#bernard burns
pi-jessicajones · 2 years
drunk ass thoughts
in rewatching the 1st Mummy movie for the thousandth time i had a thought...
you know burns...the guy with glasses who Rick steals the kit from? 
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Lights out
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they-hermes · 3 months
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There’s only just one thing that we have in common
neither of us will be missed.
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dipolos · 1 year
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Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes (2000)
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yuriinadress · 2 years
The pacing may be all over the place but you can't tell me TDR #7 isn't funny
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huariqueje · 2 years
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The Alchemy of Song *  -   Bernard Lamotte
French  1903-1983
Oil on canvas , 44 1/4 x 30 3/8 in.    112.4 x 77.2 cm.
*  inspired by Frederic Chopin's 'The Raindrop Prelude'
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butts-art · 1 year
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Lady Aethelflaed
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coffeeandcinema · 20 days
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Les Granges brûlées (1973). dir. Jean Chapot
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philoursmars · 10 months
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Il y a une petite quinzaine, je suis allé avec Julien et Katie, au Louvre-Lens pour une expo temporaire : "Animaux Fantastiques". Une très belle expo ! Ici des dragons.
Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones - "Persée tuant le Dragon"
en alternance, un extrait du film de Fritz Lang - "Les Nibelungen" - 1924 (bon, le dragon semble un peu fatigué...)
Valère Bernard - "Sainte Marthe et la Tarasque"
Arnold Böcklin - "Le géant Fàfner métamorphosé en dragon garde le trésor des Nibelungen"
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(click for quality)
I LIVE!!! AND I HAVE NEW DESIGNS!! or well redesigns anyway lol!
Hey everyone it's Misty! I was looking back at my old art and found the og refs for Bernard, Alder and Eira; Juno's mini bosses. And I...Disliked those designs. there were several things that I wanted to added or I thought really needed to be changed. So I did!
I did redesign these three once but the proportions weren't right and I still wasn't quite happy with Eira's design. So I deleted that post, deleted the og post and now have these finalized designs for the mini bosses!! I won't be reworking these designs anymore I promise lol!
But yeah, for now on these are the designs for the mini bosses! And I am very happy with them and will be using these designs for them from now on. This includes any future drawings,asks, rp's, stories etc! (Btw these three are still open for asks)
I also plan to develop/edit their lore more primarily for Eira and Bernard. But for now here are their new designs!
Note: Normally none of the shadow's have visble mouths (Much like Juno) smiles/sneers are only shown during strong moments of emotions...Or when I can't figure out how to draw a certain facial expression without one (aka eira's expression in this lol)
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so I'm reading Tim Drake: Robin #7 and... did- did Tim really unsuit and leave a bunch of people in A BURNING BUILDING to check in on Bernard?? I understand that some time passed, and he called the GCPD, but there was still very much PEOPLE IN THAT BUILDING the building that WAS STILL ON FIRE AS IS SHOWN IN THE NEXT PAGE.
Hey writer? Tim wouldn't do that? what are you doing???
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balu8 · 1 year
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Tarzan (April 25; 1948)
by Burne Hogarth
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Art by, Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee [British 1853-1928]
(The Funeral of a Viking) 1893.
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
The Dean said the King would not insist on this point of free consent, and he confessed that the King frequented the society of a lady of a noble house, whom it was reported the King intended to marry, if he obtained a divorce. Mentioned a report that the King wished to marry this lady to legitimate by subsequent marriage a son whom he had by her; but the Dean said that this son was by another lady, who was already married. Said he had never heard of this, and he thought that the King's love for another than his wife must be for the mother of his son. Remarked also on the suspicious nature of the King's intimacy with the lady in question; but the Dean said he had never heard anything of it. Asked him if he knew these two ladies, and whether they were beautiful, worth leaving his wife for. He said he knew them both, and the mother of his son was eloquent, gracious, and beautiful, but the other lady was more beautiful still. Suggested that the King must have been charmed by potions, or otherwise; but the Dean said he had not heard of anything of the kind.
"Rapport de M. Loys Helwighen touchant l'home de Louvain." Loys de Heylwigen, of the Emperor's council in Brabant, was supping with the porter of the castle of Louvain on 22 June 1532 [...]
add to tags: elizabeth blount's preeminent biographer agrees that this is indeed the correct translation....
When Heylwigen pressed the dean on the two ladies, Barlow [conceded] that Bessie was indeed beautiful, eloquent, and gracious, although [commented] that Anne Boleyn was also a beauty.
...except somehow, also, doesn't?
In contemporary sources Bessie was commonly referred to as a beauty with the Dean of Westbury stating, when she was aged around thirty, that she was more beautiful than the king's second wife, Anne Boleyn.
so. if i wasn't confused before...
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simpscripts · 2 years
Every time I try writing it just seems like every ‘the’ ‘you’ ‘and’ words feel like the only fucking words on the page. Then I try only adding one of each at most in every sentence and then it just sounds like a weird demented poem.
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