#biology's habits are hard to break | suggestive
eliluvschan · 7 months
Shadow Selfies
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 971
warnings: few curse words & cutie Channie
genre: fluff
a/n: am i writing instead of finishing an essay for my deadline on thursday? no im not👀
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i was walking my to my best friend Chan’s house. he’s got i don’t know what hair colour cause the man dyes his hair every two weeks now? i kinda lost count.
we’ve known each other for the past five years, but the thing is i’ve always liked him more than a friend.
i like him. a lot.
i rang the bell and Jessica, Chan’s mother, appeared in the doorway.
“hey dear, Chan’s in his room upstairs.”
“thanks, Mama Bahng.” i always call Jessica Mama Bahng, it’s a habit i picked up from hanging out a lot at Chan’s house.
she smiled as we both walk trough the hallway. “are you hungry?” she asked me.
“a little.”
“come on. i just bought these.” she said, putting a batch of brownies in front of me.
“alright then, but just one.” i smile.
“sure.” she turned away.
i took a piece and ate it.
“oh, this is amazing.”
“i know right? it’s a new bakery called Felix’s Goodies, maybe you and Chan can pick some up for the others?” she suggested.
“sure thing!”
“eomma, is Y/n here already?” i heard Chan calling from upstairs.
“maybe later.” i smiled and got up from where i was sitting, and made my way down the hall and upstairs. i knocked on the second door on the left.
“if it’s Hannah, go away. if it’s Y/n, come in please!” he called from inside.
“ugh, rude!” Hannah called as she got out of her room to go downstairs.
i laughed at her comment as i opened the door to the usual shirt strewn floor and messy bed.
“hey, where are you?” i called.
“oh, hey there cutie.” he said emerging from the side and pulling on a black hoodie. he stopped in front of me. “what’s up?”
“nothing much. you ready?”
“ready for what?”
“oh yeah. come on.”
so we sat down on the bed and flicked through our books and opened chapter seven of biology. disease’s & microbes.
“i don’t understand this shit.” he said after five minutes of poring over the same page. he scanned the green page and then looked at me.
“what is that hard about learning the freaking definition of a compost?” i asked after explaining the compost again.
“it bounces off of my head. how did you do it?”
“don’t ask.”
he laughed. omg his laugh.
“okay. one more time?” i asked.
“okay. and then we do something else.”
i rolled my eyes. “sure.”
he smiled and sat a little straighter.
“when rotten plants, are piled onto a heap, the bacteria of microbes act on it, and produce an enzyme that turns into any sort of liquid and then they feed on it. this stupid and disgusting process is called a compost. got it?” i asked.
“the crappy heap of plant shit is called compost?” he joked.
i laughed. “yeah. now Bio degradable’s?”
“we’re doing something else.” he told me.
“you’re going to fail the test!”
“no, i’m not.” he said.
“yeah, you are. you’re not paying attention!”
“look, i’ve done as much as i can. and just one def. of bio- whatever’s left. it won’t hurt to leave one thing. and besides, you need a break too.
i thought for a moment. true, i do need a break.
“why are you trying so hard to make me study?” he asked.
“cause friends watch out for each other, and remember Mr. Lee said he’s gonna change out seats so we can’t pass notes or talk at all.” i reminded him.
“aw, you’re doing this so we can talk? sweet!” he smiled.
“shut up.” i said, returning to the book.
“hey, look at the shadows!” he said.
i looked and saw our shadows on the wall, very clear and sharp.
Chan took out his phone and took a picture. soon, we were posing madly and taking pictures in the mirror. then Chan held up his index finger. i put mine across it and made an x. i took the picture.
he held his palm in the air. i calmed mine against it, forming a weird, but beautiful shadow of two hands joined in mid-air.
both of us took the picture. then he curved his hand into a half-heart shape. i curved mine, completing the heart. we took the picture.
i looked up at him, he looked down, not smiling. his eyes full of passion. he stared at my lips, then he leaned in and the next thing i knew his lips were moving against mine and his arms were no longer suspended in the air but gripping my waist.
a soft sigh and a click!
a camera snapping a picture, and we jumped and broke apart. Chan looked around. his mother was standing in the doorway. she quickly turned around and walked away.
“i, uh, i should get going.” i blushed and turned away.
“no, don’t go.” he whispered, holding me back.
“goodbye, Chris.” i moved away. but i felt a tug at my fingers. i looked back. our fingers were still locked. Chan smiled at them, but i hastened to pull them away.
i made my way home, still thinking about the kiss.
i got a text from Chan as soon as i was inside.
Channie😩��️‍🩹: i made mom delete the picture.
me: ok, thanks.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: but i still have it ;)
me: what? why?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: our first kiss.
me: can u send it to me too?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: [1 attachment]
me: well…
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: it’s uhh, nice.
me: yeah.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: will you be my girlfriend Y/n? i mean i’ve liked you forever and i know you kissed me back and we are friends- i’ll take you out this weekend if that suits you?
me: uhh…
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: what?
me: nothing
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: then?
me: yes! :D
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: i had fun.
me: excuse me?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: excused, girlfriend ;) i was talking about the shadow selfies and science of course.
me: oh yeah. me too >_<
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: so tomorrow night?
me: sure. goodnight boyfriend 🤍
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: goodnight girlfriend :)
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tutoroot · 2 years
Top 10 Things to Avoid in NEET Preparation
The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) is a very important exam for candidates who are aspiring to careers in the medical field, as it helps students to join various medical courses, such as MBBS, BUMS, BAMS, etc. Not just that, it is also one of the toughest entrance examinations right now, as more than 18 lakh students took the exam this year. So, the applicants must study very hard, and they must avoid certain aspects while preparing for this entrance test, which we are going to talk about in much more detail below.
Things to Avoid During NEET Preparation
Many students often multitask daily, which in turn will become a habit in the long turn. This is not beneficial, especially during Online NEET Preparation, because this entrance exam includes a vast syllabus involving complex topics, which cannot be learned or memorized half-heartedly. Instead, the students must re-memorize the topics multiple times during the NEET study.
Long Study Hours
Students believe that if they prepare for the NEET exam for long hours, then they can easily cover most of the topics, and understand the complex syllabus easily. However, that is not the case according to experts, who suggest that the long study hours increase fatigue, which in turn will affect the focus of the students. This is why we suggest the students take short breaks in between the study hours, to prepare better for the NEET exam.
Quantity over Quality
There is a common myth, that it is better to cover a lot of books while preparing for NEET. This is not always true, especially for the NEET exam. There is a constant update of the syllabus every year, and students must stay updated with the new syllabus. It’s better for the students to prepare from material provided by coaching institutes including the popular NEET preparation and tutoring platform like Tutoroot.
Excessive TV and Social Media
Spending a lot of time on social media and watching TV is one of the most common mistakes during NEET preparation. This can be very distracting for NEET applicants, which in turn might affect their focus and preparation. It is advised that applicants spend less time on social media or watching TV during NEET study.
Procrastination and Inconsistency
Procrastination is a common habit for many people in their daily lives, but it might not be very beneficial for the individuals who are preparing for the NEET exam. The syllabus for this NEET exam is vast, and delays will end up affecting their performance and subsequently their rank. Similarly, consistency while studying for the NEET exam is also quite important. So, we suggest the students follow a study schedule or a plan during NEET preparation.
Prioritizing One Subject
Individuals who are preparing for the NEET exam often consider Biology as their main subject. At the same time, they neglect other subjects such as Chemistry and Physics that are equally important. This strategy will not help, even though Biology might help them crack NEET. If you want to join the top medical institutions in the country, you should avoid prioritizing one subject over another.
Underestimating Basics
Basics are a very important part of the NEET preparation as it helps students understand the concepts much better. Many students often tend to neglect the basics and focus more on the concepts. It’s important that students spend more time on basics, before moving on to the concepts while preparing for NEET.
Avoid Negative Marking
If you have attended the NEET exam before, then you must be quite familiar with the consequences of negative marking. Some students try to answer questions through guesswork. This process should be avoided while answering the mock tests in the process of preparing for the NEET exam so that it does not become a habit. Negative marking will affect the scores of the students, which in turn will impact their rank.
Not Taking Breaks and Making No Time for Hobbies
When preparing for the NEET exam, the students must take enough breaks in between and have some time for their hobbies. This will help students stay relaxed and focused. It’s good to take a walk or jog so that the mind and body stay healthy.
Unhealthy Food & Snacks
NEET is a very tough exam and 66% of the people who attended this examination last year were able to qualify or get pass marks. This in turn usually increases the stress on the students who are preparing to attend this exam, and eventually, they are tempted to eat at odd times and consume junk food and snacks. This habit will affect the health of students and impact their preparation for the exam.
The do’s and Don’ts listed above will help the students while they are preparing for the NEET examination. Staying clear-headed, stress-free, and healthy is one half of the battle, while the other is studying systematically, with short breaks, factored in. So if you are one of these people who are preparing for NEET, please check out the Online Interactive Classes offered by Tutoroot Platform, as they come with various unique benefits for the students.
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uilechumhachtach · 6 years
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                 >> updated tag drop!
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myscrubslife · 2 years
Hi, you’re blog is super inspiring and I love to go through it! I was wondering how one can keep such good focus or if it’s just natural to you? I suffer from bipolar and adhd and my focus is so horrible but I’ve always been in love with the medical field. To be a nurse or even phlebotomy seems difficult! When did you first realize you wanted to be a doctor?
That’s so nice of you! 😊 I started this blog to combine my love for art and medical sciences.
When I was about 5, my grandpa had a major heart surgery (CABG) that was my first exposure to a big hospital. My dad’s company used to do volunteer work with paediatric cancer patients and I used to go visit with him. Over the years I saw more of my grandparents go in and out of hospitals, met some amazing doctors and I think that’s where my interest started. Biology was always my favourite subject in school and I used to say “I don’t want a 9 to 5 desk job” kind of regret saying that now when we have continuous 48 hour duties over the weekend haha. I’m the first doctor in my family and I didn’t have much idea of what I was getting into, there are times when it gets overwhelming and I ask myself “Why did I even think being a doctor was a good idea?” so I come here to remind myself how much I actually love this branch and there are others who feel the same. There’s also my favourite 2000’s medical show called [Scrubs] that I keep rewatching and that’s where my username comes from :)
I’m only done with one degree and there’s a lot more to study. I was lucky to find a mentor who motivated me to read more and teachers who make the subjects interesting but I do get distracted a lot while studying on my own. I can understand how hard it must be for you. I researched a bit on studying techniques over the past few years and found some ways that work for me-
1. I use this famous focus app called Forest to stop me from checking my phone while I’m studying for long hours at a time. I usually set it to 90-120 min sessions and take small breaks after I’m done (most people prefer the Pomodoro method of 25 mins focus then 5 mins break and repeat, but this works out better for me) I blacklist all the apps that I easily get distracted with and only check them after a session has ended.
2. If I’m about to read up on a certain topic, I first try to find a video on that topic, it helps me get an overview and understand the topic better when I read it. I respect teachers who don’t mind sharing their knowledge for free on YouTube!
3. I take a lot of notes while studying from my textbooks, mostly just scribbling on a single piece of paper, simplified diagrams and flowcharts so that my brain doesn’t go on auto-pilot mode (where I don’t even remember what I just read) it helps me actually understand what I’m reading.
4. I make a lot of flashcards- both digital and pen and paper ones, it helps me retain the information better. The app I use for this is called Feyn and I keep revising them after a certain time (Spaced-repetition). I also solve a lot of questions (multiple choice ones) which helps me retain what I learned rather than just passively reading the topic.
You can read more about Active Recall here.
5. Good (Japanese) stationary that makes studying fun :) I love colour coding my notes for eg. green for drug names and pink for microorganisms, red for information that is often tested. I also make a checklist of reading goals for the day.
6. My Mom suggested that I should have a dedicated space in my room that is only used for studying. This helped me concentrate better. I used to study on my bed when I was younger but I often fell asleep.
7. This may sound a bit cheesy but I’ve written my goals on a post-it on my wall as a reminder but my mentor says “Motivation fades over time, consistency is the key” so I try to read everyday even if it’s just for 30mins to 1 hour to make it a habit.
Hope this helps!
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farceargon · 2 years
Icejin Hcs > - >
I love these funky guys even if they ain’t so common and the species itself not that explored. I’ve taken the liberty of doing so myself with all of my worldbuilding! Take it or leave it, various headcanons below the cut :]
Mammalian/warm blooded and have a super short, near-invisible layer of soft, velvety fuzz: With their home planet being nice and cold, they are in fact mammals and not reptiles in order to survive the frigid temperatures (since being cold-blooded would result in them being insanely sluggish regardless of power or energy level. It’s just biology)! Even though they look pretty lizard-like, they’re actually more of a combination between lizard and cat. The former species (before evolution/adaptation) had a layer of fur that kept them warm until they started to channel the frigid energy of their homeworld inside their bodies and souls. Their fur coats became useless to them and so they started to shrink down but never disappeared entirely. Running a hand along one of their tails is like running it along a plush velvet rug.
Make a variety of sounds: As a partially feline species, Icejin are actually capable of making many distinct sounds. These can range from chirps (like cheetahs) to entire growls and yowls (like big cats). Sometimes even hissing and spitting can be heard coming from angrier Icejin. Most importantly, Icejin can purr. Purring can be jumpstarted by intense affection or fear, as a form of comfort. Thanks to their species mostly subsisting on a pompous notion, being superior to other species and showing no weakness, most of their instinctual habits have been buried by their society (though is still mostly present in most kits before their society’s standards are enforced). Purring, chirping and trilling is frowned on and seen as a display of weakness, doing so in front of others can even result in significant status loss since it’s considered humiliating. Have tails that very actively emote: Not much of a surprise (thanks to the obviously active tail of one Lord Frieza), Icejin tails frequently wiggle, flick, curl and wave. Like cats, their tails are responsive to their emotions and used to convey an entire language of their own. Though this language was lost when the Icejin standards for society became harsher, their emotive tails still remain prevalent. When battling their tails will wave and twitch impatiently, like some long-buried hunting instinct has been re-awakened. When content the ends of their tails might lightly sway or tap and when curious they might swish back and forth like a cat watching a bird. Despite how hard the Icejin try to uphold their powerful, relentless and cold image, their tails never cease to display their emotion for all to see. A softer and far rarer display is one of affection. If an Icejin finds a mate of any kind they’ll often wrap their tail around their mate’s own or around an arm or leg, though it happens more commonly when alone and out of sight of others. Crystal on their head actually encases the brain inside of the skull: Despite appearances suggesting otherwise, the crystal that Icejin boast on their heads extends into their skull through a wide gap in the bone like a big, third eye socket. The powerful material encases the brain and nerves, protecting them from severe damage (especially that caused by blunt force). Being one of the most powerful materials in the universe, Icejin crystal is difficult to break (though sharp, pointed tools designed for things like mining can cause significant damage and can even shatter it) and this allows them to run headfirst into battle more carelessly than other species. While the crystal itself can heal up small wounds over time by producing more of itself, intense damage such as deep cracks and gashes can’t be healed up and often results in stressful migraines, brain damage or death. Have pathetically weak immune systems: Thanks to their avoidance of direct contact with other species and their planets (opting to remain on their ships), the Icejin species is home to the weakest immune system in the universe. With so little time spent strengthening their antibodies with contact to foreign disease, they have left themselves susceptible to many, many illnesses. Even the most inconsequential and harmless of colds to one species could prove fatal to a single Icejin. As a method of protection of sorts, Icejin warships are packed full of decontamination stations where their fighting force must pass through in order to board the vessel and enter specific rooms. This weakness acts as another reason for their intolerance of other species, though their species is more than capable of developing strengthened immune systems if enough time is spent around them. Warm colours are associated with weaker power: Thanks to their association with the cold, ice and snow, Icejin who are born and hatch with crystals in warm colours (oranges, reds, yellows or browns) are often scorned. This trait is believed to be a sign of weak genetics and power and most with these colours are overlooked in favor of Icejin with crystals in cold colours (blues, greens, purples). The cooler a colour, the stronger their connection to their frozen souls, therefore their innermost strength, is believed to be. In the worst case scenario, an Icejin may even end up with crystals and skin in a more brown/orange/red tone, which is quickly associated with rock and stone in contrast to ice and snow. Despite their beliefs, there is no actual proof that warm colours relate to weaker power in any way and it’s mostly believed to have been a result of societal standards to uphold image. - That’s all for now folks! Just a pick-and-choose of a few of the more interesting headcanons of mine, though I’ve got a few more I’m failing to think of atm- Regardless, they just a buncha catboyes :] Hope you enjoyed if you took the time to read :D
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totalbetty · 3 years
IN LOVE WITH YOU || Na Jaemin - PART 1
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AU | college au pairing | OC x university!Jaemin genre | slow burn, best friends to lovers, pining, unrequited love; fluff & angst & humor word count | 17,6k trigger warning | 16+ strong language, adult situations (alcohol, partial nudity, suggestive content), petty catfights and arguments, one scene where someone tries to take advantage of OC (2. DATE GONE WRONG)
network | @kflixnet
description | Jaemin is in love with Cho, and she knows it. She took him for granted, but she's about to learn that nothing lasts forever. After all, you only know you love them when you let them go.
Masterlist! PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Welcome to Myongdok University! The skies are a mesmerizing teal, clouds decorating the air like floating cotton candy. The campus below gleams under the kind daylight, each building representing the bright and captivated young minds that bustle about.
It's your classic start to any story: the birds singing their usual melodic greeting, wind rustling against the auburn foliage. A magpie lands on the dusty ledge of the biology department's third floor window.
But what's that sound?
It's not the birds chirping...
The traffic? No, the streets are smooth and pristine...
Hm... Not the prosperity of the children either...?
Through the murky windows, the spasmodic bops of the magpie's head are indiscernible, its gentle tapping barely noticeable.
The sound— the conversation— is coming from inside the building.
Why, of course. If there's one thing you can count on from this moment onwards, it'll be the one blaring clash against the serenity that is Myongdok University: chaos in the form of Kang Cho.
"Say that again?"
Cho's icy voice cut through the air, her lips pursed in disdain.
The girl in front of her, who stood a few centimeters shorter than Cho, rolled her eyes, hips rested lazily as she stared back. Her lips moved in vague gestures, her nonchalant gaze digested by Cho like milk that had sat in the back of the fridge for a whole month.
"Look—" the pink-haired monstrosity in front of her made circular chewing motions with her jaw, her lips pouted in exaggeration— "it's really none of your business, is it?"
None of her business? Ooh, get her Cho!
Cho took one step forward, her long brown hair barely covering the scowl forming on her face. "Oh, it is my f*cking business when you make it a habit to bail last minute and make him do all the work."
The students passing by the hallway were starting to stare, some lingering like they were waiting for a fight to break out. Cho didn't care; her patience was wearing thin, and looking at the bubble-gum chewing, duck-lipped idiot in front of her only made it worse.
Their eyes were locked on each other, unwavering. Her obnoxious chewing halted for a moment as her eyes glanced to the tall boy behind Cho. She then looked back at Cho, shrugging faintly. "I told him I had a family emergency."
"Three times? Each time conveniently before a project checkpoint?"
Cho felt a soft hand graze her shoulder, nudging her slightly. The boy behind her whispered, "Cho, come on, people are staring."
His comment was ignored; Cho scoffed, rolling her eyes— "yeah, 'cause your life's just full of coincidences... Get your head out of your ass."
Cho's passing comment seemed to have offended the girl, because her head tilted backwards, her mouth slightly open. "Excuse me? B*itch, you're not even in the group—"
"B*tch?" Cho interrupted, her lips now drawn to a thin line of fury. "You're gonna call me a b*tch? Oh, I'll show you who's the little b*tch—"
Cho launched forward, her arms in tight fists. She was going to rip that girl's head off, pull out all her hair, if it weren't for the strong pair of arms gripping her torso and pulling her back. "Cho—"
She wriggled in his embrace, desperate to escape from his clasp so that she could destroy the smug, godawful moron with the cheap pink hair dye— the dye job looked abysmal, she was sure she didn't have to pull that hard for it to just fall right off!
The girl took an apprehensive step back, visible irritation etched on her face. "Oh my god, who are you? You're not even in our department, what the hell?"
Cho growled, her hands outstretched towards the girl. "You piggy-back riding leech, I'll pull that abnormally large head out of your ass if it's so hard for you—"
"Oh-kay!" The dark-haired boy retreated with Cho in his slipping grip—
Alright! Pause here. This tall, dark-haired boy with the most charming smile you'll see for miles— he's Na Jaemin. Faithful best friend to Cho since childhood. Also known as the water to her fire, the cutting pliers to her badly-wired bomb, the Prozac to her IEDs. You know, typical.
Top student of Myongdok's second year biology major, loved by all. For those who couldn't tell, students like him tend to attract lazy, good-for-nothing bums like we are hereby witnessing firsthand.
I guess that's it for now— RESUME!
Cho ripped Jaemin's hands off of her, blowing a stray tuft of hair out of her eyesight and crossing her arms with a huff; her glare was boring holes into the girl's forehead.
The boy heaved a heavy sigh, looking over at the now slightly petrified girl. "Ina, I think you get the point. Please submit your part by tomorrow night?"
Ina stood silent, her eyes occasionally darting towards Cho's gloomy expression. She rolled her eyes— "yeah, whatever."
Eyes still flaring, Cho spun on her heels and tramped in the opposite direction of the hallway. Soon, the boy caught up with her, slowing down to her deep and accented pace. Her head was screwed on straight ahead, but she could feel his eyes lingering on her from her peripherals.
"I don't want a lecture," Cho grumbled.
The boy next to her flashed a charming smile. "I wasn't gonna."
Her nose was scrunched in vexation. "God, I just hope that b*tch chokes on her bubblegum... I don't know how the hell you stand her."
They had walked down a flight of stairs towards the main lobby of the biology department building. As they were exiting through the main glass doors, the boy beside her shrugged. "I don't think she's that bad."
Cho almost choked on air; she gave him a sharp stare, disbelief written all over her face. The boy beside her seemed to find it amusing, because he only chuckled in return.
The bright, morning air brushed against her skin, the sun-kissed hues splashing their faces as they walked across the grounds of the campus.
"Not that bad? Jaemin, she's just using you, you know? All those all-nighters were because she bailed on her work last minute. But guess what? She still gets an A because of you—" she pointed a finger at his chest— "You already have a coffee addiction, I don't need you overdosing on caffeine just because some wack b*tch wants to have a good time instead of fulfilling her responsibility."
Jaemin put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into an endearing hug. "Kang Cho," Jaemin fake-gasped, "is that concern I hear?"
She rolled her eyes, nudging him on the ribs; he let out a tiny 'oof', gripping his side as she pursed her lips. "Well, of course it is! Someone's gotta stand up for you— you're like this innocent little rabbit; you wouldn't survive a day out in the wild."
This time, Jaemin actually gasped— "Hey!"
"What?" Cho chuckled, snaking her arm under his jean jacket and around his slender waist. "It's true!"
He shook his head playfully, leaning closer to her so that their bodies touched. The warm breeze fanned her face; she watched as groups of young students walked all around them, bags slung on their shoulders, smiles on their faces.
She tried to brush off the idiot's image out of her head by scanning the crowd lazily... and it certainly worked: a certain young man sitting on a bench under the tree caught her attention.
Her stance shifted, her posture rigid and her eyes suddenly wide. Her eyes were tangled on his beautiful brown locks of hair, rested stylishly on his head, his relaxed jawline perfectly lined under the sunlight.
"Then what would that make you?" Jaemin suddenly inquired, his eyes casted on her.
With half a mind, she barely got the words out. "What?"
Jaemin raised his eyebrows at her, half a smile gracing his features. "If I'm a rabbit, what are you?"
"Um..." Her eyes darted between Jaemin and the boy just a few meters from them. "I'm a fox."
"A fox?"
Her eyes were steady on the boy— he still hadn't noticed her. The impact of the soles of her feet against the pavement strung louder; she was fully aware that with each step, they were strolling closer to his position. She studied the boy's eyes carefully, fighting the sudden rapid beating of her chest. In that instant, his eyes shifted— oh, sweet baby Jesus, is he looking her way?
The boy had his hands in his pocket. He stood up, a smile had formed on his face and he's walking her way.
"Yeah, yeah—" Cho dismissed— "a fox."
Holy sh*t, he's coming!
"But foxes hunt rabbits—"
"Shhh, shh—" she pushed herself away from Jaemin, slapping him rapidly in nervous agitation— "that's Jihoon, he's coming this way, act natural!"
She dusted off her skirt, clearing her throat as she straightened her posture. A baffled Jaemin stood next to her, rubbing circles on the shoulder Cho so-violently attacked. She flashed a pretty smile as the mysterious boy finally stopped in front of them.
"Hey, Cho," the boy greeted cheerfully, sparing Jaemin a quick glance.
Jaemin's relaxed demeanor had shifted in that instant. His stiff posture and icy glower went unnoticed by Cho, however, as she swayed her ponytail spiritedly.
"Hey, Jihoon," Cho greeted, slowing her speech into a low, raspy tone, "what's up?"
Jihoon tilted his head. "Are we still on for this Friday?"
Cho arched an eyebrow, giving him a coy smile. "Definitely."
"Alright—" he took a deep, soothing breath— "well, I'll pick you up at seven?"
"It's a date." She confirmed.
He nodded, leaning awkwardly on one side. "It's a date."
A moment passed in silence. Jihoon looked over at Jaemin, giving him a quick nod— "later, man."
He spun on his heel, walking away in the direction he came from as Cho watched him go in a dreamy haze; a smitten sigh escaped her lips.
Park Jihoon. Third year, engineering major. Could be found most days in his engineering department, five spaciously-designed buildings away from her business department. His dorm, an entire fifteen minutes (by foot) from her dorm, the women's dorm 2.
Yet, as faith would have it, the gods decided that it would be Cho spilling a freshly boiled ramen instant bowl all over his shirt on a wet, gloomy Tuesday. The remaining two weeks that led up to this day was, well... history.
"Cho, you're drooling."
She blinked away her tunnel vision, her head snapping in Jaemin's direction. His eyebrows were knitted, arms folded in mild distaste. She jogged a few steps ahead of him, turning around to stick out her tongue at him in mockery.
He caught up with her easily, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Wait, you're going on a date with him Friday night? We have volunteer work."
Damn! She totally forgot about that!
"Cover for me please?"
Jaemin placed his hands against his hips. "It's foreign food Friday, how could you miss that?"
"Pleeeease? This week's Denmark— you know I can't eat cheese, I'm lactose-intolerant." She pouted, her eyes blinking sadly in exaggeration as she pressed her hands together.
He stared at her, his nose scrunched in contemplation. Cho waited, her stance unwavering.
Wait, watch this...
Jaemin's eyes narrowed. The silence between them was at its pinnacle; her eyes were now aggressively doe-like, her pouty lips a fresh tint of pink.
He heaved a defeated sigh. "Fine."
Aha! Works every time.
Cho broke into a winning grin, jumping into the air with a little squeal. "Thank you!"
She turned around in victory, taking light steps as Jaemin clicked his tongue. "I can't believe you're going on a date with him."
Cho furrowed her eyebrows. "What's wrong with him??"
"Nothing—" he shrugged— "I'm just way more handsome."
"Oh, yeah totally," Cho confirmed, nodding her head vigorously, "no doubt about that, lover boy."
His gentle laugh echoed the space around them; his stare lingered on her as she stopped in her tracks. Slowly, her legs trailed in his direction until she was before him; she craned her neck slightly upwards to face his innocent guise.
"Come here, let me just—" she leaned against him as her hands started to comb his unruly hair.
His hands hovered around her waist, unnoticeable by Cho as she flashed a satisfied grin. She pushed tufts of hair away from his face, exposing his bare forehead. His Adam's apple was faintly shifted upwards as he looked down at her, the space between them scarce.
With her fingers still tangled in his hair, her eyes paused on his mesmerized gaze. His eyes were sparkling under the kind sun, and they looked like they sparkled just for her; he watched a subtle smile play on her lips.
She tiptoed slowly, pushing his fluffy hair back as she closed the gap between her lips and his forehead; her lips were soft and his hands were steady against her hips, careful to keep her balanced.
She finally broke the contact, leaning back to give him a cheery smile. His eyes never left her features, his lips slightly parted. His voice came out in a low murmur, just enough for them both.
"Don't go kissing him like that."
His eyes held the depth of the night scape; the silence enveloped them in steady beats, until the moment faded with time.
She held her other hand up, flicking him playfully on his forehead as an outburst of giggles escaped her.
He shut his eyes in reflex, poking his tongue against his cheek incredulously. She shimmied herself out of his grip and ran away, leaving him standing under the faded shade of the tree behind him.
"But seriously," Jaemin yelled out, but then his voice dropped into a low mumble. "If he tries anything on you, he's dead."
She didn't hear him; she proceeded to run playfully, letting him chase her across the wide open fields of Myongdok University.
Ah... the innocence of a friendship, am I right?
Today's an important day for Cho— so important that it seems she spent the entire afternoon digging a crater in her wardrobe bigger than the Seongsan Ilchulbong. It's crucial that she finds the perfect outfit. In her words, the outfit needs to be 'a brilliant orchestration between slutty and classy'.
How much do you want to bet she got that from a TV show? Search it up— must be a sitcom or something.
"How. Do. I. Have. No. CLOTHES?!" She buried her face into her pile of how-did-I-let-anyone-see-me-wearing-these?! outfits, her grumble muffled by the fabric that smothered her face.
Behind her, the girl with the blonde bob-cut sat idly on her bed, munching on a half-eaten box of pocky.
"Go with the black plaid skirt I saw..." the girl squinted her eyes at the messy pile, mumbling to herself, "...somewhere in there."
Cho whined, digging into her pile and fishing out the mentioned skirt and throwing it aggressively across the room. "I can't! I wore this last week and I'm positive he was in the cafeteria too."
The girl sighed, rolling her eyes as she took another bite of her chocolate-layered cookie stick.
Nam Bora. Second year, Communications department. Cho's trusty roommate, and friend...ish. Threatened to report Cho the first week they became roommates because of an argument about... what was it about? ...Damn, who gives a sh*t, right?
Point is, almost got Cho in big trouble until Jaemin offered to buy her anything in the convenience store around the corner for a solid week if she didn't submit a complaint.
Conclusion? The girl loves her pocky.
Cho tucked a stray tuft of long, brown hair behind her ear, emitting a low whistle as she stood up, turning around to face Bora.
"I forgot I owned this," she held up an alluring set of maroon-shaded bra and underwear. Her eyes flickered up to Bora with a playful glint. "Should I wear this?"
Bora narrowed her eyes. "...why? What are you gonna do on your first date?"
Cho's eyes widened and she quickly turned around, a tint of red painting her cheeks. "Nothing, Bora, damn... It's just super pretty, is all."
Yeah right— you're not fooling anyone, Cho...
She dropped the lingerie set back into its pile, giving it one last wistful look. "I'll wear you next time," she whispered to it. She continued rummaging through her underwear, now completely forgetting that she still has an outfit to decide on for her date in under an hour.
Why must you leave everything to the last minute, Cho?
She lifted an embarrassing pair of bra that she couldn't believe she owned. Not only did it have a blaring orange shade that would put all traffic cones to shame, but smack dab in the middle of each boob was a wildly troll-like drawing of Pikachu— these graphics could enter a third-grade drawing competition and even not receive a participation award. Cho's only kept it all these years because they're so... damn... comfortable.
She shuddered at the thought of wearing this on her first date with Jihoon; she stuffed the bra back into its pile.
She finally picked up a worn-out black bra and unappetizing Spanx, turning around to show Bora her decision. "I'm going to wear these like contraception."
"Yeah, if I wear these, it'll actively stop me from doing anything stupid or rash." A happy grin graced her face, met with confusion from Bora. "Smart, right?"
No, Cho. Not smart at all.
With only a few minutes left to spare, Cho finally finished getting ready; she gave in and decided on a two piece black mesh dress, topped with a skimpy cardigan and zip-up boots. She barely had a chance to second-guess her outfit when Jihoon texted her that he was waiting in front of the women's dorm.
Cho dropped everything, bidding Bora an exaggerated goodbye before she swung out the door.
* * *
To say the date went well was an understatement.
Jihoon took her to a sushi restaurant (she was over the moon that he remembered how she once mentioned sushi was her favorite food) where the foods were placed on tiny plates that rotated around the room in an adorable conveyor belt.
After many appetizing plates of sushi, a few under-the-table footsies and him feeding her a particularly large piece of salmon roll, they were out of the restaurant, giggling at jokes about Myongdok and their newfound life in university.
They stopped by a small ice-cream truck and got themselves ice cream cones with cartoon characters that complemented each other. Honestly, Cho had no idea what characters they were, but seeing Jihoon flash a thrilled grin as he pointed to the two oddly drawn cartoons, she suddenly didn't want any other pair.
Even though the air was brisk, Cho enjoyed the way the ice cream made her shiver. She especially didn't mind him noticing, then hurrying to slip off of his jacket and place it over her shoulders.
So, as the night drew to an end, it was natural that Cho wasn't quite ready to go home... alone.
"Well..." Cho spoke in a low, drawn out tone, "we're here."
The sky was a never-ending canvas of deep navy blue, the stars decorating the landscape like the finishing touch of an eight-year-old's arts-and-craft project. The oncoming traffic outside campus grounds were but a white noise, lulling the atmosphere of the porch into serenity.
Jihoon's lips curved into a meaningful smile as he took one step forward. "Yeah—" he took her hand, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "I had a great time, Cho."
Cho let out a sweet chuckle. "I had an amazing time, Jihoon." She looked down to watch his bulky hand subtly holding onto her's. "I kinda don't want it to end."
The smile on Jihoon's face grew into a toothy grin. "You read my mind, babe."
'Babe'? This boy moves fast!
Cho's heart skipped a beat at the nickname. She normally hated pet names like these, but the way they rolled out of his tongue— she'd be content hearing him call her that for the rest of the night.
Her eyes trailed up past the subtle glimmer of the necklace tucked under his t-shirt. She cleared her throat nervously, lowering her voice as she glanced back up at him. "Do you wanna hang out at my place for a bit?"
Um... not a good idea, Cho.
