#best gate management software
seospicybin ¡ 1 year
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Seungmin x reader x Lee Know. (s,a)
Chapters: Part I
Synopsis: An accidental reunion sets the sparks fly between you and Seungmin, but the relationship takes a turn at the end of the summer and you seek help from your frenemy, Minho. (20,2k words)
Author's note: Contains angst and 2min fighting for you. Enjoy!
📼 Viewfinder playlist.
Summer break has ended and the first time you're dreading it. You are usually excited to go back. You always come with new goals and study plans, starting all over with a refreshed spirit after the long break.
Rina is strangely quiet about you not coming home for days until one day before the summer break ends. When you came home yesterday, she only looked at you for a moment then eyeing the food you brought.
Food is the best option to solve problems and cure heartbreak. She seems to have moved on though or she's covering it well with her usual bright smile and glossy lips.
"Can't wait to go back to university life," she says with sheer sarcasm, throwing her bag onto the sofa.
"Yeah," you half-heartedly respond while pouring coffee into her favorite mug.
"That's weird," she says, folding her legs on the sofa and taking her mug of coffee from you, "You usually would give a speech about how excited I should be."
You dryly laugh and sit on the armrest of the sofa. It feels awkward being with her after living with Seungmin for weeks, you have to keep reminding yourself to be careful around her.
"So... how are you?" You ask, followed by a sip of coffee.
"Feeling like shit actually," she bluntly answers.
So she hasn't fully recovered yet from the break-up, and you feel bad for your absence at such dire times.
"I'm sorry for not being here," you sincerely apologize.
She waves you off and swallows her coffee, "You're spending time with someone and you seem happy so who am I to stop you?"
That puts some weight off your chest and you feel at ease after hearing that.
"Although, I'm disappointed that you haven't introduced him to me yet," she says, narrowing her eyes at you.
You close your eyes as guilt paints over your face, "Promise, I'll make time and introduce him to you."
"Okay, good!" Rina simply responds and starts checking her phone as it rapidly dings with new notifications.
You check the time and it's time to go, you have to ride a bicycle to campus so time management is crucial for you.
"I have class at 8," you announce as you put your coffee mug into the sink and quickly grab your bag from your bedroom, "Bye, Rina!"
You're riding your bicycle while enjoying the warm sunlight when another bicycle almost crashes at you, forcing you to brake and almost sending you to crash.
"It's too early for this, Minho!" You groan in complaint.
"I'm surprised you didn't dress like a biker chick with a leather jacket and spiked boots," he jokingly says, taking a jab at you.
"I'm surprised that you didn't ride a motorcycle yourself."
Minho likes to think that he's that intimidating, well, he could be at times but you're never scared of him. You give him the side eyes and notice that he changes his hair color into soft brown which softens his sharp facial features.
You laugh and click your tongue at him, "I'm not aware that robot gets jealous. They must have updated your software while I was away."
"Me? Jealous?" He innocently asks.
"Buy a motorcycle and grow up, Minho!" You say while paddling towards the gate of the campus, leaving him behind you to not let him drag your spirit down when you need it the most.
Summer hasn't completely left yet and you want to soak as much sun as you can before the weather turns colder but you hope you stay warm inside no matter the season.
The time isn't right.
When you have time, Seungmin is busy working and when he has time, you're busy studying. This is why you hate being away from him, your heart aches and is heavy with longing for him. The only way to solve it is by making time. You dash out of the room the second the last class ends and bicycle your way back to the apartment to the point that your legs burning.
Thank God, Rina isn't home yet or she'll ask you a ton of questions before letting you walk out of the door. Remembering how much Seungmin likes seeing you in a dress, you borrow one from Rina's closet and call a taxi to get you to his apartment.
Since Seungmin sometimes uses his apartment as a workplace, he keeps the door unlocked at all times and you push the door with your shoulder while carrying the food you bought on the way with the plan of having dinner with him.
There is no one inside and it's not like you have any other options, you put the bags of food on the kitchen island and grab yourself a glass of water. As you're about to pour yourself another glass of water, the door swings open and Seungmin comes through the door, his hair is disheveled and you guess it's from wearing a helmet.
"Hi," you quickly greet him but keep a space to not creep him out.
"Hey," he says, looking slightly taken aback and you're sure it's because you came without telling him.
"I'm sorry I came without telling you," you say because it's always safe to apologize first.
"I just—"
Now that he has acknowledged your presence and you're not creeping him up for coming unannounced, you walk up to him and kiss him. A kiss that slowly revives you and brings you back to life, God knows you needed it so badly. You gasp when you let go of the kiss, "I just miss you so much."
Seeing his face and not kissing him is impossible, you allow yourself to kiss him again, a little longer than the first one.
"Okay, I'm— I brought us food and we can have dinner together. It's you..." your word trails off as someone appears behind him, a girl with a model body and beautiful long, blonde hair.
"Oh, you have a guest!" You wildly assume, trying to fill in the awkward silence that passes between the three of you.
Seungmin turns to look at her and says, "Can you wait in the studio?"
"Sure," she answers, carrying her purse with her in the direction of the studio with a big sliding door that separates it from his private space.
He then looks at you and says, "Come with me!"
Science says that whenever you get a bad feeling, it's actually anxiety, and as much as you hate to admit it, it could be both.
You and Seungmin sit on the end of the bed, he's softly smiling at you as he fixes your hair. That usually works to soothe you but not now. Your hands are balled into fists on your lap and you just want to vomit all of your thoughts out.
"You're working tonight?"
"She's working with you?"
"It's okay if you are, I'll just go and—"
Oh God! It's happening, you're rambling. It's the anxiety-talking, not you. The only thing that stops you is your body turns against you and makes you choke on air midsentence.
"That is Yoora," he answers, "We worked together a few times and we've been hanging all afternoon."
It's the way he casually shares all that information with such ease that gets your nails digging into the inside of your hands.
"Hanging out, huh?" You almost lose your breath at the end of the sentence.
Seungmin places his hand on yours and calmly speaks, "Before I speak further, can you please keep your mind open? Can you do that for me?"
You nod as you feel your windpipe is closing in and making it harder for you to breathe.
"I like you very, very much," he begins.
"But I'm not used to conventional things. Social obligations and forced conversations. Saying no to all the things I want to say yes to," he shakes his head in despise of those things.
Your mind is scrambled to even try to stick with one thought or any thought for that matter.
"And that includes dating."
No matter what he's trying to say, it seems like the only conclusion you make in your head is that he wants to stop dating you.
"Do you want to break up with me?" You croak.
"No, no," he quickly denies.
Seungmin quietly inhales air and licks his lips before speaking, "I want to keep dating you but I want our relationship to be an open one."
You can't force your brain to work with the lack of oxygen and anxiety taking over, "What do you mean?"
"We're dating each other but at the same time, we're free to see someone else," he explains.
Yes, you do know what an open relationship is but what you're questioning is how calm he is about this. This is how far you let your mind open yet you still have a hard time processing it.
"Look, I'll understand if you don't want to do this but I want to give this a shot. We have the—"
You hold your hand up to stop him talking and take your hands from under him, "Give me a minute!"
Turning your head the other way and look out the window to see your reflection against the dark of the night sky yet you still can't make sense of everything. You look at him and force yourself to smile, "I need time to think."
"Okay," he says with a nod.
You get up from the bed and wipe your clammy hands on the hem of your dress which reminds you of how you made the time to come here only to receive a shocking revelation. Seungmin is trailing behind you as you take your jacket and purse from the sofa. You walk in the direction of the door and see that the blonde girl is unpacking the food you brought.
"Can I eat this?" She asks, not sure if she's asking you or Seungmin.
You glance at Seungmin and then at her, "Yes, you can have it. Please, don't let it go to waste," you say with an edge to your voice.
After what he asked of you, you can't bring yourself to look at him and not feel bitter about it. Maybe it's your fault for thinking you're that special to him.
Seungmin blocks you from getting to the door, "Hey, I hope you know that I meant it when I said I like you," he says.
Well, that only makes you guess how many times he has said that or more importantly, how many girls. He puts his hand under your chin and forces you to look at him.
"You're not like the other girls I know. We were married once," Seungmin tries to be playful but it falls short on your end.
You put on a weak smile for him as you stare into his eyes, hoping he can see how devastated he makes you feel right now.
"Can I kiss you?"
You wonder if his kisses would either heal or break you apart so you nod.
Seungmin caresses your cheek and tells you the answer with a soft kiss on your lips. You look down the second your lips parted and tell yourself that maybe you shouldn't have been curious. That's just you, blessed with inquisitiveness. You read books because you want to know and the more you know the less afraid you would be when faced with a strange situation like this.
However, for the first time in your life, you don't want to know the answer to this.
The plan is to stop thinking about Seungmin.
However, the more you try to distract yourself from it, the more you think of him. He's not only invading your head, he's overriding your life altogether. You're hardly studying, you can't sleep, you lost your appetite, you come home only to wallow more in your room. It's been like that for a week.
Also a week without Seungmin calling or texting you, it's like the whole summer has gone away with the season.
When the professor announces that there'll be a quiz today, you're not confident you'll get a good score. Somehow, you let your discouraging thoughts manifest into reality. As you stare at the score written in red ink, you can't even be mad about it. It seems like you're going to keep spiraling down from here.
"Am I dreaming or I saw you got a C minus?" Minho says, peeking at your graded paper from behind you.
You crumple it in your hand and angrily shove it into your bag, not answering him. You're stomping your way out of the class to get away from everyone, and can't wait to go home to be by yourself again.
Your hand is rummaging inside your bag, looking for the key to the chain lock and almost having a breakdown for couldn't find it quick enough to avoid Minho.
"Congratulations Minho, you're smarter than me," you quickly say to him because that seems to be what he seeks from you, a validation that he finally gets ahead of you.
You put your bag into the basket with a loud thud and bend down to unlock the bike from the rack in silence.
"Drinks then? It's on me," Minho offers, standing with one hand on the handlebar of his bike.
"No, thanks," you answer without thinking then.
Minho shifts his weight to one side and slings his backpack on one shoulder, "Hey, are you okay?"
"How am I doing has nothing to do with the reason why I don't want to drink with you. I just don't have time for your self-centered, snobby remarks," you tell him, a little too harsh to be honest.
This is why you need to get away from people, you don't want to lash out at them. The words are out of your mouth, the damage has been done and all you need to do is leave.
You back your bicycle out of the rack but Minho quickly grabs you by the elbow, stopping you before another cycler crashes into you.
"HEY! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO WALK YOUR BIKE OUT BEFORE RIDING IT!" Minho scolds him even though he keeps riding away, unbothered.
He turns to look at you and asks again with his hand on your shoulder, "Are you really okay?"
You don't know why he chooses right now to be nice to you, you shrug his hand away from you and leave his question unanswered.
The heat that usually clung to the air has been replaced with a cool one, you're riding your bike with your eyes staying on the road and your mind wandering away from your body. It's muscle memory that helps you to keep paddling your way home without you having to order your brain to do it so and your reflex is still working when you make a quick turn to avoid two people carrying a big box across the street and in the process, you lost your balance and fall to the side, then onto the sidewalk.
You don't feel anything even after you arrive home and only notice a bruise on your ribcage when you change your clothes.
"Oh, God! That's a nasty bruise," Rina comments as she barges into the room without knocking like usual.
"I fell on my bike," you inform before she gets the wrong idea.
She takes a look at it and touches the skin, making you yelp in pain, "You should put ice on it," she says.
Rina wraps a few ice cubes in a thin towel, then sits next to you on the couch, slowly putting it on your bruised ribcage.
You hiss in pain while taking over the homemade ice pack from her, gently pressing on it, "Thank you!"
"Do not ride your bike for a while," she suggests, looking at you with worry.
You nod because there's no use fighting a losing fight.
Rina picks up her book and instead of reading it, she puts it on her lap. It seems like she has something else to say to you.
"Just say it..." you meekly allow her despite how blunt she can be.
She takes a breath and lets it out until both of her shoulders slumped, "Are you okay?"
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" You sigh and rest your head back.
Rina puts her book away and turns on the couch to face, "Because you've been acting not like yourself lately. You're always in your room, you're barely talking to me and you don't even care that there's an expired carton of milk in the fridge right now," she lists out all of the things that are way out of your pattern of behavior.
"You always care about everything and now... it's just like you've given up, completely," she sadly adds.
She inhales air and asks again with concerns filling her light brown eyes, "What happened?"
You're not ready to talk about Seungmin to Rina. Not only that you haven't introduced him yet to her but that also means, she will not get the whole picture of what truly happened between you and Seungmin.
"Is it because of the guy you're seeing?" She asks like she's seeing through your head.
Rina is quick-witted so it's no surprise that she knows right away that the source of this change of attitude is an external one. She scoots closer and puts her hand on your knee, "Did you guys break up?"
It's time for you to take a deep breath and carefully answer her, "No, it's... complicated."
"Oh, no," Rina reacts by closing her eyes and letting out a dramatic sigh, "Complicated means it's even worse than breaking up."
Hates it when she's always right but Rina has more experience in dating and romance which automatically makes her smarter than you.
"So what is it? Does he have a problem getting it up? Weird kinks? Oh!" She suddenly gasps in surprise with both hands covering her mouth. She suddenly lowers her voice to say, "Are you pregnant?"
You groan in disgust and quickly deny, "No, it's not that."
Rina takes another guess at it and wipes her hands down her thighs, “Well if it has nothing to do with the sexual stuff then… commitment issue?”
Can’t tell if Rina is good at guessing or if all men have the same basic problem? But it’s taking you aback how spots on her guess is that you don’t know how to respond to it.
She raises her eyebrows at you knowing that she guessed it correctly, “Oh, it’s so classic,” she says with a smirk.
“It’s not exactly that but it’s around the commitment area,” you correct her.
Rina’s forehead wrinkled into a question. As she opens her mouth to say something, the doorbell rings. You both look at each other, trying to guess who’s behind that door because none of you ordering food or expecting a guest.
“I’ll get it,” Rina volunteers and walks to the door to open it.
You wait on the couch in anticipation, you don’t want to get your hopes up, but at the same time, your hopes are already flying higher than your expectation. You hear Rina chatting by the door before walking back inside.
“An attractive young man is looking for you,” Rina announces with a sly smile.
There’s someone behind her and as she walks closer, she steps aside to reveal the person walking behind her.
It’s him, the bruise that reminds you of your heartache, Seungmin.
After introducing him to Rina like she wanted, you take Seungmin to your bedroom to avoid Rina eavesdropping on your conversation and close the door behind you. You pull the chair from your study desk to slowly sit on it while Seungmin sits on the edge of the bed facing you. It wasn’t what you expected him to see when he walked in on you sitting on the couch, wounded.
“What happened?” He asks.
It’s not good to second-guess his intention but ever since that night, you keep wondering about the way he treated you. Was he being genuine? Was he faking it just to keep you wrapped around his little finger?
“Fell off my bike. It’s not a big deal,” you keep your answer short.
Seungmin seems to have expected this attitude coming from you and you believe it’s because he knows he deserves it. He sheepishly smiles and nods.
“At least, let me treat it for you,” he says.
You hug yourself to not let him see it, it’s already enough for him to see you’re hurting, “No, I’m alright now.”
He reaches for your hand and turns it to show you the scrape you have on the heel of your palm, “Let me take care of it for you.”
His hand is warm like the last time you hold it but you remember you shouldn’t have let him in and try to retract your hand from his, but his grip is strong. He takes the first-aid kit Rina brought to your room earlier.
Seungmin carefully dabs ointment on the scrape and then blows on it to soothe the pain. You hate to admit it but you long to share a moment like this with him and he’s so tender, so caring, he makes you feel like you’re the only one in the world. He’s still like a dream to you.
Once he safely covers your wound with a bandage, he holds your hand in his with his thumb softly rubbing on the back of your hand. He leans forward and looks at you, his eyes reminding you of summer days, bright and warm.
“I miss you,” his voice is as soft as the breeze slipping through the window.
You’re close to breaking but you put on a strong face, staring him right in the eyes, and say, “It doesn’t seem like that to me.”
Seungmin holds your gaze like you’re holding the galaxy in your eyes and trying to find out what’s lurking beyond the vast darkness. He takes your other hand and holds it on your lap as if it would help him find what he’s looking for.
“You didn’t call, you didn’t text,” your voice breaks at the end of the sentence and you can’t hold yourself together again.
“I can’t help but think that you don’t want me anymore.”
And right now, as he stares into your eyes, he’s seeing you wounded from the inside too.
“I just thought you need the space and time to think,” he tells you.
You break into tears and fall apart in front of him, there’s no use in hiding your pain anymore. You melt the moment he holds his arms out for you and into his welcoming embrace where it’s safe and comfortable, a haven.
“I miss you so much,” you admit and your heart shrinks in your chest.
Seungmin pulls you by the hands to let you sit on his lap and not waste time wrapping his arms around you so tightly, forgetting about the bruise you have.
“Ouch,” you shriek in pain and hurriedly put his hand away from where your bruise is.
“How about we lay down, mmh?” he suggests.
Oh, how you miss his scent! He smells of sunshine, leather, and fabric softener, he’s of everything that makes you think of the summer when he took you on trips on his motorcycle. Your eyes are closed as you drink in his scent while he lightly runs his fingertips down your arm.
Seungmin gently kisses your arm and looks at you, “Are you still awake?”
“Mmh,” you answer with your eyes closed.
Endearingly, he puts the strands of hair covering your face and puts it to the side, “I don’t know if you believe this kind of thing but I think fate brought us back together again.”
You open your eyes and his eyes are the first thing you see, “You think so?”
“I waited years to meet you again and I feel there’s something here,” he speaks while brushing away the hair covering your face.
Hearing him being honest and open makes you realize that you owe him for not listening to what he had to say that night. This time, you want to give him the chance to explain himself.
“It’s the first time in my life that I feel this deeply for someone and it’s you,” he says as he puts your hair to the side and holds it there.
"I want to do it right with you and that's why I chose to be honest with you," he adds.
You hold his gaze as he speaks his heart out against the quiet of your room and your hand intertwined with his in the space between your bodies.
“But I understand if you don’t want to give this a shot. I just want to let you know that… I really like you, I do.”
Maybe it is possible to be in a relationship as long as you mainly focus on his true feelings for you and that's the only truth you need.
Who knows that with time Seungmin will realize that you're the only one he needs?
"I like you," you say back to him.
Seungmin brings your hand close to his mouth to kiss you and you use the chance to softly brush his lips with your knuckle.
It's not going to be easy but all you need to do is be more understanding and open-minded, you believe you can do those things for the sake of this relationship, for the sake of you and him.
"And I think we should give it a chance," you give your final answer to him.
A smile rises on his beautiful face and he leans in to kiss you, a soft kiss that pieces you back together and makes you whole. A kiss that once broke your heart but now revives it back to life. A kiss that has found its magic back.
"Thank you," he murmurs and he leans in again to place a long peck on your lips.
Seungmin lends his arm for you to use as a pillow and you're more than happy to comply, snuggling close into his body and leaving no gap between your bodies.
He repeatedly runs his hair through your hair and then softly asks, "Sleepy?"
You hum your answer while tightening your arm around him while he angles your head to place a soft, lingering kiss on your lips.
"Goodnight," he says right after he pulls away from the kiss.
How are you going to sleep with the butterflies fluttering in your stomach?
It's painful to put clothes on with the darkening bruise on your ribcage.
You're doing your usual morning routine, shower, breakfast, and skipping reading the news to focus on making your coffee. You're nervous about it since Seungmin takes his coffee seriously. It's not going to be as good as his but you try your best to at least make good coffee. You get startles startled when he appears with his eyes still sleepy and fluffy bedhead.
