#better throw in some sigarets too
grandparomeaskblog · 1 year
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I finished the crown! So happy how it turned out
I'm a princess 👑
Now cover me with cash and diamonds
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nnightskiess · 4 years
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r e q u e s t : Hi ! How are you ? I’m so sad as to what happened with Naya she was a huge inspiration in my life and It hit me really bad But I want to ask for an imagine where you are Santana’s little sister and you come in to join the glee club and you’re better then Rachel and she starts saying stuff but you pop off on her and Santana backs you up?? If you can, sorry if it doesn’t make sense
Y/N sat cross-legged on a chair in the back row, texting one of her friends to try and pass the time. Mr. Schuester was late, as always. Her older sister, Santana, walked in with Brittany close behind her. They sat down in the chairs in front of Y/N and turned around to the younger Lopez to engage her in their conversation. 
Their conversation was cut short when a loud clap of hands and an exciting yelp, coming from no other than Rachel Berry, interrupted them. Santana immediately rolled her eyes, knowing she was about to say something stupid again. 
“You guys, I have amazing news!”
Y/N groaned loudly, knowing whatever Rachel had to say would probably only have interest to Rachel herself.
“I just made up my mind on what song I’ll be singing for regionals.” She went to stand in front of the group. If she had paid close attention, she’d seen that not all of them were pleased with her statement. 
“What you’ll be singing?” Y/N cocked an eyebrow when Rachel stared at her for a few seconds. “We can all sing, we’re not your ensamble.”
“Didn’t you see how much everyone loved my solo at sectionals?! I want... I mean, we want that same standing ovation for regionals!” 
“Oh, hell no.”
Puck cleared his throat, looking between Y/N and Rachel. “I kind of think Little-Lopez has a point.” 
“Yeah, why can’t someone else get a solo this time? Sure, you’re an amazing singer but maybe you should give someone else a... chance... for once?” Artie tried to reason with her but his voice slowly died down after seeing Rachel’s disappointed expression.
The girl looked at Y/N for a split second only to see her with her arms crossed and a sneer on her face.
“So I’m taking you guys don’t want to win regionals then? Because we won’t if we’re changing our obviously, well-oiled, brilliant plan.” She took a deep breath and scribbled the name of the song down on the whiteboard- Always Starting Over from the musical If/Then.
“Listen here, Berry.” Y/N cocked her head to one side, “That obviously, well-oiled, brilliant plan of yours makes us look like your jazz hands, dancing oompa loompa’s who are just there to try and make you look better. Well, Willy Wonka, get this- I’m done being your background furniture that you picked up along the road just because we were free to take and have piss stains all over us.”
Santana whistled proudly at the insult her younger sister had just thrown at Rachel and it earned a few hums of approval from some of the other Glee club members.
Rachel was taken back for a few seconds but regained herself and cleared her throat, “Did you forget the cheering I got after my part? Why can’t you see that that’s exactly what we need to win regionals as well?”
“Ptchh, you should get your facts checked because they weren’t cheering for you. We all know I’m the better singer out of the two of us.” 
Santana crossed her arms and gave Rachel a smirk, knowing who had won this argument. Everyone knew that the sassiness that ran in the Lopez family wasn’t only given to Santana. When it came to that, the two sisters were basically carbon copies of each other.
“That is so out of line! You talk the talk but when it comes to the performance you don’t walk the walk.” Rachel pointed a finger at the younger Lopez sibling and Y/N shot up, her fists balled up in rage. She was about to lounge at Rachel until Mr. Schue walked in.
“What is happening, guys?” 
“Y/N is throwing a spanner in the works of our way to end up on top at regionals.”
Mr. Schue put his bag down onto the piano and eyed the younger girl for a few seconds, silently asking her for an explanation.
Santana rolled her eyes, “Hardiharhar, don’t be so dramatic. Y/N just expressed her displeasure and put her in her place- the lowest of the low in the hierarchy, where she belongs.” She shrugged.
“Santana.” Was all that Mr. Schuester said before turning to Rachel, who pointed to the song written down on the whiteboard. 
“I’ve practiced this song for months and I think regionals is the right moment to finally sing it and show them what I got.” 
He nodded, “Wow, If/Then is a great musical. Are you sure you can handle this song?”
Rachel nodded enthusiastically.
“Very well then!” He turned to the group, “I think we just found our first song for regionals.” He smiled his goofy smile. Mercedes and Kurt looked at each other before rolling their eyes while Quinn sighed and sank into her chair.
Santana furrowed her eyebrows again and shook her head in disbelief, hoping she didn’t just hear him say that.
“Um...hello?” She waved her arms around until Mr. Schue looked at her. “Okay, good! You do see us! For a second I thought you completely forgot about the rest of us existing.”
Mr. Schue sighed and looked down before eyeing his students, “Listen, I know everyone here works very hard, and each of you has an amazing and unique voice, but for now I think that we should just let Rachel sing the solo at regionals. However, that doesn’t mean that I render any of you unworthy of taking the lead another time. You will all get to sing a part in the second song, I promise.”
“How’s that fair? We didn’t even get a chance to tell you what we would like to sing or show you what we got.” Mercedes spoke up.
“Rachel practices every day. She deserves to sing.” Finn shrugged.
“No one asked you, Finn.” Y/N shot at the boy, who widened his eyes in response. “You don’t have a leg to stand on in this discussion, we all know you will probably get the male lead.”
Y/N then turned back to Mr. Schue. “Everyone knows Rachel is your favourite and I’m sick of it. You treat her like she’s the best thing since sliced bread.”
“That’s not true. I don’t do favourites.”
“Yes, you do. You clearly favourite that vest because it’s all you’ve been wearing for the past two weeks.” Santana shrugged.
Mr. Schuester rubbed his temple. Having to deal with not only one, but two Lopez girls was making him age faster. Especially at times when they let their minds run rampant. 
Y/N crossed her arms. “I signed up for Glee club, not for ‘Sing-And-Smile-In-The-Background-Of-The-Rachel-Berry-Show’ club. Half the time, we’re not even on stage during her songs.”
“Wait, does that club exist?” Brittany mumbled under her breath. 
“Guys, when have I ever steered you wrong? Please, trust me on this.” Mr. Schuester placed his hand on his heart. 
“I think you’re just jealous.” Rachel’s tone was challenging as she sat down next to Finn. 
Y/N shot up again.
“Yes, you might know how to sing, but you’ll never be able to leave the audience as impressed as I ever will.” 
Santana now shot up as well.
“Qué acabas de decirme?” (What did you just say to me?)
Both girls made a move to lounge at Rachel but Quinn, Mike and Sam held them back. They struggled to do so while Y/N threw all the Spanish insults she knew at the girl in front of her.
“Enough!” Mr. Schuester tried but his voice didn’t stand out in the chaotic yelling. He sighed before clearing his throat.
“I want you both out.” He directed to the two sisters.
Everyone fell silent and it seemed to do the trick. Y/N slowly turned to him. Mr. Schue had a stern look on his face while he glared at the siblings. He kept pointing at the door. 
“Fine.” Y/N grabbed her backpack, waited for Santana to dust herself off and grab her belongings too.
“You know what? I could use a break.” Santana huffed as both of them walked out of the room. Their heads held high, no dignity lost over what just happened.
They walked to the football bleachers where Santana immediately lit up a sigaret. 
“Do you think he kicked us out... permanently?” 
It was times like these, when it was only the two of them, where Y/N still depended on her older sister. 
“Maybe.” Santana shrugged her shoulders, “If he can’t appreciate having you in the club then that’s his loss.”