A charming twinkle adorned his eyes, a gesture that Cho took as a yes. She took his hand, guiding him through the halls of her dorm with their heads ducked low. Boys weren't allowed in the women's dorm after hours, but the supervisors were nowhere to be seen (she suspected they were on their weekly night out clubbing— a not-so-secret tradition the girls of dorm 2 have proven to use to their advantage).
They crawled up the stairs in whispered giggles, flinching hysterically at every noise the halls produced until they finally found her room, three doors down from the second floor's dead end.
Does she really not remember what awaits her behind that door?
Cho typed in the password to her dorm and her fingers curled around the handle of the door; she prayed that Bora would be enjoying life as a university student, preferably outside of their shared dorm room.
Jihoon's presence behind her prompted her to swing the door open, revealing— to her relief— a dark and deserted room. "Welcome to my humble abode," Cho reached clumsily for the light switch as they both entered the pitch-black room.
Alright... suit yourself, Cho.
Flicking the switch, the quick flash flooded the room with bleached lights, illuminating one crucial thing she forgot to do before she left for her date: clean up after herself.
Cho gasped audibly— now she remembers.
Her cheeks were flushed a deep shade of scarlet.
Her room looked like the storage room of a Forever 21 exploded: almost every inch of the carpet-clad floor was covered in articles after articles of clothing, every color of the rainbow present in the form of her crimson red body con dress laying on the bed, a pair of blue sweatpants hanging from the edge of her opened wardrobe door and—
Behold— the icing on the cake! The neon cherry on top of the messiest cupcake you'll ever see...
Her Pikachu bra.
Jihoon blew a low whistle; Cho scrambled to collect all of her littered clothes in one (terrible) swipe. "I'm so sorry, I'm not usually this—" she hurled the messy pile into her closet desperately, spinning as she shut the closet door behind her— "messy."
Half expecting him to cringe in disgust and half expecting him to burst in jeering laughter, she definitely did not expect him to take a step towards her, chuckling.
"You're adorable."
She heaved a sigh of relief, taking his hand on her sides as she looked into his eyes. "You don't think I'm a slob?"
"Well..." he shrugged, raising his eyebrows in fake contemplation. "You're an adorable slob, how 'bout that?"
She snorted in response (I can't believe she snorted like that—), punching him playfully in response.
He gave her a quick smile, then asked if he could use her bathroom to freshen up. She nodded a little too enthusiastically, leading him to the toilet to the point of actually shutting the door for him.
As soon as he disappeared into the toilet, she took his bulky jacket from over her shoulders and laid it out on her desk chair, immediately switching into her aggressive-cleaning-mom mode. She strode across the room in a haste, taking every bit of 'unappetizing' piece of clothing or furniture before stuffing into every nook and hidden cranny she could fit them into.
She was about to stuff a hideous home-made pasta picture frame that rested on Bora's desk under their pile of laundry— something she had been daydreaming of— when the door swung upon.
She shot up, turning only to find that it was Bora entering their dorm room, wearing her comfortable pajamas and sucking on a popsicle stick. "Ey, you're back from the date—"
"Shh—" Cho widened her eyes as she shook her head vehemently, pointing at the closed bathroom as she mouthed 'he's in there'.
Bora furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What are you—"
Cho didn't waste a second pulling Bora out of the room, closing the door behind her. "He's in the bathroom and I think we're gonna spend some time in my room."
Bora raised an eyebrow— "you mean our room?"
"Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean—" Cho dismissed, putting her hands together as she begged— "can you go somewhere else for now? I promise we won't take long."
The pajama-clad girl squinted her eyes, leaving a brief gap of silence before she sighed. "Fine..."
Cho hugged the girl in excitement, squealing as she thanked the girl profusely.
"But it better be quick, and no weird sh*t, okay?"
Cho nodded enthusiastically. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She greeted one last time before slipping back into the room.
Jihoon was already sitting on her bed, waiting patiently. He flashed her another toothy grin, patting the space next to him. A cheeky smile spread across her face as she gladly took her seat facing him. For a moment, it was silent. She was almost too nervous to look up, her eyes fixed on the bishop chess piece wallpaper on his phone. She gulped— you got this, Cho!
"So..." Cho began, her eyes briefly flickering between his eyes and his lips, "my roommate's not gonna be back for a while, what should we do?"
She followed the direction of his eyes, the way they were trailing down to her lips as she spoke; she couldn't help but feel a smile tug at her lips. "We could watch a movie..." she suggested.
However, it seemed like Jihoon wasn't really paying attention to her words. Almost like slow-motion, he leaned closer and whispered, "what about something a little more... physical?"
His soft mutters sent shivers down her spine; a smirk grew on her face as she met him halfway. Before she could ever register it, she felt a pair of plump lips crash into hers. His pressure pushed her backwards, forcing her to prop her hands against the soft fabric of her bed.
His kisses were hungry, they were rough— but she could do with rough. The energy he poured washed over her in waves, their lips moving in sync to the animosity he exuded.
At first, she didn't even notice his hands start to sneak under her shirt. His rough fingers trailed against her bare skin, sending tingles down her spine. It was only when his hands slid over the clasp of her bra, that she remembered the contraception she devised for herself.
Her eyes widened— Oh no!
Spanx really do kill the mood— like, how do you even pull that thing down seductively?
Maybe it was a panicked instinct, but she pulled away from the kiss, muttering in between breaths, "I don't think we should do this now..."
He chuckled through uneven breathing. "You're so cute," he left quick pecks along her neck and jaw, slowly deepening them into longer, more ardent kisses.
His lips worked its magic on her, leaving marks down her collarbone that tempted her to forget everything— but it wasn't strong enough to stop her mind from straying back to the grossly unappealing Spanx that awaited the both of them underneath her thin layer of mesh skirt.
Curse you, a-few-hours-ago Cho!!
"No, really," she mumbled a nervous chuckle, "we should stop..."
Jihoon nodded slowly, but his lips disagreed. He worked his way back up, indulging on her lips again. His teeth tugged on her lower lips, his grip on her back now tightening. Out of breath, her heart began to drum faster; her eyebrows knitted in alarm as she felt something loosen around her chest.
Did he just unhook her—
Arm outstretched, she stuck her palm on his chest as she tried to push him away. "Seriously Jihoon, stop."
But he didn't; his lips pushed more against her, teeth digging deeper into her swollen, red lips. She had fallen back on the bed, both of her hands now trembling to fight against his hovering weight.
His fingers swiped underneath her shirt against her bare side, defiantly extending towards her chest. Her heart thrashed against the walls of her ribcage, a nauseating pit growing in her stomach. "Dude, STOP—"
She flailed her legs, kicking mercilessly until her legs crashed onto his shin. He bit her lip in shock, jerking away as he held onto his leg in pain. Cho sat up straight on her bed, a petrified look on her face as Jihoon glared at her.
"Dude, seriously?"
His crass tone definitely didn't sit well with her; the stunned expression quickly morphed into a fiery gaze as she stared him down— "yeah, seriously. I said no, are you f*cking deaf?"
The twinkle in his eyes were long gone now; his eyebrows drew together in a thick line. "What the f*ck is your problem??"
Her jaw dropped. "My problem?" Cho spat, "MY problem?"
She stood up, ignoring the strong, metallic taste in her mouth as she ripped his draped jacket off of her desk chair— "get out, get the F*CK out of my room!" She threw the jacket at his unsuspecting face.
He growled in anger, yanking the door open as he stormed out and trudged down the stairs. "whatever— you're crazy."
"You want crazy?" Her eyes twitched in fury as she followed the fleeing boy— "I'll show you crazy if you don't get your ass out of here NOW."
She raked her hair back in frustration; she began to trump back in the direction of her room, but the anger that boiled inside her threatened to explode.
She stomped back, leaning adamantly against the railing of the staircase as she screamed into the hollow space that stretched down— "AND IF I SEE YOU AROUND IN SCHOOL, YOU'RE F*CKING DEAD. GOT IT?!"
The door to the main entrance slammed shut.
She screamed into the night and pretended she didn't notice a few heads peer out into the hallway as she stomped back into her dorm room.
Her hands were sweaty, her body suddenly clammy and worn-out. The dress started to suffocate her— was the fabric shrinking? Her eyes searched the room desperately; she needed to change out of her dress, now.
She dug out her closet, fishing out the first thing she could find: track shorts and a tank top. Like an ant on fire, she stripped out of her dress and the god-awful Spanx, clasping back her unhooked bra before slipping into the comfortable outfit.
She took a long breath, forcing the air to fill her lung's capacity. But it still wasn't enough.
She scratched at her neck, the sore sensation imploring her to get out.
Mind blank, she slipped on a green oversized jacket that belonged to Jaemin, and was out the door. Her slippers plodded against the steps as she skipped down the steps until the frigid night welcomed her with its brisk air.
Her legs speeded ahead, and she didn't think— she walked where her legs begged to take her. She stuffed her icy hands into the deep holes of the jacket pocket, navigating the familiar path, past buildings and vast grass areas until she finally reached the men's dorm 3.
She clambered up the stairs, each step strangely light. Normally, she would always complain whenever she had to walk up four flights of stairs to meet Jaemin, but this time she was silent as she trudged up the many half-turn staircases.
Cho thanked the heavens that his door was situated right by the staircase, because she couldn't think of walking anymore. Her legs wobbled like jelly as she knocked on his door.
"Jaemin?" Her voice broke the silence.
She was well aware that girls were also not allowed in the men's dorm after hours, but she couldn't give a damn. She knocked again, feeling antsy being out in the hall by herself.
Is he not home yet?, she thought.
She raised her knuckles, ready to knock for the second time when her shoulders slumped. She dropped her hand on her side. He's not home.
If it was adrenaline that gave her the energy to walk all the way from her dorm to his under low temperature weather, it has surely faded now. She dropped one foot after the other down the flight of stairs, feeling weaker with each step; her eyes were drooped, her jaws oddly tense.
The whole building was silent, completely oblivious to the energy-draining frustration that she felt cooking up inside her. However, a sudden swing of the main entrance door broke the silence, then shuffling.
Curious, she peaked between the spaces of the staircase, all the way down to the first floor landing. She watched the familiar hand clasp onto the railings, footsteps dragging against the floor.
There was a brief silence and then— "Cho?"
The boy peaked through the crack of the staircase, looking up. "Hey, you're here," he chuckled; his deep voice echoed up the stairs.
At the mention of her name, Cho felt her breath hitch; warmth spreading throughout her chest. She cleared her throat, looking down. "How was volunteer?"
"You know, same old," his voice reverberated, "Grandma Song almost choked on cheese, so there's that."
She laughed half-heartedly; a lump grew in her throat.
His footsteps sounded against the walls, and she could feel the low vibration as he made it past some flights of stairs, getting closer. "How did the uh, date... go?"
"It was fine—" she shook her head dismissively. Her hands gripped the railing for support, looking blankly ahead of her as she heaved a defeated sigh— "well, it sucked."
Jaemin's voice was close now; he let out an amused chuckle, "what, did he pronounce something wrong?"
He turned the corner just in time to see her slide down against the railing, a distraught look evident on her face. "No..."
The moment he laid eyes on her, his smile faded as a heavy look of concern painted his features. He rushed up the stairs, two steps at a time until he met her at the top.
"Hey-hey—" he kneeled down in front of her, a hand cupping her cold face—"are you okay?"
She avoided his worried gaze, afraid that if she looked into his eyes, everything would spill.
He slowly lifted her face and asked softly, "Cho... what happened?"
His other hand rested gently on her thigh; his eyes never stopped observing her sunken features, waiting patiently for her to speak.
"It was nothing," she glanced away from him, trying to hide a sniffle as she picked at her fingernail— "he was just pushy."
His face visibly tensed as the last word left her mouth. "Pushy?"
His hand was wrapped over her thigh, his warmth radiating like tangible consolation. She took his fingers in both her hands, stroking them mindlessly.
"I kept saying n-o," her voice came out raspy, "but he kept touching me and... I don't know."
She could only see his expression from the side of her eyes and could barely notice his jaw tense in suppressed anger. He stood up on the edge of the stairs, turning around; he blew a fuming breath as his fingers raked through tufts of his hair.
"I'm gonna f*cking kill him."
He faced her, rage burning behind his steely eyes.
However, his features immediately softened at the sight of her sullen gaze. He knelt down once again, a hint of alarm etched in his eyes as he took her hand, lifting them up towards him.
He searched her entire body, swiftly examining her pale legs before looking back up to hold her cheeks gently in his arms.
"Did he hurt you?"
She shook her head 'no', but she couldn't fool him. His gaze hardened at the hint of crimson lining the edge of her bottom lip. "You're bleeding..." His finger hovered over her swollen lips, scared to cause her more pain.
He searched her orbs dolorously; she was too tired to even look up.
"I'm fine—" she leaned back, removing his hands from her face— "that noodle ass wimp couldn't hurt me even if he tried."
The boy scoffed— "he does have noodle arms. And legs."
Her lips were pouted; she focused on his hands, the way they were wrapped around her's protectively. "...keep going."
"You know, he always smiles like he's trying to hide the fact that he farted."
Her lips tugged upwards slowly. He continued, "and I don't know if you notice, but he swings his hips when he walks, and it's... unsettling."
She finally looked into his eyes, his brown orbs twinkling as he gave her a subtle smile.
"Anyway, what are you doing wasting your time on someone like him when you have a perfectly sexy guy right here?" Jaemin wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt to cheer her up.
She broke into a little laugh, her eyes crinkled as a tear leaked down her face.
"Hey..." he wiped her tears with his thumb, leaning closer to comfort her. His soft voice broke her down, and more tears began to trail down her cheeks.
"This sucks... life sucks," she sniffled. "I just— I was really excited for this date, you know?"
He nodded solemnly. "I know."
Her shoulders slumped as she showed him a childish pout. "I just want ice cream."
The sudden craving for frozen dessert caused Jaemin to chuckle lightly.
She nodded childishly, her exaggerated pout being the only thing that stopped a gush of tears from falling down her face.
"Come here—" he pulled her into a tight hug, a whiff of his cologne loosening her tensed shoulders. She sunk deeper into his embrace, his hands wrapped delicately around her waist.
He slowly let go and flashed her the charming smile she loved so much. He squished her cheeks like he always did, leaning in to kiss her gently on the nose.
"Let's get you that ice cream."
You can always tell the state of Cho's moods based on how much skin she shows.
Last summer when her step-dad surprised her and her friends to a paid beach trip, she showed up the next day in Dorito-sized bikinis that caused her a nip-slip— twice.
When she received a whopping 36 in a math test she pulled an all-nighter for, she showed up to church that Sunday wearing a full-coverage, all-black outfit with graphics that would make you think this church worshipped... something else.
And last Friday on her highly-anticipated date, she wore the skirt that showed off her thighs the best and put on the nicest little top to pair them.
Students gave Cho subtle glances as she strutted into her department building in black, oversized sweatpants, a long-sleeved shirt topped with a bulky (faux, calm down—) fur jacket that covered everything from her arms to her neck (thank god— you should see the size of that hickey!).
If it weren't for the fact that her fur jacket looked like she carved out two fully-grown wolves and climbed into them, it would be for the fact that she was wearing them out in the current hot and humid weather.
...guess what kind of mood she's in today, eh?
This morning when Bora had asked her about her 'hot' date, Cho almost threw her business binder at her, but the promise of free food (courtesy of Jaemin) after her 11am class held her back.
Instead, she threw on the antagonist-having-a-midlife-crisis outfit and braved the halls of the building, taking her usual seat at the back by the window.
In front of her, the blonde Alina turned around, her crystal blue eyes glimmering under the bright, golden hues of the sun.
Alina Petrovna. Second year, Business department; Dorm 2. Originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Fluent in Russian, English and— to Cho's great surprise— Korean. Caught Cho staring at her, first day of business administration class.
Cho blurted in the moment that Alina looked like the girls from the magazines, and they've been super friendly ever since.
"Hello, Cho! How was your weekend?" She chirped.
Terrible. "It was okay..."
Alina giggled, resting her hand on Cho's table, "don't worry, I didn't do much either."
But did you bury yourself under the covers, devouring a steady supply of Neapolitan ice creams, though?
"Mostly studying," Alina shrugged.
Yeah— thought so.
"So listen," Alina began, "my building's throwing this sort of dorm party, and it's an open invite! I'm pretty sure everyone in your dorm's gonna be there. And of course—" she smirked— "boys too."
A dorm party? Cho wondered what that would be like... It certainly didn't sound fun; what fun could you have at a dorm anyway?
Before Cho could respond, Alina interrupted her thoughts— "not that it matters to you, of course, you already have Jaemin."
Cho raised her eyebrows. "What?"
"Yeah, silly—" Alina rolled her eyes. "You guys are, like, basically together right?"
"Girl—" Cho shook her head vehemently— "we're just friends!"
"Whatever you say," the blonde giggled, shaking her head; she gave Cho one last look before turning around. "You'll come to the party?"
Feeling a little too unbothered to say anything, she raised her eyebrows and nodded compliantly.
After that, class was pretty uneventful; Cho was surprised she could focus at all. After her two-hour lecture, she rushed out of the door, walking ahead of other students in anticipation for her food.
The Biology department was quite a walk from her's, but it wouldn't have been noticeable if not for the hot weather and her terrible decision of wearing a black, long-sleeved top. Nonetheless, she persevered.
Past chirpy students she went and over the vibrant grass she crushed, until the air conditioning in the Biology department greeted her into dormancy.
Jaemin always told her to wait outside of the building and he would meet her there, but Cho never listened. She marched up the flights of stairs, beelining straight for the classroom she knew he would be in.
However, she almost halted her pace when two girls walked past her, throwing her a dirty look.
What the f*ck?
They conversed in barely intelligible whispers— but enough for Cho to overhear.
"That's the girl who blew up at you?"
"Yeah, the bimbo hangs around here every day, leeching off of that guy, Jaemin, from my genetics class."
"The one in the basketball team?"
"Yeah, I don't know what he sees in her, she's obviously so thirsty for him, it's pathetic—"
"—Excuse me?"
The girls jumped on their spots, turning to face a less-than-pleased Cho. She tapped her heel, crossing her arms. "You wanna say that again, to my face? "
The two girls stayed silent.
She stared at the girl with the abominable pink hair dye— a sight she thought she would've already forgotten. "Ina, right?"
Ina didn't answer, inching closer to her friend who had a bright purple bob cut, thick-rimmed spectacles and the unnecessarily contorted resting b*tch face.
"It's sweet that even when I'm not around, you still talk about me. But next time, maybe take it up with me instead of bitching about it to neon Edna over here—" she gestured at her equally offended friend.
Before the girls could fathom a response, Cho rolled her eyes and spun around; she was so ready for that free food.
If only she didn't hear bob-cut over at the back whisper, "psycho b*tch."
Oop— here we go...
Cho stomped back in their direction, their unsuspecting backs vulnerable to Cho's sudden rage. Before Cho herself could even process her rash actions, she had yanked the purple bob-cut, causing the student to jerk her head backwards in a painful twist.
Well what do you know? It does fall right off!
She glanced at her balled fist, unperturbed by the alarming amount of purple strands that were choked in her tight grip.
"Oh my god, you b*tch!"—
Aaand it was pretty much chaos after that.
She tackles Cho, Cho retaliates with a generous slap; papers fly as they roll around the floor, and people watch as Cho threatens to wipe her sh*t-eating grin with her foot. Shoes start getting thrown around (both theirs and, at one point, someone from the audience) and the claws come out, fully-manicured and all.
By the time a teacher had stumbled across the altercation, I could swear the poor girl developed a few bald spots. Eh— she was going to go bald with that horrid bleach job, anyway.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE??" A distinct— and furious— voice of authority boomed over the crowd.
The students that had been enjoying the free show began to scurry back into their normal, unexciting lives.
Both girls were frozen on the floor, staring at the professor like deers in headlights.
Quick! Blame her for starting the fight— it's her word against yours!
* * *
"According to the CCTV, you attacked first."
Cho sat alone, her awkward expression reflecting the vibe of the professor's office. The teacher pursed his lips, sending her a scrutinizing look.
"I hope you know that physical altercations, especially one of such... caliber, will result in a disciplinary hearing. But considering the fact that you're not even from this department," he spoke in a low, exasperated tone, "conducting a disciplinary hearing will require far more coordination."
The man ran a hand over his balding head; the abundance of papers stacks on his desk caused him to sigh.
He looked at her with a tired expression. "Let's be honest, nobody wants this."
Cho nodded, displaying her most matured demeanor.
"So I would suggest that you two settle this between yourselves and let that be that."
Cho sighed a breath of relief. Maybe this isn't so bad!
Oh no.
"...you did attack her unprovoked."
What? Cho spoke up immediately, "with all due respect, professor, I think she provoked me by voicing unsolicited comments and meddling in other people's business."
"But according to the CCTV—" he pointed on a boxy TV set behind him, where a still of her doubling back for the girl was obvious— "you approached her again after your verbal altercation, and you made it physical."
"Did you not see her twist my arm like a pretzel?" Cho blurted, "she's far more unjust and rash!"
The teacher was devoid of emotion.
"You tripped her on the way to my office."
Cho slouched in her seat, internally regretting her sneaky attack.
"Anyway..." the professor continued, "since you attacked her unprovoked, the disciplinary board would most likely view her— and therefore I do— as the victim. So it's only fair to see whether she would like to settle this between you two, or if she would like to seek higher forms of justice."
She tried to hold in her groans of disappointment; it seemed that he noticed, but he ignored her.
"Alright, let's call Seoyeon in, then."
Huh. So the bitch's name is Seoyeon.
The professor pressed a button on his landline, mumbling into the phone before sitting back against his office chair. Not long after, a slightly disheveled Seoyeon walked in, shooting daggers at Cho with her thin eyes.
Cho rolled her eyes, huffing as she slid back down against her seat.
She didn't have to be an expert to know she was in deep trouble. Of course Seoyeon would demand a disciplinary hearing! She had everything she needed to make a strong case: CCTV footage, a witness (who's on her side), and maaaybe the fact that she didn't try to trip Cho on the way to the professor's office.
Seoyeon side-eyed her as she sat down comfortably on the sofa chair.
"Seoyeon," the professor addressed the newcomer, "because you're the victim here, you can choose to settle this between yourselves or you can request a disciplinary hearing, where we can review all the details of the altercation."
That's it. Cho felt the reality of her situation sink in. This can't be happening! She'd definitely look guilty in the hearing and she could get suspended— what if she got expelled?
Her heart started drumming against her chest, nausea gurgling in the deepest pit of her stomach. She watched Seoyeon's smug expression like a final nail in her coffin.
Ya know what? Since she's so screwed anyway, maybe she could get in one final hit. Yeah, maybe tackling her out of that chair wouldn't be so bad. Anything to get rid of that irritating smile—
"The disciplinary hearing isn't necessary."
Cho stopped picturing herself choking Seoyeon for a moment.
Did she hear her right? She has the perfect chance to screw over the girl who pulled off a quarter of her hair, but she's not taking it?
Seoyeon threw her a crooked smile, eyes wide as she turned back to the professor. "I think this is just a... misunderstanding, and I would hate to make this bigger than it is."
Unlike Cho, the professor seemed to have no questions.
"Well, that settles it, then!" He chirped. "I do hope you guys could work this out between yourselves, and I could expect that nothing like this ever happens again, right?"
Both girls nodded stiffly.
"Alright, off you go then!"
Cho almost leapt off her chair; after politely bowing, the two girls scurried out of the office. The doors swung open, and before Seoyeon could go any further, Cho stopped her.
"—what?" the purple-haired girl spun around, glaring.
Cho had to take a step back, nose scrunched in mild distaste at the girl's contorted features.
"Why didn't you request for the disciplinary hearing?" Cho blurted.
Damn Cho, do you want the disciplinary hearing?
The girl in front of her avoided eye contact, shrugging. "Maybe I realized... some of the things I said weren't so nice."
Cho raised her eyebrows in surprise— more like bafflement.
Seoyeon narrowed her eyes at her counterpart's bemusement. "Maybe I'll just go back and ask him for that disciplinary—"
"—No, no!" Cho shook her head vehemently. "I'm not complaining."
The girl folded her hands. "Are we done?"
"Yeah—" Cho raised her hands— "done."
With that, Seoyeon spun around, clicking her heels as she sashayed down the hall and into the crowd.
Eyes still furrowed in confusion, she turned around, only to find Jaemin leaning against the wall by the door, occupied on his phone. Her lips curved into a lopsided grin; he looked up just in time for her to walk over lazily towards him.
"Hey..." she greeted weakly.
Jaemin pushed himself off the wall. He shook his head and he approached her slowly.
"Kang Cho..."
She rolled her eyes— "don't start."
"Do I need to put a leash on you?" He chuckled, tilting his head as he reached to adjust her lapels.
The long-haired brunette scoffed. "No, she needs to be put in a cage."
The boy chuckled, before asking, "are you in big trouble? What did Seoyeon say?"
"Surprisingly, she decided to drop whatever—" Cho cut her words short, eyeing him suspiciously— "how do you know her name?"
"Well, she was waiting out here for a long time..." he watched a frown build on her face and laughed. "What? I'm a friendly guy!"
The two of them began to walk down the hallway side by side.
"Well, now I know why she didn't ask for the disciplinary hearing." She nudged him on the shoulder, giving him a lopsided grin.
He simply smirked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"You know, one of these days you're gonna piss someone off and I won't be able to talk them out of it— did you ever think about that?"
"What?!" Her eyes widened with feigned shock. "Now you're just being crazy."
Jaemin's hearty laugh echoed off the walls; he nudged her playfully— "I'm serious!"
Cho swung in her steps with a light-hearted giggle. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I won't do it again."
He raised his eyebrows. "You promise?"
She chuckled; lifting his hands and prying his pinky finger, she intertwined them with her own.
"I promise."
He flashed her a satisfied grin as they walked out for lunch.
Now now, Cho— the story's far from over. We never know all the crazy sh*t you might end up doing before we roll the curtains.
Actually— I do!
And I can assure you that before this ends, you would've seen her tackle someone to the ground, fall into a bush, throw hands with a bunch of middle schoolers, set something on fire, stab someone with a fork, almost get hit by a car in nothing but a towel and just, damn... a whole lot of blood before curtain call— you'll see.
But for now... all is peachy in the reputable Myongdok University.
Ask Cho how she pictures herself as a senior citizen, and she'll definitely point and say, "you see her? Yeah, I'm gonna be exactly like her when I'm old."
The old lady she's pointing to in the distance? That's Grandma Song.
When Cho was first dragged into doing volunteer work at the Happy Society elderly home, she didn't think she'd have much fun. She assumed all the elders would want to talk about things she couldn't relate to. But then she met Grandma Song: feisty, sarcastic and opinionated— exactly like her, to put it shortly.
Grandma Song was sitting comfortably on her sofa chair. "You’re involved in way too many arguments, darling," she said as she pushed a needle carefully through her embroidery fabric.
"It’s not like I want to argue," Cho responded, "but people just keep testing me—"
"I know how the world works, sweetheart, you don’t have to remind me." Grandma Song glanced up through her rectangle spectacle, giving her a knowing smile.
Cho poured a plastic of beads into its container. Every time Cho came over for volunteer work, she’d always spare some time working in the arts-and-crafts station so she could converse with Grandma Song, who loved to embroider in her free time.
Just like always, she began spilling the juicy details of her altercations that previous Monday to the somewhat gossip-loving Grandma. She told her all about the whispering, about the way she most definitely kicked that girl’s ass. By the time she finished her story, Grandma Song was chuckling whole-heartedly.
"Fine, that b*tch had it coming."
Cho gasped ironically— "language, ‘Ma!"
Grandma Song shook her head as she let out a little sigh, resuming on her embroidery. "Do you know what you need?"
Cho shut the lid on a filled jar of beads, looking across her at the old lady.
"You need a boyfriend."
"What? What does that have to do with anything?"
"I was just like you growing up— out of control. Then I met my husband and he calmed me down."
Cho scoffed, opening a new packet of beads. "Well, it’s not easy finding a boyfriend these days."
"You know—" Grandma Song cleared her throat— "my grandson is a very handsome young man. He’s very tall, athletic and he’s very popular from what I know. You let me know, and I’ll set you guys up on a date— if he ever comes visit, that is."
"Your grandson is in high school."
"Well, you’re only a year older than him."
"Two years."
Grandma Song bopped her head weakly, a subtle oh-well-at-least-I-tried expression lingering on her face. "God knows he needs a girlfriend, that boy’s wasting his good looks."
"I’m sure he’ll find someone, Grandma Song."
"Alright—" Grandma Song looked up from her embroidery— "if my grandson’s too young for you, why don’t you go for Mr. Handsome over there?"
Grandma seemed to be glancing at someone behind her. She turned around and of course, there he was, laughing along with two sweet, elderly men over a card game.
"Who, Jaemin?"
"Who else? I’m obviously not talking about Mr. Ahn." Grandma Song retorted, "his dentures fall out a little too often for my liking."
Oh, gross.
"That boy is head over heels, I tell you."
She looked over at him. It seemed they’d finished their round of cards. Just like telepathy, he looked her way and flashed her his charming smile. She stuck her tongue out, earning her a joking scowl from the boy.
"I’ve just never seen him that way,” Ru confessed. “And besides— we’re related."
—Alright, hold your horses. Before you scream incest, let me explain.
Cho’s stepdad was in one marriage before he married her mom. It was a short-lived marriage— mostly because the girl turned out to be gay— but they parted on good terms and her stepdad still keeps in touch with his ex-wife and the rest of her family, including her nephew, our sweetheart Jaemin.
"Point is, he’s just my best friend, ‘Ma."
"Well, you should tell him that. Don’t think I can’t see the way he looks at you. My husband used to give me the same look. It’s called the ‘she’s the only thing I see’ look— a tell-tale sign, I tell you."
Cho could only spare her a polite smile. "I know…"
What Cho means when she says ‘I know’ is… she knows.
She knows how he’s basically been in love with her ever since they were kids. They’ve been inseparable ever since Cho’s stepdad brought little Jaemin to his wedding where they shared a big, fat chocolate cake.
He confessed for the first time when they were both eight. He picked out a bunch of stray flowers from the park and asked that she accept his ‘magical bouquet of love’— yes, he used the word ‘love’. She told him that they were too young to get married and he agreed, although he promised her that he would only ever love her.
Then he did it again when they were both fourteen. It was the first time Jaemin drank alcohol, when Cho’s stepdad invited him for dinner and allowed them both to try, because ‘it’s better you do it at home with an adult than anywhere else’. Cho didn’t like the taste of soju, but Jaemin took a few too many sips and ended up drunk the rest of the night.
He stayed over at her place, and began rambling on for two hours straight about every memory they’ve ever shared together, detailing how beautiful she was in every single one of them. She was flattered because he even included the one where she got food poisoning and cried the entire weekend.
She cuddled him and watched him mumble ‘I love you, Cho’ about a hundred times before he passed out. He had no memory of it in the morning, and she kept it that way.
Now, in every other situation, this wouldn’t work. But this is our Jaemin and Cho we’re talking about— Jaemin never let her feel obligated to anything, and Cho cared about him too much to ever believe it was awkward.
"Pass me the rose applique, Cho."
She stood up, letting her hair fall over one shoulder as she rummaged for the applique. As she was looking, Grandma Song gasped lightly.
"Well well well, even though you don’t have a boyfriend, it’s good to know that you’re getting some action."
Uh oh.
Confused, Cho looked at Grandma Song and realized she was looking at her neck. Only then did she remember about the hickeys staining her neck from her horrible date. Panicked, she scrambled to cover them with her hair again— "Oh this? It’s nothing."
Grandma Song didn’t seem convinced. "Mhm, did he give it to you?"
Cho felt her heart beat an uncomfortable pace, her palms sweating. Grandma Song beckoned her over— "come here, let me see—"
"Hi, Grandma Song," a sudden deep voice startled the both of them. Cho looked beside her to find Jaemin standing beside her, his arm hovering over hers. "Can I borrow Cho for a second?"
"Why, of course darling—" Grandma Song nodded sweetly, waving a lenient hand— "we were just talking about how handsome you are, actually."
"Oh really?" Jaemin cocked his eyebrow at Cho.
"No, we weren’t."
"Well," Jaemin said with a little bit of a chuckle, "I think as long as Grandma Song thinks I’m handsome, I’m content."
"Oh, don’t be so humble! All the ladies here think you’re one fine boy—"
"Alriiight, then, we’ll be going now." She began to drag a more than satisfied Jaemin away from the prying elderly.
"Thanks Grandma Song." Jaemin waved.
Cho gave Grandma Song a sneaky look, to which the old lady responded with a sneaky wiggle of her eyebrows.
"You okay?"
She looked up at him, confused.
"I overheard her asking about—" he hesitated— "you know, and you sounded uncomfortable."
Oh. She subconsciously fiddled with her hair, letting frame her face and hide her neck. "Yeah, I’m fine."
There was a brief pause before he sighed.
"Come here." He took her hand, the sleeves of his sweater covering his knuckles as he pulled her out of the common room and down the hall. It wasn’t a long walk before they finally entered an empty kitchen.
"Aaand what are we doing here?" She plopped herself onto the kitchen counter while he opened the fridge.
He rummaged through the frozen compartment until he dug out an ice pack and walked towards her. "Alright—" he placed the ice pack on the counter beside her, gently grabbing her hair and tucking it behind her.
Her neck was exposed now, revealing three dark red marks under her jaw and around her collarbone. She tried to ignore the way his jaws tensed from the sight of the hickeys and focused on his eyes.
"Chin up," Jaemin commanded like a doctor doing a checkup on a child. Like the child that Cho was, she tilted her head slightly upwards.
He supported her neck with one hand and took the frozen pack, dabbing it softly against the marks below her jaw. She winced a little from the cold, earning her a soft chuckle from Jaemin— "sorry."
It was hard to see where he was dabbing, so she simply watched his furrowed eyebrows, trusting that he’d take care of her well.
"You know—" she cleared her throat— "there’s a party at the Women’s Dorm 1 this Friday."
"A dorm party?"
Jaemin started dabbing on her second hickey closer down to her collarbone. She dropped her chin and faced him. "You should come with me."
"Do I have to?"
"As my conscience, I think it’s best you do."
He let out a soft chuckle, not looking up. "Well, if it means stopping you from ripping someone’s hair out or verbally abusing them, then I’ll be there."
