#beware of the chosen one indeed
marvelstars · 1 year
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Ghosts of Vader´s Castle # 1: Beware the Chosen One
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mtchee · 2 months
My Chosen Beloved - [Zhongli] GN
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In ancient Teyvat, you worship your Lord of Geo as much as the next villager. When you hear that you're cursed by something unknown, your fears are only confirmed when you're given to your Archon as a sacrifice to save your village. Only, it turns out you're not quite the sacrifice you thought you were. OH, turns out, you're to be wedded to your Archon. Except, since arriving at his hidden chambers, you've seen neither hide nor hair of him. Only his pet dragon, Morax, lazes about in the mountainscape to accompany you. Welp, new best friend! Even if it is a sassy lizard. What... What do you mean, he is the sassy lizard...
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, kinda chaotic [name], sugestive at the end, arranged (??) marriage trope except he arranged it, Zhongli is a little shit, i think he's slightly OOC im SO sorry, dragonli, young Morax?? but not quite, ancient teyvat au (kind of), swearing, might do a part 2
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"Cursed!?" You cry out in horror, "I'm cursed!?"
"Not cursed, dear one," The sweet old lady hums, swishing around your cup of left over tea leaves, "just marked."
"Oh, oh good," You feign relief, "so I'm a target."
"Oh hush you," The tea reader swats you over the head, "you fret too much. Besides, there's more I've yet to see..."
You grumble to yourself under your breath, rubbing your sore spot with a pout before sitting and waiting for the rest of her verdict. The woman hums lowly, a content smile on her delicate old features as she keeps her eyes trained on the semi-warm yunomi cup in her hands.
"Ooh, would you look at that," She hums happily, "a crescent star--how wonderful. You will have an unusually large fortune happen upon you..." she swishes the cup once more, "and... ah! And these are... indeed! Health and happiness shall befall you! Though beware, a great sacrifice must you omit in your coming days for this to be achieved."
You sigh to yourself quietly, smiling softly with a shake of your head, "Thank you, grandma."
You place a small pouch of coins atop her tattered, velvet cloth table as you move to stand.
"Ah, ah, ah!" She tuts, eyes wide as she stares at your tea leaves, "my child... I see that someone has their eye on you; beware of whom it is that you trust, deary. Not all things are as they seem..."
You feel a shiver crawl up your spine, and you squeak; you feel your soul levitate.
You gain a cold sweat, "T-Thanks, granny..."
"It's no problem, child!" The old lady beams, positively ignorant of your terror, "come back anytime. It's always such a joy to read for you..."
"Aha, yes. I-I'm sure..." You wince, smile strained, "um... goodnight, granny."
"Goodnight, dear one!"
You're quick to leave the quaint tea shop, placid smile immediately dropping into one of panic. Ever since you'd gone up that stupid magical mountain or whatever, you'd felt these odd shivers down your spine, like someone was watching you.
Or, nearly constantly. It usually stopped when you got to your house--at least this stalker had some decency. 
It certainly didn't help that there was an apparent raid being planned on your village, an attack that you'd all been warned about by an anonymous.
It was a curse of sorts, unleashed by an old enemy of your land's beloved Archon, Rex Lapis. The main city of Liyue is only small at this time, and the adepti, each to their own, have additionally been busy with protecting the various other scattered villages around the land.
You were given fourteen days to figure out a solution. 
Now, there's only three left. 
You shudder, once again feeling a pair of eyes glaring into you from archons knows where, and you let out an angsty huff, crossing your arms over yourself. 
"Great," You crinkle your nose, "now I'm even more paranoid." 
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"A WHAT!?" 
Ah, what a wonderful start to the morning, with two days left before the presumed attack. 
The whole village gathers with murmurs of concern, pity, and fear.
In seeing no other way to prevent the attack, the town elder had announced a last resort solution, as provided with help from the adepti.
A sacrifice is to be made and sent to the stone mountains where it is told that their Great Lord and his dragon reside. A sacrifice must be made to their Archon in exchange for protection from the oncoming curse.
And with consultation from Adeptis Cloud Retainer and Moon Carver, you were chosen to be the offered one. 
"You want me to be a WHAT!?" Your eyes practically bulge from your head, and a panic rushes through you, thoughts spiralling as your heart tightens painfully in your chest.
Your outburst garnered further chatter from the rest of the town, some shouting their concern for you, others in protest of the decision made--but ultimately, it wasn't up to them.
The adepti themselves had chosen. 
Your ears rang with a high pitch, gaze hazy as you grew dizzy, struggling to breathe.
You couldn't hear what anyone else was saying--and quite frankly, you didn't want to, nor did you care.
A further immense feeling of fright pierced through you, causing your knees to buckle. It was those eyes again. 
'Dear archons,' You thought to yourself fearfully, 'am I going to die?'
The next forty-eight hours went by too fast, consisting of preparation for your departure, where a group of villagers would later escort you to the mountains and present you at its base before returning home.
And where you would be left alone, alongside barrels of fruit and meat offerings, and baskets of their finest silk and gold.
Then, it would be up to their Great Lord to make the decision. 
And so there you had been, fearful and adorned in opaque silks and fine threads, arms and legs decorated with pretty golden jewellery for an extravagent yet elegant appeal.
Your heart stuttered painfully in your chest, breath uncomfortably stuck in your throat as paranoia and terror consume you simultaneously. The feeling of eyes being burnt into your form had never left, and they had never felt so intense until then.
Staring at the mountain base with your back to the open field behind you, you felt your very soul ice over as a dark shadow swallowed you. You hadn't dared to look back, eyes wide with your skin pricked, breath stagnant as your base most instincts went wild; run.
But you felt you were dead before it had even approached.
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You don't remember anything from that point on, only recalling a behemoth silhouette drowning yours before everything went silent and dark.
You had fainted.
But freedom! You cry in your mind, finding yourself awake inside a palace worthy bedchamber. You weren't eaten! Yay! CELEBRATE FOOL.
You notice a soft quilt upon you, its fabric smooth to the touch. Your hands tremble ever so slightly, nerves recovering from being shot. You swallow thickly, unsure of what to expect as you observe your surroundings.
The room is heavenly. Much grander than even the nobles in the nearest city, the room is vast and elegant, with artworks and calligraphy engraved into the stone walls. Cor lapis illuminates it all, along with the plentiful golden intricacies.
An elaborate archway to your left is separated from your room by a semi-sheer curtain, and you can hear the ever so soothing tinkling of water. A bathroom.
Placed along that same wall is a beautiful vanity and smaller archway separated similarly to the other. You can spy a more than generous number of hanging fabrics and neat, polished crates--a wardrobe.
The opposite side of the room displays practically half a library. Gorgeous bookshelves line the walls with ornate pillars and decorative foliage, a grand desk situated nearby with an equally as exquisite chair. The floor is covered by a soft carpet, accompanied by various cosy and inhumanely large pillows.
Nevermind, you must have been eaten, because this looks like heaven.
Mouth agape in bewilderment and disbelief, you slowly slip out from beneath the covers, tip toeing along the cool flooring into the middle of the room.
Your eyes graze over everything, and you're tempted to throw yourself indulgently into the giant pile of pillows just begging to be laid on.
Yet you restrain yourself because where the hell are you.
The large door across from you looks promising.
It takes a good hard push from you before it opens, though once it does the doors part for you effortlessly on their own. You pause, peeking out into the hallway skeptically before actually stepping out.
The door shuts quietly by itself one you're out of its way.
The corridor itself is daunting, both in size and extravagence. One side leads to an archway concealed by a thick red curtain, whilst the other reveals an opening into what appears to be a sun room.
Well, that looks promising.
Like everything else, the area is expansive and elegant. Sunlight bathes everything in a soft, golden glow, and water trickles pleasingly from ornate divets in the high stone walls, following a painstakingly carved path down into a rivet in the ground that outlines the floor plan.
Looking up into the high ceiling, your mouth drops in awe at the crystal clear glass encasing. In an octagonal, dome shape, the largest panes showcase stained glass designs, threading rainbow highlights here and there.
Thriving vines decorate the roofs edge, neatly climbing down the walls and curling around the spaced pillars that hold it all together. The plantation has been carefully placed as to not obstuct or corrode the ornate architecture.
In the centre of the room is a mound of silks and pillows with gold trims and intricacies, a large serpentine figure curled atop the delicate fabrics gracefully as it slumbers.
A dragon.
A fucking dragon.
Morax, Rex Lapis' dragon.
And you know it's Rex Lapis' dragon because who fucking else would have a dragon.
Your mouth drops in absolute horror at what you've stumbled upon, and you start to backtrack in silent terror when the slumbering creature begins to shuffle.
You internally curse yourself as the thing emits a sleepy grumble that vibrates the floor before locking eyes with you.
It blinks drearily, lazily yawning and smacking its maws before learning towards you with lidded amber eyes and a grounding purr.
You've been frozen in utter fear for the entirety of its slow awakening, and it huffs warm air into your wide eyed face once its levelled with you.
You let out a frightened squeak, blinking rapidly to recover from the assault while the serpentine creature rumbles contently. It looks... entirely unbothered by your presence.
You can't quite tell what it's thinking, its eyes watching you ever so intently, yet with a peculiar fondness that has you puzzled.
"He.. Hello, dragon," Your voice cracks, and you take a hasty bow to make up for it, "uh! Morax. Um, am I... aren't I suppose to be, uh, eaten..?"
Morax blinks at you cluelessly.
"As, uh, in sacrifice?"
The dragon huffs at you again, though this time much more sharply, as though offended. An odd keen gets stuck in its throat as it tilts its head before shaking out its mane.
Then, Morax leans towards you again with a grumbling coo, as though attempting to soothe you before nudging its large muzzle at your chest.
You stumble back from the unexpected contact, but the being only prods at you again until you gently guide its nose away with both hands. It retreats back into the rest of its curled form, watching you expectantly.
You reach a hand to where Morax had been poking, touching the thick cor lapis pendant situated on your chest in the shape of the geo symbol, secured by a deceivingly delicate looking gold chain.
"Oh this?" You look down at it from your awkward angle, "is something wrong with it?"
Morax lets out a curt grumble, not in warning or any form of vexation, but as a sort of prompt. Not quite.
You furrow your brows, "Then... does it mean something?"
Its grumbles again. Closer.
Your mind blanks, and you stare back at the beast that just blinks at you slowly. It makes no more sounds to edge you forwards, nor anymore mortion to aid your thinking. Instead, it watches you patiently, expectantly. Fondly.
"...You wanna... you wanna tell me?"
Your features flatten when the dragon emits an exaggerated yawn, crossing its massive paws and laying its head down upon them.
"Oh, you've got an attitude, you know," You frown at the mythical thing, and it closes its eyes teasingly in cheek.
You look at your pendant again. It had been provided by the Adeptis, and passed onto the village chief for when the chosen had been annouced. Then it was later given to you at the end of all your preparations, and you've been wearing it since.
Funnily enough, your preparations were similar to those of your wedding traditions--the older women fussing over your appearance while the men gathered gold and jewels to toss and offer up in symbolizing a rich, fruitiful future for the beweddeds.
The pendant is a similar heirloom typically passed from the more forthright intended to their beloved, as a way to show both their devotion, and their will to provide and protect.
The heirloom is usually something that represents the family from which it is given, as the receiver takes on their last name.
But your pendant is the geo symbol, your Archon's insignia.
Holy freaking shit you're wearing your Archon's insignia and it's not a vision.
Your stomach drops.
"O-Oh my god!" The pendant drops back into place on your chest, and you stare wide eyed at the serpent that daringly matches your panicked gaze, "I-I'm our Lord's intended!?"
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"You're my one true friend Morax. But don't tell anyone I said that, that's kinda sad."
You distractedly scrub the dragon's scales by his neck, having moved on from his claws. You're dressed in thin bathing silks that cling to your figure from the water, parts of the fabric sheer upon your skin. You're not bothered though, it's only you and the dragon in this huge manor.
For the week or so that you've spent here, you've seen neither hide nor hair of your dear Archon. One part of you is curious as to why, seeing as this is his abode, though the other shudders at the prospect of running into him in person. You're still not mentally prepared for that.
You don't know how to talk to a god! Let alone how to your god--and that's not even mentioning the fact that you're technically supposed to be married to him.
Yeah. You've figured it out now.
No, you had not been sentenced to your death. No pain or any form of violence has been inflicted since your arrival, unless you want to count the dragon tormenting you with the fluff of its tail.
Stupid dragon.
Speaking of the damned creature, you've taken solace in its company. Although non-human, the dragon is a sentient being of its own, and though large and very much built for battle, Morax has been nothing but patient and gentle.
Ever so aware of your smaller being, the dragon has been careful with its every motion, bending its languid body elegently and fluidly to accomidate you. Even in a playful mood, Morax takes great care not to jostle you or startle you so.
You've claimed the overgrown reptile as your best friend in claws!
Morax had preened at the proclamation.
"Has our Lord been taking care of you? I haven't seen him once since I've been here. Do you think I've scared him off?" You snicker, wringing out the soaked cloth in the floral water you're seeping in, "ah, yes. As I am everything he should fear in a spouse. A merciless tongue and a non-existent sleep schedule."
In the furthest depths of this absolutely insanely huge manor, palace or whatever, is an opening in what you presume to be the back of the mountain.
Walls opening into a magnificent waterscape with a lazy lake and picturesque waterfalls, vines and flowers and brush decorating the scene with giant trees overshading parts of the water.
Morax snorts at your accusations, nostrils puffing non-aggravated smoke.
You move on to delicately rinsing the dragon's mane in parts, fingers sifting through the long, smooth fur to untangle any knots.
"Is he kind?"
From its once sleep tempted state, the beast perks up, opening its eyes to gaze at you. Sensing Morax's confusion, you give a tender smile while you brush a hand through its mane and over its scales.
"My betrothed, our Lord," The dragon croons softly, leaning its massive head down to rest its chin on your lap as you chuckle bashfully, "only you and the adepti know what he's really like. When he's not attending his duties, I mean."
You swallow thickly, worry glazing your eyes before being swiftly masked by a ginger smile as Moraz nudges you.