Santana gave Y/N  a playful nudge with her shoulder when the younger Lopez still seemed deep in thought. Y/N looked up to see Santana’s soft smile and she immediately sent her a goofy smile back. 
“They can’t go to regionals without us. And if they do find a way, we’ll just have to start our own Glee club, huh?” She smirked. “I’m sure it won’t take long before Mercedes is sick of it as well.” She comforted her little sister.
“Yeah, but what will we do in the meantime?”
Santana furrowed her eyebrows, wanting Y/N to elaborate.
“I can’t believe I’m about to say this- but I actually really like Glee club and I was pretty excited for regionals.”
Santana nodded, “I know you do. I can see it in your eyes when you sing.” She took another drag of her sigaret. “Between you and me, I enjoy singing in Glee club as well.” 
Y/N nodded softly and brought her legs close to her body so she could let her chin rest on her knees. 
Her sister hummed in return.
“Was Rachel right?” She looked up at Santana, “Am I really not giving that good of a performance?” 
“Baby, no.” Santana gave her a stern look, telling her not to go there. “You might’ve only done one couplet by yourself so far... but even in the songs where you sing background vocals, you manage to outshine the rest.”
“But there must be a reason why I haven’t got the chance to lead a song yet.”
“Yup. And that reason is Rachel, dwarf, Berry.” Santana shrugged. “You know I’d tell you if you sucked.”
Y/N laughed at that, Santana so would.
“If Mr. Schue isn’t letting us show him what we got, then we have to come up with another way to get through that head of his how capable you are of leading a song.” 
Santana suddenly stood up, put out her sigaret with her shoe and motioned for Y/N to take her hand.
It was a few days later and neither Santana or Y/N had attended Glee club after what happened on Monday. Rachel had made herself very clear to Y/N that she was very disappointed in her since Y/N’s jealousy caused the club to not be able to partake in regionals. Brittany had tried convince the two girls to join Glee club again with a clumsily, selfmade powerpoint and even Finn had kindly asked them to reconsider going back. But they simply couldn’t, at least not just yet.
But now that it was Friday, everything was ready to go. 
The two Lopez girls decided to wait a few minutes until everyone was present before they walked into the room. Mr. Schue stopped talking and turned around, a disappointed look on his face.
“We’re not here for a pity-party and we’re definitely not walking in with our tails tucked between our legs,” Santana started as a few band members shyly shuffled their way into the room, instruments in hand. 
“We just want to show you that we are fully capable of leading a song.” Y/N spoke as she shoo’d everyone to the side. 
“Hit it.”
[glee performance of tina turner’s ‘river deep, mountain high’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82lYMlXB-fI ]
Rachel seemed unsettled during the performance, clearly noticing how everyone else was enjoying the two sisters sing. Mr. Schue, who had seem hesitant at first, was now visibly entertained and impressed and had already long forgotten what happened a few days earlier. Rachel sunk further into her seat when she noticed that. 
Everyone knew the Lopez girls both had beautiful voices, but that they would sound so well together was news to them all. Mr. Schue now realised what a shame it was that he had never explored letting different kids sing together, and that all his attention had always been on the same people.
What topped the performance off, was the excitement in the sisters’ eyes. They were clearly having fun with the song and their minds seemed to have no memory of why they originally decided to perform. It was just them and the music they danced and sang along to.
But when the band played the last melodies, they suddenly seemed to remember and turned back around to the group with proud smirks on their faces.
On the last note, Santana held her hand up for her sister to high five.
Everyone started clapping and Mr. Schuester stood up, walking up to them.  
“Ladies! That was fantastic!” He gave Y/N a pat on her shoulder. “Now that is how you sing a song! Well done!”
Rachel silently clapped along. She would never say out loud how much she had enjoyed their performance.
“I’m sorry, Rachel, but now that I’ve seen this-” Mr. Schue rubbed his chin, “I want to try a different approach at regionals. This is what will get the crowd’s attention!” 
He turned to Rachel, an apologetic look on his face, “Do you mind giving your solo to Santana and Y/N?” 
Rachel shrugged absentmindedly, trying to make it seem like she didn’t care, “It’s healthy to have some competition. It will push me to become a better performer.” 
Mr. Schue nodded and turned back to the Lopez girls. 
“Congratulations, you two. It’s yours!”
Everyone clapped again until Santana spoke up.
“No, no, no. I’m backing out.” 
“W-why?” Confusion was written all over Mr. Schue’s face. “I thought it’s what you two wanted?"
“What I wanted was for you to realise that there are other people capable of leading a performance.” She turned to her sister, who had been confused at Santana’s decision up until now. “People like Y/N, for example. You take it. I know you can do it without me.”
Y/N tried to convince her otherwise, “But you’ve never had a solo either! We should-”
“Uh, uh.” Santana waved her finger, “I want you to take it.” 
The two had a little face off for a few seconds, it was their way of talking to each other without words. Santana cocked her head to the side, knowing Y/N was about to give in.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Fine.” 
Santana smiled widely, grabbed her sister and planted a kiss on her head.
“I’ll always back you up.” 
She winked at Y/N before the two of them went to sit down, ready for today’s Glee club.
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toplesstaylor · 5 years
Sweet Like Honey ~ Part 2 (Roger Taylor x OC)
A/N: Ok im sorry this took so long!!! Im like sort of happy with this? Not that much but kinda?? At least the dialogue is nice i suppose um yeah!! Ok so I’ve been listening to Billie Eilish’s new album for a good two weeks now and thats probably why there’s a whole paragraph comparing Honey to the devil? Anyways, enjoy!! (Thanks to @angrylizardjacket for inspiring me to actually write)
Words: around 2000.
Warnings: cursing, alcohol (but not heavily), literally one mention of the word threesome and that’s it. Also devil things.
Tag list: I moved it to the bottom.
He couldn’t lie, she was at least somewhat pretty. But those goddamn little words bugged him enough to not even notice it.
Roger didn’t get it at first, but seeing Freddie and John’s mischievous grins, he could guess there was some sort of bet going on. And those words, “he’ll do.”, what the hell was that supposed to mean? He was sure he didn’t know the pretty brunette girl behind the bar, though if she didn’t have that amused glint in her eyes he might have wanted to. She was leaning on her arms, taking in every inch of him. Roger didn’t like it at all, he was used to it, at least sort of, but the way she did it was just… strange.
The Red Rover seemed like a good place for a gig, though the band didn’t get paid enough to really call it a gig. It was more of a publicity stunt for them at this point, they liked performing at the college hall Brian arranged for them much more. But you need to get a crowd from somewhere, and bars never hurt. Especially if any girl in a five foot ratio throws themselves at you like you’re some kind of god.
Roger suddenly realised he was holding those girls, who now were trying to guide him towards their booth in the back of the bar. He really, really wanted to go, but that damn girl was too intriguing to let go.
So he shooed the girls away to their not-so-lucky friends, promising he’d be back in a bit. He didn’t know if that was going to be the case, but it was the easiest and certainly the quickest way to get rid of girls. He should know, the boys had sadly told him to leave them quite often, because apparently band bussiness was more important than ‘’your stupid little shag-fests.’’, Brian’s words, not Roger’s. But this was a personal matter, seeing the way the woman’s annoying grin seemed to be directed at him. Fred and Deaky were still watching the two of them, Roger wasn’t sure if there were sides involved, but if there were they were obviously for her. He looked around subtly, kind of hoping this was all meant for someone else so he could get back to the desperate girls gazing at him admirably from the back of The Red Rover. But that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, miss demon, or at least she looked just as evil, behind the bar there was most certainly looking at him. She wasn’t really a demon though, she had far too pretty eyes for that. Long wavy brown hair and slightly tanned skin, even perfectly olive eyes. She was more like a fallen angel than devilish, but the way she looked at him betrayed her. That wasn’t heavenly at all, the cunning and dangerous fire in it was all too diabolical. He could already see her making a plan, a game for him. Roger was never one to turn down a game.
