#bfdai book
wheucto 1 year
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by doodlebeeberry on tumblr
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tsigothenburg 2 years
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Black Friday special ! Limited day offer! Use coupon code BFDAY on our website to get 5% off on delivery and Takeaway! Valid only for Gothenburg location. Order now ! #blackfriday #blackfriday2022 Come and enjoy a warm and lovely evening with us. A wonderful meal and drinks to go along with. Call us on 076-329 57 61 for takeaway, delivery or booking a table with us on our website https://southindianrestaurant.se/bookboard/goteborg/ Last order to Kitchen 9:30 pm. Dining hours till 10:30 pm #yummyfood #fooddelivery #gothenburg #thesouthindian #offer #foodonoffer #drinks #bar #drinklocal #drinkingincentral #drinkingatcentral #southindian #southindiangothenburg #tsig #cocktails #unique #petfriendly You can also find us on https://southindianrestaurant.se/take-away/ OR https://tinyurl.com/southindiangothenburg-ubereats OR https://www.foodora.se/restaurant/m2bx/the-south-indian-restaurant OR https://wolt.com/en/swe/goteborg/restaurant/the-south-indian-restaurant Or https://food.bolt.eu/en-US/574-gothenburg/p/25348-the-south-indian-g枚teborg Be proud of who you are ! Live your life to the full ! We take all your reviews very seriously ! Take a minute leave us a review ! Would love to change for good to make you all happy ! 馃挅馃槉 (at The South Indian Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYhuIdsIYB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ppbb018 6 years
Mlm td pnye citer..sblum nk jumpa tu X bf call tukar plan ajak g karok..da booking..i pon ok je..so i drive sndiri g sna..smpai je i pon trus ke bilik karok tu..terkejut jgk la sbb ingatkn dia sorng..rupanye ada membe dia skali..3 lelaki termasuk dia..gurl i sorng je dlm bilik tu..x bf bgtau dia nk celebrate bfday membe dia yg sorng tu..so ada la skit party dlm bilik tu..so kiteorng pon enjoy la karok mlm td..i pon ada la jgk nyanyi 2 3 lgu enjoykn they all..masa membe2 dia mnyanyi..X bf ada bisik kt i..dia ckp bagila something special sbgai hiburan..i dah agak da memang dia plan ajak i sbb ini..tu sbb la i da siap2 pakai short tight clubbing dress..so i pon bangun la menari dpan mereka2 ni..dgn aksi2 tarian ghairah..lpas tu ape lg mula la diorng pon sma2 menari..ambil ksempatan la peluk i dri blkang smbil gosok2 batang kt my ass..n mcm2 lg la..huhuhu..X bf pon xlepaskn pluang..kami bercium mulut sperti masa2 couple dlu..hehehe..tetek i pon digomol..masa tu i akui memang dah sgt horny..i bukak zip sluar X i n kolom batang kote dia..ingatkn 1 mic je i nk kolom..rupanye membe dia pon nk jgk..hahaha..buatkn jgk la..mlm td bkn stakat ringan2 je..X bf dr dlu masa couple pon memang suka doggy i..so mngimbau knangan la kn..hahaha..so mereka2 ni MENGGUNAKAN i spenuhnya mlm td..merata pancut air mani kt bdn i..sorang tu pancut air mani kt dlm mulut i..smpai letih kne henjut..lpas da abis setel smua masing2 pakai baju..lap2 ape yg patut..rest skjap lpas tu kluar..masa drive kereta sakit pinggang jgk la..mna x nye kne henjut ngan 3 org..penat tp sedap..huhuhu..smpai je rumah X bf call ckp tq so much sbb layan dia n his friends..hope next time bole jmpe lg he said..i ckp anything just call me if u need me..hahaha..klau hubby bg green light lg la..ok daaa
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