes a deep breath in to try and relieve some tension, your eyes close and eyebrows knit more, with a loud cracking whine you SQUIRT against his face, and he pulls out his middle finger amidst to have it SPLASH onto his hand and cushion.
toji is mesmerized, addicted.
this man spreads out your legs and takes a quick exhale, feeling the blood being pumped to his cock thousand of times faster, and he’s dying to even rub his mere thumb over his pants, but his grip onto your wide-spread knees are keeping him from doing so. you’re panting and messily laying on the couch, sweating a little and staring up at him as he’s on his knees straight up on the cushion, looking down on you like a predator, a hunter. you are unaware, but suddenly, he breaks the unbreathable air with a smirk, and his eyes remain filled with lust, but at least, you feel less tense.
“knew ya were a good girl,” he praises, caressing your knees with his thumbs. “ya know, sweet thing, this means y’er body’s telling me that ya haven’t disobeyed me, ‘cause only virgins do that.” he starts, it’s blatant lie after lie, just planting brainwashing thoughts into your head over and over again. “i’ll know if ya have disobeyed me if next time i take a look at yer princess parts, ya don’t react like this,” look at him creating imaginary things. “i’ll know then that ya been a little whore, understand?”
he’s so childish, such a strict man.
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 3 months
Never Say Never| Pt2
Warnings: Cursing, Mentioning of Infidelity
Pt1 Pt3 Pt4
It had been a few weeks since you and Hyunjin had started reconnecting. The initial awkwardness had faded, and the comfort of your friendship was slowly returning. You both avoided talking about the past too much, focusing instead on rebuilding the bond you once had.
You had taken things further with your old classmate and had been official for about two months when you decided to introduce him to Hyunjin.
One sunny afternoon, you decided to take a significant step in your renewed friendship. You had been seeing Kai for a few months now, and you thought it was time for him to meet Hyunjin. Despite the complexities of your history with Hyunjin, you wanted him to know the important people in your life.
"Hey, Hyunjin, are you free this weekend?" you texted him.
"Yeah, I should be. What's up?"
"I want you to meet someone. How about we grab coffee on Saturday?"
"Sounds good. Looking forward to it."
You were worried about your new boyfriend, feeling insecure, but strangely he didn't mind at all that you spent time with Hyunjin, and you found it attractive that he could be so assured you wouldn't do anything because he trusted you that much.
But he was still down to meet a famous idol.
Saturday arrived, and you found yourself at a cozy café, far from any public gaze - or at least relevant public gaze considering everyone around you was above 40 in the cafe - waiting for Hyunjin. You were nervous, unsure of how this meeting would go. Kai sat next to you, holding your hand reassuringly.
"Relax," he said with a smile. "It'll be good."
You smiled back, though your nerves didn't completely fade. A few minutes later, you spotted Hyunjin walking in, scanning the room until he saw you. He waved and made his way over, his usual confident stride slightly hesitant.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted, giving you a warm smile. Then he turned to Kai. "And Kai. Nice to meet you."
Kai stood up and shook Hyunjin's hand. "Nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you."
Hyunjin raised an eyebrow playfully. "Same, Y/N talks about you a lot-"
"Oh, I meant from like...news articles and stuff haha. You're famous so Y/N doesn't really need to tell me much." Kai had said it in a way that seemed somewhat bitchy to Hyunjin, but he regarded it as a mishearing, since he couldn't help but admit he was slightly jealous of Kai.
You laughed and little nervously. "Why don't we sit?"
The three of you settled into a table by the window, and the conversation began. It started off light, and slightly tense, with small talk about work and hobbies. Hyunjin and Kai seemed to get along well enough, but Hyunjin couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of something he couldn't quite place. He chalked it up to jealousy and pushed the feeling aside. He would put up with you boyfriend if it made you happy.
Over the next few weeks, you continued to balance your time between Kai and Hyunjin. It was a delicate act, but you managed to make it work. Hyunjin and Kai had met a few more times, and while there was a tentative friendship forming, Hyunjin couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Deep down Kai just didn't sit right with him.
He noticed little things that bothered him. Like Kai seemed almost too perfect, always saying the right things and never showing any flaws. As if he was compensating for something. You, on the other hand, seemed a bit more anxious than usual, often distracted and lost in thought. Knowing your nature, Hyunjin almost wondered if you were picking up on the same things.
One evening, as you and Hyunjin sat in a park, catching up after a long day, he decided to bring it up.
"Y/N, can I ask you something?" Hyunjin said, his tone serious.
"Of course," you replied, looking at him curiously.
"Is everything okay with you and Kai? You seem a bit... off lately."
You hesitated, looking away. "Everything's fine, Hyunjin. Why do you ask?"
He shrugged, trying to sound casual. "I don't know. Just a feeling, I guess. You know you can talk to me, right?"
You nodded, forcing a smile. "I know. Thanks, Hyunjin." While you felt slightly uncomfortable with your ex trying to give you relationship advice, you still very much appreciated that Hyunjin was willing to, and that he had your best interests in mind.
Despite your reassurances, Hyunjin's suspicion grew. He didn't want to pry, but he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was wrong. He decided to keep a closer eye on things, hoping to understand what was going on, but do it on the down low as to not make you feel as if he was prying.
One evening, you invited Hyunjin over for dinner. Kai was out of town on a business trip, and you thought it would be nice to spend some time with Hyunjin. As you cooked together, you fell into an easy rhythm, laughing and joking like old times.
"Remember that time we tried to make sushi and ended up with rice everywhere?" Hyunjin asked, grinning.
You laughed. "How could I forget? We made such a mess! Chan was pissed."
You guys laughed and joked like old times, and you felt at peace.
After dinner, you settled on the couch with a glass of wine.
"I smell like meat now." Hyunjin joked, sniffing at himself.
"Really?" You leaned over and sniffed at him slightly. "I still smell your cologne. Maybe the meat smell is coming from me." You turned your head to sniff at you shoulder.
"It's not you. You smell like vanilla, and like...snickerdoodle cookies. You always have a warm sugar type of smell."
"I think it's because I prefer the sweeter scents. Maybe it was all the time I spent baking with Felix, but I'm obsessed with the smell of vanilla. I've found this once scent and I refuse to use any others. I might die it ever discontinued." You joked, sparking laughter from Hyunjin.
