kotaki · 1 year
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"A Descending Noble Mystery! Cure Majesty!"
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kaurwreck · 8 months
idk it's especially funny to me that the Western fandom has so much difficulty comprehending bsd!Mori since he's the house that the Western lens built. but he's not a personification of theoretical utilitarianism; he's a military doctor who has at least thrice (the great war, the pm under the old boss, the dragon head conflict) witnessed chaos beget violence, instability, and mass suffering. once you recognize (1) the difference between his means and his end and (2) that his fatal flaws are rooted in his stubborness and pride, he's an immensely sympathetic, human, and even compassionate character whose sharp cruelty serves his immense faith in order as a salve for chaos, instability, and senseless death.
mori is not motivated by control, and he does not undervalue the sanctity of human life. he is obsessed with control as a means for upholding the sanctity of life.
(there's a reason he still wears his lab coat while running errands as a civilian so many years after retiring his medical practice, and why, as stated in Stormbringer, medical professionals are so valued and elevated in the port mafia. mori is, above all else, a doctor. and very proud of it.)
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miss--soleil · 27 days
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Precure screenshots I made into icons
Credits appreciated but not necessary! Free to use
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dawningwinds-s · 1 year
Dawning's alternatives to the inevitable fact that Cure Majesty is Ellee:
Yoyo: Hear me out now. Yoyo's capable of a lot and since the Precures don't seem to have the mirror pad on hand currently, it's possible she was keeping an eye on them through it and used it to find out where they were, where she proceeded to go when they were in trouble. Ellee's window of viewing from the Undergu Empire allowed her to see Yoyo there and thus she granted Yoyo Precure powers; or, Yoyo's just had them for decades from another source and her precure form never changed. If we pretend Ellee is definitely never Cure Majesty then this actually seems pretty likely.
Beribery. Yeah this ain't it unfortunately; there was a period where I had hopes for her potentially being the midseason cure but. Those crashed and burned. HOWEVER I'm gonna be delusional for a second and try and sell it. From a design perspective, while not the best possible match, Cure Majesty does have a few traits in common: their hair styles are actually pretty similar for the most part: I actually think the placement of Majesty's pigtails are slightly more in line with Beribery than Ellee, being a bit more down from where Ellee's are, and and the side-framey things on their hair is similar, with Beribery's being just less wavy. Though the how this ended up happening is a bit hard to work out, so even if we pretend Ellee is never Cure Majesty this is improbable.
Shalala. Same as Beribery minus the similarities. Sorry but this is wrong, I'm just listing her because I know people will yell at me if I don't include her here.
The mysterious force who delivered Ellee to the royal family. Okay like. This one actually seems pretty viable, even acknowledging Ellee being Cure Majesty as a possibility. Like. We don't know much about this being, if anything. They're probably still watching over Ellee to some extent, and maybe Ellee's feelings of desperation and own magical power was enough to allow this being who doesn't seem to normally have a physical form temporarily take one on.
A projection created by Ellee. Similar to the above, but instead of allowing a pre-existing being to take on a physical form, she created an entirely new being. This Cure Majesty would be able to exist in the same location at the same time as Ellee (in fact would probably generally have to) and have separate feelings from Ellee, but her existence would still be dependent on Ellee's. The fact that her very being was created to be a Precure would possibly be a source of internal conflict for her because once she gained a civilian form (which I don't think she'd initially have) she would have to learn how to be just a person. Independent of her responsibilities of a precure and of Ellee. This is probably unlikely as heck but I think it'd be interesting
Can't wait for all of these to turn out wrong and boring.
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catirlgirlurl · 10 months
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Beriberi my beloved ❤️ wanted to experiment with colouring styles with this, instead of the thick lines and block shadows I've been using a lot lately. It was fun to break out a bit.
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s-------i-------g · 7 months
LonesomeRonin: I fear I have succumbed to the dreaded disease that is playing the capitol, and should've known my spirit is too noble for my body to endure such a place. Edo is too much for a man like me.
DaBrownRiceEatah: skill issue.
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rausule · 1 year
Cavallo cava_alla Beri Beri lebillo au pilo au pizzi pere. Pizzi corte vir pot. Pizza nama pizzi mo pizza.
Latynse, berei berei, die perd vir die pot voor.
Latynse; monteer vanaf die regtervleuel, Beri Beri hou dan vas aan die wind van die perd se hart.
