#big sisters au
ellecdc · 1 month
How about a fic where Remus falls for reader who is Sirius’ sister? If Sirius freaks out with Regulus and James, just imagine how protective he would be with a sister! Specially if she is sweet and kind (totally opposite of him and Regulus)
will I ever make a sibling fic that isn't chaotic? no, likely not. also, I didn't exactly make her the opposite of Sirius and Regulus but it could be argued that she's better than them anyways. ALSO, I've always refrained from reader-inserts with Black!sister reader simply because I see her as Reggie's twin who looks the way he does, and also can't get beyond the fact that she would have a celestial name SO, in any Black!sister fics going forward, please note that her middle name will have been Soleil which is French for sun, and the boys call her Sunny as a nickname <3
Remus Lupin x Black!sister reader who he has fallen head over heels for [1.5k words]
CW: siblings, threats of murder
Most boys at some point in their lives will be asked the following question:
Are you a mummy’s boy, or a daddy’s boy?
If a boy wasn’t asked such a question, it was likely because the answer was painfully obvious.
“Little Lucius Malfoy is such a daddy’s boy.”
“That James Potter, such a mama’s boy”.
“Oh, sweet Peter Pettigrew, he has always been a mummy’s boy.”
Since the answer was so painfully obvious, neither Sirius Orion Black or Regulus Arcturus Black had ever been asked this question. For them, the answer was simple:
They were their sister’s boy’s.
It was this fact that made Remus Lupin’s current predicament so bloody difficult. 
“Where is she!?” Regulus barked as he stormed over to the Gryffindor table where Sirius was sitting beside James across from Remus and Peter.
“Goodmorning, Reggie.” Sirius offered instead of answering his brother.
“For Sala- hi, Sirius. Where is she?”
“Where is who?” 
“Your sister.” Regulus spat, causing Sirius’ brows to furrow as he chanced a look over his shoulder at his brother. 
“How is she my sister? She’s your twin.”
“Nevermind that, do you know where she is?” Regulus muttered.
Sirius sighed and stood from his seat to scan the Great Hall. 
“Nope.” He offered with a pop of the p before returning to his breakfast.
“I’m going to avada that meddling witch!” Regulus hissed as he stormed off; Remus, James, and Peter all watching after him as Sirius continued happily with his toast.
“Are….you not worried about her?” Peter asked cautiously then.
“Not really.” Sirius responded quickly. 
James let out a breath at that and shook his head in disbelief. “Siblings are weird, mate.”
“Thanks, Siri.” You chimed as your head popped up between James and Sirius; the former shrieking not unlike a displeased mandrake plant as he clutched at his chest. 
Neither you nor Sirius paid him any mind as Sirius nudged his plate closer to you so you could pick from it. 
“What’d you do now?” Sirius asked.
“I simply told one of Reg’s admirers that he was already seeing someone; I hardly see what all the fuss is about.” You offered simply, causing Sirius to look at you in bemusement and mutter “Reg is seeing someone?” at the same time James looked at you in horror and hissed “Reg has an admirer!?” 
You simply smirked and looked at Remus who was sitting across from you and shot him a wink.
He hoped to all get out that no one noticed the heat radiating in his cheeks as he smiled nervously down at his plate, though he was relatively certain he could feel a set of spectacled eyes burning a hole into the side of his head. 
“Wait, why do you look like that?” Sirius asked then, causing the table to look at him to see he was surveying your form.
“Like what?” You asked him slowly, looking down at your uniform as if to see what Sirius could possibly be talking about. 
“You look…like…nice.” Sirius muttered as if that was a particularly bad thing.
“I always look nice.” You argued then.
“That’s not true, you usually just look fine.”
“You’re such a git.” You spat, taking the piece of toast he had in his hand and taking a bite of it.
“Doesn’t she just usually only look fine?” Sirius asked then, and Remus was horrified to see he was looking at him. 
Sirius nodded impatiently as if saying “yeah? What about it?”
“Why are you asking me?” Remus asked somewhat shrilly. 
“You’re objective.”
“And Peter and James aren’t?”
Sirius huffed as he kicked Remus in the shin under the table. “Would you just answer the sodding question?”
“I…well,” and Remus looked at you - you, who always looked nothing short of lovely and radiant and dauntingly perfect in every way, and today had been no exception. But he couldn’t very well say that. “She…she looks fine, yeah.”
Sirius’ brows furrowed further as he turned back to look at you, and Remus tried to pretend he didn’t notice a brief look a hurt cross your features. “You do, though. Look lovely today, that is.” He added awkwardly, simply receiving a half-smile in response. 
“Sunny!” Regulus barked then; apparently having found his way back to the Great Hall in his search for you.
“Oh, Merlin and Morgana.” You grumbled as your head fell back in exasperation.
“What did you tell him?”