"You didn't wake me up," he says, trudging his way to you.
"You sleep so well. I feel bad if I have to wake you up," you answer.
He stops to stand next to you and sleepily smiles, "Morning!"
"Morning!" You say back with a smile, "Coffee?"
"Yes, please!" He sweetly answers.
You're reaching up for the cabinet to get mugs and yelp in pain, forgetting about the bruised ribcage.
"I'll get it for you," Seungmin offers, getting the mugs easily without having to stand on his tiptoes like you always do.
"Thank you," you carefully fill the two mugs with hot, steaming coffee.
You look at him as he takes a small sip, anticipating his reaction to your coffee, "Is it good?"
He takes another sip before answering, "It's fine."
You let out a quiet sigh of relief and can finally sip your coffee.
"Does it still hurt?" He asks, leaning the side of his body against the kitchen island.
"Only when I lift my arms," you reply.
Seungmin doesn't hesitate to lift your blouse to take a look at your bruise, observing it without touching it because he knows it'll be painful for you.
"Put ice on it regularly," he suggests, slowly letting go of your blouse.
"Okay," you reply.
"Don't ride your bike for now," he adds.
"Yes," you respond with a smile.
Seungmin takes another sip with his hand lingers on your hips, "I'll take you to campus today."
"No, it's okay, you don't have to," you kindly refuse, holding your coffee mug with both hands while looking up at him.
"I'm not asking," he says with his eyes staring at you.
You can't help seeing his hair tousled and not try to brush it for him, you put your coffee away so you can fix his hair.
"I'll finish the coffee and use your bathroom," he says, closing his eyes as you brush his hair to the back with your fingers.
"Clean towel on the top of the rack," you inform.
"Then I'll take you to campus," he continues.
"Okay," you put your hands away to let him go.
Seungmin opens his eyes and finds yours immediately, "Maybe after I give you kisses too," he says while putting down his coffee mug.
You are not prepared when he presses his lips on yours. The first kiss is a long peck on your lips and after that, he repeatedly pecks on your lips, making you giggle. In your peripheral vision, the door of Rina's bedroom is open and she's just standing there watching Seungmin kissing you in the kitchen. She eventually interrupts by clearing her throat.
"Good morning!" She cheerily says.
Seungmin reluctantly stops kissing you but keeps his hand on your waist, "Morning!"
"Coffee!" You quickly grab a new mug for him and Seungmin is kind enough to get it for you.
"Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom," Seungmin says, leaving you and Rina alone in the kitchen.
Rina is staring at you with a wicked grin on her face as you're pouring her a cup of coffee, making you feel uneasy. She waits until the sound of the shower is turned on to start drilling you with questions.
"So, that's the summer guy?"
"He's the one with the commitment issue?"
"Ah... yes," you awkwardly answer.
"I see that the issue has been solved," she says with her glossy lips curling into a sly smile.
You stall by sipping your coffee, "uhm... yes."
"I bet it was with one hot makeup sex," she wildly guesses.
You almost choked on your coffee hearing that because that isn't what happened. Last night, the two of you did solve the issue together then fell asleep right afterwards.
"No," you strongly deny.
Runa bursts into laughter, "Oh, my God! Chill! I'm just glad you stopped looking depressed and unmotivated," she says.
She lifts her coffee mug close to her mouth and adds, "Also glad that I don't have to hire a contract killer to hunt down the person who broke your heart."
You laugh at her words and refill her mug with more coffee to show your gratitude. Rina may seem bold and flippant, but you know that she actually cares deeply for you.
Seungmin holds out his hand to help you hop onto the back of the motorcycle. The campus is not that far so he rides slowly, holding your hand that is resting on his waist to shove it into the pocket of his leather jacket.
Suddenly, you don't want this ride to end, you want to ditch everything and just go wherever he takes you even if it's to the end of the world. You reluctantly get off the bike when he pulls up at the gate of the campus, slowly taking off your helmet to stall the time.
He also takes his helmet off, ignoring how disheveled his hair looks but that only makes him more attractive and you hate that everyone else can see him.
"Have a great day!" he wishes with a bright smile that softens his facial features, making him look like a puppy.
You hand him the helmet and wish the same for him, "You too. Have a great day!"
He reaches for your waist and pulls you close, smiling as he presses a soft kiss on your lips. At that moment, you don't care where you are or if anybody is watching. He holds the side of your face after letting go of the kiss, "I'll call you later, mmh?"
"Okay," you answer with a shy smile.
Taking you by surprise, he kisses you again and triumphantly smiles when he pulls away, "I'm going."
"Be careful!"
He puts his helmet on and you frown because that means there'll be no more surprise kisses. He turns the engine on and rides with the wind that brings him back to you.
The promise you made to yourself is that you'll keep your mind open and be more understanding.
There's not much changing except that he calls you once in a while or sends you a text when he's in the middle of work. You appreciate the effort and that he's keeping you in his thoughts. Seungmin has been keeping you on read for hours now and you try to distract yourself by watching a movie with Rina, you even made a bowl of popcorn for you to snack on together.
"It's Friday night," Rina blurts out of the blue with the bowl of popcorn resting close to her chest.
"And tomorrow is Saturday, yes, the point is...?" You half-heartedly ask her back.
"You have a boyfriend now. Aren't you supposed to be out and show the world how in love you are?" She says without looking at you.
"He's working tonight," you lie because it's easier than giving her the chance to analyze your relationship.
She turns her head to look at you and puts the bowl of popcorn on her lap, "Tell him you're alone at home, and trust me, he'll come running!"
You scoff because you know it'll hardly work on him and he probably gets that kind of text already, but they're most likely from the other girls, not you.
Now that she gets you thinking of the other girls Seungmin is seeing, you get up from the couch and go into your room. As you lay on your bed staring at the ceiling, you think of Rina's trick, it may be fallible, yes but it's worth trying. Instead of texting him, you call him and will keep on calling him until he picks up.
"Hey," you sweetly greet him as soon as he picks up the phone.
"Hey," he says back and it's nice that you can hear enthusiasm in his voice.
"What are you doing? Are you done with work?"
"Yes, I've just finished it," he answers along with rustles on his end of the line.
"Oh, that's great. How about we get dinner together?" You spontaneously ask him.
"Right now?"
"Yes, right now," you answer even though you have had your dinner already.
He sighs into the phone and then says, "I promised Lea that I'll treat her to dinner after work."
Your smile fades in a second and close your eyes, feeling defeated, "Okay, then."
There's a pause before Seungmin says something, "How about—"
"I'll see you," you abruptly end the call.
The other day it was Jane, yesterday it was Mila, and tonight, it's Lea. Another day, another girl to be worried about.
You fling your phone until it lands on the other side of the bed and sighs, "I'll see you never more like."
The next day, you have enough of giving other girls the chance to be with him. You wake up early, put on your nicest dress you just bought online, and spend an hour styling your hair, leaving the apartment even before Rina wakes up from her sleep.
You stop by the bakery on the way and buy a few baked goods, you don't bother buying the coffee because he'll only drink coffee he made himself. Except that day, Seungmin tolerated your coffee because it's you who made it. You push the door of his apartment and let yourself in, smiling because he's already awake. He's in the middle of grinding his coffee.
"How many of your muses come over in the morning bearing breakfast?" You say, showing him the bag of food you bring with you.
"Good thing I always brew a pot of coffee," he says in response.
He walks up to you, taking the bag from your hand to put it on the dining table so he can hug you and properly kiss you. One kiss is all it takes to remind you that a part of him is dearly yours and no one can take that away from you. You hold him back and hold on to him, returning his kiss with the same passion.
"Morning," he says with his lips glistening wet from the kiss.
You smile looking into his warm brown eyes, "Morning!"
Seungmin continues making his coffee and it's better to give him the space to do his morning ritual, you use the chance to take a look into his studio. You can see the trace of his works from last night from the lights and the props are still there, his computer is already on and you wonder if he's been up all night working. You return to the kitchen with a cup of coffee already waiting for you and you pull a chair to sit next to him.
"Did you stay up all night working?" You ask in curiosity.
"Kind of," he answers.
You frown and suddenly regret for coming when he needs the time to rest, "I'm sorry for coming without telling you."
He shakes his head and takes out a piece of pastry out of the bag, "I should be the one apologizing for not replying to your texts and the call."
You wave him off, "It’s okay. I was stupid for asking when I knew you were busy."
The morning sun hits him right on the eyes, making them shine as he softly gazes at you, "I want to show you something!"
He takes you back into his studio where he pushes the button to automatically close the windows, making it completely dark with the only source of light coming from the computer screen.
"Please, wait!" He tells you as he operates the computer, pulling a file from so many folders stored on his computer.
It gives you the itch at how unorganized his computer filing is but you hold the urge to say something. You look away and patiently wait like he asked you.
Then the projection turns on and shows moving images on the wall, you can't see it at first but after a moment, you recognize that it's you. These are all the pictures he took of you when you first came here, also the ones he took after he first kissed you that night.
"Is that me?" You ask in disbelief.
The girl in the pictures is beautiful, bright, and happy, it's nothing like you've seen countless times in the mirror. Seungmin hugs you from the back and watches it together with you with his hands wrapped around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"It's you," he assures you.
It's like seeing a side of you that you never knew you had but you believe it's because you were in love.
"What do you think?"
"It's beautiful," you delightfully sigh.
"You are beautiful," he says with a gentle kiss on your cheek.
You slightly turn your head to the side at him, "But it's also weird looking at myself, not that this is weird but seeing myself..." you look back at the projection and continue talking, "... like this."
He turns his head at you and says, "Well, you have to get used to this because you're my source of inspiration," he coyly says.
Seungmin must be oblivious to how much his words affect you. Your cheeks are heating and your heart is leaping, it means so much more that he said you're his source of inspiration. In that moment, you believe that it's possible to be his one and only, it takes time but you're willing to wait until he's ready.
You turn around to face him and look into his eyes, there are so many things you want to say to him but at the same time, you can't fathom them into words. You show it through a kiss instead, showing him how much he means to you by passionately kissing him and putting your hands around him to show that you don't want to let go.
Seungmin tightens his hold around you, one hand holding the nape of your neck so he can angle your head as he pleases so he can deepen the kiss and taste you more. He only lets go to let you catch a breath and capture your lips in a kiss again, harder and hungrier than before.
The sound of the door being slammed shut stops the kiss and you see through the doorway that someone is coming into the apartment.
"Am I early or...?" The girl asks.
Seungmin checks on his watch and says, "No. You're actually right on time."
He glances at you and introduces her to you, "This is Yoon. She models for me."
"Ah..." you lowly gasp and suddenly, you feel like you're getting in between them instead of the other way.
"I should go," you hurriedly walk out of the studio.
"No. Please, stay!" Seungmin says.
You grab your bag from the dining table and sling it on your shoulder, "I have something," you lie.
You're aware you have to sound believable when you lie, "I have to go shopping with Rina. She's waiting for me."
Seungmin is following you as you're walking to the door but you just want to get out of there quickly, "I'll call you later. Bye!"
You close the door behind you and never look back, but it seems like Seungmin doesn't bother to chase after you.
It's only ten in the morning, but you don't want to go home and risk being asked by Rina why you dressed so nicely on a Saturday morning. You stop by a grocery store and buy a loaf of bread, walking in the direction of the park to clear your head while feeding the ducks by the pond.
"Where are you going with a loaf of bread?" Someone asks.
You turn on your feet and see Minho, stopping on his bicycle to talk to you. You feel horrible for the way you treated him that day.
"To the park," you answer.
"And what are you going to do with the bread?" He asks, eyeing the bag of bread you're holding in one hand.
It's an embarrassing thing to admit but after what you did that day, you remind yourself to be better than shrugging him off.
"I'm going to feed the ducks by the pond," you admit.
Minho looks at you for a moment and nods, "I'll come with you."
He gets off his bicycle and decides to walk it as you both navigate your way through the park to the pond where a flock of ducks swimming by the pond.
"For you," Minho hands you a cup of coffee.
The coffee tastes bland compared to the coffee Seungmin made but you thank Minho nonetheless. You're ripping the bread into pieces before throwing it to the mother duck with her ducklings trailing behind her.
"So this is what you do on the weekend?" He asks.
Minho is wearing a knitted sweater that looks a size too big for him yet somehow it looks good on him. The royal blue color suits him well.
"Not really," you take another slice of bread to shred it into pieces, "I come here when I need to clear my head."
Minho cracks a laugh, "What could possibly piss you off this early in the morning?"
You shrug and toss a big chunk of bread to the other mother of duck.
"I assume it's a who, not a what," he says, then sips her coffee.
He then takes a slice of bread and helps you feed the duck as another flock gathers around you.
"That explains why you were upset that day," he says with a sly smile on his face.
Minho sees through you like you're a ply of tissue which instantly makes him more dangerous than Rina. Also, he is being polite when he says you're just 'upset' when he has the right to say you were such a bitch that day. You refrain from sharing more about how he can easily conclude with a few details and it reminds you to apologize.
"I want to say sorry for that day," you sincerely tell him.
One corner of his mouth curls into a lopsided smile, "It's alright."
It's the last slice of bread you're holding and before the ducks are asking for more, you walk away from the edge of the pond.
"Why are you walking so fast?" Minho asks while fumbling to collect the coffee cups to throw into the trash bin nearby.
"The ducks are going to chase us asking for more food," you turn from jogging to half-running.
The lunch is surprisingly delightful and you get to talk in a civil manner like normal people. Minho ends up paying for it since he pulls his credit card faster than you.
"Let's say we're even," he says.
He offers to give you a bike ride home again but with the previous experience and you've just had food in your stomach, you decide to switch the role this time.
"Only if I'm the one riding," you tell him, not wasting time to get on his bike.
He laughs at your idea, "Are you sure? I'm heavy."
The more he tries to underestimate you because you're a girl, the more challenged you are. You wave him off and tie your hair into a ponytail.
"Just hop on!"
Minho is right to underestimate you. You've been riding the same street for years and only realize now that a few of them are inclining.
"Are you sure you don't want to switch?" He asks from behind you.
You shake your head and pretend to be okay even though your legs are burning from paddling, "Nah. We're only a block away."
Minho silently laughs behind you, "Well, if you insist."
He is supposed to prevent himself from falling but it's the other way, he's holding you by the shoulders to keep you balanced.
"We're almost there!" He says, squeezing your shoulders with his hands.
You can see your apartment building and paddle the bike with the remaining strength you have, wanting to end this torture you put on yourself as fast as you can. It takes everything in you not to crash the bike and pass out on the pavement, you patiently wait for Minho to get off first, then park the bike next to the pole of a streetlight.
"Told you I'm heavy," Minho says.
You shake your head, still trying to play cool about it, "I haven't been cycling for a while so..." you can't even finish your sentence because your mouth is too busy catching your breath.
After a moment of Minho pretending to care for his bicycle when he's actually giving you time to compose yourself. When he deems that you're no longer panting, he turns around to look at you.
"I must say I'm impressed," he says.
Your hands are on your waist as you say, "Don't hold your breath, Minho."
He lowly chuckles and stops himself from continuing, "Now, we're even."
"That's fair," you nod in agreement.
You look at him and slyly smile, "I was lying when I said the ducks were going to chase us."
"I know," he casually says.
"Then why are you running with me?"
"Cause I wanted to," he simply answers.
It's hard to process that there's a part of him that is this easygoing and just so fun to be with. You can't stop laughing at how you only discovered this part of him at a random time and Minho can't help but laugh along with you.
As the hilarity subsidies with time, you take your bag and hold it in front of you, "Thank you for lunch!"
"You're welcome," he responds with a smile that you rarely see on him, warm and friendly.
He gets on his bike and looks at you, "I'll get going then."
"Be careful," you blurt and why would you say that when he always rides his bicycle everywhere, "I mean, yeah, be... careful!"
Minho only responds with a smile, then rides away.
When you come into the apartment, Rina is sitting on the window sill and you guess she saw everything. She looks at you after you lock the door behind you.
"And where have you been?" She asks with her sly smile on.
"Lunch with Minho," you simply answer, walking to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water.
"Dressed like that?"
"I was..." You think of an alternative answer by taking a big gulp of water.
"Yeah," you decide to spare her the reason why you dressed so nicely.
"Now, that you have a boyfriend—"
You hold your hand up to stop her from talking, "Seungmin wouldn't be jealous, I can promise you that," you tell her because that's just the truth.
Seungmin is with a beautiful model named Yoon in his studio as you speak, he's not giving a damn about you going on lunch with a friend from campus.
"It's not that," Rina says.
You jerk your head away and take another gulp of water.
She walks up to you and stops behind the kitchen island, "You shouldn't lead him on."
"Can you not speak in riddles, Rina? Please?" You whine, still exhausted from giving a grown adult a ride on the bike.
"Minho likes you. You shouldn't lead him on," she makes it clear by emphasizing every word to you.
You snort and water almost comes out of your nose, "yeah, sure," you half-heartedly say, then laugh it off.
Rina follows you as you walk to your room then stops at the doorway, "Laugh and deny all you want but you know that it's true," she confidently says.
You smile at her because even if it's true, it wouldn't change a thing and Seungmin wouldn't mind with you seeing another man. But you're not going to do that, you're going to prove that you're the only one Seungmin needs.
Gone are the warm sunny days as autumn arrives with the change of the colors of the leaves. You put on your thin coat before going out of the class and on the way out of the building, Minho joins you while carrying his books in one arm.
"Have you read the email from Professor Lim?" He asks as he's descending the stairs next to you.
"What? Did I miss an assignment?" You ask back in panic and fumble to look for your phone from the pocket of your jeans.
"No, it's the invitation to his gathering," he answers.
You stop by the door and step aside, not wanting to block other people from passing by, "I don't think I'm invited," you hopelessly say.
Minho dramatically rolls his eyes at you, "You only failed one of his tests."
There it is! You open to check if it's really the invitation and indeed it is. Professor Lim only invited the brightest students in his class and knowing that your academic presence is a little declining due to personal issues, you can't lie but feel relieved that you're still considered as one.
"It's next Saturday," he says.
"Yes, I can see that," you tell him and continue walking down the stairs.
"So, who are you going to take?" He asks.
"Is it necessary to bring a plus one?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.
He shoves his hands into the pocket of his jeans, "You're not going to take your boyfriend?"
It's funny that when you hear the word boyfriend, you don't immediately think of Seungmin, he's your boyfriend but at the same time, he doesn't feel like one.
"I'll try to ask him but I'm not sure," you tell him.
You're heading to the gate since you haven't been able to ride your bike yet and Minho is following you instead of turning to the bike station.
"You didn’t ride your bike today?"
"Popped my tire yesterday and I haven't got time to take it to the shop," he replies.
Even with an extra layer of clothes you're wearing, the cold wind is slipping through you. You're rubbing your hands together to warm yourself.
"Want to get some coffee?" Minho asks.
Having a warm drink in a weather like this couldn't be more perfect, you excitedly nod at his suggestion, "Sounds nice, yeah, sure."
There's a coffee shop one block away from campus and you both exit the campus gate heading that way when a bike stops at the side of the street.
In one look, you know that it's Seungmin even though his head is hidden in a helmet. He lifts the visor and exposes his face, softly smiling at you.
You come up to him, "Seungmin? What are you doing?"
"I came to pick you up," he simply answers, then hands you a helmet.
"Come on!" He says, not asking but ordering you to get on the bike and doing it so confidently.