Die voorrade van die c. hulle sluit in die toom met die byt en die teuels, die saal met die stiebeuels en die harnas wat dit vashou, die skoen van die hoewe; hierby kom die spore, die tekstieloortreksels, moontlik ook opgestop, asook dié in ringgebreide, en ten slotte elke afsonderlike element of wat die volledige bard uitmaak, gemaak van metaal of ander soliede materiaal Die eenvoudigste toom het bestaan ​​uit die wangstukke wat het om die ore gegaan; later het hy 'n voorste pet en kenband gehad; die snuit het ook reeds in die klassieke era verskyn, maar die tooms van die ander tipe is steeds gebruik. Soms is die snuit weggelaat om nie die profiel van 'n rasegte monster te verander nie.
Dr De Beer
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o-craven-canto · 9 months
Words borrowed from other languages in English
Very incomplete list, based mostly on The Languages of the World (3rd ed.), Kenneth Katzner, 2002 + a heavy use of Wiktionary. some notes:
Many of these words have passed through multiple languages on their way to English (e.g. Persian -> Arabic -> Spanish -> French -> English); in that case I usually list them under the first language that used them in the same acception as English.
I generally don't include words whose ancestors already existed in Middle English, unless their origin was exotic enough to be interesting.
The vast majority of borrowings are terms very specific to their culture of origin; I generally only include those that are either very well known amng English-speakers, or of general use outside that culture.
INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY (West and South Eurasia)
Hellenic Greek: angel, chronometer, democracy, encyclopedia, geography, graphic, hieroglyphic, homogeneous, hydraulic, meter, microscope, monarchy, philosophy, phobia, photography, telephone, and way too many other scientific or technical terms to count
Germanic Afrikaans: aardvark, apartheid, fynbos, rooibos, springbok, trek, veld, wildebeest Danish: Lego, simper Dutch: brandy, bumpkin, coleslaw, cookie, deck, dock, dollar, freight, furlough, hodgepodge, landscape, maelstrom, noodle, Santa Claus, waffle, walrus, yacht German: aurochs, bildungsroman, blitzkrieg, cobalt, dachsund, eigenvector, ersatz, gestalt, glockenspiel, hamburger, hinterland, kindergarten, kohlrabi, lager, poodle, quark, sauerkraut, wanderlust, yodel, zeitgeist Icelandic: eider, geyser Norwegian: auk, fjord, krill, lemming, narwhal, slalom, troll Swedish: lek, mink, ombudsman, rutabaga, smorgasbord, tungsten Yiddish: bupkis, chutzpah, kvetch, putz, schlemiel, schmaltz, schmooze, schtick, spiel, tchotchke
Slavic Czech: robot Russian: fedora, glasnost, intelligentsia, kefir, mammoth, pogrom, samizdat, steppe, sputnik, troika, tsar, vodka Serbo-Croat: cravat, paprika
Celtic [many of these words are shared between the two languages] Irish: bog, galore, gaol, geas, glen, orrery, shamrock, slob, whiskey Scottish Gaelic: bard, bunny, cairn, clan, loch, ptarmigan, ?scone, slogan
Italic-Romance †Latin: [way too many] French: [way too many] Italian: allegro, aria, balcony, bandit, bravo, calamari, casino, cello, chiaroscuro, crescendo, contraband, contrapposto, fresco, gazette, ghetto, gusto, inferno, lagoon, lava, mafia, malaria, pants, quarantine, tempo, umbrella, vendetta, volcano Portuguese: baroque, brocade, cachalot, cobra, creole, flamingo, petunia, pimento, zebra Spanish: abalone, armadillo, bolas, bonanza, canyon, cargo, chupacabra, cigar, cilantro, embargo, gaucho, guerrilla, junta, manta, mesa, mosquito, mustang, patio, pueblo, rodeo, siesta, tornado, vanilla
Iranian Persian: bazaar, caravan, checkmate, chess, crimson, dervish, divan, jackal, jasmine, khaki, kiosk, lemon, lilac, musk, orange, pajama, paradise, satrap, shawl, taffeta
Indo-Aryan †Sanskrit: brahmin, Buddha, chakra, guru, karma, mantra, opal, swastika, yoga Bengali: dinghy, jute, nabob Hindi: bandana, bungalow, cheetah, chintz, chutney, coolie, cot, dungaree, juggernaut, lacquer, loot, rajah, pundit, shampoo, tom-tom, thug, veranda Marathi: mongoose Romani: hanky-panky, pal, shiv Sinhalese: anaconda, beriberi, serendipity, tourmaline
