#best sublimation ink
laurenwalshart · 14 days
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The hoodie preorder is now live!!
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This hoodie is a Dexterity Check you might fail willingly.
Let Woubble engulf you in this custom Zip-Up hoodie with sublimation details on the chest, back, arms, and hood for the best hug ever.
What is sublimation?
Sublimation is a heat based dying process that embeds the ink into the fabric fibers, making it permanent. This ensures that the design lasts a lifetime with out any cracking or peeling.
What is the Turnaround Time?
I expect all orders should be shipped 6-10 weeks after preorders close on September 27th (hopefully sooner!) There may be some other drops coming after preorders close that you can add on to your orders so stay tuned!
I'm also proud that these hoodies will all be made local to me in my home city of Philadelphia, PA!
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l-e-i-n-t-h · 3 months
Me judging every character in HOTD
I read the book in 2019, and even then I was Team Black and believed many of the things depicted in the book could be propaganda or deformations cause I happen to be a historian and it's not that uncommon. I'm also 39 and no longer believe in pretty privilege. I've been in tumblr for more than 12 years and I've seen rivers of ink (or bits) flow trying to excuse or overanalyze the actions of all sorts of male characters because they happen to be played by beautiful faces. I've done it myself, but I'm too old for it now.
As a good historian I already declared my biases, so here I go with the characters:
Alicent is a bad mother. Her motherhood wasn't desired nor joyful, so it's understadable but it does affect the way her children are. Viserys was also quite neglectful, due to his health and his personal flaws. Alicent's family reeks of generational trauma, and it's not a surprise coming from such a cold and manipulative patriarch as Otto, who didn't even want to hear his daughter's troubles. As I saw in another post, all of Team Green is touch deprived: they need each other's arms but they don't hug each other as they long for.
I don't give a rat's ass about Alicent's sins. Sin away, woman, and enjoy.
I do slut shame Criston Cole cause I enjoy despising him. Being the genuine murderer he is, slut shaming is just a very small fraction of what he deserves. I see him as one of those guys that resent a girl for rejecting them and then go on to commit mass murder, blaming her for it. I'm not in love with him so I don't excuse nothing of him, specially sending ser Arryk to his death so stupidly and hypocritically.
Aegon is a bad king, who enjoys cruelty not at the level Joffrey did, but to a certain point, considering he raped a girl and celebrated his nephew's death with a feast. Another pretty face I'm immune to.
Helaena is a sweet angel. I miss Blood and Cheese tha way it happened on the book, but the result is pretty much the same.
I already talked about Otto, and we all know Larys Strong is a thousand times worst.
Aemond has always been a little psycho. He was bullied by his brother and nephews, but there's something else to a child who almost smashes the head of a boy 4 years younger than him with a rock. His scene in the brothel makes a lot of sense, and the fact that he believes Daemon is afraid of him is just... hilarious.
Speaking of Daemon, that's another pretty face that doesn't move me in the least. He's an asset for his team, probably the best warrior in the entire show, but he's also unpredictable, violent, irascible and not much of a good father or husband. Matt and Emma have chemistry, but their characters' ship doesn't give me feels, only red flags. Daemon is a walking red flag, the only maladjusted person in Team Black right now.
Team Black is family. They do touch each other. The parallel between Alicent being unable to console her child and Rhaenyra interrupting her son's teary eyed report to embrace him is sublime. Rhaenyra enjoys being a mom, loves her children dearly, and expresses it.
Rhaenyra does suffer a lot. In like ten days she loses her father, her daughter, her throne, her son, her trust in her husband, and sees a brave man off himself in front of her. I think that she is well adjusted, or at least as well as you could expect of a Targaryen in the GOT universe. She loves freely, she grieves as she needs and doesn't choke on her tears, trying to keep a facade. She hasn't become cruel yet.
Team Black's council passes the Bechdel test, and I find it so refreshing. Rhaenys and Corlys make for the perfect power couple, and the fact that Alyn and Adam of Hull are grown men gives me hope their conception wasn't a blemish on that marriage, cause in the book it was.
Rhaenys is the second most powerful asset in Team Black and she's just SO GREAT. I enjoy tremendously the way she doesn't walk on egg shells around Daemon.
Ultimately, if you're in doubt, ask yourself which team do the Starks of Winterfell support. That's all you need to know.
Disclaimer: love whatever character you want, and write whatever meta gives you feels and joy. I just think it's funny, when the episode just arrives, the tag is full of kind of what actually happened, but a few days after it, it's full of metas oozing with love for toxic male characters and eternal hate for the writers for doing murder baby wrong. A character doesn't need to be moral to be enjoyable, though I understand the appeal for having both.
Damn I was young and less asexual once, I swear XD
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lewis-winters · 10 months
3 and 6 for the positivity meme?
I'll answer this backwards because my answer to no. 3 got long.
6 - what's a headcanon that you'll die on that hill?
Lewis Nixon III was a theater kid and has done drag in his life. This is forreal. The ghost of Dick Winters revealed this to me in a dream.
3 - what are some fics you go back and read again and again?
oh I love this question. in the last ask I did say I left out some creators and now is my time to redeem myself! (also another reminder that I desperately need to finish this massive fic rec post I have been steadily adding fics to since January BUT ANYWAY)
under the cut!
all of @churchkey's Winnix and ToyeMalarkey fics! god do I love them so much. I re-read A Spell of Riot once a year since it was completed.
and of course @anthrobrat's Bob, TP, and Gen Kill fics!
all of BristlingBassoon's Winnix fics - Queen for a Day inspired my "Lewis has done drag" conviction and When we met, you'd never expect this series is just. divine.
@marycontraire's Contact Tracing. of course.
make it up as we go along - Joe drives his cab, Chuck plays Call of Duty, and Babe just wants to pass Biochem; their apartment is like Grand Central at the best of times and that’s without the two possible fugitives they decided to harbor in the guest room; Luz’s life is turning into a terrible romcom about a coffee shop; Harry’s friends are bad at running a bar but they’re trying their best; somebody got punched in the face; and someday there will be a New York Times Bestseller about all of it.