"Cool! We can go together," Cho exclaimed excitedly, ignoring his implications of her aggression.
Her eyes furrowed when she noticed his eyes were still, looking below her face with a slight blush tinted along his cheeks.
He snapped out of his daze, looking up at her with a flustered look. His Adam’s apple bopped up and down as he swallowed.
"You, uh—" He cleared his throat as he looked at her neck area. "There’s one more..." His words lagged as his fingers slowly trailed down from her collarbone down to her shirt neckline.
She looked down at her chest. One last bruise sat comfortably on her upper chest, partially covered by her low neckline.
His fingers hovered over the fabric of her shirt. His eyes were already on hers as soon as she looked back up, waiting for permission. "Can I?"
She felt a tiny tug in her heart as she whispered, "yeah."
Slowly, she felt his fingers graze her skin, a brief shiver coursing through her as he tugged her neckline downwards to reveal the last red mark on her upper chest. Her breathing slowed as he pressed the cold ice pack against her, his warm hand softly holding onto her.
She stared at his thick eyelashes, mesmerized by the way they coated his eyelids so beautifully. She didn’t know why she was still surprised; he’s always had the prettiest eyelashes. She clearly remembered complaining how it was unfair that he, a guy who doesn’t necessarily need long lashes, has them while she was gifted with barely-existent lashes.
His kids are going to have the best eyelashes, and her kids would probably be stuck with eyelash extensions and fake lashes.
All of a sudden she could hear Grandma Song’s raspy voice in her head like an intrusive thought— you can have his kids; problem solved!
She blinked away the thoughts, eyes diverted in an attempt to shake off the weird voice in her head. Something in her lungs tightened. Was her heartbeat speeding up? The wild thumping in her chest was all she could hear now.
She gulped, suddenly very aware of his proximity, where his hands were, what he was looking at—
"I think that’s enough—" she reached for his hands, pushing them away before her heart could explode. She tugged on the wooly sleeves of his sweater, lowering his hands.
"Any longer and I’m going to get frostbite or something—"
He suddenly flinched at her touch, retracting his hand instinctively as his eyes squinted ever-so-slightly. He tried to tug at his sleeves, but it was too late because she got a glimpse of what he was trying to hide.
A light gasp escaped her lips— "Jaemin, what the hell!"
She immediately took his hand, lifting the sleeve so she could see his knuckles better. Dark purple colors adorned the back of his hand, a slight cut sitting on the height of his knuckle bones.
"What happened Jaemin, oh my god—" she gasped again, tracing the bruise lightly.
Jaemin sighed, although he didn’t pull away. "It’s nothing, I just hit it against something."
"Hit it against what?? A moving truck?"
Surprisingly, he let out a chuckle. "I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d react this way."
She looked at him skeptically. "React in what way?"
"This weird combination of alarm and amusement. It weirds me out."
She slapped him in the arm— "ow," he groaned. Maybe she shouldn’t be slapping the already injured Jaemin. She took the ice pack that he had dropped beside her and this time, she took her turn pressing the cold plastic against his knuckles.
They were both silent for a moment, eyes averting each other. Cho was the first to break the ice, dabbing the ice pack against his veiny hand.
"You know what this reminds me of?"
Her lips tugged into a nostalgic smile. "Sword-fighting by that demolished house."
"Holy shit!" He laughed— "it does."
"You know, the more our parents warned us not to play there, the more it made me want to go." Cho blew on his bare knuckles as if it would have any effect.
"Can you blame us, though? The place literally looked like the ruins of some ancient battleground."
Cho’s light laughter filled the kitchen air. She couldn’t quite remember the details of what the demolished house looked like. All she knew was that it looked like it came straight out of an adventure movie when they both passed it one day on their way home from school.
"We literally could’ve died." Ch stated bluntly.
Jaemin chuckled, finally meeting her eyes. "Do you know how terrified I was when you fell down that pile of rubble? I actually thought you were dead."
"Yeah—" she paused momentarily from dabbing his knuckles, giving him a frank look— "and when you ended up falling down right next to me, I actually thought you were stupid."
"I was trying to get to you!"
Cho rolled her eyes playfully. Of course he was— young Jaemin loved playing the hero.
"I remember panicking, thinking our parents could never know we were there."
"Yeah," Jaemin continued, "and so we stuck into your house from the backdoor and used that emergency first aid kit in the cabinet to try and clean up that gash on your leg."
"And that long ass scrape on your back."
Cho looked down and sighed, the wave of nostalgia hitting her bittersweet.
"I don’t think any of our parents ever found out," Jaemin recalled.
She chuckled. "My mom did, actually."
"Wait, what?" Jaemin sounded surprised. "You never told me that."
"Yeah, she found your horrible bandage job on my leg and gave me probably the longest lecture of my life." She paused before tilting her head up at him. "Remember when she took us to that outbound two weeks after?"
Jaemin nodded.
"It was because she felt bad about lecturing me too hard. She told me that if I ever wanted to play sword-fighting or whatever we did, she’d take us to the outbound instead."
"Damn..." he sighed at the recollection. "That was a fun day."
"Yeah…" She didn’t even realize that the smile had fallen from her face as she looked down.
"I miss her."
"I miss her, too." She felt his hand squeeze hers, a small gesture that caused her eyes to blur with tears. Before the tears could fall down her cheek, she let out a frustrated huff, looking up and forcing a smile.
"It was kinda fun, though, looking back." She chuckled— "cleaning each other up like we’ve just gone to battle or something."
"Yeah?" Jaemin challenged. "Well, nothing tops the lake house—"
"—shhh," she cringed. "We don’t talk about that here."
Jaemin laughed at her bratty expression, leaning closer to her with that million-dollar smile of his. Once again, they both looked down at the scene before them: cleaning each others’ wounds like when they were kids.
"Look at us now, we’ve gone full circle."
Cho never noticed his eyes, the way they longed for her.
"Yeah… full circle."
"I don’t wanna goooo," Cho whined. She threw a dress back into her closet, feeling defeated.
"To the party—" Bora applied lipstick in the bathroom— "or to the lake trip with your dad tomorrow morning?"
Cho groaned. "Both."
She sat on the floor, leaning against her desk chair. "I was excited to go to the party, but someone—" she spun around, squinting at the boy who was lounging on her single bed— "decided not to come last minute."
"I’d skip the party, but then I know I’ll just spend the entire night dreading my trip with my step-dad, so I have to go to the party," she huffed, watching the boy text away on his phone. "Who even does basketball practice on a Friday night? Your coach is mean."
"Well, he caught a bunch of us skipping practice to go to clubs and said, I quote—" Jaemin lowered his voice to mimic the coach—"‘since you spent practice time clubbing, then it’s fair that you spend clubbing time in practice’. It’s basically detention."
Cho raised her eyebrows in amusement. "You guys went clubbing?"
"No, not me—" he waved off— "a bunch of the older guys in the team. They suck too, I think that’s what made coach extra pissed."
Cho sighed, standing up as she dragged her feet toward her bed. She dropped herself on top of the boy, ignoring his groan of pain. He didn’t move, though, and let her stay as he extended his arms on top of her and went on his phone.
"This sucks," she mumbled into his chest almost incoherently. "We were supposed to go together."
Bora came out of the bathroom, scowling at the sight in front of her. "Ugh, get a room, you two."
Cho rolled her eyes and Bora went back into the bathroom with her dress, closing the door behind her. Cho looked up and watched his eyes fixate on the phone above them both. She looked up, seeing that he was on a chat.
She got up, going back to her closet for an outfit. "Who are you texting?" She asked nonchalantly.
"That Seoyeon girl."
"The one you so viciously attacked the other day?" His tone was lazy and undisturbed— unlike her, upon hearing this.
She threw him a disgusted look— "oh god, you have her number? I feel betrayed."
"It’s called being nice," he pointed out. "And you should know that she seemed so much more willing to give you a pass after I gave her my number."
She tsked, digging into her pile of clothes as she rolled her eyes. "Well, she obviously likes you." Of course that purple highlighter liked him. Too bad he doesn’t like her.
"What, are you jealous?"
She could hear the smirk in his tone and she scoffed. "No! I’m just saying, you’re stringing her along."
"Didn’t know you cared about her feelings."
"I don’t."
She picked up her maroon lingerie set, having totally forgotten about their existence. She had almost worn them to her date with Jihoon— her face contorted even just thinking about the guy. She was so glad she didn’t end up wearing these cute undergarments. Knowing him, she could’ve just worn her Pikachu bra and she wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass… Where was that damn thing, anyway?
Before she could begin searching for her god-forsaken bra, loud knocks on her door caused her to look up. She stood up, walking towards the door and swinging them open.
She was slightly shocked to see a guy standing in front of her, hands in his hoodie pockets.
"Oh, hey." She greeted apprehensively. "May I help you?"
The boy was barely paying her any focus; he tried to peek into the room but couldn’t because Cho only left it open slightly. "I’m here for Bora—" he finally looked at her— "I’m her boyfriend."
"Oh!" She exclaimed, slightly taken aback. "Boyfriend, huh? The girl never told me anything, hold on—"
She turned to call Bora, but found that her roommate was already staring at her, eyes wide as she shook her head vehemently.
Cho didn’t have to be told twice. She looked back up at the boy and gave him a honeyed smile. "You know, actually Bora’s not here right now, but I’ll let her know you stopped by."
The guy scoffed. "Dude, I know she’s in there. You were literally just looking at her."
Her eyebrows furrowed, annoyed by his sudden change in tone. "No, I wasn’t."
"Then who the f*ck were you looking at then?"
She gasped internally. "Excuse me?"
"I just need to talk to her for a bit—"
He started pushing against the door and she stumbled backwards— damn, this boy’s stronger than he looked. She struggled to hold her weight, determined not to let him through.
It wasn’t even a second before she felt big hands sweep across her stomach, pulling her back. Jaemin replaced her weight against the door with his, instantly steadying the door as he pulled her behind him and glared at the boy.
"Yo, get lost," Jaemin growled.
The boy took a heedful step back, obviously not expecting another guy in the room. "Who are you?"
"I’m her boyfriend."
Cho felt her heart skip a beat as the words slipped out of his mouth. So confident, not a hint of hesitation.
"Dude, come on, I’m just tryna talk to my girlfriend—"
"Well did you hear my girlfriend? She said she’s not here. So go look somewhere else—" his tone lowered threateningly— "and don’t come back here. I don’t like the fact that you think you could just barge into my girlfriend’s room whenever you want."
Cho peeked over Jaemin’s broad shoulder to see that the boy wanted to respond, but hesitated. Instead, he shook his head in annoyance, rolling his eyes. "Whatever, man." The boy turned around and made a beeline towards the flight of stairs with a puff.
With that, Jaemin closed the door, and Cho finally let go of her breath.
She directed her attention back to her tense roommate, raising a brow. "You have a boyfriend?"
Bora made a vomiting gesture, shaking her head— "He’s so not my boyfriend. We went on, like, two dates and he asked me to be his girlfriend, so I kinda panicked and said yes. But I broke up with him two weeks later and now he won’t leave me alone."
Cho chuckled. "Harsh."
Bora shivered in exaggeration, walking back to the bathroom to apply some finishing touches to her makeup. Cho looked at Jaemin, suddenly taking in how much taller he looked in the confined space. She walked over to him, giving him a slight pout. "You sure you can’t ditch practice?"
Jaemin gave her a teasing smile, pinching her cheeks— "Nope."
She frowned, although it was slightly difficult to do with his hands on her cheeks.
"Just don’t get into any trouble, please? I don’t want to have to come save your ass again."
She grabbed his hands, pulling them away from her face as she gave him a conspiring look. "You know, maybe I might just get in trouble so you’ll have to come to the party."
Jaemin rolled his eyes, leaning down to give her a peck on the nose before he muttered— "you ass."
Oh, he’ll be saving her ass tonight, alright.
* * *
Are you picturing some sort of frat house with crappy neon lights, stale chips and music loud enough to file a noise complaint with the police?
Well, don’t.
This dorm party is a little more tame. The music is drowned out by the constant chatter of people, and the white fluorescent lights don’t really give off college party vibes, but rather an office party you’re forced to attend because you want to impress your boss.
Cho and Bora entered the building of the Women’s Dorm 1. From outside, it would’ve been hard to guess that it was a college party. Even for a moment, Cho thought it was some sort of convention. Upon entering, she immediately noticed the cluster of students that gathered on the first floor of the building, and it seemed like they intended to keep it that way— the space beyond the staircase was dim and deserted.
She never realized just how many students actually attended this school. Looking around, she didn’t think she recognized a single person. That was until she spotted a familiar blonde hair bob her way, the caucasian’s pearly whites making Cho slightly jealous.
"Cho, you actually made it!"
Cho greeted her friend before gesturing at her roommate. "This is Bora, by the way—" she turned to Bora and pointed at Alina— "and this is Alina."
The two girls exchanged light smiles as they walked deeper into the party. She was glad Alina led her to the food first— she was starving. Cho quickly headed for the chips that were settled in the bowls, munching on them as she took a look around.
As time went on, she began to recognize more and more people— people from her dorm, some from her business department, others she’s seen around campus. She scowled internally when Seoyeon appeared in her vision for a brief moment. Luckily, the girl didn’t stay for long, being busy on her phone. Cho looked away, hoping to see some fresh— and preferably hot— new faces to waste her time.
Her eyes scanned across the room until they landed on a not-so-fresh face, someone she used to think was hot— Jihoon.
He was nodding along to someone else’s conversation, his oversized shirt hung loosely on his body. She only stole glances, afraid of actually giving him a good look. Even then, her stomach was queasy like she had eaten something spoiled.
During her final glance, like slow motion, he turned and looked in her direction. The moment was a divine exchange of disgust to pure bliss. Seeing his face, her mouth hung open in entertained shock.
The boy was sporting a massive black eye.
She stifled a laugh, but failed. Even though his body language conveyed he was having a relatively good time, his face said otherwise. She scrambled for the phone in her pocket, eager to capture the priceless moment. Unfortunately, he moved deeper into the crowd before she could snap a picture.
So instead, she settled for the next best option— telling her best friend all about it!
She pressed the keys on her digital keyboard, fingers shivering from pure excitement.
kang cho: Yo bugs bunny
kang cho: Guess what
kang cho: GueSS WHAT
She wanted to send the next words, but paused for a brief second— no, she needed to hear his real-time reaction. She tapped her fingers incessantly, lips pursed as she stared into her tiny screen. Would he even read this? Her eyes drifted to the time on the corner of her screen. He must be in practice right now, he’s not going to read this until later—
She squealed internally.
na jaemin: Oh god if you actually beat up another kid
She would’ve typed back a sarcastic remark, but the flashing image of poor Jihoon in her head made her too giddy to be snappy.
kang cho: No ffs guess who’s at the party
na jaemin: ? Who
kang cho: Jihoon :)
na jaemin: ...Did I miss something
na jaemin: Why tf are you smiling
kang cho: Here’s the best part
na jaemin: Wtf lol
kang cho: Someone beat him tf up probably
kang cho: Not surprised
kang cho: Seriously tho I’d send you a pic but he disappeared
na jaemin: Just stay away from him
kang cho: Chill
kang cho: I gotta tell Bora about this lmao
na jaemin: Alright foxy
na jaemin: Gtg break’s over
na jaemin: But seriously don’t wander alone pls
kang cho: ;)
She locked her phone, stuffing it into her pocket. Her eyes danced around the crowd, simultaneously looking for Jihoon and Bora. When she couldn’t spot any familiar faces, she began fitting herself through crowds of people in hopes of running into someone she knew.
She had tough luck finding her roommate, but when it came to finding Jihoon, it seemed Christmas came early.
There he was, sipping on a plastic cup. Better yet, he was alone.
Cho didn’t really know why it made her so smug, but all she knew was that she walked straight up to him without another thought, her lips curved into an already-victorious smile.
"Is there a story behind it?" She started, slightly yelling so that he could hear her.
The boy spun around, his eyes looking extra swollen as he widened his eyes at her presence.
"Or did someone just take a look at your face and decide ‘this face is so punchable’? Because honestly, kudos to whoever they are, they’re right."
She watched in satisfaction as his features contorted into an ugly shape.
"Are you done?"
Cho raised her eyebrows. "You want me to say more? Because I can go on forever if you want me to—"
"Just shut the f*ck up and leave, Cho," he growled. "I don’t have time for your b*tchy whining."
"B*tchy whining?" Cho scoffed. "You seemed to have a lot of time when you were following me up to my room like a lost puppy on meth."
His jaws tensed and he let out a frustrated sigh. "I never should’ve wasted my time on you. Any other girl would be better than you."
"There is no other girl, not with that shit attitude," Cho retorted sassily. "The only action you get is from your mom’s sloppy cheek kisses."
It was like she could actually see the smoke rising out of his ears. "You’ll be surprised the amount of action I get—"
"Oh please, jerking off to anime doesn’t count."
She was more than pleased when he opened his mouth but could not form any words of retaliation. She tutted, suddenly so over this boy. She flicked her brown locks from one side to the other, giving him a final look before saying, "just remember now, when the bottom bunk shakes, the top bunk shakes too. Think about your poor roommate next time you wanna play with yourself."
With that, she spun on her heels, sashaying away from him before he could muster up a response. It felt exhilarating, having the last word. Now she never had to think about that douche anymore.
"Hey Cho, there you are—" Alina’s thin voice shocked her out of the moment— "we’re playing drink or dare, you should come join us, everyone’s there!"
The blonde didn’t give Cho a moment to respond before she was dragged through the crowd past spilled chips and turned cups, down the hallway and finally into an opening to another room she didn’t even know existed.
Upon entering, she immediately felt a weight off of her shoulders. The area was small, with a little window in the corner cranked up a little for the night breeze to enter. Significantly less people occupied the space and she found herself being able to breathe with ease, something she could barely do before.
A group of girls were huddled in a big circle, chatting amongst themselves. Bora was in the circle too, hand under her chin. She looked up and spotted Cho, jutting her chin casually and gesturing for Cho to sit next to her. Cho walked over and as soon as she took her place next to Bora, she spotted Seoyeon. Eesh, what’s she doing here? She rolled her eyes instinctively. The purple-haired girl looked up as well and as they made eye contact, they both squirmed uncomfortably before looking away.
Alina sat across from her in the circle, clasping her hands together with a bright smile. "Alright, let’s start then! The rules are simple: when it’s your turn, you either do a dare assigned by everyone else or—" she picked up the big bottle of alcohol in front of her—" take a shot!"
The group waited in anticipation as Alina poured the clear liquid into a line of small shot glasses. At this point, Cho wondered what she was even doing here. She was well aware of her early morning activity with her step-dad, yet here she was, about to play ‘drink or dare’.
Well, as long as she stuck with the dares, all will be fine, right?
Wrong! So wrong!
Cho thinks she’s so tough, but when her turn comes, she’ll realize that she’d do anything not to have to go outside and dump cold water on herself. Or lick the feet of every person in the room. Or send the first five people on her contacts list a nude. Definitely not make out with that boy with pit stains so big that if you squeeze it enough it could fill her solo cup.
So before the game even hit its 30-minute mark, Cho’s already chugged four shots of heavy alcohol. I should warn you that this girl’s a lightweight.
Cho’s body was light. She looked around the room, feeling a string of hiccups coming along. She tried to focus on the dare being passed on, but the words just flowed right out of her ears. Instead, she panned her fleeting attention to the purple-haired bitch sitting just a few girls away from her.
The girl was occupied between watching the dares go down and texting into her phone. It was just a cycle, and Cho watched it in scrutiny. Who’d be texting a boring, judgmental brat like her anyway?
Then just like that, she guessed one person who could probably make her giggle into her phone like that: Jaemin.
Was she texting Jaemin? She felt her blood boil as she watched the scene before her. Jaemin’s not even that funny, why was Seoyeon smiling like someone just told her the funniest joke in the world? Cho’s lips were now pursed. He couldn’t be texting her right now, though, he’s in practice.
But maybe he’s having a break— she gasped— he’s texting her during his break?! She’s one sneaky little b*tch, this one. Oh, if she could just strangle her right now—
"Your turn, Cho."
She snapped out of her rampaging thoughts and followed the direction of the voice. A girl with light brown hair smiled at her, handing her a shot. She recognized this girl from around her dorm, but didn’t know her name. She looked down at the alcoholic beverage and back up at the other girls. "Why are you giving me the shot? I haven’t even heard the dare yet."
"Well, at this point I think you’d take a shot over being dared to drink water," Bora pointed out from beside her.
"Uuuum—" Cho slurred— "that is so not true."
"Alright, then someone give her a dare."
The room was silent for a moment, until a smaller girl with dark hair from the other side of the circle spoke up. "I dare you to sneak into the basketball court locker room and steal one of the player’s boxers."
The others ‘ooh’ed in response to the dare.
Now, to the average girl, this might seem like a daunting task. But Cho was actually relieved to hear this. Why? Well, she knows someone on the basketball team, and he’s one hell of a sucker for her.
A smirk formed on her face as she stared down every other girl in the circle. Her eyes finally landed on the violet head of hair. The look of disgust on Seoyeon’s face was enough to show that she knew exactly whose boxers Cho would be stealing.
Excited whispers erupted in the air as Cho stood up. She swayed in her spot, feeling a lot less balanced than she anticipated, but it didn’t matter— she was about to shove it in Seoyeon’s face that she knew Jaemin better than this girl ever could.
"Wait, wait, one more thing," the same dark-haired girl from before interrupted. She looked down at the beady-eyed girl.
"You have to do it in your underwear."
Her chest was warm, her ears slightly muffled from the ‘ooh’ sounds the other girls made. Tsk, how hard could that be?
In the following years, Cho would come to make a list of the top three most embarrassing moments in her life. Coming in first place would be the Lake House incident (she doesn’t like to talk about this one). Second place would be the Student Conference incident— otherwise known as the aftermath or domino effect of tonight’s main event, the Locker Room incident, which takes third place.
…this girl, am I right?
Cho brushed her brown locks over her head, feeling all eyes on her as she stripped away the outer layers of her outfit. She slipped out of her clothing, one by one, until she was left in nothing but her underwear.
Oh look— it’s her maroon lingerie set!
The girls around her let out whooping cheers, egging her on as a giggly hiccup escaped her lips. Are they doing this, or what? She held her phone tightly around her fingers, her brain tricking her into thinking that holding it tight would actually help her keep balance.
Her eyes danced around the room, and they finally landed on one girl, amusement written on the student’s face as one hand held a shot glass and the other held a phone, pointed eagerly at Cho. She approached the girl with a slight crook to her steps.
"Thank you—" she snatched the drink out of the girl’s hand, downing the fiery drink in one gulp.
You should’ve grabbed the phone instead, sweetie— God knows it would've saved you from a lot of trouble.
By then, she could barely feel her legs, but it’s not like she needed it, anyway. With each step, it felt like she was floating. Her eyes were trained on the big window overlooking the grassy campus grounds. She skipped forward, until someone called out from behind her— "yo, the door’s this way!"
Her head swung lazily in the direction of the noise… and she waved it off. She could go through the window— it’s faster! She felt for the window, pushing it upwards with all her strength. As soon as the window slid upwards, her bare skin was enveloped by the frigid, night air.
"Well," she sighed, "let’s get this over with."
She climbed over the window, ignoring the enthusiastic ‘woohoo’s behind her. One leg over the other, it was all she needed to do—
Suddenly, her legs lost balance; "Cho!"— she toppled over, rolling into the big bush underneath the window.
"You okay?" A voice called out from somewhere inside the window.
She pried herself out of the bush, leaping out with an unexplained vigor.
"I’m good!" She reaffirmed, looking back at a stunned— and amused— crowd of students staring at her through the tiny dorm window.
The tiny cuts on her bare skin were ignored as she staggered onwards. It was a surprise that she knew her way at all; she moved at an offbeat rhythm, her eyes set on the cement path below her. She’d pass the occasional pedestrian and they would glance uncomfortably— one even came up to ask her if she was alright— but she skipped ahead, bowing at them to tell her she was a-okay.
As her legs were starting to feel sore from the rough outdoor flooring and her skin was starting to shiver from the harsh winds, she finally rounded that fateful corner— the basketball court building.
She squealed through excited jumps, prancing up the steps and into the building like she owned the place. The doors opened with a loud bang, and her legs made contact with the squeaky-clean tiles. She inhaled a victorious breath, taking in the fluorescent lights that lined the high ceilings.
Jaemin’s in here somewhere, she thought to herself.
Her brain was in a fritz; all she could comprehend was the fact that Jaemin wasn’t far away. Even though she could barely remember, she knew why she was in this facility in the first place— in only her underwear, mind you. She unlocked the phone in her hands and began texting her best friend.
kang cho: Jaemmin
kang cho: Hi!!!!!!!!!!
kang cho: Guess whad
kang cho: Im at ur building
She tutted at her phone, waiting for the boy to answer. In fact, she stared at it like it had done something wrong. With every passing second, she grew increasingly frustrated by the lack of response. Fine, be like this!, she huffed in her heart.
She sighed and began sauntering down past the lobby and through the main hallway, observing rows of trophies stacked neatly into bright, glass displays. Her lanky hands swung beside her, legs both jittery and jelly-like at the same time.
Hm… where should she go now?
It was hard to keep her goal in mind— actually, it was hard to keep anything in her mind at all, so she found herself wandering aimlessly in the vast, empty space. The pin-drop silence was just about to drive her crazy, but as if on cue, she spotted the large, open gymnasium doors just a little further down. Her ears perked in delight at the sound of echoes of dribbling balls and squeaking shoes.
All previous disoriented mannerisms she displayed flew out the window as she inhaled excitedly.
Jaemin!, she giggled in her head.
She skipped with jubilance, allowing her feet to bounce on the white floors until she found herself right in front of the opening towards the big dome of the basketball court. For a moment, she froze at the sight before her.
About a dozen college boys were running through the court, chasing after a tiny, orange ball. Well, maybe it wasn’t so tiny, but to Cho, it looked like an eeny-weeny little ball. She sighed dreamily, watching the sweaty, muscular boys run laps with such determination.
Honestly, though, her eyes were searching for one boy in particular; she scanned the court quickly until her eyes finally landed on the most handsome boy there, dribbling the ball skillfully as he swerved past another player.
Suddenly filled with new adrenaline— as if she wasn’t already intoxicated with other things— she began tapping her feet in excitement. She waved at the boy’s general direction, waiting for him to notice her.
And notice her, he did.
She watched as Jaemin attempted a crossover dribble in the exact moment his eyes met hers; instead of executing what could’ve been an ankle breaker, he slipped over his own feet, falling flat on his chest.
"Oooh," she gasped, a hand over her mouth as the rest of the court erupted in laughter, quite unaware of what made one of their best players trip on his own foot like that.
Maaaybe she shouldn’t be disturbing the poor boy during practice. She waved him a nonchalant goodbye, blowing an exaggerated kiss at the stunned boy who stared at her with bulging eyes. With that, she giggled and continued on her steps.​​
"Don’t forget Cho," she whispered to herself, "find the locker— find the boxers."
She hummed to the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb as rows of doors passed her by. It wasn’t like she knew where she was going, but the confidence in her strides would have you thinking she plays basketball here on a regular basis.
By now, her body was feeling all sorts of things: tingly stomach, light limbs, maybe like someone just spun her around an office chair a little too long. For the most part, though, she hadn’t caught on. What she did notice was the faint buzzing sensation between her fingers.
She took a quick peek at her vibrating phone in her hand. On her screen, flashing like an AMBER alert (at least to Cho) was Jaemin’s name. She chuckled, declining his call before she continued skipping forward. It wasn’t even a minute later when her phone buzzed again.
This time, it was a bunch of text message notifications. She slowed, opening the text that read:
na jaemin: Cho wtf
na jaemin: Where are you
na jaemin: Cho
na jaemin: What are you doing??
na jaemin: Are you drunk
na jaemin: Ofc you’re drunk why else would you be doing this
Her eyes were starting to blur and she could barely register his words. Nonetheless, she tutted at the words like she understood it perfectly.
Why so serious?, she thought to herself in between giggles.
She huffed, stumbling down a small flight of stairs. She found herself walking down a slightly darker corridor which was some level lower than the hallway she was previously in. When was this going to end? The corridor seemed to stretch on forever.
This time, there were only two doors lined along the wall. She passed the first one, labeled ‘Janitor’. Her steps were heavy and each movement gave her limbs a subtle shiver. Her phone must’ve buzzed over a dozen times now and it was getting hard to ignore. So when her phone buzzed again, she swung lazily on the spot, picking up the call with squinted eyes.
"Jaeminnn," she slurred, leaning against the wall.
"Cho— where are you?" His voice sounded frantic, slightly rushed.
She could hear his rough breathing through the phone, and she rolled her eyes. "The real question is—" she pointed at nothing— "where are you?"
"God, I should’ve gone to the party," he mumbled incoherently from the other line. "Are you still in the building? F*ck, do not go outside, do you understand—"
"Relax!" She exclaimed, swinging her arms until it almost made her lose balance. "I’m in here waiting for you, Looney Tune."
"Where, Cho? Tell me what you see."
"I don’t know man." She looked around cluelessly as she wandered to another door further down the dark hallway— "sh*t’s pretty dark around here— oh!"
She pushed against the heavy door and— "this door opens right up!"
"Don’t move, Cho— stay where you are, okay?" More shuffling sounded from the phone. "Just let me find you—"
She hung up on him before he could finish; she shrugged, strolling into the unfamiliar room.
Dim lights revealed rows of lockers that lined the walls, and low benches placed throughout the space, some by the walls and some in the middle. She breathed in the stale air, and even in her drunken state, she noticed the little hint of sweat that stung her nostrils.
She would’ve gagged in disgust, but another thought prevailed above all else: "The locker room!"
"Tch—" she smirked lazily, walking towards the closest locker— "wait ‘till that stupid Violet Beauregarde b*tch sees..."
Her sentence faded into the background, nausea creeping in. The lockers were bigger than she anticipated. She held onto the cold, metal locker as the floor swayed beneath her. What was she doing here again? She blinked rapidly, eyes darting around the room.
Boxers, she remembered.
"Find Jaemin’s boxers!" She scolded herself, shaking herself steady. Her legs buckled, forcing her to slide down against the tall locker behind her. The frown on her face grew as she began thinking about the boy.
Where is he?, she thought.
Her eyes brimmed with tears. Before she knew it, she was bawling her eyes out, wondering where her best friend could possibly be. He said he was going to find her, but where was he? Did he forget about her? She blubbered at the thought, falling down further until her head met the cold tiles of the locker room.
"He probably forgot about me, texting that stupid, stupid, stupid..."
All she wanted to do was go to sleep— why was it so cold here? What, were they in Antarctica or something?
With all the strength she could muster, she crawled under a bench closest to herself and hugged herself into a fetal position. She kept her eyes peeled, waiting for the boxers to show itself, but even then her vision was blurring. Her eyelids were getting heavy… really heavy…
The darkness began to envelope her senses. But a sudden, loud noise shook it away.
Her eyes shot open and she watched as an abundance of feet began stampeding into the room. For some reason, her brain chose this moment to sober up a little bit; her eyes blinked back tears of confusion as more and more people began filtering into the room.
Loud, boisterous chatter echoed the small space; Cho’s heart was thrashing erratically, her breaths short.
"Dude, who the f*ck is that?"
Nope. Not Jaemin.
A voice yelled over the other seemingly blended baritone noise. Suddenly the chatter died, now replaced with amused snickers—
"Holy sh*t, this chick’s naked!"
"Brooo, which one of y’all—"
"Yo, is she dead?"
Cho wanted to look up and find his face in the crowd, but her eyes had other plans— she struggled for a moment of steady breathing, feeling her eyelids pull into a forced slumber as her body shivered. The voices got louder, the footsteps moved closer, but she was helpless. Her chocolate locks covered her face, beads of sweat pasting strands of it on her forehead.
A brush of skin contact on her leg forced her eyes to flutter open with all its strength. Before she could respond, the hand on her thigh was gone; a dark voice thundered throughout the room—
"Out. Now."
The ground seemed to vibrate against her bare skin as rushed footsteps slowly receded into the hallway, groans and mumbles slowly fading into the background.
"Hey," a low voice whispered above her.
She felt a gentle arm wrap around her, pulling her out from under the bench. Her limbs were sore, for some reason, and she stirred uncomfortably. Her eyes were barely open, but it was enough to see the boy hovering over her slip out of his thick hoodie.
"Jaemin, you’re here." Cho’s voice came out in tiny cracks, a lazy smile glazed on her face.
His warm hands grazed her back. "Can you sit up?"
The words were barely discernible, but she sat up anyway with his help. Slowly, he slipped on the sleeves of his hoodie over her hands, letting the fabric wrap her comfortably. The sudden warmth surged through her like electricity— brief, but still strong enough to let her wrap her arms around his neck.
"You’re an idiot, you know?" She could feel the vibrations of his words through his chest.
She giggled unconsciously, looking up at the concerned boy. "But you still came anyway."
He rolled his eyes, standing up and lifting her up with him— "slowly, slowly." He steadied her against him, and she pushed her weight against him which he took easily.
"Jaemin, I’m jealous." She pouted into the crook of his neck.
He tried to look down at her. "Why?"
"Because someday you’re gonna take care of someone just like this."
He chuckled dryly. "I’m taking care of you right now, aren’t I?"
Cho leaned back just enough for their eyes to meet, his arms tight around her to make sure she didn't fall. "Just promise me not to go anywhere before I find someone just like you?"
If Cho wasn’t so drunk, maybe she would’ve noticed the way his eyes fell a little, or the way his jaw tensed. He let go of one hand to tuck a piece of stubborn hair behind her ear. "Let’s get you back."
She whined, prompting him to look at her again. "Promise?"
The boy forced a reassuring smile, pinching her cheeks before he planted a feather-light kiss on the tip of her nose. It was enough for Cho— she flashed him a childish smile before burying her head weakly on his shoulders again.
Her thoughts clouded, leaving her with barely enough consciousness to feel an arm slide behind her knees. The weight on her feet soon disappeared and she was lifted off her feet, warmth radiating through her as her eyelids fluttered shut.
You’re gonna wish you never said that, Cho.
