#before i learned i could use a website to auto-generate the dialogue
lovedbythesun · 2 years
Robert Rosen on John, Paul, obsession and John’s reaction to Paul’s arrest in Japan (bolded)
RR: If you read Nowhere Man, you're gonna spend a couple of 100 pages in Lennon's head and you'll see what that's like. The neurosis and the occult, and the insecurity and the anger and the rage and the petty jealousy and the absolute expression of joy when McCartney was busted in Japan for trying to smuggle in marijuana.  And you'll also get the creative genius, the guy who went down to Bermuda, knowing it was time to break out of his seclusion and get back into it and release an album. After five years, the painful creative struggle to reconnect with his muse and the love he felt towards Yoko and towards Sean. I mean, that's all there. It's like the beautiful part of Lennon and there was indeed, a beautiful part, with the part that was heady and angry and resentful and jealous.
Host: You just described his reaction to the Tokyo drug bust with Paul. There's been definitely conflicting accounts, what the state of their relationship was not just the 1980 but throughout the whole of the Beatles solo years, where he definitely had the signs of an obsession with Paul's career and his successes. At the same time publicly talked about I don't pay attention to Wings, I don't pay attention to my peers. I don't pay attention to Jagger, or Dylan or all that stuff. Yet. You see things like the tape diary he did in 79, where he clearly is paying attention very much to Paul's career. Overall, did you get an impression of where things stood regarding his feelings toward Paul?
Robert Rosen: That is like a huge part of Nowhere Man because he spent so much time thinking about Paul and writing about Paul and obsessing over Paul. And everything Paul did, it drove him..every time he heard a Paul song on the radio, especially Coming Up off McCartney II that it would make him jealous. He saw his life as him and Yoko being either up or down in relation to Paul and Linda. And he just flat out said, I know this is not the way to be. There was like, the jealous part of him, that would just go crazy over something Paul did..and nobody's paying attention to me now. And there was that part of him and then there was the larger part of him, where he wanted to be like Jesus and Gandhi and Mohammed and Buddha, and he wanted to follow the path he wanted to follow the way, he wanted to merge with God.
It was just this constant struggle between this man who wanted to be pure and this man who wanted to take drugs and have sex with May Pang and just like, oh I bought this beautiful house in Palm Beach and Paul's gonna read about it and that's a great victory over McCartney and oh, Yoko just sold a cow for a quarter million dollars and it's gonna be in the papers and Paul's gonna read about it.  That's another great victory over McCartney and it's just like Yoko did it, she used her magic powers to have Paul busted in Japan and this is not in Nowhere Man because this is what he wrote in the diaries that I couldn't quote from the diaries but he was just so overjoyed that say, it was like the high point of 1980 up to that point and he writes, go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 - that's the thing from Monopoly and I'm not quoting from the diaries, I'm quoting from the Monopoly board, right [both laugh].
You know, that's what John wrote and he was just "oh, Paul's still in jail, maybe they'll keep him there for a couple of years and they let him out after only 10 days but the Wings tour was ruined and it made him happy.” 
- Robert Rosen / Something About The Beatles Podcast / 10/08/2022 (x)
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dynamite-derek · 6 years
My top-10 games of 2018
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It’s that time of the year where you are flooded with lists of the best stuff from 2018 and I’m no different. Originally I was going to just make a list of the top 10 games I played in 2018. I even had a giant list I was updating throughout the year. But one day my phone randomly reset and I lost that list. So, business as usual this year. Maybe next year. 
Before I start with the numbered list, I’d like to note a couple of games that won’t be appearing for various reasons.
Games I liked a lot but haven’t played enough of to place on a list like this: Into the Breach, Dead Cells
A critically acclaimed game I haven’t played: God of War
I don’t want remakes on my list, but these games were really good: Shadow of the Colossus, Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Ports aren’t eligible but I like these a lot too: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Shenmue 1&2, Hyrule Warriors and the PC port of one of the best games ever, Yakuza 0.
Okay, let’s get started.
10-) Red Dead Redemption 2: Actually had to debate between this and Pokemon: Let’s Go Pikachu for this spot. Ultimately I chose this game because the narrative is spectacular. Well that and the fact that Let’s Go is sort of a remake. This game absolutely nails atmospheric storytelling and creates one of the most interesting protagonists in AAA gaming. This game does a lot of things well, but the actual gameplay portion is...pretty mixed. I didn’t have fun with the open world at all and most missions involved long bouts of horseback riding with dialogue or ambient music. But RDR 2 does everything else so well. It also knows when to go all out. Every major mission in the game is memorable for one reason or another, especially with intelligent usage of music. It’s a game I will never play again, but despite some problems with the gameplay I can safely say that I enjoyed my time with it.
9-) Mario Tennis Aces: This game was a lot of fun. I wrote about it earlier in the year and my opinions on it are still the same.  Even though the gameplay is fairly simplistic, every match against another human felt unique and different. You have to learn the styles of your opposition and adapt. It’s like a fighting game! The online gameplay was also pretty solid. I felt pretty damn good whenever I would win a tournament. Really, Smash Bros. Ultimate would have done well to borrow this mechanic in some way. The only real problem with the game is that there is just a major lack of content. The heavily advertised story mode is barely worth playing and the cups, well, you might as well be playing against an unmanned player 2. I haven’t touched the game in a while, so this might have been fixed via update. As I said a few months ago, this game could have been a masterpiece with a bit of extra fine tuning.
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8-) Dragon Ball Fighter Z: This game feels like it was made specifically for me. I have a lot of love for the Marvel vs. Capcom games and even more love for the Dragon Ball franchise. The game is easy to approach for newcomers to this type of game by keeping the inputs simple and having very easy to pull of auto-combos. You won’t do too well online if you stick to the auto combos, but it’s a good way to start and learn how to play. I think a lot of people could start with Fighter Z and transition into more complicated fighting games, which is exactly what you want with a game like this that will attract many people who might not otherwise play a traditional fighter. Oh, and sometimes it looks like you’re playing an episode of the anime which is insane. The story mode is pretty tedious at times, which is a let down, but Fighter Z is an absolute blast to play and is easily the best playing Dragon Ball game yet. Hopefully season 2 of the DLC goes less heavy on all the Gokus. 
7-) Mega Man 11: The blue bomber returns! It’s been a long wait, but after playing through both collections last year and then the X-collection earlier this year, I was ready for Mega Man to get back into the spotlight. It’s a little hard to get into at first because the level design seems pretty tied into the main new mechanic, the gear system. Basically the player can slow things down to a crawl or boost Mega Man’s power. If you just play this game like you would any other Mega Man game, you’re probably going to throw your console out the window during Tiki Man’s stage. Once you figure this out, the system adds a unique flavor to the Mega Man experience and feels like an actual new Mega Man. I love MM9 and 10, but those did not feel like new games. The only thing that I didn’t like about this game was the music. Which, uh, is weird for a Mega Man game. Here’s hoping they get it right in the inevitable Mega Man X9. 
6-) Marvel’s Spider-Man: I don’t particularly like super hero movies and I haven’t enjoyed a Spider-Man game thoroughly since the first PS1 Spider-Man, so you wouldn’t normally think this game would appeal to me. But it absolutely does. The gameplay is outstanding and combines an improved version of the swinging scene in Spider-Man 2 with a combat system that is fairly similar to the Batman Arkham games. I recommend playing the game on hard because, while it’s hard to get used to, it makes every encounter feel unique. You constantly have to adapt to what the enemy is doing. You can’t just mash on the attack button and then press the dodge button when the dodge prompt comes up. 
The story is also interesting throughout. It has my favorite interpretation of Peter Parker I’ve seen in a while and has a pretty enjoyable cast of characters. Really Mary Jane is the only character I didn’t like and even with her, there are moments that hit home - specifically the text exchanges between MJ and Peter. The game is littered with references to past Spidey adventures and just feels like a giant love letter to fans of the hero. Can’t recommend it enough.