Kannada: bamboo Malayalam: atoll, calico, copra, jackfruit, mahogany, mango, pagoda, teak Tamil: curry, mulligatawny, pariah Telugu: bandicoot
URALIC FAMILY (Northern Eurasia)
Finnic Finnish: sauna Saami: tundra
Samoyedic Nenets: parka
Ugric Hungarian: biro, coach, goulash, hussar, puszta, tokay
VASCONIC FAMILY (Northern Pirenees)
Basque: chaparral, chimichurri, silhouette
TURKIC FAMILY (Central Eurasia)
†Old Turkic: cossack, yurt Tatar: ?stramonium Turkish: baklava, balaclava, bergamot, caftan, caviar, harem, janissary, kebab, kismet, minaret, pastrami, sherbet, tulip, yoghurt Yakut: taiga
MONGOLIC FAMILY (Mongolia and surrounding areas)
Mongol: horde, khan, ?valerian
SINO-TIBETAN FAMILY (China and Southeast Asia)
Tibeto-Burman Burmese: ?marzipan Tibetan: lama, panda, tulpa, yak, yeti
Sinitic [Chinese languages closely related, not always clear from which a borrowing comes] Hokkien: ?ketchup, sampan, tea Mandarin: chi, dao, dazibao, gung-ho, kaolin, oolong, shaolin, shanghai, yin-yang Min Nan: nunchaku Yue (Cantonese): chop suey, dim sum, kowtow, kumquat, lychee, shar-pei, ?typhoon, wok
TUNGUSIC FAMILY (Eastern Siberia)
Evenki: pika, shaman
Korean: bulgogi, chaebol, hantavirus, kimchi, mukbang, taekwondo
Japanese: banzai, bonsai, dojo, emoji, geisha, ginkgo, hikikomori, honcho, ikebana, kamikaze, karaoke, koi, kudzu, manga, origami, pachinko, rickshaw, sake, samurai, sensei, soy, sushi, tofu, tsunami, tycoon, zen
AUSTRONESIAN FAMILY (maritime Southeast Asia and Oceania)
Western Malayan Javanese: ?junk [ship] Malay: amok, cockatoo, compound [building], cootie, durian, kapok, orangutan, paddy, pangolin, rattan, sarong
Barito Malagasy: raffia
Phlippinic Cebuano: dugong Ilocano: yo-yo Tagalog: boondocks
Oceanic Hawai'ian: aloha, hula, luau, poi, wiki Maori: kauri, kiwi, mana, weta Marshallese: bikini Tahitian: pareo, tattoo Tongan: taboo
Fore: kuru
Dharug: boomerang, corroboree, dingo, koala, wallaby, wobbegong, wombat, woomera Guugu Yimithirr: kangaroo, quoll Nyungar: dunnart, gidgee, quokka Pitjantjatjara: Uluru Wathaurong: bunyip Wiradjuri: kookaburra Yagara: dilly bag
AFRO-ASIATIC FAMILY (North Africa and Near East)
Coptic: adobe
Berber Tachelhit: argan
Semitic †Punic: Africa Arabic: albatross, alchemy, alcohol, alcove, alfalfa, algebra, alkali, amber, arsenal, artichoke, assassin, candy, coffee, cotton, elixir, gazebo, gazelle, ghoul, giraffe, hashish, harem, magazine, mattress, monsoon, sofa, sugar, sultan, syrup, tabby, tariff, zenith, zero Hebrew: amen, behemoth, cabal, cherub, hallelujah, kibbutz, kosher, manna, myrrh, rabbi, sabbath, Satan, seraph, shibboleth
NIGER-CONGO FAMILY (Subsaharan Africa)
unknown: cola, gorilla, tango
Senegambian Wolof: banana, fonio, ?hip, ?jigger [parasite], karite, ?jive, yam
Gur-Adamawa Ngbandi: Ebola
Kwa Ewe: voodoo
Volta-Niger Igbo: okra Yoruba: gelee [headgear], mambo, oba, orisha
Cross River Ibibio: calypso
Bantu Lingala: basenji Kikongo: ?chimpanzee, ?macaque, ?zombie Kimbundu: ?banjo, Candomblé, gumbo, macumba, tanga Swahili: askari, Jenga, kwanzaa, safari Xhosa: Ubuntu Zulu: impala, mamba, vuvuzela
KHOE-KWADI FAMILY (Southwest Africa)
Khoekhoe (Hottentot): gnu, kudu, quagga
Greenlandic Inuit: igloo, kayak Inuktikut: nunatak
ALGIC FAMILY (Eastern Canada and northeast USA)
†Proto-Algonquin: moccasin, opossum, skunk Cree: muskeg, pemmican Mikmaq: caribou, toboggan Montagnais: husky Narragansett: ?powwow, sachem Ojibwe: chipmunk, totem, wendigo, woodchuck Powhatan: persimmon, raccoon
SALISHAN FAMILY (Pacific coast at the USA-Canada border)
Chehalis: chinook Halkomelem: sasquatch Lushootseed: geoduck
IROQUOIAN FAMILY (Eastern North America)
Cherokee: sequoia
Lakota: teepee
Choctaw: bayou
UTO-AZTECAN FAMILY (Southwest USA and north Mexico)
