#bin for sure
for books this is about the printing date of the physical object you have! not publication date!! dont count things that only incidentally have writing on them (like a record sleeve, a box for something, an engraved metal object, or a photograph with a caption on it) but you can count associated materials if the writing is the main focus (like a booklet with the record, instruction booklets in a box, sales receipts or certificates for other objects, or a diary which the photo is pasted into
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snarkspawn · 6 months
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I see you
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phoenixtakaramono · 4 months
God, William “Billy” Butcher knowing his way around the kitchen is hot and attractive af, and baking cookies for Ryan is cute sh*te. Good job, The Boys (TV) for this visual treat
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The Boys S04E03
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*tries to organize my thoughts*
*remembers i'm not in school and therefore beholden to neither heaven nor hell nor any man's grading system*
*joyously shredding & tossing all my carefully arranged 3x5 mental notecards into the air like so much beige confetti. raising my arms in victory, cheering raucously until i accidentally inhale bits of homemade confetti*
(*coughing up itty bits of paper like a cat evicting a hairball with a firm understanding of tenants' rights*) wait wat happens next
#i marie kondoed my thoughts and *i* feel great. but now my stream-of-consciousness has escaped containment#so many innocent bystanders at stake#every time i try to organize my thoughts i run out of plastic bins and have to make a trip to the container store where i get even more dis#racted so. you can't just hand me THIS brain and NO catalogue OR library classification system#and expect me to single-handedly sort through all this nonsense? bad form but fucking form not in my job description#aNYways. formal education sure did a FUCKING NUMBER on us huh#(a number i measure not in gpa or dollars of student debt.#but in the number of therapy sessions & medical debt it will take to recover.)#seriously folks. our education systems are...innately traumatizing for a huge number of students. and we NEED to address this.#the fact that it is culturally common for adults to have anxiety nightmares about school/exams...even decades later?#that is not cute. it is Alarming.#no one--much less entire generations--should be spending their developmental years in an environment of chronic stress & pressure & strain#and yet that is the reality for millions and millions of pre-teen and teenage and young adult students#this isn't healthy and it serves and empowers NO ONE#...except of course the many exploitative educational & financial & debt-collecting institutions thriving from the current balance of power#and of course it's a nefarious and powerful way to sabotage/erase the middle class#which billionaires and the wealth-inequality creators they finance couldn't possibly have any noteworthy interest in whatsoever#it's not like there's an elite group of people with huge financial incentives to drain/steal resources from the masses...#anyways sorry for going all Conspiracy Theory on you.#obviously the billionaires who control the vast majority of our resources and news and political campaign funding#are not tied to every single itty bitty social issue and i'm a silly billy to imply it#please tell elon musk to ignore this tweet i am so subservient and acquiescent#mr musky u r so good at inheriting slavery-built mining fortunes & buying other people's companies#& building rocket ships & fancy cars that do NOT explode/catch fire & also NOT running billion dollar companies into the ground#mr musky u r so talented genius billionaire playboy with 10 kids and ex-wives who find you creepy af babe u r basically iron man
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scribbiesan · 1 month
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“Nice of you to drop by, Barney.”
(Click for better quality if shitty)
What the FUCK is up folks, I did an art trade with the lovely @gt-ridel , and she asked me to draw a scene from her Half Life Borrower AU, and this is the result!!! I really had fun messing around with this, even tho I still despise background work. Just couldn’t stand having these two goobers floating in empty space, so fuck it. Made an office for Gordon by hand. The refs I looked for didn’t cut it.
I was supposed to post this earlier today, but some shit came up. Ah well, at least it’s done. Hope you like the art, GT-Ridel!!!!
If you happen to see some extra things thrown in, no you didn’t ;)
Anywho, hope y’all enjoy, I gotta dip.
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rhythmcrown · 10 months
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Disassembling SCC!Shadow and putting him through the airport security check before he goes to the multiverse convention because he's 75% metal and 100% problematic
(Context: a gag in one of my Sonic servers got way too out of hand)
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hyunpic · 10 months
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christakisbang · 1 year
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"........~!" our bini doesn't need words to understand me! you know what i want to say, right?
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iamacolor · 11 months
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I knew you'd be alive.