“Who?” Sirius and James parroted. 
“Sunny.” Regulus repeated, his gaze never moving from you as he sidled up behind you. “What did you tell him?”
“Oh, stop with the theatrics, Regulus; you’re embarrassing yourself.” You drawled, sounding like a true upper-classman as you refused to look at your twin. 
“What did you tell Fenwick?” He gritted out slowly in a way Remus was sure would make a lesser man cower, but you simply rolled your eyes at him. 
“I simply told him that he was grasping at billywigs because you were already seeing someone.” 
Regulus held your gaze as you raised your eyebrow at him. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.” You hissed, completely unimpressed. 
“Who in the hells are you seeing?” Sirius asked then, causing the two of you to look over at him.
“Nevermind, Siri.” You responded in a bored tone around another bite of his toast.
“I will too mind, thank you very much! Who is my baby brother seeing!?”
“Oh relax, Sirius, there’s no need to call the DMLE; it’s not like Sunny’s seeing anyone.” He chuckled, causing Sirius to snort in laughter.
“That’s true.”
You made a disbelieving sound as you looked between your two brothers. “What in Merlin’s name is that supposed to mean?!”
“That means, my dear baby sister,” Sirius responded curtly as he yanked his toast back from you, “that you must never date, otherwise your big brother will end up in Azkaban.” 
“Oh give us a little credit, Sirius; we’d get away with it.” Regulus countered. 
“Why!?” You beseeched. 
“No one is good enough for you, obviously.” Sirius responded simply, as if you were quite ridiculous for even needing to ask. 
“And anyone who thinks otherwise will end up dead.” Regulus continued earnestly, causing James to bark a laugh.
“Don’t worry Moons, Pete and I will make sure your funeral is nice.” He said as he brought another spoon of cereal to his mouth.
Remus felt all blood drain from his face as everyone turned to look at him.
Regulus stared at him in a confused sort of horror, Peter looked at him with a sympathetically worried expression, Sirius didn’t look exactly horrified or disgusted as Remus had thought he would, but he definitely looked disturbed to some level, and you were looking at him with what he thought (and certainly hoped) was hopeful surprise.
James looked up at the silence to see everyone staring at Remus, whilst Remus just stared at him in betrayal.
“James!?” Remus whisper shouted; his voice having apparently run off along with his bollocks. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Regulus finally asked then, staring daggers at Remus as Sirius raised his hand slightly as if warning Regulus off of his best friend, though never removing his own scrutinising gaze from Remus. 
“James, what’d you mean by that?” Sirius asked James - eyes still glued to Remus.
“I, well, erm. I’m actually, not entirely sure? I just…well…”
“Do you fancy her, Moony?” Sirius whispered as if it was some horrid joke and so completely unfathomable that Remus could possibly find you as enchanting as he admittedly did. 
No, he wanted to say, of course not, Pads. That’s your baby sister, I’d never fall so head-over-heels for the sister of my best friend, that’s absurd. 
But that wouldn’t be true.
And he’d already been outed. 
His gaze moved to you and offered what he hoped was an apologetic smile before opening his mouth to respond. 
“Regulus is shagging James!” You blurted then, causing James to flinch so violently that his knees hit the bottom of the table top, and Regulus deflated severely from where he’d been staring down Remus like some well-trained guard-dragon. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Sirius shrieked then, turning to point his glare at someone other than Remus, finally.
Remus had been so caught up in the verbal volleying taking place between Sirius, Regulus, and James that he hadn’t noticed you had disappeared from your spot beside Sirius until you popped back up beside him and were encouraging him up by the sleeve of his uniform jumper.
And you looked so sweet and so lovely and so hopeful and so mischievous and Remus really was helpless in the pull you had on him, which saw him rushing out of the Great Hall with your hand in his as you dragged him away from your brothers and laughing all the while. 
So yeah, this made Remus Lupin’s current predicament incredibly bloody difficult.
Because if Sirius and Regulus were sister’s boys, you were your brothers’ girl.
And that made Remus Lupin a dead man walking.
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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treasure planet au, last of the batch (Poppy & Floyd)
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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i'm about to pass out at my desk, but have this stupid ass doodle i did before i go sleep.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
hi author !!! if it is okay with you i wanna request a fic in the same universe as the Big Brother!Sirius one where in reader gets a (secret) boyfriend and then they break up or whatever u want i just want hurt/comfort 🥹
Thanks for requesting <3
big brother!Sirius + little sister!reader ♡ 996 words
When you hear the door to your dorm open, you assume it’s one of your roommates or Regulus coming to shame you for missing dinner, but then your mattress shifts with the weight of someone else sitting down and a familiar teasing voice says, “If you’re dead under there, everyone’s going to think it was me.” 
You peep your eyes out from under the covers. “How did you get in here?” 