Nahuatl: atlatl, avocado, chili, cocoa, coyote, chocolate, guacamole, hoazin, mesquite, ocelot, quetzal, tamale, tegu, tomato O'odham (Pima): jojoba Shoshone: chuckwalla Yaqui: ?saguaro
MAYAN FAMILY (Southern Mexico and Guatemala)
Yucatec Maya: cenote, Chicxulub
ARAWAKAN FAMILY (Caribbeans and South America)
†Taino: barbecue, cannibal, canoe, cassava, cay, guava, hammock, hurricane, iguana, maize, manatee, mangrove, maroon, potato, savanna, tobacco Arawak: papaya
CARIBAN FAMILY (Caribbean coast of South America)
unknown: curare Galibi Carib: caiman, chigger, pawpaw, peccary, yucca
Quechua: ?Andes, caoutchouc, coca, condor, guano, jerky, llama, mate, poncho, puma, quinine, vicuna
Aymara: alpaca, chinchilla
[borrowings are often shared between these two languages] †Old Tupi: ananas, arowana, Cayenne [pepper], jaguar, manioc, piranha, tapioca Guarani: cougar, maracuja, Paraguay, petunia, toucan
CREOLE LANGUAGES (worldwide, mixed origin)
English-derived Chinese Pidgin English: chopstick, long time no see, pidgin, taipan Jamaican Creole: dreadlocks, reggae
Chinook-derived Chinook Jargon: potlatch
EDIT 08-01-24: added lots more examples, especially African, Asian, and North American languages. Still not done. EDIT 17-01-24: finished adding examples, more or less. EDIT: 18-02-24: apparently not (cheetah). EDIT: 20-05-24: nope (mosquito); 30-06-24: jerky, mukbang, cello, glockenspiel, hodgepodge; 06-06-25: marzipan, lagoon, contraband, artichoke
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kotaki · 1 year
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"Weak or strong, what's most important is the feeling of wanting to do the right thing."
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kaurwreck · 10 months
If y'all ever get sick of my bsd meta, take heart that at least you're not exposed to my more deranged takes, such as my sincere belief that bsd!Mori's blindspots in rationality are, in part, inspired by the same stubborn streak irl!Mori displayed in refusing to approach beriberi disease as being caused by nutritional deficiency instead of yet-named pathogenic bacteria. I save that batshittery for @sarahworm.
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tsunflowers · 10 months
a lot of people in ooku get beriberi which is a disease I'm not very familiar with so I've had to google it. it's caused by a vitamin deficiency like scurvy but the vitamin people aren't getting enough of is thiamine. that's one that's in whole grains but can easily be processed out. so the nobility in societies where rice is the staple crop were very susceptible to it bc they were eating highly processed white rice. but it feels counterintuitive that processing food would make it worse for you
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gakupo7 · 2 months
hello finnian 😄 how is your day going so far and what have you been up to what is the latest scoop
Hello Nini! 🥳 It was a pretty good day, thankyouuu very kindly for asking, though I am tireeeeddd... In the morning my brother and I had to take the metro and go alllll the way, to the other side of the capital... I had to deliver a... Thang for work. The post officers would take too long, you understand, and it was quite urgent... The taxes, you see...! The taxes... But it is over with now... Mostly... THANK GOD!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
But, it was fun to walk, and I had the chance to read a fair amount while riding the metro, and its a pretty good book, really, the brothers Karamazov; I'm only on the first volume, which, everyone, INCLUDING the writer in the prologue, says it's fairly boring, and just something one has to go through in order to understand the following volumes, but I am not finding it to be that way at all, so far, no... the characters are all such fun, they really have a way of pulling you right in the room with them, I just love imagining them in my mind, they are all different and real, and they talk about interesting topics, that make you think. Even if I don't always understand them entirely...