After a while the conversation turned more serious, and Hyunjin found himself asking about Kai again.
"So, how are things with Kai?" he asked, trying to keep his tone casual.
You knew what he was doing, and you hesitated, twirling the stem of your wine glass. "They're good. He's really supportive and understanding."
Hyunjin nodded, but the suspicion gnawed at him. "That's good to hear. You deserve someone who treats you well."
You smiled, but it didn't quite reach your eyes. "Thanks, Hyunjin. That means a lot. You...you treat me well too. You're my best friend." You found your heart doing a flip when he smiled- and you quickly tried to get it to stop.
As the weeks went by, Hyunjin's suspicion grew. He noticed more things that didn't quite add up. You seemed more stressed than usual, often distracted and distant. Whenever he asked about Kai, your answers were even more vague and hesitant than they had been at the beginning.
One evening, as you and Hyunjin sat in a quiet corner of a cafe, he decided to bring it up again.
"Y/N, is everything okay with you?" he asked, his concern evident.
You sighed, looking away. "I don't know, Hyunjin. I think...I might break up with Kai?"
Hyunjin's heart had jumped at the words, but he quickly suppressed that and focused on the bigger problem at hand. The why.
"Sometimes I feel like he's hiding something from me." You bit your lip and your brow furrowed- an easy tell tale sign that you were about to cry. Hyunjin had known you long enough to know that for a fact.
He quickly reached out and grabbed your hand.
Hyunjin's heart sank. He wanted to protect you, to help you figure out what was going on. But he also knew he couldn't interfere too much; because it was very probable that his own feelings for you- and his distaste for Kai - could get in the way.
"Have you talked to him about it?" he asked gently.
You shook your head. "No. I'm afraid of what I might find out. I just have this feeling..."
Hyunjin reached out and took your other hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Whatever it is, you deserve to know the truth. And I'm sure in the long run everything will be okay."
You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes. "Thanks, Hyunjin. I just... I don't know what to do."
He wished he could do more to help, but all he could offer was his support. "I'm here for you, Y/N. Whatever you need, whenever you need it."
As you struggled with your doubts about Kai, Hyunjin found himself increasingly concerned for you. The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that something was wrong. He tried to be there for you as much as possible, hoping to provide some comfort and stability.
But his own feelings were a tangled mess. The jealousy he felt towards Kai was mixed with genuine worry for your well-being. He couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt again. And he knew he was still in love with you.
That fact was easy to prove.
Whenever he saw you laugh or smile- he felt an immense swell of affection, admiration, and the urge to just reach out and squeeze you. But he also felt that lined with guilt from the stupid mistake he had made long ago.
And not to mention whenever he was met with flirting from others, he could only imagine those words coming from your lips, or those subtle gestures being displayed by you.
One night, after another long conversation with you, Hyunjin lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. You had been crying. He needed to know what was going on, but he didn't want to overstep, and make it seem like he was being a petty ex. Because while he hoped for a second chance, he knew that if you broke up with Kai you could easily find someone else- and if that was the case he didn't want to jeopardize the friendship he had with you.
The next day, he decided to confide in Chan. As they sat in the practice room, Hyunjin poured out his concerns.
"I just don't know what to do," he admitted. "Something feels off with Kai- and Y/N feels it too. but I don't have any proof. I don't want to make things worse for Y/N. But I know they won't take any steps to confront the problem."
Chan listened carefully, his expression thoughtful. "Maybe you should trust your instincts, Hyunjin. If you really think something's wrong, it's better to find out now than let it fester. And if it's for Y/N's safety and happiness, a little overstepping might be needed."
Hyunjin nodded, feeling slightly reassured. "I just don't want to hurt Y/N again."
"You won't," Chan said firmly. "You're looking out for them. That's what friends do."
With Chan's words in mind, Hyunjin resolved to keep a closer eye on things. He didn't want to pry too much, but he couldn't ignore his gut feeling. He hoped that, whatever the truth was, it wouldn't break you further.
One evening, as you and Hyunjin sat in your apartment, the conversation turned to Kai again. You seemed more agitated than usual, your anxiety palpable.
A week passed since your conversation with Hyunjin about confronting Kai - whether that be with your idea of a breakup or something of a lesser magnitude. You still hadn't mustered up the courage to talk to Kai about your doubts, but Hyunjin's support was a constant source of comfort. He made sure to check in on you regularly, and you found yourself leaning on him more and more.
And it slowly made you realize just how much you had been pushing down those feelings of love you had been suppressing. Because with every glance he shot your way, every brush of your hands, or breeze or flow of air that carried his scent to you-
You were flooded by all the good memories you had with him. All the love.
One afternoon, you and Hyunjin were walking through a bustling street market. He had apologized before taking you out- since the place you were going required some sort of disguise, and it made him think back to the reason you guys had broken up in the first place. You assured him it was fine though. The vibrant colors and enticing smells provided a temporary distraction from your worries and any other minor inconveniences.
"Let's get some street food," Hyunjin suggested, his eyes lighting up at the sight of a tteokbokki stand.
You nodded, grateful for the extra distraction. As you stood in line, you noticed Hyunjin glancing at you, concern etched on his face.
"You've been really quiet today," he remarked, handing you a steaming cup of rice cakes.
"I'm just...thinking," you admitted, taking a bite. The spicy sauce did little to ease the knot in your stomach. But it was still tasty.
Hyunjin sighed, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I know it's hard, Y/N. But you can't keep avoiding this. It's eating you up inside."
You looked down, feeling the weight of his words. "I know, Hyunjin. I just... I'm scared of what I might find out."
Hyunjin's grip tightened slightly, a gesture of reassurance. "Whatever it is, you'll get through it. And I'll be here for you, always."
Later that evening, you sat in your apartment, staring at your phone. Kai had texted you earlier, saying he would be home late due to work. You knew you needed to talk to him, but the fear of what he might say paralyzed you.
A knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts. You opened it to find Hyunjin standing there, a determined look on his face.
"Hey," you greeted, surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"I couldn't stop thinking about you," he admitted. "I know this is tough, but you need to confront Kai. And I'm not leaving until you do. I thought it might be easier to have someone here to support you, since you hate confrontation."