You remember that you were heading to get coffee with Minho, you turn to look at him while holding the helmet in front of you.
"I'm sorry but can we do coffee next time?" You ask with an apologetic smile.
Minho coyly smiles at you and shoves his hands deeper into his jeans pockets, "That's okay."
You wave bye at him before putting on the helmet and getting on the motorcycle. You feel a funny feeling seeing Minho watch as Seungmin takes you further away from him until he disappears from your sight.
Seungmin notices that you're slightly shivering from riding through the cold, autumn air. He holds your hands as the elevator is taking you to his floor. He looks at you with his body pushing you to one side of the elevator.
"You're freezing," he says.
"I'll be okay," you tell him.
He doesn't answer but unzips his leather jacket, putting your hands on each side of his waist next to keep them warm under his leather jacket, "Is it warm enough?"
You nod yet he proceeds to rub his hands up and down your arms. In this enclosed space, he's closing the gap between your bodies with each passing second. He can feel every breath you take and the pounding of your heart in this proximity.
"Better now?"
"Yes," you breathless reply.
His fingertips brush your cheek as they reach for your hair to tuck it behind your ear and you stifle a breath as he holds you there. The elevator chimes and interrupts the intense moment, he takes your hand to lead you to his apartment like you never went there before.
You understand why he seems giddy as he guides you further inside, he has prepared dinner for you with candles and everything.
"I just need to get the wine," he says, going to the kitchen to get it.
"We can order when we're here... why?" You're at a loss for words.
You get used to setting your expectations low so when he does a grand gesture like this, it's nothing like what you have in mind.
"I cooked the dinner," he informs.
"What? You cooked all of these?" You say in awe, looking up at him as he's filling your glass with wine and the aphrodisiac smell wafting around the room.
"Yeah," he says it like it's not a big deal.
He lights the candles on the center of the dining table, "It's a little cold now but I hope it suits your taste," he says.
It's the way he acts like he doesn't prepare all this for you that only elevates his attractiveness, Seungmin is one of a kind and it makes you want him more. His cooking suits your taste just right and it tastes as nice as the smile he's giving you the whole dinner. You feel content just from being able to have alone time with him.
"Are you working today?" You ask to make sure that no one is going to interrupt again.
"I finished early," he shortly answers.
You let out a low sigh of relief and sip your wine to wash the anxiety down your mouth. You can finally relax your shoulders and truly enjoy the moment with him.
"I have another surprise for you," he announces after wiping his mouth with a napkin.
Your heart skips a beat at the mention of surprise because it doesn't always mean good.
"Yeah?" You nervously ask.
He gets up from his chair and holds his hand out at you which you eagerly take. He takes you in the direction of his studio and slides open the door to reveal the surprise.
"Oh, my God!" You gasp.
Seungmin turned his studio into a private art exhibition where he decorated the room with white sheets hung all over the wall and images of you projected onto them.
You cringe the moment you recognize that it's you, "It's still weird seeing my own face."
"Why? You're beautiful," he says as if it's that obvious.
He leads you to the center of the room where you can see the videos he took of you playing on each side of the wall at the same time. They look like dreams from the past but in the best way, you like how it reminds you of those summer days when everything was much warmer, brighter, and less complicated.
You look down and see that he put a bed on the floor, "That's so presumptuous of you," you say as you sit down on the bed.
Seungmin is slyly smiling as he takes a seat next to you and props one hand against the bed, "Well, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to."
You turn your head to the side and get greeted by his stare, "But I want to do... anything," you say.
He's already gone as you catch his eyes staring at your lips, he looks into your eyes again to say, "That's even better."
Is it pathetic of you to say that you miss being touched by him? Well, Seungmin can see how you crumble at the faintest of his touch on you. If it wasn't a sudden invitation, you would have dressed so nicely and put on a nice pair of lingerie. From the way he looks at you with eyes wide and heavy with lust, you're thankful that the matching underwear you're wearing is flattering enough for him.
"So beautiful," he sighs with his knuckles rubbing the back of your thigh.
He leans down to kiss your neck and chest, pulling away to look at you then sighs, "So warm..."
Only using the tip of his fingers, he places fluttering touches across your chest and murmurs, "So soft..."
He then uses his mouth to make a trail of kisses down the front of your body, stopping when his lips meet the waistband of your underwear.
Seungmin doesn't hesitate to plant his nose on your clothed core and takes a sniff at it. His hand smoothly parts your leg open and keeps it open by curving his arm around it. Through the sheer fabric of your underwear, he traces the bundle of your nerves with his tongue, circling it until it's soaked with a mix of his saliva and your essence.
Impatient, he puts the underwear to the side so he can put his mouth on your wetness, lapping at it like a man with an endless thirst. Lying on the bed almost naked with his head between your legs, you bite a finger between your teeth to muffle your noises.
Seungmin knows how to make you feel good and when he thinks using his mouth is not enough, he adds his fingers to stimulate you more. Your back is arching, slowly pulsating your hips at his face and riding on his slender fingers that curl inside you, lowly moaning through your parted mouth.
"Oh, my..." you sigh with your hands now grasping the sheet under you.
Seungmin takes your hand and slips it in his hair, wanting you to tug at it. He dives deeper into your wetness, his tongue endlessly teasing your clit, and sucks on it hard that earned him a loud moan from you. As the knot tightens inside you, your legs start to press into his head but that doesn't stop him from pleasing you until you cum all over his mouth.
Seungmin drags his glistening wet mouth across your stomach and places kisses on each breast before placing his mouth on you, kissing you so deep that it takes your breath away. He leaves you gasping for air once he lets go of the kiss, going for your neck to plant kisses on the sensitive skin. His hand smoothly pulls your soaked underwear down your legs without you realizing.
You do the same by opening the buttons of his shirt, removing every piece of clothing so you can every inch of his warm skin and taut muscles.
"I dreamed of you fucking me every night," Seungmin whispers.
You giggle as his breath tickles your ear, "Do you want me to?"
He doesn't answer but turns over on the bed and you're lying on top of him, his hand glides down your spine and stops at the curve of your ass, squeezing the ample flesh there as he presses a long kiss on your lips.
Seungmin is underneath you yet you feel intimidated as you're straddling him on the bed, his eyes never straying away from yours even for a second. You begin by reaching for the clasp of your bra on your back and take it off, slowly letting it slide down your arms, then you see that his eyes are slightly faltering at the sight of your naked body sitting on top of him.
Instead of feeling shy, you get a boost of confidence from the way Seungmin admires your body with eyes that light up in fiery desire and hands that endlessly explore places that make you lustfully sigh. You put your hands on his chest and slowly, drag them down, you watch as he whimpers as your hands stop on his abdomen. Your eyes flick at his then down at his hardening member, wrapping your hand around him to slowly stroking it.
You can feel his cock pulsating with desire in your hand, so hard and so veiny, hot all over. The harder it gets, the harder you resist yourself, you take a position and angle his cock into your entrance, wetting the tip by rubbing it down your slit.
Slowly, you ease yourself down his length as a long, breathless moan falls out of your mouth, "Oh..."
You bite your lower lip, feeling overwhelmed by how good it feels to have him inside you and fill you perfectly. You whine as he is fully sheathed in your warm, velvety walls.
Seungmin grips your waist with nails that dig into the flesh. You throw all of your hair to one side and enjoy watching him struggling to calm himself down.
"Do I feel good?" You ask him.
He sucks air through his gritted teeth and closes his eyes for a moment to finally answer, "So fucking good."
Hearing that, you feel confident to continue and you start rolling your hips, back and forth, fucking him like he dreamed every night. Not enough from just watching you fucking him, Seungmin sits up so he can kiss you, putting his hands around you with his head buried between your breasts.
"Even better than my dreams," he says against your lips.
You smile and return his kisses with the same eagerness, feeling his cock engorged inside you as you clench around him. Finding yourself lost in the pleasure as well, you put your hands around his neck as support and change the pace, bouncing on his lap as everything intensifies.
Seungmin takes your breast into his mouth and sucks on it hard, making you tug at his hair at how painful yet delightful that is. He then uses his tongue to play with your nipple before letting it go, leaving your breast wet with his saliva. He looks up at you as his hands grip each side of your waist, "You keep clenching around me."
You cup his jaw and ask, "You want me to stop?"
He shakes his head, "No."
The room is quiet except for the sound of bodies and lips crashing against each other, breathless moans, and the rustles of the bedsheets that hardly cover the bed anymore. With his hand gripping the nape of your neck, he forces you to keep looking at him as you both are closing into your highs.
Your high-pitched moans clash with his low grunts the moment both of you reach your climax together. You collapse onto his shoulder while he holds you close with his arms tightly wrapped around you.
A few kisses later, he gently lays you down on the bed and slowly pulls out of you, his eyes widening seeing his cum dripping out of you. It surprises him how much he cum inside you yet he pushes his cock inside you again before laying down next to you. He kisses your lips and nestles his head in the crook of your neck.
"I feel weird now," you say.
"We had sex with me watching us," you say, pointing at the video playing on the walls.
"I think it's sexy," he disagrees, then kisses your lips.
He props a hand against the mattress to support his head and tenderly caresses your cheek with his knuckle, "Want to know something?"
He gives you a soft peck on your lips first before speaking, "I think that we are indeed fated to meet again."
You put your hand on his chest and thinking that it would help you tell if he's being honest, "You think so?"
His eyes filled with nothing but admiration and sincerity, softly staring into yours and making you vulnerable under him, "I think you're the one for me."
Is it a sign that he's ready to commit to you? That you'll be the one and only girl in his life? Or should you hold your breath longer?
"I like you so much," he confesses, then rests his head on your chest.
Nevertheless, you don't want to think about what's coming next. You want to focus on this euphoric feeling of hearing those words coming out of his mouth. With that, you set yourself free and float onto cloud nine.
No one knows what time is it because all you can see are videos of you playing on a loop on the walls. You turn to the side and see Seungmin's eyes are open for you don't know how long. He could've watched you sleeping for hours for all you know.
"What time is it?" You croak.
He kisses your shoulder and puts his hand across your chest, "To be honest, I don't know," he replies.
You sleepily chuckle and put your hand on his forearm, "Coffee?"
"Okay," he takes your request, then rolls over to hover above you, "I'll make coffee after a kiss."
A kiss turns into two then three kisses and the fourth kiss escalates things further. The next thing you know, you're fisting the sheet and being a moaning mess underneath him.
Despite the sex revives both of you more than caffeine does, Seungmin just can't start his day without making coffee. The smell is wafting around the room while you're observing his camera collection and pick up one he's lending you.
It's been a while since you haven't taken his pictures and it's just the perfect scene, he's putting on his serious face with his mouth slightly curled into an adorable pout. He glances in your direction at the sound of the camera shutters. You ignore his glare by taking more pictures of him dressed in a white t-shirt with his fluffy bedhead.
"Oh?!" You stop to check why it won't take another picture, slightly fearing that you might have accidentally broken his camera.
He takes it from you to look for the issue, "You run out of films," he simply points out.
Seungmin pours you a cup of coffee first before handling the camera, pulling open the drawer to get a tube for the film.
Before the smell of coffee makes you forget about what you planned to ask him, you look at him and ask, "My Professor is inviting me to his gathering next Saturday and I'm thinking of taking you as my plus one."
Seungmin carefully opens the back of the camera to extract the roll of film, "When is it again?"
"Next Saturday."
He unlocks his phone to check his calendar, "Sorry, I have an appointment that day," he says.
It's not like you expected him to agree to socialize with your Professor. Just a tad disappointed but you understand that he's busy.
"That's okay," you assure him with a smile.
He puts down his phone next to his cup of coffee and takes the tube of films with him, "I'll put this to develop later."
His phone still lights up when he leaves for the studio and you don't mean to be nosy, but it's sitting there so you drag it close enough to see his schedule.
Kayla. 8 pm. Hotel Seville. That's what is written on his schedule for next Saturday. Before he notices that you're snooping in, you lock the phone and put it back next to his coffee cup. He returns to the kitchen, placing a kiss on your cheek as he walks past you before sitting on his stool.
"That looks good on you," he says, eyeing the shirt you're wearing which is the same one he wore last night.
"Yeah, it's comfortable," you reply with a smile.
"You can have it."
"I was planning to steal it anyway," you jokingly say.
Maybe you were over your head to think that what he said is a sign or maybe it is a sign for you to take a deep, deep breath and prepare yourself to hold it in longer this time.
The silence lets you dive further into your head and bathe yourself into your thoughts. Deeper and deeper, you're slowly drowning yourself in it until someone pulls you out of the water, taking you back to the real world that is just as harsh and as cold.
"I know I'll find you here," Minho says.
You thinly smile at him and shut the book you're hardly reading, "What's up?"
Minho puts his backpack down on the floor and joins you to sit at the other end of the window sill, it's your favorite spot in the library, "Did you fail another test or do you always look this terrible?"
If your head wasn't so centered around Seungmin, you would have come with a funny retort. You can only scoff and act like it doesn't bother you, to be honest, the only thing that bothers you is Seungmin.
"So, who are you going to take tomorrow?" You ask to shift the topic and your mind altogether.
The gathering is tomorrow which reminds you of the preparation that is still at zero. You haven't found a dress to wear and worse is no one to go with.
Minho fixes the collar of his coat as he says, "I don't think anyone wants to go with me."
That's a lie. The truth is a lot of girls are dying to ask him out and one of them would be more than glad to go with him if they weren't intimidated by his indifferent attitude, his smart mouth that only speaks harsh truth, and a brain that matches the size of his ego. The safe bet is Minho thinks that no girl is worthy enough to go with him.
"How about you?" He asks back.
"I'm taking myself," you answer with a dry laugh.
Minho sharply inhales air through his teeth and shoves his hands into his coat pockets, "Why don't we go together?"
Does it mean you're worthy enough for him? And why does that make you feel somehow... flattered? You look at him in suspicion, trying to guess what he is actually thinking when he asks you that. You eventually give up reading his inscrutable expression.
"But why?"
"Why not?" He asks back instead of answering.
You awkwardly laugh as you put your books back into your bag. There are no written rules where you can't take another guest as your plus one and he's right, why not?
"Yeah, sure," you take on his offer, "I'll meet you there."
It's not like Seungmin is going to mind you're going with Minho.
With Rina's help, you found a black dress with an appropriate length to wear to the gathering. She also lends her dainty earrings and high heels to match with it. You hold on to your coat as the cold slowly seeps into you as you walk on the pavement leading to Professor Lim's house.
From afar, you can see that his house lights up brighter than the other house, and cars are parked along his side of the street. You're fifteen minutes early from the appointed time but intellectuals always come early if not punctual. You pick up the speed of your walking when you see Minho standing outside.
"Why are you here?" You ask.
"I'm invited."
You snort hearing his answer, "I mean, why you’re not inside?"
"I'm waiting for you," he answers, a curl of steam escaping his mouth, and tells you he must have been waiting long outside.
"It's cold. You can wait for me inside!" You scold, taking him by the elbow to climb the steps and knock on the door.
Not long after, someone opens the door and greets you, "Hello, I'm Kevin, I'm Professor Lim's husband."
His marital status shocks you more than knowing about his sexual preference and you take his hand for a handshake, "Nice to meet you!"
Minho takes his turn to shake his hand and Kevin is surprised by his cold hands, "It's cold outside. Come in! Come in!"
After taking off his coat, Minho helps you take off yours and does it carefully so as not to ruin your hair which Rina spent almost an hour to style.
"Thank you," you mutter as you turn around.
He freezes for a moment just looking at you before he can say something, "You look nice!"
You're not used to gentleman Minho who knows how to treat a girl. You look at him to give you an idea of what you should compliment on him.
"And you look... not bad," you praise.
Honestly, Minho looks dashing tonight. He wears a black suit and a crisp white shirt, the suit jacket perfectly suits him, showcasing the broadness of his shoulders and the dark slacks enhance the length of his legs.
It's a polite thing to do to greet the host of the gathering and thank him for the invitation. Professor Lim looks more lively tonight than he looks when he's in his class.
"Please write down your answer for the quiz tonight," He says.
Every guest has to write down their answer to the same question. You and Minho take a card each to write your answer and read the question above already written on it.
"The person you would most like to have dinner with real or imagined, living or dead is..."
You know the exact answer that would please Professor Lim since he talks a lot about his favorite writer.
"George Sand," you and Minho say in unison and break into laughter together.
You check everyone else's answer on the big crystal bowl and see that a few of them have written the same answer, it's either George Sand or her full real name just for added impression.
You decide to skip on writing your answer, "I'm going to get a drink."
Minho also ditches his card and follows you, finding the waiter who carries a tray of drinks around the room. He grabs two champagne flutes and hands one to you.
"I always wanted to see his book collection," you tell Minho.
He confoundedly shifts his eyes to the big shelf full of books behind you, "And those are not books?"
You take a small sip of your wine, "He has a study room upstairs and it's off-limit to guests," you lowly whisper.
Minho looks around and spots that the host is busy talking to a group of people and his husband is walking around making sure everyone is enjoying the food.
"Well... it's not exactly off-limits," he says, taking you by the hand and sneaking up the stairs as everyone else is busy socializing.
Professor Lim's study room is located on the third floor, it is supposed to be the attic but he turns it into a big study room and you guessed it correctly, that's where he keeps his dear books. Without turning on the lights, you use the flashlight on your phone to scan the titles of the books, they're well-preserved first editions.
"Oh!" Minho suddenly gasps from the other side of the room.
You turn around and find him cradling a bottle of brandy, it's half full and looks very expensive.
"Let's have a party on our own," he says with mischief written all over his face.
You usually steer yourself away from problems but you really don't want to go back downstairs and try to socialize, talking about intellectual stuff. You just want to dull your mind with alcohol. Minho pushes the window and takes the drink with him, leaving you with no choice but to follow him, hanging out by the roof of your Professor's house.
"Why are we drinking on the roof? It's cold and high, it's a disaster waiting to happen," you tell him.
He holds his hand out at you, "I brought the blanket from his chair," he says, showing you the plaid quilt blanket.
You sit next to him and resist looking down, "And about the height?"
He wraps you with the blanket, then puts his arm around you, "I'll keep you safe."
"Ugh!" You groan in disgust and shrug his hand away from your shoulder.
He laughs and uncaps the bottle of brandy, from the smell of it you can tell the alcohol percentage in it. He takes the first sip, then winces at the bitter aftertaste.
"We share the bottle?" You ask as you take the bottle from him.
"We can't use the glass and leave evidence, right?"
You sigh and reluctantly take a small sip of it, aware of how much alcohol it contains. You hurriedly hand it back to him.
"Let's be honest..." you say.
"What's your real answer?"
"Answer to what?"
"Professor Lim's quiz," you answer.
Minho takes a longer sip this time and prepares himself for the aftertaste, gasping once he swallows it down. He takes another moment to think of an answer.
"Tolstoy," he answers.
As expected, his answer would be one of the Russian writers. You take your turn to drink and hand it back to him quickly.
"Since we're being honest, I'd say... Howl Pendragon," you say with a smile.
Minho gives you a judgemental look and sips the brandy without any expression whatsoever.
"We can have dinner on his moving castle and if I'm lucky, I get to meet Calcifer too," you defend your answer.
"Whatever," he comments, followed by a thick cloud of steam.
You decide to share the blanket with him, scooting closer to him and covering his back with it. You cling to the sleeve of his suit jacket and smile, "I have to hold on to something so I won't fall."
Now that the silence resides between you and him, you can see the view from the roof, mostly the university complex and the clock tower in the middle.
"If we were being honest..." Minho says, "My answer would be you."