Well, after work was done for today, I studied a little about the Vitamins... Did you know? Beriberi is a disease caused by Thiamine, AKA B1 deficiency. Well, symptoms seem to range from mental confusion, to tingling, pain, to strange eye movement, paralysis of the lower legs... 1 million different things. Really... A whole basket of unpleasantness... Just a pain in the ass...
I reallyyyy want to clean my room tomorrow... Maybe I will cut my hair also. Oh, Nini... I really want to cut my hair shorter... It's pissing me off today. But, you see, the one day, I just find it to be so wonderful long... And then, the very next one, it just annnnoyyyys me so terribly. And it goes on like this FOREVER... An endless loop... Really... I will have to think about it seriously...
Well, how is your day going so far? &, Got any epic plans, regarding the foreseeable future? Here, the cicadas are singing night and day, non stop... It's so awesome... Do you have cicadas where you live? I hope all is well and wonderful.
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Picture of Little Knight Guy for you, One-Cell-Style
Oh, also... HAPPY AUGUST!!!
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nedlittle · 2 years
Top 5 doomed expeditions
bet you thought this was going to be the franklin expedition huh? well it's not. it's endurance baby!!!!!!!!! genuinely i have to not talk about this one because it makes me so emotional. how the FUCK did those guys survive. one of the questions asked during recruitment was whether you could "shout along with the boys". endurance is destroyed on her maiden voyage she was "a bride of the sea" but we FOUND HER my beautiful wife at the bottom of the weddell sea. shackleton and the lads sail 1300 km of the most dangerous water in the world in an open lifeboat and scale cliffs for five (?) days to find help and they DO and three months after they left, they return to the rest of the crew and nobody has fucking died. every single member of the expedition survived--albeit many after losing toes to frostbite and getting severe scurvy. just this once everybody lives!! also the shenanigans! shackleton told perce blackborrow that stowaways will get eaten first if it comes to that and sweet baby perce blackborrow said "there's more meat on your sir" and then everyone got along :) frank hurley and leonard hussey shoved handfuls of lentils in thomas orde-lees's open mouth when he wouldn't stop snoring. they named the cat mrs. chippy because it was obsessed with the carpenter (called "chippy") and now that cat's grave is decorated and cared for by people over a century later (also thank u mrs chippy for your sacrifice and also for naming MY mrs chippy <3). i have been debating writing an essay about the More Life of it all but especially all of frank hurley's photographs however it would come out as incomprehensible as this. my first month in china i missed my stop on the last metro of the night because i was detailing this expedition to my friends back home and i didn't have my mobile payment set up yet so i had to pay an exorbitant amount of money in cash for a taxi to go one (1) single kilometre
i mean, as tumblr user nedlittle, i am contractually obligated to say cold boy winter 4ever. 177 years ago, 128 men went missing in the arctic circle and as a result i have made friends for life <3. endlessly fascinating as a historical event and a classic example of imperialistic hubris those guys absolutely should not have been up there but they did and now a weird canadian identity has emerged as a result. i remember waking up to news that they found the wrecks and absolutely losing my mind
franklin adjacent doomed australian expeditions! a two-parter! so in 1861, the burke & wills expedition set off with a goal of crossing western australia from south-north and everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. 7 out of the 23 men died (wills perished either on my birthday or canada day) and only one guy made it across the continent and back to melbourne alive. beyond the fact that william john wills was the first cousin of erebus lieutenant h.t.d. "get in the soupp" le vesconte, there are a couple other similarities with franklin's expedition including death by scurvy, the food that they were eating was probably killing them (the early reports of lead poisoning with franklin; burke & wills ate seed bread after their rations ran out but depleted their thiamine levels and likely gave them beriberi because it probably wasn't prepared properly), relief efforts were sent but found little more than graves and bones, burke & wills tried to reach a place called mt. hopeless while the southernmost point any of franklin's men were known to reach was starvation cove on the adelaide peninsula. and THEN in 1874 another australian expedition led by ernest giles attempted to cross the deserts of western australia from east to west (looking at a map, they didn't go a very good job). the expedition was mostly fine except for one dude who straight-up vanished into the desert and was never seen again. that dude? alfred gibson, younger brother of terror steward william "breakup gone wrong" gibson
i didn't know a lot about the belgica before i read madhouse at the end of the world which was fantastic! everyone was having experience psychological terrorism as a result of antarctic isolation meanwhile motherfucker unlimited roald amundsen and scam king frederick cook were having the boys trip of the millennium. 19 men and innumerable rats. gentoo penguins are communists. tfw you almost shoot you doctor because you thought he was a seal
i am not as big of a fan of scott as some of my beloved mutuals but damned if i didn't devour the worst journey in the world. there are passages i think about daily. one time i was shivering really horribly during a migraine and all i could think of was that one passage where cherry talks about shivering so badly he thought his spine would snap. i am currently experiencing Cold and Wind and if i go outside...oh cherry we're really in it now
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And adding onto that: Shinobu and rice because if that isn’t the fattest mood.