Sirius isn’t even looking at you. He’s making himself comfortable at the end of your bed, both legs crossed under him and hair falling in his face as he unwraps dishes and utensils. 
“Reggie let me in. He seemed to think you might need some company.” 
“He’s such a narc,” you grumble. 
Your brother only snickers. “Sit up, I brought you dinner.” 
You’d much rather stay under the covers, but know Sirius would only wrestle you into an upright position anyway. He always gets his way. 
“Yikes.” He makes a face as you sit up, revealing your bedhead and swollen eyes. “You’re having a rough one, huh?” 
“Shut up.” You glower at him and take the plate. “It’s not that bad.” 
Despite your grumbling, a bit of vulnerability sneaks into your tone. Sirius softens.
“No, it’s not,” he agrees, reaching forward to brush a piece of hair away from your face. “We’re always pretty; it’s in the genes.” 
You can’t help the small smile that fights its way onto your face. This is exactly the sort of thing your older brother would say when Regulus was twelve and sulking over getting his first pimple or when you nearly broke down in tears trying to style your hair. Despite his tomfoolery and general ridiculousness, Sirius’ levity actually provided a voice of reason in your family, reminding his siblings and cousins that things weren’t always so dire. 
“Thanks for bringing dinner,” you say.
“No problem,” Sirius replies softly, as though worried his gentle tone will be overhead and his rapscallion’s repute thusly destroyed. “Is it good enough that you’ll tell me what’s gotten you so upset?”
You blink at him in surprise. “Reg didn’t say?” 
Sirius’ mouth twists, dissatisfied. “He didn’t. I guess I would’ve been more likely to find out if I’d just pretended I already knew, huh?” 
That makes you chuckle. “Probably, yeah.” 
“Well, come on. Now you’ve gotta tell me.” 
You feel your shoulders hunch inwards. “Do I really have to?”
“Yes.” Your brother’s voice is firm, but his eyes are hopeful. 
You want to tell him, you find. You don’t suppose any harm can come from it now. 
You eye him carefully. “I broke up with my boyfriend.” 
Sirius’ eyes pop. He nearly topples your plate leaning forward, like you’re back in your childhood beds trading secrets. “You were dating someone?” 
“I was.” You can’t quite look at him, focussing on cutting your meal into small bites. “Or I thought I was. It doesn’t matter. I’m definitely not now.” 
“Wha—how did I not know about this?” 
“Because obviously I’m not going to talk about my dating life with my brother,” you huff a laugh down into your lap, and you swear you can feel the force of Sirius’ eye roll burning into the top of your head. “No one really knew. He wanted to keep it private.” 
Sirius tilts his head, slotting a piece of his hair behind his ear. “Private in an avoid-the-gossip-mill way or private in a dirty-secret way?” 
You close your eyes, shame curdling in your gut. Even your idiot brother knows enough to be suspicious of something like that. Maybe if you’d told him all those weeks ago, you wouldn’t be where you are now.
“In the second way,” you admit in a whisper. “I, um, sort of assumed it was because of the first, and I liked the idea of keeping things private too, but it turned out he had other reasons.” 
You try to take another bite of food, but it feels soggy and unappetizing in your mouth. You set your plate aside. 
“What happened?” Sirius asks. 
Your face feels miserably hot. “He just didn’t like me as much as I liked him. He didn’t want his friends to know.” Tears burn in your eyes, and when you try to speak again they show up in your voice, too. “I feel really stupid.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” Sirius sits up on his knees, bending over you to fold you into a hug. His hand presses reassuringly between your shoulder blades, and you let out a little sob. “That doesn’t make you stupid, it only makes him a prat.”
You hug him tightly. “I just feel so silly being upset when he probably doesn’t even care.” 
“You are being silly,” he chastises, but there’s fondness in your brother’s tone. “Of course he cares. He may not be regretting things right now, but I’d bet ten galleons he will be by the end of the month. Trust me, babe, boys are idiots. We don’t know how to act, we almost never know what we want, and we’re ten times more likely to fuck something up if it’s important to us. Just ask Remus.” 
Your laugh is a soggy thing. Sirius rubs your back encouragingly. 
“So, what’s the sod’s name?” 
“Oh, no way.” You laugh even harder, pulling out of the hug to wipe under your eyes. “I’m not telling you.” 
“What?” Sirius throws up his hands. “But we were doing so well!” 
“I’ve handled it, Sirius. I don’t want you to go and turn his skin green or make him sprout nose hairs down to his chin.” 
A giddy grin. “That’s actually not a bad idea. Does Regulus know who it is?” 
You fix him with your sternest stare. Most other people would soil their pants, but because he’s your older brother, Sirius only raises a brow. “If he did, he wouldn’t tell you.” 
“That’s alright.” He steals a roll off your plate, biting into it insouciantly. “I’ll find out.” 
