#best distance learning
c-kiddo · 7 months
dream home is one of those modern tiny houses that are made out of wood mostly and maybe is like charcoaly black on the outside (wood too even though its scotland so i would have to treat it a lot so it doesnt rot if im on the west coast still) and nice and airy inside with a little stove and space to spread out. just space for everything i need (not too much) and a sofa bed for when people come to stay. one of those houses that blend into a hillside or trees. maybe on stilts a little since its on a hillside, with a balcony. natural materials and colours, big windows (room to breathe) with accent colours from my small objects and books and blankets and things. that would be nice
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beatcroc · 2 months
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everybody give it up for 100 hours of ringracers
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sugarless5 · 2 years
“What if I told you that some part of me still hungers after suffering?”
Alex didn’t flinch. Of course she didn’t. It wasn’t in her repertoire.
“I’d tell you to keep your shit together, Darlington. We all want things we shouldn’t.”
-Leigh Bardugo, Hell Bent
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coridotmp3 · 8 months
i'm always thinking about jake as ice's son btw
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thissmycomingofage · 8 months
The universe puts its best soldiers (me) through the worst challenges (sickness) for them to enjoy their reward (maisie concert, night out with best friends, finally meeting irl maisie fans that I haven't created myself, discovering one of my bff's friend is a fan and is coming to the concert too!!?!?!)
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recitedemise · 8 months
𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝗵𝗶𝗺𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗲𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗱. This, beyond being a testament to his softer heart, his rather sizable well of care, is a consequence of his time shared with Mystra. Being a worshipper, a follower and lover both to the mother of magic, Gale is far more familiar with giving than receiving. A tremendous deal more. Beyond those illusions of love, Mystra granted him nothing, and whenever she was troubled, even sour or short, it was Gale, doting Gale, who would smooth it out. In truth, short of the stars, he had offered her everything. His whole life to boot. Still, living for some years prioritizing Mystra, Gale's grown notably reluctant to ask for help. It's why, when strapped with the netherese orb, newly blighted and rotting to death, he'd sooner clamored in his tower than look to friends. He's loathed to show his folly, of course, and is far from a fan of stirring worry, but with Mystra, any ask he'd made was resolutely shunned, and from his lover, his deity, that left its mark. Gale--a giver, a man that wants to hope but doesn't dare to--is not a man to ask for anything. If ever he does, the ask is comically small, and even then, he expects to be denied almost immediately. Consequently, an eager kindness leaves him floored. Gale can read displeasure. (See: Mystra.) Gale's trained to soothe it, too. Yet, when confronted with the novelty of that same generosity, your resident Gale of Waterdeep is like a fish out of water.
#HEADCANON.#This hit home because I know too intimately what Gale went through.#God. It sucks. Gale is so attuned to Mystra and her periods of distance and#her cold demeanor.#He just learned to go right into tell me what I can do to make it better mode.#I think Gale isn't really the best at reading or catching social cues#but he's very aware when someone is upset.#He had to learn because god forbid he failed to recognize something and receive less warmth from Mystra#(she isn't exactly warm to begin with.)#she was just largely neglectful of Gale and Gale was convinced it was love#he showed so much of it and so much warmth and...kinda felt being chosen by her#was enough of an expression of love on Mystra's part (it isn't!).#Gale also only asking for help from YOU because he knows you deserve to know#because hiding it would be a danger to others around him.#Like Gale truly asked for no ones hand before the nautiloid incident. he had to be quite literally#torn from his life and freefall into another disaster before even asking for help#a small ask too. This man is like hey can I have your UTTERLY useless necklace so I don't die? i'm so sorry i'm such an inconvenience#fuck. Gale. Gale...baby....#Literally you go 'children shouldn't die' (arabella) and he's all you're such a decent person...i trust you#???? honestly. need i say more.#anyway idk if ill write much today beyond this. im DROWNING in work and i have to prep for an event tomorrow#so you can just frown with me about gale#Me writing about Mystra: wow theyre a lot like my abuser. 🥲🥲🥲🥲hauew..a..