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5-) Celeste: I didn’t know what to expect with this game. Sometimes I feel very leery of when a bunch of people prop up an indy game too much. Gone Home a couple of years ago told a pretty mediocre story that was held up as some form of high art. Just didn’t get it. So I went into Celeste wanting to not like it and came out fairly surprised. The gameplay feels like a better version of Super Meat Boy and the narrative tells a pretty compelling tale about depression and how to come to terms with yourself. I even don’t mind the pixel art. I am getting sick of indy games going for the retro aesthetic, but when combined with the great soundtrack it’s hard not to love what it’s presenting. 
The game is simple enough to complete on its own. I would argue that anybody could do it as long as they keep at it. But for those platforming veterans, the game also offers a heavy challenge. The B-side and C-side levels will test your skills and remind you of some of the most challenging bits of hard platforming games like Super Meat Boy and I Wanna Be The Guy. Basically, come for the compelling narrative. Stay for the wickedly difficult and addicting gameplay.
4-) Yakuza 6: I believe I enjoyed this game far more than most folks. It told the end of Kazuma Kiryu’s story. It had some problems along the way but my god did I enjoy the ride. The cast of characters surrounding Kiryu in Hiroshima are all great and one of the main characters is Beat Takeshi. It also has a ton of things to do and see. I love the clan wars sidequest featuring New Japan wrestlers, I love the baseball manager quest, I LOVED becoming a regular at a bar and getting to know everyone in it like I was playing some sort of weird Cheers game, I even loved the adult cam chats that came with wacky dialogue. This game is full of charm.
I haven’t mentioned the gameplay yet you might have noticed. That’s because, well, it’s a new direction for the franchise. It focuses on allowing more people to fight Kiryu at once and as a result feels less refined than recent entries Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 5. I am excited to see where they take it in Yakuza 7, but I would be fibbing if I suggested that I felt 6 plays as well as previous entries. Still, the entire Yakuza package is compelling and I never felt like I was scrambling for things to do or see. I don’t 100% games out of obligation. I’m not one of those people that feels the need to 100% every game I play. I 100%ed Yakuza 6 though. And I loved every minute of it, combat and all.
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3-) Valkyria Chronicles 4: As none of you might know, I used to review games for a website called 411mania. One of the games I reviewed for them was the original Valkyria Chronicles. Nobody else wanted to do it because it looked like a generic jRPG and I was really the only person on the site who liked jRPGs so the game fell to me. And I absolutely loved it. The story was captivating, the graphics were stylish and and the gameplay felt like a breath of fresh air. It was the combination of a tactical RPG and a (very, very simplified) shooter. To this day it remains one of my favorite games ever. Conversely, Valkyria Chronicles 2 on the PSP is one of my least favorite games ever and 3 never came to the states - though it does have a fan translation. The franchise has felt dead in the west for ages. The musou-like Azure Revolution sure as fuck didn’t get me going.
4 came out this year and it felt like I went back in time. Everything I loved about 1 was back. It’s even expanded upon. The grenadier is a great new troop that feels overpowered at first, but really forces the player to rethink how to approach certain situations. The story isn’t as good as the story in 1, but I found it simple and enjoyable. I genuinely liked the main cast and wanted to see them do well. That’s more than I can say for a lot of games. I know I mentioned earlier in my blurb about Mega Man that what I liked about it was that it actually felt like a new game. The difference here is that I have 10 other Mega Man games that play like Mega Man games. With this franchise, I have 1 (or maybe 2, I hate how maps work on the PSP but I have not played enough of 3 to judge). Sometimes a franchise revival needs to go “like the one you like but more” route. I loved this game and I hope as it gets cheaper more people try it. 
2-) Dragon Quest XI: Hey you might notice this about my gaming preferences, but I really enjoy Japanese RPGs! And this sure as hell was one of those! DQ XI felt like a game from another dimension in a lot of ways. It’s a traditional playing Japanese RPG with a big AAA budget. It looks breathtaking. Big budget JRPGs feel like something out of the PS2 era, which is great because I sure love PS2 era RPGs. It’s lengthy, it has a crazy amount of postgame content and has a lot of side stuff in case you get tired of fighting down the main path. It’s a great throwback. 
This game also has the most balanced party in recent RPG memory. Usually games like these have one or two party members that you just don’t enjoy. For instance, Final Fantasy X is one of my favorite games ever. But I just don’t like Kimahri. I don’t like using him and I don’t think his character is interesting. DQ XI has nobody like that. I found everybody likable. Sylvando and Jade in particular stand out and are among my favorite characters in gaming. Really, I enjoy everything about this game. Even the music! I know a lot of people complain about the simplified score in the western version, but I honestly found it to work out pretty well for the game. Obviously the Japanese version is superior, but I still enjoy it. If you’re a fan of RPGs and you haven’t played DQ XI, you’re missing out.
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1-) Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: This was my most anticipated game of 2018 from the moment it was announced and the final product delivered everything that I had hoped it would. You have a large cast of characters, a crazy number of stages and a bunch of single player content to consume in between bouts of online or local multiplayer. The single player is what ranks this game so high for me. The classic mode - think arcade mode in standard fighters - is easily the best it has ever been. Each character has their own route with their own gimmick, which gives the player incentive to play each and every one. With a roster of over 70 fighters, that’s impressive. The adventure mode can start off slow, but once you get into the groove of it I really think it stands out as something special. It’s an expanded version of event battles from past games. You face off against a fighter (or fighters) embodying the personality of a character that isn’t in the game. They range from obscure stuff you haven’t heard of to a fight with Geno’s spirit that has you do battle with the cast of Super Mario RPG (with substitutes for Geno and Mallow). It feels very creative. It can be grindy for some, but I really enjoyed my time with it.
I think the online could be more fleshed out. I don’t experience as many laggy matches as most people, but even still the options online are fairly bare bones. You don’t even have leaderboards. I want to compare how good I am with how good my friends are! I think Nintendo plans to keep this game alive for the duration of the Switch’s lifespan, so I believe there will be plenty of time to get the online situation perfect. That doesn’t really excuse Nintendo from still not getting online even close to right in 2018, but I find Ultimate to be such a complete package that I can look past these shortcomings. Ultimately, it is my favorite entry in one of my favorite franchises. So it’s pretty easily my game of the year.
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dwyerlawrence9-blog · 6 years
Trump's Excellent Poor Talking Style.
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martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
Tips on Optimizing Marketing Technology Strategy: An Interview with Jonathan Goldmacher of Valtech
In this hard-hitting and grounded interview, Jonathan Goldmacher, Managing Director, Valtech – NYC, speaks with MarTech Advisor on various crucial aspects of marketing technology, such as Conversion Rate Optimization, Personalization, Customer Experience and more. Read on for expert tips and real-speak to refine your marketing technology strategy. 
The Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) of a company is dependent on many elements (website design, brand responsiveness, etc.). What blueprint can CMOs follow to lead their organizations to a higher CRO? Which factors (content, personalization etc.) would be most crucial in this blueprint? I’m not certain that there is a blanket blueprint that any CMO can follow. I believe that blueprints themselves should be customized based on the business that the CMO is representing, the objective of that business and, ultimately, their marketing objectives.
That said, I do think there are several elements that ultimately can lead to better optimization of conversion rates. First and foremost, understanding who your customers or consumers are, and reaching them at the right place, at the right moment, with the right message: contextualization and personalization. Utilizing search to understand what is important to them in their lives is important to know when it comes to the type of content you create.
The easiest place to start, for me, is always in seeing what people are already searching for in your category then developing content directly against that since you know it's something that people in your category are highly interested in. Having that relevant content, at the right place and time is key in driving conversion.