You look at him and in this proximity, you can smell his alcohol-tinted breath, "You're drunk already."
"No... not really," he vaguely answers, then shrugs.
"Well, you can simply ask me to dinner," you tell him, "It's not like we never had dinner together before."
He gazes into your eyes and asks, "Then what about your boyfriend?"
"My boyfriend is... not really my boyfriend," you cryptically say.
"What does that mean?" He narrows his eyes at you.
You blame the alcohol for loosening you up and let your words unfiltered, "We're in an open relationship."
"So, he's seeing another girl as we speak," you continue.
"We'd better get back," you quickly end the conversation before he can dig more personal things out of you.
Drunk you is dangerous but drunk Minho is way more dangerous. You take the bottle of brandy from him, it's wise for the two of you to stop drinking. You cap the bottle and get up first, helping him walk back into the study room, then put the bottle back where it belongs.
Safely make it back downstairs undetected, you look at Minho and he looks fine, it looks as if he didn't drink a drop of alcohol.
"I need to eat something to soak the alcohol with," he excuses himself to leave your side.
Okay, maybe he is drunk yet you regret telling him about Seungmin and the open relationship thing.
In the middle of Professor Lim's reading the answer to his quiz, you decide to leave early and thank Kevin on the way out. As you collect your coat by yourself, Minho appears from behind you, taking his coat that hangs next to yours.
"Let me drive you home," he sounds as demanding as usual.
You chuckle at him, "On your bicycle?"
"No, I'm taking a car tonight," he says.
Minho isn't joking, he's driving a car tonight and you're sitting on the passenger's side, looking at his hands holding the steering wheel. This time, you conclude that it's not about how hard he grips the steering wheel, Minho simply has veiny arms and you remind yourself to look away before it gets creepy.
"The crab cakes helped you sober up, huh?" You joke.
"I stole a few slices of bread from Professor Lim's kitchen actually," he jokes back.
"Bread absorbs alcohol faster, noted."
The ride shouldn't last this long but at the same time, you don't want it to end. In this space and silence you're sharing with Minho, you feel inexplicably comfortable and safe.
"Do you have plans for winter break?" He asks.
"You're not going to your parents for holidays?" He glances at you for a second before looking straight ahead at the road.
"They're going out of the country to celebrate it with my sister and their in-law," you answer.
Minho doesn't respond but steadily taps the steering wheel with his fingers.
"What about you?"
He drops one hand and rests it on his thigh, "My parents live not too far away from the city so... you'll see me around."
"Oh, how lovely!" You meant to make it a snide comment, but you say it in a sweet tone.
Your apartment comes to sight and Minho slows the car down before pulling to the side of the street and stops the car altogether.
You unclasp the safety belt and hold your purse close to your chest, "Thank you for the lift home!"
Minho turns off the car engine, then turns his head to the side, "No problem."
Weirdly, you don't feel like getting out of the car, it's warm and quiet in here, and you're not ready to step out into the cold yet.
"Thank you for being my plus one," you add.
"Likewise," he says back.
Your cheeks are heating and you're blaming the car heater for it, not because Minho can't stop staring at you.
"I.. uh-" you lost your train of thought and quickly recover yourself, "I'll see you around."
You're about to push the car door open when he suddenly grabs your elbow. You put your hand away from the handle of the door and turn to face, "Yes?"
"Can I..." His words trail off and he swallows air instead of continuing his sentence.
You chuckle seeing him so confused and flustered all at once, "Are you still drunk?"
Minho lets out a chuckle, "Maybe."
"Want me to drive you home then?"
"Yeah," he playfully answers.
"To be honest, I am slightly drunk to drive a car," you answer, half-laughing.
In the space filled with both of your waves of laughter, your eyes meet and he's leaning in, closer and closer until his lips land on yours.
Minho glides his soft lips on yours, warm and wet, hot breath filling your mouth as you let him taste you more. His hand holds the side of your face with his thumb tenderly caressing your cheek. The kiss is everything you expect to feel when you kiss someone you like. Your heart is fluttering, you feel a tingle inside you and your chest is overflowed with warm feelings.
However, the kiss makes you realize something.
You pull away until Minho's hand slips away from your cheek.
"Goodnight, Minho," you sadly say.
Without looking at him, you step out of his car and into the cold that seeps into your bones, freezes your heart, and makes you numb.
Seungmin rarely calls you twice in an hour when he usually calls you at certain times just to keep you on your toes. You've been thinking out loud by the time you reel yourself back to reality, you notice you have two missed calls on your phone. You hit call back and he picks up right away on the second ring, that's also a rare occurrence.
"Hey, sorry, I was in the bathroom," you lie because it's easier.
You hear him sigh, then say, "I miss you."
That's another rare occurrence. He usually says those words after you say them first to him.
"Miss you too," you hate to admit but it's true.
"You sound unwell. Are you okay?" Seungmin asks with a concerned voice.
Even through your voice, he can sense something is going on with you. You lick your lips and lie again, "It's the cold weather."
He lowly gasps then says, "You better dressed warmly. I don't want you to get sick."
"Okay," you immediately comply but you can't find it in you to engage in a long conversation with him, "so, why did you call me?"
"I can't call my girlfriend because I miss her?" He sweetly says.
Seungmin knows how to make you weak on the knees and you hate that you always fall for his sweet words.
"So that's it? You miss me?" You play along with him.
He laughs and you also hate how your heart rattles at the sound of his crisp laugh, "I'm taking you to dinner tomorrow."
"Just the two of us?" You naively ask.
"No," he answers, "A director of a gallery invited me to their dinner party."
"Oh. How nice!" You hope he can't hear the fake enthusiasm in your voice.
"Also, I have something to tell you," he says.
"You can't tell me now?" You're not in the mood to play along anymore.
"I have to tell you in person," he replies.
"Okay," you get used to setting your expectations low for him and you keep it that way.
"It's something good," he assures you.
"I hope so," you reply.
He thinks you're being playful and chuckles at it, "I'll pick you up tomorrow."
"Stay warm and take care."
"Better be something I haven't seen before as well," you give in to the temptation of teasing him.
"Okay," he playfully copies you.
The next day, you start dressing for the dinner party, wearing a dress you borrowed from Rina while she's busy packing to go home for winter break.
"Want me to help you with your hair?" She offers.
"No, I can't make you miss your flight," you kindly refuse.
You don't put too much makeup on and brush your hair, securing it with bobby pins to keep it neat.
"My taxi is here!" Rina announces.
You run out of your room to bid her bye, "Sorry I can't help you with your suitcases!"
She hugs you but not too tight to not wrinkle the dress, "It's okay. I'll just roll them down the stairs."
You're watching from the window as she waves at you before getting into the taxi. You get back to getting ready, putting your stuff into your purse and Seungmin rings the doorbell right on time.
"Whoa!" He exclaims the second he sees you.
"Come in. I just need to put my shoes on," you inform.
"Wait, wait," he stops you from walking away and pulls you close, leaning in to kiss you.
With your hand on his chest, you gently push him away and say, "We're going to be late."
He ignores your words and kisses you, forcing you to lower your guard down to let himself in again. His kiss heals but also breaks, nothing in between.
"God, I miss you so much," he sighs as he pulls away from the kiss.
You smile at his words and drop your hands to the side, "I still have to get my shoes."
Relentless, he pecks your lips before letting you go. You get a pair of Rina's black heels to match your dress and put them on with one hand against the wall.
"Where's your roommate?" Seungmin asks.
"She's going home for the winter break," you answer and go to your bedroom to retrieve your purse.
"So, you'll be alone in here?"
"Why? Does it give you ideas?" You tease.
"A lot of ideas," he shortly replies and does not hesitate to kiss you again.
The make-out session you had on your couch is what caused you both to be late for the dinner party. You fix your make-up on the car ride and thankfully, they're in the middle of an appetizer when you arrive.
Seungmin introduces you to the one who invited him, "This is Kayla, the director of Rostam Gallery."
"Oh?" You exclaim a little too excitedly. This is the Kayla he met that night Seungmin was supposed to come with you to Professor Lim's gathering.
"It's nice to meet you and thank you for letting me join in," you tell her as you shake her hand.
"The more the merrier," she says, then leads you to the dining room where the other guests have seated around the big round table.
Seungmin gentlemanly pulls the chair for you and takes the seat next to you after, the waiters immediately serve appetizers for both of you even though everyone else is almost finished with theirs.
The lady sitting next to you keeps making remarks about the china and you eventually find out that she's a ceramic artist. You engage in a conversation with her while the rest of the guests are in a heated discussion about some post-modern art pieces.
Seungmin checks on you every once in a while to make sure you feel comfortable, he holds your hand under the table and smiles as he asks, "Okay?
You dab your mouth with a napkin and answer, "The food is delicious. Can't complain!"
The guy sitting next to him leaning forward on the table to take a good look at you, "Seungmin, are you keeping this beautiful lady away from me on purpose?" He says.
You politely smile at him and Seungmin leans back on his chair to introduce you to him, "This is Jim, a journalist."
Jim offers his hand for a handshake and you briefly shake it as you introduce yourself.
"She's my girlfriend," Seungmin adds at the end of the introduction.
Jim seems to be surprised hearing that and smiles at you, "You got yourself uh... a beautiful girlfriend, Seungmin!" He says in a mix of awe and shock.
Seungmin glances at you and smiles, "I know," he confidently responds.
The conversation at the table has changed into great works of Spanish artists and Seungmin is intently listening to everyone talking about it so passionately that he is not aware of his phone buzzing inside the inside pocket of his suit jacket.
You lean in close to let him know, "Seungmin, your phone is ringing."
He reaches inside to check his phone and decides to excuse himself to take the call. The waiter is done serving the dessert and you take your fork to start digging into the decadent-looking chocolate cake.
"I'm sorry about earlier," Jim says, leaning into Seungmin's seat.
You refrain from eating and put the fork down, "Sorry for what?"
"I didn't know that you're Seungmin's girlfriend," he answers.
It gives you the impression that Seungmin's way of dating is public knowledge. All these times, these people think that you're just one of Seungmin's "girl-friend" and not his actual girlfriend whom he's dating.
You manage to put on a smile and say, "That's alright."
"Oh, you must be happy about Seungmin," he shares without context.
"Oh, he hasn't told you about the exhibition he's going to hold abroad?"
You slightly shake your head, "No."
"When is the exhibition?" You hesitantly ask.
"Next month," Jim shortly answers.
That means Seungmin is going abroad for it and he doesn't tell you about it. It's embarrassing that he declares you as his girlfriend but you get to hear about him from someone else.
Seungmin returns to his seat at the right time but he seems to acknowledge the chat you had with him, "Jim, you're not trying to steal her from me, right?"
Jim snorts in response, "As if I had the chance against you!"
You return to your dessert and dig your fork at it, cutting a piece of it on the beautiful china. Before you take it into your mouth, you look around at the people sitting on the dining table and think that they're right, you're only his plus-one and nothing more.
As everyone getting too drunk from wine and the night is getting late, Seungmin decides that it's time to leave. You leave for the bathroom and come back to him talking to a girl who's sitting next to Jim. They look rather friendly and she kisses both of his cheeks before she goes back to the dining room.
Seungmin smiles when he notices you're coming his way, he has your coat and purse in his hand.
"Ready to go home?" He holds the coat and puts it on for you, fixing your hair afterward.
You grab the purse from him as you mutter your gratitude, "Yes."
The constant hum of the car heater is what you can hear on the whole car ride as you stare out the window with your head filled with so many thoughts you can't pick one and try to assess it.
Seungmin squeezes your hand and makes you turn your head at him, "You're so quiet."
You thinly smile and think of something to say, "Don't you say you have something you want to tell me?"
He quickly glances at you before looking straight ahead, "Yeah, but I'll tell you once we get home."
"Is it about the exhibition?" You don't mean to spoil it from him but you feel sick the longer you hold it to yourself.
He looks rather surprised that you know about it, "Yes and there's another thing," he says.
"That you will be leaving the country for it?"
He awkwardly smiles, "Yes, but—"
"How did you do it?" You cut him off.
"How did I do what?" He asks in confusion.
There's no going back once you let everything out of your chest but this is it, you're done trying to control your feelings when it's your right to feel angry about what he's doing to you.
You turn on your seat to face him and ask, "How did you kiss some other girls and not feel guilty about it?"
Seungmin decides to pull the car to the side of the road and stops the engine. He looks at you and asks again, "What is it? What is wrong?"
You're tired of swallowing things down and trying to understand when he doesn't even try to do the same for you, "I kissed another guy the other night," you confess.
"And I feel horrible... I feel so bad about it because it feels like I'm cheating on you," you croak with tears getting in between the words.
You shut your eyes tight for a moment to fight the tears from coming out of you but it's a fruitless effort, "What I'm asking is how did you do it? Kissing other girls and not feeling like you betrayed me?"
Seungmin's mouth is agape but no words coming out of it. There's only a sigh and eyes that stare back into your glassy eyes.
"How did you do it?" You raise your voice that it's echoing in the small space of his car. Even with your eyes blurry with tears, you can see that he has no answer to your question.
"You don't even seem to be mad about me kissing another guy."
Tears won't stop coming down your face and you feel a lump blocking you from talking.
You take a deep breath but all it does is make you feel aches inside, "Am I really your girlfriend? Do I mean something to you?"
For the first time in your life, you don't want to know the answer. You unclasp your safety belt, grab your purse, and get out of the car. The cold slaps you in the face with the harsh cold air and you hurriedly hailing your hand to get a taxi, wanting to get as far away from him as possible.
From your peripheral vision, you see Seungmin getting out of the car and is about to walk up to you when a taxi stops right in front of you. You immediately get yourself inside and tell the driver to drive, leaving a trail of pieces of broken your heart as you go.
You find yourself in front of Minho's apartment an hour later.
It's unclear why you decided to come here but deep down, you know why. It's been days since you both kissed and you haven't said anything to him about it.
Minho probably thinks you hate him or that the kiss was a wrong move on his part when the truth is... the kiss is what you needed to take you back into reality. You knock on his door and wait in anticipation, afraid that he's already leaving for the holidays. After a while, you hear footsteps and someone unlocks the door.
Minho opens the door just enough to show himself and he looks surprised to see you. You're not aware of how miserable you must have looked with your ruined makeup and red, puffy eyes.
"The kiss was right," you tell him before losing yourself in the sadness again.
He opens the door wider to let you in, "Hey, why don't you come—"
"The kiss was nice, the kiss was everything I hoped for and I realize that I do like you, Minho," you admit with a voice that quivers from the cold.
You lick your lips and look at him, "But I also hate it. The kiss... the kiss made me realize that I... I deserve better."
The lump in your throat appears again and it turns into a hot coal as you resist letting yourself cry again.
"That I deserve someone who treats me right, special... someone who doesn't make me feel insecure all the time, someone better, someone..."
Fresh tears roll down your cheeks again and it feels hot on your cheeks after walking a block in the cold.
"Someone like you," you finish your sentence.
You look at him against the hot tears that can't stop pooling in your eyes no matter how much you wipe them with the back of your hands, "But it feels like my heart is no longer a part of my body, I can't–I can't control it, Minho," you say in a frustrated tone.
You close your eyes because what you're about you say next is painful to admit, "I can't stop it. My heart wants him."
You break into sobs the moment Minho pulls you into his hug.
From hundreds of books you've read in your life, it's impossible to find the answers to this: If the heart is no longer part of your body then how can you still feel it aches inside your chest?
Seungmin knows that one night is enough time and space he gave you. He knows that if he lets it on too long, he'll lose you and he doesn't want that.
He hits the speed limit as he rides his bike to go to your place and knock on your door only to be answered by disappointment. He calls your phone but you don't pick up, he tries knocking on the door only to get disappointed again.
As a last effort, he hits the call button again and leans against the door of your apartment. He turns around and sees someone he knows, he has seen him with you before.
"You're her friend, aren't you?" Seungmin confidently guesses.
Minho stops at the top of the stairs and stays there, "Yes."
"She's not home. Do you have any ideas where she might be?" Seungmin asks, taking a step closer to him.
Even in this proximity, Seungmin can tell that he knows the answer but he can't decide whether to tell him or not.
"I'm not sure," Minho answers and he turns around to walk down the stairs.
It seems that he decided to do the third option and that is lying about his answer. Seungmin follows him down the stairs and tries to get an answer from him.
"I know that you know," Seungmin says from behind him.
"You're her boyfriend. You should know," Minho nonchalantly says while keeps walking down the stairs with hands shoved inside his coat pockets.
Seungmin sighs to calm himself down but asking him kindly is not working, so he tries another way, "And I know you're the guy she kissed."
Minho lands on the base of the stairs, takes another step, and turns around on his feet, "So? What are you going to do about it?"
Seungmin hates this brazen, flippant attitude and if there's one good thing about it, he knows that he is just a passing fancy for you.
"Nothing," he simply answers Minho's question.
Seungmin walks the rest of the steps and stops right in front of him, "Because I know she likes me better than you!"
Minho tilts his head to meet his stare and laughs, he licks his lips before talking right into his face, "But I treat her better than you."
That gets on Seungmin's nerves that he grabs fistfuls of Minho's sweater and pulls him close, "You know nothing. Your words mean nothing to me. Just tell me where she is!"
Minho takes his hands and puts them away from him, "You don't deserve her. Why would I tell you where she is so you can break her heart again and again?" He raises his voice louder than him.
The first one, he let it go but this is his second strike and he makes the third strike when Minho decides to leave him behind. Seungmin just can't allow this anymore, he chases him outside and pulls him by his coat.
In the next second, it turns into a childish fight of pushing and shoving each other, making a scene that the passerby can't ignore anymore. Minho lets go first and takes a few steps back away from Seungmin.
"If you want to play around and date as many girls as you want, just let her go! You don't deserve her!" Minho shouts at him.
Seungmin is going at him but a stranger holding him back by his arms, "You know nothing!"
Minho yanks his arms away from the people who broke away from their fight and comes up at Seungmin, "I know everything! She went to my place last night and told me everything!"
Minho lowers his voice to not let people hear what he's saying, "You know what? She's right about everything. You didn't even mad about me kissing her."
Seungmin's heart drops that Minho indeed knows about everything. He feels it now, the betrayal. This is how you must've felt last night.
"And you're about to leave her too, right? You're going out of the country, running away from commitment like you always do," Minho says with a snide smile.
"Fuck you!" Seungmin curses out of anger, "I'm not running away from her."
People are coming to break the fight again but Seungmin tells them to stay back. He calms himself down by taking a deep breath and looks at Minho again, "I'm taking her with me and I was about to ask her if she wants to go with me when she suddenly admitted to kissing you!"
Minho looks away and lets out a snarky laugh, "You think a vacation will fix everything?"
"No," Seungmin answers while daringly looking into his eyes, "but I planned on telling her that I'm ready to commit to her."
The smirk on Minho's face gradually fades and his jaws clenched, probably holding in the urge to go at him. But he knows he has no right to prevent him from seeing you.
Minho goes for his bike parked next to the bench and Seungmin hopelessly follows him, "So, please, tell me where I can find her!"
Minho unlocks his bike and walks it to the side of the road, he turns to look at him and considers whether to tell him or not.
It's like someone has punctured your lungs, no matter how much you breathe, you keep losing air. If anything, you find it hard to breathe.
You look down at the ducks swimming on the pond, munching on the pieces of bread you throw onto the pond and it's floating on the surface of water.
You feel jealous at how easy things are for them, they only have to follow the natural law of finding their mates and procreate. No rules, no games, no tricks, no complications, no heartache. It's as simple as that.