So he walked over to the bar, positioning himself between the boys, and ordered a beer.
“Where’s Brian?” He asked, it was directed at Fred and John, but the girl, who stood with her back to him before placing the glasses on the bartop, answered instead.
“He’s… busy.”
“And how would you know?” He didn’t mean for it to sound so rude, he didn’t know that girl, why even bother? And yet.
“He’s trying to get that girl over there in his bed, and since I know that girl, I thought it be best to investigate a little.”
“Is that why you were so nice to us?” Freddie faux-gasped, to which she responded with a wink.
“No darling, you were actually quite good, but you gotta look out for your girls, right?” The woman said, sliding a beer over the counter to Roger.
“I guess… so we’re coming back, huh?” He said.
“If Destiny favours you, sure.”
“Jack’s wife. He owns the place, but I’m pretty sure she actually runs it.”
“Who are you? I’ve been here before, and I’ve never seen you.”
“I’m Honey, that’s all you need to know.”
“I’d like to know more, Honey.”
“Maybe if you tip me well, i can tell you a little more.” another wink.
And that was the end of the conversation, since she turned her back to them and walked towards the other end of the bar.
The rest of the night went somewhat similar, more banter and winks and the occasional eye roll, it wasn’t very different from the other nights Honey’d had in the Red Rover.
She did like the company better, however. And so did Lane, who had stepped out of the back alley with her shirt half buttoned up and hair messy, with Brian right behind her. The other boys of the band had interrupted into a cheer, and the other bartenders followed suit.
Even the guy, Roger, wasn’t so bad. Though his ego didn't need to hear that. So she wasn’t going to tell him. Honey had seen him talking to the girls he was holding before, though it wasn’t a surprise when she saw the women leaving the building with two men that certainly weren’t Roger.
It was 2 am now, and Honey’s “this is a shift but not by the english law” was over.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ a familiar voice said. It sounded a little raspy, perhaps because of the sigaret the owner of the voice was smoking. That owner turned out to be roger, sitting defeatedly on the bench in the alley next to The Red Rover.
‘’’Figuring out how to get back home.’’ Honey said, a little smirk playing on her lips. She sat down next to him, arm on the back of the bench behind him. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but he guessed that was her intent.
‘’maybe you could bring me?’’ She started, though she was cut off by Rogers snort.
‘’’Sorry, darling, i came by foot.’’ It was meant to dim that little smirk of hers, but it only fueled it more.
‘’Ah, foot fetish, i see?” Honey chuckled, taking a pack of cigarettes out of her coat.
It left him speechless. She seemed to have that effect on him.
‘’Alright, come on, i’m pretty sure you didn’t pay for that last beer.’’ Protest, but honey raised her finger to shush him. ‘’let me finish, you can make it up to me by walking me home.’’
After a full minute of grunts from roger, he finally gave in. Though he did have to say he wasn’t carrying her if she passed out, which ended up evoking a laugh from Honey.
“Boy, I don’t care what you say, I’m pretty sure I can take alcohol better than you.”
“Really? I think you’d be surprised. Maybe we should compete.” Roger said, lighting his second smoke of the evening. He was even nice enough to light honey’s.
“We’ll see.” She smirked.
““Do you work here every night? Or just the weekends?” Roger asked, he was a lot more genuine now, without the egoboost he got from being around so many willing girls. She wasn’t surprised he walked after her, she knew how to play her cards right, and he fell right for it. He wasn’t dumb or anything, just a bit… young. She hadn’t acted young in a long time.
“just the friday’s. I work at Harrison’s during the week.”
“Oh, Harrison’s! I know that place, god awful owner, but they got good burgers.” He half-laughed. Correct, Mister Harrison certainly wasn’t a delight. And yeah, they did have good burgers. But it wasn’t really fun, working there. Honey had begged Jack for a full time job for weeks, but he didn't need anymore staff, despite his fondness for the 19-year-old girl.
There fell a somewhat awkward silence between them, walking towards Honey’s apartment. It wasn’t horrible, the both of them were smoking and though she couldn’t say the same for him, she didn’t know of course, Honey always liked the peaceful quiet after a night out. She figured by the way he closed his eyes when he took a drag of his cigarette, Roger did too. He was pretty, sure. But not godly handsome, like the girls in the Rover seemed to think. He had nice eyes at the least.
After walking along the same lane of boring row houses for a few minutes, Roger suddenly turned his head towards her, looking her up and down. “Why me?”
“Why you?” She chuckled,
“Come on, there were at least three men more attractive than me in that bar, you knew I had a good shot at a threesome, and you still went after me. So yeah, why me?”
“Doubting yourself, golden boy?” Honey laughed, showing a little glint in her eyes that told him she was loving every second of this. It only made him more exasperated.
“Is it all some bloody game to you? Is it fun? You could’ve taken any guy back to your bed, sleep with them or fucking murder them, I wouldn’t be surprised, but you chose me.”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Then why the hell am I here!” He was practically begging her, the grin on her face only growing bigger and bigger.
“Let me tell you one tiny thing, Roger , you didn’t have to say one single word to me all night, and yet, here you are. Now tell me, why me?”
She just stood there, waiting for his answer. But he didn't give her one, still baffled by her… just her, actually. So Honey turned on her heel and walked into the direction of her apartment.
The way to her apartment was getting more and more familiar to Roger, though he didn't think much of it. Maybe she lived in the area, Maybe she was staying at a friends’ house, he couldn’t care less. He was only figuring out how to get the last word in.
After finally catching up with her and more slightly tipsy arguing, Honey stopped in front of an old, dated flat.
“You live here?” Roger asked, trying to hide his smile.
“Yes, I do, actually. I live in a tiny attic that is way too expensive, I’m pretty sure the landlord hates me, and the heater just completely shuts off at night. Not day, Fucking night. But yes, I live here.” She glared at him, but he just broke into a full blown smug smile she had gotten to know oh so well in the last few hours.
“Mister Thompson never told me we had an attic. Or that it houses an insanely annoying girl with pretty eyes and a stupid name.”
He grinned at her, seeing her eyes widen a little with shock. But, of course, she had to have the last laugh.
“You think I have a pretty eyes?” She mocked, putting her hands above her heart and batting her eyelashes at him. Roger only sighed, this was going to be a very long game.
Honey was already holding the door open for him, looking at him
expectantly while he was reavalueting his life choices.
“If you actually live here, wouldn't you want to come in?” She chuckled, and she rolled her eyes at him when he finally awoke from his thoughts. He just stared at her with “why do you do this to me.” eyes, but followed anyways.
They walked up the stairway in amused annoyance of the other, until they stopped at apartment 2C. Honey was already on the first step towards her own apartment when she saw him hesitate to open his door.
“You think we'll see eachother again?” Roger asked, smiling just a little bit.
“Do you want to?” Honey grinned, it was only natural. “I think so, same bar, same friends, same fucking building too, there's no getting out of it now.”
“I never said i wanted to.”
Tag list: I actually don’t have one but uhm yeah sorry.