Or, the interlinked soap opera-worthy drama of a group of millennials in Philadelphia, told day by day.
Lie if God is Sleeping - Gene flipped the puzzle over to read the back. “My name is Edward Heffron,” he read aloud. “I killed a man, and now I’m paying the price. 18,000 pieces. It will take approximately seven days to complete me. For experienced players only.”
What the fuck was a curse this nasty doing in a Philadelphia used bookstore?
rivers always reach the sea - my favorite webgott canon era series fic ever
Situation Normal - Winters and Nixon move to the city, reunite with some old friends and find themselves adopting a new, four-legged one.
By Small and Small - Babe wants to keep talking with Gene, but he doesn’t really know what to say. He feels like, in the past, he never would’ve shut up, but now, since Julian, he’s just got nothing. Maybe that’s grieving; Bill says that’s grieving, anyway, but Bill uses the term like a Band-Aid to put over every aspect of Babe that has changed.
Or: The one where Gene is in med school and Babe's messed up over Julian.
Dear Lover - A group of friends who supervise soldiers' mail are secretly very invested in one Major Winters' letters to a woman he seems to be having a secret affair with.
all or SJtrinity's Band of Brothers (webgott) fics and The Pacific (sledgefu and andyeddie) fics
Green and Gold - Merriell has dark magic and a guilty conscious. He never considered how the war would change them.
The American Sublime - "Tactician that he is, he finds the likelihood of still being loved by someone who, thanks to him, has just awakened to a wicked hangover and a face full of cold piss next to nil."
Dick Winters and Lewis Nixon billet together at a farmhouse in Holland for a rare few weeks of peace and privacy, while Dick struggles to process his promotion and his time away from Easy Company. Set during the first minutes of Episode 5, "Crossroads."
Cows. Wildflowers. Feelings. Handjobs.
Black Ink on Some Blue Lines - It’s been sixteen years since the letter was written, but it never found its way to the one it was intended for. The thing about secrets is they eat away at you, not all at once but slowly over the years, and you begin to wonder, to play out the what if scenarios in your mind. Instead, David buried it away and pretended like it never existed. He should have killed it, he thinks to himself, not buried it while it still had breath in its lungs.
In which David remembers his evolving relationship with Joe over the course of the war and decides to deliver a letter.
Baby You Can Drive My Car - Everyone has their thing. Perco takes watches. Nix scrounges for liquor. Welsh continues his never-ending quest for anything that will please Kitty Grogan. Even Eugene robs abandoned apothecaries with only a touch of guilt, making off with as many bandages and sulfa packets as he can carry. And then there’s Speirs, sweeping behind them like a shadow and carrying away anything they leave behind that sparkles or shines.
Babe steals cars. He’s getting pretty good at it.
Come in From the Cold - In which Smokey Gordon's coffee shop 'Bastogne' saves lives by lending cutting instruments and offering a steady supply of caffeine and sugary goodness. The shenanigans are just a by-product.
Call me 'sweetheart', Please? by @mariamegale - A not-relationship in the making. (baberoe)
anthroposcene, interrupted - Three months ago, Ray Person was a Philosophy major at Harvard. Now, he's dodging Runners trying to get from St. Louis to Cambridge without a) starving, b) dying by accident or c) offing himself. However, three's company, and it comes in the form of a dog with no bark and a taciturn Marine Staff Sergeant who's last name is Not-Pitt, which has gotta count for something.
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santoschristos · 7 months
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Sun and Moon She was the sun that in her light scattered through each corner with the force of her love, she was fire, embers of a campfire burning in desires, in pleasure, in delusions, in madness... A volcano that in its stride melted my skin, my desire, my need.
I was the moon that at nights bathed his body in the reflections of my inspiration, I spent long hours keeping him company with my letters, with the flow of ink of my feather unleashed the chains of my hands to fly to his chest, to his belly, up to the warmth of its nest.
She was the sun, her beauty was breathtaking, exquisite and sublime, consuming all the air of my lungs in just a few minutes, disarmed the rigidity of my veins in the ceaseless impulses of her movements until reaching the peace of my agitated tremors and fluttering between her fingers each one of the drops of my sweat.
I was the moon, hid its secret, its mysteries in my silence for days, I moved away and returned in a different face, did not want to give in and sometimes escaped as if I were a thief of its encounter, because whenever I could love her, she in her magnitude of star achieved the best beats of my heart. --When Flames of Love Become Ashes
The sun and the moon art by David Shannon
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mayakern · 1 year
just throwing it out there as an environmentally-conscious person who does small-batch sublimation printing (which i'm pretty sure you said is what your new manufacturer does?), it's literally not an option for natural fibers right now (which is likely why your manufacturer charges so much more for the same designs on natural fibers). the ink used in sublimation printing doesn't adhere to natural fibers. there are sprays sold to allow the ink to work with natural fibers, but the sprays are just polyester coating, defeating the (environmental) purpose of using a natural fiber in the first place.
it's unfortunate, but until a solution to this problem comes about, it's not really the designers'/manufacturers' fault. the best we can do in the meantime is minimize our environmental impact by minimizing how often we have to wash them and handwashing when we do, since studies have shown that handwashing releases fewer microplastics.
yeah, it’s… a whole thing 😅
anyway if you’ve wondered this is also why we’re sticking to solid dyed colors for the natural fiber skirts.
and to reiterate, the custom printing is so expensive that the solid color dyed natural fiber skirts are probably going to be around $45-50 compared to the synthetic custom dyed skirts at $60. and that’s on synthetic fiber, which CAN take the ink properly.
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applesjuice · 6 months
So an update on my Ogerpon cosplay! Took me forever, like over a month straight to figure out how I wanted to do the eyes. Initially I went with a normal toon eye using buckram like below
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But I didnt like it. It was fine but I didn't think the eyes were vibrant enough, plus with Ogerpon's head being an orb, having the eyes sit flat just looked...off. So i reworked them despite modeling eyeblanks and paying $$$ to get them 3D printed. Luckily I was able to repurpose them by sanding them down and usng them as a frame.