You felt a surge of gratitude and determination. "Okay, Hyunjin. I'll do it. But I don't know if Kai would like it if you were here...I'm not sure if you've noticed but he seems to be...uh...not to be rude but in distate of you?"
Hyunjin chuckled. "No offense taken, mon ange." He felt the nickname slip of off his tongue naturally and mentally kicked himself. It had been so long since he had spoken those words to you, yet they felt so familiar, and his tongue loved the feel of it.
You looked at him with wide eyes and swallowed. "Kai should be home in a little, I'll call you?"
Hyunjin nodded and gave you a little bow before rushing off, feeling his cheeks warm in hot embarrassment.
Hours later, Kai finally came home. He looked exhausted, but his face lit up when he saw you.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, walking over to give you a hug. "Sorry I'm so late." He pulled you close in an even tighter squeeze, and you took a breath, your nostrils filling with a pine sort of scent, and flowers. Like if you were standing in a botanical garden.
You pulled away slightly, taking a deep breath. "Kai, we need to talk."
Kai's expression shifted to one of concern. "What's wrong?"
"I feel like... like there's something you're not telling me. There's been this distance between us, and I can't ignore it anymore."
Kai's eyes widened in surprise. "Y/N, what are you talking about? I haven't been hiding anything."
"Then why do I feel like you're keeping secrets from me?" you demanded, your voice shaking.
Kai ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. "I've been stressed with work, but that doesn't mean I'm hiding anything from you."
"Kai, I just need to know the truth," you said, your voice breaking. "I can't keep living like this. You're always away. I moved in because I thought it would be more convenient and I would see you more, but it seems I see you even less than when I lived with my best friend."
Kai sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Alright, Y/N. I didn't want to burden you with this, but... I've been having some issues at work. It's nothing serious, just some disagreements with my boss. I didn't want to worry you. I've been working extra to get back on his good side. I enjoy this job. I enjoy the money. The people." He takes a breath. "You don't usually get that in a job that pays this well. So, I don't want to lose it."
You stared at him, processing his words. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I didn't want to add to your stress," he explained, his voice soft. "You've been through so much already." He goes and ruffles your hair.
You felt a mix of relief and frustration. "Kai, I appreciate that, but we're supposed to support each other. Keeping things from me only makes it worse. You know how anxious I get."
Kai nodded, looking remorseful. "You're right. I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll be more open with you from now on." He kisses your forehead and says something about going to shower.
The conversation left you emotionally drained. Kai's explanation made sense, but there was still a lingering doubt in your mind.
"Do you believe him?" Hyunjin asked when you brought it up to him the next day. You were sitting in the dorms, choosing to spend your workday there since it was the guy's day off. The perks of working from home. You intended to go shopping with Jeongin later, but you just had to finish one last form, but you got distracted by telling Hyunjin about the conversation you had.
You sighed, leaning back on the couch. "I want to. But part of me still feels like there's more to it."
Hyunjin nodded, understanding your hesitation. "Just take it one step at a time, Y/N. And remember, I'm here for you."
As the days went by, you tried to move forward, focusing on rebuilding trust with Kai. But it was like your sixth sense was blaring. But you found solace in having a friend like Hyunjin. He seemed to make the complicated things a bit easier to bear.
However, Hyunjin's own feelings were becoming even more complicated. The more time he spent with you, the harder it was to suppress his lingering affection. And despite his best efforts to be supportive, he couldn't ignore the nagging suspicion that something was still amiss with Kai- especially when you were saying those things yourself.
One evening, as you and Hyunjin walked through the city, he decided to voice his concerns.
"Y/N, I know you want to believe Kai, but I can't shake this feeling that something's not right," he admitted, his voice tense. "And I don't want to seem out of place but I can't stand to see you suffering."
You looked at him, startled by his candor. "What do you mean?"
Hyunjin took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I don't know. It's just... little things I've noticed. He seems too perfect, too controlled. And you still seem so uneasy. And...it makes no sense to get back on your bosses good side. Especially with the industry he's in he has like 4 different bosses so unless he somehow pissed off all four of them."
You frowned, considering his words. "Do you think he's lying to me?"
"I don't want to jump to conclusions," Hyunjin said quickly. "But I think you should trust your instincts. If something feels off, don't ignore it."
"He wouldn't lie to me though. We've known each other for years. I don't think he'd do that."
"Hyunjin I think you're right. It is out of your place. So...lets drop it okay?"
Hyunjin felt his heart droop like a kicked puppy and nodded.
The next few days were a whirlwind of emotions. You tried to balance your relationship with Kai while keeping Hyunjin's words in mind- even when you didn't want to. It hurt to think that someone you had known for so long would be doing something behind your back.
The tension between you and Kai grew,and you felt a tension growing in between you and Hyunjin.
You had been upset and hadn't talked to him in a few days. You told yourself he was only doing these things because he was jealous. But you knew Hyunjin and while he did act on his jealousy occasionally, you knew he wouldn't jeopardize your entire relationship because of it.
And you couldn't shake the feeling that something was still wrong.
One night, after another argument with Kai, and argument that had brought a lot of suspicions to light; you found yourself at Hyunjin's apartment. He welcomed you in, offering a listening ear and a comforting presence.
"I don't know what to do, Hyunjin," you admitted, tears streaming down your face. "I want to believe him, but I he's acting really defensive about things now."
Hyunjin pulled you into a hug, his heart aching for you. "It's okay, Y/N. Take your time. You'll figure it out." He felt hurt for you, and he leaned his nose to your shoulder. The smell of warm sugar and vanilla and everything homely easing his nerves. Nerves that he was more than sure were tripled in your own case.
The strain in your relationship with Kai only grew as the days went by. The tension was palpable, and you often found yourself retreating into the comfort of Hyunjin's company. His unwavering support was the only thing keeping you grounded, but even he couldn't shield you from the turmoil you were experiencing.
One night, it finally blew up. You had gone through his company email, after seeing a suspicious text. You found yourself unable to bear it any longer. It was well past midnight when you stormed out of your apartment, tears streaming down your face. You didn't know where to go, but your feet carried you to a familiar place: the dorm.
