makingitwithmeagan · 4 years
BBQ Ribs
I realize I’m technically a day behind on my recipes for the week, and I’ll update on last night’s dinner- I really will. But guys....I made crockpot ribs tonight AND THEY WERE GOOD.
Let me give some back story to this recipe because it’s important. When I first started dating Austin, I made him ribs in a crockpot. To this day, he will still talk about it because it was legit the worst meal he’d ever eaten.
Well, take that! I redeemed myself.
I don’t care how you make ribs, the process is a bit more complex in the beginning, very hands off for hours in the middle, and then finishing touches at the end.
I started by making my rub. I was out of onion powder so I just left it out of the recipe. This made more than enough to saturate the ribs. 
I also cut the rack of ribs into thirds. One third easily fit standing up in my crockpot and that’s honestly all I put in for my experiment. I was scared to mess them up again so I had a backup and put the rest of the ribs in the oven....just in case. 
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After a Hayden nap, some reading, and even a little gardening, it was time to check on the progress. I pulled them out, poured on the BBQ sauce (Austin said I put on too much) and put them in the oven for about 10 minutes.
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I don’t even like BBQ and these looked so good! (I did try some without the sauce and they were amazing...the cinnamon was a little unexpected but so good! I may have gone a little overboard on the sides but it’s not everyday that I attempt ribs and....it’s Friday? (I think- this teacher is in summer mode...)
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I worried all day about this recipe. I checked on it more often than I should have. But Austin gave his seal of approval saying “These are honestly better than Cheddar’s.” (I really have to stop doing this or I will NEVER get to have their amazing strawberry lemonade ever again.) Hayden loved it, too, which is shocking because he is definitely a chicken-eater and it takes some motivation to get him to try other meats. And like I said, even I ate some of the meat itself.
I have officially redeemed myself (although, Austin pointed out that means I’m still only batting .500)! That is huge! I will now not be forever known for rock ribs!
Here is the recipe that I followed: https://www.acorkforkandpassport.com/melt-in-your-mouth-crockpot-ribs/
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