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
goddamn does create mod burn through your chromatic iron FAST. it’s not too hard on larimar or steel compared to some things and luckily a full-sized windmill produces so much kinetic power that I’m pretty sure my cobble/gravel/sand farm and tree farm (the things I most wanted create for) can both just go on that windmill and I won’t have to spend pogs on EVEN MORE power. but the fact any casings cost a full block of chromatic iron, and andesite alloy costs chromatic iron, and making a shaft costs additional chromatic iron, and… man I’m glad that create can also double your ore output lol
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
The double-edged sword of enjoying Chicago and knowing basically all the songs by heart, but also can't stop crying every time I watch/listen to any of them bcs I can't stop thinking about how covid robbed me of getting the experience of ever performing it :(
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elio-monroe · 6 months
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this dichotomy is wild. you all out there being catholic and worshiping idols? how the fuck???
jk i know its just people thinking that religious imagery = icons/idols. it could also be catholic converts who... seem to never understand a single thing about catholicism, or at the very least have a poor understanding what rosaries and saints are for. catholicism is a weird religion, there is a lot of stuff thats like "we understand x to be true but we don't know why and its fine to not know" that i think really trips up people who weren't like born into catholicism
i suppose i could also be completely misunderstanding what this poll is asking, but if i am misunderstanding it then why ask religious folks if they are an iconoclast to begin with?
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soft-serve-soymilk · 4 months
Inigo loves Archie so much it kills him inside :’)
#just pav things#I noticed something about their dynamic. or maybe it’s closer to remembered.#See electric guitar on it’s own is not complete without it’s heartbeat. The drums.#My firm belief is that I would not enjoy nearly as many tunes if it weren’t for their dictated pace as well#My best example (and sorry for the predictability) is pq’s F.O.E.. Pay attention to the melody line.#These two instruments are so complementary to each other!#And I think that’s why I made Inigo a drummer way back when#You know Inigo consciously decided on that—#He just wants to be there for Archie he wants to be there WITH Archie#who used to be a guitarist if you recall~#And this is still reflected in more recent incarnations!#He trained himself to be ambidextrous because he thought it would be a cool thing to show off to Archie#He’s so incredibly academically inclined because learning how to speak and do mathematics was how Inigo bonded with him#Being able to show off what he learned and getting the encouragement and congratulations#He admired Archie as an older figure in his life before everything else y’know#He was a literal toddler how was Archie NOT supposed to imprint on him.#After all he paid attention to him#Held him close on cold nights to help him fall asleep. Sharing the warmth of body and breath#And I think this is so crucial to understanding Inigo and events like his hysteria moment#He runs off of so much fear which is driven by his LOVE for those around him#He loves Archus so he’s scared about what effect he had on him after the incident#He loves Cynthia so he maintains his distance so he doesn’t lose her too#And the resulting isolation destroys him. His true heart is left in dormant sleepiness being kept hidden for so long in sheer anxiety :(#Now if only if there was another Dandelion…. ;)
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leocreates · 1 year
I don't think there's a single band I like where I care about any of the band members.
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the-bluestreak-cat · 10 months
Feel miserable. Remember it’s all wrought by mine own hand. Feel miserabler.