Taglist | @marijmin
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oneoftheprettynerds · 4 years
Devout Worshipper: Dark! Peter Parker x Professor!Reader
A/N: So this girl here tried something else. I’ve been wanting to upload since long but this got delayed a lot and now I have several WIPs but finished this first. Sorry not proofread. I’m still discovering my writing style and my forte and thank you for staying and witnessing my experiments! Wear safety goggles please.
Summary: The best of all the educators yet, both smart and stunning, became Peter’s mentor in university. Peter grew too much of a liking for her, from a clingy scholar to her devout worshipper.
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You sat on the teacher’s desk, going through the latest thesis published by Dr. Banner last week. He had given you one of the several copies and asked you to go through it and your judgement on it. The classroom was slowly filling in as the scholars stacked in, their buzzes growing loud with each passing trice.
You were on the last paragraph of your current page when a slight thump made you break out of your stupor, you tilted your head up to find a brawny youngster leaning in front of you, with his hand planted beside your ass on the ebony desk. He had blonde locks with grey eyes and was definitely a sports’ team captain, basketball you believed, who had his own posse of wannabes behind him.
You kept the paper down in your lap and met his eyes again with an inquiring look. “Yes?”
“You seem new. Me and my guys will save you a seat at the back, so come there when your little reading session is over, babe.” He said smugly, his eyes brimming with mischievousness as they dipped to your cleavage not-so-subtly and stood there gawking while he awaited your response.
You paused to see the whole class had gone quiet watching your encounter with the jock. You gave him a sickly-sweet smile as you nodded shyly for show and he tapped your knee with his other hand before leaving. As soon as his back faced you, you rolled your eyes so hard at his antics you heard the first-benchers gasp. You could still hear him talking to his ‘friends’, “I love myself a badass girl like her.”
You returned to your thesis but before you could finish the last few sentences, the bell rung and you had to stop. Thanks blondie.
You got down from the desk, jumping on your black heels as you made your way over to the door, closing it as lock clicked into place.
The entire class was watching you with quizzical glances as you stood in front of your desk this time and wrung your hands together, “Good morning class and congratulation on making it to your second year in college, I will be your mentor and also your lecturer for biology for this semester and for those who pass, also their next one.” The entire class’ jaw slackened and you giggled lightly as waited for them to digest the news, and then told them your name.
“I know a lot of you see science itself as a chore but since you’ve already taken it, I suggest you try to pay attention as you will have to study it anyways. However, because I can relate to your struggles, I will try my best to be a companion or advisor, whichever way you prefer it, and help you get through the class with flying colours hopefully. So, ask me anything, no matter how stupid or absurd you believe your doubt or query is. I’ll answer as many times as you ask and trust me when I say that I am a woman of my word. You have any questions for the semester?” You finished with a bright smile on your face as you saw the students in the front relax slightly. At least you had their approval.
“Ma’am” The blonde kid started without raising his hand, stressing the word unnecessarily as he and his horde sniggered at some stupid inside joke, and continued, “Can I have your number?”
Some of the students gulped while the others leaned forward interested in your response. That kid thought he could fluster you by putting you in a weird spot. He smirked arrogantly, leaning back in his chair as you raised your eyebrows.
“That, Mr.?” You paused as you lingered for his answer, which came almost immediately.
“Flash Thompson, but you can call me whatever you want baby.”
His friends hooted at his pickup line, some praising his smoothness while some high-fived him.
“That, Mr. Thompson, is an excellent example of the stupid questions I mentioned formerly. Thank you for helping me make it clearer to the rest of the class, an extra point for you in the first grading assignment.”
His face fell as his jaw ticked and you turned to face the rest of the class again, “Though I suppose I will give you my number but for emergency purposes only, you can contact me on my e-mail though which I will be using most frequently. You are supposed to mail me majority of your papers this semester and the grading pattern is expected to change this time around but I will inform you of that when the time for the first assignment comes around. Any other questions, and if possible, a bit wiser ones?”
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Peter knew he liked you that day. You were attractive and stunning, yes, that too in the natural way, without make-up and tight clothes. But of course, there was more to you than that, you were smart and witty, hence a young lecturer in this esteemed college and you being a science enthusiast as well was like chocolate chips on top of a well baked dessert. You were spirited and jaunty and your sardonic and sassy replies were never degrading or humiliating. The five-year difference between you and the class made you their elder sibling rather than professor.
The first benchers worshipped your intellect while the last benchers adored your sarcasm. Everyone could see how you gave your all to teach, every trick for learning, showing real skeletons and organs in formalin, easily becoming the favourite mentor ever. You could easily be labelled as the university’s crush of the year.
But Peter soon began to despise that. The perverted comments by the students and jealous, snarky remarks by the plastics irked him. He was enraged by the geeks admiring you but baffled all the more by the strange palette of emotions he had never suffered before.
The sheer envy he was sinking in had never even surfaced while he dated Liz or MJ. For him you were a Goddess, tons divine than his exes or any other female for that matter, who should be properly worshipped and treasured.
He knew these sentiments weren’t right, but in this twisted world where he had combatted with unnatural beings and seen unimaginable horrors, he began to believe morality is just fiction used by the herd of inferior men to hold back the few superior men.
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It was the last day before spring break and no matter how much your pupils loved you, it wasn’t enough for them to not get distracted and murmur around. Only half of your entire class’s strength came and that half somehow managed to create more ruckus than usual. Even you were minutes late, not in the mood to teach this aloof and uninterested batch of youngsters.
You sat on the table and crossed your legs, which was somewhat your habit that you weren’t really proud of but continued to indulge in nonetheless, and cleared your throat times to catch the attention of the unmindfully fantasizing students.
The baritone of the males and shrieky pitches of the females made you clutch your head. You were sure going to end with disprin at the end of day. You clapped loudly and effectively so, gathered the class’s attention, but by the roll of their eyes and glares on their faces, you deduced they weren’t happy. Who would have thought?
“Okay, before you all slaughter me to the netherworld with your lethal gazes, let me make it clear that no teaching will commence today.” The class hollered appreciatively and whistled, while you paused to let them do so. Teaching on the last day before a vacation was like speaking to yourself only but with the consequence of your name being added to several hitlists.
“I’ll distribute the graded assignments submitted last Thursday and then, since I’m required to clock thirty minutes of educating at the bare minimum, we can play something, maybe you have some talents to show, principles to mock or some gossip to attend to.” The college kids laughed at your poor joke, perhaps too thrilled for their break that nothing could make their mood sour. “We’ll see accordingly, but first, raise your hand when I say your name, I want to learn at least the names of the students who bothered to come to uni on the concluding day.”
You distributed the papers back, making sure to associate each name with a face and the students took them stuffing it straight inside, not bothering to check their scoring and possibly wreck their mood.
“Peter Parker?” A hand raised in the second last row shyly, a flustered boy with glasses on his nose and a hoodie covering his head. He barely made eye contact and you smiled at his nervy, edgy form hoping to ease him a bit. Your heels sounded heavy against the few stairs as you made your way to the back, the class buzzing with laughs as students barely paid you any heed.
The draught of epinephrine Peter felt was unlike anything he had ever felt before, nothing like the anxiety on the battlefield or the excessive sweating while impressing Mr. Stark. The apprehension he felt was decuple that.
It’s not like he had never talked to you afore, he constantly asked clever doubts, which he knew the answer to already, of course, to make an impression on you, but that was with a two feet and 7.5 inches of teacher’s desk in between. Yes, he measured. He had even made sure a couple times, let’s be honest, more than several times that his Goddess had arrived her fascinating abode safely.
But this time, they’d be hardly half a foot apart and the anticipation was tearing him apart. He did want her close, in all ways possible, but was he ready enough to not make a fool of himself? All his previous conversations were thought out meticulously and beforehand but was ready for a spontaneous interaction?
“Good job, Smart Cookie.” You mused at Peter with a wink and dropped the paper on his desk as he looked at you with those innocent, doe-eyes of his, his cheeks and nose a tad bit rouge.
Peter’s hearing ability got lost as the sound of his heart pumping blood filled his tympanum. He could only watch you retreat back to the front of the class, your hips swaying invitingly in that damned black pencil skirt as you called another person’s name.
Smart Cookie was his favourite nickname now.
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It was pretty late when you left the university premises, finishing up all you had to and even preparing for your first week of teaching after vacation because you knew how procrastinating errands went.
You couldn’t almost believe how you were on the adult end of things, making sure and guiding other people. With the job, came a lot of obligations that you had to fulfil and being responsible was hard, really demanding. You suddenly had a lot of reverence for all the teachers in your life, from kindergarten to your degrees.
You were on a sabbatical from research temporarily, signing a teaching contract for three years minimum and you were satisfies with the refreshment. Interacting young, curious minds was almost like a recreational activity you indulged in free time and the various angles they approached science at even taught you something. The scholars found it in themselves to even question well-established biology.
Slightly humming, you made a mental checklist of what all was left to do for your solo, self-discovering trip the next week. All that you should pack, clothes according to the weather in the hills and enough emergency eatables. Maybe you could revisit the work-in-progress papers of yours or maybe it would be a leisure excursion only.
Only you never made it to your flight.
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 The pounding of your head made a thrumming noise in your head, increasing its tempo and volume with each passing instant. Your eyelids felt heavy and opening them felt like a chore, which even more difficult considering the light that flooded your vision with every bit they opened. Your senses felt overwhelmed being burdened and strained with their everyday tasks after what you assumed to be at least hours of inactivity.
The sudden spike of pain shooting in your head made you jerk your hand to clutch your throbbing forehead, only to fail and find your hands bounded to something. They weren’t cuffed or shackled, nothing dug in your wrist either. Maybe a rope but the texture wasn’t rough enough. After what felt like minutes, you opened your eyes and sat up, as straight as your confined self could, and looked around.
The room was shades of grey and blue, a giant bed was where you were sitting. The giant ceiling to floor windows beside you, cast enough moonlight in the bedroom for you to see the entire bedroom. The view outside was so picturesque, that you had been gawking were you not afraid of your surroundings. You could discern you were high up, with how small the vehicles looked and another wave terror ran through you.
A white desk with a blue chair had a laptop atop it, also sitting beside several books. You would have noticed them being your subject and recommendation but you were scanning your brain as to how you landed here. With your vision now clearer, you saw your restraints to be like silk but no matter how hard you pulled, they didn’t snap.
You were full on panicking and staring wide eyed when the laptop entered your vision again. There was no other electronic except it and you calmed yourself to think rationally. Deep breaths, in and out. Your best bet right now was to hope that the laptop was connected to someone’s wifi.
You slid off the edge of the bed and tried to cut the weird silk ropes with bedside table’s corner. It took some time but you succeeded, your hands freed from the poster of the bed as you made your way towards the laptop, after checking the locked door of course.
Another wave of panic ran through you when the laptop wasn’t connected to anything and all available connections were password protected. You noticed the laptop to be brand new, and of a very expensive company that was out of your budget. You also noticed the OS was very different, not the usual Windows you ran. Your AI Cortana in this overpriced gadget, was named Karen.
You still refused to wait for your captor to show up and snooped to find something on the laptop, anything. There was no profile of the owner but you did manage to find at least three GB of videos and images.
Your hands froze and eyes widened when you saw the security footage of your building’s outside, the little bakery’s neon sign confirming the location. The videos were the same, of you entering and exiting every day, just the dates on the videos varied.
Another folder had clips with the same dates, but they were in the lobby of your apartment, your potted plants outside your door the affirmation again. It showed you getting milks and newspaper every morning, ordering take out several days and placing the garbage bags outside.
The earliest date in each folder was after your first month of moving here, second week of teaching probably.
When you opened the third folder, as the video started your hands covered your mouth as you tried your best to hold back the sob and making a noise. The screen showed two camera screens, both inside your apartment. The first showed the living room clearly and your kitchen and you concluded it to be behind some article on the bookshelf.
The other screen showed your bedroom.
You could still see the floral bedsheet with the white quilt atop it. Your red suitcase that you took out from the storage for your trip this morning, resting beside the wall. Your lamp switched on from when you mayhap left it on, already late for the last day of work. As the time hit 12 AM at the bottom of the screen, the video ended and played again. There were even more folders and you wondered how far would the surveillance go, till your bathroom?
Your abductor had live footage of your house being sent to his laptop and that scared you shitless. This was not a random crime, that ransom could end. You were here for something, some sick purpose you didn’t even know. Was this a hate crime? Would you even make it-
“I really wish you hadn’t looked there.”
The deep, familiar voice amplified your fear and you turned your head slowly, almost comically to look at him. Another gasp escaped your lips as you found warm eyes of your student and brows furrowed in confusion and fear when you saw the deranged lust in his eyes. Was this some sick prank?
“What am I doing here and what is this?” You gestured to the screen playing footages of the inside of your house. Seeing someone familiar and the probability of this being a prank should have calmed you somewhat but the revolting trick and the strange darkness in the boy’s eyes made you even more wary.
As he took a step closer, you hastily climbed out of the chair and backed away, nearing the bed again as he locked the door and closed in on you. He made a move to snatch you and you jumped to the other side of the bed barely missing him by an inch. You reached for the door hoping to find it unlocked but it didn’t even budge.
You pulled even harder while being painfully aware of how that kid from your class just sat on the bed and observed, having the utmost confidence in the door. Your frenzied state got a jump-scare when a female voice broke the silence, “Authorization to access locked doors is granted to Mr. Parker only, please refrain from damaging the property, Mam.”
So some tech-boy with a rich background is set on you?
“Please sit on the bed and I’ll explain, please.”
His doe eyes would have fooled you were you not extremely aware of your environment due to the adrenaline coursing through your arteries. He was an exceptionally good actor, you had to give him that. You prided yourself to be an excellent judge of character and here this guy had deceived you for three months.
The AI called him Parker, what was his name again?
Patrick? Peyton? Peter? Yes, Peter Parker.
“Peter?” You softly called out and his eyes widened as a blush crept up to his cheeks as he relished the fact that you remembered his name. You sighed internally, praying that this was a case of a harmless crush gone wrong and he was just innocently hopeful. The image of his dark, lust covered eyes crossed your mind to make an argument but you pushed it aside to calm your nerves and stay as relaxed as you possibly could with all that was happening.
“I know that this is all a big misunderstanding but you are really scaring me here. Can you please at least let me out of this room to somewhere open?” You looked at him, hoping to talk him down and get out. You didn’t think he would hurt you but you weren’t willing to take any chances with this maniacal youngster either.
“I’m sorry but I can’t do that, you’ll run.”
Of course, you’ll run, who wouldn’t?
“Peter, boy, listen to me-”
“No, you listen to me! I admit the situation isn’t ideal and you’re probably terrified because of your meddling but this is all for you! I’m here to protect you! The world out there isn’t safe and your heavenly self needs to be resuscitated.”
“Peter, you’re not making any sense. I’m an adult, older than you and you need to understand boundaries-”
“I’ve seen the way of the world, trust me, in fact, far more than you have! Did you know that raping and murdering women on Asgard is considered a common crime? How Hydra is kidnapping young, bright women to exploit them for breeding projects? How the Red Skull resurfaced and his ideals now include eradicating women from Earth as well?”
“No, you don’t know! You are just blissfully unaware of this world, so oblivious you don’t even how know the perverted and debauched comments your own class makes?”
His outburst frightened you as you felt yourself losing control of the situation, maybe you never were in control. But now the unleashed fury on Peter’s face told you that had triggered an irrevocable topic.
“Calm down, it’s alright.” You said quietly, hoping to ease him again but his steps towards made you back up yourself to the other side of the bed.
“You, You are still scared of me, aren’t you? You still don’t understand, do you? I’ll show you, show you how much I worship you, the true extent of my devotion.” Every ludicrous declaration of his bit away your hope of getting out.
As he approached you again from the foot of the bed, you jumped across the bed again, hoping to reprise your stunt from before. However, your jumping halted midway as something glued your right wrist to the headboard and you jerked due to inertia of movement. As your eyes looked to your hand, the same silky rope met your vision.
You did not have the time or the wits to ponder over the fluid, about how your abductor shot it or how it wouldn’t budge no matter how hard you pulled. A hand on your ankle prompted you to try one last time as you screamed as loud as you could, for as long as your lungs allowed.
“It won’t work, Mr. Stark got me a soundproofed apartment. Pretty cool, right?”
A sob wracked through your entire frame as the tears descended, the frustration and hopelessness and dread, all attacking you at once. Your legs kicked and flexed and when your left fist swung, he restrained all your limbs after dodging, of course.
“I just want to love you, is it too much too ask?” He asked in a quiet whisper, his hands undressing you cloth by cloth; first unzipping the side of your pencil skirt and unwrapping it, then unbuttoning your blouse. When he brought out a pocket knife, your eyes instinctively closed, a “Please don’t hurt me” falling from your lips.
“Never.” He replied with absolute assurance.
The blade cut through your blouse first, leaving you in your garments while Peter sat back on his knees to admire you. You’ve been flattered with the adoration in his eyes had you not gone through the mayhem that you had.
His hand caressed your curves, feeling the soft skin underneath as he took his time admiring you, committing each feature to memory while your tears poured, your eyes never leaving the knife he held.
The blade invaded your privacy once again as it took away your last pieces of defense, leaving you utterly nude and your cries wreaked havoc in the otherwise quiet room. Your eyes found Peter face and you noticed his eyes twinkling in admiration trailing up and down your body several times. His disciple complex was scaring you, you almost bordered considering his Goddess belief.
“So stunning.” He whispered as he came down to kiss you, his lips meeting yours in this bruising embrace of both your mouths and as he began to undress himself simultaneously, his dramatics became the least of your concerns. The thought of the inevitable future made home in your mind and gave you one last bout of courage to try and fight.
The restraints on your limbs didn’t even budge and every fleck of hope deserted your body when you saw the chiseled abs on his scarred torso, his biceps bulging and silently warning you into staying put. He made quick work of his remaining outfit and his hard, angry member was bigger than you had anticipated.
You had not expected a stereotypical nerd to be packing, with muscles and brawns, hardly to even expect him to be the largest among the ones you had ever experienced.
“Please don’t.” You mumbled, defeated, knowing he would not listen. You closed your eyes expecting the intrusion to get it over with. You were caught off handed when you felt him shift and devour into your pussy. He feasted like a man famished, his tongue leaving no area unlapped. The sparks in your abdomen made you queasy and giddy at the same time, you could barely open your eyes due to the intensity of his actions and when he added two of his shockingly calloused fingers, you let go of the coil in mere seconds.
Your limbs sat limp while your vision whitened, your mind foggy and hazy, deprived of all sensibility. When his thick thighs rested on top of yours, your gaze ascended to meet his already staring pupils, the warm, honey brown orbs now a black abyss. You couldn’t even protest in your blissful state as lined himself and entered your cavern, which was lubricated enough courtesy of him.
The stretch burned but as he rocked himself and thrusted with a rhythm, the pleasure started building from scratch. Each push was sturdier than the last and every spot he hit managed to make your breath hitch. Your hands and legs freed as the fluid perhaps melted but the last of your energy was being used by you to stay conscious. When he descended to kiss you once again and trailed kisses to your collarbone, your hands held onto him for support, his biceps providing anchor to you, made of pure muscle.
His teeth bruised your skin as he lightly bit your neck, reaching his end and releasing his load. The warmth that filled you made you let go, his orgasm encouraging another one from you.
Your eyes drooped, your body filled with exhaustion due to all the struggling as you curled in to your side and wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to forget your abductor and the forceful, mind shattering ecstasy you felt. Your refused to think about the guilt and the uncertainty of your impending doom in the hands of this maniacal student of yours. You just wished for sleep, for some peace alone.
The wish of yours was not granted when you felt Peter slide behind you, his hand wrapping around your middle as if you were lover. You still gave into slumber, but not before feeling him peck your shoulder with a promise.
“This devotee of yours will worship you forever and always, Goddess.”
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illyria-12 · 3 years
AOT Headcanons
I’ve been thinking of posting some of my headcanons and other shit here a bit more. I’m much more active on other platforms, but figured, why not? 
So have something I threw together at... I dunno, maybe 3am Monday morning? :)
Warnings: None that I am aware of.
Includes: Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hanji Zoe, Reiner Braun (At present, maybe more added at a later date.) 
AOT Characters as Study Buddies:
Eren Jaeger:·        
Do not expect this boy to remember that he agreed to study with you. He could have agreed to study with you just a few hours ago, and would forget. He needs regular reminders.         
Remind him a couple of days before, the day before, on the day, during lunch and definitely make sure you text him after school.          
Is always late.         
He starts off really focused. Pulls out his books and notes and is eager to help.     
But he also gets very easily distracted. 
Will often check his phone. It’s a really bad habit he can’t seem to control. Whether it’s just checking the time or clearing notifications, expect his phone to be in his hand at least 60% of the time. Clearing notifications often leads to him scrolling through social media, sending snaps or replying to texts too.   
Will always involve you, telling you why he is laughing, showing the funny video or meme he has found or explaining a conversation he is having.
It’s entertaining, but not exactly the reason you are here...        
He doesn’t have a preference of where he studies, he is pretty content anywhere, but if you go to his place, he will frequently bring in snacks or order pizza. Also is much more easily distracted when at home.         
His attention span isn’t great, and although he loves the idea of being helpful and studying with you, he gets bored quickly.         
Can also get confused with his own notes.       
Will often try and get you to call an end to the study session rather than do it himself. It makes him feel accomplished that way; like he has done his job and you are the one who has had enough.Will often groan things like: 
“Are we done yet?”        
“My head/back/wrist/eyes hurt.”         
 Occasionally he will suggest ‘taking a break’, but once that has been agreed to, it is pretty much the end of studying for the rest of the night.
Likes to try and make studying as fun as possible. Bright colours, highlighting, bubble diagrams, sticky notes. You best believe his version of pop quiz is to write random answers on a sticky note and stick it to your forehead and then get you to ask questions until you get the answer right. 
Will definitely reward you with a kiss when you finally get it right.
Sometimes leaves sticky notes in your book of ‘motivational quotes' to make you smile when you eventually come across them.
Armin Arlert:-       
By far, the most committed study buddy you could have hoped for.
You have weekly study sessions at the library every Friday after school. 
Armin is always there before you, fully prepared; books laid out neatly on the table. Sometimes he even starts his homework while waiting for you. 
Is very much a fan of making a little itinerary of things you are going to work through on the day.         
Doesn’t mind odd conversation but is an expert at getting you back on the subject at hand. He can often even relate whatever you’ve said back to the topic... although sometimes it doesn’t make sense. But it’s still funny and endearing. 
“You know who else thought Mrs Bratton was a bitch? William Shakespeare.”         
Is incredibly patient.         
Is a great supporter, always encouraging you and praising you when you get things right.         
Would never admit it but he finds it cute when you just can’t wrap your head around something and then out of nowhere, the penny drops.
The faces you pull entertain him. Either when realization finally dawns on you or if you’re thinking very hard.       
“Hey, don’t worry, you got this... let’s just go through it again.” “That’s it! See? Told you you’d get there.”          
Will always make sure he brings you something to drink and snack on during session. Usually a sandwich, crisps or some chocolate to give you a bit of a boost.          
Doesn’t push you too hard, if you say you have had enough, he will generally leave it there, or try to convince you to do just a bit more, but never in a demanding sort of way.         
“Okay, shall we finish this page first?”     
“One more section? Promise.”         
Armin's biggest downside? He is so soft on you.         
Very often gives you the answers as opposed to forcing you to figure it out. 
Absolutely can not be stern. If you are feeling playful, or really not in the mood and start teasing him,he is quick to admit defeat rather than stand his ground and force you to get through the work.         
Absolutely will do 99% of the work on group projects but share the credit with you.
Levi Ackerman:·         
Will make it seem like he doesn’t want to study with you, but will ultimately agree. 
“Why don’t you ask ...... instead? Tch. Fine.”
At first he will always read what it is you have to do, and then proceed to tell you what you have to do, but not necessarily tell you how to do it.
Eventually he realizes you already know what you’re supposed to do... (you can read, Levi.) And then proceeds to actually help.          
Expect a lot of sarcasm and insults. He doesn’t necessarily mean them, but he will say them anyway.         
"Whining about it isn’t going to magically speed this up. Get to it.” 
Very rarely strays away from what it is you’re meant to be doing.
Complaining gets you nowhere with him.         
“No, we’re not taking a break, you should have eaten before.”         
It’s not that he doesn’t care, he does, but he also knows you will do anything to get out of studying when you’re frustrated, and tend to over-exaggerate. You’re not ‘starving’, he saw you eat at lunch... which was only a couple of hours ago.          
Likes to prioritize your subjects. Will take into account when assignments are due in, how difficult they are going to be and how long it will take to get done.         
Strict. Very strict.          
Prefers to study in a quiet and familiar place. Libraries or either of your houses where there are minimal distractions. 
Absolutely will not let you copy his notes. You’re welcome to read them, but he expects you to refer to your own. That doesn’t mean you don’t steal snippets here and there though, much to his annoyance.   
“Do you pay attention in any of your classes?”          
Very good at breaking things down and explaining things. You actually pick things up pretty quickly when studying with him, probably due to his ‘no nonsense’ approach.          
Will occasionally randomly test you to see if you’re actually paying attention and remembering what you are doing. He always smiles a little when you can answer his questions.          
Is not going to do the work for you, and certainly isn’t going to give you answers, you have to really work for them.          
Is patient until you start misbehaving.     
His occasional praises are a treat.
Erwin Smith:·         
Loves to study with you in different places. This man will plan a whole day for it.          
Will always bring a picnic when you study in a park. Happy to share a cocktail if you go to a bar, or a milkshake and burger if you go to a diner. 
If you do happen to study in a library, he will always take you for food afterwards. 
His notes are detailed and beautifully written and he has no problem with you using them.         
Don’t expect him to give you the answers though. Erwin is the sort of person who will ask you what you think. 
“How do you think we figure that out?”   
“What do you think we need to do?”       
“What do you think this means?”         
It’s not that he doesn’t know. But he wants you to try and figure things out yourself. As long as he can see you’re making an effort though, he is happy to guide you and let answers slip here and there, or word things in such a way that you suddenly have an epiphany and get the answer.
Is a great motivator and supporter.          
Doesn’t mind taking breaks every so often and uses this time to have general conversation with you. Nothing work related in the breaks, it’s meant to be a break.         
Is not above bribing you. Whether it be with food, physical affection, surprises... 
Yes, Erwin has in fact brought you gifts and refused to give them to you until you do the work and get it right.         
And he would do it again.        
Erwin knows a decent amount about a lot of different subjects and sometimes shares random facts regarding topics you’re studying about. Sometimes they are not at all relevant. But they are usually always interesting.         
You have this man’s undivided attention throughout the study session. Erwin is usually very busy , so when he does dedicate time to help you, he likes to be fully committed.          
Will ignore his phone completely. Texts, phone calls... everything, until you both take a break.
Hanji Zoe:·         
When the two of you get together to study, it is very hit and miss as to whether you actually get the work done. She is so intelligent, but also, such a ditz at times.          
Hanji can talk.         
Like, a lot.          
She very often will start off talking about a topic and swerve off into other lanes and get completely side-tracked.          
You once started off writing a biology paper and somehow ended up getting a history lesson about Ramses II, after learning all the details of the Black Death and even touching on Jack the Ripper.   
 But she is highly intelligent under her scatterbrain-iness.        
But can become very easily distracted. Especially if you start talking to her about something she is very excited or passionate about.          
Will sometimes forget to bring textbooks you need to use.         
Will hyper focus at times. Sometimes a bit too extensively. It can be very draining.        
Can be known for getting lost in the details.          
Never comes to a study session without a coffee for the both of you.
Absolutely has no problem sharing her notes with you, will often steal yours too.        
“A fresh set of eyes and all that.”        
“Ah, this is good! Who knew you were a certified genius?!”        
Has no problem pulling her weight on group projects, but also has no problem letting you take the lead... or do all the work.         
Tends to be much more productive closer to the end date of an assignment. 
Fidgets a lot. Always tapping a pen, nibbling on the end or twirling it between her fingers. Knee bouncing... almost constantly.          
Likes to take regular breaks to analyse and go over what the two of you have learned and accomplished so far and decide where to go from here.
Reiner Braun:·         
Reiner is always happy to study with you. Even though his calendar is pretty full, he will always make an effort to squeeze you in.          
Definitely the kinda guy to put a game night on hold, telling his friends online he will be back in a couple of hours to help you first.          
Always greets you with a kind smile and asking if you’re ready for the session.       
Doesn’t mind where you study, but does prefer to study at his house so he can give you a snack or something to drink.   
Really likes it when you go and study in the garden. It is probably his favourite place to study with you. Just because it is nice, quiet and peaceful.          
Very chilled out; will often make jokes and try his best to keep the mood light. 
Very patient; has no problem going over things multiple times and trying lots of different ways to try and help you understand.          
Likes to be close to you when you work together. Knees occasionally touching, shoulders brushing. Just give this man a reason to touch you in anyway shape or firm. A reassuring hand on your shoulder, a quick one armed hug in the chair, ruffling your hair, squeezing your hand... he is all about that shit.          
Will celebrate your victories and praise you constantly.        
“Hey, well done! See I knew you would get it.”         
“We’ve done a lot today, I’m proud of you.”         
Always down for a cuddle or a movie afterwards, or maybe even a walk through the park to get some air and unwind.          
Will digress sometimes but it’s very fleeting and he picks up exactly where he left off again easily.          
Has no problem with you taking some of his notes, or searching the Internet for answers.          
Will explain how he got the answer and break things down into manageable chunks for you.         
Chocolate is always on the table.        
If you get too stressed he will let you take a break.         
Will offer to give you neck, back or even hand massages if you get too stiff. 
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Love’s Worth Running To. Chapter 3: The Accident
Pairing: Barry Allen x Stephanie Williams (OC)
Fandom: Justice League / DCEU
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A/N: This is when things start to get serious! I hope you enjoy chapter 3! As always, remember to give this some love, please reblog and leave feedback! It would make my week! 🙏💜
The next day the lab feels the same as ever, though it appears even brighter than the other day as Stephanie walks inside, coffee in hand. She beams and smiles at Ben as she approaches him. He stares at her, cutting her off before she can greet him with a cheerful ‘good morning’.
“Good morning to you too, Stephanie” He gladly takes the coffee that she offers him.
“It’s rude to interrupt people, you know?” She playfully wrinkles her nose at him.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t be any nicer and more of a ray of sunshine” Ben jokes. “Does this have to do with your mysterious childhood friend?”
“Kind of” She purses her lips to suppress her big smile. “It suddenly feels like a missing part of me has returned”
“Oh, no…” He playfully dreads. “You’re not going to get sappy, are you?”
Stephanie rolls her eyes a little and softly slaps him in the arm. He laughs.
For a moment she questions whether to tell him about yesterday. The conversation with Barry, the awkwardness turned to warmth as they reconnected again, and even the near death experience that was the strange culmination to an otherwise lovely soiree. However, while she stares at Ben tangling with the computer, she decides against it.
As close as she is with Ben, it feels slightly out of place to talk about it. Too personal. Ben would surely intently listen to her, smiling politely as he always does. Nonetheless, even if a part of her wants to share that euphoria with the only person she’s close to, the other part prefers to keep it to herself. Silently treasure it.
“Is the computer behaving?” Stephanie asks instead, sliding on her white lab coat.
“For now” Ben absently replies, focused on entering commands on it. “Let’s hope it doesn’t glitch today”
“I’m feeling lucky” She happily replies, earning a curious look from him.
Like every other day, Stephanie automatically puts her hair behind her ear to get it away from her eyes. Then she leans down on the microscope, looking through it and analyzing the samples after Ben has done the small adjustments to the force field they had been exposed to.
The usual dullness overcomes her once again as a force of habit, but one thing’s different. After so many hours of hard work and perseverance, there’s finally something. Understanding what the change can mean, Stephanie gasps.
“Ben!” She shrieks with such urgency that he jolts up in startle.
“What is it?” He rushes to her side, planting a comforting hand on her back.
“T-The samples!” She announces, wildly gesticulating. “It’s starting to work!”
On an instinct, Ben goes to look at the samples through the microscope just like Stephanie was doing a moment ago. With a light chuckle, he backs away.
“You’re the biology expert, I... don’t know what’s happening”
“The molecules are being altered, but the reaction is positive” Stephanie’s heart races with intensity at the thought of what it could imply. “And if we arrange the force field in just the right way and the molecules have a flawless positive reaction…”
She feels out of breath with excitement. Finally, her long awaited goal would come to fruition. Finally, they will have a force for good on their hands, a technology that could help and protect countless of people.
“We need to keep working” His ever undisturbed polite facade breaks slightly as he fidgets in the spot, patting her and glancing around as though he doesn’t know what to do. “But we’re making progress?”
“We’re making progress!” To celebrate the success that has taken them months to achieve, they hold on to each other’s hands. Their restless energy surges through them, only spreading further to each other.
“There you are!” An outside voice cuts through the moment as someone walks inside the lab. “It took me forever to find-”
When the two turn, they find themselves with the unexpected presence of a tall thin boy with dark hair. He’s very familiar to her, but a complete stranger for Ben.
“Barry...” Stephanie mutters, suddenly very aware of the rare touch of Ben’s hands.
“You must be the friend” The latter says, breaking away from her.
“The friend?” Barry’s previous gawk changes into a grin. “Have you been talking about me, Steph?”
“Oh, um… sorry...” Stephanie chuckles to hide her embarrassment. “Ben, that’s Barry… you know, my friend. Barry this is Ben, he’s kind of… my boss. Well, not exactly…”
“I’m just in charge of the project” Ben corrects her, witnessing her struggling. “But we work together as equals”
“Yeah…” The young woman suddenly feels overwhelmed as her present and her past collide in the form of the two men.
“Nice to meet you, Barry” Ben holds his hand out for him to shake.
“You too, Ben” The boy smiles, tapping his hand before letting go of the handshake.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but…” Stephanie tugs on Barry’s sleeve. Ben stares at the two, and his gaze flusters her. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I just came by to say hi” Barry simply says, shrugging a little. “I just… I just missed you, okay?”
Stephanie must have given him a look of utter endearment, because he bashfully averts his gaze and begins to walk around the lab.
“Can I… hang around for a bit?” He asks Stephanie, but she looks at Ben.
“I guess” He kindly replies, politely smiling. “It’s not top secret or anything”
“Cool!” Barry continues to carelessly wander around the lab. “The tech looks fancy”
“Thank you” Ben takes the compliment upon himself, as he is the one in charge of that.