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tophateliquids · 6 years
How to Stealth Vape with Aspire Vapes
  As I grow older, smoking in public isn’t cool any more. I began to vape not just because it does less harm to my physical health than smoking does, but also that its aroma is less likely to annoy others. The non-smokers, however, have generally formed a stereotype that vapor equals smoke. Some vape devices also generate huge amounts of vapor.
Therefore, stealth vaping is a more considerate step to take in public, especially when you do not want to draw others’ attention. This kind of vaping only produces small quantities of vapor that is not easily spotted. I have summarized some tips below for those who face a similar situation as I, craving to vape whilst nobody notices. These steps of stealth vaping throw me back to the old days that I chewed snacks in the classroom without being caught, exciting but satisfying.
So let’s start the adventure, so long as you completely understand that stealth vaping doesn’t mean that you are allowed to vape in the various banned places like airplanes, public transport, hospitals, schools and so on. Otherwise you will probably be punished or arrested due to breaking laws or regulations.
  Tip 1 Get a pod vape
Pod vapes are small enough to fit in pockets and purses, not mention to hiding it in the hand. You can simply disguise the fact that you are vaping and put your fist to your mouth and take a short puff, as if nothing is happening. Typically, it is optimized by using the small vapes with low power and a tight MTL draw. Obviously, the sub-ohm coil is the not the type to use in these circumstances.
Tip 2 Hide LED lights
Some vapes have the lights at the bottom of the device, some are on the side of the device. The tiny light turns on when you are puffing or checking the stages of wattage. You can conceal it simply with the fingers. If not, it may be obvious to others, especially in the dark situations.
Tip 3 Take short puffs
The shorter you draw on the vape, the less the vapor will be. Although the ultra-portable devices don’t produce plenty of clouds, long draws will produce more than short ones. When exhaling the vapor, it’s better to blow a tight stream of vapor away from people.
  Must-Have Vapes for Stealth Vaping from Aspire
These are the basic steps to stealth vaping, and there are some great Aspire pod vapes that help to do the job of vaping in secret. Some are ultra-portable and pen-like, some are a combination of mini tanks and palm-sized mods. What is important to know is that Aspire devotes itself to creating an elegant appearance and high quality vapes at all times. Speaking of not calling unnecessary attention to vape your device, Aspire would always be my first choice brand to consider.
Aspire’s newly launched K1 Stealth Kit is the most attractive device if you would like to vape secretly. As its name suggests, this new device aims at offering a new experience in stealth vaping. The palm sized device can promise that it you will truly fit in the palm of your hand. The K1 Plus Tank is designed to be embedded in the K1 Stealth Mod, which greatly shortens the whole length, of just 82 mm. The cut-outs in the shell will protect the palm if you grip too hard (just kidding). The two coils are 1.8Ωand 1.6Ω, respectively. Vapers are able to change wattage settings among 8, 10 and 12 watts according to their preference. The smaller size doesn’t mean less tank capacity and battery time. With 2.4 mL for standard version and 1.9 mL for TPD version, the K1 stealth can work for a comparatively long time with it’s 1000 mAh built-in battery. Besides, the tiny indicator lights are at the bottom, flashing in red, blue and green color to show the charge status when the USB cable is connected. By pressing the bottom button twice, the lights will turn on as the output wattage changes. Be cautious if you don’t want to draw others’ attention.
The Cobble AIO Kit is ultra-portable and light to hold in the hand or put in the pocket. It is built with the non-replaceable 1.4ΩBVC coil, which guarantees the rich flavor as well as a restrictive draw. The LED light is on one side of the device, and fingers can naturally cover it to avoid others’ attention. The Spryte AIO, shaped like a lighter, comes with 1.8Ωand 1.2Ωcoils, the tight vaping experience also allows you to take a short puff and produce less vapor.
Pen vapes disguise themselves well because of elegant appearance, which avoids potential criticism from any onlookers. Thanks to the stick appearance, you may leave a neat and smart impression on other people, not knowing that you have a cigarette alternative which looks like a pen in your shirt pocket. Some Aspire fans also love the classic series of CF vape pens, such as Premium Kit and Platinum Kit. Though both of them are designed for sub-ohm tanks to pursue heavy clouds, Aspire keeps innovating the products to meet all the needs of customers. The Aspire PockeX is the pen vape for the restrictive draw pursuers.
PockeX AIO is another wise choice for stealth vaping. It’s slim and short, which is perfect for on-the-go vapers. The Pre-installed 0.6Ωcoil, is also changeable with a replacement 1.8Ωcoil for further reduced vapor production.
  The Other Facts about Stealth Vaping and Ultra-Portable Devices
Except for the above tips, there are some facts that you may need to know before stealth vaping. First, you have less flavor choices of e-liquid because the ultra-portable devices have the specific cartridges, which limit the taste selection. Second, the ultra-portable devices are free from leakage due to disposable cartridges, which improve your vaping experience. Third, you may experience smaller liquid capacity and lower battery life. Owing to the more portable size, customers can only use ultra-portable vape devices for a short while, therefore less e-juice is required. In addition, the stealth vaping might be good news to those who are quitting smoking, since some e-liquid contains a higher nicotine level if the device is small and portable.
  This article was written in English and submitted by a Chinese national, living in China. It was not translated. Aspire customers enjoy our products all over the world!
They all Aspire to be!
How to Stealth Vape with Aspire Vapes was originally posted by E-Sigaret Nieuws
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beautiful-liu · 8 years
Chapter 22 - Remember me - Kryber
Title: Remember me
Pairing: Kryber [Amber Liu x Krystal Jung] Fandom: f(x) Genre: Drama, romance
Summary: The bad ass androgynous girl Amber Josephine Liu with a sex, drugs and rock-‘n-roll attitude whom everybody seemed to fear and admire at the same time, with the flash of a smug smile on her handsome face, and a sigaret or lolly pop in her mouth, depending on her mood. A leather jacket always hugging her shoulders, ripped jeans and a loose tank top that displayed just a tiny bit of her sports bra when she lifted her tattoo-filled arms. Everyone was weak for Amber Liu. Krystal simply didn’t see it. Until that one night she accidentally met her, and met a whole other person than the stories she had been made to believe. Word count: 5900 Rating: T A/N: Excuse the grammar mistakes. This is my first time writing a multi chaptered fic. Hope y'all enjoy the progress!