I found out about dye sublimation eyes which are popular in the fursuit community. Alas my printer doesn't support that sort of ink (love my 15 year old hp i got for free) and idk i wanted some depth to my eyes, almost like a bjd. So after lots and lots of failures I wound up with this:
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Curved pc fan mesh with craft foam and a clear acrylic dome on top. There's a layer of clear vinyl in there for a slight holo effect. I was trying to get that on the irises with yellow vinyl but it was a mess. Imo the craft foam looked best. The felt is light brown because if you look close at Ogerpon's design in game her eyes have a brown outline and the black "eyelashes" are actually markings on her skin.
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But hey the leaf under her hood came together pretty quick after i shaped the foam.
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The stem attaches to the head via a carriage bolt so it stays on nice and sturdy. Next will be fitting the head to my own head and lining the inside!
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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I just get the impression that Akechi is Reverie's Mean Bitch Boyfriend and everyone in the Thieves is baffled that they are going out because what the fuck does Reverie see in this guy. And all the girls are like "ooooooh. Okay."
But Akechi just speaks to Reverie on another level. So much of Reverie's life is being contained and not causing too much trouble because his probation thing, but Akechi is like a total fucking asshole and responds best when Reverie is an asshole right back, and like. Man. I get it. I really get it lmao.
Its easy to imagine Reverie hanging out with the gang and saying something just a little too Fucking Mean and they're like "did you have lunch with Akechi" and he's like ".... Oh. Yeah. Whoops. Sorry, I'll dial it back."
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MEANWHILE out lil sister is having a hard time. Like, man, not to diminish the pain anyone went through because Maruki's deal, but Yusuke and Futaba and Haru in particular have it really goddamn rough and it's painful.
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I love every moment that the game lets you be understanding and empathetic with Futaba.
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This moment in particular should be stamped on the brain of everyone who has mental illness. Futaba tries to tell Reverie he should be mad at her, because she's angry with herself and wants to sublimate that emotion onto others. She wants him to be mad at her because then it's almost easier to deal with all of this happening. It's a situation where kindness almost hurts more than the reprimand, but kindness is still what's needed.
persona 5 royal where has this writing been!!!!!! i'm yelling
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Anyway, Futaba pops her final persona. Glow down. I want A Dark Planet Lit By Daft Punk again. 8C It's fine, it's not terrible, the reference is neat, but also sigh.
I do like the Technomancy vibe of Futaba. The framing of her work that way is neat.
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Next up is my man Yusuke and okay, one: Yusuke's winter outfit is FLY AS HELL, look at that. Look at how gorgeous that jacket is, with the ink bottle teal and the bold buttons and the skinny jeans. Amazing, truly.
Two, this room makes me want to scream. There is a cardboard box of fruit that makes me think he walked through a park and just picked stuff to eat and then decided it was all too photogenic so its set aside for a still life. The supplies on the floor, the canvases blocking his fucking storage space, this is all just pitch fucking perfect.
Love that he's a prospit dream honestly.
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I'll be real, going to every Thief and having them apologize to Reverie for falling for Maruki's trick is a little bit blah, but the extra details for each is fun. The moment when Yusuke is so ashamed he won't even look at Reverie is nice and heartfelt.
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funny how when i talk to futaba the game always gives me the exact options i wanna say but never with yusuke
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oh my dear fucking god
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i mean. wow. i don't really see Yusuke's soul in the Pimpdaddy Maestro of the Techno Goth Club?
This one is even more baffling than the Susano-o persona for him, so I'm just. Yeah. OKay.
To be clear: This design is amazing, I love it, I LOVE THE SHOES, LOOK AT THOSE FUCKING SHOES. but wow. Yusuke huh. Okay. I miss Goemon.
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that said he gets Heat Riser But For The Whole Party and wow holy shit that's so powerful
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Ryuji time. Once again the game gives me the option I want.
Listen. I am mad at how not gay this game is. If Ryuji was the only gay option, I'd still go stag. Or date Haru. (man i shoulda dated Haru)
anyway Ryuji's is particularly blah but the only amusing moment is when he decides his punishment is to do standing squats until Reverie says he can stop
opens mouth
shuts mouth
Nah I'll save my thoughts on Ryuji for later.
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anyway Ryuji's persona has joined the 1% i guess bc he's on a yacht now.
That or he won a free boat ride for three. Where is T-Pain.
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Haru confirmed for Prospit, as if there was any doubt.
Her room makes me nervous tbh, like, I feel like I'm in a southern furniture showroom. Did HGTV do this, Haru?
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LOVE THIS SENTIMENT. I love that when kindness is offered she is flat out like "Thank you but that's not what I need right now." That's powerful tbh, I love it.
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So fucking what if you put a band aid on everyone's fucking problems? New problems will arise. Do you intend to delete each and every one?
This shit reminds me of rich and powerful people who are born into it and haven't experienced hardship for the majority of their lives, so when something mildly inconvenient happens, they treat it like a federal fucking issue because they have no skills to handle anything.
Maruki's plan is to basically eviscerate everyone's personal growth in perpetuity. Like, as you walk around Shibuya and stuff, you do actually overhear people concerned about all this happiness and the lack of contrasts.
I mean, I'm a depressed poor sick queer who grew up in a trailer park. There are moments in my past that define me and they are Not Good moments. I would still not take Maruki's deal.
Maruki needed to meet Toranosuke honestly and talk about societal reform. You know Tora is one of those "what if we gave addicts places to live for free and created a UBI" people.
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GLOW DOWN. There was nowhere to go but down when you have the literal best persona in the main cast. But also that Life Wall is amazing.
I overwrote Psy Amp for it. I am dedicated to my build on Haru. She walks up and its time for the Gun Show. I wish she got Akechi's Riot Gun skill, you have NO idea. She'd tear shit UP and give Myriad Truths a run for its money.