Personalization has gained momentum as an important marketing strategy over the years. How does personalization affect the CRO? What techniques can marketers employ to make their personalization strategies more effective (for both SEO and CRO)?
Personalization affects conversion rate in a positive way when brands and companies, particularly digitally driven ones, understand who their customers are and what relationship their customer may already have with them: the size, shape, frequency of that relationship.
In e-commerce, it means tracking the kinds of purchases customers make and how frequently they’re bought. Then working to be able to model more predictably what their future needs might be while meeting those needs ahead of time. The idea of predictive modeling is, for me, core to the idea of personalization. You are trying to be a bit more proactive in your relationship with your customers and not just reactive. What you understand and know about your consumers, and what is important to them, is critical. The easiest way to do this, for me, is using the customer data that already exists online. An individual’s search history and what people in your category are searching for allow you to create relevant content. Consumers expect brands to serve them only with relevant and up to date content. How can brands utilize content to drive their CRO in the right direction?
**The reason why customers are coming to you should be for the superiority of your product or service and the belief that it is going to help their lives be better.** I’d start there. I’d start around the product before I venture all the way out to the other end of promotional activities and content creation.
Start by being relevant and up to date in your category and product and services, and make sure that stuff is matching up for all the traffic that’s happening in your category as it relates to search. That doesn’t mean it can’t be creative, quite the opposite. **Regardless of the subject matter, content needs to breakthrough and be engaging.** 
So, to me, that is job number one. Once you’ve built your brand and your business, then it is right to be thinking of the dialogue of communications that comes from an engagement or content strategy inclusive of things like social, but I’d much more propose that people start by building a solid foundation based on the customer’s needs.
Marketers are slowly moving from a multi-channel engagement strategy to an omni-channel strategy with a more holistic approach towards customer engagement. What are some significant aspects of omni-channel engagement that are generally overlooked by marketers?
I think customer experience and UX are too often thought of only in an ecosystem of things digital. The physical customer experience, product experience and communication experience are equally critical to building a holistic omnichannel strategy. Putting what the brand stands for at the center, devising with great strategy how we will engage and what is important to consumers, how we talk to them, how we treat them when they’re with us physically and ensuring all of that stuff complements one another and is coming from the same place at the center is, to me, still one of the biggest challenges.
How have you seen the concept of seamless Customer Experience (CX) evolve over the last few years, and where do you see it heading in 2020? **Seamless customer experience is the notion of taking all four dimensions and designing from them with purpose from the outset.** Not many people are doing it well and we’re very much still at the nascent stages of this though some are doing segments better than others.
I hope that by 2020, if not soon afterward, that a fully-baked and complementary user experience across the four dimensions becomes the standard.  I believe that there will be a lot of work to do, but it’s the right thing. The brands deserve it, and they should have a well thought out experience that starts with the core purpose at its center. Designing linear solutions is clearly not the answer but it is difficult to understand how to create and plan these fully-wholistic solutions.
AR-VR are the upcoming immersive technologies which have not yet been explored fully by marketers. What tips would you give marketers on making the most of AR-VR for their campaigns? In your opinion, which areas (retail, auto etc.) will benefit the most from these technologies? Technology is never a silver bullet to solve all of our problems but it is a tool. A tool in the right hands can allow that person to work more efficiently. Otherwise, it’s just a flash in the pan. Again, the most important thing to me is whether this technology is being used to deliver real utility to people and makes their lives better. The utilization of AR/VR against those goals is what I’m looking for.
Travel and hospitality, particularly with hotels, is a fantastic example. One of the things I’m most curious about when traveling with my family is where are we staying and what is it like at this place. Most hotel websites are terrible. I just want to see what the room is going to be like and I usually get three static photos taken ten years ago that don’t give a sense of how big the room is, how it’s arranged, or what it would feel like to stay there.
Think about cruise ships and people who have never taken a cruise – that would be a category that could really benefit from VR. What are the sleeping quarters like? What amenities, activities and food are on the ship? What’s it like to walk around the ship?  Can I learn a bit more about the people and staff that I’ll be sharing the boat with and some unique facts about them? What are the crucial new skills that a CMO needs on their team when it comes to adapting to these new tools and strategies (mobile marketing, omni-channel marketing, AI and machine learning, chatbots, etc.)?
CMO’s must be nimbler than ever today.  I’ve always liked the Mike Tyson quote, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”  **When you go out into the market you’ve got to expect to get punched and not be surprised that your plans will need to pivot.** 
Marketing has, for years, remained the same – to make customers aware of the value that your company provides and drive awareness to future customers. In that regard CMOs must remain steadfast in sharing that story of utility that the brand provides while viewing new technologies as tools that enables you to get from Point A to Point B.
That too is how future CMOs must consider omni-channel marketing. Yes, each individual component or channel is important, but it’s how they all work together to help drive home the experience of your brand. Valtech is a hub of digital transformation tools, services and innovation. Tell us a little about some of the most exciting, upcoming projects at Valtech.
Speaking of VR, I believe that the VR work we’ve done for our client, Decathlon, is second to none. Our implementation of VR provides real value to their business and solves a problem of limited store square footage, while solving the problem for customers who cannot see all the large products in their stores. It’s driven higher profit-per-square-foot for Decathlon.
**It’s easy for people to think that technology alone solves business challenges, but the deployment of technology must be done strategically and really push the needle on business metrics.** VR technology will continue to grow as future generations will be more comfortable with purely digital services and emerging technologies.
MTA: Thank you for that fantastic discussion on such varied aspects of marketing technology, Jonathan. We hope to talk with you again, soon!
About Valtech:
Valtech is one of the largest independent digital marketing and business transformation agencies in the world employing more than 2500 innovators, design thinkers, marketers, creatives and developers in offices across 16 countries.
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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The Huge Blunder Concerning Mistakes.