It was an ungodly hour when you arrived, especially since you had walked the few miles- which you knew would get you in trouble with Hyunjin and in turn the rest of the boys. Also considering you were in an extremely vulnerable state. You hated the thought of Chan or Felix scolding you on top of all of this.
Your heart pounding in your chest as you knocked on the door. The city was eerily quiet, the only sound being your soft sobs and the distant hum of light early morning traffic.
After what felt like an eternity, the door finally creaked open.
"Its 2:30 in the fucking morning why the hell-"
Minho stood there, bleary-eyed and clearly half-asleep. And angry pout set into his face. His expression quickly shifted from anger to concern when he saw you.
"Y/N? What's going on?" he asked, his voice hushed yet urgent.
You choked back a sob, unable to form coherent words. Minho quickly ushered you inside, his protective instincts kicking in. His arms wrapped around you as he looked around and locked the door.
"Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" He gently looked all around, his hands gentle as he sat you on the couch and tried to hold back his anger at the thought of someone hurting you. He knew it had been a while since you and Hyunjin had ended things but he still regarded you as his family.
The weight of everything seemed to crash down on you all at once. Moments later, Chan appeared, his hair disheveled and eyes wide with worry, but not sleepy at all.
He must have been working.
"Y/N, what happened?" he asked, rushing to your side. Slowly other members filed out due to the commotion.
When Hyunjin walked out, rubbing his eyes and running into Seungmin, his expression turned to a murderous anger and he pushed through to you.
"Did he hurt you?" His questions mimicked those of Minho's and the younger members went back into their rooms with looks of concern and hesitation after Chan waved them away. He and Minho stayed out with Changbin, and if it wasn't for the state of panic you were in you'd laugh at how much of a parent dynamic the hyung line had.
You looked up at him, your vision blurred by tears. "I...I couldn't stay there anymore, Hyunjin. It's too much."
"Did he hurt you?" Hyunjin asked again. "If he laid a finger-"
"No he didn't..." You manage to choke out. "He- you were right Hyunjin. You were right."
Hyunjin's face hardened with determination. He sat down beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "You can tell me when you're ready."
Through your tears, you explained how you had discovered the truth about Kai. How your suspicions had grown because he always smelled like flowers.
It was a stupid realization, but you had never used flower scents. You found it to be an unappealing scent due to the subtleness of it. Which you would have never noticed the scent on Kai if you had never trained yourself to try and smell them when you had been using scents of such. And so whenever you hugged him and he had the subtle aroma your suspicions had grown.
Then a weird transaction happened on your cars, and it led you down a rabbit hole where you found the immense amount of debt Kai was in.
He had originally been truthful about working late nights- but another coworker had been too and eventually it led to a couple of drinks and a "stupid mistake". Except the guilt hadn't done anything other thasn to make Kai more doting in repentance, since he continued after the "mistake."
The arguments and the secrecy had all led to one heartbreaking revelation that he had been meeting with someone else, under the guise of late-night work meetings. But it wasn't just physical cheating that shattered you; it was the emotional betrayal. Kai had formed an emotional connection with someone else, confiding in them about things he should have been sharing with you.
He even said he loved them.
"I confronted him," you said, your voice breaking. "He admitted it. Said he didn't mean for it to happen, that he was just lonely and stressed at work. He apologized. Saying he didn't mean to fall in love with someone else. He cried. So much. Like he was hurt that he hurt me."
Hyunjin listened intently, his jaw clenched in anger and frustration on your behalf. "Don't do that Y/N."
You looked up at him from his embrace, and you saw anger and frustration overtake his exhaustion.
"Don't make it so you see yourself as the villain. He might feel horrible, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he acted on those feelings while being in a relationship with you. You don't have to paint him out to be the bad guy if you don't want to." Though I do. "But you're sure as hell not going to blame yourself for this. People fall out of love all the time but that never justifies cheating."
You wiped your eyes, trying to steady your breathing. "I thought I could handle it, that we could work through it. But seeing him tonight, knowing he was still talking to her... I couldn't stay. I thought it would be a clean break but its not- Hyunjin it's not." You let out a guttural sob, and Hyunjin swear he can hear his heartbreak.
Hyunjin tightened his hold on you, his voice filled with conviction. "You're not alone, Y/N. We'll get through this. I'll help you. The guys will."
Minho, who had been silently watching from the doorway with Chan and Changbin stepped forward. "Do you need anything? Water? Tea?"
You shook your head, grateful for his kindness. "No, I'm okay. Thank you, Minho."
He nodded, giving you a reassuring smile. "Take your time. We're here for you."
Chan and Changbin both came and hugged you along side Minho. It was a comforting group hug that seemed to take the hurt away slightly.
As the night wore on, you found some semblance of peace in the familiarity of the dorm. The comforting presence of Hyunjin helped ease your anxiety, even if just a little.
"Why don't you stay here tonight?" Hyunjin suggested gently. "You shouldn't go back home. Not right now." He flipped your phone over behind you, ignoring the 12 missed calls and numerous texts from Kai. "I can inform the bastard that you'll be staying here for a while."
You hesitated, not wanting to impose. But the thought of returning to your apartment, where the shadows of your argument with Kai still lingered, was too much to bear.
"Okay," you agreed, your voice barely above a whisper.
Chan nodded in agreement. His exhaustion setting in. "I'll set up the guest room for you. Stay here as long as you need. It'll be nice having another face around the house."
Once you were settled into the guest room, Hyunjin lingered in the doorway, his expression a mix of concern and determination.
"Get some sleep, Y/N. We'll talk more in the morning," he said softly.
You nodded, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you. "Thank you, Hyunjin. For everything."
He gave you a small, reassuring smile. "Anything for you."
As he closed the door, you lay back on the bed, your mind racing with thoughts and emotions. Despite the chaos, a sense of relief washed over you. You weren't alone. Hyunjin was there and so were the guys, and together, you would navigate whatever lay ahead.
The next morning, you woke up to the smell of coffee and the sound of soft chatter coming from the kitchen. You hesitated for a moment before heading out, finding Minho and Hyunjin sitting at the table.
"Good morning- or afternoon." Minho greeted with a warm smile. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," you admitted, taking a seat. "Thank you."