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anyway here is Futaba and Ann petting Morgana. shout out to Akechi all the way in the back trying to ignore everyone.
ANYWAY we're at the end of this post and I'm gonna complain about Ryuji, feel free to peace out.
So Persona really likes having the one party member who is kind of stupid. Just... not book smart and always doing poorly in class and always missing out on vital information. It's good joke fodder, I get it.
In P4, that was Kanji and Chie, and in P3 it was Junpei. I respect and love these characters, and I have been banging my head against why I just! I just hate Ryuji! I really do! I have never disliked a persona character this much yet!
And I think the thing about Kanji and Junpei and the other Kinda Dumb characters is that they have low book smarts but they are often the most empathetic and emotionally intelligent characters in the game. Kanji was the fucking HEART of the party from the moment he joined onward, was always coming out and says profound shit, was the one who stepped up and was like "hey lets let Naoto and their shadow hash it out, we can handle the fight and this is going to help them." He was the kindest person in the party.
And Junpei, I still think that was some apex of writing, the time when Junpei was like "hey, I apologize for this thing I did to you, it was disrespectful and I'll do better." And his connection to Chidori was the rocket strapped to his arc. He was emotional and kind and he fucked up several times and he apologized for it.
Ryuji just. LACKS THAT ENTIRELY. He doesn't have that. He's not the emotional heart of the team, he struggles to be empathetic, he upsets people and gets off scott-free without an apology. He's treated like the Best Friend and its so completely unearned. I would not tell Ryuji shit about me because I have no confidence in him being cool. He is Yosuke Hanamura without the rebound, it's Joker Mode all the time.
The ball was so thoroughly dropped with Ryuji I'm kinda baffled, because Atlus is usually good at the Token Best Friend guy and making him one of the more complex characters in each game.
Maybe its because Joker himself is such a strong character that Ryuji doesn't need to act as the stand-in protagonist like Junpei and Yosuke did. Or, maybe it's because functionally Morgana fills Ryuji's role in the party instead so those emotionally intelligent moments are given to Morgana instead.
It's weird and frustrating and I am annoyed at Ryuji both in a Watsonian sense and a Doylist sense.
Okay that's enough hateration holleration in this dancery, lets do the Palace.
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whisperthatruns · 5 months
An Aria
How do I get my mind back? Yes, my mind. The fascist, that murderer of half a million, never had my body. My body has been owned, but not by him. I never liked backtracking. Brush Road, Born Street. I’ve walked those roads before, barefoot. There is no going back to Born. No mind left behind to recoup. It’s like donated clothes you try to buy back from the sucker who’s already wearing them. But there is something to be claimed. Some comrade to bust out of jail who can’t see the way forward even when you crack the chains. In my pre-tit days, I’d walk to the empty outdoor theater and sit on the playground equipment beneath the screen. Everything in that place was silver. Gravel, playground horses, and rocket ships whose paint had chipped away by wind and time. I knew nothing larger than that screen. No god so sublime. Silver-white against the whiter clouds. Peppered with purple bird shit. When night falls, anything can project itself against a face like that. Cartoons, or Vixen, rated X. When the free-show man came to town, he’d hang a sheet between two trees and project cowboy movies against it. Kids sat on the grass eating popcorn from greasy paper bags, watching ads scroll down the screen. Popcorn wasn’t free. A free show is never really free. Do you think someone didn’t die on that sheet hung between two trees? I once received a letter from the current lover of the love of my life telling me he’d overdosed and died. She wrote on thin blue paper etched with flowers. An act of grace I hadn’t earned. I’d left him behind knowing it was just a matter of time. My mind has grown wooden around love, like a tree that has nearly swallowed a garden gate where lovers met at moonrise when the air was thick with Hesperis. A musty, fatal scent, like punks who refused to bathe. Lovers long dead, gate now opening only to the tree’s heartwood. My son’s first love was Anne Frank, after he read her diary. He was eight, drawing portraits of her day and night. I must have Anne, he said when I tucked him in, though he knew she was dead, whatever that means. This is the mind, sepia, color of dried blood. Maybe the first love is the best love. The first loss, the worst. If so, mine came early. The rest is repetition compulsion, iterations until the ink runs dry. Still, remembering wakes my mind a little, or some facsimile of the mind I used to be. All activities of the mind now seem quaint, like dolls with lace faces unearthed from beneath the attic stairway. My feelings, too, smothered like a kingdom of bees so the buzzing doesn’t draw attention to their honey. Now, to unmuffle myself, I read Keats’ love letters, written in a tubercular fever, then listen to Marquee Moon, album by Television, that Tom Verlaine band, so aggressive live it made me start my period, leave a lyric bloodstain on the chair. Then I play “Gimme Shelter” on repeat to be awash in the supremacy of Merry Clayton’s background vocals. Called into the studio in the middle of the night, cold, hair in curlers, pregnant, pushed out her scream- song aria three times, and miscarried a daughter the next day. She blamed it on the song but not her voice. When she woke after a car accident, years later, with amputated legs, she asked only about her voice. Mother, may I sing again? May I see again, not a symbol of a flower but Hesperis, tolls again in the wind again. Flower of an hour. A fragrant hour. Its face, skin, smile, its opening again, the curtain of petals closing over its face again. May I take the murdered world in? Sing of it again?
Diane Seuss (The Adroit Journal, 2024)
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capsensislagamoprh · 5 months
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Victor felt his blades cut into the ice, snow ripped from the smoothed surface dusting his legs, clinging to the cool surface of his ever chilling flesh. Yakov had yelled at him several times about the groves he was leaving, telling him - loudly - that he would make Victor drive the Zamboni himself to fix it, only to resend that the second he gave it any real though. Instead he put him thrugh drill after drill, the goblin.