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This suggests mosting likely to the individual which was influenced through my mistake and possessing this. This also means, where proper, owning the oversight openly also. By law from destination, our experts are going to create the same mistake repeatedly once again, up until the repercussions hurt so much that our company do pick up from that! Don't redo the exact same oversight twice; be sure to certainly not simply pick up from your blunders yet implement methods and have dialogues along with your staff to guarantee they don't happen again. A male checking out a hippopotamus may at times be attracted to concern a hippopotamus as a massive blunder; yet he is actually likewise expecteded to confess that a blessed inadequacy prevents him directly coming from making such blunders. That is actually for that reason significant that you first of all are familiar with concerning the usual membership internet site mistakes before you engage in the whole entire process. You could also listen to documents that are going to show simply exactly how creative these identification criminals have ended up being that they also utilize technology to effortlessly gather private details without a hitch. Typically, if the illegal offender can easily prove that the mistake sensibly voided an aspect from the crime, the protection is going to often be actually pursued absolve the accused and administer of obligation. If you have not made any kind of oversights for a while, you may certainly not be actually providing on your own options to run the risk of, to learn, or to expand. Writers, Bloggers, Podcasters & Artists: Helping you certainly not merely develop & nurture an invested audience, yet effective ways to utilize your oversights so you switch them in to your most significant endorsers but. Self-Care: Popular massage therapy oversights therapists make are that they carry out not look after themselves as long as they should. Mistake # 7 - Resolving your case prematurely, or seeming also excited to resolve your claim soon. There are actually disastrous oversights that ruin an idea; however there are also dependent ones, which work in evaluating the security from an idea. Your following measure is to view what you need to have to perform in purchase to spot points up and solve your mistake when you have actually created your apologies to the others entailed. It is actually the actual reason errors hurt, to ensure our team do learn from all of them as well as don't create all of them repetitively. In some cases blunders happen since our company simply don't possess all the relevant information, all the devices or information essential for an effective outcome. Some people aim to stay away from mistakes by not functioning and also through certainly not taking care of individuals, which is truly a large oversight. They spend a considerable amount of time looking over their shoulders, afraid to have possibilities and assume more obligation for concern they will definitely make errors. One essential certification, nevertheless, is actually that this error of simple fact need to be actually realistic and truthful. Applaud your own self of what you have learned from these mistakes as well as encounters. Recorded under the operating title The Storage, no one expected the movie up until an unexpected trailer dropped in January. Perform not allow that you have actually made a few blunders to stop you off attempting to repair the relationship. Our experts only have one opportunity to show our children the perseverance and self-control necessary to enable all of them to learn from the errors that we've all made. When people go through body system language, in this short article you are going to look into an amount from common mistakes produced. A typical error made is actually the use of the incorrect pads or shoes for a lorry. Because there is actually a circulation of task, Schoemaker takes note that team errors are actually frequently simpler to obtain above. Luckily, most of us make errors every from time to time, despite exactly how wise, how properly educated, as well as how knowledgeable our team are. However, through learning exactly what the popular service center blunders that car owner's make you can avoid a costly and/or undesirable knowledge. Auto mechanics are not mind viewers neither perform they instantly know what mistakes with your auto even if you inform them that the check engine illumination is on. An additional usual car repair shop oversight car managers create is disregarding the advice of the mechanic. P.S. Mistake # 6: If you have no wall surface articles on your web page that implies there is actually no social life on this earth (profile page). Music Licensing For Movie makes certain that these seemingly unknown however talented performers obtain observed and they can easily come close to producers who might be capable to provide a correct direction to their occupation. Acquiring the ability to cease dwelling on your oversights are going to make you extra effective, will improve your self-confidence, and also will certainly produce you happier. I after that thought about exactly how I will write that short article and made a couple of tips when I declined this I could make use of those recommendations to write a write-up on my own, so that brief repeated post created a tip for me but this will not be copying. Error # 1) Performing Needy: Among the most significant techniques from tourist attraction and seduction is actually a man that appears like he does NOT need a lady. All it has is for one oversight to occur and also whatever you've functioned so tough to achieve can be eliminated in the blink of an eye. If they could create oversights along the method, the one point they all possess in typical is the readiness to take a threat also. Coming from paper masking, utilizing redaction device programs and also redaction software program and also legal redaction, listed here are actually a number of the overall oversights folks help make. And also all of us carry out. Maybe our experts produce the exact same blunder 3 times, but ideally certainly not four or five. The longer you stand by to take care of the mistake and also your component in that, the additional opportunity your customer, or your competition, has to develop their own story around what occurred and exactly what might take place in the future. Many people additionally shared video clip footage of the second, accenting the look that crucifixed Pharrell's skin when Jenna helped make the error. You state that a person does one thing by mistake or even, in even more formal English, at fault. By staying clear of these popular blunders you will promptly start becoming a strong communicator and individuals will definitely start respecting as well as admiring you even more. Some might be actually challenged by either evaluating one's self, or even others, for blunders, or by certainly not being able to take possession of one's own mistakes. Some of the most usual credit scores blunder is co-signing on a loan for family and friends participants that don't spend certainly there costs. They said to the information web site that the particular method for dealing with such an error was unknown because such errors had never been made in the Oscars' 88-year past history. Do not trump your own self up. Get back to the first step where you evaluate the oversight. Sometimes errors take place due to the fact that our company simply don't possess all the relevant information, all the information or even tools essential for a successful end result. Some people try to stay away from mistakes through certainly not operating and also through not dealing with individuals, which is truly a large mistake. They spend a ton of time looking into their shoulders, hesitant to take opportunities and also suppose more accountability for anxiety they will make oversights. One vital qualification, nonetheless, is that this oversight of reality should be actually straightforward and also practical. Congratulate your own self of what you have actually profited from these take ins as well as errors.
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mysteryshelf · 6 years
BLOG TOUR - Three Strikes You're Dead
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Three Strikes, You’re Dead (Eddie Shoes Mystery) by Elena Hartwell
About the Book
Three Strikes, You’re Dead (Eddie Shoes Mystery) Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Camel Press (April 1, 2018) Paperback: 288 pages ISBN-13: 978-1603817271 Digital 13: 9781603817288
Private investigator Eddie Shoes heads to a resort outside Leavenworth, Washington, for a mother-daughter getaway weekend. Eddie’s mother Chava wants to celebrate her new job at a casino by footing the bill for the two of them, and who is Eddie to say no?
On the first morning, Eddie goes on an easy solo hike, and a few hours later, stumbles upon a makeshift campsite and a gravely injured man. A forest fire breaks out and she struggles to save him before the flames overcome them both. Before succumbing to his injuries, the man hands her a valuable rosary. He tells her his daughter is missing and begs for her help. Is Eddie now working for a dead man?
Barely escaping the fire, Eddie wakes in the hospital to find both her parents have arrived on the scene. Will Eddie’s card-counting mother and mob-connected father help or hinder the investigation? The police search in vain for a body. How will Eddie find the missing girl with only Eddie’s memory of the man’s face and a photo of his daughter to go on?
About the Author
Interview with the Author
What initially got you interested in writing?
That’s a great question. I started so young, I can’t remember a time I wasn’t interested in writing. I think it probably had to do with my early exposure to great authors. My parents read to my sister and me a lot (we’re only a year apart). I learned early on, that I could invent stories in my head, just like the ones in books. Anytime I had nothing important to pay attention to, and sometimes when I should have been, I’d find myself inventing stories. I thought for a long time everyone thought that way. It didn’t take long before I was writing them down. I even illustrated a number of them and did some book binding.
What genres do you write in?
As a novelist, Mystery. As a playwright, which I’ve done for 20+ years, “genre” is less specific. I tended to write plays that reflected contemporary society. Realism, which used both humor and drama. Usually small casts, and often about a family situation against the backdrop of a larger societal issue. I’ve written plays about PTSD, colony collapse disorder, the dangers of the fishing industry, even the Tsunami in Japan.
What drew you to writing these specific genres?
Mystery is the genre I read the most, so that was a natural fit as a novelist. In terms of my theatrical work, I’ve always been interested in big questions, but I find them easier to look at through the lens of a specific situation. So it’s one thing to talk about PTSD in general terms, but it’s a lot more impactful to show one veteran dealing with their struggles, and their family, and their specific injuries and recovery. The details of one person actually makes things more universal, not less, because we can relate to the idea of a person more than the idea of a group. Our compassion and empathy is more likely to get triggered by one person, not a concept.
How did you break into the field?
The short answer is: I sold my first Eddie Shoes Mystery to Camel Press on a three-book deal. The long answer is: I wrote for more than twenty years in the theater, worked on my craft, wrote a novel, wrote a second novel, wrote a third novel, got an agent, lost an agent, sent the third novel to Camel, they didn’t buy it, but liked my voice. So I sent them One Dead, Two to Go.
What do you want readers to take away from reading your works?
I’d like readers to take away the fun of the humorous mystery, the seriousness of homicide, the complexity of human relationships, and the joy of dog ownership.
What do you find most rewarding about writing?
Working from home! I also love interacting with readers. Finding out what they connect with. I love when someone says they can’t wait for the next book.
What do you find most challenging about writing?
Working from home! (Just kidding). The promotional/marking side is hard. I’m not very good with social media or marketing, so that side is hard for me. I love the act of writing and rewriting. In terms of solely writing, not the business of it, I’m not good at seeing big flaws in my early drafts, I need beta readers for that. Once I start rewriting I’m better at seeing the issues, but that first draft gets away from me.
What advice would you give to people wanting to enter the field?
Learn your craft. Lots of people have good ideas. Most people are capable of “writing” – putting sentences together into paragraphs. But there are few people who truly understand the craft. Story structure, the function of dialogue, how to find a voice. Focus on the craft and you will find success.