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 59
Danny is exploring- definitely not lost in- the ghost zone. And even if he is lost it’s not important, really! He has more important things to worry about- like the fact that he’s found a solid dozen ghost toddlers who are now all clinging to him or demanding for information he doesn’t exactly have? He’s not ready to be a ghost-dad! 
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soldrawss · 1 year
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A little summer rain excursion to the corner store with the Noceda kiddos.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Symbiote Ellie Phantom AU
After she was saved from Destabilization, Ellie gained a nifty new power. She can Melt on command and move around freely, which is just a really fun power, even if she is a bit weaker when she uses it .
But one day, she gets really badly hurt. Like, Really Hurt. Let's say the GIW got a lucky shot and managed to capture her, and experimented on her for a week before she managed to escape.
She can't keep her Human Form stable anymore, but her Goop Form is good enough for now. All she needs to do is find an Ectoplasm Rich Environment and try to heal up the best she can. Hopefully Danny will find her after she misses her monthly Visit.
She ends up in Gotham while searching for a place to heal, but the GIW is hot on her tail.
She needs a place to hide, and the only way she can think of is to overshadow somebody and pretend to be them while the GIW passes her by.
So she jumps into the nearest person she can find, a girl close to her age jumping across Rooftops.
But since she was in her weaker Goop Form, she can't enter a person without their permission. So she slides up to the person in Goop Form, jumps on her Back, and telepathically asks her for help, begging for permission to hide in her for a bit.
The girl she tried to overshadow was Cassandra Cain.
After some begging, Cass agrees and Ellie sinks into her. Again, she can't fully Overshadow her, so she's basically a passenger until Cass decides to give her some control.
The GIW passes by them, and Ellie tries to leave Cass only to realize that she can't. Since Cass was exposed to the Lazarus Pits, she is has a weird Biology, and since Ellie already had a Wierd Biology being a Halfa Clone as a Pile of Goop, they somehow can't leave eachother.
Cass gets a new Roommate, but instead of sharing an apartment, its her body. It's honestly not that bad, Ellie can give her some of her old powers and she can still communicate by making a Goop Head come out of Cass's shoulder.
They get along really well too, Ellie can ways be there for Cass whenever she needs somebody to talk to, and Cass is the Supportive Older Sister who helps Ellie talk about her feelings.
The Bat Fam also doesn't know. They figure that this will probably be fixed soon enough, so there's no real reason to tell her Family. They do find out after a few weeks however.
Cass accidently uses Ellie's powers in front of one of her brothers, which causes them to tell Bat's which means the entire family knows by the end of the day.
Cass has to explain the situation and introduces her new little sister. "This is Ellie. She's a Meta who escapes a secret Government Organization and asked for my help to hide from them by hiding in my Body. Unfortunately, we can't split up because her powers reacted strangely to the Lazarus in my blood. She is now my sister. You are not going to make her leave, I will not let you."
It takes a while, but the Bat Fam ends up accepting her. They do end up looking into that "Secret Government Organization" though, and find that they have been experiencing Raids by an army of Ghosts for the last few weeks.
"Oh right, I missed my monthly visit to my brother." Says Ellie from Cass's shoulder. "He must be looking for me, no biggie."
It's definitely a Biggie.
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sleepyslepu · 2 months
Our Angel AU - Doodles
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Player and Lune definitely have older brother and little sister vibes. Expect more doodles of them, they’re my sillies I can’t wait to start writing Player (:
this was fun to draw so..I might make more of these (I don’t have to focus on coloring and rendering wooo)
also new Crafty design since someone asked I think in one of the recent chapters for an image on what she looks like now after years passed.
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thistleation · 3 months
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Here she is! My final piece for the Avatrice Big Bang event!
Sadly, my partner could not complete the fic for real life reasons, but the concept and pieces they shared with me inspired me enough to finish the artwork.
This was the original description:
"Ava Silva is a free-spirited painter aching to settle down. Her current muse, the Málaga shore and skies, bring her to the beach every day. 
Beatrice Young owns a surf school in Málaga and likes her life just the way it is. 
Until she meets Ava and her entire world is turned upside down. Until she meets Ava and suddenly she wants something – someone – more than she has ever wanted anything in her life. But can she escape her past before it’s too late and she loses the best thing she’s ever had?"
(The piece is meant to represent Beatrice daydreaming of Ava as she glides across the waves 💖)
Thank you everyone who was a part of this! This event has pushed me artistically like few things have done, and I've made some of the best friends of my life because of it.
I love you all!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
We need Emily's reaction to Chaggie having a baby (if you havent done that already please?)
Hi, @maricantstandyou!
I have not done Emily reacting to Chaggie having a baby! This is about to get adorable!
Emily: (enters the hotel) Hello! Charlie? Vaggie?