"I just... to be wedded to our Lord is just a fantasy. Who could I ever amass to in comparison to our Archon? I... don't think he will be cruel. But," Your eyes flutter to the side unsurely, "I don't want to live a lie."
Your heart pangs in your chest, and you slow in your movements which begin to cease. The water ripples around you at each notion, the air still and serene. Yet, despite the peace, you feel burdened.
No, not burdened.
Your brows crease in thought.
Perhaps dejected.
Although you have yet to meet, you've been provided with an abundance of wealth. It's evident your Lord is the spoiling type.
Your room is just one example, full of things you love and could lose yourself in for hours, alongside a wardrobe full of clothes you could only ever have previously dreamed of.
And you have the entire mountain to explore to entertain yourself--and it's not as though you were trapped.
You've gone flying with Morax twice now, and further explored the wilderness surrounding with the dragon's protective supervision. If you so truly wished, you could leave these hidden chambers to go elsewhere. To be honest though, you don't trust yourself to be able to find your way back.
The food is plentiful. Visiting the kitchens each morning and night, you find a feast is laden. And during the mid-day when you're hungry, or the late hours when you're peckish, the pantries are stocked in abundance.
A warm breeze caresses your shoulders, and the sound of the water trinkling melodically echoes a tranquil tune.
Morax purrs at you, and your smile saddens as you speak a dismal truth, "I will forever worship our Lord, not just for what he has provided me, but for him in all his existence. Though I admit, my heart will carry the dual burden of heartache."
The dragon blinks at you slowly, before reeling back in all its grace with a low croon. Its eyes are lidded, looking down at you in fondness and something else you can't quite place.
You puff a breathy laugh, reaching up a hand to cup the scales on its cheek. Despite the comically drastic size difference, the mystic being leans into your touch with a rumble.
"Thank you, Morax," You murmur, awed, "but I could ask nothing more from our dearest Archon who has given so much already. I only pray that someday he will find the one with whom he can truly return their affections."
A disgruntled huff escapes from the amber dragon's maw, and it shakes its head before leaning down to carefully press its horned head against yours.
A smile traces your lips, sincere gratitude oozing from your being as your eyes slip shut, nuzzling back against the smooth and damp scales of your mythical friend.
Another kind brush of air kisses your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. From behind your eyelids, a bright flash of light is muted, though you pass it off as naught.
Suddenly though, the scales you had cupped fit much better in your palm, a sensation much softer gracing your fingertips. Your brows furrow slightly as you feel the weight of the dragon's physical presence decrease. The water around you ripples greatly, though the atmosphere itself remains undisturbed.
The winds swoop gracefully as always, musical water cascades still singing their dream inducing tinkles while the scent of the surrounding natural flora soothes you.
You hear a gentle rumble, though much softer than the dragon before you. Your eyes gradually open, slinking up to lock onto the ethereal man leant into your loving caress.
Your gaze drifts to his nose, and then his lips, observing his attire that consists of layers of intricate brown and golden silks that float atop the water's surface.
And then you gasp, meeting eternally wise amber orbs that stare into yours knowingly.
Your muscles tense and your stomach drops, and you stumble back, almost tripping in the water.
At your sudden lurch in movement, the devastatingly handsome man fixes his arms around you, a gavelly chuckle sending a flush of heat to the tips of your ears as he pulls you flush against him.
"Y-You! I--" Embarrassment in all its forms overwhelms you while your beloved Lord himself stares down at you with lidded eyes, exuding elegance and unwavering strength just as he stands.
You don't dare look him in the eye, gaze latched shamefully onto the intricate details laced on the garment covering his chest. Your shame only increases once you notice the opening in the fabric that reveals part of his chest.
"M-My Lord..!"
Humiliation causes tears to prick at your eyes painfully.
But the dragon--his dragon, he is the dragon!
Heavens above, how utterly foolish could you be!?
Weeks you have spent confiding and bumbling about with that damned beast had you spilling the deepest depths of your heart and innermost being.
You would have never behaved in such a trecherous manner had you known it was your Lord! How disgusted he must be with you. How offended he must feel for the ignorant things you have speeled!
You clench your eyes shut, almost trembling in his grasp.
"My.. My most sincerest apologies, Lord Rex Lapis. I-I must avow that for each word I have spoken I never did intend-"
"Whatever do you mean, my love?" His voice is warm and low, a pleasant gravel that slinks into your ears like honey.
Rex Lapis--Morax, your very Archon who is one in the same, pulls himself back to admire you with fond eyes. Though his gaze is ever intense, the emotion he expresses is more than palpable.
His touch is tender, careful but full of longing, "Perish such nonsense from your mind. I, apologise, dear one," He leans down hopefully to meet your gaze, "for startling you so. And for withholding my true self for so long."
You flutter your eyes open, swallowing shakily when he smiles at you oh so adoringly.
"To be honest, I was... nervous. Unsure as to how you would perceive me."
"You? Nervous?" You incredulous tone has him breathe out a laugh.
"Indeed, dearest," You flush at the endearment, able to process it past your panic this time, "it is not everyday you are intended to a God. Now though, I see I should have been the one to welcome you first and foremost."
In contrast to his gentle touches and patient tone, a familiar cheeky twinkle sparkles in his eyes, "To think you thought you were a meat offering."
You blink up at him, horridly aghast at the mention of your initial misgrievances.
Forgetting your prior reservations about him as your Lord, no longer heeding your behaviour to such, you recognise that mischevious glint just as on the first day you had arrived.
A sense of relief floods your being, and you gradually untense in his tender grasp.
Though you're still unwilling to let him off unscathed.
"Who's the one who had me snatched up on such short notice?"
A sense of sheepishness has him ducking his head in self awareness, nodding acceptingly and in apology. A pink tint lines his fair cheeks at that.
But then he glances down at your drenched attire, and his flush deepens as a desire much too long forgone has him turning up his cheek a little more than he normally would.
"Well," He clears his throat distractedly, "who wouldn't at such a delightful temptation, hm?"
And then it's your turn to feel flushed.
Although he had left you lonesome in you first few weeks of stay, he more than made up for it in the coming nights.
And in response to your apprehensions and concern in being wedded to a God, he addressed them directly by providing you with an adoring reverence than even celestia would envy.
And he continued to do so, for the many years that would come.
For he had chosen you; his one and true beloved.
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hp-hcs · 1 year
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 3 of my silly lil mlm stories <3)
Slytherin Twin — draco malfoy x male! slytherin! weasley! reader x harry potter
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tws: umbridge’s blood quill, maybe like a pinch of homophobia?
i need more representation of slytherins who enjoy care of magical creatures goddamnit
“Ronald Weasley.”
“Y/N Weasley.”
Oh, no. Minerva McGonagall does not get paid enough to deal with another set of Weasley twins.
Maybe I should retire, Minerva thinks faintly.
You don’t seem to mind at all that the Great Hall is dead silent as you skip towards the Slytherin table, your brothers watching in a mix of shock, fascination, resignation, and abject horror.
You plop down right next to Draco Malfoy, grinning widely at him before waving cheerily towards some of the older students who are struggling to hold back their unabashed glee.
“A Weasley in Slytherin? I thought your entire family was made up of idioticly naïve fools,” Malfoy sneers sharply, a look of contempt rising on his smug face.
“Draco Malfoy in Slytherin? How much did your family have to pay to ensure you got in?” you reply with a sweet smile on your face. The older students stare in awe at the Weasley who just left a Malfoy speechless.
Much to their surprise, however, Draco’s face broke out into a grin. “So you do belong here. Very well then, Weasley. Lovely to make your acquaintance.”
“Likewise, Malfoy.”
“‘The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware.’ What does that even mean?”
“D’you still think it’s about Potter?” you ask around a mouthful of toast. “Cause I think you might’ve been wrong ‘bout him, Dray.”
“Potter is a spoiled prat, Y/N. Just because he’s the Chosen One, he thinks he’s so special-”
“My brothers broke him out of his uncle’s house over the summer. They’d put bars on his window and starved him.”
Draco stops his tirade about Potter, looking positively bewildered. “What?”
As you were leaving the library, you bumped into Hermione Granger, your brother’s girlfriend friend.
“Sorry,” you mutter, continuing on your way. You don’t look back, so you never see the dawning look of realization once Granger unfolds the torn-out page you’d shoved into her hand.
Harry Potter opens the Gryffindor portrait at your hesitant knocking. “Oh- Y/N, right? Ron’s brother?”
You nod uncertainly. “Yeah, um… I just wanted to say that I’m real sorry about Buckbeak. Malfoy’s a git, you know.”
Harry nods slowly. “Yeah. Isn’t he like, your best friend though?”
“Like you’ve never thought of Ronnie as a git too, Potter.”
He grins and holds the portrait open for you. “Here- welcome to the common room, I guess.”
You look around, unimpressed. “My eyes are bleeding.”
Smoothing out your Slytherin sweater, you continue, “Like, this is almost as bad as Ron’s Chudley Cannons shrine-bedroom.”
A unfamiliar scowling face looks up from the couch, glaring daggers at you. “Oi, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be fawning over your Slytherin prince?”
“Hey, leave him alone, Finnegan!” Ron snaps, appearing at the bottom of the stairwell to his dorm. “I swear to Merlin, you are such a prat.”
Ignoring your brother, you raise your hands up in mock surrender, smiling patronizingly at Seamus. “Hey, no hard feelings, leprechaun. I’m just here to apologize on Dray’s behalf.”
“On Dray’s behalf,” Cormac McLaggen mocks in a high-pitched voice. “Oh, Dray!”
A few girls next to him titter with laughter.
“Malfoy your boyfriend or something, Weasley?” McLaggen spits your name like it were a curse.
“Oh, indeed,” you deadpan. “You’re invited to the wedding. Won’t you be my best man, please?”
“If you’re just here to make fun of us, maybe you ought’a leave,” Seamus butts in again.
“Whatever. Anyways, Potter, I found a couple of books in the library about the Ministry’s statutes, and I bookmarked a few pages about the fascinating Release of Liability contracts that Hogwarts students’ guardians have to sign at the beginning of every school year,” you look down at your nails, feigning disinterest. “But if you’re not interested, then I’ll be off. Wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“Y/N, here,” Pansy Parkinson said with a look of poorly-contained glee, gently setting a pure white ferret into your hands. “It’s Draco’s, and you’re in charge of ferret-sitting for the foreseeable future. Have fun!”
Blaise just slowly shakes his head and mouths I’m so sorry in your direction as Pansy drags him off, laughing mirthfully. You blink, glancing down at the tiny animal who is currently glaring at you. Draco’s indeed, you think to yourself.
“Heya, little guy. It’s snowing pretty hard outside, are you fine riding in my pocket until I get to my next class?”
You hold open the deep pocket of your robe with your free hand, the ferret immediately leaping inside. You waited as it got settled, its tiny paws and head peeking out.
Satisfied, you start your walk across the school grounds, taking a much longer path than usual to avoid your older brothers, who had been giggling to each other far too much this morning for your comfort.
You chatter to the little rodent in your pocket, about everything from the Divination test you failed this morning to the fantastic cherry tart your mother makes every Yule. Before long, you arrive and climb up the stone steps, knocking on the heavy wood door and tucking your hands into your armpits to keep warm.
The door opens, revealing the half-giant groundskeeper who smiles happily at you.
“Y/N! I jus’ put on a kettle of tea, now. Glad y’made it, lad.”
As he ushers you into the warm, inviting hut, the ferret in your pocket squeaks at the sight of the large dog asleep by the fire.
You giggle, pulling the ferret out and setting it on the arm of your chair, gladly taking the warm teacup offered to you. “Mr. Hagrid, sir. My friend Pansy just kind of gave me this little guy out of nowhere and told me I was on indefinite ferret-sitting duty.”
Hagrid sits forward in his chair, setting down his delicate china teacup that looks rather out of place in his large hand, and squints at the ferret.
“Tha’s transfigured, that is,” Hagrid grunts. “Not a ferret.”
“I figured,” you shrug. “Ten galleons says it’s Malfoy.”
The ferret squeaks indignantly.
Hagrid chuckles. “If it is y’, Malfoy, I right like you better like this.”
You reach out to scratch the top of Malfoy (Ferret?) Blondie’s head. “So can you turn him back, Mr. Hagrid?”
“‘Fraid not, with no wand,” he taps his fingers on his teacup, making a steady clink clink clink sound. “Ah! But our mutual friend should be dropping by shortly, yeah?”
His sentence is punctuated by the well-timed FWOOSH of a flooed-in visitor.
“Heya, Harry! Draco’s a ferret now.”
“He wasn’t already?”
“My father will hear about this!”
“I’m sure he will, Dray, I’m sure he will,” you deadpan, wincing at the sting of Murtlap Essence on the back of your hand.
He mumbles a quiet apology, already rewrapping Harry’s hand in fresh bandages.
If you had told any Hogwarts student five years ago that one day, Harry Potter and Y/N Weasley would be sitting on the dusty floor of Filch’s dingy custodial closet, having their self-inflicted ‘detentions’ healed and wrapped by Draco Malfoy, they would’ve laughed in your face.
Despite that, the perplexing triad found solace in each others’ presence. No words left needing to be said.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. — Mary Oliver, “Wild Geese”
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chaedomi · 1 year
Hellooo hope you are doing well, I am not quite sure if you are taking requests but if you are could you please write yandere Satan or Lucifer from obey me •-•.
gn!reader x lucifer, satan (yandere / separate), implied violence, minor spoilers (?), unhealthy relationships. ꨄ — masterlist
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QUITE THE interesting individual you were… There was kindness in you, to whoever treated you well and deserved it. Then there was a mean streak to you, quickly shutting up the offender with your bluntness and sharp tongue. There were times you were great company, people choosing to seek you out during their moments of loneliness. And of course, you had your annoying moments where people are filled with the urge to chuck you out the nearest window.  Sometimes you are like a ray of sunshine and open to everyone, and sometimes you were… emotionally constipated. There’s no doubt you would gain attention, some more than others.
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Really? Really? Is this what it’s going to be like now? Okay. It could be ANYONE else he could have chosen to view as a potential lover. Perhaps someone who held a noble status to their name, or someone powerful (to which you are)... But, NO, the person his heart decided to flutter for was you, the human who had him suffer quite many migraines on their first stay, the human that had spiked his anger into a violent bloodlust, the human who couldn’t stop prying into matters that didn’t concern them, the human that somehow turned minor inconveniences into life-threatening situations. As you can tell, LUCIFER was anything but pleased when he finally sorted out that odd feeling he had whenever he was near you.