You throw the plastic bag into the trash bin and think of taking a walk around the park before heading back home. It's cold for a walk but it's better than wallowing things in your room, all alone.
White steam escapes your mouth as you let out a sigh and rub your hands together to keep them warm when you feel a hand grab you by the shoulder.
You look over your shoulder and see the last person you want to see, Seungmin.
"Why are you out in this cold?" He asks, taking his gloves off so he can put them on you.
You take your hands away and sadly tell him "It's too late for that, Seungmin."
He ignores your words and slips his glove into your hand, "I'll always care for you."
"And for other girls too, apparently," you add.
Seungmin holds your gloved hands in his and waits until you look him in the eyes before speaking, it takes a minute until you eventually trapped yourself in his gaze.
"You didn't let me talk last night," he says.
"That won't change a thing. I'll never understand you, what you want..." you tell him.
This time, you put on a tough face and even tougher heart, you have cried enough for him. You refuse to cry again for him.
"I'm not a stop along the way, Seungmin. I'm a destination. I want you for me and me only but if you want to keep going and see where it takes you, then I beg you to please let me go," you rest your case with a steadfast heart.
"You either stay or leave and I'm afraid this is your only chance to decide," you give him the ultimatum and turn the table back to him.
It feels lighter now that you have let everything out of you and both decisions would cost you pain but it's worth knowing the answer to this.
"Can I talk now?" Seungmin asks and you must admit that he puts on a different kind of serious expression than the one he makes whenever he's making coffee.
It's only fair that you listen to what he needs to say, so you nod and let him talk.
"Last night, I was going to tell you about the exhibition and that I'll be leaving soon to prepare it," he begins.
He fiercely looks into your eyes as he steadily holds your hands, "then you left before I got the chance to say about the things I really wanted to tell you."
You swallow air and feel a pang of guilt inside you. You did act selfishly last night, you can see it now after he pointed it out to you.
Seungmin takes something from the inner pocket of his leather jacket, flight tickets, two of them. He shows it to you and smiles, "I was about to ask you if you want to go with me."
He inhales air before continuing to talk, "I'll be working most of the time but I think of us spending Christmas and New Year together..." he pauses to sniff from the cold air, "And I can't think of spending it with anyone else but you."
He pits the tickets back into his leather jacket pocket and shifts his focus back on you again, "I know you must have been so confused with this open relationship thing but if you give me more time, I know I'll be more certain with my feelings."
He squeezes your hands to emphasize how much he means his words, "Give me one more chance to prove it to you, to show you that I want to stay."
It's so hard with his eyes softly gazing into your eyes and they're warm and earnest, he's so open and honest with you. But you can't find the answer in him, you have to look into your heart and ask it if it's still what it wants.
There's only one way to find out.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, with pleasure," Seungmin replies with an enthusiastic smile.
You take a step closer and close the gap of your bodies. You lean in and kiss him, letting yourself immerse in it to get what you want.
This time, the kiss will neither heal nor break you. This time, the kiss will tell you the answer.
The last time Minho saw you, you were putting in your suitcase into the trunk of a taxi and that was when he told himself that it was time to wave the white flag.
Frankly, he admitted defeat when he told Seungmin where to find you, that you must be feeding the ducks by the pond and it seemed to be leading you to agree on going away with Seungmin for the holidays.
It's what your heart wants and Minho only helped you get it.
There's a week left in winter break but snow has just started piling on the pavement he walks on. Minho wraps himself in layers of clothes and shields himself from the cold by hugging himself while listening to the crunch of the snow as he steps on it.
The plan is to return some books he borrowed over the holidays and let the librarian lady take care of them as he browses for more books to borrow.
Something tells him that he needs to check somewhere where he knows that he'll only meet disappointment. Yet he follows his heart and lets it take him to where you usually would be.
Minho almost laughs because of how vivid the imagery is. He sees you there, sitting on the big window sill with your feet pulled up and your breath fogging the glass.
Wait... does Minho see what he wants to see or is it real? Either way, he thinks his eyes are playing tricks on him so he refuses to believe, turning around on his heels.
The sound of your voice calling his name shatters his doubts, "Minho?"
It takes him a moment to get himself together and turns around to answer your call, "Yes?"
Now that he sees your smile and it's aimed toward him, he no longer thinks his eyes are playing tricks. It is what it is, it's you, right there and he's walking towards that smile.
"I thought you're still on holiday," You say and hold your book close to your chest with your hand covering the front of the book, he can't see the title.
It should be him asking that question. Shouldn't you be in another country and spend the rest of the winter break with your boyfriend?
"You know me. I like seeing books more than seeing my family," he half-heartedly says with a sheepish smile.
"Roasting yourself, huh? That's new," you say with a low laugh.
The view outside the window of tree branches covered in the show makes a picturesque background as you put your feet down the window sill but all he sees is you.
"I haven't had breakfast," you suddenly share.
"Why not?" He asks back.
"I have nothing in my fridge so I only had coffee," you answer while looking up with eyes that shine for him, "Do you have anything in your fridge I can eat?"
It takes no genius that you're asking him to cook breakfast for you but it would be stupid of him to pass the chance.
"No," Minho answers, then hoists the strap of his bag higher on his shoulder, "But I can cook them for you."
It's almost noon to be considered a breakfast so Minho cooks lunch for two while you're playing with his cats on the carpeted floor.
"I'm fun when I'm sober, right?" You coo at the eldest of his three cats, softly scratching her belly with your fingers.
He silently watches from the kitchen as he prepares the table smiling without him realizing it. He snaps himself out of it and announces, "Lunch is ready!"
You get up from the floor and dash to the sink to wash your hands, pulling a chair from the dining table and sitting on it. You take a whiff of the steaming bowl of soup Minho cooked and hum in delight, "Whoa. Smells so good!"
Minho sits on his chair after getting a pitcher of water to the table and he sees that you're waiting for him to start eating, "Aren't you hungry?"
"Thank you for the food!" You say in gratitude and with that being said, you pick up your spoon to start eating.
Maybe it's the cold weather, maybe it's the hot soup that he's eating, but Minho feels warm, inside and out. He believes it's mostly because he's enjoying the company he's with who's heartily eating the food he cooked.
"I ate too much pie and cookies at Rina's," you share out of the blue.
"Rina's?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face.
You nod and put down your spoon to drink your water, "Where did you think I spent the holidays?"
That gets him thinking for a moment. What answer should he give you? An honest one where he thought you went away with your boyfriend and possibly admits that he got a little heartbroken about it or play it cool like he usually does?
"I saw you leaving with your suitcase so I thought..." he skips on finishing his sentence.
"Ah..." you take another sip of your water and put the glass down.
"Well, that was me going to the airport to crash Rina's family's Christmas," you sheepishly answer.
Minho doesn't know how to say it without getting his hopes up yet he dares himself to ask, "You didn't go with him?"
Your eyes are nowhere looking at him but he sees a sad, profound smile on your face, then you shake your head, "He may be what my heart wants but he's not what I need."
In that moment, something is filling his chest, something warm, something that makes him feel like he can finally breathe again. Minho is hopeful once again.
"For the record, I offered to help with the dishes," you tell him, placing a mug of coffee you made for him on the kitchen counter.
Minho dries his hands with a cloth before leaning against the kitchen counter next to you and sipping his coffee, watching his cat lying under the hazy sunlight coming through the window.
He steals glances at you and hesitates to ask how you're feeling about your unexpected decision, "How are you doing?"
You inhale the air before answering, "I'm doing better than I expected actually."
Minho doesn't even think about how things will be going from here but hearing that you're doing fine puts him at ease. He has so many things to say but it's wise for him to not rush things, he's certain that you still need time.
You turn your head to look at him and say, "I've just finished reading something this week and it surprised me how much I enjoyed it."
You have one hand on your chest while the other holding your coffee mug, "It's a play and there's this line that deeply resonates with me."
The way you stare into his eyes enchants him to stare back into yours, there's a space between your bodies but looking eyes to eyes like this makes him feel closer to you in a sense.
"It says... 'If ever my life can be of any use to you, come and claim it.'."
Minho recognizes the lines right away. It's from one of his favorite writers. He gets flustered and smiles, "You read Russian literature now, huh?"
"Yeah, guess I'll be as boring as you now," You softly laugh and put down your mug on the counter next to him.
"I think it's my time to leave," you put your hands on the edge of the counter and accidentally nudged him.
Minho doesn't want to let you go again so he holds you by the fingers and looks into your eyes. His mouth gets ahead of his brain when he blurts out, "Stay."
He holds more of your hand in his and brings himself closer to you. With eyes that look deeper into your eyes and a heart that knows what it wants, Minho says, "I want you to stay."
He sees the doubt and fears in your eyes, he would understand if you chose to leave, and for once in his life, it's okay for him to lose to you.
To his surprise, you hold his hand back and say, "Well, why don't you come and claim it?"
If Minho knew that all he had to do was to come and claim it, he would have done it sooner. But right now is not too late so he closes the gap between your bodies and puts his hand on the side of your face.
With such love, he cups your cheek and swipes his thumb across your lips which he dreamed of kissing a million times, asleep or awake. This is not a dream yet you still feel like one.
The moment your lips meet again, it thaws his heart and his worried mind. He pulls you close and puts his heart closer to yours, two hearts beating as one with mere flesh and bones in between.
You are of words that create a poem and the sentiment it has between the lines, you are the allusion in his written life in which Minho has now come and claimed.
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst, Hurt/ Comfort
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Summary: In the aftermath of Detroit's android revolution, Nines grapples with the complexities of his newfound deviancy. As he seeks to establish his place in a newly transformed society, his resolve is put to the ultimate test when he is paired with Detective Gavin Reed-a notoriously volatile human with a well-established hatred for androids-to investigate a series of murders.
While initial impressions of his partner seem to suggest his reputation is well-deserved, the more time Nines spends with him, the more he is forced to challenge his judgments. As they form an unexpected bond, the RK900 is also pushed to examine truths about himself he would much rather seek to forget. (A Retelling of 'More Than Our Parts' from the POV of Nines.)
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Eventual Smut
Word Count: 6.9K
Tag List: @sweeteatercat @wedonthaveawhile @ladyj-pl @tentoriumcerebelli @negative-citadel
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The passive assault of his presence was less egregious than the previous day, with the smell of cigarettes less pungent, overwhelmed by a cheap aftershave. It didn't make the journey pleasant, but it was tolerable nevertheless. Easier for him to filter traces of the man from his olfactory channels, keeping them clear for the most part. 
It was approximately two minutes following their departure that Reed decided to speak, and his tolerability promptly expired. 
"Connor called you Nines."
The detective wasn't looking directly at him, staring forlornly out the window with arms folded across his chest, like a child who had just been denied a visit to their favourite fast food chain. Despite his current avoidance, he still managed to find a way to glare at him through the reflection of the glass. 
The android considered ignoring it—disregarding the grumblings as though he'd failed to hear them—but he knew this would only open the gates to further confrontation. While his partner was far from an expert in android physiology, he knew well enough that Nines was capable of advanced environmental awareness. It would make for a flimsy justification, one that could not be maintained for long. 
"...Excuse me?" The words resembled a sigh as they weakly passed his lips.
"I asked if you had a name, and you lied to my face." Reed was now turned to him, having pulled his cheek from the glass. "Why would you do that?"
The oil of his skin and the fog of his breath had left an unsightly mark. Fitting, given the persistent stain the man was proving to be in his life.
Nines made an effort to keep his demeanour suitability impersonal, not wishing to encourage the dialogue. Taking a moment to compose his response, he mulled over the best method to shut things down as quickly as possible. 
Evidently, the delay proved too much for Reed. He started to lean in, chin jutting belligerently, closing what limited gap existed between them. Nines found it fascinating how, despite all the open repulsion the man expressed towards him, he proved exceptionally willing to invade his personal space. 
His partner had all but crawled into his lap as he asserted one of his fingers into his vision. The digit hovered dangerously close to his LED, threatening to tap it. " Hello ? You doing a software update or what?"
The RK900 tilted back as far as his current position allowed. Reed did not seem like the type who could be reliably trusted to wash his hands, and he did not wish for his hardware to become contaminated.
"It was not a name I chose for myself. It was assigned to me by Lieutenant Anderson, and RK800 has since adopted it. A nickname of sorts."
"How adorable." The detective's lips curled unpleasantly, revealing that any purported charm was entirely fictional, "and I don't get to know about your cute little pet name because...?"
"From my understanding, terms of endearment tend to be reserved for use amongst friends. While I hope we can find a way to work together amicably, I cannot anticipate ever feeling fondness towards you."
"So I'm not good enough to be your friend? That's a real shame."
Desperate for some means of distraction, Nines deactivated the vehicle's autopilot, taking hold of the wheel. He found solace in the act of driving: A task that required no complex personal engagement, just the methodic execution of his programme.
There was little point in making an effort with Reed. RK800's lessons in diplomacy could not be applied, as it seemed to matter little what approach he adopted—be it amenable or obstinate.
"I meant what I said yesterday about our partnership. Just because I can conduct myself with professionalism, a skill you seem to be woefully lacking in, it does not detract from the complete disdain I feel towards you."
The detective pulled back sharply, permitting access to the gear shift he had been draping himself over. His heart pounded in zealous thumps, rumbling through the RK900's skull. 
" Screw you ." The words were snapped as a coarse hiss, the increase in blood flow igniting a fire across his cheeks. "I don't give two shits if you want to keep your nickname between you and your gal-pals. From now on, I'm calling you Nines."
The RK900 did not respond, maintaining his focus on the road ahead. It was clear Reed was lashing out in any way he could—at least, to whatever degree could be considered 'safe.'
He experienced a slight twinge of pride, knowing the man's fall from inflated assurance had been his doing. Evidently, the tumble had left him distraught, an emotional low he lacked the skill to pull himself up from. 
While the constant yaps of protest were irritating, their impact was becoming more benign. All it had really required was a subtle tune of his inputs. 'PROTOCOL: REED' as he had labelled it in his database.
The newly developed system was not infallible, but it was helping. Nines was confident it would continue to increase in effectiveness—provided the stimuli remained predictable and no additional obstructions emerged.
Reed had relegated himself back to his post of sullen lookout, observing the passing buildings and cars as they whistled past. It was the closest to a willing forfeit he seemed capable of, which Nines received with cautious optimism.
The more the RK900 was permitted to function effectively, the quicker their affiliation could be dissolved. Allowing them to move on with their respective lives, the period spent as 'partners' an unfortunate footnote in their careers. 
> Perhaps he can prove willing to learn.
> To adapt to the unfortunate circumstances of our partnership rather than let hatred rule him. 
The vehicle was quiet for the remaining journey until they turned into the street of their destination. Passing a lacklustre procession of beaten-up stores, the automatic braking system activated, signalling they were close to the crime scene. 
Reed only spoke again as the DPD barricades came into view, cornering a particularly derelict alley, as well as a number of officers:
"Well, look who it is..." The vehicle came to a stop along the perimeter, and the man wasted no time in making his escape.
The rattling of the door handle was sharp and hurried, like an animal trying to warp the bars of its enclosure. Nines half expected him to drop to his knees and break into a bestial sprint, charging down the sidewalk.
"I'll go and see what's happening. You stay in the car, and I'll call you, okay?" 
His suggestion conflicted with the android's primary directive and was promptly disregarded. Studying the congestion on the road, Nines determined the safest approach would be to exit via the same route. He calmly slid his way over, moving to place his hand on the seal of the passage—
Then the door was slammed in his face.
> Perhaps not. 
The world was momentarily forgotten as Nines' self-preservation protocol activated. He deftly retracted his hand, sparing it the force of the impact. His head could not be manoeuvred with the same efficiency as the momentum rattled the car, sending a ripple through the seats. The android fell back against them, clutching the side of his grazed cranial chassis. 
After ensuring no internal damage had been sustained, he dismissed the warnings flashing in his ocular field. With cognitive functions reconfigured and preservation mode disengaged, the android was permitted freedom to make a more reasoned assessment of what had just occurred.
Very little was done with this permission. 
Rational thought fell to the wayside in favour of a rising temper. Clearly, what minuscule credit he had lent Reed still proved entirely too generous.  
Another notification entered his HUD, and he made a frustrated attempt to dismiss it—until releasing it had nothing to do with his rocketing internal temperature. It instead informed of an unread message on his communication network:
RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 >> RK900 #313 248 317 - 87
> I really am sorry about earlier. I wasn't thinking. 
> Let me know when you arrive at the crime scene.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87 >> RK800 #313 248 317 - 51
> We have just arrived.
> Detective Reed has slammed the door of the patrol vehicle in my face.
RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 >> RK900 #313 248 317 - 87
> Oh. Right. 
> RK800 is processing…
> Are you okay?  
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87 >> RK800 #313 248 317 - 51
> My diagnostics suggest that no lasting damage has been sustained.
> So yes. Physically, I am fine.
RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 >> RK900 #313 248 317 - 87
> You don't know if he did it on purpose. 
> It could have been an accident. 
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87 >> RK800 #313 248 317 - 51
> It wasn’t.
A petty side of him wished to stay in the car, allowing his partner to bumble aimlessly through the ongoing proceedings. He was certain the toxic mixture of apathy and overconfidence would lead to a plethora of missed evidence—the ensuing reprimand being something he’d gladly witness.
Unfortunately, Reed was not the only one who would suffer in this imagined scenario.
Poor-quality police work would only make his own duties harder, demanding he spend more time with his partner as he attempted to cobble together his woefully ramshackle accounts.
RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 >> RK900 #313 248 317 - 87
> Where is Gavin now? Is he still with you?
Nines looked through the window, studying his partner as he chatted with one of the attending officers. Given his broad smile and relaxed slouch, he had either developed a more sadistic delight for the brutalisation of androids—or their conversation had little to do with work.
Honing into the frequency of the exchange, the RK900 anticipated confirmation of the latter:
 "—What about you and that Jack guy? I thought you two were getting serious."
"We were. Until he decided to trade me in for a younger model."
"Ahh, I see. Sorry to hear that—”
Having heard more than enough, he blocked the channel. As expected, the exchange consisted of little more than superfluous gossip, with the current area of focus being his partner's more amorous endeavours. 
While he had never met this ‘Jack’ individual, the RK900 could only applaud their shrewd decision-making. It was a miracle Detective Reed had been able to secure any form of romantic companion, let alone one who had endured long enough to be considered ‘serious.’ 
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87 >> RK800 #313 248 317 - 51
> He is having a discussion with Officer Miller.
> About the recent dissolving of his domestic partnership. 
RK800 glossed over the subject, his aversion to discussing Detective Reed's love life as understandable as it was blatant. Instead, he focused his attention on the previous message:
RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 >> RK900 #313 248 317 - 87
> Chris? I didn't realise he was back at work. 
> Hank showed me some pictures he sent the other day. Damien was eating spaghetti and got it all over his face. It was very cute. :)
Nines could only assume ‘Damien’ was Officer Miller’s child. He did not care to verify. 
RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 >> RK900 #313 248 317 - 87
> Here, I can send it to you.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87 >> RK800 #313 248 317 - 51
> I would rather you didn't.  
RK800 #313 248 317 - 51 >> RK900 #313 248 317 - 87
> Oh, okay…that's fine. 
> I understand you're busy. Another time.
> Tell him Connor sends his best wishes!
Nines had no intention of honouring the request. 
He was still far too heated, entirely too upset with his partner to focus on anything else. All he could think about now was putting an end to his most recent display of professional negligence.