Charlie: (sitting pregnantly on the couch in the foyer with a tub of ice-cream in her lap, can of whipped cream to her left, jar of pickle juice to her right, and a stomach churning array of "topings" on the coffee table in front of her) HI, EMILY!!!
Emily: Good Lord! Charlie, what's going on?! Your belly is- well.... round.
Angel: That's because she's got a baby in there, toots.
Emily: YOU ATE A BABY?!?!?!
Vaggie: No! (glares at Angel) No, Emily, Charlie's pregnant.
Emily: Pregnant? .... (gets closer to the couch and peers over the arm to look at Charlie's swollen belly) I've.... never seen a pregnant woman before....
Charlie: (stuffing a pickle juice dipped spoon full of ice cream into her mouth) They don't have pregnancies in Heaven?
Emily: (shakes head as she continues to watch Charlie's belly) Heaven born I suppose, but I've never seen them.
Baby: (gives a little flutter in delight at the pickle ice-cream concoction)
Emily: (gasps and jumps adorably) Your belly moved!!!
Vaggie: They either want to say "Hi" or really like whatever Charlie just ate.
Emily: ooooooooOOoOoooh! (scoots closer and waves her fingers) Hi, baby.
Charlie: (giggles) Here, gimme your hand.
Emily: (gives Charlie her hand hesitantly)
Charlie: (places the hand on her belly)
Baby: (gently kicks and brushes at the area under the hand)
Emily: (immediately starts crying and sniffling) This.... is so.... beautiful..... (hugs Charlie briefly and kisses her hair platonically before throwing her arms around Vaggie) CONGRATULATIONS, YOU TWO!!!!
Vaggie: ACK!!! Thanks.... Emily.... Can't.... breathe....
Charlie: (starts growling as her demon traits grow)
Emily: (still holding Vaggie)
Charlie: *Grrrrrrrrrrr*
Emily: (still holding Vaggie and sighs) You're very warm.
Charlie: (snarling and growling viciously as she eats the empty ice cream container)
Vaggie: Emily..... (tries to peel herself away) Charlie's been really craving those Angel Food Cakes from Heaven lately. Could you maybe go get one quick?
Emily: *gasp* Really?! I can help with the pregnancy?!
Vaggie: Absolutely.
Emily: *SQUEEEEEE* I'll be right back!!! (disappears in a beam of light)
Charlie: (still growling as her tail wraps around Vaggie's waist and pulls her onto her very, very small and dwindling lap) Mine.....
Vaggie: (petting Charlie's hair) I know, hun. I know. (kisses Charlie's temple) Mine.
Emily: (reappears with nearly 50 cakes in tow) HERE YOU GO, CHARLIE!!!!
Charlie: (demon traits disappear and she stares at the mountain of cake with sparkling eyes) EMILY, I LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW!!!
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
"Mr. Bubbles, Mr. Bubbles-"
A little boy's voice--the first little boy that Tim had discovered in the labyrinth city below Gotham--echoed through the cavernous halls. Tim crept over the rubble of a broken stalagmite that had fallen through the ceiling, destroying the white and gold decor and dripping water inside. The room up ahead was lit only from glowing green tubes of liquid that lined every wall of Amity, the ectoplasm that powered the entire city.
"Are you there? Are you there?"
He peeked out from behind a crumbled wall. On his own, the little boy was crouched over corpse, fresh enough that it's blood was still wet on the floor. The boy's giant needle, the go-to weapon of all the Little Sisters that Tim had seen so far, was jabbed into the corpse's stomach and, slowly, ectoplasm and blood filled the glass jar on the end.
"Bring me a lolli-"
There was no sign of a Big Daddy, but Tim knew there was one nearby. These children were never without their protectors after all.
"Bring me a toffee-"
And at this point, Tim had killed enough of them to know for certain that one was around.
His left arm, marked all over with the needle marks of constant Plasm and ecto-dejecto injections, tingled, like there were ants under his skin. Or more accurate, he mused grimly, electricity-
Don't Think About It.
"Teddy bear, teddy bear."
He kicked his bare feet excitedly as he finished harvesting ectoplasm. Screwing off the jar, the child lifted it up to his lips like a cup and drank the viscus liquid down in huge, chest-heaving gulps like his life depended on it. Unlike Little Sisters who wore gore-covered dresses, the Little Brother was dressed in a white medical gown, relatively clean considering his filthy surroundings. His arms and face were free from dirt or blood, and even his hair looked suspiciously washed and combed.
Tim tightened his grip on his gun.
The Little Brother sighed, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Brushing off his skirt, he yanked the needle out of the corpse. Then, like he could sense him, the boy looked straight at Tim. He froze.
Blank eyes covered in a green flim stared at him... and the Little Brother smiled at him, his teeth stained brown from the muck. "Mr. Helper! There you are, I've been waiting soooo long! Big Sister thought you'd never catch up!"
