#beyondtheveil luciel
mbcorvo-author · 5 years
Favourite Line
Thank you @elarasterling​ for tagging me in this new tag game! :D
I was hoping to have between the favourites some lines that have something like a deep meaning or at least something that sounded like that...
But my favourite line is one of the sassy comebacks of Luciel because I found it funny...and I’ll quote the litte bit with the sassy line.
“It...it’s a genie of the lamp!” gushed Fabrizio, turning his head towards Eric and then back at the genie that was looking them. “Captain Obvious” snickered the creature, holding back a small laugh “Who do you expected to see, mh? The Fairy Godmother?”
For this game I’m tagging: @dotr-rose-love, @bookishdiplodocus, @jess---writes, @amaranthine-inscriptions, @astro-writing, and anyone that wants to do this game~
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mbcorvo-author · 6 years
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Djinn Ifrit, nationality and age unknown, says that their birthday is the 6th of August, wannabe pro-gamer.
Likes: candies & sweets, videogames, comicbooks, tv series, “trashy movies”, pranking people and using their wishes to make fun of them, lava lamps, junk food, cherries, butterbeer
Dislikes: being forced to do the right thing, being bound to someone (but all djinns hate being bound), boredom, boring people, historical movies/series/etc, Will Smith’s genie, eucalyptus and anise flavoured candies
Five Men Band tag game
Breaking the lamp
Last Line tag 2
A snippet in an answered ask
The characters during Halloween
Find the word tag
"It was a phase"
7-7-7 tag game
7-7-7 tag game 2
Last Line tag 4
15 for 15 asks
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mbcorvo-author · 5 years
wheel of fortune, death for you, Luciel & Rosaline and temperance for you. (if your ocs have had a weird dream they'd like to share too, though, I would like to hear it :P)
A lot of stuff! Okay, let’s go in order~
Wheel of Fortune - First Three Songs that come on shuffle?
Dragonborn - Skyrim (a cover by Johnatan Young)
Paradise - Ofenbach
We don’t have to dance - Andy Black
Wheel of Fortune - as three songs that make me think of Luciel
A Friend Like Me - the song of Aladdin’s Genie
Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance (maybe the lyrics don’t fit, but the music feels right)
Any videogame theme song, I think? Maybe Megalovania from Undertale?
Wheel of Fortune - as three songs that make me think of Rosaline
Candy Candy - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (but in a Vocaloid cover lol)
Little Talks - Of Monsters And Men
Girl - Daoko (not sure for the lyrics, but the music feels something that Rosaline would listen to)
Death - what are three things you want to do before you die?
Complete (if not publish) at least one of my wips
Travel and visit at least one of the places in my “dream trip” mental list
If I know when I’ll die, I want to eat all the stuff full of gluten & lactose that I always loved but I had to stop eating bc of food intollerances/allergies
Death - but for Luciel
They always says that has lived long and has done everything they found interesting.
And says that actually Djinns don’t die
But they could be lying. Who knows?
Death - but for Rosaline
Wants to fall in love and do all the romantic stuff she reads in romance novels
Wants to do something how she wants without having to stick to Fae’s etiquette, at least once.
Doesn’t want to die, but luckily Fae have really long lives.
Temperance -  can you describe a strange dream you’ve had?
To be really honest, I don’t dream often. Like most of the time I don’t dream at all. And the few times I dream, mostly are nonsense dreams that I forget few hours after waking up. But I faintly remember parts of a nightmare I had some time ago - I don’t remember when, tho - there was some gore and I was trying to run away from something that was trying to kill me, I weirdly couldn’t scream so I just run and then I fell. An endless fall that woke me up.
As for Luciel and Rosaline, in recent times Luciel started dreaming the worlds of the videogames they play while Rosaline is more a person that forgets what she dreams when she wakes up.
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mbcorvo-author · 6 years
15 for 15 tag
I was tagged by @dotr-rose-love, thank you!
Rules:  answer 15 questions as either yourself or one of your OCs, then tag 15 more people
“Okay, since in the past I already answered these questions for myself I’ll answer them for one of my OCs from “Beyond the Veil” and I choose t-” gets shoved aside by a coral red hand. “I’ll do it, I know that you love me and I’m bored” says a voice neither male nor female while the coral red hand moves the camera to the right, framing for few moments a being that turns into a cloud of red smoke that covers the vision. When the smoke vanishes, there’s a tall and thin 20-something looking guy sitting on a chair. He has messy bright red hair, brown eyes, he’s wearing a hoodie with the Slytherin crest printed on it, light blue jeans and black combat boots. “So, let’s get started for this interview!”
1) Are you named after anyone?
“Yes and no” shrugs “I’m named after another Corvo’s OC that was similar to me and I was going to be the 2.0 version..too bad that I’m waaay better than him!” chuckles “At the same time, in the story I chose myself the name Luciel because I liked its sound”.
2) When was the last time you cried?