“What are you working on?” To Barry’s question, Stephanie glances at Ben once again. He only nods his head for confirmation. Only then does she talk about the project.
“A force field” She motions over to the small machine that projects the energy towards the molecules vibrating in the air. “We’re currently making sure that the molecules react correctly in order to-”
“Ensure the force field could be projected on people?” He ventures, and Stephanie quickly nods her head, smiling. “That would be awesome! It could be used in such amazing ways!”
“I’m the techno-scientist in charge of the force field” Ben explains, even though Barry and Stephanie are peering at each other and barely paying attention. “Stephanie is the biology expert we hired to control how the molecules react when they’re exposed to it”
“What?” She chuckles, flustered under Barry’s smitten stare.
“You’re still trying to save the world, huh?” He nudges her a little.
“So she’s always been like this” Ben meddles in, looking from one to the other.
“You have no idea, buddy” Barry glances at him, even if his permanent smile is directed at the girl.
“I…” Ben clears his throat, taking a step back. “I better leave you two for a bit. I’ll get ourselves a snack”
“Thank you” Stephanie tells him as he moves further away. Her gratitude isn’t only in response to his kind offer to grab something to eat, but also for allowing them a moment alone. He understands how important Barry is to her.
After Ben leaves, the two are alone in the room. It fills with silence. Barry continues to wander, pretending to look at the equipment littered around the lab. In reality, a question bubbles in his chest, growing bigger by the second and threatening to become unbearable until he finally lets it out.
“So…” He begins, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on a table. “Steph”
“Are you free today?”
“Yeah, after work. Why?”
Barry casually shrugs, pouting his bottom lip in a carefree gesture. He picks up an unused flask and fiddles with it, even if his eyes are fixed on her face.
“I dunno… I thought we could go out again. I mean... if you want” He gulps, looking away before she can even react to his suggestion. Barry hurriedly continues speaking, not letting her say anything yet. “We could go take a walk or go to the cinema or…”
“So soon?” Stephanie’s tone is playful. “You should take me to dinner first, Allen”
“Huh?” Barry gawks at her, completely oblivious to her teasing and panicking in fear of her response.
“I’m joking, silly” She giggles, closing the distance that separates them to rub his arm. “I would love to meet with you again later”
Barry grins, heaving a breath of relief. He nods to himself, putting the flaskback on its place. He pushes himself off the table and opens his mouth to say something. However, something interrupts him. Stephanie might have not noticed the noise, being so used to it, but Barry freezes at the sirens outside the window.
“Okay, so what time do you get out?” He begins, slowly walking back to the door.
“At… three” Stephanie half-questions, watching him in confusion.
“Okay, cool” He carelessly says, staring at the street. “I’ll pick you up then”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I gotta run”
“See you later!”
Before she can even say goodbye to him, he has already run off. The glass door closes with a soft sound that still echoes in her ears. She sighs. With that, Stephanie resigns herself to go back to work. Her thoughts wander nonetheless.
She has to get used to being around him again, is all. They haven’t seen each other in so long, and things have changed. It’s strange to think that they’re both adults now, with jobs and responsibilities, but it’s the reality. One she must accept.
Just as she finds herself staring at the display of the experiment yet not seeing it, it happens. The force field crackles and vanishes, undoing hours of progress. For a moment, she freezes, not knowing how to react.
“No…” Stephanie whines, sulkily walking over to the computer.
She still doesn’t really understand how such an advanced model works, but she takes a look nonetheless. The screen is glitching like it has been for days, so she waits for several seconds. Nothing happens. Stephanie taps the screen, and it seems to return to normal. It asks to press any letter to restart the projection of the force field.
Breathing in relief, Stephanie does as asked. She makes a mental note to tell Ben about it anyway. The machine comes to life with the press of a button. She waits. A crackling sound begins to her right. She looks with the corner of her eye and turns slowly. The force field, once small and contained, is now growing at an alarming rate with a static sound. If it weren’t impossible, she would think it has developed a mind of its own.
“Oh, no…” She gasps, realizing what is about to happen. Her gut knows it before her brain does. A sinking feeling grows in her stomach. Her mind can only focus on one thought. One emotion. Fear.
Time stops. She makes to move out of the way, but it’s too late. She can almost feel the invisible electricity in the air before it hits her. Stephanie closes her eyes tight and puts her arms before her, trying to protect herself from the inevitable. In vain.
Her entire life seems to flash before her eyes as the whimsical time slowly speeds up again. She sees Barry in her mind. Despite her discontent, despite her nostalgia and despite everything, there isn’t a single thing she regrets. Not anymore. As she resigns herself to her doom, she feels satisfied with her life. If he’s to be her last thought, it will be a beautiful one.
An immense blast of energy then shoots her way, being so powerful that it throws her across the room. She screams. The wind is knocked out of her when her back violently hits the furthest wall, claiming a guttural grunt from within her. She falls on the ground like rag doll, barely capable of remaining conscious. Pain is the only thing her brain can conceive. Her lungs have seemed to stop working. Stephanie struggles to catch her breath again, but her attempts are futile. Before she can breathe again, she has succumbed to a pitch black darkness.
Barry comes to a halt once he returns to S.T.A.R. Labs. He takes a deep breath, recovering from the unplanned rescue mission, and heads to Stephanie’s lab once more. The remnant of the ashes from the fire still linger on his clothes. He can’t linger on the people he saved for long, however. Something else claims his attention.
He walks slowly, overcome with a strange feeling of dread. It forcefully settles in his stomach. Everything is quiet in that floor. Too quiet... He just left her not that long ago. Barry checks his watch, seeing that only twenty minutes have gone by. There are no voices, but even if Ben hadn’t returned… Something feels wrong.
“Steph?” The boy calls as he approaches her lab, still anguished by the silence. A strange atmosphere lives in the air. “Stephanie?”
Just as he arrives, he places the hand on the doorknob. An unexpected noise makes him freeze. A buzzing light. He sees it flash through the glass door. Still no signs of her.
“Stephanie...?” He tries again, tentatively opening the door. The sight he is received with makes his heart skip a beat. Time has never moved so slowly for him.
The entire lab has been destroyed, like a bomb or a hurricane passed through. An explosion definitely seems to have blasted through the entire room. There is broken glass and papers scattered around the floor, crunching under his sneakers. Every piece of technology that he had admired before, including the computer, are broken to pieces.
The buzzing light blinks on and off, projecting its yellowish light in small intervals to illuminate the darkness that otherwise drowns everything. There is another thing, far more alarming than the others. A figure lying on the ground. Completely still.
“STEPH!” Barry speeds through the room, instantly moving to that corner. “Oh god...”
Stephanie lies face down. The wall behind her is dented, and a nasty feeling assures Barry that her body caused that. What happened there?!
Swallowing hard, he reaches out to touch her. She isn’t moving. Is she breathing? Is she hurt? Is she... alive? Please, let her be alive...
“S-Steph?” He sobs, gingerly gathering her form in his arms and leaning her against his chest. A tuft of hair limply glides off her forehead to reveal her eyes. They are closed. He shakes her slightly, but she limply lies against him. “No, no… I just found you… d-don’t leave me again…”
Stephanie still doesn’t move. Shaking from head to toe, Barry leans closer to her. He can’t hear a heartbeat when he presses his ear against her chest. Moving up slightly, he can’t hear her breath from her parted lips either.
He can’t breathe. It feels like a train has run him over. Only that it would hurt less than this.
“No, no, no, no, no…” He gulps, his vision growing blurry when tears inundate his eyes. “Please, Steph...”
He observes her, heartbroken by the pained expression in her face. It is stuck like that. If only he could do something, if he could save her… A crazy idea suddenly reaches him. Lifting one shaking hand, Barry snaps his fingers. The electricity curses through, crackling in his hands and illuminating her pale skin. He hesitates, but the thought that he’s running out of time convinces him to try it. He has to.
“Please work…. Please, please… please work…” Closing his eyes tight and mentally praying to any and all deities he can think of, he puts his hand over her heart. The electricity passes over to her, and Stephanie lightly spasms with it.
He holds. His heart continues to race as he watches her expectantly.
Boom, boom. Boom, boom.
Although she remains still, Barry can hear a faint strangled inhale coming from her.
“Stephanie?” He quickly asks, so much so that he runs over the syllables.
Her eyelashes flutter. Barry holds his breath. She frowns, letting out a pained yet weak groan. Still, he almost starts crying in relief.
“S-Steph...” He calls her again, gingerly cradling her face in his palm.
Stephanie opens her eyes. A blinking light stabs them. A person is very close to her as his face comes into focus. All she can see is a pair of gentle dark eyes she is very familiar with. Her fuzzy brain is having trouble recognizing them. Now they’re also flooded in fear and concern. He’s moving his lips, but she can’t hear the sounds he’s uttering. A loud whistling in her ears makes it impossible to focus.
Stephanie tiredly stares at him. She wants to move, to speak, to do something, but she can’t. Everything hurts. Her brain burns with a fog that quickly eats up her thoughts. She needs to lift her arm and touch him, make sure he’s really there and not just a dream.
She can’t.
Her sore body and mind take over her. Stephanie’s eyes roll into her skull. Despite it all, she smiles. Because he’s here with her. She can feel his warmth. As long as he’s there, she groggily thinks, everything will be alright.
Stephanie gives in to exhaustion and forsakes herself to darkness once again. He hears him screaming her name, so loud that it overpowers the loud whistling in her ears.
“Steph!!” Barry’s heart skips a beat. The tears that had frozen in his eyelashes freely travel down his cheeks when he notices she has grown completely still again. “S-Steph?”
He continues to sob, desperately clinging her body against his chest as a harrowing void fills his chest.
An unexpected knock makes little Stephanie freeze. She leaves her homework and waits, fearing who might be at the door. The knock comes again, this time accompanied by a kind voice.
“Tephie!” Barry insists. “Open up!”
Hurrying to her feet, Stephanie runs to the door in astonishment and opens it to let him in. With a mildly mischievous smile, Barry rushes in as soon as he is able to. She follows him with her gaze as he goes to the table and puts the homework away.
“Barry!” She whispers at first, but then she realizes she doesn’t have to. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to cheer you up” He drags something out of his pocket. “I know you argued with your mom and dad again. They aren’t home, right?”
“No, they’re still working” Stephanie goes after him as Barry goes to the TV. He introduces the mysterious object he carried and hid in his hands into the VHS player. “Barry, what…?”
“I found this really cool movie” He looks at her with a grin. “I know you’re gonna love it, we can do a sleepover!”
“Those never end well” She smiles a little in spite of herself. “Remember that time you chased me around the house and knocked down my mom’s favorite vase?”
“I only wanted to tickle you…” He defended himself as he set the movie up.
Stephanie laughs, shaking her head at him. Barry only shows him an innocent grin.
“What movie is this?” She asks as they both sit in the ground as they always do.
“The Breakfast Club”
“Haven’t heard of it”
“Shame on you!”
“What’s it about?”
“Just watch the movie!”
She giggles, trying to hold the laughter in and focus on the movie. Still, she looks at Barry. His presence has cheered her up already, and the arguments with her parents don’t seem as important anymore.
The boy turns to her as well, sweetly smiling in return. It is an expression that has etched in her memory. Even after all this time.
As her senses return, reality and dream mix as the latter slowly dissolves. A boy is sitting close to her. The same one from her dream.
Barry stares at her with those warm dark brown eyes. A happy twinkle shines in them.
There are dark circles under his eyes, seeming gloom and inundated in tears. She can tell even as he averts his gaze, absently staring at the window. But not seeing it.
His smile is wide and bright, glad that the plan works and she finds the movie entertaining.
There is no sight of that smile, only a preoccupied gesture that has his lips tightly pursed. When they’re not, they shake with the meek sobs that wreck his torso.
What’s wrong? Why is Barry crying?
Disoriented, she glances around. A bright white hospital bed surrounds her. The walls are made of tiles and make the whole room cold. She is resting in a soft bed, with a thin sheet covering her body. When she looks to the side she focuses on him.
“B… B…” She tries to call out, but speech has left her. Nonetheless, his sobbing halts.
“Steph?” He gasps, hurriedly wiping his tears and leaning forward in the chair he’s sitting in. “Are you awake?”
“Ba… Barry…” She opens her mouth, trying to reply.
“No, no, no, don’t speak. Save… save your energies!”
Stephanie only groans, overwhelmed with discomfort and pain as the veil of sleep completely fades. It had been safe and comfortable, but consciousness feels like a torture. All the unpleasant sensations that plague her multiply when a sudden pressure engulfs her as Barry throws himself to hug her.
“Oh, Steph...” He dissolves in feeble sobs as he gingerly squeezes her in his arms. “You’re okay… For a moment there, I… I thought I lost you...”
“B-Barry…” The word gets stuck in her raspy throat and dry mouth. The effort causes a violent coughing fit that shakes her entire body.
“I’m so sorry!” Barry immediately pulls away, giving her some room to breathe.
Stephanie continues to cough, wincing as the strain only brings more pain that layers on top of the existing one. Barry dissolves in apologies as he hurries to pick up the water bottle that he kept ready in the table beside him and hands it to her.
The coughing fit lessens enough to let her drink, but she can’t reach out to take the bottle from him. Stephanie’s arms feel heavy as though they’re made out of lead. Every single muscle hurts and she can only manage a pathetic attempt at reaching out. The arm heavily falls down onto the bed again. She huffs in resigned frustration.
“Hey, it’s okay, I got you” Barry opens the bottle for her and brings it up to her lips.
As much as she appreciates the help, Stephanie can’t help but to scowl a little. She feels completely useless, being unable to even hold up a plastic water bottle.
“I’m sorry about that…” Barry tells her. “You’re still weak, I need to… you need to…”
Not really listening to him, Stephanie lightly nods her head. Understanding the gesture, he puts the water away and returns the bottle to its place on the table. She hadn’t realized how dry her throat was until she drank.
“What…?” Stephanie finally manages to croak out, her voice still hoarse and raspy.
“What happened?” He completes for her, earning a nod so mild that he barely sees it. “You had an accident at the lab… I… the… the force field exploded”
Stephanie closes her eyes as the memories come to her. On top of all the unwell, a nasty feeling grows in the pit of her stomach. She vividly remembers it now. The iron claw of fear returns to her, even if as a shadow of its former self. The force field went out of control. That explains why every fiber of her body hurts in a way it never had before. It’s like the aftermath of a thousand workouts put together, only that even worse.
“You’re okay, though” Barry tries to reassure her. “You broke a few bones, but you’ll heal and… you’ll recover in no time, right?”
Unable to participate in Barry’s optimism, she continues frowning. Having the haunting suspicion that she broke some ribs, Stephanie cautiously breathes in. Indeed, a sharp pang reaches her side when she does. Watching her grimace, Barry can only wince in empathy, wishing there was something he could do to help.
“Do you... need anything?” He kindly offers, fighting the urge to fidget. “Water, food? Are you cold?”
Stephanie whines, reaching out her hand. He doesn’t hesitate to take it.
“Me?” He questions, earning a soft nod from her. “I’m here, Steph, not going anywhere”
To further demonstrate, Barry plops back down on the chair, squeezing her hand. She seems to at least be a little more at ease now. He breathes out in relief as well, trying not to make it too obvious.
Just when everything was starting to settle down, the door to the room urgently swings open. They both turn their heads in startle. A blond mop of hair sticks out, and familiar blue eyes sweep the room.
“Stephanie…” Ben utters, barely glancing at Barry before he settles on her.
“Hey, man…” Barry warns him, getting back up. “Take it easy with her, okay?”
“Of course” The other gravely nods. “Thanks for looking after her, I got here as fast as I could”
“Ben…” She croaks, letting go of Barry’s hand and reaching out for him.
“Hello” The aforesaid does his best to smile, even if wrinkles of concern form on his face. “How are you feeling?”
Stephanie only moves around in the bed, feeble. She wishes she could just get up and give him a hug. Give them both a hug. But her body is screaming for her to lie still and rest. Defeated, she only sighs and tiredly leans her head on the pillow.
“Is she okay?” Ben asks, bearing the physical manifestation of utter heartbreak in his voice.
“Yeah, she’s just…” Barry sighs in exhaustion. “A little weak right now”
The two share a preoccupied glance. They murmur as Barry puts him up to date on what the doctors told him. She should be okay. The accident was bad, but the important thing is she survived it. She’s out of danger now. All she needs is rest.
“Don’t… mutter…” Stephanie weakly begs them, only feeling worse about it.
“Sorry” Ben turns to her once more, forcing out another smile and holding up something that he had been clinging in his hands. “I brought you these”
Stephanie manages to genuinely smile for the first time as she watches Ben. The beautiful bouquet of flowers is gingerly put over the table. Roses. They brighten up the room with a touch of color. From there, Stephanie can also smell their pleasant scent.
“I… actually wanted to apologize, Stephanie” Ben admits then. He uses his professional voice, the one Stephanie has heard many times when they talk about work. “It was my fault that such a horrible thing happened”
“What?” Barry pipes up, watching the scene develop. “How could it be your fault?”
“I was in charge of the technology” The other tells him, then turning back to her. “I should have avoided it, I should have kept the computer from glitching like that”
Barry averts his gaze. For the first time, he sees the situation from a very different perspective. Glitch… His gut twists in a nasty manner when realization hits. The technology glitched. It isn’t the first he hears of it, even if they don’t know . Something tells him it wasn’t an accident. One thing is for certain, though, it wasn’t Ben’s doing.
“I-I’m sure it wasn’t your fault, man” Barry pats his shoulder, but Ben shakes his head.
“It was my responsibility” He insists. “I still can’t understand what happened but… I should have known… I should know”
“Stop…” Stephanie pleads, hating that the situation only worsens.
“I should at least have been there with you, to...” Ben’s bright blue eyes become watery with tears. “To protect you when it happened”
“That’s true” Barry agrees, but corrects himself when he realizes how it sounds. “I mean me! I shouldn’t have left you alone, Steph, I feel terrible”
The two of them softly talk over each other, taking the blame as they reassure the other.
“Guys…” She breathes in slowly, successfully catching their attention. And, relieved that it doesn’t develop in another coughing fit or a wave of pain. “If you were there… you would have… just… gotten hurt too…”
That small effort has rid her from any of her remaining energies, but it was hopefully worth it. The silence heavily falls on them. It reigns. The boys look down to their feet, filled with remorse and anguish. Both of them care deeply about Stephanie, they realize as they look up at each other, it’s the one thing they have in common.
“Well, I…” Ben gulps, giving a third attempt at a smile. “I should get back to work, there’s a lot to do right now”
“Don’t... worry” Is all Stephanie manages to tell him to assuage his fear. “I’ll be... okay”
“Hey, Barry?” When the boy peers at him, surprised, Ben continues. “Look after her?”
“I will” They shake hands, like they did less than a day ago. “I promise”
Showing his best effort yet, Ben smiles once again. Then, as he waves goodbye at Stephanie, he quietly leaves the room. After closing the door behind him, Ben exchanges a glance with Barry. The boy nods his head, assuring him he will keep his promise. He doesn’t need to tell him twice.
“He’s so… sweet…” Stephanie languidly says, although her ability to speak is returning little by little.
“Yeah…” Barry bites his lip, watching the spot Ben used to be in. “Ben’s a nice guy”
He feels stupid for being jealous of him at that very moment. Of course, he wishes he could have spent all those years with Stephanie like he has. Years that she spent with Ben instead of with him. Perhaps it’s because Barry was so close to losing her that every single second away from her, past or future, suddenly feels unbearable.
Gathering himself, he takes a deep breath. There is still the present. He can be with Steph now. So he will be there, because she needs him. Because he wants to be there.
“Anyway” Barry grins at her, hoping the gesture is uplifting. “What do you need, Steph?”
Once again, she holds her hand out. He laughs a little as he delicately wraps his fingers around hers. Suddenly, the pang of jealousy in his chest dissipates.
“That’s right” A bright and more genuine grin grows on his lips. “That’s where we left of”
Just when he’s about to sit, however, Stephanie tugs at his hand. He looks up at her, frozen mid—movement. Their eyes meet. An unspoken need glows in hers while his are a reflection of the softness he currently feels. Because of her.
“Closer” She just asks him, and he doesn’t have the heart to complain. A part of him is afraid that he will hurt her in that fragile state, but his need to comfort her overcomes it.
“Okay” Barry sweetly smiles, pausing for a moment as he stands up straight again.
Stephanie makes an effort to scoot while he glances around. His hoodie rests over the back of the chair, so he takes it and gingerly places it over her. Stephanie smiles and gladly shrinks under the warm garment. Barry looks around again, making sure there’s nothing else she might need before he lies down with her and settles there.
“Stop talking, Steph!” He nervously hisses, but when he hears how hard that sounded even in his worry, he corrects his tone to a more playful one. “Gosh, I’m the one that rambles around here, okay? You have no right taking my place like that”
She smiles, and the beautiful sight warms Barry’s heart. It replaces the lonely coldness that had harbored inside his chest for so many hours. Of uncertainty and fear.
“What if I…?” She still says, even if she obliges and quiets nonetheless.
“Need something?” He completes for her again. “Let me think…”
Barry carefully goes to lie down in the bed with her. He moves slowly, slower than he ever has. As he lightly sinks down into the bed, Stephanie immediately accommodates. She snuggles closer to him, sighing in content when their sides are pressed together.
“Okay, here’s what we’ll do” Barry can’t help but to smile as she comfortably leans her head on his shoulder. “You can squeeze my hand”
“Mm-hm” Is all she says as she closes her eyes, finally feeling at ease.
He exudes a soothing warmth that envelops her and makes her feel at home. Although he is fidgety and restless, he tries to stay still. Not move an inch. As small as the gesture is, Stephanie treasures it fondly. While she is wondering in the cozy state he helped her achieve, Barry is being true to his word by rambling on.
“One squeeze if you need comfort, two if you need water or food...”
“Oh, and three if you need me to get the doctor or something”
“Did I miss anything? What else?”
Barry waits, assuming Stephanie is thinking about it too. After a few seconds of silence, and a very telling sound, he glances down at her. She is softly breathing. Barry feels a fluttering in his stomach while he watches her sleep in his shoulder.
“Sleep well, Tephie…” He whispers to himself, smiling fondly.
The overwhelming worry that had haunted him for so many hours grows smaller. It still shimmers in the surface, but leaves room for something different. Like the wave of affection that reaches him.
Barry takes a breath, gently wrapping his hand around hers. He holds it. If she wakes and needs something, he’ll be ready for when she squeezes it. For now, he will rest with her.
Not moving from that position, Barry closes his eyes. He feels the inviting and well-deserved slumber catch up to him. He falls asleep delicately squeezing her hand and hoping to infuse her with all his energy for a speedy recovery.
Tag list: @scared-to-be-lonely345 // Ask to be added to be notified when I post for this series!!
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Maybe I Like You
@nerdyweaselpeanutperson​⤀ Hey there, hope you’re doing well~ Can I please request something smutty with seungmin? Maybe friends to lovers! and thigh riding pretty please 💫
Description⤀ Seungmin cared deeply for his friend this is why he never liked any of her boyfriends. The most recent one bothered him the most. However, maybe he wasn’t that bad.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing⤀ Seungmin x fem!Reader
Word count⤀ 3.8k
Genre⤀ College!AU, Friends to lovers, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings⤀ dom!seungmin, thigh ridding, marking, excessive use of the word "jackass", bad grammar/spelling(maybe)
Pearl Note⤀ This took so long to write. It took me like a week or so. Also, I don't know why it got so long. I hope you like it. Please don't refrain from telling me what you think or if you have any constructive criticism. Requests are also open, just saying.
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      "You know, sometimes I worry about you. What is such a handsome and intelligent young man doing without a girlfriend?" She joked causing the man to roll his eyes. 
      Y/N and Seungmin were currently in the library of the campus trying to study for their organic chemistry class. Seungmin was trying to study, Y/N tried to study got bored midway and now was tormenting the poor boy who was just trying to pass.
      "If you tell me what such a beautiful and smart young lady is doing with a jackass like him I'll give an answer to your question." Seungmin didn't move his eye from the book he was reading. Y/N frowned and crossed her arms.
      "He is nice! Just because he gave you a dirty look doesn't mean he's a jackass. And it's not like you are the most agreeable person there is." Seungmin looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Don't look at me like that! I'll never forget how you told that girl that her cooking is worse than eating shit."
      "She gave me food poisoning! And it didn't even taste good!" Seungmin raised his voice and got some dirty looks from the other students that didn't have a Y\N to bother them while studying. He knew that he should have been nicer to that girl but at least she wasn't bringing her horrible cookies to college anymore.
      "You never like the guys I date and you always call them jackasses. Once I called my ex jackass because of you. He never let it go after!" Seungmin smirked at that. Her ex was indeed a jackass. 
      It wasn't that he didn't like them. Some of the guys she dated were nice, the problem was that she dated them. He didn't know what to call his feelings for her. Love, like, just a simple crush. He knew however that if he wants to keep their friendship then he has to keep quiet about his feelings. At least when she is in a relationship but she never seems to be out of one. Every time she was going through a break up he will give her time to get over it and right before he could make a move she will present her new boyfriend to him.
      "I never like them because you always break up with them in like 3 months or so. There's no point in getting attached. It will only hurt me!" He said the last sentence in an exaggerated tone clutching his chest. 
      Y/N smacked his arm lightly while chucking and decided to go back to studying after. Seungmin was grateful for that since he really needed to study but also he didn't know how much more talking about her with other men he could have endured.
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      Seungmin rolled his eyes at the sound of the other man's voice, an action that seemed to turn into a habit lately. He turned on his heels and smiled falsely at Y/N's boyfriend. What was his name? He couldn't be bothered to remember it. The thin guy was approaching him and he thought that if he were to fight him, he would surely win and maybe that jackass would stop bothering Y/N. Why was he trying to talk to Seungmin anyway?
      "Man, I was looking for you all over campus! Where've you been?" The man asked and put his hand around Seungmin's neck.
      He tried suppressing a grimace before deciding to answer his question. "I was in Biology class with Y/N and you know it. You saw me entering the classroom." Was he really as stupid as Seungmin liked to make him in front of her?
      "I know but I thought maybe you went outside to play some soccer after class. Oh, I forgot, you are a nerd!" The dude let out a disgusting laugh and punched Seungmin in the chest making the air leave his guts for a split second. Ah, here it was, the jackass was finally out!
      "Listen, I'm busy so if you have nothing important to tell me I'd like to respectfully ask you to fuck off so I can move on with my life!" Seungmin was already sick of this dude. How could Y/N spend several hours a day with him and not go insane he'll never understand. 
      The dude removed his hand from around Seungmin's neck and stopped in his track. He cleared his throat and lightly scratched the back of his head, his bony arm even more prominent.
      "Man, I have to ask you something important." Seungmin nodded his head a bit irritated. "Me and Y/N have been together for three weeks already and we haven't done it once man! I don't know what to do anymore!"
      Seungmin had a grossed out face for a few moments before raising an eyebrow. "And you are telling me this because? Do you expect me to go to her and tell her to do it with you or something?"
      "No man! I'm not an idiot!" Seungmin held back a sarcastic remark. "I want you to tell me how to get her, man! You know, tell me what turns her on and stuff like that!"
      Seungmin rolled his eyes. "How am I supposed to know that?" The dude started laughing but stopped soon when he saw that the pink-haired man was not laughing.
      "Don't tell me that you've been friends for so long but never done it!"
      "You are right, we've been friends! I don't know how you and your friends interact and frankly, I don't care. She probably doesn't want to do it because she knows how small your dick is!" Seungmin was utterly disgusted by the conversation he just had.
      Not only was he a jackass for telling him something so personal about his relationship with Y/N but he also was stupid enough to believe that if he had any tips he would share it. Why would he tell anybody how to make her feel good, how to make her squirm under them, how to push her buttons so much and hard that she'll beg for you to have mercy on her and give her any kind of relieve. 
      Fuck, he needed to stop before it would be too hard for him to concentrate on his classes. Without saying anything else he turned around and continued on his way towards the chemistry lab.
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      It has been two weeks since Seungmin had that talk with that jackass and he tried avoiding Y/N all this time in hope that he'll see less of that dude. The two of them still hang out together, had their normal study sessions, had lunch together when their schedules allowed them and texted every day but he would start responding harder when she would bring that dude up or would refuse to walk with them to classes or cafes his reasoning being that he wanted to give them privacy. He had to admit that he felt bad for ignoring her because of that dude but he really couldn't stand him.
      Today, however, he and she were supposed to have a movie night. Seungmin wanted to refuse when he first heard her proposal but after she suggested they do it at his apartment he accepted it. There's no way in hell that jackass would come to his apartment. He also missed her. He never realized just how much time they spend together until he started avoiding her.
      Everything was set for their little gathering. The only thing that was missing was Y/N but there still were 15 more minutes until she was supposed to arrive. Seungmin went into the tiny kitchen to take the popcorn from the microwave and put it in bowls. When he returned into what was supposed to be both his living room and bedroom he heard the bell ring. He placed the bowls on a small table close to his bed and went to open the door.
      When he saw her he felt the air leaving his lungs. She was always pretty but she was unusually breathtaking that day. He invited her in and they exchanged small talk before deciding on a movie. She seemed weird. Did she catch on the fact that he tried ignoring her? She seemed just fine the day before at lunch. When he made a comment about the movie and she hummed in approval instead of whining about him ruining the atmosphere he knew something was up.
      He analyzed her for a bit before finally deciding to ask her if everything was fine. "Are you ok? You seem so out of it tonight."
      She sighed before mumbling a short "I'm fine!" and continuing to watch the movie. Seungmin threw her a dirty look before snatching the remote from her side and turning the TV off. "Hey, I was watching that!" Y/N exclaimed stretching her arm for the remote.
      "And I'll let you continue if you tell me what happened. You are weirder than usual." Seungmin extended his arm in the air making sure she can't reach it.
      "I told you I'm fine!" She raised her voice still trying to reach the remote.
      "And I don't believe you!" Seungmin also raised his voice.
      "What do you want me to tell you? You want me to tell you that I and that jackass broke up? That you were right about him? That I'm incapable of having a long term relationship?" Y/N screamed in his face, immediately after getting up and going into the kitchen. Seungmin paused for a second before going after her.
      "He broke up with you? Why? This is why are you mad?" He bombarded her with questions and she wanted to curse him for having such a small apartment. He wasn't trapping her against the counter per se since there were a good one meter and a half between them but his kitchen was so small that he was blocking the only exit. She shouldn't have gone there. She gulped before answering him.
      "He didn't break up with me, I did!"
      Seungmin gave her a questioning look. "Then why are you mad about it?" His voice was softer than before.
      "I'm not mad about it!"
      "Then why are you mad?"
      "I don't know why I'm mad!" She screamed again and tried storming past him but he caught both her hands and stopped her. 
      Before she could try to escape from him he hugged her tightly rubbing her back soothingly. Y/N sat like that for a while taking in his smell before realizing what she was doing and pushing him away and going into his bedroom. She sat on the bed and turned the TV back on continuing to watch the movie.
      Seungmin sat down next to her cautiously and sighed loudly. "When did you break up? Was it today?" He asked her being curious about their sudden breakup. They didn't seem to have any problems when he last saw them together.
      "No, it's been two days." Seungmin looked at her in shook. Two days and she told him nothing about it. Why would she do something like that?
      "Why didn't you tell me?" She decided to ignore his question mostly because she herself was confused as to why she didn't tell him. "Come on Y/N! I'm your best friend! Would you really keep something so important from me for no reason?"
      "Oh well, I was gonna make a new boyfriend and break up with him in two months anyway so there was no point in burdening you with my problems. It's not like you care anyway!" She was shocked with herself unaware of where did that come from.
      "What?" Confusion was visible in both Seungmin's face and voice.
      "You always say how my relationships last only around three months. This was just another one of my many breakups. I'll get another relationship in a week, you don't have to worry about me!" She avoided his eyes even after she finished speaking.
      "Seriously? You know I never mean that in a bad way. You just have the awesome luck to find jackasses that break up with you the moment the relationship turns the slightest serious. This time, however, you broke up with him. You are never the one to break up. Why did you break up?" He was furious but at the same time, his voice had a glimpse of concern in it. 
      He really was confused as to why she chose to end it with that jackass. Not that he was mad, this was arguably one of the best news he received in the past year. Y/N was visibly biting the inside of her cheek contemplating whether she should tell him the real reason she broke up with him or not. After sighing loudly she turned her head to look him in the eyes.
      "Because of you." She finally let out the thoughts she tried to deny for the past two days.
      "Because of me?" If Seungmin wasn't confused enough before, he was now. Was this some kind of joke she tried to play on him? Why on hell would she break up with her boyfriend because of him? As if she could read his mind she started talking.
      "It started around two weeks ago. He suddenly asked me if the two of us really haven't been in any sort of relationship besides friendship. When I answered yes he said that it must have been hard to be always together and never fuck which I found weird coming from my boyfriend. Then every time he'll ask to do it and I'll refuse he'll bring you up again saying that if he was you maybe I wouldn't say no. Then you started avoiding us which I didn't found weird since you had a lot of assignments lately but he started saying things like you doing it to avoid seeing me with him or going to jerk off thinking of me."
      She breathed finally trying to collect her thoughts so she could continue. "Suddenly our relationship was revolving around you. If I did things I did them because of you and if I didn't it was also because of you. What kind of boyfriend does this to their girlfriend? It felt like he was indirectly accusing me of cheating." Her voice was fading slowly turning into a whisper. "And all that talking about you made me over analyze some of our past interactions, made me think of you in less than appropriate instances, made me..."
      She couldn't finish her sentence because Seungmin leaned in and kissed her stopping her from continuing. His lips were soft and tender and the kiss wasn't rushed. He was cupping her face with one hand and with the other he was holding her waist one of his fingers rubbing circles into it. It took her a second to kiss him back but when she did it was like everything around them stopped for a few seconds. When they broke the kiss she felt empty without his lips on her's.
      "Y/N, I.." Seungmin was cut short by Y/N that grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and smashed their lips together. 
      This time the kiss was more rushed, all the pent up frustration from staying apart for so long finally releasing. She licked his bottom lip asking for entrance which he gladly allowed not wanting to be apart for even a second. Both his hands were now resting on her waist touching her gently compared to the way his mouth was devouring her's. Soon his mouth left her's and went down to lay kisses from her jaw down to her neck.