One time, I ate nothing but rice for three straight months because it was the only thing I could tolerate eating. It almost killed me, but it went down my throat easy enough.
Rice is perfection.
@love-ya-ning can attest that if I could get away with a diet of rice and miso soup, I would
...but yeah I'm told that's how you get beriberi :P
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precuregremlin · 1 year
Looks like next week is our favorite twink’s last episode. I’m sad, I didn’t get to make any GX jokes...
Oh well, we’re getting close to midseason cure season. I am all but convinced it’s Elle, but we’ll see. Beriberi whatever her name is could be an option, but idk.
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aroace-cat-lady · 2 years
V7 W6
Vitamins, what happens when there is a deficiency??
Well. A lot. Looks this gonna be a long post.
Depends of which vitamin you are talking about
We have hydrosoluble and liposoluble. It's easier to get a deficiency of water solubles cuz the liposolubles are stored in the body as a reserve (that's exactly what gives them some toxicity)
So the hydrosolubles are vitamin C and complex B.
Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, and it's an antioxidant that helps with cicatrization and connective tissue maintenance. A deficiency causes you an illness called scorbutus, that's characterized by gums pain, hemorrhage, fragility of blood vessels, bone alterations, etc
Then we have complex B, that won the complex thing by hand.
Vitamin B¹ it's also called Thiamine. And it's in charge of the processing of ATP (that's THE energy coin) and passing this energy to the nervous system. It's deficiency causes Beriberi, and it's common in places with a white rice diet. It can alter the periferic nervous system or cause edema because of dilated cardiomyopathy. The deficiency of tiamina can also cause a syndrome called Wernicke-Korsakoff, but that's mostly seen in alcoholics.
Vitamin B² it's called Riboflavin, and it deficiency it's not related to an specific illness, but it seen other vitamin deficiencies.
B³ (niacin) produces NAD, that's one of the molecules needed to create ATP. It's deficiency causes pellagra, that's characterized by the three D's: Dermatitis, Diarrea, Dementia. And if it isn't treated it ends with the 4th D, Dead.
B⁵, pantothenic acid. There's no characteristic human deficiency.
B⁶, pyridoxine. It's the only hydrosoluble vitamin that can be toxic. But it's deficiency causes periferic neuropathy.
B⁷, biotina. You have to be a crazy raw eggs eater to get a deficiency of this. Like. Not joking. Like 20 raw eggs per day. It gives you dermatitis, lost of hair, nauses, low appetite.
B⁹, folic acid. This one helps with the metabolism of monocarbone (remember earlier I talked to you about hemoglobin, and that it transport oxygen to the whole body?? Well, it is more avid to bond with monocarbone than it is to do it with oxygen, so. Bad). It's deficiency causes megaloblastic anemic, that makes the erythrocytes bigger than they should. Also, if pregnant woman don't consume enough B⁹, the baby could born with anencephaly (no brain) or with split spine.
And we have cobalamin (B¹²) that also causes CNS problems, and pernicious anemia (small erythrocytes)
Then we have the liposoluble vitamins
Vitamin A's active form it's retinol/retinal/retinoic acid. It helps with vision, reproduction, tissue maintenance and growth. So the body gets affected these ways in deficiency.
Vitamin D works with calcium. Its defiency causes osteomalacia (adults) and rickets (children).
Vitamin K. Its defiency in adults it's weird cuz the intestinal bacterial flora usually produces it, but some medicines with a component called warfarin (that inhibits the enzyme that process vK) can cause it. Nevertheless, it's more common in new borns, because they dont have bacterias to produce it yet.
Vitamin E. Its not very usual, but new borns can develop hemolysis and retinopathy because they don't have reserves.
Now. Why is water important?? It's the universal solvent by excellence, it has multiple qualities that help to keep balance (thermoregulation, osmolarity, etc etc). It's a really chill pal that doesn't get in any trouble but that thanks to it everything go smoothly.
Thanks again darling *mwah*
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