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time-slink · 11 months
tango'll say he built decked out for the experience or whatever but we all know he just wanted the worlds least efficient hermit-powered berry farm
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deutsche-bahn · 4 months
In dem "ich hab von dir geträumt!"-ask hat ja jemand meine ständigen Oliver Twist-Vergleiche als eine Art shoelaces-Erkennungswort benutzt. god that sentence makes no sense does it? anyways. Oliver Twist. Stellt euch also den Moment der Panik vor, wenn dich zwei Tage später jemand persönlich fragt: "Hm. Wenn du dich mit Oliver Twist vergleichst, bin ich dann für dich Dodger oder Fagin?" und dann zufrieden vor sich hin grinst. Abort mission, what the fuck, mein Stresstremor kommt augenblicklich aus dem Exil zurück. Ok, fine, er meint die Frage ernst. Das ist bis dato halt auch einer der wenigen Menschen, die auf meine nie abreißenden, mittelmäßigen Literatur-Anspielungen eingehen. Jetzt muss ich ihm nur irgendwie beibringen dass die Oliver Twist Masche mehr so 'ne verbale Übersprungshandlung ist, und keine durchdachte Metapher für mein Sozialleben. Außerdem ist er Nancy.
Er redet viel, macht Bemerkungen in treffsicherem Stakkato und schenkt mir dabei eine so durchdringende Aufmerksamkeit, dass ich mich am liebsten darunter wegducken würde. Meine Strategie, mich mit einem fröhlich sinnfreien, niemals abbrechenden Redefluss irgendwo zwischen Absurdizismen und Loriot-Dialog rauszureden funktioniert erstmals nicht. jesus fucking christ, es ist als wäre ich mit einem Deck Pokemonkarten zu einem Schachturnier aufgekreuzt. Beste Voraussetzungen.
Irgendwann sitzen wir frühmorgens nebeneinander am Feuer. Er spielt Leonard Cohen auf dem Akkordeon, ich schlafe in zwei-Minuten-Intervallen ein. Es hätte fast idyllisch sein können. Leider entscheidet er sich, um vier Uhr morgens das verbale Äquivalent eines Kavallerieangriffs durchzuführen: "Warum landest du am Ende eigentlich immer ausgerechnet neben mir?" Great, ich bin dann auch wieder augenblicklich hellwach. Hm?? Der Akkordeonspieler stochert im Feuer und sieht mich wartend über die Schulter an. "...weil du dann spielst?" antworte ich. Er sieht mich immer noch stumm an. Ok, falsche Antwort. "Weil du dann ausnahmsweise mal ruhig sitzen bleibst...?". Er muss lachen. "Lass das" "Hä?" Mir fällt ausnahmsweise nicht ein, was ich falsch gemacht habe. "Du versuchst zu erraten was ich hören will. Wie'n Hund der einfach alle Kommandos abspult". Er wartet kurz. Wenn's nicht so ein abgenutztes Bild wäre würde ich hier was vom Reh im Scheinwerferlicht faseln. Oder vom Zwergkaninchen, das jemand am Nackenfell hochhebt. "You can't just say that" sage ich. "My bad". Das Akkordeon seufzt voller Anteilnahme. "Nein, sorry. Ich weiß ja, warum". Dramatische Pause. Gerade lang genug damit mir wieder die komplette Mimik entgleisen kann, wie nett. "Weil ich immer 'ne Jacke für dich mitnehme". Er grinst. Ok, ich... habe irgendwie schlimmeres erwartet? Eine Konversation ohne stechende Pointe? In my social life? ok wild
Ich vergesse fast mich darüber zu wundern was zur Hölle das jetzt wieder bedeuten soll. Fast. Ein paar Stunden später, es ist längst wieder hell, verschwinde ich um die Ecke um Sand für die Feuerstelle zu holen. Auf dem Rückweg schnappe ich ein kurzes Gespräch auf: "Rennt er gerade mit deiner Jacke rum?" "Und mit meiner Mütze". Ich höre den Akkordeonspieler leise lachen. "Er hat's halt drauf". Ganz ehrlich, ich wünschte ich wüsste welche Sprache sie da sprechen.
"Und wo ist jetzt das Problem?" fragt mich eine alte Freundin, als ich ihr von meinen neuesten Verstrickungen erzähle. Frag meinen Stresstremor, ich will's nicht aussprechen.
Ich bin zwischendurch, zwischen beruflichem Terror, der Aussicht, schon wieder umzuziehen, dem familiären beinahe-Armageddon und einem gottverdammten Akkordeonspieler, so überfordert dass ich bei dem Ornithologen aufschlage. Wenigstens lässt der mich einschlafen ohne nachts existenzielle Fragen auszupacken.