Hyunjin poured you a cup of coffee, sliding it across the table.
You nodded, taking a sip of the hot beverage. "I need to talk to Kai. Really talk to him. Ease myself a bit."
"Y/N...you don't intend to get back with him do you?" Jisung said settling next to Hyunjin. "Cause I would kill him if I were you."
"Ya! Jisung don't be like that." Chan scolded from the kitchen where he was making lunch. Jisung huffed quietly and pouted.
"Fine dad." He said pulling his cup up for a sip.
"I'm not. I just want to talk with him and make this a civilized break. Grab my stuff too."
"You sure he'll be able to afford the apartment with all his debt? Broke ass bitch-" Seungmin said while he was grabbing something from the fridge.
Chan reached over and slapped the back of his head lightly. "Ya! Did you not hear me scold Jisung a minute ago?"
"It's the truth though..." Seungmin mumbled rubbing the back of his head. "Imagine having to work overtime because of debt, and then getting in more debt because you found an office affair because of overtime. With the amount of money he'll be owing the landlord now he'll probably cheat seven mor-" Chan hit him again a little bit harder and Seungmin sighed. "You're just feeding into censorship. I'm spitting facts."
"Seungmin stop watching American shows, you'll linfluence Innie." Changbin says looking up from his phone.
"Stop censorship!" Innie says raising a fist into the air while shoving half a bowl of ramen in his mouth.
You can't help but laugh, and Hyunjin feels his heart thump at hearing it again.
He reached across the table, taking your hand in his. "We'll be here for you, no matter what. Based on what you told me it seems he knows a breakup is inevitable. It's really mature of you to want to talk first, and be able to express your hurt."
Minho nodded in agreement. "And you deserve to be happy, Y/N. Don't forget that."
Later that day, you decided it was time to confront Kai. Hyunjin offered to come with you for support, but you insisted on facing this alone. He respected your decision, giving you a reassuring hug before you left. And a soft pet on the head.
Something he had done when you both were something more.
When you were both something that you found yourself missing more and more.
As you stood outside your apartment, your heart pounded in your chest. Taking a deep breath, you unlocked the door and stepped inside. Kai was sitting on the couch, his expression a mix of relief and apprehension when he saw you.
"Y/N, where were you? I was worried sick," he said, standing up.
"I needed some time to think," you replied, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "We need to talk, Kai."
He nodded, gesturing for you to sit. "Okay. Yeah. Let's talk." He said nodding, knowing what was to come.
A little later, you had grabbed a duffel full of a couple of things, intending to come back another day for the rest of your belongings. You had wished your ex all of the best. Even if your heart was completley shattered.
You felt humiliated and ashamed.
You were all broken, and he was okay. Even being honest enough to admit he was going to continue his relationship.
Leaving the apartment, you intended to walk around for a little, to clear your head and dry your tears before having to go back to the dorm and face everyone.
But that plan immediately failed when you stepped out from the building and saw Hyunjin standing there with a small boquet of roses.
The only sound you could hear was the paper crumpling in his hands as he walked towards you.
"Y/N." He said softly, and that was all it took for the towers to come crashing down.
You just buried your head into his chest and let him hold you.
The flowers were long forgotten as you sobbed into him, and as he whispered sweet nothings into your hair.
"Let's go home." He said quietly.
And there in your arms you realized something that you had been shoving into the depths of your soul for a long time. Something that maybe wasn't entirely appropriate for you to be realizing at the moment.
Hyunjin was your home. You missed him.
And you wanted to ruin what you had with him. Make it into something more.
Because you were still very much in love with him.
But you were too prideful to ever admit that...
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
@iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric
@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
@skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
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squash1 · 1 year
adam being a literal psychic — i’m talking fully scrying into the ether, connected to a sentient forest, psychic — and CHOOSING not to use his real psychic ability but to instead just use his talent as a bitchy judgement bisexual to give his harvard classmates “physic” readings to skam them out of money has got to be one of the most iconic things ever.
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bumblesimagines · 9 months
i had a great time.
maybe you should go.
Maddy Perez
maybe you should go.
i had a great time.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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You and Lexi shared many similarities as twins. There was the shared love for literature and theater, the longing for Suze's attention, the bitter resentment toward Gus for leaving and never saying goodbye, the feeling of constantly being in Cassie's shadow, and of course, similar physical features.
But, like other siblings, you and Lexi were also vastly different.
Lexi preferred her solitude. She could spend hours alone in her shared bedroom on her laptop creating screenplay after screenplay in an online document. She was clumsy and awkward and despite her writing skills, she had trouble speaking to others without stammering or tripping over her words. Behind nearly every decision and action Lexi made had been a thought-out plan filled with 'what ifs'. You preferred leaps of faith into the unknown where the end destination wasn't visible until the last second. More often than not, you were left scrambling to ensure your ass wouldn't be toast.
Like the night after a party at a classmate's place when you woke up at home in your cozy bed with the slim body of your sister's closest friend cuddled up at your side and you left to stare at the ceiling debating your choices.
On one hand, Maddy Perez was bitchy and confident enough to pretend nothing ever happened between you and her. On the other hand, Nathaniel Jacobs had enough privilege to get away with murder if she ever let it slip. 
So, there you remained, staring up at the ceiling and rethinking the life choices that led up to that moment. If only you hadn't agreed to go to the party with the girls. If only you hadn't agreed to Elliot's stupid challenge of flirting with Maddy to see what the school's queen bee would do. If only you'd encouraged the girls to head to their respective homes instead of crashing at the Howard residence. Then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be wondering what the hell Nate Jacobs would do to you if he ever found out you slept with his girlfriend. It wasn't as if you could sneak out and play dumb if she asked. She was in your bed, in your house.
Craning your neck to take a peek at her when she began to stir, you finally noticed her messy appearance. Her maroon lipstick had smudged considerably and from the red markings scattered across your skin, you could only assume how it'd happened. Her glittery, silver makeup appeared in a similar state, and the glitter smudged against your skin, twinkling with the sunlight that poured in from the window. Her hair was in the worst state you'd ever seen it in, and you found your gaze drawn to the light markings on her neck and shoulders. Her dark eyes fluttered open and for the first time since entering high school, you found yourself hoping for some disgust or repulsion in them. But instead, a yawn escaped her lips and she tiredly rubbed at her eyes.