      He tugged on her waist making her straddle his hips and immediately pressed her to his body. He continued his attacks on her neck occasionally sucking on it leaving red marks that were to become marks later. When he bit on one particular spot she let out a breathy moan and tangled her fingers in his hair for support. She tugged on his hair and brought their lips back together in a kiss that wasn't rushed but it was passionate.
      Without realizing, Seungmin forced her hips down on his thighs, her sensitive core rubbing on his rough jeans making her whimper. He smirked in the kiss and raised an eyebrow, tho Y/N couldn't see that. Seungmin broke the kiss and Y/N moaned in protest.
      "Aren't you quite needy?" He teased moving a piece of hair out of her face. "Jackass told me you wouldn't wanna do it and I just assumed it wasn't your favourite activity. I guess I was wrong?" He moved her hips again making her bite back a moan.
      "Seungminie!" Her voice sounded like a plead. What was she asking for? She wasn't sure herself. All she knew was that her best friend and she were oblivious to their feelings for too long and she didn't wanna wait any other second.
      "Hmm?" Seungmin hummed looking at her through hooded eyes. "Do you need anything?" He was just as impatient as her, maybe even more but seeing her like that made him want to tease her. So what if he waits a little bit more? If he gets to see her like that it's worth it.
      She let out an embarrassed sound at his words. She wasn't in the mood to play games but she knew Seungmin. She swallowed her pride and watched him in the eyes before talking. "Seungmin please touch me!"
      The man smirked at her words. "Gladly." Y/N went in for a kiss only to be pushed away by him. She watched his confusion visible in her eyes. "First take your clothes off. I wanna see how pretty you are!" Y/N blushed at his indirect compliment before getting up from his lap.
      Seungmin leaned slightly back, his eyes following her every move. Trying to ignore his gaze she took off her sweater and let it fall to the floor. The black bra she was wearing was hugging her breasts just the right way and Seungmin couldn't help licking his lips. She took her shorts off next being left in her underwear that didn't match. She regrets not wearing something sexier but at the same time, she never thought that her best friend and she would end up in this situation. If she hated it, Seungmin surely didn't. He thought it was cute and sexy enough for something as impromptu as that.
      He made a gesture with his hand for her to come closer. When she did he put his hands on her hips and leaned in to kiss her exposed ribs. He let his tongue draw figures on her skin while his fingers hooked the side of her panties and pulled them down her legs.
      "Look how cute you are." Seungmin moved one of his hands from her hips in between her legs rubbing her with his palm. Y/N shivered and put her hands on his shoulders. "Come sit on my thigh." His tone was soft but demanding at the same time making her obey his words immediately. After she made herself comfortable on his thigh he put his hands on her waist and leaned in to kiss her.
      His hands travelled up her back and once they reached her shoulder blades he moved them in front of her gently cupping her breasts. She let out a moan into the kiss and started slowly rubbing herself on his clothed thigh. Seungmin smirked into the kiss at her action, his hands pushing her bra down to expose her full breasts. His mouth left her in favour of her breasts and he started kissing the space between them, purposefully avoiding any sensitive areas.
      His teasing was making her wetter by the seconds but she kept a steady pace of her hips. Without any warning Seungmin's mouth wrapped around one of Y/N's nipples and he let his tongue circle it making her shiver. Her hands went into his hair and she started moving faster on his thigh. Seungmin put one of his arms on the small of her back pushing her stomach forward. The new position had her clit directly rub into his thigh, a loud moan escaping her mouth.
      "What was that? Does my baby enjoy riding my thigh that much?" Immediately after speaking, he bit the bundle of nerves harder than he intended. The stimulation combined with the pet name had her ridding him faster chasing for her release. Seungmin sensed the change of pace and grabbed her hips abruptly moving them agonizingly slow.
      "No, don't!" She whined trying in vain to move her hips faster.
      "Why? You don't need to hurry. Or are you perhaps desperate to cum?" Seungmin started moving her faster while sucking marks on her neck. Y/N nodded frantically feeling a knot building in her stomach. "If you don't speak I have no way of knowing what you want." He continued his attacks on her neck occasionally tracing the distance between two marks with his tongue.
      "Yes, Seungmin! I'm desperate to cum. Please let me cum!" Seungmin let go of her hips and instead cupped her breasts in his hands fondling them.
      "Whenever you are ready, baby." Y/N threw her head back and started moving her hips frantically, chasing her high. Seungmin continued to suck on her neck and play with her chest stimulating her further. She could feel her release approaching with each passing second.
      She finally came when Seungmin flexed his thigh, drenching his pants in her juices. She fell forward, breath hitched, body shaking from the intense orgasm she just had. Seungmin helped her ride her high by rubbing circled into the small of her back and whispering praises into her ear.
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      When Y/N opened her eyes she observed the TV presenting the credits of the movie she was previously watching with Seungmin. She was now wearing a hoodie, most probably Seungmin's and an arm was snaked around her waist. She turned around slowly and she was met with a smiling Seungmin looking right back at her.
      "Are you awake?" He moved a few hair strands away from her before resting his hand on her arm.
      "Mhmm." She hummed softly enjoying the intimacy of the moment. "What happened?"
      "You feel asleep. Did I really made you feel that good?" He teased inching his face closer to her's.
      She smiled and threw an arm over his waist snuggling more into him. "Who would have guessed that our Seungminie was such a dominant one. Do you have any more surprises?"
      It was his turn to blush now. He hid his head in the crotch of her neck and squeezed her body harder. "Let's go on a date!" He whispered almost inaudible and if it wasn't for his head to be right next to her ear maybe she shouldn't have caught that.
      "I'd love to!"
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501st-verified · 4 years
Headcanon AU The 501st run a military reform school for troubled youths they are strict firm but great with the cadet students
I’ll take this as a headcannon just for what kind of teachers some of our favorite troopers would be, since I have so many one-shots in waiting. First time doing a headcannon like this, so tell me your opinions... if you see a certain clone differently, I’m open to hear it!
SO, these are some of the boys teaching at the
501st Military Academy
Rex: Captain/Military History/JROTC
Rex is a military captain teaching at the school. He is a military history and JROTC instructor.
He is definitely a strict teacher but he’s also pleasant. When he teaches, it is straight-to-the-point and no-nonsense (though if you pay close attention during his classes, you’ll catch a joke or two in some). He is a fair person and tries not to show any blatant preferences towards certain students over others, but sometimes it can slip through. Out of class, he’s actually exactly the same with his students but he will happily interact with the other teachers.
It has become his habit to refrain from belittling troublesome students (unless they are really that bad), in favour of throwing hints and suggestions of what to do and what not to do. He’ll usually pull the student aside after class to talk about what they did wrong.
His teaching methods are often frowned upon by his colleagues. They find him to be much too easy-going for a captain and instructor at a military academy. But it doesn’t stop him from being the teacher he is all while bringing up the best future soldiers.
Kix: Biology/Physical Science
Kix was a field surgeon before coming to teach biology and physical science at the school.
He is a pleasant teacher most of the time but if you get on his bad side... it won’t be too good for you. His classes are made to be educational yet enjoyable because he’s found that if he teaches sciences with a good dose of humour and relatable points, the students will recieve it better.
He is very passionate about his profession. If anyone- be it a student, teacher, or some random person on the street -insults his work or makes an obviously incorrect statement, he will pounce on it and set them right.
Out of classes, he’s a cheerful person. He’ll chat with students who seem interested in his class or you may find him visiting the school’s one drama club.
Dogma: Drill Sergeant/Government
Dogma is a drill sergeant and government teacher.
He is one of the most reserved teachers in the whole school. Most students who get him see him during training first, so he’s shouting in their faces and screaming orders, but then they go to his government class and find a surprisingly timid teacher. A lot of students have tried to pick on him for being so quiet but he usually just sets them in their rightful place as peacefully as possible.
Students also try to break rules around him during his government classes but he’s memorized the entirety of the school’s rules and regulations. He’ll calmly ask the troublemakers to open his famous big book of rules and flip to the page he knows lists the rules on whatever they’re doing and their corresponding punishment.
His relationship with his colleagues is mostly strained. On occasion, he’ll strike up a conversation with Tup or Hardcase, but that’s pretty much it. He’s very intimidated by the rest of the teachers.
Hardcase: Explosives Engineering/Special Ed
Hardcase is the explosive engineering and special education teacher. And he really enjoys being able to teach.
His explosives engineering class is one of the best classes in the school. It’s one of the most hands-on, loud, and well, explosive classes they have. He loves to demonstrate a lot of what he teaches. Of course, he never harms the students or himself because he keeps everything at a safe distance.
If you’re a bad student, you won’t be bad with him. Some have tried it but usually fail since he’s just too happy to notice. That being said, it is possible another teacher will find his students doing things they aren’t supposed to and bring it up with him, and he won’t even know what they’re talking about.
He does take time to help special ed students since he was one himself. He has ADHD and understands the difficulties that come with having special needs. All of his students enjoy him and aren’t too shy to ask him questions; he always makes himself open for them.
Outside of the classroom, he chats with everyone. All the staff members have talked with him. He fancies himself a friend to everyone he meets and loves to share his crazy knowledge.
Fives: Current Events/Woodworking/Theatre
Fives is a current events and woodworking teacher. He is also the co-head of the drama club with Jesse.
His classes are fun. Very fun. He’s very friendly with his students, especially the ones that really enjoy their classes. He enjoys speaking on current events so much that his lessons usually end up being similar to gossip groups, if you will, and a lot of the students just love it. His woodworking class gives him the chance to share his love of creating new things with people. He works closely with Jesse for their classes because of them having the same dramatic flair.
He is for the most part, a jubilant teacher. There are times where students will say the wrong thing or treat him in a manner he does not wish to be treated, and since he’s the type to quickly eliminate any problem he finds, he will immediately put his foot down.
The drama club he runs with Jesse is constantly festive. They rarely get to put on plays since the school doesn’t appreciate those too much but whenever they get the chance, they do. Now, Fives runs the theatre section of the group, so he takes Jesse’s group’s poems and plays and has his students enact them. It’s heaps of fun, especially when he gets to bring costumes.
He’s the same way inside and outside of the classroom. You’ll often see him joking around with fellow teachers and staff members, but also students too. There have been many times where he is asked to stop being so friendly because this is a military school, but he’ll usually prove whoever asks him wrong. He can be super friendly and properly discipline at the same time. His students are some of the best.
Echo: Calculus/Computer Programming
Echo is a calculus and computer programming teacher.
His classes will at first seem quite dreary but they aren’t, you just have to pay attention. He’s not the most fun teacher you’ll find at the school but he’s definitely not boring either. His classes are made to be interesting for everyone but he does teach math, so his students aren’t usually as enthusiastic as him. He does have good humour, but you’d only like it if you’re into the classes he teaches. Other than that, a typical sarcastic comment, smile, or laugh from him is the most you’ll find funny.
He does not have a hard time disciplining his students and will whenever necessary, but his students behave for the most part. Outside of the classroom, he’s usually visiting the drama club or training groups to participate or just observe.
Jesse: Nationalism Studies/Creative Writing
Jesse is a nationalism studies and creative writing instructor. He’s the co-head of the drama club with Fives.
His nationalism studies class is too extra. He never just simply teaches, he always has to do some demonstration of the lesson. There are many times where he even has Fives and the drama club come through to help organize parades for each topic they start, so by the end of the unit, his students can teach the rest of the school with a fun march and song.
He loves to write and enjoys teaching others to as well. His creative writing class is even more extra than his other class. The pieces they conjure up in that classroom can be found taped up around the school, being used for plays or other performances, and even read out by someone at the beginning of the school day. Most of his students you can find also in the drama club, because they just really develop this energy and enthusiasm for being creative.
Outside of the classroom, it’s almost like he’s still teaching. Even his colleagues have to deal with his chatter about the poems and songs he and his students have made. During most of his freetime, he’s hanging out with Kix but he does also find himself around Tup, Echo, and Fives. Rex tries to avoid getting caught up in a conversation with him.
Tup: Physical Education/Gymnastics
Tup is a physical education and gymnastics teacher at the school.
He is very fit and it shows with how energetic he can be during physical education. His classes usually tend to be him and Dogma. Dogma does the shouting and he does the training. Where students are behind and he doesn’t notice, Dogma is usually there to fix them up. He tries very hard to be as strict as some of his other colleagues, and most of the time he has it right, but here and there you may find him being easy on a student by nature.
He is the only gymnastics teacher they have since he is the one who started the class. It took him a while to convince the board to let him start it in the first place, but they eventually let him under the circumstances that it doesn’t take from the students’ proper behaviour and he fund the class himself. He enjoys incorporating the gymnastics he teaches into the combat skills his students already have, usually demonstrating how his flexibility aids in hand-to-hand combat.
Hawk: Aerospace Engineering
Hawk is the aerospace engineering teacher at the school.
Though he specializes in engineering, he does sometimes offer flight classes for qualified students. He is a pilot himself. His classes aren’t the most fun for people who don’t enjoy the topic, but only about three of his sub-topics are mandatory for all students to learn. He doesn’t usually teach those to students who don’t sign up though; another teacher who can will do it.
He isn’t always at the school because his class is only taught during the summer, so it’s usually only students who stay year-round or sign up for the summer classes that will see him on campus. Other teachers do see him from time to time at meetings and whenever they do, they enjoy his company. Everyone who does get a chance at conversing with Hawk are entertained by his flight stories of where he flies to, who and what he’s transported before, and the things he has seen.
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vs-redemption · 4 years
Crime is Common. Logic is Rare. (Ch 8)
Chapter Eight: Phone Call (HawksxGN!Reader)
Plot summary: You thought your hands were full as a regular quirk geneticist, but then you meet Hawks and things get even more exciting!
⚠️This story contains spoilers from the manga.
⚠️Some events and plot points have been altered from the original manga
Next Chapter : Chapter Guide
More. The thought runs through your head like a mantra as you shove your face harder into the eye piece of the microscope. I have to see more.
“You’re still in here?”
You’d been concentrating so hard that the sound of your boss’ voice nearly gives you a heart attack. You jump back from the lab counter. “You startled me,” you tell her while reaching up and rubbing your strained eyes.
“You’ve been in here for hours,” she frowns. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss your lunch break.”
“Oh,” you glance up at the clock on the wall. It was already fifteen minutes into your scheduled break time. “Wow, I didn’t even notice how long I’d been in here. Thanks.”
“Mmhm,” your boss eyes you for a moment. “What are trying to do in here anyway? You’ve got lines on your face from the microscope.” You let out a sigh and rub at your tired eyes again even though you knew the lines would still be there. Now that your focus was broken you could feel a headache coming on from all your hard work.
“I don’t even know,” You admit.
“Well go take your lunch,” Your boss says sternly. “And when you get back, you should read over the first draft of Simon’s manuscript. He just emailed it over. Plus, you need to give your brain a break from whatever it has been obsessing over lately.”
“You’re probably right,” You agree while walking out to the lobby together. You grab your phone and wallet from the break room and then head out to the nearest convenience store to pick up something quick to eat. After finding a quiet area to sit, you pull up Hawks’ name on your phone. You still felt strange that you had the ability to contact him directly. You stare at his number for a moment before pressing the call button. He picks up on the second ring.
“Hey!” His cheerful voice comes through and an image of his big gorgeous smiles floats through your mind. You shake your head to get rid of the distraction, determined not to let him evade any of your questions this time.
“Hi,” You politely tell him who’s calling. “Sorry for bothering you. Are you free for a few minutes?”
“For you? Of course!” You look around in embarrassment even though nobody would be able to hear what he’d said even if they were there. “I’m on patrol right now, but I can talk and fly at the same time.” That sounded dangerous. “How can I help you?”
“I have a question about All For One,” You decide not to beat around the bush.
“Do all your conversations with friends start this way?” Hawks questions with an exaggerated sigh. “No, ‘Hey Hawks, how’s your day going? Did you stop any bad guys? What’d you have for lunch?’ Just straight to business.”
“You had chicken for lunch,” you blurt out, recalling all the lunches you’d seen him eat during your time in Kyushu.
“Lucky guess,” Hawks defends himself.
“Yeah,” You let out a dry laugh. “You’re right though. I shouldn’t have…” You’re cut off by the sound of someone shouting in the background on Hawks’ end.
“Aw thanks! I love you too!” He says before turning his attention back to you. “Sorry. Apparently I have a few supports around here.”
“You mean fangirls,” You tease.
“Are you jealous?” his smooth voice comes through, full of confidence.
“Of what?” You feign cluelessness.
“Oof!” Hawks sucks in a breath, “That hurts.” You can’t help but laugh a bit at his dramatics. You realize though that the conversation had gone off topic already. Hawks was very good at that.
“All right,” you try to get back to business. Your lunch break was only so long. “Seriously though, how difficult do you think it’d be to get access to information on All For One? I know they must have gotten samples to study since he has so many quirks.”
“Going right for the head of the snake, huh?” Hawks sighs. “You’re more ambitious than I thought.”
“He is able to both give and take quirks,” you rush to explain. “Studying his biology could give us a much better understanding of how quirks work and how they are inherited. The applications of that knowledge would be widespread and could potentially improve life, not only just for individuals, but for society as a whole.”
“Yeah, I totally get that,” Hawks agrees. “I really wish I could help you out, but the level of security clearance you’d need is beyond even my reach.”
“I kind of figured as much,” you can’t help but feel a little disappointed, not in Hawks but in your general lack of access to the things you wanted access to. “It’s just that I’ve sort of been working on something…”
“Well, maybe you can keep working on the nomu stuff,” Hawks suggests. “Keep publishing and getting your name out there.”
“I’d need to find something really groundbreaking though,” You say, not deterred at all by his lack of enthusiasm, “which is why I’ve been trying to strengthen my quirk.”
“What?” Hawks sounded truly taken aback.
“Maybe I got inspired being around you and your agency,” you hoped you didn’t sound ridiculous. “But I thought maybe I could somehow increase the amount of details I take in when I use my quirk. If I could use it more intensely for a shorter time period maybe? Of course there would be drawbacks… but it must be possible right? That’s the whole essence of a ‘super move’ for you heroes.”
“Yeah…” Hawks drawls.
“If I could enhance my quirk like that, I might be able to improve the accuracy of my research or even catch important information that I’d otherwise miss,” you continue to ramble. “If I could do that, maybe I’d be able to prove myself useful enough to get into the Hero Commission’s research lab.”
“You’ve been thinking about this a lot,” Hawks replies.
“Yeah,” you pull your phone away for a moment to check the time. “Hey, sorry for bothering you with all this. I suppose I’m in the habit of running all my ideas past you now. And… I guess I value your opinion or whatever.” That earned you a charming laugh.
“No need to apologize, dear,” was his response. “You haven’t bothered me at all. Maybe next time we can set up another lunch date and talk in person.”
“Yeah, I’d be fine with that,” you felt yourself falter at being called ‘dear.’ After exchanging good-byes with the winged hero, you head back to your office. You weren’t sure if the phone call had really been that productive. Hawks hadn’t discouraged you from trying to enhance your quirk, but he hadn’t sounded very supportive either. For all his relaxed and easy going behavior, Hawks was a difficult guy to read. You tried to keep your mind from lingering too much on him or the nomu stuff for the next few days, but your sparks of curiosity were renewed near the end of the week after receiving an intriguing email. It was an invitation from renowned quirk researcher, Kyudai Garaki, to meet with him in his lab at Jaku Hospital.
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tutoroot · 2 years
Top 10 Things to Avoid in NEET Preparation
The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) is a very important exam for candidates who are aspiring to careers in the medical field, as it helps students to join various medical courses, such as MBBS, BUMS, BAMS, etc. Not just that, it is also one of the toughest entrance examinations right now, as more than 18 lakh students took the exam this year. So, the applicants must study very hard, and they must avoid certain aspects while preparing for this entrance test, which we are going to talk about in much more detail below.
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Things to Avoid During NEET Preparation
Many students often multitask daily, which in turn will become a habit in the long turn. This is not beneficial, especially during Online NEET Preparation, because this entrance exam includes a vast syllabus involving complex topics, which cannot be learned or memorized half-heartedly. Instead, the students must re-memorize the topics multiple times during the NEET study.
Long Study Hours
Students believe that if they prepare for the NEET exam for long hours, then they can easily cover most of the topics, and understand the complex syllabus easily. However, that is not the case according to experts, who suggest that the long study hours increase fatigue, which in turn will affect the focus of the students. This is why we suggest the students take short breaks in between the study hours, to prepare better for the NEET exam.
Quantity Over Quality
There is a common myth, that it is better to cover a lot of books while preparing for NEET. This is not always true, especially for the NEET exam. There is a constant update of the syllabus every year, and students must stay updated with the new syllabus. It’s better for the students to prepare from material provided by coaching institutes including the popular NEET preparation and tutoring platform like Tutoroot.
Excessive TV and Social Media
Spending a lot of time on social media and watching TV is one of the most common mistakes during NEET preparation. This can be very distracting for NEET applicants, which in turn might affect their focus and preparation. It is advised that applicants spend less time on social media or watching TV during NEET study.
Procrastination And Inconsistency
Procrastination is a common habit for many people in their daily lives, but it might not be very beneficial for the individuals who are preparing for the NEET exam. The syllabus for this NEET exam is vast, and delays will end up affecting their performance and subsequently their rank. Similarly, consistency while studying for the NEET exam is also quite important. So, we suggest the students follow a study schedule or a plan during NEET preparation.
Prioritizing One Subject
Individuals who are preparing for the NEET exam often consider Biology as their main subject. At the same time, they neglect other subjects such as Chemistry and Physics that are equally important. This strategy will not help, even though Biology might help them crack NEET. If you want to join the top medical institutions in the country, you should avoid prioritizing one subject over another.
Underestimating Basics
Basics are a very important part of the NEET preparation as it helps students understand the concepts much better. Many students often tend to neglect the basics and focus more on the concepts. It’s important that students spend more time on basics, before moving on to the concepts while preparing for NEET.
Avoid Negative Marking
If you have attended the NEET exam before, then you must be quite familiar with the consequences of negative marking. Some students try to answer questions through guesswork. This process should be avoided while answering the mock tests in the process of preparing for the NEET exam so that it does not become a habit. Negative marking will affect the scores of the students, which in turn will impact their rank.
Not Taking Breaks and Making No Time for Hobbies
When preparing for the NEET exam, the students must take enough breaks in between and have some time for their hobbies. This will help students stay relaxed and focused. It’s good to take a walk or jog so that the mind and body stay healthy.
Unhealthy Food & Snacks
NEET is a very tough exam and 66% of the people who attended this examination last year were able to qualify or get pass marks. This in turn usually increases the stress on the students who are preparing to attend this exam, and eventually, they are tempted to eat at odd times and consume junk food and snacks. This habit will affect the health of students and impact their preparation for the exam.
The do’s and Don’ts listed above will help the students while they are preparing for the NEET examination. Staying clear-headed, stress-free, and healthy is one half of the battle, while the other is studying systematically, with short breaks, factored in. So if you are one of these people who are preparing for NEET, please check out the Online Interactive Classes offered by Tutoroot Platform, as they come with various unique benefits for the students.
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Turning Pages - Chapter 5
Intrulogical bookshop au! Read the whole thing on ao3 here. 
Logan heavily disliked being away from the bookshop for so long. Yes, he trusted the other employees to take care of the shop, but he didn’t know what to do with himself when he wasn’t at work. One could only reorganize his own bookshelf so many times. He had tried alphabetical order by author name, by title, then he had tried color coordinated. None of them appeased him, so he had just set his books back to the way they had been before. Finally Tuesday came and he was immensely pleased to be waking up at six in the morning to open up the bookshop. His morning routine was always the same, always in order, always timed perfectly. First he woke up right as his alarm rang. He usually woke up a little bit early since his body had naturally trained itself to be up early at this point, but he allowed himself that time to linger in bed until his alarm did ring. Next he headed to the bathroom to take care of business, not brushing his teeth just yet. That was for later. Kitchen was after the bathroom where he made himself a cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal with some fruit on top, or if he wanted variation he’d go for toast with jam. After eating breakfast Logan would get dressed in the outfit he laid out the night before, brushing his teeth and double checking that he had everything he needed for the day before heading out the door.
The mornings were never quite as hot as the afternoons were, but he didn’t have time for the long way through the park. Morning walks were always short since he was eager to get to the bookshop. Today there was a change in his usual routine. When Logan got to the bookshop the lights were already on inside. He’d have to check who closed last night and give them a warning about that. Even more concerning was that the door was unlocked. Surely nobody was daft enough to leave the lights on and the door unlocked. Had someone broken in? Logan pushed the door open carefully, looking around for any signs of disarray. Everything seemed to be in perfect condition, but that didn’t make any sense. He scanned the aisles as he walked towards the counter, not seeing any sign of life until the door to the back room opened up, causing Logan to jump slightly.
“Mr….Sanders?” he asked, seeing who had come out.
“Logan!” the bookshop owner grinned, setting down a stack of magazines on the counter. “How are you?”
“I’m quite well. I didn’t know you had returned from your trip, I thought you were coming back in a few weeks.”
“The Grand Canyon was nice, but really there’s only so many times you can look at some rocks and I missed this place. I’m glad to see it’s still standing. I got all the reports you sent.”
“Of course it’s still standing, there were no disasters besides Patton spilling his coco in the break room, and that was easily handled with a mop,” Logan replied. After all, he did his best to take good care of this place while Mr. Sanders was gone.
“That does sound like a Patton thing to do,” Mr. Sanders chuckled. “I’m back for a few weeks this time, so you don’t need to work so hard for a while.”
Logan wanted to point out that he liked working hard, but the bookshop owner had picked his magazines back up and started to organize them in the stand by the register. Logan had worked at the shop long enough to know how to work alongside Mr. Sanders, and more often than not it was in comfortable silence, the occasional humming of some Disney song coming from the elder. No wonder Roman was allowed to pester the shop. He was walking through the aisles when the door unlocked and the day began officially.
It was average business for a weekday morning. About an hour in Mr. Sanders excused himself for a coffee run, promising to bring some pastries back for everyone. Logan was fine with that. He stood behind the counter, flipping through a random book on marine life he had picked up during this morning’s sweep of the shelves. The bell on the door rang and Virgil walked in, hood of his sweatshirt up and headphones on. He nodded his hello and Logan wanted to mention that Mr. Sanders was back, but the other wouldn’t have heard considering his music could be detected through the headphones as he passed. Logan went back to his reading, flipping the page to a new section about octopi. He was reminded of the tentacle tattoo that had been spotted on Remus’ arm the few times he had come to the shop and wondered if he was a fan of octopuses or squids. Well...that was a normal thing to think, right? It was a perfectly normal query to wonder why someone had chosen to permanently tattoo something on their body.
“Dude, are you okay? You’re like super spaced out right now,” Virgil’s voice cut through his thoughts.
“Oh- yes,” Logan cleared his throat, shutting the book without bothering to take note of his page number. “Just thinking, I suppose. Mr. Sanders is back, he’s just off getting coffee and some treats for the break room.”
“Oh, sweet. I missed that funky dude.”
“We all did,” Logan said, pulling out a list from under the counter. “The displays are getting changed. Would you mind pulling these books and setting them aside for the new setup?”
“You got it, Lo,” Virgil nodded, taking the list and setting off to do his task.
Luckily Logan didn’t have to worry about going back to his book because a customer happened to come in and ask for some help finding a good book on true crime, something Logan had a good amount of recommendations for. Mr. Sanders came back with his coffee and a box of danishes, having a conversation with Virgil before going off to do some task of his own. For a bookstore that wasn’t often busy there was always lots to do. Virgil left in the early afternoon when Patton came in, the bubbly employee was overwhelmingly happy to see that the bookshop owner had returned. Happy enough to go off on an hour long update with how his plants were doing. While Patton showed off the pictures of his plant kiddos to Mr. Sanders, Logan took a seat at the register again, writing down reports of what had been done so far today. Yes, the boss man himself was here so it was unnecessary but it was a force of habit now and it was good to keep in practice for the next inevitable trip Mr. Sanders took.
Logan’s focus was only interrupted when the bell on the door rang and a familiar voice could be heard. He looked up to see Remus walking in with another customer that Logan recognized as a regular. Remus’ friend walked off and Patton’s voice could be heard in one of the aisles greeting him by name. Remus however chose to walk right up to the counter.
“Fancy seein’ you here, Specs,” he winked.
“Surely it’s not surprising. I’m nearly always working,” Logan replied. “Have you been enjoying your marine biology book you purchased last time you were here?”
“Couldn’t put the thing down. Finally got to prove to Ro that I can indeed read.”
“Congratulations…?” Logan spoke, not sure if that was the proper response, but Remus smiled regardless. “Can I help you find anything else or are you just here with your friend?”
“Hm, well...I trust your judgement by now. Got anything you’d suggest? I like sea life but anything spooky or gorey is good too,” Remus said.
Logan thought for a moment before getting an idea. He had spent nearly half an hour in the true crime section earlier and could think of a few books Remus might enjoy. He nodded, motioning for the other to follow him to a corner of bookshelves, passing Remus’ friend and a mildly blushing Patton on the way.
“Serial killers,” he said, pulling a book off the shelf and pressing it into Remus’ hands. “Stories about their crimes and the punishments they faced, kind of a gloss over of some of the most infamous ones. If there's a particular killer you’re interested in I’m sure we have more in-depth biographies of them as well.”
“Oh, Jeffrey Dahmer’s in this! I wrote an essay on him in high school. Best grade I’ve ever gotten,” Remus grinned, looking over the book in his hands. “I’m sold, Specs.”
“I can ring you up if you’d like,” Logan said, turning to head back up to the register. “Unless you’d rather wait for your friend to finish his shopping.” “Oh, I dunno if Jay is actually gonna buy anything, but he wanted to come say hello to Patton. You didn’t hear it from me, but he’s got a bit of a crush,” Remus laughed.
“Well, I wish him the best of luck with that endeavor,” Logan spoke, nodding to Mr. Sanders at the register who was looking at Remus like he knew him but couldn’t place where. “Remus, this is Mr. Sanders. He owns the bookshop.”
“Oh! My brother knows you,” Remus said, waving a hello as Logan went behind the counter as well. “I’m Roman’s brother, which is why I look like a better version of him.”
“Oh, yes! I know Roman. He comes in here quite often. Is he in today?” Mr. Sanders looked around the shop as if expecting the other brother to be around.
“Nope, he got roped in to helping our Aunt Patty clean out her attic,” Remus replied, his eyes falling on a marine life book that was sitting by the register. “Are you doing some good old research, Mr. S?”
“Actually, that’s been Logan’s read today,” the bookshop owner spoke, watching Remus hand over his book to Logan before going back to the paperwork he was doing.
“Lemme guess...it’s another excellent resource?” Remus asked, leaning on the counter as Logan rang him up. Then he got an idea. “Y’know...I don’t suppose you’re free Thursday, are you? I was gonna go to the aquarium and see the octopi. Maybe I could bring you with?”
Logan had to stop himself from immediately answering yes, surprised to find that he was enticed by the idea.
“Sadly I’m working Thursday, my apologies,” he replied, not loving the frown that settled onto the mustached man’s face as his response.
“You can have Thursday off,” Mr. Sanders spoke, shaking his head when Logan opened his mouth to protest. “Logan Berry, you work nearly every day. You can have a Thursday off. I’ll be here so it’s no big deal.”
“Looks like you aren’t working anymore, so whaddya say, Loganberry? Aquarium?” Remus smiled, sliding his card to pay for his new book.
“I think the aquarium could be enjoyable, I’ll accompany you,” Logan answered, taking a pen to write his phone number on the back of Remus’ receipt. “I’ll text you my address so you can pick me up and we can discuss any further details that are needed, such as timing.”
“Well then, it’s a date,” Remus’ grin grew, looking over at Janus who was waiting for him by the door. “See ya Thursday!”
“Yes, yes. A date,” Logan nodded, watching Remus bounce away and leave the shop itself.
Wait. A date?
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book blogging #1: Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation
by Olivia Judson, published 2002
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Question: what do you think of when you think of books that are “fun” to read?
For me, a lot of speculative fiction comes to mind. Recent books that I found fun include Space Opera (Catherynne M. Valente), The Beautiful Ones (Silvia Moreno-Garcia), and everything by Sarah Gailey that I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Though I haven’t gotten ahold of it yet, I’m pretty sure Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir) is going to be spectacularly fun as well. 
These are books that aren’t necessarily my favorite stories of all time, but they have been some of my favorites to read. They’re all propelled by zany premises and whirlwind plots, enjoying themselves way too much for anyone to ever stop and worry about the parts that don’t make that much sense. When Sarah Gailey says “I have a crew committing a heist while riding hippopotamuses, do you want in?” I don’t ask questions. I just say yes and go along for the ride.
But there’s one major anomaly that always comes to mind when I think of books that I’ve had fun reading, and that’s David Sax’s The Tastemakers: Why We’re Crazy for Cupcakes but Fed Up with Fondue. It’s a 2014 work of nonfiction, and as the title suggests it’s an analysis of popular food trends and the forces that power them. The Tastemakers isn’t what this blog post is actually supposed to be about, so I won’t go into too many details, but suffice to say that I was engrossed despite the fact that I know pretty much nothing about the world of culinary trends or foodie fads - or cooking in general, if I’m being totally honest. But there’s something really delightful about learning things that are entirely outside your wheelhouse without having to worry about the material showing up on a test later. 
Given that I’m posting this on a blog with relatively few followers and that this is a write-up of a very niche book that was published eighteen years ago and could not be further from trendy, I’m well aware that anyone reading this is probably already at least passing familiar with me and what I do, so you folks might be saying, “Hang on, Makenzie. Are you seriously trying to say that this is outside your wheelhouse? The title on your Tumblr has been “Ask The Sex Witch” since 2015. You’re a whole sex educator, for fuck’s sake!”
Well, yes and no. Judson is a real-deal evolutionary biologist and gets into some pretty serious science in this book, which is pretty wildly different from what I usually do. I talk to people about sorting out their likes and dislikes, their boundaries, their sense of personal sexual autonomy, and so on. Although I definitely advocate for introspection and self-examination, I rarely go looking for answers far beyond the individual level. Judson asks big biological questions to figure out how some truly peculiar-looking behavior evolves: Why is it worthwhile for some animals to fight to the death trying to fuck? What’s up with some species of insects eating their mates? And who, pray tell, is engaging in the noble art of penis-fencing? Clearly, this is a totally different ball game on many levels.