Read it on: AO3 & asianfanfics
Moodboard: x
For the following days, Krystal's smile couldn't be whiped off of her face. Now that she had finally made up her mind and set up a new goal to achieve, she felt a lot less restless. In fact, she almost felt happy. Of course, they were gonna go through a rough time, since she and Amber had to convince her father to still give her the company, despite the fact that she didn't want to marry Kai. And on top of that, she also had to break up with the man she had been together for years. Both men were defenitely not going to like it. But Krystal has been opressed by men all of her life and she was done with the endless rules for women to maintain made up by boring, old, wealthy, white men in power. She wanted to live her life like she wanted to. As CEO with Amber by her side. That's what she wanted and that was what she was going to achieve. When she had returned home, late that evening, Kai had waited for her. Krystal had hoped he would've gone to bed already, but it had been in vain. Even though it was almost one o'clock, Kai was still up. "I thought you were sick," he muttered, when Krystal closed the door. When she took off her coat and hung it up, she realized with a shock that she still wore Amber's R2-D2 sweater. Quickly she crossed her arms in front of her chest to hide the funny Star Wars character, hoping Kai wouldn't notice. He wasn't such a film junkie, so if she was lucky, he didn't even know R2-D2 was part of Star Wars. But would he recognize it as a sweater that wasn't hers? It didn't exactly fit in her wardrobe... "I was, but I felt better, so I went for a walk.." she mutterd. Kai raised one of his eyebrows. "A walk that lasts more than 5 hours? Kind of much, don't you think, after being sick for two days?" he asked. Krystal pressed her lips together and took her time to answer. "Well, I rested in between, you know... took a seat in the café nearby," she muttered. "I just needed some time alone." "Some time away from me?" he asked immediately, whilst turning his face towards the TV again. Krystal's eyes shot open. "N-no, of course not," she tried to say as casually as possible. She chuckled awkwardly. "I know you, Krystal Jung. If you don't want to be around anyone, you come home. The only reason why you would flight from our apartment is because of me." Krystal fell silent. Kai looked up at her and smiled weakly. She couldn't smile back, just stare. "And I think I know why," he said, as he stood up. Kai walked towards her and Krystal was suddenly aware how much taller he was than her. She had always thought of his height as attractive, but with only the TV to light the room, it made him look creepy. A chill ran down her spine. "Two days ago, you know, when we were... you, know, having sex. You really, really don't have to feel guilty that it didn't work. I had a great time, I always have a great time with you, no matter what," he said. Krystal opened her mouth to object — because he was thinking in such a wrong direction — but prevented herself from saying anything. Maybe it was better to just let him talk and live in a delusion than to break it to him now that he was probably the last person she wanted to have sex with. "You really don't have to feel guilty, Krystal. You're not broken and it's not weird. I have read about it online, you know, there are a lot of women who have diffeculty with.. you know, getting turned on." Krystal closed her mouth again and sighed. "I know I am not broken..." she said softly. She knew she wasn't and that she had no problem getting aroused either. Kai simply wasn't the right person. Krystal had always had that habit of only wanting sexual activity with a person she was in love with; she couldn't just jump on any man or woman just because she felt like having sex. And even though she trusted Kai, she couldn't get herself to think of him sexually. She had to be in love or it simply didn't work. And Amber made her feel everything she ever wanted to feel, whilst Kai was only just safe. He was home. His smell, his arms around her, his low voice. He was everything that made her feel safe. But Krystal didn't want to feel safe. She wanted those butterflies in her stomach and her heart pumping adrenaline through her body. She wanted her heart to make extra hours and her mind dazed, not being able to concentrate on anything when the other is so close. She felt like that around Amber, even though they hadn't seen each other for such a long time. Perhaps true love never dies. "-so never think any less of yourself. You please me enough not to want anyone else." Krystal jerked her head up, realizing that she had missed more than half of the speech Kai had been giving her. Supressing a sour expression, she nodded and showed a weak smile. Oh, if only you wanted someone else too... In the following weeks, Krystal led a secretive life, switching from her role as CEO to the accommodating, quiet fiancée to the adventurous lover. Her days consisted of going to work, seeing Amber at lunch — either because she brought her home made sandwiches or took her out for lunch if Krystal's scedule wasn't packed, which if often was — and quickly after work, going home to Kai, get dinner and quickly get to bed. Sometimes she made an excuse that she had a late meeting, so that she could see Amber. Her father often had ones too and it wasn't uncommon for a new business partner to only be available at moments which were either early in the morning or after normal working hours. Jung Internationals was trying to scedule Song Software to join them, but it was hard since the CEO was a stately woman with a straight back, an emotionless beautiful face and deep, dark eyes that looked like every single emotion had been sucked out of them. Krystal had been trained in keeping her emotions under control but this Victoria took it to a whole new level. She was a hard nut to crack and she tried to get everything out of the deal. But Krystal wouldn't be herself if she wouldn't try the same. So the two women kept battling. Kai was aware of the trouble with recruiting Song Software, so he never asked a single thing when she returned around midnight, tired out. And she didn't even need to lie. All the meetings with Victoria Song happened in the afternoon, so whatever happened at the meeting, she told Kai after she returned from her "meeting". On weekends, Krystal was forced to spend more time with her fiancée. And sometimes that just consisted of them going out for dinner or meeting up with his parents. That wasn't so bad. During the dinners she almost forgot that she was supposed to dump him soon. She remembered why she had agreed upon dating him in the first place. Kai wasn't the worst person to be around, and he still was her best friend. They had a lot of fun together. But as soon as the laughter died out, her heart started to yearn for Amber again. More often than not, she told Kai that she would meet up for Jessica for a girls' day out — and Kai being the typical man that he is, wouldn't dare to join them — whilst in fact she went to Amber. Krystal was stuck in a string of lies that kept going on and on and she knew she would have to stop sooner rather than later because the concequences would be even uglier if she was caught lying instead of admitting it. "So, who're shall I tell first? Dad or Kai?" Amber rose her eyebrows. "So you're gonna tell them?" she asked. Krystal pressed her body tighter to Amber's. The long lounge sofa had become their favorite spot to cuddle, especially on rainy, late Sunday afternoons. With the pillows from Amber's bed and a few blankets, they were nice and cozy at all times while they talked through things. "I think it's for the best. Better do it sooner rather than later, right?" Amber looked down to her and nodded, smiling approvingly. "Are you nervous?" she asked. Krystal let a long sigh escape from her lips. "Tell me something... Every time I try to make up a good conversation starter to break the ice, I panic and feel like throwing up," she muttered. Amber wrapped her arms around her body and pulled her closer, so Krystal could lay her head upon her shoulder. "You're overthinking again." "I am not." "Oh you definitely are. I never make up conversation starters in my head when I approach people. I just do it and don't think," Amber said proudly. The brunette rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay, but maybe it's handy to have like a strategy here because my father isn't some kind of random person who is charmed by my looks. He is going to want valid arguments, but I literally have none." "You are in love," Amber said, with a short shrug. "Yeah, that's exactly the reason dad wouldn't want to hear. He always told me that emotions cloud judgement and that love makes one weaker when it comes to getting the job done. A CEO should be completely focused on their job, bla-bla-bla, all that crap. Being in love would just mean that I have to get over my feelings and do what's right for the company and the family." Amber thought for a moment. "Then wouldn't it be wise to first secure your position as CEO, so that you don't have to get permission from your father anymore and just take over Jung Internationals?" Krystal let out a sound that was best described as a mix of a snicker and a sigh. "I'm getting Jung Internationals, my official title as CEO, as a wedding gift. And well, I am not going to marry Kai. That's the whole problem. So, who