With a clipped tut, he reached forward to claim the door handle, gripping it tightly. The harsh bang following his exit was enough to startle a nearby patrol officer. She jumped back from the noise, openly squealing. It had also summoned the attention of several other attendees, including Reed and Miller:
Their expressions fell in tandem as the android charged towards them, albeit settling into decidedly different outcomes. Reed's was a level of sullen contempt that almost appeared long-suffering despite their only two-day affiliation. 
“Apologies for intruding on such a touching reunion,” the android began, levelling the men, but most aptly his partner, with an accusatory glare. “I would appreciate it if you could refrain from idle chit-chat, Detective Reed. We have a job to complete.”
Despite not being the target of his admonishment,  Miller was decidedly more affected. His head perked up, eyes blown like a startled animal. One who had been scoped by a familiar, deadly predator.
Based on the man's prior experiences, Nines supposed this assessment could be considered accurate. 
It had been three days into training when he enquired about the empty desk at the end of the precinct—and RK800 informed him accordingly. Officer Miller had been placed on compassionate leave, the consequence of a traumatic incident that occurred a few weeks prior. 
The incident in question involved a run-in with a group of Jericho revolutionaries, as well as their leader. A stoic RK200 by the resignation ‘Markus.’
Once Miller's initial shock had waned, he proceeded in a flustered attempt to compose himself. After rubbing his clammy hands across the front of his uniform, he held one out in offering to the android.
"Hey, I, uh, I don't think we've met.” A smile was spread across his lips, so strained it looked as though it had been fastened by safety pins. 
Beyond the feigned affability, Nines observed how his body shook in lingering tremours, curling into itself. His clunky work boots sidled back in miniscule steps as though he was subtly attempting to retreat. 
"Officer RK900, Serial Number 313 248 317 - 87.” He did not oblige the handshake, seeing no point in physical contact that wasn't desired. "You appear to be nervous, Officer Miller, so I'll keep this brief. There is no need for drawn-out introductions.”
Miller's already deflated posture slumped even further as his arm fell limply to his side. Nines couldn't help but wonder if confirmation of his model number had contributed to the man's unease and whether he was aware of this bias.
RK800 would likely have disputed this if he were present. By all accounts, Miller had forgiven their predecessor for what occurred between them, as had seemingly everyone else. The common consensus was that RK200 had shown mercy. 
Nines remained unconvinced, struggling to trust in noble intent given the performative nature of the revolutionary's actions. 
It made for a powerful image, after all. A symbol for change, with a gun poised towards an agent of the establishments that sought to oppress them. Had he simply wished to ‘spare’ the human, there would have been no need for this performance. Holding the barrel to his head, pausing for solemn consideration before ultimately deciding to lower it. 
His calculations proved accurate, as reports of the incident would sway the minds of many detractors. Generating support and sympathy that otherwise would have never existed.
Perhaps in another reality, where RK200 determined violence would send a stronger message, Miller had not been so fortunate. Reduced to a bloodied husk, his mind splattered across the tarmac…
“Please try to understand 
with consideration 
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Nines was forced to grapple with a wave of mangled cognition as his systems sought to return to a more functional state. The electrical pulses charging his brain proved deeply unpleasant, pushing his head into a sidelong tilt. His discomfort was helped little by Reed, who decided now would be the optimal time to fire off a groaned complaint. 
“Could you not have stayed in the car? For five fucking minutes?” 
The pulses amplified, radiating his neck, as his focus snapped to the man. His demand seemed rooted in some lingering sense of dominance, the idea that compliance should be expected. 
It was a notion that proved woefully outdated and one the android was keen to correct.
“You have no authority over me, Detective,” Nines seethed, the title lingering bitterly on his tongue. “There was no reason to comply with your request.”
The partners found themselves in a stalemate, glaring at each other with mutual contempt, neither willing to budge. Miller had been placed in the middle, appearing intensely uncomfortable. He shuffled on the balls of his feet before making a fumbled attempt to cut through the tension. 
"Do you…” The officer paused, his focus darting to Reed as though making a muted plea for escape, “want me to show you to the victim?"  
The detective whipped around, moving at such a velocity that he almost generated his own wind current. 
You read my mind. Nines, feel free to do your—” He waved his hand in a loose circling gesture, as though searching for the correct words before quickly giving up, “—analysis thingy, or whatever you android detectives like to call it."
The man was gone before Nines could object, pressing his hand to Miller's back and firmly ushering him into the alley. His urgency seemed to suggest that the victim might wander off were they not located immediately.
> Fine. 
Secure in his knowledge that a deceased android did not pose an imminent flight risk, Nines determined the next logical step would be to complete a preliminary survey. Reasonably, someone had to, with the lead investigator having just made it clear he had no intention of doing so. It was yet another example of negligence, one he would make sure to include in his end-of-day report.
For now, he resigned himself to relying on existing records provided by first responders. The beginning of these was a witness statement from one of the victim's friends, a woman named Valerie Banks. They had planned to meet at a local coffee shop, but when the android failed to show up—unreachable by telecommunications—Valerie grew concerned.
The cafÊ was in a densely packed commercial area, about two blocks from the crime scene. While it could be reached by populated sidewalks, taking a shortcut through the alleyway reduced the overall journey time by approximately six minutes. The victim was well aware of this, using the route frequently. 
It was because of this routine that the body was discovered so promptly. Fortunate for the authorities, but less so for the witness, who had been deeply traumatised by what she'd seen. 
Bending down to street level, he studied the crumbled asphalt leading into the alley. The foundation had given way to a network of cracks, exposing the soil beneath. Running his fingers along the edge, there were limited signs of recent displacement, save those caused by the action. 
Indeed, there was nothing to indicate any recent traffic until he moved further along the line and discovered a faded scuff. Dirt had been dragged from the central path, leading away from it. The print matched the patterned sole of a StrideTech ‘Velocity 2036’ sneaker: Women's Size 6.
The first stages of reconstruction began to commence. A wireframe effigy of the victim took shape at the edge of the sidewalk. It then idled in place, calmly awaiting further instruction. 
He took a soil sample, rolling it between his fingers before placing it on his tongue. Using the garnered analytics, he scanned for other traces. They led him th
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imaginedreamwrite ¡ 1 year
Silverfox Jake Jenson with a hacker who has been giving him trouble cause shes bored and loves bothering him. Maybe it's a former high school friend and he doesn't know it
“Hack the unhackable,” the click of your keyboard had been the secondary break of silence while you sat in your dorm room, with the first being your friends pausing tone, “you’re going to try and hack Professor Lacey’s friend?”
“Jack the unhackable,” you grinned and turned in your chair, facing her head on, “he claims to be a solidly protected man with an unreachable computer-”
“This guy was in the army, Bee!” Your friend cut you off, raising another concern over your attempt to cure your boredom by targeting Jake Jensen.
The Silverfox guest speaker in your current computers course had been well received by a number of the female students in class. His height was the first check mark for so many of the girls, and then his charming goofiness had only added to it all.
Jake Jensen, ex-army and self-labeled computer genius, had appeared in front of your class to many starry-eyes women who thought it was more than his height and broad shoulders that garnered their attention. Jake Jensen was gorgeous, truly he was, a rightful silverfox if you’d ever seen one.
But it was his perception that he was unhackable that stole your attention. It was the claim that he was the best at keeping others out that made you want to push him.
“Bee, reconsider this.” Your friend plopped onto your bed, playing with one of your pillows. “This army guy…”
“Likes to play games,” you grinned and rolled your shoulders back, admiring the gates shutting before your very eyes, and the challenge that rose from it.
“Y/N-” she attempted again, another chance to turn back before an invitation popped up on your screen.
“Pirate Hat and boxers?” You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head as the random words had shown up on the screen beyond the invitation to some kind of parlay. They were randomly shoved between text and code, files and documents you’d been allowed to weed through however they seemed to be completely irrelevant.
“Blogging! Why can’t you go start blogging? Or steal a billion dollars from Elon Musk?”
“I think…” your smile fell for a moment before it rose again. “I think Jake Jensen wants to meet me. An address and a time-”
“-you can’t be serious?” She scoffed, typing away at her phone before pulling up the name of the building and company residing inside. “Its one of those destruction rooms, you know where you go and smash things up.”
“Admiration and annoyance,” you turned from your computer screen and crossed your arms over your chest, “I’m gonna meet him.”
“Does he even know who you are? This is the first time you’ve hacked him?”
“Third, actually.” You let your computer software run in the background while you spoke to your friend, shrugging softly before you continued to speak. “The first time he shut me out right away, the last time I had managed to rearrange his personalization settings and every time he pressed a certain key an army of animated ducks would dance across his screen-”
“Bee!” She screeched and scolded you with your petname. “You did not-!”
“This time…I got a date invitation.” You grinned and looked over your shoulder. “He has no idea who I am. But soon he will.”
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head-post ¡ 1 month
British entrepreneur Mike Lynch among missing after yacht sinks off Sicily
The sailing yacht Bayesian was caught in an unexpectedly violent storm and sank near the Sicilian capital Palermo early Monday morning. One person was killed and six people are missing, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch and his daughter.
The 56-metre (184-foot) British-flagged Bayesian sailing boat, with 22 people on board, was anchored close to shore near the port of Porticello when fierce bad weather struck, the Italian coastguard said in a statement.
Witnesses said the yacht quickly disappeared beneath the waves shortly before dawn. Fifteen people managed to escape before the yacht went down, including Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who owned the yacht, and a one-year-old girl.
The names of the dead and missing were not immediately released, but a person familiar with the rescue operation confirmed that Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah had not been found.
Salvatore Cocina, head of Sicily’s civil defence, said Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley International (MS.N) and Chris Morvillo, a lawyer at Clifford Chance, were also among the missing.
The Italian Coast Guard said the missing had British, US and Canadian citizenship. Survivors said the trip was organised by Lynch for his work colleagues.
Lynch, 59, is one of Britain’s best-known technology entrepreneurs. He created the country’s largest software company, Autonomy, from his pioneering research at Cambridge University and became known as Britain’s Bill Gates. He sold the company to HP for $11 billion before the deal spectacularly collapsed and the US tech giant accused him of fraud in 2011.
Lynch, once vaunted by academics, scientists and politicians, has spent much of the last decade in court defending his name. In June, a jury in San Francisco acquitted him after he spent more than a year virtually under house arrest. At the time, he said he was “happy” to have been acquitted in a criminal trial in which he denied any wrongdoing and blamed HP for the failed integration of the two companies.
Read more HERE
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wellthebardsdead ¡ 11 months
Just a reminder yall you can mod baldurs gate if you’re on pc. Lemme get you started with an Aasimar mod.
Download Vortex mod Manager, this’ll be your best friend when it comes to installing mods. You can find it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/
Follow the prompts to get it set up and you’re good to go. If you have any trouble just look up ‘downloading vortex’ on YouTube. There’s a plethora of tutorials uploaded regularly with each update.
Next, download your mods. For this one let’s use the Aasimar mod I’ve been most interested in recently https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/4159?tab=description
It allows access to race based perks, wing and facial customisations etc just like any other race in game.
Next, check the mod requirements. Some mods require other things to work smoothly, especially for things such as character animations, unique dialogue trees or more:
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This one requires the improved UI mod you can download here: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/366
If you’re confused on how to download said mods here’s a simple way. Click download with vortex, and click on slow download if you’re not paying for the premium service. It’ll ask to open vortex, click open vortex and the mod manager will do the rest of the work.
Or if it’s a manual file. Don’t be scared. Click download and open up where the file was saved in your files. Then simply drag and paste into vortex manually. The mod manager will configure the data and install it from there without any further input needed from you.
Remember there’s more tutorials available online, I’ve just seen a few people afraid or unsure where to start. And you can do this for a variety of games so long as you’re downloading mods specific for those games. Don’t try loading a baldurs gate mod into skyrim your pc will cry etc.
AND! Most importantly. Don’t be afraid of viruses. All these mods go through EXTENSIVE checks with nexus and they or vortex will filter out any thing dangerous. It’s completely safe but if you are nervous, a vpn or any virus protection software will keep you safe where they fail.
But with that said, happy modding! A new adventure awaits!
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eventtitans ¡ 3 months
The Anatomy of a Perfect Event Page: Boost Your Attendance with Tickets99
The deal occurs when your Event Page grabs eyeballs and pushes them into buying the tickets; the rest is just half the work done in creating the event. This is where a great Event Page holds the difference to your getting live audiences or going home empty. At Tickets99, we master the art of making compelling event pages to pull in, engage, and convert site visitors into attendees.
In this article, we are going to perform surgery on the anatomy of an ideal event page and identify the key elements that can get your event to turn into success. The best part is we'll showcase a firm brimming with features: Event management software firm platform, which is going to help you to design an event website doing all this and a lot more.
Inviting Title and Description of Event
The event title is the first bit visitors will see, so make it savvy, informative, and attention-getting. It should give your visitor an instant feel for what your event is all about.
Example: "Summer Beats Festival: Get Ready for a Night to Remember with Great Music and Loads of Fun"
Give a brief, attractive description noting the event type, major attractions, date, time, and location.
Sample: "Come and join the Summer Beats Festival, a night full of electrifying performances from the finest DJs, gourmet food trucks, thrilling activities, and fun. Cannot wait to welcome August 20th, 6 PM to midnight, Central Park."
2. High-Resolution Visuals
Images are bound to make all eyes wander at best and puzzle together a bright, active image of your event. Apply our favorite high-resolution photographs and playful video clips to pique their interest in what they're here for.
How to implement:
Upload pictures of past events.
Upload any videos that may offer the user 'behind-the-scenes' of the performances/ activity/speaker.
3. Comprehensive Event Schedule
An event agenda will enable your attendees to plan their day. It also creates suspense for each particular session, performer, or activity tied up to the day. For instance:
6:00 PM: Gates Open
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm: Opening Act : The Local Band
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Headline Performance - DJ Awesome
10:30 PM -12:00 Midnight: After Party with Special Guest
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4. Speaker and Performer Information
Feature each of the other key speakers or performers at your event. Included would be their bio, image and social media or website link.
DJ Awesome: A world-class DJ that has lit up global stages with his high-octane shows and that boasts a string of top-rated hits on music charts.
5. Showcase Sponsors and partners
Adding sponsors and partners will help build reliability and support to your event. If they showcase it on the event page, it might add some great relations with potential sponsors for the future events you would host.
Sponsored by:
XYZ Beverages
ABC Clothing
123 Tech Solutions
6. Social Media Integration
Add links to social media handles to drive more engagement and reach. Also, enable sharing buttons so that the attendees can share your event with its network/profile, quite easily.
Best Practices:
Show live feeds of social media.
Create a buzz by using event-specific hashtags.
7. Event-Specific Website
When you have such an array of elements on one page for any event, it could get overwhelming, except that it is pretty easy to do when using Tickets99. It gives you a totally end-to-end event website that eases registration, manages digital campaigns, and tracks engagements of attendees in real-time.
Key Features:
Multimedia Showcase: Display high-quality images and videos to entice them on what is coming their way.
Social Handles Integration: Add and display your social media handles for increased user interaction.
Past Events and Speaker Details: Show past event accomplishments and a big brief for a speaker/performer.
Sponsor Highlights: Bring sponsors up on stage for maximum credibility and to have a good relationship with them.
Upcoming Agenda Display: Includes a detailed session itinerary to allow your user to view a glimpse of the event in advance.
With Tickets99, registering for an event really couldn't be easier. Now you can prepare custom agendas for your event, conduct digital campaigns E2E for your event, and monitor the real-time engagement of the attendees in the events being managed within your organization. All the event's information is in one place and readily available at the attendees' fingertips, reducing the hurdles to keep abreast of it all and remaining in a rush.
8. CTA Clearing
Your landing page, as with everything else, should have only one clear and compelling call to action. Again, in this way, it's very easy for that site visitor to go ahead and buy tickets or register, so put a clear and visually appealing CTA right on the page.
Get Your Tickets Now!
Register Today and Save!
Preaching appointments and event pages is one model toward making your event a success. This does not only preach attendance but incorporates the features aforementioned and uses the great features set out on Tickets99; you get an event page that not only attracts but also engages and finally converts visitors into attendees.
Ready to elevate your next event? Click on through to Tickets99 today to get started building out your perfect event page.
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poisonthefuckingwell ¡ 7 months
This new Indie game is the dark souls of genre!
From software's runaway hit series, dark Souls revolutionised the RPG genre with its focus on memorable punishing bosses and blackmailing your grandmother into doing my evil bidding. Memorable bosses like crash Bandicoot, Bill gates, and the attractive mute female dragon that marries the talking donkey in revolutionary fantasy stories we can all relate to.
Necessitating indie flabbergasted means pushing an envelope, ripping open the registers, and side winding into the horizon , arms laden with succulent limes. But you didn't come here to talk about dark souls. You came here to talk about the latest indie title combining the late night cozy of crafting and post dad games with the high adrenal action of licking the underside of an incoming barnacle train. Who are we to judge. I just am upbeat and plucky game journalist with the sardonic wit that makes you glue 23 chocolate bars to a duck, and you can bank on that.
It's hard being impartial reviewing this indie classic that hasn't even come out yet without taking about nostalgia place in brunch time, crunch time, and some other fourth thing related to the words triple a or hyper inflation. walkie talkie and hockey pockey is what the kids are calling it. Of course with inner city management simulators on the up swing what are your roasted salmons doing after school? And that's a dodge roll you can depend on. San Francisco is an odd setting for a dark and twisted elf filled rooter tooter shooter booter and we here at popular video game seo.magazine appreciate that kind of backwards thinking if we can make a solitary Rusty nickle off of it.
Best wishes, happy birthday, and good gaming
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borisbubbles ¡ 1 year
Eurovision 2022: #10 - #6
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10. UNITED KINGDOM Sam Ryder - “SPACE MAN 2nd place
Decade rank: 18/79 [above Last dance, below Je me casse]
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There are moments I forget Sam Ryder and Space Man are real things that happened. A good song representing Union Jack colours, by an influencer who looks like a labrador superimposed onto the face of Janice the muppet through deepfake software. Are we sure this was not a fever dream? 😳 Are we sure this is the BBC ? 
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So uh yeah, the UK had a pretty good entry last year. 🙂 At last, a British hopeful who isn’t embarrassing right out of the gate and could unironically be described as enjoyable. If The UK were winning a jury vote any year, then 2022 was that golden opportunity.
The crazy part is that they did AND it felt earned? “Space Man” is so unequivocally British-sounding. The score effortlessly conjures up that unique Brit-rock vibe that we know from Queen, David Bowie, the Beatles, and turns it into something that sounds like a clarion of triumph thundering gloriously over the Turin 2022′s remaining proceedings.
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I feel like Space Man’s inherent sense of achievement and of victory - despite the lyrics dealing with the dark side of success and the return to the simple life - (you know i love a clever lyrical contradition) made so many people flock to it. There WAS some lameness to be found (”searched around the universe / been down some black holes” did the songwriters look at grindr bio’s for their material?) but overall Space Man stood up as the rare Good UK entry.
So if you have all that empowerment jazz in your song, you need a good act to bring it out? Fortunately, the BBC for once did well there too. As soon as I saw they had built a spacecraft out of scaffholding (clever lateral staging btw), had stuffed in Ryder into a swarovski-studded leotard and forced him to perform a cheesy guitar solo I knew. I knew they had managed to summon the spirit of Ziggy Stardust to bless Ryder with winnerness and that he would steer his rebar rocket into a top finish. And so he did. 