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zukkaoru · 2 years
it's all "must a book have a plot? is it not enough to just write about vibes?" until nathaniel hawthorne writes a 300+ page novel based entirely on haunted house vibes. then it's suddenly "too long winded" and "nothing happens" and he "took 300 pages to say something that could have been said in 40"
#/hj#is this the best novel i've ever read? absolutely not oh my god he goes on and on about philosophy and his paragraphs are SO LONG#but listen. it's about the vibes. it's about the haunted house. it's about the generational curse and is it actually a curse? who knows!#it's about the mystery of whether or not something supernatural is happening or if everything has an explanation#it's about the cyclical tragedy and characters both doomed by the narrative and haunting the narrative#it's about how dwelling forever on what could have been will prevent you from moving forward#it's about how you shouldn't judge someone based on appearance#it's about how the end of your life is only the beginning of your legacy and YOU get to decide if you will be simply repeating the actions#of your ancestors. or if you are going to be the one who finally breaks the chain and says NO. this is wrong and i won't stand for it#it's about choosing which family you hold onto and which family you distance yourself from#it's about the fact that alice deserved better and hepzibah's loyalty deserves recognition and phoebe might give everyone sunshine#but she should learn to keep some of it for herself too#it's about the fact that hawthorne takes 300 pages to say:#our property and every physical thing we have in this life will not follow us and we should not live our lives according to the whims dead#men left in their wake. but it does no one any good if we erase the past entirely#you just have to be willing to see it#SORRY APPARENTLY I HAVE. A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS BOOK LOL#hello grace here
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svankmajerbaby · 2 years
US war movies, and war movies in general, are about Showcasing the Horrors of War and how much these poor soldiers suffered (if youre lucky, you will also see how these poor soldiers made others suffer too). the most important and valuable aspect of all quiet on the western front, what makes it stand out from other war movies, is that it does not have a happy ending. gringo war movies love to put a woman back home so the guy has a wife to come back to, a family to raise and a future to sustain. by focusing on that promise of a better future, we are all the more ready to forget about what happened before (or even worse, to excuse it as the ugly ugly means to get to the good things, a calvary to get to heaven)
postwar movies, as in, movies focused on what happens After the mass suffering and trauma of a society, have a bigger, harder to pinpoint power. these stories actually deal with guilty parties, with responsability and the aftermath of crimes, about the holes in the system that allows surviving victims to go without reparations and genocides and generals to continue to evade punishment. it replaces the adrenaline pumping excitement of a battlefield for the cold professionalism of courts and offices. after every war there is a process of reconditioning and readjustement. and if you cannot make an anti war war movie, then your best bet is a post war anti war movie. the only way you can make sense of the violence is by seeing everything from the distance of the future, and by reorganizing the truth into testimonies that can allow you to learn.
there is little to learn from suffering. there is more to learn from what remains after that suffering has happened.
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xerospaced · 1 year
Final thoughts
Yesterday, once again, gave confirmation that the man who is vocal, happy to profess his love and claim you, snaps you up without appreciating the value of waiting, is loud and proud, eager to talk you up and show you off
Is not necessarily the man you ought to depend on nor trust
And once again, the day taught me that the man who moves mindfully, who is cautious when he speaks, avoids inflating your ego, resists luring you into a false sense of comfortability, and moderates his expression of affection
Is often one who possesses the greatest consideration of your feelings
This time, I got a third-person perspective. Unfortunately, impacting someone I love who is deserving of far better
From the mouth of a man so sure in his conviction when he came to his conclusion about my situation despite knowing little to nothing about it as he proudly proclaimed how they manage their relationship
I'm not one for convincing, and, far from being convinced myself, I let him spout his rhetoric
To bear witness, not two months later, the realities of the vapid and changeable intention of man so quick to talk and act without pause
And immediately following that heinous transgression, be rewarded with the reassurance and satisfaction of a man quite his opposite, slow to move and resistant in falling into connection simply based on affection
I would rather the slow. The sure. The patient. The reason.
I would rather the one consistent in distance who is vocal more often when it comes to maintaining our heads and keeping clear vision. Than the man who possesses a tongue quicker than wisdom and opts into the format of loving and commitment before taking time to sit and just listen to what he truly wants, who he's really with, where the desire is rooted and what it is seeking.
I am done trusting men who talk quick and jump quicker.
Half of them don't even know they don't mean it.
This weekend has brought a lot of realities about relationships to the surface. And has reaffirmed my contentment of the space I'm in, giving confirmation to validity of the pace that has been taken.
Pause. Know yourself. Consider the nuance and depths of your feelings. And stop filling peoples heads with dreams and well wishes and fantasies of the wonderful lives y'all could be living. If you just took the time, you might avoid all this nonsense and notice the difference between fun for the moment and potential of significance.
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boyswanna-be-her · 2 years
the next time i feel super hopeless because of PMDD, i'm gonna need one of you to remind me that trailer park boys & hush puppies both exist and are easily accessible to me (2 objectively good reasons to go on livin')
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