do you think I should approach first? Dad or Kai?" Amber sighed and rubbed with her fingers in her eyes. Krystal understood the feeling, she herself was getting a headache too. "Shall we just toss a coin? I mean, it’s gonna suck either way." Krystal chuckled and nodded. “I suppose you’re right. It’s gonna suck” She had chosen Kai. Eventually, they had both agreed to tell Kai first, since the wedding was coming up rather soon and she needed to blow it off before anything bad could happen. They already lost lots of money to the preparations, but Krystal couldn’t care less. Money was one of the things that mattered the least at the moment. Krystal had also chosen him first because she reckoned he would be the one who would take the news the best. Perhaps his mind would settle now too, since he finally had an answer to Krystal’s absentmindedness over last couple of weeks. Not to mention her overall unwillingness to be intimate with him. But telling Kai, her best friend for the past four years, was still tricky. He was bad in controlling his temper and Krystal knew for sure that there was going to be a fight. Nevertheless, she knew he’d never hurt her. He loved her too much for that. That didn’t take away her anxiousness though, she was still scared to death for his reaction. Krystal had never been able to take screaming people very well. They let a week pass, so they could prepare. “Do I need to go with you inside?” Amber asked her, when she dropped her off at her apartment building. Krystal smiled, kissed her cheek and shook her head. “This is something I really need to do alone, but I appreciate the offer.” “Then shall I wait for you here outside? If something goes wrong then you can-“ Krystal chuckled softly and shook her head again. “It’s going to be okay, I’m going to be fine. Go home, I’ll call you when he has settled down, okay?” Amber simply sighed dramatically and nodded. They kissed a final time before Krystal got out of Amber’s car and walked back home. Once she stood in the elevator, she didn’t feel that calm anymore. Her belly was tickling of nervousness and it made her sick to her stomach. Knowing that she would break Kai’s heart in a matter of minutes was hard to wrap your head around. In a few moments she would lose her best friend… But her mind was clear; the decision made; she would do it, no matter what. Finally, it was time to make her own happiness a priority. Krystal was painfully aware of her body and all the small movements it made. As soon as the doors of the elevator opened, she walked towards her own front door, aware of her own weight pressuring the floor beneath her. Slowly, she took out her keys, sought the right one, turned the lock and entered her apartment. As expected, Kai was waiting for her. Previously, they had decided to grab dinner with the two of them again. Not something fancy, just take out. Since Krystal's busy life as a cheater, she hadn't been able to spend much time with Kai anymore. She was either at work or as much as she could without making it look suspicious with Amber. He had also noticed that and had proposed a simple get together, just some pizza and a movie. It was a bit strange because Kai normally didn't eat fatty food, nor did she, and he wasn't a movie-person. Yet she had told him she would clear some time off of her scedule, mainly because she wanted this Saturday evening to be the night she would tell him. The pizza was still steaming hot. She had probably just missed the courier. Kai was already scrolling through their Netflix account that both of them barely used, looking for a movie he wouldn't end up watching either way. When she entered the apartment, he looked up, smiling brightly. Her fiancée got up from the couch and walked over to her to place a kiss on her cheek. With a weak smile she received it. "You already ordered?" she asked as she peeked over his shoulder to the two carton boxes on their coffee table. Kai shrugged. "I reckoned it'd arrive when you would, so we could eat immediately. I ordered your favorite, with paprikas and champignons." Krystal smiled at him and nodded. "Let me just change into something more comfertable," she said, as she signed towards the dress she was wearing. He laughed softly and nodded. "Don't make it too long, the pizza will grow cold." Krystal quickly hopped into their bedroom to take off her dress. Quickly she changed into her jogging pants and a loose t-shirt. It didn't happen often that Krystal Jung was found in her comfertable clothes. If she wasn't wearing her formal clothes, she still wore a blouse and tight jeans. Jogging pants were almost always out of question. She returned towards the living room. The smell of pizza made her belly growl, but she told herself that she probably wouldn't be eating pizza tonight. Kai's eyebrows shot up in surprise when he saw her. Krystal's eyes shifted to the TV. "I thought we could maybe start a show together. I'm not much of a rom-com kind of person but I know you like these things so..." Kai said when he saw her look. The screen showed a show called 'You Me Her'. Krystal pressed her lips tightly upon each other. "Kai... I can't," she muttered. Kai looked up. "Do you not like this show? We can always watch something else or-" "No. It's not the movie. Or the pizza. Or you. I simply can't." Kai frowned confusedly. "You can't do what?" "Be with you," she forced out of her mouth. Her voice had turned hoarse now that she had to set more volume to it. The words felt like knives in her throat, scarring up her insides on their way out. Kai chuckled nervously. "Krystal, what do you mean?" She sighed and ran with her hand through her hair. With a heavy heart, she sat down next to him on the couch. She took his hands into hers. "I.. I need to tell you something... And I have been wanting to tell you this for quite a while. And I know you will be angry when you hear what I want to tell you." Kai took his hands back and stared at her in disbelief. "What is it, Krystal?" he demanded. She took a deep breath, pointed her eyes at the ground and bit down on her lip hard. Kai asked again but she barely heard it. "I have been having an affair." There was a silence. She didn't dare to look up to him, afraid for the expression on his face. Krystal fixated her gaze on a certain spot on the floor. "With who?" it eventually sounded. Kai seemed way too calm to be okay and it scared her for what was about to come. Krystal bit down on her lip. "Amber Liu." This time, the silence endured longer than the one before. Much longer. A minute, maybe two passed before he said anything. "The party..." he only muttered. "You have been... since the party?" Krystal formed fists with her hand when she nodded. Suddenly, Kai stood up from the couch and walked away. Krystal's head jerked up. She saw how Kai had walked towards the kitchen counter. He placed his hands upon the edge, his head hung low. She could see his muscles underneath his blouse tighten every time he breathed shakily. Krystal wanted to get up to reassure him, to help him, to comfort him, but before she could, Kai looked back to her. His gaze burned right through her façade to her soul. His eyes had darkened dangerously and when Krystal returned his look, she could feel all of his anger vibrating off of him. With his hair down, casting a shadow over his face, he looked more like a devil than ever. He formed fists with his hands. Krystal widened her eyes startled. Even though he didn’t say anything, she hadn’t seen him so angry ever before. “Tell me this is a lie, Krystal,” he hissed, his voice low and dangerous. Krystal was completely dumb-found. “I-I..” she stuttered. She had a hard job to control the growing bubble of panic in her belly. With every heartbeat it seemed to get worse. “TELL ME IT’S A LIE!” Kai bellowed. Tears started to leak out of her eyes. “I can’t..” she sniffled. Her fiancée stared at her with a strange expression, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. Krystal looked away and pulled her legs up on the couch. “I love her, Kai.. I always have and I thought I had gotten over her but-“ “You thought,” Kai spat towards her, as if the words tasted like poison on her tongue. Krystal cringed at his tone. “You thought you had fallen out of love. You thought it’d be a good idea to date me instead. You thought you wouldn’t fall in love again but you did,”he growled. “Is that what you thought, Krystal?” She nodded, tears streaming over her face. Yes.. yes she had indeed thought all of that. She had wanted it to be true, it’d be so much easier if her feelings for Kai were just true.. But they weren’t. Kai huffed. His fist connected with the fridge, making a hollow sound fill the room. He didn’t even flinch at the pain. “How could you do that to me? Don’t you know I’d do everything for you?” he screamed at her. “I love you!” Krystal sniffled and tried to wipe her tears away. New ones simply replaced the old ones. “I can’t control my own heart, Kai,” she tried, but Kai shook his head. “No, loving someone is not something you cannot influence. You could’ve just stopped seeing her! You could’ve cut her off and done what’s best for yourself, for us!” “But I can’t… I have done that all of my life, Kai,” she sobbed desperately. “I can’t do that anymore or I’d kill myself. I can’t live like that anymore. I need someone-“ “YOU HAVE ME!” “But that’s not enough! I need Amber, Kai. I need her otherwise I won’t survive.” They were