What type of books do you enjoy reading?
Mysteries, Thrillers, Historical, I read some non-fiction, though I tend toward narrative non-fiction unless it’s research for a project. I also like literary. I like smart characters struggling with real problems in areas of gray. I am least interested in cookie-cutter characters fighting cliché bad guys. No one is all good or all bad. And the dog can’t die.
Is there anything else besides writing you think people would find interesting about you?
I was an auto mechanic – I worked heavy line in a truck shop for Ford, general mechanic for Volvo, and for a couple independent shops.
What are the best ways to connect with you, or find out more about your work?
Definitely check out my new website, I love the design: www.elenahartwell.com and don’t miss my blog www.elenahartwell.com/blog
Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElenaHartwellAuthor/
Twitter: @Elena_Hartwell
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/emhartwell/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hartwellelena/
After twenty years in the theater, Elena Hartwell turned her dramatic skills to fiction. Her first novel, One Dead, Two to Go introduces Eddie Shoes, private eye. Called “the most fun detective since Richard Castle stumbled into the 12th precinct,” by author Peter Clines, I’DTale Magazine stated, “this quirky combination of a mother-daughter reunion turned crime-fighting duo will captivate readers.”
In addition to her work as a novelist, Elena teaches playwriting at Bellevue College and tours the country to lead writing workshops.
When she’s not writing or teaching, her favorite place to be is at the farm with her horses, Jasper and Radar, or at her home, on the middle fork of the Snoqualmie River in North Bend, Washington, with her husband, their dog, Polar, and their trio of cats, Jackson, Coal Train, and Luna, aka, “the other cat upstairs.” Elena holds a B.A. from the University of San Diego, a M.Ed. from the University of Washington, Tacoma, and a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia.
Website – http://www.elenahartwell.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ElenaHartwellAuthor/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Elena_Hartwell
Blog – http://www.arcofawriter.com
GoodReads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3975429.Elena_Hartwell,
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/emhartwell/
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BLOG TOUR – Three Strikes You’re Dead was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
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joanblum3277-blog · 7 years
How To Get rid of Regrets, Disappointments & Mistakes.
I told them that it was an oversight on my component as well as it would never ever take place again as long as I operated there. Badly written material, which is certainly not effectively optimised, is actually also an error that could negatively affect your SEO-effectiveness. Add fresh, cost-free web content to your site such as most recent posts, internet devices, as well as prices estimate with a single item from code! Open up interaction is a need to and this is actually usually the most awful courting mistake you could make. Certainly, mistakes are good for our team - they make our team who our experts are actually as well as typically make up our most beneficial treasures of wisdom as well as knowledge. Understand that your challenge along with your children' blunders is in simple fact an image from your difficulty handling your very own oversights; recognize this and also manage your own problems first. You could talk to RI Legal representative David Slepkow through heading to Rhode Isle Loved ones Rule Legal representative or even by calling him at 401-437-1100. The most ideal technique to prevent sensation like you created the wrong choice or missed a wonderful option is actually making certain you are actually going into the procedure with a firm understanding on what that indicates to come to be a home owner. One of one of the most typical automobile garage oversights vehicle owners make is cannot give enough info about the trouble. Right now you recognize exactly what they were actually performing to your website if you have been actually dedicating any from the above pointed out blunders and also were naive concerning their impact. If you have any queries pertaining to where by and how to use yellow pages online free (click the next site), you can get in touch with us at our own webpage. The right strategy from improvement is actually done by passing the diary entrance in such a way through which the adjustment is created through providing result to the uploaded entrance that needs to possess been passed. But when you do, put in the time to undergo the evaluation procedure so you may learn from it then let this go, understanding that you can certainly not modify the outcome or even the collection from scenarios in which the blunder was made. However, a lot of women aiming to acquire their ex-spouse back create a number of oversights that find yourself spoiling their opportunities. Blunders massage specialists generally create are actually to either fall under a routine where they provide the exact same massage therapy over and over again, or even to dismiss the client's ask for pressure/ emphasis and also as an alternative simply concentrate on exactly what the counselor experiences is necessary. The best factor to carry out is accept it as well as test to produce up for it; certainly not asking forgiveness for an error is yet another mistake when you create a blunder. Each opportunity you consider a mistake you've created, this is actually as if you are actually creating that mistake around once again. The 3rd mistake is actually that as soon as the provider experiences a difficult time, they cut their marketing budget and pull inside their layer like a turtle. And also if you perform possess an individual in your life that is actually attempting to maintain you coming from removaling and neglecting on, understand that this is their own planet they are making and also they may delight in holding those sensations and thoughts of previous mistakes over you. Even when the parts appear to match, there are going to be identifiable sign that an oversight was actually produced after owning the car. If you do not record identity fraud concerns early, you are in for a globe from pain as you try to obtain your monetary life back so as. Yet, this is actually certainly not the blunders that our company make that define us; it is actually just how our company prefer to get the items of our lives after these blunders and move on. The blunders that our company create as Foreign exchange investors are normally nothing much more than an instance from permitting feeling to creep right into our trading selections. Various other kings allow their priests create their oversights for all of them, however Louis emphasized creating the significant oversights individually. Those initial thirty few seconds of talk with a female are actually vital, and one mistake can easily wreck your opportunities from obtaining anywhere with her. She possessed an unrivaled gift, especially marker in palm, from pressing huge blunders in to small options. Yet when I create the very same oversight two times (and also I confess, this takes place more often than I will like), that's when I am actually really tough on myself. Yet since, virtual, nobody is foolproof, this is regularly needed to reposition previous events so as to reveal that this or that mistake was certainly not made, or that this or even that imaginary victory in fact happened. Anybody which possesses ever before had the nerve to go out into the globe as well as perform something understands there are just pair of kinds of errors: ones our company can recoup coming from as well as ones we could not bounce back coming from. To locate the most ideal answers to oversights when setting up marble flooring tiles pointed out in this particular write-up, you can do therefore listed below. And also without fail, ONE HUNDRED% of the amount of time, I created the inspection costs back in renegotiations with the resident. That is actually consistently sensible to figure out and also remedy the errors just before the final accounts for the year are made. Oversight from legislation is actually a defense that the unlawful defendant misinterpreted or was unaware of the regulation as it existed at the time. Due to the fact that he wants our company to know and obtain several experiences in lifestyle, mistakes are real present coming from God that he has actually given us. Dating oversights of this attribute often cause misunderstanding and going out with could even finish below. Undoubtedly, blunders benefit our team - they make us who our company are actually and commonly make up our very most valuable treasures of understanding as well as understanding. Understand that your problem along with your kids' blunders remains in fact a reflection from your challenge coping with your own oversights; be aware of this and cope with your very own issues initially. You may call RI Attorney David Slepkow by heading to Rhode Isle Loved ones Law Lawyer or even through calling him at 401-437-1100. The third common auto repair service mistake automobile proprietors make is actually not being accessible for dialogue along with the mechanic concerning the repair procedure. Poor selections or even flawed procedures can easily occasionally bring about errors, yet that does not indicate that every bad result is an oversight. Instead of wallowing on the mistake you have actually created, focus on just what you can do to fix the issue. This is actually very important and ought to be actually meticulously looked at when making a training course especially created you, and also as your physical body and also physical disorder modifications therefore need to your program. . After that there are actually the exclusive mistakes that some folks carry around for a life-time; their dirty little bit of tips. Yet our company performed not accomplish what our experts wished, and also severe blunders were actually made in attempting to do this. Our experts will receive to the bottom from this, and I am going to take whatever action is actually called for A local business owner are going to really must function harder as a result of the absence of a company identity. When somebody rifles via your rubbish can easily looking for credit history card statements or even exactly what have you, the majority of folks picture identification fraud as one thing that develops. Utilizing terms including click here" or learn more" in internal hyperlinks is actually a major error since the internet search engine fail to recognize just what the webpage being actually linked is actually everything about. I have grown to think that our experts are all perfect just the way our experts are which features our errors. These kids live in two different places-one area where they have the affection and also assistance from their dad (moms and dads), and also one more where they think that if their mistakes were uncovered, they would be undeserving from that love. I am actually just an older business owner as well as a quite knowledgeable businessman which created every blunder in the book as well as may identify one when I observe one.