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ellecdc · 1 month
Would you be willing write a Remus fic about that super blue moon that is supposed to be happening?? like maybe it’s so so bad for him and he takes it all out on reader and she’s really sensitive and you can go from there lol
that’d be great love but it’s okay if not, thanks!! <3
thanks for the request! decided to make this with our Black!sister reader since we've been having fun with her <3
Remus Lupin x Black!reader who he takes out his Super Blue Moon frustrations on [1.6k words]
CW: Remus was being mean/rude to reader but we don't really see the angst... just the consequences of the angst, hurt/comfort, big brother Sirius having absolutely NONE of the nonsense!
“Hey moons, have you seen my sister around lately?” Sirius asked nonchalantly as he entered their shared dorm room; noticing immediately the tension in Remus’ shoulders as he positioned his body away from the door. 
“How should I know?” Remus muttered darkly. “I’m not her keeper.”
And though Sirius had tried to be cool when he first realised his baby sister and best friend had less than platonic feelings for each other and vowed to stay out of their relationship, there were unfortunately some things that Sirius couldn’t let slide.
“Did she eat all of your chocolate?” He asked calmly, causing Remus to roll his shoulders in an attempt to pacify himself. 
“M’kay.” Sirius agreed as he put his school books in his trunk. “Did she throw your books into the Black lake?” 
“Sirius.” Remus hissed warningly.
“Did she tell Snape to sneak out after curfew to the Whomping Willow one night so that he would come face to face with Moony, only for James to have to fight you off of him as Snape ran for his life? Oh, wait, that was me.”
“Fuck off, Sirius.”
“No thanks.” Sirius huffed as he closed his trunk with a thud. “Well, if she hasn’t done any of those things, why are you treating her like such an arse?” 
“I’m not treating her like anything, Pads. Stay out of it.” Remus nearly growled as he stood abruptly from his desk and moved towards his bed. 
“Shan’t.” Sirius refused, following his friend across the room. “You chose to date my sister, you have to deal with the consequences.” 
“Great bloody choice I made.” Remus muttered petulantly, yelping when a book hit him in the head.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He hissed as he looked at Sirius who was staring him down defiantly. 
“If you know what’s good for you, Rem, you will never speak about my sister like that again, got it?” 
Remus seemed to relent as he laid back on his bed and pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to bring his boiling anger down to a simmer. 
“I’m the first to admit that Black’s are not often a good bunch, but if a Black could be perfect, she’s about as close as they would come. And I don’t like seeing her this terrified.”
Remus sat up at that, narrowing his eyes at his friend in confusion. “She’s not terrified of me.”
Sirius shrugged in disagreement. “She tenses every time you walk into the Great Hall and can’t seem to make eye contact with you, which usually only happens after a crucio or two from mummy dearest.”
Sirius watched the fight leave Remus almost immediately as he looked down at his lap in shame. “She’s…sensitive, Rem. We all are, we-” Sirius cut himself off as he stared unseeingly at the stone wall behind his mates head. “We can’t handle these kinds of moods as well as some other people can; tension and anger always led to pain and punishment growing up.”
“It’s not her, Pads.” Remus whispered. 
“I know it’s not. Somewhere deep down she might know that too but…”
“I know.” Remus offered, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “It’s this…this fucking moon, I- it’s driving me barmy.” 
“I understand that, but you can’t take it out on her; it’s not her fault.” Sirius offered gently before retreating from the dorm to allow his friend to digest what he said; he may not like the fact that his best friend and sister found their way to each other, but he also knew that both of you deserved to be happy. If he could help you both achieve that by being supportive, well, supportive he would be. 
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+*゚
Remus felt shame course through his body as he walked through the library in search of you. 
Between his senses being heightened this close to the moon, the additional magic at play with the super blue moon, and the fact that he knew you were a creature of habit and had a table you often frequented, it didn’t take him long to find you. 
“Mind if I join you?” He asked quietly, feeling his heart crack painfully when you did, indeed, flinch at the sound of his voice and sat impossibly straighter in your chair.
“Okay.” You whispered in response, not looking away from your book as he moved to sit across the table from you, though he could tell you were no longer reading as your eyes remained glued to one spot. 
“I’m sorry that I’ve been such an arse, Dove.”
“It’s okay.” You said quickly, still not looking at him.
“No it’s not.” He argued softly.
He watched your jaw tighten as you repositioned yourself in your chair in obvious discomfort. 
“It’s this moon.” You explained breezily. 
“Which isn’t your fault, and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you- dove, can you look at me? Please?” 
He watched your throat constrict as you stole yourself and brought your eyes up to his. They were glossy, but not like you were about to cry - glossy like you were hiding, like you were occluding. 