Now, as for my reservations because I have a few
One, Ryder. Yes, Ryder had the best vocal out of anyone this year, period. I have no doubts he’s a genial young man too. Cool if you care about these things. I however do not, because I don’t find him charismatic. 🙂 First of all, he does fucking look like a deepfake what the hell is up with that? Secondly, the adlibs. Normally I like it when contestants go full ham but here I find it irritating. Space man is good and doesn’t fucking need embellishment. Therefore the adlibs must be some kneejerk instinct Ryder inherited from his influencer days, which ew. The BBC have taken Ryder out of the TikTok but they have not managed to take TikTok out of the Ryder. 
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Two, The Social Media Craze. You already know I feel about that stuff and how it interacts with Eurovision, although I mind it not so much here - Space Man came fifth in the televote and not first (and thankfully, also not seventeenth), and was also adopted by the radio stations ahead of its viralness. Also Space Man went less viral than Snap. Its popularity was a natural evolution.  All of these things are preferable when you’re solidly into “Good Not Great” territory. 🙂 Still, any mileage derived from braindead spyware apps is a sin on principle, so ::ding:: 
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Three, Irrespective of anything else I’ve written above, I’ve always solidly liked, but never fully loved Space Man. This applies to both the song and its staging. I don’t mind that it got second, but it did beat better entries while doing so. Eleven months later I still feel that way, and as we go forward in this ranking, it has to leave within this update. If I have to choose who to rank higher between an annoying influencer with a good song and a bunch of lovable randoms with clown fiesta music, the randoms always win! 
09. IRELAND Brooke - “That’s rich” 34th place
Decade Rank: 16/79 [Above Destiny, below Natalia Gordienko]
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God I wanted it for Brooke, I really, REALLY wanted it! In the same vein as Ryder, finally an entrant for Ireland that isn’t a walking cringe, or a dead on arrival lamus or an offensive sap. Finally an Irish entry that isn’t fucking HOPELESS. (um ignore that I believed in Maps until it crashlanded into last place lol)
But of course, less hopeless than the average Irish entry only meant "another solid NQ, just not in last place this time”. lol. 😥 
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I greatly enjoyed Brooke though. Here’s yet another flawlessly flawed combination of song and singer, united in holy floptrimony. “That’s rich” is a trash baby of the finest camp qualité, and at least half of its sassy vernacular belongs in an Almanac for All Time Eurovision lyrics. LOSER LOSE YOUR ATTITUDE I’M DOING GOOD YEAH THAT’S ON ME and BYE BYE FOOL are and will forever be a part of my brain-to-post jargon from this Brooke onwards. Me and the friends even conjured up a French version called “C’est Riche” which is the ultimate high honour you can get, as I’m sure you’ll agree.
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The way Brooke and That’s Rich synergize together spoke to me. The song is very sassy and feisty and playful, whereas the singer is kind of... a dorky shrew (<3). Reminder that Brooke is a friend to all Spanish Customs Officers and dedicated enough towards maintaining that friendship to greet her Italian audiences with  “OLÉ OLÉ OLÉ” . She went ALL IN on channelling ALL the emotions during her live performance. Unlike Ryder’s, Brooke’s adlibs felt genuine enough to adore. Let the GIF reel commence: ´
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Ryder dead in a ditch. Brooke broke from her betadom to live the ALPHA LYFE on that stage and based on merit, I thought she had it. Yet almost nobody (of relevance) cared?! How? Well ok I know why (it’s eurotrash <3) but honestly how difficult was it to just penalize all the cheaters on the spot? I guess garbage like Fade to Black and River absolutely DESERVED those algoritm points!!! In the end, I can accept this outcome because WRS also served edible fun and I sorta nibbled, but Europe denied us a feisty feast here! Another year were Ireland deserved better! WILL IT EVER END?!
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08. AUSTRIA Lum!x ft. Pia Maria - “Halo” 36th place
Decade rank: 14/79 [Above Natalia Gordienko, below Senhit]
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There you have it. This year’s best non-qualifier. And its journey was through Eurovisionland was WILD. 😍
Where to start? Like always and more pressingly than usual, at the selection.  Imagine waking up to Austria declaring that a 20 year old Gabry Ponte protégé with no solo experience will be their rep, accompanied by something or someone called “Pia Maria”, a name that gave you zero hits if you put it through google or spotify. So of course me and the gang instantly started spec’ing whether “Pya Mariyah”  was a huge untapped talent discovered through chance by Lum!x (not implausable! Janet Grogan is, after all, a better vocalist than Adele), a highly advanced neural net or Philipp Kirkorov in disguise.
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Then “Halo” was released, and it doled out BpM at a faster pace than most nightcores and had an absolute word casserole for lyrics. 😍 “Philosophers like Socrates go find something to get on your feet. Go sharpen your teeth” lmfao what?! 
 And like that, the journey dove head-first into hilarious absurdity. WHAT IS THIS ENTRY?! This was chosen by the SAME people that bored us with Cesár Sampson and Vincent KinderBueno? HOW did ORF land on Pia Maria? Where did they find her? Did they select her via a raffle, or was she in the room when Lumix realized he needed a vocalist? Was she a random they snagged off the streets? Is she someone’s secret nepobaby? It honestly fries my brain that this was deemed a serious attempt at a qualifying entry by the fandom.
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So yeah the second they had set a foot in PalaOlimpico,  Pia and Luca immediately immolated themselves to death in a blaze of chaotic neutral. I hope everyone saw this coming because I sure did and relished every nanosecond of it. Pia became winded approximately 40 seconds into the performance and spent the rest of the performance running a losing race against her vital capacity.
Luca meanwhile, oh man. Pia gets a bad wrap for her vocals, and she was Not Very Good, but like what do you expect from a newbie cajoled into performing a litany of jibberish. What really took “Hayla Ho” on a ride down Hysteria Lane for me were Luca’s jubilant adlibs juxtaposed to Pia’s visible failure. Every time Pia missed a note she at least looked a bit disappointed with herself. Luca went on a fucking runner’s high with every passing beat, blissfully unaware to the hellscape forming itself around him and Pia.
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He absolutely CANNOT contain himself. 😍 So much so that his voice cracks THREE SECONDS INTO HALO. 😍 The true insane asylum heights of fusedmarc were never reached, but they came sorta close.
So yeah, like That’s Rich, Halo was instantly ironic eurotrash. Unlike That’s Rich, I not once thought Halo would do well lmfao. How could anyone think that?! Its entire purpose at Eurovision was to be a great and memorable trainwreck. They passed with flying colours <3
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Oh and as all great morality tales go, this one ends with Pia deleting Luca off her social media mere hours after the live performance, having accomplished her goal of getting a three-week free holiday 😍  If that doesn’t cement her as the most relatable neural net of this decade, then idk what will. 
K and now for a MASSIVE leap in quality: 
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07. THE NETHERLANDS S10 - “De diepte” 11th place
Decade rank: 11/79 [above Manizha, below TBA]
🦉😂 -- S10, me.
Yep, above Manizha who was top five for me in 2021. 2022 is strangely top-heavy, where the good entries are all GREAT and the rest of the contest simply doesn’t exist. 
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So yeah, time to discuss a few Real Songs before the final countdown. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Eurovision is a music contest. This selectful forgetfulness is achieved when great music fails to reach the top 10! 🙄 And people wonder why juries are important. Forget the Die Togethers and Fade to Blacks of this world - THIS is sort of interpretation juries ought to reward. 
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Anyway, “De diepte” is kind of my jam and you may think this would make the write-up easier and you’re so so so wrong. Stien dwells deeply (ahem) in that Victoria zone where the quality is so obvious it renders further words redundant. WHICH IS PERSONAL RANKER HELL!!! 
 “De diepte” is not some dreck-wreck featuring several layers of mass hysteria (some of which only exist in my head <3) that I get to describe in various degrees of colourful language. "De diepte” is a song. A real song. It’s emotionally layered, intelligent, well structured and easy to listen to on repeat, and I have for several hours total. The moment RIGHT after the big note, when S10 looks almost overwhelmed with emotion and is about to cry man, I Felt That. I Felt it in my core, in my bones, in my soul. I’m not made of concrete. The contrast with Botmanda couldn’t be greater:
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Now as far as my random things I specifically loved about S10 go, they include: her nom-de-plume which caused several people (including Matt 🥴) to pronounce her name as “Season Ten”, the fact that AVROTROS wanted to push a song in Dutch and then came up with a chorus that can mostly be summarized by two emojis, and of course this:
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It’s not quite the Tinkara sorcery, but the intent is there, and I appreciate it. 
Other than that, “De diepte” is a very good showcase of Dutch indiepop, which -living 30 km from the NL border- is a genre I know very well and fucking love. It’s what I would call A Real Song, a song that actually speaks to people and has legs outside of the contest. It’s defo something I would listen to during the off-season when i’m detoxing from ESC if it had not been ESC itself.
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However, I have to also put my Big Ranker’s Pants on and make my Big Ranker decisions: When picking who I rank ahead of other entries I like roughly the same, I need to assess the contest. 2022 was light on europulp spectacle and heavy on the”“Good Musical Quality” type of entry. So in a sense, I feel like i need to prioritize spectacle over song to a certain degree. Or at least those I am able to praise with more profound terms than “this is very good, not a top 10, REALLY, Europe?”.
And on that note~
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06. PORTUGAL MARO - “Saudade, saudade” 9th Place
Decade rank: 10/79 [Above S10, below TBA]
Ok so, S10, Maro and the 5th placer are basically three acts I like equally much, and they’re ranked based on how much I can talk about :-) 
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THOSE ARE THE RANKER’S RULES, SORRY! Speaking of things that rule, I present Maro: a woman who forgot to stage her song in the semi of FdC because she assumed nobody would like her and then won the final in an overwhelming landslide <3 
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and for good reason because “Saudade Saudade” is berry gud. Like “De diepte” i feel like its appeal is just very obvious? It’s clever, it’s emotional, it’s very well performed. It is one of those songs that would find their way to an audience even without the exposure of the Eurovision Song Contest.
That said, Maro *very* narrowly edges out S10 for me for a handful of reasons. First off, while beam sorcery is a nice staging trick, I do find the circle of wymyn powah a slightly stronger visual representation. It creates some interaction on the stage,which translates to spectacle, which translates to good television. 
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Secondly, the vocals: Systur’s harmonies were already outstanding. Maro and her backings are even better. Maro’s own hoarse vocals holy heck. t’s difficult to fully engage into praise because Cornelia exists and we’ll get there in the next post, but talk about a song whose rawness came alive through sheer vocal timbre. Anyone who can sing is able pull off a “De diepte”. The list of people that are capable of doing a “Saudade Saudade” is very short.
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Thirdly, both songs deal with break-ups and letting go, but I find Maro’s methods more wholesome.  “Saudade, Saudade” is literally an attempt at unspooling raw thoughts being put into little word blankets, and coming to the realization that the best memories and strongest emotions cannot be turned into lyrics. They exist in the heart. And that I can feel.
Ok some other little details here include Maro recruiting her former rivals Ginger Ale Lady and Woman’s Corpse Lady into her backing cabal, the fact that her fucking insta handle is or was @ItsAMeMARO and her growing disbelief that people really *truly* liked her as much as they did, and you know you have a pretty awesome contestant on your hands. Maro feels humble in a genuine and endearing way that you rarely see in Eurovision where most contestants are inexperienced, ambitious or huge fans. 
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Overall though, Maro runs into the same ranker curse as S10. There just isn’t much to discuss beyond the music, and the music is really darn good. Still, it’s a very positive sign that the juries recognized that by giving her 5th place (without a single 12? lol?) and countered her bad position in the R/O. In the full picture she falls a bit short for me though. 🤷‍♀️
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tottwritesfanfic ¡ 2 years
Hope’s Fire State of Play - Chapter 37
This post is intended to be a quick (well, compared to re-reading the entire story, it’s actually still like 1200 words long) refresher for people who have already read Hope’s Fire up to and including chapter 37. As the last update was all the way back in 2018, and there are a lot of moving parts in this story, (as well as a lot of characters), I figured it might be helpful! Obviously, if you haven’t read all of the story up until this point, there are tremendous spoilers ahead, so please bear that in mind before clicking on the readmore.
So! Where is everyone, and what’s going on?
As of the end of Chapter 37 of Hope’s Fire, it is the early hours of Tuesday morning (it’s actually Tuesday 1st June 2004, although the full date isn’t especially relevant to the plot), and the story features: 12 Chosen Children, 12 Digimon Partners, 7/8 parents (who are actively involved for the time being), and about 20 different characters across the various areas of the story’s main setting. I tend to refer to this as the “Mirror World”, or MW for short, because the day/night cycle is the opposite of Earth’s. This also means that it is Tuesday afternoon in the MW. (Though that much is pretty arbirtrary and just helps to keep track of the story, it’s functionally just 12 hours offset and doesn’t much matter which way.)
The scale of Hope’s Fire makes it a little overwhelming to keep track of, honestly, which is why I tend to break the story down into “arcs” - not in terms of plot, but in terms of location.
At present, there are five main areas that the characters are spread across: Earth, the Digital World, and then three locations within the MW: “The City”, “The Forest City”, and “The Mountain Fastness”.
Of these five arcs, Earth and the Digital World (DW for short!) are pretty straightforward. Most of the kids and parents involved are using Taichi and Hikari’s apartment as their Earth-based hub, aside from poor Mr Ishida who is stuck at home all by himself, because Yamato and Sora disappeared from his apartment, and no one on Earth (or the DW) currently knows where they are, or what has happened to them.
In the Digital World, Daisuke and Iori are preparing to defend against signs of corruptions or distortions, because both the DW and the MW seem to have similar problems with creatures crossing between worlds and/or being corrupted as a result. This is a Bad Thing. Miyako is shortly to join them, because honestly, an army of two isn’t great, which means that Yamato and Takeru’s mother Natsuko is about to take over the role of liaison. She’s using Ken’s laptop, which runs chat software that connects to all the D-Terminals, and the phones of the older Chosen Children (CC) who don’t have D-Terminals.
One of the biggest challenges they face, therefore, is the fact that in the MW, the signal is spotty and often unreliable, and the CC are still learning its limitations. At times it has cut out for no obvious reason, leaving some of the CC dangerously under-informed. For example, there is signal in the Forest City, but not in the Mountain Fastness.
Speaking of the Fastness! This is where both Ken and Jou are, along with their partners. Jou accidentally dragged Ken and Wormmon into the MW via a Fear Gate, which came as something of a shock to everyone. Jou was injured in this incident, breaking both his foot and the frame of his glasses. This puts them in a doubly awkward position, as the Fastness seems to be rather disorganised and poorly resourced, and they are currently trying to persuade the local inhabitants to help them link up with the others. How they will manage this with Jou’s injury and the fact that the Fastness largely regards the world outside as impassable? That remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, in the Forest City, Taichi, Koushiro and Takeru are all recovering from various wounds and fatigue they suffered over the last few days. Taichi fared best, with just a few cuts and scrapes, but Koushiro and Takeru were both badly injured by a fall on Sunday, and these injuries were made worse by their lack of immediate access to proper medical treatment. Despite breaking his wrist, Koushiro is already impatient and trying to research as best he can with only one good hand and no laptop, while Takeru has basically only just woken up as he was already injured before the fall, which…he’s not having a good time, okay? He’s been better. They have all been reunited with their partners, which is a big source of relief for Koushiro…and also Hikari!
Hikari is in the Forest City too, but had a very different experience getting there, and is the only CC to have made a deliberate return journey to Earth in order to resupply, (bringing Alwyn, a resident of the Forest City, with her when she did so). After being separated from Tailmon when her partner was dragged back to Earth without her, Hikari made the unfortunate discovery that, unlike in the DW, their electronic devices are more than capable of running out of power in the MW.
Unaware that the other three were on their way to the Forest City, she was forced to put herself in harm’s way to get her devices working, and carry back a message to the others on Earth. Hikari returned to the Forest City with a large selection of batteries, and Tentomon in tow, and is currently trying to acclimate herself to the time difference between worlds. She is also happily reunited with Tailmon, who had previously returned to the MW with Taichi and the others.
Despite some of the aforementioned communication hiccoughs, for the most part, everyone mentioned so far is on the same page in terms of what they know about the others and their progress. This is definitely not the case when it comes to the final plot arc, centred in The City.
What is known is that Yamato was exploring the location, and vanished in the early hours of Sunday morning. Following his disappearance, Sora also vanished from his apartment in equally (if not more!) mysterious circumstances late on Sunday evening. Both have their partners with them, but (with one exception!) this is all that anyone else knows.
In fact, Yamato was apprehended by soldiers of The City on Sunday, who mistook him for an enemy spy, and interrogated him as a result. Following the trauma of this interrogation, Yamato was thrown back to Earth via a Fear Gate, at which point he accidentally dragged Sora and Piyomon over to the MW, as he was fearful for Gabumon’s safety. Sora was then also subjected to an interrogation by a mysterious and unpleasant person known as Lord Cahir, who afterwards erased Sora’s memories of this encounter.
As a direct result of this, not only do the others not know where Yamato and Sora (and their partners) are, but the two of them are also very much isolated and ignorant of what has been happening elsewhere. Additionally, having spent several days with little food or water in cold dungeons, neither they nor their partners are faring particularly well.
However! Having found herself amid a mysterious city herself, Mimi had been looking for them, convinced that she found herself in the city Yamato had described before his disappearance. After a few false starts and dangerous encounters which left her both shaken and wounded, Mimi managed to charm another band of soldiers roaming the surface, who agreed to guide her to meet Their Graces, rulers of The City, as she had an important message from the Forest City thanks to the others passing it along.
Whilst travelling to meet Their Graces, Mimi became aware that Yamato had been apprehend there a few days earlier, and made the obvious assumption that Sora must be with him. Furious that her friends were being mistreated, Mimi immediately disregarded her own injuries, stormed off to meet Their Graces, and demanded they be released.
Chapter 37 ends with Yamato, Gabumon, Sora, and Piyomon being summoned from the dungeons, for reasons neither they nor their captors understand…
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mojojapod ¡ 2 years
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chandravamsi ¡ 3 days
Top Property Management Software Options for Real Estate Investors in India
Managing a growing real estate portfolio in India can be a challenging task. For investors looking for streamlined solutions, property management software integrated with a robust real estate property portal like Look My Property is essential. This software enables efficient rental property management, tracking income, lease management, and other tasks across multiple properties. Look My Property is a comprehensive property management portal in India with a vast database of properties. It offers more than just listings – it provides essential features to aid in managing, buying, and renting properties.
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Look My Property provides access to over 10,000 listings in Hyderabad, making it a prime destination for those interested in real estate management in India. Whether you're looking for apartments, commercial properties, open plots, or luxury villas, this real estate property portal offers easy-to-navigate search options based on your budget, location, and preferences. Investors and homebuyers alike can browse various property types such as ready-to-move apartments, villas, and open plots. Look My Property is ideal for rental property management and discovering exclusive opportunities in Hyderabad's booming real estate market.
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Subjects of M.Tech degree in Computer Science
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In today’s times, making a career in IT or any other field related to computer science can open a door to numerous exceptional opportunities. Owing to the rising demand for qualified IT professionals across the globe, the field of computer science of top engineering colleges in Jaipur is the most popular career choices with regard to job prospects.
An individual must know about their capabilities before jumping to the conclusion of selecting this lucrative stream of engineering education. While students choose the stream, they definitely need to know a lot about that subject and all about that specific stream of Engineering to ensure taking the right decision.
 An introduction to Computer Science Engineering
CSE comprises of the basic knowledge of both computer programming and networking. The computer science experience will provide enough knowledge about the implementation design and management of the entire information system in hardware as well as software.