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In Great, which is actually also concerning identification, he buries his attraction in the taken out, apprehensive Halder and gradually our company observe this excellent guy enhanced. In Dishonored 2 our experts ultimately come to listen to Corvo as well as Emily talk for the very first time, as well as it's not good-- at least for Corvo. If you liked this short article and you would such as to receive additional facts regarding relevant website kindly see our own internet site. VW reach mentioning that self-governing cars and trucks would save a million lives yearly. Possessing the capacity to manage your auto remotely with a cell phone app or smartwatch is a nice benefit, specifically for those that are actually forgetful or even OCD about making certain their automobile is actually secured. Working with a car agents company is a fantastic idea to offer you one much less thing to bother with in the course of your action. 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As opposed to committing the information to analysis and also create a linked automobile adventure that could be actually out-of-date before this takes place sale, Schwenk describes Android as a ready-to-go system, understood to creators and supported by Google.com, that Audi may offer consumers quicker than this can. She's also propositioned for sex by automobile fixing fella that informs her the red automobile has actually corrected on its own, yet she uses the fact that she is actually wed to transform him down. Technology already exists to immediately brake if the auto feels that the vehicle driver isn't really listening. However in more current times this General Motors owned company has had a less-than stellar record from generating small sports cars for the British cars and truck buyer. Android Automotive, after that, is sticking around, along with Android in the automobile accessible for manufacturers that want a single monitor encounter. Although you have to spend for automobile routine maintenance, these tiny expenses are much easier on your budget plan compared to the large ones you'll must spend if you overlook your automobile. Down the road when self-driving automobiles possess the time to cultivate as well as boost even more, numerous typically expect this to create feeling that hands-on driving will certainly become disallowed. Illuminations that turn on and also off by themselves, point in the correct instructions and dip when an additional car neighbors. When your plans are specified, having said that, it is commonly possible to spare a bit a lot more by spending for the car hire ahead of time. So the next time your sitting along with a car salesperson as well as they are actually clarifying the benefits from added security deposit, it is actually perhaps just profiting them as well as the dealership. Just what is actually hilarious is that Venture Cars makes use of the 7th primary on the Xbox One and also the Xbox One model is actually still even worse. In the Jazz's favor are a ready motor, really good manual transmission and reactive steerage, but that has likewise been actually saddled with revocation that merely can't manage the a traditional British street area. In the meantime, the Chevrolet started to removal without driving, however the motor and also the exhaust were still deafening and when you partook the cars and truck for some time, the eternal roaring obtained one on the nerves. The only technique to make sure that you receive a decent settlement or honor is to possess an automobile collision attorney which comprehends the insurance body, is effectively prepared as well as expert in making an effort these suits in court of law, as well as certainly, will certainly perform whatever achievable to eliminate for your rights. In this particular example the writer is relating the personality from a vehicle with the personality of individuals which constructed the vehicle. But I am actually quite aware of that past governments have motivated people to acquire diesel-powered cars and trucks and our experts must have that into profile when our experts're checking out exactly what we perform in the future," the head of state pointed out.
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amacoupo-blog · 7 years
8 Simple Steps to Becoming an AdWords Millionaire!
8 Simple Steps to Becoming an AdWords Millionaire!
In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly what I did, in my first week, in my very first tiny, Google AdWords Ad campaign to make $1,000 in six days.
Most of you are like me. You heard about people making huge sums of money on Google AdWords. Or, you heard about someone building a large website, marketing it, and raking in tens of thousands of dollars in passive income.
Before we get into this, let me assure you that I am just an ordinary person, who believes that if some other Bozo can do this, I can do this. And, to let you know that I’m sincere, you can email me and request my phone number. I’ll talk to you personally and tell you what I did. Once I found the training and tools, the Internet became my oyster!
It’s the dream we all have – the dream of being able to live your life on your own terms. Who doesn’t want to travel, spend more time with the family, and buy whatever they want and need without worrying about it.
I read and purchased nearly everything I could for three full years. During that time I didn’t make a nickel from any kind of online business.
Then I found an Online Money Makers Club. It changed my life!
So, here’s what it taught me right out of the gate. I watched my first video – one of hundreds of video tutorials (all on one site, by the way) and the money started to pour in every day. I would watch my Clickbank account page. My sales were $200 to $300 per day.
Here it is:
Step #1
Open accounts in Google AdWords, Clickbank, an autoresponder, a website builder that also has domains for sale.
Be sure to force yourself to get organized right away. There is nothing worse than not being able to find those user names and passwords when you need them. I have a Rolodex-type system for numbers, passwords, etc. I know some people do an online Rolodex, which is probably even more efficient.
I also begin a filing system for each campaign right away. I just go into My Computer and develop a folder named for the campaign product. Everything I generate gets saved as files that go into that folder. Be obsessive about your record keeping. It will save you so much time later.
Step #2
Go to Clickbank and choose a product. I choose products that are more obscure, but have high “gravity” – an overall indication of how good a product does in affiliate marketing. Products like making money online, or losing weight have too much competition. These products are overworked. Go for things like cures for diseases, or acne solutions, or eBooks about pets. Those kinds of people are also desperate for answers, but affiliates have not flooded those markets.
Because you already have a Clickbank account, you can create a “hoplink” that will allow you to promote your product and get paid. The hoplink has your ID embedded in it. Don’t forget to save your hoplink in a file and put it in the folder. Label it carefully so you know exactly what it is when you’re going back to look for it.
Research your product. Sometimes there is an affiliate page where you can download and save pictures and text for your use.
Step #3
Go back to your website builder and get a domain name. For AdWords ads, I use long, hyphenated names because no one is going to need to remember the URL and reuse it. They are only going to click on your AdWords ad. The nice thing about longer domain names is that they use all of your AdWords “allowed spaces” which makes your ad more visible. As an aside, don’t choose long domain names for your larger information website.
Build a one-page website using the pictures and text you downloaded from the affiliate product you chose. In the text dialogue on the page, place links using your Hoplink code that you saved earlier. This is easier than you think. Say you are writing a paragraph about the product, just highlight relevant words (like Acne products). While they are highlighted, go up to the toolbar and you will see a symbol for linking. It often looks like an actual chain of two links. Click that symbol and you will see a box where you can paste in your Clickbank hoplink. Don’t forget to save your work. Find the “save” button probably on the top toolbar.
Step #4
Go to your auto responder and develop what’s called a “list”. The list is really just an autoresponder campaign name so that you can do your opt-in pages and follow up letters. Follow the instructions and create an opt-in form, and at least two follow up letters.
Find a free product that you can give away to anyone who responds by opting in on your website.
Copy and paste your opt-in form link, given to you after you create the form, and place it somewhere on your one page website. I put mine at the bottom. But at the top of my website page (homepage) I say “scroll down to the bottom to sign up for a free eBook”… something like that. The Club that I belong to has many products for your use to promote for free. You can attach your free product to your second follow-up letter that you created on your autoresponder.
After you have placed your opt-in form on the site, go ahead and launch the site. You should see a place on the upper menu to launch your website.
At this point you are probably thinking this is all too complicated. if you have questions or get confused, there’s an email link on the website.
However, if you’ve gotten this far, you have a website ready to promote your product.