"Morning." You murmured a bit awkwardly and dragged yourself up to rest your back against the headboard. She snorted quietly and brushed her raven hair out of her face, somehow still looking like a model. "About last night-"
"I had a great time. I never thought Cassie's little brother would have it in him. " Maddy began with a coy grin and you waited for a 'but' to follow. "We should do this again sometime." She purred instead and planted a kiss on the corner of your lips. You could practically feel your ego growing, but they weren't the words you wanted to hear from someone whose boyfriend had no problem with destroying the lives of those who even looked at her twice.
"Right." You forced a chuckle. Fuck. "I had a good time too, Mads, but I-I think maybe you should go or at least sneak into the girls' room before they wake up. I just... I think Cassie might get upset if she finds out and I, uh, I don't want to get you in trouble with Nate either." 
She blinked at you and then blinked again. Her perfectly plucked brows slowly furrowed and the tips of her lips dragged downward. You couldn't quite tell what the look on her face meant. Was she disappointed? Hurt? Sad?
"You're kicking me out?" Ah. Of course, she was offended. Maddy getting turned down was an occurrence that only happened on blue moons and even then, whoever rejected her would only end up taking it back moments later. 
"Maddy, I really think it's for the best. This will only end up hurting us both in the end." You tried again, speaking softly as if it'd do anything to convince her.
"And what if I don't care? What if I want to continue this?"
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corruptedcaps · 6 months
Nurse Stacey
Stacey’s first day as an interning nurse wasn’t going well. How was she suppose to know she had to provide her own uniform? Although the rest of the girls from her class seemed to know as they were all dressed and ready for work. She knew it was somehow Bree’s, her bitchy classmate, fault.
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Bree was clearly jealous of Stacey’s innate smarts and aptitude for the job but Bree also made it no secret that she was studying to become a nurse just so she could sink her claws into the richest doctor available. She didn’t want anyone taking any spotlight away from her in anyway so constantly set Stacey up to fail.
However Bree had ‘modified’ her uniform to make it so eyes were always on her anyway. Her tight uniform showed as much skin as was possible under the rules, so bullying Stacey at this point was just a bonus. By lunchtime on her first day Stacey was pulled aside by the head doctor, Lawrence, and told she needed to find a uniform that was white and red like everyone else’s by end of day otherwise she would be let go.
“I’m sorry Stacey but I’ve had complaints from some of the other interns that you aren’t taking your time here very seriously and it’s reflecting poorly on them so please find something appropriate to wear otherwise I’ll have to give you a failing grade.” He said leaving her alone to fume. Her? Inappropriate? Bree was the one with the ‘modified’ uniform, her tits practically dripping out.
“But by the end of day? How can I possibly do that with the rest of my work?” Stacey said to herself after Lawrence walked away.
“Maybe you should use your lunch hour, god knows you could lose a few pounds.” Bree said cruelly chiming in.
Stacey stormed into the locker room to try and find some nurse scrubs, even dirty ones but came up empty. Frustrated she banged against the lockers but felt them shake more than normal against the wall. That’s when she realized they weren’t up against a wall, but a door. Curious, she pulled out the set of lockers to reveal the door. It had been painted over but it was clearly a door and even had a name plate too.
Sliding the plate off she scratched and chipped away at the paint until it revealed it read ‘Head Nurse’. It was only then that she realized that the hospital didn’t have a head nurse. It wasn’t unusual for a hospital not to have one but it certainly was strange for a hospital to have an office for one that didn’t exist. However Stacey also realized that this may be the solution to her problems. Any good head nurse would have a spare change of scrubs in case of emergency.
Pushing the paint covered door hard enough until it gave in, Stacey fell inside to find a long forgotten and dusty room. It was sparsely decorated and had little furniture. What furniture it did have was odd. For example it had a rather plush looking bed and velvety sofa. It looked more like a room to entertain than one to work in but her eyes were soon drawn to a clothes mannequin in the corner. This would be what she needed.
However as she got closer to it she saw that the outfit was far from what she expected. Instead it looked like some sort of slutty Halloween version of a nurses outfit. It was made of white and red spandex and was incredibly short and looked like she wouldn’t be able to breath in it despite it’s flexibility. Stacey would never wear such a thing even as a joke let alone for work but as the end of the day was looming she realized it was her last hope. If nothing else it could buy her time to get a proper uniform after work somewhere.
Stripping down to her underwear she eyed the outfit and realized that she would need to be totally naked to squeeze into it. Locking the door to the office she then removed the last of her clothes and stood for a moment looking at her reflection in the large mirror in the corner.
She was by no means ugly but she was certainly out of shape and unkempt looking. She just never had time to work out and primp herself due to all her studying. She had sacrificed a lot to be where she was and now she was on the brink of losing it because of some gold digging jealous bitch. Her anger spurred her on. She pulled the outfit off the mannequin and held her breath as she slipped into it and zipped it up.
It was the tightest thing she had ever worn and yet she didn’t feel uncomfortable. There was a certain safety she felt by having it close to her skin and yet at the same time it felt as though she were naked. It gave her a weird sense of power, like the outfit was a kind of armour. Taking a moment she looked at herself in the mirror and strangely didn’t think she looked silly as she thought she might have. She didn’t feel shy or reserved either, she felt sexy. Even the antiquated hat looked good on her.
“Wow a head nurse wearing this? I imagine all all the staff were eating out of the palm of her hand, especially the hunky doctors looking like this.” She said to herself in admiration of the previous owner of the outfit. She felt light headed wearing it, like she didn’t have a care in the world which she quickly put down to the outfit cutting down on the blood circulation. It wasn’t tight everywhere however as the outfit was clearly meant for someone with a much larger cup size.
“Even though I don’t fill it out perfectly I think this should keep me from being fired today.” She said to herself preparing to leave but suddenly hearing a voice in her head.
“Fired? Who would dare fire the head nurse?” The voice purred in her mind.
“W-who said that?” Stacey said looking around seeing no one.