both breathing hard and fast, staring at each other in utter helplessness. “So now you’re telling me you want to be with her instead? That low-classed, rude, scruffy-looking, filthy lesb-“ “Don’t call her that,” Krystal warned. She was surprised by the sureness in her voice. Even though her eyes were still wet and her body was still shaking, her mind was clear and she wouldn’t want Kai to ever speak of Amber like that. But he just laughed. He laughed at her. “And why the hell not? Is she not the fucking lesbian that stole my fiancée? She did something to you, right? Did she touch you? She fucking touched you, did she not? Nowadays everyone is a damned lesbian and now they stole you too. If I ever see her again-“ “The only one who touched me against my will was you, Kai!” Krystal screamed back. This seemed to take him back a bit. He stared at her, with wide eyes. For a moment, a silence settled between them, that was only broken by Krystal’s panting. “Take that back,” he eventually demanded. “Take that back, Krystal. I always asked you, you always wanted to.” Krystal showed him a weak smile. “I never wanted to.” Kai’s face went blank. “And you do want to with her?” he asked. Krystal nodded and sighed. She wiped the tears off of her face and she ran with her hand through her hair. Krystal bit down hard on her lip. “I’m out.” Kai had already turned around when Krystal’s head shot up. He walked over to the door, grabbed his coat and his shoes, putting them on swiftly. “No, Kai, wait-“ “There is no need, Krystal. I know when I’m not wanted,” he barked at her, before closing the front door with a bang behind him. Krystal flinched at the sound. With a sigh, she let herself fall back onto the couch and curled herself up in a small ball; she was still shaking. The smell of pizza had worn off and so had the hunger in her belly. Instead an empty feeling washed over her. Almost an hour later, she remembered that she had promised to call Amber after the fight was over. By now, her tears had dried up and the hungry feeling had returned. She had eaten a few slices, after warming the pizza up again – it had grown cold in the meantime. She typed in Amber’s number, since she knew it by heart, and pressed the phone against her ear. The device rang a few times, before it got picked up. “Hey..” Amber muttered, at the other side of the line. Her voice was hoarse. “Hey, the fight’s over. Ah well, it ended a while ago, I just forgot to call,” she said. Amber made a ‘hmm’-sound. “How did it go?” “It sucked. Kai left and he won’t pick up his phone, though. I don’t know where he is.” “He probably… need to cool down a bit..” Amber replied. “I suppose so. Don’t all men need to? Either way, shall I come over? I’m really in need for a hug right now.” “Ehm, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Krystal frowned. “What? Why not?” Amber let a nervous chuckle escape her mouth. “You know, I’m working and such. It’s better if you’re not there. I’d get embarrassed, you know-“ she quickly said. “No, I can just wait? Prepare us a meal? Watch a movie? I won’t bother you,” she said. Amber cleared her throat. Her voice turned normal again, but it still seemed like it hurt her to talk. “Really, Krystal, believe me, it’s better if-“ “I’m coming over right now, bye!” Krystal said, before ending the call abruptly. She took her coat and shoes – didn’t even bother to change – and walked out of the apartment. Krystal immediately raced off in her car. It took her only ten minutes to get from her apartment to Amber's, even though it was a 20 minute drive. When she had called her, Amber's voice had sounded so unsettling, as if she wanted to hide something. Krystal couldn't help herself to immediately think that there was something wrong. Perhaps she was back with Luna and that was why she didn't want her to come over. When people cheated, didn't they usually use the lie of having to work, whilst they in reality spent time with their lover? Krystal herself had done that too. It wouldn't even surprise her. Luna was the ultimate girlfriend. She was caring and bubbly, lovable and had a spicy edge. She dared to open her mouth and didn't have diffecult family to deal with. She was Amber's collegue so they spent a lot of time together, especially when Amber was working on new songs for Luna's album. She was pretty and well-known with a good sum of money to her name. Luna was the perfect girlfriend. Krystal parked her car swiftly in front of Amber's apartment building. Her heart was racing in her chest. Even though she was burning to find out what was wrong with Amber, she was also very afraid. Maybe... maybe it indeed was Luna. Would she even want to know if it was Luna? She broke up with Kai, there was nothing to go back to now. If Amber was having an affair with Luna too, then she had sacrificed everything for nothing. The elevator ride seemed to last forever. Once the doors opened, Krystal almost ran outside. She just had enough dignity left to keep it on walking fastly. The door to Amber's apartment was closed, which was unusual. Whenever Amber was home, she let the front door open for her. Awkwardly, she rang the bell. Krystal wrapped her arms around her body while she was waiting. Her teeth caught her lower lip between them. Eventually, the door slowly opened.. Krystal looked up, for a moment unable to breathe. Krystal placed her hand in front of her mouth that had fallen open. "What happened to your face...?!" she breathed in horror. Amber groaned and let her into the apartment. She couldn't stop looking at her face, still with a horrid expression on her face. "Dear God..." Amber's face looked terrible. Her right eye had turned sickly purple. The whole skin around it was swollen, causing her right eye to be almost swollen shut. Her lip was bloody and the wound was still open. There was dried up blood underneath her nose. "I told you not to come..." Amber muttered, as she rubbed the back of her head. Krystal slowly let her hand fall. "Well obviously it was the right choice. Who the heck did this to you?" she demanded. Amber let herself fall on her couch and groaned of pain when she buried her face in the pillows. She murmured something which Krystal couldn't understand, but it sounded a lot like... "Kai?" "Yes... Your fiancée..." Amber muttered, as she looked up from the pillows. Krystal sat down next to her and helped her to sit up right. She growned; obviously her whole body hurted. "Did you know he took lessons in karate? Because I found out as soon as he started," Amber murmered bitterly. Krystal bit her lip. "I knew he took lessons as a kid but I didn't know he was this good... oh Amber, I'm so sorry... I didn't know he'd do somehing like that," Krystal said softly. It took a lot of power and skills to overpower Amber Josephine Liu. Krystal knew all about her past and she knew Amber had some skills in street fighting. Kai must've either taken by surprise or really, really hit her hard. Even though Amber knew how to fight, she was still a woman and women had less muscles than men. Especially because Kai almost daily worked out in the gym and took extra supplies to build muscle mass. Amber sighed. "It's not your fault." Krystal lifted her hand to lightly touch Amber's eye. At first, the other woman tried to turn away, but seemed to realize that Krystal wouldn't hurt her and let her touch the sore spot. Nevertheless, she gritted her teeth when Krystal let the tip of her finger trail over the sensitive skin. "It is... I should have never let him get out of the apartment," she muttered. Amber shook her head. "He needed something to distract him, someone to blame for what has happened. I suppose I could've seen this coming. Gotta admit I still don't like it that he messed up my face though," Amber sighed. "Could you perhaps get me some of that bruise paste I have in my bathroom. I used to have a blue eye ninety percent of the time in college so I kept the tube." "Y-yes of course!" Krystal immediately blurted out. She ran towards the bathroom and sought for the tube. It took her a few minutes but eventually she returned. She put some on her finger and started to apply it on Amber's face. She groaned softly, but the longer Krystal went on, the more her moans turned into sighs. The paste relieved some of the pain, it was probably numbing. "You should go after him, you know, talk things through... so my other eye won't turn out blue as well," Amber said. Krystal sighed and nodded. "It didn't turn out as smooth as I thought it would... he got very angry," she sighed. Tiredness suddenly washed over her and she finally felt how much energy the fight had drained from her. Amber's gaze softened and she pulled Krystal in a hug. "Can't I stay here for tonight? I don't want to go home.." Amber planted a kiss on her head and nodded. "You can stay as long as you like." Krystal sighed and nodded. She let her head rest against Amber's shoulder and let her be hugged. Later that evening, when Krystal had already fallen asleep on the couch a couple of times, Amber carried her to bed. Woken up by the sudden change of room, she let Amber tuck her in. She couldn't help to watch her when she undressed. Amber – being under the impression that she was already asleep again – didn't notice her gaze wandering over her body when she took off her shirt. Seeing the fresh bruises on her ribcase as well, Krystal bit her lip hard. With every move she made, Amber seemed to groan of pain. She