Everyone saw it, whereas you experienced it, how passive-aggressive his actions became. He’s still pretty much the same, except for the fact that whenever he addresses you, there is a tone in his voice as though he’s accusing or blaming you for something. And you being you decided to talk to him about it, trying to search out a way to fix whatever offended him somehow… which deepened the warm feeling he harbored for you, and made him crankier. Even Diavolo and Barbatos had to tread carefully around him for a few days…
He eventually caved in to the feeling, accepting that yes, this is how it will be from now on. However, it’s not for the reason that you think it is, him getting frustrated of continuously avoiding the problem. There’s this bubbling rage that creeps up in his chest whenever you direct your gentleness to anyone other than him. Forbid that he catches you doing it to his brothers or even worse, Solomon.
Whatever Lucifer desires, he will get it. Those words of course also apply to you as well, bluntly stating it to you in another font on the night you made a pact with him. So, do as you want, scream, cry, or kick at him, he will not budge. He will even somehow find a way around the power of the pact, exploiting it and twisting it to his benefit. Lucifer understands your reaction, indeed no one will be happy in this situation, but do beware, he does not have the best patience. If you go too far, he will give you a reason as to why so many are petrified of his existence and inflict punishment. Hmm… your fault for capturing his attention like this.
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You had struck so many emotions in him that SATAN was on edge for a long while. He was akin to a ticking time bomb and became very unpredictable. Just the slightest things had him spewing fire from rage; he practically reverted to his former self, the violent and spiteful person that was first transported into Devildom. He couldn’t understand why he felt this way toward you… a more extreme emotion mixing with the fondness he already held for you. He’s studied it so many times, reading various books or whatever could help him cope with what he’s going through. But not one book provided him with a satisfactory answer, and it drove him crazy.
It took the assistance of Asmodeus, who took pity on how much of a mess he looked, and Leviathan who was able to link his behavior to a famous fictional character trait. Satan finally gets the answer to his problem, and he’s so amused. It would explain a lot, actually. There’s no surprise when word gets around that he has threatened the life out of someone for simply displeasing him. However, his rage for that will NEVER compare to the FURY he feels toward someone who even dares to approach and cross the boundaries he placed on you. He wants to be let loose and throw HELL on that person. He would have never thought that he valued you this much.
He’s very much aware that his tendencies are abnormal. But, he’s a demon, why should he entirely care about what’s wrong or not? Some part of you is very grateful that you are not fully exposed to his more demonic side. Far too many times than you’d like to count have you witnessed his rage and him giving into it, especially when it revolved around you. It will always send a shiver down your spine…
Nevertheless, even though Satan does not necessarily expose his anger to you, the way he begins to vibrate from the wrath coursing through his blood, or the way his veins pop out on his forehead when you try to take your stand is as equally as terrifying… Satan is usually patient with you, his anger fizzling out most times by your voice alone. But, on topics such as these when you disagree with what he does, he cannot help but extend a bit of his cruel nature to you. Eventually, you gave up and accepted your predicament. Lucifer was already bad in his own way, why the hell would you choose to test the waters with The Avatar of Wrath?
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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yunarim · 1 year
ಇ. broken melodies | prologue
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⇢ ⁺ THE LITTLE DOLL'S DREAM˖ Yuu finds herself in quite a predicament, leading her to stay in RSA. — PREVIEW (read for tags and synopsis) — AO3 ⁺ w.c : 8k+
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It was a disastrous morning from the very beginning. 
Yuu learnt to grow no ill feelings towards anything she faced. Blame is for the weak, and hate… hate is for deeply rotten ones. 
Though now if she would choose who to blame or who to hate, she must have chosen the cold, dreary rain falling that night, emphasizing an everlasting sorrow loomed before her flower garden. 
She opened her eyes. It indeed was raining hard, yet she had a duty to maintain. One light snap with her elegant fingers, and gilded shimmers flickered around. Pink butterflies blossomed from those glitter drops, catching pieces of her clothes to cover the silky nightgown she was wearing. 
“Thank you, my dearest,” she thanked her little helpers, smiling despite the gloomy weather, and let her arms slide into the sleeves of a coat decorated with beautiful ornaments. 
Yuu threw one melancholic gaze towards the window. It never rained here in this place. Though Yuu wasn’t unfamiliar with the concept, she witnessed this phenomenon in princesses’ worlds. 
Sne gasped softly when one of the butterflies she summoned touched her cheek, trying to switch her attention. Its wings trembled a little.
“Shh, little one,” she said, welcoming the butterfly on her finger. “Why would you say I look lonely when I’ve got such loyal friends, you that would be.” 
She let a soft smile form on the curves of her lips. There was no reason to be lonely, certainly not. Why would she, when there were such beautiful butterflies surrounding her and little sprites she used to turn into mischievous imps when she was younger? 
And she also had Fairy Godmother. Her world and her everything, her most important person in the whole universe. 
“Now, shall we proceed into the garden? I wonder how flowers are doing, it must be painful to be soaked in such harsh rain!”
Sadly, no birds to be heard. She met a rough and unpleasant wind when she opened the main door, as if was trying to welcome an uninvited guest to her magnificent mansion. What a pity, there’s plenty of relaxing tea herbs to be brewed while having a chat with someone, she thought for a mere second before erasing that silly idea, it disappearing with her closing the door when she stepped out of the mansion.
Flowers hid in their downcasted petals, as if scared of being caught like little children. Yuu smiled, greeting them, and drew her magic wand out of her sleeve, casting a wave of golden sparkles with a whirling movement, the hem of her dress resembled a dance of horses on a children's spinning carousel.
Some flowers arised, leaning towards a gentle light spreaded on them, but some remained still and dull. 
“Perhaps a song is what you desire, my lovely ones?”
Yuu parted her lips, a tender melody embracing damaged petals and recovering them with a gentle flow. 
“Sprites,” she called for little funny-looking creatures, playfully tapping on their wings with her magic wand, and smiled. “Please help me save our little friends by creating a tent, hm?”
Sprites danced under the heavy rain, creating a shimmering cover for flowers to be saved from damage, and Yuu bowed to them, giving her gratitude. 
She stared at flowers blooming under the magical cover Sprites created, her gaze was rather absentminded. Yuu didn’t like rain. It was always cold, harsh, even violent at times, and the stars she liked to observe were always dissolving in a darkness loomed before the rain. Few raindrops fell on her shoulders covered with a coat but she ignored the feeling of a cloth soaking. 
“Beware, young lady.”
Yuu turned around, escaping a magical tent and getting completely soaked in the rain. A voice, so gentle and dear to her, flew somewhere near her, as if a butterfly leading her to somewhere. 
“Fairy Godmother?” Yuu asked weakly, her voice trembling in excitement, but the silence was the answer. 
Locks of her hair, soaked in rain, disheveled all around her face but she didn’t seem to care much, ignoring butterflies surrounding her in a warning way, as if trying to prevent something Yuu wasn’t aware of yet. 
It’s been so long since she last saw the only one who she could call her family. Fairy Godmother… no, her Mother went somewhere in order to accomplish ‘a really tangled, strange case’ details of which were never revealed to Yuu, but she knew it wasn’t her business. She had no right to interfere and yet she started feeling lonely.
How… many years passed since she was welcomed in her Mother’s warm embrace? 
“Fret not, young lady,” Yuu rushed into the mansion she was occupying at the moment, and clenched the cloth right where her heart was, feeling excruciating pain blooming within.
“Mother?..” she appealed in a voice, now completely weakened. “I don’t understand… is something the matter?.. Sprites, come here.”
Sprites rushed to her, their wings trembling as if trying to express their worry, but still they were quite the same as usual, so her quick assumption that she casted the wrong spell and turned them into Imps was nonexistent apparently.
She didn’t call them just because she wanted to. The exact same sensation filled her heart, the same one she had felt long long ago when Princesses’ worlds went disastrous. 
“Is something the matter with Mirror?” Yuu asked more herself than Fairy Godmother’s fadingly flickering voice. 
But there was no response. Yuu swallowed a heavy feeling of worry in her throat and decided to go further and investigate. Nodding to the Sprites and butterflies around her and forcing a smile, she grabbed dress hem to make it easier to run, and hurried in the Mirror Room. 
Princesses’ portraits were just the same as they always used to be. Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, Rapunzel, and Tiana… Crystals, which were supposed to keep peace and tranquility of princesses’ worlds, were shining brightly under the golden frames, crimson sparkles floating around them. 
Yuu came closer to Cinderella’s mirror, pressing her finger to the surface and felt the familiar sensations of water ripplings, which meant she could have entered the portal if she wanted to. So the problem wasn’t with Princesses’ worlds? 
“Fairy Godmother?” Yuu tried to call for her once more, her own voice echoing in the room and causing mirrors to reverberate the sound, water-like surface flattering slightly. 
No response was heard again. 
Yuu proceeded further, her hand resting on the railing of stairs leading down to the first floor. Air turned uneasy, her own stomach tangling because of growing worry. Something malicious was hiding in the dark, and when she drew her magic wand, raising it and making candles to light up, she gasped in shock, almost dropping her wand.
A sinister-looking mirror, framed by gilded snakes and with a figure resembling a crown at its center, materialized in the center of the room. No one's portrait was visible in its reflection, only a bright green light flooded the mirror to the brim.
Yuu took a step towards it when a dark fog embraced her feet. She wanted to observe it with more thoughtfulness, but an ominous feeling radiating from the mirror behaved as if it wanted to stop Yuu from proceeding. 
Yuu peered more closely, studying the puffs of dark smoke that looked like ashes, and shivered from the uncomfortable cold that penetrated to the very bones and made the blood freeze in the veins.
“What are you?..” She tried to ask the mirror, pointing her magic wand at it, ready to cast a protection spell. 
Butterflies twitched nervously in an attempt to fly closer, rushing away that instantly from the mirror as if being scalded.
But the mirror remained silent, only malicious dark fog continuing to swirl around her figure. She took one step closer, being able to touch the mirror frame now, but Yuu hesitated. 
Butterflies surrounded her, forming a wall to prevent her from coming closer, but Yuu let out a soft chuckle.
“Are you worried about me, little ones?” 
Butterflies were flapping their wings aggressively, as if emphasizing that they really were. Yuu casted a wave of light to clear the path but not in a malevolent way, and approached the mirror. She couldn’t have seen her own reflection, the surface was completely dark, and only neon green lights danced in front of her, as if trying to welcome her in their waltz. 
“Should I… pursue?” She asked herself again, holding tightly on her wand, and frowned. 
Yuu tried to turn on a bit of rationality, exhaling and letting go of all her negative thoughts whirling around in her head.
The mirror looked monstrously vicious and creepy. It didn’t resemble a Princess’s world, not even slightly. Even Esmeralda's mirror was not so eerie and gloomy, the dreary corridors of the cathedral did not reek with such clear rejection. The dark energy that oozed from this mirror seemed to be the quintessence of all the evil forces that Yuu happened to meet on her way.
“We have to hurry, young lady.” Fairy Grandmother’s voice broke through the silence again, and Yuu jolted for a second. “Because even miracles take a little time.”
“Are you implying I should go through the mirror?” Yuu asked hesitatingly but heard a little chuckle. Maybe it was just her imagination? 
“Why, yes,” Fairy Godmother replied. “Princesses may be in danger… Would you be so kind as to investigate this mirror for me, young lady? I’m afraid I can’t come back to you yet…”
Yuu nodded, ignoring butterflies getting extremely worried around her.
“Of course. Princesses might be in danger, too. I need to save their dreams once more.”
“Ah, young lady, you’ve already grown up so much… I hope I’ll still be there to assist you, but who knows what you may encounter in that realm. Be careful, my dear.”
Yuu felt tears accumulating in the corner of her eyes after she heard genuine worry in her Mother’s voice, and straightened her posture, getting ready.
“Now, go… I wish you good luck.”
“Yes, Fairy Godmother.”
Yuu let the mirror swallow her, dark fog interlacing with green flames and surrounding her figure, now dissolving within.
“But like all dreams, I’m afraid this won’t last forever.”
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Yuu felt like drifting. Something warm and gentle was embracing her limbs, a tender floral aroma enveloped her both body and soul, causing her to dissolve in it and entrust herself into the sweet oblivion. 
All that mattered at the moment was that it was warm. Cordial feeling Yuu was seeking for too long was filling her up, flushing out all the worries she had accumulated for so many years.  
The concept of time suddenly seemed strange and absurd to her — what time even was in the first place, here and now? What was ‘now’? Yuu wanted to laugh out loud but couldn’t register at the moment how in the world she would do that, given she didn’t quite understand where she was. What she was. 
Floral scent that was successfully carrying her far away tickled her nose, causing Yuu to giggle. The sound of her own laugh reminded her of being a little girl enjoying her youth and helping out Princesses. Someone was there with her, always backstage, yet there was. Someone whose gentle mother-like voice always managed to calm her down, like a sweet tranquil lullaby lulling her to sleep.
Yuu felt how something heavy filled her chest, a viscous feeling was crawling under her skin and making her cough with struggles. A soft fabric brushing against her skin before was no longer present, and right when the feeling of something gentle embracing her changed with a loud and painful thud, she opened her eyes instantly. 
A room, which reminded Yuu of a royal ball hall full of warm light, loomed before her eyes. Columns with majestic Corinthian capitals towered over her, as if surrounding. The marble floor gleamed with the light of the luxurious chandeliers on the walls, and right in front of her was a huge staircase leading forward to the top.
Yuu realized her limbs started to shiver a little, and when she managed to literally tear away her gaze from observing glorious decorations, she looked at the marble floor and saw her reflection in it. 
“I don’t remember changing my clothes before going through the mirror?..”
Under the loosened white blouse was a layer of dark blue fabric covering her neck and clavicle. Mazarine coat with gilded inserts clung to the blouse with gold aiguillettes made of noble metal. The blouse was tucked into straight trousers of the same color as the coat, and at her waist was a silk belt, over which silver chains were tied.