Step #5
In the browser window of Google, type in Google AdWords Keyword Tool. Click on the Keyword tool. When it comes up, type in your main phrase for generating keywords. So, let’s say you are promoting an eBook about curing acne. Put the words “acne cure” in the box (it’s obvious when you see it) and click search. A list of relevant keywords and phrases will com up. Choose words and phrases you want to use by clicking on “add” next to the phrase or word. That will add your keywords to a list. You will see some blue boxes after the keywords. Those boxes indicate the level of competition. Try to “add” keywords that have no blue in them, or that are very low.
You will want to start with 50-100 keywords. Scroll down to the bottom of your list of saved keywords and save your list either just as a document or the preferred Spreadsheet.
Actually, I like to make both. Save both documents. Remember to label them and put them as files into your campaign folder.
Step #6
Go to your AdWords account. Create a campaign and name it the same way you named your folder. You will have several “ad groups” within a single campaign. Each group will represent a list of keywords that are very similar. So, one group might be “Acne answers”. Another group might be named “cures for skin problems”. You are going to highlight words from your keywords group in your ad(s). I like to have about four groups within my campaign. I also like to test two ads at a time within each group.
Now initiate an “ad group” within your first campaign. Create two ads using similar keywords. Your ads will be on hold until they are approved. Make sure that your campaign and ad group are both set at “enable” if you are ready to begin.
Step #7
You will be asked your CPC bid limit and your daily budget. You can learn all about keyword bidding and budgeting in the Help section of AdWords.
Step #8
Go back to the Google AdWords Keyword tool. Erase your first list of chosen keywords. That’s OK because, remember you saved the first list. Put a different keyword (or phrase) into the search box. You might put in “teenage skin problems” and then search. Follow the same steps outlined above. Save those keywords. Go back to Google AdWords and create another “ad group” within your first campaign.
Give yourself about two weeks to learn and watch your first campaign. After that, you can begin another campaign using an entirely different product from Clickbank.
The best autoresponder is Aweber in my opinion. There are many website building sites. I’ve used Hostgator, 1and1, and Godaddy.
So, that’s my story. It’s really just an explanation about how I learned to put together my first AdWords campaign. I’m happy to say, it has been Internet bliss since I found The Club!
Source by Christine C Strong
0 notes
martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
Tips on Optimizing Marketing Technology Strategy: An Interview with Jonathan Goldmacher of Valtech
In this hard-hitting and grounded interview, Jonathan Goldmacher, Managing Director, Valtech – NYC, speaks with MarTech Advisor on various crucial aspects of marketing technology, such as Conversion Rate Optimization, Personalization, Customer Experience and more. Read on for expert tips and real-speak to refine your marketing technology strategy. 
The Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) of a company is dependent on many elements (website design, brand responsiveness, etc.). What blueprint can CMOs follow to lead their organizations to a higher CRO? Which factors (content, personalization etc.) would be most crucial in this blueprint? I’m not certain that there is a blanket blueprint that any CMO can follow. I believe that blueprints themselves should be customized based on the business that the CMO is representing, the objective of that business and, ultimately, their marketing objectives.
That said, I do think there are several elements that ultimately can lead to better optimization of conversion rates. First and foremost, understanding who your customers or consumers are, and reaching them at the right place, at the right moment, with the right message: contextualization and personalization. Utilizing search to understand what is important to them in their lives is important to know when it comes to the type of content you create.
The easiest place to start, for me, is always in seeing what people are already searching for in your category then developing content directly against that since you know it's something that people in your category are highly interested in. Having that relevant content, at the right place and time is key in driving conversion.
Personalization has gained momentum as an important marketing strategy over the years. How does personalization affect the CRO? What techniques can marketers employ to make their personalization strategies more effective (for both SEO and CRO)?
Personalization affects conversion rate in a positive way when brands and companies, particularly digitally driven ones, understand who their customers are and what relationship their customer may already have with them: the size, shape, frequency of that relationship.
In e-commerce, it means tracking the kinds of purchases customers make and how frequently they’re bought. Then working to be able to model more predictably what their future needs might be while meeting those needs ahead of time. The idea of predictive modeling is, for me, core to the idea of personalization. You are trying to be a bit more proactive in your relationship with your customers and not just reactive. What you understand and know about your consumers, and what is important to them, is critical. The easiest way to do this, for me, is using the customer data that already exists online. An individual’s search history and what people in your category are searching for allow you to create relevant content. Consumers expect brands to serve them only with relevant and up to date content. How can brands utilize content to drive their CRO in the right direction?
**The reason why customers are coming to you should be for the superiority of your product or service and the belief that it is going to help their lives be better.** I’d start there. I’d start around the product before I venture all the way out to the other end of promotional activities and content creation.
Start by being relevant and up to date in your category and product and services, and make sure that stuff is matching up for all the traffic that’s happening in your category as it relates to search. That doesn’t mean it can’t be creative, quite the opposite. **Regardless of the subject matter, content needs to breakthrough and be engaging.** 
So, to me, that is job number one. Once you’ve built your brand and your business, then it is right to be thinking of the dialogue of communications that comes from an engagement or content strategy inclusive of things like social, but I’d much more propose that people start by building a solid foundation based on the customer’s needs.
Marketers are slowly moving from a multi-channel engagement strategy to an omni-channel strategy with a more holistic approach towards customer engagement. What are some significant aspects of omni-channel engagement that are generally overlooked by marketers?
I think customer experience and UX are too often thought of only in an ecosystem of things digital. The physical customer experience, product experience and communication experience are equally critical to building a holistic omnichannel strategy. Putting what the brand stands for at the center, devising with great strategy how we will engage and what is important to consumers, how we talk to them, how we treat them when they’re with us physically and ensuring all of that stuff complements one another and is coming from the same place at the center is, to me, still one of the biggest challenges.
How have you seen the concept of seamless Customer Experience (CX) evolve over the last few years, and where do you see it heading in 2020? **Seamless customer experience is the notion of taking all four dimensions and designing from them with purpose from the outset.** Not many people are doing it well and we’re very much still at the nascent stages of this though some are doing segments better than others.
I hope that by 2020, if not soon afterward, that a fully-baked and complementary user experience across the four dimensions becomes the standard.  I believe that there will be a lot of work to do, but it’s the right thing. The brands deserve it, and they should have a well thought out experience that starts with the core purpose at its center. Designing linear solutions is clearly not the answer but it is difficult to understand how to create and plan these fully-wholistic solutions.
AR-VR are the upcoming immersive technologies which have not yet been explored fully by marketers. What tips would you give marketers on making the most of AR-VR for their campaigns? In your opinion, which areas (retail, auto etc.) will benefit the most from these technologies? Technology is never a silver bullet to solve all of our problems but it is a tool. A tool in the right hands can allow that person to work more efficiently. Otherwise, it’s just a flash in the pan. Again, the most important thing to me is whether this technology is being used to deliver real utility to people and makes their lives better. The utilization of AR/VR against those goals is what I’m looking for.
Travel and hospitality, particularly with hotels, is a fantastic example. One of the things I’m most curious about when traveling with my family is where are we staying and what is it like at this place. Most hotel websites are terrible. I just want to see what the room is going to be like and I usually get three static photos taken ten years ago that don’t give a sense of how big the room is, how it’s arranged, or what it would feel like to stay there.
Think about cruise ships and people who have never taken a cruise – that would be a category that could really benefit from VR. What are the sleeping quarters like? What amenities, activities and food are on the ship? What’s it like to walk around the ship?  Can I learn a bit more about the people and staff that I’ll be sharing the boat with and some unique facts about them? What are the crucial new skills that a CMO needs on their team when it comes to adapting to these new tools and strategies (mobile marketing, omni-channel marketing, AI and machine learning, chatbots, etc.)?