He hated it; hated that you were hiding from him, hated that you felt like you had to hide from him, hated that he made you feel like you had to hide from him, hated that you even knew how to hide inside your own mind at all. 
“Dovey, look at me.” He repeated gently in hopes that you’d let the walls down, daring to reach a hand across the table in invitation. 
He watched as your eyes flit to his hand and back up again and he tried to keep his face neutral; no pressure or force as he let you decide if you were willing to trust him. 
You placed your hand in his, but kept your gaze pointed at your joined hands. 
“I know better than to let my moods affect you, sweetheart. I’m sorry.” He pressed sincerely.
You scoffed and moved your gaze to one of the rafters above you. “I’m not some delicate flower you need to tiptoe around, Remus; I can handle a bad mood.” You shot back defensively. 
“I know…” He whispered as he rubbed circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.
He knew you weren’t a delicate flower; on the contrary, you were one of the strongest people he’d ever met. 
You gave the entire Hufflepuff house a run for their money on who was the most loyal wix in the castle. You always looked out for your brothers, constantly playing referee, devils advocate, and a surrogate parent for the two young Black boys. You grew up making sure Sirius never acted too outlandishly or brought too much trouble onto himself, making sure Regulus wasn’t completely beaten down into nothing and grew up to be a semi-decent boy, and taking the blame when you were unable to do either of those things. 
And to top it all off, you put up with him; a foul-mouthed, poor, Welsh, anger-issue riddled boy who didn’t deserve you. 
“Baby, look at me, please.” He begged, reaching forward with his other hand so he was holding your one in between both of his.
You turned your gaze to him and it seemed to be taking everything in your power to hold his gaze.
“I’m so sorry, my love.” He whispered, bringing your hand to his lips to press a kiss to your fingers.
Your eyes tracked the movement before flitting back up to his.
You offered him a curt nod and chewed on your bottom lip. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” You whispered, eyes turning glossy for a whole new reason.
Remus made a pitiful sound from the back of his throat and stood to move to the chair beside you, never relinquishing his grasp on your hand. 
“You didn’t upset me, dove, I was just upset. And an arse; don’t forget the part about me being an arse.”
You offered him a wet chuckle at that as you sniffed, returning his hold of your hand and giving it a squeeze. 
“I hate not being able to…help, to take any of the burden off of you, to make it at all less painful for you.”
“You do, sweetheart, you do. By being here, and being with me, and being patient even when I’m an arse, okay?” He insisted, punctuating each reason he was grateful for you with a squeeze of your hand. “I don’t deserve it but I’m so lucky to have you.”
“You do deserve it.” You murmured, bringing your eyes back up to his.
And he couldn’t help himself, really; he had always been powerless against the pull you had on him and this time was no different as he closed the distance between the two of you to press a lingering kiss to your lips. 
“The point of all this,” Remus said as he broke away from you and bumped your nose with his, “is that you didn’t deserve to be treated the way that I treated you this week, and I won’t let it happen again, okay?”
You gave him a sad smile and gave his nose a bump in return.
“How mad was Sirius?”
“Fuming.” Remus admitted immediately.
“Did he throw a pillow at you?”
“A book.” He corrected solemnly, earning him an astonished look from you. 
“Oh…you crossed a line.”
Remus nodded abashedly. “Honestly? I think it might be harder to get him to forgive me than it was to get you to forgive me.”
Remus relished in the surprised laugh that bubbled out of you at that, and he vowed to never ever let another moon cause him to go this long without hearing it again.
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apradonite · 2 months
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pezhead · 11 months
I love it when 2012 Casey has big brother energy and that is very much what your Age Gap Au is giving. Thank you.
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bestjeanistmonster · 5 months
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Dc au- ‘Gerald Robotnik’
(Everyone thank my older sister for pointing out that Gerald would fit mr freeze after i made him floronic man cuz now he is both)
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Sukuna's Wife and Yuuji's Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) Part 2
Part 1
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Several hundred years ago…
You adored autumn more than any other season. Leaves drying, flowers falling to the ground–you felt most alive surrounded by death.
“The leaves remind me of your hair,” you said to him, holding up a red maple leaf. 
“You did not just compare me to a dead leaf.” He watched with crossed arms as you fiddled with the leaf before letting go. 
“It’s a compliment. Though…I guess the maple is prettier,” you teased him. The rubiness of autumn maple was rich and with a charm incomparable to any flower.
He huffed.
You laughed a bit, though your giggles were covered up with coughing.
He strolled closer, wrapping a scarf around your neck, his large hands careful not to pull on your hair. “You love autumn but can barely stand the cold.”
You snuggled closer to his side, placing your ear close to his heart. “Then it’s a good thing I married you.”
Present day.
Yuuji was the single most precious person to you. He and old man Wasuke were more your family than the actual people who made you. When the toddler first grasped your finger, tightly and warmly, you swore that nothing else mattered in the world.