“What in the world…” Yuu mumbled to herself, clutching the fabric in her hands and trying to register how it happened. She never changed her clothes when transferring to Princesses’ worlds. Moreover, Yuu couldn’t remember the last time she wore trousers.
Yuu, who was an apprentice of a self-proclaimed Princesses’ overseer, tried to remember if there was a Princess who wore a uniform similar to this one. No, it wasn’t the case. Was it male uniform then? 
What mattered the most at the moment was that she appeared in the world she knew nothing about. Fairy Godmother used to tell her stories about Princesses and their Heroes never mentioned such clothes and never did Yuu herself transmigrate into the world similar to the one she was now. 
She raised up and gasped right the second when she observed her surroundings more closely. 
“Just where did I…”
Despite a tranquil aura lingering all over the place, Yuu couldn’t find her mind at peace when she saw almost a hundred beds covered with many beautiful flowers, and glassy lids were covering them. A soft floral scent enveloped the room, merging with the smell of splitting wax.
To be more precise, Yuu didn’t really care that the whole ambiance reminded her of a sanctuary. Transparent lids resembled coffins’ lids but Yuu already witnessed one. She furrowed her brows, a flash unpleasant memory of Snow White sleeping in a similar coffin caused her to bite her lip. 
There were people in here. Serene expressions blossomed on their faces, resembling a garden of freshly bloomed roses. Yuu felt a tangled anxious feeling unfolding in her stomach as she drew her hand to the mouth, covering it in shock. What if someone poisoned them like the Evil Queen did to Snow White?
Yuu rushed to one of them, trying to get rid of the glassy cover, but all in vain. 
“Fairy Godmother!” She called for the one who definitely knew what to do and how to help. “Fairy Godmother?..”
No answer was heard. 
Using magic in an unknown world was risky yet. She summoned her magic wand, and a wave of bright golden sparkles crumbled over a coffin she was standing near. A little glimpse of confidence flickered in her, causing Yuu to sigh in relief. Even if she could have used her magic even without a wand, who knew what would happen without it?
“Wake up, little one…” She begged for awakeness, her hands resting on a glassy coffin. Heart was trembling under her chest in genuine worry for someone she didn’t know.
Yet the person still remained asleep. Only silence and the crackling wick of candles on the wall lamps were her interlocutors.
She turned over only to discover the same transparent glass cover broken into a myriad of pieces right where she found herself when waking up. Yuu frowned, not quite understanding what even happened in the first place. Was she sleeping like that too? But what exactly made her wake up? And if so, did it mean others would wake up too? And yet according to the curse casted on Snow White, a true love kiss was the only remedy. 
Yuu touched her lips absentmindedly as if trying to grasp if she was awakened by a kiss, but the imperturbable silence was her only companion. 
“Ha… how am I supposed to solve this, Fairy Godmother?” Yuu sighed but straightened her back and decided to look around once more.
Just when she threw a glance at the stairs, a sudden commotion was heard somewhere outside of the hall. 
Yuu withdrew her magic wand, making it disappear in the air with bright golden sparkles, and turned to the main door framed with gold. It was better not to expose her magic abilities right at the moment in the place, surroundings of which were not identified. 
The door opened and revealed a group of people cheerfully chatting about something, and when Yuu distinguish an old man leading the group and made an assumption he apparently was the leader, she concentrated her hearing abilities and managed to hear their conversation.
“We’ve never reached the number of almost one hundred first years!” The man said quite proudly. “Almost one hundred young extremely talented individuals…”
The further conversation was cut off abruptly due to the group coming closer to Yuu herself. For a mere moment Yuu found herself lost in their happy sounds of talking. Her smile became nostalgic and rather bittersweet of a flavor, sympathizing the lack of having a person to chat with. 
It’s been so long since she has seen Fairy Godmother not in her dreams but in real life. 
“... Excuse me?”
Right, she shouldn’t have loosen her focus. Yuu blinked at the man who stood in front of her surrounded by a large number of other people. 
“What the…”
“The coffin is broken?!”
“How in the world did someone manage to break it?!”
“No way, is she a girl?!”
“In all-boys school? I wouldn’t be so sure…”
Yuu smiled sheepishly, absolutely confused. All-boys school?! God, what was happening? Yuu tried to remain calm despite the commotion she was causing right at the moment.
The very first rule Fairy Godmother taught her was not to lie. The rule never seemed vague to her, even if the second one was not to tell anyone of her origins. Yuu thought it was only logical, because it’s not like the Princesses wanted to know who she was and seemed happy enough after hearing that Yuu arrived to help. 
After visiting many worlds, Yuu came to the conclusion that if someone is eager enough to ask her who she is, then she reveals only two things. 
The first one is her name.
“... Good evening, child,” a tall old man approached her, ignoring the whispers of other apparently teachers telling to be more careful, and smiled at her genuinely. “Please, do not worry. Would you be willing to tell us who you are? I am Ambrose the 63rd, the headmaster of this Academy.”
Yuu nodded and came a bit closer, realizing she was almost hiding behind the remains of the coffin she broke.
“I sincerely apologize for the damage I caused,” she bowed deeply, not noticing wide-eyed students. “My name is Yuu.”
“Yuu…” Ambrose repeated when she raised up. “Alright, Yuu. What happened here?”
“Ah..” She looked at the headmaster once more, then glanced at other students gathered here, thinking what she should say from now on. “I think I was asleep and then fell from the… coffin right here, which made me awake. Not long after that you came.”
“I see,” he replied, flickering his fingers and repairing the glassy lid as if no effort was implemented. “You’re quite eager to start the studying year, aren’t you?” 
The headmaster smiled at her, and Yuu couldn’t help but reciprocate this smile. 
“... I think I am,” she answered vaguely. The people here were exceptionally suspicious of her.
Even if they all smiled at her with a small number of students who were observing her carefully or seemed indifferent, they still weren’t quite eager to welcome her in this world, unlike the Princesses she’s met before. 
“I’ll investigate the issue right after we finish the ceremony,” Ambrose told someone who stood next to him and nodded. “Now, please wait here.”
The headmaster and the group of five other people which apparently consisted of school staff went up to the ladder. Suddenly coffin lids started moving by itself in an opening way, floating midair and allowing peacefully sleeping students to finally wake up. Yuu gasped and then sighed in relief, genuinely happy that they weren’t under a curse spell or worse… 
“Dear students!” Ambrose exclaimed when everyone woke up, thus making everyone go silent. “I am everlastingly happy to congratulate you with this very precious moment of starting your new school year. School is just one little step in the ladder of your lives, and yet remember that it is also one of the most important steps. 
The students were quite excited to welcome the headmaster and couldn’t refrain from small talks, and Yuu also was exceedingly happy to hear people laugh and show their emotions so openly. 
Someone’s hand brushed against hers accidentally, and the person apologized quickly before turning to their friend, but Yuu stared at her hand as if there was something on it. An ephemeral warmth on the back of her hand was so unfamiliar and foreign to her that she parted her lips and wanted to ask the person to touch her once more, but then the headmaster said that he will be calling people one by one by their names, and when you hear your name, you need to go up there.
All the students that the headmaster mentioned as ‘first years’ went up to him, and Yuu was watching them almost rushing up to there. Yuu wondered what was there that they hurried up with an uncovered excitement blooming on their faces.
“Seems like this year won’t be too tough for my dorm,” Yuu heard someone from the crowd of students that didn’t go up to the headmaster.
She was foreign to the concept of school itself. She heard some of the Princesses received a proper education but it was private. And public schools? How were the classes divided? How old were the first years? What do you get at the end of studying? How long do you need to study and—
“Good for you!” The other person’s voice was full of emotions and seemed rather young. “Mine feels like an explosion right now…”
And just right when Yuu was about to turn and witness two people talking, Ambrose called for her, the only remaining ‘first year’ student. 
“Yuu,” the headmaster said. “Please come here.”
One little step in the ladder of your lives…
When Yuu went up to the headmaster, she bowed to him once more in order to show her gratitude for their cordial attitude expressed to her, an alien in this world, and gasped when she saw the one exact reason why everyone went here. 
A sword.
Crimson roses twined around a heavy-handled silver sword with a mirror-like sheen. Yuu widened her eyes when she saw her reflection, and again, not in the mirror. She was unwilling to resist the extraordinary pull that this sword exuded, and unconsciously took a step forward, but immediately retreated when she felt the same aura build up that she felt from the mirror in her own estate.
“Now, please state your name to Excalibur,” Ambrose advised her, suggesting to step closer with a gentle gesture.
“My name is Yuu,” she said, concentrating her gaze on the sword apparently named Excalibur, and felt how her heart did an unexpected flip in her chest. 
“Yuu…” The sword replied as Yuu jolted. A talking weapon?! “The soul of thine…”
A silence lingering in the air was ephemerally tranquil and peaceful but felt as aeon passing. 
“Strange,” someone from the school staff whispered to the headmaster. “It’s usually not this long.”
“Tell me about it,” said another person who Yuu thought was a teacher. 
Excalibur remained silent while shining so beautifully that Yuu couldn’t avert her gaze or concentrate on other students starting to ask what was wrong.
“Is something the matter?” Ambrose asked, looking rather worried. 
“The soul of this young lady… it is uncertain.”
“Hey, I thought it was just a pretty-looking boy?!!!”
“But this is an all-boys school!”
“There must be a mistake, right?”
“Just how in the world…”
“Is her soul shape undefined because she’s a girl???”
“I don’t think that’s the case…”
Yuu drew her hands to the chest, turning around and seeing a crowd of young boys fussing over her gender reveal. A confused look on her face couldn’t escape Ambrose’s focused gaze locked on her. 
“Dear students!” He exclaimed, trying to invoke the silence but a bunch of teenagers realizing there was a girl appeared hard to control all at once. “Oh…”
“Please continue,” said one of the teachers. Yuu threw a quick glance at him, noticing dark brown silky hair locks cascading on his cheeks when he bent over to whisper to the headmaster. “We’ll handle the rest. You should pay extra attention to the girl.”
Yuu frowned. It was getting more complicated with every second possible. She felt tired but the main goal was clear — she needed to know why she came here in the first place.
When other teachers helped the one who talked to the headmaster coordinating students and Yuu and Ambrose were the only ones standing before the sword, she swallowed nervously.
“Uhm… Mister Ambrose the 63rd, may I ask, is there something wrong with me?”
Ambrose turned to her, giving her a reassuring smile, and patted her head. 
A hand. A warm and caring hand caused her to bite her lip to hold the excitement growing in her. 
“Worry not, lady Yuu,” he replied. “Everything’s alright.”
“Are you sure?.. It seems the sword doesn’t… feel happy to see me.”
“Nonsense,” Ambrose chuckled softly. “The only thing that worries me is your eyes full of overwhelming sadness.”
Just when Yuu parted her lips to answer, the sword suddenly awakened, radiating a warm light. 
“The lady wields a powerful magic within her,” it said. “Yet no current dormitory suits her soul shape. Therefore it would be wise to arrange her to the long-forgotten one.”
“Long-forgotten…” Ambrose repeated after the sword. “Do you mean…”
“The lady belongs to Sidhery.”
‘Belongs’ was a strange word to Yuu. To belong somewhere meant that there was a place where she could return to and be welcomed. Yuu entered this realm for the very first time, and yet was there really something she could have returned to? Was there someone who waited for her? No, that wasn’t the case, it couldn’t be unless there was a Princess who was captured and needed to be rescued. 
Yuu almost forgot her main goal and her own role. Princesses’ worlds resembled soap bubbles — they were fragile and restrained, limited dimensions where only Yuu could have seen the end. Princesses were oblivious that they live within a fairytale, they never tried to step out of the path paved for them. If they were destined to meet the Princes, then they couldn’t break the law of the fairytales and reach a dead end like Yuu did in their realms.
Which meant if there were a place she could belong to, she would find its dead end soon, too.
Yuu looked at the headmaster whose eyes widened at the sword’s words and frowned. 
“Yuu,” Ambrose turned to her, bending over slightly, his eyes right in front of hers. “Would you mind explaining who you are in more detail in my office, please? It seems this is a rather complicated case.”
Yuu bowed to the sword before following the headmaster who seemed a bit amused with her mannerisms, and then opened the door leading to another hall covered in darkness.
With every headmaster’s step, candelabras on the walls were lightening up, revealing cabinets filled with peculiar vials and curious-looking things. The marble floor thudded with their footsteps, and when Yuu glanced up at the ceiling, she saw sumptuous chandeliers with myriads of brilliant drops of crystal. 
Her curiosity knew no boundaries, but she tried to refrain from coming closer and observing the beauty of the magic academy she got in, following the headmaster with small steps. Ambrose chuckled at her uncovered interest sparkling with a cheerful light in her eyes.
“Ladies first.” He opened the door before her and smiled. 
“Ah, no need to…” Yuu answered, confused because of the cordial politeness he expressed, but still proceeded further after Ambrose gestured to her to enter his office. 
She breathed in enthusiastically, drawing her hands to her lips as she entered the headmaster's office. The marble floor gave way to a brick-colored surface of red oak, over which was spread a huge azure carpet with gilded patterns resembling lotus flowers. On the carpet was a table the same color as the floor, and was surrounded by three long couches with aquamarine upholstery. Wall-to-wall window frames allowed the rays of the setting sun to freely invade the study, illuminating the tall bookshelves crammed with a wide variety of books. 
Yuu looked up, trying to carefully examine the ledges of the mezzanines, on which climbing plants were located, wrapping around the railing in an openwork net. Her gaze couldn't catch on to one thing, and Yuu hesitated as Ambrose moved on down a small staircase leading to an extension of the office, in the center of which was a huge grandfather clock; Yuu saw similar ones in Cinderella's mansion. Behind the clock were transparent glass shutters, which the headmaster opened with a light wave of his magic wand, and led Yuu to his desk. Objects lay neatly on the surface, but at the same time seemed to have a life of their own. The teapot seemed to perk up, beginning a leisurely dance as the china cups playfully tapped as they hurriedly went onto their saucers.
Cozy atmosphere differed drastically from her own mansion covered in darkness, the lights were cold and almost deadly unwelcoming. Yuu threw a glance on the chair before Ambrose told her to take a seat and offered a cup of tea. 