(Speaking of ball games, did you know that the male shiner perch’s testes completely shrivel up over the winter? That’s rough, buddy.)
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Offering sex advice to humans is hard enough, but Judson - writing as chipper sex advice columnist Dr. Tatiana - easily offers education to an impressively vast variety of species. The framing device of the book is a charmingly weird one. Each segment opening Dear Prudence-style, with a short letter from an animal badly in need of advice. The first chapter, for instance, begins with a query written by a stick bug called Twiggy (aww) wondering how to get her boyfriend to stop having sex with her after ten continuous weeks of intercourse. (Answer: Girl, he’s not gonna. Apparently that’s how he stops any other stick bugs from getting it in.) For the final chapter Judson mixes it up by formatting a discussion about the pros and cons of asexual reproduction as a hectic daytime talk show, complete with microscopes to view the tiniest guests and seating that offers both saltwater and freshwater tanks for aquatic audience members to sit in, like something out of Zootopia. 
(I haven’t seen Zootopia and the only thing I know about it for sure is that in one scene there’s a DILF-looking tiger, but I’m pretty confident in the assumption I’m making here.) 
Judson does an admirable job of providing pretty comprehensible explanations for a lot of evolutionary science, and while I did have to power skim through a few segments that were really beyond my grasp, it did make a pretty lively read out of the biological pros and cons of producing sperm bigger than your own body. It’s not exactly a book that’s difficult to put down, but I had a perfectly pleasant time reading it in the moments between doing anything else - eating a meal, resting in bed, getting some sun in my backyard - and even learning a little while I did so. I fully intended to use Dr. Tatiana as a break between the two installments of N.K. Jemisin’s Dreamblood duology, and it has served that role magnificently.  
Am I recommending this book to you? Not exactly, unless you’re extremely interested in evolutionary theories that are nearly two decades old or a science fiction writer looking to give your non-human characters some thoroughly non-human sexual habits. I’m not supremely interested in making recommendations with the blog in general, unless someone specifically asks for them; I’m hoping this will be more like writing up my personal thoughts about books and then hurling them into the virtual void like messages in bottles. If they wash up on your shore and you read them and come to the conclusion that this is something you, too, would like to read, that’s pretty rad. I love that for you! But it wasn’t necessarily my intent.
Strictly speaking, I didn’t even recommend this book to myself. In 2019 I tried to stay pretty intentional about my to-read list, really whittling it down to stuff that I actively wanted to engage with rather than anything that sounded vaguely not awful. I was hoping to keep that trend up in 2020, but like many other things that are much more serious, this whole pandemic situation has scuppered those plans a bit. I get most of my books by borrowing them from the public library where I work, and that’s been closed for nearly two months. Unlike many book bloggers I’ve observed I don’t keep a massive stack of unread books around at all times, so I’ve really been relying on the kindness of friends to keep me supplied in these trying times.
My friend Paige slipped me Dr. Tatiana’s (along with the aforementioned Dreamblood books and several volumes of Kurtis J. Weibe’s comic series Rat Queens) in exchange for some books I lent to her, because we all have to look out for each other in These Trying Times. I trusted her good taste, despite having no idea what the book was about and more than a few reservations. 
At other times I think this book might have sailed right over my head - not to sneer at the so-called soft sciences, but there’s a reason I gave up on my childhood dream of marine biology and got a sociology degree instead - but right now, as I’m finally adjusting to the slower pace of life in quarantine and remembering how to focus, I’m finding that it fits my needs. It’s unlikely to live on as an all-time favorite, but it’s something to do and gives me an occasional excuse to gasp and tell my roommate something absolutely wild, like the fact that spiders have two penises and that the dual arachnodicks are located on their faces, on either side of their mouths.
My basic understanding of evolution is that change rarely happens based on logic or reason, but by finding something that works and then sticking to it, no matter how improbable it may seem. When male elephants get horny they apparently develop an insatiable bloodlust and piss so constantly their penises turn green (yikes!), which is definitely not the most practical way to do things, but evidently it’s been getting the job done. Getting through quarantine has been sort of like that, has it not? A lot of behavior that might not be the most intuitive but is somehow enabling ongoing survival, like occupying myself with books that I might not have given a second glance in the halcyon before times.
That’s totally the same thing, right?
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A note about the appearance of this book:
I’ve been talking a fair amount lately about my dislike for what I see as pretty transparently romanticized materialism in a lot of book blogging spaces, with an emphasis placed on acquiring and showing off as many pristine books as possible. I don’t own this book, and it looks like ass. It looks like Paige stole it from a library in North Carolina, which would not be shocking. When I noticed the large brown stain in the corner I jokingly asked if she’d dropped it in coffee, and she unflinchingly confirmed that yes, she had.
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jjungkookislife · 6 years
Addicted to Your Touch
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♡ pairing: Jimin x Taehyung x Reader
♡ genre: Poly!au (closed triad), boyfriend!au, fluff, smut [18+]
♡ summary: Y/n asks for a special Valentine’s Day. Her boyfriends, Jimin and Taehyung make sure to deliver.
♡ wc: 13k
♡ warnings: Straight up filth! MxM, unprotected sex, impregnation kink, spanking, fingering (f. receiving), dirty talk, spitting, scratching, slight over-stimulation, oral (f&m receiving and giving), cream pie, snowballing mxm, marking, slight possessiveness, cum swallowing, dom! Jimin, switch! Tae, 
♡ date: February 14, 2019
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“You know, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon,” you commented, your head resting on your older boyfriend’s bare chest.
“Oh, is that so?” He chuckled, his chest moving beneath your head as he continued to stroke your hair while you moved your forefinger and middle finger up his chest before laying your hand flat on it.
“It is so,” you reply in a sassy tone, not taking your eyes off his abdomen, his bare flesh disappearing under the blanket.
“So what you’re trying to hint at is a date?” Your younger boyfriend pipes up from behind you, rubbing his eyes as he rests his chin on your arm.
“You caught that too, Tae?” Jimin smiles, eyes shining in amusement at his boyfriend.
“Clearly,” he laughs, planting a kiss on your shoulder before he sits up behind you to look at you and Jimin directly.
“Where do you wanna go?” Jimin asks curiously, one hand stroking your hair, the other reaching out for Taehyung.
“Well, since I did such a fabulous job last Valentine’s Day, I figured you and Tae could plan something special for me,” you suggest, turning so that you’re lying flat on your back. Jimin rolls on his side, his chin resting on the palm of his hand as he looks down at you.
“I think we can whip something up just for you, princess,” Taehyung smiles, making you feel giddy.
“Let us wine, dine, and sixty-nine you.” Jimin wiggles his eyebrows and you cackle at his words, Taehyung rolling his eyes before smacking his boyfriend’s chest.
“We need romance, not sixty-nine,” Taehyung huffs as he lifts the blanket off your bare bodies.
“Although... maybe it’s not such a bad idea,” he muses, letting go of the blanket. He leans down to capture your lips with his in a chaste kiss before doing the same to Jimin.
“I wish I didn’t have class, so we could have a repeat of last night, but biology calls and I have an A+ I don’t want to lose. No matter how tempting you both look,” Taehyung bites his bottom lip, forcing himself out of bed and out of the room to get ready for class.
Jimin turns his attention to you, pulling you back towards him, his supple lips planting kisses on your neck. Your hands rubbing his smooth, muscular back as you tilt your head back further, allowing him more access to your neck. He marks you delicately, his nips making you sigh in content as you feel yourself become aroused, your body flushed with heat.
Jimin kisses you urgently, his tongue caressing yours as he wraps his arms around you to roll you over on top of him. You straddle him, breaking the kiss to run your fingers through your hair; a habit you picked up from him.
“God, you look fucking beautiful. We’re so lucky you’re ours,” Jimin murmurs, sitting up to plant his lips on your neck, his hands gripping your hips tightly as you moan softly for him.
“Hmm?” He hums in response, his tongue licking your burning flesh as his lips connect with your earlobe, softly suckling on it. Your eyes squeeze shut as you allow the pleasure to fill your body, your breathing ragged as you feel him gently tug at the lobe.
“You’re going to be late for work,” you manage to get out, his lips trailing kisses down to your collarbone, his hands falling lower down your body to grip your ass, squeezing it.
“Fuck work,” he growls, his hand landing a hard spank on your ass, making you keen.
“I leave for a few minutes and you’re already fucking!” Taehyung laughs, walking back into the bedroom, his lower body wrapped in a towel, another drying his hair as he walks over to his dresser to pull out a pair of boxers.
“You’re welcome to join us,” Jimin calls, voice filled with arousal as he looks at his boyfriend’s still damp chest. Following the beads of water that fall from his hair and run down his chest, only to disappear into the towel.
“Don’t fucking tempt me, Jimin. I would already be between her thighs if I didn’t have class soon,” Taehyung responds, dropping the towel to allow you and Jimin a good look at his own arousal. Both you and Jimin look over at his naked body, licking your lips, wishing he could join you. You buck against Jimin, making both your men chuckle before Taehyung puts his boxers on and sighs heavily in disappointment.
“I’m gonna go get dressed in the living room. It’s bad enough I’m already half hard. I better go before I have a raging boner in biology. Take care of her, Jiminnie. I’ll be back for lunch,” Taehyung blows both of you a kiss, grabs a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before scurrying out of the room.
Jimin turns his attention back to you and your gyrating hips, feeling your essence on his lap.
“When do you have class?” He whispers, his fingers gently caressing the soft skin on your stomach.
“Ten,” you reply, smiling as you begin kissing and sucking at his neck, but making sure not to leave any visible marks.
“Don’t you have to go to work?” You ask in between kisses, hoping he’ll say no, so you can continue your morning fun.
“It’s just some training for a new program. I can do it from home,” he smirks, his forefinger sliding down your body until he reaches your wet folds and grunts as he feels your warmth.
“All this just for me, princess?” You nod to answer his question, moaning when you feel him slowly slide his finger inside you before removing it and running it up and down your slit.
“Jimin,” you whine, wanting him to quench the aching need you have to be filled.
“Be patient, princess. Or I’ll have to tie you to the headboard all day,” he threatens, eyes dark as he imagines you laying on your bed helpless, squirming uselessly as he does what he pleases to your body.
“Although, the idea is very tempting.”
You’re about to retort but are caught off guard by him sliding two fingers inside you, making you gasp instead. Your head falls on his shoulder, your thighs spread further apart for him as he holds your hip tightly with his other hand.
“You have such a naughty mouth, you know? Then when I’m playing with your body for my pleasure, you can’t even form a sentence. Now, why is that, princess?”
You don’t respond, enjoying the way he’s curling his fingers inside you, soft moans spilling from your lips as his thumb begins to circle your clit teasingly.
“Please,” you beg, wanting Jimin to stop his teasing and just fuck you already, but you know he won’t.
“Please, what?” He smiles smugly, knowing you’re about to beg for what you want, even if it makes you feel embarrassed.
“Please just fuck me, Jimin. Please!” You cry out, your nails digging into his back, clawing down to leave red marks that you’ll be reprimanded for later on.
“Do you deserve it, tho?”
“Yes! Yes!” you shout, moving your hips to meet his fingers, only for his free hand to leave your hip and come to your cheeks. He uses his thumb and forefinger to squeeze your cheeks almost painfully, your mouth opening into the shape of an ‘o’.
“And why is that, princess? Tell me why you deserve it,” he challenges you, his eyes glittering in anticipation of your answer. Your brain cannot formulate a response. You stare stupidly at your boyfriend as your brain searches for something, anything to say.
“Because,” is all your brain can send you. Jimin rolls his eyes in amusement, smirking down at you.
“Because,” he repeats, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip.
He squeezes your cheeks harder. “open up.”
You manage to open your mouth slightly wider, your eyes meeting his as he leans over your mouth and spits into it.
“Swallow,” he demands, shutting your mouth and watching your throat as you do as you’re told. He chuckles, releasing your cheeks and caressing the heated areas softly.
“You can be good for me, right? We don’t need a bratty princess, not when Valentine’s Day is coming up,” he states, his lips peppering kisses on your cheeks before letting you go.
“Taehyung said he’d bury himself between your thighs, so I’ll let him get to it later on. Right now, I can’t hold back, and I need your wet pussy wrapped around my cock. You’re not the only one who’s been waiting.” he bites his lip, slowly removing his fingers and popping them in his mouth. You watch him, your breath caught in your throat as he moans when your essence touches his warm tongue.
Jimin looks at you salaciously, “open.”
You do as you’re told, not wanting to be punished for not doing so. He slips his fingers into your mouth, making you suck them until he’s satisfied.
“You can be such a good girl,” he coos, his lips meeting yours, his tongue immediately caressing yours.
Without breaking the kiss, Jimin uses his saliva-slicked fingers, courtesy of you, to grab his throbbing erection. He rubs it a few times, moaning when he touches the head before he’s running it teasingly along your soaking pussy.
You both sigh heavenly at the sensation, both your eyes looking down at his cock. He looks up at you, pausing his movements, “ready?”
You nod in response, his lips connecting with yours once again as he pushes the head in slowly. You welcome the familiar stretch of his cock along your walls. His eyes close tightly, reveling in the feeling as you sink down on his length, fully enveloping him.
“Fuck,” he breathes, your arms wrapping around his neck as he grabs onto your ass harshly.
“You feel so fucking good,” he grunts, lips trailing kisses from your shoulder to your collarbone. You smile, your hands tugging at his hair so that his eyes will meet yours before you lean down to kiss him. Your hips rising and falling tentatively, allowing your body to accommodate him once again.
You’re still exhausted from last night, but your body moves languidly up and down his erection, his moans spurring you on as your kiss becomes heady.
“Jimin! Fuck, Jimin!” You moan loudly, his mouth sucking and nipping at your neck, marking you as his, knowing Taehyung will scold him for it later on. He’s too enraptured by your moans of his name, your soaking wet pussy sucking him in as you continue to ride him. His hands clasp you firmly, lips moving down to envelop your peaked bud, you tug at his hair, hips rolling against him as he uses his teeth to tug at your nipple gently. The pain it causes sends you into a frenzy, your hips bucking against his at a faster pace, your thighs burning from exertion, but you don’t care.
You’re close, your thighs quivering as you try to hang on. Jimin’s lips connect to yours, his hand moving between your bodies to rub at your clit.
“Cum for me,” he pleads, eyes burning with lust as he continues to rub at your clit, your moans escaping faster from your lips, your pussy clenching around his length as you feel yourself letting go.
“You can do it, baby. I know you can, just let go. Cum for me, princess. Please,” His encouraging words are all it takes for you to become undone, your body giving in to the sensations as your eyes fall shut, your lips parting to allow his name to roll off your tongue mercilessly as if it’s the only word you know.
Jimin groans, watching you spiral into bliss before him, gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises. He meets your thrusts with his own. Your lewd moans filling his ears as he feels you tighten around him, curses falling from his pretty, plump lips. His eyes shut. He breathes in deeply, trying to hold off his own orgasm, but it’s futile. A few more thrusts and he’s emptying his seed inside you, coating your velvety walls with hot strands. He slows, making sure he’s fully emptied himself inside you before you collapse on his chest.
He pulls out of your spent body, feeling the trickle of your mixed cum on his pelvis. He holds your sweating body on him, rubbing your back soothingly as he kisses the top of your head.
“You did so well, princess.”
You kiss his chest in response, too tired to formulate a sentence. Nothing else is said as he holds you in his arms, not letting you go until your alarm goes off, reminding you of your upcoming class.
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“I sure hope you two have something planned for tomorrow,” you say, plopping down on the couch between your boyfriends, who roll their eyes.
“We were cuddling, Y/n,” Taehyung pouts. You shrug and wiggle further into the seat between them.
“You can cuddle me instead. Anyway, back to the important subject at hand. What are we doing tomorrow? You didn’t forget, did you?” You ask, worrying your lip between your teeth.
Jimin sighs heavily from your left side, lying across your lap, his feet hanging off the arm of the couch. His dark eyes meet yours as you play with his hair, Taehyung resting his head on your right shoulder.
“We’ve got this, baby. You really give us no credit,” Jimin huffs.
“You know I love Valentine’s Day! The candy, the flowers, the heart-shaped everything! The sex!” You wiggle your eyebrows at the boys who laugh at you. Taehyung pecks your cheek, “there will be sex.”
“Thank fuck!” You exclaim, a wide grin on your face as you turn to kiss Taehyung on the lips. He rests his hand on the nape of your neck, pulling you closer, his lips moving slowly against yours. You feel his tongue poking at your lip before you allow him in, reveling in the taste of his lips and tongue.
It’s not until Taehyung shifts on the couch that Jimin yelps—Taehyung having kneed him on the head.
“If you would let me get off her lap first, you could continue without hurting me. Damn!” Jimin rolls to the side, dropping himself off the couch as you pay him no mind; your hand moving to play with Taehyung’s blonde hair as he pushes you back onto the couch. Your head hits the soft cushion. Taehyung moves to kneel between your legs, his lips finally releasing yours to move down to your neck.
Taehyung has gotten mad at your older boyfriend for marking you so carelessly, but now those marks have faded and he’s tempted to replace them with his own. Only he knew better than to place them on your neck, slipping your shirt down enough to expose the top of your cleavage. His tongue licked at the flesh, making you shudder and mewl.
“Sh, baby girl,” Taehyung hushes you, he sucks on your skin, satisfied when a deep mark appears.
“Mine,” Taehyung whispers, running his finger over the mark.
“Ours,” Jimin corrects from his spot in front of the couch. Taehyung pays him no mind, his lips coming back to yours to kiss you again. You’re tugging at his shirt and he smiles into the kiss, breaking it to take his shirt off before he’s back on you.
“You two continue. I’ll get dinner started,” Jimin smiles, ruffling Taehyung’s hair as he heads to the kitchen, leaving you two to continue your make-out session.
“Taehyung,” you moan as he slides his hand under your shirt, moving it upwards to cup your breast through your bra. He growls, pushing the cup down so he can gently pinch your nipple, rolling it with his thumb and forefinger. Your body is burning, wanting to strip completely and enjoy Taehyung fully, but you don’t want to leave Jimin unattended in the kitchen for too long.
“He’s gonna burn the house down,” you protest as Taehyung begins raising your shirt, exposing your nipple. He ignores you, his lips coming to envelop your hardened bud with his hot mouth.
“Tae,” you try again, only for it to come out as a salacious moan as he sucks at your nipple, pulling the cup of your other breast down as well, so he can show it some attention too.
“Such a beautiful girl,” he murmurs, releasing your nipples, noticing the way you clench your thighs as he sits up.
“You’re the one who wanted to stop,” he chuckles, putting his shirt back on and adjusting his erection before standing up, leaving you on the couch with your breasts exposed, trying to catch your breath. You hate feeling your wet panties rubbing against your skin, cursing Taehyung as you run to the bathroom to have a quick shower before joining your two boyfriends in the kitchen.
You’re not too surprised to see Jimin and Taehyung making out in the kitchen. Jimin is sitting on the counter with his muscular thighs wrapped around your younger boyfriend.
“Really? I had to go take a cold shower, and he gets it on with you instead? Rude,” you grumble, earning the middle finger from Jimin as he continues to make out with Taehyung. You try to ignore the sinful sounds they’re making, but it becomes too hard to ignore when their shirts come off and Jimin is working on the button of Taehyung’s jeans.
“Fuck, Jiminie,” Taehyung growls, his lips marking Jimin’s collarbone. You watch from the side, biting your lip. A moan slips from your lips, the men noticing the way you're eyeing them lustfully.
Taehyung turns to Jimin, quirking his head to the side and giving you a side glance.
“Dinner can wait, my loves,” Jimin smirks, hopping off the counter and taking both of your hands in his as he leads you to the bedroom.
Dinner's forgotten that night.
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“Tae, baby, wake up,” Jimin whispered, trying not to wake you up. It was going to be a hard feat with you tangled up in his arms. You were a light sleeper, making Jimin hold his breath every time you stirred. Your boyfriend, however, was sleeping like a log, which was irritating Jimin to no end.
“Tae,” Jimin tried again, his small hands reaching out to pull your hand off Taehyung, who stirred but still didn’t seem to wake up. Jimin sighed, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. He had told him the night before that he needed to be awake before you were, so you could both make breakfast and take it to you in bed.
“Bitch,” he murmured, shaking Taehyung a little harder. You groan and roll over, your leg pulling Jimin’s blanket under you as you cuddle his pillow. Jimin smiles. At least now he could get Taehyung up without having to rip your koala body off him.
“Baby, wake up! I told you last night to get up early,” Jimin whined, his eyes not leaving your sleeping form as he leaned down to shake his boyfriend one more time. Taehyung grumbled, his hands coming to rub at his eyes to see what the commotion was about. His eyes widened as he made eye contact with his annoyed boyfriend. He smiled sheepishly.
“Good morning,” he whispered in greeting. Jimin rolls his eyes but kisses his boyfriend on the lips quickly before pointing to your sleeping form. Taehyung smiles. Taking in your sleeping figure, he liked how angelic you looked asleep, not using that smart mouth of yours to sass them.
“So cute,” he whispered, giggling quietly as he sat up and got out of bed, cursing the mattress for making noise every time he moved. He finally got out of bed, taking one last look at you to confirm you were fast asleep before allowing Jimin to lead him out of the bedroom.
Once the door clicked shut behind them, Jimin led the way to the kitchen as quietly as possible. Taehyung tiptoed after his boyfriend, his giggles filling the air, despite his attempts to muffle them with his hand. He was feeling so joyful to be able to help make you breakfast. Although Jimin wasn’t the best cook, his effort would be enough.
“What are we making?” Taehyung asks, opening the fridge to have a look. He tilts his head to the side, taking out the eggs and milk before closing the fridge once again.
“I bought pancake mix. All we need to do is add water, stir it, and put it in the pan. Simple enough,” Jimin shrugs, holding the box of pancake mix in his hands.
“In theory,” Taehyung smirks, making Jimin roll his eyes and move around the kitchen to grab a mixing bowl out of the cabinet before grabbing a whisk and setting them on the counter. He grabs a measuring cup, measuring two cups of mix, and adding it to the bowl before measuring the water and adding it in.
Taehyung works on heating up the griddle, taking curious glances at his boyfriend. He bites his tongue, not wanting to discourage the older man as he stirs the mix, a focused look on his face. Taehyung smiles, his boyfriend looking up at him and sending him a thumbs up.
Taehyung works on taking out another pan to make eggs on. He figures scrambled eggs would be the easiest and quickest to cook, not wanting to make too much noise or use too many pans to keep their mess to a minimum.
Before long, Jimin is cautiously pouring the mix onto the griddle after lightly rubbing some butter on it. He watches as the pancake bubbles, eyeing it carefully before he uses the spatula to flip it. He beams proudly as Taehyung pecks his cheek and praises him for flipping it without making a mess.
Jimin is working on the pancakes, only slightly burning one as Taehyung finishes the eggs and plates them. He grabs three cups and fills them with milk, grabbing three forks from the cutlery drawer and then grabbing the small vase from under the sink to fill with water and place a rose into it.
Jimin finishes the pancakes, plating them and adding them to the tray that Taehyung has prepared. He grabs the pancake syrup from the fridge and helps Taehyung carry the tray to your bedroom. They both smile at each other when they see you hugging the pillows, your hair covering your face as you wiggle to get comfortable.
Taehyung turns the light on, chuckling when he hears your grumbling, trying to shove your head under the pillow to keep the light from waking you.
Taehyung kneels beside you, his soft hand on your warm skin, shaking you awake. You push at him, grumbling in protest, not wanting to be woken up just yet. The boys had put you to bed late last night, your body sore and exhausted from both of them teaming up to fuck you until you couldn’t take any more.
“Baby, wake up for me, please?” Taehyung asks, his deep voice soft as he pushes the pillow off your head. He catches your swatting hand in his, placing his lips on it to wake you when you try to pull it back.
“Why?!” you whine, pouting as you try to cling to your sleep.
Jimin chuckles. “We made you breakfast, sleepyhead.”
You peer open one eye, confirming that there is food before you open the other, and release a loud yawn before sitting up. Taehyung pushes back the blankets to make room for Jimin and the tray.
“You made this for me?” You ask, smiling at both boys as they nod.
You peck each of their cheeks and Jimin hands you a fork. They both look at you expectantly, watching you take a bite of the pancakes.
“How is it?” Jimin asks apprehensively. Taehyung placing his hand on Jimin’s soothing his nerves as you swallow your first bite. Your smile is enough to put Jimin at ease.
“It’s fantastic, babe,” you compliment, making Jimin beam beside you.
Taehyung and you start eating. Jimin just sits beside you two, feeling elated to have such beautiful partners. His heart swells with pride and adoration.
“Why are you just staring at us?” you ask, giving Jimin a look that says ‘weirdo’.
“Nothing, you’re just so cute,” he says, blowing you and Taehyung kisses before he eats.
“This was honestly really sweet of you guys to do. I felt like a princess.” You state after breakfast, Taehyung gathering all the plates on the tray before carrying them to the kitchen, returning a few minutes later after loading the dishwasher.
“We’ve got the entire day together,” Jimin tells you, curling into your side, your butt pressed against him as Taehyung gets into bed on your free side. He places his hand on your hip, his fingers intertwining with Jimin’s.
“Is there anything our princess wants to do today? We have dinner plans at seven, but until then we can do whatever you like,” Taehyung murmurs against your lips. You can feel Jimin’s lips on your shoulder as you have one hand on Taehyung’s face, your other in Jimin’s blonde locks while Taehyung pulls your leg over onto his hip, pulling you closer.
You revel in the feeling of both men’s lips on your skin, igniting a fire within you that only they can put out.
Your soft moans fill the room, the boys trailing kisses down your body, their lips connecting now and then as they try to focus solely on you, but can’t help kissing each other as well.
“As much as I’d love to spend the whole day in bed, my body still aches from last night,” You speak up, your hand gently caressing Jimin’s bicep, his lips planting kisses on your bare thigh before smirking up at you.
“We’ll be good,” he smiles coyly, Taehyung blushing as well.
“What do you wanna do, baby?” Taehyung asks, getting off the bed and walking around the room to a drawer. You eye him curiously, smiling when he pulls out a heart-shaped box of Ferrero Rocher.
Your mouth waters at the sight, eyes shining with hunger. Jimin laughs, taking the chocolates from Taehyung and opening the box. “You can have one.”
You pout, hoping it’s enough to convince him to give you more.
“No, baby. You can’t eat too many or you’ll get sick and we have dinner plans already. You wouldn't want to miss dinner with us, right?” he questions you, you nod your head dejectedly, knowing he’s right. You take the chocolate he’s handing you and eat it slowly, watching as your boyfriends’ each eat theirs and Jimin puts the rest away.
“Can we watch movies until dinner?” you ask, both boys nodding as they grab more pillows and blankets from the linen closet. You sit between them, telling them how to arrange the pillows so that you’re as comfortable as can be before choosing a movie and letting them cuddle you.
It’s not your intention to fall asleep after the second movie, but you’re being woken up again hours later. This time, Jimin is the one shaking you awake, letting you know it’s time for you to get ready for dinner.
“Come on sleeping beauty,” Jimin helps you out of bed, licking his lips as he sees your shirt ride up slightly.
“Don’t even think about it, Park,” you sneer, your body still slightly sore as you allow him to lead you to the bathroom.
“Surprise!” Taehyung cheers, clapping his hands as you take in the bathtub filled with water and rose petals. A few candles lining the bathroom counter as Jimin dims the lights a bit.
Jimin helps to undress you, his soft hands lingering on your hips as he pulls your shorts down your thighs. Both men look at you hungrily, heat rushing to your cheeks as you feel their eyes following you to the tub. Taehyung stops you, taking out a bath bomb and allowing you to place it in the tub, watching as it dissolves. The bathroom smells like flowers; the bathwater turns a pastel pink, making you feel joyful.
Jimin helps you into the tub, making sure you have everything you need at arm's reach. You pulled your hair up to keep it from getting it wet so that you could style it easier after your bath. Taehyung and Jimin kneel beside the tub, helping you wash your body, not caring that their own clothes are getting soaked as they lean over the side.
You wish the tub was big enough for all three of you, but you enjoy their company nonetheless, refraining from splashing them like you so desperately want to.
“Where are we going for dinner?” you ask curiously, leaning over the side of the tub.
“It’s a surprise,” Jimin smiles knowingly at Taehyung.
“We’re going to let you finish up and we’re going to go get showered and dressed,” Taehyung kisses the top of your head before standing. His bones popping as he stretches. Jimin follows suit and the two leave you to it.
You finish your bath, letting the water out and standing, turning the shower on to do a quick rinse to get the glitter off of your skin. You wrap your body in a towel, scurrying to your bedroom and locking the door after you.
You dry off, hanging your towel on the towel hooks you’ve put behind your bedroom door. You walk over to your bed, kneeling to grab the box you’ve hidden under there. You take it out, setting it on the bed before you get off the floor, and open it. You take out a red lace teddy bodysuit.
You admire your body in your vanity mirror, smiling as you think about Taehyung and Jimin taking it off your body at the end of the night. You walk over to your closet, taking out your red dress before putting it on. You adjust the straps to cover the bodysuit and put on your black heels.
You decide to start on your makeup, not sure how much time you have left to get yourself together. You let your hair down, fixing it so it lays at your shoulders before you pin one side back to reveal the earrings you’ve chosen for the night. You choose a long necklace, resting on your chest before you go back to doing your makeup. You hate rushing through it, but you can hear the boys in the living room and you know you’ll have to get going soon.
With a few swipes of your red lipstick, you grab your crossbody purse, throwing your phone, wallet, and lipstick into it before you take one last look at your reflection in the mirror. You breathe in deeply, gathering up your courage before you open your bedroom door.
The boys grow quiet as they hear your footsteps coming down the hall. They both turn to see you smiling nervously at them, giving them a shy wave as they soak in your appearance. Their eyes trail your body from your shoes, up your bare thighs, to the tiny bit of cleavage your dress reveals.
“Wow,” Jimin breathes, being the first to recover, while Taehyung is still too caught up ogling you beside him, audibly gulping.
“You look gorgeous, baby.”
You twirl around for your boyfriends, allowing them to see you from every angle, feeling more confident about yourself.
“Thank you,” you say, pleased with their reactions.
“Oh, we got you these,” Jimin says, realizing he and Taehyung are both holding a bouquet of red flowers wrapped in brown ribbon.
“We know you prefer chocolate, but we thought you might like some flowers as well.” Taehyung rubs the back of his neck shyly. Smiling, you kiss each of their cheeks, thanking them for the flowers before you head to the kitchen to pull out a vase to fill with water to place the flowers inside of them.
Once the flowers are taken care of, Jimin is on his phone, looking outside from the window next to the door. You look at him confused, wondering what he’s doing.
“We’ve got another surprise,” Taehyung beams proudly, stepping aside for you to see a duffel bag by the door.
“Another surprise?”
“Hey, you’re the one who wanted us to take care of Valentine’s Day,” Jimin reminds you cockily, making you roll your eyes, your arms crossed on your chest.
“We’ll be spending the night at a hotel after our surprise,” Taehyung says excitedly, Jimin taking another look outside and muttering a “finally.”
“Do we have everything we need?” Jimin asks Taehyung, who nods in response.
Taehyung helps you put your coat on, grabbing the duffel bag and your hand as he leads you outside. Jimin locks the door behind you before you crowd into the backseat of your Lyft.
“We’re going to the hotel first to drop off the bag and check-in quickly, then we’ll head to dinner,” Jimin tells you both and you can’t help but feel giddy. Taehyung wraps his arm around your shoulders, kissing your cheek as Jimin places his hand on your knee, rubbing circles on it with his thumb.
Ten minutes later, you’re pulling into the hotel. Taehyung gets out of the car first, before helping you out. You stand beside him as Jimin thanks the driver, before leading you into the hotel.
Jimin takes the duffel bag and checks in, making you and Taehyung wait for him in the lobby.
“Have you enjoyed your day so far, princess?” Taehyung asks hopefully, eyes bright.
“I have, Tae. You and Jimin have gone all out. I’m going to have a hard time topping next year,” You admit, your hand squeezing his. Taehyung smiles, placing a kiss on the tip of your nose.
“You look so wonderful, Y/n. I love you so much,” Taehyung’s cheeks turning pink as he looks into your eyes, hoping you can tell how much he truly loves you.
“I love you too, Tae. You and Jimin are the best things to ever happen to me. I mean it,” you state firmly, your lips coming to meet his in a haste kiss.
The elevator dings, you both turn to see your boyfriend grinning at you both as he rejoins you. He’s ordering another Lyft, his hand pulling out a silk blindfold from his suit pocket.
“Really?” you whine, making both men chuckle as you turn, obeying them as Jimin wraps the blindfold over your eyes. Taehyung waves his hand in front of you before sticking out three fingers and asking you how many he’s holding up. You guess incorrectly, satisfying both blondes as the Lyft arrives.
You breathe in shakily as you allow yourself to be led by the two men into the car. You rest your head on Jimin’s shoulder, resisting the urge to place kisses on his neck, not wanting his beautiful skin covered in lipstick just yet. You can feel Taehyung’s hand on your thigh, squeezing it reassuringly as the car is driven to your location.
You can’t help but feel nervous as Taehyung and Jimin whisper back and forth to each other as the car comes to a stop and the sound of seatbelts being undone fills your ears. Your other senses are heightened as you feel hands wrapped around your waist to help you out of the car.
You can feel your heart pounding against your ribcage, your nerves eating away at you as you allow your boyfriends to lead you. You’re glad you wore your coat, the night breeze making goosebumps rise on your skin.
Your heels click on the concrete sidewalk as you move slowly, Jimin saying excuse me every so often as Taehyung walks behind you.
You’re not in a rush, the boys talking to each other animatedly as they finally reach your destination. Your hands have gotten clammy from the nerves, and you wonder what they have planned for you. You guess you probably shouldn’t have encouraged them to go above and beyond for a simple day, but so far you had been having such a great time that you didn’t mind how over the top your day was becoming.