“Why me of course, your uniform. I am designed specifically for the head nurse. That’s you of course, correct?” The voice replied. Stacey thought she was losing her mind. Maybe the uniform was cutting off more blood to her brain than she thought.
“Eh yes I’m Stacey, the new, eh, head nurse.” Stacey replied trying to humor her own delusion.
“Stacey? No no no that won’t do, that’s not commanding enough. No you will be Anastasia from now on. Now let me get started.” The voice continued.
“Started with w-?” Stacey began but suddenly felt an intense heat begin in her stomach and reverberate outward. However it wasn’t unpleasant and in fact was quite pleasing making her involuntarily moan.
“Whhhhaaaaat arrrreee youuuuu doooooing?” Stacey groaned as the feeling intensified.
“Why I’m remaking your body of course, didn’t you read your head nurse contract? It’s standard procedure for all new head nurses to undergo a bitchification process. You need to be strong and tough to have this job after all.” The voice said matter of factly.
Stacey felt the uniform crunch in her stomach and her body moulded to its sleek and curvy contours. Her hips flared out, her butt became plump while her waist shrank. It felt good.
And yet she knew what was happening was wrong, she wasn’t the head nurse and pretending to be one would only land her in hot water. She needed to take off the uniform even if it was the more pleasurable thing she had ever felt.
“Noooo stop, this isn’t right. I’m not the head nurse.” She groaned while the changes continued. Hot red nails shot out from the ends of her fingers as her lips inflated into soft kissable pillows. Her tits grew bigger and bigger until it felt as though they’d rip the uniform.
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“Of course, it’s perfectly normal to feel that way during this process but the next phase should put you at ease.” The uniform replied to her in words and then in actions as Stacey suddenly felt a barrage of information be thrown at her mind.
Expert medical advice was downloaded in an instant to her mind, knowledge that would have taken a lifetime to learn was suddenly as simple to her as two plus two. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad she thought to herself, she could make a real difference with a mind like hers now.
Just as she was having this altruistic thought, however, she heard bitchy mantras and creeds echo in her head.
Profits over people.
Power is Queen, the Queen will have power.
Serving the hospital so you will be served.
Greed, beauty, excess, fear.
They repeated over and over again in her mind, it was clear that the head nurse wasn’t there to help the patients, she was meant to help the hospital. Stacey was disgusted but the more she heard the words the more she was nodding along. She tried to resist but the conditioning was too strong.
She didn’t want to become a bitch but the temptation was getting hard to deny. Why should she have to work so hard when sluts like Bree walked all over her. Thinking about what a spoilt bitch Bree was ironically sealed Stacey’s fate. Knowing she’d have the power to command Bree to do whatever she said made Stacey unbearably wet. She wanted that more than anything.
“Yeesss you’re right, I was just doubting myself. That’ll never happen again. Insecure nurse Stacey is dead, confident, gorgeous head nurse Anastasia has arrived.” She purred with a new bitchy tone. She expected the uniform to reply but it said nothing. Having completed its job it went back into a dormant state.
Anastasia meanwhile walked over to the upright mirror and took in her new form. She looked every bit the wet dream she felt. Her outrageous beauty was complemented by her steely cold gaze, a duo that would give her the ultimate power over the staff and patients of HER hospital.
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However she needed to make it official and there was one person she knew who could rubber stamp her new position and she would make it so he would beg her to be head nurse.
The next morning, the staff of the hospital were gathered outside Lawrence’s office after being summoned there 20 minutes ago. They weren’t certain but some could have sworn that they heard grunting, moaning and spanking.
Bree arrived with her cohort just as Lawrence exited his office, with his tie askew. Bree looked around and was happy to see Stacey not present.
“Guess poor Stacey didn’t find any spare uniforms. Such bad timing that we had offered to wash all the spares this morning, we could have given her one.” Bree smirked satisfied to herself as her friends giggled knowingly.
“Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I’ll make this brief. I’m proud to announce that starting today we have a long over due position returning. The position of head nurse!” Lawrence declared and the staff broke out into a murmur.
Bree and her friends broke into an excited chatter. This could be the stepping stone Bree needed to bag herself a rich doctor. If she became Head Nurse she would work intimately with the upper crust of the hospital. Sure there were more senior nurses but she had a way of getting what she wanted.
“After a long decision process I have decided to fill the position with one of our newest nurses. I know this might irk some of the senior staff but I believe a new position needs new blood.” Lawrence said and Bree felt his eyes land on her. Could she be getting her wish so soon? Of course, there was no other answer.
“So will you all please welcome your new head nurse, Anastasia.” Lawrence announced loudly as a brunette beauty strode out from his office. The staff were completely gobsmacked by the reveal of Anastasia, clad in the tightest uniform they had ever seen.
“Now that is no way to great your new head nurse, is it? Applaud. ” Anastasia said with a long stare that sent a shiver down everyone’s spine. Slowly they began to clap and Anastasia basked in their fearful reverence.
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“Now Anastasia will get reacquainted with everyone over the next few days but for now back to work.” Lawrence said and looked over to Anastasia for an approving look but finding only her cold withering stare. Nevertheless he became aroused and quickly left to do his rounds along with most of the staff. Most except Bree and her gang.
“You might have Lawrence fooled with these fake tits, and slutty makeup but I know you’re still a loser Stacey and I’ll have your job by the end of the week.” Bree said defiantly. Anastasia smiled at her unnervingly and slowly clopped over to her in her high heels. As tough as Bree fronted she soon cowered before her new head nurse as she was backed into a corner with her friends.
“That’s head nurse Anastasia worm. You can be as insolent as you like but I now control your passing grades. If you don’t do exactly as I say I’ll fail you, all of you, and blacklist the lot of you from working in any hospital in this country. No job, no hot doctors, no life of luxury.” She said bearing down on the frightened young women.
“But follow me, learn from me and I’ll recommend you as Head Nurses to our sister locations. They’ll be some ‘training’ involved of course but you’ll earn yourself a uniform like mine and the power that comes with it. Understood?” Anastasia said in a cold purr that had all of Bree’s friends nodding enraptured.
“Good. Now off you go, training begins tomorrow.” Anastasia said standing back and allowing the women to escape. But yet again, Bree stood in rebellious rage.