The headmaster's office was filled with the aroma of strong tea, poppy seed buns, and gingerbread cookies with honey. Yuu allowed herself to close her eyes for a moment and enjoy the variety of smells of food and treats.
“Is the office to your liking?” He asked, making sure the tea isn’t too hot so she won’t burn her fragile fingers. 
“Yes, it is!!” She answered eagerly before realizing she sounded too loud, and apologized. “I-I’m sorry…”
“No need to be sorry, child,” Ambrose smiled at her. “Now, please, let’s talk. Do not worry, I will not harm you. You’re safe here in RSA. Could have been worse if you ended up in… No, forgive me.”
Outside the window, the dreary cry of seagulls was heard. Was there a sea nearby?
“So, Yuu. I believe you noticed that our Royal Sword Academy is a school for boys only. Do you know how the enrolling system works?”
“I’m afraid I don’t.”
“Depending on the magic abilities of the student, a pumpkin and mice appear and turn into a sparkling coach with four white horses and take the student,” Ambrose explained. 
Yuu’s eyes widened. A pumpkin turning into a coach? It was Fairy Godmother’s magic!! Yuu leaned forward with an interest and a genuine excitement. Was her Mother here?!
“I can tell you hear this information for the first time?” Yuu nodded. She knew how to turn a pumpkin into a coach but she wasn’t sure if it was what happened to her and was quite reluctant to reveal she went here willingly through a mirror in her mansion. “Then Yuu, I have a question. Would you please answer honestly?”
Yuu was hesitant. Her whole body trembled at the mere thought of lying to such a wonderful and kind person who showed only cordiality to her, but at the same time she never told Princesses the purpose of her visit. They never asked, yes, and yet it felt wrong to reveal all the cards in her sleeve yet.
“... I will try,” she didn’t want to lie in the end. 
“I see,” Ambrose nodded. “You may have your secrets, child, I won’t harm you as I’ve already mentioned. My goal is to help you escape from the predicament you happened to be trapped in.”
Predicament? Trapped? Yuu wasn’t sure if the wording was correct but decided to let it be as it is.
“The very fact you’re a female makes your staying here quite complicated for us,” he started to explain, taking a sip of the tea. “But even if Excalibur made a mistake, it wouldn't assign you to a certain dormitory. You see, Yuu,” she chuckled softly at the rhyme. “Dormitories in our school serve not only as facilities for living there during the studying. Students are sorted according to their magic abilities and soul shapes.”
“Soul shapes?” She repeated.
“Yes, exactly. For example, students that have demonstrated bravery throughout their lives are assigned to a one dorm, but students that know no boundaries and are eager to curiously observe the world are sorted into another dorm.”
Yuu listened to the explanation, nodding from time to time.
“The dorm you were assigned to, Sidhery…” Ambrose massaged his temples with his fingers, and she wanted to apologize for being quite a burden at the moment, but he stopped her with a gentle smile, suggesting she should drink some tea, and she followed. “It is an abandoned dormitory. I have no records of what it was founded on.”
Yuu smiled bitterly. She never should have thought that she could belong somewhere, and this was the proof. 
“No magic traces were also spotted,” he added. “I’m afraid… we should send you home, Yuu.”
Yuu tensed. She came here for answers and couldn’t just leave without obtaining them. Her very meaning of existence was helping out others, but did she help someone? No, the only thing she did was cause inconveniences to people. 
But then again, she often used to return to her own realm whenever she visited Princesses in theirs. Yuu bit her lip, trying to come up with a plan instantly. Thoughts were whirling in her mind, causing her to take a deep breath in order to try sorting them out. 
Coming back home for a retreat didn’t sound so bad. The mirror through which she came here won’t disappear until she solves the main problem of this world, so if she returns home for a moment and then comes back, maybe not here in RSA but somewhere else within this world, then she might obtain more information. 
“Yes, I understand,” she finally answered. “Please tell me what to do.”
“First let us return to the Excalibur.”
Yuu nodded and they came back to the place of which Yuu thought of as a ballroom, and came closer to the sword. 
“Now, Excalibur,” Ambrose called. “Please let this child return to where she belongs.”
Yuu frowned again. Did she… really belong to where she came from?
“State your name and the place where you came from,” the headmaster told her and Yuu nodded reluctantly. 
Was it wise to reveal?
“My name is Yuu,” she took a deep breath. “I came from the Fairy Queendom.”
Yuu heard Ambrose gasping but remained her gaze fixated on the sword, not noticing the headmaster’s eyes widening. 
“I know no place named Fairy Queendom,” the sword replied, as if sentencing Yuu to death. 
“How come?..” Ambrose asked, flickering fingers and creating a wave of light sparkles. “Excalibur, send this child to the Fairy Queendom.”
“There’s no such place.”
“Child,” Ambrose knelt before her on one knee, grabbing her by the shoulders and looking into her eyes. “Are you sure this is the place you came from?”
“I am sure, headmaster, but…”
“To be completely honest, I know no such place either. I have knowledge of my ancestors, and I’m afraid even if I search this name in the books I have in my property, I won’t find anything regarding the Fairy Queendom. Please elaborate.”
“I-I… Please let me try it myself once more.”
Yuu summoned her magic wand and concentrated on visualizing the place where she came from. A beautiful garden she took care of, a variety of flowers surrounded by her little helpers, Sprites that would be, the dark starless sky upfolding above her head, and her mansion with majestic towering columns. 
The transfer between different worlds spell was silent and wordless, but required a lot of visualization from the magician. Yuu remembered every crack on the brick walls, every thorn embracing the wicket, every Sprite and every butterfly flying around. Magic was accumulating under her skin, sending an electrical impulse down her spine, but she jolted when a shock wave almost paralyzed her, causing Yuu to drop her magic wand and fall on her knees.
“Child!!” Ambrose rushed to her. “What are you doing?! Are you okay?”
“Y-yes, no need to worry. It seems… I can’t… return home yet…”
Genuine worry appeared on her face, revealing how unprepared for this outcome she was. Her hands trembled not because of the failed spell, but because of a panic crawling within, tangling her stomach and making her shiver. No way. There was no way she couldn’t come back, it never happened before, then why!..
“It is unwise to send back home a student who was accepted,” the sword said, radiating a warm light. “Student Yuu should start her studyings here and proceed until she graduates.”
“But she was assigned to Sidhery!” Ambrose exclaimed. “How in the world…”
Yuu bowed deeply, not raising even when Ambrose told her to do so.
“I apologize for causing you trouble. If there is punishment for me, then I am willing to accept it.”
“Child, what are you saying,” the headmaster came closer to her. “You’re just as confused as we all are. Moreover, Excalibur is right. I can’t neglect you once you are accepted here. From now on, you are a full student of the Royal Sword Academy.”
Yuu couldn’t register what happened next. She felt how strong yet loveable hands enveloped her in a warm embrace, and she tensed without realizing. Why would a person who saw her for the first time in his life, to whom she caused an unbelievable amount of troubles, — hug her?..
“But,” Ambrose said, still not letting go of her, moreover tightening his hug. “I believe I need to report to the government about you.”
Yuu jolted, escaping the hug and already missing the parental warmth of the headmaster. No, no… Previously she never contacted someone who wasn’t a Princess. Or at least a Villain. But the government?.. Fairy Godmother never told her what the government even was, Yuu remembered learning the term from… Was it Esmeralda?
“No need to worry, you’re under my protection from now on. I won’t report until I observe your case myself, child,” Ambrose reassured her, but Yuu found herself biting her lip in hesitance. 
“Yuu, listen to me. I won’t harm you. Ever. Nothing will happen while you stay under my protection. Now, let me show you your dormitory, alright?”
“Yes, headmaster…”
Yuu was tired but she had no right to retreat or rest yet. She nodded and followed the headmaster.
Soon they were in a room resembling a library. A grimoire levitated in the center under the bright light of the setting sun. The headmaster warned Yuu that she'd better hold his hand if she wasn't used to traveling through mirrors. Yuu nodded, deciding that being an alien, she'd better follow his advice despite being more than familiar with the mirror surface.
“Take us to Sidhery,” Ambrose whispered, and the grimoire opened a certain page. Yuu managed to catch ‘Once upon a time…’ written at the very beginning of a damp yellowed page. How peculiar! Even transportation to the dormitory resembled a fairytale. 
A large mirror appeared before them, paving a path strewn with little golden stars forming constellations of different kinds. Yuu took her first step with a beaming curiosity, almost forgetting to never let go of the headmaster’s hand. He smiled at her, finding her personality resembling a mischievous child's.  
A light breeze enveloped her as soon as her hand plunged into the watery surface of the mirror, and as soon as she opened her eyes again, she and the director found themselves on a spacious slope. Yuu stared in fascination at the huge clock tower rising in front of her, and watched the hurried movement of the second hand on the dial. The headmaster graciously suggested that she proceed forward, opening the heavy front doors for her, and overhanging chandeliers, resembling street lamps more, immediately lit up the hall with light.
“Headmaster… I’m not sure if this is a dormitory.” 
“Indeed,” he nodded, stepping in with his steps echoing in the empty hall. “You’re right. It is no longer a dormitory. To be more precise, I can’t recall when it was a dorm, but according to the notes left by my ancestors, there were two more buildings attached to the main clock tower but happened to be destroyed. The building is used mainly for ringing bells determining the time. It rings at midnight and notifies that the period has started or ended. I am sorry to cause you such an inconvenience, but you will hear the bell ringing during your stay.”
“Ah, that is alright,” Yuu reassured, following the headmaster. “I will manage.”
“I don’t feel right forcing you to stay here when you’re a little lost child but there’s no other way out yet…” Ambrose frowned. “Alright, Yuu, this is your room from now on.”
A perfectly made bed with a red oak table across from it, several bookcases, a closet, and a full wall window just to the left of the bed. Enough to settle here for a while.
“You’re free to go upstairs to the clock tower main room, but please refrain from touching anything there. One of the school staff will visit it once a week to make sure everything’s alright, he will let you know when he’ll visit beforehand.” Yuu nodded. “Regarding other needs, such as food and clothes…”
“I can’t own you more things, headmaster… There’s no need in spending money on me more than it’s necessary.”
“Just where did you learn to behave like that, child?” Ambrose sighed without any malice. “You need at least a school uniform set suited for you. I’ll let our tailor know that you need a skirt and a blouse—”
“Skirt? Why?” Yuu blinked, not quite understanding why put so much effort into making her feel comfortable. “I can wear this uniform I am wearing right now.”
“As much as I understand your politeness, child, it is unwise to use this uniform. This one is suited for special occasions only. You can’t wear it during school activities.”
“Ah… I understand… But there’s no need to sew a skirt for me! I believe there will be trousers the size of mine… If anything, I can sew it myself if provided with the right patterns.”
“Alright, alright,” Ambrose chuckled. “Trousers it is. But as for the food and other necessities, I will provide you with a decent amount of money needed. You girls love to buy a lot of fancy things, right?..”
“Fancy things?” Yuu repeated, seeming rather puzzled at the statement. “No need, headmaster. Being able to buy food is already a huge privilege, I don’t feel right borrowing from you…”
“School uniform sets and food. It’s settled then.”
The headmaster preferred to ignore her fixated gaze and a small pout. 
“Let’s talk tomorrow, child,” he said. “Now suit yourself and get some rest, alright?”
“Yes… thank you very much for your concern and everything you did for me.”
“Sleep well.”
Yuu fell on the bed right when he left, leaving her all alone. She snapped her fingers, summoning a familiar pink butterfly, and let corners of her lips curve upwards. 
The day was tough. Yuu tried to grasp the gist of what happened during the start of her adventure, not noticing her facial expression became confused, and a slight glimpse of fatigue was seen in her eyes. She got up, following the butterfly she summoned right to the closet, opening it and sighing in relief when a nightgown was found. She didn’t know if it was used by someone before, but decided to leave the closer observation of her surroundings for later, summoning her magic wand. Doing chores with magic wasn't a complicated process, all that was required was her imagination of how the clothes would look if they were clean and dry. Even if a plain white nightgown seemed clean already, Yuu needed it to be exceptionally neat and have a sweet fragrance. 
While changing into fresh clothes, she also thought it would be wise to not use her own magic in public too much until she understands how it works here in the first place. Princesses were mostly unaware of magic presence in their lives until it was suddenly revealed. Come to think of it, Princesses mainly didn’t have magic at all. People who possessed sorcery were mainly villains. The other way to obtain magic or its impact was to be cursed by evil forces. 
She saw Ambrose using magic. It looked a bit similar to the methods she used herself, yet felt different. Her magic resembled a gentle lullaby, a tender whisper full of care and warmth, when Ambrose’s magic seemed more persistent. The way his brows twitched before he casted a spell made Yuu think he was concentrating on gathering his energy or magic flows—if there were any—in his veins before mentally shaping a spell and vivify it. 
Her own magic was like a second skin, her most dearest companion and even friend. Yuu didn’t know how it should have been portrayed in a correct way since Fairy Godmother never told her, only teaching her how the magic can be controlled and to what categories spells are divided into. Yuu was a girl eager for knowledge, thus she did magic research herself, once casting a wrong spell and turning her beloved Sprites into the Imps and putting Princesses into danger.
“Argh! This is so embarrassing…” She talked to herself, burying her head in a pillow, covering herself with a thin blanket. 
Her task was to save someone. Normally there was a Princess, frail and poor, waiting for the Fairy Godmother to come and save her, but Yuu haven’t seen her overseer for over a hundred years herself. 
“I miss her so bad,” she told the butterfly who danced around, its wings flattering silently. “I wonder if she’s okay…”
Then again, she never changed her clothes when transferred into another world, so this case was exceptional. Moreover, the fact that she couldn’t return to the Fairy Queendom was extremely concerning, causing Yuu to swallow nervously and—
The clock struck midnight, but Yuu heard a commotion outside of the room, as if something just crushed or fell on the floor. 
“What the?!”
Yuu jumped from the bed, instantly summoning her magic wand in case something dangerous happened, and approached the door barefooted. She blinked, focusing on the hearing, but no sounds were produced. She opened the door just enough for the butterfly to fly away and return ten seconds after.