CMO’s must be nimbler than ever today.  I’ve always liked the Mike Tyson quote, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”  **When you go out into the market you’ve got to expect to get punched and not be surprised that your plans will need to pivot.** 
Marketing has, for years, remained the same – to make customers aware of the value that your company provides and drive awareness to future customers. In that regard CMOs must remain steadfast in sharing that story of utility that the brand provides while viewing new technologies as tools that enables you to get from Point A to Point B.
That too is how future CMOs must consider omni-channel marketing. Yes, each individual component or channel is important, but it’s how they all work together to help drive home the experience of your brand. Valtech is a hub of digital transformation tools, services and innovation. Tell us a little about some of the most exciting, upcoming projects at Valtech.
Speaking of VR, I believe that the VR work we’ve done for our client, Decathlon, is second to none. Our implementation of VR provides real value to their business and solves a problem of limited store square footage, while solving the problem for customers who cannot see all the large products in their stores. It’s driven higher profit-per-square-foot for Decathlon.
**It’s easy for people to think that technology alone solves business challenges, but the deployment of technology must be done strategically and really push the needle on business metrics.** VR technology will continue to grow as future generations will be more comfortable with purely digital services and emerging technologies.
MTA: Thank you for that fantastic discussion on such varied aspects of marketing technology, Jonathan. We hope to talk with you again, soon!
About Valtech:
Valtech is one of the largest independent digital marketing and business transformation agencies in the world employing more than 2500 innovators, design thinkers, marketers, creatives and developers in offices across 16 countries.
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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amacoupo-blog · 7 years
8 Simple Steps to Becoming an AdWords Millionaire!
8 Simple Steps to Becoming an AdWords Millionaire!
In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly what I did, in my first week, in my very first tiny, Google AdWords Ad campaign to make $1,000 in six days.
Most of you are like me. You heard about people making huge sums of money on Google AdWords. Or, you heard about someone building a large website, marketing it, and raking in tens of thousands of dollars in passive income.
Before we get into this, let me assure you that I am just an ordinary person, who believes that if some other Bozo can do this, I can do this. And, to let you know that I’m sincere, you can email me and request my phone number. I’ll talk to you personally and tell you what I did. Once I found the training and tools, the Internet became my oyster!
It’s the dream we all have – the dream of being able to live your life on your own terms. Who doesn’t want to travel, spend more time with the family, and buy whatever they want and need without worrying about it.
I read and purchased nearly everything I could for three full years. During that time I didn’t make a nickel from any kind of online business.
Then I found an Online Money Makers Club. It changed my life!
So, here’s what it taught me right out of the gate. I watched my first video – one of hundreds of video tutorials (all on one site, by the way) and the money started to pour in every day. I would watch my Clickbank account page. My sales were $200 to $300 per day.
Here it is:
Step #1
Open accounts in Google AdWords, Clickbank, an autoresponder, a website builder that also has domains for sale.
Be sure to force yourself to get organized right away. There is nothing worse than not being able to find those user names and passwords when you need them. I have a Rolodex-type system for numbers, passwords, etc. I know some people do an online Rolodex, which is probably even more efficient.
I also begin a filing system for each campaign right away. I just go into My Computer and develop a folder named for the campaign product. Everything I generate gets saved as files that go into that folder. Be obsessive about your record keeping. It will save you so much time later.
Step #2
Go to Clickbank and choose a product. I choose products that are more obscure, but have high “gravity” – an overall indication of how good a product does in affiliate marketing. Products like making money online, or losing weight have too much competition. These products are overworked. Go for things like cures for diseases, or acne solutions, or eBooks about pets. Those kinds of people are also desperate for answers, but affiliates have not flooded those markets.
Because you already have a Clickbank account, you can create a “hoplink” that will allow you to promote your product and get paid. The hoplink has your ID embedded in it. Don’t forget to save your hoplink in a file and put it in the folder. Label it carefully so you know exactly what it is when you’re going back to look for it.
Research your product. Sometimes there is an affiliate page where you can download and save pictures and text for your use.
Step #3
Go back to your website builder and get a domain name. For AdWords ads, I use long, hyphenated names because no one is going to need to remember the URL and reuse it. They are only going to click on your AdWords ad. The nice thing about longer domain names is that they use all of your AdWords “allowed spaces” which makes your ad more visible. As an aside, don’t choose long domain names for your larger information website.
Build a one-page website using the pictures and text you downloaded from the affiliate product you chose. In the text dialogue on the page, place links using your Hoplink code that you saved earlier. This is easier than you think. Say you are writing a paragraph about the product, just highlight relevant words (like Acne products). While they are highlighted, go up to the toolbar and you will see a symbol for linking. It often looks like an actual chain of two links. Click that symbol and you will see a box where you can paste in your Clickbank hoplink. Don’t forget to save your work. Find the “save” button probably on the top toolbar.
Step #4
Go to your auto responder and develop what’s called a “list”. The list is really just an autoresponder campaign name so that you can do your opt-in pages and follow up letters. Follow the instructions and create an opt-in form, and at least two follow up letters.
Find a free product that you can give away to anyone who responds by opting in on your website.
Copy and paste your opt-in form link, given to you after you create the form, and place it somewhere on your one page website. I put mine at the bottom. But at the top of my website page (homepage) I say “scroll down to the bottom to sign up for a free eBook”… something like that. The Club that I belong to has many products for your use to promote for free. You can attach your free product to your second follow-up letter that you created on your autoresponder.
After you have placed your opt-in form on the site, go ahead and launch the site. You should see a place on the upper menu to launch your website.
At this point you are probably thinking this is all too complicated. if you have questions or get confused, there’s an email link on the website.
However, if you’ve gotten this far, you have a website ready to promote your product.
Step #5
In the browser window of Google, type in Google AdWords Keyword Tool. Click on the Keyword tool. When it comes up, type in your main phrase for generating keywords. So, let’s say you are promoting an eBook about curing acne. Put the words “acne cure” in the box (it’s obvious when you see it) and click search. A list of relevant keywords and phrases will com up. Choose words and phrases you want to use by clicking on “add” next to the phrase or word. That will add your keywords to a list. You will see some blue boxes after the keywords. Those boxes indicate the level of competition. Try to “add” keywords that have no blue in them, or that are very low.
You will want to start with 50-100 keywords. Scroll down to the bottom of your list of saved keywords and save your list either just as a document or the preferred Spreadsheet.
Actually, I like to make both. Save both documents. Remember to label them and put them as files into your campaign folder.
Step #6
Go to your AdWords account. Create a campaign and name it the same way you named your folder. You will have several “ad groups” within a single campaign. Each group will represent a list of keywords that are very similar. So, one group might be “Acne answers”. Another group might be named “cures for skin problems”. You are going to highlight words from your keywords group in your ad(s). I like to have about four groups within my campaign. I also like to test two ads at a time within each group.
Now initiate an “ad group” within your first campaign. Create two ads using similar keywords. Your ads will be on hold until they are approved. Make sure that your campaign and ad group are both set at “enable” if you are ready to begin.
Step #7
You will be asked your CPC bid limit and your daily budget. You can learn all about keyword bidding and budgeting in the Help section of AdWords.
Step #8
Go back to the Google AdWords Keyword tool. Erase your first list of chosen keywords. That’s OK because, remember you saved the first list. Put a different keyword (or phrase) into the search box. You might put in “teenage skin problems” and then search. Follow the same steps outlined above. Save those keywords. Go back to Google AdWords and create another “ad group” within your first campaign.
Give yourself about two weeks to learn and watch your first campaign. After that, you can begin another campaign using an entirely different product from Clickbank.
The best autoresponder is Aweber in my opinion. There are many website building sites. I’ve used Hostgator, 1and1, and Godaddy.
So, that’s my story. It’s really just an explanation about how I learned to put together my first AdWords campaign. I’m happy to say, it has been Internet bliss since I found The Club!
Source by Christine C Strong
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