Darkness... not just *darkness*, but Entropy. Entropy, cloaked in darkness, shadows, the antithesis of dreams. Entropy who spent time cradling life in its chest, nurturing growth with decay and pain. Who had caused the world to loose its way. Who had brought the wonder in the world to a grinding halt with a twist of memory and dusting of instinct. Who had only fallen because Life itself manifested the greatest of human dreams... Hope. Life had taken the best of things: bravery, goodness, honesty... sacrifice. YEBAT'! How could he have forgot in so short a time what it meant to be in the thrall of such a dangerous thing? His blood was colder than the depths of space, but that didn't stop the very memory of the things he'd done from dropping his temperature. "Victor!" Yakov screamed as he made another lazy double. Victor knew what he would say before he began. "Where's your height? What's with that lazy spiral? Get your leg back! You'll trip on your own blades with a landing like that! Do it again! And focus this time!" A hard snort escaped him as he thumped his thigh twice. Come on leg. Work with me. Forget the old wounds. This body is younger. It doesn't have the damage. That didn't seem to matter. His mind knew it was there. He raced his circle, prepping to edge into the double, twizzle out and arch into a graceful line, with his arm reaching behind him - calling for something not there, something longing. His jump was perfect. His landing sublime. When he reached back... He felt something. Heard someone. There was a giggle. A sort of laugh that seemed to call his name in joy. He could feel color ink into his skin. He almost felt it. Almost felt the way someone fueled him with a greater dream. It felt like the ribbon he'd touched at the gate. Velvet and satin, written in gold. Before he could catch it, pull it closer, feel the warmth of it he hit the boards, falling back. "Victor!" Yakov rushed towards the space where the Ice King was sprawled out, silver hair splayed behind him, eyes staring at the over head lighting. "Victor! Are you okay?" A cold breath pulled into his lungs by the shear force involuntary action, Victor sat up. The others in the rink had stopped, inching closer, concern on their faces. Victor did not hit the boards. Victor did not land on his ass. Victor... was not having a very good day. Rising up, stretching until his mussels felt back in place, Victor stood, kicked his toe picks into the ice a few times, then shrugged at his revealed coach. Then he stood there as he, and the rest of the team, got a ten minute lecture on focus, attention, and not dying on his ice, god damn it! Yes. Victor was not having a very good day.
(The links are starting to pile up. Go to the oldest part to find previous links to the story's beginning!)
part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28, part 29, part 30, part 31, part 32, part 33
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Although I'll have to take a small break from my detailed spreads for a couple of weeks, I'll see if I can make other quick posts like this!
Once I finish my Zelda journal/finish all the games, I want to work on a Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts journal! This journal was made by EtherelleArt on Etsy (they have multiple designs but I ordered the Moogle Mail design). The Red FFXIV Dragoon washi tape is also by EtherelleArt and the Moogle sticker is from TheLittleBirdeeCo.
The current goals for playing are:
Kingdom Hearts series
FFVII series (including books and movies)
FFXIV and all its expansions
either a handful or all of the other Final Fantasy games.
If you have any recommendations for FF games feel free to comment or make a submission!
I can put a quick review of the journal itself here!
The sketchbook itself is small dimension wise 5.75“x5.75” but also page wise (112 pgs total) so I'll most likely buy more in order to complete all my gaming goals, but it does have really nice paper and gsm (180gsm Super White Blank Paper). The sublimation printing of the journal design was super well done and the binding quality is really nice. I would actually say this is my best/favorite journal that I now own even though I haven't broken into it much. The journal also comes with an elastic strap, ribbon bookmark, and a pocked on the back inside cover. I also did a test page (below) and although you can faintly see the inks through the page, it's not any major bleed that would bother me. I would just recommend not using heavy handed sharpie on the paper as that is the one that has the highest risk of bleed. The paper is also super smooth so I do recommend waiting any ink to dry first since there is a risk of smudging. But I am a fan, the quality of the whole thing is really nice.
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I loved the design of it so much I also bought the Ishgard Design for my friend (pictured below as well as the Dragoon Washi Tape).
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I can't wait to start playing these Square Enix games! I've heard so many good things!
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air-rising · 1 year
Where can I find the Ellie the guardian article?
It’s from The Australian! Pasting here:
FIFA star Ellie Carpenter’s guide to Sydney
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Views along the Bondi to Bronte walk. Picture: Jeremy Piper
Cowra holds a special place in Ellie Carpenter’s heart, and her leg (she bears an ink outline of the NSW country town’s boundary on her left ankle).
But having moved to Sydney’s Inner West in her early teens to pursue her dream of soccer stardom, Sydney also feels like home. The 23-year-old Matilda’s defender has been living in the French food capital of Lyon since 2020, when she signed to one of the world’s best football clubs, Olympique Lyonnais.
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Ellie Carpenter is counting down the FIFA Women's World Cup. Photo: Rebel Sport/Nike
Being a foodie, Lyon is a boon for Carpenter, but the athlete says between 6am and lunchtime, Sydney has the culinary upper hand. “Lyon is a beautiful city; the food there is incredible and there are so many Michelin-starred restaurants, and I love my food, so it’s a great place to live,” she says. “But I love the brunch culture and the coffee culture in Sydney; there’s really nothing else like it in the world.
With the eve of the FIFA Women‘s World Cup fast approaching, Carpenter hasn’t had much time to enjoy leisurely brunches. “I’m really excited to have a World Cup on home soil,” she says. “To have that opening game sold out; to have that crowd behind us is really exciting.”
Inspiring the next generation of Australian soccer stars is a huge motivation for the defender, who, in her capacity as an ambassador for sporting retailer Rebel, has joined forces with Nike to host GoalGirls, a free program aimed at encouraging young women to participate in the sport.
“I’m really proud to be able to inspire girls eight to 12 to play football,” she says.
For Carpenter, a Sydney morning well spent involves an early morning coffee and brunch at one of her favourite cafes.
“Whenever I get back to Sydney I’m always jet-lagged, so I’m awake and about at five or six in the morning, and I love that coffee shops are open,” she says. “In France they don’t open until about 11.”
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The Boat House at Balmoral.