“Everything’s alright?” She asked her little helper, and when the butterfly made a low flip, Yuu nodded. “No, it’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll manage.”
Understanding voiceless creatures was one of her best abilities, and after watching her butterfly closely, Yuu realized that there was someone but the little creature couldn’t register who exactly and what they were doing. 
Yuu proceeded further, standing right at the corridor centre, and was ready to defend. Attack if needed.
A silhouette appeared at the end of the corridor, but Yuu couldn’t catch how in the world did she miss the arrival in the first place. It felt as if they materialized right in the air. 
A person was approaching her with an insane speed of running, and when she heard their steps just right next to her, she turned around and almost bumped into a boy before dodging him and sending a butterfly to chase him.
“Oh dear, oh dear!!” 
A boy with medium-length, copper-colored hair flashed past her, leaving behind a bright scent of fresh herbs and ozonated air, as if he had recently been caught in the rain, was dressed in a blue pajamas and ended up almost tripping on her foot, turning around for a split second and closing his mouth to say something, but then he came to his senses. 
He threw a quick glance at her, and the second after proceeded uncontrollable “WHAAA!”, the boy slid across the hallway. The scrunchie that barely held back the small ponytail came loose from his hair, and his curls blew across his face, disheveled, getting into his eyes and catching on his long lashes. 
The boy cursed rather poetically and dodged the wall lamp with virtuosity when he finally managed to scatter strands of his hair to the sides, revealing his beautiful eyes glowing blue in the moonlight. 
The marble floors were slippery enough to inadvertently tuck one’s foot on them, but the smell of dampness that wafted in a slight trail after the boy’s silhouette, indicated that he got soaked somewhere under the rain before he got here.
The boy rode across the floor and collapsed on it, preventing a painful fall with his hand and tipping over on a soft spot, and then instantly jumped up and rushed on, as if nothing had happened.
He turned back once more, and hasty fear flashed in his eyes, and he rushed further away.
“I shall be too late!!” He said drawlingly. “Or was it Oh my ears and whiskers? I’m late, I’m late I’m late!.. Hehe!” He said playfully, as if quoting someone… something?
“Am I dreaming..?”
Yuu asked herself when she saw a giant hole appearing right on the floor, and the boy jumped right into it, disappearing with a flash. 
She was so bewildered and disoriented for a second that she didn’t notice another person apparently chasing (Yuu would say casually taking a stroll than chasing actually) after the boy. A man, looking older than the boy but still seeming quite young, was approaching Yuu (though showing zero interest in her) and trying to catch up with the fleeing student. She was mesmerized as she noticed long silky hair flowing down his shoulders and back, and... did it reach the floor?!
“I suggest you stop~” 
A suddenly youthful and charming voice made Yuu stop instead of the boy who was already out of her sight. 
“Oh, good evening, young lady, see you tomorrow,” Yuu blinked at the sudden greeting and just nodded incomprehensibly. “I See the Light!!”
Yuu couldn’t grasp what the hell was upfolding before her but decided to let it be and… enjoy the mess?.. She then heard the boy screaming somewhere down the hole and blinked twice. Or thrice. 
The person jumped right in the closing hole and the second he fell down continuing screaming something to the boy, the hole closed, leaving no traces of it. 
The butterfly she summoned returned to her, expressing emotions not so different from her own.
“Was I hallucinating just now? In any case, let’s ask the headmaster tomorrow…”
She returned to her room, trying to analyze what she saw and draw a conclusion, but a shadow of fatigue towered above her, lulling her to sleep. Right when she closed her eyes, ready to be taken into Morpheus’s gentle embrace, she felt something foreign right at her left.
She snapped her eyes open and saw a flying head and one arm in front of her, screaming in horror. A hand reached for her ear, brushing it slightly before Yuu could register what was happening and jumped from the bed once again, taking a defense pose and frowning. 
“Good nyavning~ Nice pointy ears, by the nyay~”
This day happened to be never ending. 
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
A bunch of fey Blue Moon info.
Little rant about Fay Blue Moon I guess. They weren't ever really supposed to have like, a specie identification. They are in nature not a species. But the more I talk about them the more I basically word them as a specie. So let's just do that.
Of course we're keeping in the whole nature part of their life. Every single one of Blue Moon species is indeed embodying the nature of a warning. Something that you should beware. And they are the punishment for not heeding that warning. That is all the same.
But, these type of fey sort of morph to the environment. Most fay do. And that's how I imagine lot of them. But most of them have a motif that you can classify them in. Other than their nature.
Blue Moon species almost always embodies some sort of predator. For Blue Moon it's a dragonfly. For others it could be a fox, other predatory bugs. Etc etc. But whatever predator they embody does impact how they live.
These species also usually have a calm or herbivore creature with them too. In Blue Moon's case it's a grasshopper. But this part of their biology is also random. Usually taking on the traits of a fae that embodies that sort of soft creature. For Blue Moon it's grasshopper Faye.
Now we get on to the specifics of how the impacts Blue Moon. Both of the animalistic traits that Blue Moon base themselves on, are insects. Insects usually hibernate or die in the winter. Blue Moon unfortunately falls under the same fate. They are supposed to go into a hibernation like state. But due to being the only warning type fey in the area. Blue Moon has to force themselves to be awake. Even when their body fights it.
While their shape bends their bodily needs. It also somewhat bends their nature and activities. While the chosen predator part is a dragonfly. Dragonfly fey is not the main thing they embody. They also embody grasshopper fae. A sort of stranger danger type of warning. Unfortunately Blue Moon takes the traits of grasshopper fae a little bit more than dragonfly fey.
There's a part of their nature that deeply wants to weave the grass and build small little colonies. The only problem is that blue moons species is usually solitary. Mostly because of their cannibalistic tendencies. So that inherent instinct goes nowhere. Blue Moon weaves grass for no one. It is their hobby only for themselves. They are filled with a sense of needing to share, But can do nothing due to their solitary nature.
While Blue Moon species like any fae species has various shapes. It unfortunately makes meeting a mate very hard. Usually due to the fact that they look so different. They can also be different sizes. Meaning that if Blue Moon ever tried to find a mate. They would have to find a mate of the same size and similar like body shape. Which can be hard to find. Plus they usually like to stay to one area. It's usually the more male inclined of Blue Moons species to go out and find mates. Since blue moon doesn't lean towards any way. They simply take the female role of staying at home. But there has been no other warning type fay that have wandered towards Blue Moons territory. Probably because it doesn't have any easy food.
At this point Blue Moon needs to migrate themselves. As they have grown to be too fearsome in their area. Which is usually the driving point or any warning type fey to leave. Unfortunately like I said it's usually the more male inclined warning fae that migrate. Females do not migrate unless they have a mate to go with. Blue Moon has no mate, so they do not have the instincts to migrate. While Blue Moon does not lean either way. Because they are not leading masculine in any way, They are stuck with the female auto instincts. Basically most warning type fey are female first and can go more male if they want to.
If Blue Moon were to ever find a mate. Being the reciprocant they would be the judger. Although since Blue Moon doesn't lean either way. They could do their own display. A sort of double display.
There species mating displays are you really indicative of what creatures they are mimicking. And this is where they're aggressive mimic actually comes in turn. As it is what they use around their own species. So Blue Moon would do a dance like a dragonfly.
Interpret that however the hell you want. But by the end of the dance or the display. They do the deed and usually either leave or stay together. That would always depend on the female role. As they can either leave with the one the male or keep their territory. This is technically what Blue Moon is waiting for, and just isn't happening.
Trying to think of other things... Well I guess I could re-explain how Blue Moons diet works.
Basically is a warning for Faye. They eat faye. This usually does not require eating an entire faye. But it does require blood at least every day. They have to get a good bite of blood everyday or else they will start to starve. The more days they starve, The more they're appetite increases. Most warning type thing need to eat a good section of faye meat though, once a week. Just once a week. And it doesn't necessarily need to be a whole corpse. But it needs to be meat. Not just blood.
And I can't think of anything else to explain. Hope that was fun of you guys to know.
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Day 21
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Chapter II
Nu! the hiding of Hadit.
Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I, Hadit, am the complement of Nu, my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House.
In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found.
Yet she shall be known & I never.
Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet! Then shall this Knowledge go aright.
I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of death.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.
Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill, for I am the worshipper.
Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.
O prophet! thou hast ill will to learn this writing.
I see thee hate the hand & the pen; but I am stronger.
Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not.
for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me.
Now let there be a veiling of this shrine: now let the light devour men and eat them up with blindness!
For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret.
I am The Empress & the Hierophant. Thus eleven, as my bride is eleven.
Hear me, ye people of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet.
These are dead, these fellows; they feel not. We are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk.
Is a God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not of us.
Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us.
We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit: let them die in their misery. For they feel not. Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak: this is the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world. Think not, o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die: verily thou shalt not die, but live. Now let it be understood: If the body of the King dissolve, he shall remain in pure ecstasy for ever. Nuit! Hadit! Ra-Hoor-Khuit! The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light; these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake.
I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.
I am alone: there is no God where I am.
Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them. Ye shall see them at rule, at victorious armies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of your wrath.
Ye are against the people, O my chosen!
I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one.
There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.
Now a curse upon Because and his kin!
May Because be accursed for ever!
If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops & does nought.
If Power asks why, then is Power weakness.
Also reason is a lie; for there is a factor infinite & unknown; & all their words are skew-wise.
Enough of Because! Be he damned for a dog!
But ye, o my people, rise up & awake!
Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy & beauty!
There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times.
A feast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride!
A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.
A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet—secret, O Prophet!
A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods.
A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death!
A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture!
A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight!
Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.
There is death for the dogs.
Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart?
Where I am these are not.
Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not: I hate the consoled & the consoler.
I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead! Amen. (This is of the 4: there is a fifth who is invisible, & therein am I as a babe in an egg.)
Blue am I and gold in the light of my bride: but the red gleam is in my eyes; & my spangles are purple & green.
Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than eyesight.
There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death: this is none of me. Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries: veil not your vices in virtuous words: these vices are my service; ye do well, & I will reward you here and hereafter.
Fear not, o prophet, when these words are said, thou shalt not be sorry. Thou art emphatically my chosen; and blessed are the eyes that thou shalt look upon with gladness. But I will hide thee in a mask of sorrow: they that see thee shall fear thou art fallen: but I lift thee up.
Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they are the slaves of because: They are not of me. The stops as thou wilt; the letters? change them not in style or value!
Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto.
Begone! ye mockers; even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are sad know that I have forsaken you.
He that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is filthy shall be filthy still.
Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.
Beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him.
Therefore strike hard & low, and to hell with them, master!
There is a light before thine eyes, o prophet, a light undesired, most desirable.
I am uplifted in thine heart; and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body.
Thou art exhaust in the voluptuous fullness of the inspiration; the expiration is sweeter than death, more rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell's own worm.
Oh! thou art overcome: we are upon thee; our delight is all over thee: hail! hail: prophet of Nu! prophet of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our splendour & rapture! Come in our passionate peace, & write sweet words for the Kings.
I am the Master: thou art the Holy Chosen One.
Write, & find ecstasy in writing! Work, & be our bed in working! Thrill with the joy of life & death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely: whososeeth it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our age long love. Come! lift up thine heart & rejoice! We are one; we are none.
Hold! Hold! Bear up in thy rapture; fall not in swoon of the excellent kisses!
Harder! Hold up thyself! Lift thine head! breathe not so deep — die!
Ah! Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted?
There is help & hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!
But exceed! exceed!
Strive ever to more! and if thou art truly mine — and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous! — death is the crown of all.
Ah! Ah! Death! Death! thou shalt long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee.
The length of thy longing shall be the strength of its glory. He that lives long & desires death much is ever the King among the Kings.
Aye! listen to the numbers & the words:
4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.
O be thou proud and mighty among men!
Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up thyself, o my prophet, thy stature shall surpass the stars. They shall worship thy name, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the number of the man; and the name of thy house 418.
The end of the hiding of Hadit; and blessing & worship to the prophet of the lovely Star
Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aGRGWk
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sabiraa-a · 1 year
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Khushoo in Salah
(Part 1)
Salaah is the greatest of the practical pillars of Islam, and khushoo in prayer is required by sharee’ah.
When Iblees, the enemy of Allah ﷻ, vowed to mislead and tempt the sons of Adam and said “Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left...” [al-A‟raaf 7:17, interpretation of the meaning], one of his most significant plots became to divert people from salaah by all possible means and to whisper to them during their prayer so as to deprive them of the joy of this worship and cause them to lose the reward for it. As khushoo’ will be the first thing to disappear from the earth, and we are living in the last times, the words of Hudhayfah (رضي اللّٰه عنه) are particularly pertinent to us: “The first thing of your religion that you will lose is khushoo’, and the last thing that you will lose of your religion is salaah. There may be a person praying who has no goodness in him, and soon you will enter the mosque and not find anyone who has khushoo‟.” (al-Madaarij, 1/521).
Allah ﷻ says (interpretation of the meaning): “Successful indeed are the believers, those who offer their salaah (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.” [al- Mu‟minoon 23:1-2] – i.e., fearing Allah ﷻ and in a calm manner.
Khushoo’ means calmness, serenity, tranquility, dignity and humility. What makes a person have this khushoo‟ is fear of Allah and the sense that He is always watching.* (Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Daar al-Sha‟b edn., 6/414).
Khushoo’ means that the heart stands before the Lord in humility and submission. *(al-Madaarij, 1/520).
It was reported that Mujaahid said: “‟...and stand before Allah with obedience” [al- Baqarah 2:238 – interpretation of the meaning]‟ – part of obedience is to bow, to be solemn and submissive, to lower one’s gaze and to humble oneself out of fear of Allah, may He be glorified.” (Ta‟zeem Qadr al-Salaah, 1/188).
The site of khushoo’ is the heart, and its effects are manifested in the physical body. The various faculties follow the heart: if the heart is corrupted by negligence or insinuating whispers from Shaytan, the worship of the body‟s faculties will also be corrupt.