As the days passed and that little crybaby grew up into a taller crybaby, your sentiments only got stronger.
No one cared, no one mattered, not even yourself.
If anyone deserved to live a long, happy life, it was your sweet, salt of the earth Yuuji. 
That’s why, after the man called Gojo explained everything: from curses and cursed energy to Yuuji’s fate after eating one of Ryomen Sukuna’s fingers, you found yourself getting down on both knees and laying your nose on the ground.
“Please,” you begged, “please spare Yuuji. If you need another host, then transfer Sukuna inside me and take me instead, but leave my brother alone.”
All three men were stunned.
Fushiguro reluctantly opened his mouth, “H-hey–”
“Nee-chan, get up.” Yuuji went to grab your shoulders, but he was taken aback when Gojo knelt down in front of you. 
He hummed, before asking, “You sure are a good sister. You realize that you’re basically asking us to kill you?”
You said nothing as you kept your forehead on the ground.
“So that’s your answer.” Gojo crossed his arms and pretended to think.
“Darling.” Sukuna appeared on Yuuji’s cheek. He growled, “Get up. You shouldn’t be prostrating yourself in front of these scum.” 
Gojo snapped his fingers. “Leave it to me, Y/N-chan!”
“Hey!” “Oy!”
Fushiguro and Sukuna chorused, “You’re not really dragging her into this, are you?” “You damn sorcerer, don’t you dare call her so intimately. Only I can–”
“Raise your head, Y/N-chan.” Gojo chuckled. “I’ll take care of you and Yuuji.”
Despite everything, Gojo needed to be sure of Itadori’s potential as a vessel, so he knocked the boy out and did the same to you before you could try to hit him. 
“You’re not really thinking of using that woman as a vessel, right?” Megumi watched as his teacher held you in his arms. “And how do you even plan on transferring Sukuna into her?”
“Tell me, Megumi, do you want Itadori-kun to live?”
“Of course, I do.”
“How about his darling nee-chan?”
“Yes, but–”
“Sukuna cannot be trusted, but if he really does care for this girl then we can use that to our advantage, don’t you agree?”
Megumi couldn’t protest. He didn’t like the idea of getting civilians involved, but if he had to choose between two people and the rest of the world, then the answer was obvious.
The day Old Man Wasuke was hospitalized, you already took a leave of absence from college. Quitting your part time jobs and packing up your belongings took less than a day, and cutting ties with the rest of the world you knew was easy. You had no warmth for your colleagues, or your classmates, or the lonely old house you grew up in. 
Sukuna was surprisingly quiet the whole ride to the high school, but when Satoru Gojo started flirting with you, an eye and mouth would open up on Yuuji’s cheek and demand he stay away from you. 
“How dare you lay your filthy hand on my beloved–”
“You mad? What’re you gonna do from waaaay over there?” (You seriously started to worry about your brother’s safety while being protected by this moron.)
Yuuji was placed next to Megumi Fushiguro (a polite but reserved boy, you noted) while you were put in the girl’s dormitory, which was practically empty. Sukuna was vocal about “being left behind,” but Gojo was adamant about separating the boys from the girls like the rules state. 
Lies, Megumi thought to himself. He just wants to piss off Sukuna. That and it was for your own safety. Though the King of Curses seemed attached to you, he was still a curse, and his attitude could’ve been a mask. 
You were used to being alone so living without a roommate or “friends” in a large building was no big deal. Once you were settled in, you returned to Yuuji’s dormitory, but when you found him unconscious and tied to a chair by talismans, you threw a shoe at Gojo without thinking.
“Why are you so violent?” Gojo complained as your shoe bounced off his infinity. 
“You said you would protect him!”
“Calm down,” Fushiguro said from behind you. “Please, Gojo-sensei may look and act like that–”
“–oi, what do you mean by ‘that’–”
“–but I promise you, he’s doing this for everybody’s benefit.”
“...You’re lying.” 
Fushiguro’s blood froze as you gazed into his eyes. He has never felt such intense blood lust from a single human before.
“You’re not doing this for my baby’s sake… you’re lying… you’re tricking us…” Your voice dripped with ice, your stare glazed over. 
Fushiguro was speechless. Something told him you weren’t talking about just Yuuji right now. 
“Give him back to me.” You gripped Fushiguro’s arms. “GIVE MY CHILD BACK!”
Fushiguro was at a loss, though your nails dug into him, he couldn’t bring himself to summon his familiars or push you away. You were a bit violent, but he saw Tsumiki in you. 
Wait, did she just say child?
@laurcad123 @aidanstan @deepinballs
Part 3
I'm getting way too lazy to write full fledged prose.
Anyway, I love soft sukuna.
Also, med school is murder T.T
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