The Nike athlete cites The Boathouse Balmoral as a favourite destination for a mid-morning feed. The casual beachside eatery, one of nine venues owned by The Boathouse Group, serves up Australian brunch classics such as steel cut oat porridge, bacon and egg rolls and ricotta hot cakes. “Whenever I come home from overseas which is about twice a year I go there,” Carpenter says. “Their avocado toast and poached eggs are my go-to for breakfast; it’s so big but so good, and for lunch I always get the classic fish and chips.”
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The Boat House Balmoral’s fish and chips.
She also makes a point of stopping by Bondi’s Fruitologist for one of the grocer’s famous Beach Bowls; a generous compilation of frozen acai berry puree, peanut butter and banana which has become so popular the line for the nutritious treat often snakes around the block. “I am an acai connoisseur and no matter what I go there,” she says. “They do the best acai bowls in Sydney.”
Having spent her teens living in Abbotsford in Sydney’s inner west, Carpenter likes to stop by Travatino Café in Wareemba for a nostalgic treat when she’s in the area. “Their raspberry and strawberry tarts are amazing.” she says. “It’s still got the same owners, and they’ve known me since I was 11 or 12.”
For a finer dining experience, Carpenter heads to Sydney’s eastern suburbs. You’ll find her lunching at Totti’s Bondi whenever she’s in town and her hectic training schedule permits.
“It’s one of my favourite restaurants to go to for lunch with a group of friends,” she says. For a main course, the reginette, lobster and crab alla vodka pasta is sublime, she concedes, but it’s the restaurant’s extensive shared antipasti which cannot be missed.
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Antipasti at Totti's Bondi. Picture: Nikki To
“The bread, oh my gosh, you can’t not order the bread,” she exclaims, “and the prosciutto and the olives and the cucumbers and the tomatoes; all the sides are great.”
Mimi’s, another Merivale restaurant located just a few beaches over at Coogee Pavilion, is the soccer star’s newest Sydney food find.
“I’ve eaten at restaurants around the world and honestly it’s one of the best lunches I’ve had,” she says.
“I went there last week before I went back to camp, and I was like ‘wow’. Their sticky date pudding souffle is one of the best desserts I’ve ever eaten.”
Located at the confluence of the Saône and Rhône rivers, Lyon boasts beautiful waterways, but Carpenter admits she misses Sydney’s beaches. When she’s in town and not busy training, you’ll usually find her at one.
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The tranquil shore at Balmoral beach. Picture: Damian Shaw
“We have the best beaches,” she says. Balmoral is a childhood favourite, and taking a dip after finishing the cliff walk from Bondi to Bronte Beach is a must do for anyone visiting the city for the first time. “I feel really lucky to be Australian when I’m walking along the coast, and I think it’s something a lot of us take for granted,” she adds.
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Ellie Carpenter with her partner Danielle van de Donk. Picture: Instagram
Last year the FIFA World Cup contender took her partner and Olympique Lyonnais teammate Daniëlle van de Donk on another favourite Sydney excursion; a ferry tour around Sydney Harbour.
“It’s the best way to see the harbour,” Carpenter says. “We went to Taronga Zoo to see the koalas and kangaroos because she’d never seen them either. She still talks about it.”
Having risen through the ranks of the world’s professional female soccer leagues at such a young age, Carpenter has spent more time in hotel rooms than the average 23-year-old. So when it comes to accommodation, she knows what she likes.
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Views from the Park Hyatt Sydney.
In Sydney, she will often opt to stay at the 140 room, five-star Intercontinental Double Bay. And with its unrivalled views of the Sydney Opera House, the Park Hyatt is also another top pick. “Their rooms are exceptional,” she adds.
GoalGirls registrations launch 13th July on rebelsport.com.au.
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fremedon · 2 years
Brickclub 5.2.2, “The Ancient History of the Sewer”
This really is a weird chapter, and the book seems to know that--it orients us in the same way it’s introduced all our other grand and horrific setpieces (Waterloo, the convent, the barricade): by inviting us to consider the shape of a letter of the alphabet:
You will form a more accurate picture of this strange geometrical plan if you suppose that you are looking at some bizarre oriental alphabet, lying flat on a dark background, all jumbled up, and the misshaped letters welded together in apparent confusion and as if hapahazardly, sometimes end to end, sometimes at angles to each other.
Except this alphabet is illegible. (And also racist, but it’s not just a foreign alphabet, it’s an alphabet stripped of all sense even to people who know the language.)
The other letter-locations were grotesque, and sometimes sublime, but fundamentally comprehensible in a way this place is not--even while Hugo appears to be changing his argumentative strategy to an appeal to economics, he’s telling us this isn’t going to make a neat narrative.
@everyonewasabird‘s writeup points out how odd it is that Hugo is appealing to truth here, and praising the sewer as a final arbiter of truth, in a book that’s always been very pro-lying. I don’t think I fully have a handle on what Hugo’s doing, but I think this passage is doing some heavy lifting:
The sewer is the city’s conscience. Everything converges here and is brought face to face here. In this ghastly place there are shadows but there are no more secrets. Each thing has its true form, or at least its definitive form.
That’s a nice distinction but I think a very useful one: the sewer may reveal secrets--but that’s not necessarily the same thing as Truth (as Valjean’s confession will make painfully clear).
Hugo continues:
The pile of filth has this in its favour: it does not lie. ... This farrago is a confession. No more false appearances here, no possibly plastering-over; filth takes off its shirt; stark nakedness, all illusions and mirages dispelled, nothing other than what is, showing the ugly face of what is finished with. ... This is more than fraternity, this is intimacy. Everything that used to pretty itself is now besmirched. The last veil is torn off. A sewer is a cynic: It tells all.
Bird points out that the modern, post-Napoleonic sewer is basically Javert: yet another best instantiation of a bad system; so effective and efficient at consigning people to oblivion that the bourgeoisie never needs to be troubled by them.
But this is still the ancient ancient sewer--and it’s a cynic, a pile of filth that, whatever its other issues, at least doesn’t lie.