This is a study which encompasses the theory of computation and the design and implementation of the computational systems. An engineering course of top computer science engineering college is offered all over the globe in the best of the technical institutions or universities and a student can do graduation as well as post-graduation degrees. In this program, students get to learn about developing hardware as well as software systems for the computers and they also gain ample knowledge over the communication systems and other similar devices. Due to this, computer science graduates are best suited for robotics research.
Eligibility Criteria of CSE degree
   Undergraduate admission
In the case of the UG programme at engineering colleges, the students should have passed his Higher Secondary examination from CBSE or any other equivalent board with the core subjects as physics chemistry and mathematics. The selection is done on the basis of calculating the aggregate marks which should match the cut-off criteria.
2. Postgraduate admission
The Aspiring Candidate should have a BTech degree from a well-recognized University or college and the percentile should be matching the criteria. Also, there are exams like GATE which are conducted to find out the eligible candidates who can get enrolled in the MTech course.
Scope of Computer Science Engineering
Need for new devices and software - With the advancement of technology, the world is absolutely paralyzed without the innovative devices. That is why, there will be the need for immense manpower who are skilled in the field of computer science.
IT hubs require experts - With every passing date, a number of software companies and IT hubs are increasing. Therefore, there is an increasing demand for skilled and CSE experts.
Experts required for cloud computing - With the trending concepts like cloud computing, the future technologies of the list of engineering colleges Rajasthan are depending on it and most of the companies are looking for an expert who can actually provide the entire segment of cloud computing. It further helps in the progression of the business.
Job in telecommunications - With the Rise in digitalization, the telecommunication systems are absolutely depending on the computer services. That is why computer engineers are employed in this field.
Transportation services - With the resurfacing of the GPS services, transportation services need computer science engineers.
Manufacturing unit of computers - No one other than the computer science engineers will know how to build computers in the best possible manner. There is a reason, why most of the major Fortune 500 computer manufacturing companies are looking forward to hiring more and more efficient computer science engineers of engineering colleges.
Common Subjects Covered for MTech Computer Science degree
Cloud computing - It is the system of using a disconnected network of remote servers on the internet. Cloud computing helps students of top BTech colleges to bind them together to store manage and process the data rather than in a desktop for a personal computer or even a local server can make the data Invincible.
Computer Architecture and Organisation – It is the study of the internal working mechanism of the computers along with the implementation of the entire computer system. Also, it can be termed as learning the construction of the inner structure of computers.
Database management systems - It is a course about the kind of software that is responsible for the storage and retrieval of data in the computer system. Also, it is responsible for regular updates of the data for the users.
Design and analysis of algorithms - It helps students of best private engineering colleges in Jaipur learn about how algorithms are to be designed to solve every kind of problem in the branch of Computer Science and information technology.
Unix programming - It is a study about one of the most popular operating systems which were first developed in 1960 and has been upgraded ever since. It helps the students in learning the essence of multitasking.
Compiler design - This helps in making the students learn about the importance of a compiler. Design compilation helps in designing the same so that it can detect the error and also rectify it in the computer system.
Computer networks - This study is all about how the world of networking works and how it helps in the storage of data in various segments. It is one of the most important topics of study and consists of theoretical as well as practical approaches.
Data structure and algorithm - This is a structural study of the computers and it comprises of a special format which is used for organizing and storing data. It helps the students of best engineering college in Jaipur in learning about how the data is to be structured and designed in order to solve a specific issue.
Source: Click Here
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spintly-co ¡ 25 days
The Complete Guide to Mobile Access Control
In today’s increasingly connected world, mobile access control systems have revolutionized how businesses manage security. With the rise of mobile devices and the growing need for flexible, convenient, and secure access solutions, mobile access control is becoming the preferred choice for organizations of all sizes. This technology leverages smartphones and other mobile devices to grant access to secure areas, replacing traditional keycards, PINs, and physical keys.
In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about mobile access control, from how it works to its benefits, implementation, and best practices.
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What Is Mobile Access Control?
Mobile access control refers to the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or wearable technology, to control and manage access to secure areas within a facility. By replacing traditional access control methods, mobile access provides a more secure and convenient way for employees, visitors, and authorized personnel to enter and exit buildings, rooms, or specific areas.
Mobile access control works through the use of encrypted digital credentials that are stored on a mobile device. These credentials are authenticated through wireless communication technologies, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Near Field Communication (NFC), or Wi-Fi, allowing individuals to unlock doors or gates without needing physical cards or keys.
How Does Mobile Access Control Work?
Mobile access control systems typically involve three main components:
Mobile Credentials: These are digital keys stored on a mobile device, such as a smartphone, in the form of an app or encrypted file. The mobile credential serves as the unique identifier that grants access to the individual user.
Access Control Readers: These are devices installed at entry points, such as doors, gates, or turnstiles, that communicate with the user’s mobile device via BLE, NFC, or other wireless technologies. The reader verifies the digital credential and grants access if the credential is valid.
Access Control Management Software: This cloud-based or on-premise software manages the distribution and revocation of mobile credentials, monitors access events, and provides real-time reporting and analytics.
When an individual approaches a secured entry point, the mobile device communicates with the reader. The reader verifies the mobile credential, and if authorized, the system grants access. This process is seamless, fast, and contactless, making it a convenient and hygienic solution for modern workplaces.
Benefits of Mobile Access Control
Mobile access control offers numerous advantages over traditional access methods, making it an increasingly popular choice for businesses across various industries.
1. Convenience and Flexibility
One of the most significant advantages of mobile access control is its convenience. Users no longer need to carry multiple access cards, fobs, or keys—everything they need is on their smartphone. With the proliferation of mobile devices, employees and visitors are more likely to have their phones on hand, making access control more efficient.
Mobile access control also provides flexibility in how credentials are distributed and managed. Administrators can issue or revoke access permissions remotely, allowing for real-time updates without the need for physical key exchanges. This is particularly useful for temporary access, such as for contractors or visitors.
2. Enhanced Security
Mobile access control systems offer enhanced security compared to traditional access methods. Mobile credentials are encrypted and stored securely on the device, reducing the risk of duplication or theft. Unlike physical cards or keys, which can be easily lost or stolen, mobile devices are typically protected by additional layers of security, such as passwords, biometrics, or facial recognition.
Additionally, mobile access control systems can be integrated with other security features, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) or real-time monitoring, to provide an extra layer of protection. This ensures that only authorized individuals can gain access to secure areas, reducing the risk of unauthorized entry.
3. Cost-Effective
While the initial setup of mobile access control systems may require an investment in new hardware and software, they can offer significant cost savings in the long run. With traditional access control systems, lost or stolen keycards need to be replaced, which can add up in terms of both time and money. Mobile credentials, on the other hand, can be easily reissued or revoked without any physical costs.
Moreover, mobile access control systems are typically cloud-based, reducing the need for expensive on-premise infrastructure. This also allows for more straightforward maintenance and updates, reducing ongoing operational costs.
4. Scalability
Mobile access control systems are highly scalable, making them ideal for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small office or a large enterprise with multiple locations, mobile access control can be easily scaled to meet your needs. New users can be added or removed with just a few clicks, and the system can grow with your business without requiring significant infrastructure changes.
The ability to manage mobile credentials remotely also makes mobile access control a suitable option for organizations with distributed workforces or multiple facilities. Administrators can manage access across different locations from a centralized platform, streamlining the process and ensuring consistent security protocols.
5. Hygiene and Contactless Access
In a post-pandemic world, hygiene and contactless access have become top priorities for businesses. Mobile access control systems offer a touchless solution, reducing the need for shared surfaces like keypads or card readers. This helps to minimize the spread of germs and creates a safer environment for employees and visitors.
Mobile access control also eliminates the need for physical handoffs, such as exchanging keys or cards, further enhancing hygiene and safety in the workplace.
Best Practices for Implementing Mobile Access Control
Implementing a mobile access control system requires careful planning to ensure it meets your organization’s security needs and operational requirements. Here are some best practices to consider:
Assess Your Needs: Before implementing mobile access control, assess your organization’s specific security requirements, the number of entry points, and the types of users who will need access. This will help you choose the right system that fits your unique needs.
Choose the Right Technology: Mobile access control systems can use different communication technologies, such as BLE, NFC, or Wi-Fi. Consider factors like range, speed, and compatibility with your existing infrastructure when selecting the best technology for your organization.
Integrate with Existing Systems: Ensure that your mobile access control system integrates seamlessly with your existing security infrastructure, such as video surveillance, alarm systems, and visitor management. This will provide a more comprehensive security solution and streamline operations.
Prioritize Security: While mobile access control offers enhanced security, it’s essential to implement additional measures like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and encryption to protect against potential threats. Regularly update and monitor your system to stay ahead of security risks.
Train Your Users: Educate employees, visitors, and other users on how to use the mobile access control system effectively. This will ensure a smooth transition and reduce the likelihood of user errors.
Mobile access control is transforming the way businesses manage security, offering a flexible, convenient, and secure solution for modern workplaces. By leveraging mobile devices, organizations can enhance security, improve operational efficiency, and provide a better user experience for employees and visitors alike.
To explore how mobile access control can benefit your organization, visit Spintly and discover our cutting-edge solutions for a smarter, more secure future.
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gitengineering ¡ 1 month
 Best engineering college in Kerala| The Expansive Scope of Computer Engineering in India
Explore vast career prospects in computer engineering at GIT Engineering College, a top-ranked institution in Kottayam. Specialize in artificial intelligence, software development, data science, and more. Start your journey towards a tech-driven future today!
Computer engineering offers immense scope and opportunities, making it a popular choice among students. Are you curious about the possibilities in this dynamic field? Let’s delve into what computer engineering entails and the vast career prospects it offers.
 What is Computer Engineering?
Computer Engineering is a branch of engineering focused on developing and evolving both computer hardware and software. This field integrates software development and design, hardware-software integration, and electronic management of computer systems. It encompasses circuit designing, computing, design, and control of microcontrollers, microprocessors, PCs, supercomputers, and more.
 Scope of Computer Engineering
The rapid growth of technology and the IT sector has significantly increased the scope of computer engineering in India. The digital transformation spurred by the pandemic has further accelerated this trend, expanding the IT sector from a small flower garden to a vast field. A B.Tech in Computer Science equips students with foundational knowledge in systems, computer architecture, networking, database systems, operating systems, programming, website design, computation, e-commerce, software and hardware studies, and multimedia applications.
Graduates with a B.Tech in Computer Science can earn between ten to thirty lakhs per annum. They can seek employment in various sectors, including MNCs, NGOs, private firms like Wipro, Google, Infosys, HCL, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Flipkart, IBM, Adobe, and government organizations through the GATE examination. Computer engineers find opportunities in software companies, banks, public sectors, colleges and universities, IT firms, media and entertainment, PR, advertising, finance, research labs, medical fields, digital consultancy, armed forces, and more.
 Career Domains in Computer Engineering
Computer engineering offers careers in:
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Embedded Systems
- Ethical Hacking
- Wireless Networks
- Computer Manufacturing
- Database Systems
- Web Applications
- Animation
- Computer Graphics
- Scientific Modelling
- Computational Biology
- Video Game Development
- Mobile Application Development
- Data Science
- Network Administration
 Top Professional Job Profiles for Computer Engineers
Here are the top nine job profiles for computer engineers:
1. Data Scientist
   - Data Scientists analyse and interpret large amounts of data, utilizing skills in statistics, mathematics, and computer science to structure and organize databases for various organizations.
2. System Analyst
   - System Analysts optimize and troubleshoot existing systems, suggest new programs and applications, and enhance the role of technology in organizations, working in financial, medical, IT, and government agencies.
3. Software Developer
   - Software Developers design and develop system software and applications to improve organizational performance, creating apps and games by writing code in languages like Python, Java, C, SQL, etc.
4. Hardware Engineer
   - Hardware Engineers design, develop, and test physical components of computers and technological systems, contributing to fields like robotics, AI, embedded systems, and medical sectors.
5. IT Consultant
   - IT Consultants work on projects, analyse data, determine information system requirements, recommend hardware and software, and troubleshoot issues for various sectors, including IT, finance, and medical fields.
6. Networking Engineer
   - Network Engineers create and maintain information transmission systems and networks, ensuring security and maximum infrastructure for users and organizations.
7. Database Administrator
   - Database Administrators manage and analyse databases for banks, hospitals, financial firms, government organizations, and universities.
8. Web Developer
   - Web Developers design and develop websites, ensuring technical functionality, user interface, engagement, performance, and maintenance for businesses, non-profits, and e-commerce.
9. Embedded Systems Engineer
   - Embedded Systems Engineers use software programming tools and microprocessors to control devices and machines in education, healthcare, aviation, automotive, and consumer electronics industries.
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 Building a Successful Career in Computer Engineering: Tips and Hacks
1. Know Your Strengths
   - Understand why you are interested in computer engineering and what you plan to achieve with it. Identifying specific technical and soft skills is crucial for your chosen career path.
2. Graduate from a Prestigious Institution
   - Choose a degree from a well-accredited institution to enhance your employability. For those seeking the best engineering college in Kottayam, consider GIT Engineering College, a top-rank engineering college in Kottayam.
By following these guidelines, you can pave the way for a successful career in computer engineering. Embrace the vast opportunities and be part of the technological revolution shaping our world.
The field of computer engineering is thriving, offering a wealth of career opportunities. By obtaining a degree from a prestigious institution like GIT Engineering College, one of the best engineering colleges in Kottayam, you can ensure a bright and successful future in this dynamic field.
For more information and to explore our programs, visit our website today. Start your journey towards a rewarding career in computer engineering with GIT Engineering College Top engineering college in Kottayam.
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elioratechno25 ¡ 2 months
Discover Top-Notch Online Courses in Nagpur with Eliora Techno
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In the digital age, continuous learning is paramount for personal and professional growth. If you're based in Nagpur and looking to upgrade your skills or dive into a new field, Eliora Techno offers some of the best online courses to help you achieve your goals. Eliora Techno has become synonymous with quality education and practical learning, catering to a diverse range of learners.
Why Choose Eliora Techno?
Eliora Techno stands out for its comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and flexible learning options. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, the platform provides courses that are designed to meet varying levels of proficiency and interest.
Courses Offered
1. Frontend Developer
   Learn the essentials of frontend development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This course covers the latest frameworks like React and Angular, preparing you to create stunning, responsive websites.
2. Graphic Designer
   Dive into the world of visual design with courses that cover everything from Adobe Photoshop to Illustrator. Understand the principles of design and develop a portfolio that showcases your creativity and technical skills.
3. Java Developer
   Master the art of Java programming with in-depth courses that cover basic to advanced concepts. From object-oriented programming to Java frameworks like Spring and Hibernate, this course is perfect for aspiring software developers.
4. Digital Marketing
   Learn the strategies and tools necessary to excel in digital marketing. This course covers SEO, SEM, social media marketing, content marketing, and analytics, equipping you with the skills needed to boost online presence and drive business growth.
5. WordPress
   Create and manage websites using WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system. This course covers theme development, plugin integration, and SEO optimization for WordPress sites.
6. PHP Full Stack Developer
   Become a versatile developer with this course that covers both frontend and backend development. Learn PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and more to build dynamic, database-driven websites.
7. MERN Stack
   Specialize in the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) to build full-stack applications. This course provides hands-on experience and practical projects to ensure you are job-ready.
8. React JS
   Focus on building interactive user interfaces with React JS. This course covers state management, hooks, and advanced React patterns to help you create scalable web applications.
9. NodeJS
   Learn server-side development with NodeJS. This course includes Express.js, RESTful APIs, and real-time applications, providing you with the skills to build robust backend systems.
Learning Experience
Eliora Techno emphasizes a hands-on learning approach. Each course includes practical projects, real-world case studies, and interactive assignments that ensure you not only understand the theory but can apply it effectively. 
Expert Instructors
Courses are taught by industry experts who bring years of experience and knowledge. Their insights and guidance are invaluable in helping you navigate through complex topics and emerging trends.
Flexible Learning
Understanding the demands of modern life, Eliora Techno offers flexible learning schedules. You can access course materials anytime, anywhere, making it easier to balance your studies with other commitments.
Community and Support
Join a vibrant community of learners and professionals. Engage in discussions, collaborate on projects, and receive support from instructors and peers. Eliora Techno ensures that you are never alone on your learning journey.
Eliora Techno is more than just an online course platform; it's a gateway to your future. With top-notch courses, expert instruction, and a supportive learning environment, it’s the ideal choice for anyone looking to upskill or re skill in Nagpur. Enroll today and take the first step towards achieving your career goals.
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jobskolkata ¡ 2 months
Team Leader Job || Team Management Job || Out Bound Calling ||BPO Company || Salt Lake || Kolkata
The company is looking line-up, ideally starting from [preferred start date] and concluding by [preferred end date]. Please find below the specifics of our requirements:
Position: Sales Team Leader- Outbound Calling.
Number of Candidates: 2 heads.
Interview Format: Face To Face - Walk In
Preferred Interview Dates and Times: from 29th July 24- 09th August 24  (11:30  Am To 6:30pm).
Interview Panel Members: HR Priyanka 
Eligibility Requirements: 
Leadership and Team Management
Motivational Skills: Ability to inspire and energize your team to meet and exceed sales targets.
Conflict Resolution: Handle disputes and challenges within the team constructively.
Performance Management: Set clear goals, monitor performance, and provide constructive feedback.
Sales Expertise
Sales Strategy Development: Craft and implement effective sales strategies to achieve targets.
Pipeline Management: Oversee and optimize the sales pipeline to ensure a steady flow of prospects and conversions.
Sales Training: Train and mentor team members on best practices, techniques, and product knowledge.
Communication Skills
Persuasion and Negotiation: Guide your team in effectively pitching and negotiating with prospects.
Active Listening: Understand and address the needs and concerns of both team members and customers.
Reporting and Presentation: Clearly convey performance metrics, sales strategies, and updates to upper management.
Analytical Skills
Data Analysis: Use sales data and metrics to make informed decisions and adjust strategies.
Market Research: Stay informed about industry trends and competitors to keep the team competitive.
Problem-Solving: Identify and address challenges that arise in the sales process.
Organizational Skills
Time Management: Efficiently manage your time and help your team prioritize tasks.
Resource Allocation: Allocate resources effectively to maximize productivity and sales results.
Project Management: Oversee and coordinate sales campaigns and initiatives.
Technical Proficiency
CRM Systems: Utilize customer relationship management software to track sales activities and customer interactions.
Sales Tools: Familiarity with various sales tools and technologies that can enhance the team's efficiency.
Reporting Software: Use reporting tools to analyze performance metrics and generate reports.
Customer Focus
Customer Relationship Management: Build and maintain strong relationships with clients and prospects.
Customer Feedback: Use feedback to improve sales processes and customer satisfaction.
Adaptability and Innovation
Flexibility: Adapt to changes in the market, sales strategies, and team dynamics.
Innovation: Encourage and implement new ideas and approaches to enhance sales performance.
Salary : Rupees 192000 LPA (Net Take Home) + 6months Probation Completed Started ESIC & PF.
They trust in your ability to select candidates who match their criteria and facilitate a smooth interview process. Please let us know the feasibility of the proposed schedule and any additional information you might need to move forward.
Many more openings available just search in Google “Ideal Career Zone” Kolkata.
You can find many more job details in various posts in various companies.
You may call us between 9 am to 8 pm
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Or you can visit our office.
Ideal Career Zone
128/12A, BidhanSraniShyam Bazaar metro Gate No.1 Gandhi Market Behind Sajjaa Dhaam Bed Hiset Bed cover Show room Kolkata 7 lakh 4
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