Währenddessen: spiderman_pointing_meme.png Der Akkordeonspieler offenbart mir aus Versehen, dass er die gleiche Essstörung hatte wie ich, mit dem gleichen, minimal unpraktischen overlap aus queer body image issues und Kontrollzwang. Es ist das erste Mal dass ich ihn irgendwie sprachlos sehe. Kein triumphales Grinsen, er steht einfach nur regungslos da und sieht mich an. Sweet, das emotionale Abhängigkeitsverhältnis nimmt gerade ganz ungeplante Ausmaße an. cool cool cool cool cool. why is my eyelid twitching
"Und wo ist jetzt das Problem?" fragt sie. Idk buddy alles passiert gleichzeitig und meine zwei Gehirnzellen sind immer noch mit der beschissenen Anspielung auf die Jacke bschäftigt
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post-it-notes7 · 1 year
Ahhhh, I love the worldbuilding you have for the Mirror World! DMK seems pretty incompetent, in contrast to his counterpart, ha ha. Can he hold his own in a fight, or does Mir Falspar have to drag out his barely-conscious ragdoll body back the base every time?
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The issue stems from DMK rarely seeing a reason to fight in the first place. He assumes anyone who meets him wouldn't have the gall to try, and therefore is vastly unprepared for most surprise attacks, resulting in... Well, a lot of fumbling. His fighting style relies less on charging in headfirst, and more with how much he can dodge, trick, and bluff his way to a victory, with little regard for annoying things like honor that get in the way. DMK's tendency to tick off anyone he can in as little time as possible doesn't help either.
He could hypothetically hold his own in a fight—if motivated, that is, which doesn't happen as often as Mir Arthur would like. Mir Falspar on the other hand, isn't one to stand around if he sees anything happening that he can prevent. It's his job, after all. He's supposed to be guarding anyone a part of the alliance. DMK can complain about not needing to be saved all he wants, Mir Falspar will keep doing it.
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kittybroker · 6 months
how much for my cat? he has grown healthier since ive last sent him
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Healthy and in fine condition, this kitty continues to grow well! Get this real kitty for only $1.20 now!
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caitas-cooing · 4 months
Yes, not all aces and aros and not all aros are ace. Yes, there are ace people who still have sex and there are aros that still date. Yes, some aspec people will enter QPRs. All these things are true, but if I tell you that canonically a character is aspec and you say these things a lot of the time it doesn't feel like you actually want to explore the complexities of aspec identities and the relationships they form with other people, you just want to be able to write shipping and smut fics or fanart without getting accused of erasing a characters Identity. And it's hollow justification because again you don't really care about learning about our identities. And like I'm not gonna harass people for writing or drawing things regardless because frankly I have better things to do, but I do wish some people would be more honest about their intentions with certain things. Idk if any of this makes sense, I'm just writing down my almost 3am thoughts about things
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drysaladandketchup · 8 months
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grumpy boy
EDM vs. NSH || Jan 27, 2024
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bakaramia · 5 months
Actually, no, I don’t like that the accepted fanon is that the fight was Alastor’s fault tbh! And I especially don’t like that the general take is ‘Vox confessed his feelings and Alastor was disgusted and went running scared’ like being ace or aro or both somehow negates the fact that he’s a grown ass man and not a 7 year old on the playground running screaming from cooties! Alastor isn’t a child! He knows what sex and romance are! Even if your personal hc is that he’s repulsed by both, Vox was his best friend, and it’s irritating that so many ppl seem think Alastor would be unable to kindly reject him and still very much want to continue their friendship. Yanno, a thing people do all the time and that Alastor has also likely done before.
IDK fanon is gonna do what it’s gonna do, I can only create my own work, but the absolute refusal to put anything on Vox, as if it’s impossible that he could have been any part of the problem like say, pushing to include Valentino, insulting Alastor’s preference for older tech, Vox pushing Alastor away bc he didn’t want ppl to think he was weak and dependent on him, the potential list goes on! But the fandom will not hop off of ‘Vox confessed and Alastor cruelly rejected him and ran away scared and now Vox is sad bc Alastor hurt him and it’s all Alastor’s fault and Alastor feels nothing about it and is actively disgusted by Vox.’ Just. Ghhgghhh.
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