Making a show of khushoo is condemned. Among the signs of sincerity are concealment of khushoo’
Hudhayfah (رضي اللّٰه عنه ) used to say: “Beware of the khushoo‟ of hypocrisy.” He was asked, “What is the khushoo‟ of hypocrisy?” He said, “When the body shows khushoo’ but there is no khushoo’ in the heart.” Fudayl ibn Ayaad said: “It was disliked for a man to show more khushoo‟ than he had in his heart.” One of them saw a man showing khushoo’ in his shoulders and body, and said, “O So and so, khushoo‟ is here” – and he pointed to his chest, “not here” – and he pointed to his shoulders. (al-Madaarij, 1/521)
Allah has mentioned al-khaashi’eena wa’l-khaashi’aat (men and women who are humble (before their Lord)), and described this quality as one of the qualities of those who are chosen. He tells us that He has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e., Paradise). [See al-Ahzaab 33:35].
Khushoo is very important, but it is something that is easily lost and is rarely seen, especially in our own times, which are the last times. The Prophet ﷺ said: “The first thing to be lifted up (taken away) from this ummah will be khushoo‟, until you will see no one who has khushoo‟.” (Al-Haythami said in al-Majma‟, 2/136: It was reported by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer, and its isnaad is hasan. See also Saheeh al-Targheeb, no. 543. He said it is saheeh).
Source: 33 Ways of Developing Khushoo’ in Salah by Sheikh Muhammed Salih al-Munajjid
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orifumioshi · 11 months
Now that all my scheduled posts of my 02beginning countdown are well... posted, I can finally speak about a delusional silly but fun to think AU. This post is scheduled too tbh because I'm typing as I'm finishing scheduling my final piece with Ukkomon and Rui (ง ื▿ ื)ว but, let's pretend this is being posted in real time~
Ok so, my theme for the countdown was trying to do the 02 gang + Rui in the Digimon Survive character art coloring style because I'm still obsessed with it and hyped over the movie, that's when I thought, what if the 02 gang were to be in the same situation as the Survive gang? Come with me and let's explore this AU (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Beware of Digimon Survive Spoilers, I won't touch 02beginning spoilers (because I also don't know XD) and... long post so, gonna put this in read more~
Let's set the rules:
Daisuke and co. will have no idea what "Digimons" or "Kemonogami" are until they are in "the other world".
So, their first contact with their partners will be once they are in the other world.
No digivice like the Survive gang, just their bonds and souls uwu this means, no crest either and of course, no digimentals (BUT, for fun let's pretend that they can evolve in their digimental evos as alternative evoline)
So, not natural evolution will def happen, like how we have different options in Survive.
Daisuke will be friends (at the beginning) only with Hikari and Takeru for being in the same class; Miyako and Iori will be friends for living in the same departments and know Takeru's face for the very same reason. Ken will be the 'outsider' who doesn't know anyone BUT he's not in his Kaiser persona.
Let's include Wallace and Rui too just to have more 'cast' (ง ื▿ ื)ว but sorry, the international chosen would be a lot of people so, let's stick with these 8.
Aaand, to have "The professor", let me add Oikawa as the good person he was before dying in the 02 finale.
But worry not that everyone will be friends as they spend time in the camp and the other world.
Let's also put everyone in the "camp" to stick with the Survive script except for Rui.
They all get to keep their personalities so, no 'adaptations' to fit the Survive cast.
Jogress can happen because that was missing in Survive (ง ื▿ ื)ว (I know Omegamon is there but c'mon, we needed more xD)
Of course, same partners Digimons, even Wallace can keep both Terriermon and Lopmon.
Also, same enemies as Survive, sorry but we can't include Mummymon (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
People will die, sorry but we are going for the chaotic routes because, where is the fun in this if we know they all get out alive xD
I guess that's pretty much all. Now onto the story! Or at least, the "key events".
Rui and Ukkomon are the "tragic" duo, trapped in the other world like Miyuki and Renamon. Maybe even Ukkomon can disguise as human ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Probably we will be putting Rui as a "priest" that the Master wants to consume.
We can consider that Oikawa indeed went to the other side before when he was a kid, but I'm afraid of giving him a connection with Rui or let Rui have the "song" to connect worlds so, let's just assume Oikawa got lucky and found a gate to come back before the Master consumes him but due the traumatic events, he won't be able to remember Pipimon or the whole experience.
I would love to say that Iori's dad, Hiroki was part of the "spirited away" kids with Oikawa and ultimately died at hands of the Kenzoku and the Master but... It's impossible for a kid to well, have kids and having him dead in the other world won't work if we want Iori to exist so instead, let's pretend they become friends later in their lives until Hiroki died like in canon 02.
The camp setting will be mostly all the kids in the camp so, no 'Miu' role to lead them to the sanctuary.
Wallace will be the "chaotic" one to suggest find another path and Miyako will def second that out of curiosity. Takeru will follow them because he's interested in the "nature" of the path and well, Hikari and Iori will follow because what else can they do if they tried to stop them but they didn't listen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and Daisuke, he will agree with Hikari to be honest xD also I feel like Ken would be the "Shuuji" in this specific case, due his "smart brains" and being an honor student, the teachers trust him to be the "chaperone" so he has to go look for the "troublemakers" xD; let's say that Daisuke, Hikari and Iori took a second to think before following the others and that's when Ken finds them; just to have 2 teams.
The Gotsumon event might be pretty much the same: looking for each other, Gotsumon punching kids, the sanctuary getting destroyed, etc etc...
And yes, Oikawa will be researching the Kemonogami just like the professor so, he will pretty much be doing the same as Akiharu during the whole experience xD.
In canon Survive, we (as the protagonist) can only witness the first encounter with a partner Kemonogami through the eyes of Takuma, then let's say that Daisuke is the "player" (us) and we can only witness this encounter; I think he will be pretty chill with Chibimon despite getting beaten up by Gotsumon a few minutes ago and won't hesitate to help the little guy when Gotsumon attacks again and of course, V-mon saves the day~
The rest would pretty much be the same (events wise) so we just need to figure out the order of "found kids".
The group who will arrive at the school first would be Daisuke, Takeru, Miyako and Wallace, who will find Rui and Ukkomon (disguised?) living there and the ones to be kidnapped by Dokugumon will be Miyako and Wallace (because in my second play I got Aoi and Minoru trapped in the webs xD and idk what triggers Minoru getting trapped too).
Hikari, Ken, Iori and Oikawa will be the ones being chased by Fangmon, just to later get separated. We'll find only Ken and Oikawa at the dam who the later gets thrown to be considered dead like the professor.
Hikari and Iori will encounter Arukenimon in the forest (like Miu and Kaito), trusting her completely until we found them; Daisuke, Ken and Miyako are the ones who suspect of her but I can picture Miyako giving in trusting her at the end, leaving us with Daisuke and Ken to save the rest from Arukenimon.
The first one to die will be Ken, for not opening his heart to Wormmon and thinking he's a "useless worm" and definitely, he saw Osamu in the fog.
I don't really have an extra kid to be the "queen" of the little guys in the amusement park so, let's say they do want to investigate other places in order to find a way to go back to our world. Here an evolved Pipimon will be presented as [insert your fav possible Adult evo for Pipimon xD], who just as Garurumon, despites the Kemonogami with Human partners.
The second to die will be Takeru, for succumbing to the "darkness" Arukenimon pushed him to and let Patamon evolve into NeoDevimon/DoneDevimon, idk... Some Digi that can "eat" him (ง ื▿ ื)ว and Oikawa comes back~
The "Minoru" event will be in charge of Iori, for seeing how the Kemonogami can kill them whenever they want and with his "logical" thinking, he decided they are safer without the Kemonogami until Oikawa explains the whole "reflection of emotions" and "shared souls".
I don't want to touch Rui and Ukkomon much in this, mostly because I don't think Ukkomon will be as savage as Renamon but, we can still let Arukenimon to kidnap Rui.
In the Piemon fight; Daisuke, V-mon and Rui will go back to the human world and we let them bond just like how Takuma bonds with Miyuki.
Of course, Rui will be the one to lead the Kenzokus as the Master host and I... honestly don't know how to let Ukkomon handle this OTL
The next one to die (wrath route?) will be Hikari, for trying to save baby digis from the amusement park (who were actually Kenzokus), leading Miyako into the "Aoi villain arc" so, she will ultimately fuse with Hawkmon once Piemon almost kills them.
The alternative next death (harmony?) won't be human but instead, Wallace will lose Terriermon while trying to save the same babies and we won't get their Digitama back (for drama xD), leading Wallace to let Lopmon run rampage as Cherubimon; maybe we can pretend this dark evolution will be result of Wendimon eating the dying Piemon? Yeah, let's pretend that happens xD.
Well, that's the most I can think of right now on the spot. I would LOVE to explore the alternative evolution lines and as you can see, we can't get Jogress in our first play so, the "truthful" route would be the only way to get all the jogress. (In retrospective, I think only Silphymon can be obtained in the harmony route XDD)
Maybe someday with a little bit more of time I can think on the evolution lines, individualy and with jogress ooooor~ if you reached this part and got inspired by this, I would love to hear your opinions and "own" interpretations, also what kind of evil angsty Digimon might Miyako and Hawkmon evolve into?
I'll leave the rest for other day, hope you enjoyed this "quick" AU and hope we all can watch 02beginning in our closest cinema once it is available in your country ;w;
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thordios · 1 year
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Do you possess the letter X on your palm? It is called The Mystic Cross & you are a truly extraordinary individual. It is said that only approximately 3% of the world's population have this mark. Those with the X on their palm often exhibit exceptional leadership qualities. According to palmistry, this symbolizes prosperity, fame, and success. It also suggests a strong intuition that can detect danger, deceit, and unfaithfulness from afar.
Those marked with the Mystic Cross on their Palms are often chosen by destiny, destined to lead or be adored by society. Despite facing numerous trials, they emerge as victorious warriors, fueled by unwavering strength and resilience. These individuals possess an indomitable spirit, boasting an immune system fortified with boundless energy. Illness rarely befalls them, and when it does, they swiftly recover. If the X graces both palms, their power is further amplified. Notable figures such as President Abraham Lincoln, Fidel Castro, and Alexander the Great have shared this power symbol.
Those blessed with the letter X on their palm possess a brilliance that shines through their intellect, intuition, and kindness. They thirst for knowledge, spreading awareness and effortlessly adapting to any circumstance. Their exceptional acumen sets them apart, with analytical prowess that astounds. They gather a circle of trusted allies, forming unbeatable alliances. Their actions resonate across the globe, leaving a lasting legacy. These individuals embody responsibility, dependability, and strength, radiating a greatness that is unmistakable.
Beware the souls who bear the Mystic Cross, for they perceive disloyalty's whisper in the wind. Forgiveness may grace their hearts, but memories of transgressions linger. Those who betray shall face their reckoning, for kindness does not equate to blindness. The sting of betrayal and treachery shall forever be etched in their minds.
STI University on Moscow conducted research on the lives & destinies of people with the X in their palm & after analysing and data collection of over 2 million people, both living and dead, their study found many to have indeed been eminent and significant figures. The study found that many with the x in one palm commonly became very successful and often went on to be well known personalities. They also found that people with the x in both palms were likely to become renowned, famous people and were often remembered long after their passing.
The STI University in Moscow conducted a study
delving into the lives and destinies of those blessed with the X on their palms. Through the analysis of over 2 million souls, their research unveiled a tapestry of eminence and significance. It revealed that those with the X in one palm often ascended to great success, becoming renowned figures. And those with the X in both palms? They became legends, leaving an indelible mark on history, forever remembered even in the annals of history.
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newhavenrp · 2 years
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Is that PETER CAPALDI? No, that’s JOHN SMITH. The 59 year old ICE MOON WEREWOLF OMEGA MALE is a DOCTOR. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be KIND & HONEST, but beware, they’re also known to be RUDE & STUBBORN. Their friends also say that they’re into GAGS & MECHANOPHILIA  but don’t you dare trying BREATH PLAY & EDGE PLAY with them. 
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His pack had been different from others as his pack chose leaders differently. The leaders would always be the first son or daughter of the current leader and John had been the firstborn of his parents, he was the chosen one to lead the pack once he had grown enough. He would say it was rather tragic that he presented omega but his parents nor the pack changed their opinion on the matter, they wanted John as their leader and nothing nor no one would change that decision.
He grew up training to take the reigns from his parents and to also make a living. He entered into an apprenticeship with a local and well-known healer who took him under his wing to teach him all he needed to know to become a healer himself. Eventually he found a an alpha he fell in love with, an alpha who loved him back, and they mated.
John became a healer and the mate of a wonderful alpha, but before he could even conceive their first child true tragedy struck. A well respected noble came to his clinic wanting medical attention. John did his best and did so wonderfully but the patient was unsatisfied. Claiming John had made him go through pain on purpose, he had John’s mate arrested and killed for John’s apparent lack of gentleness.
The omega had no choice but to go on with life and soon became the leader of his back. He never mated again, he couldn’t bare to lose his mate once more in this blasted city. So, he decided to pick the second-in-command to take his place once the time came. His child was trained for the position while the pack was filled with unrest wanting the omega to bear children he did not want. He wasn’t willing to lose another mate to the system, to a noble who couldn’t take some little pain. It was unfair he had to stay alone, it was unfair he couldn’t have children, but he was oh so scared he didn’t care about any of that.
Then, one day, something strange happened and he was taken away from the home he had known all his life and into a new one. The locals said it was called New Haven and according to what he was listening around him, John had traveled into the future. It seemed out of the question for him butt he technology, the structures, the people themselves! everything screamed that he had indeed traveled in time.
He and the others were helped into settling into the new city, they were given homes and jobs according to what they already knew with the option of changing careers later on so they choose to. John decided to enter school and learn the new kinds of medicine, to update himself. If he was going to live in this new world then he had to adapt and that wasn’t easy for someone his age.
He had decided staying in New Haven was his best option, he was safe from hunters here and he had a place to live too and a job to go with it. He was learning, slowly but surely, and he could get great things from this world that was so much freer than his own. Omegas were in power here! It was so unlike his old home that he just felt compelled to stay and make the best of it.
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agarwaldomestic · 4 months
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incarnateirony · 6 months
April 9 - Mercury, The Magus
Liber AL, Cap II.
In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found. Yet she shall be known & I never. Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet! Then shall this Knowledge go aright. I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of death.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go. Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill, for I am the worshipper. Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.