“Well...I don’t know.” raises the left hand to scratch a bit their head “For sure,I cried with some reincarnations of Doctor Who and I cry every time I watch Maes Huges’ death in Fullmetal Alchemist.”
3) Do you have/want kids?
Blinks few times, looking baffled. “What? Hell no!” exclaims before letting out a small laugh “I don’t have kids...as far as I know...and also I don’t want them. I’m too young for this kind of things!” “You’re not that young, you know right?” I say, off-screen. “For you humans maybe” adds Luciel looking to the side.
4) Do use sarcasm a lot?
“Nooo, I’m not sarcastic at all!” says with a strong sarcastic tone. Raises a hand, thumb pointing at something off-screen “My author is a sarcastic little shi-” “HEY” “So, many of us in their story will use a lot of sarcasm. They made us like this.” shoves the hand back in the hoodie’s pocket and shrugs.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“I never thought about it?” shifts a bit on their chair “I have some great powers that I could use to mess a bit with people...but...” takes a pause, looking lost in some thoughts then turns to look to someone off-screen “Hey, can you please define me better?”
6) What’s your eye color?
“The real one? It’s gold, a bright gold”
7) Scary movie or happy ending?
“This is easy” chuckles, taking out a small pack of gummybears from the hoodie’s pocket and starting to eat them “Scary movies...but the trashy kind like Mega-piranha or Crocosaurus vs Supergator or Sharknado”
8) Any special talents?
“I’m a fucking Djinn!” laughed “I’m loaded of special talents! Y’ know, illusions, granting wishes, shapeshifting and other random” raises the right hand, then lower it while moving the fingers and leaving a little rainbow trail “magic”
9) Where were you born?
“I don’t remember where...maybe because it’s been a long time or maybe” glances angrily to the author offscreen “someone still has not decided where I was born.” “Sorry”
10) What are your hobbies?
“Well, I have many” says, munching a couple of bright coloured gummybears “Watching movies or tv-series, reading comics, playing videogames, eating candies...making fun of the people that want me grant their wishes...what else? Some times I prank or mess with people if I’m too bored.”
11) Do you have any pets?
Throws a red gummy in their mouth “Nope.”
12) What sports do you play/have you played?
“Never actually played any kind of sport. In one of my previous past selves I was able to pass as an archer, though...but I was also looking different from now.”
13) How tall are you?
“In my real form I think that I’m around two metres counting my smoke tail. But I can change my size like my looks so I can be whatever I want. Right now” left hand holding the packet of gummies is moved in a vague gesture to indicate themself “I think that I’m around 178 centimetres, more or less. In fantasy metrics...6′6 in my real form and right now something between 5′8 and 5′9″
15) Dream job?
“Wait, where’s the question number 14? Someone forgot it?” aks, but then eats another candy and shrugs “well, better, I was getting bored.” eats another gummy bear “Dream job...I don’t need to work. But...well, if I really have to choose I think that I could like being a pro-gamer.” stops for few moments, a bit puzzled “That’s a job, right? Because I didn’t get to pro level since that time I completed Metal Slug with only one coin and got best score.”
Tagging: @bookishdiplodocus, @sassypandacandy, @katekarl, @wrathfulwriting, @grittygambit and anyone else that wants to do it! Also, if you’re tagged and you don’t want to do it, it’s okay! :D
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mbcorvo-author · 6 years
Beyond the Veil
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Beyond the Veil
After spending a lot of time researching and working for my hard science sci-fi wip, I decided that I had to step back and start something completely different (and maybe simplier) to let my mind rest but continuing to write. Some of the characters were born even before the plot of the novel as main characters for some scenes I jotted down after some prompts as an exercise... but I liked them so much that I thought that maybe I could find a way to connect all of them in an actual plot that could turn in a novel.
The plot in few senteces: Fabrizio always loved urban legends, paranormal and cryptid hunting and often explored "mysterious" places with his friends and lately also dragging his housemate Eric in these little adventures. During one of these adventures, they will discover that supernatural beings really exist and that often they inhabit the human world. With some of these beings they'll start living some adventures, finding mysteries and exploring the world beyond the Veil that sometimes blends with the mundane world.
Tags and links related to this wip:
Tags specific for this wip: #beyondtheveil wip, #oltreilvelo wip, #corvobeyondtheveil, #corvooltreilvelo, #mgcorvo-author beyond the veil, #mgcorvo-author oltre il velo
I also made some posts for the characters, you can find them under the tag #beyondtheveil characters, or also with the tag #corvoonthephone 
Excerpt in Fictober18's Day 1: Fabrizio and Eric ghost hunting
Excerpt in Fictober18's Day 2: A little discussion between Fabrizio and Eric
Excerpt in Fictober18's Day 3: Don't trust Zane
Excerpt in Fictober18's Day 4: About curses and magic
Excerpt for the first appearing of Luciel: Breaking the lamp
Snippet about Luciel from Last Line tag II
Snippet about the necromancer witch from Last Line tag III
Short excerpt about the necromancer witch: The Necromancer in her shop
In this post where I answer some asks, there is a snippet about Luciel.