wondered how she ever could've carried her to the bedroom... Amber put on another shirt, but the bruises seemed to almost light up underneath the fabric now that Krystal had seen them and knew they were there. The fact that Amber hadn't showed them to her when she was treating her with the bruise paste made her realize that Amber was probably a bit ashamed that she hadn't been able to stop Kai when he had leaped at her. It saddened her that she tried to keep that hidden from her. That's why she turned around to face her as soon as Amber got in the bed. The other girl shuddered. "You startled me! I thought you were sleeping already," Amber exclaimed. Her face immediately turned guilty, knowing all too well that she had been caught. Krystal nudged closer to her and let her fingers trail towards the edge of her shirt, slowly lifting it up. "Can I see?" she asked softly. Amber sighed and nodded. Krystal prepped herself up on one elbow and lifted Amber's shirt with the other. When she exposed the bruises again, she couldn't help but sigh. "I didn't want to concern you.." Amber muttered. Krystal turned her eyes away from the bruises and into her eyes. She smiled weakly. "Could you please don't lie to me... after all that has happened, eight years ago, I can't-" "I'm sorry," Amber immediately said. Krystal nodded, her smile slowly faltering. The other girl took her closer, pressing a kiss on her lips. And suddenly, a great need of wanting to kiss her washed over her when their lips collided for a second. Amber had just pecked her lips, but Krystal came back wanting more. She kissed Amber softly and she immediately got the hint. Kissing her like that felt like kissing clouds; her lips so soft; her scent clouding her mind. Krystal was careful enough not to place her hands anywhere near her hips in case of hurting her, but kept them cupped around her cheek. Amber kissed her back lovingly. There was nothing sexual to the kiss because they knew that tonight would be very inconvenient. They didn't want to turn tonight about sex. They just wanted each other and each other's love. That's what they wanted and that's what they got. The kiss made Krystal feel like the world was right at her feet. And when they broke up and snuggled against each other, Krystal spooned Amber. Usually, she was the little spoon, mostly because she was tinier than Amber and she was the less progressive one. But now that Amber was hurting, she wanted to give her the same feeling Amber always gave her when they slept together: the feeling of secureness in the other's arms. So, as soft as she could, Krystal placed her arm around her body. With a sigh, she placed her head on the pillow. Her eyes fell shut immediately. But there was still a single thought left clouding her mind, keeping her from falling asleep immediately. "Amber... I love you," she muttered. She felt Amber stir for a moment. "I should've said that eight years ago and I was stupid that I waited too long. I want you to know now. If something happens in the days to follow, then you at least know." Amber let out a little chuckle. "I love you too, Krystal. Don't ever forget that."
0 notes
tophateliquids · 6 years
Pod Systems – which one?
I think vaping has almost come full circle at times, not so many years ago most people started their vaping journey on things like disposable cartomizers and cigalikes, and the slightly more flexible ‘pen’ style devices high nicotine content and very restricted mouth to lung hits.  As the technology progressed we were presented with higher eliquid capacity devices they became re-fillable, taking us from just a few drops of e-liquid, to 1ml, to 1.5ml and then 2ml and above, it seemed users wanted more convenience and less fuss. Then came along BVC coils from the likes of Aspire, much longer lasting, higher vapor and flavor production it seemed the industry couldn’t go much further in these terms until ‘sub-ohm’ tanks and devices hit the market.
Suddenly, sub-ohm tanks and devices became the new normal, the market was flooded with them. They became more powerful with higher wattages, made to suit changing consumer tastes and the pursuance of larger vapor clouds and richer flavor. The Nicotine strengths were also becoming lower, where people were used to vaping 12 – 24 mg of nicotine, vapers were finding that this was far too high because vapor production of the devices were much higher therefore delivering much more nicotine in one ‘puff’, and the ‘throat hit’ of these more powerful devices became too harsh and they dropped down to say 6 or 3 mg of nicotine.
There were still some devices that had found their ‘niche’ in the market and still remain very popular today, such as the Aspire Nautilus, which still has a large following in all of its iterations.
However, many manufacturers ceased to continue to supply this niche market and decided to focus on the ‘bigger is better’ mindset that seemed to envelop the market so many of these smaller, non-sub-ohm devices ceased to be manufactured.
Then a couple of years ago something strange happened, while most manufacturers still serviced the bigger sub-ohm market, some lesser known ‘players’ started to launch what have come to be known as ‘pod systems’. They started to gain traction by sending their pod systems to reviewers on places like YouTube. Reviewers seemed to like the smaller ‘All-In-One’ type devices for their compactness (much smaller the longer pen style devices of old). Around the same time, e-liquid manufacturers were releasing specialist ‘Nic-salt’ eliquids, high in nicotine (up to 50mg) but very much gentler on the throat. These were just what the moth to lung vapers were looking for, they could be used in devices that didn’t deliver such huge amounts of vapor and still enjoy great flavor with no harshness on the throat.
Aspire Breeze 2 with pod system
In a very short space of time, manufacturers were reverting back (sort of) to MTL devices that were compact, easy to use, and generally much cheaper than a sub-ohm device. The market took this popularity resurgence and really ran with it. Suddenly there were pod systems or All-IN-ONE (AIO) devices everywhere, manufacturers were, and still are at time of writing, racing to release their own pod systems.
Now this has caused a problem for us consumers, those either wanting to go back to the MTL style of vaping, those who want something small, discrete and lighter to carry around all day, and those who want to quit smoking by switching to a vape device that was similar to smoking itself.
The dilemma comes in choosing a device. The number of pod systems AIO devices suddenly flooding the market has become a mind spinning choice.
There are a huge number of choices, here are a few, in no particular order:
Disposable devices, like single use in various flavors that you throw away after a number of puffs or when the internal battery dies.
Fixed Coil Pod (FCP)systems with replaceable pods that aren’t refillable, but are rechargeable allowing you buy extra pods in various flavors.
Fixed Coil Pod (FCP)systems that are refillable with the e-liquid of your choice and are rechargeable but the pod needs to be replaced when the coil is no longer performing.
Pod systems that are refillable, rechargeable and with the added benefit of being able to replace the coils.
Pod systems that are just like 4above but with the added benefit of interchangeable coils of different ratings designed with the use of Nic-salt e-liquid in mind (though it must be said that they can generally be used with all types of e-liquid).
Perhaps the most flexible of all systems are just like 4and 5 above, but with the added benefit of really adjusting the pod system to your vaping style by allowing the user to also adjust the airflow to their own vaping style.
  It must be said at this stage that although some pods have a form of airflow adjustment, it can usually consist of the user having to ‘block’ airflow by means in putting in small restrictors or inserts. Alternatively by the use of different coils.
  This list is by no means exhaustive but has covered most types of pod system generally available.
Aspire Spryte Pod
The type of pod system you choose of course is a personal choice and I would never presume to recommend one system over the other. What I do suggest is to look at the functionality of your chosen device, when and where you might be using it, why you want a pod system whether you want flexibility of being able to refill, change coils, and use various different e-liquids or adjust the airflow for more vapor. Sometimes you may want a pod system that you just inhale from, no switches, nothing to turn on and off, just make sure it has e-liquid and puff away. Others may want to have the ability to completely shut down their device for that extra feeling of safety. For a great number of people recently, the form factor is important, size, shape, weight, are all defining factors for their choices, coupled with the functionality and flexibility.
There are things to be said in favor of almost all devices, it all comes down to personal choice.  Aspire has a wide range of devices and their website has various types of information relating to almost all their products just visit https://www.aspirecig.com for a full range of current products including pod systems and All-In-One devices.
Pod Systems – which one? was originally posted by E-Sigaret Nieuws
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