That’s Grantaire. That’s the cynicism that looks at the worst of humanity and thinks that a lack of comforting fictions is the same as truth.
In Hugo’s historical scheme, where the ancient sewer is the ancien regime, I think this is the view that crime and misery happen because some people are Just Bad, and the only reason to look deeper into them is for the thrill of horror; while the modern sewer is the society that understands that these things have reasons and causes and still would rather sweep them out of sight than address them.
And I think--I hope--we are meant to understand that this isn’t a wholly accurate view, and that the revelation of secret shames and sins doesn’t actually permit the kind of magical reconstruction the last paragraphs describe, from the last sentence:
In what remains, it finds what has been--good, evil, falsehood, truth, the bloodstain from the law courts, the ink-blot from the cavern, the drop of candle grease from the brothel, ordeals suffered, temptations welcomed, orgies spewed up, the kink that characters have acquired in abasing themselves, the trace of prostitution in souls whose coarseness made them capable of it, and in the jerkins of Rome’s street porters the imprint of Messalina’s elbow.
We know what makes a person capable of prostitution in this book, and it’s not coarseness of soul. Whatever secrets are revealed here--in the lowest mine, among the people society wants to throw away and forget--may seem, to someone looking in from above, like they’re telling their full stories. But we’ve seen those stories, and seen what little trace they leave; and we know that’s not true.
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jurnaltalking · 2 years
How It’s Done, When Each Is Best, And How To Find A Good Printer
Graphic tshirt printing is a timeless tradition for many groups and teams.
The annual trip to the personalized tshirt printing shop is something many of us look forward to.
The best part is seeing the process, choosing the patterns, fonts, colours.
There are many methods to have your shirt printed.
Today we will discuss how shirts are printed and the statistics of each method — heat press, direct to garment (DTG), and sublimation, to name a few.
There are many methods used to print tshirts.
Most of the methods used involve uploading or drawing the design in a computer to literally print onto the fabric.
One of the oldest and most reliable methods is called screen printing.
This involves using a series of stencils, or screens, to build the design onto the fabric with ink.
CAD heat transfer is an easy process that involves printing the pattern onto vinyl material, laying the pattern on the shirt, and using heat to press it into the garment.
DTG printing is the process of printing your design onto the garment with an inkjet printer.
Sublimation is a popular method which uses a dye-based ink that converts to a gas and back to a solid in the garment’s material with heat and pressure.
How do they compare?
Each method we have talked about has its own good benefits.
If you are only having a few shirts made with a simple colourless or minimal coloured pattern, screen printing is one of the most durable.
The next most durable is sublimation — it makes the ink become integrated with the fabric, therefore less fading or wear.
Sublimation is great if you have a pattern that you want repeated all over the tshirt.
DTG is a great method if you need more than 5 shirts, multiple colours, or detailed patterns.
CAD heat transfer is typically used for numbers and logos.
It can be a good method if you have a small order or want your pattern to stick out more.
Typically, CAD printed designs have only one or two colours and simple graphics.
When comparing these methods, the best one for its durability is sublimation and screen printing.
For designs with complex details and colours, it is best to opt for DTG printing.
Fabrics to use
Most printing methods are better done on pure cotton for durability.
CAD can be applied on almost any fabric, as can screen printing.
Sublimation is best on poly-blend shirts — like polyester.
Finding a great printer
Is your annual game season, reunion, outing, or other group activity about to come around?
When it is time to get the matching graphic tshirt printing done, research a few shops to find the best quality.
Look at online reviews.
Ask family, friends, and neighbours who they would suggest.
Pay attention to the quality of material and personalized tshirt printing method.
Compare prices according to how many you need.
Once you have found the place, simply choose your pattern, font, and colours, then wait for the day your event starts.
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reesemadeboutique · 2 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Trendy Nurse Life T-Shirt.
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T-Shirt Printing in the UK: Custom Creations for Every Occasion
T-shirt printing has become increasingly popular in the UK, with people seeking unique designs to express themselves, promote their businesses, or commemorate special events. Whether it's a creative slogan, a striking logo, or a custom image, a printed T-shirt can be a perfect medium to convey a message. With advances in printing technology, custom T-shirts are now more accessible, affordable, and varied than ever before.
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Why Choose T-Shirt Printing?
The appeal of T-Shirt Printing UK lies in its versatility. Printed T-shirts can serve multiple purposes, including personal fashion statements, team uniforms, promotional merchandise, or even gifts for events like birthdays, weddings, and charity fundraisers. They offer an excellent way to showcase creativity and build a sense of unity among groups, clubs, or businesses.
In the UK, printed T-shirts are not just casual wear but also a branding tool for companies. Businesses use custom T-shirts to promote their products or services, creating a walking advertisement. For startups and small enterprises, branded T-shirts can be a cost-effective marketing strategy to enhance brand visibility and customer engagement.
Popular T-Shirt Printing Techniques
The UK market offers various printing techniques, each with its unique qualities, benefits, and suitability depending on the design and material.
Screen Printing: One of the most popular methods, screen printing, involves using a stencil (screen) to transfer ink onto the T-shirt. This method is ideal for bulk orders as it provides vibrant, durable prints that can last through multiple washes. It works best for simple designs with fewer colors.
Direct-to-Garment (DTG) Printing: DTG is perfect for complex, multi-colored designs, as it uses a specialized printer to apply ink directly to the fabric. This method offers high-quality prints with intricate details and is ideal for small batch orders or one-off prints.
Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV): In this technique, designs are cut from colored vinyl sheets and then heat-pressed onto the T-shirt. HTV printing is excellent for producing bold, eye-catching graphics and is commonly used for sports jerseys and custom apparel.
Sublimation Printing: Ideal for polyester fabrics, sublimation printing uses heat to transfer dye onto the T-shirt, creating a smooth, long-lasting design that becomes part of the fabric itself. This technique is perfect for full-color, all-over prints.
Choosing the Right T-Shirt Printing Service
With so many T-shirt printing services available across the UK, it's important to select one that aligns with your specific needs. Here are some factors to consider:
Quality: Look for a printer that offers high-quality materials and printing techniques. A good print service will have samples of their work available for inspection.