A little Halloween-themed post about the characters during Halloween.
Short excerpt / Snippet from my Chapter 3's rough draft: "It was a phase"
Some snippets from my rough drafts from Find the Word Tag
A short excerpt (about Luciel) from the 777 Tag Game
Another short excerpt from the 777 Tag Game - II
In the Novel Prep Tag I talk a bit about the story.
A snippet of Chapter 3's rough draft from Last Line Tag IV
Luciel answers questions in a 15 for 15 Tag Game
A longer excerpt, from a scene that I plan to include in the story, featuring Zane and another character Javier: Weird gifts
I talk about Beyond the Veil in this 11/11/11 Tag Game
Some asks about Beyond the Veil's characters here
Fabrizio and Eric answer some questions in this 12/12/12 Tag Game
Haydée answers some questions in this 17 Questions Tag Game
Javier, Rupert and Rosaline answers the questions of this 12/12/12 Tag Game
I'll try to update the blurb and the list of links every time I post something related to this wip and possibile changes to the plot and such!
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[Italian version under the cut! / Versione in italiano a seguire!]
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Oltre il Velo
Dopo aver passato molto tempo a ricercare e lavorare sul mio progetto fantascientifico con "hard science", ho deciso che dovevo fare un passo indietro e iniziare qualcosa di completamente differente (e magari più semplice) per lasciar riposare la mia mente ma continuare a scrivere. Alcuni dei personaggi sono nati ben prima della trama del romanzo come personaggi principali di qualcuna delle scene che abbozzai seguendo alcuni spunti come esercizio... ma mi piacevano così tanto che ho pensato che magari avrei trovato un modo per connetterli tutti in una vera e propria trama che avrei potuto trasformare in un romanzo.
La trama in poche frasi: Fabrizio ha sempre amato le leggende metropolitane, il paranormale e la caccia ai criptidi (creature misteriose) e spesso ha esplorato luoghi "misteriosi" assieme ai suoi amici, ultimamente trascinando con sé anche il suo coinquilino Eric in queste piccole avventure. Durante una di queste avventure, scopriranno che gli esseri soprannaturali esistono davvero e che spesso abitano il mondo umano. Assieme ad alcuni di questi esseri, loro inizieranno a vivere diverse avventure, misteri ed esploreranno il mondo oltre il Velo che ogni tanto si fonde con la realtà terrena.
Tags e link legati a questo progetto:
Tag specifici per questo progetto: #beyondtheveil wip, #oltreilvelo wip, #corvobeyondtheveil, #corvooltreilvelo, #mgcorvo-author beyond the veil, #mgcorvo-author oltre il velo
Ho anche realizzato dei post dedicati ai personaggi, potete trovarli sotto al tag #beyondtheveil characters, o continuare con il tag #corvoonthephone
Estratto nel Giorno 1 del Fictober18: Fabrizio ed Eric a caccia di fantasmi
Estratto nel Giorno 2 del Fictober18: Una piccola discussione tra Eric e Fabrizio
Estratto nel Giorno 3 del Fictober18: Non fidarti di Zane
Estratto nel Giorno 4 del Fictober18: Riguardo maledizioni e magia
Estratto della prima apparizione di Luciel: Rompere la lampada
Un frammento su Luciel dal Last Line tag II
Un frammento sulla strega necromante dal Last Line tag III
Breve estratto riguardo la strega necromante: La Necromante nel suo negozio
In questo post dove rispondo ad alcuni ask, c'è un frammento riguardo Luciel.
Un piccolo post a tema Halloween su cosa i personaggi facciano ad Halloween.
Un breve estratto / frammento dalla mia bozza del Capitolo 3: "Era una fase"
Alcuni frammenti delle mie bozze dal Find the Word Tag (solo in inglese, scusate)
Un piccolo estratto dal 777 Tag Game
Un altro piccolo estratto, dedicato a Luciel, dal 777 Tag Game - II
Parlo un po' della storia nel Novel Prep Tag
Un frammento dalla bozza del Capitolo 3 nel Last Line Tag IV
Luciel risponde alle domande di un 15 for 15 Tag Game
Un estratto più lungo, da una scena che pianifico di includere nella storia, in cui sono presenti Zane e un altro personaggio, Javier: Strani regali
Parlo di Oltre il Velo in questo 11/11/11 Tag Game
Alcuni ask sui personaggi di Oltre il Velo qua
Fabrizio ed Eric rispondono ad alcune domande in questo 12/12/12 Tag Game
Haydée risponde alle domande di questo 17 Questions Tag Game
Javier, Rupert e Rosaline rispondono alle domande del 12/12/12 Tag Game
Cercherò di aggiornare il riassunto e la lista dei link ogni volta che condividerò qualcosa legato al progetto e in caso di possibili cambi a trama e affini!
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