O prophet! thou hast ill will to learn this writing. I see thee hate the hand & the pen; but I am stronger. Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not. for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me. Now let there be a veiling of this shrine: now let the light devour men and eat them up with blindness!
For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret. I am The Empress & the Hierophant. Thus eleven, as my bride is eleven.
Hear me, ye people of sighing!     The sorrows of pain and regret Are left to the dead and the dying,     The folk that not know me as yet.
The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light; these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake.
I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of your wrath.
Ye are against the people, O my chosen! I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one. There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.
Now a curse upon Because and his kin! May Because be accursèd for ever! If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops & does nought. If Power asks why, then is Power weakness. Also reason is a lie; for there is a factor infinite & unknown; & all their words are skew-wise. Enough of Because! Be he damned for a dog! But ye, o my people, rise up & awake!
Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy & beauty! There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times. A feast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride! A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law. A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet— secret, O Prophet! A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods. A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death! A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture! A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight! Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.
There is death for the dogs. Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart? Where I am these are not. Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not: I hate the consoled & the consoler. I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead! Amen. (This is of the 4: there is a fifth who is invisible, & therein am I as a babe in an egg.)
Blue am I and gold in the light of my bride: but the red gleam is in my eyes; & my spangles are purple & green. Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than eyesight.
There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death: this is none of me. Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries: veil not your vices in virtuous words: these vices are my service; ye do well, & I will reward you here and hereafter.
Fear not, o prophet, when these words are said, thou shalt not be sorry. Thou art emphatically my chosen; and blessed are the eyes that thou shalt look upon with gladness. But I will hide thee in a mask of sorrow: they that see thee shall fear thou art fallen: but I lift thee up.
Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they are the slaves of because: They are not of me. The stops as thou wilt; the letters? change them not in style or value!
Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.
Beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him. Therefore strike hard & low, and to hell with them, master! There is a light before thine eyes, o prophet, a light undesired, most desirable. I am uplifted in thine heart; and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body.
Thou art exhaust in the voluptuous fullness of the inspiration; the expiration is sweeter than death, more rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell’s own worm. Oh! thou art overcome: we are upon thee; our delight is all over thee: hail! hail: prophet of Nu! prophet of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our splendour & rapture! Come in our passionate peace, & write sweet words for the Kings! 
I am the Master: thou art the Holy Chosen One. Write, & find ecstasy in writing! Work, & be our bed in working! Thrill with the joy of life & death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely: whoso seeth it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our agelong love. Come! lift up thine heart & rejoice! We are one; we are none.
Hold! Hold! Bear up in thy rapture; fall not in swoon of the excellent kisses! Harder! Hold up thyself! Lift thine head! breathe not so deep— die! Ah! Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted?
There is help & hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!
But exceed! exceed! Strive ever to more! and if thou art truly mine— and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous!— death is the crown of all. Ah! Ah! Death! Death! thou shalt long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee. The length of thy longing shall be the strength of its glory. He that lives long & desires death much is ever the King among the Kings.
Aye! listen to the numbers & the words: 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word. O be thou proud and mighty among men!
Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up thyself, o my prophet, thy stature shall surpass the stars. They shall worship thy name, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the number of the man; and the name of thy house. The end of the hiding of Hadit; and blessing & worship to the prophet of the lovely Star!
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felinefought · 6 months
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seth. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • threads.
Is that EMILIO SAKRAYA? No, that’s SETH MORGAN. The 25 year old LIGHTNING MOON WERE-OCELOT OMEGA MALE (HE/HIM)  is a BOXER + PERSONAL TRAINER. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be ENERGETIC & DETERMINED, but beware, they’re also known to be BRUTE & FEISTY. Can you believe they’re from THE PRESENT? Me either.
One of us and one of them.
The rules were simple. Special ones were chosen, raised and trained to be the perfect little soldiers in a war that had yet to be won. Their chances were .. good, very good indeed, but to risk success on the back of laziness was a risk the human race was not willing to take. Especially the more fortunate part of society who wanted the entire Supernatural race to go extinct. Waiting and watching wouldn’t cut it for them, so they invested ridiculous sums into an organization that existed solemnly to ensure the war was one-sided, in their favor. 
The Chosen. 
It was that, really. The humans didn’t want The Others around them, they didn’t want them in positions of power, or influence - or to exist in the world they claimed theirs, but they did very much agree to exploiting their abilities. Fae and Witches were used for their blood and magical abilities, vampires for their regenerative abilities and …others… they had their own uses for humans. Bears were stronger than the norm, felines faster. But what mattered the most was not the animal side of beasts. It was the moon. 
A were’s moon changed everything. The Chosen had facilities for the non-Humans they used, most of them weren’t tortured, but held captive against their will nonetheless. And then there were those like Seth. Born into this life. Born in a cage. His mother had been one of the first they found back in the day. She.. was not the ideal species for their plans, but until they found a better specimen - she would do, they thought. And it was still a 50/50 chance, right? 
Well, Seth got the short end of the stick. He didn't inherit his father’s long legs and his incomparable speed… but... his mother's... genetics, which was less than ideal. It was a risk, they said. But the majority came out fine, they said. Well shit. It was clear he was one of the disposable kind, those they set aside for emergencies, but they didn’t end his life at least. He was raised with the others, he was trained with the others, but those like him were held in different rooms than those who didn’t. His mother, which he didn’t know at the time - was not the only one. Neither was his father. They were on a mission and nothing would stop them. 
Escaping was not an option, the only way out was through the mission. Get approved, get a teammate, get out - which posed the main problem for Seth. He wouldn’t. His kind were no good out there in the fight against the enemy. Little did he know at the time that he was considered an enemy. 
It wasn’t until much later that the tides turned and Seth suddenly became interesting again. There was an incident. The leaders of the Chosen found themselves faced with an issue. Those they raised among their ranks were not always compliant and bound by duty. Some rebelled, some earlier and some later. The early ones could be shut down, but those who rebelled later? After years of training? An issue. 
One of his brothers who was gifted with his father’s superior traits wreaked havoc and took down an entire facility alone. He was sent away, as were the others of his kind. No risks were acceptable. The war had to be won. Left behind were only less fortunate souls like him. He didn’t know where they took his brothers and sisters, but he knew that his time .. was about to begin. 
He’d been taught the same everybody had, had been trained the same everybody had, so he was assigned a human partner and they were left loose on the outside world. Of course, no risks were acceptable, so Seth was tracked at all times in case he tried to run. He didn’t. He had no reason to. He was good at what he did, it was all he knew and he got to live his life almost freely the way he wanted to. So long as they completed the missions they were given. They called it missions, but it .. was assassinations, more so. 
Seth made two mistakes in his life. 
One. He rode for the Chosen for way too long before he realized it was wrong. 
Two. He fell in love with his human partner. 
One .. didn’t happen overnight. As years passed, doubts festered and grew over time, all that blood on his hands.. he’d never be able to wash his hands clean from sin. And two.. didn’t either. It was mutual for a time, too, which made his decision even more difficult. Their decision. It wasn’t his alone. Because he woke up one morning to find the tracker torn from his insides and a gun in his face. They had been found out, they’d been seen. It was either him or .. his partner. Well, safe to say he didn’t have a lot of options. Stay and die or leave. 
He didn’t feel like dying that day. 
After ten years on the road hunting so-called monsters, he heard rumors. They all did, the Chosen tried for years to find this mysterious safe haven the captured creatures wailed about, but so far .. no luck. With nothing left to lose, Seth figured he might as well try his luck. He set out to find New Haven, but .. he knew deep down that New Haven found him.
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anasraza25 · 8 months
The Sacred Task: Unveiling the Role of Prophets in Delivering God's Message, as Illuminated by Surah Yasin
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In the intricate tapestry of religious scriptures, the Quran stands as a beacon of guidance for millions worldwide. Surah Yasin, nestled in the heart of this divine revelation, unfolds a profound narrative on the pivotal role of prophets in delivering God's message to humanity. The surah not only venerates the messengers of God but also underscores the importance of heeding their guidance for spiritual enlightenment and moral rectitude.
Surah Yasin begins with a resounding declaration: "Yasin. By the wise Quran. Indeed, you, [O Muhammad], are among the messengers on a straight path. [This is] a revelation of the Exalted in Might, the Merciful, that you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned so they are unaware" (Quran 36:1-6). These verses encapsulate the essence of the prophetic mission, emphasizing the Quran as a source of divine wisdom and Muhammad (peace be upon him) as one of the chosen messengers on a clear and righteous path.
The surah, through its verses, unveils the divine purpose behind sending prophets: to warn and guide a heedless humanity. It traces the lineage of prophethood, recounting the stories of past messengers, including those who were sent to communities that had not received prior warnings. The unfolding narrative underscores the timeless nature of the prophetic mission — a continuous chain of guidance woven into the fabric of human history.
A profound aspect illuminated by Surah Yasin is the unwavering commitment of prophets to their mission despite facing opposition and rejection. The surah recounts the stories of prophets who persevered in delivering the divine message, confronting the obstinate resistance of their people. "And We did not send into a city any warner except that its affluent said, 'Indeed we, in that with which you were sent, are disbelievers'" (Quran 36:34). This recurring theme serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges prophets faced, reinforcing the resilience required to convey God's message in the face of adversity.
Surah Yasin also brings to light the inherent qualities of the messengers: wisdom, perseverance, and sincerity. The verse, "Peace upon Noah among the worlds. Indeed, thus do We reward the doers of good. Indeed, he was of Our believing servants" (Quran 37:79-81), acknowledges the virtuous character of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him), emphasizing that the messengers were exemplars of righteous conduct and devotion to God.
Furthermore, the surah highlights the rejection faced by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the need for patience in the face of adversity. "And the eminent among his people who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter while We had given them luxury in the worldly life said, 'This is not but a man like yourselves. He eats of that from which you eat and drinks of what you drink'" (Quran 36:47-48). These verses serve as a profound lesson on resilience and steadfastness in the path of truth, resonating with the challenges faced by prophets throughout history.
In examining the role of prophets, Surah Yasin underscores the transformative power of divine guidance. It portrays the impact of the message on those who are receptive to it, leading them from darkness to light. "When he came to them with clear evidences, they said, 'This is a magician, and we never heard of this [kind] among our forefathers'" (Quran 36:13). This rejection highlights the cognitive dissonance that often accompanies profound truths, as people grapple with the unfamiliarity of a message that challenges their established beliefs.
Moreover, Surah Yasin emphasizes the consequences of denying the message of God. It vividly describes the fate of those who reject divine guidance and persist in their disobedience. "And when it is said to them, 'Beware of that which is before you and that which is behind you; perhaps you will receive mercy…'" (Quran 36:45-46). This serves as a powerful admonition, prompting reflection on the repercussions of turning away from the guidance provided by God through His messengers.
In conclusion, Surah Yasin serves as a timeless testament to the role of prophets in delivering God's message to humanity. It encapsulates the challenges faced by these chosen individuals, their unwavering commitment to their mission, and the transformative impact of divine guidance on receptive hearts. Through its verses, Surah Yasin beckons individuals to reflect on the profound legacy of the messengers, urging humanity to heed the divine message and embark on a path of righteousness. The surah stands as a perennial source of inspiration, inviting all to embrace the light of God's guidance as transmitted through the noble lineage of prophets.
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coal15 · 1 year
Here's a teaser for ch.8 of All Roads Lead Back, tentatively titled Pride Before The Fall.
The staredown. 
Fraud versus Faithful, who will blink first?
After processing his initial shock at being found out, the Metatron’s usual smug confidence returns. He glares at Aziraphale and without averting his eyes calls out to the retreating co-conspirators behind him, “get back here!” 
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. A wise motto. The ideal scenario would have been for the Metatron to admit he’d been outplayed and surrender without a fight. Luckily for the side of good, however, Muriel, Aziraphale, and Crowley had sense enough to realise the odds of such a dream coming true were slim indeed. Hence the rest of their elaborate ploy. 
Look worried, Aziraphale reminds himself. No no, not worried yet. Confused. Yes. Look confused. 
“Aziraphale, do you know how easy it is going to be for us to turn all of Heaven against you? We need only tell the other Angels that you attempted to undermine my voice-God’s voice-as part of a treacherous plot to usurp the Almighty. I mean, can you imagine such a wicked thing!” The Metatron shudders. “And  I assure you most of them will hold true to faith, just as they have since I took over the show.”
Michael and Uriel resume their place behind the blasphemous leader who holds their allegiance, and Aziraphale can plainly see their confidence is restored.
All going as expected so far. Brilliant. 
The Metatron gives his stupidly obedient minions a polite nod before continuing the villainous monologue. “After all, what is a deity without faith? Nothing. And in the place we have her trapped she is nothing. Merely a concept. One that I have embodied quite effectively for well nigh on a thousand years now.” 
“A thousand? Y’mean literally, it’s been that long?” Crowley asks, genuinely surprised. Of course he’d assumed the Metatron’s invisible insurrection happened some time back, but a thousand years? Insidious or not, he does have to admit successfully maintaining such an illusion for so long is an impressive feat. Not an admirable one, of course. But undeniably impressive. Though his heart does break a bit, knowing how much the revelation must upset his Angel. 
“Yes I mean literally, you presumptuous fool! One thousand years." The Metatron’s appetite for power laps up the defeat of his enemies like tasty morsels.  
“Beware the blinding effect of arrogance, Metatron,” Aziraphale cautions. “Only God’s chosen could possibly create flesh and blood life out of nothing, so once we demonstrate-”
“A demonic illusion, nothing more." The Metatron waves away the warning with an indignant huff. “Lifelike, perhaps, but given your choice of lover . . . ” his eyes flick briefly to Crowley, “it does seem a more likely story than God sharing her most exclusive power with another being, wouldn’t you say?” 
Okay, NOW look worried . . .
“In fact, I can make the case that God only allowed this Demon back into Heaven as a test. In her depthless grace she so dearly wanted to believe his change of heart was genuine, but alas . . .” The Metatron sighs heavily in an artificial a show of sadness. “Instead she has discovered not only does he still belongs to Hell, but has even managed to lead one of our purest Angels astray. The Supreme Archangel himself turned agent of Satan.” He grins, calm and unworried. "Who do you suppose has the upper hand now, Aziraphale?”
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