“Park party,” you hear Jimin tell someone, the butterflies in your stomach overwhelming you as you wonder if someday you would become Park Y/n. Or perhaps Kim Y/n. The thought makes you giddy, your body suddenly relaxing as you feel the blindfold coming off.
You blink a few times to let your eyes adjust to the light again, gasping as you see Jimin and Taehyung beaming at you from a boat.
They’ve reserved a private night tour catered by one restaurant on the river. You’re so elated, Jimin helps you into the boat and onto your seat.
Both men sit opposite of you, allowing you to take in the scenery and the decorations on the table. The table cloth has red, shimmering sequins; white, burning candles line the table in heart-shaped glass containers except for one thick candle in the middle. Red and white rose petals are scattered delicately across the table, some fluttering with the night wind. It’s a bit cooler on the river, but your coat is enough to keep you warm.
“You guys!” tears threaten to fall from your eyes as you take in the flickering of the candles sitting on the table. Taehyung and Jimin smile proudly, knowing they have done well and have pleased you.
“We told you we had this,” Jimin says cockily, his hand reaching out to hold yours before Taehyung mirrors his action. You squeeze both their hands in thanks, your head turning to take in the lights hanging off the trees that line the riverbank. The people walking on the Riverwalk wave at you three; couples are walking holding hands everywhere and serene music fills your ears.
The onboard server brings over a bottle of wine, smiling before filling your glasses.
“We’ve planned everything through. Your only job is to enjoy yourself. We know you don’t like deciding for yourself, so we’ll be taking care of everything tonight,” Jimin states, a sly smile on his face as Taehyung nods in agreement. You notice the mischievous glance they exchange and it makes your stomach knot in apprehension. What do they have planned for tonight?
“I really appreciate everything you two have done for me,” you say, gripping your wine glass before taking a sip, savoring the taste.
“We would have done this regardless if it was Valentine’s Day or not. We don’t need a holiday to show you how much we love and appreciate you, although we were overdue for a romantic evening not spent at home,” Taehyung mused, biting his lower lip.
“He’s right,” Jimin chuckles before continuing. “With you and Tae in school and me working, it’s kind of hard to plan extravagant outings, but we wanted this year to be special, and not just because you asked.”
“I love you both,” you affirm, making both men perk up in their seats.
Seconds later, the server is placing an appetizer on the table, quickly followed by your main course.
Your stomach growls loudly, making your boyfriends laugh as you grow flustered, feeling your face radiating heat from the embarrassment.
“You slept right through lunch,” Taehyung cracks up. You stick your tongue out at him.
“Children,” Jimin scoffs playfully, rolling his eyes.
“This looks delicious,” you murmur, inhaling the scent of your hot dinner. Taehyung and Jimin have chosen pasta for dinner, and you know you shouldn’t eat too much if you plan a nighttime rendezvous at the hotel later on.
A heady moan leaves your crimson lips as you take your first bite, your eyes shut as you savor the taste of the sauce. Both men stir in their seats, as you’re completely unaware of your affect on them, enjoying your dinner.
Both men are restless, wanting to throw you on the table and take turns ravaging your body as the boat continues to go down the river, in the view of every patron out tonight.
“I guess you like it, princess?” Taehyung clears his throat, pulling at the collar of his shirt, his skin feeling blazing as he tries to push the thoughts of you naked, squirming under him, begging him to fuck you senseless out of his head.
He turns his gaze away from you, his fingers clutching to his glass of ice water harder than necessary as he gulps it down. Next to him, Jimin isn’t faring much better. His tight grip on his metal fork has his knuckles white as he studies the pleased look on your face, a look he’s only seen when he or Taehyung have made you orgasm. He’s trying to behave, but you’re really testing his limits tonight. First with the dress, and now with your moans, not even knowing how you’re truly affecting him and Taehyung. That alone makes him want you more, finding you utterly irresistible.
“It’s fantastic.” You open your eyes as you speak, not noticing how your boyfriends are looking flushed, their dark eyes sparkling with desire.
Jimin keeps the conversation over dinner light, his hand resting on his boyfriend’s knee, rubbing slow circles on it on his black pants. Taehyung is having a hard time trying to get rid of his raging erection caged in his dress pants, Jimin’s fiery, airy touch not helping him whatsoever. He doesn’t want Jimin to stop, his hand being the only thing anchoring him to his seat as he fights the urge to climb over the table to grab you and fuck you.
Jimin smiles, feeling Taehyung place his hand on his, giving it a firm squeeze as Taehyung breathes out heavily. Jimin giggles softly, turning his attention to his boyfriend. “Everything okay?”
“Never been better,” Taehyung lies, making you smile as the server comes over to remove the dinner plates and refill your glasses.
Jimin and Taehyung flank your sides, pulling you closer as the night breeze sends a shiver down your back. Your skin raising in goosebumps as the server sets your dessert down on the table. You cheer in your seat as you see it’s chocolate-covered strawberries. The boys have truly gone all out for you.
You lean into Jimin, pecking his cheek. “Thanks for getting strawberries for Tae.”
Jimin smiled bashfully. “I like seeing him happy.”
The boat continues down the river, the tour guide's voice filling your ears as you enjoy your dessert with your boyfriends. You can feel the tears of joy pricking at the corner of your eyes, you try to blink them away and exhaling a shaky breath.
The boys tense as they hear you, quirking their heads in confusion.
“What’s wrong?” they ask in unison, causing you to let out a laugh as a few tears escape.
“I’m just so glad that I’m your girlfriend. I’m so overwhelmed by your love for me and my love for you,” you cry, laughing as you wipe the tears away. Both men wrap their arms around you, kissing your cheek and holding you until you stop your tears.
Nothing else is said as the boat finishes going around the river, stopping once it’s back to where you first boarded. Jimin gets up first, holding out his hand for you to take, making sure you’re stable in your heels before he offers his hand to Taehyung.
“That was wonderful, Jimin,” Taehyung gushes, eyes sparkling with excitement as you hold his hand and Jimin’s. You walk to the entrance of the Riverwalk, where the sidewalk meets the street. Couples walk past you as you see your Lyft driver pulling up.
Jimin helps you into the car, allowing you to get in before Taehyung follows. You’re buzzing with excitement as you hold Taehyung’s hand tightly in yours. Your manicured nails gently tapping on his knee as your leg bounces lightly in the car.
“There’s no need to be nervous, love,” Taehyung whispers huskily, your flesh heating as his breath hits your skin.
You turn your head from the window to face him, your lip caught between your teeth as you meet his dark gaze, his fierce look piercing through you. You blink, your breath caught in your throat as he leans forward, his lips brushing against yours innocently at first, before your hands are around his neck, his falling to your hips. It’s uncomfortable, the seatbelt holding you back as you try to turn your body closer to his, but he settles over you, his seatbelt moving lower to allow himself to move closer to you. Your head is pressed against the window, thumping slightly as the car continues to move. His cold palm raises goosebumps on your thigh as his fingers dance delicately up into your dress. A soft moan leaves your ruby-painted lips, making Taehyung emit a low, hungry growl. He knows he can’t contain himself. Forcing himself to behave all throughout dinner was enough torture for him. His hand moves upwards, his finger brushing against the lace material of your bodysuit.
“Tae,” you whimper. He grunts in response; lips attacking your neck in ravenous kisses. He feels the need to mark you, claim you in the car's backseat, not caring about anything other than your body submitting to his.
“We’re almost there, hold on,” comes Jimin’s firm whisper, his hand on Taehyung’s, pulling it out from under your dress. He catches the driver’s eye in the rear-view mirror, mumbling an apology as he gets Taehyung to sit up in his seat. His hand accidentally brushes against Taehyung’s throbbing erection as he places his hand on your thigh. “Soon, baby.”
You nod hastily, your face burning as you avoid looking at the driver, your thighs clenching together to form some sort of relief; it’s no use.
You feel like you’re boiling; you need Taehyung’s hands and lips back on you. You need Jimin telling you that you’re being a good girl. You need their hands, lips, cocks in you and on you. You’ll take whatever they’ll give you at this point.
You’re trying to remain nonchalant, but the blondes know you better. They notice the glazed look in your eyes, your pupils were blown wide as you bite your bottom lip, thighs clenching as both your hands fiddled with the buttons on your coat to use as a distraction. Little do you know, you’re having the same effect on them.
Jimin has to hold Taehyung down when a whimper leaves your lips. Taehyung meets Jimin’s gaze. His own pupils dilated, mixing into his dark irises.
“Just a few more minutes, babe.” Jimin’s voice is firm as he reels in his boyfriend. Taehyung is struggling. All he wants is to have you beneath him, his cock buried deep inside your velvety walls, your nails leaving marks down his back.
Taehyung allows Jimin to be his distraction, his clammy hand in his boyfriend’s. He focuses his attention on the silver rings on his hands, twirling them slowly on his fingers as he tries to clear his mind. Another whimper from you had him clutching Jimin’s thick, muscular thigh, eyes roaming over to where Jimin’s pants have become tented. Taehyung doesn’t know how Jimin has such self-control when it comes to you, but he guesses it’s part of being a dom.
Everyone—including the driver—sigh in relief when he’s parking in front of your hotel. The driver is eager to get you out of his car, knowing that if it hadn’t been for Jimin, Taehyung and you would have been fucking in his backseat.
The second you're all out on the curb, he drives off immediately before any of you can thank him for the ride. Taehyung doesn’t waste another second, taking your hand and dragging you behind him, your heels clicking on the tile floor of the lobby as he presses the button for the elevator repeatedly, even though that won’t make it come any faster. Jimin can’t control the chuckle that he lets out, watching his younger partners desperate to get to the room, even though both keys are in his wallet.
The elevator dings open moments later. Taehyung pulls you in with him as Jimin follows, relaxed.
“Floor, Jiminie,” Taehyung demands, voice deep, borderline growling at his older boyfriend. Jimin sneers, stepping forward to press the button to the 4th floor. Taehyung sighs in relief, the doors closing as he pushes you into the wall, his lips on your neck as he sucks the skin until his mark appears, bold and angry.
“Tae,” you moan at a rather harsh nip of his teeth, his hands sliding under your dress to wrap your thigh around his hip, not caring if anyone else joins you on the elevator. Your head lolls back, mouth in the shape of an ‘o’ as you relish in the feeling of his lips on your scorching flesh. Your eyes meet Jimin’s eyes, dark and showing his displeasure at you and Taehyung. You know punishment will loom in the air for you.
The atmosphere changes the second the elevator dings open on the fourth floor. Taehyung’s too lost in his own lust to do anything, except throw you over his shoulder and follow Jimin to your room. Jimin takes the key out of his wallet and swipes it across the lock, the light turning green as he pushes the door open.
You don’t get a chance to take in the room before Taehyung has you laying on the bed. His hands working on the straps of your heels to pull them off, letting them clatter on the floor for him to trip over later on.
Jimin shuts the door after placing the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the outside door handle. He leans against the wall, facing you two, allowing his younger partner to have his fun. Your eyes lock on Jimin’s, Taehyung’s hands working on the buttons of your coat, pushing the material down your shoulders. He tosses it to the floor on the side of the king-sized bed.
Jimin bends down to pick up your coat, walking to the closet and grabbing a hanger and sliding the coat onto it; buttoning the top button so it doesn’t slide off. He returns to his spot against the wall, not saying anything as he removes his suit jacket, hanging it from the back of the desk chair in the room.
He decides to roll the chair near the bed, sitting up straight, one leg crossed over the other as he watches Taehyung kissing down your neck, his hand sliding up and down your smooth thigh.
“Tae!” You gasp, his hand kneading at your ass as he’s knelt between your perfect thighs. He can feel the heat radiating off your cloth-covered pussy, as he teasingly runs his hand over the damp material. With a smirk, he moves the material to the side, his body moving lower until you feel his tongue swipe at your wet folds, making you shudder with pleasure at his hot, wet muscle.
“Fuck,” you breathe, your chest rising and falling as his tongue teasingly licks at your wet entrance a few more times before stopping and smiling devilishly at you. You sit up on your elbows, his lips meeting yours, tasting of your essence. His hands working on the zipper of your dress before he takes his own jacket off and tosses it on the floor.
Jimin decides he’s waited enough, getting on the bed after kicking off his shoes and socks.
“Strip,” he tells Taehyung, his lips brushing against the younger male’s before his attention returns to you. You smile up at him, tugging your dress down teasingly to reveal the red lace teddy bodysuit.
“Fuck,” they cursed in unison, drinking your body in. Taehyung tried to reach out for you, but Jimin clasps his wrist tightly. “I told you to strip.”
Taehyung fights the urge to rebel but knows Jimin is in charge tonight, so he does as he is told.
Jimin grins proudly at his victory, helping you pull the dress off the rest of the way before throwing it towards the desk chair.
“You look beautiful, Y/n,” he compliments, his soft hand running down your side, stopping at your hip to squeeze it.
“I haven’t done anything yet, princess. Such a needy girl,” Jimin chuckles, allowing you to work the buttons on his shirt, revealing his fit torso to your hungry eyes. Beside you, Taehyung is palming himself through his boxers, his hungry eyes feasting on Jimin’s golden skin as it’s revealed, his shirt tossed onto the chair.
Jimin stands, feeling your eyes on him as he undoes his belt, sliding it out of the loops with ease. The belt is thrown onto the floor, his hand gripping his hard erection through his pants, giving it a few squeezes as he undoes the button, pulling the zipper down, allowing the pants to fall down his juicy, thick thighs.
Your mouth waters at the sight of his thighs, wanting nothing more than to ride them until you’re a soaking, flustered mess.
Taehyung isn’t faring any better besides you, his precious lips releasing moans as he strokes himself, inching closer to you. You lay back into the pillows, your hair splayed carelessly across the pillowcase.
You watch as both men kneel beside your body, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Jimin’s hands are on Taehyung’s cheeks, holding him steady as his lips move with his. Taehyung is resting his hands on Jimin’s lower back, making sure he’s not accidentally squishing you as you’re caught lying under them. You can feel your arousal in the pit of your stomach, your thighs clenching in response to their heavy moans filling the room, your right hand wandering down to your wet slit, pushing the material to the side to slide your finger up and down your slit. Your left hand squeezes your left breast, tugging softly at the nipple, your moans mixing with your boyfriends’.
Your moans catch your boyfriends’ attention, their eyes on you, smirking at each other before Jimin pulls the straps of your teddy down your shoulders, letting the material pool at your abdomen. His lips meet yours, his hand cupping your head as his tongue slips into your mouth, tasting you.
Taehyung is busy working on pulling the teddy down your hips and thighs, your legs spreading for him on instinct. He licks his lips as he sees your glistening arousal, his lips meet your thighs; kissing and sucking at the flesh.
Your moans are released into Jimin’s mouth, one hand in his hair, the other in Taehyung’s blonde locks as his tongue finally licks a stripe at your dripping core. He moans in delight, tasting your essence, savoring it before he goes in for seconds.
Jimin’s lips leave yours, his nose nudging your head to the left so the right side of your neck is exposed to him. His lips mark your skin to compliment the marks Taehyung left on the left side of your neck.
“Mine,” he whispers, his teeth nibbling on your collarbone, making you moan his name as you try to arch into his body, but Taehyung's rough hands hold your body in place, his tongue licking at your clit causing you to moan lewdly.
Jimin smirks, his hand going to stroke Taehyung’s hair as he moves his lips down to your hardened nipple. His mouth envelops it, his tongue flicking it before he suckles at the bud. Your body is scorching from both of their tongues, eyes shut as you let your other senses become heightened.
Every lick is sinful, every touch makes you keen, every thought is consumed by Taehyung and Jimin. Your hands are gripping at the sheets, feeling Taehyung slide two of his fingers inside your soaking, wet pussy, making you moan his name as Jimin switches nipples, his teeth pulling at it.
Your thoughts are swimming in your head, it’s too much, but not enough at the same time. Your back arches into Taehyung’s touch. His fingers curling inside you while he licks and sucks at your clit, your hand coming to tug on his hair, encouraging him to keep going as you feel the familiar tingling in your toes, the knot in your stomach becoming undone as you feel yourself inching closer and closer to the edge.
“Taehyung!” You gasp in warning, the younger man quickening his pace, your essence allowing him to add a third finger inside you, curling them and suckling gently at your clit. Jimin pulls at your nipple harder, his other hand pinching your other nipple hard just like you like it.
“Oh, my god!” Your eyes shut as you feel the wave hit you hard, releasing onto Taehyung’s fingers, your hands tugging at his hair and the sheets. Your chest rises off the mattress, toes curling as you feel a wave of relief and pleasure hit your body. Taehyung lets you ride it out. He doesn’t care that the roots of his hair are aching, too consumed in the way your face is reflecting the pleasure he’s caused you and reveling in it.
“Fuck! Fuck!” You curse twice, trying to catch your breath as your grip slacks on Taehyung's hair. He chuckles.
“Very good,” you answer, your chest rising and falling as you try to regulate your breathing once again.
“Think you can keep going, princess?” Jimin asks softly, his hand stroking your hair, pushing it off your slightly sweaty forehead.
“Yes, Jiminie,” you smile, easing his worries as he looks at Taehyung.
“Mouth or cunt?” Jimin asks the younger male, eyebrow raised in question as he softly strokes your hair.
“Mouth,” Taehyung replies eagerly, his hand palming his erection before he gets off the bed to take his boxers off. He switches places with Jimin, who takes his boxers off and gets on the bed, occupying the spot that Taehyung had been in. Jimin grips your thighs tightly in his hands, squeezing the supple flesh, his lips coming to mark your skin.
You mewl, enjoying the harsh sucking and nibbling on your thighs as Taehyung turns your head to the left, mere inches from his hard cock. You lick your lips, watching him rub the pre-cum on his cock, his dick looking delectable.
Taehyung sneers down at you. He smacks his cock on your cheek a few times, making you whine as you stick your tongue out, hoping to get a taste of him. Meanwhile, Jimin has inched up your thighs, his tongue licking up your cum from your previous orgasm, sighing contently at your taste. He licks his lips, satisfied as he kneels, grabbing his dick and using the head to soak it in your essence. His obscene moans fill the air, his head covered in your slick, rubbing on your clit.
Curses fill the room as you’re all experiencing some type of pleasure, bodies burning with desire. Jimin and Taehyung look at each other, nodding in synchronization as you feel Jimin part your nether lips with the head of his cock, Taehyung moving closer, cock pressed against your ruby lips.
With one last look, your boyfriends’ push forward. Jimin stretched your warm pussy deliciously, causing you to moan around Taehyung’s cock as he pushes it into your wet mouth. Both men still, allowing you a moment to enjoy being filled.
You clench around Jimin, your tongue swirling on Taehyung’s cock to signal that you’re ready. The men thrust slowly, letting you warm up. Each grabs a breast, pinching and pulling at the hardened peaks as their cocks grow wet with your juices, moaning wantonly.
Taehyung grips your hair harshly, thrusting into you at a medium pace, knowing the angle you’re at right now isn’t ideal to get fucked by both of them.
“Let’s turn her,” Taehyung tells Jimin, who nods in response, grunting in displeasure as he pulls out of your heat. He helps you roll over, your back arched as you get on your hands and knees, your pert ass in the air.
Jimin rubs your ass, giving it a firm squeeze with both hands, and Taehyung gathers all your hair in one fist, his free hand going to stroke your cheek softly as he slowly fucks your mouth. Jimin smirks as his hand comes down harshly on your ass, making you moan around the cock in your mouth.
With a steady hand Jimin lines his cock up with your sopping entrance, cursing when he’s welcomed by your warmth, allowing him to bottom out; his hips pressed against your ass.
“How do you feel so fucking good, baby? Fuck, you make me want to come with one stroke,” Jimin complains through gritted teeth, his eyes squeezed shut as he slowly begins retreating, only to slam back into you.
His fingers are digging into your hips, allowing him to anchor himself as his hips move sinfully, hitting every spot inside you that has you moaning around Taehyung. Taehyung is enjoying the look of absolute pleasure on Jimin’s face, his eyes turning down to you as he pushes his cock further. You open your mouth wider, letting him hit the back of your throat, your nose hitting his pelvis, making him grunt when you swallow around him.
“Fuck,” he growls, pulling his cock back out, the head still sitting heavy on your tongue. You kitten lick the head, allowing it to pop out of your mouth, using one hand to rub it against your lips, pressing kisses on it before you envelop it in your mouth. Taehyung is sighing blissfully, his eyes shut, head tilted back as he lets you have a free range of his hard dick, knowing you’ll do a good job, regardless. He’s not wrong when you bob your head back and forth, slurping as your saliva coats his shaft generously. He shivers at the sensation of your saliva dripping down to his balls when you meet his pelvis again.
Jimin is still thrusting into you from behind, one of his hands coming down to rub at your clit. The pad of his fingertip moving in slow circles, his hips copying his movements. You can feel him deep inside you, your slickness allowing him to slide in and out smoothly, your sweaty skin making his body stick to yours, but you don’t mind as you feel the head kissing at your cervix.
Taehyung’s cock slips out of your mouth as Jimin gives you a particularly hard thrust, giving you the opportunity to moan his name repeatedly before Taehyung shuts you up with his cock once again.
“Such a good girl for us,” Taehyung murmurs, his eyes meeting yours as you try to convey an innocent look on your face, making him chuckle.
“She’s trying to look like an angel when she’s sucking my cock like a devil,” Taehyung chuckles, his gaze turning to Jimin, who sneers, his hand running through his hair as Taehyung watches his chest glistening with sweat. Taehyung licks his lips, watching his boyfriend's abdomen tightening with every thrust, Jimin sending him a wink as he slides his hand down his muscular torso to further tease him.
Taehyung gets distracted, thrusting into your mouth harder than he meant to, causing you to gag nefariously, making both males moan in response.
“Shit, sorry, baby. Jimin distracted me,” Taehyung explains, sending a fake glare over at the older, blonde male, who is smirking proudly, quickening the speed of his thrusts and the finger rubbing at your clit. He can feel you begin to convulse, your lewd sounds filling his ears deliciously as you moan his name in warning, Taehyung using the opportunity to shove his cock down your throat forcefully, tears pricking at your eyes as you feel overwhelmed with pleasure and pain.
“Hold it, hold it, baby!” Taehyung demands in a growl, his cock in your throat as you swallow, wanting nothing more than to have him pull it out so you can moan freely. Jimin is coaxing your orgasm out of you, Taehyung cooing at you as you finally allow your tears to fall, your orgasm slamming into you hard. Taehyung pulls his cock out of you, your spit forming a bridge between his cock and your swollen lips. He breaks the connection, your mouth and cheeks shining with your own spit, making him smirk.
He takes his soaked cock in his hand, moving closer before you feel his hard, heavy cock smack at your cheek repeatedly before he switches cheeks and repeats his action.
“Good girl,” he praises you, Jimin not slowing his pace, feeling your third orgasm building as you clench and protest by pushing at his hand. His hand leaves your clit, gripping your hips tight enough to bruise you as Taehyung puts the head of his cock back in your mouth, only to take it out and repeat the process, making you whine.
“Does my princess want my cock?” Taehyung asks cockily, his eyes shining in amusement.
“Yes!” you scream, Jimin’s hand coming down hard on your ass as he keeps filling you with his cock. Your warm pussy is driving him crazy, his body is sweating more as he tries to hold himself back from cumming, but the way you’re tightening around him has his hips stuttering.
“Fuck, Y/n! You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock. Fuck, baby! I could fuck you all night!” Jimin grunts, his hips pushing in further, rolling against your ass. He’s trying to bury his cock as far as possible. You swear you can feel him in your stomach, your hand coming to touch it.
“I can feel you so deep! Oh, fuck! Jimin!” You’re screaming loudly. The sound of Jimin’s balls slapping against your ass is mixing with your obscene moans, your body feeling like it’s on fire. Your head drops, not caring that Taehyung will probably punish you later for not taking his cock at that moment.
You can feel your vision blurring slightly, realizing more tears have fallen from your eyes as you feel Jimin rubbing at your clit once again. His hips slamming harder and harder, feeling him deeper than ever before. He’s a man on a mission to fuck you senseless and your yelps of overstimulation fall on deaf ears as he moans your name, his hips hitting your ass before he stills. You feel the warmth of his seed fill you, his hips moving in and out of you slower, allowing your hungry pussy to milk him of every drop.
Jimin grunts, feeling spent as he pulls out. He lays next to you, Taehyung helping him move your body so that your back is resting on the mattress. Jimin caresses your hair, Taehyung licking his lips as he kneels between your thighs, looking at your messy pussy.
“You really did a number on her, Jiminnie,” Taehyung chuckles, biting his lower lip, using two of his fingers to push his boyfriend’s cum back into you.
“Who knows, if we’re lucky she’ll get pregnant,” Jimin states nonchalantly, eyes dark with lust.
You and Taehyung respond by moaning wantonly, your thighs clenching on Taehyung’s hand, back arching.
“Looks like our princess likes the idea,” Taehyung comments, his eyes burning into your flesh, his hand spreading your thighs open to look at your messy cunt.
“So do I,” Jimin admits, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“Can you go one more round for me, baby?” Taehyung asks, his hands stroking your warm, sweaty skin. His fingers gently kneading your thighs, admiring the marks Jimin has left.
“Yes.” you reach out for Taehyung’s hand, holding it in your own, giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Thank fuck!” he laughs, his cock hard, throbbing in his hand as he lines it up with your entrance. Coarse moans tumble from his pretty, pink lips, reveling in the feeling of your juices mixed with Jimin’s.
“Fuck, you feel amazing! So warm and slick... I see why Jimin likes fucking you after I fill you with my cum.” you moan, your pussy clenching at his words. Jimin can feel the heat rise to his cheeks at his boyfriend’s crude words. He turns his attention to you, making sure you can handle Taehyung’s soft thrusts, his hands gently pulling at your erect nipples.
“How are you, baby?” Taehyung checks in, his hands gripping your hips carefully, minding the bruises that have formed on them from Jimin’s hold on you earlier. The squelching of your pussy is music to his ears, his thrusts quickening ever so slightly to hear it louder.
“Keep going,” you moan, your hands pulling Taehyung closer to you, his hands on either side of your head as your legs come up to be wrapped around his slim hips. He fills you exquisitely, your face burning embarrassingly from all the salacious sounds your fucking creates.
Your nails dig into his back moments before you drag them down his golden skin, marking him. He grunts at the feeling, loving the way it stings as his hips rock against yours. Jimin caresses your cheek softly, encouraging you to take Taehyung’s cock like a good girl.
“Tae,” you whimper, feeling him deep within you. His languid thrusts making it easy for his lips to meet Jimin’s; his hips grinding against yours.
You pull him deeper with your ankles, moaning at the feeling of his thick cock filling you, stretching your walls. Taehyung whimpers, feeling Jimin’s teeth nibbling at his bottom lip before releasing it with a ‘pop’.
“I’m fucking close,” Taehyung huffs, a sheen layer of sweat covering his beautiful skin. You feel Jimin’s hands return to your breasts, kneading the mounds before pulling at the nipples slightly. He regrets not bringing your nipple clamps.
Taehyung picks up the pace, his sweaty hair sticking to his forehead before he pushes it back. His dark eyes focused on your face, your eyes closed, mouth open as you keen.
You’re lost in your pleasure, clenching on Taehyung’s cock, feeling his hips stutter as you purposely tighten on him.
“Fuck, baby. Keep doing that,” he pleads, his abdomen tightening as you move your hips up to meet his, pussy clenching tightly, grinding into him to meet his thrusts as he loses the ability to form words. Grunts and groans fall from his perfect lips, eyes shutting as he allows himself to be swept up in the pleasure of your cunt milking him.
With a shout of your name, his voice gravelly, you feel his cum inside you, overfilling your cunt. You can feel it immediately spilling out, your body working to milk him dry; wanting every drop for procreation.
Taehyung collapses on your chest, Jimin helping him to roll over and lay next to you. The scent of your fucking fills the air, Jimin getting out of bed to turn the air conditioning on, hoping it’ll help with the smell.
Jimin then grabs a blanket he brought from home, folding it over and over until it’s folded up high enough for him to place under your hips. You’re too exhausted to question him verbally, raising your eyebrow instead.
“I wasn’t kidding about getting you pregnant,” Jimin smiled bashfully. Taehyung grunts in agreement from beside you. His head lying on your breasts, the pillow behind your head propping you up comfortably as your manicured hand strokes his hair.
Taehyung rubs at your stomach, imagining what you’d look like expecting their baby.
“Taehyung, no!” Jimin scolds him playfully, causing Taehyung to pout.
You look from Jimin down to Taehyung’s head.
“She can’t take anymore tonight. We’ve fucked her thoroughly. Plus, if we’re lucky we’ll get our Valentine’s Day baby in November,” Jimin states, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Did you enjoy your Valentine’s Day, princess,” Taehyung asks, sitting up.
“I did. This has been the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had. Honestly,” you smile, Taehyung leaning in to peck your lips, allowing Jimin to do the same.
“We’re gonna get the shower running for you in a few, but we need you to stay laying down a while longer,” Jimin grins, your heart swelling with elation as your hand drops to your stomach. You push back the tears of joy at the thought of creating a life with the two men that you love the most.
Taehyung pulls you into his sweaty chest, kissing the top of your head, making sure your hips remain elevated.
“Tell us what you’re feeling,” Jimin says soothingly, his soft hand rubbing at your calf gently. His touch makes goosebumps rise on your skin.
“I’m excited, apprehensive, happy,” you speak, your eyes meeting Jimin’s sparkling ones.
“Well, you did ask for something special,” Jimin winks, making you giggle, his lips brushing against yours.
“Was it special enough?” Taehyung asks timidly, his forefinger drawing circles on your stomach, not meeting your gaze. You reach out to him, gripping his chin with your hand to make him face you, “it was perfect.”
A smile lights up his face, his racing heart seeming to feel at ease.
“We’re going to start the shower and then we’ll come to get you,” Jimin tells you, getting off the bed and Taehyung follows him. You lay on the bed, your hands playing with the sheets as you hear the shower turn on, followed by a shriek and some cackling.
“That was cold!”
“Nobody told you to get in before I fixed the temperature, Jimin!”
“That’s why I was going to do it, Tae!”
“Are you okay?” you call out, not wanting to get up without being instructed to do so.
A “yeah” comes from the bathroom, easing your worries as you relax into the mattress. Your eyes try to shut but you force yourself to keep them open, waiting for your boyfriend’s return.
“She looks so cute,” you hear Jimin coo, a proud smile on his face as he takes in your fucked out appearance.
“Help me get her up,” Taehyung says, coming over to the bed to help sit you up. Jimin grabs your hips, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. His arm wraps around your waist as your legs wobble, their cum beginning to slide down your thighs.
Jimin fights the urge to get on his knees to lick it up, biting his lip and reminding himself that there will be plenty of opportunities in the future to do so.
Taehyung lingers behind, removing the comforter and tossing it on the floor so you won’t have to sleep on it after your shower.
When Taehyung enters the bathroom, he sees you sitting on the edge of the tub. Jimin kneeling in front of you, two of his fingers holding a dollop of their mixed cum.
“Put it back,” Taehyung rolls his eyes, Jimin sighs.
“There’s so much in her already, she doesn’t need this little bit,” Jimin whines, his eyes looking pleadingly at Taehyung.
“Jimin-” Taehyung starts, but Jimin is already licking the cum off his fingers, sighing in satisfaction. You clutch the edge of the bathtub tightly, head falling back as a moan tumbles from your lips, arousing both the men.
“Fuck,” Taehyung growls, getting on his knees next to Jimin. The tile floor is uncomfortable on his knees, but at this point, he doesn’t care as you spread your legs further.
Taehyung leans in first, tentatively swiping his tongue at your entrance, your moans spurring him on. Jimin doesn’t want to miss out on the fun. His head appears next to Taehyung’s and soon you feel both their tongues licking at the mess they’ve made. You can hear them licking and slurping up their cum, their tongues meeting each other as they kiss, snowballing their cum back and forth before Taehyung swallows it greedily. Jimin pouts, shoving him out of the way as he grips your thighs, digging his fingers into your flesh to hold you steady. He doesn't want to slide his tongue into your entrance, but he can’t get enough of your cum, so he slowly slides his tongue into you, using his tongue to scoop up whatever cum he can.
He savors it in his mouth, allowing it to mix with his saliva before he opens his mouth, allowing Taehyung and you to see it. Taehyung bounces eagerly on his knees, whining, “share!”
Jimin rolls his eyes, pulling Taehyung to him, pulling him into a kiss as you watch lustfully, too sore to do anything else.
Their tongues move together fluidly, Taehyung leaning over Jimin’s open mouth, allowing the mixture of saliva and cum to fall back into the elder’s mouth. Jimin coos appreciatively, swallowing thickly, eyes closed as he savors the lingering taste on his tongue.
“That was hot!” you exclaim, cheeks burning crimson as you stand carefully, stepping into the shower. You let the water rinse off the evidence of your late-night adventures, your boyfriends joining you moments later. Taehyung steps behind you, his hands on your waist, his lips planting feather-like kisses on your shoulder. Jimin kisses your lips, your tongue slipping into his mouth to taste any remaining cum.
“We’re fucking filthy,” Taehyung chuckles, his head resting on your wet shoulder, his eyes closing as the water hits your bodies.
You take turns washing each other’s body and hair before stepping out of the shower and drying off as best as possible while stealing kisses and slapping each other’s asses.
Jimin grabs the duffel bag once you’re all out of the bathroom. He hands Taehyung a pair of boxers before grabbing a pair for himself. He hands you a baggy t-shirt, helping you put it on before pecking your lips.
“Let’s go to bed, we’re all going to be exhausted tomorrow morning. I booked us an extra night just so we can sleep in,” Jimin laughs, running a hand through his damp hair and climbing into bed. Taehyung helps you get in, making sure you’re in the middle so both men can hold you tightly. You smile, feeling adored and cherished.
“I love you, Jimin.”
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you, Tae,”
“I love you, princess.”
You snuggle into their arms, Jimin grabbing the sheet and throwing it over all three of your bodies. You coo contently, feeling the warmth of your boyfriends’ radiating off their bodies as you hold each of their hands in yours.
“Tae? Jimin?”
“Hmm?” the men sleepily hum back in response to you saying their names.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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thank you for reading! ♡ if you liked it, please let me know! 💌
© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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