“Screw you slut, my daddy is rich and is on the board of the hospital, if you think your theatrics intimidate me you-” Bree began but was quickly silenced by Anastasia who grabbed the girl by her neck and lifted her off the floor with ease, the uniform granting her super human strength.
“Silence, I heard just about enough of you. I know about your daddy and the power he had over the hospital. Who do you think gave Lawrence the go ahead for my promotion? Your daddy is under my thumb now and he will do exactly as I command, something you’re going to learn to do starting now.” Anastasia cackled as she dragged the young nurse to her office and threw her to the floor.
“Now loser you’re going to clean this place too to bottom. I want all this dust gone by the end of day, if you don’t consider your future as a nurse ended.” The bitchy head nurse said smirking down at Bree.
“By the end of day? How can I possibly do that with the rest of my work?” Bree said to Anastasia who just looked at her as if she were an ant.
“Maybe you should use your lunch hour, god knows you could lose a few pounds.” Anastasia said smirking cruelly at Bree.
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freemansgirl · 1 year
Loved the jock Amber, how about her with a nerd reader?
aww thank you, that means a lot to me! ofc, i can do jock!ambs x nerd!reader, love the brains x brawns duo we got going on here💁🏿‍♀️ pls lmk if you like this, anon ☺️
jock!amber x nerd!reader
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* when first seeing amber, you found her really attractive, even if a jock wasn’t the typical person you go for based off the rumors you hear of them or how they are portrayed in media. what started off as a small, innocent class crush turned into a very, serious crush. you always wanted to talk to her, but she was someone that had a very hard exterior to her. she could be bitchy to other classmates and always had a resting bitch face. as intimidating as she was, she found herself taking in interest in you.
* most of her teammates in the locker room would encourage amber to get with popular “hot” girls or a girl with a status to her. just the typical locker room talk but she ignored them of course. “what about that liv girl, isn’t she hot to you?” “i appreciate the suggestion but i got my eyes on someone else.”
* she always sneaks little glances at you during class, admiring how cute you look. you looked so pretty when concentrating on the class subject. she admired how smart you were too, you always had the answers to every question the teacher asked.
* she took notice of you in class when the teacher suggested a group assignment. it was the perfect opportunity for her to talk to you. amber picked you as her partner. not only were you just smart and well-spoken, but you were beautiful and kept to yourself. more things that she liked about you.
* you felt nervous because you always caught her checking you out with her rbf so the fact she picked you caught you off guard. however, amber was… surprisingly level-headed and nice, not the typical airhead, loud, and mean jock stereotype.
* the two of you exchanged numbers and always would try to make time to study after school to prepare for the group project. usually, amber would never really take time off of football practice for anyone, because she was someone who took sports seriously, but for you, she did. amber helps with grabbing whatever books you needed and would assist w the work for the group project.
* when it came to you two being group partners, amber wanted to get closer so she’d invite you over at her place.
* when she learned about your interests, she found them really cool actually. she liked hearing you ramble and get so passionate, she finds it adorable. there wasn’t any judgment whatsoever. she liked that your interests weren’t like the stereotypical, average person’s interests.
* “amber? are you there? am i boring you with my constant talking about my interests? i know they’re a bit… “nerdy” and all.” what? no. of course not, i love hearing you talk about these things.” she thinks you are the cutest nerd she has ever seen. if anything, you’re her cute nerd🤷🏿‍♀️.(she cant rlly judge you anyway considering she is a big fan for stab. shes just as much of a nerd as you.)
* when seeing you write notes for anything, she compliments your handwriting
* thinks you look cute with glasses if you wear them
* she likes to get you things related to what you like. favorite book series? already checked it out at the library. favorite movie series? buys it for movie nights at her place. video games? already installed on a console. whatever it is you like, she’ll find a way to surprise you.
* she has definitely gotten you a cute oversized onesie of a fictional character you love before, thinks you look so cute walking around her room in it.
* loves to take off and manage her time for you. if you need help w something, she is always there for you especially w studying. she also likes to go to you for any type of tutoring.
*walks you to all of your classes, hand in hand with a lot of pride in her face because she adores having you!!
* takes you home if no one can after you spend a long time studying a library or from some type of club. she doesn’t want you to walk alone hurt and unsafe.
* she likes to invite you to her football practices and to football games because she feels like seeing you support her gives her motivation to win the games.
* she always gives you one of her jackets or a hoodie of hers to provide you some sort of comfort.
* if any of her friends try to tease amber about how she has the hots for you (because usually she’s not the corny type but with you she is), she’ll lightly throw a football at them to shut them up.
* if anyone talks badly or inappropriately about you in the locker room, she’ll literally go off on them and find a way to punish them as a football captain. she’ll probably make them do hella pushups with her foot on their back or make them run around the gym a lot of times.
* sapiosexual for sureee, i think she’d get very turned on by how smart you are. i mean how can she not be in a nerd x jock dynamic?
* so unlike the stereotypical pushy, overly sexual jock, who try to make their girlfriends give it up to them… amber is actually very gentle with you. she’d never push or force herself onto you. she’s patient and willing to wait for when you’re comfortable with her.
* likes to fuck you with her jersey on, it gives her the biggest ego boost honestly. also she likes fucking you with glasses on bc you know… glasses are sexy🤭
* during study sessions at the library, if amber is in one of her horny moods, she’d try to persuade you to go the bathroom w her and just give her a quickie. or just go there for horny moods in general
* for any shy ppl reading this, amber would love if youre shy and quiet in bed. it’s just a turn on for her and it makes her wanna fuck you even more just to draw more moans from you.
* after she wins a game, fucking you is one of her favorite ways to celebrate
* if you’re trying to study or just simply doing work at a library, amber would definitely use a sex toy vibrator on you to tease you. the more she can switch the settings, the better :)
* after a long aggravating football practice of someone pissing her off, she’d had sex too to just blow her steam. it can be at the locker rooms or at her place tbh.
* gym bathroom sex happens after you watch her work out and you get sooo turned on by how she works on her muscles. “i see you checking me out, (your name). if you want something from me, do be afraid to say what it is you want.” the something meaning sex
* shower sex
* likes to probably eat you out while you’re watching like a favorite movie of yours just to tease and to make enjoying fave movie even more fun ;)
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