Pricing: Compare costs between different services to find the best value. Some printers offer discounts for bulk orders, making them ideal for companies and events.
Customization Options: Choose a service that provides a range of customization options, such as different T-shirt styles, colors, and printing methods.
Turnaround Time: If you need Personalised T Shirts UK for a specific event, make sure the service can deliver on time. Some printers offer express services for last-minute orders.
Environmental Considerations
Sustainability is a growing concern among UK consumers, and many T-shirt printing companies now offer eco-friendly options. This includes using organic cotton T-shirts, water-based inks, and environmentally conscious printing methods. Opting for these options not only reduces the environmental impact but also appeals to customers who value ethical and sustainable products.
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insourcecorporation · 15 days
Shirt Printing Machines: A Complete Guide to Apparel Customization
Shirt printing machines are essential tools in the garment industry, used to transfer designs, logos, or text onto apparel. Whether for personal use, small businesses, or large-scale operations, these machines offer a range of printing techniques to suit different needs. From crafting personalized t-shirts to producing branded uniforms, shirt printing machines provide endless possibilities for customization.
This article explores the types of shirt printing machines, their advantages, and how to choose the best one for your requirements.
What is a Shirt Printing Machine?
A shirt printing machine is a device used to imprint designs onto fabrics, typically shirts. These machines use various methods to apply ink or other materials to textiles, allowing for both small-scale and mass production of custom apparel. Different machines cater to various fabric types, design complexities, and production volumes.
Types of Shirt Printing Machines
Screen Printing Machines
Overview: Screen printing is a traditional and widely-used method that involves pressing ink through a mesh stencil (or screen) onto the fabric.
Advantages: Best for bulk orders with simple designs. It offers vibrant colors and long-lasting prints.
Disadvantages: Requires separate screens for each color, making it less efficient for multi-colored or detailed designs. Setup can be time-consuming.
Direct-to-Garment (DTG) Printers
Overview: DTG printing works similarly to a standard inkjet printer but prints directly onto the fabric. This method excels at producing detailed, full-color designs.
Advantages: Ideal for complex, high-resolution designs and smaller print runs. No need for screens or lengthy setup.
Disadvantages: Slower than screen printing for large volumes. It can be expensive to maintain and requires pretreatment of fabrics.
Heat Press Machines
Overview: Heat press machines use heat and pressure to transfer designs onto shirts. Designs are typically printed on transfer paper or vinyl, then pressed onto the fabric.
Advantages: Versatile and relatively easy to use. Suitable for custom, small-batch orders, and a wide variety of materials.
Disadvantages: Limited design flexibility, as it may not be as durable as screen printing or DTG for certain types of fabrics or frequent washing.
Sublimation Printers
Overview: Sublimation printing turns dye into gas, which bonds with the fibers of the fabric, resulting in vibrant, long-lasting prints. This method is best for polyester or specially-coated fabrics.
Advantages: Excellent for full-color images, high detail, and durable prints. The design becomes part of the fabric, so it doesn’t fade or peel.
Disadvantages: Limited to light-colored polyester fabrics or coated substrates. It may not be suitable for cotton shirts.
Vinyl Cutting Machines
Overview: Vinyl cutters are used to cut out designs from vinyl sheets, which are then heat-pressed onto shirts. Often used for logos, numbers, and simple graphics.
Advantages: Durable, great for custom lettering and simple, single-color designs. Perfect for creating sports jerseys and personalized items.
Disadvantages: Limited to one color per layer, and complex or multi-colored designs require multiple layers of vinyl.
Benefits of Shirt Printing Machines
Customization and Personalization
Shirt printing machines enable businesses and individuals to create unique and custom apparel. Whether for promotional merchandise, sports teams, or personal projects, these machines allow for complete creative freedom.
Cost-Effective Production
With the ability to print on-demand, shirt printing machines reduce the need for large inventory. This on-demand production model minimizes waste and lowers costs, especially for small businesses or independent creators.
High-Quality Prints
Modern shirt printing machines offer sharp, vibrant, and durable prints that can withstand regular wear and washing. Whether it's detailed artwork or simple logos, advanced technology ensures that the design quality remains consistent.
Shirt printing machines can handle a wide range of fabrics and designs. Depending on the type of machine, users can print on cotton, polyester, blends, and other textiles, making it possible to expand into different apparel products.
Whether printing a single shirt or a bulk order, these machines can scale to meet production needs. From hobbyists to large-scale printing companies, there are machines tailored to different volumes of production.
Choosing the Right Shirt Printing Machine
When selecting a shirt printing machine, several factors come into play. Here’s a guide to help you make the best decision:
Design Complexity
If your designs are intricate or involve multiple colors, DTG printers or sublimation machines may be the best choice. For simpler, bulk designs, screen printing is ideal.
Material Type
Consider the fabric you will be printing on. Sublimation is excellent for polyester, while screen printing and DTG are more versatile and can handle cotton and blends.
Volume of Production
For large-scale orders, screen printing offers efficiency and speed. However, for smaller or custom orders, DTG or heat press machines are more suitable.
Your budget will determine the type of machine you can afford. Heat press and vinyl cutting machines are more budget-friendly and perfect for startups or hobbyists, whereas DTG and sublimation machines tend to be more expensive but offer greater flexibility and quality.
Space and Maintenance
Some machines, such as screen printing setups, require more space and maintenance. On the other hand, heat presses and vinyl cutters are more compact and easier to maintain.
Shirt printing machines are essential tools for anyone interested in creating custom apparel. From hobbyists to large-scale manufacturers, the right machine can bring creativity to life while offering durable and high-quality results. Understanding the different types of shirt printing machines and their specific applications will help you choose the best one for your business or personal needs.
By evaluating design complexity, fabric type, production volume, and budget, you can invest in a machine that will meet your long-term goals, helping you produce professional-grade shirts and apparel that stand out in the market.
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